In this practical speaking and grammar lesson, I teach how to use some very common English expressions that are related to quantity. What is the difference between “a little” and “a few”? Or even the difference between “a little” and “little”? Watch this free English lesson to find out, then take the quiz to test your understanding.
Very useful lesson. Thank you so much for these free lessons. God bless you. Murat from Turkey.
reallly god bless u…tnx
Thanks, this lesson was very helpful.
Very interesting
Thank you so much for lesson.Your explanation made me got more clearly…..
hi alex!!!
than you very much for your videos! they really helped me a lot with my english grammar :D
maia ghersi
good lesson!!
Ana V.
thank you for your explanation, is very clear, and to the point.
dear Alex, I like your lessons you’re a good teacher, why you said I have a little money why isn’t I have a few money, because you can said I have one dollar, two dollars
I said this because money is actually a non-count noun. You can count dollars and cents, but you can’t count the noun money.
For example, you can say “one dollar,” two dollars,” but you can’t say “one money,” “two monies.”
Because you can’t say “two monies,” you can use “few” or “a few,” because they are only used with count nouns.
You said:
Because you can’t say “two monies,” you can use “few” or “a few,” because they are only used with count nouns.
– I assume you meant to say: you cannot use ‘few’ or ‘a few’…!
i want you explain about a few, few, a little, and little again.
because i remember that little is negative meaning, all right? why this sentence.ex I have little time for rude people (it’s a positive?)
Dear Alex,thahks a lot for such a nice and at the same time very clear explanation of this grammar rule.Now it is clear as a bell.
Dear Alex.
How about lot of and a lot of these are same like few and a few?
what’s the diffirence betweent “few” and “a few”
Thanks Alex. Your explanation was so clear and very useful. Thanks again
Thanks Alex.i wright your lesson on few pages and listen again.
That mean I can use (a few) and (a lettle) with positive sence.
And (few) , (lettle) with negative sence.
Thanks a lot.
very good
very good
Sir, You are the best. Thanks a lot for excellent explanation.
Thank you for your explanation about the their differeneces.
Dear, Mr Alex
Thank you very much for you teaching me and always watch your video lesson . I hope so you will have the new lesson.
Thank you.
man u r great … :)
the best teacher at this site
karam yasser
he is so handsome :x :x
I like to learn English Speaking in greatly.
So pleas help me and teach,you and me contact with my email adders.
hi!alex ! it`s the first time i get it and… thank you for your lesson ! i appreciate that!
Ok, now understand it, thanks
hello alex!!
Thanks for this wonderful lesson. I had few confusions to use the words FEW,A FEW, LITTLE, A LITTLE. U clear them out. But anyway , Would u like to correct my upper sentence which i have write down with word FEW… :) Please RSVP. :)
This is Liza Here.
Very good lesson
thanks very interesting to follow this lesson
useful lesson, I liked it a lot.
thank you so much alex.your explains was simply but ditactic for me.again thanks
Please tell me how to download video please
Thank you so much for this highly informative lecture. But i want to ask you one question and that is you said in the lecture that we cannot count money but when we say that we have one Rupee, two rupee and so on aren’t we counting the money? plz sir reply to my question bcoz it is very confusing. thak you.
Money is actually a non-count noun. You can count dollars and cents, but you can’t count the noun money.
For example, you can say “one dollar,” two dollars,” but you can’t say “one money,” “two monies.”
You can have “little” or “a little” money, but you can’t have “few” or “a few” monies. On the other hand, you can have “few” or “a few” dollars, but you can’t have “little” or “a little” dollars, because dollar is a count noun.
I hope this helps!
so your talking about the money in word? not in money that you can count.
alicia reyes
Dear Alex, thank you for making so easy to understand the diference betwen “few” and “a few”, also “little” and “a little”.
I know that you do not make the rule but for me, and for “aresha” too, the money are the most count-able thing in this world.
Do you have any money, do you have some money let me know how many or how much? At this point it is confused for me.
The teacher is saying money is general and cannot be counted. But money is made up of dollars and cents. So, a person does not count one money, two monies. But you can count 1 dollar and 2 dollars.
I have a little money. I only have a few dollars and a few cents.
I drank a little water. I drank a few drops of water. I drank a few ounces. I drank a few sips.
When the general term like water can be broken down into small units of measurement, then one can count.
Hope this helps.
The explanation is GREAT!!! thank you !
wow! thank your for your useful lesson!! i appreciate it.
i have a quesetion for you..
i took 5 questions after your lesson
but i got a wrong answer.
“She has few ideas.” is this noun” ideas” a count noun?
thank you:)
Ideas is a count noun. You can have one idea, two ideas, three ideas, etc.
I hope this helps!
Is idea countable or uncountable noun? How about CD? why few ideas and not a few CD? thank you
You can say “a few CDs,” because “few” and “a few” means more than one. You must use a plural count noun to use “few” and “a few.” CD is a count noun. You can have one CD, two CDs, three CDs, etc.
Thank you!!!Its very interesting and useful lesson.
Thanks Alex, For wonderful lessons . I am just wondering ,Is there any school where I can learn engvid lessons ? I am living in Toronto .
Please let me know I would like to join your class.
Hi alex, in what moment can I use “VERY FEW/LITTLE” thankks in advance for you answer.
luis romero
Very good,I enjoyed doing it.
Thanks Alex
i am really lucky , because i have got a chance to be one of your students
Hi Lara! I’m glad you’re enjoying these lessons too.
really tnx,…i dont knw how to say thank you
thank you mr.Alex
u r great ..
ur lessons r interesting
great lessons from great person
thanks for u
Thank you very much. I’ve learned a lot from your lesson.
Simply and clearly
Thank you
its very good website i am not good english but when i enter your web sit wil good in english please make more
very usefull lesson, thanks! (from brazil)
Thanks alex for such a wonderful really helped a lot.
ali kashif
Its very good website I want to learn english and to be the best Thank you to our teacher Alex explaining the lesson so that we can understand easily.
Such a good tutorial! Thank you Alex.
thank you Sir , its really helpful !
Good lesson alex ! I have had a mistake too, because I thougt that idea is uncountable word. Now, I must think twice, before tick the correct answer !
Thank a lot !
I got 5 out of 5. Thanks for lesson
thanks teacher for the lessons I really enjoy it.
thank you so much,Alex . now I can recognize them
I don’t even believe that you are English Teachers…….
thanks so much
thank you so so so much
All the explanation has been very important to me, I am really very happy after to find this site to take some doubt that I usually had before, I have just to say Thanks, Thanks, Thanks for at All.
hi Alex..
thank you for the lesson…
i want to learn English i hope u can help me..
I’m not good in English actually,so i want to learn English greatly
i hope u can teach me,we can contact with my email..
Thank you for the lesson.
It’s very good explination and I’m all ears with you on the video.
I got 4/ 5 question.. but it is little bit confuse, until i have to read again and again… I want to ask how to use it without confuse in speaking, I don’t have a partner for talking about. Thanks.
Hi, Alex!
Can we apply rule about positive and negative sentence(with and without “a”) for 1th and 2th examples:
I read a few pages(fact without emotion)
I read few pages(i want read more and more, I regret, but I must go to work) or
I drank little water(i want drink one more glass)
It’s right or folly?
