“I have eaten.” “I had eaten.” What’s the difference? In this important grammar lesson, learn how to distinguish between past perfect and present perfect. You’ll learn the correct form of each tense.
your lesson is fantastic and you look so good today. Thank you for help me to learn english.
Thanks Ronnie you are fantastic!
I have learnt via engvid
i had studied alot of lessons
Teacher…Know that I am learning a lot with you.
You have a special way of explaining…
I got them all right..
Airton De Campos
thanks allot my teacher in online,really we get more advantage.
i lern more plz
thanks allot, your lesson reached us well , and also you broke the wall of the with out english.hahah
hai,mam thank you very much for your classroom teaching.it is interesting.
Really this study is very use full for me but there still some difficut word I need to go over it.
Thnak you for this video, I wonder if you could explain more about when we use each tenses (Present perfect vs Past perfect).
Thank you
That lesson will follow.
Check the site for present perfect.
many thanks for you i need usage of these tenses
Thank you
thank u Ronnie for your lessen i was wonderful but I still can’t understand much so can u plz give us more lesson past prefect and simple past
pp stand for past participle and it kind of confusing when it comes to present perfect could be pp as well?
really you are funny and great
iam mido from Egypt
thank you very much
Thanks it’s helpful but could you help me for writing,i study at home some times when i write the things i don’t no it’s correct or not. can i send my writing then you corrected and send it back to me please.
Dear Ms Ronnie you are very clever teacher your lessons are very use ful.You are funny too.
hi,thanks for this video
I have a problem in using present perfect and present perfect continuous if you can help me in solving this problem please
tank you teacher
Yeah. Was going to ask the same question… What is the difference in using of this two? As I guess it’s way more complicated for a non-native speaker to catch. Look forward to watching a new video! :)
thank you, that was going to be my question .. but you saved me lots of time to type it !!
Hi Ronnie! Very good lesson. However, You haven’t explained when to use each one of these two tenses! What’s the real and fundamental difference between both tenses in terms of use? When should I use each? Thanks for the great effort.
Keep watching! There is a lesson on that!
Check the site for present perfect.
I have made another lesson for you!
Keep watching!
Search the site for present perfect to help you with that tense!
Thank you, Ronnie, very much.
Hello, tks fot the lesson, but I still dont understand in which situatuins I can use each tense, can you give some examples?
Search the site for present perfect.
There is a lesson on past perfect coming!
Only structure? I thought you would explain the use of these verb tenses. But never mind, I know it already :)
same question
Thanks Ronnie. My native language is Russian. I can’t understand the difference between Present Perfect and Past Tense. Can you explain this? Only you.
We don’t use them together.
There is a lesson following on how to use past perfect!!
Thank you so much,
can you explain why we called to perfect tenses (Perfect) and to simple tenses (Simple or indefinite)?
I will be thankful to forever.
Best Regards
Sher Bahader Khan (Mashriqi)
Sher Bahader Khan (Mashriqi)
I have no idea – I did not make the names for them!!!
gotcha , But How To Distinguish Them From each other , and When To Use Present perfect and past perfect Is a lil bit hard but i’m gonna watch the video over and over again till i get it , Thank You Ronnie
There will be a lesson to help with that – keep watching!
Hi kan jeg få din email adresse?
God bless you!
what I know about the present perfect the concept of the present perfect says that we use it to talk about an action that happened in the past as you said in unspecified time before now and we use the present perfect with some stuff like:
Before, several times, once,etc
for example:
1- I’ve seen that guy before (don’t know when)
2- I’ve been to Canada several times
Can you tell me now what the concept of the past prefect is?
I think so:
1. I had seen that guy before I met him yesterday.
2. I had been to Canada several times
before I went there last summer.
I would name it “past in past”
But i’m not sure.
Past perfect we use to talk about 2 ACTIONS that happened in the past. The past perfect action tells which action was first! There is a lesson coming to help you ! Keep watching!!!
You mean like:
The lady broke down when she knew that her son had died
is that correct?
PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great work!
Ronnie, you’re amazing! Thank you for all of your lessons :)
1- I had seen that guy before (don’t know when)
2- I had been to Canada several times
Ronnie, jump in the help please. It’s about the pronunciation “s” and “z” sounds. I read rules about pronunciation, and I know that “s” sound is pronounced after voiceless sounds such as f, h, k, p, t, and “z” sound after voiced sounds such as b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, w, s, z. But how to pronounce them after vowels a, e, i, o, u? Is it “s” or “z”? Please help.
For instance Applies, grows, buys, stings…
And yes, not to forget, what about sound, how to tell you, you know, “ing” form, and that long sound in the end, it’s not n, not g, but long n. How do we pronounce s after them? Perfect example is “belongings”?
how are you?
ammmmm,really it very good lesson ,but acually i know that and bilve my ,if i want to speake i cant use this .i dont know why ???however,i think you can helpe me!!!
thnx>>>>i wish thate ,i can speak english easylie
i scored full marks on the quiz, wohoo!thanks ronnie :)
Hai Ronni,
How are you ?
I enjoyed your lesson.
If someone is asking me that, have you eaten ? / Has Mr.Kevin gone there?
How can I give answer ?
Thank you madam
You can just answer yes or no!
Thank you, Ronnie. Now, I know how to make sentences with present perfect and past perfect. But I don’t know when I use it. Can you explain it?
Thanks in advance :)
Hi Ronnie, How is going?
Thank you so much for this useful grammar lesson.
However, I have only one question.
I’ve been learning English for many years but still don’t know when using “did” or “have”.
Please, please, would you like to give me some clarifications?
Hi mam!could you please explain when to use Present Perfect and Past Perfect,other wise your lessons are very usefull.
There is another lesson for that…just keep watching!
Thank you Ronnie for this useful lesson…..
odir blanco
I have learnt better and better with your help and the help of all teaching staff of engvid… thank you so much!!!.
it is very hard to speak with native american so fast and specially with those tenses.how can i answer if someone told me has kevin slept?
thank you for the lesson ,but it’s preferable to explain when we use them .
Dear Ronnie, your lessons are great, I advice your lessons to my friends and they enjoy it) You are so expressive, it makes your lessons more interesting. I’d like to thank you for it and I’m looking forward for new lessons with description of usage of Present Perfect and Past perfect tences. Please, give more examples and if it’s not difficult for you give more tests after each lesson. Sorry for my grammar. Truly yours, Paul)
How about you give me examples of past perfect and present perfect and I will tell you if they are correct!!!
Well It’s pretty good idea.
Present Perfect:
I’ve just seen your new lesson about Present and Past Perfect.
Past Perfect:
I had do it before I began my game in the Internet.
Is everything correct?
Almost – I had DONE it before I began my game in the Internet.
You have to use the p.p with both past and present perfect!
Thank you, Ronnie. It’s a really silly mistake)
I had had a bath-Past Perfect
i have never been in London
ronnie!!! i dont know when can i use the past participle? can you help me please
Watch the video again – I told you when we use it!!
Hi Ronnie, How are you doing?
How can I use the simple passive voice?
Could you please explain me that?
Great lesson, but I want to know when can I use them. thanks i love your lessons.
There is a lesson following to help you!
Hello, thanks a lot for tha awesome video!!
hi, thank you i really get the lesson but could tell us WHERE to use the past perfect and the present perfect .i had a bad mark in English because of this lesson and all my collages have trebles with that .so pleaaaaaaase I AM BEGGING explain this lesson “where to use both of them”English LANGUAGE is important to me and you really helped.thank you
There will be a lesson following the tells you how to use them!
We use past perfect with simple past. Past perfect tells the audience what action happened first in a past story.
Present perfect we use to talk about life experience.
It would be very unusual to use both past perfect and present perfect together.
hey i love this class thank for help me im so thankfull God bless u
Hi ronnie
You are doing a wonderfull job i really appreciate you for this you got a unique teaching style and good sense of humor obviously :) and i requesting engvid that they’d make tenses as an individual in topic list
Thank you all
We are preparing a course on tenses!
please help me how to Pronounce “ESS”, in this case : it Pronounce /is/ waitress, business, careless ….
in some case : it Pronounce /es/ : homeless, less, bless …
I’m stuck, please help me out, thanks a lot, my teacher – Ronnie.
waitress = way-triss plural = waitress-is
business = biz-niss plural = biz-niss-iz
careless= care-liss
homeless = home-liss
less = less
bless = bless
perfect lesson,what the words is used in present perfect like already,yet,etc
nashat anwar
Yes! I’ve already done it.
But “yet” is only for negative. I haven’t done it yet!!!
Thanks ronnie for fantastic lecture. I have a question for this lesson, you teach us a form of perfect tense but when we use this perfect tense(past and persent)?
Keep watching, there is a video that will explain that!
thank you teacher
Thank you! But unfortunately you did not explain the difference between two tenses…I mean when we use one and when we use the other, what situations
There is a lesson coming for that! Keep watching!
thanx !
Thanks for everything you people are doing :)
This is really nice class.
Babu Ram
Thank you very much Roni!!!
You are looking more good in this video)))
I like your methods of teaching)
hi ronnie, alex again
could you confirm if the frases are correct ( the past perfect describes the fist action and the present perfect the next action ) lets go to the frases:
past perfect ( 2 actions )
had+PP has+PP
When I had arrived the movie has been started
The soccer player had made a goal when suddenly he has broken his legs.
present perfect ; ( 1 action )
the player has broken his legs
let me know if it is correct because I would like to do more exemple and practice this tense, therefore i am helping a colleague with her assignments and I have to make sure about that
We usually use past perfect with simple past. Don’t worry there is a lesson coming for that!!! Keep watching!!
Ex.. When I had arrived home, the movie started.
The football player had made a goal when suddenly he broke his legs.
Your present perfect examples are correct! Great work!!!
every day I wach your lessons I pleased the God for descovering this site;It’s so useful;now I need your urgent aide to find the english conversations;Ronnie please help me to find it.
youssef morrocco
Go onto the Engvid Facebook page and chat with other students!! Also, give other students your Skype id and you can speak to other Engvid students!!! Just put your info in the comments section on the site!!
Thanks Ronnie.
thank you Ronnie for teaching me the lesson present perfect vs past perfect and I would also like to learn more lessons with you.God bless you and have a long life.
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are awesome! If it is possible tell us more about tenses. Cuz it’s hard to find quite good and understandable information about this. Thank you!
this helpt me alot
thank you for teaching so well.i ll be student of your class and try to learn more as possible for me
Thanks Ronnie
Hi Ronni,
I enjoyed your lesson.
Can you explain which is correct in the following sentence ?
1, He dosn’t have a pen.
2, He hasn’t a pen.
Thank you.
thank you for every thang
plese help me for writing and bulid vocablary
name book or any thang for help
If you like reading, you should find a SHORT book in English to help you! There are books made for ESL learners, called “penguin readers”. Check the internet to find them!
Also, try English magazines, music, movies and tv shows!!!
hi ronnie…thanks a lot for such an interesting nd helpful lessons..i have problem in using continuous tenses pls explain…..?
rajdavinder singh
thanks alot ronnie ….this chapter helps me so much ……love ya ronnie
hi mam, How are you,
i feel very great when i watch this video, you have very excellent teaching method. i am very impressed,
god bless u
You are great and lovely teacher
Thanks a lot.
hi ronnie .plz explain continuous tenses……i can’t using them perfectly
Search the site under “continuous tenses” – there are many resources for you!
Hi Ronni,
I enjoyed your lesson.
Can you explain which is correct in the following sentence ?
1, He dosn’t have a pen.
2, He hasn’t a pen.
Thank you.
They are the same but #1 is more natural.
what is diffrence between present perfect and present progress?
i also wanna join u
can me send someone information about thz..
i did, we did,he/she did ,they did
it is possible to write you did
anil shinde
Ronnie, please do a lesson on voiced and unvoiced sounds such as “th”. I know that we should pronounce it differently in particular situations. For example cloth-sound is voicelss, but clothes-here is voiced. Please, do a lesson on it, and clarify a little bit. I’m sure that I am not the only one person here who needs this. Thank you in advance.
Ronnie,help you for your lessons!You are so beatiful and highly qualified teacher !I envy your students!that’s a pitty that I can’t study in Canada(
Most of all I liked the video where you talked about the differences in the naming of objects in UK and CANADA!PLEASE HELP ME WITH USING MOST AND MORE,AND past and pr.p.cont!
More is used when we compare 2 things (comparative adjectives) Ex. She is more beautiful than the other one.
Most is used when we are talking about THE BEST thing. (superlative adjectives). She is the most beautiful girl ever!
thank you madom, its(your classes) so impressive.i have doubts in usage of have been /has been when to indicate two or more actions. is this only linked with nouns or two things/ two actions?
Present perfect is used with past experience – you can have many actions Ex..I’ve eaten snake, climbed a mountain and laughed at the dog.
hi Ronni, very nice lesson, but I have another question for present perfect and past perfect. the question is how should I use present perfect and past perfect, for example, ” I have read Harry potter” and ” I had read Harry potter”. they both meant something you have already done, but when should I use “have + p.p” , when should I use “had + p.p” ?
We use past perfect with simple past when we talk about 2 actions that happened in the past. Eg. I had read the book, then I saw the movie.
Present perfect we use to talk about experience. I’ve read the book.
There is a video coming that will explain this for you!
I got it,thank you for the help.
Thank you Ronnie for your inform but I’have been too late to Answer your question so SOME Problem on the meaning of some words second I’have no books.
What I’can do to solve this problem .thank you .
I have seen this lesson twice. cya I need to pee, thanks dear Ronnie.
Thank you, Ronnie!!! I got it )))
i went to bed after i had done my homework.is it correct?
GREAT!!! It is correct!
hi happy to be inside i enjoy the site its very useful and practical frankly i don’t regret to be here
please help me to learn english ..
you are a very good teacher and im not really like studying but when im watching all of your video. I found that english is really easy if you practice ..
english language is very important nowadays that why i want to master it but how .. my language is not english .. can you help me ? please
i has a determination to learn please
and can you make a lesson ..
the words make pastense tips or strategy how please
when do we use past perfect tense
There is a video coming to explain it! We use it with 2 past events that we want to talk about in one sentence.
Ex. After I had eaten my lunch, I found my cat. Past perfect + simple past!
you are the best teacher that I have known. You are very funny
Thanxs for this lesson it is very easy :)
emtenan hussen
Thank you Ronnie…
your lesson is fantastic and really I like to focus with you because you are fantastic teacher but I have question :When do I use present perfect and past perfect in general (I want situations ?
Search engvid for “tenses” there are lessons to help you!
Thanks mam, it was indeed very useful!
when do we use have been,had been &has been
Have been = present perfect with I/they/we/you. I have been to India.
Has been = present perfect with he/she/it. He has been to India.
Had been = past perfect. He had been to India.
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot. I learn fast from your lessons. I’ve been wondering if you have a lesson on heteronyms. they’re confusing.
Ronnie, look at this example teacher Rebecca gave us to practice. In fact, this was one of the questions in the quiz here on EngVid. It’about reported speech. Angela: “I can’t come to the party tonight.” Angela explained she couldn’t come to the party tonight. Now, I was wondering whether we should say this to be correct, or we have to change the word “tonight” into “that night” or “last night”?
Tonight is correct if you are talking about the same day! If it was said in the past, you would have to change it to that night!
how can i improve my english plz help me
What is your weak point? Speaking? Vocabulary? Writing?
You are a shining teacher.
thank you
I weak point writing
You should write a journal each day – just a few sentences about what you did that day or will do in the future!!! This will help you with your writing skills!
Thank but you are professional teacher
I warmly recommend the most popular Japanese Manga series called DRAGON BALL to all of you who want to improve english language skills. Variety of words used here will help you to expand vocabulary to the maximum. They also use all verb tenses, tag questions, conditionals, and the most important, they speak fluently, smoothly and very clearly. By watching all three parts of series (DB, Z and GT), your knowlegde & confidence will grow, and simultaneously you will enjoy each series. I assume that lots of you already know for this, but I’m sure there is also a number of people who didn’t know. Enjoy watching…
Ronnie, I like your lessons and I’d like to ask you to teach me when to use verb “Be” and “Do (does/did)” in a question.
I don’t know when I should use these words on creating questions, for example;
“DOES your neck hurt?”
“IS your neck hurt?”
“DOES this sentence seem correct?”
“IS this sentence seems correct?”
