In English, we call words like myself and yourself ‘reflexive pronouns’. Learn how to master these important but confusing words with this grammar lesson. I’ll show you how to avoid the four mistakes students make when using these special pronouns.
What I liked most about this lesson Rebecca were -in the first place- your easy to understand definition of object pronouns.
In the second place, your illustrative examples.They further explained how to use them properly.
Studying English grammar watching your videos is beyond doubt a great learning experience.
Thanks a lot and take care!
I did the maximum (6/6) by myself. It is not correct because it is obvious, but I am just saying…
What I liked most about this lesson Rebecca were -in the first place- your easy to understand definition of object pronouns.
In the second place, your illustrative examples.They further explained how to use them properly.
Studying English grammar watching your videos is beyond doubt a great learning experience.
Thanks a lot and take care!
Really, I want to do more practice myself
Hi Rebecca,I am from AZerbaijan- I have been a member of this site,you’re awesome teacher,this lesson’s so useful,I thank you so much for this,knock’m dead :) best regards
bakhtiyar ali
i mean I have been a member of this site since 2011 ;) and I have learned a lot of things from you )
bakhtiyar ali
Hi teacher !
is it correct to say “both of you should be proud of himself”, isn’t it?
it seems this way better “Both of you should be proud of yourself”
Both is plurial so “yourselves” will be more appropriate
No, not correct.
6/6 :) I love it
Very interesting lesson, thank you very much Rebecca.
Hi, dear teacher. I have a question. if you answer my question it will make me happy:) dear teacher can u explain me as. . . as and single as. what is difference between them? i meant for ex: my car is not as small as yours. and my car is not small as yours.
Best regards
Elvin (from Azerbaijan)
He cut himself while chopping the potatoes.
I think word s comes with the verb cut, is it correct gramatically?
please guide.
It is correct becuase this sentence refers to a past situation, but it may be confusing since cut has the same form for past and past participle.
Yes the same form in the past, but the past participle is formed with the auxiliary “have” So that none confusing is possible.
SP: I cut myself
PP: I have cut myself
i pass the quiz perfect yes
thanks to the whole team of engvid:)
common uses:
1)subject and object in a sentence are the same:
The baby saw himself/herself in the mirror and laughed.
If you don’t know him, you should introduce yourself.
2)Emphasize a noun, placed immediately after the noun:
Money itself can’t buy happiness.
I myself am not interested.
3)”by + Ref.Pronoun” signifies that the performer of the action had no help:
She made the dress by herself.
4)”be + Ref.Pronoun” means to act or behave in an unusual manner:
I am sorry for getting angry. I guess I am not myself today.
5)Ref.Pronoun used after many verb + preposition combination:
If you believe in yourself, you will succeed.
Take care of yourselves while I’m away.
If you don’t care about yourself, nobody else will.
skype: mursaleen_1
nice comment
I have a question, why she say in the example: John and I are partners. Why is not correct use ME instead of I ?
“John” and “I” are the “subject” of the sentence and subjects appear in nominative case-form.
“Me” refers to the “object” of a sentence and objects appear in accusative case-form.
For example, in the sentence “John invited me”, “me” is the object and therefore appears in accusative form.
The nominative/accusative differentiation also appears in “he/him”, “she/her”, “we/us” and “they/them”.
Wait a minute guys!!!. . . nominative? . . . accusative case? . . . what on earth are you talking about?
With all due respect, I think you should take a close look at Rafu’s explanation, it goes to the point.
hello teacher Lauftammo can i contact with you ? and thank you . sorry for my grammar .
you’re great!
Oh, my God!!! I bet you ARE an English teacher, aren’t you?
It never crossed my mind that I could ran across an explanation like this around here.
Now, the use of reflective pronouns makes much more sense to me; of course, thanks to your short grammar explanations and examples.
Thanks for sharing this information with us Mursalee45.
By for now.
thanks rebecca my score 6/6
I did it . Thanks a lot .
Nice. i like it
It was very interesting! Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
i’m confused when we use the word ‘even’
I am a malian student, there is something that I did not understand concerning repeat oneself, For I can hear many people using it. do you mean that the right way to say it is simply repeat?
yeah rihgt. thank u Rebecca u r such a great teacher. keep teaching english please.
