Thank you very much ;-) Thank you for all your video lessons.
This is a good website that is packed with useful videos. These videos are excellent. But there is a problem. When we watch these videos, we can’t hear some words. The reason why it is so is because we are non-native speakers. We find it difficult to understand some sentences you use. Would you mind giving us the scripts of the videos. It will help us improve our listening ability.
Sujith Malavisooriya
Sujith, thanks for the feedback. We believe it is better if you keep listening to English spoken by native speakers, and understand that way. I know it’s difficult, but if you keep listening, over time, you will get it.
exuse me page of engvid could you tell me where are all the teachers from thank you so much and I hope that you answer me I love this page, for this page I achieved to expand my vocabulary cause all these lessons and all these fantastic teacher they have taught me much things I love you ENGVID!!!!!!!!!!
when you speak your some words i cant andarstand evene i like you video because you teach very well
Thank you kindly for your lessons teacher Rebeca your lessons are very excited
Hi Sujith,
Rebecca is right. Listening over and over is the best way.
When you get to the point when you really can´t catch the word, you can try captions. It is the third button from left in right lower corner of the video. It is usually made by robot so it is not precise but it can be helpful sometimes.
Actually almost all youtube videos in general have this option.
Enjoy your learning :-)
L u k a s
Dear Teacher Rebacca;I am happy to lestin to you.Thank you for your lesson.
Tahir Mehmood
thank you . this is very good,helpful video .this site is amazing actually . thanks alot.
To our viewers:
I’m sorry, but I have made a mistake on the board; the last line should read,
“Thank you for all your help.”
My sincere apologies, and good for you if you were able to spot that. All the best to you with your English.
learn from mistake it’s ok!
Hi everybody
yes!i’ve note the same mistake.i can’t thank you enough teacher!you’re realy great,you speak slowly easily and clear!
have a nice day
Dr escape
no problem, keep continue
sachin bhambore
dont worry theacher Rebeca you are a good theacher and everybody make mistakes ok take care I love your lessons
What we can to say when a teacher apologizes? We’re welcome?
No need to apologize, indeed.
Thank you, very much Rebecca, for the lessons
thanks so much
This lesson is very helpful, as I work in a restaurant and have contact with customers all the time and most of the times I tell them “Thanks” as an expression of gratitude, now I know some other ways of saying this word.
Thank you Rebeca, I really appreciate your work.
Omar Ventura
So glad to be able to help you and your future customers. My best wishes to you, Omar.
Hi Rebecca, thank you for the wonderful lesson, may be u could also teach us about how to reply to thank you messages, like u just did in the above message “so glad ..” i dont know if it is already available here . I am sure it ll be of grt help for many of us here, thanks once again . Good day :)
thank u
Thank you for your lessons.
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebacca
Your lessons for today, which I learned a lot better to say Thank You Eight(8) different ways in english. This help a lot to me!
koko tun
this is sth i was looking for.thanks
suveen kumar
Thank you so much teacher Rebacca for your lesson.
thank you very much
thank you for your video lessons….
george nicky alex
thank you for your lesson.
i don`t know how to thank you!^^. and…. i would appreciate if you could explain me how to distinguish between price, cost, fee, charge and fare.I hate to bother you but hopefully i will get your feedback. my name`s hung . i`m from vietnamese.
Thanks for the idea for a future lesson. Stay tuned!
My best wishes, Hung.
I don’t know how to thank you, Rebecca. You are great teacher
Elena Vinogradova
Thank you very much. ^^
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much!!!!!!It is a nice website,it can help me to improve my english.
and I really enjoy it. Gob Bless you all.
Dear Rebecca,
you and your teachers do really a great job.
Wold you mind creating a lesson about ‘Past Perfect’.
Many thanks
Thanks for your suggestion.
All the best to you.
thank you very much. i just wonder : how could you let that mistake happened
Sorry…I am human! Wanted to write something else, changed my mind, the mistake happened!
My best wishes to you.
Thank you a lot for your great lesson.
Merci beaucoup
Vielen Dank
your lesson is very useful thanks for you help!!!!
this wed is very very helpful to very bad about listening.can u make more the listening lecture and after that can we have the answers and the form of lecture about. thanks a billions.
Hi Rebecca,
I know maybe this is not the right place to ask you about this because it doesn’t have to do with saying “thank you” but I don’t know where I can ask you about a lot of things that I can’t differentiate like “It’s important TO me… or It’s important FOR me…” or the fact of using the verb in infinitive or in gerund (ing) when I’m using it to start a sentence like in “BEING an English student… or TO BE an English student…”. What I really would like to know is if there’s any significant difference in the meaning or if there’s a specific situation in which I should use one or the other one. Thanks for this wonderful site. I wish I had found it before. Congratulations!
Hi Gloria
There are slight differences, but no significant ones, in the examples you have given, so don’t worry too much. From your message, it seems to me that you know English very well.
All the best to you in the future.
Thank you Rebecca, for your lesson. Today I’ve learnt how to say thanks to somebody.
So, thank you so much for all your lessons.
siany gordon
Hi Reccaba,
I’m Tran Minh Duc, a new member of this website. The lesson is very useful. I don’t know how to thank you. haha. You see i practice what you said immidiately.
Good for you! That’s the idea.
Welcome to engvid. All the best with your English.
ms rebecca
thank you i really appreciate you and your hard work,
regarding the lesson what about saying many thanks or thanks in advance is it formal or not
Both are on the formal side.
All the best to you.
thank so much. i am learning engish
Excellent course.Thanks a lot Miss Rebecca. Really you should be feel proud of serving for the human kind without any benefit.
Thanks again.
My pleasure, Mostafiz. The joy is in helping others. My best wishes to you.
Thank you for this lesson
very useful video
Good afternoon Mrs. Rebecca.
I am writing from Peru.
I can’t thank you enough for your lesson , it is a wonderful class and i enjoy it so much.
All the best to you, sincerely.
Dorian García.
Dorian García
So glad you enjoyed the lesson, Dorian.
My best wishes to you, too.
Thank you very much
hi Rebeca!!
I would like to know what is the last certification about the language?
I mean the highest certification.
I really hope your answer
There are many English proficiency exams, made by different groups.
The TOEFL and IELTS Academic are at a university level.
Cambridge also has a series of exams, many of which are quite high.
There are also Business English exams, Legal English exams and so on.
All the best to you, whatever you decide to do.
hi rebecca!!
:S I’ m a freshman!!
I’m from mexico, and I want to tell you that your classes are
very useful… they’re very interesting!!
I’d like that you teach us the uses of the “ing”
i know that it uses in the present progressive, but i want to know
others uses!
and I also want to know about “that”
for example:
I think you’ re successful
Do you know THAT….?
When must I use THAT?
“That” is used in so many different ways in English. My advice is to consult a good grammar book and familiarize yourself with some of the most common uses of the word.
Thanks for your feedback. It is very encouraging.
Have you ever considered moving these lessons to a podcast format?
Hi Pamela. Unfortunately, since this website is totally free, we cannot support a podcast at this time. The bandwidth cost is too high. That might change in the future, though.
Excuse~Can you tell me what the meaning’ podcast’ and ‘podcast format’?
