Did you know that the words “yes” and “no”, when used alone, can make you sound rude and angry? In this English lesson, you’ll learn the secret of how to communicate these basic messages simply and politely. Take the free quiz after the lesson to test your knowledge.
thanks you very much for this polite english lesson:)
You’re welcome!
Hi Rebecca,
Your courses and quiz are very helpful. Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot for your vids Rebecca, You’re a wonderfull teacher, I have problems to understand but I understand you clearly. Thanks so much!!!
Thank u..
Its nice presentation.
By all means
it’s very good video, i like it
Gee, thanks!
that’s a very ineresting video…clear explanations in english …..good idea the final test about it. Thanks a lot.
Yes, the test helps to review what you have learned. All the best!
Its a very good website for learning English.
Please keep updating this site.
Yes, we shall. Please do tell your friends about our website so we can continue to grow.
it is amazing, it is like a revolution in my mind, even I am learning English long time. Very halpfull.
Wow, thanks. So glad it helped you.
These are the little changes that can make a big difference in being culturally appropriate and not just linguistically correct.
All the best with your English.
I learn in engVid.
I become a new student for engvid.
You can help me learn English in engVid.
Befour I don’t like to learn English, because I don’t know learn than what do? I learn English from 12 to 18 ago.
My name Tuan, from Viet Nam, I am singler, I haven’t many money. I learnning English, I can help for teacher in EngVid.
Thank you, very much.
So glad we can help you out. All the best to you, Tuan.
amazing :)
there’s something Rebecca says in this video “I’m going to BE leaving in a few minutes” that it’s the first time I hear it. I knew the other expression that she says “I’m leaving in a few minutes”. Does the 1st sentence mean something more or different than the 2nd one? Please help me, I’m a little confused.
Hi Gloria
Both sentences are correct and mean more or less the same thing.
Thanks for your interest and all the best to you.
I just can say “awesome”
I do not know how to thank all of you.
Omar Ventura
That’s a cool compliment, Omar. Thanks and all the best to you.
Thank you very much , for lesson
star light
You’re very welcome. Good luck to you!
Thanks you very much for lesson really so good
khurram chaudhry
You’re welcome Khurram. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca,
I have one question for you, it has nothing to do with this class. I studied English in Mexico, at school there I studied to take the CAE test, this was the last level students could reach. However, I have heard about other two tests the CPE and the IELTS.
I just would like to know which of these three exams is the most difficult and which one has the highest level accordind to the cambridge framework
Thank you so much.
Omar Ventura
The CPE is higher than the CAE, and is the most advanced exam that CAmbridge offers.
The IELTS has 2 versions — general and academic. The Academic is at a higher level, and is used for admission to English speaking universities, for example.
You can check the Cambridge ESOL website for more specific comparisons and info.
All the best to you.
your lesson is so interesting and very creative.
Thanks, Luvia. Glad it helped you. All the best!
to all engvid teacher thank you very much,you guys are awesome..Godbless you all..
Thank you kindly. Our best wishes to you too and good luck with your English.
hi.rebecca; thanks alot for your lessons and iwould like to ask u about the expressions(when person said thank you? the answer ihad studied before is Not at all ) is it corect? and why you didnt held it in your lessons pls answered me
noticed that.> istudied english (LONG MAN CO )
Yes, Ashabi, you can certainly say “Not at all” in response to someone thanking you.
I did not include it in my lesson because I explained different ways to say thank you and not how to respond to the thank you!
Glad you are enjoying the lessons.
thanks you . it was great!
My pleasure. My best to you!
Hi, Rebecca!
I would like to ask if you are helping with writing?!
I mean, I need someone who could check my writing (essays) for mistakes, will you help me with that?
By the way, this website and youtube english lessons are great, thank you, and I look forward to get reply!
Hi Mazhi
We do not currently offer a service to correct essays.
Thanks for your feedback and glad you enjoy the lessons on engvid.
All the best to you.
hi rebecca ,iasked before and no answer?
Rebecca, please, make a lesson on how to use “have had” and “had had”!!!
Thanks for the suggestion. Will keep this in mind, Past perfect and present perfect can be confusing, I understand.
All the best with your English.
hi rebecca ,saying yes or no ,lesson is super.i don,t know how to thankyou
noureen khurshedi
You just did! You’re very welcome, my friend.
pls answer my question
Thanks to everyone who left feedback. It’s always nice to know we have helped you. My best wishes to all of you.
Hi rebeca you are a god teacher, and yes or no is very god i need leard more, im always confuse with the present and past sentences example. was , wasent. did, didn’t, does, dosen’t you know, all this world. thanks for help us.
Please check the grammar section of our website for grammar lessons which might help you.
My best wishes to you.
thank so much..very clear lesson but i got 4 out of 6…lol
Better than getting 3 or 2 or 1 …:-)
My best wishes to you.
thanks alot it’s really helpeful
salah alnahdi
Thaks, for a lesson!.
Thanks, for a lesson!. can give a new lesson? i like you lesson! it’s very help. how to speaking english…please respond my coment… :) :-)………
New lessons are recorded and uploaded regularly so please keep checking in. You will enjoy lessons by the other teachers too.
My best to you.
thank you very much}5…. you are the best teacher…..
Thanks, for a lesson!. can give a new lesson? i like you lesson! it’s very help. how to speaking english…please respond my coment… :) :-)………
Thanks, this lassons are realy great and helpfull !
Thanks a lot for the lesson, is very useful!!
your lesson is really heplful for me…. thank you very much
wow! I loved your explanation, and this is my first class here in this site.
It was very good to know yes or no right and politely. congratulations on your class. I’m still a little embarrassed by quei I can not speak engles not know much yet, but I know that little by little I’m learning, and estamaos here for this, learn, eh!, Rsrsrs
bye, bye and God bless you
Ricardinho Britto
Thanks for your feedback.
I am sure you will feel more confident and improve your command of English each day.
My best wishes to you.
hi Rebecca
thank you for your simple desscus
I wavt study english
can you give me a plane to do that
some thing like what first grammer or words
all my best wishes to you
قف للمعلم وفه التبجيلا كاد المعلم ان يكون رسولا
mostafa ezz
Thanks for your feedback. There are many excellent English language books available which can help you. Check with a local language school in your area to see what books are available and which are the most popular.
For grammar, I like to use Basic Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press.
My best wishes to you, Mostafa.
Hello. Rebecca! Your lessons are very usefull for me! I always listeh attentive and try undrestand. Not always this comw out with ferst time!
Thank you!
Keep trying and you will succeed,Alenika.
My Best wishes to you.
Hi rebecca! I am from philippines.i am very eager to learn more. Im afraid to tell other people around me whats on my mind in english word because im afraid to be criticize. But with this site i am beginning to renew my confidence.
That’s wonderful! The best way to improve is to use whatever we know and learn from our mistakes, without feeling ashamed.
We communicate in so many ways, not only with our words. If your overall behaviour and body language is polite, people will understand if you make grammatical mistakes. You seem to be the kind of person who cares about other people anyway, so please relax and move forward confidently.