Efrain Dominguez
thank you you are great teacher
Hi Rebecca,
I’m happy because I socred 6 out of 6…yehyeh…Very useful lesson.
Since I became a member of your site I’ve learned a lot. Thank you very much.
hi Rebecca,
i have two question,
1- the third example can i say
he hurt himself when he’s playing hockey?
2- why you use playing not played ?
Thank you so much.
Hello teacher!I am so pleased myself after your lesson .Thank you so much.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you very much for the lesson. It was so useful.
Nataliya Kim-1958
thank you very much ! i learned a lot when watching your videos :)
perfect score:)
dear Rubeca madam. this is my first comment on engvid..just a word to say thank you soooo much for the video. and i learnt a new point on reflexive pronouns for the first time.
5/6 are correct
not to bad :)
يحيى عودة
Good lesson. Thank you so much. :)
Thanks for such info. I enjoyed the lesson and learnt something.
Thank you very much Rebecca. I hope to find more quizes here to practice my grammar. I look for any fun or funny way to improve my grammar. I wish all the best for you! Cata
skype id: catamari2006
Hi Rebecca. Just a consultation, the last example about Bob shave himself. Does it should be correct if we consider that bob could be shaved by a barber?.
Thanks a lot in advance.
got perfect score on quiz. Thanks a lot for this lesson Teacher Rebecca.
wooow i get score 6 out of 6 nice thanks rebecca for give us this lessson and keeep going to help us have a good day.
Hi Rebecca, thank you for the lesson, but I’ve already watched the others videos on about Reflexive Pronoun, but none of them explain how to use the Reflexive “one another”, “each other”…
Could you please explain how/when to use it?
Encore une fois merci Rebecca
hi dear rebecca!
thank u for the lesson.i loved it very much.but i’m a little confused with the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ whats wrong with the sentence?
yes i`m really confused with sentence i feel it`s ok when say i enjoyed at the party
I think, the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ is incorrect. Because the word ‘enjoy’ is a transitive verb. Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. In that sentence the verb ‘enjoy’ has no object. It provokes a question that what i enjoyed.
So this sentence should have to be like ‘i enjoyed the dance/music/food/atmosphere at the party’.
Instead of ‘enjoy’ if I use another verb such as – ‘sing’, the sentence will be correct without having an object. (I sang at the party.) Because here ‘sing’ is an intransitive verb.
You’re right, and that’s an excellent explanation!
engVid Moderator
Oh, my God!!! I bet you ARE an English teacher, aren’t you?
It never crossed my mind that I could ran across an explanation like this around here.
Now, the use of reflective pronouns makes much more sense to me; of course, thanks to your grammar explanation.
Thanks for sharing this information with us Rafu.
Hi teacher ,
thanks for your lesson but i`m really confused with the sentence
” i enjoyed my self at the party ” why can`t we say i enjoyed at the party ? what is the wrong in it ???
i like it
excellent help, thanks
thank you madam Rebecca, if you can teach us how to order adjectives,it will be a very importent many of us…. thank you again
thank you teacher ..
i have been always asked my , when should i use yourself instead yourselves ….
One thing I would like to say to you Rebecca, you are the most clear english speaker I ever heard.
Hi good day
thank you so much <3
i hope you do some leasons " who to pass toefl exam "
how **
Thank you for your class Rebecca. Greetings from Colombia!
i love you rebacca
ramesh ramee
Thank you for the lesson.
I have done all of the six questions by myself; and all of them are correct.
It’s usefull…I add somthing new today. Thank you Rebecca.
thank u so much. u r licture is so helpfull
ihsan ullah khan
how is verey body
yeah thanks it was useful
Very good explainsation. easy to understand.
Hello Rebecca, how are you ? Firstly, thanks for this video. Sorry my bad grammar, it’s the best I’d do by myself, without tralsnator.
Check out if I’ve understood the lesson.
I myself (singular)
you yourself (singular)
he himself (singular)
she herself (singular)
it itself (singular)
we ourselves (plural)
you yourselves (plural)
they themselves (plural)
My conclusion: we use the the Reflexive Pronoun when the subject makes and in the same time receives the action. Right ? I hope that so.
We can also use the Reflexive Pronoun to emphasize, but it’s another case. And about the use of (one = oneself) Is it generally used in modern English ?
