Protect yourself by learning the 6 steps involved in writing a check/cheque safely in English. Avoid common errors and pick up key banking vocabulary in this practical lesson.
it’s very good lesson,but i am wrong one. :'(.. thanks.
i liked it. and the teacher is willing to explain more and more which gives the folks more interest in the lesson. it was nice for me to watch those kind of teachers.
Perfect!now i’ll ask to my friends how they write 40 in letters!haha. Tnxs for the Cheque lesson.
Hi there,
Nice one!
A ? plz:Do u know what’s the proverb 4 when we wanna say 4instance:” there r everything here,u can find everything in the internet n everything’s possible n available,don wory! ”
What’s the suitable proverb which explain this meaning??!!
So tx.
for the people who try to learn, impossible to understand what you mean.
Yeah, I suppose you are right, but Mark understood everything and explained as well. Read and learn!
Hi there,
U know,everything is possible,except nothing!!
Goodluck with ur English.
can we communicate for increasing in English level
my skype is
I agree with you Tatyandra… Some people believe that writing this way they can appear more confident with the use of English…buy it only shows a low profile use of language…
First expression 4 instance literally means FOR instance or FOR example. We have a lot of other similar expressions and all of them are based on homonyms or homophones. It is not spelled on the same way, but it is pronounced exactly the same. Sometimes they are spelled and pronounced the same. Other example would be: I don’t want 2 go there. In this case 2 replaces the word TO. And finally for word N I’m not sure, but I suppose it is an abbreviation for the word AND. All the best.
The very 1st Hi,
Then,I’m sure about everything I’ve written.I’ve got them from the net.
We use these abbreviations in our comments n messages when we’re gonna write shorter.I agree with u,may b it’s not so simple 2 beginners 2 understand but anyway I’m sure.
Now,for or four?Both r 4!!
Goodluck with ur English.
I’ve got the answer,
That’s:” from A to Z “.
Up me!
I know what you meant, but I can’t think out what proverbs would be.
for instance means for example.
Very useful, i liked Rebecca’s explanation.
thanks a lot
oohh i did it without listening any lecture….very useful quiz :)
Good pratical lesson
when u r writing a check, try to make sure u have money in the bank that’s funny lol. great lesson lovely Rebecca. all the best 4 u.
hello . actually it is a good lesso,thank very much.but please i want you to elucidate more the word cash (when it’s written in check)coz i didn’t get it.thx
useful lesson
I liked this lesson, thanks Rebecca, you can pass withdraw your check,jaja is just a joke, take care !!
Dear a super teacher Rebecca ,
I swear my God that you ‘re doing a wonderful job this is a vital lesson should be learnt .In addition , understood and be watch out as well.
Therefore , I don’t know how to thank you for all lessons that you did for us .
Would you do me a favor which tips can be taken to increase enormously my advanced vocabularies if that possible .
thank you very much indeed.
Yours a poor student as long as you accept me please ,
Thank you very much for your kind words. So glad engvid videos are helping you. You can improve your vocabulary by studying from an ESL Vocabulary book, by reading more, listening to shows and music and watching English movies. I wish you all the best and am sure you can do very well, since you seem to be a determined person. Keep on going!
Really appreciate your help,Rebecca.
I’m from China and your lesson helped me a lot!
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You’re so kind teacher. Lily from Brazil
It’s so easy to understand you and follow you! You’re trying to speak more slowly and clearly specially for students or you’re actually speaking this way in everyday life?
Thanks a lot for the lesson, Rebecca! That was one important piece of information! I’d love to see more grammar lesson, especially if it’s something difficult or challenging.
All ESL teachers, including myself, speak a little more clearly when we are teaching.
Thanks for watching and all the best to you.
hello madam,this is me astha from nepal.i like your teaching very much.although i am busy in my job i watch this and learn a lot.i have a speaking problem coz we dont use english language in our daily life but after 3 or 4 month i will be in that i am very nervous coz i cant speak well infront of other but i can understand all what they talk.i need a real conversation class to improve my fluency(two way communication).plz could u do anything for me.i will be very happy if u do something for me..bye and take care
I am sure you will improve once you live and work in the States. You can also take Conversational English classes when you get there. In the meantime, watch American TV shows and sing along with the lyrics of English songs. All the best to you in your new life.
very useful lesson ,i love it and thank
kone dopignon
Good very useful, Thank
Wow; Ma’am you are so cool
smile everytime :)
it is very useful, thank you!
