In this English lesson, I explain how three prepositions — ‘at’, ‘on’, and ‘in’ — are used in relation to time. A lot of students get confused with these words. If you have any questions about this lesson, leave a comment below.
i love this teachings i am very thankful to you thank you very for your lessons.
love you.
i am from india.
david christopher
Thanks, David. I’m so glad you were able to benefit from viewing the lesson.
Which part of India are you from?
All the best to you.
hey rebecca please help me, i want to know that if in a sentence if there is a time (like at night), and day and month and year, mentioned in a single sentence, then how will we organize it? i wanna know their order in a sentence.
Prepositions of time/place are not that easy to master especially for beginners.
The chart used in the video is excellent, it is self-explanatory.
Thanks for this great lesson Rebecca.
thank you for the really helps me lot.. but sometimes Im confused when i say ” i believe in him ” can i say I? believe on him? or in him?.. how is that? could u explain to me? ^^
I just wanna say: thanks!
:( my english is very bad and this lesson ‘s useful with me.
im from india..dehradun
david imbert
May I seek your advice on how and when to use “as of” & “as at”
hi,Rebcca i am from india and i liked your lessons. plz can you tell me, how i can improve english more
If you don’t mine, I can be your friend for improving speaking English skills. I’m just searching for such type of friend. I’m from Nepal.
its very useful for everyone so thank you to help me
hello mam…
i have a doubt in the above quiz that is
_____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!
i want to know why the answer is ” in ”
could you please clarify my doubt ASAP
Hi Sanboadicea
—– the fall –it’s meanning the Autumn so in season use –in
Thank you for the video,but can you please help me how to use at, on ,in for places? really very confused ;(( and how to use is,was,are,were
Hi rebecca. İ have a question. İ am really confused about it. Sometimes there is a preposition before which or what like at which or in which and i cant find the right answer. Can you prepare a lesson for this
i am indian, when i was your side, i can that your side help me for impove the enlgish, so many sides i have watched but not sufficent, thank madam
Ty so much mrs/rebecca
Thank you for the lesson.
This clears up many thing in my head.
What I need now is practice,practice,practice.
That’s right, Nilo!
Dear Madam Rebecca,
let me thank you for the most useful lessons
could you please shad some light on the subject of tenses.
Jame from Afghanistan
Thank you too much for your very interesting and benefit lesson
really I was confused too much about their uses
Ahmed Hamza
Hi David, Nilo & Ahmed
Glad the video helped you. Don’t worry if it takes you time to get the prepositions straight in your mind because they are one of the most commonly confused areas of English grammar. That’s because prepositions are used so differently in various languages and because there are many exceptions, along with the rules.
You’re right, Nilo, a lot of practice is the best way to remember them.
Try to master the prepositions a few at a time. Write out your own sentences with them, so you get comfortable, and do lots of examples. There are also many ESL /EFL learning sites where you can get such practice & also check your answers.
Good luck to all of you! Let me know if there are other grammar points which particularly bother you.
Very good, thank you
Thanks for your feedback, Almir.
Very nice lesson. Right on, Rebecca! Thanks for your help.
Wishing you the best. Debbie.
Glad I was able to help, Debbie.
Very nice video, my english it’s not basic, but as you told, we all do this little mistakes, and was nice to see how you explain that. And the best, same to a basic lesson you didn’t speak to slow, that is good because other good videos are nice, but sometims in low speedy.
Oh one more thing, I am not basic neither advanced, so sorry for some mistakes… rssss
Don’t worry about making mistakes, it’s the best way to learn.
Glad the pace and content of the lesson suited your needs, Marcos. All the best to you. Have fun as you learn!
thanks a lot :-)
Glad I could help you. Prepositions can be confusing.
All the best to you.
Hi Rebeca
Please i wish i had lesson with you. How i request lesson face to face?
Could you send me the school address in toronto
hi Rebaca very nice lesson with you. like face to face lesson I feel like you are in front of me teaching a lesson thanks.All the best to you
Glad I could help and thanks for your feedback.
Hi, mrs Rebecca , u r my best teacher, I hesitate in using the words “MAY,MIGHT,COULD,CAN,WOULD,WILL,OUGHT,MUST,SHOULD,SHALL” at their appropriate times. THANK U SO MUCH
Yes!you are super brilliant!thanks much!
Hi Rebecca
Thanks a lot for your nice lectures really interesting .
Hello Rebaca my name is Orawan I want to learn english about transitive verb and insitive verb , Please tech me.
Thank you.
Thanks for your feedback everyone. Ann, I will try and do a lesson for you on what you have asked.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your lesson i want to know the exceptional cases like in the evening.
I’m adil i’m from Algeria, i was watching your lesson is very good and clear, you are very good and beautiful teacher.
good luck
Thank you kindly. Glad I could help you.
thanks alot
beautiful Teacher with clears lessons that’s very good , thank you RebeccaESL you are the best
Wow, thanks so much for all the compliments. So glad I can help you learn English. My best wishes to you, Faissal.
Thank you very much . I m from Mongolia . My name is Enkhtuya .
I understood your lesson a good . I m enjoying study English .
I want to study English more .
Thank you very much . I m glad that I found this English lesson .
Good luck
Thank you very much, I am from India, My name is veeresh, This first class, I enjoyed your less simple & very sweet,
my week point is like …some time for seaching for words & i could not able to properly make sentance
I think it will help lot for me.
Keep reading, listening, writing and speaking as much as possible. The only way to improve is to use the language as often as you can. You can do it!
My best wishes to you, Veeresh.
Hi this is muin khan from india
i try to speak but i forget
mam i want to speak fluent.
So pl help me
Muin Khan
I’m also from India.. Mr.Veeresh needs so much training.. Learn proper English soon..
That’s why he’s on a site with free English training, pupesh! That’s the *only* reason to use this site, actually!
Another confusing topic for me. But thanks to Rebecca, she made it clear and I just need to get familiar with it.
Just one observation, I don’t think you included “during”, as you used it instead of “in” to represent period of time (the middle ages). However, it is also a preposition. ;)
you help me improve my english and refresh my memories…Thank you very muck. With the best for you.
Your students…
Thanks to all for your suggestions.
thanks so much
your explanation is very clear.
before your explanation I got 4/10 after that 10/10
my regards
This lesson is very very useful for me.
Thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca, I’ve been watching your videos, and wow, aren’t they great!
I’m Brazilian and an English teacher in Brazil.
I’d like to know more about prepositions (our worst troublemaker), especially to and for. Which should I use “I sang the song to Mary” or “I sang the song for Mary?”; “This gift is for you” or “This gift is to you”?
thanks for now
hope to get you video class soon
hello it’s a very good lesson you r realy god teacher i like you very much plz send me your id mine is that
sohail amin
I do not want to sound too picky; however, when you talk about a “specific” time in relation to the use of the preposition “at,” you say “a particular period of time.” It is either specific or it is not. Using the phrase “period of time” is, in all cases, useless: especially, when teaching English. So, here is my suggestion.
The use of “at” is only for a specific time! That is it! For example, you may say, “I will meet you at 5 o’clock.” You cannot say “I will meet you at 5 to 6 o’clock.“ ”5 to 6 o’clock” is too broad and is NOT specific as it refers to 60 specific times (if only using minutes for a reference) and so on. You can not say, “I will meet you at Easter break.” Again, when will you actually meet that person? On Monday? Well, if you will meet on Monday, there are 24 different hours that you can meet someone if only using hours as a reference. You must use a specific time, on the clock (hours, minutes or time reference such as noon, midnight and so on). Therefore, if you can point to the clock and pick out a specific time, then you may say, ”I will meet you at (noon, midnight, 3 o’clock in the afternoon, 5 o’clock in the morning, 3 pm, 5 am, 3:30 pm and so on.
The use of the phrase “period of time,” among those who have academic degrees in English or who speak English at all, should be vehemently discouraged! I hope that this suggestion helps and, should you take this very seriously, that you will re-do this video, excising this phrase altogether.
Thank you.
Anyse (pronounced “a niece”)
good,i will try to learn more,Rebeca could you help with one tip but dont mixing the words when i write thanks
Thank you so much for your lessons!!!
I am from Russia and find your videos incredibly useful!
Thanks again!
Hi Rebecca.
which one of these is correct?
I am lying on bed?
I am lying in bed?
Thanks, Ranu
Both are correct. but they mean different things. Let’s see .Im on my bed , that means you are on your bed you are sitting on it.
Im in my bed : is when you are under the covers.
Glad for helping you
thank you so much
Hello, Rebecca. I am Waldecy from Brasil.Glad for all your lessons. They´re really hepful to me. Thank you so much. I intend to tell my friends about theses free videos. Each lesson is so great. May God bless you so much
You are really a great teacher! My english is improving greatly.
But I have a question on this: what is the right sentence?
-I am in a square-
-I am on a square-
-I am at asquare-
very helpful lesson, Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca,
You are kind of mother terraca for people who are facing problem to improve english. In all your collegues, your style is so simple and highly effective and your accent is so understandable. Your video is amazing. Thanks for help dear.
Thanks a lot. i have question.Why we must put on in that place ? example Their wedding is scheduled to be held _____ August 8th. Correct answer is on. Why isnt correct in?
Zhanbolat: you have to use ON because you are talking about a date (month and day: August and 8th) :)
thank u teacher for helping us these words,am in the united state and also am starting Mizzou university i usually try to make research but fortunately i met this web site in my first am good at prepositions,i appreciate u this teacher from your student
How are you Rebeca. Thankyou a lot. I’m from east Africa .You are so kind and hamble. I felt free when I was writing this comment. I have one quastion. Could you give me an advice how to study effectively. Thanks for your time. Have a wonderful time for you and family. bye for now.
Dear Mam,
Glad to undergo ur free online training. The video’s were so effective; that could clear many of my basic doubts. But mam how about the usage of place name after preposition?
The inaugural ceremony is going to take place at bangalore/in bangalore
which one is correct?
bala murgan
may I introduce myself , my name is Thamer from Iraq , I going to get TOFEL so I see all engvid lesson :) and It’s importent to say : THANK YOU SO MUCH.
with my best regard
Oops all engvid “lesson” without “s” !!! and THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
hi, miss! I have some questions about it. How we say “christmas”? Is it “at” or “in”?
Good day,
This my first to see this video , I’m really interested to learn more in English ,I’m from Philippines starting today i watching you’re video everyday and practice .
Thank you
thank you very much for this lesson
hy rebica i love you and your lessons
thank you verry much.
and i want to ask you if there is some lessons from phonitics.thank you
Thank u Rebecca. U ar a very good teacher. I was always made a mistake with these prepositions. But this video help me out.
I am from india – mumbai.
I like to watch ur ESLvideos.
This simple basics in english is great,I admit i still do a lot of mistakes on how to use them!..Still confuses me, thanx to you and more power!..
Thank you so much yor good techer
Thank u Rebecca, your way of teaching is very clear and understandable.
you explained us how to use prepositions in relation to time. Can you please explain it in other relations.
I have one question, can we use AT with MORNING usually we use IN with MORNING…
One more question, can we use prepositions with TODAY, TOMORROW, YESTERDAY???
thanks soo mutch good thanks
If I say ( My father works on the farm.) Is it right or wrong.
Thank you.
Second question is little confusing. I thought it was correct to use ‘at’ because it’s a specific time.
Hi Rebecca, You are the best one i have ever seen who can make the lesson very easy and interesting to learn. The way you explain is fantastic. we will be benifited if you provide us more Vid on Preposition.
All the best.
Veeresh doesn’t know anything.. He can learn Englich on his own instead of depending on online materials like yours
Rebecca you need to improve your tone of voice more.. I’m an English teacher and I’m completely dissatisfied with you.
Hi Rebecca, This is nice video of prpositions (At,In,and ON) but in this video you have explian only about time , day/date and Months, but I have request you please tell me or reply on this comment how to use these prpositions in another area?
Awaiting for your reply.
In North America, Christmas is celebrated _____ December 25th.
Their wedding is scheduled to be held _____ August 8th.
Their wedding is scheduled to be held _____ August 8th.
Whay this is wrong you said in goes with moths
it is wrong ’cause the sentence says a specific day, not just a month.
so when me talk ’bout a month with a date whe use the time preposition ¨on¨
on is the answer for three of them
on is used with both month and day
and also with complete date
on is the answer for three of them
on is used with both month and day
and also with complete date
in is used with month
or year
pradeep reddy
I’m learning English with Rosetta program and it teaches that: “i work in morning”, opposite to “i work at night”. Why is it? Thank you!
You cannot say in the night
you have to say at night, in the mornig,
in the afternoon, on saturday on weekends.
The use of “at” is for an especific time example:
I get up at 6 o’clock in the mornig.
“on” is for dates an days of the week example: I was born on 1990,
I go to bed at 11:30 on fridays.
I hope that help you.
Hi Rebecca! You are very good teacher.Thank you very much. Could you tell us how to use in,at and on as preposition of place.
Dear Rebecca,
I don’t understand what means that a verb requires a certain prepostion.
For example the verb ‘relate’ is followed by ‘to’
or ‘with’
Please explain it.
Sorry for my poor english
Best Regards,
some how i get confused about in or at plz tell me
hi Rebecca! i come from Viet Nam.thank for your lession. i am so confused with these prepositions. can you help me to distinguish between “in the night” and “at night”
hi Rebecca! i have been looked forward your answer for a long time. can you help me solve that problem which i asked you. and i have a confused situation. we say ” i live in a house or i live at a house”. please help me soon. thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca, really appreciated for your help, actually i’m new person in Engvid, i’m trying to learn english by Engvid, very helpful. i still improve my english hopefully as much as i can hear, i can understand better. God Bless:-)
Hi Rebecca,how are you?You are an amazing teacher and I’m a very bed student.I study english evry day so hard but, still don’t understend.May you give me some advice please?
hello Rebecca mam!! my name is ramu from india. how do i get confidence to speak english and how do i improve my pronounciation (british accent)? please give some tips. thank you
hai Rebecca thanks for your effort to teach us :)
really appreciate it, I’m Arnold from Indonesia nice to know youuuu
this is really helpful, i can changes my english easly. Thank’s so much Rebecca
oh no iam so regret my self .
cause i got only 65% marks, i hope my self i should able to speak and write an good English.
teacher i would like ask one favor , i am from India south part, we were speaking only Tamil at my village, i have no friend for
co-study an English . so in this case i have created one of blogger ,blogger name is English practice . whether you free please visit and give me a comment’s on my post,
once a week or month.
thank you for your advance vesting
esl leaner
Hello Mrs REBECCA!
Your Lessons are very very intersting. Up till I watche your video, I was always bored at the time of using thee propositions in my essays and speech. Thank you very much for all.
Keep on doin that for beginners like us. You wil be rewarded by God.
8/10 Xd IM not so smart haha
ayoub morocco
Hi. thanks for you lesson I already understand the prepositin with dates, weeks and years, but I’m still confused when I have to say a prposition with an specifc place for example…in the school, at the school or on the school…..please can you help me becasue I have a lot of mistakes when I’m talking about an specifil place…THANK YOU..You are awesome
good job
Hi Rebecca! Aside from time, date and the other usages provided above, is/are any other usage/s for the said prepositions? Thanks.
I am still confused …
ON the table? or AT the table?
AT school or IN the school?
AT station or IN the station?
AT house or in the house?
and so many others
hi its very intersted nd i like your explanation i suggest you please give more mcqs like this i like quizs thanks
thanks Im new studnt I need help so I m listng oll time
Thank you for the lesson of (at,on and in)it really
helped me
Antonio Lazaro
Dear Madam,
Before this quiz i was afraid about my english, most of the time i thought i use wrong word in my santance. After this result i have gain coenfidence. I need more help from you and confeidence. I really thank full to you.
Best of luck and keep it up and please give me always tips about english grammar.
Muhammad Akbar Faizi
Hello, dear Rebeca
I often test my skill English not really good for me but,i am not afraid for testing over there, thanks a billions your teaching on here.
thanks a was a gud lesson but i got 90%,actually i was not aware wht to use in”_ the fall”
thank you for u r teaching……
Thank you very much! you are nice clever girl,generous and big-hearted! God bless you
I kiss you and all the people, who helps the others altruistic,without seeking to profit,
The LORD is my and your shepherd; we shall not want.
He makes us lie down in green pastures.
He leads me and you beside still waters.
He restores our souls.
He leads us in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake…
Thanks kindly!!!
you are a great teacher.
hi i like ur videos but please upload correction of sentences which i want to know about that thanks
new year Greetings 2011.from Bangalore, India dear Rebecca accidentally I watched you engvid on youtube and amazingly futurtence understood planed /unplaned really I am exited and downloading all your videos and watching again and again for better understood can you guide me I need basic grammer and to through 1-10 lesson respectively
Jagadish P
If i live Canada, i want to meet you, Rebecca:) Thanks for teaching..
Best Regards from Turkey.
Can please explain to me how to use coordinating conjunction. and,but, yet,for ,so,or, nor,
Amina Harris
what is the mean of the fall
Hi Rubeca..i want to know wht does decades mean?
this is really a big help to all who wanted to know the correct usage of these three prepositions.
from thailand
hello miss rebaca my name is nilesh i have problem iwant to know how to use get and being im very confused becouse of this tow words so please help me
first of all i would like to thanks this website and all teachers and also thank you so much Miss.Rebecca. i am relay happy to join with this website and also one more think nice way to studying English. fantastic
Hi Rebecca.Thank you very much for these lessons.All the best to you from Slovakia.Mirka
i have a little bit confusing of this sentences :
” i’m living in the dorm in present”
is it true or false?
give me explain about that plz
Hi!Irene21.I’m dragon from Vietnam.We can make friend with each other.Just to help English,not for any reasons.Apart from English,I can speak Chinese.I hope you to approve of my request.My
so interesting Rebbeca…big thanks to you…it helps me a lot…may you ‘ll teach us more topic about English….best regards!!!
You done a very good job. thanks a lot for teaching us.
hi rebecca,
im glad to have known this site. this is really a great help to us even if i’m a native of the Philippines, who can speak well of english and blessed to understand it very well, i just realized there’s still a lot of things i should learn and correct. thank you for the opportunity of learning and discovering more of the beauty of english language. may the Lord bless your heart’s desire.
You are doing great job. I have listened many lecutres on this topic and I consider this lecture as best lecture of all those which i have listened in past. All my queries are removed. Madam you are great job. Keep it up.
Thank you very much for your teaching. It is very useful for me and everyone who want to learn English. :)
please check the prep. AT if correct? “Weekly Coordination meeting every Saturday at 2:30PM – 3:00 PM.”
I like this teachings and i really really enjoy it. is very educative…
nice Explication……
really good
Thank you for this lesson ..
I want to ask waht I use for placees like mall or home or schoole?!!
thnx so much Rebecca 4 this lessons i have an exam in it i’am sOo greatful to you thnx a lot
I love your lessons, Rebecca you speak so clearly I can undestand every word. Thank you.
Hi Rebecca!
I love the way you explain every confusing word. It means very much to me. I can improve my English a lot from your lessons.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for your nice teaching. It is very understandable for me.Good luck.
Dear rebbaca mam,
your teaching style very good. i understand easily your lesson. your pronounciation is very good. your lesson very usefull for me. these lesson help me.
Thanks a lot Rebecca ,It was very helpful and i would like to learn more about prepositions.
in France we said merci beaucoup…!
thank’s alot for this lesson and i expected more interesting lesson and forgive me for this bad comment i’m beginner and i want more lesson in pronouns in conclusion thank’s alot please correct my comment if it’s mistake
this is the first time i hear the english that much easy, she is wondeful teacher,thank a lot my darling
Thank you so much! Can you also do a tutorial on when and how to use in at on (examples: on the bus or in the bus, at the mall or in the mall, in the street or on the street?) thanks!
I live in Japan.I’m 58.But I’m enjoying your lesson.Thanks a lot.
pardon )))))) how old are you? 58!!!!! waoooo
your lesson was very usefull but i have some problem with its voice its not very clear
please talk about use of in on at about places
thanks again for your help ;)
Rebecca you explain very well,but you confuse me when you said about the preposition (in) you told us when we can use it, for example about months and then you wrote an example (on)” Dec 5th” thats confuse me….
Hi Rebecca
i have same problem as Arash’s, hope you can talk about how to use when talking about place.
Thanks a lot
I’m egyptian I love english very much and I hope to speak like native and I found in this site great help thanks alots
Hi Rebbeca, what is the difference between On Christmas and At Christmas?
how about address Miss? We should use on or at?
very nice madam!
Please talk about the right way to tell and write the date, e.g. Monday 18 July. When do you say THE before the date (the 18th) and the correct order. Do you say July 1,2, and 3 or July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd? Thanks a lot.
Hi Rebecca,
You talked about the prepositions AT, ON, and IN, but how about when I have to use them in different contexts like ON or IN bed? sit ON or IN the chair? AT or IN the corner? and so on. I really have difficulty with this. Could you talk about this, please? Thanks.
thx! now i get how to use them the quiz was reallly helpful!
tnks for this free lessons in grammar. im preparing for my ielts exam..godbless u
how to use in and at?
Thanks for ur lesson. Is it wrong to use ‘BY’ instead of ‘IN’ in the sentence below
We’re flying to Italy _____ July
sorry to say you but i think it is not be correct. In is much more easier than By have a good time venkat
thank you very interesting and fast
Hi Rebecca, i’m studying in to become an english teacher and i have some students having trouble with prepositions but i found this vid really helpful, take care and thanks!
