“I’m kind of tired.” “I’m sort of tired.” What do these sentences mean, and what’s the difference between them? If you’re kind of confused about these words and how to use them, watch this free lesson. It might be kind of useful to you!
The difficult part is when to add the article “a”. Is there a rule of adding “a” when the word after “kind of” or “sort of” is a noun or adjetive?
I’m not very sure but I observe that when an adjective is used, we don’t add “a”. When a noun is used, there is an “a”. I hope this comment will help you.
Juan, we use “a” or “an” before a singular count noun. An adjective can’t be counted, so we don’t use “a” or “an” before it, unless it is followed by a noun. Ex. “He’s kind of an important person.” “He’s kind of important.” Hope this helps!
Thank you for your answer. My test was bad because I have problem with a or an before kind so i need a lesson about this grammar rule.
sir please tell me .
He’s kind of important person.(important person is a noun)
He’s kind of important.)(important is an adjective_)
please correct me my above commment I explain true difference between the sentence please correct mm.
Yes it is helpful sir….
Ram sahu
Iam kinda occupied now days
Btw, the lesson is great, thanks.
this lesson was kind of easy, but good enough. thanks 2 u Alex.
“thank to u” it is wrong
thank u Alexxx
Great!I really love it.
Hello Alex! Thanks for your great teaching videos. But I heard the siren many times in the videos, is that place where you are working kind of unsafe? haha~ Cheers!
thanks a allot for your a good lesson mr allex ………………….
Eng. adam
Hello, Alex! Thank you for the lesson!
hello alex your a good teacher.thanks
can I be a friend in facebook alex my
username of facebok:bhuvanendra brahmi
Asimov invented the word “robotics”
He was sort of a visionary.
we observe the word visionary is noun that is why we use there “a”
Thanks Fakhranda coz tell me clearly how I use kind of and sort of with or without “a/an” before noun and adjective.
Actually Asimov didn´t invent the word “robot”. The word you mentioned is of czech origin (a slavic language) and it means “to work hard” (robotovat). It was used in Karel Capek´s novel R.U.R.
Daredevil is a darker superhero than Super-Man.
He is kind of depressed a lot of the time.
“depressed” is adjective, becouse of that we dont add “a”.
Robin Hobb wrote The Farseer Trilogy
It is a fantasy series that is sort of realistic.
Realistic is adjective, because of this it wasnt added “a”.
I really really like the way of your teaching , thank you from bottom of my heart.
i wish you make a lesson about when to use “to do” and “doing”, if you don’t mind … thanks once again :)
Thanks Alex!
i’m a little bit confused,what the different between i’m kind of a and i’m kind of…..
Sheila Efrilia
“Kind of a” is followed by noun, whereas “Kind of” is followed by adjective
Hope it helps.. :)
Hi Alex I loved these lessons. thanks for teaching english. but other teachers also good in teaching. ı really enjoyed to take part in this website
What is exact difference between “Kind of ” and “Sort of”
Thanks for information
That,s a good lesson, Your teaching method is excellent
this lesson was really good thanks for it =)
Wow. Thank you very much. Awesome teaching skills.
Alex is a wonderful teacher.
So,generally speaking there’s no difference between them,is there?!
We can use both nouns n adjectives after them,Right?????????!!!!!!!!!
yes it is right
Hello Fakhranda.I`m glad to see you here.I am proud of Azerbaijan and its people.I wish you good luck…
thank u ))
İt s good see Azerbaijanian here. good luck everyone. improve ur english
Azərbaycanlıları burda görçək xoşdu.
thanks alot
Thanks a bunch.
it is reaaaaaaaly kind of amazing lesson. it was my first & will not be my last.
Very nice lesson, i can understand everything
Hi Alex, I want series of lectures on analytical writing section of the GRE.
Thanks a million.
I’m learning english….
I understand a little lesson.
Please…. can I help you?
thanks alex
hi alex could you please explain to me what’s the difference between( it’s kind of a) and ( it’s kind of)
i mean i need to know where could i choose between that both sentences
Hi ikiller,
As others have mentioned, we use “a/an” before a singular count noun. An adjective can’t be counted, so we don’t use “a/an” before it, unless it is followed by a noun. See my response to Juan’s question above for more details.