Guys, if anyone is interested in speaking english by a msn call we can improve our english skills and pronunciation together. I was working in a bank a few years ago, I had many calls in english there, it really works!
Antonio San
Thanks for this interesting lesson.
Just a question Rebecca please. You said “we right who we are going to write the cheque to” You used “who” and not “whom”, why?
Thanks again
Nowadays, “whom” is not used often in North American conversational English.
All the best to you.
Dear Mrs Rebecca,
Could you tell that between the academic test and general training test which one is easier? and what is the advantage if i pass?
I presume you are referring to the IELTS Academic and General tests. the speaking and listening sections are the same in both versions of the IELTS. However, the reading and writing sections are easier on the General IELTS. The General IELTS is used for immigration to Canada and Australia, and for certification purposes in some professions and some countries. The Academic IELTS is usually needed to get admission into a university where the language of instruction is English. All the best to you!
I got very important ideas on writing cheques thank you teacher a very interesting lesson
Dear Rebecca,
Next month I’m going to work on the ship for several months. Only one condition is to have adequate knowledge of english language, and thanks to you and teachers on EngVid, I will realize my goal. If I hadn’t watched your lessons, I wouldn’t have had any chance.
I’d like to beg you for one favour. PLEASE do a lesson on ship terms, I know enough, but it would be great to learn it from you.
Happy New Year to you, all the best in 2012!!!
I am glad we were able to help you and I wish you the very best with your new job. I am sure the best place for you to learn ship vocabulary is on the job itself! Have a successful and happy 2012.
thank you very much useful lessone thank you .
Thank you very much it’s a useful lessn thank you.
6/8 :)
wht is a difference between present perfect continous and past tense?
I have been watching this move for the past 2 hours.
This sentence above, in the present perfect tense, means that you started watching in the past and are still watching now, so it includes the past and the present.
I watched this move 2 hours ago.
This sentence above, in the Past Simple tense, means that you watched the move then, 2 hours ago and finished watching it. You are not watching anymore. So the past simple tense is used to talk about actions that are finished in the past and do not continue into the present.
Please check the Resources section of our website where I have written an explanation of all the tenses, with examples. Here’s the link:
Excuse me Rabecca
Do you mean “movie” in your example?
Thanks, Rebecca!. Your lesson was, for me, very useful. Thank you again!
Thanks Rebecca, your lesson about check it’s very interesting.
Thank you very much Rebecca, it’s very useful.
thanks a lot Rebecca for sharing such valuable information…….. great
waqas ahmad
u r a best teacher rebecca…nd thnxx
u r a best teacher rebecca..thnxx
8/8 wow! happy!
8 out of 8
i know now how to fill up check
Hi from Hungary :)
Rebeca, I really like your lessions.
This is the first time I am watcing them! If you are in Hungary you are welcome in my house!
You are very kind. You are also welcome to visit us in Canada. All the best to you.
I still think that “fourty” is a right spell.
Sorry! “Forty” is the right spelling.
All the best to you.
dear madom i have problem in english listening idon,t understand whrn i am hearing english news or watch english movies what should i do to understand
Try to find a book that teaches you English Listening skills. Start at the lowest level necessary for you to understand. Never worry about that because you will always go up and forward as you learn more. You could also sing along to English songs when you have the lyrics, to get used to the accents. Also, watch movies with subtitles to connect the voices with the words. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca. Could you do an introduction of Past Prefect and compare it to other tenses? Thank you. =)
i mean Past perfect. thanks
Hi, Rebecca!
First, I would like to thank you for the helpful and interesting (as usual) video!
I would like to clarify a moment from the moovie: at 12:24 (mm:ss) of the video timeline you said “… another lesson that I have recorded earlier…”. So, the question is whether native speakers say this way often? If I were in the same situation, I would use the Past Simple tense instead of the Present Perfect because a moment from the past is indicated (“earlier” in our case).
