Rebecca teaches the vocabulary of friendship in this lesson, aimed at giving you the right words, expressions, and idioms to describe your most important relationships.
A really good lesson,I enjoied it thanks v.much….!GOD bless…!
it is really a good lesson i have benefitted from it so much. thanks 4 ur effort. :)
Now, at last I can talk about my friends. Well, to tell the truth I do not have a wide circle of friends.
I could count on the fingers of one hand the people I actually consider my friends; that’s me folks!!!
Rebeca, the ease with which you explain your lessons is unbelievable; you’re just great.
Bye for now, take care.
its realy good and entrasting guys i realy loved this
sifat memon
Thanks for every things.
thanks v much for this video it’s v helpful.
I want to learn english. This lessons are really good. which is the first lesson that I should begin it?
good freaking topic Rebecca. the easiest topic 2 understand, i wanna be your friend 4ever n’ ever lol.until next time, all the best 4 u.
hi mam!!
i hope you will be fine.its w0nderfUl …mam please let me tell how i prepare my ielts exams preparation???
i need 5.5 bands and must in each skill having 5bands…i will be very thankful to you f0r this fav0ur if you tell me..
just let me tell any ielts web site in which have just ielts materials….
xulfi syed
You can visit my website:
There is a lot of info there which can help you prepare for this challenging exam. My best wishes to you.
i realy fane of you i wanna get something from you
farjan dada
plz helpe me english spoken course
I hope so injoy your website soon as i can
Good lesson this is the first time for me
Thank you very much! The lesson is clear and useful.
thanks your lesson that useful and thanks discrib for many of friends
Iadmire your topics.
Good job mam!
All the best.
it is nice simple and easy to digest
thanks for you .I need more?
Tks a lot Rebecca. You’re very good teacher.Lily from Brazil
Was nice information
very good, the best, i love it
Lucciano Deoliveira
I liked a lot the class. That was a very good information
Mil a Justiniano
Very good lesson ,Tks a lot Rebecca You’re very good teacher .kalid from somaliland
mam its awesome ..y0u are great..mam plz let me tell how i prepare my ielts ??
i need 5.5bands and in each skill should having 5band…plz
xulfi syed
Thank you so much, it’s very useful
thank you alot my teacher rebecca
it is very good lesson
Hi, this is farhan i really appreciate for this site to whom recognized it.
Sj Farhan
thanks for you .I need more?
It is one of the most useful lessons.A appreciate it.Thank you very much. I need and wait for more lessons in 2-intermediate. With best regards.
10q for your lesson.
You are a good friend :)
Mohammed alrefai
thank you very much!
Thanks a lot
botaangleze is in Albanian , whereas in English is englishworld.
Me and my students really have found this site very useful. Thanks
That’s wonderful, Tyran. Always a pleasure to hear from a fellow teacher. Please let me know if your students have any special difficulties. My best wishes to you and your students.
Thank you very mutch.The lesson was very good.My score is not good because i dont know many words…but i will try..Thank you again.
hello there.I always use this sentences
about friends,friend is in well or bad events .is that correct?maybe he had an accident,he’s paralised in legs.he caugh aids virus ,VIH.
I think you’re trying to say that a good friend stays your friend through good times and bad.
Best wishes to you, Dan.
Your lesson always are very useful. Thanks for sharing your knowledges and charisma.
Rose my best friend ^_^
thank you soo much,you’r the best teacher
thanks you……you’r the best teacher for everyone….nink hw r u..???
thanks so much for ur lessons, thats very helpful…
but after the video, im still having some confusion in the word “family friend”, that if it means a friend we know because our family members knew he/she before, or we know he/she before and then he/she become our family’s friend
can u plz help me…thanks again, Rebecca.
Good question. It seems to me that someone in the family had to make friends with the person first and then introduce them to others in the family. The main point is that this kind of “family friend” is someone who visits your home and also speaks to other members of your family and knows them well.
Hope this helps! My best to you.
great work you people very use full for english learner
fiaz ali
Thank you,was a good lesson :)
It is a very good lesson. Thanks :)
Thank You REBECCA….
Tks u great job,just i have learned smth new!
Excuse my audacity, Rebecca, but could you explain the difference between words “share(d)” and “common”?
Well, shared interests and common interests, for example, can mean the same thing.