The dictionary does not have the words’ meaning.
thank you for all your help!!!
Thank you very much for this lesson
safola max
hi..this is i m visit and seen some engvid videos these are very useful for me.and also i learn some polite meanings how to say thank you,and when it is used.this web site and videos are very nice. thanks a lot for engvid teachers and lecturers.
Glad we could help you, Purnachandra. Please tell your friends about our website so we can continue to add new videos.
All the best to you.
Thanks a bunch for all your tips.
Hey, there you go — another useful informal way of saying thanks. Good for you!
Best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca…..your lesson very usefull. thank you for all your help!!!
Thanks for your teaching :>
Thanks to all for your valuable and kind feedback.
hi,you are like a mother.i like your are a nice teacher.god bless you.
noureen khurshedi
Thanks for your kind words.
Bless you too, Noureen, and all the best to you in the future.
Actually I can’t thank you enough dear teacher..
Thank You kindly!!!
Teacher Rebecca, thank you so much! I’m new here but I have learned a lot with you, the way you explain is very clear and I´m improving a lot.
thanks a lot
salah alnahdi
Teacher Rebecca i don;t konw how to thatk you, i have learened alot from you sweet teacher ,you teaching is very intresting for me you explan leason in agood Maner
Ahmadzia Waziri
THello Rebecca! My name is Grigorij! I am from Russia. Thank you for your lesson.
i don’t know to thank you
Thank you for your advices
I can’t thank you enough Rebecca
thank you for efforts
My thanks to all for your kind feedback and comments.
I want to thank you. just the way I learn today.
Dear rebecca,
I don’t know how to say thank you for your help.
thanks alot rebecca.god bless u . hey i m learning ur lesson in this comment
noor ul elmah hasan
thank you for your good lesson
khem raj(India)
i can not thank you enough
ashraf mohamed
Thanks alot, I like ur explaniation ,but I do not belive in my self to get the ENGLiSH language because i do not practice it, altough i understand must of ur speech and other teachers speech,but the problem i can not speak and write.
Speaking and writing require you to produce the language rather than just recognize or understand it. It is definitely harder to speak and write than to read and understand. So, don’t worry, you’re not alone. If you want to improve your speaking and writing, try to find a way to speak and write more and have someone to correct you, like a teacher or and English speaking friend. Then you will certainly improve.
My best wishes to you, NaNa.
thank you
Hi Rebecca ??
how are you?
could you please make a lesson for me about , synthesis??
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much. I`m from Brasil, Brasilia, and i`d like to thank you about your class. Andre.
wow..its really great and i wanaa thank you Rebeca so much for this job… :*:*
You have a very nice tone,clear voice and kind look. I like to listen to your lessons.Thank you very much for your help.
Thank you kindly for the lovely compliments. Your English is very good!
My best wishes to you, Nicoleta.
I absolutely agree with you.
I mean nicoleta’s comment. Rebecca you have a great voive!
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you kindly. Your nice tone, clear voice and kind look made me interested to listen to your lessons.
I hope to hearing your update lessons as soon as possible.
Thanks again.
Chhunna Ros
I really apreciate your lessons, Thanks a lot!!
thanks so much that was very useful
Hi Rabecca,
I have one doubt in this video.
In the last example you wrote “Thankyou for your all your help”. Is it a right one? .
Or otherwise we could as ” Thankyou for all your help”.
Which one is correct?
As I wrote before, I made a mistake. Sorry about that.
It should be, “Thank you for all your help.”
Good for you for noticing. All the best to you, Anand.
Its realy nice…i’ve got many things from u…thanks a lot..
nagaraj acharya
thank you very much Its realy nice
thank you very much for your lesson.i like your way of teach
Hi teacher Rebecca!
Im not really speaking english laguage or even write. So I apologized if you recognize some grammar or word which is incorrect. I wanna learn more about english and improve my english ability it. I send to you this letter to ask what should I learn first to about english. Anyway I should thank you for a good job you are really helping for those who wants to learn english. Thank you is not enough!-Ryco
how should i say thank you to my friend on Facebook i always just say ‘ thank you :D’ or something like that its getting old plain and boring…please help
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a million.
Thank you kindly.
Thanks, my friend.
Thanks so much.
Thank you very much.
How can I thank you?
All the best to you, Shania.
thank you
Hi rebecca my name’s ifah, i’m from indonesia.. thank you so much for your lesson…this lesson is very helpfull..
thank you very much for your lessons
i am from pakistan, this is very good lecture for us because that is way for rember
Thank you, Rebecca, very much!
There is still so much left to study for me! Sometimes I think, that English is like one big ocean, where I am floundering in the hope of reaching the beach someday=)
thanks a lot for your lesson.
Hello Rebecca, I saw your clip on YouTube, I felt Oh! That is very great! And then I found and visited to get more your clip. They are very useful to me. Your voice clear and beautiful to listen to learn English. I hope you continue making more and more English clip. Thank you so much!
I can’t thank you enought Teacher Rebecca!!!!!!!!!!!
Iuliana Maria
Hi, Rebecca. Thi is the first time I’m listening to your lessons. I thought them really great. I’ll do my best to watch at least one lesson a day. Thank you very much for spending your time and knowledge teaching for free through the internet. It certainly will help many, many people who need to improve their English, like me. Again, thank you so much. God bless you.
Hi, Rebecca
Really appreciate your useful English class. I like it because all of them can be used immediately in daily communication.
thank you for your education
very good tutorial.I love all your videos,really very helpful
thankyou I can now say thankyou in many ways!!!!! THANKYOU!!!!
maricela hernandez
really nice people ur
thank you very much ……..for video lessons i am improving english.
thanks for you acset is good for me so thanks every thing good for you should bye!!!
from yk
thanks for you SPEACH is good for me so thanks every thing good for you should bye!!!
from yk
thanks for you speak is good for me so thanks every thing good for you should bye!!!
from yk
thanks a lot!!
I can’t thank you enough
Thank you very much! :) Good luck!
Diana Mykolaivna
please help me
I wish to improve my english but it’s verry difficult
I found all my ideas in french but I can’t translate all the time
Thank you for your all your help.
thanx alot
its a useful site
we really ur work
thanks a lot .your teaching is simple and very useful. but how can i say bye in different way .
Thanks a lot in your Teaching in very simpler way.
how do i respond to a friend who said “no worries i got your back”
Thank you so much , teacher Rebecca.
Thank you so much , teacher Rebecca . I love your lesson all
outstanding style of teaching soft and sound.i have really learnt a lot from your lessons.
saghir ahmed
I dont know how to thank you, teacher Rebecca,your teaching videos is really very helpfull for me.
Hi my best teacher
I think I know how to thank you
By learning English very well,by doing what you say
I wish all the best for you
Many thanks for the valuable lesson.
It was simple and easy to comprehend.
You are definitely a great teacher.
Thanks a million tonnes Rebecca.
Haran S
Hi, this is Yolanda. I am from Venezuela. I am pharmacist but in order to work here I need to pass the TOEFL test. I have some questions about the TOEFL class and I need to know if you have TOEFL class. If you have it I need to know how I can resgister to take it, please let me know every thing about it. I need to know what happen in the writing seccion if I do not get the number of the words that are
require becuase I can not type so fast to get 150 words in 20 min and 250 words in 30 min. Do you think if I write correct and I answer their question in less words it is possible to pass the tests? What do you think about it? Thank you. I will be waiting for your answer. Yolanda Lopez.
