Hi! Alex, great lesson and very useful, I’ve learn a lot in this website and it helps me to improve my english.
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you, Alex. Very helpful lesson. I like to follow your teaching. Till next time:)
Thank a lot! I really like your lessons!
thank you for your lesson. you actually take me back to my high school teacher way of teaching. you are a special teacher too keep it.
Hi Alex.How are you??I hope you would be fine.
you’re a great teacher.Thanks for your lesson.
But Alex i have a problem between idioms and phrasal verb.So please tell me some tips.And please tell me any book or website which i might learn idioms and phrasal verb.And which book or website have a complete idioms and phrasal with usage and meaning.I’m waiting your reply……………………………………
Hi, i have the same question, I will be grateful if you let me know when i figure out the answer.
book, website,… would be useful
http://www.usingenglish.com is a vary usefull website to learn idioms and phrasal verbs..in addition, Alex your lesson was exellent!!!,thanks a lot..
thanks teacher good leson i will follow up ur lesons
Hi there,
Speaking of idioms,I dont know d meaning of this one exactly:”fair’s fair”?!
Lend me a helping hand plz!
Ive got it by myself.
Up me!
thank you. very helpful lesson :)
If English words were written as they are pronounced, I would know to speak it like a real native english speaker. I hate when I look at the dictionary and see one way of pronunciation for a specific word whilst in other dictionary it is pronounced differently. So immediately I get confused, and am not able to use those words in everyday conversation.
sommetimes I feel very much the same,but I think You have to relax,because even here teacher’s pronunciation differ and we do the same speaking our mothertongues,actualy,we just don’t pay so much attention to this.
Thank you very much! I like your lessons.
oops,sorry not teacher’s ,but teachers’
hi,alex very good phrasal verbs like put,is most important for me to learn. from pakistan.
hi james from pakistan
I really like lessons about phrasal verbs. Especially when those verbs are explain so good. Thank you very much Alex.
very good lesson Alex!!!
This was an excellent lesson… I needed some help with phrasal verbs. Thank you very much!
You scored 6 out of 6
Really good lesson
Very good lesson.In English, I have two soft points: The idioms and phrasal verbs. I found them complicated. So I realy need to study them.
just two questions native speakers use generaly simple verbs or phrasal verbs ? In a normal discussion is it commun or marginal to use idioms ? Thanks for your answers Kind regards !
accomodate is right spelled Alex. I did it well on the quiz, keep teaching lovely english, have a good freaking day.
I think it should be “accommodate” – with double “m”. Any way Alex, thank you for that lesson. Please tell us more about phrasals :)))
Merry Christmas to everyone, especially to all teachers !!!
Very interesting and well done lesson…but doing the quiz I found…”when you’re done with the game…” couldn’t it be “when you’ve done with…?…could you explain me it please? :) Thanks…
Type “Let it snow” on google, and see what happens. . .
thank you very munch .I understood the lesson and scored one hundred percent.good luck…!
I think accommodate is the correct word.
I like to talk English always. I’m very happy now .
Dear Sir, I Thakn you so much.
Alex, I have a question. Can’t “put up” mean something like “not be able to bear” or something like that? For instance:
“I can’t put up with him. He is so selfish!”
thank u it amazing explanation
Thank you
Thank you for your lessons!
Hey Alex, you’re excellent teacher. In Spanish when we put down a pet, we use the verb sacrifice. Is it the same in English? BTW I got 6/6. ThxQ.
hi thanks
ogba brhane
thanks Alex
so great lesson.
Dear Mr. Alex,
Thank you for this important lesson. I appreciate your effort and I have a small question,
you have chosen two examples through the lesson:
the first:”My boss always puts me down”
the second:”She put off her interview because of an emergency”
Is the first example in present simple and the second in past simple(because of the ‘s’ in word ‘put’ in both examples)?
thank for this lesson.It was very useful
i love this lesson
thanks Alex
Hi Alex, I enjoyed with this class keep up, thanx
Sarah which city are you from?
I’m also from saudi arabia?
The city government has just erected a monument… Sounds weird :3
I’d like to see more lessons about phrasal verbs, I like them so much. I’ve already checked all the James’s ones and yours. Waiting for more!
Thanks Alex, I like your classes!
Amazing lesson thanks teacher:) I wanna learn moreeeeeeee
Alex, If you come to my city I can put you up at my home. So that I´ll practice my english with you.
Hi! Alex.
very useful and great lesson.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thanks again.
Hi ,Alex. I’m a Thai people.I like this website.Because it help me improve my English.My English isn’t very good.Please explain for me about Put up or to accomodate. I don’t understand it.Thank you very much for your help.Please suggest me if I write wrong.
Thanks Alex for a good and useful lession. Alex, is it possible for you to make a lession about how to pronounce i,g. I am a little unsure of how to pronounce them .I hope u got the point.Merry christmas and happy new year.
I think it’s accommodate but that’s not the point of the lesson.
Could one replace ‘put down’ with ‘put away’? i.e.: We had to put away our dog (…)
Great lesson, keep up the good work.
Excellent lesson.. very useful
Hi teacher
U used pronoun (he) for animal Is that right in English? also how can we differenciate between seprable phrasal verb & nonseprable? correct me if I wrong . thank U very much.
Hi,Allex.Your lesson about phrasal verbs “Put”was very fruitful.Would you add us more? Thanks a bundle.
Nice haircut Alex, it suits you very much.By the way does (suit)just come with clothes or we can use it with hair style also?
Thank for this useful lesson Alex.
Of course you can use the word SUIT to describe that something fits something. Other words you can use in this situation are FIT, MATCH and so forth.
Thank you very much. ;)
Hi Alex, thank you again for this interessent lessons, I learn many things with you. Grazie mille
Thank you Alex for giving us a hand to study phrasal verbs!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for the lesson.is that correct to use put away instead of put back?
I think you can use the phrasal “put away” instead of “put back” since they have the same meaning.
please put away your clothes.
Thanks Alex. I have done 100%
Thank you very much for this lesson. Great it is useful lesson. In quiz i have been done 80%.