^Thank you^
Hi Alex,
I love all of your lesson its always good to clear concept.I would like to learn all this in the class. Can you plz let me know is it possible to join your classes in Toronto??
thanks and regards
Thanks Alex!
Such a good lesson! :)
thanks Alex
i respect you so much
thanks Alex I am learnig a lot from your lessons bye.
I love your explanation! Very clear. I’ve learned alot with you. Even the most basic things that I considered to know, but after watching your videos I reinforced and improved my knowledge! Thank you
thanks… god bless you
Hi Alex,
What would you put her- a few or few:
We have been to Turkey …. times now, and we always enjoy it.
Would appreciate your help,
Thank you for lesson!!!
Thanks a lot i like ur classes because i can understand u than other. ur way of teaching is very good and i understand the usage of few little once again thank u
Asghar Khan
Thanks Mr.Alex… your explanation and presentation skill is really awesome…
i am expecting a lot from you..
once again thank for your good work….
keep it up…
THANKS SIR,very good lesson……i have a query about the use of ‘the little’ and ‘the few’ too…are their usages similar??
thank you very very much sir
thank s you have good explain lesson.we need more ;the verbs and verb sentens.good luck
Hi, Alex I´m from Brazil and I really appraciate your lessons. Please add me on my msn:
skype: waldecy.jose.rodrigues
Thanks for all the lessons you have posted.
thanks, Sir Alex, you are a good teacher personally i like you and your teaching way.
Thank you, it is a good lesson
One comment about the ‘few/a few’ and ‘little/a little’ topic:
Consider these two sentences:
1. There is little merit in your argument
2. Few people would challenge the giant
Can these two statements include nothing/zero in the implied meanings? That is, can ‘little merit’ include ‘no merit’? Same for few.
The lesson was very clear.Many thanks
Hi Alex!Nice to see you again:)i’ve one more question about using “a little”and “little”.For exampla,I’ve seen a nice t-shirt,and i want to buy it,but i havn’t enough maney,and i say:”I’ve LITTLE maney”but if i had enough maney i would say”i’ve A LITTLE maney”-is it correct?
Emil Ibrahimov
I have had a litle knowledge of a few, a little, few, little but I very confuse when using them. Now my mind is clear about them after your lesson. Thank you very much.
tam minh truong
THank you for this quiz
Hi Alex, I would like to explain about when to use Can, Could, Shall, Should, Will, Would, May, Might and must. Please …
Phyo Phyo
please explain about the difference between me and I
Thanks a lot for this lesson! It’s really usefull and interesting! You said very very clearly!
Hope to see you in many next lessons! One more thanks so much! ^_^
thanks a lo yar…., its very useful to us…
sandeep kumar
Thanks a lot!!
Interesting!!!!!!I have learn a lot.
Thank a lot !!! :D
thankxit is good
meseret L D
Hi Alex,you are THE BEST,thanks a lot!
thanks so much Alex
Hi Alex,
Hi Alex,
How are you? I’m fine!
I have curious about this lesson title. Using a few and few i a little and little.
Why did you use “i” instead “and” in a middle of the title ?
Hi Alex,how are you?You are a good teacher,I instead a bed student.I study evry day so hard,but I still don’t understand english.Can you give mi some advice please?
Thank you very much Alex. You are very good teacher.
We really appreciate the clarity of your presentation. You are a woderful teacher. Keep up the good work.
We are from Ethiopia.
Hi Alex:
How is that idea is a count noun?
Can u please teach the difference between which and what?
Many thxs.Do you say which color is this or what color is this?
I hope to know how to diffrentiate between a few and few as well as little and a little. Now I knew when can we use little or few and in which sentence.
thx u so much,it’s so easy to understand.
thank you so much for yor excellent explanation. I hope to use well in the future.
Hi! Mr. Alex this is M.Nasim saying u greetings from Afghanistan. My dear teacher I really appreciate you, and you have a very good accent, therefore, serve us and provide us with ur better English pronunciation.
Hope u the straight and the way God likes….
I wanet learn English jasut leilial for english belues halab my
jafar saggaf
I really want you for teahing me this Alex.
Great! I already understand why money is a
non-acount noun!
thank you so much.
Hi Mr.Alex,
Thank you so much. I can able to understand your teaching video. It is very useful to improve my grammer and accent skill.
This was a very usfel lesson for me- i start learing english soon and this lesson helped me alot
thank u :)
MzMz from Qatar
Extremly good…It makes me easier to understand few and little
Thanks for your lessons. I really enjoy them. Could you be kind to add some more lessons related to Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect Progressive?
Hi Mr.Alex
You said really brief lesson about a few, a little.I have few questions to you, i hope you would like to answer!Thank you
1. A few is used in special negative for countnoun?example: Can i have a few apples?
Each day is a new experience. I have been using these words/grammar for many years now and never really knew the differences. However, I now do. I feel more educated after going through every lesson here in engVid. I think my spelling and vocabulary are under control but my grammar needs a good polish up :-) You will be delighted to know that you are doing a wonderful job. Wish you all the very best and thank you so much for everything. – Maun
my name is yara i am a new student i heard this lesson but i got difficulties in second qestion because for me i thought that IDEAS IS NOT COUNT NOUN SO WHY WE PUT FEW NOT LITTLE.THANKS IN ADVANCE
Dear Alex sir
Sometimes we also use The Little and The Few
Can you please clarify that too ?
I shall be thankful for giving a hand to me.
Sarabjit Pal
Mr Mahmoud Mohsen
God bless all of you for the great help you offer.
Is there any material for michigan proficiency
Why can’t we use few for few money instead of little money.You mentioned few is used for countable
It has always been a bit confusing for me! Thanks for talking about it in a clear and easy way. What the usage of “a bit”?
ash ash!! necesiito informacion para un proyecto no un viideo este hombre parece bobo ashh graxias x nada
Thanks. Finally someone explained it to me clearly :)
From Hong Kong
Dear Alex
very usefull your class for me
Rakesh singh
I’m a little bit confuse i thought I cant use few for non count noun. Thanks
Hi Mig,
You are correct. “Few” and “A few” are for count nouns. Did I say something different somewhere in the lesson?
wow i found this lesson very hard to understand but thank you any way alex for the help that you give us thanks
thanks!^^u so much
thank you so much!
I got full mark in the quiz.
Thank you alex.
thank you very much i had just one mistake.
I have one mistake to:(
Thank you from Kosovo!!!
Thank you Alex,that was very useful for us.
hi how are you ? i am from Baku )))
Dear sir
i download all lecture from you websit plz tell me what is the software use for see in these lecture.
thanx Alex…….. these lessons r very usefull
thank so lot alex, i wish that you’ll supply more videos same like this, thanks
hi how are you doing sir ,first thing thank you so must for all and i wish to have good tuck you too and
kamal ramalah
Sir,money is countable,then why is it used with little?
We cannot say “one money, two monies, three monies.” You can count dollars, cents, yen, etc., but you can not count the term “money” itself.
I am afraid,your explanation is not so clear for non-native speakers. I explain in a different and simple way. Few is opposite to many and a few is a little bit more than few. Little is opposite to much, and a little is a little bit more than little.
What’s the difference between borrow and lend?
thanks Alex.
This site is very useful.