Keep smiling, too. That always helps! My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebacca
This is amazing lesson , thanks for your efforts, I am new student in your class, I love english , but I have some problems in speaking and listening skills , I wish , I’ll be better by learning in this site.
Keep tuning in and you will certainly improve.
Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
Hello Rebecca,
I’m an english teacher at an institution in venezuela and i wanted to tell that you and the rest of the teachers have done a wonderful job with this web site, it has helped me improve my english a lot. I have also recommended it to my students and they love it.
Thank you, and thanks for this lesson.
Hi Alberto
Thanks for your feedback and for recommending us. Always a pleasure to help a fellow teacher. I wish you lots of success in the your career, now and in the future. I have always found teaching to be so personally rewarding. I wish you the same.
Thank you, Alberto.
Please let us know if your students have any special problems or requests. Thanks.
hello rebicca
my name is hebah . I’m very happy because I became a member of the web site
And we are happy to have you as a member, Hebah.
My best wishes to you.
thank you so much for your video it’s very nice
Glad you enjoyed it, Aslam. Best wishes to you.
I value the way you teach English.
I really can’t thank you enough Rebecca.
My pleasure. All the best.
thank you for teaching me
mayesh chhetri
Pleasure, Mayesh. Good luck with your English and other aspects of your life.
really this is good website to learn the english, and i like teaching method, short coaching vedio, really i like yas i am getting something better stuff from this vedio. thanks for your help
Thank you. Please do tell your friends, so we can continue to expand the website and offer you new lessons regularly. You are all important to us too.
My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for all your efforts, very appreciated.
May i know how could i send the essay to you? I understand that you are busy, but i failed the last test and really need a mentor to check my essay before i enter the test on 16 April 2010.
its nice to learn english online with a nice teacher
ahmwd nasr
And a pleasure to meet nice students,too!
All the best!
I lke you lesson. your the best teacher… :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :): ) :) :) :) :): ) :) :) :)
you are very interesting
You and your staff really brilliant.
Ali Wadi Abbas
Congratulations Rebecca,
It was a wonderful lesson
best wishes,
Good website it’s really help full to us .. !
Thank you so much tO you and your organisation…
I appreciate your lesson
its really very good. best wishes!
noor ul elmah hasan
your lesson are so easy to gain english advantage.
khem raj(India)
hello teacher i liked this lesson very much and i like the way how you explaining . my english is so bad but i think i will be better soon because i will keep going with this web site .
thanks alot
Thank you teacher.Next time I try to comment more
Greetings ,
Thanks for such nice sessions.
You are doing a great job.
Have a nice day .
Dr. Khan
thanx sweet heart
thanks ,its nice to learn english online with a nice teacher ,iam very happy iam improving my english skills
vinod bhatt
Is possibly to save this lesson?
Not right now.
wow .. I love this website .. it’s really helping me to improve my English .. oppss .. if i make a mistake when I wrote this comments , would you please correct me .. thanks
If I MADE a mistake when I wrote the comments….
Otherwise, everything was perfect! Good for you and thanks, Aishah!
Thanks a lot for your lessons, Rebecca. Now I’m feeling a polite guy!
Regards from Spain.
Thank you for your lesson.
Rebecca, Are you on facebook….because i would like to add you for english lessons….? is this possible….?
Thank you
I found this site one of the best sites on the net
I need your guidance to the most important words to speak English fluently
Is it possible guideline for how to learn the important words spoken and preserved
hi…mam thank you for theSe great lessons..
i’ve just started visiting engvid.com all the lessons are very productive..
I’ve a question..the answers of 3rd and last question can be any other option also..selection of answer is based on, which has more politeness..HOPE I SUCCEEDED IN EXPLANING MY QUESTION..
I’ve a request also to teach us how to greet the guest while giving any speech or how to welcome and end the speech..hoping you’ll answer………
Yes, the correct answers in the quiz are the ones that are the most polite. The other answers are possible, just not the most polite options.
Thanks for your suggestions, Trivs.
thanks mam i really appreciated , i just fell deep in ur lessons cos they r very interesting
thanks once again , god bless you mam <3
Thanks so much for your kind feedback. My best wishes to you.
This is the exactly what I wanted to know. I always hesitate to say “No” in English. Now I can say “No” in different ways. Thank you very much.
Good for you for realizing that just saying no was awkward. All the best with your English, Toshi.
I loved the class, I just didn’t understand very well about the answer: no, I’m afraid. Could you give me more examples, please???
When we say, “I’m afraid not” it is simply another polite way of saying no.
For example,
A:Is Mr Smith in the office?
B:I’m afraid not.
It does not mean that you are afraid or scared or anything like that. It is just a polite expression to use in a business context especially, instead of saying no.
Hope this helps! My best to you, Lili.
Could you please tell me the correct pronunciation of the word ‘Thank you’ in British English?
Akash Hans
thanks for your all helpful lessons plz tell me the usage of Like and Love
Ayaz Ali
I like ice cream.
I love my mother.
Of course, some people really love ice cream too! Love implies a much stronger positive feeling than like.
All the best to you, Ayaz Ali.
I really like EngVid it sounds like an English lesson with you, James, Ronnie, Alex and Valen.
Alex Nordin
You are the best Rebecca!!!
I have also thought that it would be useful if you could make a video about words which can be used instead of “good”. When we describe sth, we always using words like good, nice etc. However there are many other words such as “skilful,exciting etc”. Could you help us on that?!
Thank you !!
That’s not just a good idea…it’s a wonderful idea! Thanks!
My best to you,Sk.
Very useful lesson. Thank you very much, Rebecca!
well!It`s really good!!!!!
Al Mamun
Hi rebecca.how u been doing,i hope u r fine.
i love ur lessons very much,here is million thanks 4ur teaching way. i would like to ask u one question that how is the use of ;MIGHT;& what does it mean pleaaaaaas explain 2me plssss…. thanks.
thank you but the lession
hi. Mrs Rebecca
i always do the task, but i don`t know if my unswers are correct or not, pls help me.
zaki Hussein
“Amazing efforts for helping others who are really suffering to know something”
A good lesson, keep it up! You are also very beautiful.
thanks for your lesson but please are you send me some more worksheet or homework ?
i am little bit confused about sound of c sometime we pronouns c or sometime k
Ma’am Rebbeca,
The presentation was comprehesible and impressing. You are my favourite teacher in EngVid.One question,
Where you from?
maam Rebecca is the best of all the teachers . your lessons really helped me a lot. east or west REBECCA MAAM is the BEST !!!!!!!!!!
sorry if i make any mistake in the comments
one more question : are you on facebook
i really want to add you
Hi Rebecca.. Thank you for such a great lesson. I have a query. If someone says ‘you are wonderful’, what should be my response?
Well,It’s very nice and very clear
Hi! Rebecca I’m first time here!I need to learn the way to say like a language owner.thanks !
Thank you so much Rebecca mam, for providing very useful english lesson. Your presention is very comphrensible and impressionable.