Very awesome video!!!! it helped my so much :P
The audio of this class was not good. I sugest you do it again because the audio was bad
Very good Rebeca…Now I understood
Is this a correct statement? “The Davao del Norte State College is a public college in the Ohama and it is located in New Visayas, Panabo City…
Very good Rebeca .
It’s really helpful
Thanks alot
Your lesson is very clear and easy to learn. Thanks lot. I’m from Sri Lanka
thank for the can be materials in my teaching. I am Indonesian
Hi reebeca i hear someone said”chill lady.”
Iwonder if you could tell me what does it mean?
please I’m waiting your response,you know you are my best teacher .Ilove you so much and i miss you so much.
Don’t forget to answer me,please.
With my best wishes.
It is slang. They are telling the woman to relax or calm down.
Respected madam,
I am Rajan from India
your english teaching is very helpfull to me , I like you as my english god. Thankyou very much,sorry I can”t express my thanks exactly.
i still don’t get it. what’s the difference among the three.. whoa… i don’t even know if i learn those simple ways…. please hlp me ms rebecca
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lesson. I was very useful for me. I appreciate it.
when i see all teacher in my our life .i thought there aren’t love teaching ,but i think you do .thanks .best teacher ever i seen
shayma EL
Thank you very much….We can learn lot of things with your english lessons……
Thanks a lot dear Rebecca… Your style for teaching is nice.
I have a problem in using the ( less,dis,un,in) and what is the different. For instance incomfort or uncomfort or discomfort, comfortless how can I learn to use these articles in the different words. Please help me thank you.
Please tell us about the (in at on) for places
Thanks dear rebecca
The another problem for us is about (dis less in un)
Thank you so much…
HI..lesson is very simple and understandable. Wish to view more lessons
thanks but when we used in and on in this two words (island & land ).
Shayma EL.
Hi I’m Ranjan bit confused with use of in and at….Im in a meeting or at a meeting, Im in Kandy (a City in Srilanka)can we use at ? Please explain
thax.i would like to ask .is there any website through which we can making converstion so that our speaking power should improve
ali khan
wow its a great lesson.
thanks for the help ,the true I was not very clear with this ,but now with the explanation , I understand.
Im from Santiago de Chile and I know this page through one of my english teachers and is very interesting .. really thanks for everything…
Hugs ;)
Thanks a lot
where is everybody go i ask every teacher kind of.To explain (on and in in )year month dates ect. can u Rebecca explain it PLz.
Shayma EL,
I have studied English in high school and the university but I just learn the usage of at,on, in clearly. Thanks for your lessons.
thank you for the valuable information. i want to know what is the different between “i am good at working ..” and “i am good in working” which one is correct and y?
thanks and regards
Hi! Rebecca, this is Hussain Iqbal from India. The only word I have for you is awesome. I love u sooo much. Many thanks for being my teacher. Mam could you please help me when are we not suppose to use an article. God bless you.
Hussain Iqbal
thanks for ur leassons
Hi,Ms Rebecca.i come from Vietnam.This is the first time,i have watched these lessons.They are very interesting and useful.But could you all speak slowly?I can’t inderstand whole those lesson.Hope you to creat many other videos. Thanks.
thang u rebaca I will like to watch your lessons all the time.
Thankyou Teacher for this lesson
I understood it very well
I am from Saudi Arabia
Hi Rebecca,
You are really an amazing teacher. Thanks to all of you, teachers, for sharing your wonderful work.
hello maam tnx for your free english from philippines..i want to learn how to speak in english cause im not good to this language hope you can help me..tnx maam rebecca..
lea villamor
WOW thank you very much you really saved me this is the first lesson that I studied on this web site I will study all the lessons to prepar for my exam on 13/7/2011
I’m from Tunisia
You’re so great =) .thankyouuuu very much ;)
Thanks Rebecca, thanks for the lessons. Actually, i have a question to ask regarding preposition. The question is : There are shoes ____ the stairs.
The blank should be filled with “at” or “on”? This question made me confuse.
such a big help! thanks ms.rebecca
Hi All
I am from Malaysia. This is a great video i never seen before. Most Malaysian have poor English especially Malay ethnic. Could you give an advice how this people improve their english
Fuad answer my question as to the correct use of at,on and in. thanks. im from phils
thanks a lot. it helps
thanks.nice to be included in this group
Another one of Rebeccas’ great lessons! Thanks a lot Rebecca!
But I’m afraid I don’t understand one sentence well from the quiz, can someone explain it to me please?
“In the fall, the forest is breathtaking!”
What does it mean?
Thanks for that teaching, it was interesting. But when I answered the quiz, I got it wrong on the aspect of when to use in. WHY? Because during the lesson, you taught that we use IN for Months and the questions I got wrong was based on Month and I inserted IN so why was it wrong? Pleas could you please expantiate. Thanks.
Thank you for enlightening me with your very useful lecture on prepositions. ^_^ keep them coming.
very helpfull, i am loving this site.
thank you!!
Mr. Sousa
hi!can you tell me how and when to use on and in
queth bagas
Thank you Madam, I have difficulty in “at night and in night” kindly define it.
thank you , but i want ask you How i can use at and on in the refersto place .
thank you very much .
thanks teacher rebecca =)
you are awesome , teacher
Hi rebecca,
I do agreed with you on the explanation , but i really that you are missing somo explanation when it comes to places.
Thank you for your exercise. God bless :)
such an amazing webpage and ofcourse what a GREAT teacher… you help us a lot dear… Wanna keep in touch with you…!!!
Noelia, from Peru
how can we use preposition over,by and from /?
Is this statement is right:
I am trying hard at my part.
Sidhanth Singh
thank you very much for the lesson. God bless you
Can anyone answer this?
Do we say ” In a Computer or On a computer” when referring to the data showing on (in) the computer screen? In a system or On a system?
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca…. very usefull :)
wangiati izzah
Hi ms. REBECCA i dont like to give prolix statement abt anything but i must have to do praise of yours that u have done a good work. I want to give u suggestion that you should get the more excercise uploaded here so that learners may get some new things. I would like to get mail in this regard from you
Pankaj sharma
hi! i’ve learned a lot from your lessons. I was really having a difficult time understanding how to use at, in, and on. txn 2 u, now, I fully understand their uses. tnx nd Godbless
thank! Ms Rebecca for your teaching. It’s very useful for the students in the world. For me, I’m a teacher of English, I’ll take this experience to improve the education in my country.
what is the correct answer, the fruits is in are in the basket or are on the basket?
The way u people teaches is gr8.. Its so simple n helpful. But to add on the above teaching, I would like to ask, there are some other situations without respect of time/date. for eg: Attachment in/on the mail.
Also,Is the sentence right when we say: her mail id is looped in/with the mail???? plz clarify.. Thanks..
hello! Rebecca hw r u? Iam an Indian.i am very very thankful to you for teaching English. your language is very sweet and clear that’s why i understand very easily.thanks a lot. ok by
hello teachers . may i ask which sentence is correct.
application in facebook or
application on facebook ?
I am a fan of this website…very helpful for those people who had a little knowledge in english grammar..thank you for the lessons.
Thank you so much 8)
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for your class. It helps me a lot!
I am from Brazil!
when do we use the word IN, ON and AT in a location
thank you for this vidéo
i like this teacher because you help me alot of please ihave many question .special when we use this proposition (off_of- for- to- about _inside_as long as_and other proposition .hlep me for this when wn use in the sentence .please .do you the rule if you have give me please .thanks again
thank u ma’am i love u r teaching keep it up
i am from india,tamilnadu, chennai
i was really happy to see this video to learn the preposition how to use these words especially in, at and on. these 3 words always confused me to use in the sentences. but now i understood after seeing your video clips. thanks a lot for teaching such a good manner to understand clear for us.
before going into lesson I checked my aptitude in prepositions via quiz surprisingly I got 10 out of 10, so i left this lesson, I like this site, Iam regular user of this
Abdul Razaque Awan
Hi Rebecca
Thanks, this helps a lot. Will be going through the rest of the lessons and definitely, I will be learning a lot from here.
More power and God Bless.
Did the quiz again and got the perfect score…:-). Sad to say I am poor at this but this helps at lot! Thanks for the video Rebecca. Checking for more.
God Bless
thanq mam for the video can u please upload another video that teaches the use of in on and at in the refrence of places..
thanks mam i like your way of teaching. I hope lot of peoples are learning correct Einglish by this plate form.
great lesson.i surely learned a lot from it.thank you.but i have a question.what is the difference between ‘at night’ and ‘in the night’?.please explain.I will be extremely thankful to you
nice !
I got 10 of 10
nice i learned new stuff.
this sux
thanks lot for this wonderful course!! I have one question: what the difference between “at night” and “in morning” both are specific time of day??? thanks in advance!
Hello,thanks for this wonderful presentation! I have question:why we say in morning and at night even though they are part of day?? thanks in advance wonderful Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. thank you so much for this lesson.
hi i kind understood what you said, but what happens when you try to say or use these prepositions in others things, as the one i used right now is in or on others things ?
hi mom i have a question i am grade 6 student what are the 10 uses of preposition..?
This is good….i would want you to explain the use of will and would..and their conditions too..
how can i use on, in and at in places?
Hi Rebecca,
I hope you can help me: In my last vacation or On my last vacation??????????????
ana maria
thnks alot
Hello Rebecca,
this is very useful for me. I listened to lots of lessons in english with preposition and I never remember the rules. Today I think it works and it’s your fault. Most thanks
Thanks so much, this lessons are really helpful. I have a question about the prepositions. Which preposition do we have to use when we talk about a place. For instance, I will meet you at/in/on the tennis courts. Which one do we use? Thanks again.
Thanks so much Rebecca, these lessons are really helpful. I have a question about the prepositions. Which preposition do we have to use when we talk about a place. For instance, I will meet you at/in/on the tennis courts. Which one do we use? Thanks again.
Hi Teacher, Your lesson is very clean and good understanable. It has clear my doubts.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. More power.
thanks indeed Rebecca
Abdullah alqhtani
Thank you very much Rebecca, I love the way you teach, simple and clear.
Thank you madam for lessons that you give for free, it means that you love the fact of teaching other people new things.
love you and god bless you.
i’m from morocco, you’re welcome
Hi , Rebecca.
thank you for this lisson, but its not enough. because we can say : at man , in this house.
example: The teacher in this class or room.
and we can say : on the table, on my head, ……etc. How can I Distinguishes between “at”, “on” and “in” in generally in language English? thank you very much. and give me alot of advice for learning English beacause I want to speak that language for talk with people or american people in my home( Jordan). thank you ver much again.
Lesson is good now i can use these three prepositions correctly. kindly give some lesson on other prepositions, thanks.
Perfect :) I was shocked. :P
thx a lot :) i’m from tunisia
tnx 4 the video.really helped me!espacially 4 school!
Hi Miss … If I say .. I study at the library … is it correct or .. I study in the library .. Plz get me ur ans ..
Am from Egypt.My first language is Arabic.I use English in daily life speech.You cant imagine how that site with all its instructors really do me great favour. I really appreciate that.Thanks alot for your efforts and God bless and reward you
I got10 out of 10.
Great work rebecca. Thank u very much..
Hi Rebecca. I have a question. I’ve always been taught that I use “in” when I mean “inside”, and “on” when I’m at the surface. So, my question is: do I say “I’m in bed now”, or “I’m on bed now” ? It seems like this is an exception.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
I’m writing “Feel free to update the document if your name is not (in/on) it.”
I’m thinking of using “in” but I’m not so sure if that is correct. Please advice.
Thanks Rebbeca it is great but I’d like to ask a guestion:
why do we use ‘at’ before night?
Is ıt a specific time?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us.
Christian Gamboa
Can you please tell me when do we use in or at in a sentence for places?which sentence is right”He works at a pharmacy”or”He works in a pharmacy”
Both are right!
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot
please help me Is it correct to say I have many friends in my school
Yes, that’s right!
engVid Moderator
Really I admire your lessons and you are my favourite teacher, but could I please Know from where did you graduate and what certificate do you have.
Thanks so mutch
Thank you so much for the lesson.
what is the correct preposition to use when u say “I graduated __ (specifc name of school)” and when u say “I am a BSN graduate ___(specific name of school)”
which phrase is better”1.would you please”or”2.could you please”or “3.can you please”
I want to go home by bus,but I don’t know where is the bus station.Which question is right?1.”Where should I ride the bus?”or2.”where should I geton the bus?”
Where should i get on the bus
For less than 5 minutes i learned these prepositions that i never could understand.
thank you very much
ps.also i finished the quiz.
Your score: 100.00 You got 10 correct out of 10.’
Thanks I enjoyed the Quiz.
i liked that
hi mam..,
Myself Tenzin from Bangalore,India. I saw your video and it reminded my english sir ngudup dorjee la. Who is teaching so well and so clear that his each and every teaching is easily understoodable by every student. But, it’s now more then 4 YEARS i passed my high school. Missing his teaching. Well thanks to you. your work is highy appriciable and useful. May Almighty God bestow his blessing upon you. tkecre,bye
thanks for tell me about time, date ,seasons etc
which sentence is correct.I am inside of the hotel or I am inside the hotel.
hi please tell me that i can say i’m working in macdonald’s or i’m working at macdonald’s
superb. thanks a lot. i understood everything
can i use ‘in’ before day.he works in day and sleeps at night… it correct?
dear rebecca please upload a video for simeles and metaphors i need a lesson please i m a new user on engvid
Dear Rebecca,
Hi, I am from Bangladesh. I am very, very and very grateful to you for lesson. I like the way you teach. I love you like my elder sister. Thanks a lot again.
..this is great..
thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks that was fun and educational ^^
Your prepositions video is more easier understand compared with alex’s preposition video.
*Correct me if i got grammar mistake.
thank you rebecca ,your video is more easier understand
thinks for helping us and your vido so good but itry to solve some in qustion and ido it but ther is qustion
We get up early –in the morning.
i slove this qustion with at
Excuse me, Mrs.Rebecca.
I’m Rifai from Indonesia.
Thanks for explaining about prepostions. Anyway, I couldn’t find any question about the use of prepostions although I had pressed the icon “Next” on the white box. So, Would you please tell me how to take the quiz?
I think you should choose the answer first before you press “Next”
please tell me which sentence is correct given below.
1.Two boats are in the river.
2.Two boats are on the river.
rachit mohanty
Dear,teacher Rebecca
It would be pleasure if you remake this video for the new students.
thanks alot that was really helpful you’re a life saver
Thank you so much teacher.realy, this is the first time i understtod this ,thank you alot again .
But why do we say ‘in the morning’ instead of ‘at morning’ ?
very clear. thank you.
hi rebecca, thank you for clearing some of my confusions regarding these prepositions.It helps a lot. have a wonderful day. :)
very good lesson, thx :)
I would like to ask which of these sentences is correct:
1. You shouldn’t be IN it.
2. Your shouldn’t be ON it.
(“it” refers to a relationship)
“In”—we say people are in relationships.
engVid Moderator
thanks alot for ueful information but i need more lesson .
because i want to be proffessional in englih lanuage
Our administration uses the prepostion “on” quite often. Example: On tomorrow we will have a field trip. This is driving me crazy. Is this use of on correct?
No, it’s not! You use “on” when talking about specific days (“on Friday”, “on the 9th”), but not with relative terms like “today”, “tomorrow”, “last year”, “next Tuesday”, etc.
engVid Moderator
Which preposition is to be used in the context of “next tuesday”,”tomorrow” & others as mentioned by EngVid moderator?
hi i’m Gomathi from india.i have one complecated doubt in preposition that is what is difference among at,in and on,where we have to use it?
explain clearly ….
Thanks Rebecca, it was a wonderful lesson, i just now understand the differences.
thanks alex sir :)
very good lesson I could clean my self which I had since long time.than you teacher……
You explained it very clearly. Gorgeous…
Hi Rebecca you are a amazing teacher . i d like to know when i say : “I saw a lot of new words ___ quiz” would be ON or IN thanks
Dear Rebecca,
Could you please tell me either “clearer” is correct or “more clear”?
Rebecca, thanks a lot for this lesson. It’s very useful to me!!
I have a question:
Why do you say ‘in the summer’ with an article? Before now I learnt that right way to say ‘in summer’ without an article!
Please, give me explain.
Hi, I´m from Chile.
what is correct:
You are in the beach or you are at the beach?
thanku so much it is very intresting tecnique.yhanks…….
HI,i want a lesson on the use of ‘WITH’ and ‘TO’.Where we make use of ‘to’ and ‘with’ in sentences like,
1. Am nowhere in competition ‘to’ her.
2. I was so angry when that happend ‘to’ me.
can i use ‘with’ instead of ‘to’? like,
” I was angry when that happend ‘WITH’ me”.
Does it make any change in the sentence?
i really get confused when to use ‘to’ and ‘with’.plzzz help me and clear it!
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a lot i am very much satisfied to learning method but i would like to suggest you please please give us more prepositions for practice
Hi Rebecca, I’m from Indonesia! Thank you very much for your explanation! I think your explanation is so very compelte and useful for study! God bless you!
very helpful,,,
Thanks so much…
Thank you so much!!!!!
Hi, i’m Selma from algeria.
i wanted to thank all the teachers for their help.above all you Rebecca. every time i have a question which crosses my mind i come here and you just give the answer. thanks a lot for your help.
Hi Dear, i come from Cambodia . i want say this website is very cool . anyway i just want to ask u that : is it a good idea if we try to say in my language heart first and then translate to English for say in public .
TANX A LOT.,.,.,.,.
Hi Rebecca and engvid.
I noticed that you aren’t responding to more questions, but I’ll try: Why we must write before TH the days (a date)? And when I use TO and FOR?
Thanks and Hugs from Brazil.
The dates in English are written in ordinal form: 1st=firST, 2nd=secoND, 3rd=thiRD.
From “fourTH” ahead, repeats “TH”: fifTH, sixTH… but 21st=twenty-firST and so on.
We travel to India. this sentese is wrong or correct ?
Mário Tavares
It’s correct! But you would normally say “We are travelling to India”.
engVid Moderator
This video is so helpful. Thank you so much Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca. Thank You for this lesson, I got a lot !!! Ihave one question only-when I filled out the guiz guestions at the question number six- My birthday___June, I have written-in, but it’s showes that I made a mistake and there had to be-on, not-in. So I’m interesting why?,there were not the exact date but only month and it should to be -in, or I’m mistaken?
pls write the correct form of the verb for these sentence:-
Mr. Ali ……..goes to be ( in a box)at five o’clock in the morning .
please clarify how to correct the above , and what is the rule
pls write the correct form of the verb for these sentence:-
Mr. Ali ……..goes to bed (in a box)at five o’clock in the morning .
please clarify how to correct the above , and what is the rule
You know what I really appreciate engvid’s opportunity to teach people on how to use english around the globe. This is my first time to visit your site and I hope I will be a good english speaker and writer someday because of your great lessons. Thank you so much!
Hi rebecca This is Guru Here from India. from that video what I understand is If there is a specific time then he should use “ON” If There is No exact time with the subject then we can use “IN”,If it has Specific place then we should use “AT”, please correct me If I am wrong
Hi, I’m Marilda from Brazil. Rebeca, your lessons are wonderful, you have an easy way to teach us.
Congratulations my dear.
Thank you very much for such a helpful lesson. Could you please arrange a same session for other commonly used prepositions?
Thanks once again
hi,I’m srilatha from Hyderabad, in India. just now i started learn English. your lessons were most wonderful.thanks a lot. sorry for grammar mistakes. bye mam.
quien me ayuda hacer oraciones con estas palabras in,on,at,untill,for,from,since,by
Hi Rebecca, nice video and very useful. I have a question though, how to do I use these preposition when I’m referring to a place? for example: I Graduated at Polytechnic University? Is that right? Or should I use or or in?..Another example, I am in the bar? Is that right?..I hope you could help me. Thanks :)
Thx teacher it is very helpful
After looking at your video, it has become easier for me to understand the differences between ‘in’, ‘at’ and ‘on’.
Many Thanks :-)
Hi Rebecca,
I just want to say thank you for all the knowledge that you always share to us! I always watch all the videos and its very useful to my assignment..thank you and GOD BLESS!
Hey Rebecca,
Thanks very much for this lesson.
I just want ask one question “Difference between May and Might”
Thanks in advance
This teaching is very interesting &thank you for creating such a interesting …
very good explanation Rebecca thnk u and GOD bless u
Very Logical! Thanks
Abdul Qayyum
Hi Rebecaaa ..pls help me ..Why do we use ‘at’ with sith some spcific places as it say…at Liverpool?what is justification of using at with some places rathar than using ‘in’?
Hi, I never more make this mistake. Thank you.
-From Brazil.
Hi Rebecca, very nice video!
but, I have a question:
What am I supposed to say? :
I fell on/at the sport lesson?
you should also explain when to use in or at regarding places as in “I´m at the school” and “I´m in school”.
It’s an excellent way of teaching the proper usage of that for and to prepositions.
thank you very much, this web site is very useful for me. you all teachers are my stars. thank you so much…
Very useful Video.Now only I got the Exact Difference between “At”, “on” and “IN”.
Thanks Rebecca for your wonderful sharing.
I got a doubt, I don’t know what to use in this sentence…
“I took some photos ON or IN the beach”
Which of those prepositions should I use?
Sorry ! I’m from argentina
thx rebecca
thank you very much Robbica for your effort
Sayed Mohamed from Egypt
Sayed Mohamed
Thank you Rebecca! I know more of the perposition !
hi Rebeca thank you very much about your lesson i watching you every day
HI Rebecca. I love engvid. I have a question about preposition: What is the difference among expert on, in at?
thanx a lot mam rebecca… i learn a lot
fatima iguchi
which one is correct? In New York or At New York
Hi Rebecca. I’m from Brazil. I did Quiz but not 100% correct. Thank you so much. Lily
Lily Diaz
thank you very much tomorrow is my final exam of class 12 and really my biggest problem is solved.thank you mam very much
Hi rebecca thank u very much. now i can write my exam without faer.