Thank you Rebecca, I love your videos. As I’ve said, sorry my grammar, I’m from Brazil.
6 out of 6.Thanks very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for your lessons
Hi, I’m Venezuelan I love the classes they teach you recommend accessed anytime and anywhere. Congratulations Prof. Rebeca
It explains very well
Tank u very much Rebecca. I clarified so many doubts by watching this videos. u guy’s doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.
Tank u all of u.
thanks so lot, teacher
Hi Rebecca,
thx 4 this lesson…I lyk new version of quiz ;)
I’m proud of my score! I got 5/6,and i’m eight years old.
Rebecca you are the best English teacher I’ve ever seen!!
Thank you Rebecca! =)
6 :)))))
that was a great lesson, you are very good at teaching. thanks, regards
In the 3rd example it is written
He hurt himself when playing hockey. My doubt is –is it hurt or hurts since the subject is singular
Thanks for your explanation Rebecca. I didn’t know when I should use reflexive pronoun in plural senteces. But, now I Know. Thanks a lot
I got 5 correct out of 6.I am very sad. I hope next time will be better.When I find myself in times of trouble,mather Mary comes to me,speaking words of wisdom,let it be.Greetings from Poland.
Hi teacher Ronni
Your way of teaching is interesting. I have a question. If I say, I enjoyed at the party. Is this correct? Please explain.
Hello Ronni,I have a question about “a step”.I saw one sentence:”I took a step backwards to allow her to pass.” Could “a step” be the meaning of precaution? Does “a step” mean the real number? Or both meanings are included?
Hi Rebacca it was very useful lesson for me.
6/6 thanks :)
Thanks Rebecca.God bless you .you’re a great teacher.have a good one .
thank you dear teacher Rebecca
i got 100 D it was wonderful i know you are a great teacher i love you and appreciate you hop you be successful to all part of your life
you student
from Kabul AFG
sorry i forgot the “r” your student from Kabul
hop you forgave me for my mistake
I got 6/6, 100. Yes!!!
this lesson is too easy to be in advanced level
Hello Rebecca!
First of all thanks for your lessons.
I’d like to ask you what’s the difference between “by myself, by yourself, etc.” and “on my own, on your own, etc,”.
For example: “I made this cake by myself”, or “I made it on my own” ?
Is there a rule about it?
Thanks for your help,
Dear Rebecca,
This is an awesome class, quick and super-efficient. I watched 2 of your videos, and then I’ve got an A at the quiz. Thank you very much!
I’ll be trying to check as many as possible of your classes,
Very good lesson, thank you very much
perfect lesson.thank you.
interesting lesson. thanks
Oh no, 1 wrong!
Please help me in rectifying the error in the sentence
‘All the guest who the President invited to the party enjoyed a lot.’
Please give a bit detailed explanation.
“All the guestS THAT the President invited to the party enjoyed IT a lot”.
The pronout “IT” refers to the “party”
This last sentence sounds a bit more natural to me.
Hope this helps
wow 10 out of ten ..
i needs videos lessons of all grammar tenses.
God bless you
Mrs Rebecca thanks for your teaching i got it
I certainly put myself in a much better position today
In the question two, I thought the correct answer was the first one. Would you mind telling me why is it wrong?
Thanks Rebecca! Nice lesson, as usual!
I liked this test! thanks!
Thank you very much. The best wishes for you.
Thank you.
Thank you
6/6 Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you very Mrs Rebecca.
I need more practicing. 83%
Hi, Rebecca.
Thank you for apprehensible lessons, but I have a question.
Can we say: “Bob shaved Nick.”?
If so, then it’s correct to say, that “Bob shaved himself.” Isn’t it?
In my book,we can say: “Bob shaved his face” instead of “Bob shaved himself” that might doesn’t make sense!! & Bob shaved Nick’s face is right probably!!!!
Gooodluck! :)
Thank you, Fatima.
I think you are right. It’s my own language ;).
Lots of tnx.
I got :D .
Yes, you’re a rock star, Fátima. What a lovely name! But don’t be so enthusiastic. That’s a piece if cake.
Probably? Might and probably? It doesn’t make any sense.
