Do you know what a phrasal verb is? In this lesson, I explain what phrasal verbs are, and also give examples of phrasal verbs that make use of the word ‘up’.
I love your teaches my teacher, otherwise am looking forward to have your downloads, have a great day
Hakim Kamula
ther aren t the exercises about this?
you are the best of the best .i like the way you teach grammar very great methods and sensible techniques.thank you very much.i need a lesson of present perfect and present perfect continuous.once again thank you so so so so much from Morocco .
really mariama
You are a very good teacher.
connor timple
Dear, James:
I want to say you, that you are “the man”, i have been learn a lot with yours explanations about common topics, but very useful.
It was wondering if you send me, a list of the most commons phrasal verbs.
Thanks a lot, my best wishes.
Hi george,
I don’t have a list of common phrasal verbs right now but I am working on something to help you. It’s a course that will help you understand phrasal verbs. I’ll let you know when it’s ready. Meanwhile, I will produce other videos to help you with phrasal verbs.
Meanwhile you can check out the phrasal verbs with “bird” and “hand”.
I hope this helps.
Can you speek after finishing your work?
Thank you very much for your class! Well done!
I have a comment for you: the legibility should be improved. What you write can’t almost be read! Anyway, your video cheered me up!
Best wishes,
Pablo Chamorro
Yeah, “Up” is a hip word to use! ( is it slang?)
About James’s writing on this video, I think it’s hard to read just because the light is too bright and it bounces on the whiteboard. Or maybe he’s pen is just running low on ink! hihihihi…
You are right on both counts — the marker was running out and the light was a little too bright.
We’ve fixed the problem and I hope the new lessons are easier to read.
James, you’re very good on teaching.
You’re a gifted person, I see.
Thank you very much for your teachings.
Hi James, my name is Jenny and I’m going to do the IELTS next week. I believe that your videos are very useful especially “idioms” and off course this one. I really apreciate if you tell me where can I look up more useful information about phrasal verbs because I only have found meaning but nothing like your work.
Thanks you and congratulations for your excelent work, you make me laugh a lot ;)
Hi James!
You are a fantastic teacher! congratulations… you clear up some of my doubt! thanks… but I must confess that I must study more… Are there exercises to do? I accept homework…
Miriam Sena de Santana
are there exercise about this lesson?
Miriam Sena de Santana
hi James,
Can you Provide Any Vocabulary Documents which is helpful for us or mail me at
Thank you so much. I enjoy learning from native people. You are nice for teaching. On the other hand is truth that some lesson was nearly invisible for us.
carlos parada
Thank you so much.
really it is a nice lesson. but i think we need more practice about PHRV.
Hi James, You’re a great teacher! I’m going to do the Toefl on the next Saturday, these lessons are very useful! Bye
Dear James,
thank you very very much for your videos – you help so many students!
I know that teaching is hardworking… I worked as a teacher of German language for 25 years. At the time I live in UK and I am trying to improve my English /suffered from German-English schizophrenia/ so I am very thankful for your help!
Wish you all the best!
Your colleague Iva
congrats for you! You’re the best teacher here with such a nice explanation and I feel you have a great pleasure to teach.
I have a questions for you. what about the “down” phrasal verb?
Does it mean that I have to speed down something?? for instance: Write down!
thanks, buddy.
Thank you so much mr.james But i can’t saw the light was very high
Thanks a lot Sir!your lessons are mindblowing..keep up your good work and help people like us who find difficulty in english.we really owe you sir.
dear teacher
i love your way for explaining. i hope you to help me to improve my knowledge in grammer
with my best wishes
thank you so much for your helpe.
hi James,
Thanks James! You’re a great teacher (better than my english teacher at school). I’m happy that i’m found this website – thanks to you.
It’s totally particularly elegant to listening to you instead of that i’m listening to my english teacher at school whose native language is finnish.
I hope that you understand me. Could you tell me how i can learn better english language. And could you fix my typo, please.
Have a nice day!
– tafin
hi james
I have a question about up
what is the difference between I will fill up and I will fill it ?
do we use it only for the future tense ?(how should have used “only” for that question?)
Dear James, i had seen your lessons at website, they are very popular there too….it was interested me, and that is why i desided to be one of your students here…your work is very important for all of your students. it is holiday for me when i am watching your videos…thanks for your work, you make me happy! :)
I’m glad you’ve joined the site, Ruslana! Thanks for supporting us, and please tell your friends about us, too.
Wow! I, finally, understood the ”UP ”.
Thanks James
Great lesson,
Tks James !
Dear James
I like to see your vedios but I don’t know how.
Would you please tell me how watch them.
V. MOhammadi
you are the greatest teasher i ever meet,i have learn a lot because of you. thanks
Dear James,
Thanks so much, finally I found the good teacher as you. And the topics is very very important to increase my english . This is the topic that I have been searching so long.
Hi james,
could you tell me please would vs should
when we can use would and can’t use should and vise versa…
Not yet, NJS. I am not sure if there is enough demand yet. But maybe in the future.
Hi. YES there is.
Thanks so much sir !! you are really great ! Teacher can teach sth but you are making difference !! l like ur sense of honour ! pls keep up to teach :)
hi! Do you have any lessons about using would vs could after wish?
I wish I _______ play the piano
A. would
B. Could
I thank you so much to improve my english.
Hi, Jame You are very good teacher I just more understand about Phrasal verb with (Up) and it still difficult for me with other phrasal verb How can I do? and do you have good more of it ?
Prack SOphay
Prack Sophay
Hi, Teacher Jame
You are a Good teacher. I glad and lucky that I found this website. I learn a lots from this website.
hey james i just want you to know how much imporante is your job as a english teacer I really have leaned a lot with you.thanks a lot
hey guys
Thnx very useful your all videos
Thank you very much for this lesson James.