Would you please comment this case as I am really confused? :)
Rebecca, thank you very much in advance!
You’re right. It should be as you said. Thanks for all your interest and my best wishes to you, sailor.
Thanks a lot for your reply!
I really appreciate it!
Good luck!
thank you so much
This lesson is very useful for myself. I know how to write in the check but I still want to you explain that is very clear. So I have question I suppose you will make more lesson and everybody can get so easy and do not except me .hihi
Thanks a lot Rebcca
Very useful lesson and not very common. Thanks.
It is my first visit to your website. but it is extremely useful.
thanks deeply for your efforts
Bashar Khadra
hector salguero
sometime It’s diffcult to understand for me.listen again.
I got 8 out of 8 :D :D
HI dear teacher could you pls explain how to write a void cheque? thank you for your help.
adam 41
In North America, you usually write ——VOID—– in large capital letters diagonally through the front of the cheque, with the lines at the side of the word VOID, going all the way to the sides of the cheque.
Ok. I know Everybody not know Every other’s country. Well i just show you. You are doing a good job. Thanks for this video.
Thanks for your lesson.
hey REBACCA i would like u to teach us difference between each and every please?
fahad ejaz
Rebecca,Thank you!
Hi dear I want to learn the word sequence while speaking english or while making sentence in english?
Thank you Rebeeca. It’s very easy to understand and learn
Cua Gia Lai
thanks alot
Thank you Rebecca.This is an interesting lesson
I would like to ask you what is the difference between “fill in” and “fill out”?
Thank you in advance!
Very nice lesson.
Thank you
very nice and usefull
Thanks you a lot Ms. Rebecca.You are the best teacher I have ever seen in my English learning. They are very helpful.Actually I don’t know English fluently,but I want to learn,it’s necessary for my education. Therefor if i made mistakes in my writing i want to say sorry in advance.The best regards Narmina..
Very nice lesson, i collect information about check.
Thank you
thanks a lot !!!
More power to you!
Hi Rebbaca,
Thanks alot. I am Amrita from India, can you teach me more, any online courses you have, because i can’t come to Canada.
Totally useless language in 2012 where credit cards, Paypal etc. are used. Only Neanderthals still use checks/cheques.
Hendry Johnson
This is awesome
Thanx for teaching us about check.
Abdul Qayum
Rebbe Thanks a lot
Thanks Rebecca!!!
Many thanks my teacher, i got all the point
im surprised with this free english program…. its awesome
Thanks for your time.
very useful information, thanks.
Thank you Rebecca,
This lesson was really usefull for me, i would like to know if you run an instructor led course i mean in the classroon.
i cant write any thing in english perfectly.i am not sure where to include past tense and perfect tense and all.somewhat im managing myself to confused while writting.plz help me engvid team.eager to get a reply from you
hi rebecca
i cant speak english well but you teach good.
thank you rebecca
very informative lesson thank you Rebecca
Junaid Khan
As always I love the way you teach since I started to take each of the tutorials I have done very well in class and my table of records has always been excellent thank you very much for your teaching Becca I hope to learn carefully alberto
ibnu salaam
I look your video.
so nice
not look, you should say. i watch your video/lession….
brajbhan thakur
I always admired you Rebecca, you’re such a very good educator. I can easily understand your lesson<3
I have watch your video. your lesson is very good. I can easily understand your lesson……….
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Atul sharma
Thanks for your video lesson.I learn a lot of English today.It is good for me.
my test result is 50 :(
Thank you so much
Hi Rebecca! you are my one of the best teacher. How are you? I am watching your almost all videos. You have super teaching technic. I have become your fan. I have a request to you, please could you get a new video lesson regarding LET & LET’s. I am so confused when I am using those words & why use “‘s” after the LET. I am waiting for your reply. Please please please help me once more.
Thanking you
Hi Rebecca, thank u for the knowledge but i am confused please help me, regarding with the question “You should start the writing of the check in number.” My answer is far right and it was wrong, why? It’s because the question is.. writing of the check in number not writing of the check in words. Also can i use the word spelled cheque, is this right? Kindly explain, many thanks!
