Free slang ESL vocabulary lesson about body noises! Fart, burp, yawn, hiccup and know what to say to be polite! Learn some funny words and have fun with your friends!
ha ha ha! Great video! Something teachers never teach. Thanks for doing it for all of us! It’s a very useful lesson and very useful vocab!
U right dear,our teacher never tought us these things,itz funny but knowledgeable
its knowledgeable
It is pretty funny.I like your teaching
I live in Thailand ,Thank you
Hey there how are you its Aman, would like to add you on my skype and id is aman7en.
Hey Simaran
mind talkin on Skype or something for better pronunciation?
i just asked as we lives in asian countries
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson..
that is awesome video
helmy mohamad
queef?? first time I heard it..
Also known as the pussy fart.
Queef use to happens when some women are having sex…
Non wise Denis
its very interesting and fun
Hi Ronnie, useful and funny lesson.btw in america when somebody sneeze we say to him/her:
bless you!!.Thank you so much Ronnie.
Wow, How creative English slang is! We have no Russian equivalents for “queef” and “shart” at all.
Mikhail Rodin
that’s truth. u just use a lot of words to describe that))
well I think we have. I’ve always called it “пукнуть с подливкой”:D
burb or BURP?
cool lesson…. specialy with the words queef and shart… it something I would´ve never found anywhere….. congratulation…
hi Ms.Ronnie … like florentino said when somebody sneeze we say to him/her:
bless you!! >> in Islamic countries
thank you so much ms .. i love your lesson
very nice, Ronnie u really teach english. u r so funny, greeting from Mexico. so long babe.
i wanna to know what meaning of queef and shart
Watch the video!
hell….u r very good techer!!!!!!!!!!!
السلام عليكم
انت اروع معلمة اتمنى ان اتواصل مع دروس التي تعطينها لاني بحاجة ماسة لها…لا مانع عندي ان اتلقى محاضرات مقابل نقود.
How can I contact Ronnie?
Sara22, I think she explained the meaning in the lesson. Try to listen again carefully. Thanks
just watch a video and you will understand, dude
i was confusing with the meaning of ” queef ” but i have checked youtube so that i knew what is queef exactlly hhh , it is only for women, frankly it is a first time in my whole life that i know that a woman make that nose from her vagina hhhh
simply queef is a pussy fart
shart is a mix of fart and shit
mhmd john
In a few words: “queef” is a fart from your vagina and “shart” is a wet fart.
Non wise Denis
thanks u r a real teacher really u help me to know a new word thanks
Well Done… useful lesson
thanks ms.ronnie
You acted and sounded perfectly when describing
The funnest video i’ve seen. it’s very useful. thank u so much,Ronnie
Very important… and funny!
G8 thing we knew b4 but ur way of teaching is G8
really u r supper teacher
u have different way in teaching u have a magic like harry potter but dont worry im nt foldmoort
thanx alot for ur work
sry i don’t enjoy histrionic behavior but it is a useful lesson. thx 4 that
Very funny and remenber: You can fart but not shart ;)
I learned 10 new words.Thank u teacher
hello i wonder if is Burp or burb???
thank you for the class appreciate.
just for you to know … in spanish shart is know as a fart with a gift or a fart with a present lol … thnks for your lesson ronnie
Wow! In Russian we have no special words for ‘queef’ =) Crazy stuff! THX!!!
I think in Russian it’s like чавкать. I use this meaning.
In Russian чавкать means to champ…as far as I know))) But… may be applied to this sound as well, I think)))
EWW!!! That’s disgusting! I hope you understood correctly what ‘queef’ means in eng!!!! ‘Чавкать’??? Seriously? That’s not what it means!
I don’t speak Russian, but according to Google Translate “Чавкать” is “slurp”, which is definitely not the same thing as “queef”.
engVid Moderator
Чавкать – To produce loud, smacking sounds with lips and tongue while eating.
Как это слово будет по-русски?
cool thank you very much
please,could you Explain queef again because i do not understand it; thank you
Queef = air from the vagina.
thanks teacher relly i like your lesson and i hope to spake whithe u
Thanks Ronnie for the excelent video…
¡I had a lot of fun with this lesson! Thaks
Respect!!!It was breathtaking and fascinating))) Lots of fun, really…The way Ronnie imitated the embarassing sounds was fantastic!
Sherlock Holmes
ronnie you are so fantastic, i love all your lesson
yuliana cataño tobon
Thanks a lot teacher RONNIE we really need these words in every hour of every day
have a great day
Mohammad Haj Hassan
what is the mean of queef ???i don’t understand .you were talk fast on this.
Shayma EL.
Queef is air from the vagina.
hi shayma ur lady &dont know what that????how can man will know???!!!
Uncalled for.
I call you!
can u call me too>>>>or say 2
it is excellent class, very good job.
Congratulation Ronnie. You are a amazing teacher. I also dont understand about “QUEEF”.
I smiled very much..
Thank you very much. These words are very useful for every day actions.
that’s amazingggggggg. Give us more lesson like that. I really loved. I have been lived in the USA for almost 4 years and sometimes i can not follow the young guys talking, they used to much slangs. Please, i need more. Thanks
It’s really funny and imformative. Thank you Ronnie:)
do yong Kim
wow, that’s really funny and imformative, thank you, MS.Ronnie. :) And you’re funny, haha.
do yong Kim
Nice .. SBD hahaha thanks a lot Ronnie :D
Querida Ronnie,
simplesmente a aula mais divertida que já assisti. Os sons que você fez foi muito mais perfeito que os da própria natureza, e feitas com tanta desenvoltura que me deixou completamente relaxado ao invés de embaraçado. Parabéns, a sua didática é muito divertida, com sonoplastia, com espirituosidade. Amei.
Mil beijos.
carlos alberto ogawa
em português?
Sally S
Oh Gosh!
I´m Brazilian but I can’t respond in Portuguese. Portuguese is for another country. It’s in vain my dear.
Marcio de Moraes
very nice video of teaching
It wasn’t nice but informative. hahahaha
It’s been very helpful. Thank you.
Rana : )
which one is correct to say if I’ve been doing this contantly: I’m hiccupping or I have a hiccup or none of them? XOXOXO
I didn’t know women had this.. queef LOL
Does it smell?
ahhahah I hope not that would be nasty!
can you give me your email Ronnie?
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson is very funny because YOU are so funny ! Thank for that. There are some words that teachers so much polite don’t teach but however, they are useful !
what a great lesson, thank you Ronni so much for the funny and very important lesson.
what a great lesson, thank you Ronni so much for the funny and very important fact you are the best.
HI Ronnie, how are you ?, thank you for this lesson, you are great, and your spirit, in each lesson, is indescribable.
Ronnie, you’re really good at teaching!
I laughed a lot watching the video. You taught us these rude words, respectably.
that’s good. but all slang word is not covered in this video. so………?
Hi, I’m very happy that known you.
Chheang noch bopha
Hi Ronnie
its helpful we are new ,or its our first day,
no one teach this in classroom! very knowledgeable!
That was a very good introduction to this subject. Hope that even more is to come:-)
hi ronnie thank you so much for your all lessons ilike all your lessons really good teather\ bless god to you and your family
It’s perfect. This vocabulary doesn’t learn into the school. This is real english. Congratulations
you are so good teacher i like your still and i feel that i will improve my English with you p;z i need to know how can i pronounce p and b thank you :)
Thanks Ronnie for this exciting lesson I like it very much.Keep up.
This is a very important thing. We most of the times pay no heed to this which results in a very embarrassing. i suggest that this must be tought to the children especially the women. i liked it
Tehreem Fatima
I think EngVid is the only website where you can find English lessons like this one!!! I can’t even imagine my former teachers doing a such lesson!!!
Thank you very much, GOOD teaching with FINEST visualization
u r really very good teacher. if u are in UK I want to meet u and want to bcome your student……….highly thanks to you for this act of kindness, as such like lesson
You are an amazing teacher, can easily being understood :)
hi ronnie how r u.have nice job.i like your expression and your teaching method.i am fully understand your topics.don,t mind what is your age and tell me your teacher experiences.
thank you so much for this lesson :DD
@Italo you cracked me up with your kestion!
tahnk’s Ronnie this video was funny!!! Queef is the most embarassing thing! LOL
it was a wonderful moment sitting back and learning so much
New words which we experience daily but don’t know how to translate to english now I know it.hehehe and there’s a word “yawn” have brothers but not for others
PREPARE TO DIE i’m going to queef lol honestly
Very good!
Hi sunni.
I m also a bigning student, you should try to make a lot of sentaces. If you dont mind so pleas leave your comments on my profile.
Thank you
it’s really good after 6 years in here first time i hear proppebley like tht thanks :}
That’s great!!Good lesson and very funny!!!
Marcelo (Grilo)
hi there Ronnie ur doing a great job !.can you plz explain the use of too and to in a sentence. for example : she’s too busy to eat.
2nd i want to know the use of so..that for example :its so easy that even a child can do it . or i was so busy that i couldnt go with you.
i need to know the difference between these two uses.. plz help me out to understand it and if you already have a video for it plz let me know as i am not able to find it here. ill be greatful
Too we use to talk about excess or more then you need…… It is negative. “It is too hot”(it is hotter then I need). Too= very negative.
So is like saying because. Because I was busy, I couldn’t go with you!
thank you Ronnie.. rest is clear now except for one confusion that i have that is if im saying: i was too busy to meet you and if i say: i was so busy that i couldnt meet you( is it like saying im sorry i didnt meet you). so what difference would you pick from these 2 sentences would too in the first sentence refer to something negative? as if i meant to say ” so what i didnt meet you ,i was busy my work was more important! itll be kind of you if you explain this or if you can please make a video for it that would be great.
I was too busy to meet you implies ” so what I didn’t meet you, I was busy with my work and it was more important.
And, you are correct…..I was so busy that I couldn’t meet you ( is it like saying I’m sorry I didn’t meet you)
Thanks alot Ronnie! its clear now :) I appreciate your help!
keep up the great work.
it is very fantastice
wow i like your way
thank you rani i like this your teaching class
shyam krishna bata
sorry i make mistake your name
not a RANI Ronnie
shyam krishna bata
I’ve never enjoyed a lesson so much :)
tx a lot
That’s was amazing and hopeful, thanks Ronnie, I wish there was more such lessons like this one.
well done nice and funny lesson
Ronnie, you are awesome teacher! :) thank you, and greeting from Bosnia&Herzegovina :)
thank you so much nobody will teach me this lesson
I liked the way you given us the information.
; )
OMGGGGG!!!! it’s the funniest lesson I ever had!!!! THANKS!!!! ppprrrffffff (ops excuse me?! I just farted) lol
Ronnie, maybe because you are British the word is burp (with a p) not burb. You are simply wrong. Great stuff here, i’m trying to check up on my English and saw this and picked it out of curiousity.
thanks Ronnie
thank you ronnie is very interisting
thaks is very interesting lesson
hi .. could u teach more about slang word …
just update it more ,,, thx
wow! that’s fantabulous! That was what i was looking for.
thanks a millions for such brilliant information!
Thank you Teacher……………
No one can teach us in class room about these words specialy “Queef” and “Shart”. this is too much creative lesson.
You should call me tto I really would appreciate your voice. Can I pass my cel phone??
Ahaha…the funniest lesson ever! Thank you for such a great time, Ronnie! :)
my language is not good but when i saw Ronnie do these actv i understand what are meaning these word thank you you make this languag to easy
very intersting lesson , many thanks
Hi Ronnie!!! I’ m a brazilian and try to learn English by the School colled British!! It’s a tradicional school. So theses expression i dont learn there!! i thoungh cool!!! See will othres videos!! Kisses!!
João Batista
Very interesting and impressive lesson, thank you, Ronnie
no bad smells come out of your mouth HOPEHULLY…
:D I am going to die laughing !!!!!
Are all people in Canada that funny?
I am gonna change my citizenship :D
I like the way of your teaching.Its very very
interesting.Keep it up.Thank you very much.
hi Ms Ronnie i am still confuse the word “queef”.
can you give me example about queef? thanks
but, when can i use a “EXCUSE YOU”.
AND different between “EXCUSE YOU” and “EXCUSE ME”
you are teacher make a lesson extincting.
Miss: Ronnie I appreciate your teaching method, because I am also working in a education Department in Pakistan, so I like your teaching methodology which is really fine. I suggest that I a long lessons can be teaches, (if possible) it would be a significant for all the learners. I hope that you and your team will considered my suggestions thanks
Nazakat Hussain
very funny …thank you teacher
Hi,I am interested in you, I am learning english but I would like to know in what school you teach? THKs
Hi, Roonie!
I fell for ur lessons started with this one. Those words attracted me, I confess)
I find the most exciting lessons those about prononciation and “art of conversation”.
Well, I have an idea about one of the next topics, I think lots of people will find this attractive too. “Tricks” that can be used to make ur speech more emotional. I mean smth like special words or special constructions (for ex. I _do_ adore Roonie’s video’s).