Yolanda Lopez
thank u verry mutsh
I can’t thank you enough.
thank you for your all your help excelent
thank you from where I am to where you are
THANK YOU 1000000
What do I say if some one says thank you to me ? welcome or no problem or anything else ? Please reply. I can’t thank you enough .. !
you are doing a very good job, i am improving my english day by day. but i want to speak english fluently. keep it up
Ayesha butt
Thank you for all your help. Please help me learn how to write an essay.
Amina Harris
Thank you very much to all the members..i learn more about English…..i hope you will continue this program….God bless and more power…….
thanks u so much 4 giving me a information…..
thank you every body
so lucky to have such teachers at our home seat.By the way you are outstanding are a teacher with utmost clarity in ur teaching.
But I would like to hear from u a small topic.In many situations I came across a lot of cricketers/commentators or celebs saying that “he could perform well”or “he might bat well”or “he would bowl in this match”.So y cant we write the words can,may,and will in the place of could,might and would in the above sentences respectively.what is the actual difference of these?Kindly explain.
I do not know how to thank you , i am much obliged to you .
Thank you for your teaching.
thank you for ur cooperation to expand my vocabulary . i am really greatfull to u
thank you teacher
my dream is to be a Translator and those lessons helped me a lot
thank’s again
Thank u teacher thank u so much i like u r excellent lesson.I love u r lesson all thanks———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
i can not thank you enough
Raza shar
thanks a lot… hehehe….
Thank you for teaching us,i love it….:
Gilbert N.. Regalario
thanks a lot rebecca! can you help me? i really don’t know how to use the quiz. i clicked it but its still empty. i am not good in english i must admit it. and its really a shame on me. i am so lucky to found this page. i already finished college but my still iam not good in english. evrytime my friends talking in english i can’t answer back in english because i’m afraid of the wrong grammar. although i do understand them, i can’t speak it. i watched lot of videos here in engvid and i take down notes especially the rules on when to use the words
What browser are you using? For the quizzes, you may need a recent version of your browser.
how to say @ in english?
Hi Rebecca .I found your lessons in internet.I have my Pet exam,and you lessons was help me a lot.You the best.
Alexandra Toma
Hi Rebecca l would like to improve my spelling and l don’t know from were to start.My speaking is better,l would like to go to the next level.Thank you(I HAD THE PET exam).
Alexandra Toma
i went through all the comments looking for some polite words and phrases to teach to my students and it did help a lot. thank you
Thank you for your video lesson!
Hi!rebecca I don’t know ho to thank you,thaks a lot for your help,you are a good teacher your smile is so sweet,Rebecca I didn’t know how to say thaks,how to express gratituude,My english is so weak Rebecca please tell me how can I improve my english please please please help me reply is must,pleae Rebecca
thank u 4 teaching us Rebecca, u r a wonderful teacher, I wanna see more videos from u. nice smile.
thank you so much for your lesson.please tell me different ways how to apologize?
donate money
I have heard some people say “Ta” in Britain. Is it a short form of saying “Thank you”? or is it a form of saying TA-TA (Bye-Bye)
Tnx a loooooooot.
A ? i have:What’s the difference in meaning & using between absent(adj)& absentee(n)??
Sooooo loooooooooong.
look at urban dictionary
Many – Many Thank You for your support.
Have a good day.
muche english bolna seekhna hai
good work
thnxx alot for the lesson but i realy need more explaination for the formals letters + i need to know how to have a quiz thanks verryyyy mush for this graet job
i cant thank you enough :)
it is very useful
Thank your very much ! I enjoy your teaching!
cool :D
Hi Rabia
Thank you very much , I really like your way in teaching
thanks a million !!!
thany you is not enough!
Or even considered introducing a lot of movies towards your blog posts to help keep the readers more interested? I mean I just read through the entire article of yours plus it was quite good but since Im an increased amount of a visible learner,Check this site out for that to be more helpful well let me know the actual way it works out! I love what you guys are invariably up too. Such ingenious work and credit reporting!
Kurt Burstein
I wouldn’t know how to start thanking you for this so I’ll thank your good soul with a simple thanks. Thank you so much for all your help in helping me thank you! Thanks!
start thanking by donations, dumb
I can’t thank you enough for the lessons you have given us. they are very helpful for all the people. Can i say, “thanks indeed” to others?
Thanks again and looking forward to hear from you!
Take care and may God bless you!
Matthew Shing Mang Tun
Hi Rebecca ,thank you very much for your time .
thank you rebecca.
prasoon mohanty
Thank you a lot for your great lesson your lesson is very useful.
Thank you for your all your help
I like the way you teach
thank you for your noble efforts!
Thank you A lot.
really teacher
I dont know how to thank you
donate button
thank you for your lesson please I don’t understand this lesson “countable and uncountable nouns” please help me
try to understand it .good luck
I do not even know with strong your blog greatly that helped me! God bless you “Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.” – Bill Gates
russia tours
I can’t thank you enough for your lesson.
Hi Miss,
I don’t know how to thank you!!
Dear teacher! Can I use “You’re a life saver” for thank you so much?
I am looking forward to hearing you soon!!!
Mohsin Zaman
we are being benifited by watching your crutial lessons keep teaching forever thanks a lot for uploading these kinds of vedioes.
Fazal wadood
have a good one!
thank you so much. this lesson is easy but useful.
hi there..I hope you could prepare a lesson about past perfect tense..I’ve always been confused about its use..I’ll be looking forward to seeing a tutorial on that..thanks!!^_^
thank you for your all your help rebecca and all the staf who works for this site and i hope to have more lecons especialy speaking and writing because when person asks you questions or tries to speak with you you answer him or when you want to write a letter or a comment you make mistaks like now thank you for all again
Hai Rebecca,
Thank you so much for you help.
However, im confused if i want to say’thank you’ to interviewer scholarship, which ways is the best to say thank you?
Second, have you any ways to say apologise to other people. I only know’ please forgive me’, ‘ i beg your pardon’ ,and ‘ im sorry’, Can you give more like this?
These are important to me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.
With regards,
The blog was absolutely fantastic as there are lots of great information and inspiration, both of which all readers need I think I will try this in the very near future.
Best e cig
Hello, Rebeca. Thank you very much. This lesson is very important for everyone, because we have to use it in several opportunities of the day. It’s very good for each one person to be very polite with everybody.
You are my favorite teacher.
I would like to thank to all teachers for their awsome lessons. Thanks a million.
I don’t know how to thank you.
thank you so much.
Mam.a ton thanks for your lessons..could you be kind enough to teach me about the pronunciation of letters ‘c’ and ‘j’?
like,they are pronounced very differently.
As in,for example:1)Nachos(pronounced as -ch)
2)Camera/Arctic(pronounced as -k)
3)Jos (pronounced as -Joy )
4)Jose (pronounced as -Osay)
Thank you so much
Hi Rebecca,
I really liked your sessions.