However, shared experiences are experiences that you had together with someone else and common experiences are experiences that many people, who do not necessarily know each other, have gone through.
Hope this helps! All the best to you, Alex.
Excelent lesson teacher..thanks a lot…God bless you…
Thanks Rebeccaaaa for your time , It was a very good lesson to describe how to use all the words about the friends,Its useful.God bless you .
wow, great!
wonderful topic but please tell me how can i begining to learn english to be fluent in english please communicative with me
I would try to join a conversational English class or get a good private teacher. My best wishes to you.
Thank you, Rebecca
You’re such a great teacher, Rebecca. I wish I had someone like you back in my school.
Thank you very much…..
thankz alot..i know about this now..
Thank you! It’s very informative and useful!!
Can you please do some more saying or proverbs on friends?
krishna khanna
Thanks for the suggestion; I’ll work on that. My best wishes to you, Krishna.
I would like to express that lesson was so fantactic thank you so much teacher.
i like your way its very nice way and very helpful
Thank for teach students
Good day! Can you do please a lesson about Direct and Indirect Speech? I’m looking forward. Thanks!=)
Thank you so much for this lesson. I really want to make friend with you but I am so young , so I just only call you are my teacher in online. But I think aquentance do not need too much about relationship, that why I want you are my fiend and better than my teacher. Hihi
I wish you a lifetime full of many good friendships. My best wishes to you.
Lady Escort?
chakim hamzah
This not helpful but is very very helpful thank you so much
Ahmad Fawad Zahed
thank you ……. it the best i like it…good job.
thx z lot rebecca and all your friends
Thank u so much for the best lesson
that is great lesson
thanks teachers for teaching.
wahid rahman (noorzad)
You are my favourite teacher. Thank you very much for your interesting and very useful lessons. I like them very much.
Very nice lesson and well explained…
Love ur website
many thanks… love all your lessons
nice presentation…really useful lesson..
Excellent!I am looking for sentence with even, though yet and as if.
Thank you
Thank you it is very important lecture
it is good to know the meaning of very similar words.
I would like to ask you about the word acquaintance I underestood the meaning but I am not really sure how to use in a sentence.
I would be happy if you give me one example or sentence
Jack is an acquaintance of mine.
Jack and I aren’t friends; we’re just acquaintances.
Hope this gives you a better idea. All the best to you, hanan.
It’s best lesson for me.
easy to listen but include very important topics.
thanks every thing i love it
Its nice friendship lesson…
I dont undrstand very well the last sentece…Could you explain me? Thanks
hello, I am from to Panama is very happy with you for everything. Excelent! I am learning English so much
Mavil de De León a
Thank you so much for this valuable information
… and diamonds are girl’s best friend!
Thanks for adding that expression to the list, although I don’t agree with it personally!
My best wishes to you.
A tribute to the great Marylin Monroe!
I am so glad the way of her teaching english any one can understand that,
I hope that those who are watch this webside with in the month’s then can speak a fluency english,Thanks to you,
Mohammed Taj uddin
thanx alot for this lesson. I got it
i don’t belive that. My score were 6 out of 6 . thanks you so much for this lesson.
Good for you! I wish you the best with your English.
thanks teacher
now i can describe my friends
easy, clear, useful lesson!
Thank u, the video was great
thanks it really helped me
i don`t speak english but this course is great
Apparently, you do write English anyway! Thanks for watching. All the best, Gustavo.
Hi. i am not a native speaker of English and it not my mother tongue as well because of these i am not able to speak English as the native speakers of the language. there is a lot difference in my pronunciation when compared to proper speakers of the language. it is almost different :(. And even the fluency. please suggest me some improvement methods.
How would you describe a friend you have known since you were in kindergarten?
a school friend
an old friend
a childhood friend
all the answers are correct—Are you sure ?
If I have a teacher like Rebecca i would not have any problem in speaking English
That’s very kind, thank you. Glad I can help you online through engvid! My best wishes to you.
Tks Rebecca. I’m so glad. Lily from Brazil
Lily Diaz
Me, too! Thanks, Lily! All the best.
hi thanks alot>iwant learn enghlish you can learn me any body
It’s really wonderful session. I enjoyed the lesson a lot.
the world is in need of a great person like you to lighten the way for others!!
