In this lesson, you will learn about three common prepositions of place: AT, ON, and IN. Want to know how to use AT, ON, and IN? Have a look at this video, and improve your English grammar, as well as your written and spoken English. You can also check out Rebecca’s lesson on using these same prepositions for time
Although I speak English but I need to master my grammar. This website is very helpful to everybody. It is free. I am going to donate something one day to help the upkeep of this website. Thank you very much.
my grammar is not good, I am not confident with my sentences so I keep it silent when there is a English conversation..thanks for these site I learned everyday
Have you donate yet?
What I liked most about this lesson was the tips for using these prepositions appropriately.
Of course the sketches were also a big help to understand much better the use of prepositions.
Thanks very much.
txn so much 4 the clarification in using preposition ;)
I liked so much….it was very ver nice. thank you Alex
thanks you guys!=)
Thank you very much,Alex Teacher!Hope you have a good day!
I wonder if I can use ‘in’ in this example. My brother is in the theater.
Yes, if you’re close to the theatre as well, and know that your brother is inside it. If you are at home and someone asks, “Where is your brother?” you must respond with, “He is at the theatre.”
Thats a beautiful explanation.
i was about to ask the same question thanks for the explanation.
about the first sentence “my brother is at john’s house” .john’s house is a close place can i use “in” here!!!
sorry for the interruption,that kinds of question were always confused me and still confuse me sometime. .but i have leaned about this situation more extensively. .
we always use preposition “at” with home, office, work etc. . but i am still want to know the same question
Use ‘at’ for small place and ‘in’ for a bigger place.
If you want to indicate you’re inside the house, not oustside, you may say ‘in the house’. If want to indicate a specific house as Sandy’s house, Freddy’s House and so, the common usage prefers ‘at’.
I hope it helps you!
If you use at, not necessaryly the person is inside, maybe he or she is at the backyard or in front of the house, on the house, etc but, if you use in, it indicates precisely that the person is inside the house. In and at is not related to the size, but common usage, in my opinion.
me too
Haha, I was about to ask the same question. Ok, now I get it. At is used for location, In is used for space, On is used for surface. It just depends on what you are emphasizing.
Thank you, Alex, greetings from David!
I want to know what’s the difference between sentences: There aren’t many people “at” the theatre. end I read books “in”the library.
thanks for your help, you are a great teacher!
Ana Obregozo
Hi Alex
I have a question plz:
Which one is the correct; i am in the university or i am at the university . I think both of them are correct because university here is a specific place and in the same time it’s a closed area , so could u please explain to me cause i have to explain it tomorrow for my students
thanx for the explanation, i was about to ask the same question.
Why some grammar books use ‘in’ for the name of the street. for example, He lives in Albert Street. they use ‘in’ instead of ‘on’. Is this also correct? Thank you.
That sounds very strange, and I have never heard that! You cannot live “in” a street, because that would mean your body is actually underneath the surfact of the street. You can only live “on” a street, or “at” a specific address.
Ex. I live on Raven St.
I live at 53 Raven St.
I meant “surface,” and not “surfact.” :)
Why Martha and the Vandellas recorded an album “Dancing IN the Street”? You mean they wanted to dance under the surface of the street? :P
i dnt understand …i live in delhi,kalkaji,at …adress…hw can i say?
we always use “IN” for the names of land areas (towns, countries, states, continents)
we use “ON” to designate name of streets, avenues and so on….
and “AT” for specific addresses.
I live in Delhi at “Give your address” thats all,
thanks alex. i understood finally, but only after this answer
Hi alex!!!! Great lessons!!!!i like it!!!but i have a question, if it is not much of a trouble, can you answer my question please. You wrote that you would not say “to live in the street”, but the BBC English Dictionary HarperCollins Publishers gives such example to the word “street”: “She lives in Seyer Street” can it be just a British variant or does it mean that we can use both of these options? Thank you. Look farward to hearing from you
Hi Alex ….
thank you by explaination, It was really good….but I have a doubt
I noticed that there is this form at, on and in; and there is that
form at the, on the and in the. May you explain it, please, please???
Miriam Sena de Santana
thank you but i have a comment a bout the videostore is on park blvd
why we didnt use at & parkblavd is ( specefec place ) why we didnt use at
You cannot say “The video store is at Park Blvd.” because you have not given a SPECIFIC address on Park Blvd. If you know the exact address of the video store, you can use “at.”
Ex. “The video store is at 455 Park Blvd.”
Hi,thanks for the useful lesson these words r always in confused minded and sometimes never use in right sense but yr lesson gave me very knowledgeable and right sense to use them and yr the above example has cleared all the confusion which always raise in my mind,
once again thanks,
Mumdooh Ahmed Khan
I got the same mistake, I used “at” instead of “on” thank you alex
It’s great!:) I’ve learned a lot!
Almas I think that we use an article “on” in this case because Park Blvd (Boulevard) is a flat area or may be it’s better to say horizontal surface ( just imagine the boulevard and that store on it and you’ll understand it ) , even if there is some buildings , trees , people and another. THANK YOU http://WWW.ENGVID.COM – YOU ARE THE BEST . YOU WILL BE VERY POPULAR SOON – 100 % .
this class was very nice!!! Congratulations
Good morning Sir,
Your lecture is so nice and interesting to me.
Previously, i referred so many grammar books to find how to use at and on. But i understood partially.
Now tt is cleared to me when to use at(specific location),on ( horizontal or vertical) and in (enclosed area).
this site is very helpful to me in learning english.
I want to know how to use the word ‘do’.
For example, some people use the sentence like “I do have”.
Could you provide the information about ‘do’
Thanking you sir.
Hi Ganesh,
I am not Alex of course but I would say that people say so when they want to emphasize something, for example:
1. I do want to eat some cookies (Means something like you really want to eat some cookies; you’re looking forward to eat them)
2. I do love you (means that you really love that person)
Hope it helps,
hahaha just to add I should have put a “comma” (,) before but… I apologize Alex!
Very good explanation!
great explaination ! thanks.
wonderful, thanks u so much “teacher”
Thank you about your lecture. It’s very helpful to me to learn about language. Maybe I can use right now about at, in, on.
I live in korea and I’m study english in the library. Is that a right? :)
anyway, Thank you and could you tell me about the way how to learn about writting in this website? or is it possible learn to teacher in this website or personal tutor?
as you have mentioned that we use on for the surface then why do we use in when we say
I am in the bed
why not on the bed?
we are on the surface of the bed not enclosed in the bed
solve this problem
looking forward for reply
hey Alex
would you mind explaing it, this is my second comment,but i havn;t got the reply yet.
I am in the bed
why not on the bed?
we are on the surface of the bed not enclosed in the bed
solve this problem
looking forward for reply
Reply to this comment
You are really a insolent. Why you think teacher Alex has the time for take care of your question every day of his life???? When he is sit at home make more lessons for you, you put an isult like this to him???? Why??? Fool.
Hi Mahvish,
You can absolutely also say “I am on the bed,” but it has a different meaning. We say “I am in bed” because we usually think of putting blankets over top of us, creating an enclosed space. Saying “I am in bed” can mean that you are ready to sleep, or that you’re just laying on top of it. If you say you are “on the bed,” you are only stating your location in relation to the bed, and being ON TOP of it.
Basically, as long as you memorize the phrase “in bed,” you should be okay!
What about bus, we say, I’m on the bus, but bus is not a surface.
Thank you!
Thankyou Alex this is going to help me aot!
Thank you Alex ! It’s easy to understand this lesson. They are different.
Thank for this video again !
Duy Nam
thank you
Gracias for the tips: specific location or point, horizontal o vertical and enclose area.
hello my names gülsemın ı from turkey İSTANBUL inglızce for hep me plesa ı go to eng cursh no under stand me langualh ing really very dıfferent help pls
AlexESLvid very great a teacher :) teacher my msn adress help plss good evenıng
I’m from Russia. Привет or in English Hello! To be honest, the topic “Preposition” is very difficult to learn for me and at school I hate this theme or in school? I think at school, because now I’m not inside the school, yes? Alex if you can explain please
Hi Alena,
Both are correct, but to say that you are “in school” means that you are inside the school, while “at school” could mean that you are in the area of the school. You could be inside, or you could be outside. You can also say that you are “in school” if someone asks you what you are doing with your life.
For example:
“I don’t have a job right now because I’m in school.”
hi alex,
can we say”he is at class” or “he is in class” is correct.
i am really confused please help…
thanks very much for teaching me preposition
Dear teacher Alex,
Your parents have to be very proud of you.
As an immigrant for myself I always ask my kids how to use “at”,”on” or “in”
and I’m sure that they will thank you more than me for making this very understanable to me how to use them.
Alex, my son was 6 years old when we came to America and now he is a second years student at Wayne State University of Michigan.
He has a full four years of scholarship as a “PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP” from Wayne State University.
I’m proud of him too and good luck to both of you, to my son and to you Alex,
From Gimmi ( ^__^ ) an Albanian man.
Finally I have understood how to use ON, AT and IN.
Thank you very much for this helpful lesson.
Me too, I have a better understanding now about this prepositions. I just need to draw them :) Thanks Alex…
Hi alex
nice lesson
I wonder why we cant say “im in the theater” as well as “im at the theater” due to the fact that a theater is an enclosed place too.
thank you
Hi Alex,
nice lesson
Thank you. I understanding esily.
Now everything with AT,ON,IN is clear for me. Thank you Alex.
first time seeing this site.. was really good..
i got some question.. which one is correct
1)The boys are camping IN / AT the jungle.
2) The children are playing IN / AT the playground.
or both answer in/ at for both questions are correct??
i was confusing to explain this matters to my pupils..
your respond is mostly appreciated.
Please help me know which preposition is correct for “14th Street”: at or on?
which one is correct: at 14th Street or on 14th Street?
on the street or at the street
I’d like to tell you that this web site have been very useful for me, It’s makes me feel more confident (Sorry I problably have made some mistake) But I’ll like to know when to use them before a verb.
Yours is a wonderful work I have added this site in my Internet favourites
Juan manuel (Argentina)
great lesson alex. i’m gonna be learning a lot from you
thanks alot for this lesson.
please we want you to teache us a lot about pronunciation
It’s a big problem for us.
Thank you again.
Now everything with AT,ON,IN is clear for me. Thank you.
Hi Alex ! Really this is a good lesson for my and I think for everybody! It was a clearly and demonstrative lesson that how a professor is teaching very well. Thanks a lot !!
just i can say thanks
thanks so much!!this is my common mistakes in grammar…it helps a lot!!
thnks so much i like i find this lesson very good
thnks so much i found this lesson very good
Hi thank you very much!!! Your explanation was very clear… I have a doubt, I find an exercise> I live the fifth floor on my apartment building. I wrote “in” but the program says that it was wrong, the correct answer was on… Is it correct?
Alex.Me pleasure listen you.Nice job and I like your pronunciation of the word.
i realy enjoyed the lesson very much
thank you for your class.
it is very important to me.
I did on the past so many mistake.
thank you
hi Mr.Alex .its nice,
i have one doubt . eg:Iam walking at the queen street (or)Iam walking in the queen street . which one is correct . plz tell
it is really very helpfull online class..on tha topic… AT,IN,ON
“i am on fire”,how do we explain this on the basis of vertical or horizontal plane…plz explain
Hello, Alex.
Thank you so much for your lesson.
Please,may I ask?
What about forest or wood?
Forest is one concrete place on the earth. ( one specific point )
I am at forest.
Forest is an earth surface also. ( as well as a road )
I am on forest.
As well it is possible to say forest is a certain place, when you are INSIDE it, instead of ON surface of it.
I am in forest.
What sentences is correct?
Thanks, Elen.
Elen Sheff
Dear Elen,
Forest is neither flat nor specifice point to mentions. Forest is covered place with trees, so I am in forest is correct way to use.
Am I right Alex?
Arshad, Pakistan
Arshad Mehmood
Yes Arshad u are right .
Onkar Singh
Punjab India
Onkar Singh
if i use at in school ex:i am at school we can use this word or not.?
Great video, thx a lot. I got a quesiton regarding your articles. Even I saw both video (Your and James) how to use article and when. You are using THE article in your senteces very strangely. For example Why “on the table” and no “on a table”. Why “on the road”, but “on Tv, on target”. Why are u using in singular/general sentences(first mentioned) some times a, the, sometimes nothing. All are examples from your videos. Thank you very much. Tomas
wow! that was good! Now, I have a better uderstanding for prepositions. Lucky to have this site. ^___^ please do continue to have this kind of video classes. it’s really helpful.
wow! that was good! Now, I have a better uderstanding for prepositions. Lucky to have FOUND this site. ^___^ please do continue to have this kind of video classes. it’s really helpful.
oh thanks my dear sir, this is very helpful to us to use correct preposition at a perfect place
khem Raj(India)
thanks ,you are a good teather .I really love your lesson and you are so kind person.
thinks a lot,its very easy to learn proposition but why we are not use in the street explain plz sir.
asim rauf
Xin Chao (hello in English)
Thanks so much, teacher.
It’s really useful for me.
Hi Alex
Thanks for your lesson.
I have a doubt about “on the bus” .
Why don’t we use “in the bus”?
thanks,mr alex
sir i’m still not clear that if a tv screen is a surface and we should use on then what is someone’s house, why we can’t use on for it, i mean i am confused that what to consider a surface and what to not a surface :(
Hi alex i’m so glad to fellowe your class. it’s esay to anderstaning. i have ane que. theater is one close pleass. why’t useing IN
like In the car?
Which is correct. What in your mind or what on your mind?
Yin li
i want to know is it the fish is in\on the dish? thanks a lot
thanks a lot~
this site is beautiful and you are beautiful thanks for you
ahmed elatfy
nice lesson. very clear but sometimes there are uses of in and on that confuses me and I cant understand why it is used like for example. These rivers used to be abundant in wild salmon.
you have given example of Theater & Car.In both the case i.e car & the Theater is enclosed.Then we have to use “IN” in both the scenario.please advise me
This lesson helped me a lot. Thank you so much :)
This is a (Q) on the at on in
Is this done correctly?
At; I am at the store.
On; I’m on the bus.
In; I am in the living room.
Thank You!
I am on the bus it means that you sit top of the bus, I think it will be “in the bus”
Onkar Singh
hii Alex!
Thank you for your class, i joined today but im enjoy very well.
Thanks Alex you are great teacher and thanks for your taught , i understood it
thank you so much sir
thank you
this is great very very useful for me
thank you a lot
thx fr the video
Thanks for the explanation !!!!!
Thank you Sir,
I had lgin yesterday and till now i learned too much
Onkar Singh
gr8 lecture Alex! Could u please give the concept of where we use “can” and “Could”. I have confusion about it.
Hi Agha,
Search “can and could” in the search box at the top of the website. We have a lesson on this topic.