Thank you i am very happy to understand this lesson
useful lesson, thanks!
Nice lesson. Very easy to be understand and very useful.
thank again Rebeca you are the best
i found Miss Rebecca the best teacher here ^^ thank you allot greeting from morocco
Thank you very much rebecca to Teach.
Very nice and informative.
Thank you
that is very nice i get larning evry day more and more
Thank you Rebecca
Very useful me and Business communication letters send mail me
Dear Teacher,
Good day, i hope you doing well,
could you please advise me?
in fact people surround me speak language
which is not English, so i couldn’t practice
English language fluently.
so what i have to do.
thank you very much my best teacher
thanks teacher i liked the way you were explained the whole words and every context that includes your lessons. you look so kindly teacher. i got 8 of 8 the quiz. you are the who tough me this interesting lesson. wish u all the best.
Thank you Rebecca…this lesson is very helpful and very nice explanation…thanks again
Very clear and useful lesson, tanks a lot!!
Salvador G
Good Topic and clearly pronuntiation
hi rebebcca
rally your way or your prsentation is very simple and easy to be understand i make download for your vedios in my pc
plase type to me i wanna contact with you
this is my email
and skype :arsenal7707
i will be very oleasd if you contact with me
abo abdou
Thanks for your lessons!
Hello Rebecca, wow you worked as a banker. That’s why your teaching style is logical and easy to understand.
Thanks for your lessons.
It’s my first time to have a internet English lesson. I think it was so helpful. I will get the other lesson from this website. Thank you to share the english lesson for free
Thank you very much Rebecca. I’m appreciated your personality that the way you smile. It make students are happy to learn and your speaking are clearly slow for me, Thailand student. ^_^
Thank you rebeca for such a knowledgeble lecture.
even though one works in accounts department he may not be observing these basic rules.
Got 8/8 correct; thank you very much!!
Thank you rebeca :) I Really Aprèciate Your Help
not very difficult!!
Thanks a lot
Thank you.
Thank you ^_^
Ted Lee
i just found this site, is awesome, thank you rebbeca :)
Very good lesson! Thank you Rebecca!
Ho Tri Thuc
100 % :)
Ho Tri Thuc
hi adam
Thanks for your lesson, it was an important information about cheque book.
Dost Mohammad
thank you..
brajbhan thakur
Thank you!
i also were an employee of bank but listen to this video, i have felt exciting. Thank you although i haven’t understood at all:)
!Thanks for the lesson!
Thank you, It’s a very good lesson :)
Celina Santos
Thank you, It’s a very good lesson
thank you for your useful lesson
Thank you! That’s very useful lesson!
Thank you.its very useful lesson
The lesson is very good for starting a bussines chapter.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank for this lesson very practical to write a check or cheque safely. ( ; I
Best regards.
dear Rebecca
Aprricieate for the useful lesson ,that make me know how to write the correct check in the futher.
It’s useful to me and thank you Rebeca.
Thank you Rebeca for lesson. Special thanks for “Check” and “Cheque”.
Hi, Rebeca! Thanks for this English Class. It was amazing It helped me to increase my knowledge on a simple dayly action: fill in a check. Thank you.
Hello, thank you for your courses
Great Teacher
Dear Rebecca thank you a lot for this lesson and for all the things you’re teaching us ,it is very interesting and allow us to improve our level in english.I wish you all the best.
Fati 15
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca teacher . But teacher ‘CHECK’ and ‘CHEQUE’both are correct.
Bijay kumar
I got 7/8! Thanks Rebecca! A very useful lesson!
You got 6 correct out of 8.
M kartal
Good lesson,i got 7 out of 8..
so far need improvement for me
Ramesh muthusamy
Thanks Ms. Rebecca.
Hi, Rebecca is it helpful office email etiquette.
thanks mam,
but i want know some few word where we can used.
like might,may be, and shall, had, has, haven’t,wont these word i want learn but in your lesson i checked there is not mentioned this are word so please suggest me.
rajesh tikka singh
hey guys can anybody make a group to speak more english
Wow! It great lesson I learned which is by far the most important in dealing with business, thank you.
Thank you so much!!
