Nice lesson Sir.Joh.. XD….your lecture was so clearly..
Congratulations on joining Engvid, John. I am looking forward to seeing more of your lessons.
Thank you Jon.
Could you please explain for us the difference between (Welcome on board) & (Welcome aboard) and where to use each?
Hi there, how are you and how about your teaching what subject you teach. i like to add you in skype my id is aman7en.
and this is mine saricy2 :)
A quite excellent video.I’ve learned something from this video.I hope he can make more great videos to teach us.
Franklin Ong
I’m glad you enjoyed it. What would you like to learn?
we would like to learn amarican slang language and tenses grammer
Could you, please, make a lesson about difference between “which” and “that”? It always confuses me. Thanks in advance.
Hi jon thanks for your lesson, i agree with milica it would be great learn about the usage of which and that.. thanks
i am interested in learning stress, accent, pronunciation of American English.I look forward to seeing lessons of them.
First of all welcome sir to engvid.glad to meet you dear sir try to teach us vocabulary and conversation sentences.
waheedullah Rahmani
waheedullah rahmani
Hey John, your videos are great and are now a part of my daily learning activity. Can you please do a video on the ‘th’ sounds and the like?
Welcome to the EngVid, Jon. Can’t wait for more your lessons :)
It was a pleasure.
Hey Jon,
If you can also have a video on syllable and word stress, it will be great. I intend to be an English trainer myself. Is their anything that you can suggest for me?
thanks jon u r cute btw! jejeje hope to see more often ….
It was very useful and interesting. Thank you very much! I am looking forward to seeing more of your lessons.
yhanks jon . i am glad to see one another intelligent teacher on engvid . hope you will make good lessons in the future
Jon,it was great really informative…i expect more lesson from u…
Thanks. If there is something in particular you would like to learn, just let me know.
Can you please teach us more slang ,
new teacher~~~^^
first of all welcome on engvid. the lesson was very informative and clear, glad to know about the uses of many Johans. Sir can you explain the difference between specially and especially and use of “let”. hope you will upload more lessons.
check this out :
are both explained in a nice way with examples.
ciao brother
According to Michael Swan, ‘especially’ and ‘specially’ can often both be used with the same meaning. For example, It was not (e)specially hot. Perhaps the most common use of especially is to express ‘above all’; for emphasis. For example, I like all kinds of fruit, especially pears. ‘especially’ often comes before prepositions and conjunctions. For example, We go swimming, especially in summer. ‘Specially’ with past participles – For example, These pants were specially made.
Thank you Jon, it´s really intersting to know about americans slangs.
You’re welcome. If you would like to learn something in particular, just let me know.
i would like sir.i always trying to learn english but i can’t learn better what should i do.can you help me to prove my english……
waheedullah rahmani
The lesson was great, but the writing is too small. Could you please write larger letters next time?
By the way, congratulations on joining EngVid!
I hope to see more lessons from you.
Thanks for comments. I will definitely write larger letters.
thanks our new engvid teacher mr.jon and i am asking u to work on slang a little bit like the many meanings of john but you must consider the following : enlarge ur font , speak with a simple confident voice >> , but overall ur awesome >>> good luck mister ….
Thank you for the feedback. I have heard that my writing is a bit small from others as well, so I will write bigger next time.
Intresting lesson. Thank you Jon!
jejejeje @ “a John” — I never heard it
Hi I am Sayed from Egypt and I want to talk with you if Iam lucky And I hope to be frienda its my mail please call me
Interesting lesson. Thank you!
You’re welcome!
funny and easy…:)))
I’m glad you found it amusing.
very interesting and funny lesson :) Tks Jon
I’m happy you liked it.
Jon, this is a nice lesson; I really enjoyed with it; your method of teaching is very high; keep on and bring more slangs please; I have problem with these slangs.
Thank you for the comment.
What type of slang would you like to learn?
hi. john…
i enjoyed ur teaching… i like u. u r so handsome.. muah
Great simplicity sir.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
I’m glad you enjoyed it.
your explaining is verry nice :))
seen that “there is nothing wrong with not knowing” I’d like to know what does “ESL” mean in the last transcript of the lesson (about John Hancock)and if these are American or English slangs. Thanks sooooooo much.
Hi Francesca,
‘ESL’ stands for English as a Second Language.
The lesson on the many Johns is mainly American slang, although I’m sure many people from the UK, Australia, and New Zealand will also know ‘A John’; ‘The John’; and ‘John Doe.’
its a funny lesson
thank you
Hello! I love your videos about slangs in Brazil we have many slangs about soccer do you have in english?
Marcelo Henrique
mr.jon u r too great .
im having doubt in “ever”
i mean , can v use “ever” in negative sentence .
if yes then do with some examples ….pls
No. We say I have NEVER eaten eggs. Or, I NEVER eat eggs. N+EVER = negative ever = Never. We use EVER “often” in present perfect questions. For example, Have you EVER eaten eggs?
thank a lot mr jon. i hope t had a lot of lesson from you, my teacher!
Hey Jon…
This is the first time I see u at this site. Are u new teacher…???
I’m gonna download your first video, might be it’s look verry nice.
by the way, do u hve FB…???
Thank you very muck mr.Jon
I have interested so so so much with your explaining and I am student in english department so please ,please and please give us more lessons to help us , I like your way of explain the lesson it was very clear and very simple and how I could be contact with you?
hello teacher
Hi dear Jon ! I just watched your lesson , it was nice … thank you for enjoying engvid . But I have one question for you : on your lesson you said : speak with and not speak to . Could you explain to me the diffrence between speak with and speak to ? once again thank you very much .
ricardo alessandro
Well done! I like it.
Jon – that lesson was just great! You presented it so well and I learned a couple of things that I didn’t know before! I’m looking forward to seeing you give more lessons on this website!
Your Aunty Joan
I really enjoyed in this lesson
thanQ Jon!
Rose Q
Hi John,
your videos are very useful for people learning English I appreciate for your efforts. please answer my questions?
1. I jumped up because he had advised me to do so (is this right usage of past perfect simple)I jumped up because he advised me to do o( is it any different from above statement)
2. My business was bad because I had no good knowledge ( is it right usage of simple past can I also say “my business was bad because I didn’t have good knowledge)
3. Before coming to India I had been in Australia for 2 years ( is this right usage of past perfect continuous)
4. I had been In Australia for 2 years before I came to India.
I had been in Australia for 2 years when I came to India( do these two statement convey same meaning.
Thank you very much for helping people through teaching English.
Dear Jon. how are you….nice lecture…. bt you must b thanks to GOD…u r jon nt the John heheheheeh lolzzzzz dnt mind m jst kidding
Please clear my doubts
1.She had been working before the summer begins (is it compulsory to use simple past after past perfect continuous or past perfect (summer began is simple past is it?or can I continue with summer begins)
2.I had been working before my trip or I had been working before I went to trip ( which of these two is correct). thank you very much.