“Can” is for present ability. (“I can read. I can drive a car. I can play tennis.”)
“Could” is for past ability. (“I could run five kilometers when I was younger. I could hold my breath under water for over two minutes.”)
“Could” also has other uses, but for a beginner, the uses listed above are important to understand.
thank u a lot
that’s good
thanks! but i can’t understand enough your lecture, can you add subtitle in the video?
OMG, your explanation was priceless Alex. I am now much better with my prepositions. Your are just awsome and i mean it.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot, it’s very helpful. :)
hi Alex, thanks for sharing this video…Sometimes I have problems with prepositions, could you explain me why we say, for instance, on facebook or on twitter I can’t understand the use of this preposition here because you said that on is for surfaces
thanks a lot;))
The prepositions I listed here are for beginners. It does get more complicated when you start talking about being “on TV,” “on Twitter,” “on Facebook,” etc. Basically, for websites we use the preposition “on.”
“I saw that on,” for example.
It’s the same with television channels. “What’s on NBC?” “Did you see the movie on TNN last night?”
You just have to be aware that we use “on” for these circumstances.
that is good thinking\
omid ahmadzai
Thanks. Alex
ur the best teacher for me,very clearly when u explain,,,its very useful!!!!!!!!!! but how about “OF” AND “TO”?
Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep this in mind for a future lesson.
is good
oh this really is a big help! :D
Thank you very much for the great lesson.
I understood all what you explained
Thank you
I think is a good thing to ignore some people
which trying to see bad word to others
Hi! Which of these preposition should be use?: The ticket office is located at/on ground floor Ali Mall, Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City.
“on the ground floor” is correct. When you are talking about floors in a building, always use “on.”
“I work on the fifth floor of the Plaza Hotel.”
“There’s a bathroom on the seventh floor.”
Thank you Alex for this video. Sergey.
i learned a lot here, thanks a lot!
hi alex, how we can tell time, season..when use in, on, at?
Hi Alex, your explanation is very clear. But I’ve come across situations where I’m still confused with “in” and “at”.
Ex: My family is having their dinner at the restaurant. (This is an enclosed area but “at” is used)
Ex: They cows are grazing in the field. (Field is an open area but “in” is used)
Ex: My family is having picnic at the beach or on the beach?
Thank you so much!
How about the time ?
Why we say “What is time by your watch” and not “What is time on your watch”. According to rules explained by you, it should be “What is time on your watch”.
Thank you Alex, first time I got normal explanation of grammar!
thank you very much for the useful well explained lesson. It is my first time to visit the website. It seems I will be a regular visitor. heeeey!!
Royal Oman
thanks very much Mr.Alex…
Thank you very much, Alex. It is the best and easiest explanation for memorizing I knew before.
Sorry for my English. I meant, it is the best and easiest I EVER knew.
It is useful and necessary not only for me but for all who are studying english, Chhoeun
Sim Chhoeun, Camboian
which is right, on the plane or in the plane?
thank you Alex very useful lesson
so clear! thank you very much Alex
thank you Alex that helped me a lot
thank you
I love your page, I had learned a lot :)
Hi Alex
Thank you for the lesson.
Could You explain me the difference between “on” and “onto”
I get confused with the use of in and at, for example,Should I say that I am in school or I am at school? I have heard people using both but I am confused when to use which
thank you alex
thanks teacher
it’s good explain about propositions
Now I studied Compositions 2 in my university
this week have Subject about Proposition
I have benefited of this lecture very
I wish you success
thank u sir Alex. i like the way you teach us. i so much appreciated this site. again thank you
salam sir how are u
sir can we saya: i saw you in the party
and can we saya : Bob is in ALi,s home
omid ahmadzai
Thanks. I would like to ask some thing. I think in and at can be used following example: I am at the theatre. I am in the theatre.
Hello Sir,
I have a question. How about:
I live in and I live at?? I’m kinda confuse about this.
Does the usage of “in” is used for permanency? and the usage of “at” is for temporarily? Please help me. Thank you! :))
Hi Mimi,
“At” is used for specific addresses, while “in” is used before continents, countries, and cities. Your explanation is an interesting one, and something I have not thought about before.
Thanks for the class. Will you please tell me which preposition to use if I want to say “feel great and special in or at (and the name of a place, a residential area specifically) thanks in advance.
Liz Mora
“Feel great in Argentina/London,” but “feel great at Bob’s Massage.”
You could also say “feel great in Bob’s Massage,” but the meaning changes and can be misunderstood. :)
Hi Sir Alex,I really enjoy watching your videos (in/on) engVid.
What preposition should I supposed to used..?
Hi Alex,
I think English is very hard to learn. Prepositions are quite challenging. Any ways, I just have quick question. I’m sometimes confusing and don’t know whether to say: on the news or in the news; on the news paper or in the news paper. Any how, thank you very much for your lesson above.
we used on to the land or island .or in ??
Shayma El
Hi are very good-looking man .so tell me”whom do you look like in your familly?
Anyway you’re still a good teacher.I can also say you’re so i want to be my brother.
I like you the way when you smile.
thank you.
i m having a problem out here…i m not able to access to the quiz…plz help me out to get on with a quiz…
Thanks for your lessons. Please add the lessons about gerunds.
Thanks for your lessons so mtch ^^
“My brother is ‘at’ the theatre”.In this sentence theatre is the enclosed place.then why we use ‘at’ instead of ‘in’
great lesson
Wonderful explanation! Clear! I really live in Brazil!
Marilia Ferrari
thank u sooooooo much, and can u put a new lesson explain on and in with date,month & year because it’s so hard.
i get headache in exam everytime i see date, year ect. plz :)
Shayma EL.
Thank you, teacher. Eu like it, because, I learn more seeing than hearing.
Antonia Maria
Am learning everyday and, I am from Canada too, keep it up.
Hey Alex .. Thanks for this lesson .. but wanna ask u a Question .. To improve my English .. Should I learn the grammars or no ? cause many ppl say that Grammar Kills Your English Speaking .. plz Reply
Thank you so much. I love your lessions.
Thank u for everything
thank you so much Alex it’s helpful.
Thank u soooooo much for website people….. All the teachers are excellent in teaching :)
Alex, I still have few confusions.
Which would be correct.
I am in the train / bus or
I am on train / bus
Hi Alex. I liked this video but i have a question , it is correct to say ” Im on the jungle”. Greetings from Peru.
thank you very much
I hope that you uplod more videos about writing long paragraph
E man
thank you so much, Alex.Through it you help me review my english progress.I got 5 correct out of 5.try the best.
Thank you for your clear and detailed explanation,you are an excellent teacher.I think I have grasped the right way to use “at、on and in”.Love to study your English lessons. Thank you again.
Thank you very much i am obliget to you.i was siting in my house and looking you on my laptope screen.
i finally find a good website to explain properly how to learn a better English. Thank you so much!!
hi Alex, it is knowledgeable lecture by u on preposition ,sir instead of AT, ON , and in .what are other preposition which are use in English language please kindly tell me about that and also their usage also
sunder sham
sunder sham
I am an english teacher as a second language and it has worked for me, TYVM
Hi Alex thank so much.
Thanks a lot Alex! It’s very clear.
Hi Alex, I really do appreciate the way you explain. As I was watching your video about In,On and At I remember something that my instructor before told us. If I am inside a vehicle and that specific vehicle is not moving(a bus for example) I will say “I am in the bus.” but if the bus is moving I will say “I am on the bus.” I just want to ask if it’s right or is there really any difference regarding this matter? Thanks a lot!
thanx so much its realy helpful i try tu follow all of ur lessons
now its clear to me =) thanks teacher alex!
Hi Alex, I hope you can give me an answer with this one.
“I’m in the bus” or “I’m on the bus”.
“There are people in the bus” or “There are people on the bus”.
Thank you very much.
“She is in the car” or “She is on the car”
“He is in the airplane” or “He is on the airplane”.
Dear Alex,
How are you? I’m saw the web of engvid through by Google, so I would like you help me for editing of my document letter of appreciation.I hope you will checking and edit it.Please have a look the bellow:
1. What is the Gender and Culture?
Exploring Gender and Culture (180 mm)
2. Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Rebuild the World – Power Dynamics (150mm)
Sexual Harassment and Violence Against Women (90 mm)
Reflecting on Gender and Power in Our Work (120mm)
Planning Ahead/Next Step (120mm)
Total : 11 Hours
thank you very much mr alex. my english is not perfect so with these lessons i think it will soon improve. thank you..=)
Thank you very much Alex. I actually had a problem on how to use prepositions. Your topic really help. You made it very easy to understand.
so if i was to say (example)..Nick is good …. critical thinking. which should i use in, on or at
Thanks a lot Alex, for the first time I understand how to use the proposition “on”.
You’re great !
nice class
bless you
the english club villavicencio
sory,bt still i have doubt between in and at.why we r sayin at theatre not in bcoz it is an enclosed area.if we r using at theatre here then why we r not using at my car bcoz it also points to a specific location.plz help…
thanks alot alex you are agreat teatcher
sara from egypt
than you very much alex you are agreat taecher
Teacher Alex i have a question what is the proper preposition for this sentence: Jack is waiting {in, at or on}the bottom of the stairs. I’m confused because “the bottom of the stairs” might be pertaining to a location, surface or an area? pls. i need your help!
I’m really thank you for your special technique that can help me understand preposition well.
thank you our teacher Well done
The explanation was very good !!! Now I get to distinguish this prepositions !!!
i like the way you explain teacher!:)
iwanna thank you first but iam still confused about the enclosed space do you mean that if i wanna say in i need to be inside that place? can you clarify to me that point please
thank you so much, i only have one question, which is correct, i am still “on” the bus or i am still “in” the bus
i have somehow the same question i just want you to tell which is true here:Iam in house.or,I am at house and what is the difference please answer me quikly your best fan
This lesson has blessed me in knowledge.
Hi Alex
It is ok if I write in the school or at the school, or it depends on the situation.
ana maria
Dear Alex, why we use “You will always have a good friend in me.” will you plz explain me?
Aaah! Next time, if you’re going to ask a lot of questions, do it all in one comment. (I’ll answer them all in one comment to save space.)
Sometimes in can be used to mean “by means of” or “in virtue of”. So “You will always have a good friend in me” is like saying, “I will always be a good friend to you.”
“We went to Boston” is in the past tense. If you say “We are leaving for Boston” (“we leaving” is informal/slang), that means you are about to go to Boston (it hasn’t happened yet).
“Lives on a farm” is right, not “in a farm”. “In” is (usually) for buildings, or for entire towns, countries, etc. “On” is for streets and “sides” of things (the east side of town, the south side of the river). And farms.
It’s “at dawn”, not “in dawn”, because “dawn” is a time and we use “at” for times.
“At Christmas/on New Year’s”: I don’t think there’s a rule for it. You can say “on Christmas” too, though.
“In Delhi” is right, not “at Delhi”.
engVid Moderator
Good night!!
How are you?
I need to show about preposition of place, but a have to show some differents exemples about this, can you help me?
Jennifer Amorim
Jennifer Amorim
Great explanation!!! love the symbols!!! very helpful!
Thanks a lot teacher
Hi Alex,
I hope you can help me: In my last vacation or On my last vacation??????????????
ana maria
Thanks a lot teacher
but I have Q
– There are 500000 inhabitants on the island of Malta
– we had a coffee at the terrace and took photos of the views
– We lived in the top floor of a block of flats in paris
– The colosseum is in Rome
– Children shouldn’t sit at the front passenger seat of the car.
– He lives on the side of the mountain.
Are they T or F ?!
I appreciate teacher
Wow!This is really cool!
thanks for effort Alex
Abdullah alqhtani
thanks Alex about this exercise
dang minh hung
im living in the philippines on alabang muntinlupa city at phase 2 block 23 lot 12…i could speak a little bit a lot of english language…i cant thank you enough
Hello Sir Alex, I really like you videos.. and the way you talk.. anyway, I want to know what is the difference between “in the list” and “on the list”, then “on the menu” and “in the menu”.. please please please reply!!
Hi Alex.
Which is correct from these:
At the terrace
In the terrace
On the terrace?
I don’t understand the different: in a car, in a taxi and ON BUS , ON A TRAIN?
Thank you
thanks a lot very very very easy
abed gamal
nice!! merci!!
sir you are awesome . but sir i need more prepositions pls sir .
Thank you very please
Kamel R.Jirjees
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the video, got some question here.
On 1st of January there was a murder case.
In 1st of January there was a murder case.
At 1st of January there was a murder case.
Which is correct?
“On the 1st of January, there was a murder case.”
“On January 1st, there was a murder case.”
I hope this helps!
thanks a lot. I always doubt these I am very clear with it.I don’t make a mistake anymore.thanks again…
Hi Alex
How to use IN and ON for week day and month? for example ,can I say ,I am going to Thailand in March which is normally I always say I am going to Thailand on March 6th,which one is correct ?
Thank you in advance.
What kind of question would you like to know about? I’m open to future video suggestions.
Thank you :D
Hi! how easy, thanks indeed!!
Hi! Thank you for the lesson, all the lessons :-). I have a question, it’s correct if I say: I search something on the dictionary? Or is: I search something in the dictionary?
The dictionary is open… in theory is a flat surface… :-)
“I search for something in a dictionary” is the correct sentence. This is a present simple sentence. I think you might be trying to say, “I am searching for something in the dictionary” (at the moment), or “I will search for something in the dictionary.” (future)
Thanks for the question!
oh,that’really nice!!I’ll try again to get better one..that’great !! thx alex :)
Perfect lesson on prepositions
The all English teachers are teaching only this 3 prepositions all over the world. WHY? What’s up with the following words e.g. BY, FROM, FOR, DURING, BY THE TIME, UNTIL, TO, AGO, OF, OFF … ?
I loved this lesson.congratulations teacher.
now i know how to use these things.. :D
thank you,very nice it is easy to understand!
i have some questions
* Home also an enclosed thing. therefore why can’t we say I am in home.
* and which one is the correct- i am in the bus or i am on the bus?
* don’t we consider the distance factor when use IN and AT?
Please reply me.
Thanks for the tutorial.. Please correct the sentence for me..
I am in the boat. or I am on the board?
Thanks in Advance.
I love your all tutorials.
Best Regards.
Asfand Mudassir
Thank you Alex
Ney Mendes
hey ,i like the way you explain ,could you explain me something about these preposition that are (from )and (of )because in spanish means de .. thanks byee
i like most the way you present sentences because it was simple & logical.
t pertin
i like most the way you present sentences because it was simple & logical.send me more exercise.
t pertin
thanks you very much teacher Alex!
I like you
thanh minh
really basic problems being faced with using of prepositions, this video make me clearly understand what the differences are. Thank you for your help !
Thanks for teacheing
I want mor sentes
I like thes video
Thank you very much
Thanx Mr.Alex.
