If you want to “keep up” with other English students, you need to master phrasal verbs. In this lesson, I explain how phrasal verbs work, using “keep up” as my main example.
My name is Marco, I have 29 years old of age, and I live in São Paulo City, Brazil.
I have watched your videos on youtube, my english is not good, but I´m learning with north-americans friends that live here in Brazil.
Your videos are fantastic!!!!
You are a excellent teacher!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
God bless you !!!
Marco from Brazil..!!
Hi guy, I’m from São Paulo city too. I’d like to contact you.
hi.good english with the best presentation
hahaha….thanks… for your support!
Rude examples. There should be a warning “18” or smth.
I think it is just realistic. Why pretend?
…All through my wild days
My mad existence…
really nice song.
examples were great. it’s easier to memories and it’s more intresting because it’s unusual, though everybody are thinking about this so why don’t talk about it? can’t get it. anyway. here’s my question: why you didn’t put the apostrophe “‘s” when you wrote “i like to keep up with the WORLD EVENTS” why don’t need “s” after word “world”. because i’m thinking like this. events kind of belongs to the world so, it should be used “s”. isn’t it so? thank you for the answer.
I personally don’t see or hear anything rude or offensive in this vid at all. The examples are just normal pep talk you hear everyday. One of the things that makes James stand out from most other teachers is his humor after all. Keep up your good work, Jimmy!
Regarding the “world events”, it’s not intended to mean events that belong to the world or any sense of possession as you said. In other words, a wine event isn’t an event that belongs to wine. Rather, it is an event that has something to do with wine. So, the world events are events related one way or another to the world.
Calm down guys, you must learn that everybody of us has their own angle from which they observe different things. So, don’t pay attention at all. You think this is great, I think also, but third peson maybe will not like it, and so on.
I’ve just realized how smart I am :) Proud of myself :D
that’s true :D
oh,yes. In my country, when say about this,everyone feels embarrassed
There is a idiom in our language. It is that Every right thing should not to be said in everywhere. I hope you understand me.
There was a warning after Lol
excellent explanation, my compliments for you teachee
it helped me a lot!
thank you!!
The Sushi
i didn’t get the preposition word keep up, kindly teach again in easiest way
hi,i have a difficulty yet.please help me more.best wishes for you.
noureen khurshedi
It is a good lesson, but i’m stille have problem withe pharasle verbs. Did you help me more pleas?
hi!!! i’m like to know if u can give me something like private lesson please…. the english is a problem for me because i can’t understand it good… if you can help me i’m going to be verry grateful with you
Hi. I think there was a mistake in your writing. You wrote “maintian” instea of “maintain”. I’m sorry if i’m wrong
pls.. can you check my grammar??
This is not right ! I haven’t been eating much. Lost my appetite and I didn’t wanna start losing weight….
lovely balala
thanks a lot but if you please speak more slowly
i’m so grateful
zaki saad
hi my name is salma i watch your video every sunday i love how you teach. You are the best teacher i wish if you was my teacher my english is bad,but you will understand
Hi salma, Can i have your yahoo or gmail or skype id so tht we can practice english , I am frm India and I am mujtaba ahmed
Mujtaba Ahmed
Hi Mujtaba, I’m from Brazil, if you would like to pratice english, we can do it togheter!
Skype id = sh.dacosta
salma, i am a student from morocco. And i guess that you are from morocco too.By the way, if you any help or you need to practice english so more. i can give you my email, and then we can enhance our english together.
i am waiting for you answer.
thank you.
good luck salma.
hey i wanna improve my English so can i have your id?
yeah. good lesson. so funny. I love it
Thanks for explanations … very useful and easy to understand.
Could u give us more details and examples of phrasal verbs (with prepositions down, up, about, back for instance) ???
……. cause I think it’s not really easy to understand (first) and to use (second point ahaha) because of different meanings a unique phrasal verb can have .
Sorry if I’ve made mistakes…
I think that you’re an excellent teacher !!!!
Hi James,
I just wanted to thank you for these lessons. I’ve recently started teaching ESL to adults on a volunteer basis. The organization has given me a curriculum and I’m good with grammar, but I’ve had no specific ESL training. I’m finding your teaching style to be an excellent example as I begin to develop my own. Thank you!
I think that every one should to buy a phrasal verbs dictionary
yes raheem undoubtdley every learner of english need to a phrasal verbs dictionary.
you right.
Swiss Boy
I was terribly disappointed in this video. I have used this video service to teach a variety of lessons in my class. Not anymore. James if you believe that you have to use sex as an example to teach a lesson about verbs then shame on you. I have told my faculty to no longer use this service which they will abide by. What a waste.
the english teacher
Sorry to hear you won’t be using our site anymore. I am not sure what the problem is exactly, though. The website was not created for young children, and is not labeled or branded as such. If you are using the lessons in class, you surely must watch them at least once first anyway, to make sure they cover the topics you want to teach in the ways you want to teach them, correct? So when you watch the lesson, you would see whatever content you don’t wish your students to see — before they see it — and would know not to use that particular lesson in class.
In general, our teachers each use whatever content and approach they like. Rebecca, Alex, and Valen tend to use more wholesome examples, and James and Ronnie sometimes are a bit more risque.
Finally, James does not think he has to use sex as an example — he just chose to. If this is something you personally find objectionable, then it is just that — your own personal taste. The internet is vast and there are many kid-friendly lessons on this website and on others.
james is not tich us any more? its sad news. i loved his inglish lessons he is great teacher
Don’t worry — James is definitely still teaching!
James James James lol I love his classes and Ronnie´s too ENGVID.com the best website to learn english
oh yeeeeeeees it is true, I watch EngVid every day! adn I hope I’ll improve my English.
me too^^
I agree!
These guys are amazing!
EngVid is in my good books.
I definitely Agree!! James is a good teacher, ans look’s like a good person! Thanks for share your knowlodge! Please, keep going!!!
“The english teacher” user, WELCOME TO REAL LIFE, i dont know where you are living!!!!!!!!
Wow, great text. You are completely right about what you said! I hate when someone is pretending that sex is strange for them, that’s natural as well as anything else. Tell James to use whatever is necessary to explain us well. Keep up your great work.
mmm…funny u cooment that…i’m not a pervert to make it clear and i am a teacher …so i know from experience that when u use examples as such in a fun way not meaning to offend anyone , students get u smoothly , James has the right personality type to teach in that fun way…moreover we as teacher should prepare our classes in advance and choose whatever best works 4 us…obviously u won’t wanna use tose examples in a class jampacked with children. BTW, do not check out then 2vids of jame’s called batman and batman part 2. or else, u will get offended.
