This is a high-intermediate or advanced class. We use clauses and phrases regularly in English, and this lesson will help you quickly master them to better understand the language.
You are the best teacher …your lessons are very funny and usefull))
i luv that…
Uau, this’ really nice.
very good
Gee!! It was wonderful! I have never gotten to understant it Portugues( cause I am brasilian) but I have just gotten to understand it in English…..thanks a lot!!!! I think that I love you! Keep this way!Your art is beautiful! =D
Miriam Sena de Santana
easy to understand
My name is Oscar Trigueros. I am a 33 years ole teacher. I have been teaching for 12 years now. I wanted to commen that I use your lesson to assist me in my IELTS PREPERATION COURSES. tHANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. yOU ARE A WONDERFUL TEACHER AND GIVE MEANING TO TEACHING
I don´t know if you can explain the topic: active voice and pasive voice
the way you teach is extremely good and i’m really enjoying your lessons.
Thanks a lot . The way u teach is very good.
good lec sir
nice try , i appreciate it
your lessson is verry atractive. you are comlete confident and fun. Thanks for what you done.
ur lessons very positive and interesting, what giving for us desire to watch ur lessons more and more
ty a lot u r best!
I’m from Russia and my dream is to visit Great Britain or America. I’m happy that I have such a great opportunity to learn English with the help of the native speaker. And I’d like to add that this speaker is a very nice and handsome man)) It would be great if you invite me to visit your lessons in real life))
yours idea Alena is gorgeous :)
we have to organize a trip in that English school ;)
read my profile Elena. i’d need to talk in english with other peaple.
I am homeschooling my kids and have been totally at a loss regarding phrases and clauses. You are the only person to have ever made sense of this and I applaud you!!! Thanks a million!
you said a phrase has a verb or a noun and you showed some phrasal verbs, but what about “turn on the volume”? it has a verb & a noun (volume) . You wrote “pick it up”, well in this case “pick” is a verb and “it” is a subject noun, so it’s also a noun.
And you said a clause has a verb and a noun.
So please, could you tell me if the two examples I gave you are phrases or clauses?
This is very nice James.
hoohhhohohoh omy goooodooododoodododnesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, day by day I believe, you are the best teacher that I met.
jame is the best teacher.
I hope you will show us more videos.
I like your character
very nice
if i were study a lot about english i would be like u
can you give more example about your lessons today. how do you use after before and while in sentences.
thank you very much.imfrom morocco.
kl im from morocco as well
im from ksar el kabir
thanks a lot. i love teacher and teaching way. it is easy to understand and remember. i will access this website twenty four seven!
ngoc dudu
i like the way you teach. :)
This is a great resource. I’m a student at Wisconsin’s Madison Area Technical College, and I actually use this for further explanation and understanding about subjects. GREAT JOB, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ! <:D
thanks for another good lesson
so dirty desk))))to Alena from Russia:teachers are from Canada)))
Evgenia A
Hi James,
I’m from Haiti and I’ve been studying English for years but I’ve never had the chance to have such a good teacher. And for the most part I was alone in my studies. Now you’re my online friend and teacher. I will have to take toefl and SAT very soon and would like to find more stuff on toefl ibt and SAT on this website.
Keep doing it! As everybody is saying; you’re a very talented and funny teacher, your lessons are amusing! That’s the most effective way to learn.
Jn Elysee
James I like your lectures! They are amazing. School days are the golden period of man’s life. When I watch your lectures, the memory of my childhood school is refreshed.
I find your lesson great! Thanks for sharing them.
I truly thank you for your efforts, Professor James mighty frank I benefited a lot from that place.Well
It was great. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha! That is classic point of view.
Crack Miley
hi i live in pakistan karachi i really like your website its very easy to understand about englsih language. i really appriciate your team for this job could you please send me some videos about conditions 1.2and 3 i want to know about these all
naveed karachi
hi james how are u? thanks for the lesson you made me understand about the different of phrases and clauses.and now can u tell me more about noun, adjective, and adverb clauses. thank you so much.
Thank you so much .
You are the best teacher …your lessons are very funny and usefull
Great! now where’s the quiz?
WOOOO this is fantastic I’m now spending my free time improving my english grammar.
ur the best teacher the way u teach is awesome
Brilliant, helps sentences make sense. Need more lessons on clauses please.
Rashida Yvonne Campbell
Nice Job James! I like your today lesson. You teach the best. You are very funny teacher I ever had!!! God Bless You!