Hi Alex,
I have a question! :) Why is it that in English it’s ‘I’m ON the bus/train’ instead of ‘I’m IN the bus/train. To me it sounds as if someone’s actually sitting on top of the bus rather than inside the bus. In Dutch we also say ‘Ik zit IN de bus/trein’, so, it’s kind of confusing.
Is there a specific rule when it comes to public transportation? Do you also say, for example, ‘I’m on the ferry’, because you do say ‘I’m IN the car’, right?
Yes, with public transportation you’re “on”. You also say “I’m on the plane”.
engVid Moderator
thanks a lot sir
Thank You Alex, You are the Best from the Best !!!
hi Alex, the lesson is too good. i like it.thank youa nd cya!
That’s great lesson.
Good work….
thax Mr ALEX , VERY GREAT JOB, now i understood.
thanks alex it was interesting , but can you give us more examples?
omg!!!! this videos are awesome!!! thank you so much!!!
Good Job!!
step by step learn english
sergio Demaestri
great lesson
can we say “on the weekend” or “at the weekend” please help me know which preposition is correct ; I would your explanation Alex Please.THNK U AND GOD BLESS YOU
It should be “on the weekend”, like you would say “on Friday” or “on the 12th”.
engVid Moderator
I am help
Hi there,
Let me add sth,u know British use “at” & American use “on”.
Glad I could help!
Hi I like your way of teaching
Hi Teacher Alex..which is correct? please help.
I’m in my home (I’m in enclosed place)
I’m at my home ( specific )
I’m really confused. pls. help.
I suppose there r 3 prepositions 4 2.on
1.In the street
2.On X street
3.At 21X street
I’m right,aren’t I??!
Hi Alex!!! Tks for your lesson ,but what about ” the time, mounths or parts of days …we use the same prepositiosn but how ?¿ tks a lot
Hi Alex, You’re a pretty nice teacher. Thanks a lot for that Liberal work of yours. But I would like you to resolve this for me: at least, the understand many of us now have on the use of the prepositions “at”, “on”, and “in” is that “at” is used for a specific location, “on” for a surface, and “in” for an enclosed space. But consider the following cases: You’re good at/in/on English. I’m good at/in/on tenses. It’s pretty clear that these nouns (English and tenses) with which the prepositions are used don’t imply specific locations, surfaces, or enclosed spaces…{or if they do, how?} Which of prepositions should then be used in these kind of situations? Please, help..
hello sir,i have a doubt. please clear this. when should we use ‘at school’ and when to use ‘in school’? similarly,’at office’ ‘in office’. and please tell me the differnce btwn ‘above’ and ‘over’,and diffrnce btwn ‘under’ and ‘below’. thnk you.
Do you use “in the paper” or “on the paper” and why? thanks so much.
Also, is there a video about prepositions in a more complicated usage. Like when we say “on that note” “at your end” or “at his end”..
Very good Alex thanks
Thank you so much for this video lesson, but i got a question, is that can i say my brother is in the theatre?
very interesting lesson,thanks alof Mr alex
Alex, thank you very much, helps a lot. God bless.
is it ok to say… John is in “the” bed… as opposed to…John is bed.
Noah Smith
Very nice explaination, Thanks Alex
Hi! Thanks for an excellent lesson. Do you use “ON” for else than directions in English? I want to know why people say “Einstein on relativity” or “He or she on this or that topic”. I see this everywhere and am using it myself, but is it proper English? According to your explanation, would “Alex on prepositions” refer to a flat surface. Perhaps because you write on a board. But a topic or a theory is anything other than flat. I don’t get it. Would you be kind to explain this phrase in relation to a surface? Thanks so much, Mary
Thanks Alex for clear explanation. now i am a regular visitor of
thank you :)
wow i have got 100% but still learning thanks for the lesson. Alex,
Thank you! :)
Hi Thank you so much its a verry nice page.
Greetz from Holland!
Thank you very much for this lesson Alex.
But could You pls explain why they say “… AT the request of …”?
Thanks in advance!
I can’t believe that. 5 years studying english and I finally got it! thank you so much for your help teacher Alex.
Hi Sir Alex,
The only thing that makes me confuse in having article “the” and without it. Like for instance, I’m at work. I’m at the work. I’m at school. I’m at the school. Which is right? I know it is common to use, “I’m at work and I’m at school. Just need a further explanation for it. Thanks ahead. I’m a teacher also.
I mean, confuse of having.
Sakuni from Sri lanka
Sakuni from Sri lanka
Your idea about the use of on, when you reference the terms “surface”,”vertical” and “horizontal” is very understanable.
Thank you Alex!
This lesson was very helpful for me :-)
Thanks fr teaching.. such a gud teacher u r… :)
how can i improve on my grammar generally?
Thank you a lot, i think it will very useful for me!
thank you.
it’s really nice lesson thank you so much
Perfect Alex, Thank you.
Alex, You should make a video on ‘.,;:’
I always confused every time, i write something.
Please do this for me.
Thank You.
Correction: It confuses me every time, i write something.
It’s really useful lesson. I was confused to use in or at with places but now it is completely clear for me . I have nothing to give you Mr,Alex but really I thank you very much
I am English teacher in Egypt and your lessons helped me more to enrich my language even I can give my students the correct information.
finally thank you very much.
Very helpful. Thanks a lot!
Thanks to this site i have learned how to use these prepositions well.
thank you very much
majdy lama
Iam study english
majdy lama
Thanks a lot!
hi alex nice explanation
i love your lesson and the way of teaching i also have the same question
is it right
I’m in my home (I’m in enclosed place)
I’m at my home ( specific )
I’m really confused. pls. help.
A sugestion for a mnemonic way to remember AT,ON,IT for places and times.
For places
At – is relative to a specific point
On – a surface
In – a space (3D)
AT < ON < IN
For time
At – shortest time
ex: One period of a day
In – medium time
ex: A specific day
On – Larges time
ex: days, months, etc
I hope I've helped!
Many thanks for this great lesson, so I’ve a question about IN and ON the road. The road is a surface and I use ON and it’s in the same time an enclosed place, and I use IN. For example , The houses are ON the road and the children play IN the road. Is this correct ? or wrong ? Thanks for your return.
Hi Alex. Should I say: I work “on heights” or “at heights”? I can’t figure it out.
Thanks Alex for this lesson. I’d got confuesd befroe I watched this video.
Best wishes
Gente do brasil eu moro nos estados unidos não aprendam a gramatica aprenda mais a fala e depois a gramatica nós aprendemos errados tem muitas palavras confusas como while.. que se diz uili e nice que se diz naice bye gente. boa sorte
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 80.00 You got 4 correct out of 5.’
Thanks very m. mr alex
thank you sir alex! what can i use if you say about the one company? ex: i work_nestle copany. is it in on or at? pls reply.
thank you so much.
Thank you sir i were understood
I finally understand prepositions of place. I had problem with it. Thanks Alex, you are a excellent teacher.
Marcia from Brazil
thanks very much Alex. it was a such great lesson .
Thank you very much for your explination;it is always very clear,but I still wonder about the difference between “in” and “at”. You said that we use in when we re talking about a closed place that seems like a box and u gave the example of a bedroom,though I still see that when we say I am at jhon’s house, I am talking here about a closed place too. I hope that you can provide me with more information
thank you
which one is correct?
I am at home. or I am in home.
thank you very much for your effective lessons.
wali Shahbazy
Hi, Alex. I’m Henry. I have questions. I found some sentences in the dictionary. They are ‘The kids were playing in the street’, and ‘I read about it in the paper’. My problem is why The kids were playing in the street rather than on the street? And why I read about it in the paper rather than on the paper? Thanks…
Henry Lam
I’m sorry for bothering you again, another question. I found another sentence in the dictionary. It is ‘a hole in the ground’. Why not ‘a hole on the ground’? Ground is mean the surface of the earth, right?
Henry Lam
theatre is also a closed place right.then why cant we use “in”
wonder full you are a good teach
Thanks Mr.Alex.YOU helped me alot
hello Alex
i have a question
someone is sit on or in the chair.
I liked a lot how you explained this topic. However i think the bedroom is a specific location, but we use “in” instead of “ät”, don’t we?
Juan Felipe
Hi Alex,
I really enjoyed this video for ON IN and AT prepositions. It’s very clear. I just like to ask some clarification on how to use ON/IN when referring to a bus or train. Which preposition should I use?
Your response will be very much appreciated. : )
Hi Alex.
Do I need to say – He is ON site or at site?
Many Thanks
why can’t we say that
“my brother is in the theater” or “I am in the theater”
I also want to know that?
“my brother is in the theater” or “I am in the theater”
Hi, I am sure both are right. But, if you are ask where are you and your brother, you have to answer ‘me and my brother are at the theater’ not in, as you are at the same place. I hope this is right :)
i’am happy to learn english i love it thank you teatcher alex you are the best
i dont understand how to use ‘to’ as prepositions. can you please make a lecture on this. thanks much !!
in fact, i dont have a clear understanding on prepositions..and what they modify…i dont understand the basic itself :(
they are _ Brighton to learn english…what will be the correct preposition?? in or at??
Open O sesame !
great site
thanks a lot
I have a question about the preposition “on” … do the rules break in special circumstances? I ask because I would normally say… “I am ON the bus” (( If i were speaking on a cell to another person ))
Please could you advise me further…
No problem. I found the public transportation comment you made. I cleared up my understanding.
Only strange to me that you would say “in the car” and “on the bus”…. maybe a little more explanation on this if you could..
thank you so much sir we need more courses please …
thank you …
good morning sir,
sir how WILL use at,in,on with the PLACE,TIME,MANNER&REFERENCE.
thanks alex to teach me
thank you Alex for taking Class”prepositions” and “Be” Verb.
Alex, Thanks a lot for this lesson. Your teaching style make difficult term to the simple one.
‘Alex’ has the same fungi hair he had when his granpa took him to the barbershop.
Thank you very much Alex! Gracias compadre (thank you my friend).
I live in Toluca, Mexico (is that correct or do I have to use “at”)
I liked your explanations.
Thanks for teaching me because this lesson is useful.
Thanks Alex, I live in Venezuela. I liked your explanations
Sheyla Colivertt
very thanks
hey.. Sir alex i really appreciate it, but one the things is, it is hard to understand where do you use prepositions in, on and at in a sentence or directing someone. most of the explination that i watch in the internet sites, videos and information explane only by using time and place.. can you tell me some demonstration on how to use it? i mean sometime i heard america “on your bag” and what? back is a enclosed area or thing how does it happens? sometimes i heard “in the back of house” what?! back of our house is not close area? sometimes i heard “on the top on camel” and what?! where is the enclosed area there? or vertical part? i cant understand that things
hi anyone practice of english language please add me on skype”sajjadhellokhankhan”
I know you can say “I’m in class,” but can you say “I’m at class”? Two other people asked this question but I did not see a reply.
You can’t say “I’m at class”, but you can say “I’m at school”. However, if you say “I’m at school”, the person you’re talking to might not think you’re in class as well. (You might be in the library, or eating lunch, or something.)
engVid Moderator
dear alex,since i live in holland my english language became terribble!using setence-gammar become difficult..what is the good sentence..In the bathroom or At the bathroom??im confuse pls help me thank u!
Dear Alex, thank you very much for your help and contribution! I still do not clearly understand when I should use “in the street” and when “on the street”/ “at the street is for the exact adress, and what about in and on? There are many cars on the street or in the street? I walk on the street or in the street? Thank you in advance!
Thank you very much it was helpful
what is correct to say? I am at the corner or I am on the corner
thanks alex. very interesting! I got 4/5. I am learning!
Big thanks for your lesson and comments!
I would like to ask you something that I have been having some problem with, I always say ‘I’m on the bus’but I have heard that some people say ‘I’m in the bus’, I asked a teacher and he told me that I can use both ( In , on). but I’m still doubted it.
The most common way to say it is “I’m on the bus.” If you’re on any type of public transportation that is NOT a taxi, you use “on.” Examples include the subway, the train, and the bus. You can also say that you are physically “in” the bus, the train, or the subway, but the most common preposition to use with these is “on.”
thank you!
Hi Alex!! Can I buy a full course with you teaching?
thank you my english goes good!!!! Thanks for every teachers!!!!
Thanks,Sir! Got 4/5. :)
Really i want thank you, but i have question. the question is,the house and the bedroom are not closed area, both of them are closed area. what is the different?
You’re right. Both are closed areas, so we say “I’m in my bedroom” or “I’m in my house.” However, when we use “home,” we say “I am at home.”
thank you very much for the very clear explanation …. now i know the difference of at in and on and how it is being use.
I really enjoy these lessons, thank for all your effort. I still have one question: I got that the preposition on is being used with surfaces of whatever kind – but i don’t get that you can say: e.g. This is a lesson on (a particular topic) / or congratulations on your promotion.
I don’t see the surface there,so maybe you can help with that. I’d appreciate very much.
I’m confused with a “square” how is it correct: ON the Red Square or AT the Red square? Is it surface or a specific place?
If you’re talking about Red Square in Russia, you can say “at” or “in.” “At” because it’s a location, or “in” because it’s also an enclosed area. I hope this helps!
But it is surface also )
thank you alex,can you pls help me with these:she is in the back of the house or at the…house.The other one is,suppose you tell someone inside the car to..sit in the back or sit at the back.
Teacher Alex, your classes are awesome!
HI ALEX thank you very much
thank you Alx that was clear.
Could you please make a video for preposition use for body parts. I read somewhere ” Hit in my head” and ” marks on my arm”. why in first sentence ‘IN’ used and in another one ‘ON’.
Hi emma08. I think the difference between to sentences here is the meaning. In the sentence “hit in my head” it has a meaning that sth affect or damage your mind, your brain, not just your “head”. IF u describe s.o attack u, you’ll say “he hit my head” not In. But ” His dead hit in my head” maybe means ” It shocked u”. Hope that i’m right, Alex should view and correct it. Thank you^^!
Hey engVid Teachers you all Rock!
good morning Alex, could u plz explain which preposition we use when we r in a running train,aeroplane,car etc?
you are the best team ever!!!!
Can you please tell me if this sentence is correct? I DO HEREBY GIVE My CONSENT for him to travel to Hong Kong for vacation purposes….thanks
i live in tunisia on damsacus street at 7..waw i get it
thanks for all teacher of engvid
Thank you very much! Appreciate your help!
Thank you Alex, you have clarified many of my doubts regarding prepositions!! :D You are a great teacher! I’ll become an English teacher soon and I’ve learned so many things from you! Thanks ;-)
Thanks for videos. they are really useful.
I have a question. Which one is correct:
at house—> I’m at Jim’s house.
in house—> I’m in my house.
You used it both of these sentences.
thanks in advance
I don’t want to leave this site anymore…I’m learning a lot.
gee verdejo
Thanks so much, very interesting
Thanks a bunch!!! I really loved this video!!