1. Past perfect continuous can be thought of as the earliest time period in English. We often use it if we want to express that an action happened before another action. Yes, began is simple past.
2. Use the first one.
That’s a very sweet name, “John”.
But I like Jon too. It make the person different from the others.
Ha, sweet kidding alinkan123!
Woah! I had no idea, that you r a new teacher Jon! Did you join in this December? I joined today that’s- 26th Dec!
I like your teaching. Hope to see new videos from u.
nice explaination
Very funny lesson..thanks and welcome to EngVid!!!
nice lecture jon, moreover, good thing ur not john ur jon
Thank you, Jon!
Very cool useful and funny lesson!
If you don’t mind I have a question for you. I have a very good book “Speak English like an American” by Amy Gillett (2004). The book is rather useful, but I am afraid that there are many idioms you don’t use anymore and they sound very weird or old-fashioned. I mean expressiona like give smb. an axe, dead-end job, go belly-up, get canned, keep one’s chin up, live from hand to mouth, to be on thin ice etc.
So my question is how can I be sure that these expression are used in modern English, since I live neither in USA nor Canada.
Thank you!
‘I got axed’ is the same as I got fired from a job. ‘Dead-end job’ is a very boring job where there is no opportunity to grow. ‘Keep one’s chin up’ means to stay positive. ‘Live from hand to mouth’ means to live with very little. ‘To be on thin ice’ is being in a precarious situation (trouble). These are all quite common expressions, so feel free to use them as you wish.
so good keep up
Hey Jon,
Cool vid – hope you’ll make some more?
I have a request, and I would like to know if you (or other teachers on the engVid-crew) could make a video about adverbs/adjectives. When to use adverbs and when to use adjectives and why?? I think many students are having difficulties with this subject, so I would really appreciate such videos. Thx ;)
I have a few examples if you don’t quite know what I’m talking about:
John eats his food extreme(ly) quick(ly).
Hi Jon I’m so glad you’ve joined to ENGVID team:)
Your lesson was great.
I’m looking forward to seeing more ones.
Hi, Jon your lesson is great. I saw a film and have phrase “Bite me” could you explain what does it mean for me? Thank you very much and hope for more lessons from you.
‘Bite me’ is very rude and should be used in very informal situations. I might say this jokingly to my friends when they are bothering me or very aggressively to someone who is really bothering me. ‘Bite me’ can be interchanged with ‘eat me’. The actual translation would be asking one to eat your private parts.
Thank you very much jon :). you are the best jon
I like it
hani abdulkarim
it was a really a new iformation !!!
thanks jon
thanks dear Jon it’s really helpful
thank you for help my english and you are really good at teach the english!! well done Jon!!
Allen walker kwon
one of the best videos of engvid.. thanks.
very nice lessons thanks for that
Thank you for your lesson, Jon. It is helpful.
Now, tell me pleas – “stroll on” – means go away from here? For example -“stroll on and improve your English” Looking forward to hear your comments. Thank you from Russia.
“Stroll on” means to “move on.” To stroll or go for a stroll means to walk at a relaxed pace. For me, stroll is usually used in this way – “Let’s go for a stroll.”
Many thanks for your comments,Jon. You and your team are doing a very good thing, helping people all over the world with the English language.
All the best,
thanks, jon
thanks… grazie john….ciao
hi there…i got 100%….thanks Jon it’s really helpful…i would like learn more slang’s could teach me more….
Hi there, how are you? i would like to add you in my skype and my id is aman7en. And if you like to give me your any IM id.
this is very helpful cos I can caht with my pals well when we are hangout… cool!!!!
thanks Mr. Jon for this nice lesson ,, i really enjoyed it .
by the way i want to know mor about the use of LET & MAKE in sentences i find them a little bit confusing .
thanks again :)
Excellent lesson.Thank you Mr John.
sir i want to learn basic english.tense are a good teacher….
Deepak kumar
Hi it was very good. but if you write a little bigger it is better. our writing is very small so it is difficult for seeing.
thank you for your class.
I did’nt listen to Engvid for several days and I’m happy to discover a new teacher. Very interesting items. Thanks a lot.
I’m looking forward to the following lessons.
Best regards.
Are you really Jon?
It’s a joke:)
But is not a joke that I have just learned a lot of meaning of “John” which is quite common name in my country that I didn’t know before.
Thank you Jon!
thank you for your leeson it is very interiseting .
Thank you very much for the great lesson.I liked a lot.
by the way I loved your voice, it’s loud I mean clear, I hope you will add more and more lessons.
hello sir this lesson is good rlz teach us about preposition becouse i am all the tim e confuse them . thanks
i just have an english exam, there was a question confused me pretty much would be appreciated if you can explain this to me
…… should follow a well-balanced and low-fat diet.
(a) diabetics (b) diabetic (c) diabetes (d) diabete (e) type 2 diabetes
how could i distinguish between singular and plural form in such a situation like that?
or this is not necessary at all?
Thank you in advance John for all the effort you’ve made (it’s MAKE isn’t it) lol,
thank you Jon, you are so funny and i like your lectuers so much
hiii…..the john …dont worry iam just joking…i appriciate cos of fetching a nice teachers such as jon….
thank you! it is very interesting.
Thanks mr. Jon.Your lesson was very helpful to me.
Thanks a lot
namaste(hello) jon,
nice lesson jon
can u teach mathematics?
It was interesting lesson.Could u pls teach about the use of “would” “could” “might” or “might be” difference b/w “may be” and “might be”.I’ll be thankful.
Jon, you are a very good teacher=) I love this lesson, it’s pretty cool!
In our native language.. we can say “chhotu, raju, pappu” :)
This is a funny lesson, something you won’t find in books. Thanks.
Hey there, Brilliant. I have been teaching now for 13 years in Germany and come from Toronto. My wife and I cannot get over our similarities. Gesture,appearance and expression. Keep u the good work!!
hey jon, youn are great.Thank you so much man.
Hi Jon. Thank you for really informative lesson. I have trouble with building sentence in Past Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous. Could you do video-lesson about it please. With respect to you. Natalie
Here is the sentence. “I had been living in Moscow before i lived in Petersburg.” Is it correct way to say? Thanks an advance for answering, Jon.
you have to say. I had lived in Moscow before I lived in (moved to)St. Petersburg. continuous forms refer to the process!..when you say that one action took place prior to other one and it’s just a fact USE PAST PERFECT!
Thank you very much! It is really very interesting!
I’ll send this video my boyfriend. His name is John :)
The very interesting lesson.
Thank You
thanks mr.jon
just jon^_*
thanks Jon ^^
Hi Jon,
thanks for your simple way to learn us
you have gift you good
Wow! I’ve known about only one of these Jones so far! Thanks a lot!