Thanks for your question!
Very nice lesson,
thanks a lot.
M Johmani
Hi Alex,
You are a great teacher!
Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex, that was a great explanation, i just want to ask u some questions regarding the use of conjunctions like the differences between as well as and besides or whenever and provided, hope u can help me out, thanks
thanks it was usefull for me ) and i waiting for your answer to “ikiller”
It was really really helpful for me.. thank you EngVid.. :)
Thanks a lot Alex for your lesson and special effects!!!
thanks so much. its so useful.
so i understood how to use them. but another hand, u means its no diffirent between “kind of” and “sort of”?!
i just what to answer the question u offered. and i didnt see that u said about this.
thank u!
Hi Lin, as I mentioned, there is no difference in meaning between the two phrases.
Alex you said that there is no difference in the meaning, but in the uses, is there a difference?
thanks ! pls teach some more similar words .
Amazing Lesson. Thanks :)
nice lesson.
thanks alot
Great teaching…. Thank you very much..
thanks…great job
Hello Alex.Thank you very much for your lessons.I would like to have a colleague like you.Thank you again.Good job :)
I did need to learn this lesson.I was in a terrible doubt after hearing of kind of this and that.I was kind of doubtful,but I’m not anymore.Thanks a lot,Alex.
he looks kind of Peter Griffin from Family Guy XD
your explanation is so confused, you need to be more exact, I didnt understand anything
thanks mr alix gr8 lesson but im alittle confused
Thank’s for help.
I have a question:
May I say: I feel a little tired or hungry,…?
Thanks a lot!
Alberto Quintal V.
Hi,I like all your lesson ,they are very clearly ,thank you So much
Hi my name is max, I’m Italian and I would like to suggest to you something:
I love your way of teaching I love all of you but I think that for each video lesson you should enclose an exercise or something similar because the lessons are really great but reaaly short as well and so please give us something to master your wonderful lessons. I would like to get more information about the rules, idioms, phrasal verbs and everything that could give me an improvement. So please try to consider my request. It might be a great help to understand better everything you are teaching us. thank you for everything and for your time. As you can see my English is not so good that’s the reason why I’m trying to improve it. thank you. massimiliano
We try to give you practice with our quizzes, and we also have some resources that you can access at the top of the page. Google is a great way to get more information as well.
Nice topic to study, thanks teacher!
I’m really want to know the difference among wanna, going to, will…
a friend of mine asked about that and I havent any answer, you guys would teache us about these topic, or does it already exist?
Gracias teacher!
See ya
I am new here and have to say here is great
thanks a lot!!! a whiteboard is kind of white.
Hi!,Mr.Alex. you said that no difference meaning between both of them,don’t you? It means I can use them instead of each other? Ex. I’m kind of love him. or I’m sort of love him….?
thank you very much
ali engineer
thank you Alex it´s useful lesson
thank you Alex
it is really really edicational. Thank you
Thank you very much for your lessons
Thank you, Alex. I like your lessons.
It,s really good for me thank,s for this lesson and for this web great…..
tha’s so helpfull
Daniphord Mwajah
thank you Alex
it is kind of a good job Alex. i am kind of understand.
This lesson is sort of easy
Muhammad Farooq
excellent! i like this lesson…pls give us more example how to use A and AN in the sentence.
it’s a great lesson thank u very much, in the quiz I just missed one. yuppi!!
actually i am facing problem in making sentences will u please help me what should i do so dat it will be easy for me????
thank u
Hi,Thank you it is very nice lesson
You’re the most understandable speaking teacher here :D ! thank you.
Very good!
got perfect score. thanks and have a nice day Alex!
Good explanation! thanks:)
I get right 2 answers , Still need learn more
Mizar Febrian
Hi Alex!Thnx the lesson helped a lot!!
Hi Alex, I have correct all the question that has been asked in the quiz but i am not really satisfied as i crazed. I will appreciate you if you can give more explanation about this topic.
wao!!! thanks alex!! this was a great lesson. i have learned new vocabulary!!
thank yOu s0 muCh Mr:ALEX i really appreciate the way u teach us. .its kinda bore lecture ;))
So I can say I’m kind of hungry and I’m soft of hungry ?