Doem Nat
So great lesson.
Great teacher.
Many thanks
Wow, phrasal verbs always cause headache for me! Thanks, Mr.Alex! I am so glad to watch yours lessons.
Thanks Alex.
I really loved it, because phrasal verbs are very important,but veru difficult too.Cheers.
F. Martin
thnku.it was a nice quiz.
Thanks Alex! Good Class!
Congratulations, Alex! Your lessons are very good and you speak is easy of understand. Keep up the good job.
This class was very good, thanks!! I have done 100 % in the quizz!
i can’t see the quiz even though i clicked the quiz link why it is invisible 4 me?
Thanks Alex I am improving my English . Your classes are wonderful.
Thank you, it’s very helpful
Thank you, it’s very useful..!!
its re thank really helpful,thank you for the video.
Heey Alex,you the best teacher i’ve ever had !!! I shall invite you to my wedding! :)
Alex! thank you very much.
Great lesson! Thank you so much!!!
Hi Alex, Your lessons are very good and easy to understand.Good job
Thanks for your lesson, it was nice but, I Have a question. In your example when you write “she put off her interview because …” that put off is not with “S” because is third person???
Not, the sentence «she put off her interview» is correct if you think that it is SIMPLE PAST. Remember: the verb «put» is irregular and it has the same form in Present, Past and Participle form.
phrasal are a real nightmare for me, thanks alex, you explained them perfectly well
thanks Alex that lesson is really helpful and interesting
good work, thx :)
Hello Alex. Your lesson is always very good and easily understandable. I always watch your and is feel my English is improving day by day. Thanks for that. I have a problem with the words Although,hence,either, however, and neither. so I will be happy if you teach or explain the meaning and use of these words
Thanks for your lessons. Could you please make a video lesson on separatable and unseparatable verbs?
Thanks, sir i really appreciate
thank you :) it wsa very clear lesson!
Many thanks!
I’m really fond of watching your lessons. You’re my favorite teacher hehe
privet kak dela??
My name is Fabiano, I´ve been wacthed your class and i´ve learned alot with your explanation, your are very good teacher, congratulations !
Fabiano Sousa
Hi Alex!
thankyou so much! i like your lesson and its changing my life thankyou again !
very good you are putting up my mind
Thank you for lessen. One”s really usefull
thank you for the lesson it’s was a great lesson.
Great class. Thank you Alex.
Miguel Angel
thank you Alex you was wonderful
thankx alex
i have question
in seconde example of put down
why you use (( he )) with animal ?
Thanks a lot for you kind help.
Thank you Alex, you help me to improve my level.
For Sultan, i think that it is an error, because animal or thing take it and for human he or she. Thank you for this attention.
Thanks Alex.. It was really nice class.
I have a doubt.
in the quiz, last question.
Our cat, Mittens, was 15 years old when we ___________________. He couldn’t walk anymore.
why Put him down?? why not “Put it down”. could you please clarify.. Thanks
Very good this site. Many interesting lessons about English Grammar.
Thank you teacher. Your lesson is very clear.
P.M.Chandana Mudalige
Thanx a whole lot Teacher, you have done just perfect
is it correct to say….
(“you want me to put you down?))))
thank you :)
I an an Algerian student and I leart a lot of interesting things thanks to these websisite… thank you
Thank you so much for your lesson, Alex!
thanks Alex for this lesson. I really enjoyed it. Just a other meaning for “put up” : “Put up with someone” means to tolerate or be more patient with him, doesn’t it ?
Hi, Alex you super. Wonderful presentation. Thank you
Hi ,Alex,
you are the best .
I wish you a happy new year .
Tks a lot for everything !!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot, Alex… I have a question that cannot be in the context of the lesson… in the second sentence of ”put down” you used the pronoun ”he” to refer a dog in the parte ”because he was sick ”.. is it incorrect or this can be done?
Respect teacher Alex. May I suggest you one lesson to do for us? I’d like you to do astronomical terms about our Solar sistem. You know, all 8 planets, it used to be 9, but Pluton isn’t a planet anymore, and everything else that is connected with it. Thank you in advance.
Hi Alex..thak you for the great opportunity to practice and refresh my english. I have a question . the word HEAD. As a verb which means move towards. Or to be headed…E.g.Where are we heading? where are you two headed?For the answers I saw FOR and TO. The both words can be used? Or how should be used? Your reply is greatly appreciated..
Mawinee maming
I think Alex ignored you all x)
Hey friend! this is a great class! I feel I know more about this fantastic language!
I am so happy to found that web site, I am trying to improve my English and your classes are so good. Thank you all of you!
Hi! very useful website and lessons.
you are doing good job!
cheers from Poland
Well done job!
I really learn English with you!
greetz from Warsaw
Hi Alex, thank you for the lesson, so could explain to me about “put on”? It is a phrasal verb? So can you show me any example? Thanks in advance.
Very good teaching style and lesson is also good.. i belive its realy very helpful for students. thx and God Bless you. :)
Great job Maaan)
i can’t access for the quiz, how,pls teach me..tq
Is the same “put back” and “bring back”
I think “put back” means return smt to smt
and “bring back” means return smt to someone:)
Is that right, Alex?:)
Perfect lesson,
Thanks!! Best regards!! K!
i started to work as an english teacher and i think this is a good web site to improve my english, thank you to the lessons.
Pretty Useful. Thank you so much.
Hey Alex , i really enjoyed with this lesson . REALLY I’ve been learning a lot of lessons from this website .
THANKS so much
Thank you very much!
thanks so much teacher alex it was really wonderful lesson
I can understand very well. Thank you
than you alex
it’s very clear ,and very good
i have taken 6 out of 6, which means you are a great teacher.
Alex! thank you very much,you`re very exc
a very usefull lesson,thank you so much Alex.
thanks I`ll never put off your lessons again
i like your lecture,because i am learning a lot. i am from azerbaijan and i am english teacher
thnk you very much its put me up and i shouldn’t to put you down cause you put up my vocabulary so wish do not put off your lesson cause its useful
thanks a lot, Alex.