Thanks a lot for your work, you do a great-great-great job (and I do hope it will be mooore you videos for advanced students) :)
This classes was very interesting for me to learn a new word,i like your the way of teaching.
Thanks Ronnie.May u live long.
It’s an interesting lesson!!! You are a great teacher. Greetings.
AWESOME !!!! That’s the first time I learn these things from someone !!! You never know when or where you’re gonna use this vocabulary !! As you said, these things happen frequently !!! all the best to you teacher and have a nice week !!!
it was a very funny lesson, I liked it
it was so funny i shart!! Just kidding haha
Great lesson,thanks
Thanks it was a good lessen
hi teacher thanks for your lessons
u are really good Ronnie, thanks :)
Fantastic, you should work with Stand Up Comedy. Thanks for the lessons.
You’re ecxelente. Obrigado(Thanks)
Hi Ronnie .
What is the major difference between fart , stink , and can you explain any other environmental waste that can be a harm to some ones daily routine Plz .
Andrew Gabriel
Fart is the sound that comes out of your bum (noun and verb). Stink is an adjective — it means smells bad.
U’r teaching was very funny..!!!!!!
thankssss ronni
we often get dificulty in slang words, but this vidio made it possible to learn modern slang words I realy apriciate it thnx
Basharat Hussain
hehehe,,,,,i’m very happy when i see u,,teaching
thanks ronnie,i love your lesson….
thhhhhhanks alot
it is a new vocab for me
and i want to now more slang
hello teacher Ronnie.
It is the best lesson I have never seen befor.
Thank you for the lesson . I leaned it immediately.
hehehe very very great lesson i never heard before // thanks very much teacher.. really u dont let us to ask ant question hahah coz u r so so easy speaker english to understand.. thank u again really i love ur lesson
Hi Ronnie
Once again . you might remember that I inquired you the same question before as i AM going to tell you that how can i improve my listening skills as it has become a headache for me to understand carefully so plz kindly help me in this matter with some different ideas and thoughts . Bye
thank you this lesson is super Comedy
And useful
hahaha It was very funny! I think I won´t forget those words… You´re a great teacher! I love the way you teach!
Sally S
hi teacher thank you so mouch for this teach ….your st
Nice and really koooool teaching. thx alot.this knowlwdge never gets from book.
Thankyou so much you are too funny and as the same time youbeat the target i appreciate your ways of teaching.
Thanks for this lesson. by the way it is first time I know there is air comes out from vagina.
Hi Ronie, I don’t understand the word “queef” only for woman “air from mouth voman?
and for the sneeze usualy we are use bless you?
Queef is only from women ….air from a woman’s vagina.
yes, when you sneeze, some people say “bless you”.
Ronnie, I think that guys who ask a lot about the meaning of QUEEF it’s because they are too youngs.
Don’t worry guys, some day you’ll understand.
Hi Ronnie,
Your lessons are so good.I have known lots of interesting things.
Thank you,
Ronnie. you’re a great teacher. Lv all your lesson
There is one more bodily noise — Snore. You should have covered that too.
You are the best! your course is so interesting and useful! Thanks a lot for your efforts.
Hi Ronnie..this is sanju form india..i just want know about the word “queef”..what is actual meaning of this word..plese give a reply.Thanks.
queef = air from vagina
There is one more bodily noise — Snore. You should have covered that too
hi ronnie..good job…its so funny and intresting.and ur way of teaching is good and easy 2 understand…
Hi Ronnie
This lesson was very useful and funny.
You are a great teacher.
Thanks a lot
Hossein from Halifax Canada
vey fan!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!!!!!
Hi, Ronnie
I really had a lot of fun with this lesson. Thanks so much for the new words!!!
Paula Amaral
Very nice class!
Hiccup is very similiar to sob, but we sob when we’re crying, right?
Yes, sob is when we cry. However, hiccup has nothing to do with it…hiccup is a diaphragm spasm.
nice presentation.i understood 2 more new vocabulary
Thank u so much! U r the perfect teacher.
OMG What an amazing lesson!
Any lessons about haircut!
Thank you so much!
u r nice. good plan to tich pepol
hi Ronnie i don’t know how will I thank you for the very important lesson . As you have said and as we all know are natuaral but also embarrassing but today I know all of them and I will not forget this lesson and I thank again. keep it up!
hi Rronni thank <3
hi ithink no one can teach this lesson like you
thank you iwatt to fart now
We are as muslims say after sneesing (thanx gad)in arabic ( Al hamdullah) thanx roony for thees words some of thim are relly new for me =)
hello plz reply me teacher :(
i don`t when i should slangs?and i should have american partner what should i do?
hello,ms.ronnie.nice vid. can u make more vids on slang?thanks:-)
thank you
hi teacher if you sneeze you should say
bless you why the answer is nathing
I don’t know – You could say thank you!!!
When u sneeze,someone else should say u:”bless u” not u(u’rself),
u should say nothing.
Hope I could help!
No, you can say bless me!!!
HI , Ronnie
I dot’t get about meaning of Shart
could u explain it again and How is it difference from fart ?
Fart is only the noise and smell – Shart is when there is poo/shit that comes you when you fart and is left in your underware!
hi ronnie i dunno if you’ve paid attention but u’ve made an orthographic mistake and it may misleads other learners ,it’s underwear not underware.keep it up
Funny, as guys (or at least some of them) have no idea what queefing is. Great lesson by the way. Knew all the words but was curious how somebody would teach and explain them :D
relly we dont know abt queefs
oh my goodness hahahahah how is awsem is to learn thoes things.
thanks a lot Ronnie I acctually like your way in the explination
however, I have small queastion do the women usually queef?
I don’t know the statistics on queefing! Sorry!
I heard,that we get hiccup when some1 really remembers us!
Cool – what country is that from?
If you have the hiccups it means that someone think about you. It is in Poland, where else? I don’t know.
Thanks Ronnie, I’ve understood everythink, you are a great teacher, that was so funny. thanks a lot :)
Hey dear,I am from pakistan,I heard it when sum1 remebers us from heart,then we get hiccups,and we say hiccup as HICHKI in urdu,,
Yes, Simran but actually it’s not true these all things are just our imaginations.
hmm,yup,i also think like this,i just also dont belive in all that,but as i knew abt it,so i shared it wid ronnie
We use this explanaion in Russia as well
In Pakistan we say hiccup in urdu “hitch key”.
Hope now we can better pronounce it.
In Russia if you have a hiccup it means that somebody is remembering you or talking about you at the moment, and if you guess who is that, if you think about the right person – you stop hiccuping :D haha sometimes it works..
in Egypt also we do that
yeah..that be believe in my country, too. I come from Vietnam – the Southeast Asia country!!
India & Pakistan.
you are right Simran, we Pakistanis think of as someone is remembering during hiccups
it’s not true just an old saying. In Pakistan peoples usually think that while hiccups someone is thinking or remembers you but there is no scientific proof of this concept.
Agree with Ms. Simran96 My grand parents told me the same
what is queef?not getting it
Hey Ronnie,
Again thanks for an other wunderfull lesson!!
A question:
In The Netherlands we see ‘gezondheid’ after sneezing.
When you sneeze I see ‘gezondheid’ to you. ‘Gezondheid’ means ‘health’ from ‘I wish you a good health.
What are they saying in English countries? Or don’t the people say something?
Bye! Rick
You can say “gazoontight” – I don’t know the exact spelling but I think it is almost exactly the same word!!!
People also say “bless you”.
Hello. My comment doesn’t have anything to do with this video. I’m frequently mixed up when it comes to use one of the very similar words but somehow different, e.g use and usage, advertising and advertisement, etc. Please, could you make some lessons that cover this topic? Thanks a lot.
I will try! I know English is very confusing and we have so many rules and then rules that we don’t use……I suggest a nice big fat dictionary to help you! OR use the internet = vocabulary is all memorization!
Great and srong teacher!! I thanks you
Hi our fantastic teacher..
Please put these words in sentences.How we use it?
Fantastically embarrassing
the two words with asterisks before them are totally new to me
This is a funniest lesson who i watched. Thank you Ronnie :))) hahaha
Hi and thanks a loy for your amazing lecture.
you have said firting and burbing is … I think it should be …are… please confirm?
Thanks again
it’s very nice,
hi ronnie ;) i keep watching your lesson and its very nice;) your excellent teacher , anyway i come form Philippines;) godbless and more power;)
thank you
Greatttttttttttttt I really enjoyed it :)
Best Regards
What can i do to improve my speaking skill?..please give me some advice.
Excellent teaching. Is there a similar word for fart and the smell coming from it?
Ronnie, you are great!!! I´d never had so much fun learning English… thank you… all the best to you. :)
Ronnie, I would like to ask u something, but I don’t know where, so, let it be here.
There is a word ‘trot’ and this means firstly a type of horse moving. But also I found a lot of indecent meanings – bad liquid defecating – diarrhoea, vagina, loo etc. How it is possible to extinguish such rude and normal meanings?
Thanks a lot. you are a good teacher.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks again for your lesson. they are very important and necessary to know. Esp, like me, most of Asian people don’t like to say “excuse me”, but after watching your video, i have full confidnet to say that..and one thing, there is one technique that, if you have a hiccup, you can pull your tongue for a minute, then the hiccup will disppear!
Thanks again and have a nice day!
Shing Mang Tun
That’s cool! I will try that the next time I have the hiccups!
hi ronnie
you are a good teacher .you have easy method for explain and you have a strange subjects .the last subject is very stranger .
great! thank you so much teacher Ronnie.
Hahahaha really very nice i really enjoyed this lesson. It will be proved fruitful for me.
Thanks Ronnie keep it up, carry on.
good, my first time to come acrose some of the words
Hey dear Ronnie,
Just loved your style!!! So fun and informative!!! Thanks a million
Hi Ronnie,I like your lessons cuz they’re useful but i have a question I’m arabian & i’m learning English by myself in my country &sometime I ask myself will I master English & understand evrey thing abuot English or my gaol is not resonable. i mean when anyone learn a new language in his country like me could he know every thing about it like the native speaker of that language or he will only be able to communicate well by this language? I hope that my English is understood & sorry for this loooooooooong question
You can learn the basics of any language but you will never be able to learn EVERYTHING (slang/idioms/expressions/regional languages) unless you live in an English speaking country.
If you learn the basics of English, most people will be able to understand YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nobody of this idiots understood what means “queef” losers everybody get it the english just written not listening it loser-begginers. I love your lessons Ronie bye.
Hi, thanks a lot.
I like your way of doing and your humor. I learned new words and had fun. I am a teacher myself (math) and I will try to imitate a bit your way of teaching because I think is effective.
greetings from Italy
I once met a girl with a queef!!!I used to love it.
She had a queef??? Where did she keep it???
That is great that you loved her queef!!!!
do I need to say it???(laughs)
I’m laughing my guts out over your reply to elci.
sooooooooooo funny words.Really,i like ur way in convying the information.thnx Ronnie.
you are fantastic!!!!(laughs)
hello,can u plzzz give some examples using those conversation how i can use those words.
Hi Ronnie, I really enjoyed your lesson. It was so funny, I love it!. Hope contact you soon! I’m from Costa Rica
Best regards!
Hi Ronnie,
I’m realy like all of your lessons.
I have a lot of fun to learn English with you,
cause I’m not the youngest student ( 50+ ) LOL
But I have fun to learn English (American English)
Greetings from Germany
I’m glad you are having fun – no matter how young you are!
Hi,a ? I’ve got dear Ronnie:
“Hi there” means what plz n when we use?!
It just means “hello”!
it was so funny thanks..
your lesson is very good for us.thank you.
binh nguyen
hello miss ronnie
thank u for the wonderful lesson.I have something to ask u because everytime i burp i say excuse me or sorry.what is the correct word to say after burping? thank u
excuse me
Ronnie mam, you have explained the embarassing slang words in such a beautifully comical way that i will not find it awkward to teach my students too!thanks!
suman shenoy
Ronnie mam your class is very interesting and very useful.
Hi Ronnie, great lesson keep up with the good work!!!
john cesar
never encountered this word(queef)till i heard it from you Ms. ROn=== thanx
Thank you for this great lesson .. I like your way of teaching a lot Ronni you so funny, Thank you again
very interesting course!!! and usefull!!! i know now what i have to do in these situations
thank you are teaching very interesting.i found u r website five day ago but it’s very useful website.
thank for the video i enjoyed a lot !!1
how a funny leson nd vocab thank you my good teacher
Haha, that was a really funny lesson, but very useful too, thanks ;)
Hi ronnie your lessons are super cool i am addicted to have a small query as you have talked about words describing the sounds which are very likely to attract embarrassing situations for the originator. There is one sound i want to ask , what is that sound called when we try to inhale or exhale through our nostrils when we have a cold and nostrils full of snot(i know very disgusting) but i think to anglicize ourselves we need to get our hands dirty by getting into the nitty-gritty of the words!!!
