I want to congratulate all teachers and professionals involved in this site.
I am very learning and improving my conversation with you. Thanks!
Rogério Luiz Rosa
I like learn english who ca help me ?
Where does he come from ?
Alex, just keep making new lessons, it is very useful for everybody who learns english language. . . You are the best :)))
Thanks, Linda! As long as people keep watching, we’ll keep making them!
The only thing is sure: “As long as I live, I’ll be watching your lessons”, so keep making them :D
The good answer Alex! Now I can’t learn English without your help! Seriously! Thank you a lot!
Totally agree with you!
Thanks for posting this videos, they are very helpful, I´m learning english and the videos help me a lot.
Suzany Stock
great lecture sir alex i got 9 out of 10 :)
i like the way you teach
sohaib roomi
good one alex
Sorry Alex but I know when we talk about the wheater it says. “what’s the weather like?” Why it uses the “to be” verb in this question? Thanks for answer. Bye
Because “Like” in this sentence is an adjective not a verb.
Kim Nguyen
We answer with “the weather is cold/hot/bad,” which are adjectives. The be verb can be followed by an adjective, -ing verb, noun, preposition, or location. If one of those things follows the be verb in the answer, the be verb will be in the question too.
He’s a teacher = he IS a teacher. Than why the question is “what does he do?” not “what is he?” Thank you
Thank you . Iwanna ask about this question he is a teacher & not used
sir alex, in your quiz… he’s a teacher.
why the question is “what does he do???”
Hi Alex
Great lesson on question Thanks
Could you explain diff. between Whom vs Who
Thanks again bye
The basic difference is that “who” is active, and “whom” is passive. For example:
I saw a guy who was riding a pink bike this morning. (the guy is doing the action, so we use who)
The woman whom he married is named Joanne. (someone married the woman, so she received the action)
I hope this helps! To be honest, most native speakers are not even aware of these rules when they speak, and generally use “who” for everything.
It’s my pleasure to have a teacher like you.
I was also confused.
Sir Alex! I don’t understand of active and passive voice. Can you please elaborate this for me. Thanks
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the lesson.
I have a question,
I can’t understand the different between “I worked” and “I was work”
Hope you will help me.
HI alex Great lesson, it is very useful for everybody.thank you so much.
good day sir alex,it is a great lesson for everybody,could you please give us example of verb to be,i’m confused,thank you soooooo much,and God bless
I will be doing a lesson in the future on the verb “to be.” Here are the basics:
The verb “to be” can be followed by…
-an adjective (happy, sad, terrible…)
-a noun (a doctor, a teacher, a ghost)
-a continuous verb (swimming, eating…)
-a preposition/usually a location (at home, by the pool, with my friends…)
is it a v-veb or b-verb ‘coz i always hear from you,
It’s “be verb.” I will be doing a lesson on it in the future. :)
Hi Alex
I scored 10/10 . Isnt cool babe !
cool boyz
wow !understanable
arlette sanon
Thanks a lot for your explanation, It´s very useful
thank you sir alex somuch Ive learn more things how to speak
v GOOd!
what do you mean by v-verb or b-verb?could you please kindly explain.thanks alot.
…..thank you….. wish you all the best…
gideon joe origenes
i understand well you explain,teacher.thanks a lot for your teaching.
Not a problem!
thank you very much. You are the English teacher.
thanks to evereybody,especially To the Teacher,this is perfect Coaching}}Ahmad From azerbaijan, Baku
Hi Alex! Thanks for the class!
Why this phrase isn’t correct: What do you shop on the weekend?
The sentence seems strange. I think you are trying to ask one of the following questions…
“Where do you shop on the weekend?”
“What do you shop for on the weekend?”
Even the second question is strange, because it means you always shop for something on the weekend.
hi alex..
“What do you shop for on the weekend?” instead of this can we say
“What do you shop for on this weekend?”
Is laudable
The service is great
Morning Sir, :)
how do i download your all video? i want save to my own hardisk.
Thank you before :)
tnx alex,its awesome.
thank for the class, mr. alex
Thank you very much
Outstanding free English teacher. Thank you to all the teachers and co-founder of this website.
My apologies, in my previous comment I meant Outstanding free English teaching, not teacher.
Very cool lesson
thank u soooooooooooooooooo much.
And have a good Ramadan both of u.
My regards.
sir i have not understand how setting of sentence plz help me :(
thanks :)
Mr Alex,
You are a great teacher! Thank you!
Hi Alex,
A great lesson! Alex, could you please explain for me why we use the question “Why do he do?” for the answer “He’s a teach.” I chosen “Why does he do?” and it is wrong :(.
i am gonna learn from this site see whats happen
Hi Mr Alex,
it is a very nice lesson.I have a question did u do a communication lesson cause I want to improve my talking.
thank you
Thanks a lot for this lesson .. i have benefited too much .. am from Saudi Arabia .. keep on
hi my name is alex this is my first time in engvid tankyou for your help
Thanks mr. Alex really it,s very uesful.
I want from you to do a leeson about (a)when i use it in a sentense.And what the differnce between b-verb and v-verb bec. I don,t understand percently in the lesson.
Thank you very much mr Alex. Was my first lesson…..but not the last.
Thanks a lot for posibility to see this lesson. is a big help for all studing english.
Thanks engvid.Its very easy way to learn english.
Thanks Alex i’m it,s very uesful.
it’s very usefull
thanks, i really enjoy style your taught us. you’re professional.
style boy
thanks alex
u help me alot
thanks alot sir.. i want to speak english but i didnt try before because i hadn’t any source.. please dont laugh guys i am a beginner and please point out if i made any mistake.. thanku :)
english learner...