You are too kind. Thank you for watching our videos and learning with us at engvid. My best wishes to you, too.
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to watch and leave us your feedback. Please tell your friends about us so engvid can continue to grow. All the best!
Thanks a lot.
thanks alot god bless
This video lessons help me a lot! You are amazing teacher.Thank you Rebecca.
Best wishes from Romania.
hi dear teacher rebecca you clarified this lesson thanks dear rebbeca
good lesson // i hope i can find other lessons about : health , styding , polution and health ..
i am from iraq .. I have been studying in Malaysia for 8 months .I need to get Band 6 overall in IELTS
this is because i want to study Master of comparative law ..
Thank Rebecca for this interesting lesson you are a great teacher, I would like to see videos about idioms
thnkyou very much
Ahmed -Baghdad
really superb lessons wow
thanks, i appreciate your idea….and i will have good knowledge from Engvid
Your lesson always are very useful. Thanks for sharing your knowledges
Hi Rebecca, I have a doubt. All my life I thought that after “like, hate” it must be written the verb+ing but lately I have seen to+verb. I’m so confused. thanks!
Hi Rebecca! thanks a lot from Uruguay. I have a doubt, all my life I thought that after “like, hate” we must write the verb + “ing” but lately I have seen like+to+verb. Iam very confused about this. Thanks.
Excelent lesson, Rebecca. Thanks
Maurício Fernandes
I like your way in teaching Rebecca!!
Hi rebecca, yr teaching is easily understand. Pls suggest how can my English improve fast.
Jhankar Vishwokarma
Hi Mam How To english learning?
Hi My New Friends I am from India
my english is very pover can you help me?
thanks for useful lesson
I came online because you said to me to come online.
is this ok
hello i am from Azerbaijan and i live in Baku )) i want speaking wonderful english language )) plz help me (( i love this site and i learned quickly english speaking with u too ))
thanks for everything . everyone knows you are a good teacher
thank you so much =)
thank you very much .
i really enjoy it ,,, i like you rebbeca :D
doda :)
This lesson ,Mrs Rebbeca is very useful!The expression that i especially like is ‘With friends like that,who need enemies’ !!!
tombest22 is my new close friend!
Dear Rebecca,
First of all, I appreciate your helpful videos. Second, I am an international student in Canada, I have come here recently. I have difficulty to understand native people as they speak quickly. I do know that I need to practice more, but I do not know how I can improve my listening and speaking skills. Would you please help me with that?
Dear Rebecca
thank you very much, your way of teaching English is very good. I live in Da Nang, VIet Nam. When you will come to Viet Nam for holiday. I invited you and your family ate dilicous fish of DaNang city.
Thanhs you a lot
Gia Hy
dear teacher,i really like your way of teaching.I have a keen interest of learning english and i want to improve my speaking.Is it correct speaking with a native speaker can improve my eng?
Thnx Rebecca
“With friends like that, who needs enemies?”
Abdul Qayum
thank you a lot for your work .com
Hello, i’m new student here, thanks this page is marvellous to learn english
Hello & thanks for this lesson.
I just have a question…
I’ll travel with a friend who is a girl. We are just friends.
Is there a confusion if I say “I’ll travel with a girlfrienf”?
what da faqin faq????????
i really like your video lesson rebecca.if you don’t mind please give us a tips how to apply to fill the blank of requirements or write a letter about it..thx.ika from indonesia
ika prayanthi
thank you teacher
You are a very good teacher.Can you help me,please? When I can use expression :”Good for you”.And what is mean?Thank you.
really a worthwhile site/lessons that every learner should visit/learn.
Thanks a lot.
thank you for this lesson. But can you help me! the word “boy friend” is just mean “in relationship ” or “a friend who is a boy” or 2 mean all right?. thanks!
Boy friend means “in relationship”. A friend who is a boy that we can say a male friend.
nice lesson
thank you a lot! :)
thank u z lot! god bless you….
ly chun xing
realy good lesson
Hey please help me…is this okey to say I HOPE ALL WENT FINE WITH U?
u r born to be a teacher
If I had a teacher like you when I was a student I could learn English very well and easily.Thanks a lot Rebecca.
its really gud mam……. mam i just want to imprve my speaking english so how can i improve it???? i want video lectures of urs….