Don’t worry I LOVE very disgusting things!
The word you want to know is “sniffle”. You can say to someone stop sniffling and blow your nose!
good anser
They’re very useful for English teachers whose native languages are others than English. Thanks much, Ronnie.
uthai sattayarak
thanx for learning the meaning of those words.!!!
Great lesson!! I haven’t heard about the word queef before! Thanks for sharing this, it was interesting and fun at the same time…Greetings from Argentina.
mam i wanna learn the use of ‘the’.would u teach me
great lesson ronnie…i have a to excause our self when we do some mistakes but we not feel..for exmlple:when we walked on the street we touched other person,who is infront of us,because we are hurry up.further we want to say sorry or to explaint it to that person?
sorry if you get confused””but i hope you could get what i mean…tank,s
I understand what you mean! You can just say sorry! There is no need to explain yourself to that person – they will know why you are saying sorry!
hi Ronnie
i really enjoy this lesson,before this lesson i just known about burp and cough only but now i known fart,sneeze hiccup,queef shartand and and yawn,thnks God bless you please reply me,,,
Damn it! I just sharted!
Hi Ronnie !!!
Just to say that I love your classes… They are really very funny, your lively way of teaching makes your classes unique.Congratulations on you!I would love to know you! wow! I live in Brasil, by the way I have living here since I was born (lol) and one of my dreams , of course because I have just a thousands of them, is to go to the USA and live there for some years to improve my English. I believe in miracles, don’t you? All the best, my darling.
I think you will be able to go and study English! What about in Canada??? I don’t believe in miracles. I believe in DOING.
Dear Ronnie, thanks for the lesson!
By the way, why are there two flags (Canadian and Russian) under your picture?
Wow!!! What a great lesson,I’m really having fun watching this video, now I knew on what to do when I got fart, burp, hiccup, yawn, cough, sneeze and shart.
Thanks Ronnie!
This is helpfull ! Thanks alot teacher Ronie .
Can you please answer me for this question : What should we say exactly ine this expression “I wish you the best” OR ” I wish for you the best “. thank ya* <3
We say “I wish you the best”
Excellent teacher! Ronnie, sure you are a good actress too! I learnt three words from this video: queef, shart and snot when you sneeze!
Thank you very much this lesson is very usefull
I watched your video . It was very funny .you are the best teacher I ever saw and you are very talentful for acting too.I am from Sri lanka and 10 years old.I would like to watch more of your videos.
thanks for lesson, great lesson
wow! it was very fun! now i knew the meaning of queef..hehee…thank you teacher! God bless you!
O.M.G. I laughed so hard. This lesson was wonderful. It was so funny.
Ronnie, if you are not actress you have everything to be one, because you’re really very talent my teacher. Here in Chile I have one very funny like you and his classes are spectacular, we have pleasure to be in the classroom.
Explain us when we must use ON, IN, AT for example, and if you have explained that, let me know, ok?
Thanks for you very nice mood.
Marcio de Moraes
There is already a video on ON IN AT for you on the site – Just type in ON IN AT in the search part of the site!
Thanks for watching and commenting!
Yeah, I got it later. I did what you have commented and I found the this class. From now on I’ll be always watching the classes, because finally I found what I looking for.
You’re very good teacher. Don’t stop recording, published many other very interesting videos of you.
My strong hug to you, Ronnie.
uuuuuuuuuuuu rrrrrrrrrrrr supper teacher
hehe, great lesson,You are a perfect teacher:)
Hi Ronnie,why if I saw you I can’t stopped laughing hahahah thank you lovely teacher.
hi,i m very bliss that.i have learned those vocabulary was very useful words.i wanna know that,what is the correct way to write in using ING like this farting,burping,hiccuping,yawning,coughing,sneezing,are these words good or not if i wrote wrong please correct this but the ending time i would like to say that this side has given me to much,i have improved a lot thanks,
You can use the verbs with ING ( + to be) if the action is happening NOW…… He is farting!
Or if the action happened in the the past = He was farting. (was/were + verb+ING)
Hi Ronnie, You’r a very very good teacher. I like your method of teaching. You’r so funny. You’ve many talents I think. I’m so happy. Love U Ronnie…
Hello Ronnie!
I really love the ways you presented your lessons. I’ve learned more from you. Actually,I’m a teacher too. But my degree was not involve in English at all. Thank you so much.
thanks a lot
please could you make us vocabulary series for intermediate students
omg your great and funny :) take care
Wow Ronnie, your video is very funny. I was never comfortable saying these words, not that I am now, but I am more confident about how to pronounce them. You are particularly good in making sounds. Your burp is perfect!!! I loved it!
thank you too much for your help
My dear great teacher, let me thank you for your way of presenting your lesson and the simple easy language you use. I realy think we, as foreign learners need to be aware of such important expressions ( taboo or whatever they are called) i do appreciate if you could claify more on, go pee, damnation, fuck, shit,checky and screw. I hear these terms specialy from those who visit Canada or Britain but unfortunately they don’t know the meaning and when to use or avoid using them.
Immam, from Sudam
thanks again for your perfect presentation and dynamic method of teaching
Go pee = urinate.
damnation we hardly ever use, we usually say “damn” which we use when something bad happens to us and we can’t say shit. Shit is a “bad word” that can be used the same way as damn!
Fuck has SO MANY meanings – i suggest you look on you tube!!!!!!
Cheeky = British. My Mom always called me cheeky when I talked back to her or joked about something!!! Cheeky means sly, rude, mischievous!!!!
Screw has a few meanings but in slang it means to have sex!!!!
buuuuuuaaaahahahahah absolutely lov heeeer !!!!!!
Hi Ronnie,
first of i really would like to thank you very much for your good lessons and i am so suprized that i have not seen one mimics sounds like you you are amazing.
thanks and Regards.
Ronnie, you are so sensible and funny! It is amazing to learn english with you!
Vane (from Argentina)
Great work
thanks a lot for these words I definitely learned useful words :)
useful words, thx Ronnie
i do love it…………thz darling..
Hi Ronnie,
Is there any difference ” Participle” and “Present Participle” and ” Past Participle”. I’ve a doubt about “participle” . Can you reply ?
1. I have done work today.
2. I had done work last night.
3. I will have done work tomorrow.
Do is Present form of verb
Did is past form of Verb
Done is participle form of verb.
I’ve doubt about “participle” ,Present ,past and future . can we have participle in present ?
Ronnie, thanks a lot for such an exciting lesson! I’ve learnt a lot of new things!
hahaha i love this videoo its a lot funny :D and usefull
queef ? that my first time i heard it … im a boy and i dont know that can possibly happen on ladys :)
There is a first time for everything, young man.
Ronnie you are a wonderful teacher !!!!the BEST! love you. i am from India and have studied english literature in college but never come across ANYONE who could explain the meaning of english words and expressions like you do and that includes the embarassing ones too:) Love you Ronnie!
suman shenoy
thank you so much ronnie
very entertaining and interesting. not only this video, I saw some others too. You (Ronnie) are looking like your ancestors could have been celts (welsh). Are there any video about Welsh Language?
In your video
“How to pronounce irregular verbs in English – CAUGHT, BOUGHT, THOUGHT… ”
you wrote “kot” und “tot” for a short and understandable pronounciation form of “caught” und “taught”. In some way funny, the german word for faeces is “kot” and the german word for dead is “tot”.
best wishes
Peter K.
HAHAHA That is great “kot” and “tot” – I love it!
I am for sure Celtic- my family is Scottish!
this video was really interesting..
I just wanted to know tht y do we say I’m in bed n y not I’m on bed???
Good question – I have no idea why except to say that we actually get “in” the bed (between the sheets). On the bed would be just on top of the sheets!
i love it!
oh Ronnie ur so hilarious even talkin’ about shit and snots! =)
Howdy Ronnie! Alright girl?
I’ve already heard of other terms to define a few of the words that you mentioned… Such as “burp”, “fart”… And I’d like knowing If they can be used interchangeably… The words are “belch” to “burp” and “blow off” to “fart”… Could you pls explain their use! Just one more thing… Could I say pardon in the place of your “excuse me”! Thanks! Oh, sorry about any slip of the pen I can have commited!!
“belch” and “burp” are correct.
I`ve never heard blow off to mean fart, but we have so many words that mean fart. (Cut the cheese, let one rip)
Yes, you can say pardon me in place of excuse me!
oops…could I say “pardon me” in the place*…!
I believe “blow off” it’s a british slang but I’m not sure… I’m kinda a self-taught… And I love slangs then I total end up reading lots of them amongst british, canadian and american stuff! “Cut the cheese” sounds funny to me!
Thanks for your explanation… Threw light upon my doubt!
by the way, you’re great!
ronnie can you explaine please about passive for exp he is said that… or he is said to……
Passsive = to be + past participle (p.p)
Present passive = am/is/are + p.p
past passive = was/were +p.p
Thank a lot Ronnie ..ur topics very cute actually you are super stars of this web .
if you don’t mind i wanna to know what’s the difference between (because ) and (cause) and when we can used it .
‘Cause is a short form of because but we write it cuz. We use this when we speak! Do not write it on a test!
Cause also means
A person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.
Make (something) happen
thanks ronnie,god bless you,i lived in usa 10 years,i went to all kind of school but i never find a teacher like you,you are really amazin teacher,god bless you and your family
majid from usa
somebody PLEASE help me.. I cant stop laughing ))) wahhahahahaha.. shart.. I’ve never heard this word before. Thank you Ronnie.
thx a doesn’t matter, if the words are slang or something like that,which we don’t use in daily conversation, but what’s the really matters is to gain knowledge and speak as a native speakers, so |I wanna to know many English words.Thank you.u are very good teacher.
OMG!!! ))) This video is such a great help to understand some slangish words ))) U r awesome!!! ))) Thanks a lot!!!
Hi! This one was epic (too). I just found queef in an online English-Hungarian dictionary powered by the Computer and Automation Research Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Cool. :)(Now I see what they are doing instead of researching computers… lol).
Keep up the good work gouys! All the best. :)
Hello, Ronnie! Very interesting lesson!
I have a question.
Snoring is another bodily noise. Does it have any synonymic slang word?
Unfortunately not!
thanks again teacher ^-^. whenever I watch your videos, I always have to type everything that u’r saying because i am also discussing them to my students. soooo love ur videos. thanks a lot.
you have written wrong spelling
burB—- burP
I get the info from life!
Hello Ronny, you make English very easy, and funny, I spend a good time watching your classes, I wish you never change, many kisses from Barcelona (Spain)your friend Esther
Great lesson ! thanks alot .
Thank you. This lesson helpes us to improve knowledge about our body))))
Is Ronnie the short form of Veronica?
No. It is short for Ronnie!!! But some people named Veronica go by Ronni!
LOL OMG TMI)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))you are the Best!
Dear Ronnie,
You’re simply fantastic!
I’ve really enjoyed the lesson. It’s a pleasure to watch your videos. Keep up the good work and thank you so much.
it was funny. thanks a lot) u show good video classes)
Thanks for the lesson
hahahahaha, thanks! I didn’t know there was a name for “queef”…
Thanks for the lesson
i dind’t know that women could queef
very funny!!!!!!
Ronnie, Thank you very much from Ukraine! I recomend your lessons to all my friends!
OH MY GOD>>>>>>>THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!
u r an awesome teacher i have ever seen a teacher like u…..u r more than a teacher very funny lesson
Congratulatios Ronnie you have done a wonderful lesson again,I’m sure that not many teachers can be explain this kind of words so easy.
Many kisses from Barcelona (Spain)
Ronnie IT’s funny.and you did it piquantly
Hello Ronnie! Alright?
By chance, can you wash my doubt away (actually I meant If you can explain a thing… I’m not sure if I can or not to use that)
well, this my doubt!
Talk to or talk with… What’s the difference?
In my little conception I think that…
When I talk to you = I talk to you and you listen to me
and when I talk with you = I talk to you and you talk to me
Am I correct (right) in my deduce (deduction) by asserting this?
Thanks… !
hello Ronnie, you’re really very funny, i can’t help myself laughing while listening to your explanation of bodily noises. I am already familiar to some but not to queef and shart, shart meaning shit+fart, Lol.Now i know, but how do you call the noise that something choked you even you are not eating something? When this happened here in the Philippines they say someone is thinking or remember you. It is different from coughing. Also i’d like to correct the spelling of your underwear not underware right? ware is use for kitchenware, glassware, chinaware. Also i have heard a Russian say to me bless you after i sneeze, i asked her what it means because we do not use it here in my country and she says.. bless you means be well or be healthy and not to be sicked. Hope this helps everyone with that question. Thank you, i love this lesson.
O.o My question is available now but It wasn’t replied… Can I understand it as a “turn a blind eye” to my post?