Hi there
i made 6/6 Cheer
Tell me please, why in the second question of quiz, in the last sentence is not ”themselves”but themself ? However, ”They repeat themself many time” is considered the correct answer.Thank you very much. Good lesson !
*Could you tell me, please…..question of the quiz….I’m sorry for the mistakes!
Hi Swan1,
You had to find out the wrong question and in this case “themself” is wrong :-)
Thanks a lot! Rebecca! Good lesson!
Ip Man Lee
About the ” shave” If it’s the first time that a man ( boy) makes his beard, I want to talk with emphasis. Is it wrong to say ” Bob shaved himself ” anyway ?
Thanks you Rebecca!
Thanks I got 67%
Abdul Qayum
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much.
Thanks! ;)
when i answered the quiz No 2 by mistake i thought that the question is ((( Which of the following is correct?)))
Therefor the mistake happened
Anyways many thanks my teacher Ms. Rebecca =
Thank Rebecca.
got 4/6.i did see where i went wrong.thanks alot
clevol nelson
got 4/6.i did see where i went wrong.i did learn alot.
clevol nelson
its gng to help me a lot…thanks to james
praveen appu. R
please, which is the correct form of the sentence and why?
they repeat themself.
they repeat themselves.
Ohhh thanks Rebecca, this time the results doesn’t reflect my knowleadge because I supposed to made the right answer and no wrong in first and second questions ( Were inverse ). So I got 67 % but I know totally right those.
hy mamm thnk u so much for ur valuable commnt.
SUPER ^_^ Rebecca YOU ARE THE BEST !!!
Ann Anastasiadi
thank :)
Dear Rebecca,
I blame myself when sometimes I make errors with your test.
I study your lesson again and I restart the test.
Thanks to you, I improve.
Best regards.
In the third example “He hurt himself..” or “he hurts himself..” ?
Thank you Rebecca, your explanation helped me a lot :)
why number 4 wrong:
4. Which of the following is correct?
Susan and Dan are making the cake theirselves.
( x/wrong/why? Anita and Benjamin blamed themself for the delay.)
(/correct/ Betty and Loretta taught themselves how to play the guitar)
both type sentences in bracket are the same ?
chakim hamzah
The problem with that sentences is that the subject is plural (Anita and Benjamin ) but the object is written misspelled . it should be themselves not themself.
Because, there is no word in English called ‘theirselves’. It should be themselves
Plural forms for they and them is themselves:
For e.g., I just showed the boys the refrigerator and told them to help themselves.
In recent years, people have started to use themself to correspond to this singular use of they and them: it’s seen as the logical singular form of themselves.
For example: This is the first step in helping someone to help themself.
This form is not yet accepted by everyone, though, and you should avoid using it in formal written contexts. If you were writing the sentence above, you should say:
This is the first step in helping someone to help themselves.
yeah 6 out of 6
Lucie AR
like always !
thanks rebecca & :)
Mohsen Barati
thanks for us
Eng baraet
This is a useful lesson for me. Thank you so much for your work.
Full mark!
Thank you Ms. Rebecca I wish I could speak confidently in English. Hoping I can subscribe your video lessons soon
Hi,Ms.Rebecca,I’m giancarlos ,i’m from peru, I feel very excited when i see your classes, because your classes are very clear and understandable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and time.
it is relly iporve myself by lrean this lesson
Adam han
thanks teacher a lot. i would like learn about other,another,the other, otherwise, each other and one other with you because you are the best.
argenys antonio cinero.
Hi Rebecca,
I have two sentences below, could you pls see and correct it if I use incorrectly? thank you.
1/ I myself drove him to school yesterday.
2/ We ourselves drove him to school yesterday.
Thanks Teacher.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
M kartal
Thanks Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you for this lesson.
tha great..
Thanku soo much for the vedio miss rubecca
Uroosa Qureshi
Thanku soo much
You made it easy for me
Uroosa Qureshi
Good morning ma’am Rebecca
I want to learn advanced English from you let me know about that Pl mail at
Dewan Asparan Nabi
One more time, thanks a lot. Take care.