Hi,I[m confuse can you help me? I want to say that In the university that I study we breathe healthy, It suppose to say In the UTEC or At Utec…
I would like sincerely thank you for the kindness and assistance you provided us. Individuals like you are few and far between.
Again, thank you for the useful mini lessons, it will pay off in a big way.
IT was clear lesson thank so much
I am from Saudi Arbia
thax very very much mam this lesson was nice n i got all the points
peut -on -dire You must be on time or at time ?
I learned something from this lesson. Thanks
what are you doing on the weekend?
I got good knowledge from this site.I am very happy to watch your lesson.thanks and thanks again.
bashir memon
Hello ma’am
i am saira from kashmir.i want to speak good english….
Thank you for the wonderful lesson, but I’ve got one question…is it correct to use “at the evening” or “in the evening”?
“In the evening”.
engVid Moderator
I would like to know why this is correct: “I go out of town at the weekends.” Can someone explain this to me, please?
You can say – “I go out of the town in the weekend.” or over the weekends.
Am I correct moderator?
how many preposition in English????
How expensive is learning english at your school? and may I know the course duration.
Do you’ve any presence in Bombay, India?
This vid is one of your best!!
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
Prepositions are indeed confusing, especially when you are in the Philippines (I’m from this country)people here are very particular about our English grammar. Whenever someone is speaking in english and commits mistake we are quick in correcting them or we give our comment secretly to ourselves. Filipinos are crazy about the English language and all wanted to use it grammatically correct. We can easily tell who is good in school when you can talk or write in english fluently. Fluency is mastery but we also have our first language which is tagalog, we use it everyday. We sometimes do no speak english so we could avoid mistakes in our grammar. But I’m pleased with the recent survey that our people here can speak English fluently compared to our other Asian neighbors. And I am also glad that there are online help like for those who need immediate assistance with the english language and its correct grammar usage.
Thank you and more power to you. God bless!!!
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the video.It’s Great and contents are crystal clear.
It would be great if you filter the noises while recording.
Hi Rebecca. Thank’s for the lesson, but I still have a doubit: How can I use AT, IN or ON in MANNERS? For example: “The child ran down the steps in tears”. And also in REFERENCE: “1)In my opinion we need a referendum.” “2)They are happy in their marriage.” Why those are IN and not AT or ON? Thank you one more time.
Dear Rebecca,
great lesson.
i liked it.
hi can i ask you a question, ive been using twitter for a long time and sometimes i couldnt figure out if im using the right prepositon. like for example: i set the wrong time ON my clock. did i use the preposition ON correctly? thanks its really confusing sometimes :D
hello iwish to ask aquestion
what is correct ?
in home or at home question of prepositions
i have a question if the place isn’t spesific we use at like i’m at school right now but when i went to the store and i purchased to the casheer and she said thanks for shopping at ACE(hardware.)why not thanks for shopping in ACE? thanksssss sometimes prepositions make me so crazzzzy :0
hi..rebecca tahanks a lot. its really helped me a lot. i was very confuse where to use ‘at’ espacilly.. thanks again.
Which part of india are you belong to.. i am from bangalore.
Uday Shankar
Great video, but i have one question.
Rebecca said, i was born in September.
That’s clear for me.
But if i want to say exatly date of my birth, should i use “in” preposition?
I was bort in 1 april 1978.
Is it correct?
Thanks, i am from Russia.
You could say all of the following:
I was born on April 1, 1978.
I was born in April.
I was born in 1978.
I was born on April 1st.
All the best to you!
Dear Rebecca,
Im Malaysian. i assumed that i weak in my listening.Sometime, when i heard musics or lectures, im almost didn’t understand what the full meaning. Im think that my writing better than my listening.
Dear Rebecca, how can i improve my poor listening?I am afraid that i will enter in university in the end of year because all of the lectures will teach by english language.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you so much.
“he is good at manners.” dis sentence gramatically correct or not? plz help me out.
thanks to guide about use of preposition. Kindly please sent me all your classes videos regarding English, i m very confused regarding to my English.
i will be very thankful to you.
Mohammad Furqan
hello ….. i wanna ask you:
_i wasn’t gonna go _
this tense is strange can you explain it please
is this correct…
God Bless and Good Luck in our Defense tomorrow
Hi Rebecca,
This video is very educational in clarifying propositions. I have to admit that most of the time I had confusions using those words. Now it is really clear to me. Many thanks and more power. Cheers
Ahmm.. I don’t know what to say here.. ^_^.. but anyway thanks a lot. i’ve learned something.
Hi ! thanks a lot to u and let me learn so much ! awes
Louis chan
Hi ! thanks a lot to u and let me learn so much ! awesome !
Louis chan
Hi Rebecca,
thanks, it is awesome
I do enjoy the way you have presented this concern and it does indeed supply me a lot of fodder for consideration. On the other hand, because of what precisely I have personally seen, I simply just wish when the actual opinions pile on that men and women remain on point and not get started upon a soap box associated with the news of the day. All the same, thank you for this outstanding point and whilst I can not concur with this in totality, I respect your perspective.
Diet Solution
thanks mam……………
hello rebeca,
i am writing my Cv and i am not sure which preposition to use in the below sentences:
– Busines developer at… or in….
– Member in the …. or at the…
thank you
jazak allah, this is very easy to understand for me and every oner….. mashallah
Mohsin Ali Yousufi
A tip very useful for me is to learn the word at-on-in and use the first for short periods of time, until one day , on for periods bigger than one day and less than two days and in for the rest of the time. Can be useful this tip?
Thanks for your nice lessons.
hello mam rebeca,
i have a question that is quite confusing ion what will i use…
I will serve as second sponsor ‘in’ ‘on’ Mr. Sony’s wedding.
hai ,
i am from pakistan very happy to listen ur lecture ,very nice lecture
waheed ali shah
thank you
Rebeca, you are simple great, fantastic. I think all of yours are magics because have the ability to become difficult things in easy, that’s it. I have just discover this site and I thank God for that.
Hi Rebecca – regarding the use of IN or ON when referring to data on a specific document. For example… 1) Please confirm ON or IN this Contract that this clause will be added. 2) This provision is not IN or ON this doument. Thanks!!!
I am honestly thankful for the great effort you and your collegues are doing bacause everyday I watch one and then I apply it with my students. I got what I had been looking for ages. You and your collegues are perfect.
thank you for providing a good video lesson about the usage of at,on and in.
Anil Paul
Hi this is fun,it helps me how to use it properly, thanks rebecca hope to see you soon in person thanks
My name is manila i am laoas and i study at university in Luang pra bang province the northem of laos
Thanks for helping me to improve my english .This vdio is very helpfull for every one .Who love to studies and improving Grammar and very importand for using in presence .
Thanks Rebecca, the video is a very big help for me and for everybody who’s been confused in their English grammar. expect me to visit this site regularly. :)
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 10 correct out of 10.’
great! thank u for this lesson!
God bless You!
oh super
i have never seen that
In this example
Artisan Fair at El Morro Fortress
It is correct to use the preposition at?
Mayra Loubriel
Thanks for your excellent work Im happy with this… thanks again…
I just want to know what am I gonna use if it refers to a place like our country ,Philippines, or school. Sorry for my English I’m not good at all. Just need for taking high school entrance exam. Tnx alot Teacher Rebecca
Best regards
Hi teacher, you can tell me the differences between “about”, “of”, “at, and “in”, please
..hi ma’am i’m from philippines….thank you so much for the video.
Thank`s… tomorrow i have an exam and you help a lot!!! i dont understand a thing and now i know it well!!! thank yooooooo
Martu P.
pls i want to know when and how to make use of these prepositions sentences
at, for, on, in, by, with.
is this statement correct?’She congratulated me for my success ‘
medulus Villa
plz,how to learn the date
thank you very much
It is superb.. Please upload more questions like this..
realy it is good lesson,,,
I’m amazed on the difference between how you teach the language and someone who is not native and teaches english.
Despite I knew the difference, the way you explained it was awesome.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much Rebecca
thank you for giving me such a good information mam
sumaira salim
Thank you very much Madam !
You made my life easier with English ! so when i will visit Ontario , i won’t find any problem when communicating with people !!!
thank you very much :)
is this right i was born in 24th of november in 1995 or just 1995 only
Wonderful! Really I found it very friendly to understand these prepositions.
thank u very much rebecca, it’s very helpful video, but the preposistion of place are also very confusing for me, could you do a lesson about them and specially about “at” and “on”,i often make mistakes.
hi,thank you a lot ms rebeca
Thank you for good teaching. It’s very informative.
I don’t know, why i cannot see any vidio. would you please tell me how can I do now? thanks!
I realy appreciate your lesson.may God increase your knowledge.Am from Nigeria.thanks.
Many thanks Ms. Rebecca , you have cleared the confusion , I was searching to get like this very important and nice lesson to understand when i can use these prepositions thank you again from my homeland Palestine
thank you so much for the info.
ann villar
Hello Mam can you send me your all video
that will be helpful for me.
Thanks with regards
Muin Khan
Many more thanks ……
Umesh Krishnan
Can you please explain more on the usage of in, at and on for places?
Wooaaah :) Now finally I’ve got the hang of it:) Thanks so much for this helpfully lesson :)
Greetings from Germany :)
Is it correct to say I will join Anna in celebration!
thank u !
thank’s teacher rebecca for nice explanation.
very nice your site, congratulations
Thank you so much Rebecca. I wish you a great boost in your career.
thank, i love u
i feel very happy to learn it
Very Nice to learn.
K.Dhanasekaran India
Thanks for spending your time with such a helpful learning content.
thank you so much. Now I understand when use at, on, in. That so clear
Hi Rebecca,
I would really like help with a little concept using the prepositions: in and at.
If I were to say that I am doing well in a particular subject, for example, history, do I say:
1. I am good IN history or
2. I am good AT history?
I would love your help! Thanks so much :)
Thanks a lot Ms.Rebecca
Your lesson was really nice
Now I can use all this prepositions properly.
Abdessamad Mrhizou
SUPER thanks rebecca!.. BIG HELp!!!!!..
this is what i learned using ON,IN and AT in time!
ON – means specific date
IN – within the date
at – specific time..
am i right?
Hi, Rebecca. I saw the word ‘Monday’ in the chart had added with ‘S’. Why Monday had to add ‘S’ in it?
Henry Lam
thanks for every think.
you tell us about use (in) with time what about use with places…?
i have problem on using letter ‘s’..i means when we should put s? besides using s on plural things…i means other than using s when it comes to plural… please help me..i hope you can teach me…
Clear and concise… thanks so much!
love you rebecca …to be honest your lessons made me wise so big and heavy thnx for it.
but whether u start for us “gerund and infinitives” so it well be more pleasure for us
It’s really good to know about site.please help help me more in learning and developing english
How to use In and On when referring to a person? Im so confused.. example “Its not gonna work out for you, how much more on/in your friends?” thanks!!
thank u very much i expect more quiz
Hi Rebecca,
Am from India,i missed only one question in the quiz here,its because of you. your way of teaching. ;)
i thank you very much.
Very helpful! I will never forget this lesson.
This is one of the best presentations i have ever seen. Thank you so much!
tell me if this sentence is corret. ms yasmin gave a lovely speech on the topic my inspirations
reetu joshi
Yehey! I got perfect score…
thanks ^_^
July calbario
Thank you so much, Rebecca.My English is very bad , i need more time… and more practice … I think.
Hello, Rebecca I’m writing you from Romania, nobody writes you from Romania I’m a beginner but I love English lesson. Thank you for your English lesson!
Really helps me all lot … Thanks Rebecca :) :) By the way , I’m from Malaysia :p
jae ei
thanks rebecca…really help me a lot….
Hi Maam Rebecca,
Thanks a lot. This lessons hepl me a lot. I’m not rellay good on english but I’m willing to learn.. I had 6/10 on this exam. it scares me. wwohhh. many mistakes. hehehe..
From Philippines.
Well anyway GOD Bless.
what is the different between with & To?
Ganesh Babu
Hi Rebecca,
it was really interesting session.
thank u so much for it.
Halo Rebecca..
Difference between I’m in home & I’m at home? Which one is correct?
I have little bit confusing about in and at.?how can it used for if wherever you are w/o time,date,and seasons?
what is the right way to say,,,, i am in the mall ,,, or i am at the mall….i am at the restaurant or i am in the restaurant
we need your good english speaking and now i improve my speaking but i am traying my level best that we want to improve my application are another kinds of letter improvement, please send your application Video that we improve thank you so much
Habib Kakar
thanks a lot for the quiz. i have done the quiz but i missing a number, so i just got score 9. i try to do the best. i’m indonesian.
ferry sanan
Thnaks rebecca. I am in india, It was like my school time.
thanks rebecca
iam inspire by your teachings
a very nice quiz for me i got 8 yeah..
Dear Rebecca, thanks a lot for your job.
In this video lesson I think you should have also mentioned about the use of the prepositions with expressions of time using “morning, evening, afternoon, night, dawn, dusk” etc.
For example, why (I meet you “in” the morning) but (I meet you “at” night) etc.?
Maybe it’s worth making a separate video lesson on that matter.
Hello Rebeca. First of all, I would like to thanks your explanation. It’s very helpfull.
I have just a doubt between “on” or “in” :
When you explained the use of “in”, wich is the most of cases, you gave us an example on this video that was:”… in 1995″. This date, is too specific date. Why we used “in” insted of “on” or even “at” ?
Madam Rebecca,thanks for your valuable lessons–pl see these sentences-i)Nepal is to the North of India ii)Delhi is in the north part of India//-I want to know the correct use of to/in in such cases–Should I assume that Since Nepal is outside of India, then I should use ‘to’/if a place inside a country we should use ‘in’–??Am I correctly writing these sentences?
Mayur Gogoi
truly filipinos are very conscious with their grammar. that is exactly the reason why i visited this site.i really want to improve my skills in english. i just find it sometimes confusing when it comes to preposition. what i need now is more practice. thank you. this is such a great help, rebecca. God bless
Thnaks rebecca. can you please make a video on all usually use Prepositions like for, of, to,too, by,………
that was Wonderful thank you
Wonderful job EngVid.
Ffor places??????
nix…and i get knowledge ….thnx..
tooba shah
“_____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!”
Why the correct is “in”?
Hi Mam, I am from India & I Work as a Sr. Manager -sales / mkt. intl in Pvt ltd. company & i travel a lot across the world so I intend to polish my English more because it is most required for my job profile …. Please help me how to improve myself more…. thanks for your kind support.
teacher thanks for everything :) my score was 100 % :D
and im from AZERBAIJAN
thanks for the lessons :) i love it..
Thanks Rebecca, this make picture more clear.
As you said, these preposition can be used with respect to time or place.
Can you please teach same preposition with respect to place.
Thank in advance.
thanks for those kinds of materials,my dear students like them. We’re from abancay peru
karina Salas
hi dear teacher Rebeca
this is Weda thanks a lots but how can we use this three prepositions to places your lesson was only about time ? please make it about use to place also . thanks
the lessons are helpful and are easy to understand. how if this three prepositions will be used to places? it is only on time and month example. thank you
you really made it clear how to use these 3 in relation to time. However, i’d like to know exactly when should i say, i.e. ‘meet me at/in the office’, she gave birth in/at this hospital, on/in behalf, in/on the occasion… really it’s quite confusing at time… hope you help me figure this out… thanks in advance… :)
I really enjoy simply reading all of your weblogs.Simply wanted to inform you that you have people like me who appreciate your work.home security
many thanks to you, teacher Rebeca, until today i’ve just found your lesson. it helps me very much. i wonder if the next lesson you can tell me the difference between FINISH, COMPLETE & END. thanks my lovely teacher.
pranesh gunjal
thank you but we need question more difficult than this simple quiz because it is never come in the exam simple questions and again i thank you so much
Dear Teacher Rebecca,
I’m a student PhD from Algeria.
I have submitted a manuscript research to the journal of Solid-State Electronics, but I have a mistakes in the grammar.
Please, can you help me to correct these errors.If you agree to help me I will send to you my manuscript.
In addition, thanks for the lessons.
I’m waiting your response.
With my best regards,
It helpfull but in day and date has to add date+ month ..
Hi, your lesson cover lots, but can you teach us on how to use prepositions when we are mentioning about the Places or in other usages?
hi Rebecca.i need help
i want to tech me english i,m speak litte.
Thank you very much. Jiri
Ma’am Rebecca, I just wanna say you’re great. thank you for this useful video :)
I have an exam about this the next week, I did the test and I got ten here. I wish that happen in my exam. Nice lessons.
Thank you a lot.
Literally I’ve been spending thousands in improving my English,esp grammar.I Couldn’t believe site like yours was in existence.
I’ve never imagined I would one day,enjoy learning english grammar to this extent.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Thanks again and wish you along with all the teachers in EngVid for the happiness and very joy further ahead.
Hi Rebecca,
In relation to the use of in or on. How about if you just mention the month + year which on do you use then? For example:
1. to be shipped _____ December 2012
2. payment due ______ January 2013
Appreciate your help. Thanks
thank you profusely ,the way that you go into details are extremely constructive for me and in this way by the virtue of this website I have the ability to face my problems.thanks again.
wich one is true?with that explanation. friday morning
2.on friday morning
thanks to u . im very greatful to u, but i need some more practice quiz if possible, please send us more practice exercises, thanks.
i read that Never begin a sentence with a preposition.
Hi rebecca , i have question, can we use “at morning “
Thanks a lot Rebecca it’s very useful, God bless you
Thank you so much for this brief but really valuable lesson. I am from Mexico and let me tell you than I’ll never make a mistake at leat when it related to time. I look forward to find something similar for the other use fo these prepositions (place)
Again, thank you very much.
I have tons of question in english particularly prepositions. but this assessment helped me lot. I learnt something.
i want to join this leasons, pliz help me
Great job Rebecca, how to use these preposition to indicate places?
Thank you!! these are really small things we ignore while speaking.
i really appreciate so muchthe assignment it encouraged me
it was interesting
really i want thank you. this lesson was very useful for me.
thank you so much for adding this lesson, this prepositions which made me almost always confusing hhh , Thank u once again for ending my confusing :)
greetings from Morocco
thank you very much , am from morocco I love english
thank you for your teaching , it make me feel in,on and at are easily .
thanks…this is very much useful. let me ask a question.
please tell me how do we use “at” with office and home??? for example: i am at home. i am at office ??? is this rite ??? kindly reply
Mr Uni
why we use im on internet. im in we do we use it ……
Thanks alot
Why is it “in bed” and not “on bed”?
Ann Mary Joy
you are doing great!
Thanks Rebecca this lesson is useful for me. my English is very bad i’m a new memmber, i’m from Laos.
it is very useful lesson, thanks! I don’t understand why in more English learning sites, learn us with examples, not wit rules. It is more easy to learn with rules. I have a following question regarding preposition. Is there any lesson for the same preposition (at, on and in), emphasis on “place” characteristics, because this lesson stress on the time characteristic. thanks in advanced! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Thank you :)
I guess this is the first time you have an Arab student here :P .. thank you very very much for the lesson..
You’re definitely not the first!
engVid Moderator
Thank’s for good lesson
What do you want to study at the expression correct
thank you very much for such useful lesson, thanks a lot
I’ve got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank You Rebecca!
thank you teacher
i need so even more sentences
kindly sent me at my email id.
thanking you
Raj dehariya
Raj dehariya
hi… what is the end of the verb when i have at?
wow…I got 90% marks in qiuz
hi gud day to u.. :)
im confused w my grammar can u please help me
“im going to have dinner “near in – near to” Ramada.
what is the right grammar that i need to use?
tnx a lot
if AT is used for specific time, why is it used in “at night”?
btw, i got 9 out of 10 in the quiz! suweeeet! :) more power to you guys and to you Rebeca as well.
paulo uy
oh nice to find this side i had some problem in prepositions. its solved now. thank you very much..
Have a great day! Thank you so much for this program.My English grammar was improved.But if someone who speak with me that’s better I can learn well and also my tone inflection. Can you help me guys? If you want here’s my email address
I want to speak a Native speaker.
Thanks a lot Rebeca! I’ve been studying English for so long and prepositions have always been tricky for me, but this time I think I won´t forget how to use them correctly thanks to you! :D
Dear Ms.Rebecca,
i am Ravi from srilanka. you are excellent teacher. really i am very happy to learn English from you. can i get your e-mail address pls maam. if you do not mind. thanks
Remarkable teaching method .Thank you very much for your efforts our amazing teacher .We all love you.
I want to ask a question ,if allowed, what is the difference between “in”, “into”,”on” and “onto”,please? I’d be thankful if you answered me :)
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebeca. The lesson is very very easy to understand and learn by heart. Before I always make mistake about this but now i can use it rightly. ^^
Thank you madam for this wonderful presentation.
it was really wery helpful
Thanks Rebecca
this is very simple way of learn
hi rebecca ^^
i want with you study
sofia lee
sir thank u very much for this lesson…this is very good for our knowledge i will follow again this site thanks…..from pakistan
waqar noor
It is really very nice for us.
Thenk you very much you help me to understand how can i use prepsition in,on and at.
