Do you say light when you mean right? Do you have problems pronouncing 'r' in English? Watch this quick lesson to learn a small trick that will help you! This class will be especially useful for Asian students.
Ronnie, very good, as usual. Thanks for making this video. Could you please by the way make a video about the pronunciation of ed. Because as far as I know there are three different forms of pronouncing it. Like worked, played, etc, but I’m not quite sure how to pronounce it correctly. Same thing with the words ending in rty. Like party, shorty, etc
Martin, very interesting name, my name is Marko, but my nickname is Martin derived from my surname which is Martinovic. You already have the lesson done here on EngVid by Rebecca if I am correct. As you said, only three ways of pronunciation, it’s quite simple…
Rebecca has already done a video for you! Search the site for “ed” endings!
I have three sentences please guide me if thay are correct gramatically?
NO 1: If you could give me an estimate how much it will cost me to repair this machine that would be great.
NO 2: Dear viewers please tell me what kind of plant this is by leaving comments after watching this video.
NO 3: Can you tell me what you want and what does she want?
HI teacher plz help me.
I’ll try to help you my friend as much as I can, hope it’ll be useful.
NO. 1: If you could give me an estimate, how much would it cost me to repair this machine? That would be great.
NO. 2: Dear viewers, please tell me what kind of plant this is by leaving comments after watching this video.
NO. 3: Can you tell me what you want and what she wants? You can’t say “can you tell me what do you want” because you already have modal verb “can” starting the question.
Look Aston512, I see what your problem is. You aren’t sure about asking questions, and how to formulate it. When you are asking a question, you always start with particular verb (modal, or auxiliary). E. g. Is she the best student in this class? I don’t know whether “SHE IS” the best student in this class. Did you see that it’s not “IS SHE” anymore, but “SHE IS”. What to say, practice, and I’m sure when Ronnie sees this problem, she will do a lesson on it. Ronnie, you heard me :D
i want build my vocabulary and pronunciation i think so i want to hear much words with hindi mean can you help
thanks this is and interesting lesson which is going to help me with the pronunciation.
Uuuuuuu Ronnie, please don’t complicate things here… :)
Hi ronnie this s Murat from turkey, I would like to thank you all for these amazing lessons, I have been following your lessons for 2 years and I improved my English skills a lot, I work at the 5 star hotel in Istanbul and I got promotion , people ask me that do you take private English lesson or what :)) ? I say no and recommend them, you r my favorite but equally I like the other teachers, I have a question some people say ” I had better go” but some times I hear that people say “I better go ” can u please explain what’s the diffident , thank you again, by the way you look beautiful in black shirt, bye
Wow – that is great that you have been able to learn so much from the site and thank YOU!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on your promotion!
“I had better go” and “I better go” are the same!
Ronnie could you help me in this kindly tell me how to pronounce x in English because i got problems in this word do we pronounce this word as sh or just s or z
hey ronnie y dont u answer any of my comment
Hi, the pronunciation of X is KZ.
Ex: expertise -> ekzpertise
Xerox you don’t say ekzerokz but zérokz
I hope helped you.
Search the site for the “Alphabet” lesson – I have a video on how to say all the letters!
Another great lesson Teacherrrr RRRRRonnie.. Thanks a lot! Have a nice day..
I’m not from korea and I’m japanise lad. I’m from Russia and we have the “R” sound maybe it pronounced a little bit different. But I think it the same for us to pronounce f istead “th” it don’t make common sense it’s justy another sound. In additional teacher lern us that “R” sound pronounced very smothly in Britain english. It seems to be a lie. ‘ Cause British people also pronpunce this sound I think
Victor Adamenja
Hi Ronnie. I watched your video, it’s cool. I don’t have any problem with “R” pronunciation cause in my native language we have it too. Yeah your site is very helpful ,thanks for video, hope see you soon !!!
hallo ronie
nice lesson.realy it was usefull for me and maybe for the other much as i knoew,u kann write u in an other i cant email you,because the letters arent on my keyboard .look on google by pictures.thers a quetion i have got.coulod you make a video for how to understand senteces,without a lot of experice?Iwould be realy pleased(:
Hope you e-mail soon
Hi, Roonie.
If we are talking about correct “spelling” in Chinese then I can say that second horizontal stroke in the lower part of the character should be written before vertical.
Thank you for video, waiting for advanced videos =)))
Hey,Ronnie,,You did a great Job as usual..Fantastic. Finaly I can call your Name correctly.. Lovely Ronnie.
( Sounds L & R )….Masa ( Jap )
Ronnie hey i like your style of understanding “R” pronunciation
thanks for this web side i pray for u .thanks.
interesting lesson ….personally I don’t have any problem with the sound ”r”because in my language (Romanian) the sound is very strong…but I can’t say the “th” like in thought…it seems difficult and I usually say”s”…can you help me Ronnie by doing a video lesson on this? please…thank you!:)
There is already a lesson on TH! Search the site!
Hi Ronnie, wondering if u can do another lesson with the R sound but this time.., them next to each other, like for example (powe”R” “R”anger / locke”R” “R”oom) because i think you forgotten it to add it to your lesson?
and also one more thing, me as a Filipino are having trouble pronouncing the letters F and P…, example: “F”acebook to “P”acebook, “F”orward to “P”orward, “F”ork to “P”ork also when im pronouncing “F”ilipino it sounded like “P”ilipino which is ok back in the Philippines, but now i migrated here in America.. so hope you can help me and the others, thanks!
