Confused about how to say larger numbers in English? In this video lesson, Rebecca shows you how, step-by-step, taking you from one to over a billion! You won’t avoid using numbers anymore, once you see how simple it can be.
Hi,teacher glad to attend your first class, well, would you please like to tell me what’s the difference b/w these two sentences,I mean which one is correct:
1)”If You are having trouble”
2)”If you having trouble”
Also make me conscious about my mistakes, If i have made…:)
Waiting for your reply
(1) is correct. You could also say “If you have trouble”, which is more like “If you have trouble in the future”.
engVid Moderator
No, Iam from Peru
No, i’m from Brazil.
Very good, thank you Teacher
nice lessooon …thnxx
what does this mean if you now english £543.54o36 reaplay my note to you
five hunderd and forty three thousand, no comment its o or 0?
that’s great!!!!!!
great leoson for english and it good for having a quiz
It’s easy to understand.Thanks
Hello, Rebecca!
Is the “and” so necessary? In some informal conversations I heard numbers without “and”.
It’s probably better to include the “and” since it makes the number easier to understand.
Best wishes to you, temper.
good question temper
Forgive me if I am incorrect, but I think it is actually better to say these numbers WITHOUT the “and”.
“Four Hundred Seventy Four Thousand, Two Hundred Sixty Five”
There are a couple reasons for this, but the most common reason has to do with money. When you say “and”, it can signify that there is a “decimal point”. “Two hundred and sixty five” can be interpreted as $200.65, unless the context makes it obvious that this is not the case. Also, when writing in a checkbook, you generally Do Not include “and”. $543.21 is written in a checkbook as “Five Hundred Forty Three 21/100” dollars
In commonplace English, you might hear “and” used by some, but it is more proper not to use “and” unless implying a decimal number
I just read that there is a difference between how British and Americans read numbers. In the UK, the rule is to use “and”. In America, “and” is usually omitted. Go figure.
A lot of people in many English-speaking countries do use the ‘and’, despite the ambiguities you have pointed out, Richard. Many people also do include the ‘and’ when writing cheques.
that’s amazing
thanks a lot
great..nice.7 out of 8.Thanks Rebecca
How can I say 4,5; 45,57
I’m not sure which numbers you are asking me about.
Let me try and help anyway.
4.5 = four point five
45 = forty-five
4,557 = four thousand, five hundred and fifty-seven
Hope this helps! All the best to you, Vadim.
thank you Ms.Rebecca
thanks alot
Thanks alot Rebecca
its really helpful for me.
Can I say without “and”?
for English learning online
here is Email which you can ask through it .
sultanslife1990 [ a t ] hotmail [ d o t ] com
sultanslife.1990 [ a t ] yahoo [ d o t ] com
am English teacher
am English teacher? No way.
very very good
Thank you Rebecca , we wait more and more .
Rebecca, tks. I learnt a lot in this lesson.
thank u sweet teacher . really that had helped me more . i hope the best for u :)
take care :)
yemen's girl
Thank you kindly. My best wishes to you.
Hi,Rebecca; what a interesting lesson.Thank you so much.
We say: 5 million, 3 billion etc, always we have to use the word million in singular,I mean:we can’t say: 5 millions (plural).Am I right.Thanks.
Yes, we need to use the singular form in numbers and sentences like this:
“I won five million dollars in the lottery!”
In this case, five million is being used as an adjective for the word dollars.
However, we could also say:
“He has millions of dollars.”
Hope this helps. Best wishes to you, florentino.
Rebecca,Thanks a lot.
Best wishes for you too.
hi, Rebecca.
This lesson is really useful.
I have difficulty for writing numbers / expressing numbers in written.
Can you make a video about this lesson in how to written numbers in English? ;)
Mang Kai Chow
I agree with you, especially the hyphen, I want to know in witch numbers we have to put a hyphen
thankx again.
thank you Rebecca
it’s seems that every things is OK except for the comma, in my country we use it as point, never mind.
Thank you for this lesson. That make me more clearly understood about how to read the number.