He’s a teacher = he IS a teacher. Than why the question is “what does he do?” not “what is he?” Thank you
Hi Alex, Thank you so much. good job
thanks, this helps me alot to understand the question format of simple present tense.
hi Alex its good lesson you teach us thank you.
Thanks for lessons ! :)
hi teacher . my name ia khulan, iam from mongolia. i want learning english but i can`t .Alex teacher help me , please
Thank yuo so much Alexs
i am very thanks to all teacher for your great w+ork . really by this site i improve my english speaking and grammer
thanks you
deepak patel
Hello,I’m learn more with your lesson.
thank a lot”sir Alex:
the job is good
Hi Alex
For the sentence “I Come from portugal”
why the question “Where are you came from?”is wrong?
I always say that for question about the provenance.
I wrong so often :-(
Sorry for bad english
Hiiiii, Alx
Thank you for this lesson but I want to ask you why the lesson is very short we need more example and this question I cann’t understand it. He’s a teacher.the answer is What does he do.
in the answer of the question use he is , but in the answer he use does please explain why …thank you.
thank you for this usefull lesson.
hi alex I have been learning english for two years.I was looking for websites which may help to learn english for my brother.And I found this website.You speak very clear and explain remarkable.Take good care of yourelf bye
im a little bit confused,i got 6 out of 10…but it’s ok…i will study again the wh question.thanks Sir.Alex…
yeahh..i got 10 out of 10… :))
thanks sir you are my favorite teacher in this site plz reply me on my email address.
Teachers cannot send you personal email.
10/10. For me yay!!! thanks alex, you are amazing.
10/10 – You’re a great teacher Alex! Can I ask you something? What means the verb “party” in the quiz? I only know the noun “party” (festa)
Sally S
ali said ali
thanks alex the best teacher of the word
ali said ali
Thanks for this lesson, Sir. It’s very useful for me.I will always wait for a lesson from you.
good job!
thank you Mr;Alex for all :clear explaination ,pure sound and repitition to make sure all got it. So thank you
hi alex…..thanks very much for this useful lesson….. actually i’m good at English….
but sometimes i need help at some lessons ….
i wanna be a good speaker….can you help me….
hello Alex..
I have a query..
7th question in the quiz says -“Class starts at 8:45” and the ans. is “When does class start?”
is it also correct if we say “When does the class start?”
I love you I wish you loved me.
hi,Alex, hi,everybody who lean English like me!I like these pictures instead of photos))so funny and original!
Any Russia
thanks Alex.it’s very useful for me.
hi.. alex sir
its very nice your class sir and i m enjoying it .thank you sir ..
yeah i got it 6/10 ..thank you alex sir..
Thanks Alex ^.^
Could you lecture us on the distinction between who and whom, like, WHO did you see or WHOM did you see? etc? Thanks Alex.
I found this lesson very intriguing, I learn alot from it.
Hi Teacher ( Alex)
You are such a great teacher!!!
easy to be understand and flexible in sending your message to your students
thank you Alex
thank you Mir alex
Thanks a lot Sir, I like the way you teach. I got 10 out of 10. It is very useful lesson for me.
Thanks & Regards
Alex I really love your lessons, I’m learning alot, thank you ;)
yes i am same to you.
padam timilsin
i am learning a lot from your lessons and i would like to thanks to entire engvid teachers
tank you mr Alex
whet is the difrence betwen Iwake up at –and
I get up at–
Thank Alex so much!but i don’t understant for about the answer is [He’s a teacher] .Why doesn’t the question what is he do?
i am learning alot with your lesson thanks, greats from Nicaragua
Thanks Alex!
thank youuuuuuuuu
Hi! Alex,sir
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Alex
I have a big question for you. When people ask me (Why)
Grammatically the whole time we must first answer (Because) or simply ignore as the example you showed us. thanks
i donot know how to use do and does??????????????????????????????????????????????howwwwwwwwwwwwww
thanks so much sir
i enjoy it and very useful for me
khin mar htay
Hi Sir Alex :)
Could I ask?Which is correct or what’s the difference between,
What do you do?
what did you do?
What have you done?
Please answer.
Thank you very much! :)
I love your Lessons so much! :))
i am happy with you.Now days i am speak litter bit good english .
padam timilsin
i think this is very helpful for me.cab i find step by step these lessons?
Mohammad Wasim
hi alex,i hv a problem. “who do them give food” is this sentence is right or wrong?
thanks Alex…
Hi, Alex! I’m English teacher at Russian school. Some of my pupils know grammar rule very well. But they speak English slowly. What should I do?
Thanks sir
Sekhr Naidu
Thank you very much!
Alex :)
thak you sir for this nice,useful topioc
Why in the 10th question quiz says that the correct answer is “Where do you want to goes on vacation?”? This isn’t right…
Is anyone else having this problem? I just tried it, Tony, and the correct answer was shown.
great ,what you are doing , thank you !!
i want to thank to you,alex coz before i lost my confident i cant speak any english,even to talk to my friends i cant but now little bit i speak but still i need more to learn english,please teach me more thank you sir
Practice is the key.
thanks alex
its realy help
I like learn english who can help me
mostafa move
thanx Alex,
your way of teaching is fantastic.
Js Bajwa
when do we use some words before do/does?
Js Bajwa
Hi Js,
You can use question words like in this video, or you can use it like any other simple verb.
“He does his laundry on Saturday.”
“I do my homework every night.”
