I rise my hand or I raise my hand? Rise and raise are two verbs that are easy to confuse. In this lesson, I will teach the differences between these two words, their present tense, past tense, and past participle forms, and tricks to remember how we use them.
excellent lessons. congratulations. The way you explain the lessons is excellent. Thank you very much
yolanda velarde
Emma I appreciate what you do. Whenever you have time, I would like you to explain the difference between the words prior to and before
good lessen..thank you
thank you
i liked the lesson
Emma that was a pretty good English lesson. I can understand perfectly the difference between raise and rise. When you have a chance, i would like you to provide us with some examples as to when we should use the following expression ( as far as) or a set of verbs followed by the preposition on and at. Thank you very much!!!!!!
thank you Emma for this lesson and I’m looking for anther lesson like these .
Really was very good lesson . Keep giong
Muhammad alhadyan
I very happy because I have score good mark .
it’s helpful, thanks.
thanks for your lesson Emma..:)
hi Emma,is it correct to lift my hand?
many thanks for your effort on this website,
I am confused about ( be going to ) and ( will ) I know some of the differences but I am not sure yet , please help me , I want to use them fast with complete understanding.
thanks for your lesson, but your lesson is not enough. Transitive and intransitive is one kind of the diffirences.They still have another diffirence in meaning!. Can you help us clarify more ?
Wow!!! this lesson is awesome,could you give us more examples with the irregular verb “RISE” in past participle “RISEN”.
Thank you.
Israel Cuellar
Hi Israel,
Here are some more examples:
1) She has risen to the occasion = she has been successful.
2) Gas prices have risen this week.
3) The price of gold has risen significantly since 2009.
4) Because of the flood, the river water has risen to a new level.
5) The number of children with obesity has risen to a very dangerous level.
Thank you!
i have learnt some where,the word rise is using for son and appear is used for moon specifically..what you say about this
sorry sun not son..
You can say “the moon rises” too, but the moon often rises during the day when we can’t see it, so unless you’re actually talking about moonrise you can say “appears”.
engVid Moderator
Hi Emma,
Many thanks for such magnificent lesson.
I have a question:
You said above (Gas prices have risen this week)
What about if we said the same sentence, putting the Gas prices in the form of object, in this case, shall we say (Gas prices have BEEN risen or RAISED?)
I love your English class Emma, thand you very much.
You made my english level rose.
It’s very helpful.
Emma ! u r wonderful and so ur lessons ………… try to be more relaxing ;), sometimes i´ve noticed ur nervous try to eat u … do not let it happens
Thx again for the topic >_<
Thank You my teacher for lessons provided !!!
ok done i do very well
siddharth shetty
thankx emma, i like your lesson
Good work, keep it up
Thank you, Emma. Did I understood it right, that when the subject RAISE for ex. a glass, this glass RISES? So, can I say: I raise a glass, and a glass rises? And, please, tell me abot the difference betveen THAN and THEN. Thank you in advance
Hi Milly,
You’ve got it! Great example! Thank you for your video suggestion.
great lesson.. you re soo fantastic teacher.
Dear Emma,
Thanks a lot for your kind cooperation.
I would be appreciated if would advise me how can I start study english I am completely confused. I tried a lot with many websites and books but I feel I am still have poor english.
How should start, with grammer or Voc or what? I am really confused. So I need plan for effective study. Also how can I write effective business emails?
I would be appreciated if you would send me your prompt reply to my email id below just for easy reference. daliali75@yhotmail.com
I wish you all the best.
Best regards,
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Until now, nobody could properly explain me the differences between these two verbs. But after your lesson,i finally got it! thanks again!
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Until now, nobody could properly explain me the differences between these two verbs. But after your lesson,i finally got it! thanks again!!!
thanks alot
Thanks.But I want something our teachers.Please dont speak very fast beacause this is not our native language.Thanks.
Just listen carefully (if any word that u andrstnd just repeat it) and it is going to be easy to u learn and u will always common to listen in fast way.
love your lesson.
James B
great lesson.. you are soo amazing teacher.
I raised my knowledge! Thank you! (Sidney – Brazil)
I´ve been learning english a couple month ago and here I raised my knowledge. Thanks a lot this web site is really nice to learning englis
Thanks a lot !!
I like your speaking,you are differ from others ,this time I can get more things during the lesson,thank U so much dear EMMA :) keep going,
best regards
bakhtiyar ali
I like it
Thank you so much.It was very clear for underestant.
Dear EMMA my lovely teacher.I really like your this lesson Thank you very much for this to teaching us and …you look good in red
love to see you again….
Can we use the word “arise” other than “rise” with the same rules that you’ve taught?
Hi Duleepa,
Excellent question! You would use arise just like rise, eg. He arose from his chair.
Arise sometimes means to appear or originate, eg. New problems often arise. New problems arose. New problems have arisen.
Thanks for your question.
I was pleased with your reply. Thanks a lot for your additional information.
I am very clearly about rise and raise by you teach. Thanks Emma
Xin Wang
thank you so much very useful
Thanks to engvid.com, and to my teacher Emma, I am so happy to watch this useful lesson, because really I’ve got some confusion when I read newspaper, but now every thins is OK.
M. Johmani
dear Emma, could you please arrange expression lesson about the family members and relatives.
M. Johmani
Wonderful lesson make me more understanding like the sun shine on me
Gracias teacher I’d like you to do thousands of lessons, I love the way you explain.
thanks alot mrs emma this is very very good lesson i understand very well but i have question may i say you must raise your knowledge business life etc
thank you so much this was clear and useful! , looking forward to see more lessons for you :)
Emma,you are great teacher who knows how to explain clarly given problem. Can you prepare similar lesson for “lie” and “lay”? This is second pair of verbs which are confiusing in Poland. Please, please, please…:)
Hi Gosia, thank you for your comments. I’ve made a video on this subject. It should be up in the coming weeks. Thanks for watching!
Thank you very much Emma ! i am getting too much information , both from the topic of the lesson and from your speech. I will stop watching your videos when the sun rises from the west ! :))
Hi .Emma,
I am believed that you are a nice teacher and your teaching is very helpful i really want to continue with you in future be success in your life.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions!
Hi, Emma! I can’t see the lowest string of the “Raise” text on the board:( If I was in the class I’d ask you to write transcription of this two words and to underline the difference.
Thank you for the lesson very much)
Thanks Emma I got it.
Asif Ali
Dear mam,
Greetings !
I do not know, why the lessons are not to able to watch ? video is not showing on web. Please help.
dont be so stupid
to watch it, just go to yuotube and u can watch it well, then if u wanna take a quiz bout what u’v watched just see the description below and u will get it.
great learning
Thank you very much emma I learn a lot I like this kind of lessons my english is get in better every day
l like your teaching way thank u lotsa)
Hiii Emma! thanks for ur kind and humanitarian support with the learner, so culd u please show me a way for downloading ur nice and respectul teaching vedio? if possible please show me the best way for downloading,
best wishis
ur student
Sayed Gulaqa
Hi Emma,
it’s really a nice lesson thanks to you wonderful teechers
sory” teachers”
Thanks Emma! This was a good lesson
Your class was very good. thanks.
Fernando Mello
very helpful lesson, thanks a lot;)
u raised me up so i can stand on mountains Emma….thanks for teaching us..
I love it when you guys use the material in the lesson in your comments. Keep up the good work!
very helpful, thank you :)
I have one question
What The difference between
Arise ===> rise
Arise is more abstract than rise. We often use arise when we are talking about opportunities, situations or problems. If something arises, it appears and people become aware of it. Here are some examples:
A problem arose in the kitchen.
I will go to China next year, if the opportunity arises.
A difficult situation will arise if you continue to behave that way.
It can also have the same meaning as rise. In this case, it means ‘to get up’, ‘to get out of bed’ or ‘to stand up’. Be careful when you use it in this way because it is more formal than rise and may sound a little strange if you use it in casual conversation.
my mother has raised me, all my freakin’ life even I’m 38. thanks god. I apreciate ur effort cutie teacher. more english pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
Thank you a lot! Your voice are so cleary and easy to hear! ^^
Hai Ying
great lesson,tanks a lot
thanks Emma now I know how to used rise, raised and risen it helps a lot I expect more video from you. God bless and more power Engvid.com.
thank Emma, it is so easy right now. You are raising our English knowledge.
i got 6 scores of 7 questions
Excellent! Well done!
thank you in deed Emma
you help me lot as a teacher
Thanks Emma ,i love your lessons
I can clearly see some of my mistakes now.
…I hate when it occurs.
We all make mistakes! Even people whose first language is English sometimes make mistakes when they write and speak.
thank you very much teacher Emma.i am a new student in your class…
Welcome to engvid swagger! I hope you enjoy our videos!
i feel great now with teacher Emma.because she teaches me English in proper way which i want to learn
I’ve just seen “Prepositions in English – OF” by Emma and I’ve found that the correct is “A story of love” NOT “a love’s story” as I wrote. I’ve learnt so many things in three hours!
So I meant “A story of love” instead “a love’s story”.
thank you for helpfull. yourteaching is fascinate. do you wont to work Azerbaijan?
hi Emma thankfull for helping us. your teaching is fascinate. I have a question Do wont to work Azerbaijan. There have many english course. Why you dont wont to work there? I love your patient
I have friends who have visited there. They loved it and told me it’s a great place to go. Hopefully one day in the future, I will visit Azerbaijan.