Haha, Are you kidding? Englsih Teacher???? If you are english teacher and own your class, why don’t u teach on your way not from engvid? Engvid is also have their own copyright and share information with worldwide people who are interested in English. Shame on you teacher, I think you have to study hard to teach them not using free lesson site.
We definitely encourage English teachers to make use of our lessons. It’s not a problem. Thanks for looking out for us, Sou, but please try not to insult other users.
“I have told my faculty to no longer use this service” — you little ungrateful piece of ****! Have you ever been PAYING at all? The teachers on this website have been working their proverbial butts off to provide both students and teachers with the most amazing language-learning experience, without you and I ever having to pay ANYTHING for it – and then you come and SHAMELESSLY state that you and your whole bloody FACULTY have been (ab)using this website as a primary teaching resource, and now will no longer use it as one of the videos on it collides with your (rather questionable) ‘ethical’ standards?
Simply put, people like you make me sad – and I ONLY get the most POSITIVE energies whenever I’m on this wonderful, one-of-a-kind website.
Alex, Emma, James, Jon, Rebecca, Ronnie, Valen – thank you all so much for your amazing effort…
Tel Aviv, Israel
I like your being like that, and it is very good. Thank you. Keep up!!
Outstanding explanation
Hi my name is anas, i am student from morocco,i really enjoyed watching your lessons on youtube. they are exellent and i learned a lot of things from it.
thank you so much.
go on …….
dima dima raja , wash anta rajaoui ouala ouidadi? ha ha ha just kidding , I am originaly from morocco too. thala
Very goooooddd
I loved that
José de Almeida
thank you kindly
Hi, Professor James
I have seen your teaching, you should be an actor besides of English teacher, your classes are more interesting because the way you show things, Thanks a lot and keep up with your magnificent work….THANK YOU…I follow you…Thanks again
i have seen your teaching . its really nice. i am 28 years old but my English is not really good recently i seen ur video on youtube . now i joined ur side i hope these side help me to improve my English
God bless you
i like your way of teaching
hi everyone
very good examples james. keeping doing like that.
ok thx bro !!
wow this is good stuff
I rather your videos from the rest . . . funniest teacher and you help us a lot I hope more classes about pharasal verbs they’re vey usefull, thanks . . . .
hi you are good teacher and funny too but u taiking so quickly please take slowly thanks alot byyyyyyyyyy
Now i will remember “keep up” till the end of my live :P
You’re the best teacher i’ve ever saw:)
Thx Mr. James/greetings for Mr.E :)
Hi! professor James , thank u very much for your lessons. I like your language , your speed which is very important for learners of English. We need fluency more than accuracy, so don’t care for those who criticize your speed . Since the more they listen , the better they will understand. As for the content , we will have to talk about anything in English since it is a new language . If you are in a situation talking about religious, political , financial or sexual things , you will need the right language to express the situation
Thank you very much . I appreciate all what do and present . I am a teacher of English.
This classes are better than my classes from CESL at the University of Arizona…….and are for free…incredible.
I love your teaching style and way of representing your content…keep it up the same way of teaching..it really works..
I have one query…once i used this sentence
i’ve one more questiom..most of the time we know the meaning of verb and preposition in the phrasal verbs but still we are unable to find the right meaning of the sentence..so the only way to solve this problem to learn all the phrasal as you can? is it so? how do you done that?
Hai James,
I’m from India.I do have the same doubt.Please do let us know Should we learn all Phrasal Verbs to communicate easily or to understand easily?
hi James,I was watching your video and I think that this was interesting the use of phrasal verbs,sometimes when I am reading phrasal verbs in the newspaper is difficult for me to understand some of them.I would like you could explain the use of get off for instance.
thanks you!!!!!!!!
thank u for your help. it was useful for me
Thank you a lot for all these funny, straight, and free lessons!
I’ve learned a lot from you.
Regards from Brazil.
Regards from Brazil
Thanks a lot!
Your video is so interesting!
I am a Vietnamese and I really want to improve my English.
Nice to meet all of you
hi mr. james, im a filipino, and i’m not very good in english. So, i’m very thankful for your vedio’s… it’s so helpful for me…. thanks to you mr. james.. keep up…
cherry lonzaga
Hi! I`m Jyrgal from central asia. Very interesting website, i really appreciate all what do and present. I`m learning english but i have big problem with english grammer. Can you speak vore slowly for the first time of course if you don`t mind. If i have any mistakes i really sorry, just let me know about them. Thank you, dear teachers. you are all cool….
hi teacher.
my name is meriam i have seen your video realy i love your teaching style.
i don’t speak english very well. for this think i did this site for help me .please
What a bravo explanation of phrasal verbs! I’ve been confused by the word “up” for ages.
Your video cleared up my mind a bit. I couldnt thank you enough for that.
Keep up your excellent work! And, I love your way to make videos 2 ^^.
Hi James,
I was wondering if you could do videos about “do”, “have” and “take”. These words are very common in daily English, but, there are tonnes of possible meanings of them. So, It would be great if you could tell all ESL students including me how to master these monsters.
no facebook coz I really think facebook wastes our time..but here every thing is beneficial,just to learn with fun
I like the beginning lol what the hell is a phrasal verb ? good performance keep on
I liked your class very much.
Thank you very very much!!!
mujhe crush on,munch on, or go bananas over ka meaning chahiye so plz help me n tell me thnx
Teacher!!! I loved your class! really!…
I’m argentinian…when you speak spanish in your classes I feeling your classes are only for me! lol!
Dont cry for me Argentinaaa!! hehe
Congratulations! Your classes are so good!!!
Bye bye!!
Maria Paula
Paulinha Argentina
your english class kept me up all night learning , I wish ,it could be (she)….):
thumps up man,
That was great! I couldnt understand how to understand phrasal verbs! But I wanna know about preposition OUT. please tell me how to understand a sentence included the preposition OUT!!
very good lecture thank you so much, may I aske you something? I have been living in the UK for past teen Years but I fell that my English isn’t good mostlly my writting.what do you think I should do? thank you.by the way sorry about the picture I don’t know haw to chose another one.
this class is awesome! thank you!
its vary good idea to study with you. i want to impruve my inglish and your lessons are halping me. so sanqs about this. p.s. sorry abaut my bad inglish :(
maintain not maintian… lol!
