In this English lesson, I explain in detail how you can understand what you read in English. Make sure you follow all the steps. If you have any questions, leave a comment for me.
Hi James.
I am sajeda from jordan I speak Arabic I would like to speak English fluently Thank you so much. I liked your style of education it fascinating and enjoyable at the same time
English is not difficult Sajeda
I think english hard
English is not hard and it is very cool!
Try, why we don’t try anything and think it is hard?
Hi.can you ride for me in VK. my id isid175722667
Vlad@cool boy
Hi jefffri I’d like to have an English friend in skype .this is my ID live:b6c624cc8fb4d8e1 if you want to converse in english. BTW I speak arabic and french if you are interested. thank you
You speak English .-.
hi james,
i am sidhu usually punjabi speaker.i have some problems with comprehension English help me in easy way how to understand reading and how to manage time i am taking test of ielts time management and understanding is my biggest problem.and you can contact me through my email i have alot of questions
My problems same as you
Edris Hakeme
Hi Sajeda,
I agree with you James is very good teacher.Don’t wory you will learn english quickly. I’m also speaking Arabic (Egyptian). This site will help you very much but always check for new lessons.
Best Regards,
Sayed Salem
Thank you so much. I will follow your advices to improve my english comprehension.
thanks for the helpul tips
thanks james! I have a HUGE problem with reading comprehension and I was just wondering what if you are reading like a long chapter for a book for school and you only have 1 night to read it and have a quiz the next day and you don’t have time to read it 3 times?? then what do you do?
Hello James,
Thank you for teaching people in the all around world. I really would like to know about inferences, persuasive, expository, logical conclusion, and theme in the passage.
Would you explain to find those in the passage or paragraph?
Thank you,
Hi James.
I am from Saudi Arabia .I am excited to learn English . Thank you …
Are you really married, James???
Just, you are so young! :) Cool :)
Anyway, thanks for the tactic! It is really smart! I will do it personally!
Thanks again for the help and such a beneficial site!
I wish the thing which will never miss on your face be your smile! :)
Hi James,
It help me a lot, I am practicing for present the Toelf, I have practice with the toelf guide, but my score has not been as good as I want. I will appreciate your advice.
Kind regards
Hi Maria,
You did not tell me exactly what you are having problems with, so I can’t give you the precise advice you are looking for.
If you can let me know what you are having difficulty with, I can give you some advice.
Rebecca, who is also on the site, teaches TOEFL. She may be able to help you. Drop her a note!
Can you help me pls about how can i keep the words in my mind and its pronunciation? cause its seems hard to me.
Hi James,
I’m your great fan. I wonder is it possible to have private lessons with you on Skype?
Best ragards
Hi JulieBurago,
If you want, we may practice english together on Skype. I think this will be very helpful in learning specially in speaking.
Hope to agree :)
Best Regards,
Sayed Salem
hi James I’m from Kuwait I’m excited to learn English .
thanks a lot …
Cool! Im gonna try it out! Thank you so much ^^
Hi James
I am glad to find something good regarding writing in your video, i am preparing for IELTS exam, i would be really greatful to you if you please guide me or could suggest something practicing material for ‘Writing’ part of IELTS.
Thanks & Regards
Usman Butt
Hi Usman Butt,
Check back and watch the video on writing the five-paragraph essay.
I am from yemen and I am studing english (begginer)and I have problem in speaking. What can I do to improve my speaking ?
u can have some practice with account on oovoo is “sadeghsafari”.thanks
problem with reading and understand english
joseph nozile
Hi James
I am new student.I am preparing for IELTS exam.My exam will be next week,actually I have a big problem with reading I cann’t do it very well so what should I do?
haidar habib
thank you very much James you are doing a great by helping people to understand English well . my question is, how you can help me for my reading skill ,because i can not read quickly.looking forward to getting your reply.
Cisse Mouhamed
hi Rebecca, hi James
It’s my first in this website then I want to thanks you for good job. I sure that your advices will help a lot. Sorry for my bad English,… I’m sure that in this way I could improve my English.
Thank you so much
Hi James I´m Diego, I´m new in this web site…. thanks for your advice about the reading comprehension but I have another doubt and it is about may and might, please help me.
Hi James.,
I am sivarajan.V from India, I am new to this forum, yesterday i saw some of your videos am very much impressed, i need your help to improve my speaking axcent, can you able to give some steps to improve my speaking axcent
Thank you.,
hi! this is the second time i visit this website. it’s very useful. thanks lot. however it’s just focus on some points in grammar. can u make deeper fields in speaking and listening?
i think it’s hot for any student who learn E as second language
This place is awesome. I’m really impressed. I have laughed so much with the BATMAN lesson, I found it very interested and fun, no so many teachers dare to do it. Thanks very much for your dedication.
hi james how r u doin? 2 night
hi james its my firs time in here i have a problem in speaking can you tel me the easy way to know
Hi, thanks for the lesson
Should I do the same thing either reading an english book with more than 80 pages for example or just to small articles?
Hi James,
I need some tips from you to improve my English as i am preparing for IELTS.
Here are my weakpoints..
1) While speaking i will be getting breaks & Gaps in the words….and it makes for the people wo are listening to me makes to understand a little bit difficult.
2) While reading i am not aware of the meanings for many of the words ( I will your video on this as u said to do read the before & after words and try to understand the meaning of the word which is not known,) Any other ways u have to improve.
Please suggest your advice for my 2 points.
ok then Thanks ….. for the Videos…bye for now.
Hello james,
Your lesson about reading comprehension was very informative and i expect more lessons about the IELTS speaking section.
james I need mor lessons thank you
edgar lemus
hi Jame ! my name is Thuan I’m frome Vietnam , this is second time in this website. I want too say thank you . You are good teacher and how I get another lesson
thank you so much for helpful
Hi!Thuan, my name’s Suong, Iam Vietnamese too. Iam ver glad to see u.This is the first time i joy in this forum.
I hope to see your reply from u.
You are so nice
hi Jame.. Thanks for providing such a information to all the needed people including me. I want to share my problem with you. I am not good in reading, writing, listing as well as in speaking. But I want to improve myself in all fields that why I have seen few of your vedios today. I am not able to understand about pause that are required during , . ? ! etc. & donot know anything about this during reading & speaking. I don’t know difference between high tone & low tone that is required to express your feeling in more natural way. I don’t know which word need to speak slowly & which one more loudly. I believe these all are not only my problems some other persons may be also facing the same problem. Can you give me some suggestions to improve myself. And can you help me in any way.
Thanks once again Jame.
Hi James
I already took the TOEFL test and my score is not so good, I thing is not difficult but it is so long text and you don’t have time to understand everything or summarize. Now I saw your class and I will make what you said , read more than one time and after you understand better and with pratice after I will read quicky .
Thanks for the leasson .
thanks sir james its so nice to this site
Thank’s very muck this is site very perfect I lake it
me bul
I already took the TOEFL test and my score is not so good, I thing is not difficult but it is so long text and you don’t have time to understand everything or summarize. Now I saw your class and I will make what you said , read more than one time and after you understand better and with pratice after I will read quicky .
Thanks for the leasson thanks sir james its so nice to this site
I am trying to find out how to leave a comment for you in your box when is not related to the lesson, please help me out.
Thank you
Hi again james,
It would be much practical if you had an example for us. People learn through examples. You should had a small article to demonstrate your lesson.
Thank you
Your videos are really helping…thank you so much!!!
Thank you James, I do believe your video will make me more understand reading comprehension.
Let me say that your videos are great. I have been trying learning English from 14 years ago, jajaja!
I can read or understand something like 70% (I think!) of English language, but when I have to write or speack in English, I am a disaster.
Hi, I’ve been out of school for 6 year and now I just stated taking a Master’s degree class. Its a lot of reading and some in boring. How can I read the boring books and make the knowlege stay with me?
thank you so much james for this lesson i’m new in this forum my native language is not english. and i need realy to improve my english,my english pronunciation,vocabulary and all things about english, i hope that i dont made any mistakes in this paragraph, please correct it to me.
think you very much
Thanx so much James!
hello mr james this is baktash i realy like to be your student i like your teaching and i have aproblem in my listening will you help me thank you
baktash amini
Hey James
That was an interesting video but i don’t think it fits my real comperhension problem. I hesitate to read huge text because im afraid that i won’t understand it. Then when i start reading it it makes no sense to me. But smaller text with similar words im fine with. I’ve had this annoying habit since i started school. Any solutions to this??
thanks you james!
you re surely making good job!
i m in turkey and trying to pass toefl paper based,but i did not find any information about structure part of it.
can you help me,
see you,thanks a lot!
thanks James! I like this website…
But, Please…can u give me some ideas to do Toeic…
I have to do more than 600 and I have some problems about listening.
Toeic has many traps and I always fall down…Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease… me!
hi james,
i have a seriose problem. i have to do ilts exam the next month,but i haven’t got any idea how to do it. i’m good at grammer and listening,but not so good at reading and speaking.i’d like to ask you for giving us more lessons about speaking skills and how i can answer reading questions when i can’t understand the whole articl.finally you’re the best
You can speak while listening your audio or video, It help you to improve your speaking in english.
hello james .
i m from california and i am preparing for Gmat.i visited this site via youtube and i find it very useful in preparing for my test .but can u plzzzzzzzz provide me some more lessons on reading comprehension with the help of some examples.
anyways ur way of teaching is fantastic.i appreciate u .
maninder kaur
Satish Kumar Gande
Hi james
I saw your so many videos. They all are really awesome. Your explanation is really funtastic, but in this video you didn’t explain with putting any example, so I didn’t understand properly. Actually I am preparing for TOEFL. I think there is no more time of reading so many paragraphs many times because of the time limit, so in this situation what should I do for understanding axactly? Please reply me. Thanks
I’m Brasilian and when I saw James explain how to do to understand what we read, I realise that we have to find a logic, it is the way to understand a text
actually, werever you are, or language you speak, you have to think in the logic way.
Did you undertand me?
see you.
Odmar Spada
hi james
can you please tell how do to do quiz on this website
can’t find it
and your a good teacher
Hi hamidj, James hasn’t added quizzes for his lessons yet, but you will find them for most of the lessons of the other teachers on the site. You should see the quiz just below each of the lessons, above the comments.
Dear james,
Thanks a lot sir Actually the big problem for me in ielts preparation is reading. and now i am following this method i hope it will improve my skill or reading.if u james any other best tips for me so please post it me.
Best wishes
Muhammad Tayyib
hi james i’d like u to upload some samples on ielts exams it’s really gonna be helpful thank u
u’re really doing something
This site is really helpful for the poor people. I have problem reading paragraphs as I dont know to follow the punctuation . Can you people please send some to my mail id I am indian and I liked the tutors in this
Hi James,
This site is really helpful for the poor people. I have problem reading paragraphs as I dont know to follow the punctuation . Can you people please send some to my mail id I am indian and I liked the tutors in this
Hi James, I am Neto from Brazil and I need your help, please. I am here in Canada (Vancouver) studying english…I can write, I can understand all your classes, but why I need to think in Portuguese before to speak in English??? I am afraid, because I will start working in October here in Canada and I am not comfortable about my speaking skills….help me please.
Love your classes, thank you very much my friend.
Neto from Brazil
Pure russian…Just I too^_^
By the way, thanks for the lesson James!!
Hi Alena.
I am looking for Speaking Partner.
If you want we can talk and practice our english.
Wow it’s really helpfull
thanks my teacher I really haven’t seen a lesson like your lesson before
it’s not a compliment I’m honest I understand them easily
I have a suggestion
I think it better to allow students downloading the lessons
I would like to download them but I’m not allowed to
thanks teacher again
waiting for more
My 9yo son has difficulty reading and comprehension, so thank-you so much for this – we are going to try the technique out.
A teacher many years ago gave me this tip :
Most of what a paragraph is trying to say is in the opening sentence. The closing sentence usually summarises what the paragraph has said. So, for the purposes of getting through (a lot of) reading he advised
1. read the first sentence
2. read the last sentence
3. If you need more information or understanding then read the whole of the paragraph. Doing 1 and 2 has given you the context and a pointer as to what the writer is trying to get across and usually contains supporting arguments or facts.
i have a seriose problem in my life i have been out of school for 6 years now , i want go back to school becose without school your are finish please i need your help my problem is i cant read perfect some prounciation is very hard for me to read and understand. how can i improve my english speaking, read and understanding without education your finish in this world where can i start please i need your help. thank you very much.
hey; the guys got very good questions here… why you don’t answer them? I’d like to read some answers from you… paz…
hi im afreen just joined it i wanted to iknw if u could send some test of toefl reding on my id it would b a gr8 help
afreen veerani
Really good job james
Thanks it’s going to help me a lot!!!!
thank you james for your lessons
edgar lemus
you are really good teacher . your teaching it was so useful to me thanks alot
thanks james
i came across with this page today and it`s really cool
keep this fantastic work on
have a good one..
Thanks for your useful lesson…Now I’m learning IELTS course…I think my reading skill is not good. I suppose I can’t using your lesson to apply my reading test, so can you give me some advices for reading skill of IELTS?
Thanks you so much! best wishes for you! :)
so if i want to read a 600 page book i have to read it 3 times to understand it? i think this is wrong..
Hi all,
First of all thx for the web page,i just wonder why do u use youtube for videos,i see u dont take money from members,bbut as soon as u built a web page like this,video adding shouldnt be a big problem.Kindly requesting you to use another video share platform as youtube is banned in turkey for about 2 years.I can watch lessons as i use university based internet,But other people can’t.
best regards…
It’s really too bad that Turkey and other places like China and Iran have banned YouTube, since there are so many great, educational videos on the site. Unfortunately, we would have to charge money to access engVid if we hosted the videos ourselves. As for other platforms, they don’t have nearly as many users. We need the most possible people to see the lessons, so right now YouTube is the best option, though that may change in the future.
Hi sir,
thank you so much for your lesson, it’s really useful for me!!!
and now, I have a small question..that I don’t know when we use ” may have” or just “might have”, and when we just use “may” and “might” to suitable witth? and could you please lecture exactly the mean of them when we use?
thanks and regards,
Hi James,
I find very difficult to read english. you see, If there is any complex or compound sentence to be read I can’t understand, when I read 1st time. Another thing is while we are talking we use conjunction to speak so I have some problem in conjunction part too . How to resolve this problem? If you could help me I would be happy.
Hi James, I got problems with cloze in EILTS, how can i improve this skill, any advice for me?
nice video James ;)
Hi ! James
i like study english so much but my english very bad…please help me!
Thanks you for your lesson
Hau Trung
me too
and i want some one helping me to practise my english
i am vietnamese.
Hau Trung
hi James thank you for the lessons im from problem is i understand english very well while listenning and i want to express my self in a very good way(pronunciation and vocabulary)….and is it possible to speak as a native??
i want to see vedio classes of sir james. But its not be open pleaz tell me other sit or methed of open the vedio clips of clsses of sir mail id is
hello, thanks for the tips
i have a question
…is it better to read books improve my reading
or is it better to read many news articles.. ….
be waiting for response
This is what english lessons should be.
hi,hope u f9.Very helpful video i wl apply ur methood of undrstanding coprehension.Thank U Kindly
hi! I’ve been studying English for about 8 years….i am at the proficiency level…i always had and i still have a difficulty to read passages and then answer the following questions although i past my lower examination with high pass…..what can i do to improve it/??
thank you so much james
thanks James, this leson is very useful for me!
thanks for your lesson. the steps what you said are very useful for me to practice Reading part for my next TOEFL iBT exam. But, my problem is that I don’t know how to summarize each paragraph effectively. May you help me to solve it?
once again, thank you very much ^^
Hi James,
your lessons are really helpful and fun, but there is no lesson about listing, speaking and most important sub-test as for me writing.
Hope you’ll make more video about IELTS.
Thank you so much, from Ukraine :)
thanks so much
Dear sir,
Hello, my name is Ronald Hsu, I am 20 who r studying in Hong Kong City University associate degree. I do not know the reasons why I join the Ielts examination two times, but I still cannot obtain a score over 6.5. the highest one only got band 6.0. After watched your English video teaching, I got to learn a lots, but may I got to know and learn more about others’ part of the Ielts examination. Because my mother language is Cantonese rather than English. And I think that my grammar is my main difficulty for coping with the Ielts examination. Perhaps I wanna ask you one question rite here, how could I read the whole article as soon as possible during the Ielts examination. Because I think that it is impossible to read three times in 1 part during the Ielts reading test.
Poor ronald
Hello James! Its a good lesson. Thank you. It helps me. Anyway James, I don’t know how to differenciate between:-
1) I watched it
2) I was watching it
3) I have watched it
4) i have been watching it
5) I had been watching it
6) I had watched it
Can you help me with this. Im malay.
Thanks a lot. Really, you are amazing.
Hey james thank you very much for your teaching skill. And most of the time i use to read the newspapers without understanding the meaning and after that i use the dictionary to find the meaning for those words. You and this website is more helpful for us thanks
Ah ok, I’ll follow your advice, because when I read something I always stop when I find a word that I don´t know its meaning, you can imagine how much time I take the readings.
Thank, Friend.
Hi I am Abdullah from Yemen
Hi James it’s very usefull thanks. I’m preparing fom my TOEFL eaxms and I have problems with reading comprehension. I think it’s the most difficult than other sections.
I lov your lesson ,,,,,,,and advice ths.
thank you so much its very important things to improve my skills in reading .
i will try to do it and start from today.
im not good in reading and in a
IELTS exame im Always get 3.5 im so sad about that my score high in all parts except reading part =(
i need ur help pless ..
and thanx again
wow, it’s so interesting. Thanks so much for your tips.
Hi Sir How are you, Sir tell me one think i want prepration IELTS PAPER EASY WAY TOO SUCCES MY PAPER.
Thank you teacher. Hi I’m Marry from Korea. Teacher! I have some problem. For example, 1. I read many paper and book every day. But i can’t memorry all that words.
2. I can’t speak an English well. Because don’t have any practice, haven’t native speak Friend. Sorry made mistake some grammer. Good luck for your job. :-) Marry
thank you very much James <
Mohammed Alderei
excelentes videos , excelente profesor i love it
Hey Mr, James,
I’m Giwantha from Sri Lanka, But i live in UK. End of this month I’m going to do IELTS & I must get more then 6.5 to do ICT in a uni.I’m working hard on my reading part, But still I can’t score more then 25 out of 40
Can U please tell me what should I do….???
Hi James!
I have a little wonder.
For long passage( about 3 pages), if I read it, read again, and read again. It take time to finish all i want to read from a part of a book. So, would you mind giving me advice for reading book, especially some academic books.
Thank you so much.
James You are the best :) I really like Your lessons :)
Hi james sir,
I wanna score more in speaking section of toefl , wat to do.Pls tel tips
thank u i wouid like to ask about how can i make a story short one thanks u are great byyyyyyyeeeeeeeee
hi sir i am new student. i am poor in speaking english any tips tell to me.
Hey James, I am going into the police academy and I need help reading, writing, and grammar, what books or were can i start..I would like some info…thanks so much
Thank a lot! your leasson very useful for me.
Can you give me some advice about speaking skill and writing skill?
Are you ok?
Thank you for anwsering !
Le Tuan Anh
i’m from Azerbaijan
I really like your lesson. Thank so much!
Ijames I really enjoy the class and at this time I’m study very hard for my new carrer and this tips really helps a lot.
thanks a lot, your jop is graet
hello , i really want to thank all who’s behind this great helpfull web site .
Hello James Why you so serious in this lesson???? Thank You
Robert Estrada
cool steps. :D
can u help me pleas becasue i have problem with english words plz help me if u can all the teacher in this website thankz all of u
very useful
Sohorab Hossain
nothing now
Sohorab Hossain
you guys are great ! I am really glad i found this site. Comprehension is very hard for me so i am going to use your skills. I hope i can find other skills in the future. Your great !!!!!!!!!!!!n
You ain’t answering most of the questions been asked you…try to give a general answer to prevent duplication on questions…you’re doing a great job keep it up!
