Learn how to use short answers correctly. This will allow you to have more natural conversations in English. This short, effective lesson will show you how to give short answers correctly and politely.
hi there,luckily i see this website…its wonderful..i can understand english in simple way through the videoes..thanks guys..
hi there,luckily i see this website…its wonderful..i can understand english in simple way through the videoes..thanks guys..
Hello Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson–brief and clear!
Good job.Is a very useful lesson.I watch from Romania.
me too…
thanks , it’s very usefull in our daily life.
thank you,that was so easy.
Wow, this lesson it’s easy like drinking water.
Thank you so much.
These lessons are very usefull and wonderful.
Thank you.
My friend: Did you watch Rebecca lesson?
Me: Yes, I did.
My friend: Do you like her?
Me: Yes, I do. She is the best teacher!!!
I listened this lesson and after that did the questions and answers and this is surprising for me the result is 8 out of 8. Thanks a lot Rabecca for teaching me very easy way.
Rebecca thank you so much
i think you are the best teacher in the world
It is very wonderful. Thanks a lot for this material. I want to know if it is posible to interact with the teachers by viedeo in order to improve speech. I mean, of course I went to the language school, but I do not talk to anybody in English, just write and write. I want to talk and improve. Thanks again.
These lessons are very useful for me.
Thanks a lot
It is the great platform for those people whom wants to improve themself
Hi Rebecca you are so sweet! I like the way you teach english it is very interesting thank you again
Thank you so much.. so useful and yet joyful :)
I’m watching your videos guys from Saudi Arabia and trying to learn by myself.. We really appreciate it guys :)
Abdullah Hamad
tx rebecca
Thank you for teach us short answers in English.
Thank you for your time to teach us.
God bless u teacher Rebecca. it’s was a short, pretty lesson. so long n’ good bye.
Thanks Miss Rebecca!! It helped me a lot.
thank u so mutch
Hey Rebecca,I just stop and saw your blog,it is very good,you r helping many students ………by the way I am also a English Literature student and I like it here very much,by the way may I contribute something if you wish……..Thanks for your good work and keep it up.
thanks for your teaching~
thanks teacher,that s good lesson
thank you very much rebacca.you are axellent
thanks its very useful
NooR Al-iraq
Thanks for all
thank for all,it good chance to see this website.
Engvid is very good to self study.
I like it good to have this English lessons
Thank you for teaching….
Rebecca would you guide me which is correct sentence and why?
Does he have a job? || Does he has a job?
You used Does he have a job? My question is why didn’t you used Does he has a job?
That is The Simple Present Tense! For example: I have a car, you have a car, he, she, it has a car, we have a car, they have a car – this is positive. Questions: Do I have, do you have, does he, she, it HAVE, do we have, do they have!!! And answers: Yes I do, No he, she, it doesn’t etc. Also he drives a car, the question is does he drive a car, then you don’t add “S” at the end of the main verb!!!
nice explanation !!!!
thank you
Thank for this lesson.
Thankssssss Rebeca
david avia
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks that great
Hi! Rebecca.
Have you had. Before, I said Yes, I had.
But, Now I’ll say, Yes, I have for sure.
Thank you for the great lesson.
geat jop
Can I also say have you finish your homework?
You can say “Have you finished your homework”, present perfect. . .
Really easy.
I like the way u teach
You are doing well job
Hi! Rebecca!
I confuse a little bit about this question “Don’t you have a cellphone?” Answer: “No, i don’t”. How about the answer if i say yes?
It’s easy! For example, if somebody asks you: “Don’t you have a cellphone?”, you will respond on two ways: First is positive answer, and second is negative. Positive is Yes, I do, and negative is No, I don’t. And my recommendation is: “Always say full answer followed by “I do”, and “I don’t”, not only short answers with Yes, and No. . . If you say on that way, there won’t be misunderstandings ;)
Mark! Thanks for answer ! It’s a negative question.So i confuse a little bit.
You are welcome. . . Don’t be confused, be smart, our brain has no limits :)
Hi Thu Xuan!
the answer yes I do.
Hi, ma’am! So helpful! But will you please explain . . .
Don’t you remember this? No, I don’t.
My teacher before taught us . . .
Yes, i don’t.
You cannot say “Yes I don’t”, that is completely wrong!!!
:) Thank you, Rebecca :) all clear!
You´re a wonderful teacher! Thank you!