If you mean “sort of” and not “soft of,” then yes. ;)
is this right sentence
‘i am sorta hungry’
sort of – sorta
kind of – kinda (fast english)
Salam, Mr Alex!
I am very lucky to take part in your lessons, It iz very helpfull.
Salam, Alex!
It is qood to take part in your lessons.
I am from Azerbaijan. WE have alot of language teaching centres. I liked your way of teaching and atmosphere of the lessons.
Thanks a lot.
hey alex plz could you make a video on have been and has been
Thanks for the video, it helps me a lot to improve my english skills!
good work i liked! by my speaking bad. i can understand and writing but speking .. :(
Hey Alex, how are you? the other they I saw a comment on twitter that said ”it’s rather weird” and I really got confused. Can we use rather as we use kind of or sort of? Greetings from México (:
Yes, rather can be used in that way.
Hey Mr. , I have a question, in the second one : Isaac Asimov invented the word ‘robotics’.
He was a sort visionary.
He was sort of a visionary.
He was a sort visionary.
He was a sort of.
I chose the second one,and I scored it, but you said, we just put an ”a” or ”an” if it is followed by a noun. and in this case it doesn´t followed by a noun. =/
Visionary can be used as a noun, as it is in this sentence. In this case, visionary means “a person of unusually keen foresight”.
Thanks for the lesson!!!
Thanks, it is very useful for me.
thank all of you…
Your lessons are getting better and better!!!!!!!!!
You are a great teacher!!!!!
hello my teatcher i need worknig with me in interview ambassy canadian
plz mr
this my skype issamsannak
hi i like this video lesson i’m forward to see more thanks a lot
thanks Alex
nashat anwar
very help full
I’m kind of learned this subject
My dear Alex, Thank you for your help. you are a very good teacher. God bless you…I am trying very hard to speak Englis good and your lesson helps me so much thanks agin…
I just discovered this website on u. I am very thankful i found it…its really a great help for some people am also one of them. May God bless u guys…
Thank you very much dear Alex)))
Wow, Alex! Your lessons are very useful and interesting.
Very good lesson like always Mr. Alex.
Thank u very much to all the Team for this job, I am learning English in a fun but very good way!
can we use either a or an before sort of or kind of? Even the Oxford dictionary does not mention any article before these words.please reply
This is kind a important lesson for me. Actually I didnt exactly know them before. Thanks….
yes i get it
thank you so much alex
So, are they interchangeable in all the situations?
I mean not just in the examples you gave… are they ALWAYS interchangeable?
Great teacher and great tip. Thanks
I keep improving my English thanks to your lessons!)))
hi,my name’s dear. i live in Thailand. and i like English,i get it. thank you. ^^
Hi, Thanks Alex. I enjoy your lessons and what you gonna teach here :D
hi teacher alex how are you and your the best teacher and i injoy from every your lesson thank for your lesson
Wait, hold on, I thought you said Emma was the best teacher! :P
engVid Moderator
Hahahaha Moderator, you really read our comments!!! I understand my friend here, because they are so good teachers, we get kind of confused which is the best… well, maybe James should speak a little slowly, anyway, they are fantastic!!!
Sally S
Dear Alex
I like your lesson so much, i like your voice and the way you taught. But let me ask you a question, i think after preposition ” of ” you must use a noun, but i saw you used all adj ” tired, important, hungry….”. So i do not know this is only for speaking or i can use it in writing?
Thank you so much for your lesson and if you have time, please let me know..
Both are possible. You can follow sort of/kind of with either a noun, adjective, gerund, or preposition.
“He’s sort of a big deal.”
“I’m kind of angry at you.”
“He’s kind of studying.”
“I’m sort of in the middle of something.”
Dear Alex
Thank you so much for your explaining, i think this lesson help me so much.
Thanks so much Alex, your teaching is excellent
Thanks Alex, it is very helpful.
M. Munir
I enjoyed this lesson! It is really useful! Thank you Alex!