Lwan Koko Tun
hi! james i luv ur speech,i luv ur lecture,ur just amazin’ryt!………..
nijwm basumatary
Hi james, is it correct saying “I liked shopping when I was there”
hej can you make a lesson with clauses of purpose ????
u are fantastic james…..
Hi James!
As always you were great and cool in your lesson!!!!
keep up teaching!
another effective lessons from engvid thanks a lot. Hoping to have more effective lessons in the future too. M. Munir Omery from Afghanistan.
Hello James– I looking a lesson using articles (a,an,the), but from James’s version. regards.
james im in college and in 95-07 english and im 44 so i have to get back in the grove of things. like verbs and nouns prepostions linking verbs predicates clauses and i have adhd help
thnx i want just to say that i like ur exlanation
this lesson give me a clear clarity.
thankyou alot james for that lesson
best lesson ever and u are the best teacher
plz make more vids
james,ur way of teaching is 2 much effective….it get stored in the mind automatically….keep on imparting ur knowledge wth ur awesome efforts.
hi mir. James you are really agood teasher and I like the way you teash. howevertry to do more videos on all claues please.thank you so much
Mr. James thank you very much for your great explanation. I love it what a nice explanation. Now I clearly understand the difference between phrase & clause.
MR. James would you Please! correct My Grammar if some mistake in this sentence. thanks again & God Bless!
you are awesome
can we get exercise for that lessons .
James,thanks for the explanation. I would very much appreciate if you explain about phrases and clauses in terms of noun clauses and phrases and so on.
hi.. thts a nice persentation, but excuse me to say that i disagree to the point of CLAUSE.. wht i learned about it is.. it’s a sentence tht has S n V ty very much, i hope u dont mind it.. good luck.. i love this website
please check again about CLAUSE, ty
please check again the clauses.Also make quiz
mohameed metwally
it was amazing presantation..Thanks a lot
mohameed metwally
thx a lot
Dear Mr.James.
Your lessons are very useful and had saved me a lot of time.
Could you upload videos on noun phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases, prepositional phrases, infinitive phrases, participial phrases, adverbial phrases, and adjectival phrases. I’m prone to interactive learning and your lessons are excellent for me to understand. Can any of you(all of you are good!) help me with all these please?I’m having an exam pretty soon.Please respond to me as soon as possible.Thanks in advance!
sir pls provide the 3gp formats to download it will be really helpful for us
Hi James.
I just wonder about the sentence you said “I ate dinner”
Can we use the word “eat” with breakfast,launch and dinner”?
Because my English teacher teach me that we only can use “have” with breakfast,launch and dinner.
We say “eat” with the food.
Ex. I eat pizza.
Could you please explain for me?
nice comment bro.
i agree with you raihan
Hello friend,
Good query ..
What James said, is right.What your teacher told to you,is also right.
Explanation:I ate dinner and i had dinner both are right.
Certain verbs like eat,enjoy,experience,drink and take can be replaced by have.
Means you can also use have instead of these verbs.
I’m drinking coffee / I’m having coffee
I took lunch / I had lunch
Hopefully, i’ll help you.
love you my jamesssssssssssssssss
It is so easy to understand with you!!!.
Thanks, James
You are such a great teacher!!!
thanks again!!!now i got it
very powerful.from: Dom-Rep.
thanks alot for your usefull lessons.
Makiona Nzola
nice and thanks sr
Your class is great clear, simple, and direct. Thank you so much for stay in this web side !!:)
Thanks alot your are the best ,but i can not find quiz for your lessons would you what’s wrong.
Mr.James ❤
I watched your lessons over 90 and made notebook for my memory.
Your teaching saved me from the wall that I couldn’t come up by myself.
I can’t thank you enough and you made me kind of crazy because I laugh alone while I am watching your lessons.
Mr,E is the best suporter for you and he is cute(the neautral ^ ^)
I think you are popular from your students.
The party(yours 100) was not so enjoyable but it was funny.
I wish you keep on teaching everywhere.
Hi James! My name is Vander.I live in São Paulo Brasil. God Always give you health and many Blessings.You are a great teacher and great person.Thank you for all!!!
Hello James! You are a really helpful instructor. but, I would like to have a quiz for this lesson.
Hello to all of you,
thanks a lot for the practically and perfectly useful teaching.
best regards,
Thank for the lesson, it’s really useful :)
Yeahhh , I am sorry that this was the last lesson by you here in ENGVID.COM // I want to thank you a lot for everything you have done for us.
you are the best james, awesome!