Hi teacher ronnie i have a small sentence plese check if it is correct. AS A TRAVELLER HOW MUCH CASH CAN I TAKE WITH ME? IS THIS SENTANCE IS CORRECT GRAMATICALLY?
Yes! Good work! But to make your sentence more natural you should ask “How much money should I bring”?
Sorry to bother you i have one more sentence please tell me if it is correct?
may i ask you what are we suppose to do sir?
May I ask you what we are supposed to do?
But, the best way to ask this would be like this. May I ask you a question? What are we supposed to do? On this way, you can’t make mistake.
hi I want to support you but I didn`t found my country “Egypt” and I suggest to deal with “One Card” widely available in Arab Countries , best wishes
Hello!Ronnie this is really helpful lesson for me that i want .Anyway !i am a beginner to learn english .thank you so much .
This class is amazing! Really espetacular! Helped me a lot.. thanks for a brazilian student..!!
yes, it worked this lesson 4 me. u solved my life problem, lol. nice long hair, take care lovely Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, i’m wondering if u can do another lesson with the R sound but this time.., them next to each other, like for example (powe”R” “R”anger / locke”R” “R”oom) because i think you have forgotten it to add it to your lesson?
and also one more thing, me as a Filipino are having trouble pronouncing the letters F and P…, example: “F”acebook to “P”acebook, “F”orward to “P”orward, “F”ork to “Pork” also when im pronouncing “F”ilipino it sounded like “P”ilipino, which is ok back in the Philippines, but now i migrated here in America.. so hope u can help me and the others, thanks!
OK! I will try to make another R lesson for you! I think there is a lesson on P and F for you – just search the site for P and F!
Hi Ronnie. You are always fantastic. I would love if could talk with you at least only one time
great, realy really useful for me.thanks
Dear teachers thank you for your kind honestly I appreciated that all your offers but one thing I need to studying that I’m going to learn right away that’s a (vocabulary) (English word)with mean please would you give me hand
again thanks all of you
slc hoi bat chuyen
slc hoi bat chuyen
Hi, Ronnie ! You are the best !!
Flavitus ( Brazil )
Thank you Ronnie. I did understand this lesson.
Hi Ronnie
You have make a mistake,IS吳not吴;)haha
So have you ;)
Hello, i have one question but its not about ur teaching today. I want to know about the words cancelled and canceled. How its different ? And how to use it in the sentence. Thx Ps. I luv ur teaching so bad.
There is no difference at all, and here it goes example for you. All flights were cancelled (canceled) due to rain.
I want to know about both of word cancelled and canceled. How to use it in the sentence and how its differant ?
You have two accounts, don’t you? I may be wrong, but in any case, look up and see what you want to know, I already answered the same question.
miss help me plz tell me difference betwwn propostion and noun
A noun is a person, a place or and thing.
A preposition tells us where the noun is!
I like your this class about R AND I would like to say a special thanks for that but the most important think I want to say to you ….is … look sorry teacher H…… this dress ……ooopsss SORRY AGAIN …..
Great. Thanks a lot
Hossam mostafa
Ronnie, may I be a teacher with you on EngVid? I promise I’ll be just great. I think I mastered English language quite enough. I’m so humble, aren’t I? :)
hi Roonie,
That was fantastic. i like your teaching.
thanks teacher
Hello Ronnie this is a good video for improve our pronunciation. Thanks a lot.
this tricks are good for people who has few “r” (mostly eastern people).
not so well for people who has too much “r”, like italian, spanish or portuguese one.
am i right?
anyway many thanks. i love you all!
Ronnie you ´are a great teacher i like your class thank you
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
incuuuuuuedible. Thanks for your lesson
Francisco V.
Hi Ronnie, I am a Canadian living abroad in Spain and have a 4 1/2 year old girl who I am patiently teaching english to since she was born. She has alot of difficulties pronunciating the letter R and D (comes out as an L sound). I have watched your video and I plan on teaching my daughter this technique from this very moment and am positive that it will give results. Thank you for your video!
Wow! I hope she is doing well! Best of luck to her!
OMG.I love the way you teach everyone.You are really the best teacher that I have met.I want you to teach us in Language Link in Viet Nam.Thank you.I’m not good at English :3 don’t care my mistakes.
thank you Ronnie ,
could you please make a video to teach how to pronounce “th” ?
in Persian we dont have “th” and most of Iranian pronounce “th” as “d”!
thank you very much
There is already a video on the TH sound! Search the site for TH!!!!
Great. Thanks a lot
thanks alot
amazing, thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie,
first of all thanks a lot for everything you do. I’m italian and i think we have the opposite of the problem, we always use “R” and we even have to pronounce double R like in the word “Terra” that means world,earth,globe… a teacher told me ” don’t pronounce the R so strong, just think of it!
hel00000 ronnie ur just amazing nd ur lesson too. i have a question for u
the police is comming
the police are comming
which sentence is correct nd why?? pls explain me in detail
thnx in advance :)
Are. Police= plural noun.
Dear Ronnie, Happy 4th of July.
How do you write and pronounce the plural form of the alphabet and the numbers.for example, b+b=two b,should I put an( s)next to the (b).I am sure not in algebra.Also 2+2=two twos,Is that correct? your help is appreciated.
Yes, you would say 2 B’s….You must ALWAYS use a “s” when there is more than one countable noun!!!