Hi James! Your lessons are very helpful!Today, I have an exam of reading comprehension. The tips helped me a lot, while improving my reading, but sometimes the text you read is easy to understand but questions for it are so much confusing and it’s hard to answer it especially on advanced level.
Bye bye
hello teacher i really feel good because im improving my inglish as navite speaker and i thank you very much for your help…
hi james…can u prepare me for ielts online? though skype or phone…?
hi james
i am going to give ielts exam on 11th of september.there are lots of confusion related to speaking part of exam.thats why i want to see a few vedios regarding this.hope you can help me.but vedios are not me.
hi james,
i wil try ur advse on d reading comprehension.,o hope u may discus also on how to attack questions
thank you!
Hi James
Thakns a lot for your lessons. This site is really very useful for me especially. But I have a big problem with my listening and score is too little, can you advise me anything for that.
Thanks in advance.
Great tip! Thank you very much, James. I’ve tried a little bit, I could remember more though I omitted to summarize.
Hi James,
Your class is very nice.Thank you for the video.
My problem with the ielts reading is that within 1 hour time i am not getting enough time to read it thrice n den answer.Also would you please give some tips on how to answer YES/NO questions..
i ia reading english books but sometimes its ard to understand the meanig so that time i am loosing the interest to read can you give me some valuable tips please
I’m so glad that i finally found what i’ve been looking for in a long time by accidentally dropped on this site.actually , i really enjoy reading and i’ve read heaps of books but unfortunately not remember anything after , at all.I attended to this english course in my place a year ago but it didn’t really work out on me.:(
The method you teach seems little longer for comprehension. How can we get proper score in IELTS since we have limited time to perform multitask in specifed time in Reading section?
thank you soــــــــــــ much
I am miraqa I am an Engineer .
okay miraqa so what, u are an engineer that is not a big deal !
hi James
I need help in Reading test in IELTS. The time run out before I finish the answer Q.I dont know what is better read the Q first or read the text?
How to read faster during the test it is only 20minute? please help me
aymen b07
This is vid awesome.It’s make me like read long book=no problem!And can i ask you a question.How can i remember the new world?Thanks alot
Hi, Sir James,
Thank you so much for helping us to improve our english through this site. I study very hard to improve my english speaking coz I believe that if we are fluent in english there are so many opportunities for us.
God bless! More power to all the staff of this site……….
thank you james
Ur The best xDeey
ayoub morocco
ayoub morocco
Yes, right now. But we may add teachers from other countries in the future.
great but it’s not clear.
Dear James,
In one of your videos about reading comprehension, which actually is one of my favor, you haven’t provided us with any examples. would you mind showing us what do you exactly mean besides just telling us.
Please provide me (us) with an example….
Thank you so much
Thank you very much, but I have to tell u something,u talk to fast! gee!!!
by the way.. u are very handsome!!(rsrsrs)
thank you so much, the lesson really help me to much. good teacher !
that was great.many thanks
thanks james you really helped me.
sorry for my english is the first time I write…
I’m happy to meet you…. your english lesson is very good for my english base… bye bye
hi James
can you help me to improve more on speaking English…
i want to be a good English speaker… thanks
Hi, James
Thank you for the lessons. It really Helpfull.
I’m from Holland and I do bilingual education. I’m in second year now. But I standing insufficient now on averaging. Which means I cann’t go to third year. I have got an upcoming test. And it is really important I get a good mark for that. So pleas, if you have any tips…
We really love this webpage. Wewish we could come here everyday\all day.
Micah Jaremka
james YOU ARE SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD. i’m from Georgia. i enjoy with your lessons everyday, you know i’m biginer, and i’m trying to learn more and more about english, will you help me?
Thanks alot James, How can I know my level in English?
Some time I feel good & some times I feel weak
Please help me.
hi my name atheer salim really you good teacher thanks to help us
hello!!james thank you so much
thank you man
dear sir,
can you help me in preparing for ielts writing improvement,&reading.
Hi. I’m kern George. And I’m from Trinidad and Tobago not to sure if u know about there. But I must let u know your english tips are very helpful. I do not have any passes from school but I’m
Sorry I pressed submit comment by accident. I was saying. I don’t have any passes from school but i am really willing to learn. I am 25 years old live alone, renting, and have 1 son. I’m starting class on the 3rd of January 2011. So I’m askin u for ANY HELP OR TIPS in starting over will be most appreciated.(Thank you)
Ronnie I like very much your teaching style. you are a great teacher. love you take care
Hi James!
Could you tell me pls the best way/source that I can use to read for the TOEFL preparation!
Thank you very much.
I cant read correct
how i read is good?
I’m taking the TOEFL test this Friday, and i have some reading problems, i usually get lost. Can you please give me some advices ?
I Need your help I can read but i can’t contain it and the words get me to…. I need to understand what i read. from memphis tn but I’m in to college at murfeesboro tn mtsu. you taught me something James. I want my reading to increase better.
Joshua Douglas
thank you to engVid accepted to me
hi james , ur tips on reading really works . now i am getting 6 bands in each part of ielts but i need seven in each module. how can i get them . advice me . looking forward in anticipation.
i m gonna follow ur method,james….
sam nathan
hi! James thanks for you lessons buddy I am brazilian and improve my english here it´s so difficult you can´t imagine…I understand at all really thanks James…
Hi James,
I am planning to take up the IELTS test in about three weeks, I have just started to prepare, I am confident about getting a good score. James, is there something that you would like me to do? Please let me know!!
Hi james
i watching u English learning video i learn a lot but in writing mi very poor ,please tell me how mi improve my writing ,in spoken language i improve little bit but in writing mi very poor,i hope u help me i belong Pakistan my native language is Urdu.
thank you james
thank you james
Hi I watching your english learning vedio a lot of it’s great. I have problem with verb + the way. I couldn’t understand so I hope you will help me. I waiting your masagge thank you. I’m from Kazakhstan
me bul
Hi James!
I like your lessons and your teaching method. I want know more about reading ways: over viewing,scanning, skimming and inference, etc.
Could you teach us some lessons including these topics?
I hope hear from you soon
Thank you
yes… prety nice¡! i’m just about to take the CAE exam the next June… so it has been very usefull …
You know I’m work and study and try to have time for reading some English articles , any helpfull website have a small articles? :( , and you are doing such an amazing work here and FREE , really how can I thank you all.
Hi Dear,
I think you’d better just work because your Grammar is somehow terrible.
I’m so sorry to say it!!
i love your teaching
How can i download this to mp3 so i can listen to your lessons repeatedly?
Thank you so much.
hi James;
thanks alot ,when I watching this video,I feel good(lesson and join)
James, i have just watched your lessons! Congratulations! You are a wonderful teacher!!!
I like Spanish people and like to learn Spanish … can you please??
Congratulations! Anisora, you are a amazing teacher too. You can speak English,French,Spainsh,Russian and Romanian.
That is great.
hello dear James!
thanks for your lessons. they are very can we chat with you?
Can You tell how to use without dictonary, for example: In Star test.
Thank you so much James :)
Nice style … be continue …
Hi James, I would be very grateful if you told me how to make a text analysis?
Thanks James, you’re a good man!
James!!!!U’re my fave teacher ever!!!!love you!
Hi Good Afternoon
I really like how you teach because you make it simple and clear to understand. I do have this problem but i will practice what you mentioned on the video. What advice can you give me when reading a book and i cannot pronounce a word should i wait until i finished reading the chapter of the book to look over the dictionary and find the proper way to pronounce the word.
James you’r cute
Hello Sir,
I really liked the video and would definitely follow these tips.
Second thing is , can you help me with the fluency? i mean i can speak well but i am not fluent.
Please help me Sir…..
I wish what bless to you
I would like you post more vide about reading: dicas, topic and etc
I am brasilian en in may brain, same time have a bit confusion whith words.
oh,how about if we are in the exams,since we don’t have too much time checking overly,do you have any tips to catch the main meaning just once time reviewing.
and thank you so much.
actually i use dictionary when i encountering such an unfamiliar words…is that makes my comprehension improve or not…?
i usually do this thing…and i thought this is right thnx james…
thank-you but if your in an exam and if you have about an hour to do it. Will you not run out of time by the time you read it 3 times?
Thank you james
In fact,I have to take a test tomorrow.
when I learned about your class, I don’t have to be nervous.
Hi james
yea when taking the sats what tips can you give me when reading comprehension i have a hard time understanding the passages and cant seem to well on the multiple choices questions.
thank u…very helpful
Dear James,
What if I was sitting for an exam and I was not allowed to use a dictionary. I guess, I’d have to guess the meaning through context and bet my chances I understood the main ideas correctly.
Thank you guys for the effort you put in your videos this is my best learning site by far.
Hi Jame,
I am vietnamese. Thank you very much for your guide.My English is untill poor so I look forward receiving more about this topic for your example. Thanks.
Nga Tran
Hello James,
I have one main question, how I need to read it? Loudly or mentally (I don’t know how this word translate)?
wow!!! It is a Good tool for me to increase my reading skill… Thanks sir James….
waw.. terrific.. thanks before
Thank you teacher James! It helps me alot!
Dear Teacher James,
I want to score good marks in my composition for my Second Exam so i would appreciate if you give me some tips on it!
Thank you!
Victoria Aye
Victoria Aye
Thank you teacher , I got alot of benefit from this lesson. =D
hi James, what a useful Video..I’m from Vietnam I’m quite well at Listening but I have problem with Speaking Skill?? I can’t say anything when I’m in public, althought I have ideas (in Vietnamese). How can I improve it, I want to speak better, better and better…….
Hi James, I find this lesson very informative and helpful, thanks a lot. And I ‘d like more lessons like these to improve each of modules of IELTS. Thank you. Marina.
Hi James
i really like the way you teach and i expect more videos from your teaching reading comprehension . Especially the way in the test thank you
Thank You Mr James
I love your style of teaching
I realy like to learn more english,because i want to get IELTS for applicant the university.
This way for learing is very good.
It gives me a lot of improvement Thanks Sir
mr.james,you are cool, your way of teaching is too cool…
uhm, im very bad at English, so i cant understand what you said clearly!
su su
thank you
Mr. James
It is my pleasure to tell you that you are very instructed on teaching english.
Thanks for be there on ENGVID.COM.
greaT GREAT.
my name is yacine i am student english esl, and i have a problem with comprenhension in reading, i do not how to answer the question, and understand the text.Please i need you help.
yacine adechoubou
hey.i also need some one who wanna have some practice on speaking.can u help me?my account on “oovoo” is “sadeghsafari”.thanks
hi i’m pretty good at speaking
Hi! Sir James
I’m so grateful, thanks for the tips, you are a really great teacher. honestly I’m not good in English, I can’t speak fluently and i can’t understand what I’ve read.
Hi! Sir James
its really great, thanks for the tips, now I know, what I’m going to do, to understand what I’ve read.
Hi! sir James!
I’m so grateful, thanks for the tips, now i know what I’m going to do to understand what I’ve read. you’re a great teacher, honestly I’m not good in English, i can’t speak fluently and i want to learn more in English.
Hi James! U know, i really have a some barriers in reading but from this day i will apply your methods…)In a few days, i will write about my result in reading:-))
Thank you everybody!
Thank you so much for the great effort
Thank you so much! I am really into english and i want to improve my english skills.
You have a good teaching.
i feel my listening skill improve more than before. thank your lesson so much. I hope that you give more lessons for everybody can learn.
hi sir james,,,
..i really want to learn so much more about english..everything-writing, reading, listening and speaking..but of course with the correct usage of tenses and good grammar…..i hope i can do it…
by the way,,, thanks for your helps a lot!!!
jamie persis
Hi James. I’m a student from Manila, Philippines. This topic is very helpful to me.
hi james
how can i emprove my english.
hello Mr. James,
Your lesson is really helpfull for me. I want to know more about english. thanks for ur presentation.
Hi James,
I really like your style of teaching English. Please keep doing it and make the study fun for the student.Thank you.
you are my favourite teacher.please I HAVE a proplem with used to and what comes after it .
Thanx a lot for helping us out, Sir.But if you proof your thesis with the relevant examples, it will be more comprehendible to all of us.
Reading a very long passage-containing three to four paragraphs- is a tedious work.A big trap! in which about everyone falls into it.Thanking you in advance for replying me with a satisfactory answer, which we all people can understand.
hi james ,my mame’s prisca.I am from cameroon but now I live in canada specifique in Edmonton,Ab with my family. I have been living there for a year, I am a student still learning english and i plan to be a nurse in the future but i need good english first.I have been wacthing your site and you might be a good advisor for everyone who wants to speak english, sound good for.I have a dream and i wish to realise my dream ,so i am ready to be your student now and follow everyhing you should tell me.I want to speak like British and American people i mean to understand what they’re talking about and have a perfect conversation with them. my probleme now is i write as i speak, so i want to improve my written again, my speaking and my listening.I am new on your site and i wish to get a god result from you. Take care James
what is the minimum score of IELTS for Australia and Canada?
Shyam Sigdel
thanks sir james.i’ll try that technique immediately and share also to my friends. ;)
very very good i am asking for lessons related to tourism and hotels pleas provide us with this topics and what ever you can
thank you very much
i have lots of problems to complete it in time. i want to know easy way to do comperhenions thanks
sir james! sometimes in dictionary the meanings of the words are different and the word we are reading is different.
checkout synonyms .
sir james!you are good teacher, i like learning english with you. but my english so bad, how to improving ? thank you very much for give me this website, i kind regards.
vong keo
that was really helpful. Thanks James
i thank you teacher but do you think it will take time and i am no so patient
Shahbaz Khan
I am trying to take IELTS exam ,and i want to get around band 7 .what do I need to get high score .Please help me.
Hi James,
Awesome video as always.Could you perhaps make a video on how to comprehend Shakespearean literature?It would be really helpful if you could do that because I have a hard time reading those books.
Nice blog!! keep up the nice style, it’s nice to see writer’s like you these days
hey thanx for ur useful tips bt i need more help.
sometimes i can’t even understand the sentence formation and the other thing is i wanna improve my listening skills
I like your teaching meathod very much.thak you sir for doing this job.
thank you!
very good lession sir,i appreciate u and looking forward to hear and see u allot its a informative and easy to understand
I love hahaha
hi my name is zainab can u please write it becuse if peple are looking for the answe on the phone the chid or adult won t understand it.
hi,james i’m fahri from indonesia,but i’m teaching english to children in saudi arabia.i was teach them about letters in english,now i’m going to teach them how to read..but i was confused how to teach them the changed naoun for exmple:B and A we read it “Ba” or “Be”?if i told them its Ba,when we found its in the word “back”,B an A in that word we read “Be”..also in another vocal letters (I E U O ).so how to teach it james…tanks a lot..
Hi thanks for your information, i hope u always share your knowledge for everyone and god will bless you
James!!!! Your video is amazing, and really helped me with my reading and writing skills.
You are a Baws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but…..
Treva Jonez
Hi James
Thanks for this great simple explanation.
I have a problem with memory,I learn a massive number of new words every day but four to seven days later
Hey James! Thank you for your teaching video. I really like your teaching style. You are such a great teacher! :)
it’s such a good lessons & learning s to us.. thanks you so much again for the nice tips.
hello sir,
tanks for your fantastic tips.i having a promblem of i got idea about this.
hi how r u plz help me i cant speak in english ihave studied in many institutes of english plz help me how i can speak english fluently and writing skills
Hello jame, Thank for the lesson. It my 1st trial and I’ll be writing the IELTS TEST (academic) this saturday. Please I really need youe help and advice. Thank you
I are working the same problem before. It is quite a bit less easy an solution as you believe that it is, its something that you’ll have to write out for you over time.
Soo Herry
Hi! James, Thank you your help. I’m not familiar with all the rules for writing, and is very difficult for me to put words on paper.
hi james,
this method is really helpful,
so thanks.
dear james.thanks alot for your vid. i have a question. how do i teach students a story. every student has the same copy. what can we do to comprehend it and study it proberly.
dear james
thanks alot for this vid. i want to teach m students how to read. they have a story for example what do they have to do to comprehend it and what shall i do in class to with them. what cand of activitt can we do and what kind of strategies can i do so they comprehend it. thanks alot
Hi! Your tips are very helpful. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your video. I have seen your video and I will try to do the three steps that you mention in the video. I hope it will help me. Thanks!
could you please advise me how can i orgnize my time with IELTS reading . my time run out and i still did not finish .which one i have to read first questions or an essay ?
thanks a lot
thans James your lesson is very good
I enjoyed the way you explained the reading comprehension method,but what about in a proficiency test that you are not allowed to use dictionarries?
Dear James:
Thank you so much for this helpful lesson. I truly appreciate it. I also love how you instruct; you are so passionate about it and you make me want to listen to what you are going to say next. You totally make learning fun.
-Thank you.
hi James:
thanks so much for this video know i have a guide of how to understand every things i read but i don’t know how to summarize i mean i want to know is i should delete every words that i don’t know or find meaning
had a social studies and science test miss both by 20 pt. because i did,nt understand some of what i read i need healp ,I would like to get my GED i read well some time i don,t understand what i read
sorry that word is help
I think you should learn more about the words.If u good its u can read and speaking very well.
can anyone help me how to improve my comprehension part i m doing o level frm cambridge university
Thank you, this lesson is really helpful. I love it.
Renata Lopes
Hello James,
I just received the news that my children are having problems with reading comprehension. What surprised me the most was my son’s reading comprehension state score because his vocabulary score is in the high 90’s. Why is this so? Also, my daughter’s reading comp. is affecting her writing. Both children only speak English. I speak Spanish/English but I do not speak Spanish at home and I do not have problems speaking or writing English at all. Help?
Desperate Mom
Hello James,
I left out the reading comprehension state score was in the low 70’s.
Desperate Mom
Dear Teachers,
Could you please make more videos about ielts preparation. How to manage the time in the real exam and some tips that will help answer the questions.
Many Thanks
i really happy i find this website,,,,
Hey james,I have problems with comprehension,and I should be ashame because I am a 23 year old male..That is my weakness and I want to correct it…
Dear James,
I am preparing for IELTS General test. However, selecting appropriate heading for given paragraph is quite bit ambiguous for me.
Therefore, I would highly appreciate if you could help me with your views on how these questions should be tackled.
I will take on my exam on 7-Jan-12 so any suggestion prior to the test may count a lot for me.
Narendra, India
Hi James
Your lessons are very helpfull. My husband will be writing he’s IELTS for the 7th time, and everytime the reading is the one to be failed. For some reason he can not get the headings correct. Is the some magic way or method to understand and connect the correct headings?????????????/
Your lessons are very helpful. I have just one quiestion. If i read a long story (novel), how should i learn the words from this? Thanks for your answer :-)
peter becs
you are great thanks a lot mr: james
Happy new James, I hope you enjoyed your first of January. 2012
Very nice lesson. Thanks for your help.
I am not a child, but I am wondering if an adult can get your help as well..I have trouble with comprehension and I want to correct it,so if you help me, please do…
Hey James,I am wondering if you can help me with my comprehension..To me comprehension is important,if you cant comprehend,then you cant understand what is happening around you or in the world.
Did you really tell them to not read a dictionary. Spelling Bee.
Pls i read and i dn’t unstand,tell me how to read and understand.
HI. So,u mean i must practice n practice n practice again? What if it is a test and u are only given 1hour for 2 passages 10Qs each and a summary for 1 passage? How can i do well? Hope u can help me.. =)
thanks teacher james really it was wonderful leaaon and advicess
excellent advices!!!
thank u James it was a very use full tip, but how to read a novel and understand it takes much time ?
hi, James i am from Egypt. i’m very glade to listen you.but i have a problem with how to pronounce? and i how to make stress on words and which one i should do stress?
thank you.