Great lesson.
Thank you Alex. Your lessons are very helpfull. I would like to know whether it is correct to say ‘I am at the subway’ and ‘I am on the balcony’?
very good Alex..thank you from Spain !!
thank you!!!why use “My brother is at theatre”
I am still confused in it.
you are very good teacher
hello …
i have a sentence and itgoes like this. “On the airplane, I had to sit between a man who was snoring and a child who was screaming”.
is it ok to use the word ON instead AT or IN?
i just quite confuse when i read this sentence.
Useful video indeed!
I have 1 qiestion: how do we decide whether the place is specific or not?For instance: I am AT the theater now. Why not IN the theater?!
I*ll be grateful for your explanation^^
hi Alex , i have question :) propostion of this sentence is good on not ? ( I have trained at kindergarten of sister school for 2 weeks only .) please answer i need to know
thank u so much
thank you :)
Is a great help of you…..thanks a lot.
thks Alex for the lesson. These prepostions are really complicated and easy confused in English. Especially for the learner when study grammar. Im an ESL teacher in VietNam. And sometimes i got trouble with these when explaining for learners. 1 problem here is we dont have the context for a sentence in grammar practice. For example, ” he’s in the theater” or “he’s at the theater” it’s totally depended on the context and the place where u’re when u say that sentence. How can we correct them in a grammar exercise? OR we should accept both?
Thank you very very very much teacher
thanks a lot!! i got it!
thanks for your help, you are a great teacher!
Wow! I have got 5/5.Alex Sir,u r a amazing teacher.I really like the way u teach.
I have a question. How can we use the same preposions for space (sky) and ocean?
Why does we use “on” in this sentence ? Because generally, we use “on” for surface.
The UK is a parliamentary democracy, based on universal suffrage.
Do, not does. Why do we use “on” in this sentence ? Because generally, we use “on” for surface.
The UK is a parliamentary democracy, based on universal suffrage.
Saved my day!!! Thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!
I got 4 correct out of 5
” You got 4 correct out of 5 .. :) ”
not bad , I didn’t even watch the video!! :D
Thanks for the Lesson alex! you are the BEST!!!
I forgot to mention that ..
” This is a Valuable lesson!!! “
Dear Alex! Thank you very much for your great lessons!Could you please help me with my question. Yesterday my son missed his connection flight in China. So, I had to call to the airport to find out any information about him. I wanted to know where was my son at the moment: still in China, or on his way to France. What is the correct question: Is my son at a plane at the moment(specific place) or is my son in a plane at the moment (inside)? Thank you very much.
Neither, actually! It’s “on a plane”. (You would also use “on” for buses, trains, boats…any mass transit.) And I hope he got on his flight okay!
engVid Moderator
Why we cannot say “in” the theater , when it is also an enclosed place?
I’ve been learning english, but prepositions were always difficult to me. Thanks for the lesson.
further explaination please..though i got perfect answer but i need furhter explaination
Dear sir.
Thanks for your help, you are a great teacher!
I have two questions:
She looked at herself in the mirror. The “mirror” is a flat surface. Why we do not use “on” instead of “in”.
Mel’s flat is on the twenty first floor. The “twenty first floor” is a specific location. Why we do not use “at” instead of “on”.
Alex,I like your class.It is easy to understand.I’m looking forward to your new videos.Good luck and congratulations.
Thank you very much Alex! You are the best teacher i have ever known. Keep going!
Mr.Alex is this correct sentence: Are you sitting outside IN the corridor? If yes please explain if not why.Thank you.I’m really learning to all EngVid teachers.Keep up the good work!
Thank you. Good job.
Hi Alex1 Im a bit confused about this. Should we say ‘On the news’ or ‘in the news’? Like ‘Syria is in the news these days’ or ‘syria is on the news these days’? Please help
Zara Usmani
Hello Alex!
With you some problems in english language are solved. Thanks a lot.
Jumma – brasilian fighter.
Thank you for all your lesson. You and your companion are very god in this job.
One question for this lesson:
You said: „ I’m in school. “
And then you said: „My brother is at the theater. “
What is the difference between „school” and „theater” (this both are a enclosed area) in meaning of space that you use “in” or “at”?
Is the article “the” defining prepositions?
Thank you for this useful lesson.
I’ve been wondering for some time as to which one is the correct usage:
I work in an airport
I work at an airport
Thanks in advance
Dear Mr. Alex,
Thanks for your nice class ,its really useful for me and I will never make mistake at, on , in areas .
Teacher Alex,
Thank you so much! You helped me a lot. But i have one question: I teach BASIC english and i’m getting closer to the PREPOSITION class so o i want to ask:
I live IN Brazil. (Brazil = Contry)
I live at/in Rio de Janeiro. (Rio de Janeiro = City)
That’s is my doubt…. In the second phrase, should i use AT or IN ?? It’s a specific place but i live INSIDE de Rio de Janeiro…
Did u understand my doubt?
thanks for the lesson.
thank you :) really helpful,esecially, before tests :D
thank u so much Sir Alex…It helps me a lot
Thank you!!!
But what preposition should I use talking about social networking sites and why? How to say about Skype?
than you sir
Hi Alex, Thank you for the lesson. Prepositions in English are super tricky because in your example at the theater it’s true that theater is an specific place, but it’s a close space as well, right??? So how can I decide whether to use in or at??? Thank you!!!!
Hi Alex,
thank you for useful and helpful lesson.
take care
Thx a lot Alex :)
I got 80 :( , Thank you Alex.
Thanks a lot.
I got 100.thank you Alex.
great lesson Alex, just one question…
Can I also say “My brother is IN the theatre”?
hi alex,how are you?well i am texting to you because i need your help when we are talking about one place i mean
for instance:
i am on the park
i am at the park
which one is correct?please tell me and why is correct thanks
thank you sir… is very useful for us
its really helpful
thank you!!I’m really looking forward to learn many things from your videos. I am planning to take IELTS bu I’m not confident with my english. I have to work really hard for it. God Bless us!!!
Many Thanks
thank you . i am enlighten :D
it is said that
it has been said that
which one is correct?
hi alex
for u r lesson
Thank you for your help!
Thanks Alex, It helped a lot understanding prepositions.
Great job learn about in,at,on thank you
oh my god i cant beleive i have i great progress that video i get 5 question thanks for the tips for more one time.
i like it. Thank you sir!
Hi, everyone. I have a question. Not about the lesson itself, but about the word “those” used in the beginning of the video when the teacher introduces the prepositions. Is the use in this case correct? And why?
Is there a way to explain in the morning and at night so that the students will not make mistakes?
monica rayel moreira
Thanks for the lesson.
Thanks, Alex
Tchin Shi
thank you so much, it was very useful for me
i m confuse about the example that u gave, “my brother is ___ the theater.” [theater is a enclosed area so y at y not in?]
plz help.
Pooja Bisht
Thank’s so helpful.
Thank you from my hurt . you are the best
jihad AL
thank you Alex.
Thank you Alex.
Thank you for this lesson Alex.. This helps a lot..
Blu Codilla
hello Alex,
I got 100% because I was attentive to you class, however, why the second question is “in” if she is talking about a specific place? I know, it is a closed place too but intuitively I would go for “at”
shining blue
Nice lesson . I’ve always had some problems with these prepositions. I hope I’ll do better in the future… It’s very useful the way You explained it. Thanks ALex!
Even native speakers are confused about these prepositions.
Marcio de Moraes
Hi.. in your example, you said “at the theater” because is a especific place… but my car not is a specific car? in example “in my car” i can say “at my car” because in this case the car is a specific car?
Thank you Alex, I finally got how to use these prepositions!!
Kristina Perez Duha
How useful! I’m really happy for watching this video. Thank you so much Alex.
Thank you. Its a big help for me and my collegues..thanks thanks
:D I am working at office now, however I am studying the prepositions on the computer at the 3rd floor in the building.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya evening the evening
which is right?plse reply.
the only thing difficult to me is preposition, sometimes i confuse it
Hi ALL !!!
please help me with these:
1. the car is traveling straight on at in the inner lane?
2. ….but in on the process?
3. on his left side or in his left side?
4. the car was at on in the left lane while the truck was at in on the right lane?
Thank you in advance sir.
I really like learning English on this web site
thanks for your help
thanks for your help. it was a good lesson
Thank you teacher!
Thank you. You explain very well and I undestood all things. I’ll memorize better now.
Thanks Alex. I always have this doubt when i have to speak with english speakers.
thank you for your explaination
you Have an amazing character :)
Keep Going
waiting for more videos :)
8/10 Srry brasil jeje
Thank you.
i like your videos. thanks :D
Jessica Mariel
thanks so much
so nice way to explain this issue….very clever….congratulations
simple lesson, but i did not know the rule before and used at, in, on by intuition, thank you for explanarion
I got 80, thanks for your explanation.
What is the difference between the prepositions in and inside?
great lesson, thanks a lot
Thanks Alex, but…
If you work in a hospital
___ university hospital ___ “town”
___ department of cardiology
___ the catheterization laboratory
Excellent lession, Thanks a lot!
Thank you!
thank a lot alex keep going you are the best :) peace :)
can you please explain this to me- I saw a video on you tube. what’s the difference between these two statements- I WORK AT A BANK, SHE WORKS IN A HOSPITAL. why not she works AT a hospital? why not I work IN bank.
I hope more questions for this lesson,so i can practice more,I really excited with exam after learn something from you Alex.Because i hope testing my understanding.thanks a lot.
Hi Alex,
I was studing the preposition and I did some excercices on the www. and unfurtunatelt bi made some mistakes.
Could you please explain me why they use the preposition like this?
If you could help me I appreciate that.
1. The professor said ON the first day of the course that there would be a big final test at the end of the semester.
2. I have been sitting here for more than an hour. If they don’t arrive IN the next ten minutes, I’m leaving.
3. We were really worried AT first because the banks were closed on Saturdays, so we couldn’t exchange money. But IN the end, everything worked out because we were able to exchange money at the hotel.
4. While they were hiking ON Ridgeback Mountain, Laurelle and Frank saw a bear IN the woods.
They have a small house ON a lake IN the countryside. When I visit them, I always love to sit ON the shore and watch the kids swimming IN the lake.
5. Mary stopped talkingIN the middle of her story, and suddenly started to cry. I think we were all crying BY the time she finished telling us what had happened
6. I need to give my parents a call. I haven’t talked to them FOR over a month.
7. The professor said ON the first day of the course that there would be a big final test AT the end of the semester.
8. We were really worried AT first because the banks were closed ON Saturdays, so we couldn’t exchange money. But IN the end, everything worked out because we were able to exchange money at the hotel.
9. I stood IN line for thirty minutes AT the ticket window IN the movie theater to get tickets for the film.
Deidre Senra
Hi Alex.
I haven´t recived your answer with my question. Could you please helpe me?
If you prefer, my email is
Deidre Senra
Thank you Alex!!!!!
Impeccable ! C’est toujours clair et concis.
Bon vent, Alex !
hi,Alex, i am Selina from GZ China. i can’t open your video in China. i really want to watch your video. so could you send your vid to me? My email address is Thanks so much
thanks!!! You’re an amazing teacher
Patrick R.
Thank you for this website it’s very useful
Hi, thanks a lot for the topic, I have a big doubt: I know I must to say “Laura isn´t studying at Cambrige University”, but can I say “Laura studies in the University”, I don´t Know if I have to use at too, or just when I´m saying the name of the place. I hope you can help me. thanks again.
Thanks for this lesson
this video is not 100% clear….Rebecca video about the same topic is more clear and understandable…
example…on this video you say I AM AT JOHN HOUSE because is an specific place…but my apartment is also an specific place too so this let me so confuse, you know what I am saying?
hey Alex, I got confused what should I say;
I got admission in university of xyz or I got admission at university of xyz???
waiting for your reply
Rising Star
Very Cool!
Marcelo vqvd
sanjay singh bisht
Thank you
Hey Alex, hope you are doing great.
I am a teacher of English from Morocco and was wondering if I can find a job in Canada teaching English.
Hello! It is my first time that I write a comment here. Firstly, I am grateful to you, you’re amazing teacher. I can understand what you say and I am really motivated to learn more.
I wish yoi the best things. Bye bye!
God bless you ;) ;)
a well-done lesson, thanks!!!!
Thank you God for this Web Site because I am learning!!
simple, you are doing a great job. Thanks a lot
Thank you very much sir
Well Done. Thank you.
I got 3/5, but I understood my mistakes! Thanks for the lesson!
Good morning!
How about “interest”? How could I use the preposition?
Juliano Peres
very nice Alex…thanks!!!
In this moment I am at home and in Chile
Jorge Godoy
100You got 5 correct out of 5.
Om Kumar
Thank you
is “in the theater” correct too??
4/5 :-(
ann ann
thank you very much to this lesson
Good lesson, thanks
Sunny Muffin
Hi Alex …
But what about ‘bus’ and ‘ship’. Which of prepositions is more correct in this case?
Ex. ‘I forgot my beg __ the bus’
Hi alex, so why we cannot say :
” there’s a lot of people in the bus” and “I have 3 bedrooms in my house”
people are in the bus or on the bus ?
and ” i’m in school ” iir right but and why not ” im in home” ? it’s so confusing
nice lesson thank’s so much teacher alex
Thank you sir.
Thanks you sr
Julio Antoine
thanks teacher i get 80% in test
Thanks a lot..;)
Hala Yousef
Thanks you professor!
I’m from France , I’m starting to understand these preposition , thx !!!
It’s great Alex
I really enjoy the lesson and quiz as well
Farhan Diwa
Thank you
Thank you.
Hello Alex…I am new here, but I really liked this page. I think you are an excellent teacher. Every topic is very clear to me…thaks for your classes.
well done!
I am standing in the balcony.
I am standing on the balcony.
I am standing at the balcony.
Are all the propositions used here correct? How do we explain the diff usages?
Pls help
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
that wonderful class, and you showed excelents examples. easy and quick to learn also.
thank you so much for your attention with this details and thank you for the quiz either.
thanks for this explication
Many thanks
I like it!! I understood now!Thank you!
Simple and efficient, love it! Thanks very much for the lesson. Engvid always showing us useful subjects.
Diego Fontes
Is my first time to get connected to your websit, i’m loving it.
Alex, as an ESL teacher myself, I appreciate your method for presenting these 3 challenging prepositions. Please correct the subtitles: 2 times, theatre/theater was spelled incorrectly.
Thank you sir I got 4
Trisye leong
Nice Lesson! Thank you so much Alex!
Jobson Almeida
thanks a lot
i am understanding them very well.
Hello Alex,
Please tell me which of the following is correct.
I went to the second floor.
I went on the second floor.
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 5.
5/5 Thank you teacher
Thank you very much sir
The examples are very easy to learn, I just got confused with on ..