I’m very happy ,my first exam is good I get 76 only 2mistics.
thank teacher, you are the best, i am really pleased for your form to teach and in especial for every test you created
Hi teacher I want to thank u for ur way to teach and I wish I know this website before . And I have a question can u pls tell me what is meaning of the word a quaintance that Hanan ask u about it
Good lesson but the sound is a little noisy,
… In french, we say ‘son métalique’. How can I tell in english ? But, except that point, your lesson is very interesting !
I’m very happy, now i learning English speak all my friend.
Rabecca, I hope a long time of live to Syou.Because you are a very kind personality. So I would like to thank you with high polite expression wrods, but I could not.
Al-Nahdi fromYEMEN
you got me with the first question i just click the first one i saw, lol…tricky one… nice lesson
Yes,I got perfect! Thanks Maam Rebecca for a good,loud and clear teaching. :-)
Thank U so much 4 U R all lessons…….
wow, it’s so amazing, teach me more!
whats so amazing about it?
thanks teacher Rebeca , you make sow easy to learn english ,but I have some dificultis with my writing , I don,t know what to do
its really good it is very useful to the students i like this
this iz soo good.. I rmembrd esly..
thanks teacher Rebecca for your all lessons,i want to speak in english perfectly and i hope i will do it
Hi, I would like u to explain to me the structure of this phrase and how form it: the more u STH, the more you/the better STH
Thank you. Rebacca
100 % nice lesson
6 correct out of 6, great job. When i was student i was not so good, Thank you teacher.
83 %. Thnx.
it’s very useful lesson thank you
Nice lesson thanks Rebecca!
vey useful lessons,thanks all the teachers very much!
ok , I got 83 %. Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you, I hope in the future, I can listen your topic
thanks for uploading this video.this website very useful for beginners.
Thanks Rebecca, I got 5 from 6 . Is the second time.I did wrong just the first question.
I was so surprized that I had gotten all corrected. It has been at least two years I haven’t taken time to study English. The score has made me think of taking time to study again. Thank you so much, Rebeca!
I have loyal,trusted,real friends who didn’t lose me anywhere
thanks madame
but what to say in the restaurant
plz can u help me
amu chan
hello,this is the first one time here
yousef alsaad
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson.
Could you please tell me how can I address to my loved friends? Can I use words like, “My dear”, “My sweat heart”, “My good Helen” or something else like that? Thank you in advance
Thanks Ms Rebecca, got 83%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Rebecca. I’m Santiago Perera from Brazil. I love watching your videos. You explain very well. Your didatic is great. I wanted to me every teacher from Engvid. It’d be a dream come reality. Love ya’ll. All the best. Keep the good work. :)
Santiago Perera
really interesting and enjoy learning while listening to the video…it helps me a lot…thank u for this kind of program that you’ve made…God bless and more power!
Hi Rebecca i enjoyed so much your lesson. I can understand you welll. Thank you.
I can’t loud videos what should I dooooooooooooo
Great lesson Rebecca I love the way you teach us.
“With friends like that, who needs enemies”
Can I call this person “FRIENEMY?”
Thanks,Rebecca your lesson was good and so are you as
a teacher,please keep up the good work!
video s audio was very bad.. unfortunately…
Why is There audio bad? Rebecca is always perfect. She is a best teacher.
thanks rebeca it was a very useful lesson.
Dear Rebecca,
We can rely on you to study English very well, thank.
Best regards.
my mam Rebecca
thank u very much for this helpful info and would you prepare for us written script please if you have chance?
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson.
Marco 2015
6/6 thank you
i want to talk with all friend in the word .i want speak english .please help skype is:pencil93e
madison trang tran
thank thank thank you
issa arch
hi Rebecca ,
mancef 1611
thank u
I don’t accept friend requests from ppl I don’t know in real life.
I want to learn english with Rebeca! She is great.
Sonia Nunes
Ilike your explanations.You are the best teacher
hank you, Rebeca
Thanks Rebecca for a good lesson.
You got 5 correct out of 6.
thanks a lot…
M kartal
Mr.Kim and I are just friend.6 corrected out of 6.
Thank you Rebecca!
You are the Best!
I had a question. Can someone help me? They are loyal friend is like painful. I didn’t understand beacause
pain means causing emotional or physical pain. So loyal friend is bad friend, right?