Many thanks:)
Hi rebecca my name is lemine i am frome mauritienia alaways i listen your viedio it is interssting for me thank’s
i don’t find the words to thank you Rebecca !!! Have a nice day, THANK YOU KINDLY !!!
i don’t know how to thank you . really thank you
Thank you vey much for lesson
Thank you for all your hard work.I really loved your class and know I learned a ton. I truly appreciate it.
Can I download videos
thanks a million Rebecca!! An irish way to say thank you!! ;)
thanks a lot rebeca for your free leson.
thank you very much for your lesson and yours smilles!!! ^^
thank you so much.
Simple but very useful. :D
I am learning how to say “thanks” to people.
Moreover, i hope you will teach a lesson about polite ways in english communication.
I can’t thank you enough :D.
oi rebeca , thank you very much
Hi Rebecca!
Can we use “Thank you,Rebecca”?
or “Thank you, Rebacca!”?
Hi Rebecca,
I,m a new member of this site , & i,m really happy to be ur student.becuse ur really good teacher. i dont know how to thank u.
Thank you , Rabecca
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. Don’t worry about that minor mistake.Your lesson is great.I’ve been learning English for a long time, but I don’t know how to distinguish between ” an education center ” and ” an educational center”. Could you please explain how to use a compound noun and a noun phrase in the next lesson?
hi dear Rebecca!
I don’t know how to thank you.
Thank you so much for your lessons! They are really so useful!
Thank you kindly.
syed hasan nabeel
Thank you for your lesson! I have been study english in engvid for 1month. I very like the way you teach us.
I hope you will make more lesson!!! And
I want to wish you alway healthy
Beautiful teacher!!!
Please accept my best and kind regards .
You are giving all of us a very helpful and easy explanations in all your lessons god bless you my teacher.
Thank you so much.
Jose Luis Villarreal Sotelo
thanx a tonne mis
thank you very much, i really enjoyed your lesson keep going on.
Aziz Askar
I’m amine from algeria, and I’m a english student(level 01); thank you for all your lessons and your teatshing ways
Thank you so much.
Rebecca, you are the best teacher.
i cant thank you enough.
Very helpful…..I just read your personal information and I’m really interested in studying in Canada.. I’m an english teacher and want to improve my english skills at all ways, so I hope you can help me a little bit more.
I think this is an excellent site to learn English, I found it when I was looking for one to recommend to a friend who is planning to travel to U.S.A. So I gave him your email address. I wish I could have a site like this when I was learning the language. Thank you so much for being here.
Thank you Kindly!
i have a confusion, when someone says “thank you” to me.How should i reply “No thanks or Welcome or No mention please”.
could you please give me a clarification on this
Thank you,Rabecca
Madan Mohan
I don’t know how to thank you
what is the difference between “thanks” and “thank you”.
I can’t writ english..
Thank you so much
thank you very much.
can you more explain about : “Thanks to” AND “Thanks for”. Some people like me still confusing about it.
I don’t know show to tank you!
Thanks for your quite helpful lesson Rebecca. I’m currently following all your lessons, one at a time from the beginning. Thanks again!
Rebecca thanks a lot for your vids, I can’t thank you enough!!!
Hi, Am new to this site. Its quite simple and easy to learn. Thank you for engvid & Rebecca for such a great job!
Hello mam!Good evening! I don’t know how to thank you for all your valuable English video lessons.Thanks a lot for guiding and replying for me. Each and every video lessons always will helpful for me.I will not forget your help in my whole life. Once again thank you very much.
thank ypu very much
Hi Rebecca,
I’m a new student in your class. Your way of teaching is great. Your voice is clear. You do not speak so fast that is why I even other students can easily listen each and every word clearly and it helps to understand the lesson.
I have no words to say you Thank you.
Bhuvneshwari Rawat
Thank you for your lesson
Miss teacher Rebeca.
I can not thank you enough.
who s bad
Hi Rebecca,
your lessons are so great and really help me improve my English.
thank you so much, take care
Thank you MS. Rebecca for the lesson!
I’m trying to practise my English skills and your every lessons can help me a lot. I don’t know how to thank you. :)
Thanks a lot :)
Alshimaa Ahmed
Hi people! hi Rebeca!
I need help!
I need the conversation in inglish!
Priscila Ferreira
i dont know haw to thank you professor because all the thank words they don’t enough to give i small thank for your work
your student (skype: elouaridi.abdelmajid)
Thank you kindly.
Marcelo Matos
I think this is an excellent site and beautiful teacher Rebeca to learn an English.
So thank you so match.
Abu Sattam
Thank you for your effort to teach us how to be polite in english.
I have a question:
Is it correct to say “Thank you a lot”?
Thanks a lot!
Rebecca, thank you for all your help. I like your manner of teaching. Special thanks for your clear English pronunciation.
Mrs Rebecca, thank you very much, for all your lessons
Cak Win
Thank you very much.
I am new to this site can any one give instructions to watch videos
Hari maran
Hallo Hari
Denke nicht zu viel nach. Ich zeige Ihnen eine Möglichkeit
Thank you very much
Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca.
I got an absolute victory, again…
really thank you so much♡♡♡
Thank you so much!
but… is it correct to say “Thank you for your all your help”??
Dear Rebecca,
I am very touched by what you do for us, students, and I cannot find the words to express my good feelings.
Best regards.
hi Rebecca
is it correct the last example you put it in your lesson on “8 ways to thank you”?
Thank you for your all your help. OR
Thank you for all your help.
which one is correct?
Thank you so much Rebecca! I don’t know how to thank you!!
I don’t know how to thank you all my teachers. God bless you all.
Inchan irr
Thank you very much. Great lesson!
I am very touched by what you have done for me and cannot find the words to express my good feelings.
ich danke dir sehr
ann ann
I do not know how to thank you
I can’t thank you enough.
Thank you so much.
I’ve got the question.
How to reply on “thank you”?
I am very touched by what you have done for me and cannot find the words to express my good feelings.
Swistika Debby
I can´t thank you enough. Rebecca is a great teacher.
Marta Lopez
thank you very much dear teacher.
Hi Rebecca i am new member and i am so grateful to join your lessons channel and enVid sit .. really its useful to be here with you because seriously i have problem and wishes …
my problem is English language and my wishes is to learn English language..I am sure i will going to improve if i stay with you .. after that i don’t know how to thank you ?
essam eldeen
Ty kindly mrs/rebecca
Thank you so much madame :)
thank you kindly.
thank you for your all your help
vinay ukkurthi
I don’t know how to thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebecca thank you for this lesson & i don’t know how to thank you
Mif Yusuf
I can’t thank you enough.
You know, in France It’s very difficult to find teachers that really help as you do.
You participate to my liberation.
I got 4/5, but I understood my error! Thanks you for all your help!
Thank you so much Rebecca
You got 5 correct out of 5.
M kartal
I do not know how to thank you Mis Rebecca
tkanks a lot ^___*
Naiela Ennaji
You deserves much more than thanks from me.
Ginu Sunny
thank you so much maam Rebecca,i got it,
I don’t know how to thank you!! hehe
luiz renato
5/5. Rebecca, I can`t thank you enough for all your influece for my improving English skills and good manners.You are one of the best English teacher`s i have ever seen.