Hey, it’s very helpful, but i’ve further question about using those prepositions about place( not time), thanks
Hey,Rebecca, i like to see your video on grammar and conversation with example.i am a Indian and i know Hindi very much but i have conversation problem in English , so suggest me what to do.
thanking you,
Mam first of all I really think that your video was very helpful,but still I have a doubt ,which is as follows are these rules valid for places as well like
1)speaker 1:Meet me in Toronto.
reply: Where at Toronto ?…or is it necessary Where in Toronto.?
and where to use at and where to use in /on etc prepositions.
2) What are the different ways of starting a formal telephonic conversations /s it
necessary to start the conversation with “is this Mr. x,can I talk to Mr.x…even if I exactly know ,who is the person on the line.Is it necessary to repeatedly say at the start of every formal telephonic conversation .
3)3)What are the ways of showing your confidence without disrespecting the other person,and how to hide your true feelings esp. harsh ones(suppose I am an egotist but I try to hide it ,and I hate sugarcoating my words and I am a very straight forward 22 year man )
Thanking you in anticipation .
I am from Iran .thanks a lot ,helpful.
Thank you,have a ball!!! i’m from Philippines I’m not good in English can i just ask you a question? I’m on the train.I’m in my room.I’m in my bed..i was so confused about this three sentences can you help me?
Love you,Rebecca
I can understand your lesson as fast as I read the book
full mark again :)
thanks rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for sharing this. I easily understand the use of preposition. How about the location preposition? ex. in the bus, on the floor
Nice exercise. Do you have a lesson plan for this?
all i am going to say that i just like you rebeca,you are agreat teacher.
i have question :) prepostion of this sentence is good on not ? ( I have trained at kindergarten of sister school for 2 weeks only .) please answer i need to know
thank u so much
Hi,Rebecca thanks for your great effort for teaching us English lessons. Could you please suggest me for developing speaking skills. I want to sharpen my communication ability. Would you favor me to arrange some of the friends for developing speaking skills? how could I develop my speaking skills? Regards Subhas from Nepal.
hey subhash i am also from nepal so why dont we help ourself in sharpening our english language to tell the truth to you i am not good at it all
n where are you from ??
Thanks Rebecca great video, are you sure about you nationality? You sound so Brazilian.
Hi Ms. Rebecca, Thanks a lot for this lessons. I made the quiz and I missed two questions. How this little words, can be so difficult to use them correctly?
Thanks Rebecca!!
thank you very much it was very useful
Thank you for the lesson…let me ask you something. I do not know when to use
by on
travelling by ferry
travelling on the ferry….
thanks best regards
They both sounded right to me, but according to Googlefight “travelling by ferry” is far more widely used, so you should probably go with that.
engVid Moderator
love your lessons, thanks
2. My interview will be held _____ Friday morning.
I answer it but the correct answer is
I think Friday morning is more specific than Friday alone.
please help me to under stand tht
Hello, I have the same question as malak1989.
The second task in quiz – why is the correct answer on and not at? It is at morning, Friday morning but still morning. I think the preposition should relate to the word morning, not Friday. Could you please explain it to us. Thank you and thanks for the lesson :)
pardon … this is an exception ..we say: on friday (the whole day) at the morning, but we say on friday morning..
7. _____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!
the fall not a place and not time I did not understand this. please can you help me
pardon again….with seasons of the year we use (in)…. in the fall, in winter, in summer…..
hi Rebecca you are really good teacher.i like you classes.but Rebecca NEED you help for improve my english.i have a lot of problem in writing,speaking english.i can’t properly apply grammar in writing.i saw your grammar,writing and also speaking classes.But i cannat improve background is bangla.all ready i completed my graduation on BBA(H).RIGHT now i have need a good job .that’s why english in very essential for me .i hope you will help me.please ……i m waiting for your feedback.
Meet me _____ three o’clock in front of the library.
Why “on” is the correct answer ? in my opinion,it should be “at” . Am i correct ?
Thank You Teacher
It was my mistakes! But now I really know! Thanks!
thanks rebecca!
Thanks a lot
Thanks, that helped me a lot…
Thank you very much Rebecca….
Thanks Rebecca
Dear Rebecca, Thank you for this lesson. Just one question. You said ON New Year’s day. But some countries like the Netherlands have two days of Christmas. My question: Do we say here ‘I’m going home AT Christmas’? (When you’re not sure if it is on 25th or 26th December)
Thanks alot..
thank you very much from my deep heart
Now I can differentiate between this preposition
just to say go ahead, thank you very much indeed
Hello, Rebecca, thanks a lot!
Rebeca, you answer all my doubts about these prepositions! This will help me to write a essay for college admission!
I’m from Brazil!
Hi, Rebecca.Ihave been trying to send a mail to your language school since 2 weeks. No success. I would like to have 4 weeks courses for beginners. Could you contact me please. My mail is
Sorry Rebecca, my mail is,;
waiting your answers.
Thank you for your kindness.
Very easy!!
Marcio Ap. Massarelli
Thanks for the lesson and i really understood,but any i got 80 marks and definitely i will get full marks in this lesson.
Thanks for all lessons Rebeca .
I am student and also English Teacher in Kosova .
Maybe you don’t know where Kosova is situated because we are a small country and building a state after a war of 1999 .
Also I am a manager and I own an English Course School in a city of Kosova .
You and all of English teachers are welcomed in Kosova , you can visit us and share things we know .
Best regards .
Thank you Madam, Sir and everyone related to this awesome work. I love you guys. Can I add a direct link to your website in our website?
Very nice and clear way to remember the main rules of using prepositions :) thanx
Hi Rebecca , first of all thanx for the great lessons , they are very useful )) which preposition should we use ? In the morning or at the morning ? And could u explain it please
thank you
Hi Rebecca, your english lesson is very helpful.
thank you for everything
I wish I can useful from you’re teaching.
best wishes for you
from kurdistan
Red Eagle
thanks REBECCA
now I know …Thanks a lot Ma’am Rebecca
hi Rebecca,
can u please upload other usage of prepositions?
hello thank you very much
my friend passed the website and now I’m addicted, each class I have on school I come back home and have more about the same mean. love it. I’m from Brazil.
Thank you for your lessons. Why in the phrase “in two hours” we use “in” insted of “on”.
i got 10 correct :) thank you so much .
Very short video but it helps me a lot. Thank you Ma’am Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca
Your lesson is very useful. I always make mistake in using at,on,in. But I think that I will remember after this lesson.Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca,
Many thanks for Your lessons. Now I am understand the English better and better.
Tanks a lot
Many thanks Rebecca. Now I become more familiarize with this prepositions. Very effective! Well done!
From Philippines….
Mabuhay.. Preposition : _)
Thankyou madam for this great video
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
take care
Hi Ms Rebecca,
I have a question, I usually heard this question, “Where you at?” Is it the right way to ask someone where he/she is? Someone told me that this is totally wrong.
I like this website thanks Rebecca.
Great lesson! I had so many doubts about this content. Thanks a lot. By the way, do you have a lesson that teaches how to use these words not in time meaning, but places? (Like on/at/in the beach). Thanks again, Rebecca!
Lucas Victor
Very useful lessons. Thanks a lot Rebecca :)))
My name is fabiao,Iam from Angola,this is my first time of being here on the forum.
So, I liked the lesson and keep doing what you have done.
You are a good teacher ..
fabiao bento ribeiro
I didn’t understand how to use this prepositions, but after this lesson it’s so clear for me, thanks!!!
this lession help me to clear about prepositions, and I got 100 mark..Thanks.
very useful lesson.Thank you so much :)
Thanks a lot! very usefull
Thanks a lots
thanks got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
thank u so much for giving such beneficial lessons, but i have a confusion that how can we use “in” and “on” for place. for example sometimes we say on the road but sometimes we say in street no 2.
Qazi Hussain
Hi, Ma’am I wanted to try a sentence please correct me if I am wrong.
“Ma’am you can put your bag at the below of the table” is it correct?
hi teacher first at all i want to thank you for the great class and well i am practicing so much this last days about prepositions of time but well i saw some expresion for instance:
i saw that movie (at the noon)but well if i want to say i saw that movie (in the evining)these are excepcions rght? because i saw another one expression i was to the party at night right? well these are excepcions right?thanks
molymoly my friend about your question the answer is yep always we use at the bellow,at the back,at the front of,etc because they`re points
Hello, may I ask how come we use for example ”In August 8th”, but ”On December 25th”. I took this example from the quiz. Could you explain me the difference? Thank you in advance. :)
hello teacher,
i really appreciate for you lesson, i got 100 score on quiz
bilguun mgl
Salamat!(That’s a Filipino term for “Thank you.”)This lesson will help me pass my Board Exam.
Ms Rebecca ,
You are the best teacher i have ever had. Thank you very much
Thank you so much madam!!!
Thank you teacher
Thanks a lot, with you is easier to learn.
The fourth lesson for we, thanks Rebecca.
Very helpful :)
I feel that Im going to learn a lot, in this page
Thank you so much.
You are very good teacher.
Thanks Rebecca good lesson.
i hope you will post more questions in the quiz
Lie Thu Li
Hello Ms.Rebecca I hope you to be fine and healthy I am Ismail from Afghanistan and there is a question for me about the 2nd question in the quiz.
“My interview will be held _____ Friday morning.”
according to your nice vedio we should use at for friday morning because it is specified.
Please help me figure out
Thanks in advance
Rebeca… verry complicate….
Great video!! Thanks Rebecca :)
Bianca Biscacio
Thanks Rebeca! :D it was very helpful
Thanks Rebeca, i am from Brazil and i also have some troubles when is about prepositions!
I Guess this is the most clear explanation video of preposition i’ve seen on internet.
By the way, i have some difficults to understand when i can use “That” or “this” to explain something, just as i said before, i’m not sure if is correctly i say “that is the most …” or “this is the most …”
could you help me with some short tips?
Thank you again Rebeca, you do a great job!
Lucas Vitareli
Thank you so much Rebecca! God bless you :*
Thanks Rebecca!It is good lesson and useful.
Hi rebecca, thanks a lot for training
majid ataei
Very good but i have a question:
when we say–> Friday morning what should we use? at or on?
sorry for bad English grammar as i am still a bigeener
thank you!
Yay! I got all 10 right! Thanks for this lesson Engvid
Zup Tim
thank you teacher ^_^
useful!!!!!! thx again Rebecca
amazing lesson from amazing teacher
Hello my great teacher !!
I’m Sara from Morocco ,
I’m so glad to be your student and follow all your courses, thanks for your prominent help ! :)
Thank you Mam :)
Aryan ferdousi
is this one right?
their wedding is scheduled on august 8th? or
ther wedding is scheduled to be held on august 8th?
Ayush Parakh
is it correct to say that, “they are avialable at saturdays”. if yes/no then why?
Ayush Parakh
Great Teacher! Well Done
Is there any logical explanation why IN the morning, but AT night? Thanks
if I want to say: next week, use in or on?
really this is great your teaching is so simple,clair and understandable. I learned a lots of thing from this website especialy from you and alex good job.
yahooooo. i got 100%
Mrs.Rebecca, if i say: i am working on the computer. Is it correct?
And i get 100%
thanks Rebecca i am from turkey and i have a exam tomarrow you really help me thank you mam
100% thank you so much
Thanks Rebecca. It’s great video. It is easy for understand.
Iwant to say thanks,this will help me with my english.
Doris Ducasse
very useful
I’m wee bit confused about the difference between ‘IN’ and ‘AT’ for place prepositions. Could anybody help me?
It’s good to practise. That’s a great exercise!
thank you so much :)))
thanks for your vedio realy thank you i
Hello Rebecca, thanks a lot for you English classes, they are great. Today you talked us about the time, but those words are also used to refer places. I have a little problem whit that sometimes too. Thanks again.
Dear Rebecca,
This recall on the use of three prepositions is really helpful.
Thank you.
Best regards.
hi Rebecca !
first thanks for lesson .
i would like to ask the meaning of question no. 7 in quiz.
_____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!
could you explain?
dear madam/sir,i m new here.want to learn lesson about preposition.
my question is about preposition at,
“at the evening” or “in the evening” which is correct??
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
your teaching is awesome
Thank you :)
I love your lessons,all of which are very impressive.And the way you express it is simply and clear. :)
Nikki Jwx
preposition-one of the most difficult topics on grammar, but it’s becoming easier..
Thank you Rebecca. Thank you Engvid.
What’s the correct expression
On the weekend
At the weekend
Also I think there are some exceptions
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at night
Is it correct? Thank you
1)We use AT to talk about public holidays and weekends, but when we talk about a particular special day or weekend, we use ON:
a)I’ll go and see my mother at the weekend if the weather’s okay.
b)The folk festival is always held on the last weekend in July.
(Note that American English speakers usually say ON the weekend)
2)IN the night usually refers to one particular night; AT night refers to any night in general:
a)I was awake in the night, thinking about all the things that have happened.
b)”It’s not safe to travel at night,” the officer said.
great <<< thanks ^_^
mohamed Abo Noktah
Thanks Rebecca, all your lessons are very usefull…..regards from Venezuela!
Thanks rebecca for your nice , simple and delicious lessons
Mohammad AbdulSalam
wael ibrahem
But there are other forms to use ON, right?
On he wall, on the table, on the road…
Could you explain us a bit more about it?
Marcio de Moraes
I understand at last!, I made two mistakes and I understand why! I am trickled pink! I learned from Benjamin that this idiom means very happy! and so I am. Thank you very much Rebecca! Great job! Always clear and interesting!
Hi~ teacher! I have some questions.
1.We are going to meet at 9 am at the school gate.
2. We are going to meet at the school gate at 9 am.
Between above two, no.1 and no.2, which one is correct? Or both are ok? If so, could you let me know the reason? ~
Thanks for All of the teachers are best here. I am watching the videos from last 2 days and I learnt a lot of. Good explanation with good examples.
Really thanks all of you.
Atul Markan
I have a question: when we’re talking about WEEK and WEEKENDS, we use at, on or in?
For example: I’m going to travel __ 2 weeks.
Sarah goes to the church __ weekends.
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson :D
oh Rebecca, your explanation is so unbelievable, I’ve got 10 out of 10 and I just couldn’t believed it, I’m so confused of using these preposition before, but now guess what? I completely understood it oh; thank you so much Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson.
thank you teacher but the video not clear please focus on the board
my quiz
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Thank you for this lesson.
thank you for your effort
thanks teacher : but I have a small question <<< is it ((Friday morning)) a specific time or not ?? because I think the morning is a specific time <<<< I don't know what should I do ,,, also all of people say on Friday morning please help me :(
also I want to ask you about the meaning of ((at the fall))
thanks ^_^
mohamed Abo Noktah
thanks, Rebecca. wonderful lesson
Nahr Al-hayah
I love learn english with you. I send a hug from Colombia.
Manuel Guevara
Rebecca, your lessons are very useful and quite clear. Thanks for your big labour.)
Anna Vladimirovna
Thanks mam, This lesson very useful for difference among at, on and in.
i got full clarity on this explanation by you!
Gaddam anil
OMG ! all my life I always get confused with on and in but because you are such a great teacher .. Ive got a score of 100 ! cant believe it ! thanks !
Thanks,Mrs Rebecca!
Thanks teacher for your lesson. Can you help me figure out the difference between in the north of and to the north of?
Rebekka, thank you. Your lessons are very accessible and understandable.
Anna Vladimirovna
i got full mark this is first time to me , i believe this is refer to the teacher how she is Simplify the whole concept of teaching in order to be easy to understand it .. thank you rebecca :)
Thank you very much.
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you a lot!
Thank you for this lesson .
I appreciate your good effort really i learn a lot from your lesson good job teacher,
I Hope i can meet you IN summer ON Sep 5 AT midnight.
anas khearaldeen
Hi Rebecca! I thank you and i found this website. i would like to recall my English lesson.
clearly i like your method
issa arch
Goodyear jön ?
Very Good lesson ?
this lesson is very helpful to me
It’s very helpful, thank you.
Thank you Rebecca, it’s a very helpful lesson
is it “I left my journal on your desk” or “I left my journal in your desk?”
Thank you for the lesson:)
Thank you, is a nice lession
excellent lesson!
can any one here do practice with me, in chat or call where he or she will be be comfortable plz :)
zee hamdan
thanks rebecca,it was very helpful.the subject is looking simple,but most of time can be very complicated
Thank you very much Rebbeca you are an excellent teacher, because your explanations are simples and make me understand….:-)
Thank you Rebbeca, very helpful
Please be reminded to your schedule in Hospital CME Lecture.
Is this correct? the use of TO and IN?
Thank you Rebecca! I enjoy your lessons, you´re very clear with your examples. I has two mistakes in the quiz, I review the video, and I undertand. I recommend all the persons do the quiz and lets practice!
Greetings from Mexico.
I wanna say THANK YOU for all of you guys from engVid, your lessons are excellent!Now i know how to use these prepositions! Thank you!
thank you rebecca your explanation was very clear and precise.thanks again.I got 10 out of 10
thank you Rebecca! This issue very confusing for me. But, I understand with your lesson.
Thank you very much
Thank you for the lesson. I got 10 out of 10 for my score.
thank you very much
Thank you so so much
thank you i’m still have little confused between these preposition :))
Hi Rebecca,
This lesson is so helpful for my students. We will do the quiz and I will encourage the students to sign up and to make comments on your site. I have been using your videos for quite a long time and the students really enjoy your lessons. I like your pronunciation and the fact that you don’t speak too fast. It’s helpful for my students who are high beginners. Thanks, Barb (Toronto, Canada)
thank you so much ma’am i got 100
Woow! Thanks alot my teacher.
Morning = at
Friday = on
Friday’s morning = on (is it not spesific time? )
Thanks for lesson.
In the morning
On Friday morning
thank you very much Rebecca, very good lesson.
Thanks Rebecca. It´s simple now
Got 10/10…
Muhammad Saad
very use full
A very good explanation
I couldn’t understand the 7th question “—- at the fall, the forest is breathtaking.”
I quite often get confused which preposition is right, and make mistakes, but by taking this video lesson, I became more confident to use right prepositions. It’s all thanks to you, Rebecca!
Thanks Rebeca,now I do understand much better
Thanks very much,and I come from China.:D
Good lesson! Got it! =)
Alexey Goncharenko
….. the fall, the forest is breathtaking!,
Why use (in ) in this sentence.
because the fall is season and we use ‘in’
goodluck mohammedhato
Thank you
Thank you teacher I am new student and I am very glad to this lessons.
Hamse jama
I got 9/10! Thanks!
I’m very thank you full for your lesson, it’s very help me to learn English.
Hi teacher,I want to know how to use every one and everyone in sentence.
Hello Rebecca my name is Victor, I love your lessons, thank you for help us! I’m from Brazil.
Thank you.
Thank you
Thanks Rebecca…
really you are a magnificent teacher
THANK YOU very much , I understand how to use prepositions
Mason Liang
Thanks . Its very good.thanks my teacher
thank’s so much
i get 90 /100 Thank’s so much teacher rebecca i love you so much <3
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you!…
Aysun Ozturk
Thank you, Ms. Rebecca, for your sharing your knowledge to us. I want to learn more in English grammar because I finished a two-year secretarial course. I am now working as Court Stenographer, and sometimes I find a hard in writing the interpretation of our interpreter because of some mistakes in grammar. I hope that you have to correct my grammar now if there is a mistake. Thank you!
Minette Suan
…”for sharing your knowledge” instead of for your sharing
Minette Suan
Hello Rebecca thanks a lot for all this information, the only thing I would like to know is the reason to use IN in this case:
in May 1985
Thanks, have a good day!
Thanks so much!
Thankyou again godbless. U
Romina abad
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot.
M kartal
Thank you Rebecca
I’m really interesting while learning
Thanks Rebecca , you are superb
Thank you
Thank you so so much
Shirley Wong
Thank you, Rebecca!
thanks a lot for providing such a video which is clear my confusion reading in & on.
thanks Rebecca. I got 90 :)
Thanks you teacher Rebecca i love this now i know how to use the at,in,on
Judy Eade
zeeshan naveed
I answered all the questions without mistake
at < on < in
Hi rabecca,
Thankyou for the lesson. This will really helpful for me.
Can you please check my another examples like-
Something is wrong in my game.( Is this sentence correct?)
Manisha sethi
Very nice lesson I really like it Thanks teacher
,Hello teacher, I saw your site two days ago on And in the lecture videos, I realized that I needed the most subtitled explanations. However, when I started from the beginner, I saw that you explained Gramer de past and present perfect in the first place. Isn’t this a wrong order? In what order would you recommend working Grammer! And other topics? I find it difficult to understand videos that are not subtitled. Endless thanks for your effort.
thank you very much for lesson I have a guestion , if I told someone I would do that after I finished doing something so I have to use “at” righ ?
Thank you so much!
I’ve got technical issue, how can I edit my profile ?? ;)
Can you please explain how to use articles for place.
Haseena Begum
Thank you so much. wonderful teachings
envid has a level course Level 1 to Advanced level?
You can watch the lessons in any order! Use the English Lesson Finder to find beginner, intermediate, and advanced lessons for different topics.
engVid Moderator
I believe this teaching method is great for me and other beginners. Tanks a lot
Thank you,
Wilber MachuPicchu
hello dear Rebecca, i’m Aura from Indonesia. i want to say thankyou about your video’s in youtube. the video’s are really made my english skill better, but in grammar i still not good :D. but, your video’s is help me to improve my english skill to be better again. once again, thankyou!
This video is very helpful.Thank you for this lesson
Hello Ms Rebecca
this lesson was very helpful for me, thank you SO much
Hello, Rebecca. Thankyou for the lesson. I want to ask you, what abou ‘week’? Which preposition does it take?