Thank you so much.
respected sir ur all lessons are wonderful and informative. i need videos on ” the use of could have , should have must have etc”
so much thanks from you your pronounciation is very fantastic i like it god bless u Muslim from Afghanistan
i cant say thnak you enough for your lessons because is very very usefull to people god is bless you are but please can you some time send for me ask my name is ahmad iam kurdish iraq but live in holand thnak you agine
Hi Alex, your explanation is pretty nice and clear. Can you please post a lesson of “can” and “could”? Please explain me how they are used because sometimes people use them as same meaning.
Hi Khan,
You can see an explanation of can, could, and be able to here:
HI Alex You are great, thank you engvid group.
Could you give us a lesson about the difference between: Than and Then
Thanks in advance
Thank you so much. You’re a very good teacher!
thanks a lot…… i thought they are the same…
I undertood very well. Thank you so much. Lily from Brasil.
great lesson
hello mr alex it a very helpful lesson thanks alot
but why in the quiz you have a few penny is wrong
Hi mohamed,
“penny” is singular. “A few” must be followed with a plural count noun. If the answer said “You have few pennies,” it would have been okay.
hello Mr Alex;i am really grateful;but i just want to shed light on this:when we talk about count-nn and the opposite ,i think we say:countable nouns,and uncountable nouns…nout count-nouns and non-count???please give me an answer to that
it depends who you talk to. :) Sometimes I call them “count” and “non-count” nouns, and sometimes I call them “countable” and “uncountable” nouns. It’s the same thing, and just two ways to talk about the same thing.
thax for teaching us….
i’m one of the fans for your lessons
when we had this lessons in the school . i was angry from my teacher so. I begin draw in my book and I don’t understood anything .now i understood. Thanks alot . what we can do without you &
Shayma El
Haha, that’s great. Thanks!
Dear Alex sir
Sometimes we also use The Little and The Few
Can you please clarify that too ?
I shall be thankful for giving a hand to me.
u r great teacher i’m so thankful for what u do for us we love u .
i love you so much
why in english that people said IN QUESTION
(a little bread)
and (a little cake)??.we can count a bread 7 cake is countable .
shayma EL
Thank you for the lesson. I understand everything, but i still have a question with using “a few of”. Sometimes they say “a few”+ sth and sometimes “a few of” + sth. Can you help?
100% quiz, thank you,I`m from Brazil
I’m thankfull to you,that you delivered your lecturer very precisely.But i’m still confused to know that little money,& few lemon?
why our teacher said cake and bread is uncountable take (a little),so why can you explane we can say one bread two bread,and cake also.
love engvid & u only .best teachers ever i seen :)
Shayma EL.
This is a terrific lesson. I always had confusion on these cases. Thanks Alex. May Allah bless you and your family.
I didn’t understand the difference between a little and little, a few and few. And now I understand.
Thank you.
very interesting and useful for everyone.
linus. G
I always like your explanations…you are an excelent teacher.
many thanks?
I like your method of teaching……..
thank you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!
ghufran khan
Thank you for helpful my grammar.^^
thank you for that class,you are a very good teacher,,,,,,i have a problem with a little money or little money:why you say a little money i think you say a few money because you can count the money,,i can say one peney,two peney ,,,three peney,,,please help me teacher in that confusion,,,,,,GOD BLESS YOU
This lesson is very good!
Thanks for you help Alex!
I like very much of your classes!
thanks for all the lesson that you have, this is useful for every one who want to know the proper use of polite English.
Hello Alex,
Your explanation is very good and useful.
Could you please explain what’s different between “Kind of” and “Sort of”??
Thanks a lot,
I can’t thank you enough !
really it’s useful, thanks
thank you so much i have scored the quiz
awesome website to improve grammar…thanks to the creator
thank u very much for this beneficial lesson.
thanks Alex
i like your lessons
what is the diffrence between a lot of and alot and lots of
Thank you! Alex.
Like always Very Very Nice way to explain the difference. I really like Ur lessons.
Saima 4om Pakistan
I realy enjoyed this subject thank you
thank a lot :)
really helpful thank you very much
i’m in a esl program now, and i have been learning this lesson for the all 3 passed weeks nathing was so clear than it is now. thx allex
I get 5 correct answers)) Thanks a lot for your wonderful and free lessons!It’s Music for my ears!!)))
Any Russia
Hi Alex,
You very good teacher. Thanks, Agnieszka from Poland.
I am fortunate one today to learn a new lesson
Thank you very much this is the first time I got it
thank you teacher
thks for your help. It’s very clearly
thanks so much , i found very useful your course
thank you again
ezzeddine essid
hi teacher you’re very good and clear , thanks a lot for your motivation and explanation ,
i ask you about some thing what i need i’m working at HP company in support technical customers and i always need to improve my English this why i need if possible to do some conversations where you can involve the users (us) to interact with some speech by recordable
ezzeddine essid
i mean by recorded speech
ezzeddine essid
hi everybody ))) Does anybody want to talk to me in English is going to improve our speaking )) thanks
you’re the best
amine cherifi
ive got it… i had a very friendly grammmar eng teacher at institute..unforn he was quiet lazy..he didnt give clear examples as u did..ty so much…i understood all—
carlos m l
Thank you for the video.
It was very useful!
It’s fantastic. I can’t believe it!
suskun melek
thanks a lot sir for ur free lessons,, serves great help for us to know how to speak english grammatically correct… Godbless you…
Dear Sir,
thanks for your all lessons.. but i can not watch this lesson… y
thanks alot for your useful lesson. it helps me alot ^_^
Hi Alex, thank you for the clear explanation! You’re the best! :)
Hi Alex,this lesson is not so easy for strangers but thanks for explanation.I like your pronantiation I understand you very well.
i learn more from your lectures. thank you
Hi, I am a TESL student at the moment and my post-secondary education is in linguistics. We were given a list of “difficult questions students will ask” the other day and little vs a little and few vs a few was part of it. Would you happen to know why we have a positive connotation associated with a few/a little? I was thinking about syntax, but a former classmate of mine suggested it might be related to pragmatics… Thanks in advance!
thank you so much Alex,I wish you all the success !!!
thanks teacher alex it was wonderful lesson and benefit
for me you are good teacher!, nice explanation!
what about work?
That company have little work?
that words are synonyms of little work?
This lesson is i understand the difference between a few and few
Hi Alex thank you for the lesson
but I have question. How can I know if the sentences mean you have more or less for example: I have a little sugar
How can I notice the different ? may be the sentences mean you have more ?
Tomorrow I have major in grammar.
thanks a million for this useful lesson ,I’ve always wanted to understand this tricky
thanx alex…
Thank you very much sir Alex..
but I have question about(Ideas)
can you explain to us please..??
I think (Ideas) is un countable..
ex:advice is (un countable)..
we can’t say advices
Hello Alex.Thank you for lessons.I always watch them and nowadays I am able to speak english like Canadian.I have one suggestion for you .Can you explain me the all the signal words in english tenses.if you could I would be very happy
Thank you Alex!
thank you
Alex u r so sweet
thank u so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the lesson.
It was very useful!
From Miami
Thanx Alex you are speaking kindly and one by one so easy to understand you
Hello Alex,
Thank you very much for this lesson. I was very confused with these expressions.
Now I could understand this complicated subject. Thanks a lot.