I got 100%. I don’t know how to thank you. Thank you so much.
The quiz was awesome, I got 10/10 (100%)
Chaviru Perera
Thanks very Rebeca.
Jackie Tran
Thanks very much Rebeca.
Jackie Tran
Hi Rebecca thanks for all your lessons
Thank you Rebecca!
Mindy H
Thank you for the class. I like it.
I beleieve there’s something in the last setence that is not OK.
Sandra Slv
* believe
Sandra Slv
Good one
I watched this video twice on April 8, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hi Rebecca
Thank you for your lesson
hi rebs i like the way you teach
your lesson is so helpful
Thank you kindly
Thank you very much ;-) Thank you for all your video lessons.
This is a good website that is packed with useful videos. These videos are excellent. But there is a problem. When we watch these videos, we can’t hear some words. The reason why it is so is because we are non-native speakers. We find it difficult to understand some sentences you use. Would you mind giving us the scripts of the videos. It will help us improve our listening ability.
Sujith, thanks for the feedback. We believe it is better if you keep listening to English spoken by native speakers, and understand that way. I know it’s difficult, but if you keep listening, over time, you will get it.
exuse me page of engvid could you tell me where are all the teachers from thank you so much and I hope that you answer me I love this page, for this page I achieved to expand my vocabulary cause all these lessons and all these fantastic teacher they have taught me much things I love you ENGVID!!!!!!!!!!
when you speak your some words i cant andarstand evene i like you video because you teach very well
Thank you kindly for your lessons teacher Rebeca your lessons are very excited
Hi Sujith,
Rebecca is right. Listening over and over is the best way.
When you get to the point when you really can´t catch the word, you can try captions. It is the third button from left in right lower corner of the video. It is usually made by robot so it is not precise but it can be helpful sometimes.
Actually almost all youtube videos in general have this option.
Enjoy your learning :-)
Dear Teacher Rebacca;I am happy to lestin to you.Thank you for your lesson.
thank you . this is very good,helpful video .this site is amazing actually . thanks alot.
To our viewers:
I’m sorry, but I have made a mistake on the board; the last line should read,
“Thank you for all your help.”
My sincere apologies, and good for you if you were able to spot that. All the best to you with your English.
learn from mistake it’s ok!
Hi everybody
yes!i’ve note the same mistake.i can’t thank you enough teacher!you’re realy great,you speak slowly easily and clear!
have a nice day
no problem, keep continue
dont worry theacher Rebeca you are a good theacher and everybody make mistakes ok take care I love your lessons
What we can to say when a teacher apologizes? We’re welcome?
No need to apologize, indeed.
Thank you, very much Rebecca, for the lessons
thanks so much
This lesson is very helpful, as I work in a restaurant and have contact with customers all the time and most of the times I tell them “Thanks” as an expression of gratitude, now I know some other ways of saying this word.
Thank you Rebeca, I really appreciate your work.
So glad to be able to help you and your future customers. My best wishes to you, Omar.
Hi Rebecca, thank you for the wonderful lesson, may be u could also teach us about how to reply to thank you messages, like u just did in the above message “so glad ..” i dont know if it is already available here . I am sure it ll be of grt help for many of us here, thanks once again . Good day :)
thank u
Thank you for your lessons.
Thanks a lot Teacher Rebacca
Your lessons for today, which I learned a lot better to say Thank You Eight(8) different ways in english. This help a lot to me!
this is sth i was looking for.thanks
Thank you so much teacher Rebacca for your lesson.
thank you very much
thank you for your video lessons….
thank you for your lesson.
i don`t know how to thank you!^^. and…. i would appreciate if you could explain me how to distinguish between price, cost, fee, charge and fare.I hate to bother you but hopefully i will get your feedback. my name`s hung . i`m from vietnamese.
Thanks for the idea for a future lesson. Stay tuned!
My best wishes, Hung.
I don’t know how to thank you, Rebecca. You are great teacher
Thank you very much. ^^
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much!!!!!!It is a nice website,it can help me to improve my english.
and I really enjoy it. Gob Bless you all.
Dear Rebecca,
you and your teachers do really a great job.
Wold you mind creating a lesson about ‘Past Perfect’.
Many thanks
Thanks for your suggestion.
All the best to you.
thank you very much. i just wonder : how could you let that mistake happened
Sorry…I am human! Wanted to write something else, changed my mind, the mistake happened!
My best wishes to you.
Thank you a lot for your great lesson.
Merci beaucoup
Vielen Dank
your lesson is very useful thanks for you help!!!!
this wed is very very helpful to very bad about listening.can u make more the listening lecture and after that can we have the answers and the form of lecture about. thanks a billions.
Hi Rebecca,
I know maybe this is not the right place to ask you about this because it doesn’t have to do with saying “thank you” but I don’t know where I can ask you about a lot of things that I can’t differentiate like “It’s important TO me… or It’s important FOR me…” or the fact of using the verb in infinitive or in gerund (ing) when I’m using it to start a sentence like in “BEING an English student… or TO BE an English student…”. What I really would like to know is if there’s any significant difference in the meaning or if there’s a specific situation in which I should use one or the other one. Thanks for this wonderful site. I wish I had found it before. Congratulations!
Hi Gloria
There are slight differences, but no significant ones, in the examples you have given, so don’t worry too much. From your message, it seems to me that you know English very well.
All the best to you in the future.
Thank you Rebecca, for your lesson. Today I’ve learnt how to say thanks to somebody.
So, thank you so much for all your lessons.
Hi Reccaba,
I’m Tran Minh Duc, a new member of this website. The lesson is very useful. I don’t know how to thank you. haha. You see i practice what you said immidiately.
Good for you! That’s the idea.
Welcome to engvid. All the best with your English.
ms rebecca
thank you i really appreciate you and your hard work,
regarding the lesson what about saying many thanks or thanks in advance is it formal or not
Both are on the formal side.
All the best to you.
thank so much. i am learning engish
Excellent course.Thanks a lot Miss Rebecca. Really you should be feel proud of serving for the human kind without any benefit.
Thanks again.
My pleasure, Mostafiz. The joy is in helping others. My best wishes to you.
Thank you for this lesson
very useful video
Good afternoon Mrs. Rebecca.
I am writing from Peru.
I can’t thank you enough for your lesson , it is a wonderful class and i enjoy it so much.
All the best to you, sincerely.
Dorian García.
So glad you enjoyed the lesson, Dorian.
My best wishes to you, too.
Thank you very much
hi Rebeca!!
I would like to know what is the last certification about the language?
I mean the highest certification.
I really hope your answer
There are many English proficiency exams, made by different groups.
The TOEFL and IELTS Academic are at a university level.
Cambridge also has a series of exams, many of which are quite high.
There are also Business English exams, Legal English exams and so on.
All the best to you, whatever you decide to do.
hi rebecca!!
:S I’ m a freshman!!
I’m from mexico, and I want to tell you that your classes are
very useful… they’re very interesting!!
I’d like that you teach us the uses of the “ing”
i know that it uses in the present progressive, but i want to know
others uses!
and I also want to know about “that”
for example:
I think you’ re successful
Do you know THAT….?