Thank you.
This lesson is very helpful.
thank you Rebecca! It has helped me to recall the rule about spelling numbers.
so useful, Thank you so much
Thanks for the lesson, but how can I say about not whole number, for example 10,3 ? I what about numbers below 1… 0,45 for example? ))
Do you mean 10.3?
This is ten point three.
Hope this helps!
great one!thanks.
i want to see vedios about english tenses…
jitendra sharma
We have several such videos on engvid and I have a lesson which gives an overview of all the English tenses as well.
Thanks Teacher Rebecca! for these lesson now I know how to read numbers.
hector ararao
thanq v much
My score: 100.00
Thanks Rebecca.XXX
great !
was great
So nice to me, i want to learn english..
Excellent job! Another great step would be to explain how to compare numerals (verbally, not mathematically)… For instance, how to say correctly 1) 2 9… or more sophisticated 3) 21 > 16 by 5 (“by” is OK??); 4) 6 [no preposition??] 1.5 times < 9…
Where is appropriate to use words like “double”, “triple”, “quadruple”, etc.??
Thanks in advance! Andriy AKA Jay Jr. aklsn [at] 3g [dot] ua
Jay Jr.
oops… uploaded mistakenly! should have been “for instance, how to say correctly 1)29″…
Jay Jr.
thank,s really it’s more beter for me to understand numbers.
abid suleman uae
You are the best teacher in english
Thank you very much and i want more to improve my english.
Rebecca, you are great! I feel you’ve helped me a lot.Thanks
Hi Rebecca, may I ask you another question here?
I wonder how do we use the word “agent” and “candidate” in a sentence.
Sometimes I read some articles, the author use them like “agent of something” or “make something a candidate as/for ~”
I don’t really understand what they really mean. If you can make another lesson for this that would be great.
Anyway thanks again.
tanx alot
Hi..i wish to friendship with u.. is this correct?
Rahmet hunzai
tnx a lot, nice lesson
Thank you !
thanx alot
Great job Rebecca!! Much easier to say numbers now.
thank you
its my first time hearing this.. and i love it.. im eager to learn.. and learning is fun.. hopping i can listen to this everyday.. thanks for teaching us the right way..
ryl mades
Arabic word Shokran = Tank you
Many many shokran teacher for this high-quality lesson
Arabian Man
Dear teacher I got 7correct out of 8 question. thanks for explanation.
thank you it was easy and clear lesson
great in my quiz
i’m learning new stuff today
i learn alo thinkssssssssssssssssss
Thank´s for the lesson
thenks Rebecca :)
well done !! tanks
Hello How are you my name is Ahmad from Kuwait
Que puedo hacer por ti? Cuando vienes a paraguay?
Jorge Edgar Frutos
Muchas gracias Rebeca, Eres genial
Jorge Edgar Frutos
It’s great!
I got perfect score. Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecca! :)
Thank you teacher. ^_^
thank you !!
Thank you!!!
Dina Nardes
Hi,Rebecca Thank you so much..
great question
i can speak the number correctly in my class
very good
I am enjoying.Thank you teacher
very good.i want to learn more
Thank you Very Much.I want learn more
thx mam this lesson good for me.
75.00 You got 6 correct out of 8
great lesson l like it
Thank you, teacher. That is a great lesson.
But how about say addresses and phone numbers. Is it the same way?
thank u
Thank you
Thanks for this lesson, It will be very useful …
nice lesson
thanks ..
nice lesson
thanks ..
But I want from you studied the words in the business
I have to practice more…it´s a little diferent than my native language…
شكرا جزيلا
Thanks one more time.
Thanks for the lessom
wow i got 8 out of 8 …thanks rebecca love you:*
thanks a lot !
thanks my sister Rebbeca
Thank you
This is my first lesson in you class, and it was very nice.
Please tell me, with all due respect. What should I call you? Miss, Madam, Teacher or just Rebbeca?