Thanks , I have enjoyed the lesson.
All the lesson. Thank you again :)
what is the difference between Jon and John…I’ve never heard of such a name, JON.
thanks alot
Eng Moahemd
Thank you my friend Jon. I’ve heard the lesson and you explain very clearly and I can understand very well
sir jon, thanks a lot for the clear as a bell topic. Looking forward for more slang lessons.
Excuse me Mr. Jon
It’s really an interesting topic I was afraid of learning slag but now I determine to learn it . Anyway I would like to ask you about something which relayed to pronunciation which is what is the different between long a sound such as bay and long i sound such as spy because I think they are same in pronunciation
Thank you so much
Could you please give us some lessons about proverb because I found most of them are difficult to understand it
hey please put your john hancock here.whaaaaaaaaaatt?…your name sir…oh ok…just a min i have to go to the john…by the way whats your name?its john.0.o
thank you kindly
you’r amazing man.we need more
take care
Very good, I´ve never seen this expressios be
wonderful and so funny.
shayma EL
Lol jon u make me laugh.
shayma EL
Please, I have a question on this subject a bit
Happened to me a misunderstanding with my teacher and I want to know is all the teachers know the slang words? such as you explained on this lessons .what I wrote on my table glass is ,( I hate john doe that is unknow)
and i think she is read it plus she think i mean her ,but i’m not sure. so does any teacher know slang in English??
shayma EL
I am sure many teachers know quite a bit, although a teacher cannot know everything. Thanks for your interest.
hello mr Jon
how are you?
thanks for your lessons
but please put more lessons in english
please ….
I am fine. More lessons are coming soon. I think they should be up by Monday.
Thank you Mr. Jon I really understand your lesson.
lool Jon is very active teacher but i wanna joyed lesson of Jon
Hello mr Jon
many thanks for your lessons because i learned more things of yourclasses in this videos.
best regards
Tanks teacher Jon. Lily from Brazil
hlo,,,, mr jon,,,,u can add another john in your slang now….Jon means a good teacher,,,,,(lol)anyway, can u give us more English slang words….Vinz from Philippines
I will, thanks!
really , really so nice , it’s first time enter this website [engvid] but really exteremly gorgeous thank u john so much u r talanted man god bless u , finally sorry cause my english isn’t good but iam here to learn
Thank you, Jon! It was very interesting!
a another slang for john is “jon means king of English slang” lol,,, ur nice sir.
well I dont actually like the use of ” the John” to refer to something bad
since the actual noun refers to a prophet sent by god,
this noun should refer to graves, goodies, high minded and educated objects instead of connecting it to place that is highly forbidden
thanks any way
nice slams, thanks you. it was very helpfull to me.
Congratulations Jon, your lessons are very interesting, it’s very good to helping my English. Thanks
Luís Fernando
Thank you, Jon!
u’r great!
Hello Jon. Thanks for the interesting and practical lessons.
Could you make lessons about ” have him/her call”, “make up” the meanings and when should use?
“Have him/her call me” is used often in an office, basically just requesting that that person calls me, perhaps to set up an appointment. To make up, means to resolve an arguement often in a relationship.
sir give the lesson of let …how is it use in different way……..??????
mahesh dadhich
Ho Jon , Interesting to know about some Johns. Really funny and informative as well. Thanks
you are the best jon..:) thanx for this funny and informative lesson..really i enjoyed it
thank you jon Jon
10X I like ur lessons especially the slangs 1s
Thanks “Jon” very good lesson, I would like other lesson like that… you know despite I speak Spanish and have no long time learning… I can understand you and this is wonderful to me! THanks..:)
hi again.. You know what?it would be pretty good if you do a conversation : you and other person of your teacher´s team….
We have actually been thinking about that. I would like to do this, but we just need to organize our schedules.
Hi jon, This a great lesson about slang. i,m looking forward to seeing more lesson from you,about american slang..Thank u jon.
hi jon, i am suja from india, pls clear my doubt, i want to improve my english pronunciation and fluency, can u help me? pls tell me the simple ways…..
thanks for that exciting lesson sir jon. here in the philippines instead of John Doe we use Juan dela Cruz..
That’s cool. That sounds spanish, is it?
I had learned many usefull slang words.
So, thank you for you providing that informations.
you’re right sir. Spain invaded the Philippines for along time ;)
hello jon. thank you for your lessons. can you please make more vids about slang.proverbs would be nice too. keep up the good works:-)
Thanks,it is very useful information
you were amazing with all your lessons , how can i get on all your lessons not just the free one
tamam alshibe
That was a quite lesson on Jonh words.
I haven´t know these meaning….. But now it´s cear, God bless you. You should give a lesson on words used in the airport.
Jon, jst tell me dat how does it comes into ur mind about this topis, coz of ur name or smthng else???
Mazhar Khattak
9nce i have enjoyed
i can’t thank you enough
hey jon how are you doing i’m really appreciate what are you doing to help us any way thank you verey much but i have a question for you what does it mean ESL acutely i saw it many times and o tried to figured out , and i stil don’t know what it means by
Thanks The John! :p
I like you lessons so much! Now my vocabylary is much better!Specials Thank for you ideoms!)) ta-ta for now)))
Any Russia
Dear Jon,
what follows has nothing to do with your last lesson. I wonder if you could help me anyway.
When talking about school rules is it better to use MUST or HAVE TO?
For example:
Students must do their homework. / Students have to do their homework.
Students must be on time. / Students have to be on time.
Students must turn off their mobiles. / Students have to turn off their mobile.
Could you help me, please?
And what about speaking in the first person?
Should I use MUST or HAVE TO?
I must wear a uniform or I have to wear a uniform?
Thanks a lot.
I know this rule.
Right answers are:
Students have to do their homework.
Students have to be on time.
Students have to turn off their mobile.
I have to wear a uniform?
When you use “must”, for example, “I must stop smoking” you mean it`s YOUR desire. And when you say:”I have to stop smoking” you mean that somebody, for example, a doctor, makes you, orders you to do it.
thank you jon and to all other teachers.
great lesson i love it soo much
Thank you very much .. all info you say them are completely new to me.
that was the very first time I heard was realy interesting.I love way of you teach! I just remember the slangs you toch.thanks sir.
I realy enjoyed the lesson.that was interesting.thanks sir!
thank teacher,it is a great lesson, after ur lesson i can use it flexibly
thanks alot
thankx a lot Jon….it was really helpful….
Congratulations.The lessons are excellent and the choice of topics couldn’t be any better.
Robert Santos
I did like very much of this lesson. I would like to make a sugestion for all teacher: use more times pictures like at this video. It help the understanding of the students.
I heve too a question: in the USA and even Canada its a crim to have sex with a prostitute?
You’ll have to ask your congressman about that. Most of them should have a good idea.