Hi Alex…Iam mardan and Iam kurish..I want to you to continue with this teaching… can you send me any video for my facebook…thank you
mardan jalal
Im kurdish…sorry not kurish
mardan jalal
thnx sir i am learning…..
Hi Alex, thank’s a lot, I made progress with your lessons and I diden’t make any mistakes on quiz, GRAZIE MILLE ALEX
Thank you Alex,
I’m learning English only fourth days only by myself,
Thank your help, your lessons is very important for me
I talk you other day
Ney Mendes
Mr.Alex thank you so much youer lectures are really helpful, could you please give lectures with more depth and defficulty in the near futre?
The lessons are easy to follow.The topics are up to date. Thank you for your enjoyable teaching of English
Budiyono Famila
hello sir alex goog morning
sir i have one question about this lesson as u taught that “when” shows time so if we say when do you wake up? answer is i wake up in the morning.
is that correct? correct me if i am wrong
Abdul Hafeez
hello sir alex goog morning
sir i have one question about this lesson as u taught that “when” shows time so if we say when do you wake up? answer is i wake up in the morning.
is that correct? correct me if i am wrong
thank you sir ALIX
really i like your teaching way
1. Why don’t you use the verb be.
2. Does we use Where does she want to go on vacation or Where does she wants to go on vacation.
Please reply me Thank you
thanks for this amazing vedio i like it so much and i like your way in teaching :)
hi alex,i have one question about this lesson,,can i say : when does the class start??
thank you :)
Hello Sir
you good teacher
u are my fav teacher here alex..all your explanation are easy to understand
Thanks alot for your good lesson… i wish i have a chance to go to school and learn a good lesson like this
mini poorest!
Hi alex.
thank you for good teching. I hava littlie problom. Iam sure you can help me. Idon,t understand prasant perfact. you can help me?
thank you very much Mr. alex.
Hi alex.
you can give me same advice for learning english and how answer exsam or test aese…
thank you very much techer :)
Nice, excellent! Je vous aime!!!
Hi Alex thank you soo much for this lesson you are a good teacher by this way now I can speelk with my friend English, thank you very much Alex
Great I got 9/10 ,,, Good keep it up………
I think it’s really a very nice tactic to learn asking question.
thanks alex.
good teacher.
YES, I got 10 for the quiz, thanks Alex
I got 9/10. Thank you for this lesson.
Sir Alex, if I want to teach word sequence then how to teach it to the students please advice will wait for your quick reply?
hello teaching method is very good,easy,simple and understandable.
Sir ,Am new to u’r site and am really impressed ..
I also have a doubt…
“where is this picture taken from?Is this question right?
your cool alex you are usefull to me
seddiq weertoon weer
and you are soo usefull so many people like you becuse you teach as new things
seddiq weertoon weer
Alex … this is very helpful….
Alex…. Just want to say THANK YOU. It is very very important in someone’s life to have good teacher/professor. We all are very lucky to have you and engvid.com
thanks sir i relly injoy this lesson,but i have problem with’s’ when I use or not, in this qustion milla speaks freanch and spanish i choose which languages does milla speaks?can u help me pls
I thank all members of the staff for this very important support! I am sure that with your lessons and advices my english will be better.
Thank you
Alex … this is very helpful….
YeY…i got perfect score 10/10
thank you Alex
there is a question at the test , what do you do in the weekend or similar to this question ? , can I say what are you doing in the weekend.
Hi Alex i like it but i need more quiz question that be good for me.
thank you my teacher realy you are the best english teacher i have seen in my life
Thank you very much …….
Have a nice day…..
first my dear teacher thank you alot i have a broblem so can you tell me how i can learn simpel present. thank you very much to help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
thank you soooooo much….)))
NO!!!! Three mistakes I’m disaster :(
The formula of answer is it
subject+base verb+answer??
good luck!!
. .
10 out of 10 ;)
you’re the best
I happy this lesson. Thank you
you’r the best
thank you
Dear Alex,
kindly I wanted to know the differences or uses between the following conditions:
1) present perfect continuous and present perfect simple
2) past perfect and past perfect continuous
3) future perfect and future perfect continuous
i mostly waste my time to read the comment.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you for your video!)
it was great for me thank u
thank sir,i like your teaching method .i got 9 of 10
Simple Present is used in wh-question must wear an answer?
thank you ..
J i did’nt understand in the third question why the answer is When does they partying? … Why did you add ING?
7/10 but is very nice lesson,thanks.
i like your lesson,and i willkeep watching
good lesson
7 out of 10 not bud.. I’m having a hard time to learned English.. but i enjoy it
Hi Alex i want to know how I do to use WH at the end of a preposition. thanks.:)
Thanx ^^ alex
We study this today
no entiendo
no mentiras nisiquiera lo vi jajaj
Teacher Alex thanks a lot,I have two private students and your classes are really useful for me,Dear could you please let me know if ‘Where do they party’ in quiz is right or not,I think where does your party is better?
Again thank you
thanks alex
thanks alot you are amazing man
abdulla baradiy
Hi, Thank you for the good class.
For example in the next question
Who speaks the best English in your class?
Do not use the auxiliary verb do
When using the auxiliary verb?
I find it hard to understand in which cases the questions using the auxiliary verb and when not to use.
really , your perfect , i start to fix my mistakes , thank you
thank you very much, from turkey:)
Does it means that “Where are you from?” is wrong?
Nope! “Where are you from?” is perfectly fine. It just uses the verb “to be,” which is a special case.
hi Alex if i say “When i will get it?” instead of “When will i get it?” will be any problem ?
sat Khan
Sat, the correct question form is “When will I get it?” The other form is incorrect.