Ronnie, I really enjoy your lessons!
Can you please explain this sentence – I tell them the books I want them to read.
Why so? I tell – I want. it’s really difficult to understand((
A teacher is telling students what they have to read!
Thanks a lot!
“I tell myself which video I want myself to watch!”
I hope I’m doing alright :D
Very good. This helped me a lot :D
I want to speak with you buring mic voice chat
hi Ronie, your amazing. Thank you for sharing this video to us..
Have a great day..
the Chinese “wu” is 吳.
Hi Ronnie!
Could you please help me to select the correct one?
A) All the information is………
B) All the information are………
Thanks a million my Dear Ronnie!
A. Information is uncountable.
I’m angolan i live in Botswana .i love your lessons . i want to learn english ,please help me. :))
ur english is fantstic.i love it
ranjan parida
Hi Ronnie!
Could you please help me to select the correct one?
m amin miyazi of afghanistan
M Amin Niyazi
Hi, Ms Ronnie i really enjoy this lesson that you teaching by vidoe it is really helpful to us thank you very much,But if u have no mind could u please teach us about passive (grammer)actually i’ve done certificate three spoken and written english but i could’t understand it. and thanks again bye
There are already 2 videos on the site for passive! Just search for “passive”!
Great! Wonderful! You’re good. Thgank you so much from Colombia!
how to pronounce ‘r’ in american accent
dear my past sentence are weeks when i specking in front of some one i can’t speak give me some points to improve me past tens.
I’m not an asian student and we have the ‘R’ in our language which is arabic,but we do not pronounce it the same way as you,so thank you Ronnie for this video,it was helpful.
hahaah u even dont know this hahahah
Thank you very much Mrs.Ronnie, Is there classes about Application.
russian r is like roarin of lion. with strong vibration of the tone in mauth
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Ronnie you very good teacher.
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
More than one person ( is ) unhappy.
Is is correct ?
I saw it somewhere ,But I believe it should be are. Would you please correct me.Thank you.
Your sentence is correct because you said one person! You could say “Many people ARE unhappy” if you want to use are!
Hi Ronnie.
My name is darisuren. I am Mongolia.
How i contact you?
Do you teach English by online?
hellow .. I need to help .. Im Brazilian, and I neddo to do a Icao test , I’m pilot in Brazil . how do You help me ?
Rogerio Max
Did you write 吳 or 吴? :)
Ronnie, great video and technique for pronouncing “r.” I teach a group of Koreans and plan to show them this video and use your technique; however, I need to point out that down here in the U.S. we do pronounce the second “r” in rural. So when we say rural it sounds pretty much like it’s spelled – rur-al (or rer-al), not ru-al.
yap, u got that ‘吴’ right
teacher ronnie i don’t know how to improve my pronunciation.Teacher i want to be a good english speaker someday but i don’t know how to do it.Teacher i need your advice,or some tip.thanks…
thank you Ronnie :)
It helps a lot. Thanks for this useful tip! =]
Thanx alot miss Ronnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
noor khan Hamidi
Speak good pronunciation is not my cup of tea. But not this time after saw this video.
P Rai
you are really a good language teacher.
I have a problem with pronouncing “T” in English,,,they sometimes say it ‘Tee’ some times ‘D’…could u help meeee “EngVid”??
teacher is there a video where use words like go to the end of the next block or make a right, turn left
i dont know like getting around
Thank you for the lesson
thank you a lot Ronnie i’m so glad to teaching with you .sorry i have a bad english
how do I say relationship? please, help Ronnie
Hi Ronnie,
I’m from Poland and character “r” is very simple for me (us), but I have big problem for “the” or another world with beggining for “th…”.
Plese make lesson about this world.
thank you very much can I ask little more help could please explain about profession
Ronie, What is U.C.K.G. ? I look in Newspaper!
kaique, i think it means Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. UCKG.
hi teacher Ronnie that amazing you always know what your student want to learn more spacialy me you usually add new think to make your student happy. thank you so much and god bless youand your family one million time
hi my name is gabriel and I’m from brazil! roonie you’re fantastic and wonderful and a great teacher haha! really now, thank you very much your classes are helping me a lot. speak the sound of the ”R” is easy to me but I need to improvem more and more and more!! bye
gabriel mendes
improve* without m!
gabriel mendes
teacher ronnie, are you american ?
gabriel mendes
I’m very happy the way your techer orpranuon the word : so what abut south sudanese the way to pranuon the in English
thank you teacher ronni,your student from algeria
a lot of exercices, and university her in algeria visit us
Thank you very much. wonderful lesson. we need it.
thanks Teacher Roonie… you’re good teacher so I can speak English better :)
thanks , a helpful lesson for japanese
thank you roonie you are a good teacher
zakaria chakir
i have many problems about pronuciation because i live in the countryside it effect me soo much,what can i do to improve?
Hi. It sounds a good lesson for asian. What about Arabs? we have R in our language but it sounds different.
ㅜ~Ronnie. I am happy to lea(ㅜ)rn f(ㅜ)rom you. I am Korean who have a problem differentiating from L and R sound. I have to say this lecture is very meaningful and cannot stop smiling watching every your video!
Ronnie, I like a lot your teaching style. I am from Asia, I am trying to buy some CD/DVD where I can practice my pronunciation. I am looking where the software pronounce some word and where the system allows me to say the same word and once I pronounce clearly it allowed me to go ahead.