I could ask other EngVid teachers this but some of them doesn’t seem like they check viewer’s comment and answering, so I am begging you!
Hope you could help my question in your future video! :)
If the sentence has a adjective, you have to use “to be”. EX… Is this sentence correct? (correct is an adjective) Is he tired? Are you hungry?
In other sentences we use the axillary verb “does” for questions.
Does your neck hurt. (there is no adjective).
Does your neck hurt. (there is no adjective). This sentence should use question mark instead of a period. Does your neck hurt? ma’am ronnie Am I correct? Thanks for teaching us how to use correct grammar. I love you.
hi dear, i asked u about one lesson about 2 actins that happend in the past and how to use it which actin was first u sad 2 me yes i will , but u haven’t done it ,thank u for ur efforts 2 help as
Ronnie you the best teacher
i’ve teaching piano for twenty years or i have taught piano for twenty years.which one is correct??
I have taught piano for twenty years.
OR I’ve been teaching piano for 20 years!
Thank you
I love the way that you teach. Thank you so much for you energy to teach.
hi ronnie
I am 17 years old and m from islamabad i like your style of teaching plz guide me about (expressing of possibility and impossibility)(modal verbs)or prepare a lecture for me plz i m waiting for your response
Search the site for “modal verbs”! There are many lessons already made for you!
Good luck!
I love your lesson,thank you .I want to make friends with you.Jack
Jack Zhu
No hablo Inglés, miré casualmente tu video y sos TAN SIMPÁTICA que, sin entender, me dieron ganas de aprender! FELICITACIONES, SOS UNA EXCELENTE MAESTRA!!
you are so nice teacher
Hi!!…thanks for the english class, it’s so good, and you’re a nice teacher…greetings from Mexico
Hi Ronnie,I am begginer to learn english.I listen your lesson . It is fantastic.Your presentation skills are attractive.I love this way to teach me.Hi Ronnie keep going.I want to be a global man.
Gopesh Kumar
thank u ,you are awesome
hiii thanks for cours it is usefull;good work miss RONNIE
hi ronnie \, one question can i say I didn’t have time ??? make sense???
wow v.good
eh! Ronnie how have you been. i love the way you use to teach and i am actually a very big fan of yours here. :)
well as you’re my teacher here so i would like to as you something about my english.
i am facing a problem in communicating with others cause i don’t actually know where to use “suppose to be” and what’s its meaning. i am not familiar with it.
could you please give a lecture about that.
please… :(
Hi Ronnie,
I am an beginner and i have some knowledge about English grammar but i can’t talk smoothly and lost my memory again and again.
Tell me some suggestion Kindly.
Ronnie, I am tantalized by pronunciation! I hate it! Why is English language so illogical????
I have a lot of examples, but let’s say this one. The word “meter”. We pronounce it on one way, but in the word kilometer, it has different pronunciation! Why so when in that word, we use the same word???
we need to know the different usages of both tenses
Hello Ronnie! It’s me again=) I have one question. Could you tell me please is this sentence right or not?-‘What had you been doing before you got home?’ and is there any diference between ‘I had lived in London’ and ‘I had been living in London’. Should I indicate the time in past perfect or past continuous?
I’m looking forward for your reply. Thank you very much!
Your sentence is correct!
I had lived in London means that you are no longer there.
“I had been living in London” needs a time marker!!
But “I have lived in London” means he still lives in London and also means he used to live there. Is that right?
I have lived in London implies that he is not living there now. We use present perfect for experiences in the past!
So, what’s the difference between “I had lived in London” and “I have lived in London” in that case? As far as I can see they both show that someone used to live in London but not anymore. Why would we use Past Perfect instead of Present Perfect?
We use past perfect with simple past, to add more info. I had lived in London, and I took the tube.
Hi Ronnie. Your teaching is fascinating. Thanks for being there for people like me that are willing to broaden their knowledge. My problems is with the “H factor” for example; eat / hit / happy / apple, eyes, ice, up, help, hell, air, hair, actor, actress, ark, and so and so. I will be grateful if you can help with teachings to eradicate permanently this odd peculiarity that has plagued my speaking English. My email address is (lolagrove@yahoo.co.uk)I will expect to hear from you. Thank you.
That’s a great lesson idea — I’ll add it to the list of requests!
engVid Moderator
Hi. Would you explain more about your question , I dodn’t get the point ? Thanks.
sorry ….don’t get…..
your classes are so interesting !! congratulations !
i´m from Peru , i must say that i´m learning a lot !! i finished study english last year and since then i practice with you everyday on line … thankssssssssss!!
It is very useful sites for all who hesitate to speak in English
And i didn’t know why i am hesitate to speak in English before my teachers and friends .
Hii Ronnie,
It’s me ,Sona again back in the English learning World.By the way,I wanna let you inform that it’s IPL(Indian premeare League) time in India.It’s a season for the cricket players from the different parts of the world to fetch as much money as they could in their bag.It usually comes once in a year .It brings a lot of excitement,cheers,temptation,joy in spectators mind when they find their time winning the game but the flip sides of those like tears,sadness also go along with when one has to leave the gallery after witnessing a defeat of their favourite team carrying tears in eyes and being disappointed.However,it’s a game where one team wins and another team has to admit a defeat.It has been a lot so far about cricket.Now ,I like to discuss about my problems and want to get them cleared.I watched a match last day on T.V..I heard a couple of sentences which are haunting as well as confusing me ever since they had entered in my scull.First one is:The ball was hit hard to clear the fence(In cricket,it’s the boundary rope).Second one:Fielders have been brought inside the circle to save the singles.(In this game,we usually have a circle.Fielders generally stand inside it during the early hours of the match).Third one:The catch was taken comfortably by the fielder standing five steps ahead of the rope.Like these, there were also a few more sentences which I heard.My explanation is all the sentences written above are in passive voice.To cite reason ,I could interpret the first sentence like someone(obviously the batsman hit the ball hard……).For the second one,the captain must have spread his fielders across the playground and that’s why the commentator said that sentence in the passive.Finally,one fielder must have caught the ball comfortabally which led the commentator form the saentence in passive while watching the action.Basically,I think it’s a natural instinct which comes to everyone’s mind to express these things in passive irrespective of which language you speak.Because,the same thing happens when we describe such things in our language.I have had this realization.I don’t know if my understanding is correct or not but I request you to help me understand the concept to get over this difficulties.
Looking forward to receiving a fast response from you ,MaM…
sona sharma
thanks for this lesson.Now i know but sometimes i confused all tenses
actually i confused present perfect simple and present perfect continuous.i don’t know differences between this tenses.
Anything “continous” in English means verb+ing!!!
So….present perfect= have + p.p.
present perfect continuous = have + been + verb+ing
do a reply of my message Ronnie.. :(
Thank Ronnie, you are really good teacher I haven’t seen before. I learned a lot from you.
eh! Ronnie how have you been. i love the way you use to teach and i am actually a very big fan of yours here. :)
well as you’re my teacher here so i would like to as you something about my english.
i am facing a problem in communicating with others cause i don’t actually know where to use “suppose to be” and what’s its meaning. i am not familiar with it.
could you please give a lecture about that.
please… :(
Supposed to be means what you think is correct! Ex. I am supposed to be doing my homework (but I am not).
yes Ronnie.! but somebody told me that suppose to be means “Should”.. is that correct or not..??
and is there any difference between suppose to be & supposed to be..??
if then please let me know..
No, should is advice…… You should drink 8 glasses of water.
Supposed to is like a rule….. You are supposed to pay taxes.
Supposed to is proper grammar but when we talk, it sounds like we say “suppose to”.
suppeosed to is a rule as you just said.
is it means something which is a duty.?
E.g: I am supposed to make my own bed every morning.!
is it correct. ?
still waiting for your answer.. :(
hi ronnie.iam so happy with this lesson and your method,but i have one question. when can i use this tense
Hii Ronnie,
I am too excited today after coming across a sentence where I found the word “man” has been used as a verb.I have written the sentence below and I request you to correct the same.
The sentence reads as:
The state government is planning to man(man used as a verb) all the unmanned(adjective form of the verb “to man”)level crossings across the states to reduce the fatal accidents occuring of late.
The sentence written above is indeed mine though I have read similar kinds of sentences on newspapers..
I hope you will definitely respond to my question soon…
sona sharma
Your sentence is correct! Great job!!
hi sona….iam also a learner of english language. I normally go through the comments that student’s post after getting through lessons. Same I did for you. I don’t know exactly because I am not a native speaker neither I am living in a country where english is first language.Your sentence is: the state governments planning to man all unmanned level crossing across the “STATES” to reduce the fatal accidents occuring of late.
I think you can not use “s” for state as you are talking about one govt.(specific govt. of state).I decision i
by mistake I pressed enter.In my last line I would like to say that it is correct if decision is taken by central government.
Lastly, I may be wrong.But, till the time what i have learned, I expressed my view.Another thing that I have observed that Your level is higher than me so please don’t feel that I am criticising you.Have a good luck. Bye
hello Ronnie! you are good teacher i want to follow you at twitter id if u do not mind plz give me it
Sorry, I don’t have tweeter.
روعة هالدرس شكرا
hello ronnie you’re awesome, my question is when we use present perfect and when we use the past perfect, because I have never understood and I think only you can explain that!
Present perfect we use to talk about our past experience.
Past perfect we use to talk about an event in the past and we use it with simple past to tell a story in the past!
Watch my new video to help you!
Ronnie I,m so confused on tens
1, present tens
2, present perfect
3, present continuous
4, present perfect continuous
Ronnie I don,t Know when I use P.T,P.P,P.C,P.P.C and also in the past tens and future tense I can,t differentiate those things I know present, past, future when I use but p.p, p.c and so on and past perfect , paste continuous , pleas Ronnie my dear I need these things clearly Ronnie I ask my self when I use those tens. I hope you will help me soon.
The other thing Ronnie I have the Problem of spalling when I write something so if you can help me on this regard. I,m very happy.
Thanks my dear for everything in advance.
hi my dear teacher
1. we use for everyday routine situations. I brush my teeth.
2. We use to talk about our past experiences (have/has + p.p.) I have lived in Japan.
3. We use to talk about what we are doing RIGHT NOW. (to be +verb+ing) I am typing.
4. We use to talk about actions we started in the past are we still continue to do today. ( have/has + been + verb+ing) I have been living in Toronto.
thank you so much:)
pls gve more examples while teachng…..pls gve examples for haven’t and hadn’t :)
@Ronnie, thanks very kindly for your response. I will look forward to the lesson.
Ronnie. how have you beem..
i got through the phrase “Supposed to be”. thanks for helping me out.
but now i wanna ask how and where to use “Being & Been”. :(
hi Ms-Ronnie ,first I want to tell you are good teacher of English I like your lessons and i learn with you , I am student in college since 2012
thank you for everything
Hello! This was very good lesson form me now I konow how to use it.But when I can use it? This is very hard.I hope that you adding video soon.
i paid all my attention to this perfect and great lesson but until now i couldn’t tell this sentence from this sentence “i had eaten ” “i have eaten “
ziad hassan
Hi, i Want to ask you, When I need to use PRESENT PERFECT TENSE?
To talk about a past experience with no time marker. Ex. I have been to Japan. (You don’t know when I went there).
Hey,Romie.I am from Belaruss.Your lessons is very usefull.Thank you very much.And I think your are very talented teacher.Anyway I just want to asked,HOW we can choose when we use Present Perfect or Past Perfect?And Can you get more information about meaning this tense?
Search the resources section on the site and there is a list of tenses to help you!
thank u ronnie you’re my favourite teacher in here and ı think my students are going to love you=)
I hope so! Thanks for watching!~ Good luck! If you or your students have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me!
Hi, Ronni
you didn’t mention exactly the differences on when to use present perfect and past perfect, thank you
hi ronnie,,
im new here,, I just wanted to ask when do we use past perfect and present perfect?
I took a quiz..
I pick “He had went to a store”
but correct answer is “She has been to the store?? I dont know why? Why my answer is Wrong?
Jifry Shaheem
Went is not a past participle.
Thanks a lot Ronnie. We had been watching your video. We learned a lot from you. More Power!!!
Hello Ronnie. i like your lessons ♥
Thank you verymuch
hi Ronnie
you teach very nice.
actually i have so much confusion between perfect tense(past, present and future) and perfect continuous and so i cant speak in which i have to use be, being, been ..
please i need help .. help me
please post some video for this
thanx for so many nice video
real talk i do like the way you give class the only thing we might do is to pray for you cause what you do is not easy share one s knowledge with people from everywhere thanks thie from senegal
Millions thank you for you. You are a good teacher. I am really learn a lot of English from you
that’s great!!! i appereciate you.
Thank you a lot!
dear madam great video .
my doubt is that you said don’t use have for she\he\it.
so it is right
she has a pen.
he has a wife.
it has a tail
she has dinner.
plz tell madam
You are correct! Great work!
Ronnie. how have you beem..
i got through the phrase “Supposed to be”. thanks for helping me out.
but now i wanna ask how and where to use “Being & Been”. :(
wow! Your teachings really make good sense of productive learning.
Thank u Ronnie
I scored 4 out of 4.
Abdul Qayum
2 tell u the truth,I’ve never seen such a profitable site b4!
Tx a lot 4 sharing ur in4mation so kindly with us.
Warm Regards!
Hi Madam.How r u ? Hope that u’ll be fine. Really u r doing a great job. Bcoz of u I learnt a lot. Madam I have a question. In ur previous lesson u told us that in negative form of present and past perfect we use “Didn’t” instead of have not or had not. We don’t use “had not”. I’ll be very thankful to u if u’ll clear me that one. Might be I forgot.
Didn’t have is just more natural than “had not”!
Ahehehe… I love the way you teach Ms. Ronnie :D you made me laugh and at the same time made me understand the lesson you’re teaching. Hope you could upload more video for us to learn English fluently.
uhmm, Might I have a request Ms. Ronnie? Could you please upload a video lesson about
the Subject and Verb agreement. It was very confusing, sometimes I don’t even know what would be the appropriate verb
that I must use? It made me puzzled.
Thank you Ms. Ronnie in advance.
I think Rebecca has done a lesson on that topic! Search the site for “subject/verb agreement”!
Thank you so much and this is because you helped me to find the right way of learning English.
i would like to tell you something that i live in African country , most people how live in in this country do not speak this language so how can i improve the rate of conversation in English . I believe that you can help me to solve this problem and thank you .Morad.
Ronnie, you’re my favorite, Thank you
I have already done it.
Madam u told us that the negative of this sentence is” I haven’t done it yet”
Madam can we say that” I didn’t do it” Is that correct or incorrect..
I think saying “I didn’t do it” means you are denying about something that was accused/blamed to you in the present/current day, and if you say “I didn’t do that” means you did not do anything which already had happen earlier or before the incident.
STILL, that was only from my own understanding Mr.Ghazni so we better consult and wait for Ms. Ronnie’s comment for the right answer.
And Ms. Ronnie, does my grammar or let’s say the way I construct my sentences was correct? please correct me if there’s something wrong in my sentences? Thank you. I hope I am not bugging you too much. hehe
Or I didn’t do that.
hello madam,I am disturbing you from Azerbaijan.I am very thankful for your lesson,for your teaching.Can you send me your e-mail whenever I if i have any problem i ask you.Thank you beforehand
Vusale from Baki
thank you Ronnie, you’re an effective instructor. Hope to learn more from you.
i like your lessons i like the way you are teaching i am really great full
Hi Ronnie, the knowledge was spread for all places and it is because You, Ronnie has had a magic power that we love, I mean you make all very simple for us. Take care.
The tests should be more difficult,Thanks.
Thanks Ronnie believe me out other teachers I like your Technic of study god bless you.
Of course, what a fantastic site and illuminating posts, I definitely will bookmark your website.Have an awsome day!
Bethanie Oyuela
Your classes are very good and are helping me in many things!
hi Ronnie , I want to thank y about this lesson wich make the lot confused . but i need to know when can i use the past perfect and when i use the simple past in translation ( i need example ) thanxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by “in translation”.