Thank you! The lesson was very helpful:-)
I got 10 in 10 in the quiz!
great lessons and your explained is fantastic but I need to know about Friday morning why on not at and the fall yon do not speak about it
toty elsaed
Thank you very much for this lesson.
thank you
100%100 well
I watched this video twice on September 02, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
this prepositions for mi is very confusedly.
I watched this video twice on September 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got nine out of 10.
Thank u so much ma’am
Sumudu Kathri
Wow… thank you Teacher Rebecca…
Thank you.
Thanks for the lesson. I think the audio not clear hope you can improve on it.
Moses B. Togbah
finished, a comment left as a mark
Preposition lessons it’s very difficult for me but for this lesson I understand some of them thanks alot my dear teacher
Fiaza abdirihman
Very great explanation! Thank you!
Thank you! I enjoyed watching your videos. You are all awesome!
Hello Teacher , thank you,
Hi Teacher Rabecca, thank you.
I love Receba. A friend of mine told about this web… I reallly love it. I’m learning English right now at school. I’m from Dominican Republic!
Vedio is not open
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Hi, could you tell me a little more about what happens when you try to watch the video?
Can you see any other videos on YouTube?
engVid Moderator
Thank you Rebecca for teaching. I understand your teaching.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
i love this teachings i am very thankful to you thank you very for your lessons.
love you.
i am from india.
Thanks, David. I’m so glad you were able to benefit from viewing the lesson.
Which part of India are you from?
All the best to you.
hey rebecca please help me, i want to know that if in a sentence if there is a time (like at night), and day and month and year, mentioned in a single sentence, then how will we organize it? i wanna know their order in a sentence.
Prepositions of time/place are not that easy to master especially for beginners.
The chart used in the video is excellent, it is self-explanatory.
Thanks for this great lesson Rebecca.
thank you for the really helps me lot.. but sometimes Im confused when i say ” i believe in him ” can i say I? believe on him? or in him?.. how is that? could u explain to me? ^^
I just wanna say: thanks!
:( my english is very bad and this lesson ‘s useful with me.
im from india..dehradun
May I seek your advice on how and when to use “as of” & “as at”
hi,Rebcca i am from india and i liked your lessons. plz can you tell me, how i can improve english more
If you don’t mine, I can be your friend for improving speaking English skills. I’m just searching for such type of friend. I’m from Nepal.
its very useful for everyone so thank you to help me
hello mam…
i have a doubt in the above quiz that is
_____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!
i want to know why the answer is ” in ”
could you please clarify my doubt ASAP
Hi Sanboadicea
—– the fall –it’s meanning the Autumn so in season use –in
Thank you for the video,but can you please help me how to use at, on ,in for places? really very confused ;(( and how to use is,was,are,were
Hi rebecca. İ have a question. İ am really confused about it. Sometimes there is a preposition before which or what like at which or in which and i cant find the right answer. Can you prepare a lesson for this
i am indian, when i was your side, i can that your side help me for impove the enlgish, so many sides i have watched but not sufficent, thank madam
Ty so much mrs/rebecca
Thank you for the lesson.
This clears up many thing in my head.
What I need now is practice,practice,practice.
That’s right, Nilo!
Dear Madam Rebecca,
let me thank you for the most useful lessons
could you please shad some light on the subject of tenses.
Thank you too much for your very interesting and benefit lesson
really I was confused too much about their uses
Hi David, Nilo & Ahmed
Glad the video helped you. Don’t worry if it takes you time to get the prepositions straight in your mind because they are one of the most commonly confused areas of English grammar. That’s because prepositions are used so differently in various languages and because there are many exceptions, along with the rules.
You’re right, Nilo, a lot of practice is the best way to remember them.
Try to master the prepositions a few at a time. Write out your own sentences with them, so you get comfortable, and do lots of examples. There are also many ESL /EFL learning sites where you can get such practice & also check your answers.
Good luck to all of you! Let me know if there are other grammar points which particularly bother you.
Very good, thank you
Thanks for your feedback, Almir.
Very nice lesson. Right on, Rebecca! Thanks for your help.
Wishing you the best. Debbie.
Glad I was able to help, Debbie.
Very nice video, my english it’s not basic, but as you told, we all do this little mistakes, and was nice to see how you explain that. And the best, same to a basic lesson you didn’t speak to slow, that is good because other good videos are nice, but sometims in low speedy.
Oh one more thing, I am not basic neither advanced, so sorry for some mistakes… rssss
Don’t worry about making mistakes, it’s the best way to learn.
Glad the pace and content of the lesson suited your needs, Marcos. All the best to you. Have fun as you learn!
thanks a lot :-)
Glad I could help you. Prepositions can be confusing.
All the best to you.
Hi Rebeca
Please i wish i had lesson with you. How i request lesson face to face?
Could you send me the school address in toronto
hi Rebaca very nice lesson with you. like face to face lesson I feel like you are in front of me teaching a lesson thanks.All the best to you
Glad I could help and thanks for your feedback.
Hi, mrs Rebecca , u r my best teacher, I hesitate in using the words “MAY,MIGHT,COULD,CAN,WOULD,WILL,OUGHT,MUST,SHOULD,SHALL” at their appropriate times. THANK U SO MUCH
Yes!you are super brilliant!thanks much!
Hi Rebecca
Thanks a lot for your nice lectures really interesting .
Hello Rebaca my name is Orawan I want to learn english about transitive verb and insitive verb , Please tech me.
Thank you.
Thanks for your feedback everyone. Ann, I will try and do a lesson for you on what you have asked.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your lesson i want to know the exceptional cases like in the evening.
I’m adil i’m from Algeria, i was watching your lesson is very good and clear, you are very good and beautiful teacher.
good luck
Thank you kindly. Glad I could help you.
thanks alot
beautiful Teacher with clears lessons that’s very good , thank you RebeccaESL you are the best
Wow, thanks so much for all the compliments. So glad I can help you learn English. My best wishes to you, Faissal.
Thank you very much . I m from Mongolia . My name is Enkhtuya .
I understood your lesson a good . I m enjoying study English .
I want to study English more .
Thank you very much . I m glad that I found this English lesson .
Good luck
Thank you very much, I am from India, My name is veeresh, This first class, I enjoyed your less simple & very sweet,
my week point is like …some time for seaching for words & i could not able to properly make sentance
I think it will help lot for me.
Keep reading, listening, writing and speaking as much as possible. The only way to improve is to use the language as often as you can. You can do it!
My best wishes to you, Veeresh.
Hi this is muin khan from india
i try to speak but i forget
mam i want to speak fluent.
So pl help me
I’m also from India.. Mr.Veeresh needs so much training.. Learn proper English soon..
That’s why he’s on a site with free English training, pupesh! That’s the *only* reason to use this site, actually!
Another confusing topic for me. But thanks to Rebecca, she made it clear and I just need to get familiar with it.
Just one observation, I don’t think you included “during”, as you used it instead of “in” to represent period of time (the middle ages). However, it is also a preposition. ;)
you help me improve my english and refresh my memories…Thank you very muck. With the best for you.
Your students…
Thanks to all for your suggestions.
thanks so much
your explanation is very clear.
before your explanation I got 4/10 after that 10/10
my regards
This lesson is very very useful for me.
Thank you very much!
Hi Rebecca, I’ve been watching your videos, and wow, aren’t they great!
I’m Brazilian and an English teacher in Brazil.
I’d like to know more about prepositions (our worst troublemaker), especially to and for. Which should I use “I sang the song to Mary” or “I sang the song for Mary?”; “This gift is for you” or “This gift is to you”?
thanks for now
hope to get you video class soon
hello it’s a very good lesson you r realy god teacher i like you very much plz send me your id mine is that
I do not want to sound too picky; however, when you talk about a “specific” time in relation to the use of the preposition “at,” you say “a particular period of time.” It is either specific or it is not. Using the phrase “period of time” is, in all cases, useless: especially, when teaching English. So, here is my suggestion.
The use of “at” is only for a specific time! That is it! For example, you may say, “I will meet you at 5 o’clock.” You cannot say “I will meet you at 5 to 6 o’clock.“ ”5 to 6 o’clock” is too broad and is NOT specific as it refers to 60 specific times (if only using minutes for a reference) and so on. You can not say, “I will meet you at Easter break.” Again, when will you actually meet that person? On Monday? Well, if you will meet on Monday, there are 24 different hours that you can meet someone if only using hours as a reference. You must use a specific time, on the clock (hours, minutes or time reference such as noon, midnight and so on). Therefore, if you can point to the clock and pick out a specific time, then you may say, ”I will meet you at (noon, midnight, 3 o’clock in the afternoon, 5 o’clock in the morning, 3 pm, 5 am, 3:30 pm and so on.
The use of the phrase “period of time,” among those who have academic degrees in English or who speak English at all, should be vehemently discouraged! I hope that this suggestion helps and, should you take this very seriously, that you will re-do this video, excising this phrase altogether.
Thank you.
Anyse (pronounced “a niece”)
good,i will try to learn more,Rebeca could you help with one tip but dont mixing the words when i write thanks
Thank you so much for your lessons!!!
I am from Russia and find your videos incredibly useful!
Thanks again!
Hi Rebecca.
which one of these is correct?
I am lying on bed?
I am lying in bed?
Thanks, Ranu
Both are correct. but they mean different things. Let’s see .Im on my bed , that means you are on your bed you are sitting on it.
Im in my bed : is when you are under the covers.
Glad for helping you
thank you so much
Hello, Rebecca. I am Waldecy from Brasil.Glad for all your lessons. They´re really hepful to me. Thank you so much. I intend to tell my friends about theses free videos. Each lesson is so great. May God bless you so much
You are really a great teacher! My english is improving greatly.
But I have a question on this: what is the right sentence?
-I am in a square-
-I am on a square-
-I am at asquare-
very helpful lesson, Thanks a lot Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca,
You are kind of mother terraca for people who are facing problem to improve english. In all your collegues, your style is so simple and highly effective and your accent is so understandable. Your video is amazing. Thanks for help dear.
Thanks a lot. i have question.Why we must put on in that place ? example Their wedding is scheduled to be held _____ August 8th. Correct answer is on. Why isnt correct in?
Zhanbolat: you have to use ON because you are talking about a date (month and day: August and 8th) :)
thank u teacher for helping us these words,am in the united state and also am starting Mizzou university i usually try to make research but fortunately i met this web site in my first am good at prepositions,i appreciate u this teacher from your student
How are you Rebeca. Thankyou a lot. I’m from east Africa .You are so kind and hamble. I felt free when I was writing this comment. I have one quastion. Could you give me an advice how to study effectively. Thanks for your time. Have a wonderful time for you and family. bye for now.
Dear Mam,
Glad to undergo ur free online training. The video’s were so effective; that could clear many of my basic doubts. But mam how about the usage of place name after preposition?
The inaugural ceremony is going to take place at bangalore/in bangalore
which one is correct?
may I introduce myself , my name is Thamer from Iraq , I going to get TOFEL so I see all engvid lesson :) and It’s importent to say : THANK YOU SO MUCH.
with my best regard
Oops all engvid “lesson” without “s” !!! and THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
hi, miss! I have some questions about it. How we say “christmas”? Is it “at” or “in”?
Good day,
This my first to see this video , I’m really interested to learn more in English ,I’m from Philippines starting today i watching you’re video everyday and practice .
Thank you
thank you very much for this lesson
hy rebica i love you and your lessons
thank you verry much.
and i want to ask you if there is some lessons from phonitics.thank you
Thank u Rebecca. U ar a very good teacher. I was always made a mistake with these prepositions. But this video help me out.
I am from india – mumbai.
I like to watch ur ESLvideos.
This simple basics in english is great,I admit i still do a lot of mistakes on how to use them!..Still confuses me, thanx to you and more power!..
Thank you so much yor good techer
Thank u Rebecca, your way of teaching is very clear and understandable.
you explained us how to use prepositions in relation to time. Can you please explain it in other relations.
I have one question, can we use AT with MORNING usually we use IN with MORNING…
One more question, can we use prepositions with TODAY, TOMORROW, YESTERDAY???
thanks soo mutch good thanks
If I say ( My father works on the farm.) Is it right or wrong.
Thank you.
Second question is little confusing. I thought it was correct to use ‘at’ because it’s a specific time.
Hi Rebecca, You are the best one i have ever seen who can make the lesson very easy and interesting to learn. The way you explain is fantastic. we will be benifited if you provide us more Vid on Preposition.
All the best.
Veeresh doesn’t know anything.. He can learn Englich on his own instead of depending on online materials like yours
Rebecca you need to improve your tone of voice more.. I’m an English teacher and I’m completely dissatisfied with you.
Hi Rebecca, This is nice video of prpositions (At,In,and ON) but in this video you have explian only about time , day/date and Months, but I have request you please tell me or reply on this comment how to use these prpositions in another area?
Awaiting for your reply.
In North America, Christmas is celebrated _____ December 25th.
Their wedding is scheduled to be held _____ August 8th.
Their wedding is scheduled to be held _____ August 8th.
Whay this is wrong you said in goes with moths
it is wrong ’cause the sentence says a specific day, not just a month.
so when me talk ’bout a month with a date whe use the time preposition ¨on¨
on is the answer for three of them
on is used with both month and day
and also with complete date
on is the answer for three of them
on is used with both month and day
and also with complete date
in is used with month
or year
I’m learning English with Rosetta program and it teaches that: “i work in morning”, opposite to “i work at night”. Why is it? Thank you!
You cannot say in the night
you have to say at night, in the mornig,
in the afternoon, on saturday on weekends.
The use of “at” is for an especific time example:
I get up at 6 o’clock in the mornig.
“on” is for dates an days of the week example: I was born on 1990,
I go to bed at 11:30 on fridays.
I hope that help you.
Hi Rebecca! You are very good teacher.Thank you very much. Could you tell us how to use in,at and on as preposition of place.
Dear Rebecca,
I don’t understand what means that a verb requires a certain prepostion.
For example the verb ‘relate’ is followed by ‘to’
or ‘with’
Please explain it.
Sorry for my poor english
Best Regards,
some how i get confused about in or at plz tell me
hi Rebecca! i come from Viet Nam.thank for your lession. i am so confused with these prepositions. can you help me to distinguish between “in the night” and “at night”
hi Rebecca! i have been looked forward your answer for a long time. can you help me solve that problem which i asked you. and i have a confused situation. we say ” i live in a house or i live at a house”. please help me soon. thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca, really appreciated for your help, actually i’m new person in Engvid, i’m trying to learn english by Engvid, very helpful. i still improve my english hopefully as much as i can hear, i can understand better. God Bless:-)
Hi Rebecca,how are you?You are an amazing teacher and I’m a very bed student.I study english evry day so hard but, still don’t understend.May you give me some advice please?
hello Rebecca mam!! my name is ramu from india. how do i get confidence to speak english and how do i improve my pronounciation (british accent)? please give some tips. thank you
hai Rebecca thanks for your effort to teach us :)
really appreciate it, I’m Arnold from Indonesia nice to know youuuu
this is really helpful, i can changes my english easly. Thank’s so much Rebecca
oh no iam so regret my self .
cause i got only 65% marks, i hope my self i should able to speak and write an good English.
teacher i would like ask one favor , i am from India south part, we were speaking only Tamil at my village, i have no friend for
co-study an English . so in this case i have created one of blogger ,blogger name is English practice . whether you free please visit and give me a comment’s on my post,
once a week or month.
thank you for your advance vesting
esl leaner
Hello Mrs REBECCA!
Your Lessons are very very intersting. Up till I watche your video, I was always bored at the time of using thee propositions in my essays and speech. Thank you very much for all.
Keep on doin that for beginners like us. You wil be rewarded by God.
8/10 Xd IM not so smart haha
Hi. thanks for you lesson I already understand the prepositin with dates, weeks and years, but I’m still confused when I have to say a prposition with an specifc place for example…in the school, at the school or on the school…..please can you help me becasue I have a lot of mistakes when I’m talking about an specifil place…THANK YOU..You are awesome
good job
Hi Rebecca! Aside from time, date and the other usages provided above, is/are any other usage/s for the said prepositions? Thanks.
I am still confused …
ON the table? or AT the table?
AT school or IN the school?
AT station or IN the station?
AT house or in the house?
and so many others
hi its very intersted nd i like your explanation i suggest you please give more mcqs like this i like quizs thanks
thanks Im new studnt I need help so I m listng oll time
Thank you for the lesson of (at,on and in)it really
helped me
Dear Madam,
Before this quiz i was afraid about my english, most of the time i thought i use wrong word in my santance. After this result i have gain coenfidence. I need more help from you and confeidence. I really thank full to you.
Best of luck and keep it up and please give me always tips about english grammar.
Hello, dear Rebeca
I often test my skill English not really good for me but,i am not afraid for testing over there, thanks a billions your teaching on here.
thanks a was a gud lesson but i got 90%,actually i was not aware wht to use in”_ the fall”
thank you for u r teaching……
Thank you very much! you are nice clever girl,generous and big-hearted! God bless you
I kiss you and all the people, who helps the others altruistic,without seeking to profit,
The LORD is my and your shepherd; we shall not want.
He makes us lie down in green pastures.
He leads me and you beside still waters.
He restores our souls.
He leads us in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake…
Thanks kindly!!!
you are a great teacher.
hi i like ur videos but please upload correction of sentences which i want to know about that thanks
new year Greetings 2011.from Bangalore, India dear Rebecca accidentally I watched you engvid on youtube and amazingly futurtence understood planed /unplaned really I am exited and downloading all your videos and watching again and again for better understood can you guide me I need basic grammer and to through 1-10 lesson respectively
If i live Canada, i want to meet you, Rebecca:) Thanks for teaching..
Best Regards from Turkey.
Can please explain to me how to use coordinating conjunction. and,but, yet,for ,so,or, nor,
what is the mean of the fall
Hi Rubeca..i want to know wht does decades mean?
this is really a big help to all who wanted to know the correct usage of these three prepositions.
from thailand
hello miss rebaca my name is nilesh i have problem iwant to know how to use get and being im very confused becouse of this tow words so please help me
first of all i would like to thanks this website and all teachers and also thank you so much Miss.Rebecca. i am relay happy to join with this website and also one more think nice way to studying English. fantastic
Hi Rebecca.Thank you very much for these lessons.All the best to you from Slovakia.Mirka
i have a little bit confusing of this sentences :
” i’m living in the dorm in present”
is it true or false?
give me explain about that plz
Hi!Irene21.I’m dragon from Vietnam.We can make friend with each other.Just to help English,not for any reasons.Apart from English,I can speak Chinese.I hope you to approve of my request.My
so interesting Rebbeca…big thanks to you…it helps me a lot…may you ‘ll teach us more topic about English….best regards!!!
You done a very good job. thanks a lot for teaching us.
hi rebecca,
im glad to have known this site. this is really a great help to us even if i’m a native of the Philippines, who can speak well of english and blessed to understand it very well, i just realized there’s still a lot of things i should learn and correct. thank you for the opportunity of learning and discovering more of the beauty of english language. may the Lord bless your heart’s desire.
You are doing great job. I have listened many lecutres on this topic and I consider this lecture as best lecture of all those which i have listened in past. All my queries are removed. Madam you are great job. Keep it up.
Thank you very much for your teaching. It is very useful for me and everyone who want to learn English. :)
please check the prep. AT if correct? “Weekly Coordination meeting every Saturday at 2:30PM – 3:00 PM.”
I like this teachings and i really really enjoy it. is very educative…
nice Explication……
really good
Thank you for this lesson ..
I want to ask waht I use for placees like mall or home or schoole?!!
thnx so much Rebecca 4 this lessons i have an exam in it i’am sOo greatful to you thnx a lot
I love your lessons, Rebecca you speak so clearly I can undestand every word. Thank you.
Hi Rebecca!
I love the way you explain every confusing word. It means very much to me. I can improve my English a lot from your lessons.
Thank you so much!
Thank you for your nice teaching. It is very understandable for me.Good luck.
Dear rebbaca mam,
your teaching style very good. i understand easily your lesson. your pronounciation is very good. your lesson very usefull for me. these lesson help me.
Thanks a lot Rebecca ,It was very helpful and i would like to learn more about prepositions.
in France we said merci beaucoup…!
thank’s alot for this lesson and i expected more interesting lesson and forgive me for this bad comment i’m beginner and i want more lesson in pronouns in conclusion thank’s alot please correct my comment if it’s mistake
this is the first time i hear the english that much easy, she is wondeful teacher,thank a lot my darling
Thank you so much! Can you also do a tutorial on when and how to use in at on (examples: on the bus or in the bus, at the mall or in the mall, in the street or on the street?) thanks!
I live in Japan.I’m 58.But I’m enjoying your lesson.Thanks a lot.
pardon )))))) how old are you? 58!!!!! waoooo
your lesson was very usefull but i have some problem with its voice its not very clear
please talk about use of in on at about places
thanks again for your help ;)
Rebecca you explain very well,but you confuse me when you said about the preposition (in) you told us when we can use it, for example about months and then you wrote an example (on)” Dec 5th” thats confuse me….
Hi Rebecca
i have same problem as Arash’s, hope you can talk about how to use when talking about place.
Thanks a lot
I’m egyptian I love english very much and I hope to speak like native and I found in this site great help thanks alots
Hi Rebbeca, what is the difference between On Christmas and At Christmas?
how about address Miss? We should use on or at?
very nice madam!
Please talk about the right way to tell and write the date, e.g. Monday 18 July. When do you say THE before the date (the 18th) and the correct order. Do you say July 1,2, and 3 or July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd? Thanks a lot.