Thanks Ronnie,
This website i very useful for me . I am grateful of this team.I want a help from you that i am little bit confuse in the pronunciation of words starts from S and Sh. So please could you help .
Thanks and kind regards for this wonderful source of learning english.
ecxellent lesson, thank you very much
I would like to say something here that This is the wonderful experience of teaching for me.
thanks ronnie
can you make avideo about T sound
Thanks a lot my favorite teacher ever :) <3
well, I need u to make a video for the P&b sounds as in my language (Arabic) we don't have the sound p.
Thanks in advance.
I wanna be an English teacher like u :)
I have another problem :D
If I have a word end with/s/ sound like pronounce followed by another word starts with th (thah sound)like them, I really have a great difficulty in pronouncing them correctly.
pllllllllllz help me :(
thank you ronnie..from help
Alot thanks for you ronne ,,,,realy super fantastic lesson that not found in text book ,,,again thank you
ronnie thank you so much for this tips this really help me learn how to teach English here in Japan …im still learning though this is my first time.
when I found this site its really helping me ….because like you I also want to teach
Hi Ronnie. Any trick for Spanish speakers?
Hi Roonie. I have a ask you. I know in British English “R” letter pronounce not so strong unlike American English. I want to know if it’s wrong in British English we emphasize “R” letter
your opinion is right.
R sound pronunciation is very difficult to asian.
Italians also struggle to pronunce the R in english. But i think it sounds cool! =)
Also, an italian that have not studied enough may pronunce the R like a Scottish.
Some months ago i was unaware of how to pronunce the R but fortunally my first trip abroad was in Scotland so i had no problem xD haha
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie =)
Hi Ronnie, I want to ask you about how to use ‘tobe’ like below sentence, can you post the video to tech us about that.
1. Newspapers are not to be taken out of the room.
2. Who will the couple to be married invited?
I don’t know when I need to use ‘to be’, and how to translate this? Could you teach us?
Thanks so much.
Sound run, rat, read, and Friday
Show you this—- Chinese “吳”
and thanks a lot for your teaching!!
Ohh. In vietnam we have the same pronunciation. Thanks!
Hi,Ronnie,it’s not so difficult for Chinese to pronounce “R”,cause there are similar pronunciation with “R” in Chinese,for example,如(ru)、日(ri)、然(ran)and so on.Maybe you can ask your Chinese friends,or tell me your email,I will send you some audio.
How many sounds are there in English?
a) 44 ; or b) 47
Great lesson, thank you!
Thanks Ronnie.
Abdul Qayum
うRonnie!!you help me a lot!
Hello madam,
I am interested in learning english.I want to know whether you are teaching British english or American english. Please tell me.
Ronnie, you aRe amazing I have been struggling foR 20 years with R sound, I’m 22 now.AffteR watching one video of YouRs on youtube I signed up for this sight just so I could say Thank you and I so much, YouR the fiRst person who has made it fun and I hope to keep learning from you. Big hugh hug and smile for you
Hi , everyone , how are u ? I would like to improve this sound R however I want to ask about how I use my tongue for this sound ?
Thank u
R sound is very dificult for me. I’m Thais. I opened your VDO again and again to pronounce R. Thank Ronnie
Ronnie madam you are my favourite english instructer..
you doing a grate job
Tilan Charika
Hi Ronnie,
Can you teach me how to pronounce words which begin with “dr” like “drum”, “dream” or “drought”? I have a difficult time try to pronounce these words but it still does not feel right.
hi Ronnie
Language in which no letter R. How speak?
Thanks again Ronnie,the R pronunciation helps a lot to me because since I was in High School I always been teas about it.
Hi Ronnie. I found an interesting word: Urumqi. It’s a name of city in China. its pronunciation starts with “woo” and followed by letter r. lol. you need to woo twice based on your teaching
hi~Ronnie! i am korean. After watching this.i try it. but this “R” pronunciation is still difficult for me. help me to how to practice. thanks.
Ronnie why I have to always watch your lessons even if I dont need to? Because ur better than watching TV. (at least in my country). And feel sorry for those who pay a lot of money to Babels and the simaliar. Thanks for great job to learn people uptoday English.
ann ann
I am a new student here nice to meet you all and thanks teacher Ronnie for helping us and teaching us. When i see you teaching us i become so so happy . You can call me Asma .and thanks so so much Ronnie
bintii Mohammed
Ronnie i always be shy and i can’t talk with anybody because i am shy can you help please
bintii Mohammed
Ann Ann let us be friends on Facebook please let all of us be friends on Facebook like this we will learn many things from each others also like maybe we would learn language’s of each others am i right or not right teacher Ronnie. Who says this is right and wants to be my friends ok lets be friends on Facebook . Ok
bintii Mohammed
hi mrs. ronnie i really love the way you teach.
would you please help to explain how to pronounce words ending with “ES” or “S”??
It makes me really confused sometimes.
Ni Luh Puspa Dewi
Hi Ronnie,
I am amazed so good u r method
your the best thank you
kawthar atia
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much for this class. :D
My mother tongue is Spanish, and I have problems to pronounce the words that start with dr. Like Dragon, Dream, Drink, Drive, Draw, etc. Could you help me please?
Thank you teacher.
Enjoyable lesson thanks
Hello Ronnie and everyone.
I come from Poland. So, I don’t have big problem with “R” letter. I can handle with it quite well.