When must I use THAT?
“That” is used in so many different ways in English. My advice is to consult a good grammar book and familiarize yourself with some of the most common uses of the word.
Thanks for your feedback. It is very encouraging.
Have you ever considered moving these lessons to a podcast format?
Hi Pamela. Unfortunately, since this website is totally free, we cannot support a podcast at this time. The bandwidth cost is too high. That might change in the future, though.
Excuse~Can you tell me what the meaning’ podcast’ and ‘podcast format’?
The dictionary does not have the words’ meaning.
thank you for all your help!!!
Thank you very much for this lesson
hi..this is i m visit and seen some engvid videos these are very useful for me.and also i learn some polite meanings how to say thank you,and when it is used.this web site and videos are very nice. thanks a lot for engvid teachers and lecturers.
Glad we could help you, Purnachandra. Please tell your friends about our website so we can continue to add new videos.
All the best to you.
Thanks a bunch for all your tips.
Hey, there you go — another useful informal way of saying thanks. Good for you!
Best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca…..your lesson very usefull. thank you for all your help!!!
Thanks for your teaching :>
Thanks to all for your valuable and kind feedback.
hi,you are like a mother.i like your are a nice teacher.god bless you.
Thanks for your kind words.
Bless you too, Noureen, and all the best to you in the future.
Actually I can’t thank you enough dear teacher..
Thank You kindly!!!
Teacher Rebecca, thank you so much! I’m new here but I have learned a lot with you, the way you explain is very clear and I´m improving a lot.
thanks a lot
Teacher Rebecca i don;t konw how to thatk you, i have learened alot from you sweet teacher ,you teaching is very intresting for me you explan leason in agood Maner
THello Rebecca! My name is Grigorij! I am from Russia. Thank you for your lesson.
i don’t know to thank you
Thank you for your advices
I can’t thank you enough Rebecca
thank you for efforts
My thanks to all for your kind feedback and comments.
I want to thank you. just the way I learn today.
Dear rebecca,
I don’t know how to say thank you for your help.
thanks alot rebecca.god bless u . hey i m learning ur lesson in this comment
thank you for your good lesson
i can not thank you enough
Thanks alot, I like ur explaniation ,but I do not belive in my self to get the ENGLiSH language because i do not practice it, altough i understand must of ur speech and other teachers speech,but the problem i can not speak and write.
Speaking and writing require you to produce the language rather than just recognize or understand it. It is definitely harder to speak and write than to read and understand. So, don’t worry, you’re not alone. If you want to improve your speaking and writing, try to find a way to speak and write more and have someone to correct you, like a teacher or and English speaking friend. Then you will certainly improve.
My best wishes to you, NaNa.
thank you
Hi Rebecca ??
how are you?
could you please make a lesson for me about , synthesis??
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much. I`m from Brasil, Brasilia, and i`d like to thank you about your class. Andre.
wow..its really great and i wanaa thank you Rebeca so much for this job… :*:*
You have a very nice tone,clear voice and kind look. I like to listen to your lessons.Thank you very much for your help.
Thank you kindly for the lovely compliments. Your English is very good!
My best wishes to you, Nicoleta.
I absolutely agree with you.
I mean nicoleta’s comment. Rebecca you have a great voive!
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you kindly. Your nice tone, clear voice and kind look made me interested to listen to your lessons.
I hope to hearing your update lessons as soon as possible.
Thanks again.
I really apreciate your lessons, Thanks a lot!!
thanks so much that was very useful
Hi Rabecca,
I have one doubt in this video.
In the last example you wrote “Thankyou for your all your help”. Is it a right one? .
Or otherwise we could as ” Thankyou for all your help”.
Which one is correct?
As I wrote before, I made a mistake. Sorry about that.
It should be, “Thank you for all your help.”
Good for you for noticing. All the best to you, Anand.
Its realy nice…i’ve got many things from u…thanks a lot..
thank you very much Its realy nice
thank you very much for your lesson.i like your way of teach
Hi teacher Rebecca!
Im not really speaking english laguage or even write. So I apologized if you recognize some grammar or word which is incorrect. I wanna learn more about english and improve my english ability it. I send to you this letter to ask what should I learn first to about english. Anyway I should thank you for a good job you are really helping for those who wants to learn english. Thank you is not enough!-Ryco
how should i say thank you to my friend on Facebook i always just say ‘ thank you :D’ or something like that its getting old plain and boring…please help
Thanks a lot.
Thanks a million.
Thank you kindly.
Thanks, my friend.
Thanks so much.
Thank you very much.
How can I thank you?
All the best to you, Shania.
thank you
Hi rebecca my name’s ifah, i’m from indonesia.. thank you so much for your lesson…this lesson is very helpfull..
thank you very much for your lessons
i am from pakistan, this is very good lecture for us because that is way for rember
Thank you, Rebecca, very much!
There is still so much left to study for me! Sometimes I think, that English is like one big ocean, where I am floundering in the hope of reaching the beach someday=)
thanks a lot for your lesson.
Hello Rebecca, I saw your clip on YouTube, I felt Oh! That is very great! And then I found and visited to get more your clip. They are very useful to me. Your voice clear and beautiful to listen to learn English. I hope you continue making more and more English clip. Thank you so much!
I can’t thank you enought Teacher Rebecca!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Rebecca. Thi is the first time I’m listening to your lessons. I thought them really great. I’ll do my best to watch at least one lesson a day. Thank you very much for spending your time and knowledge teaching for free through the internet. It certainly will help many, many people who need to improve their English, like me. Again, thank you so much. God bless you.
Hi, Rebecca
Really appreciate your useful English class. I like it because all of them can be used immediately in daily communication.
thank you for your education
very good tutorial.I love all your videos,really very helpful
thankyou I can now say thankyou in many ways!!!!! THANKYOU!!!!
really nice people ur
thank you very much ……..for video lessons i am improving english.
thanks for you acset is good for me so thanks every thing good for you should bye!!!
thanks for you SPEACH is good for me so thanks every thing good for you should bye!!!
thanks for you speak is good for me so thanks every thing good for you should bye!!!
thanks a lot!!
I can’t thank you enough
Thank you very much! :) Good luck!
please help me
I wish to improve my english but it’s verry difficult
I found all my ideas in french but I can’t translate all the time
Thank you for your all your help.
thanx alot
its a useful site
we really ur work
thanks a lot .your teaching is simple and very useful. but how can i say bye in different way .
Thanks a lot in your Teaching in very simpler way.
how do i respond to a friend who said “no worries i got your back”
Thank you so much , teacher Rebecca.
Thank you so much , teacher Rebecca . I love your lesson all
outstanding style of teaching soft and sound.i have really learnt a lot from your lessons.
I dont know how to thank you, teacher Rebecca,your teaching videos is really very helpfull for me.
Hi my best teacher
I think I know how to thank you
By learning English very well,by doing what you say
I wish all the best for you
Many thanks for the valuable lesson.
It was simple and easy to comprehend.
You are definitely a great teacher.
Thanks a million tonnes Rebecca.