Thanx so much .. Thats awesome ^,^
Thanks Emma . U raised my english .
mind blowing excellent.
Great lesson! :)
why you dont answerd my question. are you care for my question?
good evning. if you have face adress please send me. i beseech you. because i more need quickly improve my english speaking and writing. i wait our message
Sorry mehin! It takes time to answer all of the comments for the videos. I try my best to answer quickly, but sometimes it may take me a little longer.
I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding.
good lesson , i now can use rise and raise each one in the correct place
thanks alot Emma
raise needs object and rise dosent need it ,,,
thank u v much teacher Emma
Senhorita Emma,
a lot of mistakes were made, and I’m frankly not happy about them! (I saw “using the passive voice to avoid responsibility”). But please, please forgive me. I was trying to use the vocabulary of the lesson in my comment. I made some adjusts, and I’m going to post it again in a few minutes (or at least, try it).
That reminds me, I forgot to comment about James’ video. Speaking of James, he loves Batman. If you ask me I would say “yeah Batman is good but what about Wolverine?”.
Well, I was Just kidding, Emma. I really like Wolverine, but I do prefer Batman (I’m holding with you on this one, James).
Well, I’m going to send “that” comment again and if worse comes to worst, I can always say that Batman is better than Wolverine, AHAHAHA.
Ok, listen to me. You’re right. Wolverine is better, but to hell with it. =P
God Bless you, Emma!
xD There we go again:
Hell yeah! I loved it! Oh, my profane tongue! I must not use such terrible language! Was the evil itself who possessed me and made of my tongue its slave. I’m using a program called LINGOES that help me check IF what I’m writing is correct. But it can’t help me with the grammar.
Let me tell you a story of respect. Was on a turbulent day and I’d lost my memories in some kind of hole in my soul. A weird man in a fancy suit invited me to his town and said that a dead fellow cannot walks beside the alive. He was referring to me as a dead! The death suits well in this kind of closes.
I was devastated! How could the death itself come at me without be requested? Doubts AROSE, loud as rainstorm, fast as a lady’s love!
I claimed: “You, Death, shall not take me!” And suddenly (did I say that I was on YouTube? I didn’t know how to use “raise” and “rise” so I went there seeking for help) a guardian Angel Came and said:
“Hi there, my name is Emma, and today we’re going to talk about a very common mistake.”
I have never seen such sensitivity in my whole life! Her smile was like millions of needles in my chest, I was breathless, her sweetie voice ate each piece of my essence, then I looked into her eyes and I saw…
I saw it! The heavens couldn’t express more perfection than Emma’s soul! She RAISED me from my deep nightmare whose director was a man called anguish. I was convinced that she was going to help me about the misunderstand mine: “are you saying to me that “Raise” is not a name of a personality from Mortal Combat Game?”
Then, Emma took my brain on her bare hands and said: “Dearest friend, what a shame! Your ignorance is limitless! Why did you involve us in such pointless conversation?”
Therefore I apologize, and the truth is that, the Emma’s soul? I saw it not. The video has low quality for such amazing miracle.
For you, wonderful teacher, dearest professor who will ignore my comment (again), MY HIGHEST RESPECT! Not just because you helped me in my confusion (I still think that Raise is a name of a personality from Mortal Combat), but because this disposition and patience yours on help people around the world (I’ve tried once, but no one wanted to learn Portuguese. What a shame! To hell with it.
Well, sorry for the long letter… I guess that I can always say I was practicing (Actually, I’m going to make long comments to each teacher on this web site, James will be the next, I’m just storing knowledge).
At last, as I’m a beginner I couldn’t find my mistakes above. Despite it, I know they exist. I apologize again.
…It’s just a guy using a fake name from some strange country trying to learn something with his mistakes and with the knowledge of people like you…
Thank you, Senhorita Emma!
I meant “I’ve seen ‘using the passive voice to avoid responsibility” instead of “I saw ‘using the passive voice to avoid responsibility” =P
I am impressed! You have clearly mastered a lot of the lessons and write eloquently! Thanks for watching so many of the lessons.
If you ask me, you’re one hell of a student!
Emma, would you mind give me a hand? I was trying to say something about James on the first comment, but I mess it up. What is the correct:
1) I’m holding with you on this one James.
2) I hold on with you on this one James.
Actually, I think both is wrong. xD
Neither really work. Here’s a few alternatives you can use:
I’m sticking with James on this one.
I’m with James on this one.
HI Emma your lesson was really really helped me a lot .
i asked you a question before this video but you didn’t answer me please help me out to use these words i.e. whose whom and who
and their clauses .
Hi taimooralvi,
Sorry for not getting back to you.
Click on the following link. It explains relative clauses (eg, who, whom, whose, etc.).
Thank you so much for this and all others lessons, I have learned a lot. I still having trouble with the English lenguage.
I just love this site. sorry for my broke English.
Thx for teach me :D
Great topic teacher its such a help us to understand the difference between these two words,
teacher can you please advice me where i got all the information of your lectures, for own learning,
waiting your reply..
thnx emma alot
Hi Emma can you do fervor for me to explain about transnational word like however in addition more ever so on and how to connect two sentence together and thank you for all teacher at engvid
magnificent help, I hope there will be more like these videos
it was a very good lesson thanks Emma
Thank you dear Emma.I will follow all of your lessons.
Hi Emma, this is not a question about this lesson but I don’t know where to post general questions. Ok the question is: is the same to say “he left” and “he is gone” ? Left or gone? Which one is the right or better to say somebody is not here anymore? Thanks and regards.
Hey, I´ve done some research with the following results: he is gone -> means that he is dead. He left -> physically left some place (house). If you use perfect tense with gone, the meaning should be the same as left(He has gone). But first I presume to wait for the teachers´ answer.
Hi Emma,
What is the role of ‘want to’ in the sentence ‘i want to raise my children in England’. Is it a verb? Does the whole of ‘ want to raise’ constitute the verb?
Thank you Ma’am for the lesson. I am so thankful to find this free video English lessons. Thank you Madam and Sir.
hi emma i wanna u explain the difference between would be , may , should , may have been when i speak 2 someone .. thx ppe
thank you so much Emma,but my teacher always says RISE YOUR HAND, thats mean
he is wrong or it can be correct
tell me please .
Thanks my teacher a lot.
I’ve got a question, what does your sentence “You mush rise”.
thnx good lesson
abid amin
Thank you Emma! So, we would say ‘high raised building’?
ghazala zafar
Hello Emma!
Great lesson. You’re a great teacher. At last I understood the diference between these verbs. Thank you very much. Kind regards from Portugal
Thank you very much for your lesson. Now I can use those words correctly!!!
hi Emma its really nice I was searching online teaching and i fond a perfect platform. thank you very much is there any series of your lessons to learn eng??
Une lesson très pertinente.
I rase my hand to say ,”I learned a wonderful lesson” THANK YOU
What’s the correct prepositions designed to both verbs rise and raise?Could I say,for instance,”I raise my hands towards the sky to thank God”,meaning directions only?
Hi Dear Emma i listened and watched your very really nice video teaching, which is so important for us. so i hope you send me the new one by my Adress. thaks alot be alive.
Thank so much. Greetings from Colombia.
hi, there
thanks fro your greaat lesson
it is awsome
thank you
Hi , Ms. Emma
Which one of those is correct?
1) car race
2) car races
3) cars race
4) cars races
Thank you Emma i remember my parent raised me to say thank you to every one that help me in life, honestly and truly i just have to say thank you for all your effort in helping me.
Thank you Emma ..
your explain is very easy and nice ..
what is the difference between
1 would have been and would have
2 could have and could have been
3 should have and should have been
Ramesh patil
great thank u
thank you very much!
great! I can learn english watching the video. I got 6 out to 7.
Thank you so much.
thank you im happy with the lesson
good to understand
10x :) so usefull
hi emma
Thanks for your lesson.
Invoice is to be raised on the basis of Purchase order. is this correct?
Thank you I’m new student here I’m very happy to improve my english.
hi emma
could you tell me about tofel examination types?
thanks alot
I love ur dress
Thank you for the answer my comment. InshALLAH when you wont to came Aerbaijan I wont to meet with you.
i neeed quicly improve speaking and writing. What am i do? are you send me personal e mail face or skpy address?
you just cant speak english at all u even dont know how to speak ha i am better than u
thinks for this lesson i like it
Hi, Thanks for all!!!
I am afraid that I think the 2nd question from quiz has a mistake!!!!
I’ll make great use of these verbs. Thanks to you, Emma!
But I have risen and stand upright. Thank you Emma, thank you engvid.
Thanks Emma, i’ve undestood
Thanks, It really was my problem and now it be solved by you. Again thanks.
7 out of 7 . Thanks Emma its not my score its your EXCELLENT JOB .
Hi dear teacher, In one of your examples raised a doubt, that is: I’ve JUST risen…. the word Just in this case becomes a verb among have and Risen?
Thanks for all your lesson, I like your kind way to teach.
thank you.
Thank you Emma for this lesson .I really benefit of that so many thanks and see you soon .
Hello Emma do you know I love your lessons .