Lfao… After I posted it your reply turned up just as if by a magic spell… May you delete my last two posts plz?
And thanks a million for your reply… I have all of these words in my head but at times I don’t know how to use them… It’s hard like hell to study by myself…!
i am fully understand your lesson.way of teaching is good.
nice pics ronnie…and you’re good in making a sounds!!! :)
greetings from mexico, u r very funny and a great teacher,thats why i wacht all ur videos.
ronnie .one question
queef is with a bad smell and sound
thanls a lot
I appreciate your highly efforts
staggering & breathtaking lesson, thank you very much for this great video i really really appreciate your efforts
keep up our boss Ronnie
it was so funny and helpful lesson I loved it .
hahahaha, very fun!
really funny and helpful. thanx a lot
Dear Ronnie, it’s interesting and funny lesson. Thank you for that.
Especially for the last two words ‘shart’ and ‘queef’.
it is excellent class !
I’ve learned quite a lot, this made me fall about laugh, thank you teacher… (Is well said “to fall about laugh”, I mean to laugh too much?… Oh and in Spanish we don’t have a verb for queef, we use the noun “vagipeo” that would be something like “vagifart” in English).
Gr8 video and very funny
P Rai
Thanks Ronnie, you are the best
you are a Great Teacher Ronnie, thank you so much for the class….
hahahha you are the best teacher ever….. i would love to be your friend. ♥ ina
Hi Ronnie thanks for what you are interoducing…but really am looking forwrds to know more slang words,try to help us for that.thank you so much and really i apprecaited that so much.
Hi Ronnie, it was great! I have one doubt: when you apologize for a bad corporal noise, why do you say “excuse me”, while when you hurt someone (such as walking on the street) you say “sorry”? Thank you very much!
When you hurt someone, you say sorry because it maybe could have been prevented. When you burp/fart, it is uncontrollable!
Dear Teacher Ronnie,
I learned english and physiology.
Thank you very much.
This lesson was so funny! thank you Ronnie!
Dear Teacher Ronnie,
I learned English how to grammar and sentence because my English isn’t correct sentence. I’m very tired. I will go back to school and take a class in English grammar teacher. I do it difficult study again. If I need your help me how to explain in English when my assignment. Thank you, pleasure!
jajajaja that was so hilarious. that was a great lesson, you are very good at teaching. I´d be very greatful if you could help with a lesson about the names and pronunciations of these type of symbols *[{-_?¡””#/();: +> < etc, etc. thank you very much regards from Guatemala, you are the best teacher but dont say this to the others, regards
Sorry, I do not know what those symbols mean! Just look them up online!
Ronnie, I’m a brazilian english student.
After I watch this video I became your biggest fan. I “love” you now, hahaha. You’re so funny.I laughted a lot and sent this video for two friends.
Bye, bye
Let’s fart together, everybody!!!!! hehhahahahaha
I´m sorry but I think you computer program is not working properly ´cause I just did the quiz and I got 4/6 when I really did 5/6. check it!
Melisa Juarez
love u and loved that lesson!
hı teacher ..ı like all you lesssen
you are best teacher and teach ı learn easy ıf you explaın somethıng…take care god bless you…see you soonnn
Ronnie, you’re simply the best!!!! Thanks for such a cognitive piece of information!!!))))
You say you´re gonna study spanish and I´ve realised that in every country people say something after sneezing. Here in Spain we say “Jesus” (yes, the name of Jesus Christ), I don´t know why but almost everybody say it, must have a relation with bless you, the words you use. If you come someday to Spain you know now what to say if you sneeze.
Great lessons and the best teacher
Hi, Ronnie!
Outstanding lesson and great performance! Was it you who added those pretty pictures of Macaulay Culkin and a frightened girl? Excellent idea!
Hi Ronnie i love u and love ur way to teach,
plz Ronnie i want u to explain difference between S.B.D&
S.B.V also i do not know D spelling….have a nice weekend.
SBV = silent but violent.
SBD = silent but deadly.
Ronnie: you are my favorite !. I enjoy yur lessons a lot ! (and besides, I have learned about slang that I haven’t heard before).
Hi Ronnie, i am a working professional. I have been watching the videos upload by your team daily since last one week to improve my English. I must say that you guys are doing a really good job of helping people to improve their communication.
Would it be possible for you / your team to upload a video on the website explaining the difference between if and whether ?
Also would it be possible for you / your team to provide me the list of most common used words in English (with their Past, Present and Future form) ?
Ronnie you are amazing, I love you pedagogy.
God bless you teacher and thank you very much this videos are very helpful.
ha ha ha ha i love you ,thank you a lot ,you ARE AWESOME ¡¡¡¡ good job ¡¡¡¡
ronnie is the best teacher
thanks teacher!!! very interesting.
hello Ronnie, I would like to know what the person should say after someone’s sneezing?
Your lesson are always interesting !
First Thanks for this lesson. it’s really awsome Second, what I noced is that the more you talk about sex or taboos the more we get involved. Third, I’d love to know when do women queef and why?
Hi Ronnie,
I loved the spontaneous way how you gave this lesson.
Only a curiosity: in my culture, if you sneeze, I should say:bless you!
Very very funny and useful teacher. In portuguese we don’t have a word that defines queef and shart.
I really enjoy your videos.
How do you say when someone have a bad smell in the mouth?
That’s called “bad breath”, or sometimes “morning breath” (because your mouth smells bad before you brush your teeth in the morning).
engVid Moderator
Teacher, another question, which the difference between say “excuse me” and “sorry” when I ask apologize? Are there any difference?
Ronnie!, you are funny. your lessons are usefull and enjoyables.
When someone speak, sing or talk in public and be out of tune…is there a word for that in slang?, in my dictionary i found ‘squawk’, (in México we say ‘gallo’), but how use its?, how to excuse it?
hey Ronnie u are the best, the expressions u make on the videos are awesome :)
A grate lesson! :) thank you!
Long ago i heared one more variation for the word “fart” – loud but harmless. is it also used? )
you are excellent.
I don’t know why, but I always yawn when I see you yawning… it’s funny… there must be an interesting scientific explanation…
You are a very good –and my favorite teacher– by the way!
very very fun. thank so much.Hey!! what the smell
lolsss…excellent video…congrat!!!
Thanks Ronnie. This lesson really cracks me up. It was soooo funny that I let one out.
I fart like 20 times a day. jajaja :P
Congratulations, Ronnie, you are a great teacher. Your classes are fun, dynamic and very useful for everyday life.
I want to answer what’s the difference between “sorry” and “excuse me”. Thank you very much for your answer
hi ronnie hope u are doing well so a have a question
fart and burp …. are regular or irregular verbs
thank you very much
cảm ơn vì đã cho tôi một bài học hay và bổ ích nhưng vagina là gì???
thanks for your wonderful lesson but what is the vagina????
The quiz of this lesson is a lot of fun!!
hahahahaha :)
U are great Ronnie , from your courage, thanks. I got 5 correct out of 6.
Great lesson!
I have no doubt about this lesson. Awesome.
le anh tu
Thank you very much.
OOhh now I know how it called.It is a queef.OMG I used a lot of words to describe it)Sound from vag.It doesn’t smell.But I feel it.Ahhaha it was a comedy.
everytime when i see u , you make me happy u r such agreat, sweet , kind , lovely teacher , keep going xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello my great teacher! those words you explained i are verb so how we can write them as nouns?
I love your way :)
Crazy teacher <3
ElSayed Mahmoud
Thank you Ronnie
could you make a video about reserve a Ticket for vacation
Sometimes I ask myself. Why do people usually laugh when someone fart? That is the question.
Hi Ronnie )i got it )thx u a lot))u are the best teacher )
thanks ronnie , hayys 5/6 i have 1 mistake hmmm its ok not bad
This video may sound funny but very helpful. Thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for your lesson. You are so great.
simply awesome
take care
thanks for the lesson. I really appreciate it. Very useful.
One of the best videos :D
lol…i like your way of teaching,really awesome :D
my best teacher .. thank you Ronnie :)
Hi Ronnie mam,
Can you help me that is how can speak easy way. Can you advice to me/masum
Mm… very funny lesson நன்றி….(means “thanks”)
Ronnie,I like you,I love your teaching,thank you EngVid.Thank giga times!
Ronnie is the best and the funniest teacher ever
thank you
Husam Alselwi
you ‘re my best teacher.. go on
please Ronnie, can you present some American slang expression
hi teacher Ronnei I am one of your students who interestes your lessons so I want you to teach me English ASAP
I wanna say that plz can u do a lesson on r words like how to pronounce it plz I need ur help.
fatima zainab
Hi. Ronni , how to use : in time .on time .
in the end.on the end
Thanks a lot! I’m under the table from laughing) It needs courage to teach people such things and it wins my admiration.
You are really the best teacher I ever seen.
Awesome video.
Thank you very much, Ronnie…
I was watching this video at work)))) Just imagine :D
Thank you very much, Ronnie!
Is there any name for this uncontrollable action in which I feel something in my throat(& it’s not choking)and tears run down my cheeks, it normally last for some minutes and it happens sometimes when I am in an A/C room. There is one more uncontrollable action where after eating if I lie down in my bed, then suddenly some amount of food comes back to my mouth(it happens forcefully in human beings but naturally for cows!). And there is one more where if I try to drink water and for some reason if it goes to wrong pipe and the unbearable experience after that.Tell me if there is any word for these things. I tried searching it but couldn’t find anything, anyways we have words for these things in my own native language.
Hi Ronnie!
How is it called the noise that we sometimes can
hear in our stomach? Especially when we are hungry…
Thank you!
thank you ronnie,it was so funny and easy to learn
naveen javari
Thanks Ronnie you are a brave teacher
Your teaching drived me crazy. hahaha
After your explanation for the word “fart”, I could stop laughing at 2 am. d^^b
i loved the questions was very fun :))
I really enjoyed your lesson. Some words were out of my dictionary. Thanks Ronnie!
thanks ronnie
haha thankyou ronnie, great video!
love it!i laugh so hard)))) more videos like this please=)
Hello sur my english not right i am spoken english plz help me sur
thanks ronnie
please Mrs. Ronnie whats your full name?
Ofori Ewusi Solomon
Ronnie, you are so funny! This lesson as other lessons too was hilarious. I love your way if teaching! Thank you, dear Ronnie!
hii Ronnie,
thanks again for this usefull lesson, in my country, it is always have been said that whenever you had hiccups or start sneezing abruptly, then definately someone is missing you at that moment. latterly, one of my teachers had told me a few years before that whenever you got “hiccups”, just press your thumb with the middle finger of your hand and concerntrate on that force you have aplied on both of your hand thumbs, for 1 minute, and BOOM !!! hiccups are gone! :)
i also have used this trick manytimes when i get hicccups, and it works .
Great e so funny lesson! I loved it!
Wellington Porto Brito
Great and very funny lesson! I loved it!
Wellington Porto Brito
Thank you teacher for that lesson, it was fun.
awsome !!!
These are really good lessons and I liked it very much.
Queef was new to me, the word that is. I’m surprised you did not use another word to describe that action, namely pussy fart.
very great lesson thank you very much teacher
thanks alot sweet Ronnie ,ur lesson is really interesting and useful,i really enjoyed it.
thank you teacher it is amazing lesson, but I would like to refer for some of people doesn’t care if makes fart or burp due to it is normal in their countries
Hi ronnie, Is it correct to say I’m burping a lot these days?
Tarik rahmouni
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
67 :(
thanks, Ronnie it was really fun lesson
I thought “poop” is a noun but I was wrong. It’s a verb.
I never heard someone queef…
“Poop” is both a noun and a verb! As a noun, it can be both countable and uncountable. E. g.:
– Would you touch a poop for $20?
– There’s dog poop all over the yard.
engVid Moderator
very nice in Brazil Shart says CAGUEI! kkkkkk
Thank you Ronnie. I have never enjoyed a class like this. It was very funny and helpful. You are really great.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie for this chapter
It’s a fun lesson.Thank you, Ronnie.
Sonny Hsu
Thank you Ronie.You are a great teacher.
I like you.I like your way of teaching.
Thank you Ronnie
Very funny lesson. Thank You Ronnie
Sunny Muffin
Great lesson, I enjoy your classes a lot.
Miss Ronnie,
You gave good knowledge to us.
Thanks for this and it was very interesting.
thanks for this lessons I was enjoyed it…
I’d like to know the name of the sound while a woman having sex…like sexually excitement
respond please!!!
I really have an entertaining time… it’s always a good time to learn English with queen Ronnie.
Grayz kas
Hi ronnie
Nice lesson
Congratulation you are very assertive.
thank you
good teacher
al willis
Should you say – excuse me, when you throw up on somebody’s jacket?
THE BEST hahahahahaha
5/6! Good! This is a fun lesson! I learn some new words!