And I have one question:
Why dont you have an Exams in your lessons??!!
I think it will be better with exams so we can see if we had understand the lesson or not !!
and Thank you again..
Thank you very much.
hi sir,
Thank you so much for this lesson.The first time I watched your video was just to get boredom away but now it’s been my habit. Now I could catch up some of English common words and use them correctly here in our country.
hello james,,
very thanks for your are the best teacher..also where are ı fınd lessons for my mp3 player.
Indeed, a list of phrasal verbs would be a lot helpful. I will wait for it as well.
I hope we”ll soon have it !
Thank you very much, teacher motivation :)
Best, Nassiba
Thanks a milion..
HI!! you are a good teacher! :-)
IT was a very nice English lesson.It is an useful lesson.Thank you for your kind of teaching.I like it a lot.I wish you all the best.Good bye James.CARLOS
Thanks very much
well i really find it easy to understand. wow i want learn more.. thank endvid very much.
Thank you very much teacher…
I understood finally.
you are a very good teacher
you areee the BEST teacher i have ever seen in my life
ur the best teacher ever . thank you so much
You’re the best theater I’ve ever seen!!
I love your way of teaching. It’s amusing.
Thaaanks : )
Could I send an example IELTS writing to you, then try to find any errors and corrections?
Hello “a man”! I think it will be better for you if you’ll change your funny friend under the well-known name “Mr.E” to another animal. And generally you’re a good teacher.
dear instructor, your lesson is really useful. i have a question, in this sentences ‘ he ran up a hill.’ and ‘he ran up a bill.’ which one of those sentences is separable, and which one is inseparable? thank you.
this lesson you see because the light makes reflaxtion
Thanks a lot James!!!!! It was so helpfull for me! this weekend I0m going to have a test, to be exactly on Friday. Thanks again! Nadia from Argentina!
very helpful! thank u:)
Hi James,
Nice work ! I like it!
I don’t know whether you have some post graduate lessons. This will help some of us very much progressing.
thank you for all.
this is a very different aprroaching for learning english. thanks james, but please keep in mind you´re speaking to people who actually are learning english, so slow down a little, just a little
thank a lot and i need learn about ‘out’ (Ex blown out)
It’s very simple to understand, thank you all my eng-vid teachers.
Regards from South Sudan
It’s my pleasure to congratulate you for your good teaching comrade James, i really like your lessons my teacher
Hakim Kamula
Thank you a lot for your brilliant way of teaching.
Hello James,I don’t like, when pople say I’m well and fine because they sometimes not feel this way. How can I say hello in neutral way I’m ok or something like that?
Hi james I’d like you to explain me about up and keep
thank u sir james
thank you it was useful
Thank you so much , teacher.
teaching is a kind of art and u really master it. great!
thao anh le
how to use ‘off’
Hello James,i thank so much
Thanks a lot! You’re giving me the nice basis on ‘UP’.
I’m Japanese, and we don’t have such that basis grammartically. So your lessons are really helpful.
Really, you are outstanding teacher.
Thank you.
Realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly very good
When I saw you programm.I was happy.And also I told to my friends.Meanwhile me & Them are your student James.Thank you very much.
Hello, James
really, you’re doing a great job.
that’s highly appreciated.
I look forward to getting a lesson about phrasal verbs with out as you did the same way with up.
best regards
Hello Sir,
It’s very useful lesson, Thank you sir,
Brilliant lesson, quite easy to understand phrasal verbs with particle: “up”. Thank you so much teacher.
Awesome ,, thx :)
You forgot about the “give up”.)))
never give up it’s such a wonderful life-Hurts)))
I’m listening to right now))
and thanks))
you awesome man
your lessons are very wonderful!but how many times shall i watch the same video to remember it strongly?how many times is it better?your advise?
great… magnifica explicacion , te agradezco mucho..
It`s being great for me have your english classes, I`m now in England an exchange here,, I`ve been here for 3 months already, and I will have 7 months more yet,,but I have to learn more about phrasal verbs,( and of course many things else,,,but now let`s start from them,,,kkkk),,Could You send a common phrasal verbs list,,,cuz I tried to find out on the internet and I found just the longest ones,,it`s pretty difficult to learn all,, my e-mail is,,,thanks buddy
I expect you continue with these lessons here,,,
They`re quite usefull for us beginers..
See U and have a nice day
Thank you
Hey, James teacher, thx a lot.
hi man, im in english school. im asking about if you can teach us something about the subjects like physics or chemistry or whatever.
can you do that?
youssef moawad
Hi james,
can you upload videos about subjects like math or physics or whatever because im in english school and i need to understand them
youssef moawad
Oh you’re amazing teacher!!!
I guess I start to understand english clearly ^^
You are amazing James
keep it up “,)
thank you so so much teacher you are great
You are wonderful teacher
Hi James,
very useful videos, be sure I’m going to follow your classes and will recommend it to my colleagues.
Take care!
Your lesson is very good. Thanks so much.
it was very good
I think James should organize better the way he explains. He should use Alex’s tecnique. Not to abuse of the improvisation.
I have ever found a useful website like engvid . Thank you teachers, you are really doing very well
Hi James!!! You are a very good teacher!!! Thanks!!!
Hiya James you are a very enthusiastic teachers thank you so much. I learnt more from you but I have problems with writing Do you have any recommending ?
hello.lam so glad i found your website.It is very useful,I hve to pass the toefle test so,i need to improve all my 4 skills .Actually i am looking for sombady talk to me in order to improve my spiking or corect my the way I am apriciate it.
actualy “blow up” have more then 2 meanings
Thank’s for Teach me James! Aloha!
thank you
It was interesting, thank you
thank you very much :)
You are the best teacher in the world!!!