Sally S
hi Rebecca,
how are you? i’m Refat from Bangladesh and i’ve learned almost all the lessons of you from the ‘engvid’. But i’ve some problems with the verb “could” and its uses in different situations. Could you please tell me about the uses of ‘could’ in different situations in the present, past and the future?
Refat Hasan Royal
hi from the last two days i lesson your lecture video please tell me, are you use American style or British style???????
Hi,I’d like to thank all the teachers for what they do to help learners of other languages to learn English. My inquiry here is how to get the answer key for both “The Advanecd Grammar Book and “The Workbook”. for Jocelyn M.Steer and Karen A. Carlisi ” Workbook ” for Jocelyn M. Steer and Dawn Schmid . Thanks for all your help.
Farouq Mohsen
Thankyou so much Rebecca.i realy apriciat you for your lesson,keep it please
thanks ma`am……………
HI!!Rebecca thanks for all lesson are really good ,
Thanks for the lesson Rebecca, all very clear for me now!
i watch from Costa Rica all the time i mean your classes are very useful, thanks a lot
Yeah its very very interesting.! i like so much….
thank’s rebecca.
rebecca i face difficulty in talking english. would you help me and guide me?
etx ruby
good job ,,
Hey Rebecca, thank you very much, your teaching very clear and easy to understand
Thank you so much ENGVID group. We are from Africa Ethiopia Queens College student. We have problem with English. We enjoyed with your lesson. please we need from beginner in addition to this Quiz doesn’t activated. We need practice. Please continue for help. Thank you for opening this opportunity for non English speaker.
Tadele Kebede
Thank you all of you. We like it.
Tadele Kebede
thank you for this information rebecca
Thanks a lot
thanx rebeca
Thank you teacher Rebecca! I learned a lot and i will appreciate you very much! Have a good a day and more power.
Hello rebecca thanks a lot it is very use full.
From Afghanistan
This lesson make me easy to communicate.
Hi my name is Hudhayfah , thank you very much Rebecca and great work ,I don’t know, when do I use ” do or did or Have or has or had” I know when do I use” can” with ability.
Thank for this lesson.
pepsaa from thailand
thank you nice job more vidio
hi nice job very useful
thanks for the lesson. it’s helpful
great job
thanks ma`am
thanks rebbeka
Thank for this lesson.
thank u ma’am
I have a doubt in the sentence “have you had lunch already?”.I just want to ask you that can we rewrite the sentence as-“Have you already had lunch” or not and also I am interested to know how many ways one can use “have” and “get” except their usual meaning.
sona sharma
I think it’s correct, have + past participle.(had is the past participle of have)
Have you eaten lunch already?
Have you had lunch? (informal)
in addition
“have had” is a combination of two verbs: present tense “have” and its past perfect object “had” + _____.
ex: I have had lunch. (I have eaten lunch)
thank you! It’s acually strange that this web resourse is free. I hope you have reasons to make the lessons
Obviously to help people who are confused in English. You don’t have to be paranoid, just be thankful for goodness sake.
could u give a lession about had have or has had together in one sentence
thank you a lots.
thank you so much for sharing your knowledge
very useful
its very useful thanks.
thanks teac Rebecca Im really appreciate to you and all staff of engvid
i like to speak english but i don now how to speak please help me and thank you for ever
very good.
thank you too much.
very useful
all videos are awesome regards for eng vid staff im zakir afridi.
zakir afridi
Thank’s thank’s thank’s…;)
thanks teacher , greet from Nicaragua, it is a very good job what all you do teaching english,like you do, thanks and keep on with your project
It is very easy for me now..why i am not get teacher like you in my primary school.?
hi guys and teacher i,m new student…its a very good way to improve my english and i hope from that way will be improve my english…………thank u so much teacher…….
shahbaz ahmed
thanks teacher rebecca … i like it.
i come from indonesia,.. a like website http://www.engvid.com
eko widiyanto
thanks you are a nice teacher
thank you rebecca teacher and engvid.com
its very very useful
thank you for the first cliss
many thanks …
Did you learn English lesson with teacher Rebecca?
Yes, I did.
Thank You.. :D
great lesson..
thnx for engvid.com
thanks teacher for intrestin leesons good luck
samim tanha
thank you so much for teaching.I am hapy in study your classroom.