Olbirat Hika
Good information everyone need in their life. Thank you Rebecca.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you Rebecca for the knowledge..
thanks for the knowledge
Good morning ma’am Rebecca
Its a very good take a test of English.
It’s very good lesson thanks.
useful lesson thank you
it’s very good lesson,but i am wrong one. :'(.. thanks.
i liked it. and the teacher is willing to explain more and more which gives the folks more interest in the lesson. it was nice for me to watch those kind of teachers.
Perfect!now i’ll ask to my friends how they write 40 in letters!haha. Tnxs for the Cheque lesson.
Hi there,
Nice one!
A ? plz:Do u know what’s the proverb 4 when we wanna say 4instance:” there r everything here,u can find everything in the internet n everything’s possible n available,don wory! ”
What’s the suitable proverb which explain this meaning??!!
So tx.
for the people who try to learn, impossible to understand what you mean.
Yeah, I suppose you are right, but Mark understood everything and explained as well. Read and learn!
Hi there,
U know,everything is possible,except nothing!!
Goodluck with ur English.
can we communicate for increasing in English level
my skype is
I agree with you Tatyandra… Some people believe that writing this way they can appear more confident with the use of English…buy it only shows a low profile use of language…
First expression 4 instance literally means FOR instance or FOR example. We have a lot of other similar expressions and all of them are based on homonyms or homophones. It is not spelled on the same way, but it is pronounced exactly the same. Sometimes they are spelled and pronounced the same. Other example would be: I don’t want 2 go there. In this case 2 replaces the word TO. And finally for word N I’m not sure, but I suppose it is an abbreviation for the word AND. All the best.
The very 1st Hi,
Then,I’m sure about everything I’ve written.I’ve got them from the net.
We use these abbreviations in our comments n messages when we’re gonna write shorter.I agree with u,may b it’s not so simple 2 beginners 2 understand but anyway I’m sure.
Now,for or four?Both r 4!!
Goodluck with ur English.
I’ve got the answer,
That’s:” from A to Z “.
Up me!
I know what you meant, but I can’t think out what proverbs would be.
for instance means for example.
Very useful, i liked Rebecca’s explanation.
thanks a lot
oohh i did it without listening any lecture….very useful quiz :)
Good pratical lesson
when u r writing a check, try to make sure u have money in the bank that’s funny lol. great lesson lovely Rebecca. all the best 4 u.
hello . actually it is a good lesso,thank very much.but please i want you to elucidate more the word cash (when it’s written in check)coz i didn’t get it.thx
useful lesson
I liked this lesson, thanks Rebecca, you can pass withdraw your check,jaja is just a joke, take care !!
Dear a super teacher Rebecca ,
I swear my God that you ‘re doing a wonderful job this is a vital lesson should be learnt .In addition , understood and be watch out as well.
Therefore , I don’t know how to thank you for all lessons that you did for us .
Would you do me a favor which tips can be taken to increase enormously my advanced vocabularies if that possible .
thank you very much indeed.
Yours a poor student as long as you accept me please ,
Thank you very much for your kind words. So glad engvid videos are helping you. You can improve your vocabulary by studying from an ESL Vocabulary book, by reading more, listening to shows and music and watching English movies. I wish you all the best and am sure you can do very well, since you seem to be a determined person. Keep on going!
Really appreciate your help,Rebecca.
I’m from China and your lesson helped me a lot!
Thanks a lot Rebecca. You’re so kind teacher. Lily from Brazil
It’s so easy to understand you and follow you! You’re trying to speak more slowly and clearly specially for students or you’re actually speaking this way in everyday life?
Thanks a lot for the lesson, Rebecca! That was one important piece of information! I’d love to see more grammar lesson, especially if it’s something difficult or challenging.
All ESL teachers, including myself, speak a little more clearly when we are teaching.