Luis Miguel Sanchez
It’s official.. Mr.James is my new favorite English teacher. Funny and Human :)
pretty good! I understand it easier.
many thanks indeed ;)
I understood but not in depth.
I agree to all of these comments. For years in the Philippines, you are the only person that made me understand clauses and phrases. Now it is permanently carved on my brain lol, I hope to watch more videos of you. Thank you James
You are a wonderful teacher
Please give lecture elaborately on kinds of Phrase and clause.
thanks teacher
Arwa khalid
Hello Mr. James!!!
You are the best teacher I have ever seen.
Can explain difference between Gerund&Infinitive. I’m suffering to choose one of them. It is very confusable for me. For instance,
The models practiced (walking/to walk) with a book balanced on their heads.
Mandy has promised (takin/to take) care of our dog while we are on vacation…
Please, help me
What would you say this time James about Superman and Batman?
where are the quizes?
the lesson is so nice :) but i just hate the scratch sounds of the pen. it’s so uncomfortable :(
Then, a sentence may be divided in a “phrase” (with a noun or with a verb but not mixed) and a “clause” (with a noun as a subject and a verb as a meaning), therefore a phrase and a clause are different but they are parts of a sentence. Furthermore, a clause may be also divided in Independent Clauses and Dependent Clauses separated by comas or relative pronouns. I have understood this concept and besides I have distinguished the difference. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
awesome lesson
James,recently, i got a twitter account. Do you think it will improve my english skills? By the way i love your english classes!
what is clause?
where is the quiz,I want quiz.
kickass guy. Your class is clear and amusing
Your class is clear and amusing. Excellent job!
i love your videos you have made grammar intresting and easy for my exams
Thank you James
Wouldn’t “as” be a word for time clauses too? E.g. “She thanked him as she was leaving”.
Leonardo Matos
thanks, Sir James.
Thank you very much James!
It’s very informative. I am paying attention to what you’re teaching us right now. It can be a great help to me in improving my English Grammar.
thx very good vid
All of you are excellent teachers. I have learned a lot with your videos. Thank you!!
I like the way you teach because you make fun.
Hi James, Good tip…very good information. tks
Paulo Bet
thanks mr james for ur kindness
very fast speaking teacher . it is not good for nonnative learners
Hi James,
Can you make a lesson of “prepositions at the end of clauses”
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
You are the best teacher …your lessons are very funny and usefull))
i luv that…
Uau, this’ really nice.
very good
Gee!! It was wonderful! I have never gotten to understant it Portugues( cause I am brasilian) but I have just gotten to understand it in English…..thanks a lot!!!! I think that I love you! Keep this way!Your art is beautiful! =D
easy to understand
My name is Oscar Trigueros. I am a 33 years ole teacher. I have been teaching for 12 years now. I wanted to commen that I use your lesson to assist me in my IELTS PREPERATION COURSES. tHANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP. yOU ARE A WONDERFUL TEACHER AND GIVE MEANING TO TEACHING
I don´t know if you can explain the topic: active voice and pasive voice
Dear Edwin,
Here’s a video that might help you..=)
Thanks a lot ! Easy to understand .
the way you teach is extremely good and i’m really enjoying your lessons.
Thanks a lot . The way u teach is very good.
good lec sir
nice try , i appreciate it
your lessson is verry atractive. you are comlete confident and fun. Thanks for what you done.
ur lessons very positive and interesting, what giving for us desire to watch ur lessons more and more
ty a lot u r best!
I’m from Russia and my dream is to visit Great Britain or America. I’m happy that I have such a great opportunity to learn English with the help of the native speaker. And I’d like to add that this speaker is a very nice and handsome man)) It would be great if you invite me to visit your lessons in real life))
yours idea Alena is gorgeous :)
we have to organize a trip in that English school ;)
read my profile Elena. i’d need to talk in english with other peaple.
I am homeschooling my kids and have been totally at a loss regarding phrases and clauses. You are the only person to have ever made sense of this and I applaud you!!! Thanks a million!
you said a phrase has a verb or a noun and you showed some phrasal verbs, but what about “turn on the volume”? it has a verb & a noun (volume) . You wrote “pick it up”, well in this case “pick” is a verb and “it” is a subject noun, so it’s also a noun.
And you said a clause has a verb and a noun.
So please, could you tell me if the two examples I gave you are phrases or clauses?