I am new learner of engvid. I live in India and very keen to learn english esp in speaking I found that I would be helpful for me.
Dear Rubbeca,
After watching this clip it’s really surprising for me that how significant mistakes we made in regular conversation. Would you please guide in which sequence i watch your teaching videos for better understanding since it doesn’t show any order in title? Well I am planning to appear in General IELTS and want to score 7 bands.
ho hohohoho
good improvement 83%. -)
It’s excellent!
Wow! This is really helpful! I go to school in the States for almost 2 years and I always say only ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Thank you so much.
oh’ this lesson is really very good and helpfull, i never took such a lesson like this it’s very intresting mor me really.
thanks yuo so much Mrs. Rabeca
your lessons are pretty much helpful to me. I appreciate your support.
Could you please tell me how to express picking up?
I pick you up from bus station? or I pick up you from bus station?
pick me a book for me ? pick up me a book ? during shopping etc…
Dear Reb,
Thank you very match,my feedback may be late,but i’ve just know about your esteemed website.
Thanks Alot and i can say a sentence in Arabic
(Gazki Allah khayra)
Thank you very much!!
Hi Rebecca. You are a good teacher and your lessons are excellent. I have a question. When i made the quiz, i made a mistake in the first one, because i thought that i need to answer with auxiliar do (no, i don’t) becauese the question use it. Could you explain me why it was wrong?. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your lessons.The way you taught us are amazing.You are my angel.
very useful. i want to more learn with english. I am a bigner of english study. so u teach me?
This test is very useful.Thanks for engvid.com.
thanks to engvid.com for such great lesson
please keep updating this site
Thank you very much. I’m italian and I’m going to live in Melbourne and I think your lessons will be very helpful!
good teaching
Fortunatly, I show your English website. Firstly I started your lesson ” twenty-two people were killed and dozens injured when two trains collided in Central India on Sept.20.”
The above paragraph more attracted me. Thank you very much and God Bless You. Kindly I ask you, How can I improve my English conversation fluently. Please ask you as your student.
Thank you,
Ali Valliyil
WOW just a mind blowing lesson i only said yes or no in my answers but now i use your words thanks
in quiz there was a question. Do you know where the washrooms are
no,i don’t.Is it not correct answer please tell me why it is not thanks
Hello teacher . Tankyou for your lesson I’m studying everyday at night,I love the class.
Rene Tellez
Rebecca is a great teacher.I like her so much. She is very very poilite and pronounce very well. I am a new learner from Pakistan.I think its the best website in the world to learn english.I will tell my friends about this website.But I would like to suggest to you,you should add some exercises about listning as well as slow pronounceation so asian also understand the accent. And I also to suggest to you,there would be some techniques to correct the spelings. I am very poor in spelling and I think there many people will be in the world.
Thans All the team of this website. perticulerly Rebecca.
Yaseer Ahmad From Pakistan.
Rebecca please tell me the proper use of get,acquire,take etc.
thank you very much rebecca
i like your lessons
you are a great woman
hello Rebecca i like your lessons very much
you are really great teacher
Rebecca can i answer ”I do” like your lessons ..thank you
Thank you for shairing. Your lessons are very helpful.
Hi Rebecca, at 7:10 you make an example, but I really can’t understand… it seems “Did you melt the… ladder?”… :(
Anyway thank you very much.
hi. thanks for making this video-lessons. they area very good tool to practice and learn inglish.
thanks again and I wish you the best.
Hello Rebecca. I’m Vietnamese, thank you so much about your presentation. It so easy to understand for me. Thanks again and I wish you the best.
this is my first experience in this web site……i feel this is very useful & helpful for students to learn English in a easy & correct method…..
Thank you for your lesson,
Nice lesson ..
ıt’s good.ı learn two words about say yes…thank u;)
Hi Rebecca ! Im really appreciate your lesson ! I have a presetation about the way of saying yes and no and I saw your lesson while searching for information.
In my book, there are stronger yes answers, weaker yes, stronger no, and weaker no. And in each section, they list some words; for example,
Stronger Yes : Absolutely, Definitely, For sure, Great, I’ll say etc
What I would like to ask if if the words become weaker in order, like Absolutely > Definitely > For sure > Great ect
Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. And hope that there would be a lesson about “Yes Maybe and No”. Thanks
thanks for ur lessons :)
u and ur friends in engVid are so kind, so nice
i consider ur web very useful for us to improve Eng. skills
i met ur son ( Josh) in Vietnam by chance the other day, so i now know the useful website.
best wishes for all of u
thanks so much ;)
thanks techer englishe i wanna to know englishe good see you again and thanks
thanks a million…..! miss rebecca
Your are so good for teacher.
Thank you very much, I am waiting for new lessons.
Thank you for the lesson
Thank Rebecca, I understend,but is necesary practice..
well my mirrow , aerly in the morning staring.
Tanks your are the best teacher
Mario, I live in El Salvador
thanks i enjoyed watching u.Good teacher.
Thanks Rebecca. I have been in USA almost 3 years but i can’t improve my English well. starting to watch your website and it’s help me a lot.
Dear Madam….I am Harithas from Srilanka..Alwayz I am improving my language through your lessons…Thanks a lot madam..God bless you…
Wow I got 83.33 out of 100, thank you Sister Rebecca, you r good teacher, keep it up for our sake. God bless you as well
excellent! to all the teacher’s of engvid especially to you ms. rebecca thank you so much
Thanks, you are good teacher
Hello Rebecca, Thank You for this lesson it was easy after you explained to me, Thanks again
Robert Estrada
Hi Rebecca,
I need your help for this english lesson.Thanks and may God be with you.
Emmanuel RUKATSA
Thanhs Rebeca!!!!!.You are a good teacher!Your video is so cool .
Thanhs again Rebeca .you a great
I love this wedsite:D
good, good . i like this lesson ,thanks you teacher.
I am new student of you. your lesson was amazing. I am very eager to speak in english. From here I will not leave your website. And I will spread about your web to all my friends.
Thanking you
I do not know how to thank you for this great lessons which I benefited a lot.
I follow your lessons with interest and passion. How wonderful you are,
O my teacher esteemed.
Abdellahi Sid'Ahmed
If some1 ask me,that can I USE ur laptop for a while,so CAN i say yes,ofcourse,by all means!,is it the right way to say yes?
Wow, What a great vedio lesson.
I just know this wepsite which is awesome and magnificent
Yoseb Kim
Thanks for a very good explanation of the lesson presented. More power.
Juliet Pantoja
Luv the way u teach Rebeccca ^^
Thank you so much rebecca
I like learn from video not books
Because i think listening it’s very important for learn faster ..
Thank you very much . you are great teacher I really enjoy to watching you .
could you pleas talking more about IELTS exam .
its nice to learn english online with a nice teacher
I’m preparing myself for an IELTS exam.
All I can say is that you explain English grammar in such a way that everybody can understand it and, which is more important, REMEMBER all that you said.
Thank you so much Rebecca!!!