Thanks and best regards,
M. Hani
You could just call me Rebecca. Thanks for asking and glad to hear you enjoyed the class. All the best to you, Muhammad.
tem uma questao que tem duas resposta corretas.
great lesson thank you teacher
Thank you Rebecca. There are some differences between american pronunciation and british when we pronounce numbers. They don’t use and, I guess. Am I right?
hello rebecca
i think you made a mistake when you said 5 billion, it is not correct. i think that it is 5 thousand millions. tell me if i am right. Thanks anyway, good lesson.
No, there is no “thousand million”. The word for that is ‘billion’.
I like this web class but I still need practice everything. Thank you!!
Thanks to all for your feedback. All the best with your English.
it’s a Great lesseon Miss Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca. I often confuse. But i see when say number have a lot of word ‘and’ :)
hi dear
I am also here to help you.
You are so sweet. wanna friends.
thanks rebecca. i am your student
Thanks Robbeca; i’m understand; now …..
many thanks! … :X awesome !!!
Thanks Rebecca, i have a question, it’s
Can I use below like that?
One lac five hundred and sixty five taka
“Taka” is our national currency
Please let me know.
Interesting lesson, first time I had saw that. thanks
dear sister*** everthing so much rebbeca sister i following english lessons thanks my sister so i am vere happy
many thanks , but what about the number in saying time ??? do we say (and) as well???
ilove you and your tech! it was nice>
lovly boy
I am enjoying.Thank you my teacher
very well
Thanks a lot my dear Rebecca Madam, I learned numbers and your teaching is very nice, your voice is very clear and we can understand easily, thanks once again for your good teaching
thank you Miss, it’s really help me to understand how to count of numbers :)
Rebeca, you are a excellent teacher.
HJ THERE!.thank robecca!i’m from viet nam.can i ask you some question???
nice i like ur teach
I want to enjoy your online classes.
Yahya Hazin
i am from INDIA.
i am so happy that i can more clear the different with million and billion. Also, the lesson make me more cofident on saying numbers. Thank you very much.
James Yueng
Dear Rebecca,
I really believe that every lesson is considered to be additional value to my life,you learn me not only english language but also how to represent…
Thank you for usual kind effort.
Medhat Nagy
Medhat Nagy
wonderful teacher, the best teacher in the world Rebecca
this is a new topic for me, and is easy understand because your explanation is very clear, thanks rebeca
hi thanks rebecca. I have learning english little bit.
babu rock
I thank your attention to the student Ahmed from Saudi Arabia
thanks a lot
Wow…………that’s great. Now, I know how to read the long sequence of numbers.
hi madam,
this lesson is new to me.because when we telling for eg;599880=five million ninetynine thousand eight hundred and eighty .but we are telling five lakh ninetynine thousand eight eighty.and for this 200,00,000=two crore..please tell me weather this is correct or not.
Thank you!
i am very happy fot this lesson.
vincenzo manzi
i think it is the best way how to learn numbers in english.
thank you.
can you help me with the number of year 1990s?
Thank you so much
Thank you,that was really helpful,I’ve had a terrible times with numbers, but now im getting perfectly great.
Thanks, it was very helpful; if I resume we have to add “and” after “hundred”. And how about the years? 1956 (nineteen fifty six – no problems). But how about 2000th years? For example 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011. Is that twenty eleven / two thousand eleven / two thousand and eleven? Thank you for your response.
thank you my teacher
thank you very much my teacher
thank you very much it’s cool
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your lesson.
If I would like to say $2,727,405.30 (Two million, seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand, four hundred and five dollars and thirty cent.).Is it correct?
omg! This is what I wanted to know all the time
Thanks a lot.
Very good, thank you Teache
y don´t understand, you say billion then hundred million, but you forget thousand? 5 365 474 265 is 5 thousand 3 handred and 65 million.
so much fascinating lesson i got 100 and i cant stop watching all your vid. it help me lots, my hunger to learn everything. thanks teacher rebecca you are so helpful.
Thanks a lot for your numbers description and teaching. I need your kind help to learn English Language any activities more to my email, please.