Angelina Nava
I feel more comfortable when I use this prepositions is more easy for me. thank you teacher Alex for your explain
Thank you, teacher!
thank you!
I don’t understand it 🤔
Abd Al tawab
Hello, Alex. Can you explain the difference between “in the laboratory” and “at the laboratory”?
There was a dialogue in a Text book of Cambridge and they used the preposition “In” in the sentence “How did you find a place IN the laboratory?” And the girl that was asked this question, answered: ” My father contacted an agency and they found me a place.”
In my opinion, Laboratory is a specific place and we should have used the preposition AT in this sentence. More information about the dialogue: the girl worked in the laboratory in Mexico and she was asked this question later, when she returned home to Canada.
This question is very important for me. Thank you very much in advanced,ALEX.
Svetlana Samorguina
Thanks a lot Alex!
Thank you very much. This video is really useful. You`re an amazing teacher.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you very much ( our teacher ) .
thank u sir
Although I speak English but I need to master my grammar. This website is very helpful to everybody. It is free. I am going to donate something one day to help the upkeep of this website. Thank you very much.
my grammar is not good, I am not confident with my sentences so I keep it silent when there is a English conversation..thanks for these site I learned everyday
Have you donate yet?
What I liked most about this lesson was the tips for using these prepositions appropriately.
Of course the sketches were also a big help to understand much better the use of prepositions.
Thanks very much.
txn so much 4 the clarification in using preposition ;)
I liked so much….it was very ver nice. thank you Alex
thanks you guys!=)
Thank you very much,Alex Teacher!Hope you have a good day!
I wonder if I can use ‘in’ in this example. My brother is in the theater.
Yes, if you’re close to the theatre as well, and know that your brother is inside it. If you are at home and someone asks, “Where is your brother?” you must respond with, “He is at the theatre.”
Thats a beautiful explanation.
i was about to ask the same question thanks for the explanation.
about the first sentence “my brother is at john’s house” .john’s house is a close place can i use “in” here!!!
sorry for the interruption,that kinds of question were always confused me and still confuse me sometime. .but i have leaned about this situation more extensively. .
we always use preposition “at” with home, office, work etc. . but i am still want to know the same question
Use ‘at’ for small place and ‘in’ for a bigger place.
If you want to indicate you’re inside the house, not oustside, you may say ‘in the house’. If want to indicate a specific house as Sandy’s house, Freddy’s House and so, the common usage prefers ‘at’.
I hope it helps you!
If you use at, not necessaryly the person is inside, maybe he or she is at the backyard or in front of the house, on the house, etc but, if you use in, it indicates precisely that the person is inside the house. In and at is not related to the size, but common usage, in my opinion.
me too
Haha, I was about to ask the same question. Ok, now I get it. At is used for location, In is used for space, On is used for surface. It just depends on what you are emphasizing.
Thank you, Alex, greetings from David!
I want to know what’s the difference between sentences: There aren’t many people “at” the theatre. end I read books “in”the library.
thanks for your help, you are a great teacher!
Hi Alex
I have a question plz:
Which one is the correct; i am in the university or i am at the university . I think both of them are correct because university here is a specific place and in the same time it’s a closed area , so could u please explain to me cause i have to explain it tomorrow for my students
thanx for the explanation, i was about to ask the same question.
Why some grammar books use ‘in’ for the name of the street. for example, He lives in Albert Street. they use ‘in’ instead of ‘on’. Is this also correct? Thank you.
That sounds very strange, and I have never heard that! You cannot live “in” a street, because that would mean your body is actually underneath the surfact of the street. You can only live “on” a street, or “at” a specific address.
Ex. I live on Raven St.
I live at 53 Raven St.
I meant “surface,” and not “surfact.” :)
Why Martha and the Vandellas recorded an album “Dancing IN the Street”? You mean they wanted to dance under the surface of the street? :P
Check this out:
i dnt understand …i live in delhi,kalkaji,at …adress…hw can i say?
we always use “IN” for the names of land areas (towns, countries, states, continents)
we use “ON” to designate name of streets, avenues and so on….
and “AT” for specific addresses.
I live in Delhi at “Give your address” thats all,
thanks alex. i understood finally, but only after this answer
Hi alex!!!! Great lessons!!!!i like it!!!but i have a question, if it is not much of a trouble, can you answer my question please. You wrote that you would not say “to live in the street”, but the BBC English Dictionary HarperCollins Publishers gives such example to the word “street”: “She lives in Seyer Street” can it be just a British variant or does it mean that we can use both of these options? Thank you. Look farward to hearing from you
Hi Alex ….
thank you by explaination, It was really good….but I have a doubt
I noticed that there is this form at, on and in; and there is that
form at the, on the and in the. May you explain it, please, please???
thank you but i have a comment a bout the videostore is on park blvd
why we didnt use at & parkblavd is ( specefec place ) why we didnt use at
You cannot say “The video store is at Park Blvd.” because you have not given a SPECIFIC address on Park Blvd. If you know the exact address of the video store, you can use “at.”
Ex. “The video store is at 455 Park Blvd.”
Hi,thanks for the useful lesson these words r always in confused minded and sometimes never use in right sense but yr lesson gave me very knowledgeable and right sense to use them and yr the above example has cleared all the confusion which always raise in my mind,
once again thanks,
I got the same mistake, I used “at” instead of “on” thank you alex
It’s great!:) I’ve learned a lot!
Almas I think that we use an article “on” in this case because Park Blvd (Boulevard) is a flat area or may be it’s better to say horizontal surface ( just imagine the boulevard and that store on it and you’ll understand it ) , even if there is some buildings , trees , people and another. THANK YOU http://WWW.ENGVID.COM – YOU ARE THE BEST . YOU WILL BE VERY POPULAR SOON – 100 % .
this class was very nice!!! Congratulations
Good morning Sir,
Your lecture is so nice and interesting to me.
Previously, i referred so many grammar books to find how to use at and on. But i understood partially.
Now tt is cleared to me when to use at(specific location),on ( horizontal or vertical) and in (enclosed area).
this site is very helpful to me in learning english.
I want to know how to use the word ‘do’.
For example, some people use the sentence like “I do have”.
Could you provide the information about ‘do’
Thanking you sir.
Hi Ganesh,
I am not Alex of course but I would say that people say so when they want to emphasize something, for example:
1. I do want to eat some cookies (Means something like you really want to eat some cookies; you’re looking forward to eat them)
2. I do love you (means that you really love that person)
Hope it helps,
hahaha just to add I should have put a “comma” (,) before but… I apologize Alex!
Very good explanation!
great explaination ! thanks.
wonderful, thanks u so much “teacher”
Thank you about your lecture. It’s very helpful to me to learn about language. Maybe I can use right now about at, in, on.
I live in korea and I’m study english in the library. Is that a right? :)
anyway, Thank you and could you tell me about the way how to learn about writting in this website? or is it possible learn to teacher in this website or personal tutor?
as you have mentioned that we use on for the surface then why do we use in when we say
I am in the bed
why not on the bed?
we are on the surface of the bed not enclosed in the bed
solve this problem
looking forward for reply
hey Alex
would you mind explaing it, this is my second comment,but i havn;t got the reply yet.
I am in the bed
why not on the bed?
we are on the surface of the bed not enclosed in the bed
solve this problem
looking forward for reply
Reply to this comment
You are really a insolent. Why you think teacher Alex has the time for take care of your question every day of his life???? When he is sit at home make more lessons for you, you put an isult like this to him???? Why??? Fool.
Hi Mahvish,
You can absolutely also say “I am on the bed,” but it has a different meaning. We say “I am in bed” because we usually think of putting blankets over top of us, creating an enclosed space. Saying “I am in bed” can mean that you are ready to sleep, or that you’re just laying on top of it. If you say you are “on the bed,” you are only stating your location in relation to the bed, and being ON TOP of it.
Basically, as long as you memorize the phrase “in bed,” you should be okay!
What about bus, we say, I’m on the bus, but bus is not a surface.
Thank you!
Thankyou Alex this is going to help me aot!
Thank you Alex ! It’s easy to understand this lesson. They are different.
Thank for this video again !
thank you
Gracias for the tips: specific location or point, horizontal o vertical and enclose area.
hello my names gülsemın ı from turkey İSTANBUL inglızce for hep me plesa ı go to eng cursh no under stand me langualh ing really very dıfferent help pls
AlexESLvid very great a teacher :) teacher my msn adress help plss good evenıng
I’m from Russia. Привет or in English Hello! To be honest, the topic “Preposition” is very difficult to learn for me and at school I hate this theme or in school? I think at school, because now I’m not inside the school, yes? Alex if you can explain please
Hi Alena,
Both are correct, but to say that you are “in school” means that you are inside the school, while “at school” could mean that you are in the area of the school. You could be inside, or you could be outside. You can also say that you are “in school” if someone asks you what you are doing with your life.
For example:
“I don’t have a job right now because I’m in school.”
hi alex,
can we say”he is at class” or “he is in class” is correct.
i am really confused please help…
thanks very much for teaching me preposition
Dear teacher Alex,
Your parents have to be very proud of you.
As an immigrant for myself I always ask my kids how to use “at”,”on” or “in”
and I’m sure that they will thank you more than me for making this very understanable to me how to use them.
Alex, my son was 6 years old when we came to America and now he is a second years student at Wayne State University of Michigan.
He has a full four years of scholarship as a “PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP” from Wayne State University.
I’m proud of him too and good luck to both of you, to my son and to you Alex,
From Gimmi ( ^__^ ) an Albanian man.
Finally I have understood how to use ON, AT and IN.
Thank you very much for this helpful lesson.
Me too, I have a better understanding now about this prepositions. I just need to draw them :) Thanks Alex…
Hi alex
nice lesson
I wonder why we cant say “im in the theater” as well as “im at the theater” due to the fact that a theater is an enclosed place too.
thank you
Hi Alex,
nice lesson
Thank you. I understanding esily.
Now everything with AT,ON,IN is clear for me. Thank you Alex.
first time seeing this site.. was really good..
i got some question.. which one is correct
1)The boys are camping IN / AT the jungle.
2) The children are playing IN / AT the playground.
or both answer in/ at for both questions are correct??
i was confusing to explain this matters to my pupils..
your respond is mostly appreciated.
Please help me know which preposition is correct for “14th Street”: at or on?
which one is correct: at 14th Street or on 14th Street?
on the street or at the street
I’d like to tell you that this web site have been very useful for me, It’s makes me feel more confident (Sorry I problably have made some mistake) But I’ll like to know when to use them before a verb.
Yours is a wonderful work I have added this site in my Internet favourites
great lesson alex. i’m gonna be learning a lot from you
thanks alot for this lesson.
please we want you to teache us a lot about pronunciation
It’s a big problem for us.
Thank you again.
Now everything with AT,ON,IN is clear for me. Thank you.
Hi Alex ! Really this is a good lesson for my and I think for everybody! It was a clearly and demonstrative lesson that how a professor is teaching very well. Thanks a lot !!
just i can say thanks
thanks so much!!this is my common mistakes in grammar…it helps a lot!!
thnks so much i like i find this lesson very good
thnks so much i found this lesson very good
Hi thank you very much!!! Your explanation was very clear… I have a doubt, I find an exercise> I live the fifth floor on my apartment building. I wrote “in” but the program says that it was wrong, the correct answer was on… Is it correct?
Alex.Me pleasure listen you.Nice job and I like your pronunciation of the word.
i realy enjoyed the lesson very much
thank you for your class.
it is very important to me.
I did on the past so many mistake.
thank you
hi Mr.Alex .its nice,
i have one doubt . eg:Iam walking at the queen street (or)Iam walking in the queen street . which one is correct . plz tell
it is really very helpfull online class..on tha topic… AT,IN,ON
“i am on fire”,how do we explain this on the basis of vertical or horizontal plane…plz explain
Hello, Alex.
Thank you so much for your lesson.
Please,may I ask?
What about forest or wood?
Forest is one concrete place on the earth. ( one specific point )
I am at forest.
Forest is an earth surface also. ( as well as a road )
I am on forest.
As well it is possible to say forest is a certain place, when you are INSIDE it, instead of ON surface of it.
I am in forest.
What sentences is correct?
Thanks, Elen.
Dear Elen,
Forest is neither flat nor specifice point to mentions. Forest is covered place with trees, so I am in forest is correct way to use.
Am I right Alex?
Arshad, Pakistan
Yes Arshad u are right .
Onkar Singh
Punjab India
if i use at in school ex:i am at school we can use this word or not.?
Great video, thx a lot. I got a quesiton regarding your articles. Even I saw both video (Your and James) how to use article and when. You are using THE article in your senteces very strangely. For example Why “on the table” and no “on a table”. Why “on the road”, but “on Tv, on target”. Why are u using in singular/general sentences(first mentioned) some times a, the, sometimes nothing. All are examples from your videos. Thank you very much. Tomas
wow! that was good! Now, I have a better uderstanding for prepositions. Lucky to have this site. ^___^ please do continue to have this kind of video classes. it’s really helpful.
wow! that was good! Now, I have a better uderstanding for prepositions. Lucky to have FOUND this site. ^___^ please do continue to have this kind of video classes. it’s really helpful.
oh thanks my dear sir, this is very helpful to us to use correct preposition at a perfect place
thanks ,you are a good teather .I really love your lesson and you are so kind person.
thinks a lot,its very easy to learn proposition but why we are not use in the street explain plz sir.
Xin Chao (hello in English)
Thanks so much, teacher.
It’s really useful for me.
Hi Alex
Thanks for your lesson.
I have a doubt about “on the bus” .
Why don’t we use “in the bus”?
thanks,mr alex
sir i’m still not clear that if a tv screen is a surface and we should use on then what is someone’s house, why we can’t use on for it, i mean i am confused that what to consider a surface and what to not a surface :(
Hi alex i’m so glad to fellowe your class. it’s esay to anderstaning. i have ane que. theater is one close pleass. why’t useing IN
like In the car?
Which is correct. What in your mind or what on your mind?
i want to know is it the fish is in\on the dish? thanks a lot
thanks a lot~
this site is beautiful and you are beautiful thanks for you
nice lesson. very clear but sometimes there are uses of in and on that confuses me and I cant understand why it is used like for example. These rivers used to be abundant in wild salmon.
you have given example of Theater & Car.In both the case i.e car & the Theater is enclosed.Then we have to use “IN” in both the scenario.please advise me
This lesson helped me a lot. Thank you so much :)
This is a (Q) on the at on in
Is this done correctly?
At; I am at the store.
On; I’m on the bus.
In; I am in the living room.
Thank You!
I am on the bus it means that you sit top of the bus, I think it will be “in the bus”
hii Alex!
Thank you for your class, i joined today but im enjoy very well.
Thanks Alex you are great teacher and thanks for your taught , i understood it
thank you so much sir
thank you
this is great very very useful for me
thank you a lot
thx fr the video
Thanks for the explanation !!!!!