I didnt undestand the answer. In the Brazil, where I live, not is a crime have sexy with a prostitute but is a crime explore or to have a local to offer this services. What I would like to know is if is a crime in the USA and Canada offer sexy for money.
sevdiye kuzu
thanx a lot jon to help us learn more
thanx for helping us with the best regards
Hi Jon,
And what about a situation like this: John Doe works in an office, his assistant calls him and says: “A John is waiting for you in the hall”. What she means is that she doesn’t know the guy, or the guy did not tell much about himself, or something like “tell John Doe that John is here, he should know”.
In this funny situation “A John” is just the person we don’t know much about (no idioms, just grammar). Would the situation be embarrasing? :)
this site is pretty worth to me.. thanks to all teachers..
thanks for u lesson it,s really helpful :)
dear, mr john i like the way you speak english very clear and loud. thank you
Hello, Mr Jon. Please, could you answer my question. What do these slang words mean: “chin wag”, “ba-donka-donk”, “shawty”, “the Olive garden”, “boo-yah”???
“Chin wag” – shaking your chin, like shaking your head.
“Badonkadonk” – a big, curvy butt.
“Shawty” – a young woman, especially when talking about a friend or girlfriend.
“The Olive Garden” – a chain of Italian restaurants in North America.
“Boo-yah” – an exclamation you use when you’re really happy about something, especially if you’ve won something.
thank u for lesson I want ask u question how can I write a pargraph
Nice lesson jon
I’m so glad. Tks. teacher Jon. Lily from Brazil
thanks …… i have one question :
in the slang the people make many mistakes grammatically,,,,, please tell is that happening always and why they do that
hi! Jon. great lesson. Can I be one of your student?That will make me so happy!
useful one :):):)
wow u are great
very useful,thanks
Hi.Thanks JON The Lesson very great.I am very interesting these lesson.
Best Regard.
Hello.I am a new student. I liked this lesson very much.thanks a lot.I think without your lesson,I wouldn’t have understand anything,about”John”.great job. I am looking forward another lessons.p
My first name is John.My buddies are always making fun of it.It’not to cool to have the same name as a toilet.Jon, does it bother you to have the same name, as a toilet?I guess I never asked a Jon/John before. Just curious.
Nice lesson. Thanks Jon so much!
So good,keep up 2 good work!!!
hahaha that’s funny hahah! I’m from Brazil, São Paulo. I met a friend from England here in Brazil and I said: Aaa john!( in Brazil we like to say “aaa Bruno, aaa David…” same to say: oow no Jon, but I didn’t know that it was so different form. haha. I hope he did not understand my speech otherwise. Thanks John! hahaha I’ll be more careful next time.
Bruno Almeida
it was a good one and I realy enjoy to learn with you
thank you so much jon ^__^
I really like this lesson, you see I would like to learn a little more about this kind of slangs, since I am an English teacher in Mexico, and well I have some problems with them. Anyway, great lessons, congrats!
interesting lesson I didn’t know that expressions in english. Thank you.
sir its good enough.
Thank you for your lessons. They are always funny and full of interesting and useful information about slang, grammar and culture. I enjoy watching these videos. It’s a real pleasure:)
thank you so much teacher Jon i’am grateful all your lessons are really interesting and amazing thank you iam just waiting for more lessons
Jon, thank very much the class it’s very helpful and thank a lotttttttttt.
What about John holm.
Cuong ta
thank u!
Trung béo
Nice! thank u!
Trung béo
I was surprised at “the John” as another name of a toilet. This video is very useful and fun to know. Thank you.
thank you so much
You know mister Jon, you are so cool, and i want to lern why same person can begin technical english language
It’s actually a cool and useful piece of info. I’m satisfied that you simply shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
marrakech tours
really nice can i have your time for me as i need
some help in writing a special letter.
superb!u increased my G.K. ABOUT jOHNS
thnx Jon, it’s very interesting lesson, i want more slang lessons from you, i like your lessons.
thanks jon this informations can be very useful especially when we go to abroad
I like this video.Jon,Thank you so much!
i like it really u amazing
Thanx that was useful!keep it up! :)
thanks a lot. this lesson is so exciting.
hi john . i don,t like a john as natural in my self. every day people must go to the john at least one time. john hankok is vary in people . thanks john for this excitng lesson.
A very interesting lesson, thanks Jon!
Hi Jon. It was a great lesson. Thanks. :)
it was great lesson jon!
Interesting !! Thanks a lot Mr Jon!
thank jon i got 100..
Thank you very much
It’s a great lesson, thank you so much, Jon :) You raise my motivation to improve my English. I will be very appreciate if you please can let me know how to contact with you….
Jon,U were perfect in this class.U Put your Jonh Hancock!
Thank you sir.
Thank you
Jane Doe is used when the non-known person is a woman. Thanks for your lesson Jon.
And Baby Doe for a baby! Believe me; it is in Wikipedia. xD
Can anyone say, what does ESL mean? )
So, we can say: “I need your John Hancock in this document.” ??? Thank you Jon!
Caroline Pires Ayala
Yes, that’s correct!
Now i know, thank you jon.
Sleeping is okay. Other stuff depends on the country you’re in.
100% legal mark
thank you jon… love this lesson… i can know new meaning in one word…
Norain md yaman
I just loved your lesson. Just one question:
when you refer to the John as the toilet, do we
use a capital letter or a small letter?
(I wrote with a capital letter because of your
Thanks in advance.
What does”your comment is waiting to be approved
by Engvid” mean?????????????
I’ve been studying and learnig A LOT with the
Engvid site.
The teachers are great.I truly love the lessons!
Hi! If you haven’t commented before, or if our system flags your comment as spam, it won’t get published automatically; I need to make sure it’s okay first.
You should be fine now. Some things that get comments automatically sent to moderation are posting a lot of comments in a short time span, or posting the same comment over and over.
engVid Moderator
Thank you!
Now about my question, do you think I’ll have
my doubt cleared out sometime this month?
Lessons about the slang are always interesting. This lesson isn’t an exception. Thanks!
amazing lesson about the slang!
easy but usefull.
Mohsen Barati
This was a very curious lesson! Thanks John!
Isaias Menezes Silva
It was intersting. Thanks!
Virginia Paes
Interesting lesson. Thank you.
I’ve learned something from lesson.It was beatıful and ınterestıng lesson
Good job Jon
good lesson though ^^ Jon, not a john, and not the john. You are just a good teacher Jon.
I’m Micky, not a mickey ^^
we have something in common though~
good to know you, Jon! See ya~
Minsu Park
I may have missed this in comments, but as a John myself, there is one bummer of a usage – Dear John, which referred to letters guys received from their wife/girlfriend letting them know that it was all over. Maybe outdated-I haven’t heard of Dear John emails or texts.
Nice video :)
thanks, interesting..