Thanks from my heart
Hi Emma do you know I am loving your lessons.
Thanks from my heart
I am interesting,does we use “rise” without object and “raise” with object? In all cases? Thanks
Iam confused when I read anything I understand but when anybody talksI don’t understand .If someone write what he said I understand but without written I don’t understand please help me
I want to say ,for me you is the best and her classes helps me alot.
darling teacher thank you!
Thank you for quality education .
i raised my hand during the lesson but you haven’t seen it. Thanks for you perfect lesson.
great lesson
Thanks again Teacher Emma, You’re really great teacher. Keep up the good work and I like the way you smile when teaching us.
thanks u so much..i believe myself ..i will be good English one day..if i m here.
hai emma tx 4 ur hard work
i just found this site now
its really amazing website
thank you very much …
Thanks Teacher, thanks for your lesson. I like it. You helped me understand clear about that. Thanks so much
Thanks but i have problem in pronunciation in many word so plz tell what i do to improve my pronunciation.
I’ve just discovered this web site. It’s very helpul, thanks. :)
I’ve confuse increase and rise.
thank you :)
I’m a new student in this website, but I like it very much. I am going to visit it usually. Thank all!
Your Grammar lessons are the best.
Thank You very much.
It’s very useful.
Helmer H. Borrero
I used to confuse these words RISE and RAISE. Thanks for your lesson very much! Thanks, Emma! =]
You are very clear Emma,thank you so much!!!
Emma, I love your lessons! Now everything is clear. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for the lesson Emma. Where are you from? I understood very well the lesson. The difference between rise and raise is: raise always needs an object and rise does not need an object, right?
Keylor Sancho Rodriguez
you are instinctly teacher and so cute.
But a little more jokes in the lessons.
I have forgot this lesson, but now i can to use this subject. Thank you very much Emma and My wishes to you.
Thank you! I love you!
Dear Emma,
Many thanks, my scored 7 out of 7
i love it
Thanks for your lesson, i love it
excellent job
Hi Emma,
I really like your lessons. You explain very well. You have a good didatic, inspirer. You have the ability to talk pausedly and slowly to make yourself understable. I supposed you are good to keep in touch. Can I have your Facebook profile or are so busy woman?
Marcos Wilker
so useful!!!!!!!!
i really very exited to your lessons
can you teach me perfectly online as i gonna pay fee.
Hi dear Teacher,
I am your new student, raise & rise are the words that is frequently used in a daily life. I understood these words to your lecture.
Thanks & take care
Hi dear Teacher
I am your new student, I like your way of teaching including expression & action. U have raised my mental level. thanks
bye every one tack care
Hi,Teacher Emma Thank you for your great lesson.
Great website, I do appreciate your efforts.
Thank you for the lesson.
Thank Emma.
Emma, thanks for your lesson. I got 6 correct out of 7 :)
thank you so much Emma for teaching us…
definitely appreciated . I learned a lot. thanks Emma.
Thank you Emma. I got 6 correct out of 7.
I have a question for the one of the wrong.
What is the defferent beetwin rose and risen?
Rose is the Simple Past
Risen is the Past Participle
i got 7 out of 7. many thanks to you. i’ll continue with you in the following lessons
hi i am just totally confused in spelling mistake and grammar that included could,were,did please explain me in detail.and as soon i am going to write IELTS so its important pleases for god sake help me out i am totally confused.
Thx alot for learning me
Hassan abo elfotouh
thank you,
Thank you Emma.now i’s clear for me.end i’ll be thankful if you tell us the difference between arise and rise.have anice day and thank you again
Hi,Emme -I have confused. because the two words sound almost same.that is why it is difficult spell these two verbs. therefor more times should be practice these verbs.-
thanks for good teaching
Thanks a lot.But my wife is angry with me as I spend my time on watching your lessons but I really love your lessons and since I have seen your website I left reading grammer books anymore.What can I do ? I am fond of learning english and foreign language:).Never leave us alone dear engwid teachers:(
Safak Erman
Splendid , 7 out of 7.
Thank you so much.
Thank you very much Emma!
perfect!!! Thank you so much Emma&^^&
Hi Aerosmith. My name is Mai. I would like to be friend with you.
you makes me love studying english more.so, it’s great!
hi you are good teacher pls tell me use of preposition
Hi I am from India .
Thankyou very much.
Mehtab Ali
wow,very good; score: 100%, continue to improve
The grammar is so great!
Hi teacher!
I have a big problem with my pronunciation of: rise rice race raise …… please help me!
omg it my first time that i undertand real english!! i love you english class gema im very happy!! thanks!!
Hi Emma, I have nothing to write except thanking you, Please pray for me, I have an important test in English.
another excellent lesson from you, very helpful and clear, I really understand everything you teach, it’s awesome, thank you very much…all the best for you
Thank you for this lesson!
thanks a lot,I understand English very well also speak very well but i don,t know which one is verb or adjective,and another things my grammar is very poor,any idea why? please respond! ,thanks
thank u emma i like it very much
it’s more clearer now
tnx miss
Wow!!!! Thank you Emma!!! Great lesson!!
Wow!!!! Thank you Emma!!! Great lesson!!
Hi Emma,
could I use, in the second example: “You must raise YOURSELF”???
I appreciate your attention
I hope I’ll raise my English skills with your lessons ;)
After watched your video,now,I can tell them apart.Thank you very much.
Thank you for thy lesson Mrs Emma
Thank you very much for the lesson. It’s really easy for comprehension!
Very clear and helpful. Thank you!
i do like this lesson. thank Emma for a good explanation. have a nice day.
Clear, helpful and useful! Thank you Emma! :)
Clear, helpful and useful! Thank you Emma! :)
A very useful lesson… thanks Emma!
thanx Emma :)
“I prefer coffee ___________________ tea.”
fill in the blank with (over, ot, than, of)
Very helpful! Thanks !
Thank you very much!!!
so enjoyabll your lesson
Emma good classe!
You´re amazing, you make really easy to understand the grammar. Thanks a lot
Very helpful lesson !!! Thank you Emma.
Hello dear ! I am so happy to watch your helpful vedeoos I am a new here ; I have a question please ; Can we use ” raise” in passive voice like ” RISE ” FOR INSTANCE : I have risen from my chair as you said ! I have been raised from my chair ! Are they the same ! I hope you can answer me the question ; Thank u alot !
Thanks a lot to u Emma.I can understand your lecture clearly.I think your teaching will help me enough.It will take me a long distance ahead.
Thank you Emma.
I’ve to raise my english language
Thank you very much Emma
This video raise my english language
Dear Emma and the entire community of this magnificent web page. I recently stumbled on a phrase, that came from a native speaker: “The bungalow raises on stilts,” which according to the rules of this lesson should sound “The bungalow rises on stilts”. What is right?
Many thanks for the best teacher in the best site on the world.
Many thanks, Emma. I think this is an important lesson. I hope you good luck.
Thank you for your lesson. Emma.
I am studying english very hard. but
I can speak english a little. I need your help.
Really helpful
I watched this lesson for the second time because I needed to remember the concepts again. I realized that is one of the best lessons I’ve seen at EnVid since my first visit here about 6 months ago. Congratulations Emma, you are a great teacher and help me a lot with your advances. Finally, one example for rise is the nice movie “The Dark Knight Rises” wich apply properly your rules :)
thanks Emma i got 10 of 10.
yes, full mark. Thanx for lesson.
You are a great help to my review Emma.
Thank you, Emma. This kind of lessons are very interesting
Thanks, Emma!
Thanks!I got 86
thanks Emma great effort
dear Emma is ‘arouse ‘ belong to these confused words ?
Thank you so much dear Emma for your help.
thank you so much!:)
how amazing! thanks indeed Emma . I really interest your lessons and I like your accent could you give me advice to speak native language like you?
Ammar Salih
thank you so much.can you help me distinguish raise, rise from arise?
hi Emma Many thanks and happy new year
thanks emma
Thanks a lot, Ms Emma, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
I have raised my English skill after i watched Emma’s video on youtube and did a lot of homeworks on Engvid.
Thanks for the lesson.
water meter check please
Emma, could you please make a video about ONLY and JUST (what’s the different) ?? thank you :)
Thanks Emma.. I got 7 out of 7 correct
Just a quickly question. If I say “I raised myself” is that correct? or it’s an unnecessary expression instead of “I rose” Also “I raised by myself” or “I rose by myself”, I think the last one is correct but i don’t sure, please?
thank you emma i got and exam tom. and you just teach me in 1 hour and i was done by lie lay rise raise that was hupeful thank you go to front emmayour the best :) ;)
Thanks a lot you Emma!!!!!!!
Hi Emma thanks you!!!!!!!
Thanks Emma.. I got 100% marks. How we can search like this more quiz example..
This class was magic. Thank you.
Teacher Augusto
hello you’re a good teacher
thanks so much for your help
thanks emma
I must raises my level in english
, so, every day the sun rises, I’ll learning so much
What a good lesson!I din’t know the diference between rise and raise before but now I know.Thanks,Emma!
Thank you Emma
Exellent lesson :D thank you
You are always great Emma !
thx emma you raise my livel
sofiane 123@
thank you for your best teaching unfortunately i cant see your videu
Perfect score
Thanks EMMA,you are great teacher I really appreciate your effort to help us…. Iwish you the best
Thank you very much, Emma! The lesson was very useful for me.