However I have problem with a sound “Szwa”,”ing” and”ng”. These sounds drive me crazy.
BTW.Thanks so much for lesson.
See you at the next lesson :)
Bye ;)
this gret
ahmed sosah
This is a special type for “R” sound pronunciation. “R” is a difficult letter to pronounce in China.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Ronnie, very good, as usual. Thanks for making this video. Could you please by the way make a video about the pronunciation of ed. Because as far as I know there are three different forms of pronouncing it. Like worked, played, etc, but I’m not quite sure how to pronounce it correctly. Same thing with the words ending in rty. Like party, shorty, etc
Martin, very interesting name, my name is Marko, but my nickname is Martin derived from my surname which is Martinovic. You already have the lesson done here on EngVid by Rebecca if I am correct. As you said, only three ways of pronunciation, it’s quite simple…
Rebecca has already done a video for you! Search the site for “ed” endings!
I have three sentences please guide me if thay are correct gramatically?
NO 1: If you could give me an estimate how much it will cost me to repair this machine that would be great.
NO 2: Dear viewers please tell me what kind of plant this is by leaving comments after watching this video.
NO 3: Can you tell me what you want and what does she want?
HI teacher plz help me.
I’ll try to help you my friend as much as I can, hope it’ll be useful.
NO. 1: If you could give me an estimate, how much would it cost me to repair this machine? That would be great.
NO. 2: Dear viewers, please tell me what kind of plant this is by leaving comments after watching this video.
NO. 3: Can you tell me what you want and what she wants? You can’t say “can you tell me what do you want” because you already have modal verb “can” starting the question.
Look Aston512, I see what your problem is. You aren’t sure about asking questions, and how to formulate it. When you are asking a question, you always start with particular verb (modal, or auxiliary). E. g. Is she the best student in this class? I don’t know whether “SHE IS” the best student in this class. Did you see that it’s not “IS SHE” anymore, but “SHE IS”. What to say, practice, and I’m sure when Ronnie sees this problem, she will do a lesson on it. Ronnie, you heard me :D
i want build my vocabulary and pronunciation i think so i want to hear much words with hindi mean can you help
thanks this is and interesting lesson which is going to help me with the pronunciation.
Uuuuuuu Ronnie, please don’t complicate things here… :)
Hi ronnie this s Murat from turkey, I would like to thank you all for these amazing lessons, I have been following your lessons for 2 years and I improved my English skills a lot, I work at the 5 star hotel in Istanbul and I got promotion , people ask me that do you take private English lesson or what :)) ? I say no and recommend them, you r my favorite but equally I like the other teachers, I have a question some people say ” I had better go” but some times I hear that people say “I better go ” can u please explain what’s the diffident , thank you again, by the way you look beautiful in black shirt, bye
Wow – that is great that you have been able to learn so much from the site and thank YOU!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on your promotion!
“I had better go” and “I better go” are the same!
Ronnie could you help me in this kindly tell me how to pronounce x in English because i got problems in this word do we pronounce this word as sh or just s or z
hey ronnie y dont u answer any of my comment
Hi, the pronunciation of X is KZ.
Ex: expertise -> ekzpertise
Xerox you don’t say ekzerokz but zérokz
I hope helped you.
Search the site for the “Alphabet” lesson – I have a video on how to say all the letters!
Another great lesson Teacherrrr RRRRRonnie.. Thanks a lot! Have a nice day..
I’m not from korea and I’m japanise lad. I’m from Russia and we have the “R” sound maybe it pronounced a little bit different. But I think it the same for us to pronounce f istead “th” it don’t make common sense it’s justy another sound. In additional teacher lern us that “R” sound pronounced very smothly in Britain english. It seems to be a lie. ‘ Cause British people also pronpunce this sound I think
Hi Ronnie. I watched your video, it’s cool. I don’t have any problem with “R” pronunciation cause in my native language we have it too. Yeah your site is very helpful ,thanks for video, hope see you soon !!!
hallo ronie
nice lesson.realy it was usefull for me and maybe for the other much as i knoew,u kann write u in an other i cant email you,because the letters arent on my keyboard .look on google by pictures.thers a quetion i have got.coulod you make a video for how to understand senteces,without a lot of experice?Iwould be realy pleased(:
Hope you e-mail soon
Hi, Roonie.
If we are talking about correct “spelling” in Chinese then I can say that second horizontal stroke in the lower part of the character should be written before vertical.
Thank you for video, waiting for advanced videos =)))
Hey,Ronnie,,You did a great Job as usual..Fantastic. Finaly I can call your Name correctly.. Lovely Ronnie.
( Sounds L & R )….Masa ( Jap )
Ronnie hey i like your style of understanding “R” pronunciation
thanks for this web side i pray for u .thanks.
interesting lesson ….personally I don’t have any problem with the sound ”r”because in my language (Romanian) the sound is very strong…but I can’t say the “th” like in thought…it seems difficult and I usually say”s”…can you help me Ronnie by doing a video lesson on this? please…thank you!:)
There is already a lesson on TH! Search the site!
Hi Ronnie, wondering if u can do another lesson with the R sound but this time.., them next to each other, like for example (powe”R” “R”anger / locke”R” “R”oom) because i think you forgotten it to add it to your lesson?
and also one more thing, me as a Filipino are having trouble pronouncing the letters F and P…, example: “F”acebook to “P”acebook, “F”orward to “P”orward, “F”ork to “P”ork also when im pronouncing “F”ilipino it sounded like “P”ilipino which is ok back in the Philippines, but now i migrated here in America.. so hope you can help me and the others, thanks!