Thank you for lesson
i am improving..this credit is yours,alex:)
i need situation of using this two type of sentence
where do you go?
where are you going?
hi alex,
i am a bit confused with this “to be’………can u please explain this
Alex is Great
thanks teacher . for your excellent class
I learn more today, thanks to you
sososososoososoososso thanks…. continue with this project please :)
I really like all your videos since I learn a lot day by day…thanks a lot..
Hi, Alex
your lesson is very useful and your are great teacher
Alex please can you tell me when I make question when I use veb b and when I use veb. do?
Is it correct to say ” he was here 10 minutes back” instead of ” he was here 10 minutes ago”
The formula works. 10/10. Thank you!
sir alex please i am not uderstand when we use do or does :/ ?
Hi! I am confussing. “What do you doing?” / “What are you doing?” Which one is correct?
Thank you very much
Hi, Alex. What do you mean by ” Take the highway.”
thank you so much you help me alot and iam greatful to you this site help me so much and iam watching this daily
mona mat
Wohoo, 9 out of 10!
Thanks Alex :)
Wow! i got 10 out of 10. I took the quiz before watching the video but still i will watch the video because Alex’s teaching method is good. It helps me to remember the information easily. :)
i have a final test and this lesson helped me so thank you alex
Thanks Alex , I had trouble with -Wh questions and do/does which this lesson helped me
i am a new learner and want to know about you more
Thnaks form your teaching
Mohammad Saleem
thank you so much
mohamed Al alwany
Thanks Alex, for great explanation
take care
Hey Alex
Thank you for these useful lessons
I appreciate these lessons.
Please, I wanna to ask about question in the quiz.
You have said in the explanation as a formula whenever there is no verb to be in the response then there is no verb to be in the question.
But in the second question the respond is ‘He’s is a teacher ” and the question is ” what does he do”
I couldn’t understand the formula how the response with be verb and the question without be verb?
Thank you very much.
thank you very much Alix
thanks a lot for course so you teach well
THANK YOU for lesson.
I think that quiz N°2 is a trap.
The contract verb is: “does” and not “is”.
So, really: “He does a teacher” and not: “He is a teacher.
thank you very very very much my bet teacher :)
Thanks Sir,
I want to ask that, how do we use “a, an and the” in these sentences?
nikhil sharma
thanks Alex.i understand every thing
mr Alex i am going to know when do we use passive?
Ok! Alex
Very good! Thank You Alex.
Junior Franca
Thank you Alex
What is the first question’s answer of test?
where do you come from?
Where are you come from?
I think truth choose is B.
Thanks !!!
Thank you so much Alex
Hussam Abdullah
“Where are you going to visit?”
“What are you going to visit?”
Could you please tell me which one is the most correct question for the answer “I’m going to visit New York?”?
Thanks in advance!
the second one
ammar abd elrahim
Thank you a lot, ammar abd elrahim.
Hi Alex,
Thanks a lot for all of your vedios relly I’m interesting,
Thanks again
Hi Alex! Thanks for your great work! Your video lessons are really help for me! Thanks again!
Alexey Goncharenko
Thank you Alex, great job, this is very important.
Which preposition should we use before ( the weekend ) ” on ” or ” at “?
ammar abd elrahim
Hello, Alex! Congratulations! You are an excellent teacher. I am learning a lot with your lessons, thank you. Júlio César from Fortaleza CE, Brazil.
Júlio César L Sousa
Hey Alex is what’s the difference between “on vacation” and “for vacation” ?
Where do you want to go on vacation/ for vacation?
Please help.
vipin agarwal
Hi Teacher,
Thank you so much. You are doing a wonderful job.
Kind regards,
Hi, Alex, thank you on this lesson. But I would like to know something about subject questions. Why do we make such kind of questions, in which tense and what question words do we use? Please, be so kind to explain to me as soon as possible.
Kind regard
What music do you like?
why here in the question above the (Do) came after the Wh question not as you told us
Wh+do+sub+base verb !!!
I want to know is it an exception ??
please advice
thank you
Thank you ALEX for the lesson it was great
thanks alex you are the best ^_^
Thanks Alex.
My preferred teacher. Thanks
you are the best alex
Thank you very much
Thanks for this one)
Rekhtin Eugene ZP-UA
just only said. you an excellent teacher
Many thanks dear Teachers Love u all.
Abdul Hmeed
Thanks you, I think you help a lot, I usually watch your class and the collegues’ class. I think your site is the best on Internet. Congratulation,!!!
Many thanks!
Thank you Teacher Alex!
God bless you!
why the sentece is not correct? Which does Milla speak languages?
Vivian B
I got 10/10!! Thanks very much for the lesson!
Thank you Alex
bad very bad!!
I really enjoyed your class.
I really enjoyed the lesson Sir.
Shahnawaz Shaikh
Thank you so much Ms, Alex. His class was great. Now, I understand a little most about simple present.
Thanks a lot for your class.
Barham Eng
Hi Alex. Can you explain why formula is diffrent?
8. Milla speaks French and Spanish.
Which does Milla speak languages? not correct
Which languages does Milla speak? correct
thank you for this lesson, i want leave a question here:
why do people live in safely?
He’s a teacher.
What is he do?
What does he do?
What he does?
What do he do? i click 1 but wrong why
Thank you, I got 7 out of ten.