Thank you
I watched this video twice on June 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
I watched this video twice on July 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Thank you Rebecca. Im going to love grammar with you. Good teacher with adorable manner
Boughalmi Anouar
thank a lot Rebecca, I have to depend on you, when I learn english in yt many about you so I’ll open your video;))))
Innayah Wulandari
he is the taller among the two ? is correct.
mathewdonald 2001
He is the taller among the two. I searched the answer is OF THE TWO
what is the reason
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
6/6 !!!! Thank you!!!
thank you
Thanks for this video lesson Rebecca.
What I liked most about this lesson Rebecca were -in the first place- your easy to understand definition of object pronouns.
In the second place, your illustrative examples.They further explained how to use them properly.
Studying English grammar watching your videos is beyond doubt a great learning experience.
Thanks a lot and take care!
I did the maximum (6/6) by myself. It is not correct because it is obvious, but I am just saying…
What I liked most about this lesson Rebecca were -in the first place- your easy to understand definition of object pronouns.
In the second place, your illustrative examples.They further explained how to use them properly.
Studying English grammar watching your videos is beyond doubt a great learning experience.
Thanks a lot and take care!
Really, I want to do more practice myself
Hi Rebecca,I am from AZerbaijan- I have been a member of this site,you’re awesome teacher,this lesson’s so useful,I thank you so much for this,knock’m dead :) best regards
i mean I have been a member of this site since 2011 ;) and I have learned a lot of things from you )
Hi teacher !
is it correct to say “both of you should be proud of himself”, isn’t it?
it seems this way better “Both of you should be proud of yourself”
Both is plurial so “yourselves” will be more appropriate
No, not correct.
6/6 :) I love it
Very interesting lesson, thank you very much Rebecca.
Hi, dear teacher. I have a question. if you answer my question it will make me happy:) dear teacher can u explain me as. . . as and single as. what is difference between them? i meant for ex: my car is not as small as yours. and my car is not small as yours.
Best regards
Elvin (from Azerbaijan)
He cut himself while chopping the potatoes.
I think word s comes with the verb cut, is it correct gramatically?
please guide.
It is correct becuase this sentence refers to a past situation, but it may be confusing since cut has the same form for past and past participle.
Yes the same form in the past, but the past participle is formed with the auxiliary “have” So that none confusing is possible.
SP: I cut myself
PP: I have cut myself
i pass the quiz perfect yes
thanks to the whole team of engvid:)
common uses:
1)subject and object in a sentence are the same:
The baby saw himself/herself in the mirror and laughed.
If you don’t know him, you should introduce yourself.
2)Emphasize a noun, placed immediately after the noun:
Money itself can’t buy happiness.
I myself am not interested.
3)”by + Ref.Pronoun” signifies that the performer of the action had no help:
She made the dress by herself.
4)”be + Ref.Pronoun” means to act or behave in an unusual manner:
I am sorry for getting angry. I guess I am not myself today.
5)Ref.Pronoun used after many verb + preposition combination:
If you believe in yourself, you will succeed.
Take care of yourselves while I’m away.
If you don’t care about yourself, nobody else will.
skype: mursaleen_1
nice comment
I have a question, why she say in the example: John and I are partners. Why is not correct use ME instead of I ?
“John” and “I” are the “subject” of the sentence and subjects appear in nominative case-form.
“Me” refers to the “object” of a sentence and objects appear in accusative case-form.
For example, in the sentence “John invited me”, “me” is the object and therefore appears in accusative form.
The nominative/accusative differentiation also appears in “he/him”, “she/her”, “we/us” and “they/them”.
Wait a minute guys!!!. . . nominative? . . . accusative case? . . . what on earth are you talking about?
With all due respect, I think you should take a close look at Rafu’s explanation, it goes to the point.
hello teacher Lauftammo can i contact with you ? and thank you . sorry for my grammar .
you’re great!
Oh, my God!!! I bet you ARE an English teacher, aren’t you?
It never crossed my mind that I could ran across an explanation like this around here.
Now, the use of reflective pronouns makes much more sense to me; of course, thanks to your short grammar explanations and examples.
Thanks for sharing this information with us Mursalee45.
By for now.
thanks rebecca my score 6/6
I did it . Thanks a lot .
Nice. i like it
It was very interesting! Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
i’m confused when we use the word ‘even’
I am a malian student, there is something that I did not understand concerning repeat oneself, For I can hear many people using it. do you mean that the right way to say it is simply repeat?
yeah rihgt. thank u Rebecca u r such a great teacher. keep teaching english please.
thank you you are great teacher
Hi Rebecca,
I’m happy because I socred 6 out of 6…yehyeh…Very useful lesson.