Thank you for giving lessons. I’ve seen this website a while ago, since then I’m enjoying the lessons whenever I have some time. By the way,I have a question for you. In the phrasal verb, some Phrasal verbs combine prepositions, others combine adverbs. For example, “pick up, keep up, give up, put on, turn on….” they can be separated: I’ll pick you up at 7p.m., Turn it off when you leave…. I thought they are adverbs. On the other hand, in Phrasal verbs “look at, look for, look forwards to” at, for, to are prepositions. They can’t be separated. Am I wrong? I’m cofused after your lesson. Please let me figure it out.
Just a little something. You may want to correct the spelling of the word “maintain”
Love this Thank you so much!
This lessons are amazing!!! even if I know vocabulary, I am still watching them because they are very intersting and funny.
Thank you for your lessons James :) and keep up with your work. haha
Good luck.
I’m a student from Mali,the country where english language is rarely spoken,i’m thinking of improving my english language, but phrasal verbs are difficult for me to identify the meaning.what can i do to remember them?
DIARRA Ousmane
James, thank you very much for being simply the best teacher. I laugh a lot at home while learning English. It is rare to find such a good teacher. EngVid please continue teaching the fun way. By the way, I did not see any thing offensive in this lesson. It is fabulous!
hi my name is karim i like your courses …….thanks a lot.
hi James
You are a good teacher
thank you a lot i like your lessons i learn a lot from it
it’s interesting
ı thing this lesson is not efficiently because the teacher speaks more fast.:((
Thanks in advanced to all the teachers see u next bye good night my dear teachers
Thank you all… you’re amazing
Hi, James!
I’m an English teacher in Brazil and I’ve really enjoyed the explanation. The examples made me laugh. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to use some of them in class, though they are certainly unforgettable. =) Thank you for making your videos accessible.
Teacher James, Thanks for your class . Your style is great and useful for me. Thanks to you I have could improve my English. All the best to you.
Hi i think that for beginners and intermediates he is talking to fast during his teaching times because some peoples may not have that kind of experience to understand very well his speech and explanations. so its better to speak more slowly with more clear pronunciation. thank you !
Dear :) James,
I hope this finds you well.
First, I would like to thank you as well as the rest of the teachers of English for all you do to help us be more confident with the all the English Skills you offer us on regular basis.
I would like to know if it is advisable to use “idioms” in academic writings such as the “written part” of the “TOEFL test” … ??
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards,
good luck and be sure u can do all what ever u want… just try and ur best
best wishes from majid
Nice video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello teacher. i like your lesson but i need to know my english level. how do i know my english level? where is test?
I’ve attended some English classes abroad and I had never seen a phrasal verb so easy to understand as this one that James taught! Excellent teacher! :]
hi james you are very very nice (and handsome as well) but you speak too fast for me, by now,I didn’t understand this lesson very well, I have to study it more, thank you anyway….pino from torino
HI james i do like you when you present your cours spacialy when you use your body lunguge ,you are a good teacher
thins a lot
khawla tunisia
Hi James,
I`m maribeth, ifrom Colombia but i live in madrid and study english, but my english is not god,
i see your videos and you are a excellent teacher,
sorry i can’t leave without to say please concontrate to present ayour lesson in good way not like your you just do many noise that disturb and deconcontrate the student do like ReBecca or Alex or someone else
Hello Mr. James
I watched 5 videos of your lessons today , and i really got many info. about them , that was great . I just have a problem and wanted to know if you can help me , I’ve presentation on Wednesday about “Idioms & Phrasal Verbs ” and i know what’s IDIOM but the problem is that i don’t know what’s phrasal verb. I’ve searched a lot and still couldn’t find something which is really deserve to present .Even I asked a Turk teacher but he couldn’t answer me and give me an info. about it :( he just explained IDIOM to me :( .. So please would u help me ? i really want to present something useful to my teacher and want also to let my colleagues learn it , coz it’s vague to them too:( thanks
I love you!
you keep me up smiling!(is it right?)
T.James I like your way of teaching, but still I find phrasl verbs are difficult to handle it ,because there are alot of them..So how can I understand all of them
hi mr.E I love u :)
many thx ilike it and i d like to see more vids……….. thx from algeria
James is a good teacher
i find this lesan are very difficult i can t understend
Hello!! I´m from peru.
Sometimes I tray to listen and watch yours videos … you are a good teacher. thanks.
hi i want to speak english fluently as the English speak please help me
i honestly think you should keep the sexual connotations out of it. otherwise, you’re ok. There’s just no need for it.
It’s been really hard to follow you, to understand you, teacher James.
May I suggest you something? Slow down a little bit, if you can, of course…
Hi James!
Keep up teaching!
Your teaching is great and in funny way.
You always give so clever examples!
Edyta from Polen
Thanks for the lesson
Hi James,I like the dynamic you give to your classes, I’m from Uruguay and I’m trying to learn English because I need it for my job.. Thanks a lot..
hi james
what does ” keep your head up” mean ?
is that idiom?
thanks a lot
it should be spelled ‘maintain`, shouldn’t it?
Nice work James, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
nice work ^___^
Hi James and other teachers of Engvid. im frm vietnam n i’ve just known ur website for few months. U teachers hv got lots of comments here, so I wont type much, just love to add some words frm heart: its a great luck for anyone to be james’s student …especially its free here.n abt sex as example..i dont thik tht he means to talk abt sex…its just an example tht makes sense to all students..hehe..easy to get the meaning of KEEP UP…Many thanks frm Vietnam.
hi, its my first time to visit here. i just watched James on youtube this morning n it’s holding me until now!!(it’s 2 am already!!)
his lessons are perfect n fascinate! i have learnt not only English but also how to teach.
its was really amazing day n absolutly i will keep on learning English here with James. i wanna listen to other teachers as well. how great it will be~ thank you for offering these great things. God bless u!!
Welcome, reah! We’re happy to have you! Keep watching.
*_^ you are a great teacher :)
why don’t we have a groupe in facebook to descuss many ideas or in gmail :)
James, I really like your way of teaching but this lesson = explanation is very difficult for me to understand, maybe because of lots of informations at once? but I don’t give up :)
Hi, glad to see you. I’m Yukou in Japan.
I’ve been listening to your programmes for a long time. Really nice, easy to get them! I’m recommending this works to my mates.
Well, can I ask you a question?
Well… I can’t seem to get phrasal verbs, speaking in more detail, I’m Japanese and Japanese language doesn’t have idioms like ‘phrasal verbs’ because of fundamentally grammatical differences. That’s how I can’t guess meanings of the combination of ‘verb + preposition’.