Thank you Sir,
I had lgin yesterday and till now i learned too much
gr8 lecture Alex! Could u please give the concept of where we use “can” and “Could”. I have confusion about it.
Hi Agha,
Search “can and could” in the search box at the top of the website. We have a lesson on this topic.
“Can” is for present ability. (“I can read. I can drive a car. I can play tennis.”)
“Could” is for past ability. (“I could run five kilometers when I was younger. I could hold my breath under water for over two minutes.”)
“Could” also has other uses, but for a beginner, the uses listed above are important to understand.
thank u a lot
that’s good
thanks! but i can’t understand enough your lecture, can you add subtitle in the video?
OMG, your explanation was priceless Alex. I am now much better with my prepositions. Your are just awsome and i mean it.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot, it’s very helpful. :)
hi Alex, thanks for sharing this video…Sometimes I have problems with prepositions, could you explain me why we say, for instance, on facebook or on twitter I can’t understand the use of this preposition here because you said that on is for surfaces
thanks a lot;))
The prepositions I listed here are for beginners. It does get more complicated when you start talking about being “on TV,” “on Twitter,” “on Facebook,” etc. Basically, for websites we use the preposition “on.”
“I saw that on,” for example.
It’s the same with television channels. “What’s on NBC?” “Did you see the movie on TNN last night?”
You just have to be aware that we use “on” for these circumstances.
that is good thinking\
Thanks. Alex
ur the best teacher for me,very clearly when u explain,,,its very useful!!!!!!!!!! but how about “OF” AND “TO”?
Thanks for the suggestion. I will keep this in mind for a future lesson.
is good
oh this really is a big help! :D
Thank you very much for the great lesson.
I understood all what you explained
Thank you
I think is a good thing to ignore some people
which trying to see bad word to others
Hi! Which of these preposition should be use?: The ticket office is located at/on ground floor Ali Mall, Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City.
“on the ground floor” is correct. When you are talking about floors in a building, always use “on.”
“I work on the fifth floor of the Plaza Hotel.”
“There’s a bathroom on the seventh floor.”
Thank you Alex for this video. Sergey.
i learned a lot here, thanks a lot!
hi alex, how we can tell time, season..when use in, on, at?
Hi Alex, your explanation is very clear. But I’ve come across situations where I’m still confused with “in” and “at”.
Ex: My family is having their dinner at the restaurant. (This is an enclosed area but “at” is used)
Ex: They cows are grazing in the field. (Field is an open area but “in” is used)
Ex: My family is having picnic at the beach or on the beach?
Thank you so much!
How about the time ?
Why we say “What is time by your watch” and not “What is time on your watch”. According to rules explained by you, it should be “What is time on your watch”.
Thank you Alex, first time I got normal explanation of grammar!
thank you very much for the useful well explained lesson. It is my first time to visit the website. It seems I will be a regular visitor. heeeey!!
thanks very much Mr.Alex…
Thank you very much, Alex. It is the best and easiest explanation for memorizing I knew before.
Sorry for my English. I meant, it is the best and easiest I EVER knew.
It is useful and necessary not only for me but for all who are studying english, Chhoeun
which is right, on the plane or in the plane?
thank you Alex very useful lesson
so clear! thank you very much Alex
thank you Alex that helped me a lot
thank you
I love your page, I had learned a lot :)
Hi Alex
Thank you for the lesson.
Could You explain me the difference between “on” and “onto”
I get confused with the use of in and at, for example,Should I say that I am in school or I am at school? I have heard people using both but I am confused when to use which
thank you alex
thanks teacher
it’s good explain about propositions
Now I studied Compositions 2 in my university
this week have Subject about Proposition
I have benefited of this lecture very
I wish you success
thank u sir Alex. i like the way you teach us. i so much appreciated this site. again thank you
salam sir how are u
sir can we saya: i saw you in the party
and can we saya : Bob is in ALi,s home
Thanks. I would like to ask some thing. I think in and at can be used following example: I am at the theatre. I am in the theatre.
Hello Sir,
I have a question. How about:
I live in and I live at?? I’m kinda confuse about this.
Does the usage of “in” is used for permanency? and the usage of “at” is for temporarily? Please help me. Thank you! :))
Hi Mimi,
“At” is used for specific addresses, while “in” is used before continents, countries, and cities. Your explanation is an interesting one, and something I have not thought about before.
Thanks for the class. Will you please tell me which preposition to use if I want to say “feel great and special in or at (and the name of a place, a residential area specifically) thanks in advance.
“Feel great in Argentina/London,” but “feel great at Bob’s Massage.”
You could also say “feel great in Bob’s Massage,” but the meaning changes and can be misunderstood. :)
Hi Sir Alex,I really enjoy watching your videos (in/on) engVid.
What preposition should I supposed to used..?
Hi Alex,
I think English is very hard to learn. Prepositions are quite challenging. Any ways, I just have quick question. I’m sometimes confusing and don’t know whether to say: on the news or in the news; on the news paper or in the news paper. Any how, thank you very much for your lesson above.
we used on to the land or island .or in ??
Hi are very good-looking man .so tell me”whom do you look like in your familly?
Anyway you’re still a good teacher.I can also say you’re so i want to be my brother.
I like you the way when you smile.
thank you.
i m having a problem out here…i m not able to access to the quiz…plz help me out to get on with a quiz…
Thanks for your lessons. Please add the lessons about gerunds.
Thanks for your lessons so mtch ^^
“My brother is ‘at’ the theatre”.In this sentence theatre is the enclosed place.then why we use ‘at’ instead of ‘in’
great lesson
Wonderful explanation! Clear! I really live in Brazil!
thank u sooooooo much, and can u put a new lesson explain on and in with date,month & year because it’s so hard.
i get headache in exam everytime i see date, year ect. plz :)
Thank you, teacher. Eu like it, because, I learn more seeing than hearing.
Am learning everyday and, I am from Canada too, keep it up.
Hey Alex .. Thanks for this lesson .. but wanna ask u a Question .. To improve my English .. Should I learn the grammars or no ? cause many ppl say that Grammar Kills Your English Speaking .. plz Reply
Thank you so much. I love your lessions.
Thank u for everything
thank you so much Alex it’s helpful.
Thank u soooooo much for website people….. All the teachers are excellent in teaching :)
Alex, I still have few confusions.
Which would be correct.
I am in the train / bus or
I am on train / bus
Hi Alex. I liked this video but i have a question , it is correct to say ” Im on the jungle”. Greetings from Peru.
thank you very much
I hope that you uplod more videos about writing long paragraph
thank you so much, Alex.Through it you help me review my english progress.I got 5 correct out of 5.try the best.
Thank you for your clear and detailed explanation,you are an excellent teacher.I think I have grasped the right way to use “at、on and in”.Love to study your English lessons. Thank you again.
Thank you very much i am obliget to you.i was siting in my house and looking you on my laptope screen.
i finally find a good website to explain properly how to learn a better English. Thank you so much!!
hi Alex, it is knowledgeable lecture by u on preposition ,sir instead of AT, ON , and in .what are other preposition which are use in English language please kindly tell me about that and also their usage also
sunder sham
I am an english teacher as a second language and it has worked for me, TYVM
Hi Alex thank so much.
Thanks a lot Alex! It’s very clear.
Hi Alex, I really do appreciate the way you explain. As I was watching your video about In,On and At I remember something that my instructor before told us. If I am inside a vehicle and that specific vehicle is not moving(a bus for example) I will say “I am in the bus.” but if the bus is moving I will say “I am on the bus.” I just want to ask if it’s right or is there really any difference regarding this matter? Thanks a lot!
thanx so much its realy helpful i try tu follow all of ur lessons
now its clear to me =) thanks teacher alex!
Hi Alex, I hope you can give me an answer with this one.
“I’m in the bus” or “I’m on the bus”.
“There are people in the bus” or “There are people on the bus”.
Thank you very much.
“She is in the car” or “She is on the car”
“He is in the airplane” or “He is on the airplane”.
Dear Alex,
How are you? I’m saw the web of engvid through by Google, so I would like you help me for editing of my document letter of appreciation.I hope you will checking and edit it.Please have a look the bellow:
1. What is the Gender and Culture?
Exploring Gender and Culture (180 mm)
2. Gender Based Violence (GBV)
Rebuild the World – Power Dynamics (150mm)
Sexual Harassment and Violence Against Women (90 mm)
Reflecting on Gender and Power in Our Work (120mm)
Planning Ahead/Next Step (120mm)
Total : 11 Hours
thank you very much mr alex. my english is not perfect so with these lessons i think it will soon improve. thank you..=)
Thank you very much Alex. I actually had a problem on how to use prepositions. Your topic really help. You made it very easy to understand.
so if i was to say (example)..Nick is good …. critical thinking. which should i use in, on or at
Thanks a lot Alex, for the first time I understand how to use the proposition “on”.
You’re great !
nice class
bless you
sory,bt still i have doubt between in and at.why we r sayin at theatre not in bcoz it is an enclosed area.if we r using at theatre here then why we r not using at my car bcoz it also points to a specific location.plz help…
thanks alot alex you are agreat teatcher
sara from egypt
than you very much alex you are agreat taecher
Teacher Alex i have a question what is the proper preposition for this sentence: Jack is waiting {in, at or on}the bottom of the stairs. I’m confused because “the bottom of the stairs” might be pertaining to a location, surface or an area? pls. i need your help!
I’m really thank you for your special technique that can help me understand preposition well.
thank you our teacher Well done
The explanation was very good !!! Now I get to distinguish this prepositions !!!
i like the way you explain teacher!:)
iwanna thank you first but iam still confused about the enclosed space do you mean that if i wanna say in i need to be inside that place? can you clarify to me that point please
thank you so much, i only have one question, which is correct, i am still “on” the bus or i am still “in” the bus
i have somehow the same question i just want you to tell which is true here:Iam in house.or,I am at house and what is the difference please answer me quikly your best fan
This lesson has blessed me in knowledge.
Hi Alex
It is ok if I write in the school or at the school, or it depends on the situation.
Dear Alex, why we use “You will always have a good friend in me.” will you plz explain me?
Aaah! Next time, if you’re going to ask a lot of questions, do it all in one comment. (I’ll answer them all in one comment to save space.)
can be used to mean “by means of” or “in virtue of”. So “You will always have a good friend in me” is like saying, “I will always be a good friend to you.”“We went to Boston” is in the past tense. If you say “We are leaving for Boston” (“we leaving” is informal/slang), that means you are about to go to Boston (it hasn’t happened yet).
“Lives on a farm” is right, not “in a farm”. “In” is (usually) for buildings, or for entire towns, countries, etc. “On” is for streets and “sides” of things (the east side of town, the south side of the river). And farms.
It’s “at dawn”, not “in dawn”, because “dawn” is a time and we use “at” for times.
“At Christmas/on New Year’s”: I don’t think there’s a rule for it. You can say “on Christmas” too, though.
“In Delhi” is right, not “at Delhi”.
Good night!!
How are you?
I need to show about preposition of place, but a have to show some differents exemples about this, can you help me?
Jennifer Amorim
Great explanation!!! love the symbols!!! very helpful!
Thanks a lot teacher
Hi Alex,
I hope you can help me: In my last vacation or On my last vacation??????????????
Thanks a lot teacher
but I have Q
– There are 500000 inhabitants on the island of Malta
– we had a coffee at the terrace and took photos of the views
– We lived in the top floor of a block of flats in paris
– The colosseum is in Rome
– Children shouldn’t sit at the front passenger seat of the car.
– He lives on the side of the mountain.
Are they T or F ?!
I appreciate teacher
Wow!This is really cool!
thanks for effort Alex
thanks Alex about this exercise
im living in the philippines on alabang muntinlupa city at phase 2 block 23 lot 12…i could speak a little bit a lot of english language…i cant thank you enough
Hello Sir Alex, I really like you videos.. and the way you talk.. anyway, I want to know what is the difference between “in the list” and “on the list”, then “on the menu” and “in the menu”.. please please please reply!!
Hi Alex.
Which is correct from these:
At the terrace
In the terrace
On the terrace?
I don’t understand the different: in a car, in a taxi and ON BUS , ON A TRAIN?
Thank you
thanks a lot very very very easy
nice!! merci!!
sir you are awesome . but sir i need more prepositions pls sir .
Thank you very please
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the video, got some question here.
On 1st of January there was a murder case.
In 1st of January there was a murder case.
At 1st of January there was a murder case.
Which is correct?
“On the 1st of January, there was a murder case.”
“On January 1st, there was a murder case.”
I hope this helps!
thanks a lot. I always doubt these I am very clear with it.I don’t make a mistake anymore.thanks again…
Hi Alex
How to use IN and ON for week day and month? for example ,can I say ,I am going to Thailand in March which is normally I always say I am going to Thailand on March 6th,which one is correct ?
Thank you in advance.
What kind of question would you like to know about? I’m open to future video suggestions.
Thank you :D
Hi! how easy, thanks indeed!!
Hi! Thank you for the lesson, all the lessons :-). I have a question, it’s correct if I say: I search something on the dictionary? Or is: I search something in the dictionary?
The dictionary is open… in theory is a flat surface… :-)
“I search for something in a dictionary” is the correct sentence. This is a present simple sentence. I think you might be trying to say, “I am searching for something in the dictionary” (at the moment), or “I will search for something in the dictionary.” (future)
Thanks for the question!
oh,that’really nice!!I’ll try again to get better one..that’great !! thx alex :)
Perfect lesson on prepositions
The all English teachers are teaching only this 3 prepositions all over the world. WHY? What’s up with the following words e.g. BY, FROM, FOR, DURING, BY THE TIME, UNTIL, TO, AGO, OF, OFF … ?
I loved this lesson.congratulations teacher.
now i know how to use these things.. :D
thank you,very nice it is easy to understand!
i have some questions
* Home also an enclosed thing. therefore why can’t we say I am in home.
* and which one is the correct- i am in the bus or i am on the bus?
* don’t we consider the distance factor when use IN and AT?
Please reply me.
Thanks for the tutorial.. Please correct the sentence for me..
I am in the boat. or I am on the board?
Thanks in Advance.
I love your all tutorials.
Best Regards.
Thank you Alex
hey ,i like the way you explain ,could you explain me something about these preposition that are (from )and (of )because in spanish means de .. thanks byee
i like most the way you present sentences because it was simple & logical.
i like most the way you present sentences because it was simple & logical.send me more exercise.
thanks you very much teacher Alex!
I like you
really basic problems being faced with using of prepositions, this video make me clearly understand what the differences are. Thank you for your help !
Thanks for teacheing
I want mor sentes
I like thes video
Thank you very much
Thanx Mr.Alex.