Thanks for watching and all the best to you.
hello madam,this is me astha from nepal.i like your teaching very much.although i am busy in my job i watch this and learn a lot.i have a speaking problem coz we dont use english language in our daily life but after 3 or 4 month i will be in that i am very nervous coz i cant speak well infront of other but i can understand all what they talk.i need a real conversation class to improve my fluency(two way communication).plz could u do anything for me.i will be very happy if u do something for me..bye and take care
I am sure you will improve once you live and work in the States. You can also take Conversational English classes when you get there. In the meantime, watch American TV shows and sing along with the lyrics of English songs. All the best to you in your new life.
very useful lesson ,i love it and thank
Good very useful, Thank
Wow; Ma’am you are so cool
smile everytime :)
it is very useful, thank you!
Guys, if anyone is interested in speaking english by a msn call we can improve our english skills and pronunciation together. I was working in a bank a few years ago, I had many calls in english there, it really works!
Thanks for this interesting lesson.
Just a question Rebecca please. You said “we right who we are going to write the cheque to” You used “who” and not “whom”, why?
Thanks again
Nowadays, “whom” is not used often in North American conversational English.
All the best to you.
Dear Mrs Rebecca,
Could you tell that between the academic test and general training test which one is easier? and what is the advantage if i pass?
I presume you are referring to the IELTS Academic and General tests. the speaking and listening sections are the same in both versions of the IELTS. However, the reading and writing sections are easier on the General IELTS. The General IELTS is used for immigration to Canada and Australia, and for certification purposes in some professions and some countries. The Academic IELTS is usually needed to get admission into a university where the language of instruction is English. All the best to you!
I got very important ideas on writing cheques thank you teacher a very interesting lesson
Dear Rebecca,
Next month I’m going to work on the ship for several months. Only one condition is to have adequate knowledge of english language, and thanks to you and teachers on EngVid, I will realize my goal. If I hadn’t watched your lessons, I wouldn’t have had any chance.
I’d like to beg you for one favour. PLEASE do a lesson on ship terms, I know enough, but it would be great to learn it from you.
Happy New Year to you, all the best in 2012!!!
I am glad we were able to help you and I wish you the very best with your new job. I am sure the best place for you to learn ship vocabulary is on the job itself! Have a successful and happy 2012.
thank you very much useful lessone thank you .
Thank you very much it’s a useful lessn thank you.
6/8 :)
wht is a difference between present perfect continous and past tense?
I have been watching this move for the past 2 hours.
This sentence above, in the present perfect tense, means that you started watching in the past and are still watching now, so it includes the past and the present.
I watched this move 2 hours ago.
This sentence above, in the Past Simple tense, means that you watched the move then, 2 hours ago and finished watching it. You are not watching anymore. So the past simple tense is used to talk about actions that are finished in the past and do not continue into the present.
Please check the Resources section of our website where I have written an explanation of all the tenses, with examples. Here’s the link:
Hope this helps you! My best to you, Shana!
Excuse me Rabecca
Do you mean “movie” in your example?
Thanks, Rebecca!. Your lesson was, for me, very useful. Thank you again!
Thanks Rebecca, your lesson about check it’s very interesting.
Thank you very much Rebecca, it’s very useful.
thanks a lot Rebecca for sharing such valuable information…….. great
u r a best teacher rebecca…nd thnxx
u r a best teacher rebecca..thnxx
8/8 wow! happy!
8 out of 8
i know now how to fill up check
Hi from Hungary :)
Rebeca, I really like your lessions.
This is the first time I am watcing them! If you are in Hungary you are welcome in my house!
You are very kind. You are also welcome to visit us in Canada. All the best to you.
I still think that “fourty” is a right spell.
Sorry! “Forty” is the right spelling.
All the best to you.
dear madom i have problem in english listening idon,t understand whrn i am hearing english news or watch english movies what should i do to understand
Try to find a book that teaches you English Listening skills. Start at the lowest level necessary for you to understand. Never worry about that because you will always go up and forward as you learn more. You could also sing along to English songs when you have the lyrics, to get used to the accents. Also, watch movies with subtitles to connect the voices with the words. My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca. Could you do an introduction of Past Prefect and compare it to other tenses? Thank you. =)
i mean Past perfect. thanks
Hi, Rebecca!
First, I would like to thank you for the helpful and interesting (as usual) video!