Jerry Gu
Ronny you are a genius and all the stuff help me every day to learn English. You can find a song on you tube very funny can help everyone how to pronounce the past of think, fart, burp and sorry. The title is.. I thought I fart but I sh*it. Excuse Me but the pronunciation is very important ?
Thank you for sharing this musical masterpiece. Here’s the link.
engVid Moderator
Thanks a bunch ❤️❤️
I really enjoy your lesson Ronnie even if I have a bad mood , just keep going?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
ha ha ha! Great video! Something teachers never teach. Thanks for doing it for all of us! It’s a very useful lesson and very useful vocab!
U right dear,our teacher never tought us these things,itz funny but knowledgeable
its knowledgeable
It is pretty funny.I like your teaching
I live in Thailand ,Thank you
Hey there how are you its Aman, would like to add you on my skype and id is aman7en.
Hey Simaran
mind talkin on Skype or something for better pronunciation?
i just asked as we lives in asian countries
Thanks Ronnie for this lesson..
that is awesome video
queef?? first time I heard it..
Also known as the pussy fart.
Queef use to happens when some women are having sex…
its very interesting and fun
Hi Ronnie, useful and funny lesson.btw in america when somebody sneeze we say to him/her:
bless you!!.Thank you so much Ronnie.
Wow, How creative English slang is! We have no Russian equivalents for “queef” and “shart” at all.
that’s truth. u just use a lot of words to describe that))
well I think we have. I’ve always called it “пукнуть с подливкой”:D
burb or BURP?
cool lesson…. specialy with the words queef and shart… it something I would´ve never found anywhere….. congratulation…
hi Ms.Ronnie … like florentino said when somebody sneeze we say to him/her:
bless you!! >> in Islamic countries
thank you so much ms .. i love your lesson
very nice, Ronnie u really teach english. u r so funny, greeting from Mexico. so long babe.
i wanna to know what meaning of queef and shart
Watch the video!
hell….u r very good techer!!!!!!!!!!!
السلام عليكم
انت اروع معلمة اتمنى ان اتواصل مع دروس التي تعطينها لاني بحاجة ماسة لها…لا مانع عندي ان اتلقى محاضرات مقابل نقود.
How can I contact Ronnie?
Sara22, I think she explained the meaning in the lesson. Try to listen again carefully. Thanks
just watch a video and you will understand, dude
i was confusing with the meaning of ” queef ” but i have checked youtube so that i knew what is queef exactlly hhh , it is only for women, frankly it is a first time in my whole life that i know that a woman make that nose from her vagina hhhh
simply queef is a pussy fart
shart is a mix of fart and shit
In a few words: “queef” is a fart from your vagina and “shart” is a wet fart.
thanks u r a real teacher really u help me to know a new word thanks
Well Done… useful lesson
thanks ms.ronnie
You acted and sounded perfectly when describing
The funnest video i’ve seen. it’s very useful. thank u so much,Ronnie
Very important… and funny!
G8 thing we knew b4 but ur way of teaching is G8
really u r supper teacher
u have different way in teaching u have a magic like harry potter but dont worry im nt foldmoort
thanx alot for ur work
sry i don’t enjoy histrionic behavior but it is a useful lesson. thx 4 that
Very funny and remenber: You can fart but not shart ;)
I learned 10 new words.Thank u teacher
hello i wonder if is Burp or burb???
thank you for the class appreciate.
just for you to know … in spanish shart is know as a fart with a gift or a fart with a present lol … thnks for your lesson ronnie
Wow! In Russian we have no special words for ‘queef’ =) Crazy stuff! THX!!!
I think in Russian it’s like чавкать. I use this meaning.
In Russian чавкать means to champ…as far as I know))) But… may be applied to this sound as well, I think)))
EWW!!! That’s disgusting! I hope you understood correctly what ‘queef’ means in eng!!!! ‘Чавкать’??? Seriously? That’s not what it means!
I don’t speak Russian, but according to Google Translate “Чавкать” is “slurp”, which is definitely not the same thing as “queef”.
Чавкать – To produce loud, smacking sounds with lips and tongue while eating.
Как это слово будет по-русски?
cool thank you very much
please,could you Explain queef again because i do not understand it; thank you
Queef = air from the vagina.
thanks teacher relly i like your lesson and i hope to spake whithe u
Thanks Ronnie for the excelent video…
¡I had a lot of fun with this lesson! Thaks
Respect!!!It was breathtaking and fascinating))) Lots of fun, really…The way Ronnie imitated the embarassing sounds was fantastic!
ronnie you are so fantastic, i love all your lesson
Thanks a lot teacher RONNIE we really need these words in every hour of every day
have a great day
what is the mean of queef ???i don’t understand .you were talk fast on this.
Queef is air from the vagina.
hi shayma ur lady &dont know what that????how can man will know???!!!
Uncalled for.
I call you!
can u call me too>>>>or say 2
it is excellent class, very good job.
Congratulation Ronnie. You are a amazing teacher. I also dont understand about “QUEEF”.
I smiled very much..
Thank you very much. These words are very useful for every day actions.
that’s amazingggggggg. Give us more lesson like that. I really loved. I have been lived in the USA for almost 4 years and sometimes i can not follow the young guys talking, they used to much slangs. Please, i need more. Thanks
It’s really funny and imformative. Thank you Ronnie:)
wow, that’s really funny and imformative, thank you, MS.Ronnie. :) And you’re funny, haha.
Nice .. SBD hahaha thanks a lot Ronnie :D
Querida Ronnie,
simplesmente a aula mais divertida que já assisti. Os sons que você fez foi muito mais perfeito que os da própria natureza, e feitas com tanta desenvoltura que me deixou completamente relaxado ao invés de embaraçado. Parabéns, a sua didática é muito divertida, com sonoplastia, com espirituosidade. Amei.
Mil beijos.
em português?
Oh Gosh!
I´m Brazilian but I can’t respond in Portuguese. Portuguese is for another country. It’s in vain my dear.
very nice video of teaching
It wasn’t nice but informative. hahahaha
It’s been very helpful. Thank you.
which one is correct to say if I’ve been doing this contantly: I’m hiccupping or I have a hiccup or none of them? XOXOXO
I am hiccuping! Or I have the hiccups!
present tense
present participle / hiccupping
past tense / hiccupped
past participle / hiccupped
ref. Macmillan dictionary?!!!
I didn’t know women had this.. queef LOL
Does it smell?
ahhahah I hope not that would be nasty!
can you give me your email Ronnie?
Hi Ronnie,
This lesson is very funny because YOU are so funny ! Thank for that. There are some words that teachers so much polite don’t teach but however, they are useful !
what a great lesson, thank you Ronni so much for the funny and very important lesson.
what a great lesson, thank you Ronni so much for the funny and very important fact you are the best.
HI Ronnie, how are you ?, thank you for this lesson, you are great, and your spirit, in each lesson, is indescribable.
Ronnie, you’re really good at teaching!
I laughed a lot watching the video. You taught us these rude words, respectably.
that’s good. but all slang word is not covered in this video. so………?
Hi, I’m very happy that known you.
Hi Ronnie
its helpful we are new ,or its our first day,
no one teach this in classroom! very knowledgeable!
That was a very good introduction to this subject. Hope that even more is to come:-)
hi ronnie thank you so much for your all lessons ilike all your lessons really good teather\ bless god to you and your family
It’s perfect. This vocabulary doesn’t learn into the school. This is real english. Congratulations
you are so good teacher i like your still and i feel that i will improve my English with you p;z i need to know how can i pronounce p and b thank you :)
Thanks Ronnie for this exciting lesson I like it very much.Keep up.
This is a very important thing. We most of the times pay no heed to this which results in a very embarrassing. i suggest that this must be tought to the children especially the women. i liked it
I think EngVid is the only website where you can find English lessons like this one!!! I can’t even imagine my former teachers doing a such lesson!!!
Thank you very much, GOOD teaching with FINEST visualization
u r really very good teacher. if u are in UK I want to meet u and want to bcome your student……….highly thanks to you for this act of kindness, as such like lesson
You are an amazing teacher, can easily being understood :)
hi ronnie how r u.have nice job.i like your expression and your teaching method.i am fully understand your topics.don,t mind what is your age and tell me your teacher experiences.
thank you so much for this lesson :DD
@Italo you cracked me up with your kestion!
tahnk’s Ronnie this video was funny!!! Queef is the most embarassing thing! LOL
it was a wonderful moment sitting back and learning so much
New words which we experience daily but don’t know how to translate to english now I know it.hehehe and there’s a word “yawn” have brothers but not for others
PREPARE TO DIE i’m going to queef lol honestly
Very good!
Hi sunni.
I m also a bigning student, you should try to make a lot of sentaces. If you dont mind so pleas leave your comments on my profile.
Thank you
it’s really good after 6 years in here first time i hear proppebley like tht thanks :}
That’s great!!Good lesson and very funny!!!
hi there Ronnie ur doing a great job !.can you plz explain the use of too and to in a sentence. for example : she’s too busy to eat.
2nd i want to know the use of so..that for example :its so easy that even a child can do it . or i was so busy that i couldnt go with you.
i need to know the difference between these two uses.. plz help me out to understand it and if you already have a video for it plz let me know as i am not able to find it here. ill be greatful
Too we use to talk about excess or more then you need…… It is negative. “It is too hot”(it is hotter then I need). Too= very negative.
So is like saying because. Because I was busy, I couldn’t go with you!
thank you Ronnie.. rest is clear now except for one confusion that i have that is if im saying: i was too busy to meet you and if i say: i was so busy that i couldnt meet you( is it like saying im sorry i didnt meet you). so what difference would you pick from these 2 sentences would too in the first sentence refer to something negative? as if i meant to say ” so what i didnt meet you ,i was busy my work was more important! itll be kind of you if you explain this or if you can please make a video for it that would be great.
I was too busy to meet you implies ” so what I didn’t meet you, I was busy with my work and it was more important.
And, you are correct…..I was so busy that I couldn’t meet you ( is it like saying I’m sorry I didn’t meet you)
Thanks alot Ronnie! its clear now :) I appreciate your help!
keep up the great work.
it is very fantastice
wow i like your way
thank you rani i like this your teaching class
sorry i make mistake your name
not a RANI Ronnie
I’ve never enjoyed a lesson so much :)
tx a lot
That’s was amazing and hopeful, thanks Ronnie, I wish there was more such lessons like this one.
well done nice and funny lesson
Ronnie, you are awesome teacher! :) thank you, and greeting from Bosnia&Herzegovina :)
thank you so much nobody will teach me this lesson
I liked the way you given us the information.
; )
OMGGGGG!!!! it’s the funniest lesson I ever had!!!! THANKS!!!! ppprrrffffff (ops excuse me?! I just farted) lol
Ronnie, maybe because you are British the word is burp (with a p) not burb. You are simply wrong. Great stuff here, i’m trying to check up on my English and saw this and picked it out of curiousity.
thanks Ronnie
thank you ronnie is very interisting
thaks is very interesting lesson
hi .. could u teach more about slang word …
just update it more ,,, thx
wow! that’s fantabulous! That was what i was looking for.
thanks a millions for such brilliant information!
Thank you Teacher……………
No one can teach us in class room about these words specialy “Queef” and “Shart”. this is too much creative lesson.
You should call me tto I really would appreciate your voice. Can I pass my cel phone??
Ahaha…the funniest lesson ever! Thank you for such a great time, Ronnie! :)
my language is not good but when i saw Ronnie do these actv i understand what are meaning these word thank you you make this languag to easy
very intersting lesson , many thanks
Hi Ronnie!!! I’ m a brazilian and try to learn English by the School colled British!! It’s a tradicional school. So theses expression i dont learn there!! i thoungh cool!!! See will othres videos!! Kisses!!
Very interesting and impressive lesson, thank you, Ronnie
no bad smells come out of your mouth HOPEHULLY…
:D I am going to die laughing !!!!!
Are all people in Canada that funny?
I am gonna change my citizenship :D
I like the way of your teaching.Its very very
interesting.Keep it up.Thank you very much.
hi Ms Ronnie i am still confuse the word “queef”.
can you give me example about queef? thanks
but, when can i use a “EXCUSE YOU”.
AND different between “EXCUSE YOU” and “EXCUSE ME”
you are teacher make a lesson extincting.
Miss: Ronnie I appreciate your teaching method, because I am also working in a education Department in Pakistan, so I like your teaching methodology which is really fine. I suggest that I a long lessons can be teaches, (if possible) it would be a significant for all the learners. I hope that you and your team will considered my suggestions thanks
very funny …thank you teacher
Hi,I am interested in you, I am learning english but I would like to know in what school you teach? THKs
Hi, Roonie!
I fell for ur lessons started with this one. Those words attracted me, I confess)
I find the most exciting lessons those about prononciation and “art of conversation”.
Well, I have an idea about one of the next topics, I think lots of people will find this attractive too. “Tricks” that can be used to make ur speech more emotional. I mean smth like special words or special constructions (for ex. I _do_ adore Roonie’s video’s).