I mean, for example, here is ‘speak’:
speak of sth = indicating sth
speak to sb = talking to sb in a sever way
* I want to say ‘Why does the meaning as ‘phrasal verbs’ makes differently despite of changing prepositions. What is the difference of the meanings of ‘to’ and ‘of’?’
(but) talk to sb = talking to sb in a normal way
* I want to say, ‘Despite using the same preposition ‘to’ though, how come the meaning could be differenct?’
How can I get used to such that usage?
Using in our conversation and memorizing how and when to be used, is that shortcut to master?
If I’m confusing you, would you text me back?
Oh, I’ve just noticed you’re left-handed! :]
Nice lesson!
Many thanks James i checked some videos of your grammar teaching it’s really useful for me. i am graduated from intermediate level English classes but i am still confused and don’t know about some grammar chapter such as the clear meaning of gerund, the past participle when they are using as an adjective and the present participle… i am just confused regarding the difference of their meaning. could you clarify their meaning to me.
Many thanks
I am looking for ward to hear you soon from you.
i can’t to see all video lesson in this site..how can i see them..please your help..i wanna my english good…please..please..please
I think you are a good teacher.
good your teaching smart teacher.
but teaching little bit slow as who is learner english second language level studyings.
meng hoa
Hi, James! Could you speak much slowlier, please? My English isn`t so good and it`s difficult to understand fluently speaking English. Thanks a lot!
Hello everyone;) My name is Alina and I am from Ukraine. Is there anybody who wants just to communicate on English?
My e-mail is alinka.vanzyak@e-mail.ua
Hi Mr James I hope you’re okay
personally I find your lessons very interesting,
but I must say that your accent is little difficult to understand, please try to do something …so take care ta ta
amine cherifi
Fantastic lesson, thanks a lot, Gianni.
Nice tutorial……and way of teaching.
can you help me to provide website or any online media from which I could improve speaking .
If I try to keep up with your English lesson, I probably be able to get more skills.
I have a request, tips of doing TOEIC exam for the other 3 skills: Listening, writting and speaking. I watched your Reading Comprehention already.
Hope to hear from you, Thanks.
I loved this site. It’s great. I would want sugest you creat a forum. I guess that would be very helpful.
i love the video about phrasel verbs, its very interesting for me, my english is not good, but everyday i try better..
I am m.bakhsh and I like your prasal verbs using very clearly and I want know more prasal verbs from and I from pakistan
hello jAMES …YOU ARE A GOOD TEACHER.but we ARE not native..so sometımes or when you speak fast we can not understand you..COULD YOU SPEAK A BİT SLOWER PLEASE:( THANKS…
sevdiye kuzu
hahaha your classes are simply very nice, man!
Best wishes from Brazil.
Gills Lopes
please, keep going
he got my attention :)
Hi, Mr James! I’m just confused for putting a preposition in a word/verb. Would you please help me to when can I put preposition in a verb or word? Ex. She helps me or She helps me out. Which one is correct? Hope you can help me Mr. James. thanks!
iam interested in your video.thanks. hawar
Thank you Mr James
Hi James, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whats that! Ur awesome and so funny :D u. U make me laugh throughout all the vid
James! I have never had so much fun, laughed so much and learned so much from a teacher before!!!! You’ve got that shock value that makes stuff stick in one’s head so they never forget!!!! I love your style! Please, please don’t stop!
I realy adore your way of teaching :) I found this web while preparing for TOEFL since I want to become a teacher in Scotland :D:D and i must admit you are one of a kind :) love your attitude, humor, examples, energy!
Thanks Engvid, this is one of fantastic site. I am not good at the english but i am watching it ever day, now i am getting confidence that i would be able to survive any ware.
Once agin thanks for everything.
I am not understand how works kept up all the night by the load voice.
Could you explain me again?
Can somebody of you prof. post one lecture for Verb Phrases (modal type, perfective type, progressive type, passive type, I need a help to understand it clearly, and how to form sentences with these types of verb phrases. Thank you.
Awesome lessno…thanks a lot
Thank you for your help. I have learned a lot from you. God bless you.
Coulibaly Petanguy
Good class, however we know that exists many different phrasal verbs, it’s important you create another class with many other examples of them, don’t you think? There are so many to memorize. Thanks.
PS: where’s the quiz for this class video? I always do it after watching some class, improve a lot in my training.
Thank you very much.I love your way of teaching and this lesson was of great use to me
I really envy your students in the college . simple and good explanations and having fun with the class , I have an elder tutors , they don’t explain every thing, and they make the class very boring.
Thank you so much
what a nice and helpful lesson..i need to know where are you from?
hussein syd
grammar it’s so funny :(
lol) James is awesome) his humorous way of teaching is very cool! rude? “I didn’t say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth.”
Nice Job! Very funny and efficient!
Interesting and amusing. Bravo!
I like so much these classes.thank you teachers!
where’s the quiz?
Well. This lesson is very cool. I loved it.
James, you are very intelligent. I like very much.
I will see all other videos.
Thank very much by your help.
Raphael Silva Ribeiro
Hi James. Another lesson is improving my vocabulary. I like your partner Mr.E. So now I keep up the lessons you’ve share. Thanks again James. Have a great day!
thank you…you are really creative at explaining and teaching.. i like this way. but i should work on my listening skill. i missed lots of word while u were speaking.
Vocabulary said : “PICK UP” does it mean ” TO TAKE” smth. NOT “TO MOVE”. Thanks.
Thank you James, it was really good lesson.
Bakhtyar AUIS
You are very good teacher, it is very difficult to understand such rapid speech, can’t you speak more slowly?
Julia Egorova
Hi mr James my name is Nickolas Nembhard
i love to watch your videos especially this one
ihave been learning a lot thanks and keep up
the good work.
Nickolas Nembhard
great explanation…
HI James,
I really like your explanation and how we could handle those phrasal verbs
Thank so much.
Good one. Thank you.
well, i have a question about “alot” and “a lot” which is correct? like “thanks alot” or “thanks a lot”
thanks James, this is a good explanation about phrasal verbs, sometimes this is driving me crazy ¨just kidding¨ but let me tell you, I haven’t heard all this information, for me it is helpful keep it up.
Post Data: I didn’t know you speak spanish.
Keeping up my interest in learning English with this lesson, but maybe very hard work to study Phrasal Verbs with more than one meaning because you have to afford a lot of situations and examples to find out everyone of them. Thanks a lot teacher James from Engvid, as always a good explanation and performance.
thank you very much.
James,you are the best!Thank you
Please James, keep up the good work through your wonderful videos ;)
The quiz???