Thank s rebacca .But I have some problem to communication .Would u help me for my improvement.
hamza darbar
thank you for your help.your lesson was very good to understand.
hi hello mrs rabica hope you are fine and having a great day i would like to know about on line teaching methodologists is very good but very difficult to who were learning stage
hamza darbar
thank you
Thank you Rebecca great lesson.
thats great! i like all the lessons of engvid and all the teachers.
I like your lessons are wonderful
Thank you
ok nice…
Thank you! It was good!
Thanks a lot Rebecca for your help to us, It’s kind of you to do this noble work. Thank you so much.
just tell me how can i play quiz
I love this page.
thanks for you.
If you ask me ,you are as sweet as my mom!!!
You tube is filtered in my country . what shoud I do t access to the videos?
Hi Rebecca
you can give me same advice for learning english and how answer exsam or test aese…
thank you very much techer :)
great i do like this thing…
Thanks for you
Rebecca thank you!
thnks so much but i have to deal my teeth for next time lol
Hi, people! If anyone want to talk in english to pratice and make new frindes, plese send me an email: tiago_queiroz18@hotmail.com
Good like to all and especially to teachers from engvid.
These lessons are very useful for me.
Thanks a lot,,,
super! thanks!
you’re more than a teacher.
Have you ever been in Russia?))
Thank you, Rebecca for a good job!
thank you dear mam …. nice classes….
wish you all the best…continue..
Hello, I have a problem in the mutual conversation , mostly I understand the speaker but I can not immedaitely respond , despite I have got B.sc. in Translation English grade good , and my native langugae is Arabic ,what suppose to do ?
8 out of 8
Dear, Madame!
You are a good teacher. Could you your please teach me about architecture? For example we have a Big project to build a Hotel that have 2000 bedrooms with 7 stars ?
thanks lot madam by raseeth UAE
raseeth badusha
Wow, very goog classes from you gus, i found this videos the this week and already i love it. congratulations gus you don´t make bored the class
Mario Alberto
I’m from Thailand. Thank you so much for example of my country. There’re many beautiful places like Puket Island.
Have you visited Thailand?
Another great lesson. Thank you very much Rebecca.
great job and wonderful presentation.applause to you and thank you so much for great teaching.
Hi Rebecca and thank you so much for this useful grammar lesson. I missed it.
PLEASE, PLEASE, could you help me or someone else!!! I’m confused with “Did or Have”. I mean which verbs to use with Do/Did or Have when askiing a question. Hope u understand my question and thanks a lot in advance for your reply.
thanks rebecca. !
Thanks :) I love the website!
Thank you Ms.Rebecca and your team. i am sure that this chance would make us giants in speaking in English. Thank you again.
Thank you Rebecca, Thank you all teachers for the presentation.
funny test… web is amanzing
Thank you :)
Thanks a lot!!!
thank you prof Rebecca!
I understood the lesson.
Thank you very very much!
Hello ..Rebeca..I am so lucky to see your website..very hulpfull for me ..brief but Clear !! perfect lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
I’ve become addicted to your videos and would like to thank you very much.
I’ve a question regarding this video:
What would you answer “Do I have to say thank you teacher?”
is it “Yes, you do” or “Yes, you do have” or “Yes, you do have to”
Thank you Becky, thank you all Engvid teachers. God bless you all!
A nouveau merci pour cette excellente lesson.
Have a good day
Thanks alot
thank you so much
thnk u rebecca very useful lesson.
ram arivan
thank you rebecca.
please what’s different between present tense and present perfect
that was very good lesson. I enjoy it
thank u, rebecca for a very helpful lesson.
Thank you Rebbeca.
Thank you very much.it’s nice lesson.
It’s very nice to meet with you.I like it,bye
miss rebacca
thank you so much would to see you every other day in new video
your video is very easy and useful
thank you very much
rebacca teachers thanks a lot.
i got 8/8..
Go ahead Miss, you the best.
You are the best teacher on engvid.
Thanks, Rebecca! I’ve got only 7/8 due own inattention.
I had a doubt in one of the questions. The question was: Have you had lunch already? That correct question was not: Have you had lunch yet?
Cause I learned that already come in the middle of the setence, normally between the subject and verb. The question would not be: HAVE YOU ALREADY HAD LUNCH?
JJ Soares
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey ! 8/8 I’m happy :D
great. it was good
I do thank you
Thank you so much REBECCA
Hi Rebecca!
Is there something wrong with this sentence in terms of correct grammar?
Sentence: When I first learn Spanish I was challenge.