Hi teacher ronnie i have a small sentence plese check if it is correct. AS A TRAVELLER HOW MUCH CASH CAN I TAKE WITH ME? IS THIS SENTANCE IS CORRECT GRAMATICALLY?
Yes! Good work! But to make your sentence more natural you should ask “How much money should I bring”?
Sorry to bother you i have one more sentence please tell me if it is correct?
may i ask you what are we suppose to do sir?
May I ask you what we are supposed to do?
But, the best way to ask this would be like this. May I ask you a question? What are we supposed to do? On this way, you can’t make mistake.
hi I want to support you but I didn`t found my country “Egypt” and I suggest to deal with “One Card” widely available in Arab Countries , best wishes
Hello!Ronnie this is really helpful lesson for me that i want .Anyway !i am a beginner to learn english .thank you so much .
This class is amazing! Really espetacular! Helped me a lot.. thanks for a brazilian student..!!
yes, it worked this lesson 4 me. u solved my life problem, lol. nice long hair, take care lovely Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, i’m wondering if u can do another lesson with the R sound but this time.., them next to each other, like for example (powe”R” “R”anger / locke”R” “R”oom) because i think you have forgotten it to add it to your lesson?
and also one more thing, me as a Filipino are having trouble pronouncing the letters F and P…, example: “F”acebook to “P”acebook, “F”orward to “P”orward, “F”ork to “Pork” also when im pronouncing “F”ilipino it sounded like “P”ilipino, which is ok back in the Philippines, but now i migrated here in America.. so hope u can help me and the others, thanks!
OK! I will try to make another R lesson for you! I think there is a lesson on P and F for you – just search the site for P and F!
Hi Ronnie. You are always fantastic. I would love if could talk with you at least only one time
great, realy really useful for me.thanks
Dear teachers thank you for your kind honestly I appreciated that all your offers but one thing I need to studying that I’m going to learn right away that’s a (vocabulary) (English word)with mean please would you give me hand
again thanks all of you
Hi, Ronnie ! You are the best !!
Thank you Ronnie. I did understand this lesson.
Hi Ronnie
You have make a mistake,IS吳not吴;)haha
So have you ;)
Hello, i have one question but its not about ur teaching today. I want to know about the words cancelled and canceled. How its different ? And how to use it in the sentence. Thx Ps. I luv ur teaching so bad.
There is no difference at all, and here it goes example for you. All flights were cancelled (canceled) due to rain.
I want to know about both of word cancelled and canceled. How to use it in the sentence and how its differant ?
You have two accounts, don’t you? I may be wrong, but in any case, look up and see what you want to know, I already answered the same question.
miss help me plz tell me difference betwwn propostion and noun
A noun is a person, a place or and thing.
A preposition tells us where the noun is!
I like your this class about R AND I would like to say a special thanks for that but the most important think I want to say to you ….is … look sorry teacher H…… this dress ……ooopsss SORRY AGAIN …..
Great. Thanks a lot
Ronnie, may I be a teacher with you on EngVid? I promise I’ll be just great. I think I mastered English language quite enough. I’m so humble, aren’t I? :)
hi Roonie,
That was fantastic. i like your teaching.
thanks teacher
Hello Ronnie this is a good video for improve our pronunciation. Thanks a lot.
this tricks are good for people who has few “r” (mostly eastern people).
not so well for people who has too much “r”, like italian, spanish or portuguese one.
am i right?
anyway many thanks. i love you all!
Ronnie you ´are a great teacher i like your class thank you
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
incuuuuuuedible. Thanks for your lesson
Hi Ronnie, I am a Canadian living abroad in Spain and have a 4 1/2 year old girl who I am patiently teaching english to since she was born. She has alot of difficulties pronunciating the letter R and D (comes out as an L sound). I have watched your video and I plan on teaching my daughter this technique from this very moment and am positive that it will give results. Thank you for your video!
Wow! I hope she is doing well! Best of luck to her!
hi i need talk with you
OMG.I love the way you teach everyone.You are really the best teacher that I have met.I want you to teach us in Language Link in Viet Nam.Thank you.I’m not good at English :3 don’t care my mistakes.
thank you Ronnie ,
could you please make a video to teach how to pronounce “th” ?
in Persian we dont have “th” and most of Iranian pronounce “th” as “d”!
thank you very much
There is already a video on the TH sound! Search the site for TH!!!!
Great. Thanks a lot
thanks alot
amazing, thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie,
first of all thanks a lot for everything you do. I’m italian and i think we have the opposite of the problem, we always use “R” and we even have to pronounce double R like in the word “Terra” that means world,earth,globe… a teacher told me ” don’t pronounce the R so strong, just think of it!
hel00000 ronnie ur just amazing nd ur lesson too. i have a question for u
the police is comming
the police are comming
which sentence is correct nd why?? pls explain me in detail
thnx in advance :)
Are. Police= plural noun.
Dear Ronnie, Happy 4th of July.
How do you write and pronounce the plural form of the alphabet and the numbers.for example, b+b=two b,should I put an( s)next to the (b).I am sure not in algebra.Also 2+2=two twos,Is that correct? your help is appreciated.
Yes, you would say 2 B’s….You must ALWAYS use a “s” when there is more than one countable noun!!!