Sally S
thank you so much alex, i enjoyed alot with this lesson your are a great person
parwiz amini
I enjoyed with this lesson,Thanks
Your explanations are very good. Thank you!
thanks too much your lesson is really enjoyable as well as your topics that you choose…. can i use a noun after -kind of-and the meaning does not change??
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
It*s not kind of great work, it*s a huge work helping people to improve their English))))My appreciations!
I like that you speaking slowly and clearly. I can learn not only from the articles you was teaching but also your conversation. I like when you told us about the busy street outside. Its kind of informal.
hey sir, i love all your videos. m learning a lot. thanks a lot for helping me in learning english………..
Scrolling down to write a comment is sort of nightmare! is it correct without “a” before nightmare?
Really useful lesson! Thanks Alex
thanks alex!! you’re a terrific teacher :)
I can’t belive that I understand this lesson , thank you :)
Thank you Alex, wonderful lesson!
Dorian Garcia
Thank you a lot!
Hello sir ,
Thanks a lot for all of your excellent and useful efforts .You are my best teacher ever.let me please tell you I just noticed that we can only use (sort of ,kind of ) with verb to be ,i hope my notice would be correct .
Jasmeen Tereskov
I am sort of broke right now :(
Thanks a lot Alex
Thank you teacher for your useful lesson. Now, I know how to use it.
finally! Thanks!
Thanks a lot, Mr Alex!!!
Ip Man Lee
Look out!Police,run out )
I think Assimov was a visionary. Not kind of/sort of. Dorian Grey was the narcissism. Etc.
I’ve just understood what you mean. When you are talking to uneducated people, you adds kinda/sorta meaning “this guy don’t have any idea about we are talking about”.
Am I wrong? I don’t know. I am sort of bewildered.
As you can see my English is ‘sorta’ short.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Thank you, Alex. Your lessons are useful and interesting!
Alex, I love your classes!!!!
I wonder where you guys are located, I’ve heard those sirens at least three times already haha by the way, thanks for the lesson, it was one of my doubts!
Hi alex,
U r really awesome ty for ur trips & lessions..!
Sarath Alokam
Thank you ,that is make me understanding
I am kind of confused :-)
which one of these is correct?
1. He’s kind of a showoff.
2. He’s kind of showoff.
a show-off
Thanks a lot :)
This lesson is kind of useful . Engvid is sort of an amazing educational site .
Hi Alex. May I ask you a question?
Is this sentence correct?
I’m a little bit hungry.
Thank you Alex, but I have a problem when use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before the noun.
Very helpful. Now I know how to use them In a sentence
Alieu Badara
Thank you. Useful
thanks Mr alex
i was kind of confused. got 40 :(
Saiful Anwar
Thank you Alex.I love the way you’re teaching.
ann ann
okay, 5/5
ann ann
The difficult for me.
thanks, Alex! It was interesting, but
I didn’t understand – what difference between
sort of and kind of?
and when I have to use ‘kind of’ , but when ‘sort of’????
Alex, may i ask you to clarify the difference between “a kind of” and “kind of”?
Thanks for lesson. You are great Alex..
i am sort of fun of your lesson.
Hi alex
In what situations we should put articles ahead of “kind of“/sort of / type of. Examples given by you, articles were placed after them。I look forward to your reply????Thank.
I was wondering what is the difference betwen “kind of” and “sort of” so far. Now I Know! Thanks for this lesson Alex.
Thanks Alex, I have a question, in the second one “2. Isaac Asimov invented the word ‘robotics'”. With this answer,”He was sort of a visionary”. Was it necessary to put the article “a”? By the way,your explanation was clear as a bell, I would like to recieve a class when we can know to use “as and like” thanks a big hug
5/5. perfect
ann ann
Thank you very much for this lesson.
thank you.
ann ann
i relly like your lessons Alex, thanks a lot.
i would like to know if you can make a video about present perfect continuous or past perfect. I can see that is very common and useful and it is a little difficult fo many people and me. i think it would be great. thanks.
Why the 4th question option “it’s fantasy series that has sort of realistic..
Is not correct..
Thanks a lot
Great teacher! Thank you Alex!