Thanks and regards
SM Jaleel
Dear Ms.Rebecca
Thanks a lot for your teaching method which can be understand easily to any one. I need your more lessons on any.
Thanks and good wishes.
SM Jaleel
that great! I got 8 correct out of 8.’
excellent video miss Rebeca! I did your test lesson and I did 100%
it was useful lesson ,thx alot.
do we say 5thousand 5 million 5 hundred or 5 thousandS 5 millionS 5 hundredS?
how can I say 6.6?
6.6 = six point six, i hope this helps
a bit complicated
i’ve got it yet:)
I want to study English.
Can you help me?
cool man
Hello Rebecca,
How do I write about 11986551.9 in terms of letter?
Yin Mon Thant
thank you my teacher
thank you my teacher
Thank you very much. I really enjoy learning English with you, teacher Rebecca.
hello Rebecca ! I find your lesson really useful. could you tell me how to say the years ?, for example 2009, 2012. sometimes I hear some teacher say ” two thousand nine, two thousand twelve, is it true? thank you so much!
Thank you so much!!You are great teacher with numbers!!Great!!I thinks now I will be better with my numbers!!
Properly speaking, all the numbers are correctly stated without the conjunction “and” at any point.
thank you rebecca, you are really great teacher, I really love to watch your video. You always explain very nicely. Thank you!!
Hi ,what you say to year as 2012?
thanx for correcting my concepts for millions….. :)
great!!! it’s much more clear for me now…..
Dear Rebecca!
Thank you so much!
Could you tell please if the dash is necessary when I write something like “forty-six”, or forty six is also correct? Another question, which syllable is under stress in the word “fourteen”? First one: “fOurteen” or the second one: “fourtEEn”? I heard British people spoke “fOurteen” (first syllable is under stress).
Though when I google [define fourteen], it pronounces “fourtEEn” (the second syllable). Google speaks American English. How about the English in Canada, particularly, in Toronto!
You mentioned Yonge Street. One day I’ll come there!
thanks a lot
Wonderful.Finally, I feel so clear. thanks Rebecca..
Thank you very much. i wish you all the best.
Thanks for your lesson, it is very useful.
I have a question, how about 100,000,000? is it just called one hundred million? 100,000 is it called one hundred thousand? thanks.
Thank you very much for the lesson, now all I became clearer. See you in another lesson. Take care!!! (^-^)m
Thank you very much teacher! I’ve never received a lesson like this before ! and now I got it ! God bless you <3
Thank you:)
Ágnes Hajnal
thank u :) you’ re great teacher :)
Thanks dear Rebecca. you are so kind and nice teacher, I hope learn English like native speaker. All the best
As others have pointed out, the “and” is incorrect. It should only be used to signify a decimal point.
Americans says prices in a different way like U$. 1,899 (eightteen hundred and ninty-nine dollars). Could you explain that? tks
I have learned a fresh knowledge at 5th qustion..
thirty-six million; NOT thirty-six millionSSSS ……….
Thank you Rebecca !
Now I know how to say or write big number in English correctly . I am so happy. It exactly an easy way to express number. Thanks a lot.
Hi! I think there is something wrong in this lesson. Last part are not 5 billions. That are 5 thousand 3 hundred and 65 millions. 5 billions would be 5,000000,000000
Ah! “Billion” can either mean “a thousand million” or “a million million”. In North America and the UK, at least, “a thousand million” is the accepted meaning, but usage varies around the world. Here is a very detailed Wikipedia article on it.
In general, 1 billion = a thousand million, 1 trillion = a thousand billion, etc.
engVid Moderator
Ahhh ok! Thank you! Im sorry.. In Spain 1 billion is only 1 million of millions..
Hi Rebecca, thanks a lot for this lesson, but I have one question about the different ways to express or say the numbers.
Time ago, I heard somebody that said “twenty-six hundred years” and the translation that this person did was “2600”… It is correct?… What are the common different ways to say the numbers?
Sorry if my english is not correct, but I’m learning in this moment
Once again, trank you very much
Sorry, it’s “thank you very much”.. my keyboard betrayed me
I appreciate your answer
nice nice nice ^^ 100%
Thank you so much!