Dear James,
May I ask you, please delineate about non-predicate verbs and its modification?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi my friend James!!
How are you? I hope you´re well!!
My name is Marco, I have 29 years old of age, and I live in São Paulo City, Brazil.
I have watched your videos on youtube, my english is not good, but I´m learning with north-americans friends that live here in Brazil.
Your videos are fantastic!!!!
You are a excellent teacher!!!
Thanks a lot!!!
God bless you !!!
Marco from Brazil..!!
Hi guy, I’m from São Paulo city too. I’d like to contact you.
hi.good english with the best presentation
hahaha….thanks… for your support!
Rude examples. There should be a warning “18” or smth.
I think it is just realistic. Why pretend?
…All through my wild days
My mad existence…
really nice song.
examples were great. it’s easier to memories and it’s more intresting because it’s unusual, though everybody are thinking about this so why don’t talk about it? can’t get it. anyway. here’s my question: why you didn’t put the apostrophe “‘s” when you wrote “i like to keep up with the WORLD EVENTS” why don’t need “s” after word “world”. because i’m thinking like this. events kind of belongs to the world so, it should be used “s”. isn’t it so? thank you for the answer.
I personally don’t see or hear anything rude or offensive in this vid at all. The examples are just normal pep talk you hear everyday. One of the things that makes James stand out from most other teachers is his humor after all. Keep up your good work, Jimmy!
Regarding the “world events”, it’s not intended to mean events that belong to the world or any sense of possession as you said. In other words, a wine event isn’t an event that belongs to wine. Rather, it is an event that has something to do with wine. So, the world events are events related one way or another to the world.
Calm down guys, you must learn that everybody of us has their own angle from which they observe different things. So, don’t pay attention at all. You think this is great, I think also, but third peson maybe will not like it, and so on.
I’ve just realized how smart I am :) Proud of myself :D
that’s true :D
oh,yes. In my country, when say about this,everyone feels embarrassed
There is a idiom in our language. It is that Every right thing should not to be said in everywhere. I hope you understand me.
There was a warning after Lol
excellent explanation, my compliments for you teachee
it helped me a lot!
thank you!!
i didn’t get the preposition word keep up, kindly teach again in easiest way
hi,i have a difficulty yet.please help me more.best wishes for you.
It is a good lesson, but i’m stille have problem withe pharasle verbs. Did you help me more pleas?
hi!!! i’m like to know if u can give me something like private lesson please…. the english is a problem for me because i can’t understand it good… if you can help me i’m going to be verry grateful with you
Hi. I think there was a mistake in your writing. You wrote “maintian” instea of “maintain”. I’m sorry if i’m wrong
pls.. can you check my grammar??
This is not right ! I haven’t been eating much. Lost my appetite and I didn’t wanna start losing weight….
thanks a lot but if you please speak more slowly
i’m so grateful
hi my name is salma i watch your video every sunday i love how you teach. You are the best teacher i wish if you was my teacher my english is bad,but you will understand
Hi salma, Can i have your yahoo or gmail or skype id so tht we can practice english , I am frm India and I am mujtaba ahmed
Mujtaba Ahmed
Hi Mujtaba, I’m from Brazil, if you would like to pratice english, we can do it togheter!
Skype id = sh.dacosta
salma, i am a student from morocco. And i guess that you are from morocco too.By the way, if you any help or you need to practice english so more. i can give you my email, and then we can enhance our english together.
i am waiting for you answer.
thank you.
good luck salma.
hey i wanna improve my English so can i have your id?
yeah. good lesson. so funny. I love it
Thanks for explanations … very useful and easy to understand.
Could u give us more details and examples of phrasal verbs (with prepositions down, up, about, back for instance) ???
……. cause I think it’s not really easy to understand (first) and to use (second point ahaha) because of different meanings a unique phrasal verb can have .
Sorry if I’ve made mistakes…
I think that you’re an excellent teacher !!!!
Hi James,
I just wanted to thank you for these lessons. I’ve recently started teaching ESL to adults on a volunteer basis. The organization has given me a curriculum and I’m good with grammar, but I’ve had no specific ESL training. I’m finding your teaching style to be an excellent example as I begin to develop my own. Thank you!
I think that every one should to buy a phrasal verbs dictionary
yes raheem undoubtdley every learner of english need to a phrasal verbs dictionary.
you right.
I was terribly disappointed in this video. I have used this video service to teach a variety of lessons in my class. Not anymore. James if you believe that you have to use sex as an example to teach a lesson about verbs then shame on you. I have told my faculty to no longer use this service which they will abide by. What a waste.
Sorry to hear you won’t be using our site anymore. I am not sure what the problem is exactly, though. The website was not created for young children, and is not labeled or branded as such. If you are using the lessons in class, you surely must watch them at least once first anyway, to make sure they cover the topics you want to teach in the ways you want to teach them, correct? So when you watch the lesson, you would see whatever content you don’t wish your students to see — before they see it — and would know not to use that particular lesson in class.
In general, our teachers each use whatever content and approach they like. Rebecca, Alex, and Valen tend to use more wholesome examples, and James and Ronnie sometimes are a bit more risque.
Finally, James does not think he has to use sex as an example — he just chose to. If this is something you personally find objectionable, then it is just that — your own personal taste. The internet is vast and there are many kid-friendly lessons on this website and on others.
james is not tich us any more? its sad news. i loved his inglish lessons he is great teacher
Don’t worry — James is definitely still teaching!
James James James lol I love his classes and Ronnie´s too ENGVID.com the best website to learn english
oh yeeeeeeees it is true, I watch EngVid every day! adn I hope I’ll improve my English.
me too^^
I agree!
These guys are amazing!
EngVid is in my good books.
I definitely Agree!! James is a good teacher, ans look’s like a good person! Thanks for share your knowlodge! Please, keep going!!!
“The english teacher” user, WELCOME TO REAL LIFE, i dont know where you are living!!!!!!!!
Wow, great text. You are completely right about what you said! I hate when someone is pretending that sex is strange for them, that’s natural as well as anything else. Tell James to use whatever is necessary to explain us well. Keep up your great work.
mmm…funny u cooment that…i’m not a pervert to make it clear and i am a teacher …so i know from experience that when u use examples as such in a fun way not meaning to offend anyone , students get u smoothly , James has the right personality type to teach in that fun way…moreover we as teacher should prepare our classes in advance and choose whatever best works 4 us…obviously u won’t wanna use tose examples in a class jampacked with children. BTW, do not check out then 2vids of jame’s called batman and batman part 2. or else, u will get offended.