Our cat, Mittens, was 15 years old when we ___________________. He couldn’t walk anymore.
put him up.
put him back
put him off
put him down.
Is that correct? When talking about animals, shouldn’t we use ‘it’ istead of ‘him’ or ‘her’? That seems confused to me.
If you know the sex of the animal, you can use ‘him’ or ‘her’. Usually, if it is your pet, you will use those words. If you don’t know, you can use ‘it’.
nice lesson as usual! thank you. can you explain more phrasal verbs. im becoming addict.
Hey Alex, I really love the way you come up with ideas and technique and ensure that it helps the needy ones. Well, I am wondering if you could provide me a free link or resource where I can learn more phrasal verbs. I appreciate any help further. =)
Thanks Alex.
I had problem to use them now they almost easy. thank you.
I get a lot out of this lesson thank you.
I was wounder if you could also explain these phrasal verbs too.
put out, put away.
Hi, Alex. Could you help me. Our teacher gave us a quiz. I couldn’t find the answer to the question “Travelling by train between cities you can choose between 2 or 3 completely different prices. Why?”
it’s nice to explain this lesson
thank u alot ..
we are clear,,,,very very thank you teacher,,,;]
Thanks a lot, it is really helpful.
but I am not sure about a sentence which is ” she put off her interview..” I think it suppose to be she puts off .. ;)
I got 6 out of 6, Thanks a lot engvid.com
I couldn’t give up to watch your lessons, they are very useful! see you later.
M. Johmani
Thanks a lot for the great explanation. the question is where can I find another phrasal verbs in your explanation. that’ll help me and other to practise our skills.
thank you for your explanation.
thanks for the lesson
very intersting thank you very much
hey alex you are brilliant. Even word brilliant isn’t enough to explain your way of teaching….
Thanks Alex.
Could we say put the milk away as like put it back?
Hai Alex , help me with this two sentence, ‘ I have put down the cat’ and ‘ I have put the cat down’. difference meaning or same meaning. Actually, I’m the beginner student, so a lot question around in my head.
You have put the cat down means you have insulted it, which is incorrect, cats can not be insulted, they are not human.
You have put down the cat means you have killed it.
I woud like to thank you for your amazing way to teach;so many many thanks again for you Alex and all the teachers.
Thank a lot.
I am very happy to find this web.I am very happy with these lesson.
Thank you
Ana Chavez
this is an awesome program for learning english for all beginners.intrmediate and advance learners.
amjad ali awan
amjad ali awan
Thank you, you are awesome. I really enjoy what you are doing it’s helpfully.Just keep going Alex.
great lessons. very helpful for my CAE preparation. Exam soon :)
In Indian subcontinent,they use this phrase in government offices. The boss can ask the assisstant to “put up” the file regarding leave record etc.
I don’t find this meaning in dictionary.
What do you say when you ask your assisttant to submit a file for perusal etc?
Thank Alex. Could you please give us more exercises for each lesion? We need more exercises to deeply understand it.
i love this video …..could u make more video for phrasal verbs?
is there any phrasal verbs list available on internet ?
thanks Alex. i made any mindmap from your lesson. it’s very useful. i want to put it here but i don’t know how can i do
Hello: My name is sozan I live in kurdstan ,Iam student at colleage in English department and Iwant you to help me to English flwently,because I like.please help me.
Great lesson! Thank you Alex!
thank you very much for you alex..i am really glad with your lesson. i more understand what difference the phrasal verbs..
Thanks Alex
This lesson was helpful.
See you next!
Thank you Mr. Alex.
As your style, another excellent lesson.
God Bless You.
Hi Alex,
I like your lessons, are very useful!
Thanks Alex, I like the lesson so much
What about : put forward , put in, put across, put away, put aside, put behind, put through, put together, put out ??
actually ..u was right,u spelled “accommodate” wrong
very nice lesson thank you
Nice web! I am going to England next Setember and I need improve my English listening and speaking skills. It is a good web for that!
iam really exited to watch ur videos and ur such a great teacher for us as we all know
nice lesson alex
thanks Alex nice lesson i am hardworking on it
i’m huge fan of your lessons! thanks endlessly, teacher alex! :)
Thank you so much for these free typing lessons.
engVid Moderator
thanks alex…
Very good!
thank you i got a perfect score love you ha ha ha
melejosa dela cruz
hi Alex! thanks for very good and professional lessons. by the way you are sending good energy that’s way a lot of people enjoyed this web site :) Andrew from Poland
Thats a good lesson. I have a query…
Can we use:
Why did you put down your weight?
not bad 5 out of 6, thanks!
i really like this website,because it’s easy to understand when learn all the lesson. thank all teachers.
very nice teaching thank you
Thanks for your lesson! Everything becomes clear. I’m a teacher at school and your lessons help me and my students much!
Thanks for all teachers
It’s easy and simple to learn with you
Thank you so much!
I just wanted to thank you for making things so easy to understand…..It was my first day in your class…interesting!
It was wonderful lesson, I needed it , tnxxxx Alex ;)
it was very useful lesson,i completely understand.thanks teacher
Thank you, teacher Alex. Thee word “accomodate” is truly challenging.
inyazserg Sergey Larin
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your lesson.
I have 6 out of 6.
Have a nice evening!
How can I know the phrasal verb will be separate or not
She puts off the interview
She put off the interview
You’re a great teacher In the world ..go on
Very helpful lesson, thank you very much
Hello!!! I´m happy to improve my English Level through this web.
Best Regards
hi Alex. I understand this lesson thanks a lot
Thank you, needs to learn more from you.
Mohammad Saeed
As you usual, you’ve done a great job!
hi Alex,your lessons are really very good oportunity to increas knowledge…I am from georgia and i am glad to find your website
Very clear indeed, you are a genius….
excellent video , as always
thanks for you time and for you help
excellent video , as always
thanks for you time and for you help
Hi ALex! I love your lesson, thanks so much for that.