Hi Alex,
I have a question! :) Why is it that in English it’s ‘I’m ON the bus/train’ instead of ‘I’m IN the bus/train. To me it sounds as if someone’s actually sitting on top of the bus rather than inside the bus. In Dutch we also say ‘Ik zit IN de bus/trein’, so, it’s kind of confusing.
Is there a specific rule when it comes to public transportation? Do you also say, for example, ‘I’m on the ferry’, because you do say ‘I’m IN the car’, right?
Yes, with public transportation you’re “on”. You also say “I’m on the plane”.
thanks a lot sir
Thank You Alex, You are the Best from the Best !!!
hi Alex, the lesson is too good. i like it.thank youa nd cya!
That’s great lesson.
Good work….
thax Mr ALEX , VERY GREAT JOB, now i understood.
thanks alex it was interesting , but can you give us more examples?
omg!!!! this videos are awesome!!! thank you so much!!!
Good Job!!
step by step learn english
great lesson
can we say “on the weekend” or “at the weekend” please help me know which preposition is correct ; I would your explanation Alex Please.THNK U AND GOD BLESS YOU
It should be “on the weekend”, like you would say “on Friday” or “on the 12th”.
I am help
Hi there,
Let me add sth,u know British use “at” & American use “on”.
Glad I could help!
Hi I like your way of teaching
Hi Teacher Alex..which is correct? please help.
I’m in my home (I’m in enclosed place)
I’m at my home ( specific )
I’m really confused. pls. help.
I suppose there r 3 prepositions 4 2.on
1.In the street
2.On X street
3.At 21X street
I’m right,aren’t I??!
Hi Alex!!! Tks for your lesson ,but what about ” the time, mounths or parts of days …we use the same prepositiosn but how ?¿ tks a lot
Hi Alex, You’re a pretty nice teacher. Thanks a lot for that Liberal work of yours. But I would like you to resolve this for me: at least, the understand many of us now have on the use of the prepositions “at”, “on”, and “in” is that “at” is used for a specific location, “on” for a surface, and “in” for an enclosed space. But consider the following cases: You’re good at/in/on English. I’m good at/in/on tenses. It’s pretty clear that these nouns (English and tenses) with which the prepositions are used don’t imply specific locations, surfaces, or enclosed spaces…{or if they do, how?} Which of prepositions should then be used in these kind of situations? Please, help..
hello sir,i have a doubt. please clear this. when should we use ‘at school’ and when to use ‘in school’? similarly,’at office’ ‘in office’. and please tell me the differnce btwn ‘above’ and ‘over’,and diffrnce btwn ‘under’ and ‘below’. thnk you.
Do you use “in the paper” or “on the paper” and why? thanks so much.
Also, is there a video about prepositions in a more complicated usage. Like when we say “on that note” “at your end” or “at his end”..
Very good Alex thanks
Thank you so much for this video lesson, but i got a question, is that can i say my brother is in the theatre?
very interesting lesson,thanks alof Mr alex
Alex, thank you very much, helps a lot. God bless.
is it ok to say… John is in “the” bed… as opposed to…John is bed.
Very nice explaination, Thanks Alex
Hi! Thanks for an excellent lesson. Do you use “ON” for else than directions in English? I want to know why people say “Einstein on relativity” or “He or she on this or that topic”. I see this everywhere and am using it myself, but is it proper English? According to your explanation, would “Alex on prepositions” refer to a flat surface. Perhaps because you write on a board. But a topic or a theory is anything other than flat. I don’t get it. Would you be kind to explain this phrase in relation to a surface? Thanks so much, Mary
Thanks Alex for clear explanation. now i am a regular visitor of
thank you :)
wow i have got 100% but still learning thanks for the lesson. Alex,
Thank you! :)
Hi Thank you so much its a verry nice page.
Greetz from Holland!
Thank you very much for this lesson Alex.
But could You pls explain why they say “… AT the request of …”?
Thanks in advance!
I can’t believe that. 5 years studying english and I finally got it! thank you so much for your help teacher Alex.
Hi Sir Alex,
The only thing that makes me confuse in having article “the” and without it. Like for instance, I’m at work. I’m at the work. I’m at school. I’m at the school. Which is right? I know it is common to use, “I’m at work and I’m at school. Just need a further explanation for it. Thanks ahead. I’m a teacher also.
I mean, confuse of having.
Your idea about the use of on, when you reference the terms “surface”,”vertical” and “horizontal” is very understanable.
Thank you Alex!
This lesson was very helpful for me :-)
Thanks fr teaching.. such a gud teacher u r… :)
how can i improve on my grammar generally?
Thank you a lot, i think it will very useful for me!
thank you.
it’s really nice lesson thank you so much
Perfect Alex, Thank you.
Alex, You should make a video on ‘.,;:’
I always confused every time, i write something.
Please do this for me.
Thank You.
Correction: It confuses me every time, i write something.
It’s really useful lesson. I was confused to use in or at with places but now it is completely clear for me . I have nothing to give you Mr,Alex but really I thank you very much
I am English teacher in Egypt and your lessons helped me more to enrich my language even I can give my students the correct information.
finally thank you very much.
Very helpful. Thanks a lot!
Thanks to this site i have learned how to use these prepositions well.
thank you very much
Iam study english
Thanks a lot!
hi alex nice explanation
i love your lesson and the way of teaching i also have the same question
is it right
I’m in my home (I’m in enclosed place)
I’m at my home ( specific )
I’m really confused. pls. help.
A sugestion for a mnemonic way to remember AT,ON,IT for places and times.
For places
At – is relative to a specific point
On – a surface
In – a space (3D)
AT < ON < IN
For time
At – shortest time
ex: One period of a day
In – medium time
ex: A specific day
On – Larges time
ex: days, months, etc
I hope I've helped!
Many thanks for this great lesson, so I’ve a question about IN and ON the road. The road is a surface and I use ON and it’s in the same time an enclosed place, and I use IN. For example , The houses are ON the road and the children play IN the road. Is this correct ? or wrong ? Thanks for your return.
Hi Alex. Should I say: I work “on heights” or “at heights”? I can’t figure it out.
Thanks Alex for this lesson. I’d got confuesd befroe I watched this video.
Best wishes
Gente do brasil eu moro nos estados unidos não aprendam a gramatica aprenda mais a fala e depois a gramatica nós aprendemos errados tem muitas palavras confusas como while.. que se diz uili e nice que se diz naice bye gente. boa sorte
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 80.00 You got 4 correct out of 5.’
Thanks very m. mr alex
thank you sir alex! what can i use if you say about the one company? ex: i work_nestle copany. is it in on or at? pls reply.
thank you so much.
Thank you sir i were understood
I finally understand prepositions of place. I had problem with it. Thanks Alex, you are a excellent teacher.
Marcia from Brazil
thanks very much Alex. it was a such great lesson .
Thank you very much for your explination;it is always very clear,but I still wonder about the difference between “in” and “at”. You said that we use in when we re talking about a closed place that seems like a box and u gave the example of a bedroom,though I still see that when we say I am at jhon’s house, I am talking here about a closed place too. I hope that you can provide me with more information
thank you
which one is correct?
I am at home. or I am in home.
thank you very much for your effective lessons.
Hi, Alex. I’m Henry. I have questions. I found some sentences in the dictionary. They are ‘The kids were playing in the street’, and ‘I read about it in the paper’. My problem is why The kids were playing in the street rather than on the street? And why I read about it in the paper rather than on the paper? Thanks…
I’m sorry for bothering you again, another question. I found another sentence in the dictionary. It is ‘a hole in the ground’. Why not ‘a hole on the ground’? Ground is mean the surface of the earth, right?
theatre is also a closed place right.then why cant we use “in”
wonder full you are a good teach
Thanks Mr.Alex.YOU helped me alot
hello Alex
i have a question
someone is sit on or in the chair.
I liked a lot how you explained this topic. However i think the bedroom is a specific location, but we use “in” instead of “ät”, don’t we?
Hi Alex,
I really enjoyed this video for ON IN and AT prepositions. It’s very clear. I just like to ask some clarification on how to use ON/IN when referring to a bus or train. Which preposition should I use?
Your response will be very much appreciated. : )
Hi Alex.
Do I need to say – He is ON site or at site?
Many Thanks
why can’t we say that
“my brother is in the theater” or “I am in the theater”
I also want to know that?
“my brother is in the theater” or “I am in the theater”
Hi, I am sure both are right. But, if you are ask where are you and your brother, you have to answer ‘me and my brother are at the theater’ not in, as you are at the same place. I hope this is right :)
i’am happy to learn english i love it thank you teatcher alex you are the best
i dont understand how to use ‘to’ as prepositions. can you please make a lecture on this. thanks much !!
in fact, i dont have a clear understanding on prepositions..and what they modify…i dont understand the basic itself :(
they are _ Brighton to learn english…what will be the correct preposition?? in or at??
Open O sesame !
great site
thanks a lot
I have a question about the preposition “on” … do the rules break in special circumstances? I ask because I would normally say… “I am ON the bus” (( If i were speaking on a cell to another person ))
Please could you advise me further…
No problem. I found the public transportation comment you made. I cleared up my understanding.
Only strange to me that you would say “in the car” and “on the bus”…. maybe a little more explanation on this if you could..
thank you so much sir we need more courses please …
thank you …
good morning sir,
sir how WILL use at,in,on with the PLACE,TIME,MANNER&REFERENCE.
thanks alex to teach me
thank you Alex for taking Class”prepositions” and “Be” Verb.
Alex, Thanks a lot for this lesson. Your teaching style make difficult term to the simple one.
‘Alex’ has the same fungi hair he had when his granpa took him to the barbershop.
Thank you very much Alex! Gracias compadre (thank you my friend).
I live in Toluca, Mexico (is that correct or do I have to use “at”)
I liked your explanations.
Thanks for teaching me because this lesson is useful.
Thanks Alex, I live in Venezuela. I liked your explanations
very thanks
hey.. Sir alex i really appreciate it, but one the things is, it is hard to understand where do you use prepositions in, on and at in a sentence or directing someone. most of the explination that i watch in the internet sites, videos and information explane only by using time and place.. can you tell me some demonstration on how to use it? i mean sometime i heard america “on your bag” and what? back is a enclosed area or thing how does it happens? sometimes i heard “in the back of house” what?! back of our house is not close area? sometimes i heard “on the top on camel” and what?! where is the enclosed area there? or vertical part? i cant understand that things
hi anyone practice of english language please add me on skype”sajjadhellokhankhan”
I know you can say “I’m in class,” but can you say “I’m at class”? Two other people asked this question but I did not see a reply.
You can’t say “I’m at class”, but you can say “I’m at school”. However, if you say “I’m at school”, the person you’re talking to might not think you’re in class as well. (You might be in the library, or eating lunch, or something.)
dear alex,since i live in holland my english language became terribble!using setence-gammar become difficult..what is the good sentence..In the bathroom or At the bathroom??im confuse pls help me thank u!
Dear Alex, thank you very much for your help and contribution! I still do not clearly understand when I should use “in the street” and when “on the street”/ “at the street is for the exact adress, and what about in and on? There are many cars on the street or in the street? I walk on the street or in the street? Thank you in advance!
Thank you very much it was helpful
what is correct to say? I am at the corner or I am on the corner
thanks alex. very interesting! I got 4/5. I am learning!
Big thanks for your lesson and comments!
I would like to ask you something that I have been having some problem with, I always say ‘I’m on the bus’but I have heard that some people say ‘I’m in the bus’, I asked a teacher and he told me that I can use both ( In , on). but I’m still doubted it.
The most common way to say it is “I’m on the bus.” If you’re on any type of public transportation that is NOT a taxi, you use “on.” Examples include the subway, the train, and the bus. You can also say that you are physically “in” the bus, the train, or the subway, but the most common preposition to use with these is “on.”
thank you!
Hi Alex!! Can I buy a full course with you teaching?
thank you my english goes good!!!! Thanks for every teachers!!!!
Thanks,Sir! Got 4/5. :)
Really i want thank you, but i have question. the question is,the house and the bedroom are not closed area, both of them are closed area. what is the different?
You’re right. Both are closed areas, so we say “I’m in my bedroom” or “I’m in my house.” However, when we use “home,” we say “I am at home.”
thank you very much for the very clear explanation …. now i know the difference of at in and on and how it is being use.
I really enjoy these lessons, thank for all your effort. I still have one question: I got that the preposition on is being used with surfaces of whatever kind – but i don’t get that you can say: e.g. This is a lesson on (a particular topic) / or congratulations on your promotion.
I don’t see the surface there,so maybe you can help with that. I’d appreciate very much.
I’m confused with a “square” how is it correct: ON the Red Square or AT the Red square? Is it surface or a specific place?
If you’re talking about Red Square in Russia, you can say “at” or “in.” “At” because it’s a location, or “in” because it’s also an enclosed area. I hope this helps!
But it is surface also )
thank you alex,can you pls help me with these:she is in the back of the house or at the…house.The other one is,suppose you tell someone inside the car to..sit in the back or sit at the back.
Teacher Alex, your classes are awesome!
HI ALEX thank you very much
thank you Alx that was clear.
Could you please make a video for preposition use for body parts. I read somewhere ” Hit in my head” and ” marks on my arm”. why in first sentence ‘IN’ used and in another one ‘ON’.
Hi emma08. I think the difference between to sentences here is the meaning. In the sentence “hit in my head” it has a meaning that sth affect or damage your mind, your brain, not just your “head”. IF u describe s.o attack u, you’ll say “he hit my head” not In. But ” His dead hit in my head” maybe means ” It shocked u”. Hope that i’m right, Alex should view and correct it. Thank you^^!
Hey engVid Teachers you all Rock!
good morning Alex, could u plz explain which preposition we use when we r in a running train,aeroplane,car etc?
you are the best team ever!!!!
Can you please tell me if this sentence is correct? I DO HEREBY GIVE My CONSENT for him to travel to Hong Kong for vacation purposes….thanks
i live in tunisia on damsacus street at 7..waw i get it
thanks for all teacher of engvid
Thank you very much! Appreciate your help!
Thank you Alex, you have clarified many of my doubts regarding prepositions!! :D You are a great teacher! I’ll become an English teacher soon and I’ve learned so many things from you! Thanks ;-)
Thanks for videos. they are really useful.
I have a question. Which one is correct:
at house—> I’m at Jim’s house.
in house—> I’m in my house.
You used it both of these sentences.
thanks in advance
I don’t want to leave this site anymore…I’m learning a lot.
Thanks so much, very interesting
Thanks a bunch!!! I really loved this video!!
Great lesson.
Thank you Alex. Your lessons are very helpfull. I would like to know whether it is correct to say ‘I am at the subway’ and ‘I am on the balcony’?
very good Alex..thank you from Spain !!
thank you!!!why use “My brother is at theatre”
I am still confused in it.
you are very good teacher
hello …
i have a sentence and itgoes like this. “On the airplane, I had to sit between a man who was snoring and a child who was screaming”.
is it ok to use the word ON instead AT or IN?
i just quite confuse when i read this sentence.