General Rule: add –ed to Regular Verb for event (s) that happens in the past (was). Under this grammar rule, is the word “challenge” in the sentence a regular verb? If yes, should I have added an –ed to the word “challenge?”
Thanks so much. I would appreciate your insight into this.
Thanks Rebecca : It became easy for me
thanks alot my teachers….
thanks you GOD
thak you the class is wonderful
1-we have not brought our lunch
2-we does not brought our lunch
i want to knw the difference the above sentence which i mentioned i mostly stuck wat to use does or have .so plz let me know which kind of sentence i should use have or to which does.
we have not done anything wrong
we does not done anything wrong
from the above 2 sentences which one is correct because i usually mixed up what to use when like when should i use ‘we have not done anything wrong”or “we does not done anything wrong “while i look the meaning of both sentence they give same but there must be somthing to ease up when to use does or have .i think now you understand my problem about this .please reply soon it will be great help to me
we don’t bring your lunch
we don’t brought your lunch
what is the difference between in these 2 sentences
Thank you so much Rebecca.
( My friend asked me:” Have you posted comments on Engvid?” I answered :” Yes, I have .” )
Thank you, Rebecca!
Marcio R Santos
great i got 8 correct ,thx rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot, your lessons help me improve my English.
I got 100% wow unbelievable thanks my teachers
i got 10 out of 10 thanks rebecca big hug
mbuyi alpha
I got 88.Thanks teacher.
Thank you for being in our world!
Thank you teacher.
hiii maaam
can you please explain this sentence
Very clear Rebecca!
i got 8/8 :=)
Dear rebecca,
Thank for this advice.
Best regards.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Thank you ma’am.
Thank you
I got 8 / 8 = 100 % … Good explanation! I love EngVid! Best wishes from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Thank you so much
Many think that I cannot count! Thank you so such!
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
thanks Rebecca:)
Ania Wa
Thank you Rebecca :)
do you test example ?
yes , i do .
this is really very good
Abdirashid Osman Ahmed
I got 8/8!! Great lesson!
I was great
It was great
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you…
M kartal
I got perfect score..thanks
8/8 Good
tank you Rebecca!
Very easy to understand. thanks a lot
thanks Rebecca
Thanks a lot :)
Thank you
Thank you!
I watched this video twice on September 07, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got eight out of 8.
I watched this video on September 07, 2021,
thank you Rebecca, I will always go to engvid in order to learn English.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great! It’s a excellent way to learn englsh.
Good Start!
hi there,luckily i see this website…its wonderful..i can understand english in simple way through the videoes..thanks guys..
hi there,luckily i see this website…its wonderful..i can understand english in simple way through the videoes..thanks guys..
Hello Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson–brief and clear!
Good job.Is a very useful lesson.I watch from Romania.
me too…
thanks , it’s very usefull in our daily life.
thank you,that was so easy.
Wow, this lesson it’s easy like drinking water.
Thank you so much.
These lessons are very usefull and wonderful.
Thank you.
My friend: Did you watch Rebecca lesson?
Me: Yes, I did.
My friend: Do you like her?
Me: Yes, I do. She is the best teacher!!!
I listened this lesson and after that did the questions and answers and this is surprising for me the result is 8 out of 8. Thanks a lot Rabecca for teaching me very easy way.
Rebecca thank you so much
i think you are the best teacher in the world
It is very wonderful. Thanks a lot for this material. I want to know if it is posible to interact with the teachers by viedeo in order to improve speech. I mean, of course I went to the language school, but I do not talk to anybody in English, just write and write. I want to talk and improve. Thanks again.
These lessons are very useful for me.
Thanks a lot
It is the great platform for those people whom wants to improve themself
Hi Rebecca you are so sweet! I like the way you teach english it is very interesting thank you again
Thank you so much.. so useful and yet joyful :)
I’m watching your videos guys from Saudi Arabia and trying to learn by myself.. We really appreciate it guys :)
tx rebecca
Thank you for teach us short answers in English.
Thank you for your time to teach us.
God bless u teacher Rebecca. it’s was a short, pretty lesson. so long n’ good bye.
Thanks Miss Rebecca!! It helped me a lot.
thank u so mutch
Hey Rebecca,I just stop and saw your blog,it is very good,you r helping many students ………by the way I am also a English Literature student and I like it here very much,by the way may I contribute something if you wish……..Thanks for your good work and keep it up.
thanks for your teaching~
thanks teacher,that s good lesson
thank you very much rebacca.you are axellent
thanks its very useful
Thanks for all
thank for all,it good chance to see this website.