Haha, Are you kidding? Englsih Teacher???? If you are english teacher and own your class, why don’t u teach on your way not from engvid? Engvid is also have their own copyright and share information with worldwide people who are interested in English. Shame on you teacher, I think you have to study hard to teach them not using free lesson site.
We definitely encourage English teachers to make use of our lessons. It’s not a problem. Thanks for looking out for us, Sou, but please try not to insult other users.
“I have told my faculty to no longer use this service” — you little ungrateful piece of ****! Have you ever been PAYING at all? The teachers on this website have been working their proverbial butts off to provide both students and teachers with the most amazing language-learning experience, without you and I ever having to pay ANYTHING for it – and then you come and SHAMELESSLY state that you and your whole bloody FACULTY have been (ab)using this website as a primary teaching resource, and now will no longer use it as one of the videos on it collides with your (rather questionable) ‘ethical’ standards?
Simply put, people like you make me sad – and I ONLY get the most POSITIVE energies whenever I’m on this wonderful, one-of-a-kind website.
Alex, Emma, James, Jon, Rebecca, Ronnie, Valen – thank you all so much for your amazing effort…
Tel Aviv, Israel
I like your being like that, and it is very good. Thank you. Keep up!!
Outstanding explanation
Hi my name is anas, i am student from morocco,i really enjoyed watching your lessons on youtube. they are exellent and i learned a lot of things from it.
thank you so much.
go on …….
dima dima raja , wash anta rajaoui ouala ouidadi? ha ha ha just kidding , I am originaly from morocco too. thala
Very goooooddd
I loved that
thank you kindly
Hi, Professor James
I have seen your teaching, you should be an actor besides of English teacher, your classes are more interesting because the way you show things, Thanks a lot and keep up with your magnificent work….THANK YOU…I follow you…Thanks again
i have seen your teaching . its really nice. i am 28 years old but my English is not really good recently i seen ur video on youtube . now i joined ur side i hope these side help me to improve my English
God bless you
i like your way of teaching
hi everyone
very good examples james. keeping doing like that.
ok thx bro !!
wow this is good stuff
I rather your videos from the rest . . . funniest teacher and you help us a lot I hope more classes about pharasal verbs they’re vey usefull, thanks . . . .
hi you are good teacher and funny too but u taiking so quickly please take slowly thanks alot byyyyyyyyyy
Now i will remember “keep up” till the end of my live :P
You’re the best teacher i’ve ever saw:)
Thx Mr. James/greetings for Mr.E :)
Hi! professor James , thank u very much for your lessons. I like your language , your speed which is very important for learners of English. We need fluency more than accuracy, so don’t care for those who criticize your speed . Since the more they listen , the better they will understand. As for the content , we will have to talk about anything in English since it is a new language . If you are in a situation talking about religious, political , financial or sexual things , you will need the right language to express the situation
Thank you very much . I appreciate all what do and present . I am a teacher of English.
This classes are better than my classes from CESL at the University of Arizona…….and are for free…incredible.
I love your teaching style and way of representing your content…keep it up the same way of teaching..it really works..
I have one query…once i used this sentence
i’ve one more questiom..most of the time we know the meaning of verb and preposition in the phrasal verbs but still we are unable to find the right meaning of the sentence..so the only way to solve this problem to learn all the phrasal as you can? is it so? how do you done that?
Hai James,
I’m from India.I do have the same doubt.Please do let us know Should we learn all Phrasal Verbs to communicate easily or to understand easily?
hi James,I was watching your video and I think that this was interesting the use of phrasal verbs,sometimes when I am reading phrasal verbs in the newspaper is difficult for me to understand some of them.I would like you could explain the use of get off for instance.
thanks you!!!!!!!!
thank u for your help. it was useful for me
Thank you a lot for all these funny, straight, and free lessons!
I’ve learned a lot from you.
Regards from Brazil.
Regards from Brazil
Thanks a lot!
Your video is so interesting!
I am a Vietnamese and I really want to improve my English.
Nice to meet all of you
hi mr. james, im a filipino, and i’m not very good in english. So, i’m very thankful for your vedio’s… it’s so helpful for me…. thanks to you mr. james.. keep up…
Hi! I`m Jyrgal from central asia. Very interesting website, i really appreciate all what do and present. I`m learning english but i have big problem with english grammer. Can you speak vore slowly for the first time of course if you don`t mind. If i have any mistakes i really sorry, just let me know about them. Thank you, dear teachers. you are all cool….
hi teacher.
my name is meriam i have seen your video realy i love your teaching style.
i don’t speak english very well. for this think i did this site for help me .please
What a bravo explanation of phrasal verbs! I’ve been confused by the word “up” for ages.
Your video cleared up my mind a bit. I couldnt thank you enough for that.
Keep up your excellent work! And, I love your way to make videos 2 ^^.
Hi James,
I was wondering if you could do videos about “do”, “have” and “take”. These words are very common in daily English, but, there are tonnes of possible meanings of them. So, It would be great if you could tell all ESL students including me how to master these monsters.
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
I love the way you teach english…!!
no facebook coz I really think facebook wastes our time..but here every thing is beneficial,just to learn with fun
I like the beginning lol what the hell is a phrasal verb ? good performance keep on
I liked your class very much.
Thank you very very much!!!
mujhe crush on,munch on, or go bananas over ka meaning chahiye so plz help me n tell me thnx
Teacher!!! I loved your class! really!…
I’m argentinian…when you speak spanish in your classes I feeling your classes are only for me! lol!
Dont cry for me Argentinaaa!! hehe
Congratulations! Your classes are so good!!!
Bye bye!!
Maria Paula
your english class kept me up all night learning , I wish ,it could be (she)….):
thumps up man,
That was great! I couldnt understand how to understand phrasal verbs! But I wanna know about preposition OUT. please tell me how to understand a sentence included the preposition OUT!!
very good lecture thank you so much, may I aske you something? I have been living in the UK for past teen Years but I fell that my English isn’t good mostlly my writting.what do you think I should do? thank you.by the way sorry about the picture I don’t know haw to chose another one.
this class is awesome! thank you!
its vary good idea to study with you. i want to impruve my inglish and your lessons are halping me. so sanqs about this. p.s. sorry abaut my bad inglish :(
maintain not maintian… lol!
