This ain’t a joke. If you want to improve your understanding of English slang, check out this lesson and learn about the importance of context. You ain’t going to regret it!
waw!! it seems I’m improved well.. I like this programe it helped me with in 24 hours..
I believe it is very helpful to every one who are interested in learning English .
Hi, Alex! Is there any word in positive like ‘ain’t’? Thanks…
Hi Sahib,
“Ain’t” is pretty unique in English, and does not have an equivalent in the affirmative. It’s hard for a word to be this versatile!
GRAMMATICALLY, what does this sentence mean? I ain’t got no car.
I have a car.
I don’t have a car.
I can’t have a car.
I am not having a car.
i answered #2 but the right answer is #1 im a bit confused for this question please response !!!!
Hey.If you have 2 negative in sentence then it equals positive. Like 2 minus ( – – ) = +
I ain’t got no car = I haven’t got no car = I have got car.
Normally, yes. “I don’t not have a car” means “I have a car”, but that’s not how it works with “ain’t…no”.
engVid Moderator
all done correctly!!!
Wonderful programe ,thanks to which i am able to distiguish between meanings of ” ain’t ” I love it …
good try..
Thank Alex it was very interesting! But I’m a slightly confused with double negative…
Artem, a double negative means that there are two words in a sentence that are negative. For example:
“I don’t have no sisters.”
The person wants to say that he/she has zero sisters. “Don’t” is a negative word, and “no” is a negative word too. By saying he/she DOESN’T have NO sisters, it means that he/she HAS sisters.
He/She should say “I don’t have any sisters” for the sentence to be correct. I hope this helps.
thank you sir,for such a unique class.This is really helpful.I’m from India and wanna ask if all these lessons are valid for ”British English” speakers(as it is followed in India).
“I ain’t have sisters”. is the sentence right?
Not quite! The correct way to say it would be “I ain’t got no sisters” or perhaps just “I ain’t got sisters”.
engVid Moderator
oke…i see..
Alex .. thanks for every word you say it .. really i like ur way in teaching .. and i hope to be a very excellent teacher in the future and everyone love me as you are ..
wow.. toleen ..what a nice feeling… yeah.. Mr. Alex .. u did it well.dude
dts owesome
i ain’t waiting.
Hello Alex..
Thanks for the lesson and quizz, I think I am completely Understand ::)0
i get confused with this sentence : i dont need no help. whats “no” used for? i asked my friend, the meaning is still i dont need any help. i dont get what she said yet.
absolutely great
i didnt knew that
gud job
it was little bit difficult anyway thanks alex sir
Thanks a lot for this topic now it’s clear.
thankyou very much!!!
thankyou very much!!!I wish you all the best,because you are the best teachers in the world
Do not exaggerate :o
Be more real :)
Everyone know He is a very excellent teacher.
It was much helpful for me thanks.
hi alex. thanks for the info. but I have a doubt, can “ain´t” be used in past simple? and if so what verb tense am I supposed to use? thnks againg .
great great great teacher!
Hello, Alex. Thank you kindly for the lesson!
Would you tell me please if is it possible to say in the 3rd sentence “He hasn’t got a car”? If yes, might it be more clear to state in this case the construction “ain’t” to substitute for the modal “hasn’t”?
Thank you beforehand!
Hi romars,
You are correct. You can use both forms.
Thank you romars, that was my question.
Thanks Alex,that’s was very useful! I always got problems understanding real everyday english. What about donna,gonna,wonna ?
I think you mean “gonna,” “wanna,” “gotta”? That’s a great idea, and I will do a future lesson on this topic. Thanks for the suggestion! A quick explanation:
Gonna = going to
Wanna = want to
Gotta = have to/have got to
Was nice..cud have got 10 outta 10 but made a natural mistake!!ha ha
fantastic ,i want lot of videos like this
Alex, Thank you very much for this lesson! I always got confused with ain’t :/
Great explanation!Carry on!
Great lesson!! thanks for what you all teachers do for us!! Could you make a lesson about the use of the verbal expression “to be + verb-ing” for example ti be going..??
I mean, about the use of the future continuous tense! thank’s Alex :)
I think that third sentence is not right at all. I can be wrong but “He ain’t got a car = He HASN’T GOT a car not He doesn’t got a car”. That doesn’t even sound wrong.
The rest of lesson is very helpful. Thank you!
Olichka, I agree with you.
I got 7 correct.
Thank you for the lesson.It helped me improve my English.Please keep on upload Advanced lessons.
Hi Alex,
sorry to say this. Please, speak up. I cann’t hear you
Hi navin,
We are always trying to improve our videos. I hope that the volume will be better in the future! We are already using microphones!
hi dear teachers please i really want to learn english please help me plzzzzzzzzzzz
thank you all for giving us a lessons like is very helpful and can help a lot in our daily lives. more power
Thanks a lot!! I always heard ” He aint comming back ” in my computer game but I didnt know the exactly the meaning that could be “will not”
Hi Alex….Its wonderful to learn from u…before i could not be able to make out the difference…but after learning from u….i improved a lot…. thank you so much….
Akber unnisa
Wow! this is really helpful and I ain’t going to regret that I watched this video. hiyyeeeba hahahaha :)) Thank you sir.
thanks alot
it is a useful way to learn , i get more knowledge i hope to keep going .
im new member ,im starting from beginner level,what is sequence ?like first grammer then vocblary then ….. how can i good at english?
There is no sequence. Watch whatever lessons you want that you think will help you. Even if a lesson is too hard for you to master at this time, you will remember some parts of it, and it will help you.
8 – 10
Actually, “ain’t” isn’t even a real word in our language. If we hear you use it, it’s weird. Unless it’s in a movie.
hi engvid
thanks. sounds a little confuse for the last sentence.
Thanks for this service
Fady Sabry
Very nicely delivered. wanna to have more interesting things?.
Irfan Ali
i’m quite confused about double meaning
very useful
good now I understand it thank you
Hi Alex, your lesson is really useful! ^^. I love it!
However, the 3rd example makes me confused. Could you please explain it once again? You said that “He ain’t got a car” means “He doesn’t have a car”. Why “got” not “get”? –> He ain’t get a car.
Hi muopmap,
This was actually a minor error by me. In this case, “ain’t” can also translate to “has not,” so the sentence can also be “He hasn’t got a car,” which is a present perfect sentence.
hi Alex, that’s very helpful thanks. But i don’t understand about
– You’re not my friend no more.
– You’re not my friend anymore.
Is 2 sentences different? Their meanings different? Thx again :D
thanx for this quiz its very helpfull ^_^
Thank you.I understand how to use slang in English.
it was little bit difficult anyway thanks alex sir
not bad >>> my first try … 9\10 :))
easy but confusing
Hi dear teacher Alex…thank you very much for the wonderful explanation. :)
It seems to improve myself alot, and thank you very much.
Hi Alex
if you don’t mind I want lesson about this two quantifier ‘few and little’ the meaning and the use of them with and without the article ‘a’
(a)few, (a)little.
c u
Hi raheem,
We actually have a lesson on this topic on the website.
Check it out! Basically, here are the basic rules:
“little” and “a little” can be used with non-count nouns. (“We need a little more time to finish this.”)
“few” and “a few” can be used with count nouns. (“They have a few really good songs on that album.”)
The tricky part:
“a little” and “a few” have a POSITIVE meaning when talking about quantity. They mean there is something present.
“little” and “few” have a NEGATIVE meaning. They mean that there is something lacking.
“We have a little time for this test.” (we have some time)
“We have little time for this test.” (we don’t have a lot of time)
Hi Alex, this interesting lesson helped me a lot.Thank you so much.
Thanks to all of you for doing great Job.