KEA English
D thanks Emms
Toeur Ek
Thanks a lot Emma
Thanks so much Emma
Dear Professor Emma and Fellow Learners,
Kindly let me know if the expressions as bellow are correct;
Rising unemployment and Raising unemployment
In sentence:
Rising unemployment caused social unrest.
Can I say?
Raising unemployment caused social unrest.
Thanks in advance.
Perfect Emma!
Thank u.
Be happy Emma and take care.
Abdullah kateb
Thank you.
wow…you are amazing teachers…I’m wandering if you could submit some techniques of how to teach conversations. thank you so much….I love you. Is there a way I can get in touch directly with teachers specially James?
sorry Emma can you tell me the difference between home and house. Is home always used with or without a preposition? Thanks in advance..
thankyou mam
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
my Quiz emma:
You got 7 correct out of 7.
chakim hamzah
Ajua !! I got it!! Thanks Emma I love you
great thank you emma
Mohamed Elhrazy
Thank you Emma.
Kayk Carvalho
6 out of 7, Your explain so great.
Thank you Emma.
The correct form is “rising unemployment causes social unrest.”
My dad was very old fashioned. He thought the proper word to talk about parenting and children was rear. I reared my children well. To rear a child (verb) is to parent a child. He said “You grow corn or you raise corn but you rear children. “
Thaks Emma!! You are a good teacher.
Emma you are a great teacher.Thank you for every things.
I must confess: I’ve never been able to understand exactly the differences between these two verbs UNTIL now!!!! Thank U and thanks to EngVid for all your amazing lessons!
Ivan from Barcelona.
Ivan David
Thanks Emma!
Thanks Emma! Finally I`ve understood the difference between these two verbs)
Thank’s EmmaYou are the best teacher in the galaxy.I not only have understood this lesson, but olso enjoy your teaching text.
Aysan Mokabber
Thak you very much!!!
I killed the quiz
I’ll thx you for that very helpful lesson Emma.
I love her lessons.
I have never learned ‘rise’ and ‘raise’ so deeply. Thank you, Emma, for everything.
Roya Seferova
Thank you very much, Emma, these verbs have been ones of my hardest topics to understand, but now through your great explanation, I fully got it! … I’m very happy!
*** I got 7 out of 7 (Test), thanks again!
On the other hand, I guess that:
RISE = arise, move up, ascend, climb, go up, improve, increase, get out of bed, stand up, etc.
RAISE = lift, lift up, elevate, bring up,put up, rear (children), cultivate, erect, rose sb to sth, stir up, provoke, etc.
*** I am not sure about RISE and RAISE and their relationship with the following verbs: wake, wake up, awake, get up.
BEST WISHES from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Thank You, your lesson helped me a lot it will help me at school your the best Emma
your lessons help a lot
thanks emma… amazing explanation
lesson is so useful. thanks a lot
You got 7 correct out of 7.
This is a very good lesson. Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot)))
You are really talented teacher,thank you Emma)
Very usefull tips.
Thanks you so much, you are the best.
Marta Lopez
The Dark Knight rises!
Lorcy Gabriel
Thank you Emma
Vicky BD
Emma, you are the one. You make me feel happy because I think my level of English is getting better and better thanks to you. Greetings and receive a big kiss from Valencia-Spain.
I have improved my English.
I must raised my English. Thank you Emma.
To sum up this lesson,
If it need to ‘object’, we use ‘raise’ and if not use ‘rise’.
For example,
There is “My salary was raised. (by my boss)”.
There isn’t object, but this sentence is corrective.
Could you explain this case? In my opinion, because of passive form.
And then, How can we choise ‘rise’ or ‘raise’?
Hi Syryang! My name is Mai.
I would like to be friend with you.
Thank you teacher the easy lesson ❤️❤️
I got 7 correct out of 7.
I really love the explanation! Excellent Emma!!!
she rose from the chair.
She: Subject
chair: object
shouldn’t it be raised?
Thanks Emma this is a very nice lesson :D
i raised my hand you r very informative
ibrahim hamama
Thank you, Emma.
Could you have a lesson about apply for and apply to. I am very confused about these phrases.
thank u emma…..
Thank you Emma I am very happy I got 100?
Emma , I have realized the difference between Raise & Rise . Thank you for outstanding teaching method.
your lessons raised me in english > ^_^ >
thanks Emma <3
ahmed aref
i think the correct is :
your lessons raised my english
if i’m wrong correct me
Dear Emma: I enjoy your class! I want to improve my English
alhamdulillah, 5 correct out of 7 , keep practicing will help to improve ASAP, thanks Ms. Emma, i hope one day i can sigh up at one of your classes. ^_^
Hussam Mazen
Thank you, Emma.This is s good lesson.
Sonny Hsu
Happy New Year Emma !
great teacher ,, really i’m happy to watch your video ,, but i think all these courses make the students good at grammar and writing , but when someone try to speak with a real person that so hard
Thank you Emma! 100%%
I got 7 out of 7 happy
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
hello Emma,
are there any exercise files on engvid for practicing IELTS?
Arafat Farsi
Hi Emma,
Arent there any IELTS that can serve both purpose?study or immigrate?Whats the IELTS score requirements for Canadian Immigration?
For those who choose UK, sometimes they instruct candidates to appear test at a specific test location authorized by UKVI. Similarly are there any specific test location requirements or any other additional requirements for those who intend to immigrate to Canada,Australia or New Zealand.Please advise as I am already practicing IELTS and intend to appear for it in British Council? Look forward to hear from you.
Arafat Farsi
Thank for this tips. It was very good to improve my english grammar
Very good lesson, Emma!
Thank you My pleasure teacher.The way your teaching and educating is excellent and huge Beautiful. I enjoy watching your lessons therefor I will try to see every single type lesson of your lessond.
Mehdi 2022
I got 6/7! Thanks for the lesson!
15th June 2017,
Thanks Ms Emma.
I got 6/7, a little bit sad ;(
Merida Huyen
I have no one to raised my salary because I don’t have a job. I rose from my chair and went to the bed. Thank you Emma. Best wishes
:D Happy to study
4. She ____________ from the chair.
‘Rose’ is the past tense of ‘rise’.
5. The moon has _______________.
Choose the correct past participle.
‘Risen’ is the past participle of ‘rise’.
I didn’t not see tense
thank you the lesson
I raised my level today in this gramatical explanation class. Thanks for the support.
Thank you Emma
Great explanation. Thanks so much!!
thank you, Emma!
7/7. Thank you.
ann ann
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
Your method is simple and as imppressive as Adam.
hey amma, thanks for your video. could u make videos on be and been?? i am confused while using this words.
Great lesson, thanks.
I really satisfy with your explanation Teacher EMMA , Great work, you are very good trainer. I’ve created a confidence into me with your nice and great lessons explanation …..Thank Teacher EMMA
Khalid Khan Ghumro
This is very nice Lesson Rise or Raise , Very helpful,,,Thanks Teacher EMMA you are my good trainer s I again say to you,,,thanks a lot, I had a lot of problem in English speaking, but when I follow your English lessons and tips. that I can speak English with fluently way and Now I feel much better in English speaking , I’ve gotten a lot of help From your lessons your explanation is very very nice and easy…….to my view, you are a good trainer……..
Khalid Khan Ghumro
it great for me . thanks
sary sor
Dear Emma I think in the second sentence Chair is object and in the third sentence Oven is object as well
Thanks for your teaching
Thank you Emma, your lessons are always very clear. So I can raise my level in English :-)
my english rises by wathing eng.videos and my salary raised by boss becouse i able to handle many job who need english skill
thank u.Emma
Thank you, Emma
You got 6 correct out of 7.
M kartal
thanks very much miss emma really i full on all niether to atch this cours really thanks very much
How wonderful lesson!
Emma I really appreciate the way you raise your voice to teach me. You are doing a great job.
Thank you a lot
Carlos agostinho
Thanks alot! keep going teacher, i am going to learn all your lesson.
Dam Van Tuyen
Thaks…i will raise my glass to you..
Cagdas nizamoglu
I really like you teaching way
Actually, you raised my English <3
Thanks Emma you're my good teacher
Thank you, great class
Thank you Emma your lessons is very clear. I’ve got 100. Thanks again.
jackie kieng
thank you very much
Aml Mounier
Thanks teacher Emma for the clarification
excellent job Emma, u always make it easy for us. thank u.
Thank you for the lesson Ma’am Emma!
Thank you for the lesson, Emma. I really enjoyed it!
Thank you Emma! I appreciate your job! :)
Your classes are incredible! You are raising my level of English. I rose from the chair to clap for you.
Evandro Calixto
Great lesson mam!I have raised my english level since learning English on engvid.
Simple and effective video. Thanks, Emma
Very interested lesson
Been watched with a score of 7 out of 7.
I got 7 correct out of 7
Very good lesson, I learned how to use them correctly
Johnny Ortega
Thanks a bunch for the material!
good. i raised my performance. isn’t?
Thank you
I´ve just raised my scores quiz
I mine 100%100
Thank you i have raised my knowledge in English language.
I think, I never can raise my writing to very good level.
If rise is an intransitive verb then how can we use the sentence “you rise a good question”??? Is it false one?