Hi Rebecca,
You talked about the prepositions AT, ON, and IN, but how about when I have to use them in different contexts like ON or IN bed? sit ON or IN the chair? AT or IN the corner? and so on. I really have difficulty with this. Could you talk about this, please? Thanks.
thx! now i get how to use them the quiz was reallly helpful!
tnks for this free lessons in grammar. im preparing for my ielts exam..godbless u
how to use in and at?
Thanks for ur lesson. Is it wrong to use ‘BY’ instead of ‘IN’ in the sentence below
We’re flying to Italy _____ July
sorry to say you but i think it is not be correct. In is much more easier than By have a good time venkat
thank you very interesting and fast
Hi Rebecca, i’m studying in to become an english teacher and i have some students having trouble with prepositions but i found this vid really helpful, take care and thanks!
Very awesome video!!!! it helped my so much :P
The audio of this class was not good. I sugest you do it again because the audio was bad
Very good Rebeca…Now I understood
Is this a correct statement? “The Davao del Norte State College is a public college in the Ohama and it is located in New Visayas, Panabo City…
Very good Rebeca .
It’s really helpful
Thanks alot
Your lesson is very clear and easy to learn. Thanks lot. I’m from Sri Lanka
thank for the can be materials in my teaching. I am Indonesian
Hi reebeca i hear someone said”chill lady.”
Iwonder if you could tell me what does it mean?
please I’m waiting your response,you know you are my best teacher .Ilove you so much and i miss you so much.
Don’t forget to answer me,please.
With my best wishes.
It is slang. They are telling the woman to relax or calm down.
Respected madam,
I am Rajan from India
your english teaching is very helpfull to me , I like you as my english god. Thankyou very much,sorry I can”t express my thanks exactly.
i still don’t get it. what’s the difference among the three.. whoa… i don’t even know if i learn those simple ways…. please hlp me ms rebecca
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lesson. I was very useful for me. I appreciate it.
when i see all teacher in my our life .i thought there aren’t love teaching ,but i think you do .thanks .best teacher ever i seen
Thank you very much….We can learn lot of things with your english lessons……
Thanks a lot dear Rebecca… Your style for teaching is nice.
I have a problem in using the ( less,dis,un,in) and what is the different. For instance incomfort or uncomfort or discomfort, comfortless how can I learn to use these articles in the different words. Please help me thank you.
Please tell us about the (in at on) for places
Thanks dear rebecca
The another problem for us is about (dis less in un)
Thank you so much…
HI..lesson is very simple and understandable. Wish to view more lessons
thanks but when we used in and on in this two words (island & land ).
Hi I’m Ranjan bit confused with use of in and at….Im in a meeting or at a meeting, Im in Kandy (a City in Srilanka)can we use at ? Please explain
thax.i would like to ask .is there any website through which we can making converstion so that our speaking power should improve
wow its a great lesson.
thanks for the help ,the true I was not very clear with this ,but now with the explanation , I understand.
Im from Santiago de Chile and I know this page through one of my english teachers and is very interesting .. really thanks for everything…
Hugs ;)
Thanks a lot
where is everybody go i ask every teacher kind of.To explain (on and in in )year month dates ect. can u Rebecca explain it PLz.
I have studied English in high school and the university but I just learn the usage of at,on, in clearly. Thanks for your lessons.
thank you for the valuable information. i want to know what is the different between “i am good at working ..” and “i am good in working” which one is correct and y?
thanks and regards
Hi! Rebecca, this is Hussain Iqbal from India. The only word I have for you is awesome. I love u sooo much. Many thanks for being my teacher. Mam could you please help me when are we not suppose to use an article. God bless you.
thanks for ur leassons
Hi,Ms Rebecca.i come from Vietnam.This is the first time,i have watched these lessons.They are very interesting and useful.But could you all speak slowly?I can’t inderstand whole those lesson.Hope you to creat many other videos. Thanks.
thang u rebaca I will like to watch your lessons all the time.
Thankyou Teacher for this lesson
I understood it very well
I am from Saudi Arabia
Hi Rebecca,
You are really an amazing teacher. Thanks to all of you, teachers, for sharing your wonderful work.
hello maam tnx for your free english from philippines..i want to learn how to speak in english cause im not good to this language hope you can help me..tnx maam rebecca..
WOW thank you very much you really saved me this is the first lesson that I studied on this web site I will study all the lessons to prepar for my exam on 13/7/2011
I’m from Tunisia
You’re so great =) .thankyouuuu very much ;)
Thanks Rebecca, thanks for the lessons. Actually, i have a question to ask regarding preposition. The question is : There are shoes ____ the stairs.
The blank should be filled with “at” or “on”? This question made me confuse.
such a big help! thanks ms.rebecca
Hi All
I am from Malaysia. This is a great video i never seen before. Most Malaysian have poor English especially Malay ethnic. Could you give an advice how this people improve their english answer my question as to the correct use of at,on and in. thanks. im from phils
thanks a lot. it helps
thanks.nice to be included in this group
Another one of Rebeccas’ great lessons! Thanks a lot Rebecca!
But I’m afraid I don’t understand one sentence well from the quiz, can someone explain it to me please?
“In the fall, the forest is breathtaking!”
What does it mean?
Thanks for that teaching, it was interesting. But when I answered the quiz, I got it wrong on the aspect of when to use in. WHY? Because during the lesson, you taught that we use IN for Months and the questions I got wrong was based on Month and I inserted IN so why was it wrong? Pleas could you please expantiate. Thanks.
Thank you for enlightening me with your very useful lecture on prepositions. ^_^ keep them coming.
very helpfull, i am loving this site.
thank you!!
hi!can you tell me how and when to use on and in
Thank you Madam, I have difficulty in “at night and in night” kindly define it.
thank you , but i want ask you How i can use at and on in the refersto place .
thank you very much .
thanks teacher rebecca =)
you are awesome , teacher
Hi rebecca,
I do agreed with you on the explanation , but i really that you are missing somo explanation when it comes to places.
Thank you for your exercise. God bless :)
such an amazing webpage and ofcourse what a GREAT teacher… you help us a lot dear… Wanna keep in touch with you…!!!
Noelia, from Peru
how can we use preposition over,by and from /?
Is this statement is right:
I am trying hard at my part.
thank you very much for the lesson. God bless you
Can anyone answer this?
Do we say ” In a Computer or On a computer” when referring to the data showing on (in) the computer screen? In a system or On a system?
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebecca…. very usefull :)
Hi ms. REBECCA i dont like to give prolix statement abt anything but i must have to do praise of yours that u have done a good work. I want to give u suggestion that you should get the more excercise uploaded here so that learners may get some new things. I would like to get mail in this regard from you
hi! i’ve learned a lot from your lessons. I was really having a difficult time understanding how to use at, in, and on. txn 2 u, now, I fully understand their uses. tnx nd Godbless
thank! Ms Rebecca for your teaching. It’s very useful for the students in the world. For me, I’m a teacher of English, I’ll take this experience to improve the education in my country.
what is the correct answer, the fruits is in are in the basket or are on the basket?
The way u people teaches is gr8.. Its so simple n helpful. But to add on the above teaching, I would like to ask, there are some other situations without respect of time/date. for eg: Attachment in/on the mail.
Also,Is the sentence right when we say: her mail id is looped in/with the mail???? plz clarify.. Thanks..
hello! Rebecca hw r u? Iam an Indian.i am very very thankful to you for teaching English. your language is very sweet and clear that’s why i understand very easily.thanks a lot. ok by
hello teachers . may i ask which sentence is correct.
application in facebook or
application on facebook ?
I am a fan of this website…very helpful for those people who had a little knowledge in english grammar..thank you for the lessons.
Thank you so much 8)
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for your class. It helps me a lot!
I am from Brazil!
when do we use the word IN, ON and AT in a location
thank you for this vidéo
i like this teacher because you help me alot of please ihave many question .special when we use this proposition (off_of- for- to- about _inside_as long as_and other proposition .hlep me for this when wn use in the sentence .please .do you the rule if you have give me please .thanks again
thank u ma’am i love u r teaching keep it up
i am from india,tamilnadu, chennai
i was really happy to see this video to learn the preposition how to use these words especially in, at and on. these 3 words always confused me to use in the sentences. but now i understood after seeing your video clips. thanks a lot for teaching such a good manner to understand clear for us.
before going into lesson I checked my aptitude in prepositions via quiz surprisingly I got 10 out of 10, so i left this lesson, I like this site, Iam regular user of this
Hi Rebecca
Thanks, this helps a lot. Will be going through the rest of the lessons and definitely, I will be learning a lot from here.
More power and God Bless.
Did the quiz again and got the perfect score…:-). Sad to say I am poor at this but this helps at lot! Thanks for the video Rebecca. Checking for more.
God Bless
thanq mam for the video can u please upload another video that teaches the use of in on and at in the refrence of places..
thanks mam i like your way of teaching. I hope lot of peoples are learning correct Einglish by this plate form.
great lesson.i surely learned a lot from it.thank you.but i have a question.what is the difference between ‘at night’ and ‘in the night’?.please explain.I will be extremely thankful to you
nice !
I got 10 of 10
nice i learned new stuff.
this sux
thanks lot for this wonderful course!! I have one question: what the difference between “at night” and “in morning” both are specific time of day??? thanks in advance!
Hello,thanks for this wonderful presentation! I have question:why we say in morning and at night even though they are part of day?? thanks in advance wonderful Rebecca
Hi Rebecca. thank you so much for this lesson.
hi i kind understood what you said, but what happens when you try to say or use these prepositions in others things, as the one i used right now is in or on others things ?
hi mom i have a question i am grade 6 student what are the 10 uses of preposition..?
This is good….i would want you to explain the use of will and would..and their conditions too..
how can i use on, in and at in places?
Hi Rebecca,
I hope you can help me: In my last vacation or On my last vacation??????????????
thnks alot
Hello Rebecca,
this is very useful for me. I listened to lots of lessons in english with preposition and I never remember the rules. Today I think it works and it’s your fault. Most thanks
Thanks so much, this lessons are really helpful. I have a question about the prepositions. Which preposition do we have to use when we talk about a place. For instance, I will meet you at/in/on the tennis courts. Which one do we use? Thanks again.
Thanks so much Rebecca, these lessons are really helpful. I have a question about the prepositions. Which preposition do we have to use when we talk about a place. For instance, I will meet you at/in/on the tennis courts. Which one do we use? Thanks again.
Hi Teacher, Your lesson is very clean and good understanable. It has clear my doubts.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. More power.
thanks indeed Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca, I love the way you teach, simple and clear.
Thank you madam for lessons that you give for free, it means that you love the fact of teaching other people new things.
love you and god bless you.
i’m from morocco, you’re welcome
Hi , Rebecca.
thank you for this lisson, but its not enough. because we can say : at man , in this house.
example: The teacher in this class or room.
and we can say : on the table, on my head, ……etc. How can I Distinguishes between “at”, “on” and “in” in generally in language English? thank you very much. and give me alot of advice for learning English beacause I want to speak that language for talk with people or american people in my home( Jordan). thank you ver much again.
Lesson is good now i can use these three prepositions correctly. kindly give some lesson on other prepositions, thanks.
Perfect :) I was shocked. :P
thx a lot :) i’m from tunisia
tnx 4 the video.really helped me!espacially 4 school!
Hi Miss … If I say .. I study at the library … is it correct or .. I study in the library .. Plz get me ur ans ..
Am from Egypt.My first language is Arabic.I use English in daily life speech.You cant imagine how that site with all its instructors really do me great favour. I really appreciate that.Thanks alot for your efforts and God bless and reward you
I got10 out of 10.
Great work rebecca. Thank u very much..
Hi Rebecca. I have a question. I’ve always been taught that I use “in” when I mean “inside”, and “on” when I’m at the surface. So, my question is: do I say “I’m in bed now”, or “I’m on bed now” ? It seems like this is an exception.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
I’m writing “Feel free to update the document if your name is not (in/on) it.”
I’m thinking of using “in” but I’m not so sure if that is correct. Please advice.
Thanks Rebbeca it is great but I’d like to ask a guestion:
why do we use ‘at’ before night?
Is ıt a specific time?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge to us.
Can you please tell me when do we use in or at in a sentence for places?which sentence is right”He works at a pharmacy”or”He works in a pharmacy”
Both are right!
Thanks a lot
please help me Is it correct to say I have many friends in my school
Yes, that’s right!
Really I admire your lessons and you are my favourite teacher, but could I please Know from where did you graduate and what certificate do you have.
Thanks so mutch
Thank you so much for the lesson.
what is the correct preposition to use when u say “I graduated __ (specifc name of school)” and when u say “I am a BSN graduate ___(specific name of school)”
which phrase is better”1.would you please”or”2.could you please”or “3.can you please”
I want to go home by bus,but I don’t know where is the bus station.Which question is right?1.”Where should I ride the bus?”or2.”where should I geton the bus?”
Where should i get on the bus
For less than 5 minutes i learned these prepositions that i never could understand.
thank you very much
ps.also i finished the quiz.
Your score: 100.00 You got 10 correct out of 10.’
Thanks I enjoyed the Quiz.
i liked that
hi mam..,
Myself Tenzin from Bangalore,India. I saw your video and it reminded my english sir ngudup dorjee la. Who is teaching so well and so clear that his each and every teaching is easily understoodable by every student. But, it’s now more then 4 YEARS i passed my high school. Missing his teaching. Well thanks to you. your work is highy appriciable and useful. May Almighty God bestow his blessing upon you. tkecre,bye
thanks for tell me about time, date ,seasons etc
which sentence is correct.I am inside of the hotel or I am inside the hotel.
hi please tell me that i can say i’m working in macdonald’s or i’m working at macdonald’s
superb. thanks a lot. i understood everything
can i use ‘in’ before day.he works in day and sleeps at night… it correct?
dear rebecca please upload a video for simeles and metaphors i need a lesson please i m a new user on engvid
Dear Rebecca,
Hi, I am from Bangladesh. I am very, very and very grateful to you for lesson. I like the way you teach. I love you like my elder sister. Thanks a lot again.
..this is great..
thanks for the help!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks that was fun and educational ^^
Your prepositions video is more easier understand compared with alex’s preposition video.
*Correct me if i got grammar mistake.
thank you rebecca ,your video is more easier understand
thinks for helping us and your vido so good but itry to solve some in qustion and ido it but ther is qustion
We get up early –in the morning.
i slove this qustion with at
Excuse me, Mrs.Rebecca.
I’m Rifai from Indonesia.
Thanks for explaining about prepostions. Anyway, I couldn’t find any question about the use of prepostions although I had pressed the icon “Next” on the white box. So, Would you please tell me how to take the quiz?
I think you should choose the answer first before you press “Next”
please tell me which sentence is correct given below.
1.Two boats are in the river.
2.Two boats are on the river.
Dear,teacher Rebecca
It would be pleasure if you remake this video for the new students.
thanks alot that was really helpful you’re a life saver
Thank you so much teacher.realy, this is the first time i understtod this ,thank you alot again .
But why do we say ‘in the morning’ instead of ‘at morning’ ?
very clear. thank you.
hi rebecca, thank you for clearing some of my confusions regarding these prepositions.It helps a lot. have a wonderful day. :)
very good lesson, thx :)
I would like to ask which of these sentences is correct:
1. You shouldn’t be IN it.
2. Your shouldn’t be ON it.
(“it” refers to a relationship)
“In”—we say people are in relationships.
thanks alot for ueful information but i need more lesson .
because i want to be proffessional in englih lanuage
Our administration uses the prepostion “on” quite often. Example: On tomorrow we will have a field trip. This is driving me crazy. Is this use of on correct?
No, it’s not! You use “on” when talking about specific days (“on Friday”, “on the 9th”), but not with relative terms like “today”, “tomorrow”, “last year”, “next Tuesday”, etc.
Which preposition is to be used in the context of “next tuesday”,”tomorrow” & others as mentioned by EngVid moderator?
hi i’m Gomathi from india.i have one complecated doubt in preposition that is what is difference among at,in and on,where we have to use it?
explain clearly ….
Thanks Rebecca, it was a wonderful lesson, i just now understand the differences.
thanks alex sir :)
very good lesson I could clean my self which I had since long time.than you teacher……
You explained it very clearly. Gorgeous…
Hi Rebecca you are a amazing teacher . i d like to know when i say : “I saw a lot of new words ___ quiz” would be ON or IN thanks
Dear Rebecca,
Could you please tell me either “clearer” is correct or “more clear”?
Rebecca, thanks a lot for this lesson. It’s very useful to me!!
I have a question:
Why do you say ‘in the summer’ with an article? Before now I learnt that right way to say ‘in summer’ without an article!
Please, give me explain.
Hi, I´m from Chile.
what is correct:
You are in the beach or you are at the beach?
thanku so much it is very intresting tecnique.yhanks…….
HI,i want a lesson on the use of ‘WITH’ and ‘TO’.Where we make use of ‘to’ and ‘with’ in sentences like,
1. Am nowhere in competition ‘to’ her.
2. I was so angry when that happend ‘to’ me.
can i use ‘with’ instead of ‘to’? like,
” I was angry when that happend ‘WITH’ me”.
Does it make any change in the sentence?
i really get confused when to use ‘to’ and ‘with’.plzzz help me and clear it!
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks a lot i am very much satisfied to learning method but i would like to suggest you please please give us more prepositions for practice
Hi Rebecca, I’m from Indonesia! Thank you very much for your explanation! I think your explanation is so very compelte and useful for study! God bless you!
very helpful,,,
Thanks so much…
Thank you so much!!!!!
Hi, i’m Selma from algeria.
i wanted to thank all the teachers for their help.above all you Rebecca. every time i have a question which crosses my mind i come here and you just give the answer. thanks a lot for your help.
Hi Dear, i come from Cambodia . i want say this website is very cool . anyway i just want to ask u that : is it a good idea if we try to say in my language heart first and then translate to English for say in public .
TANX A LOT.,.,.,.,.
Hi Rebecca and engvid.
I noticed that you aren’t responding to more questions, but I’ll try: Why we must write before TH the days (a date)? And when I use TO and FOR?
Thanks and Hugs from Brazil.
The dates in English are written in ordinal form: 1st=firST, 2nd=secoND, 3rd=thiRD.
From “fourTH” ahead, repeats “TH”: fifTH, sixTH… but 21st=twenty-firST and so on.
We travel to India. this sentese is wrong or correct ?
It’s correct! But you would normally say “We are travelling to India”.
This video is so helpful. Thank you so much Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca. Thank You for this lesson, I got a lot !!! Ihave one question only-when I filled out the guiz guestions at the question number six- My birthday___June, I have written-in, but it’s showes that I made a mistake and there had to be-on, not-in. So I’m interesting why?,there were not the exact date but only month and it should to be -in, or I’m mistaken?
pls write the correct form of the verb for these sentence:-
Mr. Ali ……..goes to be ( in a box)at five o’clock in the morning .
please clarify how to correct the above , and what is the rule
pls write the correct form of the verb for these sentence:-
Mr. Ali ……..goes to bed (in a box)at five o’clock in the morning .
please clarify how to correct the above , and what is the rule
You know what I really appreciate engvid’s opportunity to teach people on how to use english around the globe. This is my first time to visit your site and I hope I will be a good english speaker and writer someday because of your great lessons. Thank you so much!
Hi rebecca This is Guru Here from India. from that video what I understand is If there is a specific time then he should use “ON” If There is No exact time with the subject then we can use “IN”,If it has Specific place then we should use “AT”, please correct me If I am wrong
Hi, I’m Marilda from Brazil. Rebeca, your lessons are wonderful, you have an easy way to teach us.
Congratulations my dear.
Thank you very much for such a helpful lesson. Could you please arrange a same session for other commonly used prepositions?
Thanks once again
hi,I’m srilatha from Hyderabad, in India. just now i started learn English. your lessons were most wonderful.thanks a lot. sorry for grammar mistakes. bye mam.
quien me ayuda hacer oraciones con estas palabras in,on,at,untill,for,from,since,by
Hi Rebecca, nice video and very useful. I have a question though, how to do I use these preposition when I’m referring to a place? for example: I Graduated at Polytechnic University? Is that right? Or should I use or or in?..Another example, I am in the bar? Is that right?..I hope you could help me. Thanks :)
Thx teacher it is very helpful
After looking at your video, it has become easier for me to understand the differences between ‘in’, ‘at’ and ‘on’.
Many Thanks :-)
Hi Rebecca,
I just want to say thank you for all the knowledge that you always share to us! I always watch all the videos and its very useful to my assignment..thank you and GOD BLESS!
Hey Rebecca,
Thanks very much for this lesson.
I just want ask one question “Difference between May and Might”
Thanks in advance
This teaching is very interesting &thank you for creating such a interesting …
very good explanation Rebecca thnk u and GOD bless u
Very Logical! Thanks
Hi Rebecaaa ..pls help me ..Why do we use ‘at’ with sith some spcific places as it say…at Liverpool?what is justification of using at with some places rathar than using ‘in’?
Hi, I never more make this mistake. Thank you.
-From Brazil.
Hi Rebecca, very nice video!
but, I have a question:
What am I supposed to say? :
I fell on/at the sport lesson?
you should also explain when to use in or at regarding places as in “I´m at the school” and “I´m in school”.
It’s an excellent way of teaching the proper usage of that for and to prepositions.
thank you very much, this web site is very useful for me. you all teachers are my stars. thank you so much…
Very useful Video.Now only I got the Exact Difference between “At”, “on” and “IN”.
Thanks Rebecca for your wonderful sharing.
I got a doubt, I don’t know what to use in this sentence…
“I took some photos ON or IN the beach”
Which of those prepositions should I use?