Jonathas Wilhem
Thank you teacher in your lesson…
The point is between kind of and short of are same meaning, is it right?
Rustam xsm
Thank you Mr. Alex!
Thank you Alex for the lesson!
That’s my first lesson about this material. I have heard it a lot on tv sitcom. It’s so nice!
I watched the video twice on September 22, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
The difficult part is when to add the article “a”. Is there a rule of adding “a” when the word after “kind of” or “sort of” is a noun or adjetive?
I’m not very sure but I observe that when an adjective is used, we don’t add “a”. When a noun is used, there is an “a”. I hope this comment will help you.
Juan, we use “a” or “an” before a singular count noun. An adjective can’t be counted, so we don’t use “a” or “an” before it, unless it is followed by a noun. Ex. “He’s kind of an important person.” “He’s kind of important.” Hope this helps!
Thank you for your answer. My test was bad because I have problem with a or an before kind so i need a lesson about this grammar rule.
sir please tell me .
He’s kind of important person.(important person is a noun)
He’s kind of important.)(important is an adjective_)
please correct me my above commment I explain true difference between the sentence please correct mm.
Yes it is helpful sir….
Iam kinda occupied now days
Btw, the lesson is great, thanks.
this lesson was kind of easy, but good enough. thanks 2 u Alex.
“thank to u” it is wrong
thank u Alexxx
Great!I really love it.
Hello Alex! Thanks for your great teaching videos. But I heard the siren many times in the videos, is that place where you are working kind of unsafe? haha~ Cheers!
thanks a allot for your a good lesson mr allex ………………….
Hello, Alex! Thank you for the lesson!
hello alex your a good teacher.thanks
can I be a friend in facebook alex my
username of facebok:bhuvanendra brahmi
Asimov invented the word “robotics”
He was sort of a visionary.
we observe the word visionary is noun that is why we use there “a”
Thanks Fakhranda coz tell me clearly how I use kind of and sort of with or without “a/an” before noun and adjective.
Actually Asimov didn´t invent the word “robot”. The word you mentioned is of czech origin (a slavic language) and it means “to work hard” (robotovat). It was used in Karel Capek´s novel R.U.R.
Daredevil is a darker superhero than Super-Man.
He is kind of depressed a lot of the time.
“depressed” is adjective, becouse of that we dont add “a”.
Robin Hobb wrote The Farseer Trilogy
It is a fantasy series that is sort of realistic.
Realistic is adjective, because of this it wasnt added “a”.
I really really like the way of your teaching , thank you from bottom of my heart.
i wish you make a lesson about when to use “to do” and “doing”, if you don’t mind … thanks once again :)
Thanks Alex!
i’m a little bit confused,what the different between i’m kind of a and i’m kind of…..
“Kind of a” is followed by noun, whereas “Kind of” is followed by adjective
Hope it helps.. :)
Hi Alex I loved these lessons. thanks for teaching english. but other teachers also good in teaching. ı really enjoyed to take part in this website
What is exact difference between “Kind of ” and “Sort of”
Thanks for information
That,s a good lesson, Your teaching method is excellent
this lesson was really good thanks for it =)
Wow. Thank you very much. Awesome teaching skills.
Alex is a wonderful teacher.
So,generally speaking there’s no difference between them,is there?!
We can use both nouns n adjectives after them,Right?????????!!!!!!!!!
yes it is right
Hello Fakhranda.I`m glad to see you here.I am proud of Azerbaijan and its people.I wish you good luck…
thank u ))
İt s good see Azerbaijanian here. good luck everyone. improve ur english
Azərbaycanlıları burda görçək xoşdu.
thanks alot
Thanks a bunch.
it is reaaaaaaaly kind of amazing lesson. it was my first & will not be my last.
Very nice lesson, i can understand everything
Hi Alex, I want series of lectures on analytical writing section of the GRE.
Thanks a million.
I’m learning english….
I understand a little lesson.
Please…. can I help you?
thanks alex
hi alex could you please explain to me what’s the difference between( it’s kind of a) and ( it’s kind of)
i mean i need to know where could i choose between that both sentences
Hi ikiller,
As others have mentioned, we use “a/an” before a singular count noun. An adjective can’t be counted, so we don’t use “a/an” before it, unless it is followed by a noun. See my response to Juan’s question above for more details.