Hi, Alex! thanks a lot for your lesson. it s very clear and helpful.What a great teacher you are !!! I really like the way you teach , thank you !
Hello teacher.
i have a question for you and really is not mine i found it while i was watching some vidoes on youtube and really i found a good question after i watched your lesson.the question is( chishikato15 2 weeks ago
“she put off her interview because of an emergency” => there was not need put “s” behind “put” when the subject is “she”. anyone can tell me about this problem, plz! thanks!),and really i wonder too,but maybe i have some boldness and i answered instaid you( imad salah 1 second ago
Well its really good notice.as i understood when we talk about the same person we dont need to add the S.
).so please try to give me the right amswer and told me if am wrong or not.because i answerd according what i understood.thaank you again.
The past form of put is the same as the present form, in this case he was using the past simple in the sentence. I hope you made it out.
hello everybody and than u Aalex for this wonderful leson for the last quetion i think we have to say: put it down instead put him down could you please explain me this point
I wish you had more videos with Phrasal Verbs :)
Hello Alex,at first thanks for your English help. When I am using put down, I cannot say ” my boss puts down to me?. Thanks again.
When you are using the phrasal verb put off, and you are cancelling a meeting, you postpone and (put back?), before of it you explained that put back something is return it to its original location, in this case it wouldn’t be put ahead the meeting?, thanks Alex.
Hey Alex,
what’s the meaning of ‘Put in’??
pls explain
Useful lesson! Thanks Alex
wonderful video with my best teacher.Thanks alex
Thank you, it’s very useful.
Yeahhhh thanks a lot Alex. I got sure 100 % of the result.
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thank you very much. It was a great lesson and I got 6/6 in te quiz, but I don’t understand something. Could you tell me what’s the difference between set up and put up?
I don’t want to put any of your lessons off, they are always interesting and useful. Thanks a lot!
Hello alex! I really really LOVE how you explain! I did the quiz and my note was 100!!! I was in an english course here in Venezuela but I practise a lot with this web!
Thanks got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
I like your lesson!!!!! 6 from 6, so cool!!
I’ll never forget that “accommodation” has double m. Thank you Alex!
Is this sentence correct? Question 4.They’re putting up some new buildings downtown. There’s construction (on going) everyday.
Thank you very much teacher Alex!
I think learning new things is one of the spices of life.Thanks a lot.
Thank you.
Good spanish, chief… lol
easy as a lesson
Great lesson,thanks !!!!
Awesome ! great lesson Sir
Thanks a lot
I got 100 scores. I really like Mr.Alex as well as his lessons
nice!! thanks
silvio sotelo
Alex,hi! thank you for the lesson. could you explain some question:what is the difference between “put back the milk” and “put the milk back”? thank you
100%,I`ve got it!Thanks Alex!
I got perfect score. thanks.
Sharlene Noora
Thanks Alex
vi lepham
Thank You Alex, good as always)
Thank you Alex. What a lesson. Very very useful.
thanks Alex i got a perfect score, i could put off this lesson, because a friend put me up last night and he had a nice laptop, he never put me down and I always have to put the computer back to its original state because I don´t know how it works
Yehey! I got PERFECT! score now. Looks like I’m getting more improvement every day. Thanks, teacher Alex for making this possible for all of us here ;) All Your videos contained more valuable lessons. More power to all of you guys. This is a very AWESOME English learning site.
Thank you so much sir for another lesson.
I tried to make my own sentences.Can you please correct them? I will be grateful to you.
*I become angry when someone try to put me down.
*His boss always puts down the employees who work under him.
*I had to put down the snake who got injured by two inhumane persons and was lying on the road.
*I put the books back in the school bag.
*The principal had to put off the exams because the question paper got leaked.
*The authorities vandalized the slums and put up the new buildings.
*No one was willing to put up a sick old stranger.
*People don’t want to put up anyone in order to maintain their privacy.
Raghav Bisht
Thanks. Alex always helpfully
C’est toujours agréable d’étudier avec vous, Alex. You put up your students always higher.
J’espère que cette phrase anglaise est correcte ???
Thank you Alex for teaching us effectively :)
Thank you for your useful lesson!
I love pharasal verbs..they are strong and important to use in our conversations….100:)
Sakhi fouzia
Thank you so much Alex.
Can you help me to getting more exercise of this lesson.
keep it up my teacher you’re the best .
you just implify the idea so it’s break throw my mind easily
Thanks a lot Alex! Every single day I’m learning something new by your lessons!
Jonathas Wilhem
dear alex I got 10 correct answers out of ten all this knowlegde thanks to you.By the way you look like john ritter aka jack tripper you know remember that show three’s company you re also as funny as him anyway greetings from surco peru
marc anthony
1When soldiers, police, or the government put down a riot or rebellion, they stop it by using force.
2If you put down some money, you pay part of the price of something, and will pay the rest later.
3If you put something down somewhere, you write or type it there.
4Put down whatever you’re doing and join the party!
5Can you put me down at the next corner, please?
6You’d be surprised at the amount that boy can put down in a single day
7I’ll take three boxes; would you put them down (to my account)?
8Put down your expenditure.
9The pilot was able to put the damaged plane down safely.
10I put him down for a fool.
Dear Alex?
would you ba kind enoegh not to get upset yourself…
1.If a political party puts up a candidate in an election or if the candidate puts up, the candidate takes part in the election.
2.To put up the price of something means to cause it to increase.
3.If you put up money for something, you provide the money that is needed to pay for it.
4.To put up resistance to something means to resist it.
5If you put up a poster or notice, you fix it to a wall or board.
6.to put up a stubborn resistance
to put up a fight
7.get acqainted:
to put smb. up to the ways of the place
8.incite, instigate:
best wishes))
Thank you Mr. Alex.
Thank you Alex, I really appreciate with your explanation. It is very clear and easy to understand.
Cosme Saldanha
This is great .please, we need more of this .
Saad hebal
Thanks Alex ,this is the first time i’ve come across someone is explaining the subject’s place when it’s separable phrasal verb.I haven’t been able to figuredit out for decades.You’re a lifesaver.