Since I became a member of your site I’ve learned a lot. Thank you very much.
hi Rebecca,
i have two question,
1- the third example can i say
he hurt himself when he’s playing hockey?
2- why you use playing not played ?
Thank you so much.
Hello teacher!I am so pleased myself after your lesson .Thank you so much.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you very much for the lesson. It was so useful.
thank you very much ! i learned a lot when watching your videos :)
perfect score:)
dear Rubeca madam. this is my first comment on engvid..just a word to say thank you soooo much for the video. and i learnt a new point on reflexive pronouns for the first time.
5/6 are correct
not to bad :)
Good lesson. Thank you so much. :)
Thanks for such info. I enjoyed the lesson and learnt something.
Thank you very much Rebecca. I hope to find more quizes here to practice my grammar. I look for any fun or funny way to improve my grammar. I wish all the best for you! Cata
skype id: catamari2006
Hi Rebecca. Just a consultation, the last example about Bob shave himself. Does it should be correct if we consider that bob could be shaved by a barber?.
Thanks a lot in advance.
got perfect score on quiz. Thanks a lot for this lesson Teacher Rebecca.
wooow i get score 6 out of 6 nice thanks rebecca for give us this lessson and keeep going to help us have a good day.
Hi Rebecca, thank you for the lesson, but I’ve already watched the others videos on about Reflexive Pronoun, but none of them explain how to use the Reflexive “one another”, “each other”…
Could you please explain how/when to use it?
Encore une fois merci Rebecca
hi dear rebecca!
thank u for the lesson.i loved it very much.but i’m a little confused with the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ whats wrong with the sentence?
yes i`m really confused with sentence i feel it`s ok when say i enjoyed at the party
I think, the sentence ‘i enjoyed at the party’ is incorrect. Because the word ‘enjoy’ is a transitive verb. Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. In that sentence the verb ‘enjoy’ has no object. It provokes a question that what i enjoyed.
So this sentence should have to be like ‘i enjoyed the dance/music/food/atmosphere at the party’.
Instead of ‘enjoy’ if I use another verb such as – ‘sing’, the sentence will be correct without having an object. (I sang at the party.) Because here ‘sing’ is an intransitive verb.
You’re right, and that’s an excellent explanation!
Oh, my God!!! I bet you ARE an English teacher, aren’t you?
It never crossed my mind that I could ran across an explanation like this around here.
Now, the use of reflective pronouns makes much more sense to me; of course, thanks to your grammar explanation.
Thanks for sharing this information with us Rafu.
Hi teacher ,
thanks for your lesson but i`m really confused with the sentence
” i enjoyed my self at the party ” why can`t we say i enjoyed at the party ? what is the wrong in it ???
i like it
excellent help, thanks
thank you madam Rebecca, if you can teach us how to order adjectives,it will be a very importent many of us…. thank you again
thank you teacher ..
i have been always asked my , when should i use yourself instead yourselves ….
One thing I would like to say to you Rebecca, you are the most clear english speaker I ever heard.
Hi good day
thank you so much <3
i hope you do some leasons " who to pass toefl exam "
how **
Thank you for your class Rebecca. Greetings from Colombia!
i love you rebacca
Thank you for the lesson.
I have done all of the six questions by myself; and all of them are correct.
It’s usefull…I add somthing new today. Thank you Rebecca.
thank u so much. u r licture is so helpfull
how is verey body
yeah thanks it was useful
Very good explainsation. easy to understand.
Hello Rebecca, how are you ? Firstly, thanks for this video. Sorry my bad grammar, it’s the best I’d do by myself, without tralsnator.
Check out if I’ve understood the lesson.
I myself (singular)
you yourself (singular)
he himself (singular)
she herself (singular)
it itself (singular)
we ourselves (plural)
you yourselves (plural)
they themselves (plural)
My conclusion: we use the the Reflexive Pronoun when the subject makes and in the same time receives the action. Right ? I hope that so.
We can also use the Reflexive Pronoun to emphasize, but it’s another case. And about the use of (one = oneself) Is it generally used in modern English ?