Greetings from Serbia :)))
Thank you so much about video,I really like it.thanks Teacher
Great stuff! Big help ;)
Fantastic lesson but for people with a very poor english like me, and beginners, would be important that all the teachers would speak a little bit slowly. Thanks a lot indeed.
Giovanni, italy
thanks so much you helped me get and A++ on my english test im ready to watch all of your lesson please make more thanks alot
Thank you Rebecca great lesson.
Thanks your for a very good lesson!
hi rebecca .. thanks 4 the useful lesson .. i have a small question: Do you know where the washrooms are? i’m afraid not.. why we don’t say ” no, i don’t”??
I have the same question?
Hi mam, you are my real teacher.I have learnt so many things by you.Mam thanks indeed.
Shahid Aziz
Still a i has some problems using would and it’s family would’nt would be would have.please help me to use the model verbs .
Shahid Aziz
It is amizing Iam learning English long time Thank you Very halpfull
im ismael im from morocco and you
it was nice lesson I had ever seen
Hello Mrs. Rebbeca!
Thanks a lot for very interesting and useful lesson.
Thanks, that was a wonderful video, I have a question its not based on the video. DO YOU HAVE TO CAPITALIZE ALL NOUNS?
Hi Rebecca,
Many thanks for your lesson. It is very useful for non-native English speakers.
I would like to ask you if it is polite to answer with “yes, I know”. Sometimes, it sounds quite rude to me.
Thank you for your answer.
Wow! Mrs Rebecca, I am amazed!
It’s easy to understand.tnx a lot.
the way you teach is fascinating and the teachings are very helpful. i do not know how to thank you Rebecca.
by all means, i love the way you teach.. soooo cool and easy to understand. Thanks a lot Mam Rebecca. Mabuhay!! from Philippines..
thanks alot <3
Thank you very much.
Rebbeca, you are the wonderful teacher. I never before could belive that learning English may be so exciting. Thank you very much.
Please accept my best regards from Poland.
Hi Rebbeca, Please tell me why I have to wait so long for the approval my comment by EngVid. Perhaps I have made a mistake in sending it. I’ll be very grateful if you answer me. Thank you in advance.Yours sincerely Benigna
Hello Rebecca, I’m a new member here. :)
I’m from Indonesia. You help me a lot to learn english. I can understand what you mean easily. My english isnt good, so sorry if i make some mistake :)
Hello! I really like the way you teach english. Do you teach english classes on skype? Because I am new here in Canada and would like to learn and improve my english.I actually have problem speaking in english. If you teach on skype then please send me your id on skype throught e-mail. thnx
thank you! I’m from Kazakhstan. Your lessons are exciting! Every time I found something interesting for me. I wish to pass IELTS, I hope to take 7 band, with your help!!!
hi dear Rebecca!
thank you for your all your help.
hi dear Rebecca
Thank you videuo lessin
I love to learn english with Rebecca
Hj Rebecca…plz send me a text…I can’t hear and understand..thank you
Thank .
Hello Rebecca,
I’ve recently found out your site and I really appreciate it.
I’m not so good at English yet. Well, I find quite easy to learn grammar. My problem is that sometimes I can’t understand all the words you’re speaking, although I understand the whole sentence meaning.
So I’d like to ask you how to improve this side of learning.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, you’re a really good teacher.
i like your teach in english.you r very nice teach english.
s Ali M kazmi
hi,teacher i want to know different about
were you at the party lastnight?
and did u go to the party lastnight?
when i supposed to use did or v2?
bob marley
thank you! It’s really amazing
thank you it is very good leason, but i,m not like english i,m a new student
this lesson is very important. Thank you, teacher Rebeca!
Thanks Rebecca.You always give us good and understandable lessons.I like your smile too.
These lesons like classification >>>>>> thanks
you are amazing :) !
thnaks lady
HSE Advisor
The way u teach is awesome…
thanks for the lesson Rebecca…
Hello Rebecca, this was too tricky to me,although I got 67.I need more of this.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your lesson.
You are great teacher
take care
Hi my teacher,
You are so good teacher to me
Thank you
Thanks Rebecca! I got 80% :)
Ho Tri Thuc
I got five correct out of six (5/6)!
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Marcelo Matos
Wow! Thankyou for this lesson! I didn’t know if I say just yes or no as an ansyar I was being rude.
Thank you Rebecca for the amazing lesson!It has taught me a lot!
thanks for the lesson Rebecca
Ali yasin
it’s cool the lesson thanks
Ali yasin
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this course, it is important to know to speak properly.
Best regards.
Hi Rebeca, I’m trying to make a politely conversation, Could you please tell me if this is enough politely?
Peter: Hi Mark, I’m not feeling well right now, Can I ask you a favor please?
Mark: Off course. What can I do for you?
Peter: Could you return this book to the library for me, please?
Mark: With pleasure
Peter: Thank you, so much
Thanks for your help
Rossy Serrato
Dear Teacher Rebecca again thanks of your efforts in English English classes without any compliment I have to say that are very useful for those who have participated in them,each case you teach are useful and new subject for us.
Mohammad mostaan
thank you so much.this lession is very userful and teacher is fascinating too hjhj
very useful lesson. Thank you.
ann ann
6/6, ummm I liked it!
how useful! thanks.
Great lesson! Thank you
It was good lesson, thanks a lot.
Hi Rebecca! Following the rules in the first question of the quiz can we use the answer “No, I don’t”, too? It is correct too, isn’t it? Maybe it’s not too polite, but correct. Thanks for your help.
Again 100%. I proud myself))))
Thanks, Rebecca.
Thanks you so much.
Rebecca I had difficulty to recognize were, for me sound is like where and we´re. I hope you could help me. I will appreciate.
Marta Lopez
Hello Rebeca, Thank’s for your excellent class. I am a new student in this website. I am ver happy.
that helped a lot
Hi miss Rebecca can i text you on facebook.
Thank you, it is good to leaning these details that are often used..
good explanation
Thank you so much for your lesson it was so great ??
soz zana
Thank you Rebecca
I got 5/6! Thanks so much for the lesson!
You got 5 correct out of 6.
thank you.
M kartal
Thank you teacher, i learned a lot from the start of your video till the end.
Thank You teacher now I can say politely No or yes to formal way..
Thank you,this is really helpful.
4/6?thank you for your lesson.I need to work on these polite answer so very good lesson ?
I can’t thank you enough Rebecca
Shahez khan
Thank you so much Rebecca
Shahez khan
Good job Rebbeca :) Thanks a lot!
5/6, thank you very much!
I got wrong on the first question. I answered B (No, I don’t) Could you tell me why i’m wrong? Is it because less polite then i’m afraid not?
hope you can answer and clear my confusion
Thnak you so much for the lesson Rebecca
6 out of 6 in this test too.Thanks Rebecca!
Hamza Pervez
thanks alot i love
Sharhabeel Yousif
Its easy i got it thank you rebbeca
Very useful lesson.Thanks for teaching us with very politeness.I am from INDIA your lessons help me a lot.