Engvid is very good to self study.
I like it good to have this English lessons
Thank you for teaching….
Rebecca would you guide me which is correct sentence and why?
Does he have a job? || Does he has a job?
You used Does he have a job? My question is why didn’t you used Does he has a job?
That is The Simple Present Tense! For example: I have a car, you have a car, he, she, it has a car, we have a car, they have a car – this is positive. Questions: Do I have, do you have, does he, she, it HAVE, do we have, do they have!!! And answers: Yes I do, No he, she, it doesn’t etc. Also he drives a car, the question is does he drive a car, then you don’t add “S” at the end of the main verb!!!
nice explanation !!!!
thank you
Thank for this lesson.
Thankssssss Rebeca
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks that great
Hi! Rebecca.
Have you had. Before, I said Yes, I had.
But, Now I’ll say, Yes, I have for sure.
Thank you for the great lesson.
geat jop
Can I also say have you finish your homework?
You can say “Have you finished your homework”, present perfect. . .
Really easy.
I like the way u teach
You are doing well job
Hi! Rebecca!
I confuse a little bit about this question “Don’t you have a cellphone?” Answer: “No, i don’t”. How about the answer if i say yes?
It’s easy! For example, if somebody asks you: “Don’t you have a cellphone?”, you will respond on two ways: First is positive answer, and second is negative. Positive is Yes, I do, and negative is No, I don’t. And my recommendation is: “Always say full answer followed by “I do”, and “I don’t”, not only short answers with Yes, and No. . . If you say on that way, there won’t be misunderstandings ;)
Mark! Thanks for answer ! It’s a negative question.So i confuse a little bit.
You are welcome. . . Don’t be confused, be smart, our brain has no limits :)
Hi Thu Xuan!
the answer yes I do.
Hi, ma’am! So helpful! But will you please explain . . .
Don’t you remember this? No, I don’t.
My teacher before taught us . . .
Yes, i don’t.
You cannot say “Yes I don’t”, that is completely wrong!!!
:) Thank you, Rebecca :) all clear!
You´re a wonderful teacher! Thank you!
hi Rebecca,
how are you? i’m Refat from Bangladesh and i’ve learned almost all the lessons of you from the ‘engvid’. But i’ve some problems with the verb “could” and its uses in different situations. Could you please tell me about the uses of ‘could’ in different situations in the present, past and the future?
hi from the last two days i lesson your lecture video please tell me, are you use American style or British style???????
thanks itishelpfullbutthevideoismovingsoslowly whatshouldido
Hi,I’d like to thank all the teachers for what they do to help learners of other languages to learn English. My inquiry here is how to get the answer key for both “The Advanecd Grammar Book and “The Workbook”. for Jocelyn M.Steer and Karen A. Carlisi ” Workbook ” for Jocelyn M. Steer and Dawn Schmid . Thanks for all your help.
Thankyou so much Rebecca.i realy apriciat you for your lesson,keep it please
thanks ma`am……………
HI!!Rebecca thanks for all lesson are really good ,
Thanks for the lesson Rebecca, all very clear for me now!
i watch from Costa Rica all the time i mean your classes are very useful, thanks a lot
Yeah its very very interesting.! i like so much….
thank’s rebecca.
rebecca i face difficulty in talking english. would you help me and guide me?
good job ,,
Hey Rebecca, thank you very much, your teaching very clear and easy to understand
Thank you so much ENGVID group. We are from Africa Ethiopia Queens College student. We have problem with English. We enjoyed with your lesson. please we need from beginner in addition to this Quiz doesn’t activated. We need practice. Please continue for help. Thank you for opening this opportunity for non English speaker.
Thank you all of you. We like it.
thank you for this information rebecca
Thanks a lot
thanx rebeca
Thank you teacher Rebecca! I learned a lot and i will appreciate you very much! Have a good a day and more power.
Hello rebecca thanks a lot it is very use full.
From Afghanistan
This lesson make me easy to communicate.
Hi my name is Hudhayfah , thank you very much Rebecca and great work ,I don’t know, when do I use ” do or did or Have or has or had” I know when do I use” can” with ability.