Dear James,
I am preparing for IELTS General but having difficulties in Reading section. In my last 2 exams I got 6 Bands in Reading Whereas, Other sections were quite good (L-8, S-7.5, W-7). Even though I am doing good in mock test’s, My real exam was horrible. I need your help and valuable tips on how to excel in Reading. Because of that only, I am not able to process my Immigration.
I think you can’t spend so much time on reading section on test day. You have only 60 minutes to read passages and answer to 39 or more questions.
So, I think James, you failed about this tip. May be this method can be helpful for reading books or news but not on TOEFL IBT!
hi,James! Thank you a lot for this video! It was ver helpful to me.
Hi James. i need your advice in graphs. I don’t know how to describe them. I went to the IELTS course but I think it’s better to study by yourself. It’s difficult to understand graphs and describe because even graphs show me the information I don’t know how to start and about what write. Thanks
Hi, James! my name is Rio! i’m from KZ that means Kazakhstan! i’ve seen a plenty of your videos and i’m glad cause you help to people who have some problems with english. i’m going to pass IELTS approximately after couple month. but as everyone who wants to pass it , i’ve got some question to you. can you tell me really useful ways to improve READING, and sometimes i find speaking a little hard! faithfully, Rio
Thanks, James! I decided to watch all the videos in EngVid!
can u ple explain how to indroduce myself?
hi i want to why i cant read ? is becuzz i born with a broblem i will like to no to read
thank you sir….but it will be helpful to us if you tell in detail about each section of ielts in detail
Hello teacher james thanks so much for all videos I’m totaly new with the english I from venezuela but now I live in Canada then I need to learn english quickly and you help me so much thank sorry if I don’t write fine :D
It was wonderful listen to you, I found the lesson very interesting. Thanks so much James.
Thank you Jams for the tips, I would like to have more of your teaching on reading.
Hi,James! I’m from Venezuela and I’ve been studying English for a long time but I haven’t been able to learn yet. My big problem is listening comprehension. How can I do to improve?
Manuel Castillo
hi my name is mariem I frome tunisinne I like say english is very nice
Many thanks James for lessons . Its very useful and interesting .
Thank you again .
my problim is when i read at the school i just frizz i cant read when someone is listning to me
thank u teacher coz u healped me
Hi James, My names are Miracle Godswill, am from Nigeria, i rely appreciate for your tuitor, but my major problem is that, i read my books everyday without comprehending the main aim of what am reading. plz i need help, but in speaking and comprehension
Hi James, Thank you very much for your wonderful reading strategy.It really help my reading skill. And I also would love to know about context clue too.Plz kindly help me.
God bless you
I am Eric from Pakistan interested very much for English I can speak but i have a problem can not understand when any body speak to me or when see moves
Please help me so that i may understand when any body speaking or when i see the moves
Most respect and best wishes Eric Jawaid Gill bye
Hi Everybody!! It’s so nice to be here with you for this trip. I’am learning a lot. My dream is near to be real. I sure I will talk in English very well and maybe I would talk with you and do a knew friend and have fun. have a Good day . Thank you so much James. I love the way that you teach.
Thank you so much, you are very nice teacher, I will do all your advise.
Thanks again
Hi james, I would like to know if I can send you an essay I wrote to help me out with.
carlos I
Thanks for any some other fantastic post. The place else might possibly anybody get that particular information in such a good way of writing? I’ve a presentation future week, and I am for the look for such facts. Augustina Ronne
healthy fresh vending
I pulled this up for my son and he said it was not helpful to him. We live in Georgia and he will be taking the CRCT Tests to pass the 5th grade. he said i need a dictionary, I said no you can not use a dictionary on a test.
This tip is very nice~ Thank you~
you are so great!i also start this method…
hi james. i have a problem. i can understand the text but i can not choose correct answer. thank you for answering our questions
Great tactic ! Thanks teacher!
Saepul anwar
hello i new freind
I will try it. Thanks for your tip.
HI Jamesthe beginning was slow to understand his English, because I studied all his life with Britsh teachers, but listening and watching can understand three times
Thank funny teacher…
James I know you are the best teacher ,but I have some problems with math can you please help me.I am so sorry for bothering,but can you please help me I kind of get everything of reading comprehension.thank you very much James!
you are so helpful
HELP!!When I read 12th grade materal…I cant foucs or understand..HELP
James, I have nerve ever read in my life…just started I cant seem to focus on reading my mind wonders off….HELP
Your english training is good i want it to reach every one. I request you to grant me permisson to create andriod application for your work or else create by your side. By the way i am from india.
James, I’m having trouble understanding what I read..I don’t understand or focus on what I read..I’m doing to take my las GED exam..HELP!!
hey james, you are so sweet. i like your teeth. you are a good teacher better than the others here. i have tomorrow a big exam in english.
i don’t understand this at all
priya kapoor
hello can you help with understanding readin because i dont know what is fiction non fiction drama poetry thanks
wow . great lessons , Thanks a lot James you are fantastic teacher !!!
thanks for the tip!
hi mr james , this lesson is very good but what can i do in the exam if i cant understand what i read ?
and if i understood some times i cant choose correct answer, can u help me and tell me how can i solve this problems
thanx alot
This lesson is very interesting and I’m going to try it.
Thank you James for your and your colleagues lessons.
In IELTS test the time is not enough to follow this all steps.. can u help to IELTS reading part?
hello Mr James, pls can u help me because since my secondary i dnt know how to read very well.
Nyakno Batholomew
how many marks do you need for a level 6 in englsh comprehension
pooh you have to follow this steps before the ILETS test and get more practice in reading ,so in the test day you will be able to understand directly. You shoudn`t follow this steps in that day just try to read the Qs first and think [what is the passage gonna talk about?] then search about the answer by reading fastly. I`m sure that will help you to save your time and your energy also.{hope for you a best}
Hi James,
I am one of your amongst fans, and would like to leave good comment. We all really enjoy watching and listening your super helpful Videos. You have Super Natural Talent. Please keep it UP. I read some comments posted here and some of them are really upsetting and Please don’t pay attention to those and carry on your career! WE ALL LOV YOU, students. UZBEKISTAN
Hi, james
Do u have any books that help me out in reading section for IELST before the test?
helpful lesson buddy
hi how r u ?
i have many problems ,i am learing but when i what to express it i properly so pleas i need your help
thanks alot for your help and have a nice day
Thank you very muck James.I am really finding things much easier now. x
hi,James! Thank you a lot for this video! It was ver helpful to me.
Sir on Step #2 that was Dictionary, you missed it :)
anyway, thanks a lot :)
Thank you.
perfect, thanks
Hi,please can you all put a video;about finite and non finite clauses because i have an exam about it tomorrow please =(
hi teaches thanks for the video i need help i can’t read or write how i can do it? thank you.
thanx =))
Thank you,Thank you,Thank you so much M.r James
you were helpful and I understood what have you introduced to us but I have question:
If we keep that 3 ways to the reading skill,will we progress in the reading and read fast?
wow. this is cool
dfas fdsaf s
Thank u so much James =)
Hi there James,
I think that always must be putted in an HD video-lesson, not only for the visual reason but mainly for the audio reason.
For all the rest… RESPECT!
thanks for the lesson, I want to ask if someone could recommend me a Engish School in Canada, I need to take de Toefl IBT and get at least 100 points in it: however first I should improve all my Englis skills….
Hi James
Thank you for all of that..
Actually I’m Sorry about my reading it is very very poor Who can i learn that :(
thank you teacher for your making me understand the best method to understand english.
but i have got difficulty in understanding english,i sometimes dont understand what people are saying,i fell really ashamed at that time and uncnfortable to speak in english infront of alots of peaple,becouse whenever i talk in english. iam constantly thinking that iam using wrong words my grammers arent right either.
so how to improve understanding natives
thank you
it’s a ossom video.. keep going.
Most tests of comprehension are satisfied to provide levels of comprehension they lack provisions for targeting specific comprehension needs. The most fundamental aspects of comprehension and cognition are ignored. There is a 21st Century method of assessment that will greatly assist teachers in diagnosing and correcting several aspects of comprehension. It is called the Informal Reading- Thinking Inventory or IR-TI (Manzo, Manzo & McKenna 1995, 2004, Cengage publishers). The IR-TI with years of research in the making is organized around the three most fundamental abilities to comprehend, namely the assessment and comparison of abilities to read the lines, read between the lines and read beyond the lines. This instrument puts a sharper point on comprehension needs. This multifaceted instrument has proven especially useful in working with second language learners. Uniquely it also helps to identify weaknesses in seemingly proficient readers and strengths in weaker readers.
Anthony V. Manzo, Ph.D.
talk me about fame?
I just want to say thank you very much to you about your tips. :D
Ba Danh
pleaseeeeeeeeeee help me , i have ielts exam in 21 avgust
can u give me some tips to learn english?
thank u
amazing, thank you
hello! I am glad to read advices here. I am a beginner and my main problem is to pronounce well the words. can someone show me the best way to achieve It.
i am experriencing more stress while doing reading passages in acadamic IELTS.please give me tips.
Thanks U too much sir for that lessons It really really helping me but one of my problem is that I can’t comprehend when a long complex structure ( complex sentences ) having punctuations like comma , : ; etc. and too long modifiers
thanks.. this video help me a lot..:)
Hi teacher,
Thank you for our presentation its very cool , i tried to do the placement in my school in reading but i fail every time. Please Help Me.
Eric Foreman ????
hi teacher this is the all good for understand but when i have exam and short time i con not read three time because i do not have time what i do for understand the paragraph quickly
Thanks for your real help 4 me. U r a perfect teacher!
Its really cool trick…..
Hello James,
I took EILTS exam, i got scores as specified below Speaking 6, Reading 4.5 writing 6.5 and listening 5.5. I don;t know what to do. :-(
I need to complete my test which on 1st Sep.
Thank you
Hello, i am having a class called TOEFL CLASS and i am having a section named reading, but unfortunately is hard for me to answer questions like “what does the author mean” and i always get it wrong. Could you help to
hai james,
thank you for video
all of your lessons is very amazing and Very interesting
thanQ u a lot
thank nice work
Thanks for your tips a lot. I will practice it and let’s see whether it can help me or not! =]
please, Is there anybody that wants talk to me on my skype, for together practice english conversation,
thanks for your attention
Ronaldo Adriano
yes i can practise with u if you want. add me on skype :othmane.kabbaj7
Hi! Jomes.
I am an English Teacher in South Korea like you.
Your teaching is excellent.
you explain English with ease.
Thank you so much.^^*
James it was a very useful lesson. It’s very important in order to improve our comprehension ability.
Thank you Mr james this is usefull
have a good day!
hi james, i really like ur style bt it doesn’t work on exam…it really takes time to do tht for me so wht do u advice for me ….ur style with speed?…am waiting ur reply….pls reply ma test is after 3 days
hi,I love English and actually want to practise e fluently, please help me!
hi James,
Thank you for this tips,I used it once and it was very helpful for me, but I have a problem with words for example I can’t remember the definition of the words.Can you give me tips please.
thank you,
Hello sir i like ur method of teaching,I am going to give my toefl ibt in one month i wan a suggestion regarding the reading comprehensions.I was wandering to find the websites where i can found plenty of reading like essay r topics that are most likely asks in toefl..
shaik basha
it is best thank you
Hi,James i can’t understand what you mean with say “summarize everything”
thakns sir very cool leson :)
Greating from EGYPT :D
hello mr. jame! i’m from cambodia. i really support ur video so much all the explanation is perfect. of course i take all those tips on my daily study! thank u so much.
I am really thanks for your great idea regarding reading comprehension.
Hi jems,
I would
I really want to know how to read an article and a textbook because I am reading 30 pages article in my Business Ethic class…. and cannot understand the vocabularies almost everything!! I used my dictionary when I read it first time because it was “AFTER” watching your lecture…
Sorry not after, I should have said “BEFORE”…
You are a great teacher!
I am from Brazil and I love to learn English with you. Thanks.
This is realy cool your job is very helpful thank you ; )
james you good teacher)))
Hi James, I like those tips you provide. However, I will try and apply them as you stated and hopefully I can understand completely the things I am reading. Thanks!
hi, I was wondering how I could get better at Unfamiliar text, I do read it a couple of times but i have problems answering them at an excellence level.
we cant do this in a exam
Hi James!
My name is Rodrigo and i am from Brazil, i would like to say that you are doing a great job man.
Thanks for all of you.
thank u man!
thank you teacher
Hi James
I want to improve my English. When I read a story and news I think I’m understanding but when I see the question I couldn’t answer. How will it improve? Can you give any tips because I’m worry about this situation.
Hi, I found it very good, it really helped me, but I would like to know whether you could help me with my PET exam! I’ve got 16 days to get ready for it! I have been studying, but I don’t really feel prepared for it!
Thanks James but how can I achieve a positive outcome in IELTS reading part, if my time is limited? I highlight normally. I have practice at home for my IELTS exam; it is coming soon.
Thank’s alot my teacher
what if i don’t have the time to read it three times .. in an ielts exam for example !!
thnx :D
ahmed haddad
thanks alot JAMES
i love your method to teach us
be happy .. :)
who wants to improve english skills ant to talk about evrything in english add me in skype ceka531
Calil M-zade
Dear James,
Thank you for the lesson ,you are very sweet :)!
Thank you
Thanks for everything. It was very useful.
Hello James
A my teacher said me : when you read newspaper , any word you don’t know , please check it by dictionary ( even many times ) . it mean check new word by dictionary in the first , not three times as your introduction. Do you thing that?
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thaaaanks
thanks james you are my techer mow
becuse i am stadying right now in
thank u so much <<< it is corect ?
james ı think your accent is perfect and clearly ;) I’m going to join TOEIC exam after one month and can you help me for the plan one month??
thank you James you are the perfect.could you tell me please what is the difference between these words
1.describe and depict place
3.full entire whole complete
Hi James!
Thanks so much for your lesson! it’s very helpful.
So, I have a question that I must read the documents in IT(computer scientist) and I have many problems to understands with the new words.Could you give me some tips to improve my reading skill in this major?
Thank you very much!
what if i am having an exam and i can’t use a dictionary ?
Hi James,
I have some problems in reading that sometimes I don,t understand some vocabularies,so relying on dictionary and find out the meaning of new words but some reading comprehensions is tough topic could be talk a bout medicine,but when the topic is talking about our daily life that,s like piece of cake,and I think if we know more vocabularies that will help us to understand any theme .
i’m a student in english department and i find some counfuseing to understand what i read i like your teacher james to help me pleas . thank you very much
hi james,
in fact , my problem is i can not read and understand quicly. i’m very slow esp in understanding english although i’m a university student, second year . I feel something lacking
Can someone help me how to use this comprehension when reading stores that are in my language arts textbook. Please reply this to my email. Thank you in advance.
Great lesson !!! It’s Help me a lot. Thanks james. Honestly.
Thanks for preparing video lessons.
Dear teachers I want to study English passing proficiency exam for studing University. I anyone can help me for please send me message to
U r a perfect teacher from my perspective.
hello sir….
i am from india i’m a student i want to speak n communicate in english….
i dont speak n communicate in english plz help me what can i do for the perfect english ….
plz tell me about regular english words to communicate plz plz plz sir help me…..
Dear James,
I watched you video last night on you tube.Its very good.Furthermore i am appearing to GCE O level Exam this year,i am really bad in writing and attempting reading and comprehension,and that is the reason why i failed twice in English Exam.Can u just please help me out in attempting above two problems
Hear from you soon
first i have a serious problem in pronouncing english words and sometimes these problem make others not understand the exactly meaning which i mean and i watch pronunciation videos but i still have that problem >
have you sir any ideas or advices can help me???
ahmad m?
Excellent efforts. Ilike your way of teaching .
Is it possible to get to know one to benefit me to improve my English because I am at the beginning of my way in this language of one who can help me I want to talk with someone
noura ali
Is it possible to get to know one to benefit me to improve my English because I am at the beginning of my way in this language of one who can help me I want to talk with someone
noura ali
Hello James, Firstly, I want to tell you that your classes are very interesting and fun. Thanks for that. Second, I would like to know what is the difference between Instead and Rather. Thanks again.
Hello James,
You really good teacher,I hadn’t had seen it before!
I’m from Russia and STUDY english.
I want to pass the TOEFL, I know it’s really difficult, but I think you can continue to help us! Thank you so much!!!
thank you very much for such useful tips
Thank you for these simple steps i can said i’m truly understand it.
Thanks James, good explanation for comprenhension.
Hello James !!
Thanks a lot for the useful tips !
My comprehension from reading is good whereas , I have found out some difficulties in answering IELTS reading questions , I`m going to commence practicing your tip about reading comprehension from tomorrow !
Hey !!!
I’m a high school student and i need some help on the reading comprehension. I do really bad on them, i saw your video and you said that you are suppose to read something three times but how would you do it on a final?
I’m not a fast reader but i ain’t that slow either, after i read the comprehension i do bad on the questions that follow.
Could you please help??
hi sir my name is kiran kumar i am completed my degree but i am not talking in english perfectly plz help sir
thank you sir
kiran kumar
HI first of all.
My name is Issak living in Somewhere in this great USA, and I want to thanks to all of you I mean each one of you who working at this website, about the great job you doing for people like me.
I need Help please about how to be English writer,Speaker and reader.
Soon my plan is to start English class and math, so I am happy to have this website which i think is helpful.
Thanks again and God place all of You
i like your teaching and i wanna to get more. please you guide me!
Thanks james for your sharing. My question is when we on test condition, like TOEFL test, TOEIC test or something like that, would we have to follow the strategy?. Coz I think it will need more time. thank you
Dear James,
I am so grateful due to your advices nonetheless, as you know in IELTS exam we do not have enough time to implement this method. Can you introduce the useful methods for IELTS reading.
Best wishes,
Thanks for your inavaluable help! I am an English teacher and I have to be kind of updated because my students are really demanding. Great job! Keep it up!
What to do if you read a sentence, you know all words in them but you can not understand anything? Just looks like a words order (usually whent the sentence is too long).
thank you! from vietnam*
hi anna 1988,
I’m Minh. i like to tall with you by english. may be we practice together. this’s my phone ( 0902508089) or yahoo ( nguyenxuanminh_90 ). Hope you reply me!
I’m Minh,that’s interesting video. thank teacher help me improve english. so i hope all teacher heathly and successful.
Hi! James great lesson about reading comprehension.
I use to draw a picture what represent the unknown word, following your tips I improve this skill.
Hi James,
Thanks for your lesson.
i have an English exam 2 weeks later and there will be pharagraph reading comprehension questions . What do you suggest ? ( without dictionary of course :) )
Hello sir,
It is a very helpful video.
I am following your method but still unable to get some idioms & phrases since i couldn’t find it in dictionary. Please help me to understand idioms & phrases.
Thank you
great lesson
my problem is when I read topic I never know or read about it such as ice age .
Hello, James. I still get a lot of troubles in studying all skills of English. Sometimes I don’t know how to use the words in the right context. Please give me some advice. Thanks so much!
thank you so much mr.James
this is useful tips.
Thanks for the lesson, you’re incredible!!!
Man, you are one of the most talented teachers I have ever seen. Just the way that you break down things is very simple and helpful. I wish that I were studying English in Canada. I would totally go to your class. I am learning a lot from this website. Thanks for putting it up.