Thank you
that my first time that i see a programme like that it’s perfect.now i have exame and ineed your help teacher ronni please help me if you want that my email. badre_kabo@hotmail.az
hi there ms. ronnie ,, your lesson is apparent to me now .. i’m filipino
you’re my favorite among all the teachers here in engvid
Hi Ronnie, im a second langunge learner and i have a quastion. When did you use present perfect and past perfect when you writting or speaking
Watch Rebecca`s lesson on past perfect and mine on present perfect. We use them for both writing and speaking!
when should we to use present perfect & past perfect ?
hai ronnie your teaching is very good i like your teaching i am so confused about tenses and and feel fear speak in english with others how to overcome this problem please give me any suggistions
wow ronni you are amazing teacher i enjoy with your video lesson
Your lesson is a great tool for teachers in El Salvador Gracias maestra
ciro mancia
Ronnie how I can to check last link in your watched lessons???….for example:if I watch your lesson, after this link should change color.That like in Email.that will be better because I can to find my last lesson…Thank You….
Sorry, I do not know how to do that!
thanks allot teacher
nice lesson very usefull
you’re my favorite among all the teachers here in engvid thnx alot
hi Ronnie excuse me but when we use the p.p or the present perfect ! thank you
thank you for your lesson.
thank you
what is the difference between
1)i would have done it .
2) i would have been done it .
1) it has cancelled
2) it has been cancelled.
question 2)
what is the use of been ?
3) how to use being in the sentences?
4) why do we use plural for singular noun in conditions. (for if i were, if he were .) and how to use it.
please explain with examples.
Kind Regards,
ramesh patil.
ramesh patil
a) #1 = you would have done it = you did not start the action (or do it at all)
#2 = you would have been done it = you started the action but did not finish it.
b) #1 is wrong. “It” (a thing that is not a person cannot cancel something)
c) Being is a noun. Here is a link to a dictionary with examples. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/being
d) I have no idea why we use this = English grammar is really confusing….there is no logical reason why.
Hello teacher Ronnie
I want to ask one question
If i eat now anythings for exaple bread
Is‘t right if i say : i have just finished eaten bread
hi, Ronnie, i’m so glad to be here. i just wanna let you know about “our confusing” in this lesson. for us as non english-native it’s very hard to distinguish between present perfect and past perfect time. when is the right time we use “present perfect” and “past perfect” in english? it’s still confusing for me. lot of thanks :)
This makes the present perfect and past perfect lessons easier for the beginners to understand. however, please discuss about when do we use present perfect and past perfect. There are rules when we should use the two perfect tenses.
Ronnie Teacher ..What Is The Logical Difference Between Will And Would..and Where To use Will And Where To Use would while speaking?
Will is used to talk about the future, and for things that you believe will happen. EX. I will go to the store.
Would = is used for things that you wish would happen (but may be impossible). Ex.. I would go to the store if I had money.
= to give advice. Ex…If I were you, I would go to the store.
Thank You…For Clearing my doubts About Will And Would.Can U please Tell Me any tips which can be useful during Conversation.I Stuck Many times and keeps thinking what to say next..How to keep Conversation Going smoothly? :)
mam i m realy confused in tenses i want to learn it by the easiest way from you whole tences plz plz plz …
thank you alot :)
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
I also have a question:
” could you please help me to explain when we use the past perfect in the sentence?”
Thank you very much.
please tell me proper difference b/w present perfect and past perfect.
Hi teacher I realy like your lesson and specially your style.Can you help me, how can I improve my spellings it is very poor.
It’s a good lesson now I can understand the grammar
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are very fantastic. And your way of explanation is DYNAMIC. I really love it. Thank you so much.
verry verry usefull my teacher i have got lots of knowledge thank you madam ronni
kevin sri lanka
Ronnie please ,please, please, could you write for as more examples of simple sentences after every lessons .
We must understand how use this in practical life .
Thank you !!!
Ronnie it has been great learning for me.Thanks for the class.;)
Thanks Ronnie its really helpful and interesting, I really like it so much.
He has wenten to the store, It’s obvious!!!
Hi Ronnie your teaching is really heplful for me and for all
iam thankfull from your lesson and Iam highly appreciate your assist
najib ullah
Thanks a lot!
Would you to explain , “I have eaten.” “I had eaten.” What’s the difference? when can i use it ?
Hi Ronnie you`re a great teacher we love you!!! :)
Hi Ronnie your expressions are amazing.
P Rai
thank youteacher for this lesson, i learned a lot and you are fantastic.
Hi Ms Ronnie
Thanks alot for your great effort and unique style that I like so much .I’m ateacher and my only proplem is the accent what can I do plz tell me and this is my tel.0201006245720
my best wishes to you
Islam Shaalan
Ronnie u have g8 convincing power
Hello!Your lesson is good, but you don’t explain different between PresentS ant PastP according sense. You explained only how to see different on written text. Thank you
Thank you for your grate lesson.Ithakyou again if you could eleborate further on this lesson in what situations past perfect andpresent perfcet is used. Thank you dear teacher.
daya karunasekara
Dear Ms. Awesome, i don’t get it, the different between this two words. “I have been to Jakarta” and “I had been to Jakarta”. Please ‘explain’ when we use this two words.
i got perfect in this lesson, i understand very well. your teaching was cleared enough to understand. thank you very very much.
lorrien segarra
i leart better but didn’t understand the difference between the present perfect and the past perfect.
that is learnt not leart. u know speliing mistake.
that is learnt not leart. u know speliing mistake.
Hi Ronnie I Hope your doing well.
Can you please explain about present emphatic tense and Past emphatic tense with some examples.
Thanks & Regards,
you are too good in teaching.i love your teaching style.i hope one day i would seat in front of you and you would teach me.if any grammar mistake then forgive me .Now a day,i am learning English.
Love you take care.
thank you very much I’m happy about I understand very good thank you?
thank you very much I’m happy about I understand very good thank you.
Thank you I really like this website
what we use if in the staring there is the name? like saher has or saher have?
Thank You very much… can you please tell me, what is the usage and when do we need to use them?
thanks so much 4 your useful lessons dear Ronnie.
and just a question:is this correct too?
hasn’t he eaten??
(negative question)
Which sentence is correct?
It have been to the store.
She has been to the store.
He had went to the store.
He has wenten to the store.
Hi Ronnie.
yes that is the only mistake cuz i don’t know where or when to put *been* in the question!
Thanks for every think you are so good.
When we use them?
Today i discovered the Website!! and i liked so much the how to understand native speaker´s is great!!! and you are great!!! soo thankss..
Hello from Toronto, Canada
Right now, I’m trying to learning Japanese and this “present/past perfect” technical jargon comes up often, which confuses me. Although English is my first language, i’m not 100% on all my grammar points. Your lesson was clear and helpful. Thanks for your assistance!
Hello for everybody!I’m new on this site. The first i want to say thank you very much Ronnie! You’re a great teacher. You are very clear talking, i mean very easy to understand u! Thankssssssss
Hi there Kari, im an english teacher here in mexico,,if I can assist you , it would be a pleasure,thanks,,,is it easy to learn russian??let me know and if thre is a way i can practice,,would you like to practive on video,maybe through skype??let me know if you have an account ok?
pls teach us tenses with rules and modals.
actually my grammer is very weak so i cant be able to speak fluently dear pls teach me the tenses with rules.Help Me out
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your lesson. I’ve found out this website by chance this week. It’s been a pleasure to watch classes after teen. Please keep making us happy.
I like your lessons Ronnie,
thanks alot
Great help! Thank you.
i really love the way you teach:)
Ronnie, but when can I wse present perfect or past perfect?
Ronnie, help me please. This lesson is easy because i cant use Present Perfect and Past Perfect on speaking , i’m confusing . Heelp me please
Hi Ronnie,i like your classes…you are a good teacher….
thanks techer, i need your help..my conficion is in past and presnte..mmm you are grat…
Thank you very much Ms.Ronnie for the great lessons, in this lesson I understand how to make present perfect and past perfect, but I didn’t understand the difference between present perfect and past perfect, I mean in what condition we can use present perfect and in what condition we can use past perfect, so if you can make a lesson for this it will be great.
Ahmad Massoud from Afghanistan
Ahmad Massoud
It’s very clear. It would be good if you showed us what is the difference of these perfect tenses in meaning as both are passed events.
Samuel A.
how do we apply them? I mean, what is the difference. when we use present perfect n when we use past perfect
Nagpapasalamat ako dahil ako ay natututo sa iyong mga paksa sa larangan ng pagaaral ng english para sa aking ikalawang wika..=)
You are a very good teacher. Thank you for helping. I understood everything. I enjoy your lessons.
I’m very thankful that i knew this site. Thanks a lot Ronnie. You’re the best.
hi mam,
I want to ask you that when we use hadbeen/ have been / has been in tenses…….
i m confuse pls help me…. i need ur help.
I want other EXAMS PLZ
thank ronney for you lesson but I still have many problems about how use present perfect and past perfect. But I would like to know if this is true: my english teacher told me that I must use present perfect for an accion that happen in the past but continue in the present olso I use present perfect WHEN I can see the resulted of somethig.Ex: My sister has cleaned the house.
Dear Teacher it is very good. Thank you so much.
Was that event happened both of in the past? What is the difference between those two? Please explain it to me?
I wish I have teacher like you in my school. Thank you so so much.
I have done with the correct answer. thanks you
Ronnie, could you explain the differences where to use The Present Perfect and where to use The Past Perfect. What actions should we use The Past Perfect for?
thank you ronnie :)
Thank you.!!
If you have added some examples(sentences),that would have given more understanding
Hi Ronnie,
i just want to know is this sentence is right
1,I hadn’t checked your email earlier.
2, I didn’t check your email earlier.
plz let me know which one is right
Wait, why are you checking someone else’s email? :P
engVid Moderator
you’re great, Thanks!!!!
perfect explain
I want to ask you
I understand the gramer but I couldn,t understand when can I use it ?
thank you for this lesson but I cant understand when we use the past perfect and when we use the simple past like : i had eaten rice .
i ate rice .
both of them correct but when we use both of them .
thank you
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
You are a great teacher, and you have a wonderful way to make the lesson entering in my brain.
I hope to have proficiency English by your vids.
thanks a lot.
kindly I need to know when could I use “present perfect”?
Thanks for every thing ..could you explain these words please.laid back-low key- down to earth.thank you very much..
You explain the things in a very interesting way, I really like your cool examples! Thank you:)
Hi Sister Roonie THANK YOU too much I like you very much I know all tenses in english but i don’t understand good You know this problem I can undestand when i watch a vidio or phrases but i don’t understand when persan speak with me give me an advice please
For example Mrs if you give me exerces of for example present perfect I…English and you say me exercis this exercie I can exercis this I HAVE LEARN English but if you give me use present perfect or present perfect continious i can’t and i don’t understand ..:(
Present perfect continuous (PPC) = Sub + have/has been + verbing.
She has been learning English for 5 years.
When we use PPC, we usually have a time marker and it is an ongoing action, that the person is still doing right now.
thank teacher
we did a test when the lights went out
what is most suitable alternative for “did”
a)have been doing
b)were doing
c)had done
d)no improvement.
plz also give explanation for your answer
my ans for this question is had done and my friends ans s were doing who is right???
can u help me on how to use the progressive tense and perfect tense? i really confuse about it!!!!
Happy new year to engvid
Dear ronnie,
could you please help me while learning the tenses, in every tense their are four sub head that is:
1. simple present
2. present continous.
3. present perfect.
4. present perfect contious.
can you please make a video on this, so that i can never forget those above mentioned sub heads.
Thank you vry much mam… U r a great teacher….
Thanx for ur greatfullness..
saifee shaikh
I got 4 out of 4
Jaweed Amini
I want a lot examples to install the information in my mind .thank you
hi Ronnie. i m really disappointed with this website bcoz no one replies me… i want to know,indeed my entire ielts class is looking farward for your video on the use of “have had” in same sentence.. plss email me URL of video if http://WWW.ENGVID.COM already have video lesson on this.. thankx and my whole class really enjoyed your slang in english lesson. i showed them on projector.. please. i have unbelievable improvement just bcoz of you…Love you…may Allah shower His blessing on you…
majid bilal
“Have had” is a tense called present perfect and we have several lessons on it! Start here and then check out the related lessons.
engVid Moderator
Hi Ronnie :-) Your lessons are the best . Only You could explain me what difference is between those two sentences:
“Have you met him? ” and ” Did you meet him? ” I don’t feel when can I use Present Perfect and when simple past :-)
please can you help me and send to me the table for format for the persent,past and past perfect
as example table
go went went
come came came
think thought
thanks ronnie
Hi Mrs Ronnie, I realy want to tell you thank you so much for the explanation, tomorrow Im going to do an english test. Your help is invaluable.
Ronnie thank you and i like your way in teaching.
Ronnie we want to know when we can use these two tenses because these two really confused us , because for example in Arabic i don’t think that there are tenses like perfect tense or past tense we often use it a lot. “sorry long comment” :( Thank you
I am going to go to New York next year . please which is the auxiliar verb and which the main verb . thanks
hector rodriguez
Hi Ronnie, your videos are so helpful. I really like the way you explain things very well with good examples. If you got enough time can you make some videos on Subject-Verb agreement, Articles, and Prepositions. I really need to improve those for my IELTS test. Thanks indeed.. :)
can we use the grammar in conversation with a native spekers ???
and thank’s
Thanks Ronnie i share your video in my groop of English in facebook…i love your way of teaching …Adem
You are so helpful, Ronnie! Thank you.
Hi Ronnie! I understood the correct form of these tenses: past perfect and present perfect and the difference between them. I want to know if we can use these tenses together in same sentence.
your lesson is amazing, but i need to know when we use the present perfect, past perfect when taking in English
Thank you.
Hi Ronnie,
How helpful are your video class. After watching your class, I know that You’re a great teacher, and after reading your comment’s answers I think you’re a wonderful person! Thank you for your time!
Big hug from Vietnam!
Hi Ronnie Thanky 4U and I’ve Problems with verb tense it is difficult for me when can i use it
Hi Ronnie,
I just want to tell you that you are the best and because of you I have start to speak correct english. Keep teaching like that.
Thank you
I got perfect score on the quiz..Thank you for a very clear explanation.
Hey Ronnie mam U r awesome. U teach us wid the full on joy ..that’s y we learn early…thanks mam…..
Hi Ronnie
Do you speak French ?
Because my English is very bad
My first ambition is speak English !
Thanks for you’re lesson.
Very Useful ! I’m going to watch the other videos about each tenses !
Thank you :)
I am a little confused.If I want to describe what I did yesterday.can I just use past simple or I need use past perfect and past simple?Could you tell me how to describe more than two actions in different time?
I have few doubts
1. What is different between
” I have done that task” And “I did that task”
2. “what did you said?” , “Did you got that concept ?” are these correct sentences ? Which is the tense of these sentences, when should we you this kinda tense ?
3 some time we use “do” or “did” in sentences
E.g what did you say ? Can we say it as what you said ? If yes then in which case we should use do and did ?
Please reply
I Ronnie, thanks a lot for your great help to learn English!!!
I’ll look on the website for some more example about the use of present and past participle in daily language…
Is it possible to have your email address to ask some questions? Bye
Hi Ronnie! You are great teacher!
Hi Ronnie thank you for the lesson I really got 100%
You are crazy! :) but is fantastic
Don’t say that, friend that isn’t good.
Tnx for teaching. it’s cool!
when we use present perfect?
mam, what’s the difference between the doesn’t have and haven’t?
Thank you a lot.
i have to P.P > <"
hahaha you are so adorable ,Ronnie :)
Why we say ( been ) in the sentence 3 of the Quiz ?
Great! Thank you very much!
Hi Ronnie,
when do we use I have Had ?
thank you, but can you tell me when we use it?
i know all the form of it, but i don’t know when as i told you.
Hi Ronnie.
in the past perfect we use had in any sentence..
why don’t you tell me ? or you don’t know. just tell me a little bit. that’s very enough for, but you aren’t. i don’t understand.
Important lesson to learn! Thanks Ronnie!
Thank you very much. Present Perfect and Past Perfect are difficulty for brazilian’s speakers, but you really know how to explain.
thank you very much madam you are great teacher
I would like to ask you , when can we use prefect ?
Even i make a good test but i still don’t understand. I dont know why. However thank you very much Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie! thank u 4 lesson! Could u please make a lesson about using have/has had and had had.
thank you very much madam you are the best teacher so i want to know when we use the past perfect ?
pierre france ambeu
You help a lot! Thank you!!!!
when do we need to use a present perfect and past perfect ” when we talk ” ?
and thank you
thanks a lot teacher and i am requesting 12 tense of comparison
Thank you for the wonderful lesson but can you please explain me when to use present perfect and when to use past perfect. I am asking this question because in the video you just explained when to use present perfect not past perfect.