Very helpful,got good knowledge,specially about double negative.please provide some more slangs.u r way of teaching is excellent.Thanks a lot.
great! very helpful.I need some moe slangs like this. Thanks.
thank u for your lessons. can u explain me the difference between “to be in time” and “to be on time”?
Hi Alex, this is great!
very helpfull website but i’m still confused in double negetive
thank teatcher
Thanks teacher.
thanks a lot
junior jeune
Thanks you very much.
it’s interesting:) Thank you for your job!
Hi Alex
if you don’t mind I want lesson about till and untill
thanx alot
ur a gd teacher
i dont understand.
I live in England 2 years and never heard about ain’t . Dont even have a clue what everybody talking about.. Is that AMerican??
I like to learn English with teachers from Engvid. com because they teach very clear and the English is use in everyday conversation
awesome lesson :)
5 out of 10? gosh…
Thank’s a lot teacher!
I was told that ain’t is not a word or ain’t is not in the dictionary.
The word ain’t can be used informally but not formally in college.
What is your understanding of the word ain’t?
I love your style of teaching
Thank you for your helpful lectures.
wow great
hi!alex thnk u so much your video lesson help me a lot…
Hi Alex!!!
I’m a brazilian and am emjoying a lot of..
Whoever, i have many difficulties by the grammar..
Thanks for all!!
I love these page!!!
joão batista
Thanks a lot, Alex, for this lesson! Actually I’ve met “ain’t” some times, but I couldn’t understand what it does exactly means. Anyway, I find it dificult to get the meaning quickly in a conversation.
v good site to learn english. got 8/10
very good thank u
A double negative was tricky , I need more practice.
ho!ho!ho!ho! I have 1 mistake in a quiz… because I thought that the “I ain’t got no car” means I don’t have a car… but sir your a nice teacher… keep it up… thanks a lot.
thanks Gr8 Job :D
Hi Alex, out of all teachers i like your teaching method.I am daily learning some time in a day.I am very poor in English after learning some days its really surprising that i got a 8 out of 10.thank you Mr.Alex god bless you.take care.bye.
i can’t hear you very well sir Alex….But thanks to you i learned a lot…
Use headphones. It always works when I can’t hear well. :D
I love this lesson.
Amie Diaby
i found ur english videos gud…….. i m learning english frm them ….i got 10 out of 10………
Thank you so much.
thanks very much . it’s useful for me .
very helpful!
thanks Alex
thanks a lot
Hi Alex, THANK YOU in capital letters.
wow… it was a great lecture… loved it…
i like your way of explaining thing !
I have a question. what is diference between “don’t have” and “haven’t”? Thanks a lot
“Don’t have” is present simple, and “haven’t” is present perfect.
“I don’t have a car.” (correct)
“I haven’t a car.” (incorrect, but this is used by some British speakers to sound formal)
“I haven’t been to Korea.” (correct)
“I don’t have been to Korea.” (incorrect)
I hope this helps!
Hello Alex , In Britain we say – I have no car- is this wrong? thanks
good lesson but i only scored 8 out of 10 :(
..but really thanks
hi mora
yeah,same with me but, i wanna givethanks for that lesson. It’s helpful. Press on !
Nice work Alex. i love the way you teach .
thank u a lot.
Thank you very much for your explanation about this, best regards.
very nice you are a great teacher
Do you use “ain’t” for questions?
For example – Ain’t you supply these lessons for free forever?-
Anyway, many thanks.
Does ‘He ain’t got a car’mean ‘he doesn’t have got a car?’ or’ he doesn’t have a car?’
good for me.thnx
whats cool???????
Hi Ronnie
Once again . you might remember that I inquired you the same question before as i AM going to tell you that how can i improve my listening skills as it has become a headache for me to understand carefully so plz kindly help me in this matter with some different ideas and thoughts . Bye
Sorry Alex
oh, okay, I got it now.
Its very useful for improve my communication skills
Thank you very much for your explanation about this.I don’t knew about this. Could you explain me with other example? Also, I want to know if “ain’t” is use for questions?
Hello Alex!!!How are you?I would like you explain to me the following sentence….I ain’t got no car===I have a car.It is not easy understanding.Could you please describe it to me again.Yours sincerely…CARLOS
thanks Alex. good job
Hello I am waiting for your reply
Alex, it’s very useful!Do the english speakers use “I don’t have no a car” instead of “I have a car”?
it is very good for me to practice english… :)
Hi dear Alex.
You are a great teacher.
Can i use ain’t instead of will not or won’t?
thank you and take care.
Amazing lesson!
it ‘s very helpful . thank you very much
hi Alex thnx a lot for this useful lesson but can u give me more example for the last sentence , I ain’t understand well
thanks a lot Mr Alex this lesson was very useful for me
sardar mohammad
Thanks for the lesson. This is the first time somebody teach me the “ain`t”
its commendable and i apprriciate your work thank you
good work
Hi Alex! Thank you for all of your lessons! Alex, it would nice to watch a video about using of ‘kind of’ (kind of a joke, kind of blue, kind of enjoy) in conversational English. Is it possible :)?
Sure, but there isn’t a lot to say about it! :)
Then it’s going to be a short but very useful lesson :), of course, if other users and visitor of this site are also interested in it. Alex, if you make a lesson on “kind of”, could you please tell more about “kind of a (noun)” and “kind of (noun)”? What is the difference between them? Oh, Alex, thank you for the comment :)!
Sure. Basically, “kind of” means “not exactly BUT a little bit.” You can follow it with an adjective or a noun.
“It’s kind of cold outside.” (a little but not very)
“I’m kind of hungry.” (I’m a little hungry)
These examples use adjectives. Now here are a couple that use nouns:
“She’s kind of an anthropologist.” (maybe she hasn’t finished studying yet)
“She’s a kind of anthropologist.” (She’s a specific type of anthropologist)
Okay, so maybe there’s more to say than I thought. Good idea for a video!
Alex, thank you SO much!
Dear Alex, thank you so much.
Will you help me to find the quiz for this video, please?
it locates in the bottom of the video.
It should be available on this page.
very nice way to learn…………keep up doing the great jobs.
Ahmed Ragab
How come a sentence in gramma and a sentence in real life have opposite meaning at all. What if I read a comic and it says.. ” I ain’t got no apple ” it should be .. have an apply or have no apply????? T_T
My English slang much better now,then 10 minutes ago)I ain’t problems with it)
Any Russia
Good lesson but difficult. I trying- Lily from Brazil
nice lesson!! keep it going!!
Shahbaz Khan
ain’t is very used in US, thanks
now I see what it means means ain’t, 9 out of 10. great scored, thank u Alex wonderful lesson dude.
Please tell me that”He haven’t got a car.”Is it wrong or right? & my other question is that Why we use ain’t in start of sentence e.g.”Ain’t nothing but a heartache.”Guide me please Sir Alex.
Please tell me that”He hasn’t got a car.”Is it wrong or right? & my other question is that Why we use ain’t in start of sentence e.g.”Ain’t nothing but a heartache.”Guide me please Sir Alex.
“He hasn’t got a car” is correct.
In “Ain’t nothing but a heartache,” “ain’t” is being used to mean “it is.” However, there is a double negative here, since “ain’t” really means “it is not” in this context, so the sentence really is “it is not nothing but a heartache.”
you guys are doing a great job. Keep up.
I eulogize all of yours efforts. The Ain’t expressions are really very informative. Many Many thanks for helping.
Abbas Khan
Hi Alex,
Can I use negative questions via “Ain’t” after my positive sentences to make sure about the correctness of my positive sentences? Like:
“You….., Aint’s you?” (Don’t/Didn’t/Haven’t/Aren’t you?)
BTW, thanks a lot.
You can use it if there is the verb “to be” in the sentence.