Professor Rebecca, by all means i appreciate all of your classes. The method that you use indicates that i’ll learn with more facility, although you have excellent videos about tenses in English, i’d like if possible to ask you to make a video about Present Perfect x Present Perfect Continuous. It would help me to interpret better these two common tenses.
thank you for your quiz ma’am rebecca!
Im Enjoying this polite english thank you so much mum Rebecca?
5/6 Thank you ma’am Rebecca
I watched this video twice on April 7, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 6.
it’s very good video, i like it
Thanks for the lesson.
Very grateful for this stunning lesson sweet Becky
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thanks you very much for this polite english lesson:)
You’re welcome!
Hi Rebecca,
Your courses and quiz are very helpful. Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot for your vids Rebecca, You’re a wonderfull teacher, I have problems to understand but I understand you clearly. Thanks so much!!!
Thank u..
Its nice presentation.
By all means
it’s very good video, i like it
Gee, thanks!
that’s a very ineresting video…clear explanations in english …..good idea the final test about it. Thanks a lot.
Yes, the test helps to review what you have learned. All the best!
Its a very good website for learning English.
Please keep updating this site.
Yes, we shall. Please do tell your friends about our website so we can continue to grow.
it is amazing, it is like a revolution in my mind, even I am learning English long time. Very halpfull.
Wow, thanks. So glad it helped you.
These are the little changes that can make a big difference in being culturally appropriate and not just linguistically correct.
All the best with your English.
I learn in engVid.
I become a new student for engvid.
You can help me learn English in engVid.
Befour I don’t like to learn English, because I don’t know learn than what do? I learn English from 12 to 18 ago.
My name Tuan, from Viet Nam, I am singler, I haven’t many money. I learnning English, I can help for teacher in EngVid.
Thank you, very much.
So glad we can help you out. All the best to you, Tuan.
amazing :)
there’s something Rebecca says in this video “I’m going to BE leaving in a few minutes” that it’s the first time I hear it. I knew the other expression that she says “I’m leaving in a few minutes”. Does the 1st sentence mean something more or different than the 2nd one? Please help me, I’m a little confused.
Hi Gloria
Both sentences are correct and mean more or less the same thing.
Thanks for your interest and all the best to you.
I just can say “awesome”
I do not know how to thank all of you.
That’s a cool compliment, Omar. Thanks and all the best to you.
Thank you very much , for lesson
You’re very welcome. Good luck to you!
Thanks you very much for lesson really so good
You’re welcome Khurram. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca,
I have one question for you, it has nothing to do with this class. I studied English in Mexico, at school there I studied to take the CAE test, this was the last level students could reach. However, I have heard about other two tests the CPE and the IELTS.
I just would like to know which of these three exams is the most difficult and which one has the highest level accordind to the cambridge framework
Thank you so much.
The CPE is higher than the CAE, and is the most advanced exam that CAmbridge offers.
The IELTS has 2 versions — general and academic. The Academic is at a higher level, and is used for admission to English speaking universities, for example.
You can check the Cambridge ESOL website for more specific comparisons and info.
All the best to you.
your lesson is so interesting and very creative.
Thanks, Luvia. Glad it helped you. All the best!
to all engvid teacher thank you very much,you guys are awesome..Godbless you all..
Thank you kindly. Our best wishes to you too and good luck with your English.
hi.rebecca; thanks alot for your lessons and iwould like to ask u about the expressions(when person said thank you? the answer ihad studied before is Not at all ) is it corect? and why you didnt held it in your lessons pls answered me
noticed that.> istudied english (LONG MAN CO )
Yes, Ashabi, you can certainly say “Not at all” in response to someone thanking you.
I did not include it in my lesson because I explained different ways to say thank you and not how to respond to the thank you!
Glad you are enjoying the lessons.
thanks you . it was great!
My pleasure. My best to you!
Hi, Rebecca!
I would like to ask if you are helping with writing?!
I mean, I need someone who could check my writing (essays) for mistakes, will you help me with that?
By the way, this website and youtube english lessons are great, thank you, and I look forward to get reply!
Hi Mazhi
We do not currently offer a service to correct essays.
Thanks for your feedback and glad you enjoy the lessons on engvid.
All the best to you.
hi rebecca ,iasked before and no answer?
Rebecca, please, make a lesson on how to use “have had” and “had had”!!!
Thanks for the suggestion. Will keep this in mind, Past perfect and present perfect can be confusing, I understand.
All the best with your English.
hi rebecca ,saying yes or no ,lesson is super.i don,t know how to thankyou
You just did! You’re very welcome, my friend.
pls answer my question
Thanks to everyone who left feedback. It’s always nice to know we have helped you. My best wishes to all of you.
Hi rebeca you are a god teacher, and yes or no is very god i need leard more, im always confuse with the present and past sentences example. was , wasent. did, didn’t, does, dosen’t you know, all this world. thanks for help us.
Please check the grammar section of our website for grammar lessons which might help you.
My best wishes to you.
thank so much..very clear lesson but i got 4 out of 6…lol
Better than getting 3 or 2 or 1 …:-)
My best wishes to you.
thanks alot it’s really helpeful
Thaks, for a lesson!.
Thanks, for a lesson!. can give a new lesson? i like you lesson! it’s very help. how to speaking english…please respond my coment… :) :-)………
New lessons are recorded and uploaded regularly so please keep checking in. You will enjoy lessons by the other teachers too.
My best to you.
thank you very much}5…. you are the best teacher…..
Thanks, for a lesson!. can give a new lesson? i like you lesson! it’s very help. how to speaking english…please respond my coment… :) :-)………
Thanks, this lassons are realy great and helpfull !
Thanks a lot for the lesson, is very useful!!
your lesson is really heplful for me…. thank you very much
wow! I loved your explanation, and this is my first class here in this site.
It was very good to know yes or no right and politely. congratulations on your class. I’m still a little embarrassed by quei I can not speak engles not know much yet, but I know that little by little I’m learning, and estamaos here for this, learn, eh!, Rsrsrs
bye, bye and God bless you
Thanks for your feedback.
I am sure you will feel more confident and improve your command of English each day.
My best wishes to you.
hi Rebecca
thank you for your simple desscus
I wavt study english
can you give me a plane to do that
some thing like what first grammer or words
all my best wishes to you
قف للمعلم وفه التبجيلا كاد المعلم ان يكون رسولا
Thanks for your feedback. There are many excellent English language books available which can help you. Check with a local language school in your area to see what books are available and which are the most popular.
For grammar, I like to use Basic Grammar in Use
by Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press.
My best wishes to you, Mostafa.
Hello. Rebecca! Your lessons are very usefull for me! I always listeh attentive and try undrestand. Not always this comw out with ferst time!
Thank you!
Keep trying and you will succeed,Alenika.
My Best wishes to you.
Hi rebecca! I am from philippines.i am very eager to learn more. Im afraid to tell other people around me whats on my mind in english word because im afraid to be criticize. But with this site i am beginning to renew my confidence.
That’s wonderful! The best way to improve is to use whatever we know and learn from our mistakes, without feeling ashamed.