Thanks for your question!
Very nice lesson,
thanks a lot.
Hi Alex,
You are a great teacher!
Thanks a lot.
Hi Alex, that was a great explanation, i just want to ask u some questions regarding the use of conjunctions like the differences between as well as and besides or whenever and provided, hope u can help me out, thanks
thanks it was usefull for me ) and i waiting for your answer to “ikiller”
It was really really helpful for me.. thank you EngVid.. :)
Thanks a lot Alex for your lesson and special effects!!!
thanks so much. its so useful.
so i understood how to use them. but another hand, u means its no diffirent between “kind of” and “sort of”?!
i just what to answer the question u offered. and i didnt see that u said about this.
thank u!
Hi Lin, as I mentioned, there is no difference in meaning between the two phrases.
Alex you said that there is no difference in the meaning, but in the uses, is there a difference?
thanks ! pls teach some more similar words .
Amazing Lesson. Thanks :)
nice lesson.
thanks alot
Great teaching…. Thank you very much..
thanks…great job
Hello Alex.Thank you very much for your lessons.I would like to have a colleague like you.Thank you again.Good job :)
I did need to learn this lesson.I was in a terrible doubt after hearing of kind of this and that.I was kind of doubtful,but I’m not anymore.Thanks a lot,Alex.
he looks kind of Peter Griffin from Family Guy XD
your explanation is so confused, you need to be more exact, I didnt understand anything
thanks mr alix gr8 lesson but im alittle confused
Thank’s for help.
I have a question:
May I say: I feel a little tired or hungry,…?
Thanks a lot!
Hi,I like all your lesson ,they are very clearly ,thank you So much
Hi my name is max, I’m Italian and I would like to suggest to you something:
I love your way of teaching I love all of you but I think that for each video lesson you should enclose an exercise or something similar because the lessons are really great but reaaly short as well and so please give us something to master your wonderful lessons. I would like to get more information about the rules, idioms, phrasal verbs and everything that could give me an improvement. So please try to consider my request. It might be a great help to understand better everything you are teaching us. thank you for everything and for your time. As you can see my English is not so good that’s the reason why I’m trying to improve it. thank you. massimiliano
We try to give you practice with our quizzes, and we also have some resources that you can access at the top of the page. Google is a great way to get more information as well.
Nice topic to study, thanks teacher!
I’m really want to know the difference among wanna, going to, will…
a friend of mine asked about that and I havent any answer, you guys would teache us about these topic, or does it already exist?
Gracias teacher!
See ya
I am new here and have to say here is great
thanks a lot!!! a whiteboard is kind of white.
Hi!,Mr.Alex. you said that no difference meaning between both of them,don’t you? It means I can use them instead of each other? Ex. I’m kind of love him. or I’m sort of love him….?
thank you very much
thank you Alex it´s useful lesson
thank you Alex
it is really really edicational. Thank you
Thank you very much for your lessons
Thank you, Alex. I like your lessons.
It,s really good for me thank,s for this lesson and for this web great…..
tha’s so helpfull
thank you Alex
it is kind of a good job Alex. i am kind of understand.
This lesson is sort of easy
excellent! i like this lesson…pls give us more example how to use A and AN in the sentence.
it’s a great lesson thank u very much, in the quiz I just missed one. yuppi!!
actually i am facing problem in making sentences will u please help me what should i do so dat it will be easy for me????
thank u
Hi,Thank you it is very nice lesson
You’re the most understandable speaking teacher here :D ! thank you.
Very good!
got perfect score. thanks and have a nice day Alex!
Good explanation! thanks:)
I get right 2 answers , Still need learn more
Hi Alex!Thnx the lesson helped a lot!!
Hi Alex, I have correct all the question that has been asked in the quiz but i am not really satisfied as i crazed. I will appreciate you if you can give more explanation about this topic.
wao!!! thanks alex!! this was a great lesson. i have learned new vocabulary!!
thank yOu s0 muCh Mr:ALEX i really appreciate the way u teach us. .its kinda bore lecture ;))
So I can say I’m kind of hungry and I’m soft of hungry ?