For example:
“It’s gonna rain, ain’t it?”
“He’s forty years old, ain’t he?”
You can’t use it with sentences that have simple verbs.
“You want to come, ain’t you?” (incorrect. The tag should be “don’t you?”)
Hi alex,
can we use ain’t in formal in office etc.
8/10 good try! thanks Alex.
thanks teacher, it is a great lesson
good job Alex.i want to know about more slang in English.Hope for the best.
And Alex, which one is correct ?
1.shut your mouth down.
2.shut down your mouth.
Grammatically, they’re both correct, but neither one is really a common expression. I think you’re trying to say “Shut your mouth.”
hi Alex,i’m confused for example.She ain’t angry with that correct? or must be ”at” another one I ain’t been in that correct? or must be ”to” i hope you understand what i meant .thank you for your lessons GOD bless you.
You can say “She ain’t angry with me,” OR “She ain’t angry at me.” Both are correct. You’re angry with or at somebody.
Both examples where you mention Estonia are also correct. You can use “to” or “in” to talk about the location in this case.
thank you Sir,,,i have 1 mistake…my score is 9..i got sweat do it,,,x)
is there difference between :They haven’t a car…..and
They don’t have a car.
amine cherifi
i’ve been looking for an ain’t lesson for a while, great explanation.
the lesson is good i like it very much as you know those days we come across with such expressions avery now and then in our life. so i hope you mr. Alex can provide us with more lessons in this regards.
thank you so much.
Hi Mr.Alex. Iam willing to make a toefl iBT exam but I don’t know where to begin the study from, I have a bachelor degree in Vet. Med, but my English is not that well to help me get 6 scores.I wanted you to tell me what shoul I do? how I start. P.S. Iam KURDISH.
Great explonation Alex sir…
I aint got doubt in this lesson.
Am I right?
I had 9 out 10 points, but I don’t understand why. In the question No. 9 I’ve: “what does this sentence mean? I ain’t got no car.”. I pointed answer “I don’t have a car”, because we’ve got: “I ain’t got” means “I don’t have” and “no car” means “no/any” so the full sentence should be “I don’t have a car”. So why the correct answer is: “I have a car” ? Please help me with that :)
yoy are totlly perfect teacher it really was very useful one thank u alooot <3 i ain't goin' to leave this site 'cuz it's da best eveeer ;)
Hello Alex your lesson is informative I’ve learned a lot
John ain’t coming to night.
They ain’t got time to waste.
I ain’t been to Canada.
We ain’t going to finish it on time.
He ain’t got a house.
she ain’t playing.
He ain’t a computer savvy. Is he?
she ain’t my friend. Is she?
could you please check these sentences for me
I ain’t sure you’ll check.Am I?
thanks regards….
Can you help me about that? I really don’t understood many topics. Thanks.
Could you please do lesson on compound sentences. I mean how can I join small sentences to make complex sentences by using to, at, on , with although, because, etc
i would be thank full to you.
could you please tell me why you didn’t use past participle form with has.
she ain’t got a car.
can i say it as
she ain’t gotten a car.( she has not gotten a car)
i ain’t got no car -i have a car how dose it come pls tell me
hello alex thank you very much for your interesting videos, they´re helping me a lot.. and i have a question for you.. i got 9 scored.. i didn´t understand the ninth one… could you help me on it?
Thanks again Alex. My mom thought the quiz was hard but I thought was easy.
hi Alex, I subsribed myself in an english school and at the same time I follow yours videos . My teacher asks me where did you learn this new word (ain’t for exemple) I answer her : eh this the best teacher I saw in internet=THE GREAT ALEX. he he he. THANK YOU AGAIN
Ain’t = -am not, are not, is not
-have not, has not
Ain’t is NEVER “DO NOT” or “DOES NOT”, don’t or doesn’t HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH AIN’T.
And are you supposed to be an English teacher? I can’t believe it, I really got a shock. “A minor error of you”?(your comment on May,8th,2011), “minor” in an English lesson by a supposed teacher?
Congratulations for your kind of teachings Alex. You’re like your partner Ronnie and her only (or single?) sound of the “th” in her lesson “4 Tips to Improve your Accent,(named before”4 Common Mistakes”), since 7’18” till 8’28”.
Thanks Alex for this great lesson. I managed to understand it fully. Still I don’t know why this sentence is correct “there ain’t no other person better than you” for example. I mean, I know what it means, I understand it, but if “ain’t substitutes the verb to be in the negative form then why the word “no” is placed next to it. We already know it is negative :\
Wow.. Superb.. I got 10/10…. So useful lEssoN….
Cool!mr. Alex But the sentence He aint got a car. ‘aint’ I think is closer to ‘has’
and I aint know his name ( don’t)
thanks a lot Alex
I ain’t have no words to explain why i got the nineth question wrong))))) Thank you Alex. You’re the best!!!
Good lesson
Thank you.. this is really great. keep up the good work!
There ain’t nothing better than this site! ;)
I think , I have got a lot in this class.
thanks teacher.
In the example :
He ain’t got a car. Could ‘ain’t’ stand for ‘hasn’t got’ either than ‘doesn’t have’?
You are really amazing Alex
thank u for the explanation i was looking for that and never received a good answer thank now im clear
Thanks so much Teacher . I got it . I really understand more . Thanks again .
Hi Alex ,
I´m Jose from Spain.
There is a song called “Ain’t Got No/i Got Life”
Fits perfectly
See you
thnx alex, you’re a wonderful teacher !!!
luckily i got perfect score so I ain’t stop continuing to click every lesson here which is very interesting, useful and helped a lot. Thanks!
Thanks Alex. It really help me.
By the way…What the difference to say “help me” anda “Help me out”.
Well done Mr.Alex .
Many thanks for you .
It’s quite difficult issue but I got it.
Hi Alex, since i have found your course I am learning a lot, thank you and good job, from spain , enrique
hi alex….
your classes are really good and easily understandable….couls you please help me in using the words like I AM AFRAID, I WONDER,AFTER ALL……I hope you would upload the video soon….i’m leaving a comment here because i dont know where to raise the request for the quests…..
hi alex, thanks for the explanation! now i know when to use AIN’T… seems simple but a bit tricky esp. that double negative.
This is a complex issue.
Can you tell me if ain’t means don’t or doesn’t ?
hi alex , could you tell me please what is the difference between probably,perhaps and maybe ….
Amazing lesson.. i got 8/10.. nice grade for a first explanation , i think..
Good teacher!
The vedio is not getting played in my pc…i am so sad..but i did the quiz and i understood a lot but it would have been more better if i could listen to your lessons Alex…I don’t understand what’s the problem…If any one knows why some times the video can’t be played..please tell me…I wanna learn more…I am literally dying to have access to all the video’s….I was able to access few weeks ago but now i can’t and i don’t know the reason….
Right, let’s see…
– Make sure you are using the latest version of a modern browser like Firefox or Chrome. They are free to download and work on all kinds of computers.
– Can you see any other Youtube videos?
– When you try to play the video, does it show you an error message? Like “This video is private” or something like that?
engVid Moderator
thank you Alex for this lesson :)
I ain’t got any wrong:)
hi alex,
this was a very useful lesson.thanks a lot. i’ve got a question:
“he ain’t got a car.”
doesn’t “ain’t” mean “hasn’t” here?
i mean i should be: he hasn’t got a car.
WOW! I haven’t understood this ain’t for a long time but now I ain’t got a problem no more. Hope I can say it that way :D
Hi Alex,
“Ain’t No Sunshine” are mean “there is not sunshine” ??
“Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone.” :)
It means “There’s no sunshine when she’s gone.”
thanx a lot for this lesson i did this quiz and i got 80 % .. pretty awesome quize thanx
Ahmed khodeir
wooow teacher Alex…i’m always wanted to know what does ain’t mean
hussein syd
Thanks Alex, worth
= I ain’t got no car. This is a double negative. The grammatical meaning is “I DO NOT have NO car,” which means you DO have a car. However, the person’s implied meaning is that they DON’T have a car. =
Sorry teacher but I must admit, I’m a little bit confused with meaning of this context. The grammatical meaning and spoken meaning are different, ain’t that right? :)
It’s supposed right answer for Quiz No. 5 should be I don’t have a car. ain’t I right?
hi there,
this lesson is quite useful
but i have a question for you:
what about the song “ain’t no sunshine”?
it goes:
“ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone”…
it isn’t one of your five cases, is it?
i wonder if this means: “There is no sunshine” or anything else?
You’re right, it means “There is no sunshine”!
engVid Moderator
Alex tell about lexical word in the next class.
thank you
thanks for your lesson, that’s helping me much!
Can I use it for plural? can I say We ain’t going to the concert?
Ah sorry I forgot to say thanks!!
hi there Alex.
That was marvelous.i wish could be meet the way you are better than…
could you give me more examples about the sentences that have got double negative?like i ain’t done nothing.
hi again.totally,should we consider the grammatically meaning of the sentences or not?please answer me..
Hello Alex :)
I’ve got one problem. It seems to be an easy-peasy one, because everybody learns it in the beginning of their English education, but still it is a problem for me. Oh, actually I’ve got two questions.
First: when do we use “have got” and when “have” meaning “possess”? For example: I have got a car or I have a car?
And the second: when do we use “to me/sb” and when “for me/sb”? Like in the sentence I’ve written before, “…it is a problem for me”.
Please, help :)
10/10!! thanks :)
Hi Alex thanks by lesson, AIN´T has always been quiet confused to me, now it´s quiet clearer. Can Ain´t to be used in the future, past etc, or only present simple question ? Again thanks !
Nice lesson, thanks you..
Hey Alex, great lesson!
Could you make a video teaching about the pronunciation of words that link themselves and with hard pronunciation? For example: this thing, next to, and so on..
Thanks man!
Hi Alex,
This is to thank you for your precious help to the improvement of my english. Go ahead guy.
Dear Sir, I heard that the word AIN’T is used by American Blacks and is a low quality word…Please correct me if I am wrong.Thank You Sir..
According to mathematics, Double negative means positive :)
you are excellent, Alex
Wow.Finally I get it ! Thank you very much .
thank you sir alex….
I have seen ‘ain’t’ at poem many time.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot Alex. I ain’t got no car ==> grammatically I have a car !! yayyy
I haven’t known or forgot that “ain’t” was slang and I could use every phrase. I used “ain’t” only when “I am.” I will use “are not” from now. I was confused. But I got 10 correct out of 10 because of your lesson.
Thank you, Alex :)
Alex, I haven’t known about ain’t before.I got 8 out of 10.I’m a bit careless.You and engvid are really very useful.Thanks by heart.
6 question.
They ain’t got a car.
They can’t own a car.
They’re not having a car.
They haven’t a car.
They don’t have a car.
I answered #3 but the right answer is #4! But why? I don’t understand! #3 answer is right too, isn’t it? Or am I wrong? Please, explain me it!
I understand this but I wonder what is ,,I’mma” I often read it in songs.
“Imma” (or “i’m-a” or “i’ma”…there are many different spellings) means “I will”/”I’m going to”. It’s a feature of AAVE (African-American Vernacular English) — the kind of English often spoken by black people in the United States. It has some grammar rules that standard English doesn’t, especially regarding verb tenses. You can find a lot of AAVE in pop culture, especially music!
engVid Moderator
‘I ain’t done nothing’ is very confusing and it sounds ungrammatical. In written English,it’s ‘I haven’t done ANYTHING’.
Well, “ain’t” might be slang, but there are still correct and incorrect ways to use it! To a native speaker, “ain’t done nothing” sounds more natural than “ain’t done anything”.
engVid Moderator
hello teacher i almost get it but you didn’t mention if we can use it “ain’t” in past form
I ain’t good at English, but your videos are helpful. ;-D
very helpful.
i ain’t got no practice
thank you alex
nice :D :D
Raymond Hanna
Alex, thank you very much for the lesson!
Alex, your explanation was excellent. thank you very much.
Del Carmen
i usually heard this slang word “AIN’T” thanks for this alex..big help its really confusing.
I always follow your lesson but so sad for me i ain’t got a happy face every quiz..
correct me if im wrong alex..
Thx Mr Alex>>>nice job :)
You saved my life.
Interesting! Learning slang language.
I understood where I am wrong, got 70 %. Thanks.
I have a question: How we can use ain’t in second person? I saw that in the song ” make you feel my love” by Adele (“You ain’t seen nothing like me yet”). I thought was just used in first and third person! Thank you very much!
Nope, you can use “ain’t” in second person too! In standard English it meanas “You haven’t seen anything like me yet”. “You ain’t…” occurs a lot in English music: see “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere”, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”, “You Ain’t Woman Enough To Take My Man”, etc.
engVid Moderator
Thank you really useful! It was hard for me to understand “ain’t” in films but now it has become easier!
Very very useful tips,Thank you.
Thanks, so helpfull! Now i understand the “Bon Jovi – It’s My Life” song:
“This ain’t a song for the broken-hearted…I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd…I ain’t gonna live foreve…Luck ain’t even lucky got to make your own breaks…” and etc
Thank you Alex.
Thank you sir. I also want to practice speaking skill.Can you please help me in this regard?
bushra altaf
Useful lesson. Thanks Alex :)
Please Alex help me with a double negative.
I’m brazilian, then It’s a little bit different.
I’m confused now
Could you help me with?
And another question about difference nothing and anything…
I’m watching every lessons that you tought
Your great teacher, thanks a lot
Good day Alex, and thanks
please someone help, me.
Can I use “ain’t” with any pronouns?
for example:
“You ain’t going to the concert”
in this case:
ain’t –means–> are not
please, help me.
Haidar am123
Thanks for this everything. I learn new thing but I want to add
I would to be answer every quiz. I want to be learn I how I make a mistake.
Excellent class, 100 points. It is awesome we can learn a lot of words, cool slang.
so long!
Thank you Alex! I got 10 correct out of 10! :)
Thanks Alex,
It is not easy, there are many different types of slang to learn, I think that needs a long time to learn, but was very helpful for me.
So, Alex could you tell me ? Can i use AINT in my speak ???
Ankur Aggarwal
Finally I always wanted to know the meaning of ain’t.
….Finally I got it (mistake)
Good lesson Alex! Finally I resolve all my doubts about the use of it. Thanks
C’était bien, mais je vais continuer avec l’anglais classique, first. Merci, Alex.
Hi sir! Your lesson is really very good.I got 80% marks in this lesson.
in “ain’t” T will silent on not in pronunciation . please reply anyone
mukesh kumar
Thanks Alex,for the lesson.I got 10/10. I don’t know why,but it’s not easy for me to speak words like”ain’t”, “wanna”, “gonna”…I think it sounds fake when I speak that way.It doesn’t sound natural,so I avoid to use those words.
But,it’s English,so I love it,anyway.
correcting,Professor Alex: ” I avoid “using” those
words”.I have your list of verbs followed by verbs
in the infinitive and gerund forms.
Thank you Alex, you’re a great teacher!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thanks Mr ALEX
Thanks Alex!
Could it be used as: There isn’t or there aren’t, as in the song “Ain’t no mountains high enough” ?
It’s so confused the question number 9 and i got become confused about your explanation. The correct answer should be the option number 2! why do you affirm that the correct answer is the first option?