Hi, this is Yolanda. I am from Venezuela. I am pharmacist but in order to work here I need to pass the TOEFL test. I have some questions about the TOEFL class and I need to know if you have TOEFL class. If you have it I need to know how I can resgister to take it, please let me know every thing about it. I need to know what happen in the writing seccion if I do not get the number of the words that are
require becuase I can not type so fast to get 150 words in 20 min and 250 words in 30 min. Do you think if I write correct and I answer their question in less words it is possible to pass the tests? What do you think about it? Thank you. I will be waiting for your answer. Yolanda Lopez.
thank u verry mutsh
I can’t thank you enough.
thank you for your all your help excelent
thank you from where I am to where you are
THANK YOU 1000000
What do I say if some one says thank you to me ? welcome or no problem or anything else ? Please reply. I can’t thank you enough .. !
you are doing a very good job, i am improving my english day by day. but i want to speak english fluently. keep it up
Thank you for all your help. Please help me learn how to write an essay.
Thank you very much to all the members..i learn more about English…..i hope you will continue this program….God bless and more power…….
thanks u so much 4 giving me a information…..
thank you every body
so lucky to have such teachers at our home seat.By the way you are outstanding are a teacher with utmost clarity in ur teaching.
But I would like to hear from u a small topic.In many situations I came across a lot of cricketers/commentators or celebs saying that “he could perform well”or “he might bat well”or “he would bowl in this match”.So y cant we write the words can,may,and will in the place of could,might and would in the above sentences respectively.what is the actual difference of these?Kindly explain.
I do not know how to thank you , i am much obliged to you .
Thank you for your teaching.
thank you for ur cooperation to expand my vocabulary . i am really greatfull to u
thank you teacher
my dream is to be a Translator and those lessons helped me a lot
thank’s again
Thank u teacher thank u so much i like u r excellent lesson.I love u r lesson all thanks———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-
i can not thank you enough
thanks a lot… hehehe….
Thank you for teaching us,i love it….:
thanks a lot rebecca! can you help me? i really don’t know how to use the quiz. i clicked it but its still empty. i am not good in english i must admit it. and its really a shame on me. i am so lucky to found this page. i already finished college but my still iam not good in english. evrytime my friends talking in english i can’t answer back in english because i’m afraid of the wrong grammar. although i do understand them, i can’t speak it. i watched lot of videos here in engvid and i take down notes especially the rules on when to use the words
What browser are you using? For the quizzes, you may need a recent version of your browser.
how to say @ in english?
Hi Rebecca .I found your lessons in internet.I have my Pet exam,and you lessons was help me a lot.You the best.
Hi Rebecca l would like to improve my spelling and l don’t know from were to start.My speaking is better,l would like to go to the next level.Thank you(I HAD THE PET exam).
i went through all the comments looking for some polite words and phrases to teach to my students and it did help a lot. thank you
Thank you for your video lesson!
Hi!rebecca I don’t know ho to thank you,thaks a lot for your help,you are a good teacher your smile is so sweet,Rebecca I didn’t know how to say thaks,how to express gratituude,My english is so weak Rebecca please tell me how can I improve my english please please please help me reply is must,pleae Rebecca
thank u 4 teaching us Rebecca, u r a wonderful teacher, I wanna see more videos from u. nice smile.
thank you so much for your lesson.please tell me different ways how to apologize?
donate money
I have heard some people say “Ta” in Britain. Is it a short form of saying “Thank you”? or is it a form of saying TA-TA (Bye-Bye)
Tnx a loooooooot.
A ? i have:What’s the difference in meaning & using between absent(adj)& absentee(n)??
Sooooo loooooooooong.
look at urban dictionary
Many – Many Thank You for your support.
Have a good day.
muche english bolna seekhna hai
good work
thnxx alot for the lesson but i realy need more explaination for the formals letters + i need to know how to have a quiz thanks verryyyy mush for this graet job
i cant thank you enough :)
it is very useful
Thank your very much ! I enjoy your teaching!
cool :D
Hi Rabia
Thank you very much , I really like your way in teaching
thanks a million !!!
thany you is not enough!
Or even considered introducing a lot of movies towards your blog posts to help keep the readers more interested? I mean I just read through the entire article of yours plus it was quite good but since Im an increased amount of a visible learner,Check this site out for that to be more helpful well let me know the actual way it works out! I love what you guys are invariably up too. Such ingenious work and credit reporting!
I wouldn’t know how to start thanking you for this so I’ll thank your good soul with a simple thanks. Thank you so much for all your help in helping me thank you! Thanks!
start thanking by donations, dumb
I can’t thank you enough for the lessons you have given us. they are very helpful for all the people. Can i say, “thanks indeed” to others?
Thanks again and looking forward to hear from you!
Take care and may God bless you!
Hi Rebecca ,thank you very much for your time .
thank you rebecca.
Thank you a lot for your great lesson your lesson is very useful.
Thank you for your all your help
I like the way you teach
thank you for your noble efforts!
Thank you A lot.
really teacher
I dont know how to thank you
donate button
thank you for your lesson please I don’t understand this lesson “countable and uncountable nouns” please help me
try to understand it .good luck
I do not even know with strong your blog greatly that helped me! God bless you “Life is not divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.” – Bill Gates
I can’t thank you enough for your lesson.
Hi Miss,
I don’t know how to thank you!!
Dear teacher! Can I use “You’re a life saver” for thank you so much?
I am looking forward to hearing you soon!!!
we are being benifited by watching your crutial lessons keep teaching forever thanks a lot for uploading these kinds of vedioes.
have a good one!
thank you so much. this lesson is easy but useful.
hi there..I hope you could prepare a lesson about past perfect tense..I’ve always been confused about its use..I’ll be looking forward to seeing a tutorial on that..thanks!!^_^
thank you for your all your help rebecca and all the staf who works for this site and i hope to have more lecons especialy speaking and writing because when person asks you questions or tries to speak with you you answer him or when you want to write a letter or a comment you make mistaks like now thank you for all again
Hai Rebecca,
Thank you so much for you help.
However, im confused if i want to say’thank you’ to interviewer scholarship, which ways is the best to say thank you?
Second, have you any ways to say apologise to other people. I only know’ please forgive me’, ‘ i beg your pardon’ ,and ‘ im sorry’, Can you give more like this?
These are important to me. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.
With regards,
The blog was absolutely fantastic as there are lots of great information and inspiration, both of which all readers need I think I will try this in the very near future.
Hello, Rebeca. Thank you very much. This lesson is very important for everyone, because we have to use it in several opportunities of the day. It’s very good for each one person to be very polite with everybody.
You are my favorite teacher.
I would like to thank to all teachers for their awsome lessons. Thanks a million.
I don’t know how to thank you.
thank you so much.
Mam.a ton thanks for your lessons..could you be kind enough to teach me about the pronunciation of letters ‘c’ and ‘j’?
like,they are pronounced very differently.
As in,for example:1)Nachos(pronounced as -ch)
2)Camera/Arctic(pronounced as -k)
3)Jos (pronounced as -Joy )
4)Jose (pronounced as -Osay)
Thank you so much
Hi Rebecca,
I really liked your sessions.