Ronnie, I really enjoy your lessons!
Can you please explain this sentence – I tell them the books I want them to read.
Why so? I tell – I want. it’s really difficult to understand((
A teacher is telling students what they have to read!
Thanks a lot!
“I tell myself which video I want myself to watch!”
I hope I’m doing alright :D
Very good. This helped me a lot :D
I want to speak with you buring mic voice chat
hi Ronie, your amazing. Thank you for sharing this video to us..
Have a great day..
the Chinese “wu” is 吳.
Hi Ronnie!
Could you please help me to select the correct one?
A) All the information is………
B) All the information are………
Thanks a million my Dear Ronnie!
A. Information is uncountable.
I’m angolan i live in Botswana .i love your lessons . i want to learn english ,please help me. :))
ur english is fantstic.i love it
Hi Ronnie!
Could you please help me to select the correct one?
m amin miyazi of afghanistan
Hi, Ms Ronnie i really enjoy this lesson that you teaching by vidoe it is really helpful to us thank you very much,But if u have no mind could u please teach us about passive (grammer)actually i’ve done certificate three spoken and written english but i could’t understand it. and thanks again bye
There are already 2 videos on the site for passive! Just search for “passive”!
Great! Wonderful! You’re good. Thgank you so much from Colombia!
how to pronounce ‘r’ in american accent
dear my past sentence are weeks when i specking in front of some one i can’t speak give me some points to improve me past tens.
I’m not an asian student and we have the ‘R’ in our language which is arabic,but we do not pronounce it the same way as you,so thank you Ronnie for this video,it was helpful.
hahaah u even dont know this hahahah
Thank you very much Mrs.Ronnie, Is there classes about Application.
russian r is like roarin of lion. with strong vibration of the tone in mauth
Thanks a lot.
Thanks Ronnie you very good teacher.
Hi Ms. Ronnie,
More than one person ( is ) unhappy.
Is is correct ?
I saw it somewhere ,But I believe it should be are. Would you please correct me.Thank you.
Your sentence is correct because you said one person! You could say “Many people ARE unhappy” if you want to use are!
Hi Ronnie.
My name is darisuren. I am Mongolia.
How i contact you?
Do you teach English by online?
hellow .. I need to help .. Im Brazilian, and I neddo to do a Icao test , I’m pilot in Brazil . how do You help me ?
Did you write 吳 or 吴? :)
Ronnie, great video and technique for pronouncing “r.” I teach a group of Koreans and plan to show them this video and use your technique; however, I need to point out that down here in the U.S. we do pronounce the second “r” in rural. So when we say rural it sounds pretty much like it’s spelled – rur-al (or rer-al), not ru-al.
yap, u got that ‘吴’ right
teacher ronnie i don’t know how to improve my pronunciation.Teacher i want to be a good english speaker someday but i don’t know how to do it.Teacher i need your advice,or some tip.thanks…
thank you Ronnie :)
It helps a lot. Thanks for this useful tip! =]
Thanx alot miss Ronnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Speak good pronunciation is not my cup of tea. But not this time after saw this video.
you are really a good language teacher.
I have a problem with pronouncing “T” in English,,,they sometimes say it ‘Tee’ some times ‘D’…could u help meeee “EngVid”??
teacher is there a video where use words like go to the end of the next block or make a right, turn left
i dont know like getting around
Thank you for the lesson
thank you a lot Ronnie i’m so glad to teaching with you .sorry i have a bad english
how do I say relationship? please, help Ronnie
Hi Ronnie,
I’m from Poland and character “r” is very simple for me (us), but I have big problem for “the” or another world with beggining for “th…”.
Plese make lesson about this world.
thank you very much can I ask little more help could please explain about profession
Ronie, What is U.C.K.G. ? I look in Newspaper!
kaique, i think it means Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. UCKG.
hi teacher Ronnie that amazing you always know what your student want to learn more spacialy me you usually add new think to make your student happy. thank you so much and god bless youand your family one million time
hi my name is gabriel and I’m from brazil! roonie you’re fantastic and wonderful and a great teacher haha! really now, thank you very much your classes are helping me a lot. speak the sound of the ”R” is easy to me but I need to improvem more and more and more!! bye
improve* without m!
teacher ronnie, are you american ?
I’m very happy the way your techer orpranuon the word : so what abut south sudanese the way to pranuon the in English
thank you teacher ronni,your student from algeria
a lot of exercices, and university her in algeria visit us
Thank you very much. wonderful lesson. we need it.
thanks Teacher Roonie… you’re good teacher so I can speak English better :)
thanks , a helpful lesson for japanese
thank you roonie you are a good teacher
i have many problems about pronuciation because i live in the countryside it effect me soo much,what can i do to improve?
Hi. It sounds a good lesson for asian. What about Arabs? we have R in our language but it sounds different.
ㅜ~Ronnie. I am happy to lea(ㅜ)rn f(ㅜ)rom you. I am Korean who have a problem differentiating from L and R sound. I have to say this lecture is very meaningful and cannot stop smiling watching every your video!
Ronnie, I like a lot your teaching style. I am from Asia, I am trying to buy some CD/DVD where I can practice my pronunciation. I am looking where the software pronounce some word and where the system allows me to say the same word and once I pronounce clearly it allowed me to go ahead.
Thanks Ronnie,
This website i very useful for me . I am grateful of this team.I want a help from you that i am little bit confuse in the pronunciation of words starts from S and Sh. So please could you help .