I had 90/10. I finish the lesson for this week. Thank you. See you on Monday.
my goodness, since i knew double negative, it made me confusing a bit, but now it’s ok
Thanks for your lesson!!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
good job
I Ain’t hate another languages
Pardon i made mistake
I ain’t got time 2 waste
waw!! it seems I’m improved well.. I like this programe it helped me with in 24 hours..
I believe it is very helpful to every one who are interested in learning English .
Hi, Alex! Is there any word in positive like ‘ain’t’? Thanks…
Hi Sahib,
“Ain’t” is pretty unique in English, and does not have an equivalent in the affirmative. It’s hard for a word to be this versatile!
GRAMMATICALLY, what does this sentence mean? I ain’t got no car.
I have a car.
I don’t have a car.
I can’t have a car.
I am not having a car.
i answered #2 but the right answer is #1 im a bit confused for this question please response !!!!
Hey.If you have 2 negative in sentence then it equals positive. Like 2 minus ( – – ) = +
I ain’t got no car = I haven’t got no car = I have got car.
Normally, yes. “I don’t not have a car” means “I have a car”, but that’s not how it works with “ain’t…no”.
all done correctly!!!
Wonderful programe ,thanks to which i am able to distiguish between meanings of ” ain’t ” I love it …
good try..
Thank Alex it was very interesting! But I’m a slightly confused with double negative…
Artem, a double negative means that there are two words in a sentence that are negative. For example:
“I don’t have no sisters.”
The person wants to say that he/she has zero sisters. “Don’t” is a negative word, and “no” is a negative word too. By saying he/she DOESN’T have NO sisters, it means that he/she HAS sisters.
He/She should say “I don’t have any sisters” for the sentence to be correct. I hope this helps.
thank you sir,for such a unique class.This is really helpful.I’m from India and wanna ask if all these lessons are valid for ”British English” speakers(as it is followed in India).
“I ain’t have sisters”. is the sentence right?
Not quite! The correct way to say it would be “I ain’t got no sisters” or perhaps just “I ain’t got sisters”.
oke…i see..
Alex .. thanks for every word you say it .. really i like ur way in teaching .. and i hope to be a very excellent teacher in the future and everyone love me as you are ..
wow.. toleen ..what a nice feeling… yeah.. Mr. Alex .. u did it well.dude
dts owesome
i ain’t waiting.
Hello Alex..
Thanks for the lesson and quizz, I think I am completely Understand ::)0
i get confused with this sentence : i dont need no help. whats “no” used for? i asked my friend, the meaning is still i dont need any help. i dont get what she said yet.
absolutely great
i didnt knew that
gud job
it was little bit difficult anyway thanks alex sir
Thanks a lot for this topic now it’s clear.
thankyou very much!!!
thankyou very much!!!I wish you all the best,because you are the best teachers in the world
Do not exaggerate :o
Be more real :)
Everyone know He is a very excellent teacher.
It was much helpful for me thanks.
hi alex. thanks for the info. but I have a doubt, can “ain´t” be used in past simple? and if so what verb tense am I supposed to use? thnks againg .
great great great teacher!
Hello, Alex. Thank you kindly for the lesson!
Would you tell me please if is it possible to say in the 3rd sentence “He hasn’t got a car”? If yes, might it be more clear to state in this case the construction “ain’t” to substitute for the modal “hasn’t”?
Thank you beforehand!
Hi romars,
You are correct. You can use both forms.
Thank you romars, that was my question.
Thanks Alex,that’s was very useful! I always got problems understanding real everyday english. What about donna,gonna,wonna ?
I think you mean “gonna,” “wanna,” “gotta”? That’s a great idea, and I will do a future lesson on this topic. Thanks for the suggestion! A quick explanation:
Gonna = going to
Wanna = want to
Gotta = have to/have got to
Was nice..cud have got 10 outta 10 but made a natural mistake!!ha ha
fantastic ,i want lot of videos like this
Alex, Thank you very much for this lesson! I always got confused with ain’t :/
Great explanation!Carry on!
Great lesson!! thanks for what you all teachers do for us!! Could you make a lesson about the use of the verbal expression “to be + verb-ing” for example ti be going..??
I mean, about the use of the future continuous tense! thank’s Alex :)
I think that third sentence is not right at all. I can be wrong but “He ain’t got a car = He HASN’T GOT a car not He doesn’t got a car”. That doesn’t even sound wrong.
The rest of lesson is very helpful. Thank you!
Olichka, I agree with you.
I got 7 correct.
Thank you for the lesson.It helped me improve my English.Please keep on upload Advanced lessons.
Hi Alex,
sorry to say this. Please, speak up. I cann’t hear you
Hi navin,
We are always trying to improve our videos. I hope that the volume will be better in the future! We are already using microphones!
hi dear teachers please i really want to learn english please help me plzzzzzzzzzzz
thank you all for giving us a lessons like is very helpful and can help a lot in our daily lives. more power
Thanks a lot!! I always heard ” He aint comming back ” in my computer game but I didnt know the exactly the meaning that could be “will not”
Hi Alex….Its wonderful to learn from u…before i could not be able to make out the difference…but after learning from u….i improved a lot…. thank you so much….
Wow! this is really helpful and I ain’t going to regret that I watched this video. hiyyeeeba hahahaha :)) Thank you sir.
thanks alot
it is a useful way to learn , i get more knowledge i hope to keep going .
im new member ,im starting from beginner level,what is sequence ?like first grammer then vocblary then ….. how can i good at english?
There is no sequence. Watch whatever lessons you want that you think will help you. Even if a lesson is too hard for you to master at this time, you will remember some parts of it, and it will help you.
8 – 10
Actually, “ain’t” isn’t even a real word in our language. If we hear you use it, it’s weird. Unless it’s in a movie.
hi engvid
thanks. sounds a little confuse for the last sentence.
Thanks for this service
Very nicely delivered. wanna to have more interesting things?.
i’m quite confused about double meaning
very useful
good now I understand it thank you
Hi Alex, your lesson is really useful! ^^. I love it!
However, the 3rd example makes me confused. Could you please explain it once again? You said that “He ain’t got a car” means “He doesn’t have a car”. Why “got” not “get”? –> He ain’t get a car.
Hi muopmap,
This was actually a minor error by me. In this case, “ain’t” can also translate to “has not,” so the sentence can also be “He hasn’t got a car,” which is a present perfect sentence.
hi Alex, that’s very helpful thanks. But i don’t understand about
– You’re not my friend no more.
– You’re not my friend anymore.
Is 2 sentences different? Their meanings different? Thx again :D
thanx for this quiz its very helpfull ^_^
Thank you.I understand how to use slang in English.
it was little bit difficult anyway thanks alex sir
not bad >>> my first try … 9\10 :))
easy but confusing
Hi dear teacher Alex…thank you very much for the wonderful explanation. :)
It seems to improve myself alot, and thank you very much.
Hi Alex
if you don’t mind I want lesson about this two quantifier ‘few and little’ the meaning and the use of them with and without the article ‘a’
(a)few, (a)little.
c u
Hi raheem,
We actually have a lesson on this topic on the website.
Check it out! Basically, here are the basic rules:
“little” and “a little” can be used with non-count nouns. (“We need a little more time to finish this.”)
“few” and “a few” can be used with count nouns. (“They have a few really good songs on that album.”)
The tricky part:
“a little” and “a few” have a POSITIVE meaning when talking about quantity. They mean there is something present.
“little” and “few” have a NEGATIVE meaning. They mean that there is something lacking.
“We have a little time for this test.” (we have some time)
“We have little time for this test.” (we don’t have a lot of time)
Hi Alex, this interesting lesson helped me a lot.Thank you so much.