We communicate in so many ways, not only with our words. If your overall behaviour and body language is polite, people will understand if you make grammatical mistakes. You seem to be the kind of person who cares about other people anyway, so please relax and move forward confidently.
Keep smiling, too. That always helps! My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebacca
This is amazing lesson , thanks for your efforts, I am new student in your class, I love english , but I have some problems in speaking and listening skills , I wish , I’ll be better by learning in this site.
Keep tuning in and you will certainly improve.
Thanks for your feedback and all the best to you.
Hello Rebecca,
I’m an english teacher at an institution in venezuela and i wanted to tell that you and the rest of the teachers have done a wonderful job with this web site, it has helped me improve my english a lot. I have also recommended it to my students and they love it.
Thank you, and thanks for this lesson.
Hi Alberto
Thanks for your feedback and for recommending us. Always a pleasure to help a fellow teacher. I wish you lots of success in the your career, now and in the future. I have always found teaching to be so personally rewarding. I wish you the same.
Thank you, Alberto.
Please let us know if your students have any special problems or requests. Thanks.
hello rebicca
my name is hebah . I’m very happy because I became a member of the web site
And we are happy to have you as a member, Hebah.
My best wishes to you.
thank you so much for your video it’s very nice
Glad you enjoyed it, Aslam. Best wishes to you.
I value the way you teach English.
I really can’t thank you enough Rebecca.
My pleasure. All the best.
thank you for teaching me
Pleasure, Mayesh. Good luck with your English and other aspects of your life.
really this is good website to learn the english, and i like teaching method, short coaching vedio, really i like yas i am getting something better stuff from this vedio. thanks for your help
Thank you. Please do tell your friends, so we can continue to expand the website and offer you new lessons regularly. You are all important to us too.
My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for all your efforts, very appreciated.
May i know how could i send the essay to you? I understand that you are busy, but i failed the last test and really need a mentor to check my essay before i enter the test on 16 April 2010.
its nice to learn english online with a nice teacher
And a pleasure to meet nice students,too!
All the best!
I lke you lesson. your the best teacher… :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :): ) :) :) :) :): ) :) :) :)
you are very interesting
You and your staff really brilliant.
Congratulations Rebecca,
It was a wonderful lesson
best wishes,
Good website it’s really help full to us .. !
Thank you so much tO you and your organisation…
I appreciate your lesson
its really very good. best wishes!
your lesson are so easy to gain english advantage.
hello teacher i liked this lesson very much and i like the way how you explaining . my english is so bad but i think i will be better soon because i will keep going with this web site .
thanks alot
Thank you teacher.Next time I try to comment more
Greetings ,
Thanks for such nice sessions.
You are doing a great job.
Have a nice day .
thanx sweet heart
thanks ,its nice to learn english online with a nice teacher ,iam very happy iam improving my english skills
Is possibly to save this lesson?
Not right now.
wow .. I love this website .. it’s really helping me to improve my English .. oppss .. if i make a mistake when I wrote this comments , would you please correct me .. thanks
If I MADE a mistake when I wrote the comments….
Otherwise, everything was perfect! Good for you and thanks, Aishah!
Thanks a lot for your lessons, Rebecca. Now I’m feeling a polite guy!
Regards from Spain.
Thank you for your lesson.
Rebecca, Are you on facebook….because i would like to add you for english lessons….? is this possible….?
Thank you
I found this site one of the best sites on the net
I need your guidance to the most important words to speak English fluently
Is it possible guideline for how to learn the important words spoken and preserved
hi…mam thank you for theSe great lessons..
i’ve just started visiting engvid.com all the lessons are very productive..
I’ve a question..the answers of 3rd and last question can be any other option also..selection of answer is based on, which has more politeness..HOPE I SUCCEEDED IN EXPLANING MY QUESTION..
I’ve a request also to teach us how to greet the guest while giving any speech or how to welcome and end the speech..hoping you’ll answer………
Yes, the correct answers in the quiz are the ones that are the most polite. The other answers are possible, just not the most polite options.
Thanks for your suggestions, Trivs.
thanks mam i really appreciated , i just fell deep in ur lessons cos they r very interesting
thanks once again , god bless you mam <3
Thanks so much for your kind feedback. My best wishes to you.
This is the exactly what I wanted to know. I always hesitate to say “No” in English. Now I can say “No” in different ways. Thank you very much.
Good for you for realizing that just saying no was awkward. All the best with your English, Toshi.
I loved the class, I just didn’t understand very well about the answer: no, I’m afraid. Could you give me more examples, please???
When we say, “I’m afraid not” it is simply another polite way of saying no.
For example,
A:Is Mr Smith in the office?
B:I’m afraid not.
It does not mean that you are afraid or scared or anything like that. It is just a polite expression to use in a business context especially, instead of saying no.
Hope this helps! My best to you, Lili.
Could you please tell me the correct pronunciation of the word ‘Thank you’ in British English?
thanks for your all helpful lessons plz tell me the usage of Like and Love
I like ice cream.
I love my mother.
Of course, some people really love ice cream too! Love implies a much stronger positive feeling than like.
All the best to you, Ayaz Ali.
I really like EngVid it sounds like an English lesson with you, James, Ronnie, Alex and Valen.
You are the best Rebecca!!!
I have also thought that it would be useful if you could make a video about words which can be used instead of “good”. When we describe sth, we always using words like good, nice etc. However there are many other words such as “skilful,exciting etc”. Could you help us on that?!
Thank you !!
That’s not just a good idea…it’s a wonderful idea! Thanks!
My best to you,Sk.
Very useful lesson. Thank you very much, Rebecca!
well!It`s really good!!!!!
Hi rebecca.how u been doing,i hope u r fine.
i love ur lessons very much,here is million thanks 4ur teaching way. i would like to ask u one question that how is the use of ;MIGHT;& what does it mean pleaaaaaas explain 2me plssss…. thanks.
thank you but the lession
hi. Mrs Rebecca
i always do the task, but i don`t know if my unswers are correct or not, pls help me.
“Amazing efforts for helping others who are really suffering to know something”
A good lesson, keep it up! You are also very beautiful.
thanks for your lesson but please are you send me some more worksheet or homework ?
i am little bit confused about sound of c sometime we pronouns c or sometime k
Ma’am Rebbeca,
The presentation was comprehesible and impressing. You are my favourite teacher in EngVid.One question,
Where you from?
maam Rebecca is the best of all the teachers . your lessons really helped me a lot. east or west REBECCA MAAM is the BEST !!!!!!!!!!
sorry if i make any mistake in the comments
one more question : are you on facebook
i really want to add you
Hi Rebecca.. Thank you for such a great lesson. I have a query. If someone says ‘you are wonderful’, what should be my response?
Well,It’s very nice and very clear
Hi! Rebecca I’m first time here!I need to learn the way to say like a language owner.thanks !
Thank you so much Rebecca mam, for providing very useful english lesson. Your presention is very comphrensible and impressionable.