Good lesson…thanks
You are a great teacher! I am learning a lot in your lessons.
thanks a lot . u r an amazing teacher
Hi James,
I am really enjoying every and each of your lessons. keep up the Good work.
I don’t know how to pronounce words if they are repeated consequently,mean words like engineering, and many other
and can you tell me how “Z” is pronunced, mean why people say “zi” and others “ze”. thanks!
there is also chik out and slow down
hope u clear it
and it was great lesson by the way
Mr. James, you got one hundred teaching that lesson, I understood everything and I have to congratulate the staff because you are excellent English teachers. You have a good one! Thanks…..
Rafael Ceballos
At university, we`re teaching English conversation course and we make a lot of mistakes in pronunciating some words, so we have to work a littler harder in that part. How can you help us with this please?
Rafael Ceballos
Thank you so much…
Thank you sir.
win min
what about cope up?????????????
thank you i did very enjoy with your class . i hope u will be continue on the lectures.
Your teaching is excellent.
You simplify the complex theory.
English is my native language. Plus I wrote equipment manuals as a technical writer more than ten years. (But I got my B.S. in math.) So I understand what “sounds correct” from every day experience and my technical writing classes and seminars. But when I try to help people in language online chats who come from different language backgrounds, I do not know the rule to explain the correct English.
These videos help me understand the English rules. Truly, I learn a LOT about English when I hear these videos. I hope to eventually listen to them all.
On this “phrasal-verbs-up” I could just feel for you as I saw your felt tip pen skip. I know I would have freaked out, but too late then. A Japanese-English supervisor I had always used the term “list up”. I know we don’t use that in correct English. But I am still not sure how to explain why “list up” would not make sense as the complete list to a person from another language background. So my answer is simply, “That is crazy English.”
Also, the site you reference “” sends people to a particular lesson but not the entire list. They need “” to see the entire list. Too bad with 400 randomly listed sites there is not an index. I wonder too if people with limited English skills would be able to find the video they need. But that is where I come in to guide them to the particular video for a specific application. I am sure not going to reinvent the wheel when all you guys do such a superb job.
Jerel Ellison
You are a great teacher! I am learning a lot in your lessons everyday.
James, I do love your lessons. In fact I’d like to meet each teacher of you. I’m Thiago from Brazil. I watch your videos every single day. Thanks a lot.
first i need to thank u MR. james ur the best teacher u make me understand u have good way to teach student but if i need to speak english what is the best way to do that i learn grammer i dont know where i need to begin plz help me thanks
dear jams you are great teacher
i have a question that you always use this word ” OK you got it “Cool” ” so what is the correct mining of Cool??? if you please tell about Cool
your student
James please explain something about IPA transcription for example upsetdown e is schwa. I don’t even know how all the IPA sybols spelled this why I can’t formulate my question. But this is about long vowel sounds. There is long ‘ae’ thought is like aaaa or like eee but i go astray whi s this sound i mean don’t understand something))
HiRusya)) It nice to meet you here. I enter here when roaming of all the sites around world which not assign to runet)) It ‘s nice to see You Divchina here)))
Good !
PLZ ,, I want EXAM for this lesson !
Hello James,you cheer me up whenever I watch your lesson!It’s a pitty there are not such teachers!My daughter for example had to lern about 50phrasal verbs in one lesson,with all these up,off,in,on etc…it was horrible and the result was horrible too :-)It’s impossible to learn English in a such way….
you are fantastic
great teacher. Very clear! Thanks!
Hi James,
I would like to express my gratitude to you and through you to other engvid great team (Ezecio on top), actually this moment I have wrapped up your lecture (UP) I have finished reviewing two parts of the precious learning videos (Beginner and Intermediate levels)..So please share my celebration with me now. I have started with engvid for 40 continues days ago, starting with Valen and ended with you.
I need your assistance about not to resume working with the advanced level unless reviewing some grammar books like “Grammar in Use”, to better tweaks my English structure.
What do you advice please?
All the Best,
Jalal, Bashar
You are great! Keep it up!
thank you …J.. well done
You are just awesome.. Great teacher; but your maker needs to be replaced… This site is really awesome.. All the teacher are great.
Thyago Perera
excellent lesson, i find it very helpful, thank you very much
Thanks a lot. J
It’s not easy to learn phrasal verb :( So would you mind producing more video teaching us that? Thank you a lot
Thank you for your good lesson. I suggest you for the next time to put the meaning of each phrasal verb you teach on the board in order that we follow you. We need a test after your lesson to practice what you teach us.
Coulibaly Petanguy
Hi my dear son
I enjoyed.
James, you know what? you’er amazing teacher. You ysyally faciliate the lessons to make it easy. also, you usually choose topics that are importnet and useful. Mnay thanks to you from KSA= Saudi Arabia.
Thank you James
Thanks a ton. Very useful lesson.
Hi James,
Thanks for your splendid lessons.
Does “Give up” fit in these three uses of up (complete, move or increase)?
you are an amazing teacher
I finish up to watch the video
hi sir James,
thank you very much for this interesting lesson, i already asked teacher here to give us lesson of this part,however i think we can understand better yet with quiz
Thanks for the awesome lesson! But the white board is a little too bright to be seen.
actually you are awesome
thanks for the lesson
Thank you for your lessons!
Could you, prepare some lessons about to say: “I got it/ I understand”, please? So we should get easily all possible way to express in our response that we “Yeah, I got it, man!” :)
I hope you could catch my idea James. “/
Thank you!