Useful video indeed!
I have 1 qiestion: how do we decide whether the place is specific or not?For instance: I am AT the theater now. Why not IN the theater?!
I*ll be grateful for your explanation^^
hi Alex , i have question :) propostion of this sentence is good on not ? ( I have trained at kindergarten of sister school for 2 weeks only .) please answer i need to know
thank u so much
thank you :)
Is a great help of you…..thanks a lot.
thks Alex for the lesson. These prepostions are really complicated and easy confused in English. Especially for the learner when study grammar. Im an ESL teacher in VietNam. And sometimes i got trouble with these when explaining for learners. 1 problem here is we dont have the context for a sentence in grammar practice. For example, ” he’s in the theater” or “he’s at the theater” it’s totally depended on the context and the place where u’re when u say that sentence. How can we correct them in a grammar exercise? OR we should accept both?
Thank you very very very much teacher
thanks a lot!! i got it!
thanks for your help, you are a great teacher!
Wow! I have got 5/5.Alex Sir,u r a amazing teacher.I really like the way u teach.
I have a question. How can we use the same preposions for space (sky) and ocean?
Why does we use “on” in this sentence ? Because generally, we use “on” for surface.
The UK is a parliamentary democracy, based on universal suffrage.
Do, not does. Why do we use “on” in this sentence ? Because generally, we use “on” for surface.
The UK is a parliamentary democracy, based on universal suffrage.
Saved my day!!! Thank youuuuuuuuuu!!!
I got 4 correct out of 5
” You got 4 correct out of 5 .. :) ”
not bad , I didn’t even watch the video!! :D
Thanks for the Lesson alex! you are the BEST!!!
I forgot to mention that ..
” This is a Valuable lesson!!! “
Dear Alex! Thank you very much for your great lessons!Could you please help me with my question. Yesterday my son missed his connection flight in China. So, I had to call to the airport to find out any information about him. I wanted to know where was my son at the moment: still in China, or on his way to France. What is the correct question: Is my son at a plane at the moment(specific place) or is my son in a plane at the moment (inside)? Thank you very much.
Neither, actually! It’s “on a plane”. (You would also use “on” for buses, trains, boats…any mass transit.) And I hope he got on his flight okay!
Why we cannot say “in” the theater , when it is also an enclosed place?
I’ve been learning english, but prepositions were always difficult to me. Thanks for the lesson.
further explaination please..though i got perfect answer but i need furhter explaination
Dear sir.
Thanks for your help, you are a great teacher!
I have two questions:
She looked at herself in the mirror. The “mirror” is a flat surface. Why we do not use “on” instead of “in”.
Mel’s flat is on the twenty first floor. The “twenty first floor” is a specific location. Why we do not use “at” instead of “on”.
Alex,I like your class.It is easy to understand.I’m looking forward to your new videos.Good luck and congratulations.
Thank you very much Alex! You are the best teacher i have ever known. Keep going!
I leave one link that helps with this prepositions:
very clear, thank you
Mr.Alex is this correct sentence: Are you sitting outside IN the corridor? If yes please explain if not why.Thank you.I’m really learning to all EngVid teachers.Keep up the good work!
Thank you. Good job.
Hi Alex1 Im a bit confused about this. Should we say ‘On the news’ or ‘in the news’? Like ‘Syria is in the news these days’ or ‘syria is on the news these days’? Please help
Hello Alex!
With you some problems in english language are solved. Thanks a lot.
Jumma – brasilian fighter.
Thank you for all your lesson. You and your companion are very god in this job.
One question for this lesson:
You said: „ I’m in school. “
And then you said: „My brother is at the theater. “
What is the difference between „school” and „theater” (this both are a enclosed area) in meaning of space that you use “in” or “at”?
Is the article “the” defining prepositions?
Thank you for this useful lesson.
I’ve been wondering for some time as to which one is the correct usage:
I work in an airport
I work at an airport
Thanks in advance
Dear Mr. Alex,
Thanks for your nice class ,its really useful for me and I will never make mistake at, on , in areas .
Teacher Alex,
Thank you so much! You helped me a lot. But i have one question: I teach BASIC english and i’m getting closer to the PREPOSITION class so o i want to ask:
I live IN Brazil. (Brazil = Contry)
I live at/in Rio de Janeiro. (Rio de Janeiro = City)
That’s is my doubt…. In the second phrase, should i use AT or IN ?? It’s a specific place but i live INSIDE de Rio de Janeiro…
Did u understand my doubt?
thanks for the lesson.
thank you :) really helpful,esecially, before tests :D
thank u so much Sir Alex…It helps me a lot
Thank you!!!
But what preposition should I use talking about social networking sites and why? How to say about Skype?
than you sir
Hi Alex, Thank you for the lesson. Prepositions in English are super tricky because in your example at the theater it’s true that theater is an specific place, but it’s a close space as well, right??? So how can I decide whether to use in or at??? Thank you!!!!
Hi Alex,
thank you for useful and helpful lesson.
take care
Thx a lot Alex :)
I got 80 :( , Thank you Alex.
Thanks a lot.
I got 100.thank you Alex.
great lesson Alex, just one question…
Can I also say “My brother is IN the theatre”?
hi alex,how are you?well i am texting to you because i need your help when we are talking about one place i mean
for instance:
i am on the park
i am at the park
which one is correct?please tell me and why is correct thanks
thank you sir… is very useful for us
its really helpful
thank you!!I’m really looking forward to learn many things from your videos. I am planning to take IELTS bu I’m not confident with my english. I have to work really hard for it. God Bless us!!!
Many Thanks
thank you . i am enlighten :D
it is said that
it has been said that
which one is correct?
hi alex
for u r lesson
Thank you for your help!
Thanks Alex, It helped a lot understanding prepositions.
Great job learn about in,at,on thank you
oh my god i cant beleive i have i great progress that video i get 5 question thanks for the tips for more one time.
i like it. Thank you sir!
Hi, everyone. I have a question. Not about the lesson itself, but about the word “those” used in the beginning of the video when the teacher introduces the prepositions. Is the use in this case correct? And why?
Is there a way to explain in the morning and at night so that the students will not make mistakes?
Thanks for the lesson.
Thanks, Alex
thank you so much, it was very useful for me
i m confuse about the example that u gave, “my brother is ___ the theater.” [theater is a enclosed area so y at y not in?]
plz help.
Thank’s so helpful.
Thank you from my hurt . you are the best
thank you Alex.
Thank you Alex.
Thank you for this lesson Alex.. This helps a lot..
hello Alex,
I got 100% because I was attentive to you class, however, why the second question is “in” if she is talking about a specific place? I know, it is a closed place too but intuitively I would go for “at”
Nice lesson . I’ve always had some problems with these prepositions. I hope I’ll do better in the future… It’s very useful the way You explained it. Thanks ALex!
Even native speakers are confused about these prepositions.
Hi.. in your example, you said “at the theater” because is a especific place… but my car not is a specific car? in example “in my car” i can say “at my car” because in this case the car is a specific car?
Thank you Alex, I finally got how to use these prepositions!!
How useful! I’m really happy for watching this video. Thank you so much Alex.
Thank you. Its a big help for me and my collegues..thanks thanks
:D I am working at office now, however I am studying the prepositions on the computer at the 3rd floor in the building.
Thank you! evening the evening
which is right?plse reply.
the only thing difficult to me is preposition, sometimes i confuse it
Hi ALL !!!
please help me with these:
1. the car is traveling straight on at in the inner lane?
2. ….but in on the process?
3. on his left side or in his left side?
4. the car was at on in the left lane while the truck was at in on the right lane?
Thank you in advance sir.
I really like learning English on this web site
thanks for your help
thanks for your help. it was a good lesson
Thank you teacher!
Thank you. You explain very well and I undestood all things. I’ll memorize better now.
Thanks Alex. I always have this doubt when i have to speak with english speakers.
thank you for your explaination
you Have an amazing character :)
Keep Going
waiting for more videos :)
8/10 Srry brasil jeje
Thank you.
i like your videos. thanks :D
thanks so much
so nice way to explain this issue….very clever….congratulations
simple lesson, but i did not know the rule before and used at, in, on by intuition, thank you for explanarion
I got 80, thanks for your explanation.
What is the difference between the prepositions in and inside?
great lesson, thanks a lot
Thanks Alex, but…
If you work in a hospital
___ university hospital ___ “town”
___ department of cardiology
___ the catheterization laboratory
Excellent lession, Thanks a lot!
Thank you!
thank a lot alex keep going you are the best :) peace :)
can you please explain this to me- I saw a video on you tube. what’s the difference between these two statements- I WORK AT A BANK, SHE WORKS IN A HOSPITAL. why not she works AT a hospital? why not I work IN bank.
I hope more questions for this lesson,so i can practice more,I really excited with exam after learn something from you Alex.Because i hope testing my understanding.thanks a lot.
Hi Alex,
I was studing the preposition and I did some excercices on the www. and unfurtunatelt bi made some mistakes.
Could you please explain me why they use the preposition like this?
If you could help me I appreciate that.
1. The professor said ON the first day of the course that there would be a big final test at the end of the semester.
2. I have been sitting here for more than an hour. If they don’t arrive IN the next ten minutes, I’m leaving.
3. We were really worried AT first because the banks were closed on Saturdays, so we couldn’t exchange money. But IN the end, everything worked out because we were able to exchange money at the hotel.
4. While they were hiking ON Ridgeback Mountain, Laurelle and Frank saw a bear IN the woods.
They have a small house ON a lake IN the countryside. When I visit them, I always love to sit ON the shore and watch the kids swimming IN the lake.
5. Mary stopped talkingIN the middle of her story, and suddenly started to cry. I think we were all crying BY the time she finished telling us what had happened
6. I need to give my parents a call. I haven’t talked to them FOR over a month.
7. The professor said ON the first day of the course that there would be a big final test AT the end of the semester.
8. We were really worried AT first because the banks were closed ON Saturdays, so we couldn’t exchange money. But IN the end, everything worked out because we were able to exchange money at the hotel.
9. I stood IN line for thirty minutes AT the ticket window IN the movie theater to get tickets for the film.
Hi Alex.
I haven´t recived your answer with my question. Could you please helpe me?
If you prefer, my email is
Thank you Alex!!!!!
Impeccable ! C’est toujours clair et concis.
Bon vent, Alex !
hi,Alex, i am Selina from GZ China. i can’t open your video in China. i really want to watch your video. so could you send your vid to me? My email address is Thanks so much
thanks!!! You’re an amazing teacher
Thank you for this website it’s very useful
Hi, thanks a lot for the topic, I have a big doubt: I know I must to say “Laura isn´t studying at Cambrige University”, but can I say “Laura studies in the University”, I don´t Know if I have to use at too, or just when I´m saying the name of the place. I hope you can help me. thanks again.
Thanks for this lesson
this video is not 100% clear….Rebecca video about the same topic is more clear and understandable…
example…on this video you say I AM AT JOHN HOUSE because is an specific place…but my apartment is also an specific place too so this let me so confuse, you know what I am saying?
hey Alex, I got confused what should I say;
I got admission in university of xyz or I got admission at university of xyz???
waiting for your reply
Very Cool!
Thank you
Hey Alex, hope you are doing great.
I am a teacher of English from Morocco and was wondering if I can find a job in Canada teaching English.
Hello! It is my first time that I write a comment here. Firstly, I am grateful to you, you’re amazing teacher. I can understand what you say and I am really motivated to learn more.
I wish yoi the best things. Bye bye!
God bless you ;) ;)
a well-done lesson, thanks!!!!
Thank you God for this Web Site because I am learning!!
simple, you are doing a great job. Thanks a lot
Thank you very much sir
Well Done. Thank you.
I got 3/5, but I understood my mistakes! Thanks for the lesson!
Good morning!
How about “interest”? How could I use the preposition?
very nice Alex…thanks!!!
In this moment I am at home and in Chile
100You got 5 correct out of 5.
Thank you
is “in the theater” correct too??
4/5 :-(
thank you very much to this lesson
Good lesson, thanks
Hi Alex …
But what about ‘bus’ and ‘ship’. Which of prepositions is more correct in this case?
Ex. ‘I forgot my beg __ the bus’
Hi alex, so why we cannot say :
” there’s a lot of people in the bus” and “I have 3 bedrooms in my house”
people are in the bus or on the bus ?
and ” i’m in school ” iir right but and why not ” im in home” ? it’s so confusing
nice lesson thank’s so much teacher alex
Thank you sir.
Thanks you sr
thanks teacher i get 80% in test
Thanks a lot..;)
Thanks you professor!
I’m from France , I’m starting to understand these preposition , thx !!!
It’s great Alex
I really enjoy the lesson and quiz as well
Thank you
Thank you.
Hello Alex…I am new here, but I really liked this page. I think you are an excellent teacher. Every topic is very clear to me…thaks for your classes.
well done!
I am standing in the balcony.
I am standing on the balcony.
I am standing at the balcony.
Are all the propositions used here correct? How do we explain the diff usages?
Pls help
thank you very much
that wonderful class, and you showed excelents examples. easy and quick to learn also.
thank you so much for your attention with this details and thank you for the quiz either.
thanks for this explication
Many thanks
I like it!! I understood now!Thank you!
Simple and efficient, love it! Thanks very much for the lesson. Engvid always showing us useful subjects.
Is my first time to get connected to your websit, i’m loving it.
Alex, as an ESL teacher myself, I appreciate your method for presenting these 3 challenging prepositions. Please correct the subtitles: 2 times, theatre/theater was spelled incorrectly.
Thank you sir I got 4
Nice Lesson! Thank you so much Alex!
thanks a lot
i am understanding them very well.
Hello Alex,
Please tell me which of the following is correct.
I went to the second floor.
I went on the second floor.
I watched this video twice on May 21, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got four correct out of 5.
5/5 Thank you teacher
Thank you very much sir
The examples are very easy to learn, I just got confused with on ..
I feel more comfortable when I use this prepositions is more easy for me. thank you teacher Alex for your explain
Thank you, teacher!
thank you!
I don’t understand it 🤔
Hello, Alex. Can you explain the difference between “in the laboratory” and “at the laboratory”?
There was a dialogue in a Text book of Cambridge and they used the preposition “In” in the sentence “How did you find a place IN the laboratory?” And the girl that was asked this question, answered: ” My father contacted an agency and they found me a place.”
In my opinion, Laboratory is a specific place and we should have used the preposition AT in this sentence. More information about the dialogue: the girl worked in the laboratory in Mexico and she was asked this question later, when she returned home to Canada.
This question is very important for me. Thank you very much in advanced,ALEX.
Thanks a lot Alex!
Thank you very much. This video is really useful. You`re an amazing teacher.
Thank you, Alex
Thank you!
Thanks you.