Thank you for giving lessons. I’ve seen this website a while ago, since then I’m enjoying the lessons whenever I have some time. By the way,I have a question for you. In the phrasal verb, some Phrasal verbs combine prepositions, others combine adverbs. For example, “pick up, keep up, give up, put on, turn on….” they can be separated: I’ll pick you up at 7p.m., Turn it off when you leave…. I thought they are adverbs. On the other hand, in Phrasal verbs “look at, look for, look forwards to” at, for, to are prepositions. They can’t be separated. Am I wrong? I’m cofused after your lesson. Please let me figure it out.
Just a little something. You may want to correct the spelling of the word “maintain”
Love this Thank you so much!
This lessons are amazing!!! even if I know vocabulary, I am still watching them because they are very intersting and funny.
Thank you for your lessons James :) and keep up with your work. haha
Good luck.
I’m a student from Mali,the country where english language is rarely spoken,i’m thinking of improving my english language, but phrasal verbs are difficult for me to identify the meaning.what can i do to remember them?
James, thank you very much for being simply the best teacher. I laugh a lot at home while learning English. It is rare to find such a good teacher. EngVid please continue teaching the fun way. By the way, I did not see any thing offensive in this lesson. It is fabulous!
hi my name is karim i like your courses …….thanks a lot.
hi James
You are a good teacher
thank you a lot i like your lessons i learn a lot from it
it’s interesting
ı thing this lesson is not efficiently because the teacher speaks more fast.:((
Thanks in advanced to all the teachers see u next bye good night my dear teachers
Thank you all… you’re amazing
Hi, James!
I’m an English teacher in Brazil and I’ve really enjoyed the explanation. The examples made me laugh. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to use some of them in class, though they are certainly unforgettable. =) Thank you for making your videos accessible.
Teacher James, Thanks for your class . Your style is great and useful for me. Thanks to you I have could improve my English. All the best to you.
Hi i think that for beginners and intermediates he is talking to fast during his teaching times because some peoples may not have that kind of experience to understand very well his speech and explanations. so its better to speak more slowly with more clear pronunciation. thank you !
Dear :) James,
I hope this finds you well.
First, I would like to thank you as well as the rest of the teachers of English for all you do to help us be more confident with the all the English Skills you offer us on regular basis.
I would like to know if it is advisable to use “idioms” in academic writings such as the “written part” of the “TOEFL test” … ??
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Kind Regards,
good luck and be sure u can do all what ever u want… just try and ur best
best wishes from majid
Nice video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello teacher. i like your lesson but i need to know my english level. how do i know my english level? where is test?
I’ve attended some English classes abroad and I had never seen a phrasal verb so easy to understand as this one that James taught! Excellent teacher! :]
hi james you are very very nice (and handsome as well) but you speak too fast for me, by now,I didn’t understand this lesson very well, I have to study it more, thank you anyway….pino from torino
HI james i do like you when you present your cours spacialy when you use your body lunguge ,you are a good teacher
thins a lot
Hi James,
I`m maribeth, ifrom Colombia but i live in madrid and study english, but my english is not god,
i see your videos and you are a excellent teacher,
sorry i can’t leave without to say please concontrate to present ayour lesson in good way not like your you just do many noise that disturb and deconcontrate the student do like ReBecca or Alex or someone else
Hello Mr. James
I watched 5 videos of your lessons today , and i really got many info. about them , that was great . I just have a problem and wanted to know if you can help me , I’ve presentation on Wednesday about “Idioms & Phrasal Verbs ” and i know what’s IDIOM but the problem is that i don’t know what’s phrasal verb. I’ve searched a lot and still couldn’t find something which is really deserve to present .Even I asked a Turk teacher but he couldn’t answer me and give me an info. about it :( he just explained IDIOM to me :( .. So please would u help me ? i really want to present something useful to my teacher and want also to let my colleagues learn it , coz it’s vague to them too:( thanks
I love you!
you keep me up smiling!(is it right?)
T.James I like your way of teaching, but still I find phrasl verbs are difficult to handle it ,because there are alot of them..So how can I understand all of them
hi mr.E I love u :)
many thx ilike it and i d like to see more vids……….. thx from algeria
James is a good teacher
i find this lesan are very difficult i can t understend
Hello!! I´m from peru.
Sometimes I tray to listen and watch yours videos … you are a good teacher. thanks.
hi i want to speak english fluently as the English speak please help me
i honestly think you should keep the sexual connotations out of it. otherwise, you’re ok. There’s just no need for it.
It’s been really hard to follow you, to understand you, teacher James.
May I suggest you something? Slow down a little bit, if you can, of course…
Hi James!
Keep up teaching!
Your teaching is great and in funny way.
You always give so clever examples!
Edyta from Polen
Thanks for the lesson
Hi James,I like the dynamic you give to your classes, I’m from Uruguay and I’m trying to learn English because I need it for my job.. Thanks a lot..
hi james
what does ” keep your head up” mean ?
is that idiom?
thanks a lot
it should be spelled ‘maintain`, shouldn’t it?
Nice work James, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
nice work ^___^
Hi James and other teachers of Engvid. im frm vietnam n i’ve just known ur website for few months. U teachers hv got lots of comments here, so I wont type much, just love to add some words frm heart: its a great luck for anyone to be james’s student …especially its free here.n abt sex as example..i dont thik tht he means to talk abt sex…its just an example tht makes sense to all students..hehe..easy to get the meaning of KEEP UP…Many thanks frm Vietnam.
hi, its my first time to visit here. i just watched James on youtube this morning n it’s holding me until now!!(it’s 2 am already!!)
his lessons are perfect n fascinate! i have learnt not only English but also how to teach.
its was really amazing day n absolutly i will keep on learning English here with James. i wanna listen to other teachers as well. how great it will be~ thank you for offering these great things. God bless u!!
Welcome, reah! We’re happy to have you! Keep watching.
*_^ you are a great teacher :)
why don’t we have a groupe in facebook to descuss many ideas or in gmail :)
We do have an engVid Facebook page, titima!
u r the best teacher i have ever seen…!!!
James, I really like your way of teaching but this lesson = explanation is very difficult for me to understand, maybe because of lots of informations at once? but I don’t give up :)
Hi, glad to see you. I’m Yukou in Japan.
I’ve been listening to your programmes for a long time. Really nice, easy to get them! I’m recommending this works to my mates.
Well, can I ask you a question?
Well… I can’t seem to get phrasal verbs, speaking in more detail, I’m Japanese and Japanese language doesn’t have idioms like ‘phrasal verbs’ because of fundamentally grammatical differences. That’s how I can’t guess meanings of the combination of ‘verb + preposition’.