Thanks to all of you for doing great Job.
Very helpful,got good knowledge,specially about double negative.please provide some more slangs.u r way of teaching is excellent.Thanks a lot.
great! very helpful.I need some moe slangs like this. Thanks.
thank u for your lessons. can u explain me the difference between “to be in time” and “to be on time”?
Hi Alex, this is great!
very helpfull website but i’m still confused in double negetive
thank teatcher
Thanks teacher.
thanks a lot
Thanks you very much.
it’s interesting:) Thank you for your job!
Hi Alex
if you don’t mind I want lesson about till and untill
thanx alot
ur a gd teacher
i dont understand.
I live in England 2 years and never heard about ain’t . Dont even have a clue what everybody talking about.. Is that AMerican??
I like to learn English with teachers from Engvid. com because they teach very clear and the English is use in everyday conversation
awesome lesson :)
5 out of 10? gosh…
Thank’s a lot teacher!
I was told that ain’t is not a word or ain’t is not in the dictionary.
The word ain’t can be used informally but not formally in college.
What is your understanding of the word ain’t?
I love your style of teaching
Thank you for your helpful lectures.
wow great
hi!alex thnk u so much your video lesson help me a lot…
Hi Alex!!!
I’m a brazilian and am emjoying a lot of..
Whoever, i have many difficulties by the grammar..
Thanks for all!!
I love these page!!!
Thanks a lot, Alex, for this lesson! Actually I’ve met “ain’t” some times, but I couldn’t understand what it does exactly means. Anyway, I find it dificult to get the meaning quickly in a conversation.
v good site to learn english. got 8/10
very good thank u
A double negative was tricky , I need more practice.
ho!ho!ho!ho! I have 1 mistake in a quiz… because I thought that the “I ain’t got no car” means I don’t have a car… but sir your a nice teacher… keep it up… thanks a lot.
thanks Gr8 Job :D
Hi Alex, out of all teachers i like your teaching method.I am daily learning some time in a day.I am very poor in English after learning some days its really surprising that i got a 8 out of 10.thank you Mr.Alex god bless you.take care.bye.
i can’t hear you very well sir Alex….But thanks to you i learned a lot…
Use headphones. It always works when I can’t hear well. :D
I love this lesson.
i found ur english videos gud…….. i m learning english frm them ….i got 10 out of 10………
Thank you so much.
thanks very much . it’s useful for me .
very helpful!
thanks Alex
thanks a lot
Hi Alex, THANK YOU in capital letters.
wow… it was a great lecture… loved it…
i like your way of explaining thing !
I have a question. what is diference between “don’t have” and “haven’t”? Thanks a lot
“Don’t have” is present simple, and “haven’t” is present perfect.
“I don’t have a car.” (correct)
“I haven’t a car.” (incorrect, but this is used by some British speakers to sound formal)
“I haven’t been to Korea.” (correct)
“I don’t have been to Korea.” (incorrect)
I hope this helps!
Hello Alex , In Britain we say – I have no car- is this wrong? thanks
good lesson but i only scored 8 out of 10 :(
..but really thanks
hi mora
yeah,same with me but, i wanna givethanks for that lesson. It’s helpful. Press on !
Nice work Alex. i love the way you teach .
thank u a lot.
Thank you very much for your explanation about this, best regards.
very nice you are a great teacher
Do you use “ain’t” for questions?
For example – Ain’t you supply these lessons for free forever?-
Anyway, many thanks.
Does ‘He ain’t got a car’mean ‘he doesn’t have got a car?’ or’ he doesn’t have a car?’
good for me.thnx
whats cool???????
Hi Ronnie
Once again . you might remember that I inquired you the same question before as i AM going to tell you that how can i improve my listening skills as it has become a headache for me to understand carefully so plz kindly help me in this matter with some different ideas and thoughts . Bye
Sorry Alex
oh, okay, I got it now.
Its very useful for improve my communication skills
Thank you very much for your explanation about this.I don’t knew about this. Could you explain me with other example? Also, I want to know if “ain’t” is use for questions?
Hello Alex!!!How are you?I would like you explain to me the following sentence….I ain’t got no car===I have a car.It is not easy understanding.Could you please describe it to me again.Yours sincerely…CARLOS
thanks Alex. good job
Hello I am waiting for your reply
Alex, it’s very useful!Do the english speakers use “I don’t have no a car” instead of “I have a car”?
it is very good for me to practice english… :)
Hi dear Alex.
You are a great teacher.
Can i use ain’t instead of will not or won’t?
thank you and take care.
Amazing lesson!
it ‘s very helpful . thank you very much
hi Alex thnx a lot for this useful lesson but can u give me more example for the last sentence , I ain’t understand well
thanks a lot Mr Alex this lesson was very useful for me
Thanks for the lesson. This is the first time somebody teach me the “ain`t”
its commendable and i apprriciate your work thank you
good work
Hi Alex! Thank you for all of your lessons! Alex, it would nice to watch a video about using of ‘kind of’ (kind of a joke, kind of blue, kind of enjoy) in conversational English. Is it possible :)?
Sure, but there isn’t a lot to say about it! :)
Then it’s going to be a short but very useful lesson :), of course, if other users and visitor of this site are also interested in it. Alex, if you make a lesson on “kind of”, could you please tell more about “kind of a (noun)” and “kind of (noun)”? What is the difference between them? Oh, Alex, thank you for the comment :)!
Sure. Basically, “kind of” means “not exactly BUT a little bit.” You can follow it with an adjective or a noun.
“It’s kind of cold outside.” (a little but not very)
“I’m kind of hungry.” (I’m a little hungry)
These examples use adjectives. Now here are a couple that use nouns:
“She’s kind of an anthropologist.” (maybe she hasn’t finished studying yet)
“She’s a kind of anthropologist.” (She’s a specific type of anthropologist)
Okay, so maybe there’s more to say than I thought. Good idea for a video!
Alex, thank you SO much!
Dear Alex, thank you so much.
Will you help me to find the quiz for this video, please?
it locates in the bottom of the video.
It should be available on this page.
very nice way to learn…………keep up doing the great jobs.
How come a sentence in gramma and a sentence in real life have opposite meaning at all. What if I read a comic and it says.. ” I ain’t got no apple ” it should be .. have an apply or have no apply????? T_T
My English slang much better now,then 10 minutes ago)I ain’t problems with it)
Good lesson but difficult. I trying- Lily from Brazil
nice lesson!! keep it going!!
ain’t is very used in US, thanks
now I see what it means means ain’t, 9 out of 10. great scored, thank u Alex wonderful lesson dude.
Please tell me that”He haven’t got a car.”Is it wrong or right? & my other question is that Why we use ain’t in start of sentence e.g.”Ain’t nothing but a heartache.”Guide me please Sir Alex.
Please tell me that”He hasn’t got a car.”Is it wrong or right? & my other question is that Why we use ain’t in start of sentence e.g.”Ain’t nothing but a heartache.”Guide me please Sir Alex.
“He hasn’t got a car” is correct.
In “Ain’t nothing but a heartache,” “ain’t” is being used to mean “it is.” However, there is a double negative here, since “ain’t” really means “it is not” in this context, so the sentence really is “it is not nothing but a heartache.”
you guys are doing a great job. Keep up.
I eulogize all of yours efforts. The Ain’t expressions are really very informative. Many Many thanks for helping.
Hi Alex,
Can I use negative questions via “Ain’t” after my positive sentences to make sure about the correctness of my positive sentences? Like:
“You….., Aint’s you?” (Don’t/Didn’t/Haven’t/Aren’t you?)
BTW, thanks a lot.
You can use it if there is the verb “to be” in the sentence.
For example:
“It’s gonna rain, ain’t it?”