Amin Naser
4/4 Thank you, Jon
Sunny Muffin
Thanks Jon,
a nice and simple lesson
Thank you Jon, very good lesson
Hi Jon, I´m John Doe, nice to meet you! LOL! Thank you for the lesson!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank you jon
thanks jon , i have enjoyed with the lesson.
Nice lesson Sir.Joh.. XD….your lecture was so clearly..
Congratulations on joining Engvid, John. I am looking forward to seeing more of your lessons.
Thank you Jon.
Could you please explain for us the difference between (Welcome on board) & (Welcome aboard) and where to use each?
Hi there, how are you and how about your teaching what subject you teach. i like to add you in skype my id is aman7en.
and this is mine saricy2 :)
A quite excellent video.I’ve learned something from this video.I hope he can make more great videos to teach us.
I’m glad you enjoyed it. What would you like to learn?
we would like to learn amarican slang language and tenses grammer
Could you, please, make a lesson about difference between “which” and “that”? It always confuses me. Thanks in advance.
Hi jon thanks for your lesson, i agree with milica it would be great learn about the usage of which and that.. thanks
i am interested in learning stress, accent, pronunciation of American English.I look forward to seeing lessons of them.
First of all welcome sir to engvid.glad to meet you dear sir try to teach us vocabulary and conversation sentences.
waheedullah Rahmani
Hey John, your videos are great and are now a part of my daily learning activity. Can you please do a video on the ‘th’ sounds and the like?
Welcome to the EngVid, Jon. Can’t wait for more your lessons :)
It was a pleasure.
Hey Jon,
If you can also have a video on syllable and word stress, it will be great. I intend to be an English trainer myself. Is their anything that you can suggest for me?
thanks jon u r cute btw! jejeje hope to see more often ….
It was very useful and interesting. Thank you very much! I am looking forward to seeing more of your lessons.
yhanks jon . i am glad to see one another intelligent teacher on engvid . hope you will make good lessons in the future
Jon,it was great really informative…i expect more lesson from u…
Thanks. If there is something in particular you would like to learn, just let me know.
Can you please teach us more slang ,
new teacher~~~^^
first of all welcome on engvid. the lesson was very informative and clear, glad to know about the uses of many Johans. Sir can you explain the difference between specially and especially and use of “let”. hope you will upload more lessons.
check this out :
are both explained in a nice way with examples.
ciao brother
According to Michael Swan, ‘especially’ and ‘specially’ can often both be used with the same meaning. For example, It was not (e)specially hot. Perhaps the most common use of especially is to express ‘above all’; for emphasis. For example, I like all kinds of fruit, especially pears. ‘especially’ often comes before prepositions and conjunctions. For example, We go swimming, especially in summer. ‘Specially’ with past participles – For example, These pants were specially made.
Thank you Jon, it´s really intersting to know about americans slangs.
You’re welcome. If you would like to learn something in particular, just let me know.
i would like sir.i always trying to learn english but i can’t learn better what should i do.can you help me to prove my english……
The lesson was great, but the writing is too small. Could you please write larger letters next time?
By the way, congratulations on joining EngVid!
I hope to see more lessons from you.
Thanks for comments. I will definitely write larger letters.
thanks our new engvid teacher mr.jon and i am asking u to work on slang a little bit like the many meanings of john but you must consider the following : enlarge ur font , speak with a simple confident voice >> , but overall ur awesome >>> good luck mister ….
Thank you for the feedback. I have heard that my writing is a bit small from others as well, so I will write bigger next time.
Intresting lesson. Thank you Jon!
jejejeje @ “a John” — I never heard it
Hi I am Sayed from Egypt and I want to talk with you if Iam lucky And I hope to be frienda its my mail please call me
Interesting lesson. Thank you!
You’re welcome!
funny and easy…:)))
I’m glad you found it amusing.
very interesting and funny lesson :) Tks Jon
I’m happy you liked it.
Jon, this is a nice lesson; I really enjoyed with it; your method of teaching is very high; keep on and bring more slangs please; I have problem with these slangs.
Thank you for the comment.
What type of slang would you like to learn?
hi. john…
i enjoyed ur teaching… i like u. u r so handsome.. muah
Great simplicity sir.
Thank you very much for this lesson.
I’m glad you enjoyed it.
your explaining is verry nice :))
seen that “there is nothing wrong with not knowing” I’d like to know what does “ESL” mean in the last transcript of the lesson (about John Hancock)and if these are American or English slangs. Thanks sooooooo much.
Hi Francesca,
‘ESL’ stands for English as a Second Language.
The lesson on the many Johns is mainly American slang, although I’m sure many people from the UK, Australia, and New Zealand will also know ‘A John’; ‘The John’; and ‘John Doe.’
its a funny lesson
thank you
Hello! I love your videos about slangs in Brazil we have many slangs about soccer do you have in english?
mr.jon u r too great .
im having doubt in “ever”
i mean , can v use “ever” in negative sentence .
if yes then do with some examples ….pls
No. We say I have NEVER eaten eggs. Or, I NEVER eat eggs. N+EVER = negative ever = Never. We use EVER “often” in present perfect questions. For example, Have you EVER eaten eggs?
thank a lot mr jon. i hope t had a lot of lesson from you, my teacher!
Hey Jon…
This is the first time I see u at this site. Are u new teacher…???
I’m gonna download your first video, might be it’s look verry nice.
by the way, do u hve FB…???
Thank you very muck mr.Jon
I have interested so so so much with your explaining and I am student in english department so please ,please and please give us more lessons to help us , I like your way of explain the lesson it was very clear and very simple and how I could be contact with you?
hello teacher
Hi dear Jon ! I just watched your lesson , it was nice … thank you for enjoying engvid . But I have one question for you : on your lesson you said : speak with and not speak to . Could you explain to me the diffrence between speak with and speak to ? once again thank you very much .
Well done! I like it.
Jon – that lesson was just great! You presented it so well and I learned a couple of things that I didn’t know before! I’m looking forward to seeing you give more lessons on this website!
I really enjoyed in this lesson
thanQ Jon!
Hi John,
your videos are very useful for people learning English I appreciate for your efforts. please answer my questions?
1. I jumped up because he had advised me to do so (is this right usage of past perfect simple)I jumped up because he advised me to do o( is it any different from above statement)
2. My business was bad because I had no good knowledge ( is it right usage of simple past can I also say “my business was bad because I didn’t have good knowledge)
3. Before coming to India I had been in Australia for 2 years ( is this right usage of past perfect continuous)
4. I had been In Australia for 2 years before I came to India.
I had been in Australia for 2 years when I came to India( do these two statement convey same meaning.
Thank you very much for helping people through teaching English.