This is very nice James.
hoohhhohohoh omy goooodooododoodododnesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, day by day I believe, you are the best teacher that I met.
jame is the best teacher.
I hope you will show us more videos.
I like your character
very nice
if i were study a lot about english i would be like u
can you give more example about your lessons today. how do you use after before and while in sentences.
thank you very much.imfrom morocco.
kl im from morocco as well
im from ksar el kabir
thanks a lot. i love teacher and teaching way. it is easy to understand and remember. i will access this website twenty four seven!
i like the way you teach. :)
This is a great resource. I’m a student at Wisconsin’s Madison Area Technical College, and I actually use this for further explanation and understanding about subjects. GREAT JOB, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ! <:D
thanks for another good lesson
so dirty desk))))to Alena from Russia:teachers are from Canada)))
Hi James,
I’m from Haiti and I’ve been studying English for years but I’ve never had the chance to have such a good teacher. And for the most part I was alone in my studies. Now you’re my online friend and teacher. I will have to take toefl and SAT very soon and would like to find more stuff on toefl ibt and SAT on this website.
Keep doing it! As everybody is saying; you’re a very talented and funny teacher, your lessons are amusing! That’s the most effective way to learn.
James I like your lectures! They are amazing. School days are the golden period of man’s life. When I watch your lectures, the memory of my childhood school is refreshed.
I find your lesson great! Thanks for sharing them.
I truly thank you for your efforts, Professor James mighty frank I benefited a lot from that place.Well
It was great. Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha! That is classic point of view.
hi i live in pakistan karachi i really like your website its very easy to understand about englsih language. i really appriciate your team for this job could you please send me some videos about conditions 1.2and 3 i want to know about these all
hi james how are u? thanks for the lesson you made me understand about the different of phrases and clauses.and now can u tell me more about noun, adjective, and adverb clauses. thank you so much.
Thank you so much .
You are the best teacher …your lessons are very funny and usefull
Great! now where’s the quiz?
WOOOO this is fantastic I’m now spending my free time improving my english grammar.
ur the best teacher the way u teach is awesome
Brilliant, helps sentences make sense. Need more lessons on clauses please.
Nice Job James! I like your today lesson. You teach the best. You are very funny teacher I ever had!!! God Bless You!
hi! james i luv ur speech,i luv ur lecture,ur just amazin’ryt!………..
Hi james, is it correct saying “I liked shopping when I was there”
hej can you make a lesson with clauses of purpose ????
u are fantastic james…..
Hi James!
As always you were great and cool in your lesson!!!!
keep up teaching!
another effective lessons from engvid thanks a lot. Hoping to have more effective lessons in the future too. M. Munir Omery from Afghanistan.
Hello James– I looking a lesson using articles (a,an,the), but from James’s version. regards.
james im in college and in 95-07 english and im 44 so i have to get back in the grove of things. like verbs and nouns prepostions linking verbs predicates clauses and i have adhd help
thnx i want just to say that i like ur exlanation
this lesson give me a clear clarity.
thankyou alot james for that lesson
best lesson ever and u are the best teacher
plz make more vids
james,ur way of teaching is 2 much effective….it get stored in the mind automatically….keep on imparting ur knowledge wth ur awesome efforts.
hi mir. James you are really agood teasher and I like the way you teash. howevertry to do more videos on all claues please.thank you so much
Mr. James thank you very much for your great explanation. I love it what a nice explanation. Now I clearly understand the difference between phrase & clause.
MR. James would you Please! correct My Grammar if some mistake in this sentence. thanks again & God Bless!
you are awesome
can we get exercise for that lessons .
James,thanks for the explanation. I would very much appreciate if you explain about phrases and clauses in terms of noun clauses and phrases and so on.
hi.. thts a nice persentation, but excuse me to say that i disagree to the point of CLAUSE.. wht i learned about it is.. it’s a sentence tht has S n V ty very much, i hope u dont mind it.. good luck.. i love this website
please check again about CLAUSE, ty
please check again the clauses.Also make quiz
it was amazing presantation..Thanks a lot
thx a lot
Dear Mr.James.
Your lessons are very useful and had saved me a lot of time.
Could you upload videos on noun phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases, prepositional phrases, infinitive phrases, participial phrases, adverbial phrases, and adjectival phrases. I’m prone to interactive learning and your lessons are excellent for me to understand. Can any of you(all of you are good!) help me with all these please?I’m having an exam pretty soon.Please respond to me as soon as possible.Thanks in advance!
sir pls provide the 3gp formats to download it will be really helpful for us
Hi James.