GREAT GREAT TIP… You can’t believe how much you help me… THANKS SO MUCH
I will try this rules
then we see
Hi James! Thank you very much for your advices about “Understand what you read in English” but I have one question:
1º tip, you told: “Read quickly and underline the words you don’t know”. If I read online, please, how could I underline the words, which don’t know?
hi thank you so much you’r very helpfu am good in english now but PLZ wu’d u speak slowly
You Know? I already knew what you said, but rarely have tried to do so, because I used to think it’s really time consuming. But now, after watching this vid (as video ;) ) I wanna give it a shot…hum? Let’s see what will happen!
BTW, thank you James!
Thank you. I like your cool classes!.
I’m in Florida try to improve my English, but I don’t find any “good School”. Any advice?.
ya it’s good I’ll try it Thnaks
thanks for the tips !
i have problems in the comprehension but in the litenning part of the toefel exam
can you give me tips or recommend a video?
hello James
you are the best teacher ever
I’m from Lebanon and i have TOEFL in 13th of July and i still week in writing and specially in coherence of my essay besides my speaking is a little bit slow can you help me or advice me
i feel as if i will not do well in TOEFL
help me pleas and thx you anyway
I think You are a very good English teacher
I will keep seeing you videos
Hi James
I am from thailand I would like to learn Eng. I learned very little from my country. What should I start?
Hi James,
I”m Duong and come from Vietnam. Thank you so much for your lesson. And please kindly advice some tips in order to be the beginner of TOEFL training….
Perfect method! Thanks, James!
Thanks! I’ll try this method. I’ll message my experience next month.
thank you James, i follow you from youtube :) i like your class!
Ok, I have 4 books to read by Wednesday, so I will try this out and let you know how it worked for me, thank you!
Hi James, Thank you for your tips. :)
I want to ask you about how to use ‘tobe’ like below sentence, can you post the video to tech us about that.
1. Newspapers are not to be taken out of the room.
2. Who will the couple to be married invited?
I don’t know when I need to use ‘to be’, and how to translate this? Could you teach us?
Thanks so much
Hi Sir,I am preparing for IELTS,how can i improve my reading skills within less time because they will give only 60 minutes for 3 comprehensions.
kadem raju
hi sir tnx .
how do i get a photographic memory? Thanks.
Anyway, “repeat repeat repeat…” is important to read, understand, write and listen, isn’t it? Not only TOEIC…but also learning something. I could reconfirm because of your lesson. EngVid means ENGlish plus VIDeo, too. Thank you for your tips :D EngVid is really helpful. I like this website very much :)
thanks for this video,it will hepl me to understand any english book
el abbadi
hi! thank you soooo much. but there’s only one problem , we don’t use a dictionary in the examination they give us a passage which we are to read and answer the questions given below
nisha g
Thank you,James!!
I will try it you said.
“Comprehension” :)
Hi James I’m very grateful for all your help.
I’m thinking of taking the FCE exam so I would like to learn some tips to get the top mark. Could you give me some advice,please?
All the best,
Brian – from Peru.
brian j
Hi Sir James(By the way, do I have to capitalize the word “sir”),
I am confused on how to write a certain topic. I have a question. My question is: Is it okay if my essay would exceed to 5 paragraphs? I don’t exactly know how to write an article. I don’t know how to write a certain topic on a bond paper.
I am just 13 years old. I am very eager to learn English, James.
I hope you will answer my question and my request.
Thank you. You’re one of my idols. 13 yrs.
Do not read the phrase “13 yrs”.
By the way James, Uhmm… in writing a letter, why is it that the sender’s name in between two hyphens like this:
– Jeevesjc –
Thank you ,James !!!
thank you james for your tips but i am really running out of time reading again and again
thank you sir james for your tips but i am really running out of time reading again and again, Could you give me any advice ?
Hey James, thanks very much.. i really like the way you present. Impressive., and yeah i should ve seen this video may be, two months back.!! :)
thanks a lot)))))))))
Hi Ayka! Are you from Uzbekistan? I’m very glad to see here the person from my county.
thanks james .you are very good teacher .i really enjoy watching you videos lessons
thanks james. I like it
Hi,cool Mr.James,I just took the toeic.The score is not so good ,I watched your vedio,but I still don’t know how to improve my listening .What should I do?And why did you have just one vedio of toeic? I really want to watch more….
Anny Lu
mrs. james, very thanks to your strategy.
i’m so interested watching your video.
I’ll wait for the next video.. ^^
Ayu Melanie
Thanks James
thank you for teach me how to read and understand
this is the best lesson i never seen before
thank you teacher and i hope you give to us more benefit lessons like this
thank you
nise teacher
phantom 1
hi James how are you ?
i ask you about the teaching in America or British English,because i want to study in America English and is there more lessons- topics i can study ?
Nawar omar
Could you advice me with any useful websites which are major in reading skill?
Haitham Mostafa
thank you, James teacher.
You are best teacher. I am first time here. But I will come here every time .
hi James. thanks to all videos. and i want to ask you about ielts. can i prepare for it over one month?
Thank You Mr. James
hi James,
Thank you for the lessons
i have a question:
I am learning english.
Do i read 3 times each book if you want to follow your method ?
Thanks alot James. Reading comprehension is difficult for me. I was confused to read a report with new vocabularies and tried to translate…and Gave up :( But now, I can treat my reading :)
Ami nguyen
Very good teacher.
Fabio Soares
thank teacher! Reading comprehension is difficult for me. now, i fell i do good it in future.
happy sunshine
Hi,there.your advise is so valuable,saving me plenty of time while I do reading Comprehension part from IELTS!thanks a lot,highly informative!
u know teacher James.
u r stunning teacher.
i luv ur lessons su much.
break a leg,Mr,James.
thanks for helpful tips James
Thank You
Whats the meaning of “summarize all” is that mean i have to summarize the whole text,or summarize what i have been summarize (each paragrph)? Thanks
Tommy Saputra
Sir the steps r superb but i think what u thought was not helpful for competitive exam due to time constraint. So could u please guide me for taking comprehension in competitive exam particularly.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks a lot. I really had the intuition but I didn’t know hot to aproach and achive it. Your explanation is very good and understandable.
Hi James thanks that helped me so much I struggle with reading and compression thanks!
Michael Reed
thank you very much tc
Thank you very much, I need to improve my Reading, I got very down score in that section :S
Hi James, i’m from Viet Nam , i’m going to have the university exam , i’d you mind giving me some tips about reading comprehension ( we are not aloowed to use dictionary )
what book do you recommend for intermediate levels students??
Thank you!
Hi James! I always watch your video and I like it to improve my english this way. Tell me please, could I visit your school for several weeks. Let me more info about it please.
thank you .
Malaz Khalid
Hi my name Tatiana I was just wondering if you could do a video on learning how to read more better I have a hard time learning (special ed)all the teacher I have ever had never really took the time to help to read very well like they never really cared and I know it’s not their fault it’s mine an I’m trying but and everytime I read out loud it sounds really bad and it’s embarrassing because I’m in 10 grade (15) so can you please give me some tips to read more fluently because its really hurting me and make me feel really bad about myself
thank you for your advising ” underline the word you don’t know” :)
Hi Jame Teacher, I’m So worry in English Words, cause English Language, One Word can Translate to many many meaning, some time it’s very complicate, or May be …I should know the English Grammar more… and more right, please help me! Thanks so much and I’ll appreciate
Dear James,
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please reply me at your first convince.
I appreciate your help
wELL, I loved it and always did it!!
thank James. they’re really useful tips.
thx jame. it is aweasome
That’s good her lessons Mr James.
Steven kbg
Thanks a lot you are amazing teacher.
Abuomar Sabbagh
Thank You Mr. James
thank you james that is very important for me to learn english.
Hi James i start whatch videos now and a like,if you have hint for me please tell me.
hi James i start watching your videos . I have problem how to learn academics words in better and fast way. my email is
thank you so much , but can you please teach us how to write an essey and what is the difference between writing a Paragraph and writing an essey ??????
No quiz for this lesson! What is going on here!!!!
Anyway, i like to read novels in English language. I read them twice to get a complex and powerful comprehension.
I understand you theaching I will learn English thanks james you are great teacher :))
hello :))
thanks a lot. may god bless u for the greatb job u are doing.
Hi James,
Thank you for you lessons. They are very motivating and funny and important, special those with tips and explanations of how to improve and make the study more productive.
I would like to left another suggestion: ( (
these pages have free e-books, so can complement the reading and improve the listening skills too.
Thank you James!
thank you James.
hyunjin kim
I really enjoy learning with a teacher like you sir James!!! you inspired me a lot being a future English teacher! :)
Oh,awesome!This is very helpful for me.Thank you!
yeah.. i agree with you sister
riady three
Dear mr James thank you for your supporting and your motivation to learn english language ) you are the best))))) thank you so much bro))))
Hello James
First, I want to thank you for this lesson is very effective,
Second, I want to improve my reading comprehension, but I want to point out a problem. Sometimes I meet with words that are similar and it’s a little hard to understand the differences between them. I mean I know the translation of these words but I do not know what the translation of what
For example: effluent, affluent, fluent
Hello James
First, I want to thank you for this lesson is very effective,
Second, I want to improve my reading comprehension, but I want to point out a problem. Sometimes I meet with words that are similar and it’s a little hard to understand the differences between them. I mean I know the translation of these words but I do not know what the translation of what
For example: effluent, affluent, fluent
That’s a good point! Some words that are very similar are also close in meaning, but not in this case. “Fluent” means proficient; “affluent”, rich; and “effluent”, outflow (e. g. wastewater that flows out from a factory).
However, they all come from the same word as flow. A fluent speaker’s words flow smoothly. Money flows to (and from) a rich person. While English has roots in several languages, looking at the meaning of a root word can often help you make sense of similar-sounding words with different meanings.
engVid Moderator
Thx u :) !
i am poor in” framing the sentence “plz help me
super lesson :)
Hello James,
I hope you’re doing good!
I would like to ask you a question, I only have less than three weeks left for the Ielts Exam, and every time I do reading practices I get low score, I think i know why, I do not understand very well.
I have watched the video, but do you think if I follow this method, I will be ready for the exam, inspite of the remaining time?
thanks for your lesson. I really need your help.I wanna make ready for TOEFL but how much I work header, I get lesser. especially in dictation and memorizing words. methods don’t work for me. would you please help me with that.
thank you sir
i am thankful to james for this comprehension tips for reading something to learn english
Wow, it really sounds great. Hopefully it will help me get through my reading difficulties. Thanks!
I will start form now to do these steps and I wish that it help me. By the way, I like your font when you write.
Thank U.
but what can i do if i have exam and i can’t use dictionary
heba mohamed
Yes, I will answer you later!
Thoi Do Hung
thanks for your tips, but could you give us some strategies for Toefl Reading, because I think during the exam we don’t have enough time to read and read again.
thank you teacher could you advice me to what to read in beginning like articles or anything
Really helpful :)
I can’t wait to try this method!
Hope it can improve my reading skill.
did not like this lesson….what should be the coolests thing? bah….
Can you help me write ielts essay?
snu puujee angli helee hamt suryaa hha :)))
hello teaxher :)))
1. read . 2. read again but use a dictionary. 3. read again ???? RIGHT ???
Nice Nice Nice…
thank you James your method to teach us is very nice
thanks man
hello everyone , hope you all to contact me on Facebook : , instagram : abu_zyad_15 , ho help eachother and improve our English to get more benefit .
wrong spelling “dictionay”
Awesome vid :0
I comprehended your lecture in the first time :)
Hi, James. I think Ronnie is a very good teacher and I love the way she teaches, but, now, I love you both. I don’t think that you talk too fast. I think that you are easy to understand because you talk very clearly and you give us very good tips. Thanks.
Marcia Gomes
Hello, James. No, no, no, should be 007 James Bond.
Quite informative, I’ll use this way to read more English materials.
Thanks a lot,
Fred Lee Jr.
hi james,i dont know where and where stop while reading a passage
Hi James
I love the way of your teaching
I have problem in Multiple-choice questions specially when it is an application one and my scores are always less than average that i expect
thank you in advance
could you please tell me how i make it better?
hey at the first i would say thank a lot
and i have question please could you replay me
but what if i have too much words i don’t understand and i’m in a exam even if i practice i still don’t understand a a lot of words if you have any advice i would be very happy you’re a great teacher i have ilets exam after 10 days :(
Good ways so as to understand the difficult articles which constantly have new academic words. (:
Thanks sir
Thank you James. I will start with this method from today.
Maryam Zaky
James, what can i reading to improve my English, such as stores or novels or newspaper, can you suggest some thing to reed ?
thanks man
Great lesson, thanks.
I like u sir and your teaching as well.You pass certain jokes,share funny things which makes your teaching much exciting and learning more amusing.Thanks for this lesson and other lessons too.
Anuplab chatterjee
Thank you James
thank you dear teacher, I got much help from u
Thank you.
U.S. Soldier
you are amazing!!! Thank you :)
thank you
cool. I’ve learnt these two new words here today as “comprehension” and “summarize”.I hope I could remember them as well .
oh! that’s wonderful lesson about english comprehension. Thanks james
Muhammad Asad
From my perspective, I truly believe these tips could help us to improve ourselves in the TOEFL reading section. I’m thinking about reading some New York Times articles using the tips you just gave us.
Some text are more difficult to understand than others, but when we use this way all texts can be comprehended.
It was helpful and you are really informative. thank
you so mcuh for your good lessons
Taqveem Ul Haq
thank you!
Hi! I want if i have to read a book o long chapter, can i apply this tips?.
*I want to know
Hi James i enjoyed the lesson and I’d like to tell you that ” this is my style in reading any article or subject in Arabic also ..Getting the ideas from what is written is not so easy and it demands three times of reading to get the exact idea that the writer want to give us .
Sherif Ashry
hi James i’m realy satsfied with your lessons ,i wonder if you could help me by sending some examples on my e-mail about reading exams that we can find at the toefl,that’s my
Hafsa 98
Interesting lesson, thanks
Mohamed Snose
please Mr James in need a essays to enhance my reading can you help??
you did greet job :)
I’ll follow your advices when I read. Thanks.
thanx an ocean for all useful videos ,, thanks ..
thanx man ,, thank you all.
Thanks for sharing this imformation.
Iris Jin
HI James! My name is Magdala, I am currently enrolled in the GED program; in Columbus, OH. I need to know how to write an essay. Please help!
I never get tired of watching videos; learning with this teacher staff is fantastic…
all the best 4 you, James!
Thanks :)
thank you so much! and the man wrote with his left hand. i appreciate that!
Alain Alain
Thanks James and engVid team. Now I’ll look for summarize examples… I mean, how to do a good summary.
Hi James,
yours, it’s really a fantastic way of teaching.
… so lively, so cool.
Thanks for your lessons :-)
James, thanks for your lessons!!! It is very helpfull!
Can you add to LinguaLeo this lesson too?
Hi James.
Reading is good to improve English and make vocabulary wider. But sometimes(maybe anytime lol) I have hard time to read. Not only in English but also even my first language XO
Hiii Miiiiiiiiister James :)
All your vid lessons are so helpful for me, Thank you so much !
Hi James, I have enjoyed your videos especially your ultimate intro video. I was wondering if you could do a video on extended responses though.
HI: I am Hadi from Iraq . I want to improve my language . I am an English teacher . I need help .How can you help me specially in grammar .
with my regards
Hadi@ 333
Thanku sir, for this info..
Jagroop dhillon11
Hello, James. First of all, I want to say thank you for your very clear explanation. James I have a question about the time of translation of the new words that we singled out during our first reading of the text? Should we translate these words after the first reading or when?
Hahaha James ! I like your tutorials !
Hello teacher James !
Thank you for this video. It’s help me to more understand how to read well, but i have a question.
When i read a text, so should i translate it into my native language or English to understand it.
My problem is when i read and speak English i have to translate into my native language,so there seems it make me slower.
Could you help me ?
Thanks again ! ^^
Susan Tee
Why you dont wrote letter ( r ) in dictionary ??!!
thank you so much i understood every thing when you said good luck
Rebaz omer
Hi James,
Your tips are really useful. It would be satisfied if you could have explained it with an example.
Very useful tips,professor James.Thanks.
Thank you James
Thanks a lot James.
OMG you’re such a good teacher <3
thank you so much
very good.
hi, sir your English lesson so nice
how can i remember works meaning that i was studied in news paper etc.,
very sorry sir…..words meaning…..
Good sir
Thanks James, I never tried this before but I will start doing the 1,2,3 or reading comprehension. I know this will make a difference in my reading now. I will pass this onto my grandson who is 11 years old and has trouble with reading and comprehension. thanks again
What a greet video from a great teacher !!
Thank you teacher, you guys are the best!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thank u sir I fallow u lessons very understanding metod (step 1 by one )can be better than bit
thanks so much .Is a good lesson
justin okpalaobi
Hey James! Thanks a lot! I´ll try it! B.R.
Sergio Ricardo do Nascimento
Hi James you the best! Thanks a million everything! ?❤?
Hi james, I am delighted to watch your helpful video. I’m actually difficult to understand what i’ve read in IELTS or TOEFL passages because of lack of scientific vocabularies. Would you mind to give me some tricks to solve it? Thanks in advance
Ndie Indra Ningsih
So this is me.It ‘s very helpful video and I am eager to speak English fluently.Thank you
we are going to 2019 ! but engvid stand still
It’s excellent tips but the issue the vocabulary mean a lot of in dictionary how to select the correct one
How to write ecdamic essay
Asaad Mohmmed
Sultane of Oman
Asaad alrahbi
Thanks for giving this important tips D
hi this is my skype ID live:b6c624cc8fb4d8e1 for those who are interested in practicing Englsih
Thanks again james rodriguez
Thank’s for the information sir. Now, i know what is the best technique in reading.
Julie Amazon
Hi, Mr.james good beginning with you.
I will continue watching your videos until the end.
all the best
Mohammad Arwani
It is good solution. I am graduate student. So, I have read English paper.
Thank you James, that’s really useful for me!
I begin to watch your video today, and I will continue watching all of them util the end.
Thank you!
Hi, James! Very very very nice lesson, man! Really useful information! I will try to use this method in reading activities, ok? Thank you so much, buddy!
Marcos Paulo Ventura
Thank you, James!
I love how you explain. Can you do more videos about Cambridge exam?
Anton Pascu
I think your explanation is easy and clear
haitham haggag
great way to improve your reading !!!!
I like the way you write your a
very useful tips sir
thank you
Thank you so much..
I found this lesson very interesting. I will try to make mine this study method. Thank you so much!
İt was useful. thank you so much
Thanks a lot, but how can we know whether our summary is right or not?
Thank you
@Munira @
thank you!
Hi James!
Are you here? How can I contact you?
Just superb!
I going to practice now
Hari Dasa
Thank you for nice tip.
Thank you for your tips James. See you in the next lesson.
Paula Sanches
Hi James
Your lessons are very motivating and practical. Thank you so much.
Hi im interesting to learn more on English please guide me.
James, If you provide your subtitles, there are many that need correction in spelling. or tell whomever to correct them for you.
otherwise, I enjoy your videos and bring them to my students.
an ESL teacher.
Hi James
From Iran
I have to answer some question at the end of the passage in very short time,so what do you suggest for such a passage?
The passages are for electrical engineering
Thank you very much for making it so simple.
shakeel Rao
Thank you for the good 3 ways to improve your reading
HI sir. Thanks for all your lessons. I really love it. Thanks. Can you also make another lesson and post it on youtube? Thanks again!
Great tips, Thanks James.
Thank you very much for the tips!
Hey, can you please tell me how to increase my pronunciation power ???
ig you should you should write it like this To make my PRONUNCIATION MORE BETTER…….. pronunciation power doesn’t sound good tbh. H
ave a good day :D
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
hi James,
Your way of teaching really makes me understand English well.thank you?