I’m 23 but I only ever had a boyfriend once when in high school.
It was a very useful lesson. Thanks
I hope all of us have lots of trusted friends…
Good lesdon
In my life I faced some fair-weather friends who could dare to ask about you when they need something in turn. Be aware of such people. So check your friends in hard times.
thanks a lot,Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan 28 Nov2021:)
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you teacher Rebecca! I’ll take one of these daily.
Learn English for free with 2152 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
A really good lesson,I enjoied it thanks v.much….!GOD bless…!
it is really a good lesson i have benefitted from it so much. thanks 4 ur effort. :)
Now, at last I can talk about my friends. Well, to tell the truth I do not have a wide circle of friends.
I could count on the fingers of one hand the people I actually consider my friends; that’s me folks!!!
Rebeca, the ease with which you explain your lessons is unbelievable; you’re just great.
Bye for now, take care.
its realy good and entrasting guys i realy loved this
Thanks for every things.
thanks v much for this video it’s v helpful.
I want to learn english. This lessons are really good. which is the first lesson that I should begin it?
good freaking topic Rebecca. the easiest topic 2 understand, i wanna be your friend 4ever n’ ever lol.until next time, all the best 4 u.
hi mam!!
i hope you will be fine.its w0nderfUl …mam please let me tell how i prepare my ielts exams preparation???
i need 5.5 bands and must in each skill having 5bands…i will be very thankful to you f0r this fav0ur if you tell me..
just let me tell any ielts web site in which have just ielts materials….
You can visit my website:
There is a lot of info there which can help you prepare for this challenging exam. My best wishes to you.
i realy fane of you i wanna get something from you
plz helpe me english spoken course
I hope so injoy your website soon as i can
Good lesson this is the first time for me
Thank you very much! The lesson is clear and useful.
thanks your lesson that useful and thanks discrib for many of friends
Iadmire your topics.
Good job mam!
All the best.
it is nice simple and easy to digest
thanks for you .I need more?
Tks a lot Rebecca. You’re very good teacher.Lily from Brazil
Was nice information
very good, the best, i love it
I liked a lot the class. That was a very good information
Very good lesson ,Tks a lot Rebecca You’re very good teacher .kalid from somaliland
mam its awesome ..y0u are great..mam plz let me tell how i prepare my ielts ??
i need 5.5bands and in each skill should having 5band…plz
Thank you so much, it’s very useful
thank you alot my teacher rebecca
it is very good lesson
Hi, this is farhan i really appreciate for this site to whom recognized it.
thanks for you .I need more?
It is one of the most useful lessons.A appreciate it.Thank you very much. I need and wait for more lessons in 2-intermediate. With best regards.
10q for your lesson.
You are a good friend :)
thank you very much!
Thanks a lot
botaangleze is in Albanian , whereas in English is englishworld.
Me and my students really have found this site very useful. Thanks
That’s wonderful, Tyran. Always a pleasure to hear from a fellow teacher. Please let me know if your students have any special difficulties. My best wishes to you and your students.
Thank you very mutch.The lesson was very good.My score is not good because i dont know many words…but i will try..Thank you again.
hello there.I always use this sentences
about friends,friend is in well or bad events .is that correct?maybe he had an accident,he’s paralised in legs.he caugh aids virus ,VIH.
I think you’re trying to say that a good friend stays your friend through good times and bad.
Best wishes to you, Dan.
Your lesson always are very useful. Thanks for sharing your knowledges and charisma. my best friend ^_^
thank you soo much,you’r the best teacher
thanks you……you’r the best teacher for everyone….nink hw r u..???
thanks so much for ur lessons, thats very helpful…
but after the video, im still having some confusion in the word “family friend”, that if it means a friend we know because our family members knew he/she before, or we know he/she before and then he/she become our family’s friend
can u plz help me…thanks again, Rebecca.
Good question. It seems to me that someone in the family had to make friends with the person first and then introduce them to others in the family. The main point is that this kind of “family friend” is someone who visits your home and also speaks to other members of your family and knows them well.
Hope this helps! My best to you.
great work you people very use full for english learner
Thank you,was a good lesson :)
It is a very good lesson. Thanks :)
Thank You REBECCA….
Tks u great job,just i have learned smth new!