I would like to clarify a moment from the moovie: at 12:24 (mm:ss) of the video timeline you said “… another lesson that I have recorded earlier…”. So, the question is whether native speakers say this way often? If I were in the same situation, I would use the Past Simple tense instead of the Present Perfect because a moment from the past is indicated (“earlier” in our case).
Would you please comment this case as I am really confused? :)
Rebecca, thank you very much in advance!
You’re right. It should be as you said. Thanks for all your interest and my best wishes to you, sailor.
Thanks a lot for your reply!
I really appreciate it!
Good luck!
thank you so much
This lesson is very useful for myself. I know how to write in the check but I still want to you explain that is very clear. So I have question I suppose you will make more lesson and everybody can get so easy and do not except me .hihi
Thanks a lot Rebcca
Very useful lesson and not very common. Thanks.
It is my first visit to your website. but it is extremely useful.
thanks deeply for your efforts
sometime It’s diffcult to understand for me.listen again.
I got 8 out of 8 :D :D
HI dear teacher could you pls explain how to write a void cheque? thank you for your help.
In North America, you usually write ——VOID—– in large capital letters diagonally through the front of the cheque, with the lines at the side of the word VOID, going all the way to the sides of the cheque.
Hope this helps, Adam. My best to you.
Very Nice
Hi Rebecca, I check all video of yours.You are certainly wrong in this video. 50/100 not allow in indian check look:-
Ok. I know Everybody not know Every other’s country. Well i just show you. You are doing a good job. Thanks for this video.
Thanks for your lesson.
hey REBACCA i would like u to teach us difference between each and every please?
Rebecca,Thank you!
Hi dear I want to learn the word sequence while speaking english or while making sentence in english?
Thank you Rebeeca. It’s very easy to understand and learn
thanks alot
Thank you Rebecca.This is an interesting lesson
I would like to ask you what is the difference between “fill in” and “fill out”?
Thank you in advance!
Very nice lesson.
Thank you
very nice and usefull
Thanks you a lot Ms. Rebecca.You are the best teacher I have ever seen in my English learning. They are very helpful.Actually I don’t know English fluently,but I want to learn,it’s necessary for my education. Therefor if i made mistakes in my writing i want to say sorry in advance.The best regards Narmina..
Very nice lesson, i collect information about check.
Thank you
thanks a lot !!!
More power to you!
Hi Rebbaca,
Thanks alot. I am Amrita from India, can you teach me more, any online courses you have, because i can’t come to Canada.
Totally useless language in 2012 where credit cards, Paypal etc. are used. Only Neanderthals still use checks/cheques.
This is awesome
Thanx for teaching us about check.
Rebbe Thanks a lot
Thanks Rebecca!!!
Many thanks my teacher, i got all the point
im surprised with this free english program…. its awesome
Thanks for your time.
very useful information, thanks.
Thank you Rebecca,
This lesson was really usefull for me, i would like to know if you run an instructor led course i mean in the classroon.
i cant write any thing in english perfectly.i am not sure where to include past tense and perfect tense and all.somewhat im managing myself to confused while writting.plz help me engvid team.eager to get a reply from you
hi rebecca
i cant speak english well but you teach good.
thank you rebecca
very informative lesson thank you Rebecca
As always I love the way you teach since I started to take each of the tutorials I have done very well in class and my table of records has always been excellent thank you very much for your teaching Becca I hope to learn carefully alberto
I look your video.
so nice
not look, you should say. i watch your video/lession….
I always admired you Rebecca, you’re such a very good educator. I can easily understand your lesson<3
I have watch your video. your lesson is very good. I can easily understand your lesson……….
Thank you very much Rebecca.
Thanks for your video lesson.I learn a lot of English today.It is good for me.
my test result is 50 :(
Thank you so much
Hi Rebecca! you are my one of the best teacher. How are you? I am watching your almost all videos. You have super teaching technic. I have become your fan. I have a request to you, please could you get a new video lesson regarding LET & LET’s. I am so confused when I am using those words & why use “‘s” after the LET. I am waiting for your reply. Please please please help me once more.
Thanking you
Hi Rebecca, thank u for the knowledge but i am confused please help me, regarding with the question “You should start the writing of the check in number.” My answer is far right and it was wrong, why? It’s because the question is.. writing of the check in number not writing of the check in words. Also can i use the word spelled cheque, is this right? Kindly explain, many thanks!