I just wonder about the sentence you said “I ate dinner”
Can we use the word “eat” with breakfast,launch and dinner”?
Because my English teacher teach me that we only can use “have” with breakfast,launch and dinner.
We say “eat” with the food.
Ex. I eat pizza.
Could you please explain for me?
nice comment bro.
i agree with you raihan
Hello friend,
Good query ..
What James said, is right.What your teacher told to you,is also right.
Explanation:I ate dinner and i had dinner both are right.
Certain verbs like eat,enjoy,experience,drink and take can be replaced by have.
Means you can also use have instead of these verbs.
I’m drinking coffee / I’m having coffee
I took lunch / I had lunch
Hopefully, i’ll help you.
love you my jamesssssssssssssssss
It is so easy to understand with you!!!.
Thanks, James
You are such a great teacher!!!
thanks again!!!now i got it
very powerful.from: Dom-Rep.
thanks alot for your usefull lessons.
nice and thanks sr
Your class is great clear, simple, and direct. Thank you so much for stay in this web side !!:)
Thanks alot your are the best ,but i can not find quiz for your lessons would you what’s wrong.
Mr.James ❤
I watched your lessons over 90 and made notebook for my memory.
Your teaching saved me from the wall that I couldn’t come up by myself.
I can’t thank you enough and you made me kind of crazy because I laugh alone while I am watching your lessons.
Mr,E is the best suporter for you and he is cute(the neautral ^ ^)
I think you are popular from your students.
The party(yours 100) was not so enjoyable but it was funny.
I wish you keep on teaching everywhere.
Hi James! My name is Vander.I live in São Paulo Brasil. God Always give you health and many Blessings.You are a great teacher and great person.Thank you for all!!!
Hello James! You are a really helpful instructor. but, I would like to have a quiz for this lesson.
Hello to all of you,
thanks a lot for the practically and perfectly useful teaching.
best regards,
Thank for the lesson, it’s really useful :)
Yeahhh , I am sorry that this was the last lesson by you here in ENGVID.COM // I want to thank you a lot for everything you have done for us.
you are the best james, awesome!
It’s official.. Mr.James is my new favorite English teacher. Funny and Human :)
pretty good! I understand it easier.
many thanks indeed ;)
I understood but not in depth.
I agree to all of these comments. For years in the Philippines, you are the only person that made me understand clauses and phrases. Now it is permanently carved on my brain lol, I hope to watch more videos of you. Thank you James
You are a wonderful teacher
Please give lecture elaborately on kinds of Phrase and clause.
thanks teacher
Hello Mr. James!!!
You are the best teacher I have ever seen.
Can explain difference between Gerund&Infinitive. I’m suffering to choose one of them. It is very confusable for me. For instance,
The models practiced (walking/to walk) with a book balanced on their heads.
Mandy has promised (takin/to take) care of our dog while we are on vacation…
Please, help me
What would you say this time James about Superman and Batman?
where are the quizes?
the lesson is so nice :) but i just hate the scratch sounds of the pen. it’s so uncomfortable :(
Then, a sentence may be divided in a “phrase” (with a noun or with a verb but not mixed) and a “clause” (with a noun as a subject and a verb as a meaning), therefore a phrase and a clause are different but they are parts of a sentence. Furthermore, a clause may be also divided in Independent Clauses and Dependent Clauses separated by comas or relative pronouns. I have understood this concept and besides I have distinguished the difference. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
awesome lesson
James,recently, i got a twitter account. Do you think it will improve my english skills? By the way i love your english classes!
what is clause?
where is the quiz,I want quiz.
kickass guy. Your class is clear and amusing
Your class is clear and amusing. Excellent job!
i love your videos you have made grammar intresting and easy for my exams
Thank you James
Wouldn’t “as” be a word for time clauses too? E.g. “She thanked him as she was leaving”.
thanks, Sir James.
Thank you very much James!
It’s very informative. I am paying attention to what you’re teaching us right now. It can be a great help to me in improving my English Grammar.
thx very good vid
All of you are excellent teachers. I have learned a lot with your videos. Thank you!!
I like the way you teach because you make fun.
Hi James, Good tip…very good information. tks
thanks mr james for ur kindness
very fast speaking teacher . it is not good for nonnative learners
Hi James,
Can you make a lesson of “prepositions at the end of clauses”
After I learn English, I will go to America