Quite grateful for your amazing lesson dear Alex aka “John Ritter” from Toronto
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanj you very much.perfect class
I will put some lessons off
Hi! Alex, great lesson and very useful, I’ve learn a lot in this website and it helps me to improve my english.
Thank you so much!!!
Thank you, Alex. Very helpful lesson. I like to follow your teaching. Till next time:)
Thank a lot! I really like your lessons!
thank you for your lesson. you actually take me back to my high school teacher way of teaching. you are a special teacher too keep it.
Hi Alex.How are you??I hope you would be fine.
you’re a great teacher.Thanks for your lesson.
But Alex i have a problem between idioms and phrasal verb.So please tell me some tips.And please tell me any book or website which i might learn idioms and phrasal verb.And which book or website have a complete idioms and phrasal with usage and meaning.I’m waiting your reply……………………………………
Hi, i have the same question, I will be grateful if you let me know when i figure out the answer.
book, website,… would be useful
http://www.usingenglish.com is a vary usefull website to learn idioms and phrasal verbs..in addition, Alex your lesson was exellent!!!,thanks a lot..
thanks teacher good leson i will follow up ur lesons
Hi there,
Speaking of idioms,I dont know d meaning of this one exactly:”fair’s fair”?!
Lend me a helping hand plz!
Ive got it by myself.
Up me!
thank you. very helpful lesson :)
If English words were written as they are pronounced, I would know to speak it like a real native english speaker. I hate when I look at the dictionary and see one way of pronunciation for a specific word whilst in other dictionary it is pronounced differently. So immediately I get confused, and am not able to use those words in everyday conversation.
sommetimes I feel very much the same,but I think You have to relax,because even here teacher’s pronunciation differ and we do the same speaking our mothertongues,actualy,we just don’t pay so much attention to this.
Thank you very much! I like your lessons.
oops,sorry not teacher’s ,but teachers’
hi,alex very good phrasal verbs like put,is most important for me to learn. from pakistan.
hi james from pakistan
I really like lessons about phrasal verbs. Especially when those verbs are explain so good. Thank you very much Alex.
very good lesson Alex!!!
This was an excellent lesson… I needed some help with phrasal verbs. Thank you very much!
You scored 6 out of 6
Really good lesson
Very good lesson.In English, I have two soft points: The idioms and phrasal verbs. I found them complicated. So I realy need to study them.
just two questions native speakers use generaly simple verbs or phrasal verbs ? In a normal discussion is it commun or marginal to use idioms ? Thanks for your answers Kind regards !
accomodate is right spelled Alex. I did it well on the quiz, keep teaching lovely english, have a good freaking day.
I think it should be “accommodate” – with double “m”. Any way Alex, thank you for that lesson. Please tell us more about phrasals :)))
Merry Christmas to everyone, especially to all teachers !!!
Very interesting and well done lesson…but doing the quiz I found…”when you’re done with the game…” couldn’t it be “when you’ve done with…?…could you explain me it please? :) Thanks…
Type “Let it snow” on google, and see what happens. . .
thank you very munch .I understood the lesson and scored one hundred percent.good luck…!
I think accommodate is the correct word.
I like to talk English always. I’m very happy now .
Dear Sir, I Thakn you so much.
Alex, I have a question. Can’t “put up” mean something like “not be able to bear” or something like that? For instance:
“I can’t put up with him. He is so selfish!”
thank u it amazing explanation
Thank you
Thank you for your lessons!
Hey Alex, you’re excellent teacher. In Spanish when we put down a pet, we use the verb sacrifice. Is it the same in English? BTW I got 6/6. ThxQ.
hi thanks
thanks Alex
so great lesson.
Dear Mr. Alex,
Thank you for this important lesson. I appreciate your effort and I have a small question,
you have chosen two examples through the lesson:
the first:”My boss always puts me down”
the second:”She put off her interview because of an emergency”
Is the first example in present simple and the second in past simple(because of the ‘s’ in word ‘put’ in both examples)?
thank for this lesson.It was very useful
i love this lesson
thanks Alex
Hi Alex, I enjoyed with this class keep up, thanx
Sarah which city are you from?
I’m also from saudi arabia?
The city government has just erected a monument… Sounds weird :3
I’d like to see more lessons about phrasal verbs, I like them so much. I’ve already checked all the James’s ones and yours. Waiting for more!
Thanks Alex, I like your classes!
Amazing lesson thanks teacher:) I wanna learn moreeeeeeee
Alex, If you come to my city I can put you up at my home. So that I´ll practice my english with you.
Hi! Alex.
very useful and great lesson.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thanks again.
Hi ,Alex. I’m a Thai people.I like this website.Because it help me improve my English.My English isn’t very good.Please explain for me about Put up or to accomodate. I don’t understand it.Thank you very much for your help.Please suggest me if I write wrong.
Thanks Alex for a good and useful lession. Alex, is it possible for you to make a lession about how to pronounce i,g. I am a little unsure of how to pronounce them .I hope u got the point.Merry christmas and happy new year.
I think it’s accommodate but that’s not the point of the lesson.
Could one replace ‘put down’ with ‘put away’? i.e.: We had to put away our dog (…)
Great lesson, keep up the good work.
Excellent lesson.. very useful
Hi teacher
U used pronoun (he) for animal Is that right in English? also how can we differenciate between seprable phrasal verb & nonseprable? correct me if I wrong . thank U very much.
Hi,Allex.Your lesson about phrasal verbs “Put”was very fruitful.Would you add us more? Thanks a bundle.
Nice haircut Alex, it suits you very much.By the way does (suit)just come with clothes or we can use it with hair style also?
Thank for this useful lesson Alex.
Of course you can use the word SUIT to describe that something fits something. Other words you can use in this situation are FIT, MATCH and so forth.
Thank you very much. ;)
Hi Alex, thank you again for this interessent lessons, I learn many things with you. Grazie mille
Thank you Alex for giving us a hand to study phrasal verbs!