Please solve my problem..
Should I say “Raising day”
Or “Rising Day”
Please reply me
Tamin Haokip
The Club was raised in the year 1920 which keeps on rising every now and then…can this sentence be considered true?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you for quality education .
excellent lessons. congratulations. The way you explain the lessons is excellent. Thank you very much
Emma I appreciate what you do. Whenever you have time, I would like you to explain the difference between the words prior to and before
good lessen..thank you
thank you
i liked the lesson
Emma that was a pretty good English lesson. I can understand perfectly the difference between raise and rise. When you have a chance, i would like you to provide us with some examples as to when we should use the following expression ( as far as) or a set of verbs followed by the preposition on and at. Thank you very much!!!!!!
thank you Emma for this lesson and I’m looking for anther lesson like these .
Really was very good lesson . Keep giong
I very happy because I have score good mark .
it’s helpful, thanks.
thanks for your lesson Emma..:)
hi Emma,is it correct to lift my hand?
many thanks for your effort on this website,
I am confused about ( be going to ) and ( will ) I know some of the differences but I am not sure yet , please help me , I want to use them fast with complete understanding.
thanks for your lesson, but your lesson is not enough. Transitive and intransitive is one kind of the diffirences.They still have another diffirence in meaning!. Can you help us clarify more ?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for teaching! It’s really helpful.
Let me recommend a really useful app for English learners:
(google chrome needed)
Thanks a lot for your listen my teacher! ^^
Wow!!! this lesson is awesome,could you give us more examples with the irregular verb “RISE” in past participle “RISEN”.
Thank you.
Hi Israel,
Here are some more examples:
1) She has risen to the occasion = she has been successful.
2) Gas prices have risen this week.
3) The price of gold has risen significantly since 2009.
4) Because of the flood, the river water has risen to a new level.
5) The number of children with obesity has risen to a very dangerous level.
Thank you!
i have learnt some where,the word rise is using for son and appear is used for moon specifically..what you say about this
sorry sun not son..
You can say “the moon rises” too, but the moon often rises during the day when we can’t see it, so unless you’re actually talking about moonrise you can say “appears”.
Hi Emma,
Many thanks for such magnificent lesson.
I have a question:
You said above (Gas prices have risen this week)
What about if we said the same sentence, putting the Gas prices in the form of object, in this case, shall we say (Gas prices have BEEN risen or RAISED?)
I love your English class Emma, thand you very much.
You made my english level rose.
It’s very helpful.
Emma ! u r wonderful and so ur lessons ………… try to be more relaxing ;), sometimes i´ve noticed ur nervous try to eat u … do not let it happens
Thx again for the topic >_<
Thank You my teacher for lessons provided !!!
ok done i do very well
thankx emma, i like your lesson
Good work, keep it up
Thank you, Emma. Did I understood it right, that when the subject RAISE for ex. a glass, this glass RISES? So, can I say: I raise a glass, and a glass rises? And, please, tell me abot the difference betveen THAN and THEN. Thank you in advance
Hi Milly,
You’ve got it! Great example! Thank you for your video suggestion.
great lesson.. you re soo fantastic teacher.
Dear Emma,
Thanks a lot for your kind cooperation.
I would be appreciated if would advise me how can I start study english I am completely confused. I tried a lot with many websites and books but I feel I am still have poor english.
How should start, with grammer or Voc or what? I am really confused. So I need plan for effective study. Also how can I write effective business emails?
I would be appreciated if you would send me your prompt reply to my email id below just for easy reference.
I wish you all the best.
Best regards,
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Until now, nobody could properly explain me the differences between these two verbs. But after your lesson,i finally got it! thanks again!
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Until now, nobody could properly explain me the differences between these two verbs. But after your lesson,i finally got it! thanks again!!!
thanks alot
Thanks.But I want something our teachers.Please dont speak very fast beacause this is not our native language.Thanks.
Just listen carefully (if any word that u andrstnd just repeat it) and it is going to be easy to u learn and u will always common to listen in fast way.
love your lesson.
great lesson.. you are soo amazing teacher.
I raised my knowledge! Thank you! (Sidney – Brazil)
I´ve been learning english a couple month ago and here I raised my knowledge. Thanks a lot this web site is really nice to learning englis
Thanks a lot !!
I like your speaking,you are differ from others ,this time I can get more things during the lesson,thank U so much dear EMMA :) keep going,
best regards
I like it
Thank you so much.It was very clear for underestant.
Dear EMMA my lovely teacher.I really like your this lesson Thank you very much for this to teaching us and …you look good in red
love to see you again….
Can we use the word “arise” other than “rise” with the same rules that you’ve taught?
Hi Duleepa,
Excellent question! You would use arise just like rise, eg. He arose from his chair.
Arise sometimes means to appear or originate, eg. New problems often arise. New problems arose. New problems have arisen.
Thanks for your question.
I was pleased with your reply. Thanks a lot for your additional information.
I am very clearly about rise and raise by you teach. Thanks Emma
thank you so much very useful
Thanks to engvid.com, and to my teacher Emma, I am so happy to watch this useful lesson, because really I’ve got some confusion when I read newspaper, but now every thins is OK.
dear Emma, could you please arrange expression lesson about the family members and relatives.
Hi Sarah,
Check out this link: https://www.engvid.com/confused-words-effect-affect/
Wonderful lesson make me more understanding like the sun shine on me
Gracias teacher I’d like you to do thousands of lessons, I love the way you explain.
thanks alot mrs emma this is very very good lesson i understand very well but i have question may i say you must raise your knowledge business life etc
thank you so much this was clear and useful! , looking forward to see more lessons for you :)
Emma,you are great teacher who knows how to explain clarly given problem. Can you prepare similar lesson for “lie” and “lay”? This is second pair of verbs which are confiusing in Poland. Please, please, please…:)
Hi Gosia, thank you for your comments. I’ve made a video on this subject. It should be up in the coming weeks. Thanks for watching!
Thank you very much Emma ! i am getting too much information , both from the topic of the lesson and from your speech. I will stop watching your videos when the sun rises from the west ! :))
Hi .Emma,
I am believed that you are a nice teacher and your teaching is very helpful i really want to continue with you in future be success in your life.
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions!
Hi, Emma! I can’t see the lowest string of the “Raise” text on the board:( If I was in the class I’d ask you to write transcription of this two words and to underline the difference.
Thank you for the lesson very much)
Thanks Emma I got it.
Dear mam,
Greetings !
I do not know, why the lessons are not to able to watch ? video is not showing on web. Please help.
dont be so stupid
to watch it, just go to yuotube and u can watch it well, then if u wanna take a quiz bout what u’v watched just see the description below and u will get it.
great learning
Thank you very much emma I learn a lot I like this kind of lessons my english is get in better every day
l like your teaching way thank u lotsa)
Hiii Emma! thanks for ur kind and humanitarian support with the learner, so culd u please show me a way for downloading ur nice and respectul teaching vedio? if possible please show me the best way for downloading,
best wishis
ur student
Hi Emma,
it’s really a nice lesson thanks to you wonderful teechers
sory” teachers”
Thanks Emma! This was a good lesson
Your class was very good. thanks.
very helpful lesson, thanks a lot;)
u raised me up so i can stand on mountains Emma….thanks for teaching us..
I love it when you guys use the material in the lesson in your comments. Keep up the good work!
very helpful, thank you :)
I have one question
What The difference between
Arise ===> rise
Arise is more abstract than rise. We often use arise when we are talking about opportunities, situations or problems. If something arises, it appears and people become aware of it. Here are some examples:
A problem arose in the kitchen.
I will go to China next year, if the opportunity arises.
A difficult situation will arise if you continue to behave that way.
It can also have the same meaning as rise. In this case, it means ‘to get up’, ‘to get out of bed’ or ‘to stand up’. Be careful when you use it in this way because it is more formal than rise and may sound a little strange if you use it in casual conversation.
my mother has raised me, all my freakin’ life even I’m 38. thanks god. I apreciate ur effort cutie teacher. more english pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
Thank you a lot! Your voice are so cleary and easy to hear! ^^
great lesson,tanks a lot
thanks Emma now I know how to used rise, raised and risen it helps a lot I expect more video from you. God bless and more power Engvid.com.
thank Emma, it is so easy right now. You are raising our English knowledge.
i got 6 scores of 7 questions
Excellent! Well done!
thank you in deed Emma
you help me lot as a teacher
Thanks Emma ,i love your lessons
I can clearly see some of my mistakes now.
…I hate when it occurs.
We all make mistakes! Even people whose first language is English sometimes make mistakes when they write and speak.
thank you very much teacher Emma.i am a new student in your class…
Welcome to engvid swagger! I hope you enjoy our videos!
i feel great now with teacher Emma.because she teaches me English in proper way which i want to learn
I’ve just seen “Prepositions in English – OF” by Emma and I’ve found that the correct is “A story of love” NOT “a love’s story” as I wrote. I’ve learnt so many things in three hours!
So I meant “A story of love” instead “a love’s story”.
thank you for helpfull. yourteaching is fascinate. do you wont to work Azerbaijan?
hi Emma thankfull for helping us. your teaching is fascinate. I have a question Do wont to work Azerbaijan. There have many english course. Why you dont wont to work there? I love your patient
I have friends who have visited there. They loved it and told me it’s a great place to go. Hopefully one day in the future, I will visit Azerbaijan.