Thank you Rebecca, I love your videos. As I’ve said, sorry my grammar, I’m from Brazil.
6 out of 6.Thanks very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for your lessons
Hi, I’m Venezuelan I love the classes they teach you recommend accessed anytime and anywhere. Congratulations Prof. Rebeca
It explains very well
Tank u very much Rebecca. I clarified so many doubts by watching this videos. u guy’s doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.
Tank u all of u.
thanks so lot, teacher
Hi Rebecca,
thx 4 this lesson…I lyk new version of quiz ;)
I’m proud of my score! I got 5/6,and i’m eight years old.
Rebecca you are the best English teacher I’ve ever seen!!
Thank you Rebecca! =)
6 :)))))
that was a great lesson, you are very good at teaching. thanks, regards
In the 3rd example it is written
He hurt himself when playing hockey. My doubt is –is it hurt or hurts since the subject is singular
Thanks for your explanation Rebecca. I didn’t know when I should use reflexive pronoun in plural senteces. But, now I Know. Thanks a lot
I got 5 correct out of 6.I am very sad. I hope next time will be better.When I find myself in times of trouble,mather Mary comes to me,speaking words of wisdom,let it be.Greetings from Poland.
Hi teacher Ronni
Your way of teaching is interesting. I have a question. If I say, I enjoyed at the party. Is this correct? Please explain.
Hello Ronni,I have a question about “a step”.I saw one sentence:”I took a step backwards to allow her to pass.” Could “a step” be the meaning of precaution? Does “a step” mean the real number? Or both meanings are included?
Hi Rebacca it was very useful lesson for me.
6/6 thanks :)
Thanks Rebecca.God bless you .you’re a great teacher.have a good one .
thank you dear teacher Rebecca
i got 100 D it was wonderful i know you are a great teacher i love you and appreciate you hop you be successful to all part of your life
you student
from Kabul AFG
sorry i forgot the “r” your student from Kabul
hop you forgave me for my mistake
I got 6/6, 100. Yes!!!
this lesson is too easy to be in advanced level
Hello Rebecca!
First of all thanks for your lessons.
I’d like to ask you what’s the difference between “by myself, by yourself, etc.” and “on my own, on your own, etc,”.
For example: “I made this cake by myself”, or “I made it on my own” ?
Is there a rule about it?
Thanks for your help,
Dear Rebecca,
This is an awesome class, quick and super-efficient. I watched 2 of your videos, and then I’ve got an A at the quiz. Thank you very much!
I’ll be trying to check as many as possible of your classes,
Very good lesson, thank you very much
perfect lesson.thank you.
interesting lesson. thanks
Oh no, 1 wrong!
Please help me in rectifying the error in the sentence
‘All the guest who the President invited to the party enjoyed a lot.’
Please give a bit detailed explanation.
“All the guestS THAT the President invited to the party enjoyed IT a lot”.
The pronout “IT” refers to the “party”
This last sentence sounds a bit more natural to me.
Hope this helps
wow 10 out of ten ..
i needs videos lessons of all grammar tenses.
God bless you
Mrs Rebecca thanks for your teaching i got it
I certainly put myself in a much better position today
In the question two, I thought the correct answer was the first one. Would you mind telling me why is it wrong?
Thanks Rebecca! Nice lesson, as usual!
I liked this test! thanks!
Thank you very much. The best wishes for you.
Thank you.
Thank you
6/6 Thanks!
Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you very Mrs Rebecca.
I need more practicing. 83%
Hi, Rebecca.
Thank you for apprehensible lessons, but I have a question.
Can we say: “Bob shaved Nick.”?
If so, then it’s correct to say, that “Bob shaved himself.” Isn’t it?
In my book,we can say: “Bob shaved his face” instead of “Bob shaved himself” that might doesn’t make sense!! & Bob shaved Nick’s face is right probably!!!!
Gooodluck! :)
Thank you, Fatima.
I think you are right. It’s my own language ;).
Lots of tnx.
I got :D .
Yes, you’re a rock star, Fátima. What a lovely name! But don’t be so enthusiastic. That’s a piece if cake.
Probably? Might and probably? It doesn’t make any sense.