Hi Alex,
Thank you for the lesson.is that correct to use put away instead of put back?
I think you can use the phrasal “put away” instead of “put back” since they have the same meaning.
please put away your clothes.
Thanks Alex. I have done 100%
Thank you very much for this lesson. Great it is useful lesson. In quiz i have been done 80%.
So great lesson.
Great teacher.
Many thanks
Wow, phrasal verbs always cause headache for me! Thanks, Mr.Alex! I am so glad to watch yours lessons.
Thanks Alex.
I really loved it, because phrasal verbs are very important,but veru difficult too.Cheers.
F. Martin
thnku.it was a nice quiz.
Thanks Alex! Good Class!
Congratulations, Alex! Your lessons are very good and you speak is easy of understand. Keep up the good job.
This class was very good, thanks!! I have done 100 % in the quizz!
i can’t see the quiz even though i clicked the quiz link why it is invisible 4 me?
Thanks Alex I am improving my English . Your classes are wonderful.
Thank you, it’s very helpful
Thank you, it’s very useful..!!
its re thank really helpful,thank you for the video.
Heey Alex,you the best teacher i’ve ever had !!! I shall invite you to my wedding! :)
Alex! thank you very much.
Great lesson! Thank you so much!!!
Hi Alex, Your lessons are very good and easy to understand.Good job
Thanks for your lesson, it was nice but, I Have a question. In your example when you write “she put off her interview because …” that put off is not with “S” because is third person???
Not, the sentence «she put off her interview» is correct if you think that it is SIMPLE PAST. Remember: the verb «put» is irregular and it has the same form in Present, Past and Participle form.
phrasal are a real nightmare for me, thanks alex, you explained them perfectly well
thanks Alex that lesson is really helpful and interesting
good work, thx :)
Hello Alex. Your lesson is always very good and easily understandable. I always watch your and is feel my English is improving day by day. Thanks for that. I have a problem with the words Although,hence,either, however, and neither. so I will be happy if you teach or explain the meaning and use of these words
Thanks for your lessons. Could you please make a video lesson on separatable and unseparatable verbs?
Thanks, sir i really appreciate
thank you :) it wsa very clear lesson!
Many thanks!
I’m really fond of watching your lessons. You’re my favorite teacher hehe
privet kak dela??
My name is Fabiano, I´ve been wacthed your class and i´ve learned alot with your explanation, your are very good teacher, congratulations !
Hi Alex!
thankyou so much! i like your lesson and its changing my life thankyou again !
very good you are putting up my mind
Thank you for lessen. One”s really usefull
thank you for the lesson it’s was a great lesson.
Great class. Thank you Alex.
thank you Alex you was wonderful
thankx alex
i have question
in seconde example of put down
why you use (( he )) with animal ?
Thanks a lot for you kind help.
Thank you Alex, you help me to improve my level.
For Sultan, i think that it is an error, because animal or thing take it and for human he or she. Thank you for this attention.
Thanks Alex.. It was really nice class.
I have a doubt.
in the quiz, last question.
Our cat, Mittens, was 15 years old when we ___________________. He couldn’t walk anymore.
why Put him down?? why not “Put it down”. could you please clarify.. Thanks
Very good this site. Many interesting lessons about English Grammar.
Thank you teacher. Your lesson is very clear.
Thanx a whole lot Teacher, you have done just perfect
is it correct to say….
(“you want me to put you down?))))
thank you :)
I an an Algerian student and I leart a lot of interesting things thanks to these websisite… thank you
Thank you so much for your lesson, Alex!
thanks Alex for this lesson. I really enjoyed it. Just a other meaning for “put up” : “Put up with someone” means to tolerate or be more patient with him, doesn’t it ?
Hi, Alex you super. Wonderful presentation. Thank you
Hi ,Alex,
you are the best .
I wish you a happy new year .
Tks a lot for everything !!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot, Alex… I have a question that cannot be in the context of the lesson… in the second sentence of ”put down” you used the pronoun ”he” to refer a dog in the parte ”because he was sick ”.. is it incorrect or this can be done?
Respect teacher Alex. May I suggest you one lesson to do for us? I’d like you to do astronomical terms about our Solar sistem. You know, all 8 planets, it used to be 9, but Pluton isn’t a planet anymore, and everything else that is connected with it. Thank you in advance.
Hi Alex..thak you for the great opportunity to practice and refresh my english. I have a question . the word HEAD. As a verb which means move towards. Or to be headed…E.g.Where are we heading? where are you two headed?For the answers I saw FOR and TO. The both words can be used? Or how should be used? Your reply is greatly appreciated..
I think Alex ignored you all x)
Hey friend! this is a great class! I feel I know more about this fantastic language!
I am so happy to found that web site, I am trying to improve my English and your classes are so good. Thank you all of you!
Hi! very useful website and lessons.
you are doing good job!
cheers from Poland
Well done job!
I really learn English with you!
greetz from Warsaw
Hi Alex, thank you for the lesson, so could explain to me about “put on”? It is a phrasal verb? So can you show me any example? Thanks in advance.
Very good teaching style and lesson is also good.. i belive its realy very helpful for students. thx and God Bless you. :)
Great job Maaan)
i can’t access for the quiz, how,pls teach me..tq
Is the same “put back” and “bring back”
I think “put back” means return smt to smt
and “bring back” means return smt to someone:)
Is that right, Alex?:)
Perfect lesson,
Thanks!! Best regards!! K!
i started to work as an english teacher and i think this is a good web site to improve my english, thank you to the lessons.
Pretty Useful. Thank you so much.
Hey Alex , i really enjoyed with this lesson . REALLY I’ve been learning a lot of lessons from this website .
THANKS so much
Thank you very much!
thanks so much teacher alex it was really wonderful lesson
I can understand very well. Thank you
than you alex
it’s very clear ,and very good
i have taken 6 out of 6, which means you are a great teacher.