Thanx so much .. Thats awesome ^,^
Thanks Emma . U raised my english .
mind blowing excellent.
Great lesson! :)
why you dont answerd my question. are you care for my question?
good evning. if you have face adress please send me. i beseech you. because i more need quickly improve my english speaking and writing. i wait our message
Sorry mehin! It takes time to answer all of the comments for the videos. I try my best to answer quickly, but sometimes it may take me a little longer.
I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding.
good lesson , i now can use rise and raise each one in the correct place
thanks alot Emma
raise needs object and rise dosent need it ,,,
thank u v much teacher Emma
Senhorita Emma,
a lot of mistakes were made, and I’m frankly not happy about them! (I saw “using the passive voice to avoid responsibility”). But please, please forgive me. I was trying to use the vocabulary of the lesson in my comment. I made some adjusts, and I’m going to post it again in a few minutes (or at least, try it).
That reminds me, I forgot to comment about James’ video. Speaking of James, he loves Batman. If you ask me I would say “yeah Batman is good but what about Wolverine?”.
Well, I was Just kidding, Emma. I really like Wolverine, but I do prefer Batman (I’m holding with you on this one, James).
Well, I’m going to send “that” comment again and if worse comes to worst, I can always say that Batman is better than Wolverine, AHAHAHA.
Ok, listen to me. You’re right. Wolverine is better, but to hell with it. =P
God Bless you, Emma!
xD There we go again:
Hell yeah! I loved it! Oh, my profane tongue! I must not use such terrible language! Was the evil itself who possessed me and made of my tongue its slave. I’m using a program called LINGOES that help me check IF what I’m writing is correct. But it can’t help me with the grammar.
Let me tell you a story of respect. Was on a turbulent day and I’d lost my memories in some kind of hole in my soul. A weird man in a fancy suit invited me to his town and said that a dead fellow cannot walks beside the alive. He was referring to me as a dead! The death suits well in this kind of closes.
I was devastated! How could the death itself come at me without be requested? Doubts AROSE, loud as rainstorm, fast as a lady’s love!
I claimed: “You, Death, shall not take me!” And suddenly (did I say that I was on YouTube? I didn’t know how to use “raise” and “rise” so I went there seeking for help) a guardian Angel Came and said:
“Hi there, my name is Emma, and today we’re going to talk about a very common mistake.”
I have never seen such sensitivity in my whole life! Her smile was like millions of needles in my chest, I was breathless, her sweetie voice ate each piece of my essence, then I looked into her eyes and I saw…
I saw it! The heavens couldn’t express more perfection than Emma’s soul! She RAISED me from my deep nightmare whose director was a man called anguish. I was convinced that she was going to help me about the misunderstand mine: “are you saying to me that “Raise” is not a name of a personality from Mortal Combat Game?”
Then, Emma took my brain on her bare hands and said: “Dearest friend, what a shame! Your ignorance is limitless! Why did you involve us in such pointless conversation?”
Therefore I apologize, and the truth is that, the Emma’s soul? I saw it not. The video has low quality for such amazing miracle.
For you, wonderful teacher, dearest professor who will ignore my comment (again), MY HIGHEST RESPECT! Not just because you helped me in my confusion (I still think that Raise is a name of a personality from Mortal Combat), but because this disposition and patience yours on help people around the world (I’ve tried once, but no one wanted to learn Portuguese. What a shame! To hell with it.
Well, sorry for the long letter… I guess that I can always say I was practicing (Actually, I’m going to make long comments to each teacher on this web site, James will be the next, I’m just storing knowledge).
At last, as I’m a beginner I couldn’t find my mistakes above. Despite it, I know they exist. I apologize again.
…It’s just a guy using a fake name from some strange country trying to learn something with his mistakes and with the knowledge of people like you…
Thank you, Senhorita Emma!
I meant “I’ve seen ‘using the passive voice to avoid responsibility” instead of “I saw ‘using the passive voice to avoid responsibility” =P
I am impressed! You have clearly mastered a lot of the lessons and write eloquently! Thanks for watching so many of the lessons.
If you ask me, you’re one hell of a student!
Emma, would you mind give me a hand? I was trying to say something about James on the first comment, but I mess it up. What is the correct:
1) I’m holding with you on this one James.
2) I hold on with you on this one James.
Actually, I think both is wrong. xD
Neither really work. Here’s a few alternatives you can use:
I’m sticking with James on this one.
I’m with James on this one.
HI Emma your lesson was really really helped me a lot .
i asked you a question before this video but you didn’t answer me please help me out to use these words i.e. whose whom and who
and their clauses .
Hi taimooralvi,
Sorry for not getting back to you.
Click on the following link. It explains relative clauses (eg, who, whom, whose, etc.).
Thank you so much for this and all others lessons, I have learned a lot. I still having trouble with the English lenguage.
I just love this site. sorry for my broke English.
Thx for teach me :D
Great topic teacher its such a help us to understand the difference between these two words,
teacher can you please advice me where i got all the information of your lectures, for own learning,
waiting your reply..
thnx emma alot
Hi Emma can you do fervor for me to explain about transnational word like however in addition more ever so on and how to connect two sentence together and thank you for all teacher at engvid
magnificent help, I hope there will be more like these videos
it was a very good lesson thanks Emma
Thank you dear Emma.I will follow all of your lessons.
Hi Emma, this is not a question about this lesson but I don’t know where to post general questions. Ok the question is: is the same to say “he left” and “he is gone” ? Left or gone? Which one is the right or better to say somebody is not here anymore? Thanks and regards.
Hey, I´ve done some research with the following results: he is gone -> means that he is dead. He left -> physically left some place (house). If you use perfect tense with gone, the meaning should be the same as left(He has gone). But first I presume to wait for the teachers´ answer.
Hi Emma,
What is the role of ‘want to’ in the sentence ‘i want to raise my children in England’. Is it a verb? Does the whole of ‘ want to raise’ constitute the verb?
Thank you Ma’am for the lesson. I am so thankful to find this free video English lessons. Thank you Madam and Sir.
hi emma i wanna u explain the difference between would be , may , should , may have been when i speak 2 someone .. thx ppe
thank you so much Emma,but my teacher always says RISE YOUR HAND, thats mean
he is wrong or it can be correct
tell me please .
Thanks my teacher a lot.
I’ve got a question, what does your sentence “You mush rise”.
thnx good lesson
Thank you Emma! So, we would say ‘high raised building’?
Hello Emma!
Great lesson. You’re a great teacher. At last I understood the diference between these verbs. Thank you very much. Kind regards from Portugal
Thank you very much for your lesson. Now I can use those words correctly!!!
hi Emma its really nice I was searching online teaching and i fond a perfect platform. thank you very much is there any series of your lessons to learn eng??
Une lesson très pertinente.
I rase my hand to say ,”I learned a wonderful lesson” THANK YOU
What’s the correct prepositions designed to both verbs rise and raise?Could I say,for instance,”I raise my hands towards the sky to thank God”,meaning directions only?
Hi Dear Emma i listened and watched your very really nice video teaching, which is so important for us. so i hope you send me the new one by my Adress. thaks alot be alive.
Thank so much. Greetings from Colombia.
hi, there
thanks fro your greaat lesson
it is awsome
thank you
Hi , Ms. Emma
Which one of those is correct?
1) car race
2) car races
3) cars race
4) cars races
Thank you Emma i remember my parent raised me to say thank you to every one that help me in life, honestly and truly i just have to say thank you for all your effort in helping me.
Thank you Emma ..
your explain is very easy and nice ..
what is the difference between
1 would have been and would have
2 could have and could have been
3 should have and should have been
great thank u
thank you very much!
great! I can learn english watching the video. I got 6 out to 7.
Thank you so much.
thank you im happy with the lesson
good to understand
10x :) so usefull
hi emma
Thanks for your lesson.
Invoice is to be raised on the basis of Purchase order. is this correct?
Thank you I’m new student here I’m very happy to improve my english.
hi emma
could you tell me about tofel examination types?
thanks alot
I love ur dress
Thank you for the answer my comment. InshALLAH when you wont to came Aerbaijan I wont to meet with you.
i neeed quicly improve speaking and writing. What am i do? are you send me personal e mail face or skpy address?
you just cant speak english at all u even dont know how to speak ha i am better than u
thinks for this lesson i like it
Hi, Thanks for all!!!
I am afraid that I think the 2nd question from quiz has a mistake!!!!
I’ll make great use of these verbs. Thanks to you, Emma!
But I have risen and stand upright. Thank you Emma, thank you engvid.
Thanks Emma, i’ve undestood
Thanks, It really was my problem and now it be solved by you. Again thanks.
7 out of 7 . Thanks Emma its not my score its your EXCELLENT JOB .
Hi dear teacher, In one of your examples raised a doubt, that is: I’ve JUST risen…. the word Just in this case becomes a verb among have and Risen?
Thanks for all your lesson, I like your kind way to teach.
thank you.
Rise and fall of Craig David
By the way nice ‘Canadian’ dress!
Thank you Emma for this lesson .I really benefit of that so many thanks and see you soon .
Hello Emma do you know I love your lessons .