Hi there
i made 6/6 Cheer
Tell me please, why in the second question of quiz, in the last sentence is not ”themselves”but themself ? However, ”They repeat themself many time” is considered the correct answer.Thank you very much. Good lesson !
*Could you tell me, please…..question of the quiz….I’m sorry for the mistakes!
Hi Swan1,
You had to find out the wrong question and in this case “themself” is wrong :-)
Thanks a lot! Rebecca! Good lesson!
About the ” shave” If it’s the first time that a man ( boy) makes his beard, I want to talk with emphasis. Is it wrong to say ” Bob shaved himself ” anyway ?
Thanks you Rebecca!
Thanks I got 67%
Hi Rebecca, thank you very much.
Thanks! ;)
when i answered the quiz No 2 by mistake i thought that the question is ((( Which of the following is correct?)))
Therefor the mistake happened
Anyways many thanks my teacher Ms. Rebecca =
Thank Rebecca.
got 4/6.i did see where i went wrong.thanks alot
got 4/6.i did see where i went wrong.i did learn alot.
its gng to help me a lot…thanks to james
please, which is the correct form of the sentence and why?
they repeat themself.
they repeat themselves.
Ohhh thanks Rebecca, this time the results doesn’t reflect my knowleadge because I supposed to made the right answer and no wrong in first and second questions ( Were inverse ). So I got 67 % but I know totally right those.
hy mamm thnk u so much for ur valuable commnt.
SUPER ^_^ Rebecca YOU ARE THE BEST !!!
thank :)
Dear Rebecca,
I blame myself when sometimes I make errors with your test.
I study your lesson again and I restart the test.
Thanks to you, I improve.
Best regards.
In the third example “He hurt himself..” or “he hurts himself..” ?
Thank you Rebecca, your explanation helped me a lot :)
why number 4 wrong:
4. Which of the following is correct?
Susan and Dan are making the cake theirselves.
( x/wrong/why? Anita and Benjamin blamed themself for the delay.)
(/correct/ Betty and Loretta taught themselves how to play the guitar)
both type sentences in bracket are the same ?
The problem with that sentences is that the subject is plural (Anita and Benjamin ) but the object is written misspelled . it should be themselves not themself.
Because, there is no word in English called ‘theirselves’. It should be themselves
Plural forms for they and them is themselves:
For e.g., I just showed the boys the refrigerator and told them to help themselves.
In recent years, people have started to use themself to correspond to this singular use of they and them: it’s seen as the logical singular form of themselves.
For example: This is the first step in helping someone to help themself.
This form is not yet accepted by everyone, though, and you should avoid using it in formal written contexts. If you were writing the sentence above, you should say:
This is the first step in helping someone to help themselves.
yeah 6 out of 6
like always !
thanks rebecca & :)
thanks for us
This is a useful lesson for me. Thank you so much for your work.
Full mark!
Thank you Ms. Rebecca I wish I could speak confidently in English. Hoping I can subscribe your video lessons soon
Hi,Ms.Rebecca,I’m giancarlos ,i’m from peru, I feel very excited when i see your classes, because your classes are very clear and understandable. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and time.
it is relly iporve myself by lrean this lesson
thanks teacher a lot. i would like learn about other,another,the other, otherwise, each other and one other with you because you are the best.
Hi Rebecca,
I have two sentences below, could you pls see and correct it if I use incorrectly? thank you.
1/ I myself drove him to school yesterday.
2/ We ourselves drove him to school yesterday.
Thanks Teacher.
You got 6 correct out of 6.
Thanks Ms. Rebecca!
Thank you for this lesson.
tha great..
Thanku soo much for the vedio miss rubecca
Thanku soo much
You made it easy for me
Good morning ma’am Rebecca
I want to learn advanced English from you let me know about that Pl mail at
One more time, thanks a lot. Take care.
Thank you
I watched this video twice on June 25, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
I watched this video twice on July 01, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got six correct out of 6.
Thank you Rebecca. Im going to love grammar with you. Good teacher with adorable manner
thank a lot Rebecca, I have to depend on you, when I learn english in yt many about you so I’ll open your video;))))
he is the taller among the two ? is correct.
He is the taller among the two. I searched the answer is OF THE TWO
what is the reason
I got 6/6.
Thank you!
Very interesting, Thank you Ms Rebecca.
Thanks you for making this topic easy.