Many thanks:)
Hi rebecca my name is lemine i am frome mauritienia alaways i listen your viedio it is interssting for me thank’s
i don’t find the words to thank you Rebecca !!! Have a nice day, THANK YOU KINDLY !!!
i don’t know how to thank you . really thank you
Thank you vey much for lesson
Thank you for all your hard work.I really loved your class and know I learned a ton. I truly appreciate it.
Can I download videos
thanks a million Rebecca!! An irish way to say thank you!! ;)
thanks a lot rebeca for your free leson.
thank you very much for your lesson and yours smilles!!! ^^
thank you so much.
Simple but very useful. :D
I am learning how to say “thanks” to people.
Moreover, i hope you will teach a lesson about polite ways in english communication.
I can’t thank you enough :D.
oi rebeca , thank you very much
Hi Rebecca!
Can we use “Thank you,Rebecca”?
or “Thank you, Rebacca!”?
Hi Rebecca,
I,m a new member of this site , & i,m really happy to be ur student.becuse ur really good teacher. i dont know how to thank u.
Thank you , Rabecca
Thanks a lot, Rebecca. Don’t worry about that minor mistake.Your lesson is great.I’ve been learning English for a long time, but I don’t know how to distinguish between ” an education center ” and ” an educational center”. Could you please explain how to use a compound noun and a noun phrase in the next lesson?
hi dear Rebecca!
I don’t know how to thank you.
Thank you so much for your lessons! They are really so useful!
Thank you kindly.
Thank you for your lesson! I have been study english in engvid for 1month. I very like the way you teach us.
I hope you will make more lesson!!! And
I want to wish you alway healthy
Beautiful teacher!!!
Please accept my best and kind regards .
You are giving all of us a very helpful and easy explanations in all your lessons god bless you my teacher.
Thank you so much.
thanx a tonne mis
thank you very much, i really enjoyed your lesson keep going on.
I’m amine from algeria, and I’m a english student(level 01); thank you for all your lessons and your teatshing ways
Thank you so much.
Rebecca, you are the best teacher.
i cant thank you enough.
Very helpful…..I just read your personal information and I’m really interested in studying in Canada.. I’m an english teacher and want to improve my english skills at all ways, so I hope you can help me a little bit more.
I think this is an excellent site to learn English, I found it when I was looking for one to recommend to a friend who is planning to travel to U.S.A. So I gave him your email address. I wish I could have a site like this when I was learning the language. Thank you so much for being here.
Thank you Kindly!
i have a confusion, when someone says “thank you” to me.How should i reply “No thanks or Welcome or No mention please”.
could you please give me a clarification on this
Thank you,Rabecca
Madan Mohan
I don’t know how to thank you
what is the difference between “thanks” and “thank you”.
I can’t writ english..
Thank you so much
thank you very much.
can you more explain about : “Thanks to” AND “Thanks for”. Some people like me still confusing about it.
I don’t know show to tank you!
Thanks for your quite helpful lesson Rebecca. I’m currently following all your lessons, one at a time from the beginning. Thanks again!
Rebecca thanks a lot for your vids, I can’t thank you enough!!!
Hi, Am new to this site. Its quite simple and easy to learn. Thank you for engvid & Rebecca for such a great job!
Hello mam!Good evening! I don’t know how to thank you for all your valuable English video lessons.Thanks a lot for guiding and replying for me. Each and every video lessons always will helpful for me.I will not forget your help in my whole life. Once again thank you very much.
thank ypu very much
Hi Rebecca,
I’m a new student in your class. Your way of teaching is great. Your voice is clear. You do not speak so fast that is why I even other students can easily listen each and every word clearly and it helps to understand the lesson.
I have no words to say you Thank you.
Thank you for your lesson
Miss teacher Rebeca.
I can not thank you enough.
Hi Rebecca,
your lessons are so great and really help me improve my English.
thank you so much, take care
Thank you MS. Rebecca for the lesson!
I’m trying to practise my English skills and your every lessons can help me a lot. I don’t know how to thank you. :)
Thanks a lot :)
Hi people! hi Rebeca!
I need help!
I need the conversation in inglish!
i dont know haw to thank you professor because all the thank words they don’t enough to give i small thank for your work
your student (skype: elouaridi.abdelmajid)
Thank you kindly.
I think this is an excellent site and beautiful teacher Rebeca to learn an English.
So thank you so match.
Thank you for your effort to teach us how to be polite in english.
I have a question:
Is it correct to say “Thank you a lot”?
Thanks a lot!
Rebecca, thank you for all your help. I like your manner of teaching. Special thanks for your clear English pronunciation.
Mrs Rebecca, thank you very much, for all your lessons
Thank you very much.
I am new to this site can any one give instructions to watch videos
Hallo Hari
Denke nicht zu viel nach. Ich zeige Ihnen eine Möglichkeit
Thank you very much
Thank you for your lesson, Rebecca.
I got an absolute victory, again…
really thank you so much♡♡♡
Thank you so much!
but… is it correct to say “Thank you for your all your help”??
Dear Rebecca,
I am very touched by what you do for us, students, and I cannot find the words to express my good feelings.
Best regards.
hi Rebecca
is it correct the last example you put it in your lesson on “8 ways to thank you”?
Thank you for your all your help. OR
Thank you for all your help.
which one is correct?
Thank you so much Rebecca! I don’t know how to thank you!!
I don’t know how to thank you all my teachers. God bless you all.
Thank you very much. Great lesson!
I am very touched by what you have done for me and cannot find the words to express my good feelings.
ich danke dir sehr
I do not know how to thank you
I can’t thank you enough.
Thank you so much.
I’ve got the question.
How to reply on “thank you”?
I am very touched by what you have done for me and cannot find the words to express my good feelings.
I can´t thank you enough. Rebecca is a great teacher.
thank you very much dear teacher.
Hi Rebecca i am new member and i am so grateful to join your lessons channel and enVid sit .. really its useful to be here with you because seriously i have problem and wishes …
my problem is English language and my wishes is to learn English language..I am sure i will going to improve if i stay with you .. after that i don’t know how to thank you ?
Ty kindly mrs/rebecca
Thank you so much madame :)
thank you kindly.
thank you for your all your help
I don’t know how to thank you Rebecca
Hi Rebecca thank you for this lesson & i don’t know how to thank you
I can’t thank you enough.
You know, in France It’s very difficult to find teachers that really help as you do.
You participate to my liberation.
I got 4/5, but I understood my error! Thanks you for all your help!
Thank you so much Rebecca
You got 5 correct out of 5.
I do not know how to thank you Mis Rebecca
tkanks a lot ^___*
You deserves much more than thanks from me.
thank you so much maam Rebecca,i got it,
I don’t know how to thank you!! hehe
5/5. Rebecca, I can`t thank you enough for all your influece for my improving English skills and good manners.You are one of the best English teacher`s i have ever seen.
I got 100%. I don’t know how to thank you. Thank you so much.
The quiz was awesome, I got 10/10 (100%)
Thanks very Rebeca.
Thanks very much Rebeca.
Hi Rebecca thanks for all your lessons
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you for the class. I like it.
I beleieve there’s something in the last setence that is not OK.
* believe
Good one
I watched this video twice on April 8, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
thank you for your teaching
I got 4/5.
“Thank you so much!” :)
Rebecca, thank you for your lesson!
Thank you for all your hard work