Please help me I am really bad at all the tenses.
Hello ronnie
Thank you for this video,and for your enthusiasm
I have a question,when we want to write the verb have in the past perfect.we write the subject after we write the verb and the pp of the verb the past participle of the verb have is had for example we can see i had had
Hamza aboudi
Good, but I should know the main diffrence between present perfect & past perfect and when we use them?
Thank you Ronnie
thanks ronnie :)
your a good teacher Ronnie not boring at all…:) more vids from u, I learned a lot!:)
Thanks for explanations.
I want to present to you my point of view on tenses in English. How I can send it to you?
Nice explanation.
Quick question– when we use present perfect and past perfect?? it means action is completed or don’t know. please guide
Hi, Ronnie! Thanks!
Thank you Ronnie, I would like to know when use present perfect and past perfect please explain
Hi my lovely Ronnie thank you for try to find the way teach me and other…
Now it is really clear for me .
Big from your fan.
I want more exercise can you give me ?
big love from your fan.
Hi! thanks for the video… I was really usefull. Can you give me a favor, could you make a video about PLOT SUMMARIES AND HISTORICAL TABLES (at least that’s what it says in the book) from the present time I need some help with that. Thanks in advanced! By the way your videos ar awesomeeee!!!! Kisses from Spain…
ty ronnie ..nice video
thank you
Thank you, you are a great teacher Ronnie.
Thanks a lot, Ms Ronnie! Useful lesson!
Ip Man Lee
What we say if we want to enquire whether kevin ate or not?
Has kevin eaten? (or) Had kevin eaten?
how to use above statements?
when we can use it ?
hi in my tests there is a part in which the question is put in the right form and tense i always have 3 or 4 mistakes i hope do it all right please help mee ?
Hi Ronnie,
1. Has Kevin eaten? and
2. Kevin has eaten?
2nd one is correct?
I just watched Present Perfect or Past Perfect and it was helpful, but I didn’t find anywhere about using of these tenses. Could you help me?
Thank you!
Thank u Ronnie u’re gorgeous. Can u let me know when i can use this tenses? and Thanks in advance. :)
Thanks Ronnie teacher…
Thanks I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Whene we use the present and past perfect, in wich cases please ?
Hi teacher Ronnie! I got 4/4. :) Thanks for sharing this video! I understand it very well.
Angeli Hiloma
Hello Ronnie.I am so excited that I have got 100.I am gaining momentum to sit for TOEFL this year.
thank you :)
Hi Ronnie. Please tell me when and why we use present perfect. I don’t understand. Have a nice day.
Hi Ronnie. Please when I can add “been” like the last q
Ali Ben Esehaq
Hi Ronnie. Please when I can add “been” like the last question ?
4. Which sentence is correct?
It have been to the store.
She has been to the store.
He had went to the store.
He has wenten to the store.
Ali Ben Esehaq
could be better if you use differents examples in all cases…practice with examples…you are my favorite teacher, best regards
Ronnie, do you give lessons via skype?
uhuuuuuu! 100%
Thank you!
Cesar Paiva
Thank you Ronnie! you’re perfect!
gve me sentense where we use had
k prashanthi
Thank you very much, Ronnie.
I have a question,can you help me?
Teachers always tell me that present perfect can’t use this tense with time expression like two years ago.
But I saw a sentence on the internet yesterday,it said,“Thanks for what you have done 2000 years ago”.
Is it correct?
Thank u so much!x
ronne you are amazing thank you alot ^_^ i want lesson about ” if ” :\
i was so helpless when it comes to tenses Ronnie.
You have given the easiest way to understand the rules.
More tenses ronnie ! Thank you …
Thank you very much!
I got 100 on the quiz, Thanks Ronnie.I had learned how use present perfect and past perfect.
The grammatical structure always has been a little bit confuse.
I would like to practice my speech whit you.
Do you have any way to do that?
I have a question:
which one is true?
– Do you washed the dishes yesterday?
– Had you washed the dishes yesterday?
************PLEASE HELP ME*************
Did you do the dishes yesterday? ( SIMPLE PAST )
Would be the right question, I guess.
Or, Have you done the dishes yet?( PRESENT PERFECT )
I have a question again!:
He had went to the store.
Very good! funny teacher
Thanks so much !
Thank you teacher! You’re awesome!!!
well operator
Thank you so much teacher. I really like your lessons.
thank you so mach.
z tizazu
Dear Roonie
Thank you a lot for all videos you made to us you are fabulous
I got one question plz
I can use the past perfect only when I want to describe two actions happened in the past?
& Any mistakes in this comment?
My Greetings to you
hi Ronni, when we use present pt and when we use past perfect tense regards.
Ronnie, i loved your lesson. I understand everything that you have tried to explain in this video.
Nikita Yakimov
thanks ronnie but could you tell me when i use the present perfect and when i use pesent parfect continuous,
Amine eng
Hi Roonie
Thank you a lot for all videos you made to us you are agreat teacher
thank’s alot teacher
very good!!!!!!!!!!!!
special for Ronni. Thans
Iliescu Cornel
My best wishes. Thank you.
Elshan HH
its easy to learn knowing that Ronnie is a very good teacher..
Mary Joy
Thank you sooo much for all your help, you are an excelent teacher :D
Thank Ronnie
when we use it in English ??
WaLaa Ibrahim
thanks, i got 100% , More videos like this one plz :)
I got 100% !!!!
Thank you so much ;)
Thank you
Thank you Ronnie
Hey teacher! I’m really impressed how good you are. You’ve been acting like an actress. How long have you been teaching English? I’ve got a 100% of the correct answers again. Isn’t it great? Cheers!
I had some problem here…how can I reach you?
100%% yahoo!))
I have lerant so many grammar in engvid.com
Abdi 22@hotmail.se
You are the funniest english teacher on the web. Thank you very much for your help. We all love you!!!
Thank you teacher
i am new and you are amazing .. you really attracted me to study english very well thaaanks
amina gaba
I always watched your educational videos, I’ve learned lot.I would like to as you how to use present perfect and past perfect in a sentence .Thank you so much :)
Thank you, Ronnie!!!! Your lessons are really usefull for me. And I like your humor as well!!!
Can you correct this for me?
Somebody ate and he is still eating.
How can I say it correctly??
I have a problem in using present perfect and present perfect continuous who can help me in solving this problem please
Thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie, in my point of view you is the best teacher. Well, my english teacher in Brazil was talk abou present perfect, but my doubts is if present perfect is commom used in a conversation. Sorry for my mistake. Thank you very much.
Adriano Michel
I appreciate your videos.
I would like to know when I can use ‘present perpect’ or ‘past perfect’.
Quisku bener kabeh aku pinter ora Ronnie? (java language)
chakim hamzah
What is Past Participle?
Dear Ronnie.
what is the time of present perfect and past perfect?
thank you so much
where i use parsent prefect and past prefect ?
I still don’t know when to use Present perfect or past perfect. can you make some examples? Thank you
which is this type of tense?
“i have had sex with rhea”
Thanks so much
Thank you very much for teacher
I love your classes. Thanks
Juliane nunes
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson!
But I have some problems to uses correct Present Perfect. I confuse it with the Past Simple =-(
When I listen to someone, I undastand, but sometimes when I must say something by oneself, I’m not sure in what time I shoud say…
P.S. Sorry if I wrote with mistakes.
Alexandra Slominskaya
Thanks for this Quiz, I have some learn about the present perfect and past perfect. I got perfect score. Thanks engvid and specially Teacher Ronnie :)
thanks ronnie! i’m from argentina and you help me a lot !you are awesome!
mula andante
I want to thank you Ronnie, many times this english grammer is a problem for me to day I got some hint enven though still very difficult.
present perfect and past perfect always confused me,because those grammar don’t have my first language grammar :) so firstly when we use present perfect tense and past perfect include present perfect continue :) I know all those grammar when we tell about past event but ‘when?’ last year 30 years ago last week yesterday??? please answer me thank you for now..
thank you very much Ronnie i have been very interested today …:)
Ronnie, How is it better to say:
I had had a shower today, or I had a shower today?
Thank you for the lesson.
In my opinion, you are the best teacher!
This question is about the difference between Past Simple and Past Perfect.
Or,maybe, it is better to say ” I have had a shower today”?
always cute , smart , funny Ronnie.
Yasar Aqil
tnx a lot Ronnie
but what is the difference between them? When we have to use Present perfect or past perfect?
Thank You Ronnie
thank you for the lesson. would you pls give a lesson on going to beauty parlour.
hi ronnie thanks a lot for the lesson u are great i’d like to ask you a question it’s correct to say he is gone or not???
Hello Ronnie I’ve listened to another lesson for you which is “the verb to be” and you said on it”haven’t” and “hadn’t” is very old formal and weird and we should say instead “I don’t have” and “I did’t have” so why you here you use it. I am confused now :(
shayma zeyad
Hi Ronnie, you are a great teacher, you clearly some questions i had in my mind, thanks.
This lesson is very important!! Thank you Ronnie!!
Hi Roni, you are so great !
Whit your lesson, is more easy for me learn the english
Thank you so much for teach us all this.
One question.. Do you offer teach english online whit skype?
Sorry for my gramar..
I send you a hug
RONNI! reaWlly you are my best friend! Thank you very much for all lessen,and I ask you one question
I’m very confused all tenses. AND
2, my Wrighting is very poor, Ronni plase help me plase plase thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Ronnie! I’ve been able to understand the lesson and even though it’s not the first time that I listen to about this theme, I loved your explanation. See you later.
Hi Ronnie! I have a questions, when should i use the present,past,future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect tense?
I hope i get a reply from you very soon thank you very much.
Samurai x
Hi Ronnie! I have a questions, when should i use the present,past,future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect tense?
I hope i get a reply from you very soon thank you very much.
Samurai x
Hello Ronnie,
I still have problem when I have to use present perfect, past perfect and Past Simple.
Can you please explain me how and when I should use this temp?
i get the lesson !! Thank you Ronnie !! i get 100 :3
Louve you Ronnie <3
Hello Ronnie,
These sentences make me confused:
– I’ve waited for hours before she arrived VS I’d waited for hours before she arrived.
– It hadn’t rained since friday VS It hasn’t rained since friday
Please help me to make it easy! Thanks!
Ha, ha!
My teacher said ” In English…” are only Present and Past T. Are you right?
hi ronnie, just want to ask when to use present/past perfect tense? can i use simple past tense instead of perfect tense? thanks
Thank you!
You got 4 correct out of 4.
Thank you :)
Somchai Chaikhunsombat
Ronnie you are the best!!! I follow your classes.
Ronnie is a machine!
Thanks for your good advice!
This lesson has been really fun for me.
Thank you very much.Could you please tell us, the situations when we prefer present perfect and past perfect tense?
thank ronni you explain very good
Thank you very much for your teaching. Please give me some sentences concerning present perfect and past perfect tense…
thanks a lot for this video, your lessons are clear and funny!!
Thank you for this great lesson it was very important to know it , i liked you a lot
Ronie, I love your lessons,
There’re funny and I understood very well
Ma. Cristina Angeles Cuevas
Thank you, dear Ronnie!
hlo mam i got 4 out of 4 this is awesome lesson for me . thanks dear mam love u.
hey.i liked your lesson and I need more and more about present perfect and past perfect
Please give me more sentences regarding on this lesson. You are an amazing teacher. Thank you!
I understand the structure, but I don’t understand the uses, when do I have to use each one?
i like your lessons very much. thank you so much
Thank you, now i understand better. Very good teacher.
Hi, Ronnie. Taking your test. Good luck to me!
It’s very good but I steel don’t know where I use
them in expressions
Thanks very synthetic!
You made learning tenses fun and easy! Thank you so much. Hope you can also post video of subject and verb agreement, Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Nice content!
perfect lesson. thank you.
Syed Izhar Baqir
Thank you Ronnie I really like your lessons
Mohsen Tatoo
Thank you Ronnie, You have done a good job. : ) would you please teach some of root for our interest. Look forward to hearing from you. thanks.
you’re marvelous teacher. I wish I had a teacher like you. Thank you very much.
I am confused here. Please Help
4. Which sentence is correct?
a. It have been to the store.
b. She has been to the store.
c. He had went to the store.
Why a and c are wrong
hi Ronnie..
“If i had learnt English well in school, I(should OR would)not have to do all these”
in the sentence should or would which one is correct
Nirav DJ
Thank you teacher Ronnie
zahraa alwedaie
when we have to use present perfect or past perfect?
i have been gotten 100 degree. thanks u Ronnie
Hi Ronnie if you please tell me when i have to use past perfect tense ? Thank you
I love your lessons.
Cindy Yu
Thank you so much.
thanks. It looks easy
Arapoglu Ekrem
100 thank you Ronnie i love you so match
Tnx buddy?
thank you ronnie :)
what’s the difference between these two sentences:
Has Kevin eaten ?
Did Kevin eats ?
Hi Ronnie
I couldn’t find the present perfect continuous can you guide me if it’s possible.
thanks a lot
Thanks God bless you..
Thank You for help me in my education, I like the class.
Thank you so much Ronnie for your lessons. You are super good teacher:)
irina part
Thanks Ronnie till now I was not aware of it … good lecture
Jeslyna kenneth
Hi Ronnie! I’m from Brasil! The problem is in my language, we don’t have two ways to tell about past! So, I know in English how to use “have” or “had” with the PP, the difficulty is in understand the “difference” of situation when using them! Could you teach us please? Sorry my bad English! I love your sense of humor!!
Elizabeth Garcia
thank you so much for the lesson. 75% is showing a good improvement already….
but still i am looking forward for more lessons on this topic
thank you Ronnie, your teaching style is wonderful, I enjoy and everyday more zealous to learning English.
thnx a lot crazy teacher:))
Hi Ronnie, Can you please help me I’m just a little bit confused if which one is correct. ‘did you get a chance to read my report? Or did you got a chance to read my report?’ (Pls correct me with my sentence if I made any mistake) Thank you. Hope to have your answer.
Like always, the lesson was excellent…thanks Ronnie! (my score: 4 out of 4)
Lucas Avelino
You are the great teacher thank you so much
Excellent class
Thank you Ronnie
thank u ronnie love you
jenan abdulaziz
Ronnie, you clarify so well!
thank you Ronnie
Sunny Muffin
when i can use the past perfect and present perfect ?
Ahmed Tohamy
This video is good I want for my teacher follow my comment and comment for my written
Present perfect format have has +p p
Past perfect format has +p p
We use present perfect to express even in the past
I really like how you explain it. Can you teach me on skype? I need to have a C2 level to complete the test. I’m ready to pay for our lessons.
Iryna Zakharuk
Thanks for the video!! You are excellent and funny teacher, what makes your video really good!!
hi ronnie you are very perfect teacher i have ever seen , now i ll ask you for something please try to make your quiz has more questions because 5 or 10 questions is not enough as practice test or you can make more exercise for all English grammar or for all your videos it will be more useful for us as English learners .
Thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie.
I got 4 correct out of 4.
Thanks, Ronnie you are fantastic!
Dear Mrs. Ronnie
can you explain to me what the difference between past simple and present perfect? please, I need help.
best regards,
Hey Ms Ronnie. I can’t understand the difference between Present Perfect and Past Tense? And when I must use each tense in the correct time? And it’s kind of you if you make for all of us a video explaining in it when can we use all the tense in time ?
Thank you Ms Ronnie for your efforts, you’re the best to explain this. Bye
Redha touahria
can i use eated (Verb III) rather than eaten (Verb III)?
thanks teacher
Hi Ronnie, You are so fun to watch.
Can you please Explain the condition, when do we need to use Present Perfect or Part Perfect?
Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie, you look so close to the students and I really appreciate !! I’ll keep going with your classes .
please can you recommend us to learn all tewlve tenses
Hi Ronnie, Excellent your perfect.
Thanks Mr. Ronnie.
well done!!!! What a great video!!!
Thanks a lot!
The Terminator
Hey, Roni thanks for another amazing lesson,
I honestly like your Youtube class, you are my new bestie teacher!.
i coudn’t understand what’s the different between present perfect and past perfect!
very easy
al willis
Thank you very much
thank you dear
thank you dear
What a great teacher!!
thanks it was a great.