I’ll be always watching you .
correcting the previous comment. sorry I wrote the teacher’s name instead of mine
very important lesson
cristianopompeu’s interesting.i got 80 scores.becoues of ‘sand’
thank you for your fluent and understandable accent….
Tank you for your lesson.I would like to learn more and more.
Good test!
From italy ;)
i am very lucky,because i have a few teachers to teach me.
thanx Alex…….. these lessons r very usefull for me.
form india.
thank you a lot ,very useful and i got it (*^__^*)
its is superb explanation of few/a few and little/a little .. but there is a question raised in my mind that is ” can we use few/little in negative or affirmative sentences” like i write ‘i have few books’ so can we write this sentence as ‘i haven’t few book’ or we can write this as ‘ i haven’t any books’.
shabab shahjahan
Thanks¡¡ from Spain very interesting at last I understand
thanks so much ..really ..i wasn’t understand them before ,but in your video …. you have a way in your explanation it’s easy and flexible
thanks Alex :D
I thank you very much.I don’t understand the difference b/n them. Girum form Ethiopia(Origin of Human Being)
great lesson,thanks
Hi, Alex! Thank you for lesson.
Couldn’t you help me?
” Oh,we have little time!” Does it mean that we are late for…plane, and we have no time to get airport?
Hi,Alex I don´t understand why the sentence”My aunt has few food in her refrigerator”is incorrect.Could you help me,please?
It’s quite difficult but you’re helping a lot. Greetings from the Czech republic.
Thank you teacher ….(*^_^*) huuuuh so difficult for me…….
thank you so much, Alex, for the clear explanation!)))))) I got it!:)
thank you so much Mr.Alex …
this lesson very useful to me and this lesson so much fun and I can understand with fast . I gor it now. :-D
Plz tell me we should use here “little” or “few”
I have a ______ money in my wallet
You should use “little” because money is non-count. You can’t say “I have one money” or “I have two monies.” You can count dollars, pesos, etc. but not money.
What about if someone says “you had a few mistakes”? Is it better then “you had few mistakes”? Which of them means that I had fewer mistakes?
Thanx sir. This lesson is very helpful
My question is: did you think about flower (one flower,two flowers….. quiz point 3) becuse I thought about flower (we use it for baking)
In my case it is correct, I think.
Your lessons are very helpful.Tks.
5 correct out of 5.I rock!! :)
By the way, Mr.Alex. Can you help me understand the following sentence?
“Do I have to get ready now? Yes, it´s time we went.”
Why do we use “went” instead of “go”?
I didn’t get it.
Hi Alex. I’m from Poland like you. As you know in our language we don’t have a difference between little and few in positive and negative meaning. It’s easy to understand but probably more difficulty to use if I’m not native speaker. Good Luck!
thank you so much for this lesson although I’m still not confident about this topic it still makes me confused but the lesson was truly helpful
Thank you so much for this great lesson
Thank you for the lessons, they are very helpful.
My score is 5/5.
thanks for your lessons!
Thanks teacher!
Thanks a lot for explanation. It’s was very understandable )))
Thank you. Techer Alex.
Commando 27/53
thank you alex.
I have got full mark,but explain me (bit,little bit)please.
Thank you again.
Thank you
You have a lot of good teachers!
Tanks one more time, Alex. You’re a great teacher. My best wishes for you.
Thank you Alex! I grasped the lesson.
I don’t understand. Why sentence ” you have a few penny ” is not correct?
The answer should be “you have a few pennies” because “penny” is a countable noun whereas “money” is not.
EX: You have a few dollars/quarters/nickles/pennies.
But, you have a little money.
You can’t say ” I have a little watch.” Because , watch is a countable noun.
“I have a little time” is correct. Time is an uncountable nouns.You can’t count the time.
Good days.
oh, yes
Riaz Muad
thank u i got 5 of 5
this is first lesson for me
heba elkady
thanks! good lesson
Hi Alex! this is my first time! I love Engvid, you’re the best!
I’d like to know what’s the difference between theses sentences, which one is wrong and why.
1)Suppose you’d like to give A LITTLE money as a gift.
2)Suppose you’d like to give LITTLE money as a gift.
3)We had A FEW problems finding seats at the theather.
4)We had FEW problems finding seats at the theather.
I’ll really appreciate if you help me to get rid of this confusion.
this lesson’s very helpful. thank you so much!
thanks, very useful
Good lesson dear Alex. Thanks
100/100 thanks
useful lesson, thank you
I think “I own a few CD” is correct too. Can you teach me why it’s not?
ne CD is sangular we must say CDs
someone help me to understand about differnt between ‘
little’ and ‘a little’ ??
zohaib baloch
Great explanation!Thnx)
Thanx a lot alex not a little
Thanks alex :) it was an important lesson… I ask you to do a lesson about economic expressions .. vocabulary … or anything related with economy and economic crisis
It will be a good lesson and I will really appreciate that teacher :)
My regards
Hi Alex! I have question about point 3 what mean penny (it is coin or unit of money equal 1/100 of a dollar). Why answer a few is incorrect?
It is a coin. One penny cannot be a few pennies.
thank you Alex. Your lessons are very useful
Aigul Adan
Thank you Alex for your lesson
Hi, Alex! thanks so much for ur simple and available explanation!
Thanks Alex for your free lessons. It’s very useful and help me so much.
…thnx, nice lesson
Nazarii Ivankiv
Your lectures have a really good influence on me.
You are the best :D Thanks a lot (y)
Gemmy Nguyen
I have got 100
Ibrahim Younis
Thanks a lot Alex to make clear few, a few , little , a little. No confuse anymore.Great help .
Thank you very much
Is it the same when we are talking about feelings? like:
I’m feeling a little better now :)
i’m feeling little better now (I was feeling much better before) :(
Thanx Alex, very useful lesson
5/5 100% waw iwon ;)
What about if someone says “you had a few mistakes”? Is it better then “you had few mistakes”? Which of them means that I had fewer mistakes?
Merci Alex pour cette bonne révision.
thanks man . you solved my problem
wonderful lecture!
Thank you so much Sir.
You are a great teacher.
Amisha Grover
Thank You
Jishnu Thejus
Thanks, this lesson was very helpful.
very good lesson
i got 100%
thanks alex
Khalid AL Nofli
Thank you for this great lesson.
Thumbnail lol ?
Alex Great !!!
Hi, I have one question about noun ”month/s”. What about ”A few months ago” and ”Few months ago”, is it possible to say ”few months ago”? I think the first one is correct and the 2nd one is used in order to talk about months which are left and cannot be used with adverb ”ago”, e.g. ”We have few months to finish our task”, but ”A few months ago I’ve started to learn English.” Is that correct? Thank you.
Very useful lesson indeed Alex, thanks !!!
thank you for good lesson
Lida Asilyan
Thank you. Very clear and useful lesson.
Both “little/a little” and “a few/ few” refer to a small quantity of non-count and count nouns respectively. I often use “a little” or “a few” when I definitely know I have some and “little” or “few” when I don’t know how much I have. Please correct me if I was wrong. I’m 60 and still learning new things every day.
Very helpful lesson. Thank you, Alex.
Great! Thank you Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
I got 5 out of 5. Thanks for lesson
Great confusion gone away.
Thanks for the lesson! I’ve found one other way to determine which word to use with article or not. If it’s enough then we use an article. If it’s not enough then we don’t.