Excuse my audacity, Rebecca, but could you explain the difference between words “share(d)” and “common”?
Well, shared interests and common interests, for example, can mean the same thing.
However, shared experiences are experiences that you had together with someone else and common experiences are experiences that many people, who do not necessarily know each other, have gone through.
Hope this helps! All the best to you, Alex.
Excelent lesson teacher..thanks a lot…God bless you…
Thanks Rebeccaaaa for your time , It was a very good lesson to describe how to use all the words about the friends,Its useful.God bless you .
wow, great!
wonderful topic but please tell me how can i begining to learn english to be fluent in english please communicative with me
I would try to join a conversational English class or get a good private teacher. My best wishes to you.
Thank you, Rebecca
You’re such a great teacher, Rebecca. I wish I had someone like you back in my school.
Thank you very much…..
thankz alot..i know about this now..
Thank you! It’s very informative and useful!!
Can you please do some more saying or proverbs on friends?
Thanks for the suggestion; I’ll work on that. My best wishes to you, Krishna.
I would like to express that lesson was so fantactic thank you so much teacher.
i like your way its very nice way and very helpful
Thank for teach students
Good day! Can you do please a lesson about Direct and Indirect Speech? I’m looking forward. Thanks!=)
Thank you so much for this lesson. I really want to make friend with you but I am so young , so I just only call you are my teacher in online. But I think aquentance do not need too much about relationship, that why I want you are my fiend and better than my teacher. Hihi
I wish you a lifetime full of many good friendships. My best wishes to you.
Lady Escort?
This not helpful but is very very helpful thank you so much
thank you ……. it the best i like it…good job.
thx z lot rebecca and all your friends
Thank u so much for the best lesson
that is great lesson
thanks teachers for teaching.
You are my favourite teacher. Thank you very much for your interesting and very useful lessons. I like them very much.
Very nice lesson and well explained…
Love ur website
many thanks… love all your lessons
nice presentation…really useful lesson..
Excellent!I am looking for sentence with even, though yet and as if.
Thank you
Thank you it is very important lecture
it is good to know the meaning of very similar words.
I would like to ask you about the word acquaintance I underestood the meaning but I am not really sure how to use in a sentence.
I would be happy if you give me one example or sentence
Jack is an acquaintance of mine.
Jack and I aren’t friends; we’re just acquaintances.
Hope this gives you a better idea. All the best to you, hanan.
It’s best lesson for me.
easy to listen but include very important topics.
thanks every thing i love it
Its nice friendship lesson…
I dont undrstand very well the last sentece…Could you explain me? Thanks
hello, I am from to Panama is very happy with you for everything. Excelent! I am learning English so much
Thank you so much for this valuable information
… and diamonds are girl’s best friend!
Thanks for adding that expression to the list, although I don’t agree with it personally!
My best wishes to you.
A tribute to the great Marylin Monroe!
I am so glad the way of her teaching english any one can understand that,
I hope that those who are watch this webside with in the month’s then can speak a fluency english,Thanks to you,
thanx alot for this lesson. I got it
i don’t belive that. My score were 6 out of 6 . thanks you so much for this lesson.
Good for you! I wish you the best with your English.
thanks teacher
now i can describe my friends
easy, clear, useful lesson!
Thank u, the video was great
thanks it really helped me
i don`t speak english but this course is great
Apparently, you do write English anyway! Thanks for watching. All the best, Gustavo.
Hi. i am not a native speaker of English and it not my mother tongue as well because of these i am not able to speak English as the native speakers of the language. there is a lot difference in my pronunciation when compared to proper speakers of the language. it is almost different :(. And even the fluency. please suggest me some improvement methods.
How would you describe a friend you have known since you were in kindergarten?
a school friend
an old friend
a childhood friend
all the answers are correct—Are you sure ?
If I have a teacher like Rebecca i would not have any problem in speaking English
That’s very kind, thank you. Glad I can help you online through engvid! My best wishes to you.
Tks Rebecca. I’m so glad. Lily from Brazil
Me, too! Thanks, Lily! All the best.
hi thanks alot>iwant learn enghlish you can learn me any body
It’s really wonderful session. I enjoyed the lesson a lot.
the world is in need of a great person like you to lighten the way for others!!
You are too kind. Thank you for watching our videos and learning with us at engvid. My best wishes to you, too.