Tank you ,it was wonderful
thank’s teacher
for your help, I got 100
you are good ronnie!
I don’t understand finally question.Please explained
Thanks for the little help.
Your videos are better than any netflix serie´s. I could watch you explaining all day long.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
your lesson is fantastic and you look so good today. Thank you for help me to learn english.
Thanks Ronnie you are fantastic!
I have learnt via engvid
i had studied alot of lessons
Teacher…Know that I am learning a lot with you.
You have a special way of explaining…
I got them all right..
thanks allot my teacher in online,really we get more advantage.
i lern more plz
thanks allot, your lesson reached us well , and also you broke the wall of the with out english.hahah
hai,mam thank you very much for your classroom teaching.it is interesting.
Really this study is very use full for me but there still some difficut word I need to go over it.
Thnak you for this video, I wonder if you could explain more about when we use each tenses (Present perfect vs Past perfect).
Thank you
That lesson will follow.
Check the site for present perfect.
many thanks for you i need usage of these tenses
Thank you
thank u Ronnie for your lessen i was wonderful but I still can’t understand much so can u plz give us more lesson past prefect and simple past
pp stand for past participle and it kind of confusing when it comes to present perfect could be pp as well?
really you are funny and great
iam mido from Egypt
thank you very much
Thanks it’s helpful but could you help me for writing,i study at home some times when i write the things i don’t no it’s correct or not. can i send my writing then you corrected and send it back to me please.
Dear Ms Ronnie you are very clever teacher your lessons are very use ful.You are funny too.
hi,thanks for this video
I have a problem in using present perfect and present perfect continuous if you can help me in solving this problem please
tank you teacher
Yeah. Was going to ask the same question… What is the difference in using of this two? As I guess it’s way more complicated for a non-native speaker to catch. Look forward to watching a new video! :)
thank you, that was going to be my question .. but you saved me lots of time to type it !!
Hi Ronnie! Very good lesson. However, You haven’t explained when to use each one of these two tenses! What’s the real and fundamental difference between both tenses in terms of use? When should I use each? Thanks for the great effort.
Keep watching! There is a lesson on that!
Check the site for present perfect.
I have made another lesson for you!
Keep watching!
Search the site for present perfect to help you with that tense!
Thank you, Ronnie, very much.
Hello, tks fot the lesson, but I still dont understand in which situatuins I can use each tense, can you give some examples?
Search the site for present perfect.
There is a lesson on past perfect coming!
Only structure? I thought you would explain the use of these verb tenses. But never mind, I know it already :)
same question
Thanks Ronnie. My native language is Russian. I can’t understand the difference between Present Perfect and Past Tense. Can you explain this? Only you.
We don’t use them together.
There is a lesson following on how to use past perfect!!
roni right me a email.-ääääää
Is it true when I say ( I have got a massefe from my mom ) or is there something wrong ??
You mean massage or message??? Your grammar is correct!
Ya. u,ve spoken about the structure only. what about the usage and understanding.the difference as well ronie :) B-
Thankyou it is very useful for me.
Ronnie could u plz explain the differences between the both tenses?
Hi Ms.Ronnie thanks alot for the very useful lesson.If you expain alittle more in detail.It would be better
Hi Ronnie,Thanks for the videos.I would like to learn how to use conditional in all tenses.Please explain to me.
There will be a lesson on conditionals for you! Keep watching!
Thank you so much,
can you explain why we called to perfect tenses (Perfect) and to simple tenses (Simple or indefinite)?
I will be thankful to forever.
Best Regards
Sher Bahader Khan (Mashriqi)
I have no idea – I did not make the names for them!!!
gotcha , But How To Distinguish Them From each other , and When To Use Present perfect and past perfect Is a lil bit hard but i’m gonna watch the video over and over again till i get it , Thank You Ronnie
There will be a lesson to help with that – keep watching!
Hi kan jeg få din email adresse?
God bless you!
what I know about the present perfect the concept of the present perfect says that we use it to talk about an action that happened in the past as you said in unspecified time before now and we use the present perfect with some stuff like:
Before, several times, once,etc
for example:
1- I’ve seen that guy before (don’t know when)
2- I’ve been to Canada several times
Can you tell me now what the concept of the past prefect is?
I think so:
1. I had seen that guy before I met him yesterday.
2. I had been to Canada several times
before I went there last summer.
I would name it “past in past”
But i’m not sure.
Past perfect we use to talk about 2 ACTIONS that happened in the past. The past perfect action tells which action was first! There is a lesson coming to help you ! Keep watching!!!
You mean like:
The lady broke down when she knew that her son had died
is that correct?
PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great work!
Ronnie, you’re amazing! Thank you for all of your lessons :)
1- I had seen that guy before (don’t know when)
2- I had been to Canada several times
Ronnie, jump in the help please. It’s about the pronunciation “s” and “z” sounds. I read rules about pronunciation, and I know that “s” sound is pronounced after voiceless sounds such as f, h, k, p, t, and “z” sound after voiced sounds such as b, d, g, j, l, m, n, r, v, w, s, z. But how to pronounce them after vowels a, e, i, o, u? Is it “s” or “z”? Please help.
For instance Applies, grows, buys, stings…
And yes, not to forget, what about sound, how to tell you, you know, “ing” form, and that long sound in the end, it’s not n, not g, but long n. How do we pronounce s after them? Perfect example is “belongings”?
how are you?
ammmmm,really it very good lesson ,but acually i know that and bilve my ,if i want to speake i cant use this .i dont know why ???however,i think you can helpe me!!!
thnx>>>>i wish thate ,i can speak english easylie
i scored full marks on the quiz, wohoo!thanks ronnie :)
Hai Ronni,
How are you ?
I enjoyed your lesson.
If someone is asking me that, have you eaten ? / Has Mr.Kevin gone there?
How can I give answer ?
Thank you madam
You can just answer yes or no!
Thank you, Ronnie. Now, I know how to make sentences with present perfect and past perfect. But I don’t know when I use it. Can you explain it?
Thanks in advance :)
Keep watching – there will be a lesson for you!
Check out present perfect!
thank you for your help, you are a good teacher
Hi Ronnie, How is going?
Thank you so much for this useful grammar lesson.
However, I have only one question.
I’ve been learning English for many years but still don’t know when using “did” or “have”.
Please, please, would you like to give me some clarifications?
Many thanks in advance.
I did something means you finished it. I did my homework
I have something means you own it. I have homework
thank’s teather
Hi mam!could you please explain when to use Present Perfect and Past Perfect,other wise your lessons are very usefull.
There is another lesson for that…just keep watching!
Thank you Ronnie for this useful lesson…..
I have learnt better and better with your help and the help of all teaching staff of engvid… thank you so much!!!.
it is very hard to speak with native american so fast and specially with those tenses.how can i answer if someone told me has kevin slept?
thank you for the lesson ,but it’s preferable to explain when we use them .
Dear Ronnie, your lessons are great, I advice your lessons to my friends and they enjoy it) You are so expressive, it makes your lessons more interesting. I’d like to thank you for it and I’m looking forward for new lessons with description of usage of Present Perfect and Past perfect tences. Please, give more examples and if it’s not difficult for you give more tests after each lesson. Sorry for my grammar. Truly yours, Paul)
How about you give me examples of past perfect and present perfect and I will tell you if they are correct!!!
Well It’s pretty good idea.
Present Perfect:
I’ve just seen your new lesson about Present and Past Perfect.
Past Perfect:
I had do it before I began my game in the Internet.
Is everything correct?
Almost – I had DONE it before I began my game in the Internet.
You have to use the p.p with both past and present perfect!
Thank you, Ronnie. It’s a really silly mistake)
I had had a bath-Past Perfect
i have never been in London
ronnie!!! i dont know when can i use the past participle? can you help me please
Watch the video again – I told you when we use it!!
Hi Ronnie, How are you doing?
How can I use the simple passive voice?
Could you please explain me that?
Simple passive = to be verb + past participle.
I eat cookies.
Cookies are eaten.
check out the videos..
Great lesson, but I want to know when can I use them. thanks i love your lessons.
There is a lesson following to help you!
Hello, thanks a lot for tha awesome video!!
hi, thank you i really get the lesson but could tell us WHERE to use the past perfect and the present perfect .i had a bad mark in English because of this lesson and all my collages have trebles with that .so pleaaaaaaase I AM BEGGING explain this lesson “where to use both of them”English LANGUAGE is important to me and you really helped.thank you
There will be a lesson following the tells you how to use them!
We use past perfect with simple past. Past perfect tells the audience what action happened first in a past story.
Present perfect we use to talk about life experience.
It would be very unusual to use both past perfect and present perfect together.
hey i love this class thank for help me im so thankfull God bless u
Hi ronnie
You are doing a wonderfull job i really appreciate you for this you got a unique teaching style and good sense of humor obviously :) and i requesting engvid that they’d make tenses as an individual in topic list
Thank you all
We are preparing a course on tenses!
please help me how to Pronounce “ESS”, in this case : it Pronounce /is/ waitress, business, careless ….
in some case : it Pronounce /es/ : homeless, less, bless …
I’m stuck, please help me out, thanks a lot, my teacher – Ronnie.
waitress = way-triss plural = waitress-is
business = biz-niss plural = biz-niss-iz
careless= care-liss
homeless = home-liss
less = less
bless = bless
perfect lesson,what the words is used in present perfect like already,yet,etc
Yes! I’ve already done it.
But “yet” is only for negative. I haven’t done it yet!!!
Thanks ronnie for fantastic lecture. I have a question for this lesson, you teach us a form of perfect tense but when we use this perfect tense(past and persent)?
Keep watching, there is a video that will explain that!
thank you teacher
Thank you! But unfortunately you did not explain the difference between two tenses…I mean when we use one and when we use the other, what situations
There is a lesson coming for that! Keep watching!
thanx !
Thanks for everything you people are doing :)
This is really nice class.
Thank you very much Roni!!!
You are looking more good in this video)))
I like your methods of teaching)
hi ronnie, alex again
could you confirm if the frases are correct ( the past perfect describes the fist action and the present perfect the next action ) lets go to the frases:
past perfect ( 2 actions )
had+PP has+PP
When I had arrived the movie has been started
The soccer player had made a goal when suddenly he has broken his legs.
present perfect ; ( 1 action )
the player has broken his legs
let me know if it is correct because I would like to do more exemple and practice this tense, therefore i am helping a colleague with her assignments and I have to make sure about that
We usually use past perfect with simple past. Don’t worry there is a lesson coming for that!!! Keep watching!!
Ex.. When I had arrived home, the movie started.
The football player had made a goal when suddenly he broke his legs.
Your present perfect examples are correct! Great work!!!
every day I wach your lessons I pleased the God for descovering this site;It’s so useful;now I need your urgent aide to find the english conversations;Ronnie please help me to find it.
Go onto the Engvid Facebook page and chat with other students!! Also, give other students your Skype id and you can speak to other Engvid students!!! Just put your info in the comments section on the site!!
Thanks Ronnie.
thank you Ronnie for teaching me the lesson present perfect vs past perfect and I would also like to learn more lessons with you.God bless you and have a long life.
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are awesome! If it is possible tell us more about tenses. Cuz it’s hard to find quite good and understandable information about this. Thank you!
this helpt me alot
thank you for teaching so well.i ll be student of your class and try to learn more as possible for me
Thanks Ronnie
Hi Ronni,
I enjoyed your lesson.
Can you explain which is correct in the following sentence ?
1, He dosn’t have a pen.
2, He hasn’t a pen.
Thank you.
thank you for every thang
plese help me for writing and bulid vocablary
name book or any thang for help
If you like reading, you should find a SHORT book in English to help you! There are books made for ESL learners, called “penguin readers”. Check the internet to find them!
Also, try English magazines, music, movies and tv shows!!!
hi ronnie…thanks a lot for such an interesting nd helpful lessons..i have problem in using continuous tenses pls explain…..?
thanks alot ronnie ….this chapter helps me so much ……love ya ronnie
hi mam, How are you,
i feel very great when i watch this video, you have very excellent teaching method. i am very impressed,
god bless u
You are great and lovely teacher
Thanks a lot.
hi ronnie .plz explain continuous tenses……i can’t using them perfectly
Search the site under “continuous tenses” – there are many resources for you!
Hi Ronni,
I enjoyed your lesson.
Can you explain which is correct in the following sentence ?
1, He dosn’t have a pen.
2, He hasn’t a pen.
Thank you.
They are the same but #1 is more natural.
what is diffrence between present perfect and present progress?
Present perfect = past experience. Present progressive = what is happening NOW!!
Nice lesson Ronnie thanks a lot ^^ see ya =)
i also wanna join u
can me send someone information about thz..
Check out these lessons!
i did, we did,he/she did ,they did
it is possible to write you did
Ronnie, please do a lesson on voiced and unvoiced sounds such as “th”. I know that we should pronounce it differently in particular situations. For example cloth-sound is voicelss, but clothes-here is voiced. Please, do a lesson on it, and clarify a little bit. I’m sure that I am not the only one person here who needs this. Thank you in advance.
Ok! I will make a lesson for yoU!
please i owe you PLEASSE ronnie
Ronnie,help you for your lessons!You are so beatiful and highly qualified teacher !I envy your students!that’s a pitty that I can’t study in Canada(
Most of all I liked the video where you talked about the differences in the naming of objects in UK and CANADA!PLEASE HELP ME WITH USING MOST AND MORE,AND past and pr.p.cont!
More is used when we compare 2 things (comparative adjectives) Ex. She is more beautiful than the other one.
Most is used when we are talking about THE BEST thing. (superlative adjectives). She is the most beautiful girl ever!
thank you madom, its(your classes) so impressive.i have doubts in usage of have been /has been when to indicate two or more actions. is this only linked with nouns or two things/ two actions?
Present perfect is used with past experience – you can have many actions Ex..I’ve eaten snake, climbed a mountain and laughed at the dog.
hi Ronni, very nice lesson, but I have another question for present perfect and past perfect. the question is how should I use present perfect and past perfect, for example, ” I have read Harry potter” and ” I had read Harry potter”. they both meant something you have already done, but when should I use “have + p.p” , when should I use “had + p.p” ?
We use past perfect with simple past when we talk about 2 actions that happened in the past. Eg. I had read the book, then I saw the movie.
Present perfect we use to talk about experience. I’ve read the book.
There is a video coming that will explain this for you!
I got it,thank you for the help.
Thank you Ronnie for your inform but I’have been too late to Answer your question so SOME Problem on the meaning of some words second I’have no books.
What I’can do to solve this problem .thank you .
I have seen this lesson twice. cya I need to pee, thanks dear Ronnie.
Thank you, Ronnie!!! I got it )))
i went to bed after i had done my homework.is it correct?
GREAT!!! It is correct!
hi happy to be inside i enjoy the site its very useful and practical frankly i don’t regret to be here
please help me to learn english ..
you are a very good teacher and im not really like studying but when im watching all of your video. I found that english is really easy if you practice ..
english language is very important nowadays that why i want to master it but how .. my language is not english .. can you help me ? please
i has a determination to learn please
and can you make a lesson ..
the words make pastense tips or strategy how please
when do we use past perfect tense
There is a video coming to explain it! We use it with 2 past events that we want to talk about in one sentence.
Ex. After I had eaten my lunch, I found my cat. Past perfect + simple past!
you are the best teacher that I have known. You are very funny
Thanxs for this lesson it is very easy :)
Thank you Ronnie…
your lesson is fantastic and really I like to focus with you because you are fantastic teacher but I have question :When do I use present perfect and past perfect in general (I want situations ?
Search engvid for “tenses” there are lessons to help you!
Thanks mam, it was indeed very useful!
when do we use have been,had been &has been
Have been = present perfect with I/they/we/you.
I have been to India.
Has been = present perfect with he/she/it.
He has been to India.
Had been = past perfect.
He had been to India.
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot. I learn fast from your lessons. I’ve been wondering if you have a lesson on heteronyms. they’re confusing.
Ronnie, look at this example teacher Rebecca gave us to practice. In fact, this was one of the questions in the quiz here on EngVid. It’about reported speech. Angela: “I can’t come to the party tonight.” Angela explained she couldn’t come to the party tonight. Now, I was wondering whether we should say this to be correct, or we have to change the word “tonight” into “that night” or “last night”?
is correct if you are talking about the same day! If it was said in the past, you would have to change it to that night!how can i improve my english plz help me
What is your weak point? Speaking? Vocabulary? Writing?