If you mean “sort of” and not “soft of,” then yes. ;)
is this right sentence
‘i am sorta hungry’
sort of – sorta
kind of – kinda (fast english)
Salam, Mr Alex!
I am very lucky to take part in your lessons, It iz very helpfull.
Salam, Alex!
It is qood to take part in your lessons.
I am from Azerbaijan. WE have alot of language teaching centres. I liked your way of teaching and atmosphere of the lessons.
Thanks a lot.
hey alex plz could you make a video on have been and has been
Thanks for the video, it helps me a lot to improve my english skills!
good work i liked! by my speaking bad. i can understand and writing but speking .. :(
Hey Alex, how are you? the other they I saw a comment on twitter that said ”it’s rather weird” and I really got confused. Can we use rather as we use kind of or sort of? Greetings from México (:
can be used in that way.Hey Mr. , I have a question, in the second one : Isaac Asimov invented the word ‘robotics’.
He was a sort visionary.
He was sort of a visionary.
He was a sort visionary.
He was a sort of.
I chose the second one,and I scored it, but you said, we just put an ”a” or ”an” if it is followed by a noun. and in this case it doesn´t followed by a noun. =/
can be used as a noun, as it is in this sentence. In this case,visionary
means “a person of unusually keen foresight”.Thanks for the lesson!!!
Thanks, it is very useful for me.
thank all of you…
Your lessons are getting better and better!!!!!!!!!
You are a great teacher!!!!!
hello my teatcher i need worknig with me in interview ambassy canadian
plz mr
this my skype issamsannak
hi i like this video lesson i’m forward to see more thanks a lot
thanks Alex
very help full
I’m kind of learned this subject
My dear Alex, Thank you for your help. you are a very good teacher. God bless you…I am trying very hard to speak Englis good and your lesson helps me so much thanks agin…
I just discovered this website on u. I am very thankful i found it…its really a great help for some people am also one of them. May God bless u guys…
Thank you very much dear Alex)))
Wow, Alex! Your lessons are very useful and interesting.
Very good lesson like always Mr. Alex.
Thank u very much to all the Team for this job, I am learning English in a fun but very good way!
can we use either a or an before sort of or kind of? Even the Oxford dictionary does not mention any article before these words.please reply
This is kind a important lesson for me. Actually I didnt exactly know them before. Thanks….
yes i get it
thank you so much alex
So, are they interchangeable in all the situations?
I mean not just in the examples you gave… are they ALWAYS interchangeable?
Great teacher and great tip. Thanks
I keep improving my English thanks to your lessons!)))
hi,my name’s dear. i live in Thailand. and i like English,i get it. thank you. ^^
Hi, Thanks Alex. I enjoy your lessons and what you gonna teach here :D
hi teacher alex how are you and your the best teacher and i injoy from every your lesson thank for your lesson
Wait, hold on, I thought you said Emma was the best teacher! :P
Hahahaha Moderator, you really read our comments!!! I understand my friend here, because they are so good teachers, we get kind of confused which is the best… well, maybe James should speak a little slowly, anyway, they are fantastic!!!
Dear Alex
I like your lesson so much, i like your voice and the way you taught. But let me ask you a question, i think after preposition ” of ” you must use a noun, but i saw you used all adj ” tired, important, hungry….”. So i do not know this is only for speaking or i can use it in writing?
Thank you so much for your lesson and if you have time, please let me know..
Both are possible. You can follow sort of/kind of with either a noun, adjective, gerund, or preposition.
“He’s sort of a big deal.”
“I’m kind of angry at you.”
“He’s kind of studying.”
“I’m sort of in the middle of something.”
Dear Alex
Thank you so much for your explaining, i think this lesson help me so much.
Thanks so much Alex, your teaching is excellent
Thanks Alex, it is very helpful.
I enjoyed this lesson! It is really useful! Thank you Alex!
thank you so much alex, i enjoyed alot with this lesson your are a great person
I enjoyed with this lesson,Thanks
Your explanations are very good. Thank you!
thanks too much your lesson is really enjoyable as well as your topics that you choose…. can i use a noun after -kind of-and the meaning does not change??