Thanks from my heart
Hi Emma do you know I am loving your lessons.
Thanks from my heart
I am interesting,does we use “rise” without object and “raise” with object? In all cases? Thanks
Iam confused when I read anything I understand but when anybody talksI don’t understand .If someone write what he said I understand but without written I don’t understand please help me
I want to say ,for me you is the best and her classes helps me alot.
darling teacher thank you!
Thank you for quality education .
i raised my hand during the lesson but you haven’t seen it. Thanks for you perfect lesson.
great lesson
Thanks again Teacher Emma, You’re really great teacher. Keep up the good work and I like the way you smile when teaching us.
thanks u so much..i believe myself ..i will be good English one day..if i m here.
hai emma tx 4 ur hard work
i just found this site now
its really amazing website
thank you very much …
Thanks Teacher, thanks for your lesson. I like it. You helped me understand clear about that. Thanks so much
Thanks but i have problem in pronunciation in many word so plz tell what i do to improve my pronunciation.
I’ve just discovered this web site. It’s very helpul, thanks. :)
I’ve confuse increase and rise.
thank you :)
I’m a new student in this website, but I like it very much. I am going to visit it usually. Thank all!
Your Grammar lessons are the best.
Thank You very much.
It’s very useful.
I used to confuse these words RISE and RAISE. Thanks for your lesson very much! Thanks, Emma! =]
You are very clear Emma,thank you so much!!!
Emma, I love your lessons! Now everything is clear. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for the lesson Emma. Where are you from? I understood very well the lesson. The difference between rise and raise is: raise always needs an object and rise does not need an object, right?
you are instinctly teacher and so cute.
But a little more jokes in the lessons.
I have forgot this lesson, but now i can to use this subject. Thank you very much Emma and My wishes to you.
Thank you! I love you!
Dear Emma,
Many thanks, my scored 7 out of 7
i love it
Thanks for your lesson, i love it
excellent job
Hi Emma,
I really like your lessons. You explain very well. You have a good didatic, inspirer. You have the ability to talk pausedly and slowly to make yourself understable. I supposed you are good to keep in touch. Can I have your Facebook profile or are so busy woman?
so useful!!!!!!!!
i really very exited to your lessons
can you teach me perfectly online as i gonna pay fee.
Hi dear Teacher,
I am your new student, raise & rise are the words that is frequently used in a daily life. I understood these words to your lecture.
Thanks & take care
Hi dear Teacher
I am your new student, I like your way of teaching including expression & action. U have raised my mental level. thanks
bye every one tack care
Hi,Teacher Emma Thank you for your great lesson.
Great website, I do appreciate your efforts.
Thank you for the lesson.
Thank Emma.
Emma, thanks for your lesson. I got 6 correct out of 7 :)
thank you so much Emma for teaching us…
definitely appreciated . I learned a lot. thanks Emma.
Thank you Emma. I got 6 correct out of 7.
I have a question for the one of the wrong.
What is the defferent beetwin rose and risen?
Rose is the Simple Past
Risen is the Past Participle
i got 7 out of 7. many thanks to you. i’ll continue with you in the following lessons
hi i am just totally confused in spelling mistake and grammar that included could,were,did please explain me in detail.and as soon i am going to write IELTS so its important pleases for god sake help me out i am totally confused.
Thx alot for learning me
thank you,
Thank you Emma.now i’s clear for me.end i’ll be thankful if you tell us the difference between arise and rise.have anice day and thank you again
Hi,Emme -I have confused. because the two words sound almost same.that is why it is difficult spell these two verbs. therefor more times should be practice these verbs.-
thanks for good teaching
Thanks a lot.But my wife is angry with me as I spend my time on watching your lessons but I really love your lessons and since I have seen your website I left reading grammer books anymore.What can I do ? I am fond of learning english and foreign language:).Never leave us alone dear engwid teachers:(
Splendid , 7 out of 7.
Thank you so much.
Thank you very much Emma!
perfect!!! Thank you so much Emma&^^&
Hi Aerosmith. My name is Mai. I would like to be friend with you.
you makes me love studying english more.so, it’s great!
hi you are good teacher pls tell me use of preposition
Hi I am from India .
Thankyou very much.
wow,very good; score: 100%, continue to improve
The grammar is so great!
Hi teacher!
I have a big problem with my pronunciation of: rise rice race raise …… please help me!
omg it my first time that i undertand real english!! i love you english class gema im very happy!! thanks!!
Hi Emma, I have nothing to write except thanking you, Please pray for me, I have an important test in English.
another excellent lesson from you, very helpful and clear, I really understand everything you teach, it’s awesome, thank you very much…all the best for you
Thank you for this lesson!
thanks a lot,I understand English very well also speak very well but i don,t know which one is verb or adjective,and another things my grammar is very poor,any idea why? please respond! ,thanks
thank u emma i like it very much
it’s more clearer now
tnx miss
Wow!!!! Thank you Emma!!! Great lesson!!
Wow!!!! Thank you Emma!!! Great lesson!!
Hi Emma,
could I use, in the second example: “You must raise YOURSELF”???
I appreciate your attention
I hope I’ll raise my English skills with your lessons ;)
I like http://www.engvid.com :D
Hi Emma,
I did Ok. You’re a great tutor.
Emma, thank you for the lesson. I now understand Rise and Raise. I love this site!!!
Emma, thaks a lot for this interesting lessn.
thank your emma for your lesson
thanx emma for ur lesson . plz tell me u have a vedio on ur sirte
tell me plz . facebookmnk1@gmail.com
Thank you, Emma for the perfect explanation!
7 correct out of 7 – Thomas from Poland thx
I’m try to learn more thank you Emma.
Thank you Emma for your teaching technique.
Thanks a lot.
After watched your video,now,I can tell them apart.Thank you very much.
Thank you for thy lesson Mrs Emma
Thank you very much for the lesson. It’s really easy for comprehension!
Very clear and helpful. Thank you!
i do like this lesson. thank Emma for a good explanation. have a nice day.
Clear, helpful and useful! Thank you Emma! :)
Clear, helpful and useful! Thank you Emma! :)
A very useful lesson… thanks Emma!
thanx Emma :)
“I prefer coffee ___________________ tea.”
fill in the blank with (over, ot, than, of)
Very helpful! Thanks !
Thank you very much!!!
so enjoyabll your lesson
Emma good classe!
You´re amazing, you make really easy to understand the grammar. Thanks a lot
Very helpful lesson !!! Thank you Emma.
Hello dear ! I am so happy to watch your helpful vedeoos I am a new here ; I have a question please ; Can we use ” raise” in passive voice like ” RISE ” FOR INSTANCE : I have risen from my chair as you said ! I have been raised from my chair ! Are they the same ! I hope you can answer me the question ; Thank u alot !
Thanks a lot to u Emma.I can understand your lecture clearly.I think your teaching will help me enough.It will take me a long distance ahead.
Thank you Emma.
I’ve to raise my english language
Thank you very much Emma
This video raise my english language
Dear Emma and the entire community of this magnificent web page. I recently stumbled on a phrase, that came from a native speaker: “The bungalow raises on stilts,” which according to the rules of this lesson should sound “The bungalow rises on stilts”. What is right?
Many thanks for the best teacher in the best site on the world.
Many thanks, Emma. I think this is an important lesson. I hope you good luck.
Thank you for your lesson. Emma.
I am studying english very hard. but
I can speak english a little. I need your help.
Really helpful
I watched this lesson for the second time because I needed to remember the concepts again. I realized that is one of the best lessons I’ve seen at EnVid since my first visit here about 6 months ago. Congratulations Emma, you are a great teacher and help me a lot with your advances. Finally, one example for rise is the nice movie “The Dark Knight Rises” wich apply properly your rules :)
thanks Emma i got 10 of 10.
yes, full mark. Thanx for lesson.
You are a great help to my review Emma.
Thank you, Emma. This kind of lessons are very interesting
Thanks, Emma!
Thanks!I got 86
thanks Emma great effort
dear Emma is ‘arouse ‘ belong to these confused words ?
Thank you so much dear Emma for your help.
thank you so much!:)
how amazing! thanks indeed Emma . I really interest your lessons and I like your accent could you give me advice to speak native language like you?
thank you so much.can you help me distinguish raise, rise from arise?
hi Emma Many thanks and happy new year
thanks emma
Thanks a lot, Ms Emma, I got 100%.
I have raised my English skill after i watched Emma’s video on youtube and did a lot of homeworks on Engvid.
Thanks for the lesson.
Emma, could you please make a video about ONLY and JUST (what’s the different) ?? thank you :)
Thanks Emma.. I got 7 out of 7 correct
Just a quickly question. If I say “I raised myself” is that correct? or it’s an unnecessary expression instead of “I rose” Also “I raised by myself” or “I rose by myself”, I think the last one is correct but i don’t sure, please?
thank you emma i got and exam tom. and you just teach me in 1 hour and i was done by lie lay rise raise that was hupeful thank you go to front emmayour the best :) ;)
Thanks a lot you Emma!!!!!!!
Hi Emma thanks you!!!!!!!
Thanks Emma.. I got 100% marks. How we can search like this more quiz example..