You are a shining teacher.
thank you
I weak point writing
You should write a journal each day – just a few sentences about what you did that day or will do in the future!!! This will help you with your writing skills!
Thank but you are professional teacher
I warmly recommend the most popular Japanese Manga series called DRAGON BALL to all of you who want to improve english language skills. Variety of words used here will help you to expand vocabulary to the maximum. They also use all verb tenses, tag questions, conditionals, and the most important, they speak fluently, smoothly and very clearly. By watching all three parts of series (DB, Z and GT), your knowlegde & confidence will grow, and simultaneously you will enjoy each series. I assume that lots of you already know for this, but I’m sure there is also a number of people who didn’t know. Enjoy watching…
Ronnie, I like your lessons and I’d like to ask you to teach me when to use verb “Be” and “Do (does/did)” in a question.
I don’t know when I should use these words on creating questions, for example;
“DOES your neck hurt?”
“IS your neck hurt?”
“DOES this sentence seem correct?”
“IS this sentence seems correct?”
I could ask other EngVid teachers this but some of them doesn’t seem like they check viewer’s comment and answering, so I am begging you!
Hope you could help my question in your future video! :)
If the sentence has a adjective, you have to use “to be”. EX… Is this sentence correct? (correct is an adjective) Is he tired? Are you hungry?
In other sentences we use the axillary verb “does” for questions.
Does your neck hurt. (there is no adjective).
Does your neck hurt. (there is no adjective). This sentence should use question mark instead of a period. Does your neck hurt? ma’am ronnie Am I correct? Thanks for teaching us how to use correct grammar. I love you.
hi dear, i asked u about one lesson about 2 actins that happend in the past and how to use it which actin was first u sad 2 me yes i will , but u haven’t done it ,thank u for ur efforts 2 help as
Ronnie you the best teacher
i’ve teaching piano for twenty years or i have taught piano for twenty years.which one is correct??
I have taught piano for twenty years.
OR I’ve been teaching piano for 20 years!
Thank you
I love the way that you teach. Thank you so much for you energy to teach.
hi ronnie
I am 17 years old and m from islamabad i like your style of teaching plz guide me about (expressing of possibility and impossibility)(modal verbs)or prepare a lecture for me plz i m waiting for your response
Search the site for “modal verbs”! There are many lessons already made for you!
Good luck!
I love your lesson,thank you .I want to make friends with you.Jack
No hablo Inglés, miré casualmente tu video y sos TAN SIMPÁTICA que, sin entender, me dieron ganas de aprender! FELICITACIONES, SOS UNA EXCELENTE MAESTRA!!
you are so nice teacher
Hi!!…thanks for the english class, it’s so good, and you’re a nice teacher…greetings from Mexico
Hi Ronnie,I am begginer to learn english.I listen your lesson . It is fantastic.Your presentation skills are attractive.I love this way to teach me.Hi Ronnie keep going.I want to be a global man.
thank u ,you are awesome
hiii thanks for cours it is usefull;good work miss RONNIE
hi ronnie \, one question can i say I didn’t have time ??? make sense???
wow v.good
eh! Ronnie how have you been. i love the way you use to teach and i am actually a very big fan of yours here. :)
well as you’re my teacher here so i would like to as you something about my english.
i am facing a problem in communicating with others cause i don’t actually know where to use “suppose to be” and what’s its meaning. i am not familiar with it.
could you please give a lecture about that.
please… :(
Hi Ronnie,
I am an beginner and i have some knowledge about English grammar but i can’t talk smoothly and lost my memory again and again.
Tell me some suggestion Kindly.
Ronnie, I am tantalized by pronunciation! I hate it! Why is English language so illogical????
I have a lot of examples, but let’s say this one. The word “meter”. We pronounce it on one way, but in the word kilometer, it has different pronunciation! Why so when in that word, we use the same word???
we need to know the different usages of both tenses
Hello Ronnie! It’s me again=) I have one question. Could you tell me please is this sentence right or not?-‘What had you been doing before you got home?’ and is there any diference between ‘I had lived in London’ and ‘I had been living in London’. Should I indicate the time in past perfect or past continuous?
I’m looking forward for your reply. Thank you very much!
Your sentence is correct!
I had lived in London means that you are no longer there.
“I had been living in London” needs a time marker!!
But “I have lived in London” means he still lives in London and also means he used to live there. Is that right?
I have lived in London implies that he is not living there now. We use present perfect for experiences in the past!
So, what’s the difference between “I had lived in London” and “I have lived in London” in that case? As far as I can see they both show that someone used to live in London but not anymore. Why would we use Past Perfect instead of Present Perfect?
We use past perfect with simple past, to add more info. I had lived in London, and I took the tube.
Hi Ronnie. Your teaching is fascinating. Thanks for being there for people like me that are willing to broaden their knowledge. My problems is with the “H factor” for example; eat / hit / happy / apple, eyes, ice, up, help, hell, air, hair, actor, actress, ark, and so and so. I will be grateful if you can help with teachings to eradicate permanently this odd peculiarity that has plagued my speaking English. My email address is (lolagrove@yahoo.co.uk)I will expect to hear from you. Thank you.
That’s a great lesson idea — I’ll add it to the list of requests!
Hi. Would you explain more about your question , I dodn’t get the point ? Thanks.
sorry ….don’t get…..
your classes are so interesting !! congratulations !
i´m from Peru , i must say that i´m learning a lot !! i finished study english last year and since then i practice with you everyday on line … thankssssssssss!!
It is very useful sites for all who hesitate to speak in English
And i didn’t know why i am hesitate to speak in English before my teachers and friends .
Hii Ronnie,
It’s me ,Sona again back in the English learning World.By the way,I wanna let you inform that it’s IPL(Indian premeare League) time in India.It’s a season for the cricket players from the different parts of the world to fetch as much money as they could in their bag.It usually comes once in a year .It brings a lot of excitement,cheers,temptation,joy in spectators mind when they find their time winning the game but the flip sides of those like tears,sadness also go along with when one has to leave the gallery after witnessing a defeat of their favourite team carrying tears in eyes and being disappointed.However,it’s a game where one team wins and another team has to admit a defeat.It has been a lot so far about cricket.Now ,I like to discuss about my problems and want to get them cleared.I watched a match last day on T.V..I heard a couple of sentences which are haunting as well as confusing me ever since they had entered in my scull.First one is:The ball was hit hard to clear the fence(In cricket,it’s the boundary rope).Second one:Fielders have been brought inside the circle to save the singles.(In this game,we usually have a circle.Fielders generally stand inside it during the early hours of the match).Third one:The catch was taken comfortably by the fielder standing five steps ahead of the rope.Like these, there were also a few more sentences which I heard.My explanation is all the sentences written above are in passive voice.To cite reason ,I could interpret the first sentence like someone(obviously the batsman hit the ball hard……).For the second one,the captain must have spread his fielders across the playground and that’s why the commentator said that sentence in the passive.Finally,one fielder must have caught the ball comfortabally which led the commentator form the saentence in passive while watching the action.Basically,I think it’s a natural instinct which comes to everyone’s mind to express these things in passive irrespective of which language you speak.Because,the same thing happens when we describe such things in our language.I have had this realization.I don’t know if my understanding is correct or not but I request you to help me understand the concept to get over this difficulties.
Looking forward to receiving a fast response from you ,MaM…
thanks for this lesson.Now i know but sometimes i confused all tenses
actually i confused present perfect simple and present perfect continuous.i don’t know differences between this tenses.
Anything “continous” in English means verb+ing!!!
So….present perfect= have + p.p.
present perfect continuous = have + been + verb+ing
do a reply of my message Ronnie.. :(
Thank Ronnie, you are really good teacher I haven’t seen before. I learned a lot from you.
eh! Ronnie how have you been. i love the way you use to teach and i am actually a very big fan of yours here. :)
well as you’re my teacher here so i would like to as you something about my english.
i am facing a problem in communicating with others cause i don’t actually know where to use “suppose to be” and what’s its meaning. i am not familiar with it.
could you please give a lecture about that.
please… :(
Supposed to be means what you think is correct! Ex. I am supposed to be doing my homework (but I am not).
yes Ronnie.! but somebody told me that suppose to be means “Should”.. is that correct or not..??
and is there any difference between suppose to be & supposed to be..??
if then please let me know..
No, should is advice…… You should drink 8 glasses of water.
Supposed to is like a rule….. You are supposed to pay taxes.
Supposed to is proper grammar but when we talk, it sounds like we say “suppose to”.
suppeosed to is a rule as you just said.
is it means something which is a duty.?
E.g: I am supposed to make my own bed every morning.!
is it correct. ?
still waiting for your answer.. :(
hi ronnie.iam so happy with this lesson and your method,but i have one question. when can i use this tense
Hii Ronnie,
I am too excited today after coming across a sentence where I found the word “man” has been used as a verb.I have written the sentence below and I request you to correct the same.
The sentence reads as:
The state government is planning to man(man used as a verb) all the unmanned(adjective form of the verb “to man”)level crossings across the states to reduce the fatal accidents occuring of late.
The sentence written above is indeed mine though I have read similar kinds of sentences on newspapers..
I hope you will definitely respond to my question soon…
Your sentence is correct! Great job!!
hi sona….iam also a learner of english language. I normally go through the comments that student’s post after getting through lessons. Same I did for you. I don’t know exactly because I am not a native speaker neither I am living in a country where english is first language.Your sentence is: the state governments planning to man all unmanned level crossing across the “STATES” to reduce the fatal accidents occuring of late.
I think you can not use “s” for state as you are talking about one govt.(specific govt. of state).I decision i
by mistake I pressed enter.In my last line I would like to say that it is correct if decision is taken by central government.
Lastly, I may be wrong.But, till the time what i have learned, I expressed my view.Another thing that I have observed that Your level is higher than me so please don’t feel that I am criticising you.Have a good luck. Bye
hello Ronnie! you are good teacher i want to follow you at twitter id if u do not mind plz give me it
Sorry, I don’t have tweeter.
روعة هالدرس شكرا
hello ronnie you’re awesome, my question is when we use present perfect and when we use the past perfect, because I have never understood and I think only you can explain that!
Present perfect we use to talk about our past experience.
Past perfect we use to talk about an event in the past and we use it with simple past to tell a story in the past!
Watch my new video to help you!
Ronnie I,m so confused on tens
1, present tens
2, present perfect
3, present continuous
4, present perfect continuous
Ronnie I don,t Know when I use P.T,P.P,P.C,P.P.C and also in the past tens and future tense I can,t differentiate those things I know present, past, future when I use but p.p, p.c and so on and past perfect , paste continuous , pleas Ronnie my dear I need these things clearly Ronnie I ask my self when I use those tens. I hope you will help me soon.
The other thing Ronnie I have the Problem of spalling when I write something so if you can help me on this regard. I,m very happy.
Thanks my dear for everything in advance.
1. we use for everyday routine situations. I brush my teeth.
2. We use to talk about our past experiences (have/has + p.p.) I have lived in Japan.
3. We use to talk about what we are doing RIGHT NOW. (to be +verb+ing) I am typing.
4. We use to talk about actions we started in the past are we still continue to do today. ( have/has + been + verb+ing) I have been living in Toronto.
thank you so much:)
pls gve more examples while teachng…..pls gve examples for haven’t and hadn’t :)
@Ronnie, thanks very kindly for your response. I will look forward to the lesson.
Ronnie. how have you beem..
i got through the phrase “Supposed to be”. thanks for helping me out.
but now i wanna ask how and where to use “Being & Been”. :(
hi Ms-Ronnie ,first I want to tell you are good teacher of English I like your lessons and i learn with you , I am student in college since 2012
thank you for everything
Hello! This was very good lesson form me now I konow how to use it.But when I can use it? This is very hard.I hope that you adding video soon.
i paid all my attention to this perfect and great lesson but until now i couldn’t tell this sentence from this sentence “i had eaten ” “i have eaten “
Hi, i Want to ask you, When I need to use PRESENT PERFECT TENSE?
To talk about a past experience with no time marker. Ex. I have been to Japan. (You don’t know when I went there).
Hey,Romie.I am from Belaruss.Your lessons is very usefull.Thank you very much.And I think your are very talented teacher.Anyway I just want to asked,HOW we can choose when we use Present Perfect or Past Perfect?And Can you get more information about meaning this tense?
Search the resources section on the site and there is a list of tenses to help you!
thank u ronnie you’re my favourite teacher in here and ı think my students are going to love you=)
I hope so! Thanks for watching!~ Good luck! If you or your students have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me!
Hi, Ronni
you didn’t mention exactly the differences on when to use present perfect and past perfect, thank you
hi ronnie,,
im new here,, I just wanted to ask when do we use past perfect and present perfect?
I took a quiz..
I pick “He had went to a store”
but correct answer is “She has been to the store?? I dont know why? Why my answer is Wrong?
Went is not a past participle.
Thanks a lot Ronnie. We had been watching your video. We learned a lot from you. More Power!!!
Hello Ronnie. i like your lessons ♥
Thank you verymuch
hi Ronnie
you teach very nice.
actually i have so much confusion between perfect tense(past, present and future) and perfect continuous and so i cant speak in which i have to use be, being, been ..
please i need help .. help me
please post some video for this
thanx for so many nice video
real talk i do like the way you give class the only thing we might do is to pray for you cause what you do is not easy share one s knowledge with people from everywhere thanks thie from senegal
Millions thank you for you. You are a good teacher. I am really learn a lot of English from you
that’s great!!! i appereciate you.
Thank you a lot!
dear madam great video .
my doubt is that you said don’t use have for she\he\it.
so it is right
she has a pen.
he has a wife.
it has a tail
she has dinner.
plz tell madam
You are correct! Great work!
Ronnie. how have you beem..
i got through the phrase “Supposed to be”. thanks for helping me out.
but now i wanna ask how and where to use “Being & Been”. :(
wow! Your teachings really make good sense of productive learning.
Thank u Ronnie
I scored 4 out of 4.
2 tell u the truth,I’ve never seen such a profitable site b4!
Tx a lot 4 sharing ur in4mation so kindly with us.
Warm Regards!
Hi Madam.How r u ? Hope that u’ll be fine. Really u r doing a great job. Bcoz of u I learnt a lot. Madam I have a question. In ur previous lesson u told us that in negative form of present and past perfect we use “Didn’t” instead of have not or had not. We don’t use “had not”. I’ll be very thankful to u if u’ll clear me that one. Might be I forgot.
Didn’t have is just more natural than “had not”!
Ahehehe… I love the way you teach Ms. Ronnie :D you made me laugh and at the same time made me understand the lesson you’re teaching. Hope you could upload more video for us to learn English fluently.
uhmm, Might I have a request Ms. Ronnie? Could you please upload a video lesson about
the Subject and Verb agreement. It was very confusing, sometimes I don’t even know what would be the appropriate verb
that I must use? It made me puzzled.
Thank you Ms. Ronnie in advance.
I think Rebecca has done a lesson on that topic! Search the site for “subject/verb agreement”!
Thank you so much and this is because you helped me to find the right way of learning English.
i would like to tell you something that i live in African country , most people how live in in this country do not speak this language so how can i improve the rate of conversation in English . I believe that you can help me to solve this problem and thank you .Morad.
Ronnie, you’re my favorite, Thank you
I have already done it.
Madam u told us that the negative of this sentence is” I haven’t done it yet”
Madam can we say that” I didn’t do it” Is that correct or incorrect..
I think saying “I didn’t do it” means you are denying about something that was accused/blamed to you in the present/current day, and if you say “I didn’t do that” means you did not do anything which already had happen earlier or before the incident.
STILL, that was only from my own understanding Mr.Ghazni so we better consult and wait for Ms. Ronnie’s comment for the right answer.
And Ms. Ronnie, does my grammar or let’s say the way I construct my sentences was correct? please correct me if there’s something wrong in my sentences? Thank you. I hope I am not bugging you too much. hehe
Or I didn’t do that.
hello madam,I am disturbing you from Azerbaijan.I am very thankful for your lesson,for your teaching.Can you send me your e-mail whenever I if i have any problem i ask you.Thank you beforehand
thank you Ronnie, you’re an effective instructor. Hope to learn more from you.
i like your lessons i like the way you are teaching i am really great full
Hi Ronnie, the knowledge was spread for all places and it is because You, Ronnie has had a magic power that we love, I mean you make all very simple for us. Take care.