Thank for this lesson.
thank you nice job more vidio
hi nice job very useful
thanks for the lesson. it’s helpful
great job
thanks ma`am
thanks rebbeka
Thank for this lesson.
thank u ma’am
I have a doubt in the sentence “have you had lunch already?”.I just want to ask you that can we rewrite the sentence as-“Have you already had lunch” or not and also I am interested to know how many ways one can use “have” and “get” except their usual meaning.
I think it’s correct, have + past participle.(had is the past participle of have)
Have you eaten lunch already?
Have you had lunch? (informal)
in addition
“have had” is a combination of two verbs: present tense “have” and its past perfect object “had” + _____.
ex: I have had lunch. (I have eaten lunch)
thank you! It’s acually strange that this web resourse is free. I hope you have reasons to make the lessons
Obviously to help people who are confused in English. You don’t have to be paranoid, just be thankful for goodness sake.
could u give a lession about had have or has had together in one sentence
thank you a lots.
thank you so much for sharing your knowledge
very useful
its very useful thanks.
thanks teac Rebecca Im really appreciate to you and all staff of engvid
i like to speak english but i don now how to speak please help me and thank you for ever
very good.
thank you too much.
very useful
all videos are awesome regards for eng vid staff im zakir afridi.
Thank’s thank’s thank’s…;)
thanks teacher , greet from Nicaragua, it is a very good job what all you do teaching english,like you do, thanks and keep on with your project
It is very easy for me now..why i am not get teacher like you in my primary school.?
hi guys and teacher i,m new student…its a very good way to improve my english and i hope from that way will be improve my english…………thank u so much teacher…….
thanks teacher rebecca … i like it.
i come from indonesia,.. a like website http://www.engvid.com
thanks you are a nice teacher
thank you rebecca teacher and engvid.com
its very very useful
thank you for the first cliss
many thanks …
Did you learn English lesson with teacher Rebecca?
Yes, I did.
Thank You.. :D
great lesson..
thnx for engvid.com
thanks teacher for intrestin leesons good luck
thank you so much for teaching.I am hapy in study your classroom.
Thank s rebacca .But I have some problem to communication .Would u help me for my improvement.
thank you for your help.your lesson was very good to understand.
hi hello mrs rabica hope you are fine and having a great day i would like to know about on line teaching methodologists is very good but very difficult to who were learning stage
thank you
Thank you Rebecca great lesson.
thats great! i like all the lessons of engvid and all the teachers.
I like your lessons are wonderful
Thank you
ok nice…
Thank you! It was good!
Thanks a lot Rebecca for your help to us, It’s kind of you to do this noble work. Thank you so much.
just tell me how can i play quiz
I love this page.
thanks for you.
If you ask me ,you are as sweet as my mom!!!
You tube is filtered in my country . what shoud I do t access to the videos?
Hi Rebecca
you can give me same advice for learning english and how answer exsam or test aese…
thank you very much techer :)
great i do like this thing…
Thanks for you
Rebecca thank you!
thnks so much but i have to deal my teeth for next time lol
Hi, people! If anyone want to talk in english to pratice and make new frindes, plese send me an email: tiago_queiroz18@hotmail.com
Good like to all and especially to teachers from engvid.
These lessons are very useful for me.
Thanks a lot,,,
super! thanks!
you’re more than a teacher.
Have you ever been in Russia?))
Thank you, Rebecca for a good job!
thank you dear mam …. nice classes….
wish you all the best…continue..
Hello, I have a problem in the mutual conversation , mostly I understand the speaker but I can not immedaitely respond , despite I have got B.sc. in Translation English grade good , and my native langugae is Arabic ,what suppose to do ?
8 out of 8
Dear, Madame!
You are a good teacher. Could you your please teach me about architecture? For example we have a Big project to build a Hotel that have 2000 bedrooms with 7 stars ?
thanks lot madam by raseeth UAE
Wow, very goog classes from you gus, i found this videos the this week and already i love it. congratulations gus you don´t make bored the class
I’m from Thailand. Thank you so much for example of my country. There’re many beautiful places like Puket Island.
Have you visited Thailand?
Another great lesson. Thank you very much Rebecca.
great job and wonderful presentation.applause to you and thank you so much for great teaching.
Hi Rebecca and thank you so much for this useful grammar lesson. I missed it.
PLEASE, PLEASE, could you help me or someone else!!! I’m confused with “Did or Have”. I mean which verbs to use with Do/Did or Have when askiing a question. Hope u understand my question and thanks a lot in advance for your reply.
thanks rebecca. !