I mean, for example, here is ‘speak’:
speak of sth = indicating sth
speak to sb = talking to sb in a sever way
* I want to say ‘Why does the meaning as ‘phrasal verbs’ makes differently despite of changing prepositions. What is the difference of the meanings of ‘to’ and ‘of’?’
(but) talk to sb = talking to sb in a normal way
* I want to say, ‘Despite using the same preposition ‘to’ though, how come the meaning could be differenct?’
How can I get used to such that usage?
Using in our conversation and memorizing how and when to be used, is that shortcut to master?
If I’m confusing you, would you text me back?
Oh, I’ve just noticed you’re left-handed! :]
Nice lesson!
Many thanks James i checked some videos of your grammar teaching it’s really useful for me. i am graduated from intermediate level English classes but i am still confused and don’t know about some grammar chapter such as the clear meaning of gerund, the past participle when they are using as an adjective and the present participle… i am just confused regarding the difference of their meaning. could you clarify their meaning to me.
Many thanks
I am looking for ward to hear you soon from you.
i can’t to see all video lesson in this site..how can i see them..please your help..i wanna my english good…please..please..please
I think you are a good teacher.
good your teaching smart teacher.
but teaching little bit slow as who is learner english second language level studyings.
Hi, James! Could you speak much slowlier, please? My English isn`t so good and it`s difficult to understand fluently speaking English. Thanks a lot!
Hello everyone;) My name is Alina and I am from Ukraine. Is there anybody who wants just to communicate on English?
My e-mail is alinka.vanzyak@e-mail.ua
Hi, Alina! Add-me on msn: tiago_queiroz18@hotmail.com
I’d like to.
my email address is:
Hi Mr James I hope you’re okay
personally I find your lessons very interesting,
but I must say that your accent is little difficult to understand, please try to do something …so take care ta ta
Fantastic lesson, thanks a lot, Gianni.
Nice tutorial……and way of teaching.
can you help me to provide website or any online media from which I could improve speaking .
If I try to keep up with your English lesson, I probably be able to get more skills.
I have a request, tips of doing TOEIC exam for the other 3 skills: Listening, writting and speaking. I watched your Reading Comprehention already.
Hope to hear from you, Thanks.
I loved this site. It’s great. I would want sugest you creat a forum. I guess that would be very helpful.
i love the video about phrasel verbs, its very interesting for me, my english is not good, but everyday i try better..
I am m.bakhsh and I like your prasal verbs using very clearly and I want know more prasal verbs from and I from pakistan
hello jAMES …YOU ARE A GOOD TEACHER.but we ARE not native..so sometımes or when you speak fast we can not understand you..COULD YOU SPEAK A BİT SLOWER PLEASE:( THANKS…
hahaha your classes are simply very nice, man!
Best wishes from Brazil.
please, keep going
he got my attention :)
Hi, Mr James! I’m just confused for putting a preposition in a word/verb. Would you please help me to when can I put preposition in a verb or word? Ex. She helps me or She helps me out. Which one is correct? Hope you can help me Mr. James. thanks!
iam interested in your video.thanks. hawar
Thank you Mr James
Hi James, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whats that! Ur awesome and so funny :D u. U make me laugh throughout all the vid
James! I have never had so much fun, laughed so much and learned so much from a teacher before!!!! You’ve got that shock value that makes stuff stick in one’s head so they never forget!!!! I love your style! Please, please don’t stop!
I realy adore your way of teaching :) I found this web while preparing for TOEFL since I want to become a teacher in Scotland :D:D and i must admit you are one of a kind :) love your attitude, humor, examples, energy!
Thanks Engvid, this is one of fantastic site. I am not good at the english but i am watching it ever day, now i am getting confidence that i would be able to survive any ware.
Once agin thanks for everything.
I am not understand how works kept up all the night by the load voice.
Could you explain me again?
Can somebody of you prof. post one lecture for Verb Phrases (modal type, perfective type, progressive type, passive type, I need a help to understand it clearly, and how to form sentences with these types of verb phrases. Thank you.
Awesome lessno…thanks a lot
Thank you for your help. I have learned a lot from you. God bless you.
Good class, however we know that exists many different phrasal verbs, it’s important you create another class with many other examples of them, don’t you think? There are so many to memorize. Thanks.
PS: where’s the quiz for this class video? I always do it after watching some class, improve a lot in my training.
Thank you very much.I love your way of teaching and this lesson was of great use to me
I really envy your students in the college . simple and good explanations and having fun with the class , I have an elder tutors , they don’t explain every thing, and they make the class very boring.
Thank you so much
what a nice and helpful lesson..i need to know where are you from?
grammar it’s so funny :(
lol) James is awesome) his humorous way of teaching is very cool! rude? “I didn’t say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth.”
Nice Job! Very funny and efficient!
Interesting and amusing. Bravo!
I like so much these classes.thank you teachers!
where’s the quiz?
Well. This lesson is very cool. I loved it.
James, you are very intelligent. I like very much.
I will see all other videos.
Thank very much by your help.
Hi James. Another lesson is improving my vocabulary. I like your partner Mr.E. So now I keep up the lessons you’ve share. Thanks again James. Have a great day!
thank you…you are really creative at explaining and teaching.. i like this way. but i should work on my listening skill. i missed lots of word while u were speaking.
Vocabulary said : “PICK UP” does it mean ” TO TAKE” smth. NOT “TO MOVE”. Thanks.
Thank you James, it was really good lesson.
You are very good teacher, it is very difficult to understand such rapid speech, can’t you speak more slowly?
Hi mr James my name is Nickolas Nembhard
i love to watch your videos especially this one
ihave been learning a lot thanks and keep up
the good work.
great explanation…
HI James,
I really like your explanation and how we could handle those phrasal verbs
Thank so much.
Good one. Thank you.
well, i have a question about “alot” and “a lot” which is correct? like “thanks alot” or “thanks a lot”
thanks James, this is a good explanation about phrasal verbs, sometimes this is driving me crazy ¨just kidding¨ but let me tell you, I haven’t heard all this information, for me it is helpful keep it up.
Post Data: I didn’t know you speak spanish.
Keeping up my interest in learning English with this lesson, but maybe very hard work to study Phrasal Verbs with more than one meaning because you have to afford a lot of situations and examples to find out everyone of them. Thanks a lot teacher James from Engvid, as always a good explanation and performance.
thank you very much.
James,you are the best!Thank you
Please James, keep up the good work through your wonderful videos ;)
The quiz???
Dear James,
May I ask you, please delineate about non-predicate verbs and its modification?
Thanks James for a good and useful lesson!