The tests should be more difficult,Thanks.
Thanks Ronnie believe me out other teachers I like your Technic of study god bless you.
Of course, what a fantastic site and illuminating posts, I definitely will bookmark your website.Have an awsome day!
Your classes are very good and are helping me in many things!
hi Ronnie , I want to thank y about this lesson wich make the lot confused . but i need to know when can i use the past perfect and when i use the simple past in translation ( i need example ) thanxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by “in translation”.
Thank you
that my first time that i see a programme like that it’s perfect.now i have exame and ineed your help teacher ronni please help me if you want that my email. badre_kabo@hotmail.az
hi there ms. ronnie ,, your lesson is apparent to me now .. i’m filipino
you’re my favorite among all the teachers here in engvid
Hi Ronnie, im a second langunge learner and i have a quastion. When did you use present perfect and past perfect when you writting or speaking
Watch Rebecca`s lesson on past perfect and mine on present perfect. We use them for both writing and speaking!
when should we to use present perfect & past perfect ?
hai ronnie your teaching is very good i like your teaching i am so confused about tenses and and feel fear speak in english with others how to overcome this problem please give me any suggistions
Watch this video!!!
wow ronni you are amazing teacher i enjoy with your video lesson
Your lesson is a great tool for teachers in El Salvador Gracias maestra
Ronnie how I can to check last link in your watched lessons???….for example:if I watch your lesson, after this link should change color.That like in Email.that will be better because I can to find my last lesson…Thank You….
Sorry, I do not know how to do that!
thanks allot teacher
nice lesson very usefull
you’re my favorite among all the teachers here in engvid thnx alot
hi Ronnie excuse me but when we use the p.p or the present perfect ! thank you
thank you for your lesson.
thank you
what is the difference between
1)i would have done it .
2) i would have been done it .
1) it has cancelled
2) it has been cancelled.
question 2)
what is the use of been ?
3) how to use being in the sentences?
4) why do we use plural for singular noun in conditions. (for if i were, if he were .) and how to use it.
please explain with examples.
Kind Regards,
ramesh patil.
a) #1 = you would have done it = you did not start the action (or do it at all)
#2 = you would have been done it = you started the action but did not finish it.
b) #1 is wrong. “It” (a thing that is not a person cannot cancel something)
c) Being is a noun. Here is a link to a dictionary with examples.
d) I have no idea why we use this = English grammar is really confusing….there is no logical reason why.
Hello teacher Ronnie
I want to ask one question
If i eat now anythings for exaple bread
Is‘t right if i say : i have just finished eaten bread
hi, Ronnie, i’m so glad to be here. i just wanna let you know about “our confusing” in this lesson. for us as non english-native it’s very hard to distinguish between present perfect and past perfect time. when is the right time we use “present perfect” and “past perfect” in english? it’s still confusing for me. lot of thanks :)
This makes the present perfect and past perfect lessons easier for the beginners to understand. however, please discuss about when do we use present perfect and past perfect. There are rules when we should use the two perfect tenses.
Ronnie Teacher ..What Is The Logical Difference Between Will And Would..and Where To use Will And Where To Use would while speaking?
Will is used to talk about the future, and for things that you believe will happen. EX. I will go to the store.
Would = is used for things that you wish would happen (but may be impossible). Ex.. I would go to the store if I had money.
= to give advice. Ex…If I were you, I would go to the store.
Thank You…For Clearing my doubts About Will And Would.Can U please Tell Me any tips which can be useful during Conversation.I Stuck Many times and keeps thinking what to say next..How to keep Conversation Going smoothly? :)
mam i m realy confused in tenses i want to learn it by the easiest way from you whole tences plz plz plz …
thank you alot :)
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
I also have a question:
” could you please help me to explain when we use the past perfect in the sentence?”
Thank you very much.
please tell me proper difference b/w present perfect and past perfect.
Hi teacher I realy like your lesson and specially your style.Can you help me, how can I improve my spellings it is very poor.
It’s a good lesson now I can understand the grammar
Hi Ronnie, your lessons are very fantastic. And your way of explanation is DYNAMIC. I really love it. Thank you so much.
verry verry usefull my teacher i have got lots of knowledge thank you madam ronni
Ronnie please ,please, please, could you write for as more examples of simple sentences after every lessons .
We must understand how use this in practical life .
Thank you !!!
Ronnie it has been great learning for me.Thanks for the class.;)
Thanks Ronnie its really helpful and interesting, I really like it so much.
He has wenten to the store, It’s obvious!!!
Hi Ronnie your teaching is really heplful for me and for all
iam thankfull from your lesson and Iam highly appreciate your assist
Thanks a lot!
Would you to explain , “I have eaten.” “I had eaten.” What’s the difference? when can i use it ?
Hi Ronnie you`re a great teacher we love you!!! :)
Hi Ronnie your expressions are amazing.
thank youteacher for this lesson, i learned a lot and you are fantastic.
Hi Ms Ronnie
Thanks alot for your great effort and unique style that I like so much .I’m ateacher and my only proplem is the accent what can I do plz tell me and this is my tel.0201006245720
my best wishes to you
Islam Shaalan
Ronnie u have g8 convincing power
Hello!Your lesson is good, but you don’t explain different between PresentS ant PastP according sense. You explained only how to see different on written text. Thank you
Thank you for your grate lesson.Ithakyou again if you could eleborate further on this lesson in what situations past perfect andpresent perfcet is used. Thank you dear teacher.
Dear Ms. Awesome, i don’t get it, the different between this two words. “I have been to Jakarta” and “I had been to Jakarta”. Please ‘explain’ when we use this two words.
i got perfect in this lesson, i understand very well. your teaching was cleared enough to understand. thank you very very much.
i leart better but didn’t understand the difference between the present perfect and the past perfect.
that is learnt not leart. u know speliing mistake.
that is learnt not leart. u know speliing mistake.
Hi Ronnie I Hope your doing well.
Can you please explain about present emphatic tense and Past emphatic tense with some examples.
Thanks & Regards,
you are too good in teaching.i love your teaching style.i hope one day i would seat in front of you and you would teach me.if any grammar mistake then forgive me .Now a day,i am learning English.
Love you take care.
thank you very much I’m happy about I understand very good thank you?
thank you very much I’m happy about I understand very good thank you.
Thank you I really like this website
what we use if in the staring there is the name? like saher has or saher have?
Thank You very much… can you please tell me, what is the usage and when do we need to use them?
thanks so much 4 your useful lessons dear Ronnie.
and just a question:is this correct too?
hasn’t he eaten??
(negative question)
Which sentence is correct?
It have been to the store.
She has been to the store.
He had went to the store.
He has wenten to the store.
Hi Ronnie.
yes that is the only mistake cuz i don’t know where or when to put *been* in the question!
Thanks for every think you are so good.
When we use them?
Today i discovered the Website!! and i liked so much the how to understand native speaker´s is great!!! and you are great!!! soo thankss..
Hello from Toronto, Canada
Right now, I’m trying to learning Japanese and this “present/past perfect” technical jargon comes up often, which confuses me. Although English is my first language, i’m not 100% on all my grammar points. Your lesson was clear and helpful. Thanks for your assistance!
Hello for everybody!I’m new on this site. The first i want to say thank you very much Ronnie! You’re a great teacher. You are very clear talking, i mean very easy to understand u! Thankssssssss
Hi there Kari, im an english teacher here in mexico,,if I can assist you , it would be a pleasure,thanks,,,is it easy to learn russian??let me know and if thre is a way i can practice,,would you like to practive on video,maybe through skype??let me know if you have an account ok?
pls teach us tenses with rules and modals.
actually my grammer is very weak so i cant be able to speak fluently dear pls teach me the tenses with rules.Help Me out
Hi Ronnie, thank you for your lesson. I’ve found out this website by chance this week. It’s been a pleasure to watch classes after teen. Please keep making us happy.
I like your lessons Ronnie,
thanks alot
Great help! Thank you.
i really love the way you teach:)
Ronnie, but when can I wse present perfect or past perfect?
Ronnie, help me please. This lesson is easy because i cant use Present Perfect and Past Perfect on speaking , i’m confusing . Heelp me please
Hi Ronnie,i like your classes…you are a good teacher….
thanks techer, i need your help..my conficion is in past and presnte..mmm you are grat…
Thank you very much Ms.Ronnie for the great lessons, in this lesson I understand how to make present perfect and past perfect, but I didn’t understand the difference between present perfect and past perfect, I mean in what condition we can use present perfect and in what condition we can use past perfect, so if you can make a lesson for this it will be great.
Ahmad Massoud from Afghanistan
It’s very clear. It would be good if you showed us what is the difference of these perfect tenses in meaning as both are passed events.
how do we apply them? I mean, what is the difference. when we use present perfect n when we use past perfect
Nagpapasalamat ako dahil ako ay natututo sa iyong mga paksa sa larangan ng pagaaral ng english para sa aking ikalawang wika..=)
You are a very good teacher. Thank you for helping. I understood everything. I enjoy your lessons.
I’m very thankful that i knew this site. Thanks a lot Ronnie. You’re the best.
hi mam,
I want to ask you that when we use hadbeen/ have been / has been in tenses…….
i m confuse pls help me…. i need ur help.
I want other EXAMS PLZ
thank ronney for you lesson but I still have many problems about how use present perfect and past perfect. But I would like to know if this is true: my english teacher told me that I must use present perfect for an accion that happen in the past but continue in the present olso I use present perfect WHEN I can see the resulted of somethig.Ex: My sister has cleaned the house.
Dear Teacher it is very good. Thank you so much.
Was that event happened both of in the past? What is the difference between those two? Please explain it to me?
I wish I have teacher like you in my school. Thank you so so much.
I have done with the correct answer. thanks you
Ronnie, could you explain the differences where to use The Present Perfect and where to use The Past Perfect. What actions should we use The Past Perfect for?
thank you ronnie :)
Thank you.!!
If you have added some examples(sentences),that would have given more understanding
Hi Ronnie,
i just want to know is this sentence is right
1,I hadn’t checked your email earlier.
2, I didn’t check your email earlier.
plz let me know which one is right
Wait, why are you checking someone else’s email? :P
you’re great, Thanks!!!!
perfect explain
I want to ask you
I understand the gramer but I couldn,t understand when can I use it ?
thank you for this lesson but I cant understand when we use the past perfect and when we use the simple past like : i had eaten rice .
i ate rice .
both of them correct but when we use both of them .
thank you
Thank you Mrs. Ronnie.
You are a great teacher, and you have a wonderful way to make the lesson entering in my brain.
I hope to have proficiency English by your vids.
thanks a lot.
kindly I need to know when could I use “present perfect”?
Thanks for every thing ..could you explain these words please.laid back-low key- down to earth.thank you very much..
You explain the things in a very interesting way, I really like your cool examples! Thank you:)
Hi Sister Roonie THANK YOU too much I like you very much I know all tenses in english but i don’t understand good You know this problem I can undestand when i watch a vidio or phrases but i don’t understand when persan speak with me give me an advice please
For example Mrs if you give me exerces of for example present perfect I…English and you say me exercis this exercie I can exercis this I HAVE LEARN English but if you give me use present perfect or present perfect continious i can’t and i don’t understand ..:(
Present perfect continuous (PPC) = Sub + have/has been + verbing.
She has been learning English for 5 years.
When we use PPC, we usually have a time marker and it is an ongoing action, that the person is still doing right now.
thank teacher
we did a test when the lights went out
what is most suitable alternative for “did”
a)have been doing
b)were doing
c)had done
d)no improvement.
plz also give explanation for your answer
my ans for this question is had done and my friends ans s were doing who is right???
can u help me on how to use the progressive tense and perfect tense? i really confuse about it!!!!
Happy new year to engvid
Dear ronnie,
could you please help me while learning the tenses, in every tense their are four sub head that is:
1. simple present
2. present continous.
3. present perfect.
4. present perfect contious.
can you please make a video on this, so that i can never forget those above mentioned sub heads.
Thank you vry much mam… U r a great teacher….
Thanx for ur greatfullness..
I got 4 out of 4
I want a lot examples to install the information in my mind .thank you
hi Ronnie. i m really disappointed with this website bcoz no one replies me… i want to know,indeed my entire ielts class is looking farward for your video on the use of “have had” in same sentence.. plss email me URL of video if http://WWW.ENGVID.COM already have video lesson on this.. thankx and my whole class really enjoyed your slang in english lesson. i showed them on projector.. please. i have unbelievable improvement just bcoz of you…Love you…may Allah shower His blessing on you…
“Have had” is a tense called present perfect and we have several lessons on it! Start here and then check out the related lessons.
Hi Ronnie :-) Your lessons are the best . Only You could explain me what difference is between those two sentences:
“Have you met him? ” and ” Did you meet him? ” I don’t feel when can I use Present Perfect and when simple past :-)
please can you help me and send to me the table for format for the persent,past and past perfect
as example table
go went went
come came came
think thought
thanks ronnie
Hi Mrs Ronnie, I realy want to tell you thank you so much for the explanation, tomorrow Im going to do an english test. Your help is invaluable.
Ronnie thank you and i like your way in teaching.
Ronnie we want to know when we can use these two tenses because these two really confused us , because for example in Arabic i don’t think that there are tenses like perfect tense or past tense we often use it a lot. “sorry long comment” :( Thank you
I am going to go to New York next year . please which is the auxiliar verb and which the main verb . thanks
Hi Ronnie, your videos are so helpful. I really like the way you explain things very well with good examples. If you got enough time can you make some videos on Subject-Verb agreement, Articles, and Prepositions. I really need to improve those for my IELTS test. Thanks indeed.. :)
can we use the grammar in conversation with a native spekers ???
and thank’s
Thanks Ronnie i share your video in my groop of English in facebook…i love your way of teaching …Adem
You are so helpful, Ronnie! Thank you.
Hi Ronnie! I understood the correct form of these tenses: past perfect and present perfect and the difference between them. I want to know if we can use these tenses together in same sentence.
your lesson is amazing, but i need to know when we use the present perfect, past perfect when taking in English
Thank you.
Hi Ronnie,
How helpful are your video class. After watching your class, I know that You’re a great teacher, and after reading your comment’s answers I think you’re a wonderful person! Thank you for your time!
Big hug from Vietnam!
Hi Ronnie Thanky 4U and I’ve Problems with verb tense it is difficult for me when can i use it
Hi Ronnie,
I just want to tell you that you are the best and because of you I have start to speak correct english. Keep teaching like that.
Thank you
I got perfect score on the quiz..Thank you for a very clear explanation.
Hey Ronnie mam U r awesome. U teach us wid the full on joy ..that’s y we learn early…thanks mam…..
Hi Ronnie
Do you speak French ?
Because my English is very bad
My first ambition is speak English !
Thanks for you’re lesson.
Very Useful ! I’m going to watch the other videos about each tenses !
Thank you :)
I am a little confused.If I want to describe what I did yesterday.can I just use past simple or I need use past perfect and past simple?Could you tell me how to describe more than two actions in different time?
I have few doubts
1. What is different between
” I have done that task” And “I did that task”
2. “what did you said?” , “Did you got that concept ?” are these correct sentences ? Which is the tense of these sentences, when should we you this kinda tense ?
3 some time we use “do” or “did” in sentences
E.g what did you say ? Can we say it as what you said ? If yes then in which case we should use do and did ?
Please reply
I Ronnie, thanks a lot for your great help to learn English!!!
I’ll look on the website for some more example about the use of present and past participle in daily language…
Is it possible to have your email address to ask some questions? Bye
Hi Ronnie! You are great teacher!
Hi Ronnie thank you for the lesson I really got 100%
You are crazy! :) but is fantastic
Don’t say that, friend that isn’t good.
Tnx for teaching. it’s cool!
when we use present perfect?
mam, what’s the difference between the doesn’t have and haven’t?
Thank you a lot.
i have to P.P > <"
hahaha you are so adorable ,Ronnie :)
Why we say ( been ) in the sentence 3 of the Quiz ?
Great! Thank you very much!
Hi Ronnie,
when do we use I have Had ?
thank you, but can you tell me when we use it?
i know all the form of it, but i don’t know when as i told you.
Hi Ronnie.
in the past perfect we use had in any sentence..
why don’t you tell me ? or you don’t know. just tell me a little bit. that’s very enough for, but you aren’t. i don’t understand.
Important lesson to learn! Thanks Ronnie!