John merciales
thank you for the knowledge uou bring
Thx James for your job!
thanks, dear teacher one more of your lesson. I really enjoyed
ali zafar khan najafi
We need a lesson on text and comprehension questions,vocubulary and how we can do pharaphrasing and summurazing ??
like an academic exam
oussama mob
thank you.
HI James my name is MUNISA .I am a student.I need some help . which book do you advise me to read?i can’t find books to read
Pretty good! Thank you for your effort
Mohamed Raouf
How can you answer English comprehension essays correctly?
Emmanuel Nkwantah 96
Very good lesson.I love reading and writing sumaries.
I do it all the time. If someone is talking to me I
usually think:” He could have said that in four words.”
It’s not that I’m impolite,I’ve been doing this for
so many years that it’s difficult to change.
I love your teaching.
I got it. Thank you James
thanks so much for the lessons, l have problems sometimes l can read many times but l didn’t understand and then in exam is heard for understand the questions. thanks
zee bello
Great effort, keep going
thx for the lesson
It’s good to read a text or a book several time but when taking the TOEIC test we do not have enough time to do so, we must read diagonally if we want to gain time and to answer other questions, you know questions in the TOEIC come by thousand so …..
Anyway, thanks for the advises.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you su much for the helpful tips =)
most welcome ,its my pleasure
Hi James.
I am sajeda from jordan I speak Arabic I would like to speak English fluently Thank you so much. I liked your style of education it fascinating and enjoyable at the same time
English is not difficult Sajeda
I think english hard
English is not hard and it is very cool!
Try, why we don’t try anything and think it is hard?
Hi.can you ride for me in VK. my id isid175722667
Hi jefffri I’d like to have an English friend in skype .this is my ID live:b6c624cc8fb4d8e1 if you want to converse in english. BTW I speak arabic and french if you are interested. thank you
You speak English .-.
hi james,
i am sidhu usually punjabi speaker.i have some problems with comprehension English help me in easy way how to understand reading and how to manage time i am taking test of ielts time management and understanding is my biggest problem.and you can contact me through my email i have alot of questions
My problems same as you
Hi Sajeda,
I agree with you James is very good teacher.Don’t wory you will learn english quickly. I’m also speaking Arabic (Egyptian). This site will help you very much but always check for new lessons.
Best Regards,
Thank you so much. I will follow your advices to improve my english comprehension.
thanks for the helpul tips
thanks james! I have a HUGE problem with reading comprehension and I was just wondering what if you are reading like a long chapter for a book for school and you only have 1 night to read it and have a quiz the next day and you don’t have time to read it 3 times?? then what do you do?
Hello James,
Thank you for teaching people in the all around world. I really would like to know about inferences, persuasive, expository, logical conclusion, and theme in the passage.
Would you explain to find those in the passage or paragraph?
Thank you,
Hi James.
I am from Saudi Arabia .I am excited to learn English . Thank you …
Are you really married, James???
Just, you are so young! :) Cool :)
Anyway, thanks for the tactic! It is really smart! I will do it personally!
Thanks again for the help and such a beneficial site!
I wish the thing which will never miss on your face be your smile! :)
Hi James,
It help me a lot, I am practicing for present the Toelf, I have practice with the toelf guide, but my score has not been as good as I want. I will appreciate your advice.
Kind regards
Hi Maria,
You did not tell me exactly what you are having problems with, so I can’t give you the precise advice you are looking for.
If you can let me know what you are having difficulty with, I can give you some advice.
Rebecca, who is also on the site, teaches TOEFL. She may be able to help you. Drop her a note!
Can you help me pls about how can i keep the words in my mind and its pronunciation? cause its seems hard to me.
Hi James,
I’m your great fan. I wonder is it possible to have private lessons with you on Skype?
Best ragards
Hi JulieBurago,
If you want, we may practice english together on Skype. I think this will be very helpful in learning specially in speaking.
Hope to agree :)
Best Regards,
hi James I’m from Kuwait I’m excited to learn English .
thanks a lot …
Cool! Im gonna try it out! Thank you so much ^^
Hi James
I am glad to find something good regarding writing in your video, i am preparing for IELTS exam, i would be really greatful to you if you please guide me or could suggest something practicing material for ‘Writing’ part of IELTS.
Thanks & Regards
Usman Butt
Hi Usman Butt,
Check back and watch the video on writing the five-paragraph essay.
I am from yemen and I am studing english (begginer)and I have problem in speaking. What can I do to improve my speaking ?
u can have some practice with account on oovoo is “sadeghsafari”.thanks
problem with reading and understand english
Hi James
I am new student.I am preparing for IELTS exam.My exam will be next week,actually I have a big problem with reading I cann’t do it very well so what should I do?
thank you very much James you are doing a great by helping people to understand English well . my question is, how you can help me for my reading skill ,because i can not read quickly.looking forward to getting your reply.
hi Rebecca, hi James
It’s my first in this website then I want to thanks you for good job. I sure that your advices will help a lot. Sorry for my bad English,… I’m sure that in this way I could improve my English.
Thank you so much
Hi James I´m Diego, I´m new in this web site…. thanks for your advice about the reading comprehension but I have another doubt and it is about may and might, please help me.
Hi James.,
I am sivarajan.V from India, I am new to this forum, yesterday i saw some of your videos am very much impressed, i need your help to improve my speaking axcent, can you able to give some steps to improve my speaking axcent
Thank you.,
hi! this is the second time i visit this website. it’s very useful. thanks lot. however it’s just focus on some points in grammar. can u make deeper fields in speaking and listening?
i think it’s hot for any student who learn E as second language
This place is awesome. I’m really impressed. I have laughed so much with the BATMAN lesson, I found it very interested and fun, no so many teachers dare to do it. Thanks very much for your dedication.
hi james how r u doin? 2 night
hi james its my firs time in here i have a problem in speaking can you tel me the easy way to know
Hi, thanks for the lesson
Should I do the same thing either reading an english book with more than 80 pages for example or just to small articles?
Hi James,
I need some tips from you to improve my English as i am preparing for IELTS.
Here are my weakpoints..
1) While speaking i will be getting breaks & Gaps in the words….and it makes for the people wo are listening to me makes to understand a little bit difficult.
2) While reading i am not aware of the meanings for many of the words ( I will your video on this as u said to do read the before & after words and try to understand the meaning of the word which is not known,) Any other ways u have to improve.
Please suggest your advice for my 2 points.
ok then Thanks ….. for the Videos…bye for now.
Hello james,
Your lesson about reading comprehension was very informative and i expect more lessons about the IELTS speaking section.
james I need mor lessons thank you
hi Jame ! my name is Thuan I’m frome Vietnam , this is second time in this website. I want too say thank you . You are good teacher and how I get another lesson
thank you so much for helpful
Hi!Thuan, my name’s Suong, Iam Vietnamese too. Iam ver glad to see u.This is the first time i joy in this forum.
I hope to see your reply from u.
You are so nice
hi Jame.. Thanks for providing such a information to all the needed people including me. I want to share my problem with you. I am not good in reading, writing, listing as well as in speaking. But I want to improve myself in all fields that why I have seen few of your vedios today. I am not able to understand about pause that are required during , . ? ! etc. & donot know anything about this during reading & speaking. I don’t know difference between high tone & low tone that is required to express your feeling in more natural way. I don’t know which word need to speak slowly & which one more loudly. I believe these all are not only my problems some other persons may be also facing the same problem. Can you give me some suggestions to improve myself. And can you help me in any way.
Thanks once again Jame.
Hi James
I already took the TOEFL test and my score is not so good, I thing is not difficult but it is so long text and you don’t have time to understand everything or summarize. Now I saw your class and I will make what you said , read more than one time and after you understand better and with pratice after I will read quicky .
Thanks for the leasson .
thanks sir james its so nice to this site
Thank’s very muck this is site very perfect I lake it
I already took the TOEFL test and my score is not so good, I thing is not difficult but it is so long text and you don’t have time to understand everything or summarize. Now I saw your class and I will make what you said , read more than one time and after you understand better and with pratice after I will read quicky .
Thanks for the leasson thanks sir james its so nice to this site
I am trying to find out how to leave a comment for you in your box when is not related to the lesson, please help me out.
Thank you
Hi again james,
It would be much practical if you had an example for us. People learn through examples. You should had a small article to demonstrate your lesson.
Thank you
Your videos are really helping…thank you so much!!!
Thank you James, I do believe your video will make me more understand reading comprehension.
Let me say that your videos are great. I have been trying learning English from 14 years ago, jajaja!
I can read or understand something like 70% (I think!) of English language, but when I have to write or speack in English, I am a disaster.
Hi, I’ve been out of school for 6 year and now I just stated taking a Master’s degree class. Its a lot of reading and some in boring. How can I read the boring books and make the knowlege stay with me?
thank you so much james for this lesson i’m new in this forum my native language is not english. and i need realy to improve my english,my english pronunciation,vocabulary and all things about english, i hope that i dont made any mistakes in this paragraph, please correct it to me.
think you very much
Thanx so much James!
hello mr james this is baktash i realy like to be your student i like your teaching and i have aproblem in my listening will you help me thank you
Hey James
That was an interesting video but i don’t think it fits my real comperhension problem. I hesitate to read huge text because im afraid that i won’t understand it. Then when i start reading it it makes no sense to me. But smaller text with similar words im fine with. I’ve had this annoying habit since i started school. Any solutions to this??
thanks you james!
you re surely making good job!
i m in turkey and trying to pass toefl paper based,but i did not find any information about structure part of it.
can you help me,
see you,thanks a lot!
thanks James! I like this website…
But, Please…can u give me some ideas to do Toeic…
I have to do more than 600 and I have some problems about listening.
Toeic has many traps and I always fall down…Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease… me!
hi james,
i have a seriose problem. i have to do ilts exam the next month,but i haven’t got any idea how to do it. i’m good at grammer and listening,but not so good at reading and speaking.i’d like to ask you for giving us more lessons about speaking skills and how i can answer reading questions when i can’t understand the whole articl.finally you’re the best
You can speak while listening your audio or video, It help you to improve your speaking in english.
hello james .
i m from california and i am preparing for Gmat.i visited this site via youtube and i find it very useful in preparing for my test .but can u plzzzzzzzz provide me some more lessons on reading comprehension with the help of some examples.
anyways ur way of teaching is fantastic.i appreciate u .
Hi james
I saw your so many videos. They all are really awesome. Your explanation is really funtastic, but in this video you didn’t explain with putting any example, so I didn’t understand properly. Actually I am preparing for TOEFL. I think there is no more time of reading so many paragraphs many times because of the time limit, so in this situation what should I do for understanding axactly? Please reply me. Thanks
I’m Brasilian and when I saw James explain how to do to understand what we read, I realise that we have to find a logic, it is the way to understand a text
actually, werever you are, or language you speak, you have to think in the logic way.
Did you undertand me?
see you.
hi james
can you please tell how do to do quiz on this website
can’t find it
and your a good teacher
Hi hamidj, James hasn’t added quizzes for his lessons yet, but you will find them for most of the lessons of the other teachers on the site. You should see the quiz just below each of the lessons, above the comments.
Dear james,
Thanks a lot sir Actually the big problem for me in ielts preparation is reading. and now i am following this method i hope it will improve my skill or reading.if u james any other best tips for me so please post it me.
Best wishes
Muhammad Tayyib
hi james i’d like u to upload some samples on ielts exams it’s really gonna be helpful thank u
u’re really doing something
This site is really helpful for the poor people. I have problem reading paragraphs as I dont know to follow the punctuation . Can you people please send some to my mail id I am indian and I liked the tutors in this
Hi James,
This site is really helpful for the poor people. I have problem reading paragraphs as I dont know to follow the punctuation . Can you people please send some to my mail id I am indian and I liked the tutors in this
Hi James, I am Neto from Brazil and I need your help, please. I am here in Canada (Vancouver) studying english…I can write, I can understand all your classes, but why I need to think in Portuguese before to speak in English??? I am afraid, because I will start working in October here in Canada and I am not comfortable about my speaking skills….help me please.
Love your classes, thank you very much my friend.
Pure russian…Just I too^_^
By the way, thanks for the lesson James!!
Hi Alena.
I am looking for Speaking Partner.
If you want we can talk and practice our english.
Wow it’s really helpfull
thanks my teacher I really haven’t seen a lesson like your lesson before
it’s not a compliment I’m honest I understand them easily
I have a suggestion
I think it better to allow students downloading the lessons
I would like to download them but I’m not allowed to
thanks teacher again
waiting for more
My 9yo son has difficulty reading and comprehension, so thank-you so much for this – we are going to try the technique out.
A teacher many years ago gave me this tip :
Most of what a paragraph is trying to say is in the opening sentence. The closing sentence usually summarises what the paragraph has said. So, for the purposes of getting through (a lot of) reading he advised
1. read the first sentence
2. read the last sentence
3. If you need more information or understanding then read the whole of the paragraph. Doing 1 and 2 has given you the context and a pointer as to what the writer is trying to get across and usually contains supporting arguments or facts.
i have a seriose problem in my life i have been out of school for 6 years now , i want go back to school becose without school your are finish please i need your help my problem is i cant read perfect some prounciation is very hard for me to read and understand. how can i improve my english speaking, read and understanding without education your finish in this world where can i start please i need your help. thank you very much.
hey; the guys got very good questions here… why you don’t answer them? I’d like to read some answers from you… paz…
hi im afreen just joined it i wanted to iknw if u could send some test of toefl reding on my id it would b a gr8 help
Really good job james
Thanks it’s going to help me a lot!!!!
thank you james for your lessons
you are really good teacher . your teaching it was so useful to me thanks alot
thanks james
i came across with this page today and it`s really cool
keep this fantastic work on
have a good one..
Thanks for your useful lesson…Now I’m learning IELTS course…I think my reading skill is not good. I suppose I can’t using your lesson to apply my reading test, so can you give me some advices for reading skill of IELTS?
Thanks you so much! best wishes for you! :)
so if i want to read a 600 page book i have to read it 3 times to understand it? i think this is wrong..
Hi all,
First of all thx for the web page,i just wonder why do u use youtube for videos,i see u dont take money from members,bbut as soon as u built a web page like this,video adding shouldnt be a big problem.Kindly requesting you to use another video share platform as youtube is banned in turkey for about 2 years.I can watch lessons as i use university based internet,But other people can’t.
best regards…
It’s really too bad that Turkey and other places like China and Iran have banned YouTube, since there are so many great, educational videos on the site. Unfortunately, we would have to charge money to access engVid if we hosted the videos ourselves. As for other platforms, they don’t have nearly as many users. We need the most possible people to see the lessons, so right now YouTube is the best option, though that may change in the future.
Hi sir,
thank you so much for your lesson, it’s really useful for me!!!
and now, I have a small question..that I don’t know when we use ” may have” or just “might have”, and when we just use “may” and “might” to suitable witth? and could you please lecture exactly the mean of them when we use?
thanks and regards,
Hi James,
I find very difficult to read english. you see, If there is any complex or compound sentence to be read I can’t understand, when I read 1st time. Another thing is while we are talking we use conjunction to speak so I have some problem in conjunction part too . How to resolve this problem? If you could help me I would be happy.
Hi James, I got problems with cloze in EILTS, how can i improve this skill, any advice for me?
nice video James ;)
Hi ! James
i like study english so much but my english very bad…please help me!
Thanks you for your lesson
me too
and i want some one helping me to practise my english
i am vietnamese.
hi James thank you for the lessons im from problem is i understand english very well while listenning and i want to express my self in a very good way(pronunciation and vocabulary)….and is it possible to speak as a native??
i want to see vedio classes of sir james. But its not be open pleaz tell me other sit or methed of open the vedio clips of clsses of sir mail id is
hello, thanks for the tips
i have a question
…is it better to read books improve my reading
or is it better to read many news articles.. ….
be waiting for response
This is what english lessons should be.
hi,hope u f9.Very helpful video i wl apply ur methood of undrstanding coprehension.Thank U Kindly
hi! I’ve been studying English for about 8 years….i am at the proficiency level…i always had and i still have a difficulty to read passages and then answer the following questions although i past my lower examination with high pass…..what can i do to improve it/??
thank you so much james
thanks James, this leson is very useful for me!
thanks for your lesson. the steps what you said are very useful for me to practice Reading part for my next TOEFL iBT exam. But, my problem is that I don’t know how to summarize each paragraph effectively. May you help me to solve it?
once again, thank you very much ^^
Hi James,
your lessons are really helpful and fun, but there is no lesson about listing, speaking and most important sub-test as for me writing.
Hope you’ll make more video about IELTS.
Thank you so much, from Ukraine :)
thanks so much
Dear sir,
Hello, my name is Ronald Hsu, I am 20 who r studying in Hong Kong City University associate degree. I do not know the reasons why I join the Ielts examination two times, but I still cannot obtain a score over 6.5. the highest one only got band 6.0. After watched your English video teaching, I got to learn a lots, but may I got to know and learn more about others’ part of the Ielts examination. Because my mother language is Cantonese rather than English. And I think that my grammar is my main difficulty for coping with the Ielts examination. Perhaps I wanna ask you one question rite here, how could I read the whole article as soon as possible during the Ielts examination. Because I think that it is impossible to read three times in 1 part during the Ielts reading test.
Hello James! Its a good lesson. Thank you. It helps me. Anyway James, I don’t know how to differenciate between:-
1) I watched it
2) I was watching it
3) I have watched it
4) i have been watching it
5) I had been watching it
6) I had watched it
Can you help me with this. Im malay.
Thanks a lot. Really, you are amazing.
Hey james thank you very much for your teaching skill. And most of the time i use to read the newspapers without understanding the meaning and after that i use the dictionary to find the meaning for those words. You and this website is more helpful for us thanks
Ah ok, I’ll follow your advice, because when I read something I always stop when I find a word that I don´t know its meaning, you can imagine how much time I take the readings.
Thank, Friend.
Hi I am Abdullah from Yemen
Hi James it’s very usefull thanks. I’m preparing fom my TOEFL eaxms and I have problems with reading comprehension. I think it’s the most difficult than other sections.
I lov your lesson ,,,,,,,and advice ths.
thank you so much its very important things to improve my skills in reading .
i will try to do it and start from today.
im not good in reading and in a
IELTS exame im Always get 3.5 im so sad about that my score high in all parts except reading part =(
i need ur help pless ..
and thanx again
wow, it’s so interesting. Thanks so much for your tips.
Hi Sir How are you, Sir tell me one think i want prepration IELTS PAPER EASY WAY TOO SUCCES MY PAPER.
Thank you teacher. Hi I’m Marry from Korea. Teacher! I have some problem. For example, 1. I read many paper and book every day. But i can’t memorry all that words.
2. I can’t speak an English well. Because don’t have any practice, haven’t native speak Friend. Sorry made mistake some grammer. Good luck for your job. :-) Marry
thank you very much James <
excelentes videos , excelente profesor i love it
Hey Mr, James,
I’m Giwantha from Sri Lanka, But i live in UK. End of this month I’m going to do IELTS & I must get more then 6.5 to do ICT in a uni.I’m working hard on my reading part, But still I can’t score more then 25 out of 40
Can U please tell me what should I do….???
Hi James!
I have a little wonder.
For long passage( about 3 pages), if I read it, read again, and read again. It take time to finish all i want to read from a part of a book. So, would you mind giving me advice for reading book, especially some academic books.
Thank you so much.
James You are the best :) I really like Your lessons :)
Hi james sir,
I wanna score more in speaking section of toefl , wat to do.Pls tel tips
thank u i wouid like to ask about how can i make a story short one thanks u are great byyyyyyyeeeeeeeee
hi sir i am new student. i am poor in speaking english any tips tell to me.
Hey James, I am going into the police academy and I need help reading, writing, and grammar, what books or were can i start..I would like some info…thanks so much
Thank a lot! your leasson very useful for me.
Can you give me some advice about speaking skill and writing skill?