Alex! thank you very much,you`re very exc
a very usefull lesson,thank you so much Alex.
thanks I`ll never put off your lessons again
i like your lecture,because i am learning a lot. i am from azerbaijan and i am english teacher
thnk you very much its put me up and i shouldn’t to put you down cause you put up my vocabulary so wish do not put off your lesson cause its useful
thanks a lot, Alex.
Our cat, Mittens, was 15 years old when we ___________________. He couldn’t walk anymore.
put him up.
put him back
put him off
put him down.
Is that correct? When talking about animals, shouldn’t we use ‘it’ istead of ‘him’ or ‘her’? That seems confused to me.
If you know the sex of the animal, you can use ‘him’ or ‘her’. Usually, if it is your pet, you will use those words. If you don’t know, you can use ‘it’.
nice lesson as usual! thank you. can you explain more phrasal verbs. im becoming addict.
Hey Alex, I really love the way you come up with ideas and technique and ensure that it helps the needy ones. Well, I am wondering if you could provide me a free link or resource where I can learn more phrasal verbs. I appreciate any help further. =)
Thanks Alex.
I had problem to use them now they almost easy. thank you.
I get a lot out of this lesson thank you.
I was wounder if you could also explain these phrasal verbs too.
put out, put away.
Hi, Alex. Could you help me. Our teacher gave us a quiz. I couldn’t find the answer to the question “Travelling by train between cities you can choose between 2 or 3 completely different prices. Why?”
it’s nice to explain this lesson
thank u alot ..
we are clear,,,,very very thank you teacher,,,;]
Thanks a lot, it is really helpful.
but I am not sure about a sentence which is ” she put off her interview..” I think it suppose to be she puts off .. ;)
I got 6 out of 6, Thanks a lot engvid.com
I couldn’t give up to watch your lessons, they are very useful! see you later.
Thanks a lot for the great explanation. the question is where can I find another phrasal verbs in your explanation. that’ll help me and other to practise our skills.
thank you for your explanation.
thanks for the lesson
very intersting thank you very much
hey alex you are brilliant. Even word brilliant isn’t enough to explain your way of teaching….
Thanks Alex.
Could we say put the milk away as like put it back?
Hai Alex , help me with this two sentence, ‘ I have put down the cat’ and ‘ I have put the cat down’. difference meaning or same meaning. Actually, I’m the beginner student, so a lot question around in my head.
You have put the cat down means you have insulted it, which is incorrect, cats can not be insulted, they are not human.
You have put down the cat means you have killed it.
I woud like to thank you for your amazing way to teach;so many many thanks again for you Alex and all the teachers.
Thank a lot.
I am very happy to find this web.I am very happy with these lesson.
Thank you
this is an awesome program for learning english for all beginners.intrmediate and advance learners.
Thank you, you are awesome. I really enjoy what you are doing it’s helpfully.Just keep going Alex.
great lessons. very helpful for my CAE preparation. Exam soon :)
In Indian subcontinent,they use this phrase in government offices. The boss can ask the assisstant to “put up” the file regarding leave record etc.
I don’t find this meaning in dictionary.
What do you say when you ask your assisttant to submit a file for perusal etc?
Thank Alex. Could you please give us more exercises for each lesion? We need more exercises to deeply understand it.
i love this video …..could u make more video for phrasal verbs?
is there any phrasal verbs list available on internet ?
thanks Alex. i made any mindmap from your lesson. it’s very useful. i want to put it here but i don’t know how can i do
Hello: My name is sozan I live in kurdstan ,Iam student at colleage in English department and Iwant you to help me to English flwently,because I like.please help me.
Great lesson! Thank you Alex!
thank you very much for you alex..i am really glad with your lesson. i more understand what difference the phrasal verbs..
Thanks Alex
This lesson was helpful.
See you next!
Thank you Mr. Alex.
As your style, another excellent lesson.
God Bless You.
Hi Alex,
I like your lessons, are very useful!
Thanks Alex, I like the lesson so much
What about : put forward , put in, put across, put away, put aside, put behind, put through, put together, put out ??
actually ..u was right,u spelled “accommodate” wrong
very nice lesson thank you
Nice web! I am going to England next Setember and I need improve my English listening and speaking skills. It is a good web for that!
iam really exited to watch ur videos and ur such a great teacher for us as we all know
nice lesson alex
thanks Alex nice lesson i am hardworking on it
i’m huge fan of your lessons! thanks endlessly, teacher alex! :)
Thank you so much for these free typing lessons.
thanks alex…
Very good!
thank you i got a perfect score love you ha ha ha
hi Alex! thanks for very good and professional lessons. by the way you are sending good energy that’s way a lot of people enjoyed this web site :) Andrew from Poland
Thats a good lesson. I have a query…
Can we use:
Why did you put down your weight?
not bad 5 out of 6, thanks!
i really like this website,because it’s easy to understand when learn all the lesson. thank all teachers.
very nice teaching thank you
Thanks for your lesson! Everything becomes clear. I’m a teacher at school and your lessons help me and my students much!
Thanks for all teachers
It’s easy and simple to learn with you
Thank you so much!
I just wanted to thank you for making things so easy to understand…..It was my first day in your class…interesting!
It was wonderful lesson, I needed it , tnxxxx Alex ;)
it was very useful lesson,i completely understand.thanks teacher
Thank you, teacher Alex. Thee word “accomodate” is truly challenging.
Hello Alex,
Thank you for your lesson.
I have 6 out of 6.
Have a nice evening!
How can I know the phrasal verb will be separate or not
She puts off the interview
She put off the interview
You’re a great teacher In the world ..go on
Very helpful lesson, thank you very much
Hello!!! I´m happy to improve my English Level through this web.
Best Regards
hi Alex. I understand this lesson thanks a lot
Thank you, needs to learn more from you.
As you usual, you’ve done a great job!
hi Alex,your lessons are really very good oportunity to increas knowledge…I am from georgia and i am glad to find your website
Very clear indeed, you are a genius….
excellent video , as always
thanks for you time and for you help
excellent video , as always
thanks for you time and for you help
Hi ALex! I love your lesson, thanks so much for that.