Thanks :) I love the website!
Thank you Ms.Rebecca and your team. i am sure that this chance would make us giants in speaking in English. Thank you again.
Thank you Rebecca, Thank you all teachers for the presentation.
funny test… web is amanzing
Thank you :)
Thanks a lot!!!
thank you prof Rebecca!
I understood the lesson.
Thank you very very much!
Hello ..Rebeca..I am so lucky to see your website..very hulpfull for me ..brief but Clear !! perfect lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
I’ve become addicted to your videos and would like to thank you very much.
I’ve a question regarding this video:
What would you answer “Do I have to say thank you teacher?”
is it “Yes, you do” or “Yes, you do have” or “Yes, you do have to”
Thank you Becky, thank you all Engvid teachers. God bless you all!
A nouveau merci pour cette excellente lesson.
Have a good day
Thanks alot
thank you so much
thnk u rebecca very useful lesson.
thank you rebecca.
please what’s different between present tense and present perfect
that was very good lesson. I enjoy it
thank u, rebecca for a very helpful lesson.
Thank you Rebbeca.
Thank you very much.it’s nice lesson.
It’s very nice to meet with you.I like it,bye
miss rebacca
thank you so much would to see you every other day in new video
your video is very easy and useful
thank you very much
rebacca teachers thanks a lot.
i got 8/8..
Go ahead Miss, you the best.
You are the best teacher on engvid.
Thanks, Rebecca! I’ve got only 7/8 due own inattention.
I had a doubt in one of the questions. The question was: Have you had lunch already? That correct question was not: Have you had lunch yet?
Cause I learned that already come in the middle of the setence, normally between the subject and verb. The question would not be: HAVE YOU ALREADY HAD LUNCH?
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey ! 8/8 I’m happy :D
great. it was good
I do thank you
Thank you so much REBECCA
Hi Rebecca!
Is there something wrong with this sentence in terms of correct grammar?
Sentence: When I first learn Spanish I was challenge.
General Rule: add –ed to Regular Verb for event (s) that happens in the past (was). Under this grammar rule, is the word “challenge” in the sentence a regular verb? If yes, should I have added an –ed to the word “challenge?”
Thanks so much. I would appreciate your insight into this.
Thanks Rebecca : It became easy for me
thanks alot my teachers….
thanks you GOD
thak you the class is wonderful
1-we have not brought our lunch
2-we does not brought our lunch
i want to knw the difference the above sentence which i mentioned i mostly stuck wat to use does or have .so plz let me know which kind of sentence i should use have or to which does.
we have not done anything wrong
we does not done anything wrong
from the above 2 sentences which one is correct because i usually mixed up what to use when like when should i use ‘we have not done anything wrong”or “we does not done anything wrong “while i look the meaning of both sentence they give same but there must be somthing to ease up when to use does or have .i think now you understand my problem about this .please reply soon it will be great help to me
we don’t bring your lunch
we don’t brought your lunch
what is the difference between in these 2 sentences
Thank you so much Rebecca.
( My friend asked me:” Have you posted comments on Engvid?” I answered :” Yes, I have .” )
Thank you, Rebecca!
great i got 8 correct ,thx rebecca
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot, your lessons help me improve my English.
I got 100% wow unbelievable thanks my teachers
i got 10 out of 10 thanks rebecca big hug
I got 88.Thanks teacher.
Thank you for being in our world!
Thank you teacher.
hiii maaam
can you please explain this sentence
Very clear Rebecca!
i got 8/8 :=)
Dear rebecca,
Thank for this advice.
Best regards.
Thank you!
Thank you ma’am.
Thank you
I got 8 / 8 = 100 % … Good explanation! I love EngVid! Best wishes from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America!
Thank you so much
Many think that I cannot count! Thank you so such!
Thanks you so much.
thanks Rebecca:)
Thank you Rebecca :)
do you test example ?
yes , i do .
this is really very good
I got 8/8!! Great lesson!
I was great
It was great
You got 8 correct out of 8.
thank you…
I got perfect score..thanks
8/8 Good
tank you Rebecca!
Very easy to understand. thanks a lot
thanks Rebecca
Thanks a lot :)
Thank you
Thank you!
I watched this video twice on September 07, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got eight out of 8.
I watched this video on September 07, 2021,
thank you Rebecca, I will always go to engvid in order to learn English.
Thank you!