P.S. Please, draw the head of your worm a little bit bigger :) Perhaps, he is already smart enough. ;)
And other thing…
You have used these phrasal verbs: fill up, finish up, catch up, sit up, turn up, cheer up, blow up, grow up…
But could you explain a difference between its infinitive form and phrasal form, please?
I.e. fill up / to fill, finish up / to finish, catch up / to catch, sit up / to sit and so on.
It is really confusing me so if it is possible, clarify it, please.
Thank you, James!
You are the best of all!
Interesting way of teaching…thanks!!!
Why sometimes the preposition is placed at the end:
I wish you would stop beating yourself up
and sometimes it is placed right after the verb?
If I hadn’t messed up the evidence…
I really appreciate the way you do it. I learn a lot thing about phrasal verb in a few minutes.
Hi James. Thank you for your help.I hope my
English will get better soon.
you are excellent teacher.
Great lessons James you are a very good teacher, i decided to start from your first lesson i don’t want to miss any. Thank you very much, i really appreciate a lot your job.
Good lesson. I must see all your lessons here :)
Excellent !!!!
Really cool))).
Even u do not know how amazing thing you are doing thankssssssssssssssssssssssss a lot. I am lucky that I found this website
Thanks for the lesson. I noticed that you said a phrasal verb consists of a verb and a PREPOSITION! I think a preposition is a part of speech that stands BEFORE (or “in front of”) a noun (pre-position). With that definition, UP (like any others of the kind that follow a verb to make phrasal verbs) is not a preposition in phrasal verbs. It’s just part of the verb phrase that makes the verb going along with has a new, distinguished meaning! For example: “Stand up/ sit up” don’t have a noun following it. :) Thanks again. Keep up the good work!
Hi James,
please can you tell me when I can use the participle past of verb to be?
Thank you
thank you so much, i have one recommadation, there is too much lighting in the video , we can’t see very well what you write
James thank you. Your lessons are very useful and I always enjoy :)
How about “set up”? Up here stand for what? Could you please explain a bit about this phrasal verb.
U are very awesome teacher!) Thank u for the lesson!)
Congratulation. Today i could learn this subject that i never learned at a regular english school
Thanks for your teachings! What is the meaning of this expression? = Open up my heart
Thank your Mr. James.
Abdul Qayum
I love when teachers are funny. Otherwise i get bored. Would you throw some light on the phrasal verb ”down”. Is it the same case?
Before some time i wrote somewhere that we use ”up” when we want to emphasize on the meaning,to strenghten it. Is it the same with ”Down”? Thank you in advance!
Thank you James
Great job. Thank you very much. I ask question. Can I use phrasal verbs? For instance. She brings up Also P tense- have bought up?
Very good lesson. You are a great teacher. Congratulation.
Thanks James
Tchin Shi
sank you teacher -there is no test
Thank you James.
Emy Dia
usesfull a lesson. thanks
Thank you so much.
soumia dess
hi, teacher
your lessons are good, but why don’t you put quizzes attached to your lessons?
Nice Understanding both previous one “hold” and this one “up”
U R the best teacher ever :)
thanks …… great lesson
thank you.
ann ann
thank you James.
thank you so much!=D
hi, i do love this lesson. Thanks a lot.
Hi James, I would like to know if the phrasal verb ‘catch up’ actually has another different meaning which is exchange information? Am I right? thanks in advance.
Phrasal verbs are really important to learn and sometimes they are very confusing, so thanks a lot for this lesson.
Great one.
Phrasal Verbs with “Up” mean “Increase, Move and Complete”. It was a good example how to identify the meaning of this type of verbs, some times a little difficult to understand their meanings but we can guess how to use them with this lesson. Thanks a lot.
mr.James you are so young in this video :-)
Hi james ,
you told us about up has 3 forms of UP :-
1. complete
2. move(ment)
3. Increase
In your last video you told us about idiom “Hold up (to wait )” .
so it will come in Movement category ?
and thank you for these lessons .
I had always had the doubt of the meaning of up in some phrasal verbs. When you explained the use of the three categories, light came to my mind and I could understand it.
Thank for your accurate explanation.
Thank you James
Thanks again James, it was too helpful!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thanks for the lessons! I always watch your videos and I am learning a lot things with you
Congratulations you’re great!
Thank you
I can’t believe even 10 years ago you are explain everything completly perfect
Thank you James!
Thnaks for this great video, however you only scratch the surface. Isn’t there a double meaning of UP in “grow up”. Upward movement and completion? Are there cases where UP has meanings different than completion, increase or movement, like in STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT or PUT UP A FIGHT, where UP is the opposite of surrender? What if I GIVE UP trying to understand the logic of phrasal verbs? I do not understand at all MAKE UP FOR , i.e compensate? Aren’t phrasal verbs metaphors of metaphors of metaphors? Are they like a kind of slime mould sending processes all over? My guess is that studying the history of phrasal verb would help a lot. To take an example that has nothing to do with phrasal verbs, there is a verb that means “tell people what they should do” coming from a verb that means “pick up things lying on the floor”. It sounds insane, but it is true. The verb LEGERE in latins originally means collect, pick up. Reading is picking up letters from the page. Of course, you all understand the rest or the story up to LECTURE, tell people what they should do. There are obviously countless such crazy stories with phrasal verbs, it would be great to know about some of them. People who believe there is a neat cognitive explanation behind phrasal verbs are only 50 percent right, because they forget the slimoldy (slime mouldy) nature of linguistic history.
i need to practice on a conversation and i don’t have any partners to do it with so just i was wondering if anyone want it to .or anyone looking for partner to .so just if someone there interested or want it to
PHRASAL VERB means a verb that is followed by preposition. there are 3 meaning of up: 1- increase like speak up- turn up- grow up – blow up , 2- movement like stand up and catch up. the third meaning is complete like fill up , wrap up , finish up . thank you
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
You are very good teacher. Thank you.