That is very useful for me.Thank you
It was a good class.
Finally I got it. Thank you so much
Perfect..thanks a lot
Aylar mz
Thank you, a good lesson
I have got 100% right!
Muniro S
Thanks a lot Mr. Alex.
That is nice Alex. However, I need more examples.
Beautifuly explained.
the class is very good
Thank you. I love this channel to learn every day. You are in my heart!
Hi teacher, thanks a lot.
I watched this video twice on June 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Very useful lesson. Thank you so much for these free lessons. God bless you. Murat from Turkey.
reallly god bless u…tnx
Thanks, this lesson was very helpful.
Very interesting
Thank you so much for lesson.Your explanation made me got more clearly…..
hi alex!!!
than you very much for your videos! they really helped me a lot with my english grammar :D
good lesson!!
thank you for your explanation, is very clear, and to the point.
dear Alex, I like your lessons you’re a good teacher, why you said I have a little money why isn’t I have a few money, because you can said I have one dollar, two dollars
I said this because money is actually a non-count noun. You can count dollars and cents, but you can’t count the noun money.
For example, you can say “one dollar,” two dollars,” but you can’t say “one money,” “two monies.”
Because you can’t say “two monies,” you can use “few” or “a few,” because they are only used with count nouns.
You said:
Because you can’t say “two monies,” you can use “few” or “a few,” because they are only used with count nouns.
– I assume you meant to say: you cannot use ‘few’ or ‘a few’…!
i want you explain about a few, few, a little, and little again.
because i remember that little is negative meaning, all right? why this sentence.ex I have little time for rude people (it’s a positive?)
Dear Alex,thahks a lot for such a nice and at the same time very clear explanation of this grammar rule.Now it is clear as a bell.
Dear Alex.
How about lot of and a lot of these are same like few and a few?
what’s the diffirence betweent “few” and “a few”
Thanks Alex. Your explanation was so clear and very useful. Thanks again
Thanks Alex.i wright your lesson on few pages and listen again.
That mean I can use (a few) and (a lettle) with positive sence.
And (few) , (lettle) with negative sence.
Thanks a lot.
very good
very good
Sir, You are the best. Thanks a lot for excellent explanation.
Thank you for your explanation about the their differeneces.
Dear, Mr Alex
Thank you very much for you teaching me and always watch your video lesson . I hope so you will have the new lesson.
Thank you.
man u r great … :)
the best teacher at this site
he is so handsome :x :x
I like to learn English Speaking in greatly.
So pleas help me and teach,you and me contact with my email adders.
hi!alex ! it`s the first time i get it and… thank you for your lesson ! i appreciate that!
Ok, now understand it, thanks
hello alex!!
Thanks for this wonderful lesson. I had few confusions to use the words FEW,A FEW, LITTLE, A LITTLE. U clear them out. But anyway , Would u like to correct my upper sentence which i have write down with word FEW… :) Please RSVP. :)
This is Liza Here.
Very good lesson
thanks very interesting to follow this lesson
useful lesson, I liked it a lot.
thank you so much alex.your explains was simply but ditactic for me.again thanks
Please tell me how to download video please
Thank you so much for this highly informative lecture. But i want to ask you one question and that is you said in the lecture that we cannot count money but when we say that we have one Rupee, two rupee and so on aren’t we counting the money? plz sir reply to my question bcoz it is very confusing. thak you.
Money is actually a non-count noun. You can count dollars and cents, but you can’t count the noun money.
For example, you can say “one dollar,” two dollars,” but you can’t say “one money,” “two monies.”
You can have “little” or “a little” money, but you can’t have “few” or “a few” monies. On the other hand, you can have “few” or “a few” dollars, but you can’t have “little” or “a little” dollars, because dollar is a count noun.
I hope this helps!
so your talking about the money in word? not in money that you can count.
Dear Alex, thank you for making so easy to understand the diference betwen “few” and “a few”, also “little” and “a little”.
I know that you do not make the rule but for me, and for “aresha” too, the money are the most count-able thing in this world.
Do you have any money, do you have some money let me know how many or how much? At this point it is confused for me.
The teacher is saying money is general and cannot be counted. But money is made up of dollars and cents. So, a person does not count one money, two monies. But you can count 1 dollar and 2 dollars.
I have a little money. I only have a few dollars and a few cents.
I drank a little water. I drank a few drops of water. I drank a few ounces. I drank a few sips.
When the general term like water can be broken down into small units of measurement, then one can count.
Hope this helps.
The explanation is GREAT!!! thank you !
wow! thank your for your useful lesson!! i appreciate it.
i have a quesetion for you..
i took 5 questions after your lesson
but i got a wrong answer.
“She has few ideas.” is this noun” ideas” a count noun?
thank you:)
Ideas is a count noun. You can have one idea, two ideas, three ideas, etc.
I hope this helps!
Is idea countable or uncountable noun? How about CD? why few ideas and not a few CD? thank you
You can say “a few CDs,” because “few” and “a few” means more than one. You must use a plural count noun to use “few” and “a few.” CD is a count noun. You can have one CD, two CDs, three CDs, etc.
Thank you!!!Its very interesting and useful lesson.
Thanks Alex, For wonderful lessons . I am just wondering ,Is there any school where I can learn engvid lessons ? I am living in Toronto .
Please let me know I would like to join your class.
Hi alex, in what moment can I use “VERY FEW/LITTLE” thankks in advance for you answer.
Very good,I enjoyed doing it.
Thanks Alex
i am really lucky , because i have got a chance to be one of your students
Hi Lara! I’m glad you’re enjoying these lessons too.
really tnx,…i dont knw how to say thank you
thank you mr.Alex
u r great ..
ur lessons r interesting
great lessons from great person
thanks for u
Thank you very much. I’ve learned a lot from your lesson.
Simply and clearly
Thank you
its very good website i am not good english but when i enter your web sit wil good in english please make more
very usefull lesson, thanks! (from brazil)
Thanks alex for such a wonderful really helped a lot.
Its very good website I want to learn english and to be the best Thank you to our teacher Alex explaining the lesson so that we can understand easily.
Such a good tutorial! Thank you Alex.
thank you Sir , its really helpful !
Good lesson alex ! I have had a mistake too, because I thougt that idea is uncountable word. Now, I must think twice, before tick the correct answer !
Thank a lot !
I got 5 out of 5. Thanks for lesson
thanks teacher for the lessons I really enjoy it.
thank you so much,Alex . now I can recognize them
I don’t even believe that you are English Teachers…….
thanks so much
thank you so so so much
All the explanation has been very important to me, I am really very happy after to find this site to take some doubt that I usually had before, I have just to say Thanks, Thanks, Thanks for at All.
hi Alex..
thank you for the lesson…
i want to learn English i hope u can help me..
I’m not good in English actually,so i want to learn English greatly
i hope u can teach me,we can contact with my email..
Thank you for the lesson.
It’s very good explination and I’m all ears with you on the video.
I got 4/ 5 question.. but it is little bit confuse, until i have to read again and again… I want to ask how to use it without confuse in speaking, I don’t have a partner for talking about. Thanks.
Hi, Alex!
Can we apply rule about positive and negative sentence(with and without “a”) for 1th and 2th examples:
I read a few pages(fact without emotion)
I read few pages(i want read more and more, I regret, but I must go to work) or
I drank little water(i want drink one more glass)
It’s right or folly?