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
It*s not kind of great work, it*s a huge work helping people to improve their English))))My appreciations!
I like that you speaking slowly and clearly. I can learn not only from the articles you was teaching but also your conversation. I like when you told us about the busy street outside. Its kind of informal.
hey sir, i love all your videos. m learning a lot. thanks a lot for helping me in learning english………..
Scrolling down to write a comment is sort of nightmare! is it correct without “a” before nightmare?
Really useful lesson! Thanks Alex
thanks alex!! you’re a terrific teacher :)
I can’t belive that I understand this lesson , thank you :)
Thank you Alex, wonderful lesson!
Thank you a lot!
Hello sir ,
Thanks a lot for all of your excellent and useful efforts .You are my best teacher ever.let me please tell you I just noticed that we can only use (sort of ,kind of ) with verb to be ,i hope my notice would be correct .
I am sort of broke right now :(
Thanks a lot Alex
Thank you teacher for your useful lesson. Now, I know how to use it.
finally! Thanks!
Thanks a lot, Mr Alex!!!
Look out!Police,run out )
I think Assimov was a visionary. Not kind of/sort of. Dorian Grey was the narcissism. Etc.
I’ve just understood what you mean. When you are talking to uneducated people, you adds kinda/sorta meaning “this guy don’t have any idea about we are talking about”.
Am I wrong? I don’t know. I am sort of bewildered.
As you can see my English is ‘sorta’ short.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks got 80%.
Thank you, Alex. Your lessons are useful and interesting!
Alex, I love your classes!!!!
I wonder where you guys are located, I’ve heard those sirens at least three times already haha by the way, thanks for the lesson, it was one of my doubts!
Hi alex,
U r really awesome ty for ur trips & lessions..!
Thank you ,that is make me understanding
I am kind of confused :-)
which one of these is correct?
1. He’s kind of a showoff.
2. He’s kind of showoff.
a show-off
Thanks a lot :)
This lesson is kind of useful . Engvid is sort of an amazing educational site .
Hi Alex. May I ask you a question?
Is this sentence correct?
I’m a little bit hungry.
Thank you Alex, but I have a problem when use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before the noun.
emrah.bulduk@hotmail.com. … For skype online conversation to you guys!
Very helpful. Now I know how to use them In a sentence
Thank you. Useful
thanks Mr alex
i was kind of confused. got 40 :(
Thank you Alex.I love the way you’re teaching.
okay, 5/5
The difficult for me.
thanks, Alex! It was interesting, but
I didn’t understand – what difference between
sort of and kind of?
and when I have to use ‘kind of’ , but when ‘sort of’????
Alex, may i ask you to clarify the difference between “a kind of” and “kind of”?
Thanks for lesson. You are great Alex..
i am sort of fun of your lesson.
Hi alex
In what situations we should put articles ahead of “kind of“/sort of / type of. Examples given by you, articles were placed after them。I look forward to your reply????Thank.
I was wondering what is the difference betwen “kind of” and “sort of” so far. Now I Know! Thanks for this lesson Alex.
Thanks Alex, I have a question, in the second one “2. Isaac Asimov invented the word ‘robotics'”. With this answer,”He was sort of a visionary”. Was it necessary to put the article “a”? By the way,your explanation was clear as a bell, I would like to recieve a class when we can know to use “as and like” thanks a big hug
5/5. perfect
Thank you very much for this lesson.
thank you.
i relly like your lessons Alex, thanks a lot.
i would like to know if you can make a video about present perfect continuous or past perfect. I can see that is very common and useful and it is a little difficult fo many people and me. i think it would be great. thanks.
Why the 4th question option “it’s fantasy series that has sort of realistic..
Is not correct..
Thanks a lot
Great teacher! Thank you Alex!
Thank you teacher in your lesson…
The point is between kind of and short of are same meaning, is it right?
Thank you Mr. Alex!
Thank you Alex for the lesson!
That’s my first lesson about this material. I have heard it a lot on tv sitcom. It’s so nice!
I watched the video twice on September 22, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 5.