I love your teaches my teacher, otherwise am looking forward to have your downloads, have a great day
ther aren t the exercises about this?
you are the best of the best .i like the way you teach grammar very great methods and sensible techniques.thank you very much.i need a lesson of present perfect and present perfect continuous.once again thank you so so so so much from Morocco .
really mariama
You are a very good teacher.
Dear, James:
I want to say you, that you are “the man”, i have been learn a lot with yours explanations about common topics, but very useful.
It was wondering if you send me, a list of the most commons phrasal verbs.
Thanks a lot, my best wishes.
Hi george,
I don’t have a list of common phrasal verbs right now but I am working on something to help you. It’s a course that will help you understand phrasal verbs. I’ll let you know when it’s ready. Meanwhile, I will produce other videos to help you with phrasal verbs.
Meanwhile you can check out the phrasal verbs with “bird” and “hand”.
I hope this helps.
Can you speek after finishing your work?
Thank you very much for your class! Well done!
I have a comment for you: the legibility should be improved. What you write can’t almost be read! Anyway, your video cheered me up!
Best wishes,
Yeah, “Up” is a hip word to use! ( is it slang?)
About James’s writing on this video, I think it’s hard to read just because the light is too bright and it bounces on the whiteboard. Or maybe he’s pen is just running low on ink! hihihihi…
You are right on both counts — the marker was running out and the light was a little too bright.
We’ve fixed the problem and I hope the new lessons are easier to read.
James, you’re very good on teaching.
You’re a gifted person, I see.
Thank you very much for your teachings.
Hi James, my name is Jenny and I’m going to do the IELTS next week. I believe that your videos are very useful especially “idioms” and off course this one. I really apreciate if you tell me where can I look up more useful information about phrasal verbs because I only have found meaning but nothing like your work.
Thanks you and congratulations for your excelent work, you make me laugh a lot ;)
Hi James!
You are a fantastic teacher! congratulations… you clear up some of my doubt! thanks… but I must confess that I must study more… Are there exercises to do? I accept homework…
are there exercise about this lesson?
hi James,
Can you Provide Any Vocabulary Documents which is helpful for us or mail me at
Thank you so much. I enjoy learning from native people. You are nice for teaching. On the other hand is truth that some lesson was nearly invisible for us.
Thank you so much.
really it is a nice lesson. but i think we need more practice about PHRV.
Hi James, You’re a great teacher! I’m going to do the Toefl on the next Saturday, these lessons are very useful! Bye
Dear James,
thank you very very much for your videos – you help so many students!
I know that teaching is hardworking… I worked as a teacher of German language for 25 years. At the time I live in UK and I am trying to improve my English /suffered from German-English schizophrenia/ so I am very thankful for your help!
Wish you all the best!
Your colleague Iva
congrats for you! You’re the best teacher here with such a nice explanation and I feel you have a great pleasure to teach.
I have a questions for you. what about the “down” phrasal verb?
Does it mean that I have to speed down something?? for instance: Write down!
thanks, buddy.
Thank you so much mr.james But i can’t saw the light was very high
Thanks a lot Sir!your lessons are mindblowing..keep up your good work and help people like us who find difficulty in english.we really owe you sir.
dear teacher
i love your way for explaining. i hope you to help me to improve my knowledge in grammer
with my best wishes
thank you so much for your helpe.
hi James,
Thanks James! You’re a great teacher (better than my english teacher at school). I’m happy that i’m found this website – thanks to you.
It’s totally particularly elegant to listening to you instead of that i’m listening to my english teacher at school whose native language is finnish.
I hope that you understand me. Could you tell me how i can learn better english language. And could you fix my typo, please.
Have a nice day!
– tafin
hi james
I have a question about up
what is the difference between I will fill up and I will fill it ?
do we use it only for the future tense ?(how should have used “only” for that question?)
Dear James, i had seen your lessons at website, they are very popular there too….it was interested me, and that is why i desided to be one of your students here…your work is very important for all of your students. it is holiday for me when i am watching your videos…thanks for your work, you make me happy! :)
I’m glad you’ve joined the site, Ruslana! Thanks for supporting us, and please tell your friends about us, too.
Wow! I, finally, understood the ”UP ”.
Thanks James
Great lesson,
Tks James !
Dear James
I like to see your vedios but I don’t know how.
Would you please tell me how watch them.
V. MOhammadi
you are the greatest teasher i ever meet,i have learn a lot because of you. thanks
Dear James,
Thanks so much, finally I found the good teacher as you. And the topics is very very important to increase my english . This is the topic that I have been searching so long.
Hi james,
could you tell me please would vs should
when we can use would and can’t use should and vise versa…
Not yet, NJS. I am not sure if there is enough demand yet. But maybe in the future.
Hi. YES there is.
Thanks so much sir !! you are really great ! Teacher can teach sth but you are making difference !! l like ur sense of honour ! pls keep up to teach :)
hi! Do you have any lessons about using would vs could after wish?
I wish I _______ play the piano
A. would
B. Could
I thank you so much to improve my english.
Hi, Jame You are very good teacher I just more understand about Phrasal verb with (Up) and it still difficult for me with other phrasal verb How can I do? and do you have good more of it ?