^Thank you^
Hi Alex,
I love all of your lesson its always good to clear concept.I would like to learn all this in the class. Can you plz let me know is it possible to join your classes in Toronto??
thanks and regards
Thanks Alex!
Such a good lesson! :)
thanks Alex
i respect you so much
thanks Alex I am learnig a lot from your lessons bye.
I love your explanation! Very clear. I’ve learned alot with you. Even the most basic things that I considered to know, but after watching your videos I reinforced and improved my knowledge! Thank you
thanks… god bless you
Hi Alex,
What would you put her- a few or few:
We have been to Turkey …. times now, and we always enjoy it.
Would appreciate your help,
Thank you for lesson!!!
Thanks a lot i like ur classes because i can understand u than other. ur way of teaching is very good and i understand the usage of few little once again thank u
Thanks Mr.Alex… your explanation and presentation skill is really awesome…
i am expecting a lot from you..
once again thank for your good work….
keep it up…
THANKS SIR,very good lesson……i have a query about the use of ‘the little’ and ‘the few’ too…are their usages similar??
thank you very very much sir
thank s you have good explain lesson.we need more ;the verbs and verb sentens.good luck
Hi, Alex I´m from Brazil and I really appraciate your lessons. Please add me on my msn:
skype: waldecy.jose.rodrigues
Thanks for all the lessons you have posted.
thanks, Sir Alex, you are a good teacher personally i like you and your teaching way.
Thank you, it is a good lesson
One comment about the ‘few/a few’ and ‘little/a little’ topic:
Consider these two sentences:
1. There is little merit in your argument
2. Few people would challenge the giant
Can these two statements include nothing/zero in the implied meanings? That is, can ‘little merit’ include ‘no merit’? Same for few.
The lesson was very clear.Many thanks
Hi Alex!Nice to see you again:)i’ve one more question about using “a little”and “little”.For exampla,I’ve seen a nice t-shirt,and i want to buy it,but i havn’t enough maney,and i say:”I’ve LITTLE maney”but if i had enough maney i would say”i’ve A LITTLE maney”-is it correct?
I have had a litle knowledge of a few, a little, few, little but I very confuse when using them. Now my mind is clear about them after your lesson. Thank you very much.
THank you for this quiz
Hi Alex, I would like to explain about when to use Can, Could, Shall, Should, Will, Would, May, Might and must. Please …
please explain about the difference between me and I
Thanks a lot for this lesson! It’s really usefull and interesting! You said very very clearly!
Hope to see you in many next lessons! One more thanks so much! ^_^
thanks a lo yar…., its very useful to us…
Thanks a lot!!
Interesting!!!!!!I have learn a lot.
Thank a lot !!! :D
thankxit is good
Hi Alex,you are THE BEST,thanks a lot!
thanks so much Alex
Hi Alex,
Hi Alex,
How are you? I’m fine!
I have curious about this lesson title. Using a few and few i a little and little.
Why did you use “i” instead “and” in a middle of the title ?
Hi Alex,how are you?You are a good teacher,I instead a bed student.I study evry day so hard,but I still don’t understand english.Can you give mi some advice please?
Thank you very much Alex. You are very good teacher.
We really appreciate the clarity of your presentation. You are a woderful teacher. Keep up the good work.
We are from Ethiopia.
Hi Alex:
How is that idea is a count noun?
Can u please teach the difference between which and what?
Many thxs.Do you say which color is this or what color is this?
I hope to know how to diffrentiate between a few and few as well as little and a little. Now I knew when can we use little or few and in which sentence.
thx u so much,it’s so easy to understand.
thank you so much for yor excellent explanation. I hope to use well in the future.
Hi! Mr. Alex this is M.Nasim saying u greetings from Afghanistan. My dear teacher I really appreciate you, and you have a very good accent, therefore, serve us and provide us with ur better English pronunciation.
Hope u the straight and the way God likes….
I wanet learn English jasut leilial for english belues halab my
I really want you for teahing me this Alex.
Great! I already understand why money is a
non-acount noun!
thank you so much.
Hi Mr.Alex,
Thank you so much. I can able to understand your teaching video. It is very useful to improve my grammer and accent skill.
This was a very usfel lesson for me- i start learing english soon and this lesson helped me alot
thank u :)
Extremly good…It makes me easier to understand few and little
Thanks a lot that I have studied English from this
thanks to u engvid.
Thanks for your lessons. I really enjoy them. Could you be kind to add some more lessons related to Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future Perfect Progressive?
Hi Mr.Alex
You said really brief lesson about a few, a little.I have few questions to you, i hope you would like to answer!Thank you
1. A few is used in special negative for countnoun?example: Can i have a few apples?
Each day is a new experience. I have been using these words/grammar for many years now and never really knew the differences. However, I now do. I feel more educated after going through every lesson here in engVid. I think my spelling and vocabulary are under control but my grammar needs a good polish up :-) You will be delighted to know that you are doing a wonderful job. Wish you all the very best and thank you so much for everything. – Maun
my name is yara i am a new student i heard this lesson but i got difficulties in second qestion because for me i thought that IDEAS IS NOT COUNT NOUN SO WHY WE PUT FEW NOT LITTLE.THANKS IN ADVANCE
Dear Alex sir
Sometimes we also use The Little and The Few
Can you please clarify that too ?
I shall be thankful for giving a hand to me.
God bless all of you for the great help you offer.
Is there any material for michigan proficiency
Why can’t we use few for few money instead of little money.You mentioned few is used for countable
It has always been a bit confusing for me! Thanks for talking about it in a clear and easy way. What the usage of “a bit”?
ash ash!! necesiito informacion para un proyecto no un viideo este hombre parece bobo ashh graxias x nada
Thanks. Finally someone explained it to me clearly :)
From Hong Kong
Dear Alex
very usefull your class for me
I’m a little bit confuse i thought I cant use few for non count noun. Thanks
Hi Mig,
You are correct. “Few” and “A few” are for count nouns. Did I say something different somewhere in the lesson?
wow i found this lesson very hard to understand but thank you any way alex for the help that you give us thanks
thanks!^^u so much
thank you so much!
I got full mark in the quiz.
Thank you alex.
thank you very much i had just one mistake.
I have one mistake to:(
Thank you from Kosovo!!!
Thank you Alex,that was very useful for us.
hi how are you ? i am from Baku )))
Dear sir
i download all lecture from you websit plz tell me what is the software use for see in these lecture.
thanx Alex…….. these lessons r very usefull
thank so lot alex, i wish that you’ll supply more videos same like this, thanks
hi how are you doing sir ,first thing thank you so must for all and i wish to have good tuck you too and
Sir,money is countable,then why is it used with little?
We cannot say “one money, two monies, three monies.” You can count dollars, cents, yen, etc., but you can not count the term “money” itself.
I am afraid,your explanation is not so clear for non-native speakers. I explain in a different and simple way. Few is opposite to many and a few is a little bit more than few. Little is opposite to much, and a little is a little bit more than little.
What’s the difference between borrow and lend?
thanks Alex.
This site is very useful.