Are you ok?
Thank you for anwsering !
i’m from Azerbaijan
I really like your lesson. Thank so much!
Ijames I really enjoy the class and at this time I’m study very hard for my new carrer and this tips really helps a lot.
thanks a lot, your jop is graet
hello , i really want to thank all who’s behind this great helpfull web site .
Hello James Why you so serious in this lesson???? Thank You
cool steps. :D
can u help me pleas becasue i have problem with english words plz help me if u can all the teacher in this website thankz all of u
very useful
nothing now
you guys are great ! I am really glad i found this site. Comprehension is very hard for me so i am going to use your skills. I hope i can find other skills in the future. Your great !!!!!!!!!!!!n
You ain’t answering most of the questions been asked you…try to give a general answer to prevent duplication on questions…you’re doing a great job keep it up!
Hi James! Your lessons are very helpful!Today, I have an exam of reading comprehension. The tips helped me a lot, while improving my reading, but sometimes the text you read is easy to understand but questions for it are so much confusing and it’s hard to answer it especially on advanced level.
Bye bye
hello teacher i really feel good because im improving my inglish as navite speaker and i thank you very much for your help…
hi james…can u prepare me for ielts online? though skype or phone…?
hi james
i am going to give ielts exam on 11th of september.there are lots of confusion related to speaking part of exam.thats why i want to see a few vedios regarding this.hope you can help me.but vedios are not me.
hi james,
i wil try ur advse on d reading comprehension.,o hope u may discus also on how to attack questions
thank you!
Hi James
Thakns a lot for your lessons. This site is really very useful for me especially. But I have a big problem with my listening and score is too little, can you advise me anything for that.
Thanks in advance.
Great tip! Thank you very much, James. I’ve tried a little bit, I could remember more though I omitted to summarize.
Hi James,
Your class is very nice.Thank you for the video.
My problem with the ielts reading is that within 1 hour time i am not getting enough time to read it thrice n den answer.Also would you please give some tips on how to answer YES/NO questions..
i ia reading english books but sometimes its ard to understand the meanig so that time i am loosing the interest to read can you give me some valuable tips please
I’m so glad that i finally found what i’ve been looking for in a long time by accidentally dropped on this site.actually , i really enjoy reading and i’ve read heaps of books but unfortunately not remember anything after , at all.I attended to this english course in my place a year ago but it didn’t really work out on me.:(
The method you teach seems little longer for comprehension. How can we get proper score in IELTS since we have limited time to perform multitask in specifed time in Reading section?
thank you soــــــــــــ much
I am miraqa I am an Engineer .
okay miraqa so what, u are an engineer that is not a big deal !
hi James
I need help in Reading test in IELTS. The time run out before I finish the answer Q.I dont know what is better read the Q first or read the text?
How to read faster during the test it is only 20minute? please help me
This is vid awesome.It’s make me like read long book=no problem!And can i ask you a question.How can i remember the new world?Thanks alot
Hi, Sir James,
Thank you so much for helping us to improve our english through this site. I study very hard to improve my english speaking coz I believe that if we are fluent in english there are so many opportunities for us.
God bless! More power to all the staff of this site……….
thank you james
Ur The best xDeey
Yes, right now. But we may add teachers from other countries in the future.
great but it’s not clear.
Dear James,
In one of your videos about reading comprehension, which actually is one of my favor, you haven’t provided us with any examples. would you mind showing us what do you exactly mean besides just telling us.
Please provide me (us) with an example….
Thank you so much
Thank you very much, but I have to tell u something,u talk to fast! gee!!!
by the way.. u are very handsome!!(rsrsrs)
thank you so much, the lesson really help me to much. good teacher !
that was great.many thanks
thanks james you really helped me.
sorry for my english is the first time I write…
I’m happy to meet you…. your english lesson is very good for my english base… bye bye
hi James
can you help me to improve more on speaking English…
i want to be a good English speaker… thanks
Hi, James
Thank you for the lessons. It really Helpfull.
I’m from Holland and I do bilingual education. I’m in second year now. But I standing insufficient now on averaging. Which means I cann’t go to third year. I have got an upcoming test. And it is really important I get a good mark for that. So pleas, if you have any tips…
We really love this webpage. Wewish we could come here everyday\all day.
james YOU ARE SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD. i’m from Georgia. i enjoy with your lessons everyday, you know i’m biginer, and i’m trying to learn more and more about english, will you help me?
Thanks alot James, How can I know my level in English?
Some time I feel good & some times I feel weak
Please help me.
hi my name atheer salim really you good teacher thanks to help us
hello!!james thank you so much
thank you man
dear sir,
can you help me in preparing for ielts writing improvement,&reading.
Hi. I’m kern George. And I’m from Trinidad and Tobago not to sure if u know about there. But I must let u know your english tips are very helpful. I do not have any passes from school but I’m
Sorry I pressed submit comment by accident. I was saying. I don’t have any passes from school but i am really willing to learn. I am 25 years old live alone, renting, and have 1 son. I’m starting class on the 3rd of January 2011. So I’m askin u for ANY HELP OR TIPS in starting over will be most appreciated.(Thank you)
Ronnie I like very much your teaching style. you are a great teacher. love you take care
Hi James!
Could you tell me pls the best way/source that I can use to read for the TOEFL preparation!
Thank you very much.
I cant read correct
how i read is good?
I’m taking the TOEFL test this Friday, and i have some reading problems, i usually get lost. Can you please give me some advices ?
I Need your help I can read but i can’t contain it and the words get me to…. I need to understand what i read. from memphis tn but I’m in to college at murfeesboro tn mtsu. you taught me something James. I want my reading to increase better.
thank you to engVid accepted to me
hi james , ur tips on reading really works . now i am getting 6 bands in each part of ielts but i need seven in each module. how can i get them . advice me . looking forward in anticipation.
i m gonna follow ur method,james….
hi! James thanks for you lessons buddy I am brazilian and improve my english here it´s so difficult you can´t imagine…I understand at all really thanks James…
Hi James,
I am planning to take up the IELTS test in about three weeks, I have just started to prepare, I am confident about getting a good score. James, is there something that you would like me to do? Please let me know!!
Hi james
i watching u English learning video i learn a lot but in writing mi very poor ,please tell me how mi improve my writing ,in spoken language i improve little bit but in writing mi very poor,i hope u help me i belong Pakistan my native language is Urdu.
thank you james
thank you james
Hi I watching your english learning vedio a lot of it’s great. I have problem with verb + the way. I couldn’t understand so I hope you will help me. I waiting your masagge thank you. I’m from Kazakhstan
Hi James!
I like your lessons and your teaching method. I want know more about reading ways: over viewing,scanning, skimming and inference, etc.
Could you teach us some lessons including these topics?
I hope hear from you soon
Thank you
yes… prety nice¡! i’m just about to take the CAE exam the next June… so it has been very usefull …
You know I’m work and study and try to have time for reading some English articles , any helpfull website have a small articles? :( , and you are doing such an amazing work here and FREE , really how can I thank you all.
Hi Dear,
I think you’d better just work because your Grammar is somehow terrible.
I’m so sorry to say it!!
i love your teaching
How can i download this to mp3 so i can listen to your lessons repeatedly?
Thank you so much.
hi James;
thanks alot ,when I watching this video,I feel good(lesson and join)
James, i have just watched your lessons! Congratulations! You are a wonderful teacher!!!
I like Spanish people and like to learn Spanish … can you please??
Congratulations! Anisora, you are a amazing teacher too. You can speak English,French,Spainsh,Russian and Romanian.
That is great.
hello dear James!
thanks for your lessons. they are very can we chat with you?
Can You tell how to use without dictonary, for example: In Star test.
Thank you so much James :)
Nice style … be continue …
Hi James, I would be very grateful if you told me how to make a text analysis?
Thanks James, you’re a good man!
James!!!!U’re my fave teacher ever!!!!love you!
Hi Good Afternoon
I really like how you teach because you make it simple and clear to understand. I do have this problem but i will practice what you mentioned on the video. What advice can you give me when reading a book and i cannot pronounce a word should i wait until i finished reading the chapter of the book to look over the dictionary and find the proper way to pronounce the word.
James you’r cute
Hello Sir,
I really liked the video and would definitely follow these tips.
Second thing is , can you help me with the fluency? i mean i can speak well but i am not fluent.
Please help me Sir…..
I wish what bless to you
I would like you post more vide about reading: dicas, topic and etc
I am brasilian en in may brain, same time have a bit confusion whith words.
oh,how about if we are in the exams,since we don’t have too much time checking overly,do you have any tips to catch the main meaning just once time reviewing.
and thank you so much.
actually i use dictionary when i encountering such an unfamiliar words…is that makes my comprehension improve or not…?
i usually do this thing…and i thought this is right thnx james…
thank-you but if your in an exam and if you have about an hour to do it. Will you not run out of time by the time you read it 3 times?
Thank you james
In fact,I have to take a test tomorrow.
when I learned about your class, I don’t have to be nervous.
Hi james
yea when taking the sats what tips can you give me when reading comprehension i have a hard time understanding the passages and cant seem to well on the multiple choices questions.
thank u…very helpful
Dear James,
What if I was sitting for an exam and I was not allowed to use a dictionary. I guess, I’d have to guess the meaning through context and bet my chances I understood the main ideas correctly.
Thank you guys for the effort you put in your videos this is my best learning site by far.
Hi Jame,
I am vietnamese. Thank you very much for your guide.My English is untill poor so I look forward receiving more about this topic for your example. Thanks.
Hello James,
I have one main question, how I need to read it? Loudly or mentally (I don’t know how this word translate)?
wow!!! It is a Good tool for me to increase my reading skill… Thanks sir James….
waw.. terrific.. thanks before
Thank you teacher James! It helps me alot!
Dear Teacher James,
I want to score good marks in my composition for my Second Exam so i would appreciate if you give me some tips on it!
Thank you!
Victoria Aye
Thank you teacher , I got alot of benefit from this lesson. =D
hi James, what a useful Video..I’m from Vietnam I’m quite well at Listening but I have problem with Speaking Skill?? I can’t say anything when I’m in public, althought I have ideas (in Vietnamese). How can I improve it, I want to speak better, better and better…….
Hi James, I find this lesson very informative and helpful, thanks a lot. And I ‘d like more lessons like these to improve each of modules of IELTS. Thank you. Marina.
Hi James
i really like the way you teach and i expect more videos from your teaching reading comprehension . Especially the way in the test thank you
Thank You Mr James
I love your style of teaching
I realy like to learn more english,because i want to get IELTS for applicant the university.
This way for learing is very good.
It gives me a lot of improvement Thanks Sir
mr.james,you are cool, your way of teaching is too cool…
uhm, im very bad at English, so i cant understand what you said clearly!
thank you
Mr. James
It is my pleasure to tell you that you are very instructed on teaching english.
Thanks for be there on ENGVID.COM.
greaT GREAT.
my name is yacine i am student english esl, and i have a problem with comprenhension in reading, i do not how to answer the question, and understand the text.Please i need you help.
hey.i also need some one who wanna have some practice on speaking.can u help me?my account on “oovoo” is “sadeghsafari”.thanks
hi i’m pretty good at speaking
Hi! Sir James
I’m so grateful, thanks for the tips, you are a really great teacher. honestly I’m not good in English, I can’t speak fluently and i can’t understand what I’ve read.
Hi! Sir James
its really great, thanks for the tips, now I know, what I’m going to do, to understand what I’ve read.
Hi! sir James!
I’m so grateful, thanks for the tips, now i know what I’m going to do to understand what I’ve read. you’re a great teacher, honestly I’m not good in English, i can’t speak fluently and i want to learn more in English.
Hi James! U know, i really have a some barriers in reading but from this day i will apply your methods…)In a few days, i will write about my result in reading:-))
Thank you everybody!
Thank you so much for the great effort
Thank you so much! I am really into english and i want to improve my english skills.
You have a good teaching.
i feel my listening skill improve more than before. thank your lesson so much. I hope that you give more lessons for everybody can learn.
hi sir james,,,
..i really want to learn so much more about english..everything-writing, reading, listening and speaking..but of course with the correct usage of tenses and good grammar…..i hope i can do it…
by the way,,, thanks for your helps a lot!!!
Hi James. I’m a student from Manila, Philippines. This topic is very helpful to me.
hi james
how can i emprove my english.
hello Mr. James,
Your lesson is really helpfull for me. I want to know more about english. thanks for ur presentation.
Hi James,
I really like your style of teaching English. Please keep doing it and make the study fun for the student.Thank you.
you are my favourite teacher.please I HAVE a proplem with used to and what comes after it .
Thanx a lot for helping us out, Sir.But if you proof your thesis with the relevant examples, it will be more comprehendible to all of us.
Reading a very long passage-containing three to four paragraphs- is a tedious work.A big trap! in which about everyone falls into it.Thanking you in advance for replying me with a satisfactory answer, which we all people can understand.
hi james ,my mame’s prisca.I am from cameroon but now I live in canada specifique in Edmonton,Ab with my family. I have been living there for a year, I am a student still learning english and i plan to be a nurse in the future but i need good english first.I have been wacthing your site and you might be a good advisor for everyone who wants to speak english, sound good for.I have a dream and i wish to realise my dream ,so i am ready to be your student now and follow everyhing you should tell me.I want to speak like British and American people i mean to understand what they’re talking about and have a perfect conversation with them. my probleme now is i write as i speak, so i want to improve my written again, my speaking and my listening.I am new on your site and i wish to get a god result from you. Take care James
what is the minimum score of IELTS for Australia and Canada?
thanks sir james.i’ll try that technique immediately and share also to my friends. ;)
very very good i am asking for lessons related to tourism and hotels pleas provide us with this topics and what ever you can
thank you very much
i have lots of problems to complete it in time. i want to know easy way to do comperhenions thanks
sir james! sometimes in dictionary the meanings of the words are different and the word we are reading is different.
checkout synonyms .
sir james!you are good teacher, i like learning english with you. but my english so bad, how to improving ? thank you very much for give me this website, i kind regards.
that was really helpful. Thanks James
i thank you teacher but do you think it will take time and i am no so patient
I am trying to take IELTS exam ,and i want to get around band 7 .what do I need to get high score .Please help me.
Hi James,
Awesome video as always.Could you perhaps make a video on how to comprehend Shakespearean literature?It would be really helpful if you could do that because I have a hard time reading those books.
Nice blog!! keep up the nice style, it’s nice to see writer’s like you these days
hey thanx for ur useful tips bt i need more help.
sometimes i can’t even understand the sentence formation and the other thing is i wanna improve my listening skills
I like your teaching meathod very much.thak you sir for doing this job.
thank you!
very good lession sir,i appreciate u and looking forward to hear and see u allot its a informative and easy to understand
I love hahaha
hi my name is zainab can u please write it becuse if peple are looking for the answe on the phone the chid or adult won t understand it.
hi,james i’m fahri from indonesia,but i’m teaching english to children in saudi arabia.i was teach them about letters in english,now i’m going to teach them how to read..but i was confused how to teach them the changed naoun for exmple:B and A we read it “Ba” or “Be”?if i told them its Ba,when we found its in the word “back”,B an A in that word we read “Be”..also in another vocal letters (I E U O ).so how to teach it james…tanks a lot..
Hi thanks for your information, i hope u always share your knowledge for everyone and god will bless you
James!!!! Your video is amazing, and really helped me with my reading and writing skills.
You are a Baws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but…..
Hi James
Thanks for this great simple explanation.
I have a problem with memory,I learn a massive number of new words every day but four to seven days later
Hey James! Thank you for your teaching video. I really like your teaching style. You are such a great teacher! :)
it’s such a good lessons & learning s to us.. thanks you so much again for the nice tips.
hello sir,
tanks for your fantastic tips.i having a promblem of i got idea about this.
hi how r u plz help me i cant speak in english ihave studied in many institutes of english plz help me how i can speak english fluently and writing skills
Hello jame, Thank for the lesson. It my 1st trial and I’ll be writing the IELTS TEST (academic) this saturday. Please I really need youe help and advice. Thank you
I are working the same problem before. It is quite a bit less easy an solution as you believe that it is, its something that you’ll have to write out for you over time.
Hi! James, Thank you your help. I’m not familiar with all the rules for writing, and is very difficult for me to put words on paper.
hi james,
this method is really helpful,
so thanks.
dear james.thanks alot for your vid. i have a question. how do i teach students a story. every student has the same copy. what can we do to comprehend it and study it proberly.
dear james
thanks alot for this vid. i want to teach m students how to read. they have a story for example what do they have to do to comprehend it and what shall i do in class to with them. what cand of activitt can we do and what kind of strategies can i do so they comprehend it. thanks alot
Hi! Your tips are very helpful. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your video. I have seen your video and I will try to do the three steps that you mention in the video. I hope it will help me. Thanks!
could you please advise me how can i orgnize my time with IELTS reading . my time run out and i still did not finish .which one i have to read first questions or an essay ?
thanks a lot
thans James your lesson is very good
I enjoyed the way you explained the reading comprehension method,but what about in a proficiency test that you are not allowed to use dictionarries?
Dear James:
Thank you so much for this helpful lesson. I truly appreciate it. I also love how you instruct; you are so passionate about it and you make me want to listen to what you are going to say next. You totally make learning fun.
-Thank you.
hi James:
thanks so much for this video know i have a guide of how to understand every things i read but i don’t know how to summarize i mean i want to know is i should delete every words that i don’t know or find meaning
had a social studies and science test miss both by 20 pt. because i did,nt understand some of what i read i need healp ,I would like to get my GED i read well some time i don,t understand what i read
sorry that word is help
I think you should learn more about the words.If u good its u can read and speaking very well.
can anyone help me how to improve my comprehension part i m doing o level frm cambridge university
Thank you, this lesson is really helpful. I love it.
Hello James,
I just received the news that my children are having problems with reading comprehension. What surprised me the most was my son’s reading comprehension state score because his vocabulary score is in the high 90’s. Why is this so? Also, my daughter’s reading comp. is affecting her writing. Both children only speak English. I speak Spanish/English but I do not speak Spanish at home and I do not have problems speaking or writing English at all. Help?
Desperate Mom
Hello James,
I left out the reading comprehension state score was in the low 70’s.
Desperate Mom
Dear Teachers,
Could you please make more videos about ielts preparation. How to manage the time in the real exam and some tips that will help answer the questions.
Many Thanks
i really happy i find this website,,,,
Hey james,I have problems with comprehension,and I should be ashame because I am a 23 year old male..That is my weakness and I want to correct it…
Dear James,
I am preparing for IELTS General test. However, selecting appropriate heading for given paragraph is quite bit ambiguous for me.
Therefore, I would highly appreciate if you could help me with your views on how these questions should be tackled.
I will take on my exam on 7-Jan-12 so any suggestion prior to the test may count a lot for me.
Narendra, India
Hi James
Your lessons are very helpfull. My husband will be writing he’s IELTS for the 7th time, and everytime the reading is the one to be failed. For some reason he can not get the headings correct. Is the some magic way or method to understand and connect the correct headings?????????????/
Your lessons are very helpful. I have just one quiestion. If i read a long story (novel), how should i learn the words from this? Thanks for your answer :-)
you are great thanks a lot mr: james
Happy new James, I hope you enjoyed your first of January. 2012
Very nice lesson. Thanks for your help.
I am not a child, but I am wondering if an adult can get your help as well..I have trouble with comprehension and I want to correct it,so if you help me, please do…
Hey James,I am wondering if you can help me with my comprehension..To me comprehension is important,if you cant comprehend,then you cant understand what is happening around you or in the world.
Did you really tell them to not read a dictionary. Spelling Bee.
Pls i read and i dn’t unstand,tell me how to read and understand.