Kunjan Diyora
Thank you so much
Hello Alex. Thanks for your brilliant job. It is fantastic. I just wonder how can we cite this information. I am trying to cite it (APA STYLE) in text and in the reference list of my work; however I do not have the necessary information.
Thank you Alex!
thank you very much, Mrs Alex.
Atilla Bergama
Excuse me ,Mr Alex.
Atilla Bergama
I watched this video twice on May 19, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of ten.
wow, I got 9/10 :)
thank you.
Thankyou sir got 9/10
Syed yaseen
Alex, please explain about how to use adverb of frequency in simple present!. Thanks for your attention.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I want to congratulate all teachers and professionals involved in this site.
I am very learning and improving my conversation with you. Thanks!
I like learn english who ca help me ?
Where does he come from ?
Alex, just keep making new lessons, it is very useful for everybody who learns english language. . . You are the best :)))
Thanks, Linda! As long as people keep watching, we’ll keep making them!
The only thing is sure: “As long as I live, I’ll be watching your lessons”, so keep making them :D
The good answer Alex! Now I can’t learn English without your help! Seriously! Thank you a lot!
Totally agree with you!
Thanks for posting this videos, they are very helpful, I´m learning english and the videos help me a lot.
great lecture sir alex i got 9 out of 10 :)
i like the way you teach
good one alex
Sorry Alex but I know when we talk about the wheater it says. “what’s the weather like?” Why it uses the “to be” verb in this question? Thanks for answer. Bye
Because “Like” in this sentence is an adjective not a verb.
We answer with “the weather is cold/hot/bad,” which are adjectives. The be verb can be followed by an adjective, -ing verb, noun, preposition, or location. If one of those things follows the be verb in the answer, the be verb will be in the question too.
He’s a teacher = he IS a teacher. Than why the question is “what does he do?” not “what is he?” Thank you
Thank you . Iwanna ask about this question he is a teacher & not used
sir alex, in your quiz… he’s a teacher.
why the question is “what does he do???”
Hi Alex
Great lesson on question Thanks
Could you explain diff. between Whom vs Who
Thanks again bye
The basic difference is that “who” is active, and “whom” is passive. For example:
I saw a guy who was riding a pink bike this morning. (the guy is doing the action, so we use who)
The woman whom he married is named Joanne. (someone married the woman, so she received the action)
I hope this helps! To be honest, most native speakers are not even aware of these rules when they speak, and generally use “who” for everything.
It’s my pleasure to have a teacher like you.
I was also confused.
Sir Alex! I don’t understand of active and passive voice. Can you please elaborate this for me. Thanks
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the lesson.
I have a question,
I can’t understand the different between “I worked” and “I was work”
Hope you will help me.
HI alex Great lesson, it is very useful for everybody.thank you so much.
good day sir alex,it is a great lesson for everybody,could you please give us example of verb to be,i’m confused,thank you soooooo much,and God bless
I will be doing a lesson in the future on the verb “to be.” Here are the basics:
The verb “to be” can be followed by…
-an adjective (happy, sad, terrible…)
-a noun (a doctor, a teacher, a ghost)
-a continuous verb (swimming, eating…)
-a preposition/usually a location (at home, by the pool, with my friends…)
is it a v-veb or b-verb ‘coz i always hear from you,
It’s “be verb.” I will be doing a lesson on it in the future. :)
Hi Alex
I scored 10/10 . Isnt cool babe !
wow !understanable
Thanks a lot for your explanation, It´s very useful
thank you sir alex somuch Ive learn more things how to speak
v GOOd!
what do you mean by v-verb or b-verb?could you please kindly explain.thanks alot.
…..thank you….. wish you all the best…
i understand well you explain,teacher.thanks a lot for your teaching.
Not a problem!
thank you very much. You are the English teacher.
thanks to evereybody,especially To the Teacher,this is perfect Coaching}}Ahmad From azerbaijan, Baku
Hi Alex! Thanks for the class!
Why this phrase isn’t correct: What do you shop on the weekend?
The sentence seems strange. I think you are trying to ask one of the following questions…
“Where do you shop on the weekend?”
“What do you shop for on the weekend?”
Even the second question is strange, because it means you always shop for something on the weekend.
hi alex..
“What do you shop for on the weekend?” instead of this can we say
“What do you shop for on this weekend?”
Is laudable
The service is great
Morning Sir, :)
how do i download your all video? i want save to my own hardisk.
Thank you before :)
tnx alex,its awesome.
thank for the class, mr. alex
Thank you very much
Outstanding free English teacher. Thank you to all the teachers and co-founder of this website.
My apologies, in my previous comment I meant Outstanding free English teaching, not teacher.
Very cool lesson
thank u soooooooooooooooooo much.
And have a good Ramadan both of u.
My regards.
sir i have not understand how setting of sentence plz help me :(
thanks :)
Mr Alex,
You are a great teacher! Thank you!
Hi Alex,
A great lesson! Alex, could you please explain for me why we use the question “Why do he do?” for the answer “He’s a teach.” I chosen “Why does he do?” and it is wrong :(.
i am gonna learn from this site see whats happen
Hi Mr Alex,
it is a very nice lesson.I have a question did u do a communication lesson cause I want to improve my talking.
thank you
Thanks a lot for this lesson .. i have benefited too much .. am from Saudi Arabia .. keep on
hi my name is alex this is my first time in engvid tankyou for your help
Thanks mr. Alex really it,s very uesful.
I want from you to do a leeson about (a)when i use it in a sentense.And what the differnce between b-verb and v-verb bec. I don,t understand percently in the lesson.
Thank you very much mr Alex. Was my first lesson…..but not the last.