Thank you so much.
respected sir ur all lessons are wonderful and informative. i need videos on ” the use of could have , should have must have etc”
so much thanks from you your pronounciation is very fantastic i like it god bless u Muslim from Afghanistan
i cant say thnak you enough for your lessons because is very very usefull to people god is bless you are but please can you some time send for me ask my name is ahmad iam kurdish iraq but live in holand thnak you agine
Hi Alex, your explanation is pretty nice and clear. Can you please post a lesson of “can” and “could”? Please explain me how they are used because sometimes people use them as same meaning.
Hi Khan,
You can see an explanation of can, could, and be able to here:
I appreciate it for that. It’s really benefit.
HI Alex You are great, thank you engvid group.
Could you give us a lesson about the difference between: Than and Then
Thanks in advance
Thank you so much. You’re a very good teacher!
thanks a lot…… i thought they are the same…
I undertood very well. Thank you so much. Lily from Brasil.
great lesson
hello mr alex it a very helpful lesson thanks alot
but why in the quiz you have a few penny is wrong
Hi mohamed,
“penny” is singular. “A few” must be followed with a plural count noun. If the answer said “You have few pennies,” it would have been okay.
hello Mr Alex;i am really grateful;but i just want to shed light on this:when we talk about count-nn and the opposite ,i think we say:countable nouns,and uncountable nouns…nout count-nouns and non-count???please give me an answer to that
it depends who you talk to. :) Sometimes I call them “count” and “non-count” nouns, and sometimes I call them “countable” and “uncountable” nouns. It’s the same thing, and just two ways to talk about the same thing.
thax for teaching us….
i’m one of the fans for your lessons
when we had this lessons in the school . i was angry from my teacher so. I begin draw in my book and I don’t understood anything .now i understood. Thanks alot . what we can do without you &
Haha, that’s great. Thanks!
Dear Alex sir
Sometimes we also use The Little and The Few
Can you please clarify that too ?
I shall be thankful for giving a hand to me.
u r great teacher i’m so thankful for what u do for us we love u .
i love you so much
why in english that people said IN QUESTION
(a little bread)
and (a little cake)??.we can count a bread 7 cake is countable .
Thank you for the lesson. I understand everything, but i still have a question with using “a few of”. Sometimes they say “a few”+ sth and sometimes “a few of” + sth. Can you help?
100% quiz, thank you,I`m from Brazil
I’m thankfull to you,that you delivered your lecturer very precisely.But i’m still confused to know that little money,& few lemon?
why our teacher said cake and bread is uncountable take (a little),so why can you explane we can say one bread two bread,and cake also.
love engvid & u only .best teachers ever i seen :)
This is a terrific lesson. I always had confusion on these cases. Thanks Alex. May Allah bless you and your family.
I didn’t understand the difference between a little and little, a few and few. And now I understand.
Thank you.
very interesting and useful for everyone.
I always like your explanations…you are an excelent teacher.
many thanks?
I like your method of teaching……..
thank you soo much!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for helpful my grammar.^^
thank you for that class,you are a very good teacher,,,,,,i have a problem with a little money or little money:why you say a little money i think you say a few money because you can count the money,,i can say one peney,two peney ,,,three peney,,,please help me teacher in that confusion,,,,,,GOD BLESS YOU
This lesson is very good!
Thanks for you help Alex!
I like very much of your classes!
thanks for all the lesson that you have, this is useful for every one who want to know the proper use of polite English.
Hello Alex,
Your explanation is very good and useful.
Could you please explain what’s different between “Kind of” and “Sort of”??
Thanks a lot,
I can’t thank you enough !
really it’s useful, thanks
thank you so much i have scored the quiz
awesome website to improve grammar…thanks to the creator
thank u very much for this beneficial lesson.
thanks Alex
i like your lessons
what is the diffrence between a lot of and alot and lots of
Thank you! Alex.
Like always Very Very Nice way to explain the difference. I really like Ur lessons.
I realy enjoyed this subject thank you
thank a lot :)
really helpful thank you very much
i’m in a esl program now, and i have been learning this lesson for the all 3 passed weeks nathing was so clear than it is now. thx allex
I get 5 correct answers)) Thanks a lot for your wonderful and free lessons!It’s Music for my ears!!)))
Hi Alex,
You very good teacher. Thanks, Agnieszka from Poland.
I am fortunate one today to learn a new lesson
Thank you very much this is the first time I got it
thank you teacher
thks for your help. It’s very clearly
thanks so much , i found very useful your course
thank you again
hi teacher you’re very good and clear , thanks a lot for your motivation and explanation ,
i ask you about some thing what i need i’m working at HP company in support technical customers and i always need to improve my English this why i need if possible to do some conversations where you can involve the users (us) to interact with some speech by recordable
i mean by recorded speech
hi everybody ))) Does anybody want to talk to me in English is going to improve our speaking )) thanks
you’re the best
ive got it… i had a very friendly grammmar eng teacher at institute..unforn he was quiet lazy..he didnt give clear examples as u did..ty so much…i understood all—
Thank you for the video.
It was very useful!
It’s fantastic. I can’t believe it!
thanks a lot sir for ur free lessons,, serves great help for us to know how to speak english grammatically correct… Godbless you…
Dear Sir,
thanks for your all lessons.. but i can not watch this lesson… y
thanks alot for your useful lesson. it helps me alot ^_^
Hi Alex, thank you for the clear explanation! You’re the best! :)
Hi Alex,this lesson is not so easy for strangers but thanks for explanation.I like your pronantiation I understand you very well.
i learn more from your lectures. thank you
Hi, I am a TESL student at the moment and my post-secondary education is in linguistics. We were given a list of “difficult questions students will ask” the other day and little vs a little and few vs a few was part of it. Would you happen to know why we have a positive connotation associated with a few/a little? I was thinking about syntax, but a former classmate of mine suggested it might be related to pragmatics… Thanks in advance!
thank you so much Alex,I wish you all the success !!!
thanks teacher alex it was wonderful lesson and benefit
for me you are good teacher!, nice explanation!
what about work?
That company have little work?
that words are synonyms of little work?
This lesson is i understand the difference between a few and few
Hi Alex thank you for the lesson
but I have question. How can I know if the sentences mean you have more or less for example: I have a little sugar
How can I notice the different ? may be the sentences mean you have more ?
Tomorrow I have major in grammar.
thanks a million for this useful lesson ,I’ve always wanted to understand this tricky
thanx alex…
Thank you very much sir Alex..
but I have question about(Ideas)
can you explain to us please..??
I think (Ideas) is un countable..
ex:advice is (un countable)..
we can’t say advices
Hello Alex.Thank you for lessons.I always watch them and nowadays I am able to speak english like Canadian.I have one suggestion for you .Can you explain me the all the signal words in english tenses.if you could I would be very happy
Thank you Alex!
thank you
Alex u r so sweet
thank u so much!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the lesson.
It was very useful!
From Miami
Thanx Alex you are speaking kindly and one by one so easy to understand you
Hello Alex,
Thank you very much for this lesson. I was very confused with these expressions.
Now I could understand this complicated subject. Thanks a lot.
I’ll be always watching you .
correcting the previous comment. sorry I wrote the teacher’s name instead of mine
very important lesson’s interesting.i got 80 scores.becoues of ‘sand’
thank you for your fluent and understandable accent….
Tank you for your lesson.I would like to learn more and more.
Good test!