Thanks a lot for your work, you do a great-great-great job (and I do hope it will be mooore you videos for advanced students) :)
This classes was very interesting for me to learn a new word,i like your the way of teaching.
Thanks Ronnie.May u live long.
It’s an interesting lesson!!! You are a great teacher. Greetings.
AWESOME !!!! That’s the first time I learn these things from someone !!! You never know when or where you’re gonna use this vocabulary !! As you said, these things happen frequently !!! all the best to you teacher and have a nice week !!!
it was a very funny lesson, I liked it
it was so funny i shart!! Just kidding haha
Great lesson,thanks
Thanks it was a good lessen
hi teacher thanks for your lessons
u are really good Ronnie, thanks :)
Fantastic, you should work with Stand Up Comedy. Thanks for the lessons.
You’re ecxelente. Obrigado(Thanks)
Hi Ronnie .
What is the major difference between fart , stink , and can you explain any other environmental waste that can be a harm to some ones daily routine Plz .
is the sound that comes out of your bum (noun and verb).Stink
is an adjective — it means smells bad.U’r teaching was very funny..!!!!!!
thankssss ronni
we often get dificulty in slang words, but this vidio made it possible to learn modern slang words I realy apriciate it thnx
hehehe,,,,,i’m very happy when i see u,,teaching
thanks ronnie,i love your lesson….
thhhhhhanks alot
it is a new vocab for me
and i want to now more slang
hello teacher Ronnie.
It is the best lesson I have never seen befor.
Thank you for the lesson . I leaned it immediately.
hehehe very very great lesson i never heard before // thanks very much teacher.. really u dont let us to ask ant question hahah coz u r so so easy speaker english to understand.. thank u again really i love ur lesson
Hi Ronnie
Once again . you might remember that I inquired you the same question before as i AM going to tell you that how can i improve my listening skills as it has become a headache for me to understand carefully so plz kindly help me in this matter with some different ideas and thoughts . Bye
thank you this lesson is super Comedy
And useful
hahaha It was very funny! I think I won´t forget those words… You´re a great teacher! I love the way you teach!
hi teacher thank you so mouch for this teach ….your st
Nice and really koooool teaching. thx alot.this knowlwdge never gets from book.
Thankyou so much you are too funny and as the same time youbeat the target i appreciate your ways of teaching.
Thanks for this lesson. by the way it is first time I know there is air comes out from vagina.
Hi Ronie, I don’t understand the word “queef” only for woman “air from mouth voman?
and for the sneeze usualy we are use bless you?
Queef is only from women ….air from a woman’s vagina.
yes, when you sneeze, some people say “bless you”.
Ronnie, I think that guys who ask a lot about the meaning of QUEEF it’s because they are too youngs.
Don’t worry guys, some day you’ll understand.
Hi Ronnie,
Your lessons are so good.I have known lots of interesting things.
Thank you,
Ronnie. you’re a great teacher. Lv all your lesson
There is one more bodily noise — Snore. You should have covered that too.
You are the best! your course is so interesting and useful! Thanks a lot for your efforts.
Hi Ronnie..this is sanju form india..i just want know about the word “queef”..what is actual meaning of this word..plese give a reply.Thanks.
queef = air from vagina
There is one more bodily noise — Snore. You should have covered that too
hi ronnie..good job…its so funny and intresting.and ur way of teaching is good and easy 2 understand…
Hi Ronnie
This lesson was very useful and funny.
You are a great teacher.
Thanks a lot
Hossein from Halifax Canada
vey fan!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!!!!!
Hi, Ronnie
I really had a lot of fun with this lesson. Thanks so much for the new words!!!
Very nice class!
Hiccup is very similiar to sob, but we sob when we’re crying, right?
Yes, sob is when we cry. However, hiccup has nothing to do with it…hiccup is a diaphragm spasm.
nice presentation.i understood 2 more new vocabulary
Thank u so much! U r the perfect teacher.
OMG What an amazing lesson!
Any lessons about haircut!
Thank you so much!
u r nice. good plan to tich pepol
hi Ronnie i don’t know how will I thank you for the very important lesson . As you have said and as we all know are natuaral but also embarrassing but today I know all of them and I will not forget this lesson and I thank again. keep it up!
hi Rronni thank <3
hi ithink no one can teach this lesson like you
thank you iwatt to fart now
We are as muslims say after sneesing (thanx gad)in arabic ( Al hamdullah) thanx roony for thees words some of thim are relly new for me =)
hello plz reply me teacher :(
i don`t when i should slangs?and i should have american partner what should i do?
hello,ms.ronnie.nice vid. can u make more vids on slang?thanks:-)
thank you
hi teacher if you sneeze you should say
bless you why the answer is nathing
I don’t know – You could say thank you!!!
When u sneeze,someone else should say u:”bless u” not u(u’rself),
u should say nothing.
Hope I could help!
No, you can say bless me!!!
HI , Ronnie
I dot’t get about meaning of Shart
could u explain it again and How is it difference from fart ?
Fart is only the noise and smell – Shart is when there is poo/shit that comes you when you fart and is left in your underware!
hi ronnie i dunno if you’ve paid attention but u’ve made an orthographic mistake and it may misleads other learners ,it’s underwear not underware.keep it up
Funny, as guys (or at least some of them) have no idea what queefing is. Great lesson by the way. Knew all the words but was curious how somebody would teach and explain them :D
relly we dont know abt queefs
oh my goodness hahahahah how is awsem is to learn thoes things.
thanks a lot Ronnie I acctually like your way in the explination
however, I have small queastion do the women usually queef?
I don’t know the statistics on queefing! Sorry!
I heard,that we get hiccup when some1 really remembers us!
Cool – what country is that from?
If you have the hiccups it means that someone think about you. It is in Poland, where else? I don’t know.
Thanks Ronnie, I’ve understood everythink, you are a great teacher, that was so funny. thanks a lot :)
Hey dear,I am from pakistan,I heard it when sum1 remebers us from heart,then we get hiccups,and we say hiccup as HICHKI in urdu,,
Yes, Simran but actually it’s not true these all things are just our imaginations.
hmm,yup,i also think like this,i just also dont belive in all that,but as i knew abt it,so i shared it wid ronnie
We use this explanaion in Russia as well
In Pakistan we say hiccup in urdu “hitch key”.
Hope now we can better pronounce it.
In Russia if you have a hiccup it means that somebody is remembering you or talking about you at the moment, and if you guess who is that, if you think about the right person – you stop hiccuping :D haha sometimes it works..
in Egypt also we do that
yeah..that be believe in my country, too. I come from Vietnam – the Southeast Asia country!!
India & Pakistan.
you are right Simran, we Pakistanis think of as someone is remembering during hiccups
it’s not true just an old saying. In Pakistan peoples usually think that while hiccups someone is thinking or remembers you but there is no scientific proof of this concept.
Agree with Ms. Simran96 My grand parents told me the same
what is queef?not getting it
Hey Ronnie,
Again thanks for an other wunderfull lesson!!
A question:
In The Netherlands we see ‘gezondheid’ after sneezing.
When you sneeze I see ‘gezondheid’ to you. ‘Gezondheid’ means ‘health’ from ‘I wish you a good health.
What are they saying in English countries? Or don’t the people say something?
Bye! Rick
You can say “gazoontight” – I don’t know the exact spelling but I think it is almost exactly the same word!!!
People also say “bless you”.
Hello. My comment doesn’t have anything to do with this video. I’m frequently mixed up when it comes to use one of the very similar words but somehow different, e.g use and usage, advertising and advertisement, etc. Please, could you make some lessons that cover this topic? Thanks a lot.
I will try! I know English is very confusing and we have so many rules and then rules that we don’t use……I suggest a nice big fat dictionary to help you! OR use the internet = vocabulary is all memorization!
Great and srong teacher!! I thanks you
Hi our fantastic teacher..
Please put these words in sentences.How we use it?
Fantastically embarrassing
the two words with asterisks before them are totally new to me
This is a funniest lesson who i watched. Thank you Ronnie :))) hahaha
Hi and thanks a loy for your amazing lecture.
you have said firting and burbing is … I think it should be …are… please confirm?
Thanks again
it’s very nice,
hi ronnie ;) i keep watching your lesson and its very nice;) your excellent teacher , anyway i come form Philippines;) godbless and more power;)
thank you
Greatttttttttttttt I really enjoyed it :)
Best Regards
What can i do to improve my speaking skill?..please give me some advice.
Excellent teaching. Is there a similar word for fart and the smell coming from it?
Ronnie, you are great!!! I´d never had so much fun learning English… thank you… all the best to you. :)
Ronnie, I would like to ask u something, but I don’t know where, so, let it be here.
There is a word ‘trot’ and this means firstly a type of horse moving. But also I found a lot of indecent meanings – bad liquid defecating – diarrhoea, vagina, loo etc. How it is possible to extinguish such rude and normal meanings?
Thanks a lot. you are a good teacher.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks again for your lesson. they are very important and necessary to know. Esp, like me, most of Asian people don’t like to say “excuse me”, but after watching your video, i have full confidnet to say that..and one thing, there is one technique that, if you have a hiccup, you can pull your tongue for a minute, then the hiccup will disppear!
Thanks again and have a nice day!
That’s cool! I will try that the next time I have the hiccups!
hi ronnie
you are a good teacher .you have easy method for explain and you have a strange subjects .the last subject is very stranger .
great! thank you so much teacher Ronnie.
Hahahaha really very nice i really enjoyed this lesson. It will be proved fruitful for me.
Thanks Ronnie keep it up, carry on.
good, my first time to come acrose some of the words
Hey dear Ronnie,
Just loved your style!!! So fun and informative!!! Thanks a million
Hi Ronnie,I like your lessons cuz they’re useful but i have a question I’m arabian & i’m learning English by myself in my country &sometime I ask myself will I master English & understand evrey thing abuot English or my gaol is not resonable. i mean when anyone learn a new language in his country like me could he know every thing about it like the native speaker of that language or he will only be able to communicate well by this language? I hope that my English is understood & sorry for this loooooooooong question
You can learn the basics of any language but you will never be able to learn EVERYTHING (slang/idioms/expressions/regional languages) unless you live in an English speaking country.
If you learn the basics of English, most people will be able to understand YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nobody of this idiots understood what means “queef” losers everybody get it the english just written not listening it loser-begginers. I love your lessons Ronie bye.
Hi, thanks a lot.
I like your way of doing and your humor. I learned new words and had fun. I am a teacher myself (math) and I will try to imitate a bit your way of teaching because I think is effective.
greetings from Italy
I once met a girl with a queef!!!I used to love it.
She had a queef??? Where did she keep it???
That is great that you loved her queef!!!!
do I need to say it???(laughs)
I’m laughing my guts out over your reply to elci.
sooooooooooo funny words.Really,i like ur way in convying the information.thnx Ronnie.
you are fantastic!!!!(laughs)
hello,can u plzzz give some examples using those conversation how i can use those words.
Hi Ronnie, I really enjoyed your lesson. It was so funny, I love it!. Hope contact you soon! I’m from Costa Rica
Best regards!
Hi Ronnie,
I’m realy like all of your lessons.
I have a lot of fun to learn English with you,
cause I’m not the youngest student ( 50+ ) LOL
But I have fun to learn English (American English)
Greetings from Germany
I’m glad you are having fun – no matter how young you are!
Hi,a ? I’ve got dear Ronnie:
“Hi there” means what plz n when we use?!
It just means “hello”!
it was so funny thanks..
your lesson is very good for us.thank you.
hello miss ronnie
thank u for the wonderful lesson.I have something to ask u because everytime i burp i say excuse me or sorry.what is the correct word to say after burping? thank u
excuse me
Ronnie mam, you have explained the embarassing slang words in such a beautifully comical way that i will not find it awkward to teach my students too!thanks!
Ronnie mam your class is very interesting and very useful.
Hi Ronnie, great lesson keep up with the good work!!!
never encountered this word(queef)till i heard it from you Ms. ROn=== thanx
really interesting thanks a lot.
really interesting… :)
ma’m i need your fb acount.. will u favour me while giving this?
plz add me..
Thank you for this great lesson .. I like your way of teaching a lot Ronni you so funny, Thank you again
very interesting course!!! and usefull!!! i know now what i have to do in these situations
thank you are teaching very interesting.i found u r website five day ago but it’s very useful website.
thank for the video i enjoyed a lot !!1
how a funny leson nd vocab thank you my good teacher
Haha, that was a really funny lesson, but very useful too, thanks ;)
Hi ronnie your lessons are super cool i am addicted to have a small query as you have talked about words describing the sounds which are very likely to attract embarrassing situations for the originator. There is one sound i want to ask , what is that sound called when we try to inhale or exhale through our nostrils when we have a cold and nostrils full of snot(i know very disgusting) but i think to anglicize ourselves we need to get our hands dirty by getting into the nitty-gritty of the words!!!