Thank you very much. Present Perfect and Past Perfect are difficulty for brazilian’s speakers, but you really know how to explain.
thank you very much madam you are great teacher
I would like to ask you , when can we use prefect ?
Even i make a good test but i still don’t understand. I dont know why. However thank you very much Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie! thank u 4 lesson! Could u please make a lesson about using have/has had and had had.
thank you very much madam you are the best teacher so i want to know when we use the past perfect ?
You help a lot! Thank you!!!!
when do we need to use a present perfect and past perfect ” when we talk ” ?
and thank you
thanks a lot teacher and i am requesting 12 tense of comparison
Thank you for the wonderful lesson but can you please explain me when to use present perfect and when to use past perfect. I am asking this question because in the video you just explained when to use present perfect not past perfect.
Please help me I am really bad at all the tenses.
Hello ronnie
Thank you for this video,and for your enthusiasm
I have a question,when we want to write the verb have in the past perfect.we write the subject after we write the verb and the pp of the verb the past participle of the verb have is had for example we can see i had had
Good, but I should know the main diffrence between present perfect & past perfect and when we use them?
Thank you Ronnie
thanks ronnie :)
your a good teacher Ronnie not boring at all…:) more vids from u, I learned a lot!:)
Thanks for explanations.
I want to present to you my point of view on tenses in English. How I can send it to you?
Nice explanation.
Quick question– when we use present perfect and past perfect?? it means action is completed or don’t know. please guide
Hi, Ronnie! Thanks!
Thank you Ronnie, I would like to know when use present perfect and past perfect please explain
Hi my lovely Ronnie thank you for try to find the way teach me and other…
Now it is really clear for me .
Big from your fan.
I want more exercise can you give me ?
big love from your fan.
Hi! thanks for the video… I was really usefull. Can you give me a favor, could you make a video about PLOT SUMMARIES AND HISTORICAL TABLES (at least that’s what it says in the book) from the present time I need some help with that. Thanks in advanced! By the way your videos ar awesomeeee!!!! Kisses from Spain…
ty ronnie ..nice video
thank you
Thank you, you are a great teacher Ronnie.
Thanks a lot, Ms Ronnie! Useful lesson!
What we say if we want to enquire whether kevin ate or not?
Has kevin eaten? (or) Had kevin eaten?
how to use above statements?
when we can use it ?
hi in my tests there is a part in which the question is put in the right form and tense i always have 3 or 4 mistakes i hope do it all right please help mee ?
Hi Ronnie,
1. Has Kevin eaten? and
2. Kevin has eaten?
2nd one is correct?
I just watched Present Perfect or Past Perfect and it was helpful, but I didn’t find anywhere about using of these tenses. Could you help me?
Thank you!
Thank u Ronnie u’re gorgeous. Can u let me know when i can use this tenses? and Thanks in advance. :)
Thanks Ronnie teacher…
Thanks I got 100%.
Whene we use the present and past perfect, in wich cases please ?
Hi teacher Ronnie! I got 4/4. :) Thanks for sharing this video! I understand it very well.
Hello Ronnie.I am so excited that I have got 100.I am gaining momentum to sit for TOEFL this year.
thank you :)
Hi Ronnie. Please tell me when and why we use present perfect. I don’t understand. Have a nice day.
Hi Ronnie. Please when I can add “been” like the last q
Hi Ronnie. Please when I can add “been” like the last question ?
4. Which sentence is correct?
It have been to the store.
She has been to the store.
He had went to the store.
He has wenten to the store.
could be better if you use differents examples in all cases…practice with examples…you are my favorite teacher, best regards
Ronnie, do you give lessons via skype?
uhuuuuuu! 100%
Thank you!
Thank you Ronnie! you’re perfect!
gve me sentense where we use had
Thank you very much, Ronnie.
I have a question,can you help me?
Teachers always tell me that present perfect can’t use this tense with time expression like two years ago.
But I saw a sentence on the internet yesterday,it said,“Thanks for what you have done 2000 years ago”.
Is it correct?
Thank u so much!x
ronne you are amazing thank you alot ^_^ i want lesson about ” if ” :\
i was so helpless when it comes to tenses Ronnie.
You have given the easiest way to understand the rules.
More tenses ronnie ! Thank you …
Thank you very much!
I got 100 on the quiz, Thanks Ronnie.I had learned how use present perfect and past perfect.
The grammatical structure always has been a little bit confuse.
I would like to practice my speech whit you.
Do you have any way to do that?
I have a question:
which one is true?
– Do you washed the dishes yesterday?
– Had you washed the dishes yesterday?
************PLEASE HELP ME*************
Did you do the dishes yesterday? ( SIMPLE PAST )
Would be the right question, I guess.
Or, Have you done the dishes yet?( PRESENT PERFECT )
I have a question again!:
He had went to the store.
Very good! funny teacher
Thanks so much !
Thank you teacher! You’re awesome!!!
Thank you so much teacher. I really like your lessons.
thank you so mach.
Dear Roonie
Thank you a lot for all videos you made to us you are fabulous
I got one question plz
I can use the past perfect only when I want to describe two actions happened in the past?
& Any mistakes in this comment?
My Greetings to you
hi Ronni, when we use present pt and when we use past perfect tense regards.
Ronnie, i loved your lesson. I understand everything that you have tried to explain in this video.
thanks ronnie but could you tell me when i use the present perfect and when i use pesent parfect continuous,
Hi Roonie
Thank you a lot for all videos you made to us you are agreat teacher
thank’s alot teacher
very good!!!!!!!!!!!!
special for Ronni. Thans
My best wishes. Thank you.
its easy to learn knowing that Ronnie is a very good teacher..
Thank you sooo much for all your help, you are an excelent teacher :D
Thank Ronnie
when we use it in English ??
thanks, i got 100% , More videos like this one plz :)
I got 100% !!!!
Thank you so much ;)
Thank you
Thank you Ronnie
Hey teacher! I’m really impressed how good you are. You’ve been acting like an actress. How long have you been teaching English? I’ve got a 100% of the correct answers again. Isn’t it great? Cheers!
I had some problem here…how can I reach you?
100%% yahoo!))
I have lerant so many grammar in engvid.com
You are the funniest english teacher on the web. Thank you very much for your help. We all love you!!!
Thank you teacher
i am new and you are amazing .. you really attracted me to study english very well thaaanks
I always watched your educational videos, I’ve learned lot.I would like to as you how to use present perfect and past perfect in a sentence .Thank you so much :)
Thank you, Ronnie!!!! Your lessons are really usefull for me. And I like your humor as well!!!
Can you correct this for me?
Somebody ate and he is still eating.
How can I say it correctly??
I have a problem in using present perfect and present perfect continuous who can help me in solving this problem please
Thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie, in my point of view you is the best teacher. Well, my english teacher in Brazil was talk abou present perfect, but my doubts is if present perfect is commom used in a conversation. Sorry for my mistake. Thank you very much.
I appreciate your videos.
I would like to know when I can use ‘present perpect’ or ‘past perfect’.
Quisku bener kabeh aku pinter ora Ronnie? (java language)
What is Past Participle?
Dear Ronnie.
what is the time of present perfect and past perfect?
thank you so much
where i use parsent prefect and past prefect ?
I still don’t know when to use Present perfect or past perfect. can you make some examples? Thank you
which is this type of tense?
“i have had sex with rhea”
Thanks so much
Thank you very much for teacher
I love your classes. Thanks
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson!
But I have some problems to uses correct Present Perfect. I confuse it with the Past Simple =-(
When I listen to someone, I undastand, but sometimes when I must say something by oneself, I’m not sure in what time I shoud say…
P.S. Sorry if I wrote with mistakes.
Thanks for this Quiz, I have some learn about the present perfect and past perfect. I got perfect score. Thanks engvid and specially Teacher Ronnie :)
thanks ronnie! i’m from argentina and you help me a lot !you are awesome!
I want to thank you Ronnie, many times this english grammer is a problem for me to day I got some hint enven though still very difficult.
present perfect and past perfect always confused me,because those grammar don’t have my first language grammar :) so firstly when we use present perfect tense and past perfect include present perfect continue :) I know all those grammar when we tell about past event but ‘when?’ last year 30 years ago last week yesterday??? please answer me thank you for now..
thank you very much Ronnie i have been very interested today …:)
Ronnie, How is it better to say:
I had had a shower today, or I had a shower today?
Thank you for the lesson.
In my opinion, you are the best teacher!
This question is about the difference between Past Simple and Past Perfect.
Or,maybe, it is better to say ” I have had a shower today”?
always cute , smart , funny Ronnie.
tnx a lot Ronnie
but what is the difference between them? When we have to use Present perfect or past perfect?
Thank You Ronnie
thank you for the lesson. would you pls give a lesson on going to beauty parlour.
hi ronnie thanks a lot for the lesson u are great i’d like to ask you a question it’s correct to say he is gone or not???
Hello Ronnie I’ve listened to another lesson for you which is “the verb to be” and you said on it”haven’t” and “hadn’t” is very old formal and weird and we should say instead “I don’t have” and “I did’t have” so why you here you use it. I am confused now :(
Hi Ronnie, you are a great teacher, you clearly some questions i had in my mind, thanks.
This lesson is very important!! Thank you Ronnie!!
Hi Roni, you are so great !
Whit your lesson, is more easy for me learn the english
Thank you so much for teach us all this.
One question.. Do you offer teach english online whit skype?
Sorry for my gramar..
I send you a hug
RONNI! reaWlly you are my best friend! Thank you very much for all lessen,and I ask you one question
I’m very confused all tenses. AND
2, my Wrighting is very poor, Ronni plase help me plase plase thank you so much.
Thank you so much, Ronnie! I’ve been able to understand the lesson and even though it’s not the first time that I listen to about this theme, I loved your explanation. See you later.
Hi Ronnie! I have a questions, when should i use the present,past,future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect tense?
I hope i get a reply from you very soon thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie! I have a questions, when should i use the present,past,future, present perfect, past perfect, future perfect tense?
I hope i get a reply from you very soon thank you very much.
Hello Ronnie,
I still have problem when I have to use present perfect, past perfect and Past Simple.
Can you please explain me how and when I should use this temp?
i get the lesson !! Thank you Ronnie !! i get 100 :3
Louve you Ronnie <3
Hello Ronnie,
These sentences make me confused:
– I’ve waited for hours before she arrived VS I’d waited for hours before she arrived.
– It hadn’t rained since friday VS It hasn’t rained since friday
Please help me to make it easy! Thanks!
Ha, ha!
My teacher said ” In English…” are only Present and Past T. Are you right?
hi ronnie, just want to ask when to use present/past perfect tense? can i use simple past tense instead of perfect tense? thanks
Thank you!
You got 4 correct out of 4.
Thank you :)
Ronnie you are the best!!! I follow your classes.
Ronnie is a machine!
Thanks for your good advice!
This lesson has been really fun for me.
Thank you very much.Could you please tell us, the situations when we prefer present perfect and past perfect tense?
thank ronni you explain very good
Thank you very much for your teaching. Please give me some sentences concerning present perfect and past perfect tense…
thanks a lot for this video, your lessons are clear and funny!!
Thank you for this great lesson it was very important to know it , i liked you a lot
Ronie, I love your lessons,
There’re funny and I understood very well
Thank you, dear Ronnie!
hlo mam i got 4 out of 4 this is awesome lesson for me . thanks dear mam love u.
hey.i liked your lesson and I need more and more about present perfect and past perfect
Please give me more sentences regarding on this lesson. You are an amazing teacher. Thank you!
I understand the structure, but I don’t understand the uses, when do I have to use each one?
i like your lessons very much. thank you so much
Thank you, now i understand better. Very good teacher.
Hi, Ronnie. Taking your test. Good luck to me!
It’s very good but I steel don’t know where I use
them in expressions
Thanks very synthetic!
You made learning tenses fun and easy! Thank you so much. Hope you can also post video of subject and verb agreement, Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Nice content!
perfect lesson. thank you.
Thank you Ronnie I really like your lessons
Thank you Ronnie, You have done a good job. : ) would you please teach some of root for our interest. Look forward to hearing from you. thanks.
you’re marvelous teacher. I wish I had a teacher like you. Thank you very much.
I am confused here. Please Help
4. Which sentence is correct?
a. It have been to the store.
b. She has been to the store.
c. He had went to the store.
Why a and c are wrong
hi Ronnie..
“If i had learnt English well in school, I(should OR would)not have to do all these”
in the sentence should or would which one is correct
Thank you teacher Ronnie
when we have to use present perfect or past perfect?
i have been gotten 100 degree. thanks u Ronnie
Hi Ronnie if you please tell me when i have to use past perfect tense ? Thank you
I love your lessons.
Thank you so much.
thanks. It looks easy
100 thank you Ronnie i love you so match
Tnx buddy?
thank you ronnie :)
what’s the difference between these two sentences:
Has Kevin eaten ?
Did Kevin eats ?
Hi Ronnie
I couldn’t find the present perfect continuous can you guide me if it’s possible.
thanks a lot
Thanks God bless you..
Thank You for help me in my education, I like the class.
Thank you so much Ronnie for your lessons. You are super good teacher:)
Thanks Ronnie till now I was not aware of it … good lecture
Hi Ronnie! I’m from Brasil! The problem is in my language, we don’t have two ways to tell about past! So, I know in English how to use “have” or “had” with the PP, the difficulty is in understand the “difference” of situation when using them! Could you teach us please? Sorry my bad English! I love your sense of humor!!
thank you so much for the lesson. 75% is showing a good improvement already….
but still i am looking forward for more lessons on this topic
thank you Ronnie, your teaching style is wonderful, I enjoy and everyday more zealous to learning English.
thnx a lot crazy teacher:))
Hi Ronnie, Can you please help me I’m just a little bit confused if which one is correct. ‘did you get a chance to read my report? Or did you got a chance to read my report?’ (Pls correct me with my sentence if I made any mistake) Thank you. Hope to have your answer.
Like always, the lesson was excellent…thanks Ronnie! (my score: 4 out of 4)
You are the great teacher thank you so much
Excellent class
Thank you Ronnie
thank u ronnie love you
Ronnie, you clarify so well!
thank you Ronnie
when i can use the past perfect and present perfect ?
This video is good I want for my teacher follow my comment and comment for my written
Present perfect format have has +p p
Past perfect format has +p p
We use present perfect to express even in the past
I really like how you explain it. Can you teach me on skype? I need to have a C2 level to complete the test. I’m ready to pay for our lessons.
Thanks for the video!! You are excellent and funny teacher, what makes your video really good!!
hi ronnie you are very perfect teacher i have ever seen , now i ll ask you for something please try to make your quiz has more questions because 5 or 10 questions is not enough as practice test or you can make more exercise for all English grammar or for all your videos it will be more useful for us as English learners .
Thank you so much.
Thanks Ronnie.
I got 4 correct out of 4.
Thanks, Ronnie you are fantastic!
Dear Mrs. Ronnie
can you explain to me what the difference between past simple and present perfect? please, I need help.
best regards,
Hey Ms Ronnie. I can’t understand the difference between Present Perfect and Past Tense? And when I must use each tense in the correct time? And it’s kind of you if you make for all of us a video explaining in it when can we use all the tense in time ?
Thank you Ms Ronnie for your efforts, you’re the best to explain this. Bye
can i use eated (Verb III) rather than eaten (Verb III)?
thanks teacher
Hi Ronnie, You are so fun to watch.
Can you please Explain the condition, when do we need to use Present Perfect or Part Perfect?
Thank you.
Thanks Ronnie, you look so close to the students and I really appreciate !! I’ll keep going with your classes .
please can you recommend us to learn all tewlve tenses
Hi Ronnie, Excellent your perfect.
Thanks Mr. Ronnie.
well done!!!! What a great video!!!
Thanks a lot!
Hey, Roni thanks for another amazing lesson,
I honestly like your Youtube class, you are my new bestie teacher!.
i coudn’t understand what’s the different between present perfect and past perfect!
very easy
Thank you very much
thank you dear
thank you dear
What a great teacher!!
thanks it was a great.
Tank you ,it was wonderful
thank’s teacher
for your help, I got 100
you are good ronnie!
I don’t understand finally question.Please explained
Thanks for the little help.
Your videos are better than any netflix serie´s. I could watch you explaining all day long.
4/4! Nice! I totally understood this lesson!
OMG! I’ve got a one mistake again, Oohh, gosh!!!