Thanks a lot for posibility to see this lesson. is a big help for all studing english.
Thanks engvid.Its very easy way to learn english.
Thanks Alex i’m it,s very uesful.
it’s very usefull
thanks, i really enjoy style your taught us. you’re professional.
thanks alex
u help me alot
thanks alot sir.. i want to speak english but i didnt try before because i hadn’t any source.. please dont laugh guys i am a beginner and please point out if i made any mistake.. thanku :)
He’s a teacher = he IS a teacher. Than why the question is “what does he do?” not “what is he?” Thank you
Hi Alex, Thank you so much. good job
thanks, this helps me alot to understand the question format of simple present tense.
hi Alex its good lesson you teach us thank you.
Thanks for lessons ! :)
hi teacher . my name ia khulan, iam from mongolia. i want learning english but i can`t .Alex teacher help me , please
Thank yuo so much Alexs
i am very thanks to all teacher for your great w+ork . really by this site i improve my english speaking and grammer
thanks you
Hello,I’m learn more with your lesson.
thank a lot”sir Alex:
the job is good
Hi Alex
For the sentence “I Come from portugal”
why the question “Where are you came from?”is wrong?
I always say that for question about the provenance.
I wrong so often :-(
Sorry for bad english
Hiiiii, Alx
Thank you for this lesson but I want to ask you why the lesson is very short we need more example and this question I cann’t understand it. He’s a teacher.the answer is What does he do.
in the answer of the question use he is , but in the answer he use does please explain why …thank you.
thank you for this usefull lesson.
hi alex I have been learning english for two years.I was looking for websites which may help to learn english for my brother.And I found this website.You speak very clear and explain remarkable.Take good care of yourelf bye
im a little bit confused,i got 6 out of 10…but it’s ok…i will study again the wh question.thanks Sir.Alex…
yeahh..i got 10 out of 10… :))
thanks sir you are my favorite teacher in this site plz reply me on my email address.
Teachers cannot send you personal email.
10/10. For me yay!!! thanks alex, you are amazing.
10/10 – You’re a great teacher Alex! Can I ask you something? What means the verb “party” in the quiz? I only know the noun “party” (festa)
thanks alex the best teacher of the word
Thanks for this lesson, Sir. It’s very useful for me.I will always wait for a lesson from you.
good job!
thank you Mr;Alex for all :clear explaination ,pure sound and repitition to make sure all got it. So thank you
hi alex…..thanks very much for this useful lesson….. actually i’m good at English….
but sometimes i need help at some lessons ….
i wanna be a good speaker….can you help me….
hello Alex..
I have a query..
7th question in the quiz says -“Class starts at 8:45” and the ans. is “When does class start?”
is it also correct if we say “When does the class start?”
I love you I wish you loved me.
hi,Alex, hi,everybody who lean English like me!I like these pictures instead of photos))so funny and original!
thanks Alex.it’s very useful for me.
hi.. alex sir
its very nice your class sir and i m enjoying it .thank you sir ..
yeah i got it 6/10 ..thank you alex sir..
Thanks Alex ^.^
Could you lecture us on the distinction between who and whom, like, WHO did you see or WHOM did you see? etc? Thanks Alex.
I found this lesson very intriguing, I learn alot from it.
Hi Teacher ( Alex)
You are such a great teacher!!!
easy to be understand and flexible in sending your message to your students
thank you Alex
thank you Mir alex
Thanks a lot Sir, I like the way you teach. I got 10 out of 10. It is very useful lesson for me.
Thanks & Regards
Alex I really love your lessons, I’m learning alot, thank you ;)
yes i am same to you.
i am learning a lot from your lessons and i would like to thanks to entire engvid teachers
tank you mr Alex
whet is the difrence betwen Iwake up at –and
I get up at–
Thank Alex so much!but i don’t understant for about the answer is [He’s a teacher] .Why doesn’t the question what is he do?
i am learning alot with your lesson thanks, greats from Nicaragua
Thanks Alex!
thank youuuuuuuuu
Hi! Alex,sir
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Alex
I have a big question for you. When people ask me (Why)
Grammatically the whole time we must first answer (Because) or simply ignore as the example you showed us. thanks
i donot know how to use do and does??????????????????????????????????????????????howwwwwwwwwwwwww
thanks so much sir
i enjoy it and very useful for me
Hi Sir Alex :)
Could I ask?Which is correct or what’s the difference between,
What do you do?
what did you do?
What have you done?
Please answer.
Thank you very much! :)
I love your Lessons so much! :))
i am happy with you.Now days i am speak litter bit good english .
i think this is very helpful for me.cab i find step by step these lessons?
hi alex,i hv a problem. “who do them give food” is this sentence is right or wrong?
thanks Alex…
Hi, Alex! I’m English teacher at Russian school. Some of my pupils know grammar rule very well. But they speak English slowly. What should I do?
Thanks sir
Thank you very much!
Alex :)
thak you sir for this nice,useful topioc
Why in the 10th question quiz says that the correct answer is “Where do you want to goes on vacation?”? This isn’t right…
Is anyone else having this problem? I just tried it, Tony, and the correct answer was shown.
great ,what you are doing , thank you !!
i want to thank to you,alex coz before i lost my confident i cant speak any english,even to talk to my friends i cant but now little bit i speak but still i need more to learn english,please teach me more thank you sir
Practice is the key.
thanks alex
its realy help
I like learn english who can help me
thanx Alex,
your way of teaching is fantastic.
when do we use some words before do/does?