This class was magic. Thank you.
hello you’re a good teacher
thanks so much for your help
thanks emma
I must raises my level in english
, so, every day the sun rises, I’ll learning so much
What a good lesson!I din’t know the diference between rise and raise before but now I know.Thanks,Emma!
Thank you Emma
Exellent lesson :D thank you
You are always great Emma !
thx emma you raise my livel
thank you for your best teaching unfortunately i cant see your videu
Perfect score
Thanks EMMA,you are great teacher I really appreciate your effort to help us…. Iwish you the best
Thank you very much, Emma! The lesson was very useful for me.
D thanks Emms
Thanks a lot Emma
Thanks so much Emma
Dear Professor Emma and Fellow Learners,
Kindly let me know if the expressions as bellow are correct;
Rising unemployment and Raising unemployment
In sentence:
Rising unemployment caused social unrest.
Can I say?
Raising unemployment caused social unrest.
Thanks in advance.
Perfect Emma!
Thank u.
Be happy Emma and take care.
Thank you.
wow…you are amazing teachers…I’m wandering if you could submit some techniques of how to teach conversations. thank you so much….I love you. Is there a way I can get in touch directly with teachers specially James?
sorry Emma can you tell me the difference between home and house. Is home always used with or without a preposition? Thanks in advance..
thankyou mam
Thank you!
my Quiz emma:
You got 7 correct out of 7.
Ajua !! I got it!! Thanks Emma I love you
great thank you emma
Thank you Emma.
6 out of 7, Your explain so great.
Thank you Emma.
The correct form is “rising unemployment causes social unrest.”
My dad was very old fashioned. He thought the proper word to talk about parenting and children was rear. I reared my children well. To rear a child (verb) is to parent a child. He said “You grow corn or you raise corn but you rear children. “
Thaks Emma!! You are a good teacher.
Emma you are a great teacher.Thank you for every things.
I must confess: I’ve never been able to understand exactly the differences between these two verbs UNTIL now!!!! Thank U and thanks to EngVid for all your amazing lessons!
Ivan from Barcelona.
Thanks Emma!
Thanks Emma! Finally I`ve understood the difference between these two verbs)
Thank’s EmmaYou are the best teacher in the galaxy.I not only have understood this lesson, but olso enjoy your teaching text.
Thak you very much!!!
I killed the quiz
I’ll thx you for that very helpful lesson Emma.
I love her lessons.
I have never learned ‘rise’ and ‘raise’ so deeply. Thank you, Emma, for everything.
Thank you very much, Emma, these verbs have been ones of my hardest topics to understand, but now through your great explanation, I fully got it! … I’m very happy!
*** I got 7 out of 7 (Test), thanks again!
On the other hand, I guess that:
RISE = arise, move up, ascend, climb, go up, improve, increase, get out of bed, stand up, etc.
RAISE = lift, lift up, elevate, bring up,put up, rear (children), cultivate, erect, rose sb to sth, stir up, provoke, etc.
*** I am not sure about RISE and RAISE and their relationship with the following verbs: wake, wake up, awake, get up.
BEST WISHES from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Thank You, your lesson helped me a lot it will help me at school your the best Emma
your lessons help a lot
thanks emma… amazing explanation
lesson is so useful. thanks a lot
You got 7 correct out of 7.
This is a very good lesson. Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot)))
You are really talented teacher,thank you Emma)
Very usefull tips.
Thanks you so much, you are the best.
The Dark Knight rises!
Thank you Emma
Emma, you are the one. You make me feel happy because I think my level of English is getting better and better thanks to you. Greetings and receive a big kiss from Valencia-Spain.
I have improved my English.
I must raised my English. Thank you Emma.
To sum up this lesson,
If it need to ‘object’, we use ‘raise’ and if not use ‘rise’.
For example,
There is “My salary was raised. (by my boss)”.
There isn’t object, but this sentence is corrective.
Could you explain this case? In my opinion, because of passive form.
And then, How can we choise ‘rise’ or ‘raise’?
Hi Syryang! My name is Mai.
I would like to be friend with you.
Thank you teacher the easy lesson ❤️❤️
I got 7 correct out of 7.
I really love the explanation! Excellent Emma!!!
she rose from the chair.
She: Subject
chair: object
shouldn’t it be raised?
Thanks Emma this is a very nice lesson :D
i raised my hand you r very informative
Thank you, Emma.
Could you have a lesson about apply for and apply to. I am very confused about these phrases.
thank u emma…..
Thank you Emma I am very happy I got 100?
Emma , I have realized the difference between Raise & Rise . Thank you for outstanding teaching method.
your lessons raised me in english > ^_^ >
thanks Emma <3
i think the correct is :
your lessons raised my english
if i’m wrong correct me
Dear Emma: I enjoy your class! I want to improve my English
alhamdulillah, 5 correct out of 7 , keep practicing will help to improve ASAP, thanks Ms. Emma, i hope one day i can sigh up at one of your classes. ^_^
Thank you, Emma.This is s good lesson.
Happy New Year Emma !
great teacher ,, really i’m happy to watch your video ,, but i think all these courses make the students good at grammar and writing , but when someone try to speak with a real person that so hard
Thank you Emma! 100%%
I got 7 out of 7 happy
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
hello Emma,
are there any exercise files on engvid for practicing IELTS?
Hi Emma,
Arent there any IELTS that can serve both purpose?study or immigrate?Whats the IELTS score requirements for Canadian Immigration?
For those who choose UK, sometimes they instruct candidates to appear test at a specific test location authorized by UKVI. Similarly are there any specific test location requirements or any other additional requirements for those who intend to immigrate to Canada,Australia or New Zealand.Please advise as I am already practicing IELTS and intend to appear for it in British Council? Look forward to hear from you.
Thank for this tips. It was very good to improve my english grammar
Very good lesson, Emma!
Thank you My pleasure teacher.The way your teaching and educating is excellent and huge Beautiful. I enjoy watching your lessons therefor I will try to see every single type lesson of your lessond.
I got 6/7! Thanks for the lesson!
15th June 2017,
Thanks Ms Emma.
I got 6/7, a little bit sad ;(
I have no one to raised my salary because I don’t have a job. I rose from my chair and went to the bed. Thank you Emma. Best wishes
:D Happy to study
4. She ____________ from the chair.
‘Rose’ is the past tense of ‘rise’.
5. The moon has _______________.
Choose the correct past participle.
‘Risen’ is the past participle of ‘rise’.
I didn’t not see tense
thank you the lesson
I raised my level today in this gramatical explanation class. Thanks for the support.
Thank you Emma
Great explanation. Thanks so much!!
thank you, Emma!
7/7. Thank you.
Thank you Emma :)
Your method is simple and as imppressive as Adam.
hey amma, thanks for your video. could u make videos on be and been?? i am confused while using this words.
Great lesson, thanks.
I really satisfy with your explanation Teacher EMMA , Great work, you are very good trainer. I’ve created a confidence into me with your nice and great lessons explanation …..Thank Teacher EMMA
This is very nice Lesson Rise or Raise , Very helpful,,,Thanks Teacher EMMA you are my good trainer s I again say to you,,,thanks a lot, I had a lot of problem in English speaking, but when I follow your English lessons and tips. that I can speak English with fluently way and Now I feel much better in English speaking , I’ve gotten a lot of help From your lessons your explanation is very very nice and easy…….to my view, you are a good trainer……..
it great for me . thanks
Dear Emma I think in the second sentence Chair is object and in the third sentence Oven is object as well
Thanks for your teaching
Thank you Emma, your lessons are always very clear. So I can raise my level in English :-)
my english rises by wathing eng.videos and my salary raised by boss becouse i able to handle many job who need english skill
thank u.Emma
Thank you, Emma
You got 6 correct out of 7.
thanks very much miss emma really i full on all niether to atch this cours really thanks very much
How wonderful lesson!
Emma I really appreciate the way you raise your voice to teach me. You are doing a great job.
Thank you a lot
Thanks alot! keep going teacher, i am going to learn all your lesson.
Thaks…i will raise my glass to you..
I really like you teaching way
Actually, you raised my English <3
Thanks Emma you're my good teacher
Thank you, great class
Thank you Emma your lessons is very clear. I’ve got 100. Thanks again.
thank you very much
Thanks teacher Emma for the clarification
excellent job Emma, u always make it easy for us. thank u.
Thank you for the lesson Ma’am Emma!
Thank you for the lesson, Emma. I really enjoyed it!
Thank you Emma! I appreciate your job! :)
Your classes are incredible! You are raising my level of English. I rose from the chair to clap for you.
Great lesson mam!I have raised my english level since learning English on engvid.
Simple and effective video. Thanks, Emma
Very interested lesson
Been watched with a score of 7 out of 7.
I got 7 correct out of 7
Very good lesson, I learned how to use them correctly
Thanks a bunch for the material!
good. i raised my performance. isn’t?
Thank you
I´ve just raised my scores quiz
I mine 100%100
Thank you i have raised my knowledge in English language.
I think, I never can raise my writing to very good level.
If rise is an intransitive verb then how can we use the sentence “you rise a good question”??? Is it false one?
Please solve my problem..
Should I say “Raising day”
Or “Rising Day”
Please reply me
The Club was raised in the year 1920 which keeps on rising every now and then…can this sentence be considered true?
this lesson is great…thanks Emma
Thank you!
Thank you!