From italy ;)
i am very lucky,because i have a few teachers to teach me.
thanx Alex…….. these lessons r very usefull for me.
form india.
thank you a lot ,very useful and i got it (*^__^*)
its is superb explanation of few/a few and little/a little .. but there is a question raised in my mind that is ” can we use few/little in negative or affirmative sentences” like i write ‘i have few books’ so can we write this sentence as ‘i haven’t few book’ or we can write this as ‘ i haven’t any books’.
Thanks¡¡ from Spain very interesting at last I understand
thanks so much ..really ..i wasn’t understand them before ,but in your video …. you have a way in your explanation it’s easy and flexible
thanks Alex :D
I thank you very much.I don’t understand the difference b/n them. Girum form Ethiopia(Origin of Human Being)
great lesson,thanks
Hi, Alex! Thank you for lesson.
Couldn’t you help me?
” Oh,we have little time!” Does it mean that we are late for…plane, and we have no time to get airport?
Hi,Alex I don´t understand why the sentence”My aunt has few food in her refrigerator”is incorrect.Could you help me,please?
It’s quite difficult but you’re helping a lot. Greetings from the Czech republic.
Thank you teacher ….(*^_^*) huuuuh so difficult for me…….
thank you so much, Alex, for the clear explanation!)))))) I got it!:)
thank you so much Mr.Alex …
this lesson very useful to me and this lesson so much fun and I can understand with fast . I gor it now. :-D
Plz tell me we should use here “little” or “few”
I have a ______ money in my wallet
You should use “little” because money is non-count. You can’t say “I have one money” or “I have two monies.” You can count dollars, pesos, etc. but not money.
What about if someone says “you had a few mistakes”? Is it better then “you had few mistakes”? Which of them means that I had fewer mistakes?
Thanx sir. This lesson is very helpful
My question is: did you think about flower (one flower,two flowers….. quiz point 3) becuse I thought about flower (we use it for baking)
In my case it is correct, I think.
Your lessons are very helpful.Tks.
5 correct out of 5.I rock!! :)
By the way, Mr.Alex. Can you help me understand the following sentence?
“Do I have to get ready now? Yes, it´s time we went.”
Why do we use “went” instead of “go”?
I didn’t get it.
Hi Alex. I’m from Poland like you. As you know in our language we don’t have a difference between little and few in positive and negative meaning. It’s easy to understand but probably more difficulty to use if I’m not native speaker. Good Luck!
thank you so much for this lesson although I’m still not confident about this topic it still makes me confused but the lesson was truly helpful
Thank you so much for this great lesson
Thank you for the lessons, they are very helpful.
My score is 5/5.
thanks for your lessons!
Thanks teacher!
Thanks a lot for explanation. It’s was very understandable )))
Thank you. Techer Alex.
thank you alex.
I have got full mark,but explain me (bit,little bit)please.
Thank you again.
Thank you
You have a lot of good teachers!
Tanks one more time, Alex. You’re a great teacher. My best wishes for you.
Thank you Alex! I grasped the lesson.
I don’t understand. Why sentence ” you have a few penny ” is not correct?
The answer should be “you have a few pennies” because “penny” is a countable noun whereas “money” is not.
EX: You have a few dollars/quarters/nickles/pennies.
But, you have a little money.
You can’t say ” I have a little watch.” Because , watch is a countable noun.
“I have a little time” is correct. Time is an uncountable nouns.You can’t count the time.
Good days.
oh, yes
thank u i got 5 of 5
this is first lesson for me
thanks! good lesson
Hi Alex! this is my first time! I love Engvid, you’re the best!
I’d like to know what’s the difference between theses sentences, which one is wrong and why.
1)Suppose you’d like to give A LITTLE money as a gift.
2)Suppose you’d like to give LITTLE money as a gift.
3)We had A FEW problems finding seats at the theather.
4)We had FEW problems finding seats at the theather.
I’ll really appreciate if you help me to get rid of this confusion.
this lesson’s very helpful. thank you so much!
thanks, very useful
Good lesson dear Alex. Thanks
100/100 thanks
useful lesson, thank you
I think “I own a few CD” is correct too. Can you teach me why it’s not?
ne CD is sangular we must say CDs
someone help me to understand about differnt between ‘
little’ and ‘a little’ ??
Great explanation!Thnx)
Thanx a lot alex not a little
Thanks alex :) it was an important lesson… I ask you to do a lesson about economic expressions .. vocabulary … or anything related with economy and economic crisis
It will be a good lesson and I will really appreciate that teacher :)
My regards
Hi Alex! I have question about point 3 what mean penny (it is coin or unit of money equal 1/100 of a dollar). Why answer a few is incorrect?
It is a coin. One penny cannot be a few pennies.
thank you Alex. Your lessons are very useful
Thank you Alex for your lesson
Hi, Alex! thanks so much for ur simple and available explanation!
Thanks Alex for your free lessons. It’s very useful and help me so much.
…thnx, nice lesson
Your lectures have a really good influence on me.
You are the best :D Thanks a lot (y)
I have got 100
Thanks a lot Alex to make clear few, a few , little , a little. No confuse anymore.Great help .
Thank you very much
Is it the same when we are talking about feelings? like:
I’m feeling a little better now :)
i’m feeling little better now (I was feeling much better before) :(
Thanx Alex, very useful lesson
5/5 100% waw iwon ;)
What about if someone says “you had a few mistakes”? Is it better then “you had few mistakes”? Which of them means that I had fewer mistakes?
Merci Alex pour cette bonne révision.
thanks man . you solved my problem
wonderful lecture!
Thank you so much Sir.
You are a great teacher.
Thank You
Thanks, this lesson was very helpful.
very good lesson
i got 100%
thanks alex
Thank you for this great lesson.
Thumbnail lol ?
Alex Great !!!
Hi, I have one question about noun ”month/s”. What about ”A few months ago” and ”Few months ago”, is it possible to say ”few months ago”? I think the first one is correct and the 2nd one is used in order to talk about months which are left and cannot be used with adverb ”ago”, e.g. ”We have few months to finish our task”, but ”A few months ago I’ve started to learn English.” Is that correct? Thank you.
Very useful lesson indeed Alex, thanks !!!
thank you for good lesson
Thank you. Very clear and useful lesson.
Both “little/a little” and “a few/ few” refer to a small quantity of non-count and count nouns respectively. I often use “a little” or “a few” when I definitely know I have some and “little” or “few” when I don’t know how much I have. Please correct me if I was wrong. I’m 60 and still learning new things every day.
Very helpful lesson. Thank you, Alex.
Great! Thank you Alex!
I got 5 out of 5. Thanks for lesson
Great confusion gone away.
Thanks for the lesson! I’ve found one other way to determine which word to use with article or not. If it’s enough then we use an article. If it’s not enough then we don’t.
That is very useful for me.Thank you
It was a good class.
Finally I got it. Thank you so much
Perfect..thanks a lot
Thank you, a good lesson
I have got 100% right!
Thanks a lot Mr. Alex.
That is nice Alex. However, I need more examples.
Beautifuly explained.
the class is very good
Thank you. I love this channel to learn every day. You are in my heart!
Hi teacher, thanks a lot.
I watched this video twice on June 08, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
thanks a lot
thanks master it’s verry interesting
Thank you, Alex! You was very clear
Thanks a lot