Dear Jon. how are you….nice lecture…. bt you must b thanks to GOD…u r jon nt the John heheheheeh lolzzzzz dnt mind m jst kidding
Please clear my doubts
1.She had been working before the summer begins (is it compulsory to use simple past after past perfect continuous or past perfect (summer began is simple past is it?or can I continue with summer begins)
2.I had been working before my trip or I had been working before I went to trip ( which of these two is correct). thank you very much.
1. Past perfect continuous can be thought of as the earliest time period in English. We often use it if we want to express that an action happened before another action. Yes, began is simple past.
2. Use the first one.
That’s a very sweet name, “John”.
But I like Jon too. It make the person different from the others.
Ha, sweet kidding alinkan123!
Woah! I had no idea, that you r a new teacher Jon! Did you join in this December? I joined today that’s- 26th Dec!
I like your teaching. Hope to see new videos from u.
nice explaination
Very funny lesson..thanks and welcome to EngVid!!!
nice lecture jon, moreover, good thing ur not john ur jon
Thank you, Jon!
Very cool useful and funny lesson!
If you don’t mind I have a question for you. I have a very good book “Speak English like an American” by Amy Gillett (2004). The book is rather useful, but I am afraid that there are many idioms you don’t use anymore and they sound very weird or old-fashioned. I mean expressiona like give smb. an axe, dead-end job, go belly-up, get canned, keep one’s chin up, live from hand to mouth, to be on thin ice etc.
So my question is how can I be sure that these expression are used in modern English, since I live neither in USA nor Canada.
Thank you!
‘I got axed’ is the same as I got fired from a job. ‘Dead-end job’ is a very boring job where there is no opportunity to grow. ‘Keep one’s chin up’ means to stay positive. ‘Live from hand to mouth’ means to live with very little. ‘To be on thin ice’ is being in a precarious situation (trouble). These are all quite common expressions, so feel free to use them as you wish.
so good keep up
Hey Jon,
Cool vid – hope you’ll make some more?
I have a request, and I would like to know if you (or other teachers on the engVid-crew) could make a video about adverbs/adjectives. When to use adverbs and when to use adjectives and why?? I think many students are having difficulties with this subject, so I would really appreciate such videos. Thx ;)
I have a few examples if you don’t quite know what I’m talking about:
John eats his food extreme(ly) quick(ly).
Hi Jon I’m so glad you’ve joined to ENGVID team:)
Your lesson was great.
I’m looking forward to seeing more ones.
Hi, Jon your lesson is great. I saw a film and have phrase “Bite me” could you explain what does it mean for me? Thank you very much and hope for more lessons from you.
‘Bite me’ is very rude and should be used in very informal situations. I might say this jokingly to my friends when they are bothering me or very aggressively to someone who is really bothering me. ‘Bite me’ can be interchanged with ‘eat me’. The actual translation would be asking one to eat your private parts.
Thank you very much jon :). you are the best jon
I like it
it was a really a new iformation !!!
thanks jon
thanks dear Jon it’s really helpful
thank you for help my english and you are really good at teach the english!! well done Jon!!
one of the best videos of engvid.. thanks.
very nice lessons thanks for that
Thank you for your lesson, Jon. It is helpful.
Now, tell me pleas – “stroll on” – means go away from here? For example -“stroll on and improve your English” Looking forward to hear your comments. Thank you from Russia.
“Stroll on” means to “move on.” To stroll or go for a stroll means to walk at a relaxed pace. For me, stroll is usually used in this way – “Let’s go for a stroll.”
Many thanks for your comments,Jon. You and your team are doing a very good thing, helping people all over the world with the English language.
All the best,
thanks, jon
thanks… grazie john….ciao
hi there…i got 100%….thanks Jon it’s really helpful…i would like learn more slang’s could teach me more….
Hi there, how are you? i would like to add you in my skype and my id is aman7en. And if you like to give me your any IM id.
this is very helpful cos I can caht with my pals well when we are hangout… cool!!!!
thanks Mr. Jon for this nice lesson ,, i really enjoyed it .
by the way i want to know mor about the use of LET & MAKE in sentences i find them a little bit confusing .
thanks again :)
Excellent lesson.Thank you Mr John.
sir i want to learn basic english.tense are a good teacher….
Hi it was very good. but if you write a little bigger it is better. our writing is very small so it is difficult for seeing.
thank you for your class.
I did’nt listen to Engvid for several days and I’m happy to discover a new teacher. Very interesting items. Thanks a lot.
I’m looking forward to the following lessons.
Best regards.
Are you really Jon?
It’s a joke:)
But is not a joke that I have just learned a lot of meaning of “John” which is quite common name in my country that I didn’t know before.
Thank you Jon!
thank you for your leeson it is very interiseting .
Thank you very much for the great lesson.I liked a lot.
by the way I loved your voice, it’s loud I mean clear, I hope you will add more and more lessons.
hello sir this lesson is good rlz teach us about preposition becouse i am all the tim e confuse them . thanks
i just have an english exam, there was a question confused me pretty much would be appreciated if you can explain this to me
…… should follow a well-balanced and low-fat diet.
(a) diabetics (b) diabetic (c) diabetes (d) diabete (e) type 2 diabetes
how could i distinguish between singular and plural form in such a situation like that?
or this is not necessary at all?
Thank you in advance John for all the effort you’ve made (it’s MAKE isn’t it) lol,
thank you Jon, you are so funny and i like your lectuers so much
hiii…..the john …dont worry iam just joking…i appriciate cos of fetching a nice teachers such as jon….
thank you! it is very interesting.
Thanks mr. Jon.Your lesson was very helpful to me.
Thanks a lot
namaste(hello) jon,
nice lesson jon
can u teach mathematics?
It was interesting lesson.Could u pls teach about the use of “would” “could” “might” or “might be” difference b/w “may be” and “might be”.I’ll be thankful.
Jon, you are a very good teacher=) I love this lesson, it’s pretty cool!
In our native language.. we can say “chhotu, raju, pappu” :)
This is a funny lesson, something you won’t find in books. Thanks.
Hey there, Brilliant. I have been teaching now for 13 years in Germany and come from Toronto. My wife and I cannot get over our similarities. Gesture,appearance and expression. Keep u the good work!!
hey jon, youn are great.Thank you so much man.
Hi Jon. Thank you for really informative lesson. I have trouble with building sentence in Past Perfect Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous. Could you do video-lesson about it please. With respect to you. Natalie
Here is the sentence. “I had been living in Moscow before i lived in Petersburg.” Is it correct way to say? Thanks an advance for answering, Jon.
you have to say. I had lived in Moscow before I lived in (moved to)St. Petersburg. continuous forms refer to the process!..when you say that one action took place prior to other one and it’s just a fact USE PAST PERFECT!
Thank you very much! It is really very interesting!
I’ll send this video my boyfriend. His name is John :)
The very interesting lesson.