I am new learner of engvid. I live in India and very keen to learn english esp in speaking I found that I would be helpful for me.
Dear Rubbeca,
After watching this clip it’s really surprising for me that how significant mistakes we made in regular conversation. Would you please guide in which sequence i watch your teaching videos for better understanding since it doesn’t show any order in title? Well I am planning to appear in General IELTS and want to score 7 bands.
ho hohohoho
good improvement 83%. -)
It’s excellent!
Wow! This is really helpful! I go to school in the States for almost 2 years and I always say only ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Thank you so much.
oh’ this lesson is really very good and helpfull, i never took such a lesson like this it’s very intresting mor me really.
thanks yuo so much Mrs. Rabeca
your lessons are pretty much helpful to me. I appreciate your support.
Could you please tell me how to express picking up?
I pick you up from bus station? or I pick up you from bus station?
pick me a book for me ? pick up me a book ? during shopping etc…
Dear Reb,
Thank you very match,my feedback may be late,but i’ve just know about your esteemed website.
Thanks Alot and i can say a sentence in Arabic
(Gazki Allah khayra)
Thank you very much!!
Hi Rebecca. You are a good teacher and your lessons are excellent. I have a question. When i made the quiz, i made a mistake in the first one, because i thought that i need to answer with auxiliar do (no, i don’t) becauese the question use it. Could you explain me why it was wrong?. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your lessons.The way you taught us are amazing.You are my angel.
very useful. i want to more learn with english. I am a bigner of english study. so u teach me?
This test is very useful.Thanks for engvid.com.
thanks to engvid.com for such great lesson
please keep updating this site
Thank you very much. I’m italian and I’m going to live in Melbourne and I think your lessons will be very helpful!
good teaching
Fortunatly, I show your English website. Firstly I started your lesson ” twenty-two people were killed and dozens injured when two trains collided in Central India on Sept.20.”
The above paragraph more attracted me. Thank you very much and God Bless You. Kindly I ask you, How can I improve my English conversation fluently. Please ask you as your student.
Thank you,
WOW just a mind blowing lesson i only said yes or no in my answers but now i use your words thanks
in quiz there was a question. Do you know where the washrooms are
no,i don’t.Is it not correct answer please tell me why it is not thanks
Hello teacher . Tankyou for your lesson I’m studying everyday at night,I love the class.
Rebecca is a great teacher.I like her so much. She is very very poilite and pronounce very well. I am a new learner from Pakistan.I think its the best website in the world to learn english.I will tell my friends about this website.But I would like to suggest to you,you should add some exercises about listning as well as slow pronounceation so asian also understand the accent. And I also to suggest to you,there would be some techniques to correct the spelings. I am very poor in spelling and I think there many people will be in the world.
Thans All the team of this website. perticulerly Rebecca.
Yaseer Ahmad From Pakistan.
Rebecca please tell me the proper use of get,acquire,take etc.
thank you very much rebecca
i like your lessons
you are a great woman
hello Rebecca i like your lessons very much
you are really great teacher
Rebecca can i answer ”I do” like your lessons ..thank you
Thank you for shairing. Your lessons are very helpful.
Hi Rebecca, at 7:10 you make an example, but I really can’t understand… it seems “Did you melt the… ladder?”… :(
Anyway thank you very much.
hi. thanks for making this video-lessons. they area very good tool to practice and learn inglish.
thanks again and I wish you the best.
Hello Rebecca. I’m Vietnamese, thank you so much about your presentation. It so easy to understand for me. Thanks again and I wish you the best.
this is my first experience in this web site……i feel this is very useful & helpful for students to learn English in a easy & correct method…..
Thank you for your lesson,
Nice lesson ..
ıt’s good.ı learn two words about say yes…thank u;)
Hi Rebecca ! Im really appreciate your lesson ! I have a presetation about the way of saying yes and no and I saw your lesson while searching for information.
In my book, there are stronger yes answers, weaker yes, stronger no, and weaker no. And in each section, they list some words; for example,
Stronger Yes : Absolutely, Definitely, For sure, Great, I’ll say etc
What I would like to ask if if the words become weaker in order, like Absolutely > Definitely > For sure > Great ect
Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. And hope that there would be a lesson about “Yes Maybe and No”. Thanks
thanks for ur lessons :)
u and ur friends in engVid are so kind, so nice
i consider ur web very useful for us to improve Eng. skills
i met ur son ( Josh) in Vietnam by chance the other day, so i now know the useful website.
best wishes for all of u
thanks so much ;)
thanks techer englishe i wanna to know englishe good see you again and thanks
thanks a million…..! miss rebecca
Your are so good for teacher.
Thank you very much, I am waiting for new lessons.
Thank you for the lesson
Thank Rebecca, I understend,but is necesary practice..
well my mirrow , aerly in the morning staring.
Tanks your are the best teacher
Mario, I live in El Salvador
thanks i enjoyed watching u.Good teacher.
Thanks Rebecca. I have been in USA almost 3 years but i can’t improve my English well. starting to watch your website and it’s help me a lot.
Dear Madam….I am Harithas from Srilanka..Alwayz I am improving my language through your lessons…Thanks a lot madam..God bless you…
Wow I got 83.33 out of 100, thank you Sister Rebecca, you r good teacher, keep it up for our sake. God bless you as well
excellent! to all the teacher’s of engvid especially to you ms. rebecca thank you so much
Thanks, you are good teacher
Hello Rebecca, Thank You for this lesson it was easy after you explained to me, Thanks again
Hi Rebecca,
I need your help for this english lesson.Thanks and may God be with you.
Thanhs Rebeca!!!!!.You are a good teacher!Your video is so cool .
Thanhs again Rebeca .you a great
I love this wedsite:D
good, good . i like this lesson ,thanks you teacher.
I am new student of you. your lesson was amazing. I am very eager to speak in english. From here I will not leave your website. And I will spread about your web to all my friends.
Thanking you
I do not know how to thank you for this great lessons which I benefited a lot.
I follow your lessons with interest and passion. How wonderful you are,
O my teacher esteemed.
If some1 ask me,that can I USE ur laptop for a while,so CAN i say yes,ofcourse,by all means!,is it the right way to say yes?
Wow, What a great vedio lesson.
I just know this wepsite which is awesome and magnificent
Thanks for a very good explanation of the lesson presented. More power.
Luv the way u teach Rebeccca ^^
Thank you so much rebecca
I like learn from video not books
Because i think listening it’s very important for learn faster ..
Thank you very much . you are great teacher I really enjoy to watching you .
could you pleas talking more about IELTS exam .
its nice to learn english online with a nice teacher
I’m preparing myself for an IELTS exam.
All I can say is that you explain English grammar in such a way that everybody can understand it and, which is more important, REMEMBER all that you said.
Thank you so much Rebecca!!!
Greetings from Serbia :)))
Thank you so much about video,I really like it.thanks Teacher
Great stuff! Big help ;)
Fantastic lesson but for people with a very poor english like me, and beginners, would be important that all the teachers would speak a little bit slowly. Thanks a lot indeed.
thanks so much you helped me get and A++ on my english test im ready to watch all of your lesson please make more thanks alot
Thank you Rebecca great lesson.