HI. So,u mean i must practice n practice n practice again? What if it is a test and u are only given 1hour for 2 passages 10Qs each and a summary for 1 passage? How can i do well? Hope u can help me.. =)
thanks teacher james really it was wonderful leaaon and advicess
excellent advices!!!
thank u James it was a very use full tip, but how to read a novel and understand it takes much time ?
hi, James i am from Egypt. i’m very glade to listen you.but i have a problem with how to pronounce? and i how to make stress on words and which one i should do stress?
thank you.
Dear James,
I am preparing for IELTS General but having difficulties in Reading section. In my last 2 exams I got 6 Bands in Reading Whereas, Other sections were quite good (L-8, S-7.5, W-7). Even though I am doing good in mock test’s, My real exam was horrible. I need your help and valuable tips on how to excel in Reading. Because of that only, I am not able to process my Immigration.
I think you can’t spend so much time on reading section on test day. You have only 60 minutes to read passages and answer to 39 or more questions.
So, I think James, you failed about this tip. May be this method can be helpful for reading books or news but not on TOEFL IBT!
hi,James! Thank you a lot for this video! It was ver helpful to me.
Hi James. i need your advice in graphs. I don’t know how to describe them. I went to the IELTS course but I think it’s better to study by yourself. It’s difficult to understand graphs and describe because even graphs show me the information I don’t know how to start and about what write. Thanks
Hi, James! my name is Rio! i’m from KZ that means Kazakhstan! i’ve seen a plenty of your videos and i’m glad cause you help to people who have some problems with english. i’m going to pass IELTS approximately after couple month. but as everyone who wants to pass it , i’ve got some question to you. can you tell me really useful ways to improve READING, and sometimes i find speaking a little hard! faithfully, Rio
Thanks, James! I decided to watch all the videos in EngVid!
can u ple explain how to indroduce myself?
hi i want to why i cant read ? is becuzz i born with a broblem i will like to no to read
thank you sir….but it will be helpful to us if you tell in detail about each section of ielts in detail
Hello teacher james thanks so much for all videos I’m totaly new with the english I from venezuela but now I live in Canada then I need to learn english quickly and you help me so much thank sorry if I don’t write fine :D
It was wonderful listen to you, I found the lesson very interesting. Thanks so much James.
Thank you Jams for the tips, I would like to have more of your teaching on reading.
Hi,James! I’m from Venezuela and I’ve been studying English for a long time but I haven’t been able to learn yet. My big problem is listening comprehension. How can I do to improve?
hi my name is mariem I frome tunisinne I like say english is very nice
Many thanks James for lessons . Its very useful and interesting .
Thank you again .
my problim is when i read at the school i just frizz i cant read when someone is listning to me
thank u teacher coz u healped me
Hi James, My names are Miracle Godswill, am from Nigeria, i rely appreciate for your tuitor, but my major problem is that, i read my books everyday without comprehending the main aim of what am reading. plz i need help, but in speaking and comprehension
Hi James, Thank you very much for your wonderful reading strategy.It really help my reading skill. And I also would love to know about context clue too.Plz kindly help me.
God bless you
I am Eric from Pakistan interested very much for English I can speak but i have a problem can not understand when any body speak to me or when see moves
Please help me so that i may understand when any body speaking or when i see the moves
Most respect and best wishes Eric Jawaid Gill bye
Hi Everybody!! It’s so nice to be here with you for this trip. I’am learning a lot. My dream is near to be real. I sure I will talk in English very well and maybe I would talk with you and do a knew friend and have fun. have a Good day . Thank you so much James. I love the way that you teach.
Thank you so much, you are very nice teacher, I will do all your advise.
Thanks again
Hi james, I would like to know if I can send you an essay I wrote to help me out with.
Thanks for any some other fantastic post. The place else might possibly anybody get that particular information in such a good way of writing? I’ve a presentation future week, and I am for the look for such facts. Augustina Ronne
I pulled this up for my son and he said it was not helpful to him. We live in Georgia and he will be taking the CRCT Tests to pass the 5th grade. he said i need a dictionary, I said no you can not use a dictionary on a test.
This tip is very nice~ Thank you~
you are so great!i also start this method…
hi james. i have a problem. i can understand the text but i can not choose correct answer. thank you for answering our questions
Great tactic ! Thanks teacher!
hello i new freind
I will try it. Thanks for your tip.
HI Jamesthe beginning was slow to understand his English, because I studied all his life with Britsh teachers, but listening and watching can understand three times
Thank funny teacher…
James I know you are the best teacher ,but I have some problems with math can you please help me.I am so sorry for bothering,but can you please help me I kind of get everything of reading comprehension.thank you very much James!
you are so helpful
HELP!!When I read 12th grade materal…I cant foucs or understand..HELP
James, I have nerve ever read in my life…just started I cant seem to focus on reading my mind wonders off….HELP
Your english training is good i want it to reach every one. I request you to grant me permisson to create andriod application for your work or else create by your side. By the way i am from india.
James, I’m having trouble understanding what I read..I don’t understand or focus on what I read..I’m doing to take my las GED exam..HELP!!
hey james, you are so sweet. i like your teeth. you are a good teacher better than the others here. i have tomorrow a big exam in english.
i don’t understand this at all
hello can you help with understanding readin because i dont know what is fiction non fiction drama poetry thanks
wow . great lessons , Thanks a lot James you are fantastic teacher !!!
thanks for the tip!
hi mr james , this lesson is very good but what can i do in the exam if i cant understand what i read ?
and if i understood some times i cant choose correct answer, can u help me and tell me how can i solve this problems
thanx alot
This lesson is very interesting and I’m going to try it.
Thank you James for your and your colleagues lessons.
In IELTS test the time is not enough to follow this all steps.. can u help to IELTS reading part?
hello Mr James, pls can u help me because since my secondary i dnt know how to read very well.
how many marks do you need for a level 6 in englsh comprehension
pooh you have to follow this steps before the ILETS test and get more practice in reading ,so in the test day you will be able to understand directly. You shoudn`t follow this steps in that day just try to read the Qs first and think [what is the passage gonna talk about?] then search about the answer by reading fastly. I`m sure that will help you to save your time and your energy also.{hope for you a best}
Hi James,
I am one of your amongst fans, and would like to leave good comment. We all really enjoy watching and listening your super helpful Videos. You have Super Natural Talent. Please keep it UP. I read some comments posted here and some of them are really upsetting and Please don’t pay attention to those and carry on your career! WE ALL LOV YOU, students. UZBEKISTAN
Hi, james
Do u have any books that help me out in reading section for IELST before the test?
helpful lesson buddy
hi how r u ?
i have many problems ,i am learing but when i what to express it i properly so pleas i need your help
thanks alot for your help and have a nice day
Thank you very muck James.I am really finding things much easier now. x
hi,James! Thank you a lot for this video! It was ver helpful to me.
Sir on Step #2 that was Dictionary, you missed it :)
anyway, thanks a lot :)
Thank you.
perfect, thanks
Hi,please can you all put a video;about finite and non finite clauses because i have an exam about it tomorrow please =(
hi teaches thanks for the video i need help i can’t read or write how i can do it? thank you.
thanx =))
Thank you,Thank you,Thank you so much M.r James
you were helpful and I understood what have you introduced to us but I have question:
If we keep that 3 ways to the reading skill,will we progress in the reading and read fast?
wow. this is cool
Thank u so much James =)
Hi there James,
I think that always must be putted in an HD video-lesson, not only for the visual reason but mainly for the audio reason.
For all the rest… RESPECT!
thanks for the lesson, I want to ask if someone could recommend me a Engish School in Canada, I need to take de Toefl IBT and get at least 100 points in it: however first I should improve all my Englis skills….
Hi James
Thank you for all of that..
Actually I’m Sorry about my reading it is very very poor Who can i learn that :(
thank you teacher for your making me understand the best method to understand english.
but i have got difficulty in understanding english,i sometimes dont understand what people are saying,i fell really ashamed at that time and uncnfortable to speak in english infront of alots of peaple,becouse whenever i talk in english. iam constantly thinking that iam using wrong words my grammers arent right either.
so how to improve understanding natives
thank you
it’s a ossom video.. keep going.
Most tests of comprehension are satisfied to provide levels of comprehension they lack provisions for targeting specific comprehension needs. The most fundamental aspects of comprehension and cognition are ignored. There is a 21st Century method of assessment that will greatly assist teachers in diagnosing and correcting several aspects of comprehension. It is called the Informal Reading- Thinking Inventory or IR-TI (Manzo, Manzo & McKenna 1995, 2004, Cengage publishers). The IR-TI with years of research in the making is organized around the three most fundamental abilities to comprehend, namely the assessment and comparison of abilities to read the lines, read between the lines and read beyond the lines. This instrument puts a sharper point on comprehension needs. This multifaceted instrument has proven especially useful in working with second language learners. Uniquely it also helps to identify weaknesses in seemingly proficient readers and strengths in weaker readers.
talk me about fame?
I just want to say thank you very much to you about your tips. :D
pleaseeeeeeeeeee help me , i have ielts exam in 21 avgust
can u give me some tips to learn english?
thank u
amazing, thank you
hello! I am glad to read advices here. I am a beginner and my main problem is to pronounce well the words. can someone show me the best way to achieve It.
i am experriencing more stress while doing reading passages in acadamic IELTS.please give me tips.
Thanks U too much sir for that lessons It really really helping me but one of my problem is that I can’t comprehend when a long complex structure ( complex sentences ) having punctuations like comma , : ; etc. and too long modifiers
thanks.. this video help me a lot..:)
Hi teacher,
Thank you for our presentation its very cool , i tried to do the placement in my school in reading but i fail every time. Please Help Me.
Eric Foreman ????
hi teacher this is the all good for understand but when i have exam and short time i con not read three time because i do not have time what i do for understand the paragraph quickly
Thanks for your real help 4 me. U r a perfect teacher!
Its really cool trick…..
Hello James,
I took EILTS exam, i got scores as specified below Speaking 6, Reading 4.5 writing 6.5 and listening 5.5. I don;t know what to do. :-(
I need to complete my test which on 1st Sep.
Thank you
Hello, i am having a class called TOEFL CLASS and i am having a section named reading, but unfortunately is hard for me to answer questions like “what does the author mean” and i always get it wrong. Could you help to
hai james,
thank you for video
all of your lessons is very amazing and Very interesting
thanQ u a lot
thank nice work
Thanks for your tips a lot. I will practice it and let’s see whether it can help me or not! =]
please, Is there anybody that wants talk to me on my skype, for together practice english conversation,
thanks for your attention
yes i can practise with u if you want. add me on skype :othmane.kabbaj7
Hi! Jomes.
I am an English Teacher in South Korea like you.
Your teaching is excellent.
you explain English with ease.
Thank you so much.^^*
James it was a very useful lesson. It’s very important in order to improve our comprehension ability.
Thank you Mr james this is usefull
have a good day!
hi james, i really like ur style bt it doesn’t work on exam…it really takes time to do tht for me so wht do u advice for me ….ur style with speed?…am waiting ur reply….pls reply ma test is after 3 days
hi,I love English and actually want to practise e fluently, please help me!
hi James,
Thank you for this tips,I used it once and it was very helpful for me, but I have a problem with words for example I can’t remember the definition of the words.Can you give me tips please.
thank you,
Hello sir i like ur method of teaching,I am going to give my toefl ibt in one month i wan a suggestion regarding the reading comprehensions.I was wandering to find the websites where i can found plenty of reading like essay r topics that are most likely asks in toefl..
it is best thank you
Hi,James i can’t understand what you mean with say “summarize everything”
thakns sir very cool leson :)
Greating from EGYPT :D
hello mr. jame! i’m from cambodia. i really support ur video so much all the explanation is perfect. of course i take all those tips on my daily study! thank u so much.
I am really thanks for your great idea regarding reading comprehension.
Hi jems,
I would
I really want to know how to read an article and a textbook because I am reading 30 pages article in my Business Ethic class…. and cannot understand the vocabularies almost everything!! I used my dictionary when I read it first time because it was “AFTER” watching your lecture…
Sorry not after, I should have said “BEFORE”…
You are a great teacher!
I am from Brazil and I love to learn English with you. Thanks.
This is realy cool your job is very helpful thank you ; )
james you good teacher)))
Hi James, I like those tips you provide. However, I will try and apply them as you stated and hopefully I can understand completely the things I am reading. Thanks!
hi, I was wondering how I could get better at Unfamiliar text, I do read it a couple of times but i have problems answering them at an excellence level.
we cant do this in a exam
Hi James!
My name is Rodrigo and i am from Brazil, i would like to say that you are doing a great job man.
Thanks for all of you.
thank u man!
thank you teacher
Hi James
I want to improve my English. When I read a story and news I think I’m understanding but when I see the question I couldn’t answer. How will it improve? Can you give any tips because I’m worry about this situation.
Hi, I found it very good, it really helped me, but I would like to know whether you could help me with my PET exam! I’ve got 16 days to get ready for it! I have been studying, but I don’t really feel prepared for it!
Thanks James but how can I achieve a positive outcome in IELTS reading part, if my time is limited? I highlight normally. I have practice at home for my IELTS exam; it is coming soon.
Thank’s alot my teacher
what if i don’t have the time to read it three times .. in an ielts exam for example !!
thnx :D
thanks alot JAMES
i love your method to teach us
be happy .. :)
who wants to improve english skills ant to talk about evrything in english add me in skype ceka531
Dear James,
Thank you for the lesson ,you are very sweet :)!
Thank you
Thanks for everything. It was very useful.
Hello James
A my teacher said me : when you read newspaper , any word you don’t know , please check it by dictionary ( even many times ) . it mean check new word by dictionary in the first , not three times as your introduction. Do you thing that?
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah thaaaanks
thanks james you are my techer mow
becuse i am stadying right now in
thank u so much <<< it is corect ?
james ı think your accent is perfect and clearly ;) I’m going to join TOEIC exam after one month and can you help me for the plan one month??
thank you James you are the perfect.could you tell me please what is the difference between these words
1.describe and depict place
3.full entire whole complete
Hi James!
Thanks so much for your lesson! it’s very helpful.
So, I have a question that I must read the documents in IT(computer scientist) and I have many problems to understands with the new words.Could you give me some tips to improve my reading skill in this major?
Thank you very much!
what if i am having an exam and i can’t use a dictionary ?
Hi James,
I have some problems in reading that sometimes I don,t understand some vocabularies,so relying on dictionary and find out the meaning of new words but some reading comprehensions is tough topic could be talk a bout medicine,but when the topic is talking about our daily life that,s like piece of cake,and I think if we know more vocabularies that will help us to understand any theme .
i’m a student in english department and i find some counfuseing to understand what i read i like your teacher james to help me pleas . thank you very much
hi james,
in fact , my problem is i can not read and understand quicly. i’m very slow esp in understanding english although i’m a university student, second year . I feel something lacking
Can someone help me how to use this comprehension when reading stores that are in my language arts textbook. Please reply this to my email. Thank you in advance.
Great lesson !!! It’s Help me a lot. Thanks james. Honestly.
Thanks for preparing video lessons.
Dear teachers I want to study English passing proficiency exam for studing University. I anyone can help me for please send me message to
U r a perfect teacher from my perspective.
hello sir….
i am from india i’m a student i want to speak n communicate in english….
i dont speak n communicate in english plz help me what can i do for the perfect english ….
plz tell me about regular english words to communicate plz plz plz sir help me…..
Dear James,
I watched you video last night on you tube.Its very good.Furthermore i am appearing to GCE O level Exam this year,i am really bad in writing and attempting reading and comprehension,and that is the reason why i failed twice in English Exam.Can u just please help me out in attempting above two problems
Hear from you soon
first i have a serious problem in pronouncing english words and sometimes these problem make others not understand the exactly meaning which i mean and i watch pronunciation videos but i still have that problem >
have you sir any ideas or advices can help me???
Excellent efforts. Ilike your way of teaching .
Is it possible to get to know one to benefit me to improve my English because I am at the beginning of my way in this language of one who can help me I want to talk with someone
Is it possible to get to know one to benefit me to improve my English because I am at the beginning of my way in this language of one who can help me I want to talk with someone
Hello James, Firstly, I want to tell you that your classes are very interesting and fun. Thanks for that. Second, I would like to know what is the difference between Instead and Rather. Thanks again.
Hello James,
You really good teacher,I hadn’t had seen it before!
I’m from Russia and STUDY english.
I want to pass the TOEFL, I know it’s really difficult, but I think you can continue to help us! Thank you so much!!!
thank you very much for such useful tips
Thank you for these simple steps i can said i’m truly understand it.
Thanks James, good explanation for comprenhension.
Hello James !!
Thanks a lot for the useful tips !
My comprehension from reading is good whereas , I have found out some difficulties in answering IELTS reading questions , I`m going to commence practicing your tip about reading comprehension from tomorrow !
Hey !!!
I’m a high school student and i need some help on the reading comprehension. I do really bad on them, i saw your video and you said that you are suppose to read something three times but how would you do it on a final?
I’m not a fast reader but i ain’t that slow either, after i read the comprehension i do bad on the questions that follow.
Could you please help??
hi sir my name is kiran kumar i am completed my degree but i am not talking in english perfectly plz help sir
thank you sir
HI first of all.
My name is Issak living in Somewhere in this great USA, and I want to thanks to all of you I mean each one of you who working at this website, about the great job you doing for people like me.
I need Help please about how to be English writer,Speaker and reader.
Soon my plan is to start English class and math, so I am happy to have this website which i think is helpful.
Thanks again and God place all of You
i like your teaching and i wanna to get more. please you guide me!
Thanks james for your sharing. My question is when we on test condition, like TOEFL test, TOEIC test or something like that, would we have to follow the strategy?. Coz I think it will need more time. thank you
Dear James,
I am so grateful due to your advices nonetheless, as you know in IELTS exam we do not have enough time to implement this method. Can you introduce the useful methods for IELTS reading.
Best wishes,
Thanks for your inavaluable help! I am an English teacher and I have to be kind of updated because my students are really demanding. Great job! Keep it up!
What to do if you read a sentence, you know all words in them but you can not understand anything? Just looks like a words order (usually whent the sentence is too long).
thank you! from vietnam*
hi anna 1988,
I’m Minh. i like to tall with you by english. may be we practice together. this’s my phone ( 0902508089) or yahoo ( nguyenxuanminh_90 ). Hope you reply me!
I’m Minh,that’s interesting video. thank teacher help me improve english. so i hope all teacher heathly and successful.
Hi! James great lesson about reading comprehension.
I use to draw a picture what represent the unknown word, following your tips I improve this skill.
Hi James,
Thanks for your lesson.
i have an English exam 2 weeks later and there will be pharagraph reading comprehension questions . What do you suggest ? ( without dictionary of course :) )
Hello sir,
It is a very helpful video.
I am following your method but still unable to get some idioms & phrases since i couldn’t find it in dictionary. Please help me to understand idioms & phrases.
Thank you
great lesson
my problem is when I read topic I never know or read about it such as ice age .
Hello, James. I still get a lot of troubles in studying all skills of English. Sometimes I don’t know how to use the words in the right context. Please give me some advice. Thanks so much!
thank you so much mr.James
this is useful tips.
Thanks for the lesson, you’re incredible!!!
Man, you are one of the most talented teachers I have ever seen. Just the way that you break down things is very simple and helpful. I wish that I were studying English in Canada. I would totally go to your class. I am learning a lot from this website. Thanks for putting it up.
GREAT GREAT TIP… You can’t believe how much you help me… THANKS SO MUCH
I will try this rules
then we see
Hi James! Thank you very much for your advices about “Understand what you read in English” but I have one question:
1º tip, you told: “Read quickly and underline the words you don’t know”. If I read online, please, how could I underline the words, which don’t know?
hi thank you so much you’r very helpfu am good in english now but PLZ wu’d u speak slowly
You Know? I already knew what you said, but rarely have tried to do so, because I used to think it’s really time consuming. But now, after watching this vid (as video ;) ) I wanna give it a shot…hum? Let’s see what will happen!