Hi Js,
You can use question words like in this video, or you can use it like any other simple verb.
“He does his laundry on Saturday.”
“I do my homework every night.”
Hi Alex…Iam mardan and Iam kurish..I want to you to continue with this teaching… can you send me any video for my facebook…thank you
Im kurdish…sorry not kurish
thnx sir i am learning…..
Hi Alex, thank’s a lot, I made progress with your lessons and I diden’t make any mistakes on quiz, GRAZIE MILLE ALEX
Thank you Alex,
I’m learning English only fourth days only by myself,
Thank your help, your lessons is very important for me
I talk you other day
Mr.Alex thank you so much youer lectures are really helpful, could you please give lectures with more depth and defficulty in the near futre?
The lessons are easy to follow.The topics are up to date. Thank you for your enjoyable teaching of English
hello sir alex goog morning
sir i have one question about this lesson as u taught that “when” shows time so if we say when do you wake up? answer is i wake up in the morning.
is that correct? correct me if i am wrong
hello sir alex goog morning
sir i have one question about this lesson as u taught that “when” shows time so if we say when do you wake up? answer is i wake up in the morning.
is that correct? correct me if i am wrong
thank you sir ALIX
really i like your teaching way
1. Why don’t you use the verb be.
2. Does we use Where does she want to go on vacation or Where does she wants to go on vacation.
Please reply me Thank you
thanks for this amazing vedio i like it so much and i like your way in teaching :)
hi alex,i have one question about this lesson,,can i say : when does the class start??
thank you :)
Hello Sir
you good teacher
u are my fav teacher here alex..all your explanation are easy to understand
Thanks alot for your good lesson… i wish i have a chance to go to school and learn a good lesson like this
Hi alex.
thank you for good teching. I hava littlie problom. Iam sure you can help me. Idon,t understand prasant perfact. you can help me?
thank you very much Mr. alex.
Hi alex.
you can give me same advice for learning english and how answer exsam or test aese…
thank you very much techer :)
Nice, excellent! Je vous aime!!!
Hi Alex thank you soo much for this lesson you are a good teacher by this way now I can speelk with my friend English, thank you very much Alex
Great I got 9/10 ,,, Good keep it up………
I think it’s really a very nice tactic to learn asking question.
thanks alex.
good teacher.
YES, I got 10 for the quiz, thanks Alex
I got 9/10. Thank you for this lesson.
Sir Alex, if I want to teach word sequence then how to teach it to the students please advice will wait for your quick reply?
hello teaching method is very good,easy,simple and understandable.
Sir ,Am new to u’r site and am really impressed ..
I also have a doubt…
“where is this picture taken from?Is this question right?
your cool alex you are usefull to me
and you are soo usefull so many people like you becuse you teach as new things
Alex … this is very helpful….
Alex…. Just want to say THANK YOU. It is very very important in someone’s life to have good teacher/professor. We all are very lucky to have you and engvid.com
thanks sir i relly injoy this lesson,but i have problem with’s’ when I use or not, in this qustion milla speaks freanch and spanish i choose which languages does milla speaks?can u help me pls
I thank all members of the staff for this very important support! I am sure that with your lessons and advices my english will be better.
Thank you
Alex … this is very helpful….
YeY…i got perfect score 10/10
thank you Alex
there is a question at the test , what do you do in the weekend or similar to this question ? , can I say what are you doing in the weekend.
Hi Alex i like it but i need more quiz question that be good for me.
thank you my teacher realy you are the best english teacher i have seen in my life
Thank you very much …….
Have a nice day…..
first my dear teacher thank you alot i have a broblem so can you tell me how i can learn simpel present. thank you very much to help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
thank you soooooo much….)))
NO!!!! Three mistakes I’m disaster :(
The formula of answer is it
subject+base verb+answer??
good luck!!
. .
10 out of 10 ;)
you’re the best
I happy this lesson. Thank you
you’r the best
thank you
Dear Alex,
kindly I wanted to know the differences or uses between the following conditions:
1) present perfect continuous and present perfect simple
2) past perfect and past perfect continuous
3) future perfect and future perfect continuous
i mostly waste my time to read the comment.
Thank you for your video!)
it was great for me thank u
thank sir,i like your teaching method .i got 9 of 10
Simple Present is used in wh-question must wear an answer?
thank you ..
J i did’nt understand in the third question why the answer is When does they partying? … Why did you add ING?
7/10 but is very nice lesson,thanks.
i like your lesson,and i willkeep watching
good lesson
7 out of 10 not bud.. I’m having a hard time to learned English.. but i enjoy it
Hi Alex i want to know how I do to use WH at the end of a preposition. thanks.:)
Thanx ^^ alex
We study this today
no entiendo
no mentiras nisiquiera lo vi jajaj
Teacher Alex thanks a lot,I have two private students and your classes are really useful for me,Dear could you please let me know if ‘Where do they party’ in quiz is right or not,I think where does your party is better?
Again thank you
thanks alex
thanks alot you are amazing man
Hi, Thank you for the good class.
For example in the next question
Who speaks the best English in your class?
Do not use the auxiliary verb do
When using the auxiliary verb?
I find it hard to understand in which cases the questions using the auxiliary verb and when not to use.
really , your perfect , i start to fix my mistakes , thank you
thank you very much, from turkey:)
Does it means that “Where are you from?” is wrong?
Nope! “Where are you from?” is perfectly fine. It just uses the verb “to be,” which is a special case.
hi Alex if i say “When i will get it?” instead of “When will i get it?” will be any problem ?