Thank You
thanks mr.jon
just jon^_*
thanks Jon ^^
Hi Jon,
thanks for your simple way to learn us
you have gift you good
Wow! I’ve known about only one of these Jones so far! Thanks a lot!
Thanks , I have enjoyed the lesson.
All the lesson. Thank you again :)
what is the difference between Jon and John…I’ve never heard of such a name, JON.
thanks alot
Thank you my friend Jon. I’ve heard the lesson and you explain very clearly and I can understand very well
sir jon, thanks a lot for the clear as a bell topic. Looking forward for more slang lessons.
Excuse me Mr. Jon
It’s really an interesting topic I was afraid of learning slag but now I determine to learn it . Anyway I would like to ask you about something which relayed to pronunciation which is what is the different between long a sound such as bay and long i sound such as spy because I think they are same in pronunciation
Thank you so much
Could you please give us some lessons about proverb because I found most of them are difficult to understand it
hey please put your john hancock here.whaaaaaaaaaatt?…your name sir…oh ok…just a min i have to go to the john…by the way whats your name?its john.0.o
thank you kindly
you’r amazing man.we need more
take care
Very good, I´ve never seen this expressios be
wonderful and so funny.
Lol jon u make me laugh.
Please, I have a question on this subject a bit
Happened to me a misunderstanding with my teacher and I want to know is all the teachers know the slang words? such as you explained on this lessons .what I wrote on my table glass is ,( I hate john doe that is unknow)
and i think she is read it plus she think i mean her ,but i’m not sure. so does any teacher know slang in English??
I am sure many teachers know quite a bit, although a teacher cannot know everything. Thanks for your interest.
hello mr Jon
how are you?
thanks for your lessons
but please put more lessons in english
please ….
I am fine. More lessons are coming soon. I think they should be up by Monday.
Thank you Mr. Jon I really understand your lesson.
lool Jon is very active teacher but i wanna joyed lesson of Jon
Hello mr Jon
many thanks for your lessons because i learned more things of yourclasses in this videos.
best regards
Tanks teacher Jon. Lily from Brazil
hlo,,,, mr jon,,,,u can add another john in your slang now….Jon means a good teacher,,,,,(lol)anyway, can u give us more English slang words….Vinz from Philippines
I will, thanks!
really , really so nice , it’s first time enter this website [engvid] but really exteremly gorgeous thank u john so much u r talanted man god bless u , finally sorry cause my english isn’t good but iam here to learn
Thank you, Jon! It was very interesting!
a another slang for john is “jon means king of English slang” lol,,, ur nice sir.
well I dont actually like the use of ” the John” to refer to something bad
since the actual noun refers to a prophet sent by god,
this noun should refer to graves, goodies, high minded and educated objects instead of connecting it to place that is highly forbidden
thanks any way
nice slams, thanks you. it was very helpfull to me.
Congratulations Jon, your lessons are very interesting, it’s very good to helping my English. Thanks
Thank you, Jon!
u’r great!
Hello Jon. Thanks for the interesting and practical lessons.
Could you make lessons about ” have him/her call”, “make up” the meanings and when should use?
“Have him/her call me” is used often in an office, basically just requesting that that person calls me, perhaps to set up an appointment. To make up, means to resolve an arguement often in a relationship.
sir give the lesson of let …how is it use in different way……..??????
Ho Jon , Interesting to know about some Johns. Really funny and informative as well. Thanks
you are the best jon..:) thanx for this funny and informative lesson..really i enjoyed it
thank you jon Jon
10X I like ur lessons especially the slangs 1s
Thanks “Jon” very good lesson, I would like other lesson like that… you know despite I speak Spanish and have no long time learning… I can understand you and this is wonderful to me! THanks..:)
hi again.. You know what?it would be pretty good if you do a conversation : you and other person of your teacher´s team….
We have actually been thinking about that. I would like to do this, but we just need to organize our schedules.
Hi jon, This a great lesson about slang. i,m looking forward to seeing more lesson from you,about american slang..Thank u jon.
hi jon, i am suja from india, pls clear my doubt, i want to improve my english pronunciation and fluency, can u help me? pls tell me the simple ways…..
thanks for that exciting lesson sir jon. here in the philippines instead of John Doe we use Juan dela Cruz..
That’s cool. That sounds spanish, is it?
I had learned many usefull slang words.
So, thank you for you providing that informations.
you’re right sir. Spain invaded the Philippines for along time ;)
hello jon. thank you for your lessons. can you please make more vids about slang.proverbs would be nice too. keep up the good works:-)
Thanks,it is very useful information
you were amazing with all your lessons , how can i get on all your lessons not just the free one
That was a quite lesson on Jonh words.
I haven´t know these meaning….. But now it´s cear, God bless you. You should give a lesson on words used in the airport.
Jon, jst tell me dat how does it comes into ur mind about this topis, coz of ur name or smthng else???
9nce i have enjoyed
i can’t thank you enough
hey jon how are you doing i’m really appreciate what are you doing to help us any way thank you verey much but i have a question for you what does it mean ESL acutely i saw it many times and o tried to figured out , and i stil don’t know what it means by
Thanks The John! :p
I like you lessons so much! Now my vocabylary is much better!Specials Thank for you ideoms!)) ta-ta for now)))
Dear Jon,
what follows has nothing to do with your last lesson. I wonder if you could help me anyway.
When talking about school rules is it better to use MUST or HAVE TO?
For example:
Students must do their homework. / Students have to do their homework.
Students must be on time. / Students have to be on time.
Students must turn off their mobiles. / Students have to turn off their mobile.
Could you help me, please?
And what about speaking in the first person?
Should I use MUST or HAVE TO?
I must wear a uniform or I have to wear a uniform?
Thanks a lot.
I know this rule.
Right answers are:
Students have to do their homework.
Students have to be on time.
Students have to turn off their mobile.
I have to wear a uniform?
When you use “must”, for example, “I must stop smoking” you mean it`s YOUR desire. And when you say:”I have to stop smoking” you mean that somebody, for example, a doctor, makes you, orders you to do it.
thank you jon and to all other teachers.
great lesson i love it soo much
Thank you very much .. all info you say them are completely new to me.
that was the very first time I heard was realy interesting.I love way of you teach! I just remember the slangs you toch.thanks sir.
I realy enjoyed the lesson.that was interesting.thanks sir!
thank teacher,it is a great lesson, after ur lesson i can use it flexibly
thanks alot
thankx a lot Jon….it was really helpful….
Congratulations.The lessons are excellent and the choice of topics couldn’t be any better.
I did like very much of this lesson. I would like to make a sugestion for all teacher: use more times pictures like at this video. It help the understanding of the students.
I heve too a question: in the USA and even Canada its a crim to have sex with a prostitute?
You’ll have to ask your congressman about that. Most of them should have a good idea.