BTW, thank you James!
Thank you. I like your cool classes!.
I’m in Florida try to improve my English, but I don’t find any “good School”. Any advice?.
ya it’s good I’ll try it Thnaks
thanks for the tips !
i have problems in the comprehension but in the litenning part of the toefel exam
can you give me tips or recommend a video?
hello James
you are the best teacher ever
I’m from Lebanon and i have TOEFL in 13th of July and i still week in writing and specially in coherence of my essay besides my speaking is a little bit slow can you help me or advice me
i feel as if i will not do well in TOEFL
help me pleas and thx you anyway
I think You are a very good English teacher
I will keep seeing you videos
Hi James
I am from thailand I would like to learn Eng. I learned very little from my country. What should I start?
Hi James,
I”m Duong and come from Vietnam. Thank you so much for your lesson. And please kindly advice some tips in order to be the beginner of TOEFL training….
Perfect method! Thanks, James!
Thanks! I’ll try this method. I’ll message my experience next month.
thank you James, i follow you from youtube :) i like your class!
Ok, I have 4 books to read by Wednesday, so I will try this out and let you know how it worked for me, thank you!
Hi James, Thank you for your tips. :)
I want to ask you about how to use ‘tobe’ like below sentence, can you post the video to tech us about that.
1. Newspapers are not to be taken out of the room.
2. Who will the couple to be married invited?
I don’t know when I need to use ‘to be’, and how to translate this? Could you teach us?
Thanks so much
Hi Sir,I am preparing for IELTS,how can i improve my reading skills within less time because they will give only 60 minutes for 3 comprehensions.
hi sir tnx .
how do i get a photographic memory? Thanks.
Anyway, “repeat repeat repeat…” is important to read, understand, write and listen, isn’t it? Not only TOEIC…but also learning something. I could reconfirm because of your lesson. EngVid means ENGlish plus VIDeo, too. Thank you for your tips :D EngVid is really helpful. I like this website very much :)
thanks for this video,it will hepl me to understand any english book
hi! thank you soooo much. but there’s only one problem , we don’t use a dictionary in the examination they give us a passage which we are to read and answer the questions given below
Thank you,James!!
I will try it you said.
“Comprehension” :)
Hi James I’m very grateful for all your help.
I’m thinking of taking the FCE exam so I would like to learn some tips to get the top mark. Could you give me some advice,please?
All the best,
Brian – from Peru.
Hi Sir James(By the way, do I have to capitalize the word “sir”),
I am confused on how to write a certain topic. I have a question. My question is: Is it okay if my essay would exceed to 5 paragraphs? I don’t exactly know how to write an article. I don’t know how to write a certain topic on a bond paper.
I am just 13 years old. I am very eager to learn English, James.
I hope you will answer my question and my request.
Thank you. You’re one of my idols. 13 yrs.
Do not read the phrase “13 yrs”.
By the way James, Uhmm… in writing a letter, why is it that the sender’s name in between two hyphens like this:
– Jeevesjc –
Thank you ,James !!!
thank you james for your tips but i am really running out of time reading again and again
thank you sir james for your tips but i am really running out of time reading again and again, Could you give me any advice ?
Hey James, thanks very much.. i really like the way you present. Impressive., and yeah i should ve seen this video may be, two months back.!! :)
thanks a lot)))))))))
Hi Ayka! Are you from Uzbekistan? I’m very glad to see here the person from my county.
thanks james .you are very good teacher .i really enjoy watching you videos lessons
thanks james. I like it
Hi,cool Mr.James,I just took the toeic.The score is not so good ,I watched your vedio,but I still don’t know how to improve my listening .What should I do?And why did you have just one vedio of toeic? I really want to watch more….
mrs. james, very thanks to your strategy.
i’m so interested watching your video.
I’ll wait for the next video.. ^^
Thanks James
thank you for teach me how to read and understand
this is the best lesson i never seen before
thank you teacher and i hope you give to us more benefit lessons like this
thank you
nise teacher
hi James how are you ?
i ask you about the teaching in America or British English,because i want to study in America English and is there more lessons- topics i can study ?
Could you advice me with any useful websites which are major in reading skill?
thank you, James teacher.
You are best teacher. I am first time here. But I will come here every time .
hi James. thanks to all videos. and i want to ask you about ielts. can i prepare for it over one month?
Thank You Mr. James
hi James,
Thank you for the lessons
i have a question:
I am learning english.
Do i read 3 times each book if you want to follow your method ?
Thanks alot James. Reading comprehension is difficult for me. I was confused to read a report with new vocabularies and tried to translate…and Gave up :( But now, I can treat my reading :)
Very good teacher.
thank teacher! Reading comprehension is difficult for me. now, i fell i do good it in future.
Hi,there.your advise is so valuable,saving me plenty of time while I do reading Comprehension part from IELTS!thanks a lot,highly informative!
u know teacher James.
u r stunning teacher.
i luv ur lessons su much.
break a leg,Mr,James.
thanks for helpful tips James
Thank You
Whats the meaning of “summarize all” is that mean i have to summarize the whole text,or summarize what i have been summarize (each paragrph)? Thanks
Sir the steps r superb but i think what u thought was not helpful for competitive exam due to time constraint. So could u please guide me for taking comprehension in competitive exam particularly.
Thanks a lot. I really had the intuition but I didn’t know hot to aproach and achive it. Your explanation is very good and understandable.
Hi James thanks that helped me so much I struggle with reading and compression thanks!
thank you very much tc
Thank you very much, I need to improve my Reading, I got very down score in that section :S
Hi James, i’m from Viet Nam , i’m going to have the university exam , i’d you mind giving me some tips about reading comprehension ( we are not aloowed to use dictionary )
what book do you recommend for intermediate levels students??
Thank you!
Hi James! I always watch your video and I like it to improve my english this way. Tell me please, could I visit your school for several weeks. Let me more info about it please.
thank you .
Hi my name Tatiana I was just wondering if you could do a video on learning how to read more better I have a hard time learning (special ed)all the teacher I have ever had never really took the time to help to read very well like they never really cared and I know it’s not their fault it’s mine an I’m trying but and everytime I read out loud it sounds really bad and it’s embarrassing because I’m in 10 grade (15) so can you please give me some tips to read more fluently because its really hurting me and make me feel really bad about myself
thank you for your advising ” underline the word you don’t know” :)
Hi Jame Teacher, I’m So worry in English Words, cause English Language, One Word can Translate to many many meaning, some time it’s very complicate, or May be …I should know the English Grammar more… and more right, please help me! Thanks so much and I’ll appreciate
Dear James,
I really really need help of you, How can I prepare my self in just one minute for IELTS speaking section task 2 (cue card)?
Please reply me at your first convince.
I appreciate your help
wELL, I loved it and always did it!!
thank James. they’re really useful tips.
thx jame. it is aweasome
That’s good her lessons Mr James.
Thanks a lot you are amazing teacher.
Thank You Mr. James
thank you james that is very important for me to learn english.
hey, Really helpful! Its nice that you have shared it..
Great tip! Thank You.
Hi James i start whatch videos now and a like,if you have hint for me please tell me.
hi James i start watching your videos . I have problem how to learn academics words in better and fast way. my email is
thank you so much , but can you please teach us how to write an essey and what is the difference between writing a Paragraph and writing an essey ??????
No quiz for this lesson! What is going on here!!!!
Anyway, i like to read novels in English language. I read them twice to get a complex and powerful comprehension.
I understand you theaching I will learn English thanks james you are great teacher :))
hello :))
thanks a lot. may god bless u for the greatb job u are doing.
Hi James,
Thank you for you lessons. They are very motivating and funny and important, special those with tips and explanations of how to improve and make the study more productive.
I would like to left another suggestion: ( (
these pages have free e-books, so can complement the reading and improve the listening skills too.
Thank you James!
thank you James.
I really enjoy learning with a teacher like you sir James!!! you inspired me a lot being a future English teacher! :)
Oh,awesome!This is very helpful for me.Thank you!
yeah.. i agree with you sister
Dear mr James thank you for your supporting and your motivation to learn english language ) you are the best))))) thank you so much bro))))
Hello James
First, I want to thank you for this lesson is very effective,
Second, I want to improve my reading comprehension, but I want to point out a problem. Sometimes I meet with words that are similar and it’s a little hard to understand the differences between them. I mean I know the translation of these words but I do not know what the translation of what
For example: effluent, affluent, fluent
Hello James
First, I want to thank you for this lesson is very effective,
Second, I want to improve my reading comprehension, but I want to point out a problem. Sometimes I meet with words that are similar and it’s a little hard to understand the differences between them. I mean I know the translation of these words but I do not know what the translation of what
For example: effluent, affluent, fluent
That’s a good point! Some words that are very similar are also close in meaning, but not in this case. “Fluent” means proficient; “affluent”, rich; and “effluent”, outflow (e. g. wastewater that flows out from a factory).
However, they all come from the same word as flow. A fluent speaker’s words flow smoothly. Money flows to (and from) a rich person. While English has roots in several languages, looking at the meaning of a root word can often help you make sense of similar-sounding words with different meanings.
Thx u :) !
i am poor in” framing the sentence “plz help me
super lesson :)
Hello James,
I hope you’re doing good!
I would like to ask you a question, I only have less than three weeks left for the Ielts Exam, and every time I do reading practices I get low score, I think i know why, I do not understand very well.
I have watched the video, but do you think if I follow this method, I will be ready for the exam, inspite of the remaining time?
thanks for your lesson. I really need your help.I wanna make ready for TOEFL but how much I work header, I get lesser. especially in dictation and memorizing words. methods don’t work for me. would you please help me with that.
thank you sir
i am thankful to james for this comprehension tips for reading something to learn english
Wow, it really sounds great. Hopefully it will help me get through my reading difficulties. Thanks!
Haha, the funny ending!
you are an exceptional cracking teacher
I will start form now to do these steps and I wish that it help me. By the way, I like your font when you write.
Thank U.
but what can i do if i have exam and i can’t use dictionary
Yes, I will answer you later!
thanks for your tips, but could you give us some strategies for Toefl Reading, because I think during the exam we don’t have enough time to read and read again.
thank you teacher could you advice me to what to read in beginning like articles or anything
Really helpful :)
I can’t wait to try this method!
Hope it can improve my reading skill.
did not like this lesson….what should be the coolests thing? bah….
Can you help me write ielts essay?
snu puujee angli helee hamt suryaa hha :)))
hello teaxher :)))
1. read . 2. read again but use a dictionary. 3. read again ???? RIGHT ???
Nice Nice Nice…
thank you James your method to teach us is very nice
thanks man
hello everyone , hope you all to contact me on Facebook : , instagram : abu_zyad_15 , ho help eachother and improve our English to get more benefit .
wrong spelling “dictionay”
Awesome vid :0
I comprehended your lecture in the first time :)
Hi, James. I think Ronnie is a very good teacher and I love the way she teaches, but, now, I love you both. I don’t think that you talk too fast. I think that you are easy to understand because you talk very clearly and you give us very good tips. Thanks.
Hello, James. No, no, no, should be 007 James Bond.
Quite informative, I’ll use this way to read more English materials.
Thanks a lot,
Fred Lee Jr.
hi james,i dont know where and where stop while reading a passage
Hi James
I love the way of your teaching
I have problem in Multiple-choice questions specially when it is an application one and my scores are always less than average that i expect
thank you in advance
could you please tell me how i make it better?
hey at the first i would say thank a lot
and i have question please could you replay me
but what if i have too much words i don’t understand and i’m in a exam even if i practice i still don’t understand a a lot of words if you have any advice i would be very happy you’re a great teacher i have ilets exam after 10 days :(
Good ways so as to understand the difficult articles which constantly have new academic words. (:
Thanks sir
Thank you James. I will start with this method from today.
James, what can i reading to improve my English, such as stores or novels or newspaper, can you suggest some thing to reed ?
thanks man
Great lesson, thanks.
I like u sir and your teaching as well.You pass certain jokes,share funny things which makes your teaching much exciting and learning more amusing.Thanks for this lesson and other lessons too.
Thank you James
thank you dear teacher, I got much help from u
Thank you.
you are amazing!!! Thank you :)
thank you
cool. I’ve learnt these two new words here today as “comprehension” and “summarize”.I hope I could remember them as well .
oh! that’s wonderful lesson about english comprehension. Thanks james
From my perspective, I truly believe these tips could help us to improve ourselves in the TOEFL reading section. I’m thinking about reading some New York Times articles using the tips you just gave us.
Some text are more difficult to understand than others, but when we use this way all texts can be comprehended.
It was helpful and you are really informative. thank
you so mcuh for your good lessons
thank you!
Hi! I want if i have to read a book o long chapter, can i apply this tips?.
*I want to know
Hi James i enjoyed the lesson and I’d like to tell you that ” this is my style in reading any article or subject in Arabic also ..Getting the ideas from what is written is not so easy and it demands three times of reading to get the exact idea that the writer want to give us .
hi James i’m realy satsfied with your lessons ,i wonder if you could help me by sending some examples on my e-mail about reading exams that we can find at the toefl,that’s my
Interesting lesson, thanks
please Mr James in need a essays to enhance my reading can you help??
you did greet job :)
I’ll follow your advices when I read. Thanks.
thanx an ocean for all useful videos ,, thanks ..
thanx man ,, thank you all.
Thanks for sharing this imformation.
HI James! My name is Magdala, I am currently enrolled in the GED program; in Columbus, OH. I need to know how to write an essay. Please help!
I never get tired of watching videos; learning with this teacher staff is fantastic…
all the best 4 you, James!
Thanks :)
thank you so much! and the man wrote with his left hand. i appreciate that!
Thanks James and engVid team. Now I’ll look for summarize examples… I mean, how to do a good summary.
Hi James,
yours, it’s really a fantastic way of teaching.
… so lively, so cool.
Thanks for your lessons :-)
James, thanks for your lessons!!! It is very helpfull!
Can you add to LinguaLeo this lesson too?
Hi James.
Reading is good to improve English and make vocabulary wider. But sometimes(maybe anytime lol) I have hard time to read. Not only in English but also even my first language XO
Hiii Miiiiiiiiister James :)
All your vid lessons are so helpful for me, Thank you so much !
Hi James, I have enjoyed your videos especially your ultimate intro video. I was wondering if you could do a video on extended responses though.
HI: I am Hadi from Iraq . I want to improve my language . I am an English teacher . I need help .How can you help me specially in grammar .
with my regards
Thanku sir, for this info..
Hello, James. First of all, I want to say thank you for your very clear explanation. James I have a question about the time of translation of the new words that we singled out during our first reading of the text? Should we translate these words after the first reading or when?
Hahaha James ! I like your tutorials !
Hello teacher James !
Thank you for this video. It’s help me to more understand how to read well, but i have a question.
When i read a text, so should i translate it into my native language or English to understand it.
My problem is when i read and speak English i have to translate into my native language,so there seems it make me slower.
Could you help me ?
Thanks again ! ^^
Why you dont wrote letter ( r ) in dictionary ??!!
thank you so much i understood every thing when you said good luck
Hi James,
Your tips are really useful. It would be satisfied if you could have explained it with an example.
Very useful tips,professor James.Thanks.
Thank you James
Thanks a lot James.
OMG you’re such a good teacher <3
thank you so much
very good.
hi, sir your English lesson so nice
how can i remember works meaning that i was studied in news paper etc.,
very sorry sir…..words meaning…..
Good sir
Thanks James, I never tried this before but I will start doing the 1,2,3 or reading comprehension. I know this will make a difference in my reading now. I will pass this onto my grandson who is 11 years old and has trouble with reading and comprehension. thanks again
What a greet video from a great teacher !!
Thank you teacher, you guys are the best!
Thank u sir I fallow u lessons very understanding metod (step 1 by one )can be better than bit
thanks so much .Is a good lesson
Hey James! Thanks a lot! I´ll try it! B.R.
Hi James you the best! Thanks a million everything! ?❤?
Hi james, I am delighted to watch your helpful video. I’m actually difficult to understand what i’ve read in IELTS or TOEFL passages because of lack of scientific vocabularies. Would you mind to give me some tricks to solve it? Thanks in advance
So this is me.It ‘s very helpful video and I am eager to speak English fluently.Thank you
we are going to 2019 ! but engvid stand still
It’s excellent tips but the issue the vocabulary mean a lot of in dictionary how to select the correct one
How to write ecdamic essay
Asaad Mohmmed
Sultane of Oman
Thanks for giving this important tips D
hi this is my skype ID live:b6c624cc8fb4d8e1 for those who are interested in practicing Englsih
Thanks again james rodriguez
Thank’s for the information sir. Now, i know what is the best technique in reading.
Hi, Mr.james good beginning with you.
I will continue watching your videos until the end.
all the best
It is good solution. I am graduate student. So, I have read English paper.
Thank you James, that’s really useful for me!
I begin to watch your video today, and I will continue watching all of them util the end.
Thank you!
Hi, James! Very very very nice lesson, man! Really useful information! I will try to use this method in reading activities, ok? Thank you so much, buddy!
Thank you, James!
I love how you explain. Can you do more videos about Cambridge exam?
I think your explanation is easy and clear
great way to improve your reading !!!!
I like the way you write your a
very useful tips sir
thank you
Thank you so much..
I found this lesson very interesting. I will try to make mine this study method. Thank you so much!
İt was useful. thank you so much
Thanks a lot, but how can we know whether our summary is right or not?
Thank you
thank you!
Hi James!
Are you here? How can I contact you?
Just superb!
I going to practice now
Thank you for nice tip.
Thank you for your tips James. See you in the next lesson.
Hi James
Your lessons are very motivating and practical. Thank you so much.
Hi im interesting to learn more on English please guide me.
James, If you provide your subtitles, there are many that need correction in spelling. or tell whomever to correct them for you.
otherwise, I enjoy your videos and bring them to my students.
an ESL teacher.
Hi James
From Iran
I have to answer some question at the end of the passage in very short time,so what do you suggest for such a passage?
The passages are for electrical engineering
Thank you very much for making it so simple.
Thank you for the good 3 ways to improve your reading
HI sir. Thanks for all your lessons. I really love it. Thanks. Can you also make another lesson and post it on youtube? Thanks again!
Great tips, Thanks James.
Thank you very much for the tips!
Hey, can you please tell me how to increase my pronunciation power ???
ig you should you should write it like this To make my PRONUNCIATION MORE BETTER…….. pronunciation power doesn’t sound good tbh. H
ave a good day :D
thank you very much
hi James,
Your way of teaching really makes me understand English well.thank you?
thank you for the knowledge uou bring
Thx James for your job!
thanks, dear teacher one more of your lesson. I really enjoyed
We need a lesson on text and comprehension questions,vocubulary and how we can do pharaphrasing and summurazing ??
like an academic exam
thank you.
HI James my name is MUNISA .I am a student.I need some help . which book do you advise me to read?i can’t find books to read
Pretty good! Thank you for your effort
How can you answer English comprehension essays correctly?
Very good lesson.I love reading and writing sumaries.
I do it all the time. If someone is talking to me I
usually think:” He could have said that in four words.”
It’s not that I’m impolite,I’ve been doing this for
so many years that it’s difficult to change.
I love your teaching.
I got it. Thank you James
thanks so much for the lessons, l have problems sometimes l can read many times but l didn’t understand and then in exam is heard for understand the questions. thanks
Great effort, keep going
thx for the lesson
It’s good to read a text or a book several time but when taking the TOEIC test we do not have enough time to do so, we must read diagonally if we want to gain time and to answer other questions, you know questions in the TOEIC come by thousand so …..
Anyway, thanks for the advises.