Thanks and kind regards for this wonderful source of learning english.
ecxellent lesson, thank you very much
I would like to say something here that This is the wonderful experience of teaching for me.
thanks ronnie
can you make avideo about T sound
Thanks a lot my favorite teacher ever :) <3
well, I need u to make a video for the P&b sounds as in my language (Arabic) we don't have the sound p.
Thanks in advance.
I wanna be an English teacher like u :)
I have another problem :D
If I have a word end with/s/ sound like pronounce followed by another word starts with th (thah sound)like them, I really have a great difficulty in pronouncing them correctly.
pllllllllllz help me :(
thank you ronnie..from help
Alot thanks for you ronne ,,,,realy super fantastic lesson that not found in text book ,,,again thank you
ronnie thank you so much for this tips this really help me learn how to teach English here in Japan …im still learning though this is my first time.
when I found this site its really helping me ….because like you I also want to teach
Hi Ronnie. Any trick for Spanish speakers?
Hi Roonie. I have a ask you. I know in British English “R” letter pronounce not so strong unlike American English. I want to know if it’s wrong in British English we emphasize “R” letter
your opinion is right.
R sound pronunciation is very difficult to asian.
Italians also struggle to pronunce the R in english. But i think it sounds cool! =)
Also, an italian that have not studied enough may pronunce the R like a Scottish.
Some months ago i was unaware of how to pronunce the R but fortunally my first trip abroad was in Scotland so i had no problem xD haha
Thanks for the lesson Ronnie =)
Hi Ronnie, I want to ask you about how to use ‘tobe’ like below sentence, can you post the video to tech us about that.
1. Newspapers are not to be taken out of the room.
2. Who will the couple to be married invited?
I don’t know when I need to use ‘to be’, and how to translate this? Could you teach us?
Thanks so much.
Sound run, rat, read, and Friday
Show you this—- Chinese “吳”
and thanks a lot for your teaching!!
Ohh. In vietnam we have the same pronunciation. Thanks!
Hi,Ronnie,it’s not so difficult for Chinese to pronounce “R”,cause there are similar pronunciation with “R” in Chinese,for example,如(ru)、日(ri)、然(ran)and so on.Maybe you can ask your Chinese friends,or tell me your email,I will send you some audio.
How many sounds are there in English?
a) 44 ; or b) 47
Great lesson, thank you!
Thanks Ronnie.
うRonnie!!you help me a lot!
Hello madam,
I am interested in learning english.I want to know whether you are teaching British english or American english. Please tell me.
Ronnie, you aRe amazing I have been struggling foR 20 years with R sound, I’m 22 now.AffteR watching one video of YouRs on youtube I signed up for this sight just so I could say Thank you and I so much, YouR the fiRst person who has made it fun and I hope to keep learning from you. Big hugh hug and smile for you
Hi , everyone , how are u ? I would like to improve this sound R however I want to ask about how I use my tongue for this sound ?
Thank u
R sound is very dificult for me. I’m Thais. I opened your VDO again and again to pronounce R. Thank Ronnie
Ronnie madam you are my favourite english instructer..
you doing a grate job
Hi Ronnie,
Can you teach me how to pronounce words which begin with “dr” like “drum”, “dream” or “drought”? I have a difficult time try to pronounce these words but it still does not feel right.
hi Ronnie
Language in which no letter R. How speak?
Thanks again Ronnie,the R pronunciation helps a lot to me because since I was in High School I always been teas about it.
Hi Ronnie. I found an interesting word: Urumqi. It’s a name of city in China. its pronunciation starts with “woo” and followed by letter r. lol. you need to woo twice based on your teaching
hi~Ronnie! i am korean. After watching this.i try it. but this “R” pronunciation is still difficult for me. help me to how to practice. thanks.
Ronnie why I have to always watch your lessons even if I dont need to? Because ur better than watching TV. (at least in my country). And feel sorry for those who pay a lot of money to Babels and the simaliar. Thanks for great job to learn people uptoday English.
I am a new student here nice to meet you all and thanks teacher Ronnie for helping us and teaching us. When i see you teaching us i become so so happy . You can call me Asma .and thanks so so much Ronnie
Ronnie i always be shy and i can’t talk with anybody because i am shy can you help please
Ann Ann let us be friends on Facebook please let all of us be friends on Facebook like this we will learn many things from each others also like maybe we would learn language’s of each others am i right or not right teacher Ronnie. Who says this is right and wants to be my friends ok lets be friends on Facebook . Ok
hi mrs. ronnie i really love the way you teach.
would you please help to explain how to pronounce words ending with “ES” or “S”??
It makes me really confused sometimes.
Hi Ronnie,
I am amazed so good u r method
your the best thank you
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, Thank you so much for this class. :D
My mother tongue is Spanish, and I have problems to pronounce the words that start with dr. Like Dragon, Dream, Drink, Drive, Draw, etc. Could you help me please?
Thank you teacher.
Enjoyable lesson thanks
Hello Ronnie and everyone.
I come from Poland. So, I don’t have big problem with “R” letter. I can handle with it quite well.
However I have problem with a sound “Szwa”,”ing” and”ng”. These sounds drive me crazy.
BTW.Thanks so much for lesson.
See you at the next lesson :)
Bye ;)
this gret
This is a special type for “R” sound pronunciation. “R” is a difficult letter to pronounce in China.