Don’t worry I LOVE very disgusting things!
The word you want to know is “sniffle”. You can say to someone stop sniffling and blow your nose!
good anser
They’re very useful for English teachers whose native languages are others than English. Thanks much, Ronnie.
thanx for learning the meaning of those words.!!!
Great lesson!! I haven’t heard about the word queef before! Thanks for sharing this, it was interesting and fun at the same time…Greetings from Argentina.
mam i wanna learn the use of ‘the’.would u teach me
great lesson ronnie…i have a to excause our self when we do some mistakes but we not feel..for exmlple:when we walked on the street we touched other person,who is infront of us,because we are hurry up.further we want to say sorry or to explaint it to that person?
sorry if you get confused””but i hope you could get what i mean…tank,s
I understand what you mean! You can just say sorry! There is no need to explain yourself to that person – they will know why you are saying sorry!
hi Ronnie
i really enjoy this lesson,before this lesson i just known about burp and cough only but now i known fart,sneeze hiccup,queef shartand and and yawn,thnks God bless you please reply me,,,
Damn it! I just sharted!
Hi Ronnie !!!
Just to say that I love your classes… They are really very funny, your lively way of teaching makes your classes unique.Congratulations on you!I would love to know you! wow! I live in Brasil, by the way I have living here since I was born (lol) and one of my dreams , of course because I have just a thousands of them, is to go to the USA and live there for some years to improve my English. I believe in miracles, don’t you? All the best, my darling.
I think you will be able to go and study English! What about in Canada??? I don’t believe in miracles. I believe in DOING.
Dear Ronnie, thanks for the lesson!
By the way, why are there two flags (Canadian and Russian) under your picture?
Wow!!! What a great lesson,I’m really having fun watching this video, now I knew on what to do when I got fart, burp, hiccup, yawn, cough, sneeze and shart.
Thanks Ronnie!
This is helpfull ! Thanks alot teacher Ronie .
Can you please answer me for this question : What should we say exactly ine this expression “I wish you the best” OR ” I wish for you the best “. thank ya* <3
We say “I wish you the best”
Excellent teacher! Ronnie, sure you are a good actress too! I learnt three words from this video: queef, shart and snot when you sneeze!
Thank you very much this lesson is very usefull
I watched your video . It was very funny .you are the best teacher I ever saw and you are very talentful for acting too.I am from Sri lanka and 10 years old.I would like to watch more of your videos.
thanks for lesson, great lesson
wow! it was very fun! now i knew the meaning of queef..hehee…thank you teacher! God bless you!
O.M.G. I laughed so hard. This lesson was wonderful. It was so funny.
Hi guys! add me in msn to talk in inglish.
Good like to all.
Ronnie, if you are not actress you have everything to be one, because you’re really very talent my teacher. Here in Chile I have one very funny like you and his classes are spectacular, we have pleasure to be in the classroom.
Explain us when we must use ON, IN, AT for example, and if you have explained that, let me know, ok?
Thanks for you very nice mood.
There is already a video on ON IN AT for you on the site – Just type in ON IN AT in the search part of the site!
Thanks for watching and commenting!
Yeah, I got it later. I did what you have commented and I found the this class. From now on I’ll be always watching the classes, because finally I found what I looking for.
You’re very good teacher. Don’t stop recording, published many other very interesting videos of you.
My strong hug to you, Ronnie.
uuuuuuuuuuuu rrrrrrrrrrrr supper teacher
hehe, great lesson,You are a perfect teacher:)
Hi Ronnie,why if I saw you I can’t stopped laughing hahahah thank you lovely teacher.
hi,i m very bliss that.i have learned those vocabulary was very useful words.i wanna know that,what is the correct way to write in using ING like this farting,burping,hiccuping,yawning,coughing,sneezing,are these words good or not if i wrote wrong please correct this but the ending time i would like to say that this side has given me to much,i have improved a lot thanks,
You can use the verbs with ING ( + to be) if the action is happening NOW…… He is farting!
Or if the action happened in the the past = He was farting. (was/were + verb+ING)
Hi Ronnie, You’r a very very good teacher. I like your method of teaching. You’r so funny. You’ve many talents I think. I’m so happy. Love U Ronnie…
Hello Ronnie!
I really love the ways you presented your lessons. I’ve learned more from you. Actually,I’m a teacher too. But my degree was not involve in English at all. Thank you so much.
thanks a lot
please could you make us vocabulary series for intermediate students
omg your great and funny :) take care
Wow Ronnie, your video is very funny. I was never comfortable saying these words, not that I am now, but I am more confident about how to pronounce them. You are particularly good in making sounds. Your burp is perfect!!! I loved it!
thank you too much for your help
My dear great teacher, let me thank you for your way of presenting your lesson and the simple easy language you use. I realy think we, as foreign learners need to be aware of such important expressions ( taboo or whatever they are called) i do appreciate if you could claify more on, go pee, damnation, fuck, shit,checky and screw. I hear these terms specialy from those who visit Canada or Britain but unfortunately they don’t know the meaning and when to use or avoid using them.
Immam, from Sudam
thanks again for your perfect presentation and dynamic method of teaching
Go pee = urinate.
damnation we hardly ever use, we usually say “damn” which we use when something bad happens to us and we can’t say shit. Shit is a “bad word” that can be used the same way as damn!
Fuck has SO MANY meanings – i suggest you look on you tube!!!!!!
Cheeky = British. My Mom always called me cheeky when I talked back to her or joked about something!!! Cheeky means sly, rude, mischievous!!!!
Screw has a few meanings but in slang it means to have sex!!!!
buuuuuuaaaahahahahah absolutely lov heeeer !!!!!!
Hi Ronnie,
first of i really would like to thank you very much for your good lessons and i am so suprized that i have not seen one mimics sounds like you you are amazing.
thanks and Regards.
Ronnie, you are so sensible and funny! It is amazing to learn english with you!
Vane (from Argentina)
Great work
thanks a lot for these words I definitely learned useful words :)
useful words, thx Ronnie
i do love it…………thz darling..
Hi Ronnie,
Is there any difference ” Participle” and “Present Participle” and ” Past Participle”. I’ve a doubt about “participle” . Can you reply ?
Hi Ronnie,
Let me write a few sentences
1. I have done work today.
2. I had done work last night.
3. I will have done work tomorrow.
Do is Present form of verb
Did is past form of Verb
Done is participle form of verb.
I’ve doubt about “participle” ,Present ,past and future . can we have participle in present ?
Ronnie, thanks a lot for such an exciting lesson! I’ve learnt a lot of new things!
hahaha i love this videoo its a lot funny :D and usefull
queef ? that my first time i heard it … im a boy and i dont know that can possibly happen on ladys :)
There is a first time for everything, young man.
Ronnie you are a wonderful teacher !!!!the BEST! love you. i am from India and have studied english literature in college but never come across ANYONE who could explain the meaning of english words and expressions like you do and that includes the embarassing ones too:) Love you Ronnie!
thank you so much ronnie
very entertaining and interesting. not only this video, I saw some others too. You (Ronnie) are looking like your ancestors could have been celts (welsh). Are there any video about Welsh Language?
In your video
“How to pronounce irregular verbs in English – CAUGHT, BOUGHT, THOUGHT… ”
you wrote “kot” und “tot” for a short and understandable pronounciation form of “caught” und “taught”. In some way funny, the german word for faeces is “kot” and the german word for dead is “tot”.
best wishes
HAHAHA That is great “kot” and “tot” – I love it!
I am for sure Celtic- my family is Scottish!
this video was really interesting..
I just wanted to know tht y do we say I’m in bed n y not I’m on bed???
Good question – I have no idea why except to say that we actually get “in” the bed (between the sheets). On the bed would be just on top of the sheets!
i love it!
oh Ronnie ur so hilarious even talkin’ about shit and snots! =)
Howdy Ronnie! Alright girl?
I’ve already heard of other terms to define a few of the words that you mentioned… Such as “burp”, “fart”… And I’d like knowing If they can be used interchangeably… The words are “belch” to “burp” and “blow off” to “fart”… Could you pls explain their use! Just one more thing… Could I say pardon in the place of your “excuse me”! Thanks! Oh, sorry about any slip of the pen I can have commited!!
“belch” and “burp” are correct.
I`ve never heard blow off to mean fart, but we have so many words that mean fart. (Cut the cheese, let one rip)
Yes, you can say pardon me in place of excuse me!
oops…could I say “pardon me” in the place*…!
I believe “blow off” it’s a british slang but I’m not sure… I’m kinda a self-taught… And I love slangs then I total end up reading lots of them amongst british, canadian and american stuff! “Cut the cheese” sounds funny to me!
Thanks for your explanation… Threw light upon my doubt!
by the way, you’re great!
ronnie can you explaine please about passive for exp he is said that… or he is said to……
Passsive = to be + past participle (p.p)
Present passive = am/is/are + p.p
past passive = was/were +p.p
Thank a lot Ronnie ..ur topics very cute actually you are super stars of this web .
if you don’t mind i wanna to know what’s the difference between (because ) and (cause) and when we can used it .
‘Cause is a short form of because but we write it cuz. We use this when we speak! Do not write it on a test!
Cause also means
A person or thing that gives rise to an action, phenomenon, or condition.
Make (something) happen
thanks ronnie,god bless you,i lived in usa 10 years,i went to all kind of school but i never find a teacher like you,you are really amazin teacher,god bless you and your family
somebody PLEASE help me.. I cant stop laughing ))) wahhahahahaha.. shart.. I’ve never heard this word before. Thank you Ronnie.
thx a doesn’t matter, if the words are slang or something like that,which we don’t use in daily conversation, but what’s the really matters is to gain knowledge and speak as a native speakers, so |I wanna to know many English words.Thank you.u are very good teacher.
OMG!!! ))) This video is such a great help to understand some slangish words ))) U r awesome!!! ))) Thanks a lot!!!
Hi! This one was epic (too). I just found queef in an online English-Hungarian dictionary powered by the Computer and Automation Research Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Cool. :)(Now I see what they are doing instead of researching computers… lol).
Keep up the good work gouys! All the best. :)
Hello, Ronnie! Very interesting lesson!
I have a question.
Snoring is another bodily noise. Does it have any synonymic slang word?
Unfortunately not!
thanks again teacher ^-^. whenever I watch your videos, I always have to type everything that u’r saying because i am also discussing them to my students. soooo love ur videos. thanks a lot.
you have written wrong spelling
burB—- burP
I get the info from life!
Hello Ronny, you make English very easy, and funny, I spend a good time watching your classes, I wish you never change, many kisses from Barcelona (Spain)your friend Esther
Great lesson ! thanks alot .
Thank you. This lesson helpes us to improve knowledge about our body))))
Is Ronnie the short form of Veronica?
No. It is short for Ronnie!!! But some people named Veronica go by Ronni!
LOL OMG TMI)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))you are the Best!
Dear Ronnie,
You’re simply fantastic!
I’ve really enjoyed the lesson. It’s a pleasure to watch your videos. Keep up the good work and thank you so much.
it was funny. thanks a lot) u show good video classes)
Thanks for the lesson
hahahahaha, thanks! I didn’t know there was a name for “queef”…
Thanks for the lesson
i dind’t know that women could queef
very funny!!!!!!
Ronnie, Thank you very much from Ukraine! I recomend your lessons to all my friends!
P.S. Hippopotamus is sharting
OH MY GOD>>>>>>>THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!
u r an awesome teacher i have ever seen a teacher like u…..u r more than a teacher very funny lesson
Congratulatios Ronnie you have done a wonderful lesson again,I’m sure that not many teachers can be explain this kind of words so easy.
Many kisses from Barcelona (Spain)
Ronnie IT’s funny.and you did it piquantly
Hello Ronnie! Alright?
By chance, can you wash my doubt away (actually I meant If you can explain a thing… I’m not sure if I can or not to use that)
well, this my doubt!
Talk to or talk with… What’s the difference?
In my little conception I think that…
When I talk to you = I talk to you and you listen to me
and when I talk with you = I talk to you and you talk to me
Am I correct (right) in my deduce (deduction) by asserting this?
Thanks… !
hello Ronnie, you’re really very funny, i can’t help myself laughing while listening to your explanation of bodily noises. I am already familiar to some but not to queef and shart, shart meaning shit+fart, Lol.Now i know, but how do you call the noise that something choked you even you are not eating something? When this happened here in the Philippines they say someone is thinking or remember you. It is different from coughing. Also i’d like to correct the spelling of your underwear not underware right? ware is use for kitchenware, glassware, chinaware. Also i have heard a Russian say to me bless you after i sneeze, i asked her what it means because we do not use it here in my country and she says.. bless you means be well or be healthy and not to be sicked. Hope this helps everyone with that question. Thank you, i love this lesson.
O.o My question is available now but It wasn’t replied… Can I understand it as a “turn a blind eye” to my post?