Thank you i am very happy to understand this lesson
useful lesson, thanks!
Nice lesson. Very easy to be understand and very useful.
thank again Rebeca you are the best
i found Miss Rebecca the best teacher here ^^ thank you allot greeting from morocco
Thank you very much rebecca to Teach.
Very nice and informative.
Thank you
that is very nice i get larning evry day more and more
Thank you Rebecca
Very useful me and Business communication letters send mail me
Dear Teacher,
Good day, i hope you doing well,
could you please advise me?
in fact people surround me speak language
which is not English, so i couldn’t practice
English language fluently.
so what i have to do.
thank you very much my best teacher
thanks teacher i liked the way you were explained the whole words and every context that includes your lessons. you look so kindly teacher. i got 8 of 8 the quiz. you are the who tough me this interesting lesson. wish u all the best.
Thank you Rebecca…this lesson is very helpful and very nice explanation…thanks again
Very clear and useful lesson, tanks a lot!!
Good Topic and clearly pronuntiation
hi rebebcca
rally your way or your prsentation is very simple and easy to be understand i make download for your vedios in my pc
plase type to me i wanna contact with you
this is my email
and skype :arsenal7707
i will be very oleasd if you contact with me
Thanks for your lessons!
Hello Rebecca, wow you worked as a banker. That’s why your teaching style is logical and easy to understand.
Thanks for your lessons.
It’s my first time to have a internet English lesson. I think it was so helpful. I will get the other lesson from this website. Thank you to share the english lesson for free
Thank you very much Rebecca. I’m appreciated your personality that the way you smile. It make students are happy to learn and your speaking are clearly slow for me, Thailand student. ^_^
Thank you rebeca for such a knowledgeble lecture.
even though one works in accounts department he may not be observing these basic rules.
Got 8/8 correct; thank you very much!!
Thank you rebeca :) I Really Aprèciate Your Help
not very difficult!!
Thanks a lot
Thank you.
Thank you ^_^
i just found this site, is awesome, thank you rebbeca :)
Very good lesson! Thank you Rebecca!
100 % :)
hi adam
Thanks for your lesson, it was an important information about cheque book.
thank you..
Thank you!
i also were an employee of bank but listen to this video, i have felt exciting. Thank you although i haven’t understood at all:)
!Thanks for the lesson!
Thank you, It’s a very good lesson :)
Thank you, It’s a very good lesson
thank you for your useful lesson
Thank you! That’s very useful lesson!
Thank you.its very useful lesson
The lesson is very good for starting a bussines chapter.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank for this lesson very practical to write a check or cheque safely. ( ; I
Best regards.
dear Rebecca
Aprricieate for the useful lesson ,that make me know how to write the correct check in the futher.
It’s useful to me and thank you Rebeca.
Thank you Rebeca for lesson. Special thanks for “Check” and “Cheque”.
Hi, Rebeca! Thanks for this English Class. It was amazing It helped me to increase my knowledge on a simple dayly action: fill in a check. Thank you.
Hello, thank you for your courses
Great Teacher
Dear Rebecca thank you a lot for this lesson and for all the things you’re teaching us ,it is very interesting and allow us to improve our level in english.I wish you all the best.
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca teacher . But teacher ‘CHECK’ and ‘CHEQUE’both are correct.
I got 7/8! Thanks Rebecca! A very useful lesson!
You got 6 correct out of 8.
Good lesson,i got 7 out of 8..
so far need improvement for me
Thanks Ms. Rebecca.
Hi, Rebecca is it helpful office email etiquette.
thanks mam,
but i want know some few word where we can used.
like might,may be, and shall, had, has, haven’t,wont these word i want learn but in your lesson i checked there is not mentioned this are word so please suggest me.
hey guys can anybody make a group to speak more english
Wow! It great lesson I learned which is by far the most important in dealing with business, thank you.
Thank you so much!!
Good information everyone need in their life. Thank you Rebecca.
Good Morning and thank you for the lesson
Thank you teacher
Thank you teacher Rebecca