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to watch and leave us your feedback. Please tell your friends about us so engvid can continue to grow. All the best!
Thanks a lot.
thanks alot god bless
This video lessons help me a lot! You are amazing teacher.Thank you Rebecca.
Best wishes from Romania.
hi dear teacher rebecca you clarified this lesson thanks dear rebbeca
good lesson // i hope i can find other lessons about : health , styding , polution and health ..
i am from iraq .. I have been studying in Malaysia for 8 months .I need to get Band 6 overall in IELTS
this is because i want to study Master of comparative law ..
Thank Rebecca for this interesting lesson you are a great teacher, I would like to see videos about idioms
thnkyou very much
really superb lessons wow
thanks, i appreciate your idea….and i will have good knowledge from Engvid
Your lesson always are very useful. Thanks for sharing your knowledges
Hi Rebecca, I have a doubt. All my life I thought that after “like, hate” it must be written the verb+ing but lately I have seen to+verb. I’m so confused. thanks!
Hi Rebecca! thanks a lot from Uruguay. I have a doubt, all my life I thought that after “like, hate” we must write the verb + “ing” but lately I have seen like+to+verb. Iam very confused about this. Thanks.
Excelent lesson, Rebecca. Thanks
I like your way in teaching Rebecca!!
Hi rebecca, yr teaching is easily understand. Pls suggest how can my English improve fast.
Hi Mam How To english learning?
Hi My New Friends I am from India
my english is very pover can you help me?
thanks for useful lesson
I came online because you said to me to come online.
is this ok
hello i am from Azerbaijan and i live in Baku )) i want speaking wonderful english language )) plz help me (( i love this site and i learned quickly english speaking with u too ))
thanks for everything . everyone knows you are a good teacher
thank you so much =)
thank you very much .
i really enjoy it ,,, i like you rebbeca :D
This lesson ,Mrs Rebbeca is very useful!The expression that i especially like is ‘With friends like that,who need enemies’ !!! is my new close friend!
Dear Rebecca,
First of all, I appreciate your helpful videos. Second, I am an international student in Canada, I have come here recently. I have difficulty to understand native people as they speak quickly. I do know that I need to practice more, but I do not know how I can improve my listening and speaking skills. Would you please help me with that?
Dear Rebecca
thank you very much, your way of teaching English is very good. I live in Da Nang, VIet Nam. When you will come to Viet Nam for holiday. I invited you and your family ate dilicous fish of DaNang city.
Thanhs you a lot
dear teacher,i really like your way of teaching.I have a keen interest of learning english and i want to improve my speaking.Is it correct speaking with a native speaker can improve my eng?
Thnx Rebecca
“With friends like that, who needs enemies?”
thank you a lot for your work .com
Hello, i’m new student here, thanks this page is marvellous to learn english
Hello & thanks for this lesson.
I just have a question…
I’ll travel with a friend who is a girl. We are just friends.
Is there a confusion if I say “I’ll travel with a girlfrienf”?
what da faqin faq????????
i really like your video lesson rebecca.if you don’t mind please give us a tips how to apply to fill the blank of requirements or write a letter about it..thx.ika from indonesia
thank you teacher
You are a very good teacher.Can you help me,please? When I can use expression :”Good for you”.And what is mean?Thank you.
really a worthwhile site/lessons that every learner should visit/learn.
Thanks a lot.
thank you for this lesson. But can you help me! the word “boy friend” is just mean “in relationship ” or “a friend who is a boy” or 2 mean all right?. thanks!
Boy friend means “in relationship”. A friend who is a boy that we can say a male friend.
nice lesson
thank you a lot! :)
thank u z lot! god bless you….
realy good lesson
Hey please help me…is this okey to say I HOPE ALL WENT FINE WITH U?
u r born to be a teacher
If I had a teacher like you when I was a student I could learn English very well and easily.Thanks a lot Rebecca.
its really gud mam……. mam i just want to imprve my speaking english so how can i improve it???? i want video lectures of urs….
I’m very happy ,my first exam is good I get 76 only 2mistics.
thank teacher, you are the best, i am really pleased for your form to teach and in especial for every test you created
Hi teacher I want to thank u for ur way to teach and I wish I know this website before . And I have a question can u pls tell me what is meaning of the word a quaintance that Hanan ask u about it
Good lesson but the sound is a little noisy,
… In french, we say ‘son métalique’. How can I tell in english ? But, except that point, your lesson is very interesting !