Prack SOphay
Hi, Teacher Jame
You are a Good teacher. I glad and lucky that I found this website. I learn a lots from this website.
hey james i just want you to know how much imporante is your job as a english teacer I really have leaned a lot with you.thanks a lot
hey guys
Thnx very useful your all videos
Thank you very much for this lesson James.
And I have one question:
Why dont you have an Exams in your lessons??!!
I think it will be better with exams so we can see if we had understand the lesson or not !!
and Thank you again..
Thank you very much.
hi sir,
Thank you so much for this lesson.The first time I watched your video was just to get boredom away but now it’s been my habit. Now I could catch up some of English common words and use them correctly here in our country.
hello james,,
very thanks for your are the best teacher..also where are ı fınd lessons for my mp3 player.
Indeed, a list of phrasal verbs would be a lot helpful. I will wait for it as well.
I hope we”ll soon have it !
Thank you very much, teacher motivation :)
Best, Nassiba
Thanks a milion..
HI!! you are a good teacher! :-)
IT was a very nice English lesson.It is an useful lesson.Thank you for your kind of teaching.I like it a lot.I wish you all the best.Good bye James.CARLOS
Thanks very much
well i really find it easy to understand. wow i want learn more.. thank endvid very much.
Thank you very much teacher…
I understood finally.
you are a very good teacher
you areee the BEST teacher i have ever seen in my life
ur the best teacher ever . thank you so much
You’re the best theater I’ve ever seen!!
I love your way of teaching. It’s amusing.
Thaaanks : )
Could I send an example IELTS writing to you, then try to find any errors and corrections?
Hello “a man”! I think it will be better for you if you’ll change your funny friend under the well-known name “Mr.E” to another animal. And generally you’re a good teacher.
dear instructor, your lesson is really useful. i have a question, in this sentences ‘ he ran up a hill.’ and ‘he ran up a bill.’ which one of those sentences is separable, and which one is inseparable? thank you.
this lesson you see because the light makes reflaxtion
Thanks a lot James!!!!! It was so helpfull for me! this weekend I0m going to have a test, to be exactly on Friday. Thanks again! Nadia from Argentina!
very helpful! thank u:)
Hi James,
Nice work ! I like it!
I don’t know whether you have some post graduate lessons. This will help some of us very much progressing.
thank you for all.
this is a very different aprroaching for learning english. thanks james, but please keep in mind you´re speaking to people who actually are learning english, so slow down a little, just a little
thank a lot and i need learn about ‘out’ (Ex blown out)
It’s very simple to understand, thank you all my eng-vid teachers.
Regards from South Sudan
It’s my pleasure to congratulate you for your good teaching comrade James, i really like your lessons my teacher
Thank you a lot for your brilliant way of teaching.
Hello James,I don’t like, when pople say I’m well and fine because they sometimes not feel this way. How can I say hello in neutral way I’m ok or something like that?
Hi james I’d like you to explain me about up and keep
thank u sir james
thank you it was useful
Thank you so much , teacher.
teaching is a kind of art and u really master it. great!
how to use ‘off’
Hello James,i thank so much
Thanks a lot! You’re giving me the nice basis on ‘UP’.
I’m Japanese, and we don’t have such that basis grammartically. So your lessons are really helpful.
Really, you are outstanding teacher.
Thank you.
Realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly very good
When I saw you programm.I was happy.And also I told to my friends.Meanwhile me & Them are your student James.Thank you very much.
Hello, James
really, you’re doing a great job.
that’s highly appreciated.
I look forward to getting a lesson about phrasal verbs with out as you did the same way with up.
best regards
Hello Sir,
It’s very useful lesson, Thank you sir,
Brilliant lesson, quite easy to understand phrasal verbs with particle: “up”. Thank you so much teacher.
Awesome ,, thx :)
You forgot about the “give up”.)))
never give up it’s such a wonderful life-Hurts)))
I’m listening to right now))
and thanks))
you awesome man
your lessons are very wonderful!but how many times shall i watch the same video to remember it strongly?how many times is it better?your advise?
great… magnifica explicacion , te agradezco mucho..
It`s being great for me have your english classes, I`m now in England an exchange here,, I`ve been here for 3 months already, and I will have 7 months more yet,,but I have to learn more about phrasal verbs,( and of course many things else,,,but now let`s start from them,,,kkkk),,Could You send a common phrasal verbs list,,,cuz I tried to find out on the internet and I found just the longest ones,,it`s pretty difficult to learn all,, my e-mail is,,,thanks buddy
I expect you continue with these lessons here,,,
They`re quite usefull for us beginers..
See U and have a nice day
Thank you
Hey, James teacher, thx a lot.
hi man, im in english school. im asking about if you can teach us something about the subjects like physics or chemistry or whatever.
can you do that?
Hi james,
can you upload videos about subjects like math or physics or whatever because im in english school and i need to understand them
Oh you’re amazing teacher!!!
I guess I start to understand english clearly ^^
You are amazing James
keep it up “,)
thank you so so much teacher you are great
You are wonderful teacher
Hi James,
very useful videos, be sure I’m going to follow your classes and will recommend it to my colleagues.
Take care!
Your lesson is very good. Thanks so much.
it was very good
I think James should organize better the way he explains. He should use Alex’s tecnique. Not to abuse of the improvisation.
I have ever found a useful website like engvid . Thank you teachers, you are really doing very well
Hi James!!! You are a very good teacher!!! Thanks!!!
Hiya James you are a very enthusiastic teachers thank you so much. I learnt more from you but I have problems with writing Do you have any recommending ?
hello.lam so glad i found your website.It is very useful,I hve to pass the toefle test so,i need to improve all my 4 skills .Actually i am looking for sombady talk to me in order to improve my spiking or corect my the way I am apriciate it.
actualy “blow up” have more then 2 meanings
Thank’s for Teach me James! Aloha!
thank you
It was interesting, thank you
thank you very much :)
You are the best teacher in the world!!!