Hi, Alex! thanks a lot for your lesson. it s very clear and helpful.What a great teacher you are !!! I really like the way you teach , thank you !
Hello teacher.
i have a question for you and really is not mine i found it while i was watching some vidoes on youtube and really i found a good question after i watched your lesson.the question is( chishikato15 2 weeks ago
“she put off her interview because of an emergency” => there was not need put “s” behind “put” when the subject is “she”. anyone can tell me about this problem, plz! thanks!),and really i wonder too,but maybe i have some boldness and i answered instaid you( imad salah 1 second ago
Well its really good notice.as i understood when we talk about the same person we dont need to add the S.
).so please try to give me the right amswer and told me if am wrong or not.because i answerd according what i understood.thaank you again.
The past form of put is the same as the present form, in this case he was using the past simple in the sentence. I hope you made it out.
hello everybody and than u Aalex for this wonderful leson for the last quetion i think we have to say: put it down instead put him down could you please explain me this point
I wish you had more videos with Phrasal Verbs :)
Hello Alex,at first thanks for your English help. When I am using put down, I cannot say ” my boss puts down to me?. Thanks again.
When you are using the phrasal verb put off, and you are cancelling a meeting, you postpone and (put back?), before of it you explained that put back something is return it to its original location, in this case it wouldn’t be put ahead the meeting?, thanks Alex.
Hey Alex,
what’s the meaning of ‘Put in’??
pls explain
Useful lesson! Thanks Alex
wonderful video with my best teacher.Thanks alex
Thank you, it’s very useful.
Yeahhhh thanks a lot Alex. I got sure 100 % of the result.
Thanks a lot Alex.
Thank you very much. It was a great lesson and I got 6/6 in te quiz, but I don’t understand something. Could you tell me what’s the difference between set up and put up?
I don’t want to put any of your lessons off, they are always interesting and useful. Thanks a lot!
Hello alex! I really really LOVE how you explain! I did the quiz and my note was 100!!! I was in an english course here in Venezuela but I practise a lot with this web!
Thanks got 100%.
I like your lesson!!!!! 6 from 6, so cool!!
I’ll never forget that “accommodation” has double m. Thank you Alex!
Is this sentence correct? Question 4.They’re putting up some new buildings downtown. There’s construction (on going) everyday.
Thank you very much teacher Alex!
I think learning new things is one of the spices of life.Thanks a lot.
Thank you.
Good spanish, chief… lol
easy as a lesson
Great lesson,thanks !!!!
Awesome ! great lesson Sir
Thanks a lot
I got 100 scores. I really like Mr.Alex as well as his lessons
nice!! thanks
Alex,hi! thank you for the lesson. could you explain some question:what is the difference between “put back the milk” and “put the milk back”? thank you
100%,I`ve got it!Thanks Alex!
I got perfect score. thanks.
Thanks Alex
Thank You Alex, good as always)
Thank you Alex. What a lesson. Very very useful.
thanks Alex i got a perfect score, i could put off this lesson, because a friend put me up last night and he had a nice laptop, he never put me down and I always have to put the computer back to its original state because I don´t know how it works
Yehey! I got PERFECT! score now. Looks like I’m getting more improvement every day. Thanks, teacher Alex for making this possible for all of us here ;) All Your videos contained more valuable lessons. More power to all of you guys. This is a very AWESOME English learning site.
Thank you so much sir for another lesson.
I tried to make my own sentences.Can you please correct them? I will be grateful to you.
*I become angry when someone try to put me down.
*His boss always puts down the employees who work under him.
*I had to put down the snake who got injured by two inhumane persons and was lying on the road.
*I put the books back in the school bag.
*The principal had to put off the exams because the question paper got leaked.
*The authorities vandalized the slums and put up the new buildings.
*No one was willing to put up a sick old stranger.
*People don’t want to put up anyone in order to maintain their privacy.
Thanks. Alex always helpfully
C’est toujours agréable d’étudier avec vous, Alex. You put up your students always higher.
J’espère que cette phrase anglaise est correcte ???
Thank you Alex for teaching us effectively :)
Thank you for your useful lesson!
I love pharasal verbs..they are strong and important to use in our conversations….100:)
Thank you so much Alex.
Can you help me to getting more exercise of this lesson.
keep it up my teacher you’re the best .
you just implify the idea so it’s break throw my mind easily
Thanks a lot Alex! Every single day I’m learning something new by your lessons!
dear alex I got 10 correct answers out of ten all this knowlegde thanks to you.By the way you look like john ritter aka jack tripper you know remember that show three’s company you re also as funny as him anyway greetings from surco peru
1When soldiers, police, or the government put down a riot or rebellion, they stop it by using force.
2If you put down some money, you pay part of the price of something, and will pay the rest later.
3If you put something down somewhere, you write or type it there.
4Put down whatever you’re doing and join the party!
5Can you put me down at the next corner, please?
6You’d be surprised at the amount that boy can put down in a single day
7I’ll take three boxes; would you put them down (to my account)?
8Put down your expenditure.
9The pilot was able to put the damaged plane down safely.
10I put him down for a fool.
Dear Alex?
would you ba kind enoegh not to get upset yourself…
1.If a political party puts up a candidate in an election or if the candidate puts up, the candidate takes part in the election.
2.To put up the price of something means to cause it to increase.
3.If you put up money for something, you provide the money that is needed to pay for it.
4.To put up resistance to something means to resist it.
5If you put up a poster or notice, you fix it to a wall or board.
6.to put up a stubborn resistance
to put up a fight
7.get acqainted:
to put smb. up to the ways of the place
8.incite, instigate:
best wishes))
Thank you Mr. Alex.
Thank you Alex, I really appreciate with your explanation. It is very clear and easy to understand.
This is great .please, we need more of this .
Thanks Alex ,this is the first time i’ve come across someone is explaining the subject’s place when it’s separable phrasal verb.I haven’t been able to figuredit out for decades.You’re a lifesaver.
Quite grateful for your amazing lesson dear Alex aka “John Ritter” from Toronto
thank you so much