“He’s forty years old, ain’t he?”
You can’t use it with sentences that have simple verbs.
“You want to come, ain’t you?” (incorrect. The tag should be “don’t you?”)
Hi alex,
can we use ain’t in formal in office etc.
8/10 good try! thanks Alex.
thanks teacher, it is a great lesson
good job Alex.i want to know about more slang in English.Hope for the best.
And Alex, which one is correct ?
1.shut your mouth down.
2.shut down your mouth.
Grammatically, they’re both correct, but neither one is really a common expression. I think you’re trying to say “Shut your mouth.”
hi Alex,i’m confused for example.She ain’t angry with that correct? or must be ”at” another one I ain’t been in that correct? or must be ”to” i hope you understand what i meant .thank you for your lessons GOD bless you.
You can say “She ain’t angry with me,” OR “She ain’t angry at me.” Both are correct. You’re angry with or at somebody.
Both examples where you mention Estonia are also correct. You can use “to” or “in” to talk about the location in this case.
thank you Sir,,,i have 1 mistake…my score is 9..i got sweat do it,,,x)
is there difference between :They haven’t a car…..and
They don’t have a car.
i’ve been looking for an ain’t lesson for a while, great explanation.
the lesson is good i like it very much as you know those days we come across with such expressions avery now and then in our life. so i hope you mr. Alex can provide us with more lessons in this regards.
thank you so much.
Hi Mr.Alex. Iam willing to make a toefl iBT exam but I don’t know where to begin the study from, I have a bachelor degree in Vet. Med, but my English is not that well to help me get 6 scores.I wanted you to tell me what shoul I do? how I start. P.S. Iam KURDISH.
Great explonation Alex sir…
I aint got doubt in this lesson.
Am I right?
I had 9 out 10 points, but I don’t understand why. In the question No. 9 I’ve: “what does this sentence mean? I ain’t got no car.”. I pointed answer “I don’t have a car”, because we’ve got: “I ain’t got” means “I don’t have” and “no car” means “no/any” so the full sentence should be “I don’t have a car”. So why the correct answer is: “I have a car” ? Please help me with that :)
yoy are totlly perfect teacher it really was very useful one thank u alooot <3 i ain't goin' to leave this site 'cuz it's da best eveeer ;)
Hello Alex your lesson is informative I’ve learned a lot
John ain’t coming to night.
They ain’t got time to waste.
I ain’t been to Canada.
We ain’t going to finish it on time.
He ain’t got a house.
she ain’t playing.
He ain’t a computer savvy. Is he?
she ain’t my friend. Is she?
could you please check these sentences for me
I ain’t sure you’ll check.Am I?
thanks regards….
Can you help me about that? I really don’t understood many topics. Thanks.
Could you please do lesson on compound sentences. I mean how can I join small sentences to make complex sentences by using to, at, on , with although, because, etc
i would be thank full to you.
could you please tell me why you didn’t use past participle form with has.
she ain’t got a car.
can i say it as
she ain’t gotten a car.( she has not gotten a car)
i ain’t got no car -i have a car how dose it come pls tell me
hello alex thank you very much for your interesting videos, they´re helping me a lot.. and i have a question for you.. i got 9 scored.. i didn´t understand the ninth one… could you help me on it?
Thanks again Alex. My mom thought the quiz was hard but I thought was easy.
hi Alex, I subsribed myself in an english school and at the same time I follow yours videos . My teacher asks me where did you learn this new word (ain’t for exemple) I answer her : eh this the best teacher I saw in internet=THE GREAT ALEX. he he he. THANK YOU AGAIN
Ain’t = -am not, are not, is not
-have not, has not
Ain’t is NEVER “DO NOT” or “DOES NOT”, don’t or doesn’t HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH AIN’T.
And are you supposed to be an English teacher? I can’t believe it, I really got a shock. “A minor error of you”?(your comment on May,8th,2011), “minor” in an English lesson by a supposed teacher?
Congratulations for your kind of teachings Alex. You’re like your partner Ronnie and her only (or single?) sound of the “th” in her lesson “4 Tips to Improve your Accent,(named before”4 Common Mistakes”), since 7’18” till 8’28”.
thank you my teacher Alex
Thanks Alex for this great lesson. I managed to understand it fully. Still I don’t know why this sentence is correct “there ain’t no other person better than you” for example. I mean, I know what it means, I understand it, but if “ain’t substitutes the verb to be in the negative form then why the word “no” is placed next to it. We already know it is negative :\
Wow.. Superb.. I got 10/10…. So useful lEssoN….
Cool!mr. Alex But the sentence He aint got a car. ‘aint’ I think is closer to ‘has’
and I aint know his name ( don’t)
thanks a lot Alex
I ain’t have no words to explain why i got the nineth question wrong))))) Thank you Alex. You’re the best!!!
Good lesson
Thank you.. this is really great. keep up the good work!
There ain’t nothing better than this site! ;)
I think , I have got a lot in this class.
thanks teacher.
In the example :
He ain’t got a car. Could ‘ain’t’ stand for ‘hasn’t got’ either than ‘doesn’t have’?
You are really amazing Alex
thank u for the explanation i was looking for that and never received a good answer thank now im clear
Thanks so much Teacher . I got it . I really understand more . Thanks again .
Hi Alex ,
I´m Jose from Spain.
There is a song called “Ain’t Got No/i Got Life”
Fits perfectly
See you
thnx alex, you’re a wonderful teacher !!!
luckily i got perfect score so I ain’t stop continuing to click every lesson here which is very interesting, useful and helped a lot. Thanks!
Thanks Alex. It really help me.
By the way…What the difference to say “help me” anda “Help me out”.
Well done Mr.Alex .
Many thanks for you .
It’s quite difficult issue but I got it.
Hi Alex, since i have found your course I am learning a lot, thank you and good job, from spain , enrique
hi alex….
your classes are really good and easily understandable….couls you please help me in using the words like I AM AFRAID, I WONDER,AFTER ALL……I hope you would upload the video soon….i’m leaving a comment here because i dont know where to raise the request for the quests…..
hi alex, thanks for the explanation! now i know when to use AIN’T… seems simple but a bit tricky esp. that double negative.
This is a complex issue.
Can you tell me if ain’t means don’t or doesn’t ?
hi alex , could you tell me please what is the difference between probably,perhaps and maybe ….
Amazing lesson.. i got 8/10.. nice grade for a first explanation , i think..
Good teacher!
The vedio is not getting played in my pc…i am so sad..but i did the quiz and i understood a lot but it would have been more better if i could listen to your lessons Alex…I don’t understand what’s the problem…If any one knows why some times the video can’t be played..please tell me…I wanna learn more…I am literally dying to have access to all the video’s….I was able to access few weeks ago but now i can’t and i don’t know the reason….
Right, let’s see…
– Make sure you are using the latest version of a modern browser like Firefox or Chrome. They are free to download and work on all kinds of computers.
– Can you see any other Youtube videos?
– When you try to play the video, does it show you an error message? Like “This video is private” or something like that?
thank you Alex for this lesson :)
I ain’t got any wrong:)
hi alex,
this was a very useful lesson.thanks a lot. i’ve got a question:
“he ain’t got a car.”
doesn’t “ain’t” mean “hasn’t” here?
i mean i should be: he hasn’t got a car.
WOW! I haven’t understood this ain’t for a long time but now I ain’t got a problem no more. Hope I can say it that way :D
Hi Alex,
“Ain’t No Sunshine” are mean “there is not sunshine” ??
“Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone.” :)
It means “There’s no sunshine when she’s gone.”
thanx a lot for this lesson i did this quiz and i got 80 % .. pretty awesome quize thanx
wooow teacher Alex…i’m always wanted to know what does ain’t mean
Thanks Alex, worth
= I ain’t got no car. This is a double negative. The grammatical meaning is “I DO NOT have NO car,” which means you DO have a car. However, the person’s implied meaning is that they DON’T have a car. =
Sorry teacher but I must admit, I’m a little bit confused with meaning of this context. The grammatical meaning and spoken meaning are different, ain’t that right? :)
It’s supposed right answer for Quiz No. 5 should be I don’t have a car. ain’t I right?
hi there,
this lesson is quite useful
but i have a question for you:
what about the song “ain’t no sunshine”?
it goes:
“ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone”…
it isn’t one of your five cases, is it?
i wonder if this means: “There is no sunshine” or anything else?
You’re right, it means “There is no sunshine”!
Alex tell about lexical word in the next class.
thank you
thanks for your lesson, that’s helping me much!
Can I use it for plural? can I say We ain’t going to the concert?
Ah sorry I forgot to say thanks!!
hi there Alex.
That was marvelous.i wish could be meet the way you are better than…
could you give me more examples about the sentences that have got double negative?like i ain’t done nothing.
hi again.totally,should we consider the grammatically meaning of the sentences or not?please answer me..
Hello Alex :)
I’ve got one problem. It seems to be an easy-peasy one, because everybody learns it in the beginning of their English education, but still it is a problem for me. Oh, actually I’ve got two questions.
First: when do we use “have got” and when “have” meaning “possess”? For example: I have got a car or I have a car?
And the second: when do we use “to me/sb” and when “for me/sb”? Like in the sentence I’ve written before, “…it is a problem for me”.
Please, help :)
10/10!! thanks :)
Hi Alex thanks by lesson, AIN´T has always been quiet confused to me, now it´s quiet clearer. Can Ain´t to be used in the future, past etc, or only present simple question ? Again thanks !
Nice lesson, thanks you..
Hey Alex, great lesson!
Could you make a video teaching about the pronunciation of words that link themselves and with hard pronunciation? For example: this thing, next to, and so on..
Thanks man!
Hi Alex,
This is to thank you for your precious help to the improvement of my english. Go ahead guy.
Dear Sir, I heard that the word AIN’T is used by American Blacks and is a low quality word…Please correct me if I am wrong.Thank You Sir..
According to mathematics, Double negative means positive :)
you are excellent, Alex
Wow.Finally I get it ! Thank you very much .
thank you sir alex….
I have seen ‘ain’t’ at poem many time.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot Alex. I ain’t got no car ==> grammatically I have a car !! yayyy
I haven’t known or forgot that “ain’t” was slang and I could use every phrase. I used “ain’t” only when “I am.” I will use “are not” from now. I was confused. But I got 10 correct out of 10 because of your lesson.
Thank you, Alex :)
Alex, I haven’t known about ain’t before.I got 8 out of 10.I’m a bit careless.You and engvid are really very useful.Thanks by heart.
6 question.
They ain’t got a car.
They can’t own a car.
They’re not having a car.
They haven’t a car.
They don’t have a car.
I answered #3 but the right answer is #4! But why? I don’t understand! #3 answer is right too, isn’t it? Or am I wrong? Please, explain me it!
I understand this but I wonder what is ,,I’mma” I often read it in songs.
“Imma” (or “i’m-a” or “i’ma”…there are many different spellings) means “I will”/”I’m going to”. It’s a feature of AAVE (African-American Vernacular English) — the kind of English often spoken by black people in the United States. It has some grammar rules that standard English doesn’t, especially regarding verb tenses. You can find a lot of AAVE in pop culture, especially music!
‘I ain’t done nothing’ is very confusing and it sounds ungrammatical. In written English,it’s ‘I haven’t done ANYTHING’.
Well, “ain’t” might be slang, but there are still correct and incorrect ways to use it! To a native speaker, “ain’t done nothing” sounds more natural than “ain’t done anything”.
hello teacher i almost get it but you didn’t mention if we can use it “ain’t” in past form
I ain’t good at English, but your videos are helpful. ;-D
very helpful.
i ain’t got no practice
thank you alex
nice :D :D
Alex, thank you very much for the lesson!
Alex, your explanation was excellent. thank you very much.
i usually heard this slang word “AIN’T” thanks for this alex..big help its really confusing.
I always follow your lesson but so sad for me i ain’t got a happy face every quiz..
correct me if im wrong alex..
Thx Mr Alex>>>nice job :)
You saved my life.
Interesting! Learning slang language.
I understood where I am wrong, got 70 %. Thanks.
I have a question: How we can use ain’t in second person? I saw that in the song ” make you feel my love” by Adele (“You ain’t seen nothing like me yet”). I thought was just used in first and third person! Thank you very much!
Nope, you can use “ain’t” in second person too! In standard English it meanas “You haven’t seen anything like me yet”. “You ain’t…” occurs a lot in English music: see “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere”, “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet”, “You Ain’t Woman Enough To Take My Man”, etc.
Thank you really useful! It was hard for me to understand “ain’t” in films but now it has become easier!
Very very useful tips,Thank you.
Thanks, so helpfull! Now i understand the “Bon Jovi – It’s My Life” song:
“This ain’t a song for the broken-hearted…I ain’t gonna be just a face in the crowd…I ain’t gonna live foreve…Luck ain’t even lucky got to make your own breaks…” and etc
Thank you Alex.
Thank you sir. I also want to practice speaking skill.Can you please help me in this regard?
Useful lesson. Thanks Alex :)
Please Alex help me with a double negative.
I’m brazilian, then It’s a little bit different.
I’m confused now
Could you help me with?
And another question about difference nothing and anything…
I’m watching every lessons that you tought
Your great teacher, thanks a lot
Good day Alex, and thanks
please someone help, me.
Can I use “ain’t” with any pronouns?
for example:
“You ain’t going to the concert”
in this case:
ain’t –means–> are not
please, help me.
Thanks for this everything. I learn new thing but I want to add
I would to be answer every quiz. I want to be learn I how I make a mistake.
Excellent class, 100 points. It is awesome we can learn a lot of words, cool slang.
so long!
Thank you Alex! I got 10 correct out of 10! :)
Thanks Alex,
It is not easy, there are many different types of slang to learn, I think that needs a long time to learn, but was very helpful for me.
someone wants to practice english please writte me
how can i use this word in affirmative sentence.
So, Alex could you tell me ? Can i use AINT in my speak ???
Finally I always wanted to know the meaning of ain’t.
….Finally I got it (mistake)
Good lesson Alex! Finally I resolve all my doubts about the use of it. Thanks
C’était bien, mais je vais continuer avec l’anglais classique, first. Merci, Alex.
Hi sir! Your lesson is really very good.I got 80% marks in this lesson.
in “ain’t” T will silent on not in pronunciation . please reply anyone
Thanks Alex,for the lesson.I got 10/10. I don’t know why,but it’s not easy for me to speak words like”ain’t”, “wanna”, “gonna”…I think it sounds fake when I speak that way.It doesn’t sound natural,so I avoid to use those words.
But,it’s English,so I love it,anyway.
correcting,Professor Alex: ” I avoid “using” those
words”.I have your list of verbs followed by verbs
in the infinitive and gerund forms.
Thank you Alex, you’re a great teacher!
Thanks Mr ALEX
Thanks Alex!
Could it be used as: There isn’t or there aren’t, as in the song “Ain’t no mountains high enough” ?
It’s so confused the question number 9 and i got become confused about your explanation. The correct answer should be the option number 2! why do you affirm that the correct answer is the first option?
I had 90/10. I finish the lesson for this week. Thank you. See you on Monday.
my goodness, since i knew double negative, it made me confusing a bit, but now it’s ok
Thanks for your lesson!!