Good lesson…thanks
You are a great teacher! I am learning a lot in your lessons.
thanks a lot . u r an amazing teacher
Hi James,
I am really enjoying every and each of your lessons. keep up the Good work.
I don’t know how to pronounce words if they are repeated consequently,mean words like engineering, and many other
and can you tell me how “Z” is pronunced, mean why people say “zi” and others “ze”. thanks!
there is also chik out and slow down
hope u clear it
and it was great lesson by the way
Mr. James, you got one hundred teaching that lesson, I understood everything and I have to congratulate the staff because you are excellent English teachers. You have a good one! Thanks…..
At university, we`re teaching English conversation course and we make a lot of mistakes in pronunciating some words, so we have to work a littler harder in that part. How can you help us with this please?
Thank you so much…
Thank you sir.
what about cope up?????????????
thank you i did very enjoy with your class . i hope u will be continue on the lectures.
Your teaching is excellent.
You simplify the complex theory.
English is my native language. Plus I wrote equipment manuals as a technical writer more than ten years. (But I got my B.S. in math.) So I understand what “sounds correct” from every day experience and my technical writing classes and seminars. But when I try to help people in language online chats who come from different language backgrounds, I do not know the rule to explain the correct English.
These videos help me understand the English rules. Truly, I learn a LOT about English when I hear these videos. I hope to eventually listen to them all.
On this “phrasal-verbs-up” I could just feel for you as I saw your felt tip pen skip. I know I would have freaked out, but too late then. A Japanese-English supervisor I had always used the term “list up”. I know we don’t use that in correct English. But I am still not sure how to explain why “list up” would not make sense as the complete list to a person from another language background. So my answer is simply, “That is crazy English.”
Also, the site you reference “” sends people to a particular lesson but not the entire list. They need “” to see the entire list. Too bad with 400 randomly listed sites there is not an index. I wonder too if people with limited English skills would be able to find the video they need. But that is where I come in to guide them to the particular video for a specific application. I am sure not going to reinvent the wheel when all you guys do such a superb job.
You are a great teacher! I am learning a lot in your lessons everyday.
James, I do love your lessons. In fact I’d like to meet each teacher of you. I’m Thiago from Brazil. I watch your videos every single day. Thanks a lot.
first i need to thank u MR. james ur the best teacher u make me understand u have good way to teach student but if i need to speak english what is the best way to do that i learn grammer i dont know where i need to begin plz help me thanks
dear jams you are great teacher
i have a question that you always use this word ” OK you got it “Cool” ” so what is the correct mining of Cool??? if you please tell about Cool
your student
James please explain something about IPA transcription for example upsetdown e is schwa. I don’t even know how all the IPA sybols spelled this why I can’t formulate my question. But this is about long vowel sounds. There is long ‘ae’ thought is like aaaa or like eee but i go astray whi s this sound i mean don’t understand something))
HiRusya)) It nice to meet you here. I enter here when roaming of all the sites around world which not assign to runet)) It ‘s nice to see You Divchina here)))
Good !
PLZ ,, I want EXAM for this lesson !
Hello James,you cheer me up whenever I watch your lesson!It’s a pitty there are not such teachers!My daughter for example had to lern about 50phrasal verbs in one lesson,with all these up,off,in,on etc…it was horrible and the result was horrible too :-)It’s impossible to learn English in a such way….
you are fantastic
great teacher. Very clear! Thanks!
Hi James,
I would like to express my gratitude to you and through you to other engvid great team (Ezecio on top), actually this moment I have wrapped up your lecture (UP) I have finished reviewing two parts of the precious learning videos (Beginner and Intermediate levels)..So please share my celebration with me now. I have started with engvid for 40 continues days ago, starting with Valen and ended with you.
I need your assistance about not to resume working with the advanced level unless reviewing some grammar books like “Grammar in Use”, to better tweaks my English structure.
What do you advice please?
All the Best,
Jalal, Bashar
You are great! Keep it up!
thank you …J.. well done
You are just awesome.. Great teacher; but your maker needs to be replaced… This site is really awesome.. All the teacher are great.
excellent lesson, i find it very helpful, thank you very much
Thanks a lot. J
It’s not easy to learn phrasal verb :( So would you mind producing more video teaching us that? Thank you a lot
Thank you for your good lesson. I suggest you for the next time to put the meaning of each phrasal verb you teach on the board in order that we follow you. We need a test after your lesson to practice what you teach us.
Hi my dear son
I enjoyed.
James, you know what? you’er amazing teacher. You ysyally faciliate the lessons to make it easy. also, you usually choose topics that are importnet and useful. Mnay thanks to you from KSA= Saudi Arabia.
Thank you James
Thanks a ton. Very useful lesson.
Hi James,
Thanks for your splendid lessons.
Does “Give up” fit in these three uses of up (complete, move or increase)?
you are an amazing teacher
I finish up to watch the video
hi sir James,
thank you very much for this interesting lesson, i already asked teacher here to give us lesson of this part,however i think we can understand better yet with quiz
Thanks for the awesome lesson! But the white board is a little too bright to be seen.
actually you are awesome
thanks for the lesson
Thank you for your lessons!
Could you, prepare some lessons about to say: “I got it/ I understand”, please? So we should get easily all possible way to express in our response that we “Yeah, I got it, man!” :)
I hope you could catch my idea James. “/
Thank you!