Sorry ! I’m from argentina
thx rebecca
thank you very much Robbica for your effort
Sayed Mohamed from Egypt
Thank you Rebecca! I know more of the perposition !
hi Rebeca thank you very much about your lesson i watching you every day
HI Rebecca. I love engvid. I have a question about preposition: What is the difference among expert on, in at?
thanx a lot mam rebecca… i learn a lot
which one is correct? In New York or At New York
Hi Rebecca. I’m from Brazil. I did Quiz but not 100% correct. Thank you so much. Lily
thank you very much tomorrow is my final exam of class 12 and really my biggest problem is solved.thank you mam very much
Hi rebecca thank u very much. now i can write my exam without faer.
Hi,I[m confuse can you help me? I want to say that In the university that I study we breathe healthy, It suppose to say In the UTEC or At Utec…
I would like sincerely thank you for the kindness and assistance you provided us. Individuals like you are few and far between.
Again, thank you for the useful mini lessons, it will pay off in a big way.
IT was clear lesson thank so much
I am from Saudi Arbia
thax very very much mam this lesson was nice n i got all the points
peut -on -dire You must be on time or at time ?
I learned something from this lesson. Thanks
what are you doing on the weekend?
I got good knowledge from this site.I am very happy to watch your lesson.thanks and thanks again.
Hello ma’am
i am saira from kashmir.i want to speak good english….
Thank you for the wonderful lesson, but I’ve got one question…is it correct to use “at the evening” or “in the evening”?
“In the evening”.
I would like to know why this is correct: “I go out of town at the weekends.” Can someone explain this to me, please?
You can say – “I go out of the town in the weekend.” or over the weekends.
Am I correct moderator?
how many preposition in English????
How expensive is learning english at your school? and may I know the course duration.
Do you’ve any presence in Bombay, India?
This vid is one of your best!!
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
Prepositions are indeed confusing, especially when you are in the Philippines (I’m from this country)people here are very particular about our English grammar. Whenever someone is speaking in english and commits mistake we are quick in correcting them or we give our comment secretly to ourselves. Filipinos are crazy about the English language and all wanted to use it grammatically correct. We can easily tell who is good in school when you can talk or write in english fluently. Fluency is mastery but we also have our first language which is tagalog, we use it everyday. We sometimes do no speak english so we could avoid mistakes in our grammar. But I’m pleased with the recent survey that our people here can speak English fluently compared to our other Asian neighbors. And I am also glad that there are online help like for those who need immediate assistance with the english language and its correct grammar usage.
Thank you and more power to you. God bless!!!
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the video.It’s Great and contents are crystal clear.
It would be great if you filter the noises while recording.
Hi Rebecca. Thank’s for the lesson, but I still have a doubit: How can I use AT, IN or ON in MANNERS? For example: “The child ran down the steps in tears”. And also in REFERENCE: “1)In my opinion we need a referendum.” “2)They are happy in their marriage.” Why those are IN and not AT or ON? Thank you one more time.
Dear Rebecca,
great lesson.
i liked it.
hi can i ask you a question, ive been using twitter for a long time and sometimes i couldnt figure out if im using the right prepositon. like for example: i set the wrong time ON my clock. did i use the preposition ON correctly? thanks its really confusing sometimes :D
hello iwish to ask aquestion
what is correct ?
in home or at home question of prepositions
i have a question if the place isn’t spesific we use at like i’m at school right now but when i went to the store and i purchased to the casheer and she said thanks for shopping at ACE(hardware.)why not thanks for shopping in ACE? thanksssss sometimes prepositions make me so crazzzzy :0
hi..rebecca tahanks a lot. its really helped me a lot. i was very confuse where to use ‘at’ espacilly.. thanks again.
Which part of india are you belong to.. i am from bangalore.
Great video, but i have one question.
Rebecca said, i was born in September.
That’s clear for me.
But if i want to say exatly date of my birth, should i use “in” preposition?
I was bort in 1 april 1978.
Is it correct?
Thanks, i am from Russia.
You could say all of the following:
I was born on April 1, 1978.
I was born in April.
I was born in 1978.
I was born on April 1st.
All the best to you!
Dear Rebecca,
Im Malaysian. i assumed that i weak in my listening.Sometime, when i heard musics or lectures, im almost didn’t understand what the full meaning. Im think that my writing better than my listening.
Dear Rebecca, how can i improve my poor listening?I am afraid that i will enter in university in the end of year because all of the lectures will teach by english language.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.Thank you so much.
“he is good at manners.” dis sentence gramatically correct or not? plz help me out.
thanks to guide about use of preposition. Kindly please sent me all your classes videos regarding English, i m very confused regarding to my English.
i will be very thankful to you.
hello ….. i wanna ask you:
_i wasn’t gonna go _
this tense is strange can you explain it please
is this correct…
God Bless and Good Luck in our Defense tomorrow
Hi Rebecca,
This video is very educational in clarifying propositions. I have to admit that most of the time I had confusions using those words. Now it is really clear to me. Many thanks and more power. Cheers
Ahmm.. I don’t know what to say here.. ^_^.. but anyway thanks a lot. i’ve learned something.
Hi ! thanks a lot to u and let me learn so much ! awes
Hi ! thanks a lot to u and let me learn so much ! awesome !
Hi Rebecca,
thanks, it is awesome
I do enjoy the way you have presented this concern and it does indeed supply me a lot of fodder for consideration. On the other hand, because of what precisely I have personally seen, I simply just wish when the actual opinions pile on that men and women remain on point and not get started upon a soap box associated with the news of the day. All the same, thank you for this outstanding point and whilst I can not concur with this in totality, I respect your perspective.
thanks mam……………
hello rebeca,
i am writing my Cv and i am not sure which preposition to use in the below sentences:
– Busines developer at… or in….
– Member in the …. or at the…
thank you
jazak allah, this is very easy to understand for me and every oner….. mashallah
A tip very useful for me is to learn the word at-on-in and use the first for short periods of time, until one day , on for periods bigger than one day and less than two days and in for the rest of the time. Can be useful this tip?
Thanks for your nice lessons.
hello mam rebeca,
i have a question that is quite confusing ion what will i use…
I will serve as second sponsor ‘in’ ‘on’ Mr. Sony’s wedding.
hai ,
i am from pakistan very happy to listen ur lecture ,very nice lecture
thank you
Rebeca, you are simple great, fantastic. I think all of yours are magics because have the ability to become difficult things in easy, that’s it. I have just discover this site and I thank God for that.
Hi Rebecca – regarding the use of IN or ON when referring to data on a specific document. For example… 1) Please confirm ON or IN this Contract that this clause will be added. 2) This provision is not IN or ON this doument. Thanks!!!
I am honestly thankful for the great effort you and your collegues are doing bacause everyday I watch one and then I apply it with my students. I got what I had been looking for ages. You and your collegues are perfect.
thank you for providing a good video lesson about the usage of at,on and in.
Hi this is fun,it helps me how to use it properly, thanks rebecca hope to see you soon in person thanks
My name is manila i am laoas and i study at university in Luang pra bang province the northem of laos
Thanks for helping me to improve my english .This vdio is very helpfull for every one .Who love to studies and improving Grammar and very importand for using in presence .
Thanks Rebecca, the video is a very big help for me and for everybody who’s been confused in their English grammar. expect me to visit this site regularly. :)
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 10 correct out of 10.’
great! thank u for this lesson!
God bless You!
oh super
i have never seen that
In this example
Artisan Fair at El Morro Fortress
It is correct to use the preposition at?
Thanks for your excellent work Im happy with this… thanks again…
I just want to know what am I gonna use if it refers to a place like our country ,Philippines, or school. Sorry for my English I’m not good at all. Just need for taking high school entrance exam. Tnx alot Teacher Rebecca
Best regards
Hi teacher, you can tell me the differences between “about”, “of”, “at, and “in”, please
..hi ma’am i’m from philippines….thank you so much for the video.
Thank`s… tomorrow i have an exam and you help a lot!!! i dont understand a thing and now i know it well!!! thank yooooooo
pls i want to know when and how to make use of these prepositions sentences
at, for, on, in, by, with.
is this statement correct?’She congratulated me for my success ‘
plz,how to learn the date
thank you very much
It is superb.. Please upload more questions like this..
realy it is good lesson,,,
I’m amazed on the difference between how you teach the language and someone who is not native and teaches english.
Despite I knew the difference, the way you explained it was awesome.
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much Rebecca
thank you for giving me such a good information mam
Thank you very much Madam !
You made my life easier with English ! so when i will visit Ontario , i won’t find any problem when communicating with people !!!
thank you very much :)
is this right i was born in 24th of november in 1995 or just 1995 only
Wonderful! Really I found it very friendly to understand these prepositions.
thank u very much rebecca, it’s very helpful video, but the preposistion of place are also very confusing for me, could you do a lesson about them and specially about “at” and “on”,i often make mistakes.
hi,thank you a lot ms rebeca
Thank you for good teaching. It’s very informative.
I don’t know, why i cannot see any vidio. would you please tell me how can I do now? thanks!
I realy appreciate your lesson.may God increase your knowledge.Am from Nigeria.thanks.
Many thanks Ms. Rebecca , you have cleared the confusion , I was searching to get like this very important and nice lesson to understand when i can use these prepositions thank you again from my homeland Palestine
thank you so much for the info.
Hello Mam can you send me your all video
that will be helpful for me.
Thanks with regards
Many more thanks ……
Can you please explain more on the usage of in, at and on for places?
Wooaaah :) Now finally I’ve got the hang of it:) Thanks so much for this helpfully lesson :)
Greetings from Germany :)
Is it correct to say I will join Anna in celebration!
thank u !
thank’s teacher rebecca for nice explanation.
very nice your site, congratulations
Thank you so much Rebecca. I wish you a great boost in your career.
thank, i love u
i feel very happy to learn it
Very Nice to learn.
K.Dhanasekaran India
Thanks for spending your time with such a helpful learning content.
thank you so much. Now I understand when use at, on, in. That so clear
Hi Rebecca,
I would really like help with a little concept using the prepositions: in and at.
If I were to say that I am doing well in a particular subject, for example, history, do I say:
1. I am good IN history or
2. I am good AT history?
I would love your help! Thanks so much :)
Thanks a lot Ms.Rebecca
Your lesson was really nice
Now I can use all this prepositions properly.
SUPER thanks rebecca!.. BIG HELp!!!!!..
this is what i learned using ON,IN and AT in time!
ON – means specific date
IN – within the date
at – specific time..
am i right?
Hi, Rebecca. I saw the word ‘Monday’ in the chart had added with ‘S’. Why Monday had to add ‘S’ in it?
thanks for every think.
you tell us about use (in) with time what about use with places…?
i have problem on using letter ‘s’..i means when we should put s? besides using s on plural things…i means other than using s when it comes to plural… please help me..i hope you can teach me…
Clear and concise… thanks so much!
love you rebecca …to be honest your lessons made me wise so big and heavy thnx for it.
but whether u start for us “gerund and infinitives” so it well be more pleasure for us
It’s really good to know about site.please help help me more in learning and developing english
How to use In and On when referring to a person? Im so confused.. example “Its not gonna work out for you, how much more on/in your friends?” thanks!!
thank u very much i expect more quiz
Hi Rebecca,
Am from India,i missed only one question in the quiz here,its because of you. your way of teaching. ;)
i thank you very much.
Very helpful! I will never forget this lesson.
This is one of the best presentations i have ever seen. Thank you so much!
tell me if this sentence is corret. ms yasmin gave a lovely speech on the topic my inspirations
Yehey! I got perfect score…
thanks ^_^
Thank you so much, Rebecca.My English is very bad , i need more time… and more practice … I think.
Hello, Rebecca I’m writing you from Romania, nobody writes you from Romania I’m a beginner but I love English lesson. Thank you for your English lesson!
Really helps me all lot … Thanks Rebecca :) :) By the way , I’m from Malaysia :p
thanks rebecca…really help me a lot….
Hi Maam Rebecca,
Thanks a lot. This lessons hepl me a lot. I’m not rellay good on english but I’m willing to learn.. I had 6/10 on this exam. it scares me. wwohhh. many mistakes. hehehe..
From Philippines.
Well anyway GOD Bless.
what is the different between with & To?
Hi Rebecca,
it was really interesting session.
thank u so much for it.
Halo Rebecca..
Difference between I’m in home & I’m at home? Which one is correct?
I have little bit confusing about in and at.?how can it used for if wherever you are w/o time,date,and seasons?
what is the right way to say,,,, i am in the mall ,,, or i am at the mall….i am at the restaurant or i am in the restaurant
we need your good english speaking and now i improve my speaking but i am traying my level best that we want to improve my application are another kinds of letter improvement, please send your application Video that we improve thank you so much
thanks a lot for the quiz. i have done the quiz but i missing a number, so i just got score 9. i try to do the best. i’m indonesian.
Thnaks rebecca. I am in india, It was like my school time.
thanks rebecca
iam inspire by your teachings
a very nice quiz for me i got 8 yeah..
Dear Rebecca, thanks a lot for your job.
In this video lesson I think you should have also mentioned about the use of the prepositions with expressions of time using “morning, evening, afternoon, night, dawn, dusk” etc.
For example, why (I meet you “in” the morning) but (I meet you “at” night) etc.?
Maybe it’s worth making a separate video lesson on that matter.
Hello Rebeca. First of all, I would like to thanks your explanation. It’s very helpfull.
I have just a doubt between “on” or “in” :
When you explained the use of “in”, wich is the most of cases, you gave us an example on this video that was:”… in 1995″. This date, is too specific date. Why we used “in” insted of “on” or even “at” ?
Madam Rebecca,thanks for your valuable lessons–pl see these sentences-i)Nepal is to the North of India ii)Delhi is in the north part of India//-I want to know the correct use of to/in in such cases–Should I assume that Since Nepal is outside of India, then I should use ‘to’/if a place inside a country we should use ‘in’–??Am I correctly writing these sentences?
truly filipinos are very conscious with their grammar. that is exactly the reason why i visited this site.i really want to improve my skills in english. i just find it sometimes confusing when it comes to preposition. what i need now is more practice. thank you. this is such a great help, rebecca. God bless
Thnaks rebecca. can you please make a video on all usually use Prepositions like for, of, to,too, by,………
that was Wonderful thank you
Wonderful job EngVid.
Ffor places??????
nix…and i get knowledge ….thnx..
“_____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!”
Why the correct is “in”?
Hi Mam, I am from India & I Work as a Sr. Manager -sales / mkt. intl in Pvt ltd. company & i travel a lot across the world so I intend to polish my English more because it is most required for my job profile …. Please help me how to improve myself more…. thanks for your kind support.
teacher thanks for everything :) my score was 100 % :D
and im from AZERBAIJAN
thanks for the lessons :) i love it..
Thanks Rebecca, this make picture more clear.
As you said, these preposition can be used with respect to time or place.
Can you please teach same preposition with respect to place.
Thank in advance.
thanks for those kinds of materials,my dear students like them. We’re from abancay peru
hi dear teacher Rebeca
this is Weda thanks a lots but how can we use this three prepositions to places your lesson was only about time ? please make it about use to place also . thanks
the lessons are helpful and are easy to understand. how if this three prepositions will be used to places? it is only on time and month example. thank you
you really made it clear how to use these 3 in relation to time. However, i’d like to know exactly when should i say, i.e. ‘meet me at/in the office’, she gave birth in/at this hospital, on/in behalf, in/on the occasion… really it’s quite confusing at time… hope you help me figure this out… thanks in advance… :)
I really enjoy simply reading all of your weblogs.Simply wanted to inform you that you have people like me who appreciate your work.home security
many thanks to you, teacher Rebeca, until today i’ve just found your lesson. it helps me very much. i wonder if the next lesson you can tell me the difference between FINISH, COMPLETE & END. thanks my lovely teacher.
thank you but we need question more difficult than this simple quiz because it is never come in the exam simple questions and again i thank you so much
Dear Teacher Rebecca,
I’m a student PhD from Algeria.
I have submitted a manuscript research to the journal of Solid-State Electronics, but I have a mistakes in the grammar.
Please, can you help me to correct these errors.If you agree to help me I will send to you my manuscript.
In addition, thanks for the lessons.
I’m waiting your response.
With my best regards,
It helpfull but in day and date has to add date+ month ..
Hi, your lesson cover lots, but can you teach us on how to use prepositions when we are mentioning about the Places or in other usages?
hi Rebecca.i need help
i want to tech me english i,m speak litte.
Thank you very much. Jiri
Ma’am Rebecca, I just wanna say you’re great. thank you for this useful video :)
I have an exam about this the next week, I did the test and I got ten here. I wish that happen in my exam. Nice lessons.
Thank you a lot.
Literally I’ve been spending thousands in improving my English,esp grammar.I Couldn’t believe site like yours was in existence.
I’ve never imagined I would one day,enjoy learning english grammar to this extent.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Thanks again and wish you along with all the teachers in EngVid for the happiness and very joy further ahead.
Hi Rebecca,
In relation to the use of in or on. How about if you just mention the month + year which on do you use then? For example:
1. to be shipped _____ December 2012
2. payment due ______ January 2013
Appreciate your help. Thanks
thank you profusely ,the way that you go into details are extremely constructive for me and in this way by the virtue of this website I have the ability to face my problems.thanks again.
wich one is true?with that explanation. friday morning
2.on friday morning
thanks to u . im very greatful to u, but i need some more practice quiz if possible, please send us more practice exercises, thanks.
i read that Never begin a sentence with a preposition.
Hi rebecca , i have question, can we use “at morning “
Thanks a lot Rebecca it’s very useful, God bless you
Thank you so much for this brief but really valuable lesson. I am from Mexico and let me tell you than I’ll never make a mistake at leat when it related to time. I look forward to find something similar for the other use fo these prepositions (place)
Again, thank you very much.
I have tons of question in english particularly prepositions. but this assessment helped me lot. I learnt something.
i want to join this leasons, pliz help me
Great job Rebecca, how to use these preposition to indicate places?
Thank you!! these are really small things we ignore while speaking.
i really appreciate so muchthe assignment it encouraged me
it was interesting
really i want thank you. this lesson was very useful for me.
thank you so much for adding this lesson, this prepositions which made me almost always confusing hhh , Thank u once again for ending my confusing :)
greetings from Morocco
thank you very much , am from morocco I love english
thank you for your teaching , it make me feel in,on and at are easily .
thanks…this is very much useful. let me ask a question.
please tell me how do we use “at” with office and home??? for example: i am at home. i am at office ??? is this rite ??? kindly reply
why we use im on internet. im in we do we use it ……
Thanks alot
Why is it “in bed” and not “on bed”?
you are doing great!
Thanks Rebecca this lesson is useful for me. my English is very bad i’m a new memmber, i’m from Laos.
it is very useful lesson, thanks! I don’t understand why in more English learning sites, learn us with examples, not wit rules. It is more easy to learn with rules. I have a following question regarding preposition. Is there any lesson for the same preposition (at, on and in), emphasis on “place” characteristics, because this lesson stress on the time characteristic. thanks in advanced! Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Thank you :)
I guess this is the first time you have an Arab student here :P .. thank you very very much for the lesson..
You’re definitely not the first!
Thank’s for good lesson
What do you want to study at the expression correct
thank you very much for such useful lesson, thanks a lot
I’ve got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank You Rebecca!
thank you teacher
i need so even more sentences
kindly sent me at my email id.
thanking you
Raj dehariya
hi… what is the end of the verb when i have at?
wow…I got 90% marks in qiuz
hi gud day to u.. :)
im confused w my grammar can u please help me
“im going to have dinner “near in – near to” Ramada.
what is the right grammar that i need to use?
tnx a lot
if AT is used for specific time, why is it used in “at night”?
how to use in and at in a sentence?
for example, ill see you IN or AT McDonalds?
which is which?
please email me the answer:
btw, i got 9 out of 10 in the quiz! suweeeet! :) more power to you guys and to you Rebeca as well.
oh nice to find this side i had some problem in prepositions. its solved now. thank you very much..
Have a great day! Thank you so much for this program.My English grammar was improved.But if someone who speak with me that’s better I can learn well and also my tone inflection. Can you help me guys? If you want here’s my email address
I want to speak a Native speaker.
Thanks a lot Rebeca! I’ve been studying English for so long and prepositions have always been tricky for me, but this time I think I won´t forget how to use them correctly thanks to you! :D
Dear Ms.Rebecca,
i am Ravi from srilanka. you are excellent teacher. really i am very happy to learn English from you. can i get your e-mail address pls maam. if you do not mind. thanks
Remarkable teaching method .Thank you very much for your efforts our amazing teacher .We all love you.
I want to ask a question ,if allowed, what is the difference between “in”, “into”,”on” and “onto”,please? I’d be thankful if you answered me :)
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebeca. The lesson is very very easy to understand and learn by heart. Before I always make mistake about this but now i can use it rightly. ^^
Thank you madam for this wonderful presentation.
it was really wery helpful
Thanks Rebecca
this is very simple way of learn
hi rebecca ^^
i want with you study
sir thank u very much for this lesson…this is very good for our knowledge i will follow again this site thanks…..from pakistan
It is really very nice for us.
Thenk you very much you help me to understand how can i use prepsition in,on and at.
Hey, it’s very helpful, but i’ve further question about using those prepositions about place( not time), thanks
Hey,Rebecca, i like to see your video on grammar and conversation with example.i am a Indian and i know Hindi very much but i have conversation problem in English , so suggest me what to do.
thanking you,
Mam first of all I really think that your video was very helpful,but still I have a doubt ,which is as follows are these rules valid for places as well like
1)speaker 1:Meet me in Toronto.
reply: Where at Toronto ?…or is it necessary Where in Toronto.?
and where to use at and where to use in /on etc prepositions.