Sat, the correct question form is “When will I get it?” The other form is incorrect.
Thank you for lesson
i am improving..this credit is yours,alex:)
i need situation of using this two type of sentence
where do you go?
where are you going?
hi alex,
i am a bit confused with this “to be’………can u please explain this
Alex is Great
thanks teacher . for your excellent class
I learn more today, thanks to you
sososososoososoososso thanks…. continue with this project please :)
I really like all your videos since I learn a lot day by day…thanks a lot..
Hi, Alex
your lesson is very useful and your are great teacher
Alex please can you tell me when I make question when I use veb b and when I use veb. do?
Is it correct to say ” he was here 10 minutes back” instead of ” he was here 10 minutes ago”
The formula works. 10/10. Thank you!
sir alex please i am not uderstand when we use do or does :/ ?
Hi! I am confussing. “What do you doing?” / “What are you doing?” Which one is correct?
Thank you very much
Hi, Alex. What do you mean by ” Take the highway.”
thank you so much you help me alot and iam greatful to you this site help me so much and iam watching this daily
Wohoo, 9 out of 10!
Thanks Alex :)
Wow! i got 10 out of 10. I took the quiz before watching the video but still i will watch the video because Alex’s teaching method is good. It helps me to remember the information easily. :)
i have a final test and this lesson helped me so thank you alex
Thanks Alex , I had trouble with -Wh questions and do/does which this lesson helped me
i am a new learner and want to know about you more
Thnaks form your teaching
thank you so much
Thanks Alex, for great explanation
take care
Hey Alex
Thank you for these useful lessons
I appreciate these lessons.
Please, I wanna to ask about question in the quiz.
You have said in the explanation as a formula whenever there is no verb to be in the response then there is no verb to be in the question.
But in the second question the respond is ‘He’s is a teacher ” and the question is ” what does he do”
I couldn’t understand the formula how the response with be verb and the question without be verb?
Thank you very much.
thank you very much Alix
thanks a lot for course so you teach well
THANK YOU for lesson.
I think that quiz N°2 is a trap.
The contract verb is: “does” and not “is”.
So, really: “He does a teacher” and not: “He is a teacher.
thank you very very very much my bet teacher :)
Thanks Sir,
I want to ask that, how do we use “a, an and the” in these sentences?
thanks Alex.i understand every thing
mr Alex i am going to know when do we use passive?
Ok! Alex
Very good! Thank You Alex.
Thank you Alex
What is the first question’s answer of test?
where do you come from?
Where are you come from?
I think truth choose is B.
Thanks !!!
Thank you so much Alex
“Where are you going to visit?”
“What are you going to visit?”
Could you please tell me which one is the most correct question for the answer “I’m going to visit New York?”?
Thanks in advance!
the second one
Thank you a lot, ammar abd elrahim.
Hi Alex,
Thanks a lot for all of your vedios relly I’m interesting,
Thanks again
Hi Alex! Thanks for your great work! Your video lessons are really help for me! Thanks again!
Thank you Alex, great job, this is very important.
Which preposition should we use before ( the weekend ) ” on ” or ” at “?
Hello, Alex! Congratulations! You are an excellent teacher. I am learning a lot with your lessons, thank you. Júlio César from Fortaleza CE, Brazil.
Hey Alex is what’s the difference between “on vacation” and “for vacation” ?
Where do you want to go on vacation/ for vacation?
Please help.
Hi Teacher,
Thank you so much. You are doing a wonderful job.
Kind regards,
Hi, Alex, thank you on this lesson. But I would like to know something about subject questions. Why do we make such kind of questions, in which tense and what question words do we use? Please, be so kind to explain to me as soon as possible.
Kind regard
What music do you like?
why here in the question above the (Do) came after the Wh question not as you told us
Wh+do+sub+base verb !!!
I want to know is it an exception ??
please advice
thank you
Thank you ALEX for the lesson it was great
thanks alex you are the best ^_^
Thanks Alex.
My preferred teacher. Thanks
you are the best alex
Thank you very much
Thanks for this one)
just only said. you an excellent teacher
Many thanks dear Teachers Love u all.
Thanks you, I think you help a lot, I usually watch your class and the collegues’ class. I think your site is the best on Internet. Congratulation,!!!
Many thanks!
Thank you Teacher Alex!
God bless you!
why the sentece is not correct? Which does Milla speak languages?
I got 10/10!! Thanks very much for the lesson!
Thank you Alex
bad very bad!!
I really enjoyed your class.
I really enjoyed the lesson Sir.
Thank you so much Ms, Alex. His class was great. Now, I understand a little most about simple present.
Thanks a lot for your class.
Hi Alex. Can you explain why formula is diffrent?
8. Milla speaks French and Spanish.
Which does Milla speak languages? not correct
Which languages does Milla speak? correct
thank you for this lesson, i want leave a question here:
why do people live in safely?
He’s a teacher.
What is he do?
What does he do?
What he does?
What do he do? i click 1 but wrong why
Thank you, I got 7 out of ten.
Thank you so much
Hello Alex. Thanks for your brilliant job. It is fantastic. I just wonder how can we cite this information. I am trying to cite it (APA STYLE) in text and in the reference list of my work; however I do not have the necessary information.
Thank you Alex!
thank you very much, Mrs Alex.
Excuse me ,Mr Alex.
I watched this video twice on May 19, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of ten.
wow, I got 9/10 :)
thank you.
Thankyou sir got 9/10
Alex, please explain about how to use adverb of frequency in simple present!. Thanks for your attention.
Thank you so much Alex!
thank you
Thank you!