P.S. Please, draw the head of your worm a little bit bigger :) Perhaps, he is already smart enough. ;)
And other thing…
You have used these phrasal verbs: fill up, finish up, catch up, sit up, turn up, cheer up, blow up, grow up…
But could you explain a difference between its infinitive form and phrasal form, please?
I.e. fill up / to fill, finish up / to finish, catch up / to catch, sit up / to sit and so on.
It is really confusing me so if it is possible, clarify it, please.
Thank you, James!
You are the best of all!
Interesting way of teaching…thanks!!!
Why sometimes the preposition is placed at the end:
I wish you would stop beating yourself up
and sometimes it is placed right after the verb?
If I hadn’t messed up the evidence…
I really appreciate the way you do it. I learn a lot thing about phrasal verb in a few minutes.
Hi James. Thank you for your help.I hope my
English will get better soon.
you are excellent teacher.
Great lessons James you are a very good teacher, i decided to start from your first lesson i don’t want to miss any. Thank you very much, i really appreciate a lot your job.
Good lesson. I must see all your lessons here :)
Excellent !!!!
Really cool))).
Even u do not know how amazing thing you are doing thankssssssssssssssssssssssss a lot. I am lucky that I found this website
Thanks for the lesson. I noticed that you said a phrasal verb consists of a verb and a PREPOSITION! I think a preposition is a part of speech that stands BEFORE (or “in front of”) a noun (pre-position). With that definition, UP (like any others of the kind that follow a verb to make phrasal verbs) is not a preposition in phrasal verbs. It’s just part of the verb phrase that makes the verb going along with has a new, distinguished meaning! For example: “Stand up/ sit up” don’t have a noun following it. :) Thanks again. Keep up the good work!
Hi James,
please can you tell me when I can use the participle past of verb to be?
Thank you
thank you so much, i have one recommadation, there is too much lighting in the video , we can’t see very well what you write
James thank you. Your lessons are very useful and I always enjoy :)
How about “set up”? Up here stand for what? Could you please explain a bit about this phrasal verb.
U are very awesome teacher!) Thank u for the lesson!)
Congratulation. Today i could learn this subject that i never learned at a regular english school
Thanks for your teachings! What is the meaning of this expression? = Open up my heart
Thank your Mr. James.
I love when teachers are funny. Otherwise i get bored. Would you throw some light on the phrasal verb ”down”. Is it the same case?
Before some time i wrote somewhere that we use ”up” when we want to emphasize on the meaning,to strenghten it. Is it the same with ”Down”? Thank you in advance!
Thank you James
Great job. Thank you very much. I ask question. Can I use phrasal verbs? For instance. She brings up Also P tense- have bought up?
Very good lesson. You are a great teacher. Congratulation.
Thanks James
sank you teacher -there is no test
Thank you James.
usesfull a lesson. thanks
Thank you so much.
hi, teacher
your lessons are good, but why don’t you put quizzes attached to your lessons?
Nice Understanding both previous one “hold” and this one “up”
U R the best teacher ever :)
thanks …… great lesson
thank you.
thank you James.
thank you so much!=D
hi, i do love this lesson. Thanks a lot.
Hi James, I would like to know if the phrasal verb ‘catch up’ actually has another different meaning which is exchange information? Am I right? thanks in advance.
Phrasal verbs are really important to learn and sometimes they are very confusing, so thanks a lot for this lesson.
Great one.
Phrasal Verbs with “Up” mean “Increase, Move and Complete”. It was a good example how to identify the meaning of this type of verbs, some times a little difficult to understand their meanings but we can guess how to use them with this lesson. Thanks a lot.
mr.James you are so young in this video :-)
Hi james ,
you told us about up has 3 forms of UP :-
1. complete
2. move(ment)
3. Increase
In your last video you told us about idiom “Hold up (to wait )” .
so it will come in Movement category ?
and thank you for these lessons .
I had always had the doubt of the meaning of up in some phrasal verbs. When you explained the use of the three categories, light came to my mind and I could understand it.
Thank for your accurate explanation.
Thank you James
Thanks again James, it was too helpful!
Thanks for the lessons! I always watch your videos and I am learning a lot things with you
Congratulations you’re great!
Thank you
I can’t believe even 10 years ago you are explain everything completly perfect
Thank you James!
Thnaks for this great video, however you only scratch the surface. Isn’t there a double meaning of UP in “grow up”. Upward movement and completion? Are there cases where UP has meanings different than completion, increase or movement, like in STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHT or PUT UP A FIGHT, where UP is the opposite of surrender? What if I GIVE UP trying to understand the logic of phrasal verbs? I do not understand at all MAKE UP FOR , i.e compensate? Aren’t phrasal verbs metaphors of metaphors of metaphors? Are they like a kind of slime mould sending processes all over? My guess is that studying the history of phrasal verb would help a lot. To take an example that has nothing to do with phrasal verbs, there is a verb that means “tell people what they should do” coming from a verb that means “pick up things lying on the floor”. It sounds insane, but it is true. The verb LEGERE in latins originally means collect, pick up. Reading is picking up letters from the page. Of course, you all understand the rest or the story up to LECTURE, tell people what they should do. There are obviously countless such crazy stories with phrasal verbs, it would be great to know about some of them. People who believe there is a neat cognitive explanation behind phrasal verbs are only 50 percent right, because they forget the slimoldy (slime mouldy) nature of linguistic history.
i need to practice on a conversation and i don’t have any partners to do it with so just i was wondering if anyone want it to .or anyone looking for partner to .so just if someone there interested or want it to
PHRASAL VERB means a verb that is followed by preposition. there are 3 meaning of up: 1- increase like speak up- turn up- grow up – blow up , 2- movement like stand up and catch up. the third meaning is complete like fill up , wrap up , finish up . thank you