I’m very happy, now i learning English speak all my friend.
Rabecca, I hope a long time of live to Syou.Because you are a very kind personality. So I would like to thank you with high polite expression wrods, but I could not.
you got me with the first question i just click the first one i saw, lol…tricky one… nice lesson
Yes,I got perfect! Thanks Maam Rebecca for a good,loud and clear teaching. :-)
Thank U so much 4 U R all lessons…….
wow, it’s so amazing, teach me more!
whats so amazing about it?
thanks teacher Rebeca , you make sow easy to learn english ,but I have some dificultis with my writing , I don,t know what to do
its really good it is very useful to the students i like this
this iz soo good.. I rmembrd esly..
thanks teacher Rebecca for your all lessons,i want to speak in english perfectly and i hope i will do it
Hi, I would like u to explain to me the structure of this phrase and how form it: the more u STH, the more you/the better STH
Thank you. Rebacca
100 % nice lesson
6 correct out of 6, great job. When i was student i was not so good, Thank you teacher.
83 %. Thnx.
it’s very useful lesson thank you
Nice lesson thanks Rebecca!
vey useful lessons,thanks all the teachers very much!
ok , I got 83 %. Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you, I hope in the future, I can listen your topic
thanks for uploading this video.this website very useful for beginners.
Thanks Rebecca, I got 5 from 6 . Is the second time.I did wrong just the first question.
I was so surprized that I had gotten all corrected. It has been at least two years I haven’t taken time to study English. The score has made me think of taking time to study again. Thank you so much, Rebeca!
I have loyal,trusted,real friends who didn’t lose me anywhere
thanks madame
but what to say in the restaurant
plz can u help me
hello,this is the first one time here
Thanks Rebecca for this lesson.
Could you please tell me how can I address to my loved friends? Can I use words like, “My dear”, “My sweat heart”, “My good Helen” or something else like that? Thank you in advance
Thanks Ms Rebecca, got 83%.
Hi Rebecca. I’m Santiago Perera from Brazil. I love watching your videos. You explain very well. Your didatic is great. I wanted to me every teacher from Engvid. It’d be a dream come reality. Love ya’ll. All the best. Keep the good work. :)
really interesting and enjoy learning while listening to the video…it helps me a lot…thank u for this kind of program that you’ve made…God bless and more power!
Hi Rebecca i enjoyed so much your lesson. I can understand you welll. Thank you.
I can’t loud videos what should I dooooooooooooo
Great lesson Rebecca I love the way you teach us.
“With friends like that, who needs enemies”
Can I call this person “FRIENEMY?”
Thanks,Rebecca your lesson was good and so are you as
a teacher,please keep up the good work!
video s audio was very bad.. unfortunately…
Why is There audio bad? Rebecca is always perfect. She is a best teacher.
thanks rebeca it was a very useful lesson.
Dear Rebecca,
We can rely on you to study English very well, thank.
Best regards.
my mam Rebecca
thank u very much for this helpful info and would you prepare for us written script please if you have chance?
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson.
6/6 thank you
i want to talk with all friend in the word .i want speak english .please help skype is:pencil93e
thank thank thank you
hi Rebecca ,
thank u
I don’t accept friend requests from ppl I don’t know in real life.
I want to learn english with Rebeca! She is great.
Ilike your explanations.You are the best teacher
hank you, Rebeca
Thanks Rebecca for a good lesson.
You got 5 correct out of 6.
thanks a lot…
Mr.Kim and I are just friend.6 corrected out of 6.
Thank you Rebecca!
You are the Best!
I had a question. Can someone help me? They are loyal friend is like painful. I didn’t understand beacause
pain means causing emotional or physical pain. So loyal friend is bad friend, right?
I’m 23 but I only ever had a boyfriend once when in high school.
It was a very useful lesson. Thanks
I hope all of us have lots of trusted friends…
Good lesdon
In my life I faced some fair-weather friends who could dare to ask about you when they need something in turn. Be aware of such people. So check your friends in hard times.
thanks a lot,Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan 28 Nov2021:)
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you teacher Rebecca! I’ll take one of these daily.