Thanks your for a very good lesson!
hi rebecca .. thanks 4 the useful lesson .. i have a small question: Do you know where the washrooms are? i’m afraid not.. why we don’t say ” no, i don’t”??
I have the same question?
Hi mam, you are my real teacher.I have learnt so many things by you.Mam thanks indeed.
Still a i has some problems using would and it’s family would’nt would be would have.please help me to use the model verbs .
It is amizing Iam learning English long time Thank you Very halpfull
im ismael im from morocco and you
it was nice lesson I had ever seen
Hello Mrs. Rebbeca!
Thanks a lot for very interesting and useful lesson.
Thanks, that was a wonderful video, I have a question its not based on the video. DO YOU HAVE TO CAPITALIZE ALL NOUNS?
Hi Rebecca,
Many thanks for your lesson. It is very useful for non-native English speakers.
I would like to ask you if it is polite to answer with “yes, I know”. Sometimes, it sounds quite rude to me.
Thank you for your answer.
Wow! Mrs Rebecca, I am amazed!
It’s easy to understand.tnx a lot.
the way you teach is fascinating and the teachings are very helpful. i do not know how to thank you Rebecca.
by all means, i love the way you teach.. soooo cool and easy to understand. Thanks a lot Mam Rebecca. Mabuhay!! from Philippines..
thanks alot <3
Thank you very much.
Rebbeca, you are the wonderful teacher. I never before could belive that learning English may be so exciting. Thank you very much.
Please accept my best regards from Poland.
Hi Rebbeca, Please tell me why I have to wait so long for the approval my comment by EngVid. Perhaps I have made a mistake in sending it. I’ll be very grateful if you answer me. Thank you in advance.Yours sincerely Benigna
Hello Rebecca, I’m a new member here. :)
I’m from Indonesia. You help me a lot to learn english. I can understand what you mean easily. My english isnt good, so sorry if i make some mistake :)
Hello! I really like the way you teach english. Do you teach english classes on skype? Because I am new here in Canada and would like to learn and improve my english.I actually have problem speaking in english. If you teach on skype then please send me your id on skype throught e-mail. thnx
thank you! I’m from Kazakhstan. Your lessons are exciting! Every time I found something interesting for me. I wish to pass IELTS, I hope to take 7 band, with your help!!!
hi dear Rebecca!
thank you for your all your help.
hi dear Rebecca
Thank you videuo lessin
I love to learn english with Rebecca
Hj Rebecca…plz send me a text…I can’t hear and understand..thank you
Thank .
Hello Rebecca,
I’ve recently found out your site and I really appreciate it.
I’m not so good at English yet. Well, I find quite easy to learn grammar. My problem is that sometimes I can’t understand all the words you’re speaking, although I understand the whole sentence meaning.
So I’d like to ask you how to improve this side of learning.
Thanks a lot Rebecca, you’re a really good teacher.
i like your teach in english.you r very nice teach english.
hi,teacher i want to know different about
were you at the party lastnight?
and did u go to the party lastnight?
when i supposed to use did or v2?
thank you! It’s really amazing
thank you it is very good leason, but i,m not like english i,m a new student
this lesson is very important. Thank you, teacher Rebeca!
Thanks Rebecca.You always give us good and understandable lessons.I like your smile too.
These lesons like classification >>>>>> thanks
you are amazing :) !
thnaks lady
The way u teach is awesome…
thanks for the lesson Rebecca…
Hello Rebecca, this was too tricky to me,although I got 67.I need more of this.
Hi Rebecca,
thank you for your lesson.
You are great teacher
take care
Hi my teacher,
You are so good teacher to me
Thank you
Thanks Rebecca! I got 80% :)
I got five correct out of six (5/6)!
Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Wow! Thankyou for this lesson! I didn’t know if I say just yes or no as an ansyar I was being rude.
Thank you Rebecca for the amazing lesson!It has taught me a lot!
thanks for the lesson Rebecca
it’s cool the lesson thanks
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this course, it is important to know to speak properly.
Best regards.
Hi Rebeca, I’m trying to make a politely conversation, Could you please tell me if this is enough politely?
Peter: Hi Mark, I’m not feeling well right now, Can I ask you a favor please?
Mark: Off course. What can I do for you?
Peter: Could you return this book to the library for me, please?
Mark: With pleasure
Peter: Thank you, so much
Thanks for your help
Dear Teacher Rebecca again thanks of your efforts in English English classes without any compliment I have to say that are very useful for those who have participated in them,each case you teach are useful and new subject for us.
thank you so much.this lession is very userful and teacher is fascinating too hjhj
very useful lesson. Thank you.
6/6, ummm I liked it!
how useful! thanks.
Great lesson! Thank you
It was good lesson, thanks a lot.
Hi Rebecca! Following the rules in the first question of the quiz can we use the answer “No, I don’t”, too? It is correct too, isn’t it? Maybe it’s not too polite, but correct. Thanks for your help.
Again 100%. I proud myself))))
Thanks, Rebecca.
Thanks you so much.
Rebecca I had difficulty to recognize were, for me sound is like where and we´re. I hope you could help me. I will appreciate.
Hello Rebeca, Thank’s for your excellent class. I am a new student in this website. I am ver happy.
that helped a lot
Hi miss Rebecca can i text you on facebook.
Thank you, it is good to leaning these details that are often used..
good explanation
Thank you so much for your lesson it was so great ??
Thank you Rebecca
I got 5/6! Thanks so much for the lesson!
You got 5 correct out of 6.
thank you.
Thank you teacher, i learned a lot from the start of your video till the end.
Thank You teacher now I can say politely No or yes to formal way..
Thank you,this is really helpful.
4/6?thank you for your lesson.I need to work on these polite answer so very good lesson ?
I can’t thank you enough Rebecca
Thank you so much Rebecca
Good job Rebbeca :) Thanks a lot!
5/6, thank you very much!
I got wrong on the first question. I answered B (No, I don’t) Could you tell me why i’m wrong? Is it because less polite then i’m afraid not?
hope you can answer and clear my confusion
Thnak you so much for the lesson Rebecca
6 out of 6 in this test too.Thanks Rebecca!
thanks alot i love
Its easy i got it thank you rebbeca
Very useful lesson.Thanks for teaching us with very politeness.I am from INDIA your lessons help me a lot.
Professor Rebecca, by all means i appreciate all of your classes. The method that you use indicates that i’ll learn with more facility, although you have excellent videos about tenses in English, i’d like if possible to ask you to make a video about Present Perfect x Present Perfect Continuous. It would help me to interpret better these two common tenses.
thank you for your quiz ma’am rebecca!
Im Enjoying this polite english thank you so much mum Rebecca?
5/6 Thank you ma’am Rebecca
I watched this video twice on April 7, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 6.
it’s very good video, i like it
Thanks for the lesson.
Very grateful for this stunning lesson sweet Becky