I didnt undestand the answer. In the Brazil, where I live, not is a crime have sexy with a prostitute but is a crime explore or to have a local to offer this services. What I would like to know is if is a crime in the USA and Canada offer sexy for money.
thanx a lot jon to help us learn more
thanx for helping us with the best regards
Hi Jon,
And what about a situation like this: John Doe works in an office, his assistant calls him and says: “A John is waiting for you in the hall”. What she means is that she doesn’t know the guy, or the guy did not tell much about himself, or something like “tell John Doe that John is here, he should know”.
In this funny situation “A John” is just the person we don’t know much about (no idioms, just grammar). Would the situation be embarrasing? :)
this site is pretty worth to me.. thanks to all teachers..
thanks for u lesson it,s really helpful :)
dear, mr john i like the way you speak english very clear and loud. thank you
Hello, Mr Jon. Please, could you answer my question. What do these slang words mean: “chin wag”, “ba-donka-donk”, “shawty”, “the Olive garden”, “boo-yah”???
“Chin wag” – shaking your chin, like shaking your head.
“Badonkadonk” – a big, curvy butt.
“Shawty” – a young woman, especially when talking about a friend or girlfriend.
“The Olive Garden” – a chain of Italian restaurants in North America.
“Boo-yah” – an exclamation you use when you’re really happy about something, especially if you’ve won something.
Try using the Urban Dictionary, it’s a great resource for slang!
Thank you for useful information and the link)
thank u for lesson I want ask u question how can I write a pargraph
Nice lesson jon
I’m so glad. Tks. teacher Jon. Lily from Brazil
thanks …… i have one question :
in the slang the people make many mistakes grammatically,,,,, please tell is that happening always and why they do that
hi! Jon. great lesson. Can I be one of your student?That will make me so happy!
useful one :):):)
wow u are great
very useful,thanks
Hi.Thanks JON The Lesson very great.I am very interesting these lesson.
Best Regard.
Hello.I am a new student. I liked this lesson very much.thanks a lot.I think without your lesson,I wouldn’t have understand anything,about”John”.great job. I am looking forward another lessons.p
My first name is John.My buddies are always making fun of it.It’not to cool to have the same name as a toilet.Jon, does it bother you to have the same name, as a toilet?I guess I never asked a Jon/John before. Just curious.
Nice lesson. Thanks Jon so much!
So good,keep up 2 good work!!!
hahaha that’s funny hahah! I’m from Brazil, São Paulo. I met a friend from England here in Brazil and I said: Aaa john!( in Brazil we like to say “aaa Bruno, aaa David…” same to say: oow no Jon, but I didn’t know that it was so different form. haha. I hope he did not understand my speech otherwise. Thanks John! hahaha I’ll be more careful next time.
it was a good one and I realy enjoy to learn with you
thank you so much jon ^__^
I really like this lesson, you see I would like to learn a little more about this kind of slangs, since I am an English teacher in Mexico, and well I have some problems with them. Anyway, great lessons, congrats!
interesting lesson I didn’t know that expressions in english. Thank you.
sir its good enough.
Thank you for your lessons. They are always funny and full of interesting and useful information about slang, grammar and culture. I enjoy watching these videos. It’s a real pleasure:)
thank you so much teacher Jon i’am grateful all your lessons are really interesting and amazing thank you iam just waiting for more lessons
Jon, thank very much the class it’s very helpful and thank a lotttttttttt.
What about John holm.
thank u!
Nice! thank u!
I was surprised at “the John” as another name of a toilet. This video is very useful and fun to know. Thank you.
thank you so much
You know mister Jon, you are so cool, and i want to lern why same person can begin technical english language
It’s actually a cool and useful piece of info. I’m satisfied that you simply shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.
really nice can i have your time for me as i need
some help in writing a special letter.
superb!u increased my G.K. ABOUT jOHNS
thnx Jon, it’s very interesting lesson, i want more slang lessons from you, i like your lessons.
thanks jon this informations can be very useful especially when we go to abroad
I like this video.Jon,Thank you so much!
i like it really u amazing
Thanx that was useful!keep it up! :)
thanks a lot. this lesson is so exciting.
hi john . i don,t like a john as natural in my self. every day people must go to the john at least one time. john hankok is vary in people . thanks john for this excitng lesson.
A very interesting lesson, thanks Jon!
Hi Jon. It was a great lesson. Thanks. :)
it was great lesson jon!
Interesting !! Thanks a lot Mr Jon!
thank jon i got 100..
Thank you very much
It’s a great lesson, thank you so much, Jon :) You raise my motivation to improve my English. I will be very appreciate if you please can let me know how to contact with you….
Jon,U were perfect in this class.U Put your Jonh Hancock!
Thank you sir.
Thank you
Jane Doe is used when the non-known person is a woman. Thanks for your lesson Jon.
And Baby Doe for a baby! Believe me; it is in Wikipedia. xD
Can anyone say, what does ESL mean? )
So, we can say: “I need your John Hancock in this document.” ??? Thank you Jon!
Yes, that’s correct!
Now i know, thank you jon.
Sleeping is okay. Other stuff depends on the country you’re in.
100% legal mark
thank you jon… love this lesson… i can know new meaning in one word…
I just loved your lesson. Just one question:
when you refer to the John as the toilet, do we
use a capital letter or a small letter?
(I wrote with a capital letter because of your
Thanks in advance.
What does”your comment is waiting to be approved
by Engvid” mean?????????????
I’ve been studying and learnig A LOT with the
Engvid site.
The teachers are great.I truly love the lessons!
Hi! If you haven’t commented before, or if our system flags your comment as spam, it won’t get published automatically; I need to make sure it’s okay first.
You should be fine now. Some things that get comments automatically sent to moderation are posting a lot of comments in a short time span, or posting the same comment over and over.
Thank you!
Now about my question, do you think I’ll have
my doubt cleared out sometime this month?
Lessons about the slang are always interesting. This lesson isn’t an exception. Thanks!
amazing lesson about the slang!
easy but usefull.
This was a very curious lesson! Thanks John!
It was intersting. Thanks!
Interesting lesson. Thank you.
I’ve learned something from lesson.It was beatıful and ınterestıng lesson
Good job Jon
good lesson though ^^ Jon, not a john, and not the john. You are just a good teacher Jon.
I’m Micky, not a mickey ^^
we have something in common though~
good to know you, Jon! See ya~
I may have missed this in comments, but as a John myself, there is one bummer of a usage – Dear John, which referred to letters guys received from their wife/girlfriend letting them know that it was all over. Maybe outdated-I haven’t heard of Dear John emails or texts.
Nice video :)
thanks, interesting..
4/4 Thank you, Jon
Thanks Jon,
a nice and simple lesson
Thank you Jon, very good lesson
Hi Jon, I´m John Doe, nice to meet you! LOL! Thank you for the lesson!
well done, Jon
hi from Kazakhstan 21Nov2021