2) What are the different ways of starting a formal telephonic conversations /s it
necessary to start the conversation with “is this Mr. x,can I talk to Mr.x…even if I exactly know ,who is the person on the line.Is it necessary to repeatedly say at the start of every formal telephonic conversation .
3)3)What are the ways of showing your confidence without disrespecting the other person,and how to hide your true feelings esp. harsh ones(suppose I am an egotist but I try to hide it ,and I hate sugarcoating my words and I am a very straight forward 22 year man )
Thanking you in anticipation .
I am from Iran .thanks a lot ,helpful.
Thank you,have a ball!!! i’m from Philippines I’m not good in English can i just ask you a question? I’m on the train.I’m in my room.I’m in my bed..i was so confused about this three sentences can you help me?
Love you,Rebecca
I can understand your lesson as fast as I read the book
full mark again :)
thanks rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for sharing this. I easily understand the use of preposition. How about the location preposition? ex. in the bus, on the floor
Nice exercise. Do you have a lesson plan for this?
all i am going to say that i just like you rebeca,you are agreat teacher.
i have question :) prepostion of this sentence is good on not ? ( I have trained at kindergarten of sister school for 2 weeks only .) please answer i need to know
thank u so much
Hi,Rebecca thanks for your great effort for teaching us English lessons. Could you please suggest me for developing speaking skills. I want to sharpen my communication ability. Would you favor me to arrange some of the friends for developing speaking skills? how could I develop my speaking skills? Regards Subhas from Nepal.
hey subhash i am also from nepal so why dont we help ourself in sharpening our english language to tell the truth to you i am not good at it all
n where are you from ??
Thanks Rebecca great video, are you sure about you nationality? You sound so Brazilian.
Hi Ms. Rebecca, Thanks a lot for this lessons. I made the quiz and I missed two questions. How this little words, can be so difficult to use them correctly?
Thanks Rebecca!!
thank you very much it was very useful
Thank you for the lesson…let me ask you something. I do not know when to use
by on
travelling by ferry
travelling on the ferry….
thanks best regards
They both sounded right to me, but according to Googlefight “travelling by ferry” is far more widely used, so you should probably go with that.
love your lessons, thanks
2. My interview will be held _____ Friday morning.
I answer it but the correct answer is
I think Friday morning is more specific than Friday alone.
please help me to under stand tht
Hello, I have the same question as malak1989.
The second task in quiz – why is the correct answer on and not at? It is at morning, Friday morning but still morning. I think the preposition should relate to the word morning, not Friday. Could you please explain it to us. Thank you and thanks for the lesson :)
pardon … this is an exception ..we say: on friday (the whole day) at the morning, but we say on friday morning..
7. _____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!
the fall not a place and not time I did not understand this. please can you help me
pardon again….with seasons of the year we use (in)…. in the fall, in winter, in summer…..
hi Rebecca you are really good teacher.i like you classes.but Rebecca NEED you help for improve my english.i have a lot of problem in writing,speaking english.i can’t properly apply grammar in writing.i saw your grammar,writing and also speaking classes.But i cannat improve background is bangla.all ready i completed my graduation on BBA(H).RIGHT now i have need a good job .that’s why english in very essential for me .i hope you will help me.please ……i m waiting for your feedback.
Meet me _____ three o’clock in front of the library.
Why “on” is the correct answer ? in my opinion,it should be “at” . Am i correct ?
Thank You Teacher
It was my mistakes! But now I really know! Thanks!
thanks rebecca!
Thanks a lot
Thanks, that helped me a lot…
Thank you very much Rebecca….
Thanks Rebecca
Dear Rebecca, Thank you for this lesson. Just one question. You said ON New Year’s day. But some countries like the Netherlands have two days of Christmas. My question: Do we say here ‘I’m going home AT Christmas’? (When you’re not sure if it is on 25th or 26th December)
Thanks alot..
thank you very much from my deep heart
Now I can differentiate between this preposition
just to say go ahead, thank you very much indeed
Hello, Rebecca, thanks a lot!
Rebeca, you answer all my doubts about these prepositions! This will help me to write a essay for college admission!
I’m from Brazil!
Hi, Rebecca.Ihave been trying to send a mail to your language school since 2 weeks. No success. I would like to have 4 weeks courses for beginners. Could you contact me please. My mail is
Sorry Rebecca, my mail is,;
waiting your answers.
Thank you for your kindness.
Very easy!!
Thanks for the lesson and i really understood,but any i got 80 marks and definitely i will get full marks in this lesson.
Thanks for all lessons Rebeca .
I am student and also English Teacher in Kosova .
Maybe you don’t know where Kosova is situated because we are a small country and building a state after a war of 1999 .
Also I am a manager and I own an English Course School in a city of Kosova .
You and all of English teachers are welcomed in Kosova , you can visit us and share things we know .
Best regards .
Thank you Madam, Sir and everyone related to this awesome work. I love you guys. Can I add a direct link to your website in our website?
Very nice and clear way to remember the main rules of using prepositions :) thanx
Hi Rebecca , first of all thanx for the great lessons , they are very useful )) which preposition should we use ? In the morning or at the morning ? And could u explain it please
thank you
Hi Rebecca, your english lesson is very helpful.
thank you for everything
I wish I can useful from you’re teaching.
best wishes for you
from kurdistan
thanks REBECCA
now I know …Thanks a lot Ma’am Rebecca
hi Rebecca,
can u please upload other usage of prepositions?
hello thank you very much
my friend passed the website and now I’m addicted, each class I have on school I come back home and have more about the same mean. love it. I’m from Brazil.
Thank you for your lessons. Why in the phrase “in two hours” we use “in” insted of “on”.
i got 10 correct :) thank you so much .
Very short video but it helps me a lot. Thank you Ma’am Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca
Your lesson is very useful. I always make mistake in using at,on,in. But I think that I will remember after this lesson.Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca,
Many thanks for Your lessons. Now I am understand the English better and better.
Tanks a lot
Many thanks Rebecca. Now I become more familiarize with this prepositions. Very effective! Well done!
From Philippines….
Mabuhay.. Preposition : _)
Thankyou madam for this great video
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot for your lesson.
take care
Hi Ms Rebecca,
I have a question, I usually heard this question, “Where you at?” Is it the right way to ask someone where he/she is? Someone told me that this is totally wrong.
I like this website thanks Rebecca.
Great lesson! I had so many doubts about this content. Thanks a lot. By the way, do you have a lesson that teaches how to use these words not in time meaning, but places? (Like on/at/in the beach). Thanks again, Rebecca!
Very useful lessons. Thanks a lot Rebecca :)))
My name is fabiao,Iam from Angola,this is my first time of being here on the forum.
So, I liked the lesson and keep doing what you have done.
You are a good teacher ..
I didn’t understand how to use this prepositions, but after this lesson it’s so clear for me, thanks!!!
this lession help me to clear about prepositions, and I got 100 mark..Thanks.
very useful lesson.Thank you so much :)
Thanks a lot! very usefull
Thanks a lots
thanks got 90%.
thank u so much for giving such beneficial lessons, but i have a confusion that how can we use “in” and “on” for place. for example sometimes we say on the road but sometimes we say in street no 2.
Hi, Ma’am I wanted to try a sentence please correct me if I am wrong.
“Ma’am you can put your bag at the below of the table” is it correct?
hi teacher first at all i want to thank you for the great class and well i am practicing so much this last days about prepositions of time but well i saw some expresion for instance:
i saw that movie (at the noon)but well if i want to say i saw that movie (in the evining)these are excepcions rght? because i saw another one expression i was to the party at night right? well these are excepcions right?thanks
molymoly my friend about your question the answer is yep always we use at the bellow,at the back,at the front of,etc because they`re points
Hello, may I ask how come we use for example ”In August 8th”, but ”On December 25th”. I took this example from the quiz. Could you explain me the difference? Thank you in advance. :)
hello teacher,
i really appreciate for you lesson, i got 100 score on quiz
Salamat!(That’s a Filipino term for “Thank you.”)This lesson will help me pass my Board Exam.
Ms Rebecca ,
You are the best teacher i have ever had. Thank you very much
Thank you so much madam!!!
Thank you teacher
Thanks a lot, with you is easier to learn.
The fourth lesson for we, thanks Rebecca.
Very helpful :)
I feel that Im going to learn a lot, in this page
Thank you so much.
You are very good teacher.
Thanks Rebecca good lesson.
i hope you will post more questions in the quiz
Hello Ms.Rebecca I hope you to be fine and healthy I am Ismail from Afghanistan and there is a question for me about the 2nd question in the quiz.
“My interview will be held _____ Friday morning.”
according to your nice vedio we should use at for friday morning because it is specified.
Please help me figure out
Thanks in advance
Rebeca… verry complicate….
Great video!! Thanks Rebecca :)
Thanks Rebeca! :D it was very helpful
Thanks Rebeca, i am from Brazil and i also have some troubles when is about prepositions!
I Guess this is the most clear explanation video of preposition i’ve seen on internet.
By the way, i have some difficults to understand when i can use “That” or “this” to explain something, just as i said before, i’m not sure if is correctly i say “that is the most …” or “this is the most …”
could you help me with some short tips?
Thank you again Rebeca, you do a great job!
Thank you so much Rebecca! God bless you :*
Thanks Rebecca!It is good lesson and useful.
Hi rebecca, thanks a lot for training
Very good but i have a question:
when we say–> Friday morning what should we use? at or on?
sorry for bad English grammar as i am still a bigeener
thank you!
Yay! I got all 10 right! Thanks for this lesson Engvid
thank you teacher ^_^
useful!!!!!! thx again Rebecca
amazing lesson from amazing teacher
Hello my great teacher !!
I’m Sara from Morocco ,
I’m so glad to be your student and follow all your courses, thanks for your prominent help ! :)
Thank you Mam :)
is this one right?
their wedding is scheduled on august 8th? or
ther wedding is scheduled to be held on august 8th?
is it correct to say that, “they are avialable at saturdays”. if yes/no then why?
Great Teacher! Well Done
Is there any logical explanation why IN the morning, but AT night? Thanks
if I want to say: next week, use in or on?
really this is great your teaching is so simple,clair and understandable. I learned a lots of thing from this website especialy from you and alex good job.
yahooooo. i got 100%
Mrs.Rebecca, if i say: i am working on the computer. Is it correct?
And i get 100%
thanks Rebecca i am from turkey and i have a exam tomarrow you really help me thank you mam
100% thank you so much
Thanks Rebecca. It’s great video. It is easy for understand.
Iwant to say thanks,this will help me with my english.
very useful
I’m wee bit confused about the difference between ‘IN’ and ‘AT’ for place prepositions. Could anybody help me?
It’s good to practise. That’s a great exercise!
thank you so much :)))
thanks for your vedio realy thank you i
Hello Rebecca, thanks a lot for you English classes, they are great. Today you talked us about the time, but those words are also used to refer places. I have a little problem whit that sometimes too. Thanks again.
Dear Rebecca,
This recall on the use of three prepositions is really helpful.
Thank you.
Best regards.
hi Rebecca !
first thanks for lesson .
i would like to ask the meaning of question no. 7 in quiz.
_____ the fall, the forest is breathtaking!
could you explain?
dear madam/sir,i m new here.want to learn lesson about preposition.
my question is about preposition at,
“at the evening” or “in the evening” which is correct??
Thank you!
your teaching is awesome
Thank you :)
I love your lessons,all of which are very impressive.And the way you express it is simply and clear. :)
preposition-one of the most difficult topics on grammar, but it’s becoming easier..
Thank you Rebecca. Thank you Engvid.
What’s the correct expression
On the weekend
At the weekend
Also I think there are some exceptions
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at night
Is it correct? Thank you
1)We use AT to talk about public holidays and weekends, but when we talk about a particular special day or weekend, we use ON:
a)I’ll go and see my mother at the weekend if the weather’s okay.
b)The folk festival is always held on the last weekend in July.
(Note that American English speakers usually say ON the weekend)
2)IN the night usually refers to one particular night; AT night refers to any night in general:
a)I was awake in the night, thinking about all the things that have happened.
b)”It’s not safe to travel at night,” the officer said.
great <<< thanks ^_^
Thanks Rebecca, all your lessons are very usefull…..regards from Venezuela!
Thanks rebecca for your nice , simple and delicious lessons
But there are other forms to use ON, right?
On he wall, on the table, on the road…
Could you explain us a bit more about it?
I understand at last!, I made two mistakes and I understand why! I am trickled pink! I learned from Benjamin that this idiom means very happy! and so I am. Thank you very much Rebecca! Great job! Always clear and interesting!
Hi~ teacher! I have some questions.
1.We are going to meet at 9 am at the school gate.
2. We are going to meet at the school gate at 9 am.
Between above two, no.1 and no.2, which one is correct? Or both are ok? If so, could you let me know the reason? ~
Thanks for All of the teachers are best here. I am watching the videos from last 2 days and I learnt a lot of. Good explanation with good examples.
Really thanks all of you.
Atul Markan
I have a question: when we’re talking about WEEK and WEEKENDS, we use at, on or in?
For example: I’m going to travel __ 2 weeks.
Sarah goes to the church __ weekends.
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson :D
oh Rebecca, your explanation is so unbelievable, I’ve got 10 out of 10 and I just couldn’t believed it, I’m so confused of using these preposition before, but now guess what? I completely understood it oh; thank you so much Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson.
thank you teacher but the video not clear please focus on the board
my quiz
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you for this lesson.
thank you for your effort
thanks teacher : but I have a small question <<< is it ((Friday morning)) a specific time or not ?? because I think the morning is a specific time <<<< I don't know what should I do ,,, also all of people say on Friday morning please help me :(
also I want to ask you about the meaning of ((at the fall))
thanks ^_^
thanks, Rebecca. wonderful lesson
I love learn english with you. I send a hug from Colombia.
Rebecca, your lessons are very useful and quite clear. Thanks for your big labour.)
Thanks mam, This lesson very useful for difference among at, on and in.
i got full clarity on this explanation by you!
OMG ! all my life I always get confused with on and in but because you are such a great teacher .. Ive got a score of 100 ! cant believe it ! thanks !
Thanks,Mrs Rebecca!
Thanks teacher for your lesson. Can you help me figure out the difference between in the north of and to the north of?
Rebekka, thank you. Your lessons are very accessible and understandable.
i got full mark this is first time to me , i believe this is refer to the teacher how she is Simplify the whole concept of teaching in order to be easy to understand it .. thank you rebecca :)
Thank you very much.
Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you a lot!
Thank you for this lesson .
I appreciate your good effort really i learn a lot from your lesson good job teacher,
I Hope i can meet you IN summer ON Sep 5 AT midnight.
Hi Rebecca! I thank you and i found this website. i would like to recall my English lesson.
clearly i like your method
Goodyear jön ?
Very Good lesson ?
this lesson is very helpful to me
It’s very helpful, thank you.
Thank you Rebecca, it’s a very helpful lesson
is it “I left my journal on your desk” or “I left my journal in your desk?”
Thank you for the lesson:)
Thank you, is a nice lession
excellent lesson!
can any one here do practice with me, in chat or call where he or she will be be comfortable plz :)
thanks rebecca,it was very helpful.the subject is looking simple,but most of time can be very complicated
Thank you very much Rebbeca you are an excellent teacher, because your explanations are simples and make me understand….:-)
Thank you Rebbeca, very helpful
Please be reminded to your schedule in Hospital CME Lecture.
Is this correct? the use of TO and IN?
Thank you Rebecca! I enjoy your lessons, you´re very clear with your examples. I has two mistakes in the quiz, I review the video, and I undertand. I recommend all the persons do the quiz and lets practice!
Greetings from Mexico.
I wanna say THANK YOU for all of you guys from engVid, your lessons are excellent!Now i know how to use these prepositions! Thank you!
thank you rebecca your explanation was very clear and precise.thanks again.I got 10 out of 10
thank you Rebecca! This issue very confusing for me. But, I understand with your lesson.
Thank you very much
Thank you for the lesson. I got 10 out of 10 for my score.
thank you very much
Thank you so so much
thank you i’m still have little confused between these preposition :))
Hi Rebecca,
This lesson is so helpful for my students. We will do the quiz and I will encourage the students to sign up and to make comments on your site. I have been using your videos for quite a long time and the students really enjoy your lessons. I like your pronunciation and the fact that you don’t speak too fast. It’s helpful for my students who are high beginners. Thanks, Barb (Toronto, Canada)
thank you so much ma’am i got 100
Woow! Thanks alot my teacher.
Morning = at
Friday = on
Friday’s morning = on (is it not spesific time? )
Thanks for lesson.
In the morning
On Friday morning
thank you very much Rebecca, very good lesson.
Thanks Rebecca. It´s simple now
Got 10/10…
very use full
A very good explanation
I couldn’t understand the 7th question “—- at the fall, the forest is breathtaking.”
I quite often get confused which preposition is right, and make mistakes, but by taking this video lesson, I became more confident to use right prepositions. It’s all thanks to you, Rebecca!
Thanks Rebeca,now I do understand much better
Thanks very much,and I come from China.:D
Good lesson! Got it! =)
….. the fall, the forest is breathtaking!,
Why use (in ) in this sentence.
because the fall is season and we use ‘in’
goodluck mohammedhato
Thank you
Thank you teacher I am new student and I am very glad to this lessons.
I got 9/10! Thanks!
I’m very thank you full for your lesson, it’s very help me to learn English.
Hi teacher,I want to know how to use every one and everyone in sentence.
Hello Rebecca my name is Victor, I love your lessons, thank you for help us! I’m from Brazil.
Thank you.
Thank you
Thanks Rebecca…
really you are a magnificent teacher
THANK YOU very much , I understand how to use prepositions
Thanks . Its very good.thanks my teacher
thank’s so much
i get 90 /100 Thank’s so much teacher rebecca i love you so much <3
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you!…
Thank you, Ms. Rebecca, for your sharing your knowledge to us. I want to learn more in English grammar because I finished a two-year secretarial course. I am now working as Court Stenographer, and sometimes I find a hard in writing the interpretation of our interpreter because of some mistakes in grammar. I hope that you have to correct my grammar now if there is a mistake. Thank you!
…”for sharing your knowledge” instead of for your sharing
Hello Rebecca thanks a lot for all this information, the only thing I would like to know is the reason to use IN in this case:
in May 1985
Thanks, have a good day!
Thanks so much!
Thankyou again godbless. U
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca
I’m really interesting while learning
Thanks Rebecca , you are superb
Thank you
Thank you so so much
Thank you, Rebecca!
thanks a lot for providing such a video which is clear my confusion reading in & on.
thanks Rebecca. I got 90 :)
Thanks you teacher Rebecca i love this now i know how to use the at,in,on
I answered all the questions without mistake
at < on < in
Hi rabecca,
Thankyou for the lesson. This will really helpful for me.
Can you please check my another examples like-
Something is wrong in my game.( Is this sentence correct?)
Very nice lesson I really like it Thanks teacher
,Hello teacher, I saw your site two days ago on And in the lecture videos, I realized that I needed the most subtitled explanations. However, when I started from the beginner, I saw that you explained Gramer de past and present perfect in the first place. Isn’t this a wrong order? In what order would you recommend working Grammer! And other topics? I find it difficult to understand videos that are not subtitled. Endless thanks for your effort.
thank you very much for lesson I have a guestion , if I told someone I would do that after I finished doing something so I have to use “at” righ ?
Thank you so much!
I’ve got technical issue, how can I edit my profile ?? ;)
Try this link.
Can you please explain how to use articles for place.
Thank you so much. wonderful teachings
envid has a level course Level 1 to Advanced level?
You can watch the lessons in any order! Use the English Lesson Finder to find beginner, intermediate, and advanced lessons for different topics.
I believe this teaching method is great for me and other beginners. Tanks a lot
Thank you,
hello dear Rebecca, i’m Aura from Indonesia. i want to say thankyou about your video’s in youtube. the video’s are really made my english skill better, but in grammar i still not good :D. but, your video’s is help me to improve my english skill to be better again. once again, thankyou!
This video is very helpful.Thank you for this lesson
Hello Ms Rebecca
this lesson was very helpful for me, thank you SO much
Hello, Rebecca. Thankyou for the lesson. I want to ask you, what abou ‘week’? Which preposition does it take?
Thank you! The lesson was very helpful:-)
I got 10 in 10 in the quiz!
great lessons and your explained is fantastic but I need to know about Friday morning why on not at and the fall yon do not speak about it
Thank you very much for this lesson.
thank you
100%100 well
I watched this video twice on September 02, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
this prepositions for mi is very confusedly.
I watched this video twice on September 09, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got nine out of 10.
Thank u so much ma’am
Wow… thank you Teacher Rebecca…
Thank you.
Thanks for the lesson. I think the audio not clear hope you can improve on it.
finished, a comment left as a mark
Preposition lessons it’s very difficult for me but for this lesson I understand some of them thanks alot my dear teacher
Very great explanation! Thank you!
Thank you! I enjoyed watching your videos. You are all awesome!
Hello Teacher , thank you,
Hi Teacher Rabecca, thank you.
I love Receba. A friend of mine told about this web… I reallly love it. I’m learning English right now at school. I’m from Dominican Republic!
Vedio is not open
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Hi, could you tell me a little more about what happens when you try to watch the video?
Can you see any other videos on YouTube?
Thank you Rebecca for teaching. I understand your teaching.
Firt 100%… Thank you
100% thanks
Thanks Rebecca!
Thank you!
Thank you, Ms.Rebecca, for a nice lecture
Thanks Rebecca for the insight.uch appreciated.