Lfao… After I posted it your reply turned up just as if by a magic spell… May you delete my last two posts plz?
And thanks a million for your reply… I have all of these words in my head but at times I don’t know how to use them… It’s hard like hell to study by myself…!
i am fully understand your lesson.way of teaching is good.
nice pics ronnie…and you’re good in making a sounds!!! :)
greetings from mexico, u r very funny and a great teacher,thats why i wacht all ur videos.
ronnie .one question
queef is with a bad smell and sound
thanls a lot
I appreciate your highly efforts
staggering & breathtaking lesson, thank you very much for this great video i really really appreciate your efforts
keep up our boss Ronnie
it was so funny and helpful lesson I loved it .
hahahaha, very fun!
really funny and helpful. thanx a lot
Dear Ronnie, it’s interesting and funny lesson. Thank you for that.
Especially for the last two words ‘shart’ and ‘queef’.
it is excellent class !
I’ve learned quite a lot, this made me fall about laugh, thank you teacher… (Is well said “to fall about laugh”, I mean to laugh too much?… Oh and in Spanish we don’t have a verb for queef, we use the noun “vagipeo” that would be something like “vagifart” in English).
Gr8 video and very funny
Thanks Ronnie, you are the best
you are a Great Teacher Ronnie, thank you so much for the class….
hahahha you are the best teacher ever….. i would love to be your friend. ♥ ina
Hi Ronnie thanks for what you are interoducing…but really am looking forwrds to know more slang words,try to help us for that.thank you so much and really i apprecaited that so much.
Hi Ronnie, it was great! I have one doubt: when you apologize for a bad corporal noise, why do you say “excuse me”, while when you hurt someone (such as walking on the street) you say “sorry”? Thank you very much!
When you hurt someone, you say sorry because it maybe could have been prevented. When you burp/fart, it is uncontrollable!
Dear Teacher Ronnie,
I learned english and physiology.
Thank you very much.
This lesson was so funny! thank you Ronnie!
Dear Teacher Ronnie,
I learned English how to grammar and sentence because my English isn’t correct sentence. I’m very tired. I will go back to school and take a class in English grammar teacher. I do it difficult study again. If I need your help me how to explain in English when my assignment. Thank you, pleasure!
jajajaja that was so hilarious. that was a great lesson, you are very good at teaching. I´d be very greatful if you could help with a lesson about the names and pronunciations of these type of symbols *[{-_?¡””#/();: +> < etc, etc. thank you very much regards from Guatemala, you are the best teacher but dont say this to the others, regards
Sorry, I do not know what those symbols mean! Just look them up online!
Ronnie, I’m a brazilian english student.
After I watch this video I became your biggest fan. I “love” you now, hahaha. You’re so funny.I laughted a lot and sent this video for two friends.
Bye, bye
Let’s fart together, everybody!!!!! hehhahahahaha
I´m sorry but I think you computer program is not working properly ´cause I just did the quiz and I got 4/6 when I really did 5/6. check it!
love u and loved that lesson!
hı teacher ..ı like all you lesssen
you are best teacher and teach ı learn easy ıf you explaın somethıng…take care god bless you…see you soonnn
Ronnie, you’re simply the best!!!! Thanks for such a cognitive piece of information!!!))))
You say you´re gonna study spanish and I´ve realised that in every country people say something after sneezing. Here in Spain we say “Jesus” (yes, the name of Jesus Christ), I don´t know why but almost everybody say it, must have a relation with bless you, the words you use. If you come someday to Spain you know now what to say if you sneeze.
Great lessons and the best teacher
Hi, Ronnie!
Outstanding lesson and great performance! Was it you who added those pretty pictures of Macaulay Culkin and a frightened girl? Excellent idea!
Hi Ronnie i love u and love ur way to teach,
plz Ronnie i want u to explain difference between S.B.D&
S.B.V also i do not know D spelling….have a nice weekend.
SBV = silent but violent.
SBD = silent but deadly.
Ronnie: you are my favorite !. I enjoy yur lessons a lot ! (and besides, I have learned about slang that I haven’t heard before).
Hi Ronnie, i am a working professional. I have been watching the videos upload by your team daily since last one week to improve my English. I must say that you guys are doing a really good job of helping people to improve their communication.
Would it be possible for you / your team to upload a video on the website explaining the difference between if and whether ?
Also would it be possible for you / your team to provide me the list of most common used words in English (with their Past, Present and Future form) ?
Ronnie you are amazing, I love you pedagogy.
God bless you teacher and thank you very much this videos are very helpful.
ha ha ha ha i love you ,thank you a lot ,you ARE AWESOME ¡¡¡¡ good job ¡¡¡¡
ronnie is the best teacher
thanks teacher!!! very interesting.
hello Ronnie, I would like to know what the person should say after someone’s sneezing?
Your lesson are always interesting !
First Thanks for this lesson. it’s really awsome Second, what I noced is that the more you talk about sex or taboos the more we get involved. Third, I’d love to know when do women queef and why?
Hi Ronnie,
I loved the spontaneous way how you gave this lesson.
Only a curiosity: in my culture, if you sneeze, I should say:bless you!
Very very funny and useful teacher. In portuguese we don’t have a word that defines queef and shart.
I really enjoy your videos.
How do you say when someone have a bad smell in the mouth?
That’s called “bad breath”, or sometimes “morning breath” (because your mouth smells bad before you brush your teeth in the morning).
Teacher, another question, which the difference between say “excuse me” and “sorry” when I ask apologize? Are there any difference?
Ronnie!, you are funny. your lessons are usefull and enjoyables.
When someone speak, sing or talk in public and be out of tune…is there a word for that in slang?, in my dictionary i found ‘squawk’, (in México we say ‘gallo’), but how use its?, how to excuse it?
hey Ronnie u are the best, the expressions u make on the videos are awesome :)
A grate lesson! :) thank you!
Long ago i heared one more variation for the word “fart” – loud but harmless. is it also used? )
you are excellent.
I don’t know why, but I always yawn when I see you yawning… it’s funny… there must be an interesting scientific explanation…
You are a very good –and my favorite teacher– by the way!
very very fun. thank so much.Hey!! what the smell
lolsss…excellent video…congrat!!!
Thanks Ronnie. This lesson really cracks me up. It was soooo funny that I let one out.
I fart like 20 times a day. jajaja :P
Congratulations, Ronnie, you are a great teacher. Your classes are fun, dynamic and very useful for everyday life.
I want to answer what’s the difference between “sorry” and “excuse me”. Thank you very much for your answer
hi ronnie hope u are doing well so a have a question
fart and burp …. are regular or irregular verbs
thank you very much
cảm ơn vì đã cho tôi một bài học hay và bổ ích nhưng vagina là gì???
thanks for your wonderful lesson but what is the vagina????
The quiz of this lesson is a lot of fun!!
hahahahaha :)
U are great Ronnie , from your courage, thanks. I got 5 correct out of 6.
Great lesson!
I have no doubt about this lesson. Awesome.
Thank you very much.
OOhh now I know how it called.It is a queef.OMG I used a lot of words to describe it)Sound from vag.It doesn’t smell.But I feel it.Ahhaha it was a comedy.
everytime when i see u , you make me happy u r such agreat, sweet , kind , lovely teacher , keep going xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hello my great teacher! those words you explained i are verb so how we can write them as nouns?
I love your way :)
Crazy teacher <3
Thank you Ronnie
could you make a video about reserve a Ticket for vacation
Sometimes I ask myself. Why do people usually laugh when someone fart? That is the question.
Hi Ronnie )i got it )thx u a lot))u are the best teacher )
thanks ronnie , hayys 5/6 i have 1 mistake hmmm its ok not bad
This video may sound funny but very helpful. Thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for your lesson. You are so great.
simply awesome
take care
thanks for the lesson. I really appreciate it. Very useful.
One of the best videos :D
lol…i like your way of teaching,really awesome :D
my best teacher .. thank you Ronnie :)
Hi Ronnie mam,
Can you help me that is how can speak easy way. Can you advice to me/masum
Mm… very funny lesson நன்றி….(means “thanks”)
Ronnie,I like you,I love your teaching,thank you EngVid.Thank giga times!
Ronnie is the best and the funniest teacher ever
thank you
you ‘re my best teacher.. go on
please Ronnie, can you present some American slang expression
hi teacher Ronnei I am one of your students who interestes your lessons so I want you to teach me English ASAP
I wanna say that plz can u do a lesson on r words like how to pronounce it plz I need ur help.
Hi. Ronni , how to use : in time .on time .
in the end.on the end
Thanks a lot! I’m under the table from laughing) It needs courage to teach people such things and it wins my admiration.
You are really the best teacher I ever seen.
Awesome video.
Thank you very much, Ronnie…
I was watching this video at work)))) Just imagine :D
Thank you very much, Ronnie!
Is there any name for this uncontrollable action in which I feel something in my throat(& it’s not choking)and tears run down my cheeks, it normally last for some minutes and it happens sometimes when I am in an A/C room. There is one more uncontrollable action where after eating if I lie down in my bed, then suddenly some amount of food comes back to my mouth(it happens forcefully in human beings but naturally for cows!). And there is one more where if I try to drink water and for some reason if it goes to wrong pipe and the unbearable experience after that.Tell me if there is any word for these things. I tried searching it but couldn’t find anything, anyways we have words for these things in my own native language.
Hi Ronnie!
How is it called the noise that we sometimes can
hear in our stomach? Especially when we are hungry…
Thank you!
thank you ronnie,it was so funny and easy to learn
Thanks Ronnie you are a brave teacher
Your teaching drived me crazy. hahaha
After your explanation for the word “fart”, I could stop laughing at 2 am. d^^b
i loved the questions was very fun :))
I really enjoyed your lesson. Some words were out of my dictionary. Thanks Ronnie!
thanks ronnie
haha thankyou ronnie, great video!
love it!i laugh so hard)))) more videos like this please=)
Hello sur my english not right i am spoken english plz help me sur
thanks ronnie
please Mrs. Ronnie whats your full name?
Ronnie, you are so funny! This lesson as other lessons too was hilarious. I love your way if teaching! Thank you, dear Ronnie!
hii Ronnie,
thanks again for this usefull lesson, in my country, it is always have been said that whenever you had hiccups or start sneezing abruptly, then definately someone is missing you at that moment. latterly, one of my teachers had told me a few years before that whenever you got “hiccups”, just press your thumb with the middle finger of your hand and concerntrate on that force you have aplied on both of your hand thumbs, for 1 minute, and BOOM !!! hiccups are gone! :)
i also have used this trick manytimes when i get hicccups, and it works .
Great e so funny lesson! I loved it!
Great and very funny lesson! I loved it!
Thank you teacher for that lesson, it was fun.
awsome !!!
These are really good lessons and I liked it very much.
Queef was new to me, the word that is. I’m surprised you did not use another word to describe that action, namely pussy fart.
very great lesson thank you very much teacher
thanks alot sweet Ronnie ,ur lesson is really interesting and useful,i really enjoyed it.
thank you teacher it is amazing lesson, but I would like to refer for some of people doesn’t care if makes fart or burp due to it is normal in their countries
Hi ronnie, Is it correct to say I’m burping a lot these days?
Thanks you so much.
67 :(
thanks, Ronnie it was really fun lesson
I thought “poop” is a noun but I was wrong. It’s a verb.
I never heard someone queef…
“Poop” is both a noun and a verb! As a noun, it can be both countable and uncountable. E. g.:
– Would you touch a poop for $20?
– There’s dog poop all over the yard.
very nice in Brazil Shart says CAGUEI! kkkkkk
Thank you Ronnie. I have never enjoyed a class like this. It was very funny and helpful. You are really great.
Thank you Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie for this chapter
It’s a fun lesson.Thank you, Ronnie.
Thank you Ronie.You are a great teacher.
I like you.I like your way of teaching.
Thank you Ronnie
Very funny lesson. Thank You Ronnie
Great lesson, I enjoy your classes a lot.
Miss Ronnie,
You gave good knowledge to us.
Thanks for this and it was very interesting.
thanks for this lessons I was enjoyed it…
I’d like to know the name of the sound while a woman having sex…like sexually excitement
respond please!!!
I really have an entertaining time… it’s always a good time to learn English with queen Ronnie.
Hi ronnie
Nice lesson
Congratulation you are very assertive.
thank you
good teacher
Should you say – excuse me, when you throw up on somebody’s jacket?
THE BEST hahahahahaha
5/6! Good! This is a fun lesson! I learn some new words!
Ronny you are a genius and all the stuff help me every day to learn English. You can find a song on you tube very funny can help everyone how to pronounce the past of think, fart, burp and sorry. The title is.. I thought I fart but I sh*it. Excuse Me but the pronunciation is very important ?
Thank you for sharing this musical masterpiece. Here’s the link.
Thanks a bunch ❤️❤️
I really enjoy your lesson Ronnie even if I have a bad mood , just keep going?