100 :)
thanks for the lesson rebeca
it’s make me beter to say number
it’s very easy … Thank you :)
lOlla Aziz
In India we say (536,54,74,265) five thirty six crore,fifty four lakhs, seventy four thousand, two hundred and sixty five.
When you explain all it easy.!!!
i lost the number five,because thousand is with out “S”
Jony Alexander Valeriano
I’ll try to improve.
Jony Alexander Valeriano
Hello, Rebecca!
Thank you very much for a very practical lesson.
I’m curious about such numbers as 2013 or 5001.
Should I add ‘and’ after thousand or not? Are there correct: ‘two thousand and thirteen’, ‘five thousand and one’?
Hello Rebbecca, My name is Webster from Guatemala, I have the same doubt.
very interesting numbers,i like it.
Thank you Rebecca! ^”^
Ted Lee
very useful lesson!thanks!
Thank you very much. could you tell me how to read the date ending in double zero? 1800 for example.I don’t know.thank you
Yes, finally!
Hi Rebecca
another great lesson – thanks a lot
take care
very easy!! thank you!
very good and easy to understand.. tks
Thanks 4 this lesson! I’m always confused about the ‘and’ position.
Ivan David
Thank you i understand how to say numbers.
Thank You Very much.
I have one question.
Barack Obama is the 44th President of USA.Then what is the question of this answer?????
My appreciation is beyond expression.
Thank you for a lesson, Rebecca.
Vuk ff
100You got 8 correct out of 8.
Basic but important common sense. We often have no idea about how to say those bigger and bigger numbers. Many thanks to u!
Thanks .. nice job ..
8 out of 8!This is a miracle!
Hello Rebecca,
I am wondering about billion and trillion. How are they different?
Banha Khann
Dear Rebecca,
No simple, to include “and”. I need a few practice. Thanks.
Best regards.
Mostafa Elkassas
my quiz
You got 8 correct out of 8.
chakim hamzah
Very very nice lesson Rebeca. I usually say the numbers incorrectly. You help me a lot. Take care.
Great Class!
Ivan Galindo
ann ann
Thank you Teacher Rebecca, I’m learning.
prince gerald
Very useful
Thank you very much!
Thank you teacher Rebecca!
Thanks you so much. You are the best.
Marta Lopez
Hello! Thank you so much!!! Now it’s clear to me))
tyxxx i rlly loved your attitude
ahmed abosamra
Many thanks Rebecca.
I get 7 out of 8.
I GOT 8 correct answer :)
anas fedail
Thank you kindly!
However, in question 7, should it be a comma between ninty-three thousand and six hundred?
Wei Rung
10!!!! I love the lesson!!! Thanks Rebecca!!!
Aline Matos
Thank you Rebecca
Rebecca i love you ” you are really awesome :D
ahmed rayan
I got 8/8!! Great lesson!!!
great. very clear lesson, now I’m not confused again
You got 7 correct out of 8.
M kartal
7/8 very good!
I have got it now, it’s much better Thanks to you . Thanks again!
Thank you so much teacher , I’m very happy and make me have new knowledge
8/8 correct. Thanks a lot Rebecca :)
Thank you,Rebecca!
Hi everyone
Very useful
Thanks for everything
Mohammed Arshad
Dear Rebeca,
I like the way you teach English.
My question is “Is there a comma in the right answer after the phrase “Ninety-three thousand”?
How do you say the following? $93, 678
Ninety-three thousand six hundred and seventy-eight dollars
Ninety-three thousand, six hundred and seventy-six dollars
Ninety-three thousand, six seventy-eight dollars
I got 100???
It is not easy, but I took time for reply, and my score is 100.
Thank you for your explications
Yes I got how to say in English the mathematical numbers after complete this lesson.Thank you rebbrca
How about numbers with 0 as its hundred digit, or its hundred thousand digit (e.g., 1,023,045)? How do we say numbers like this?
I just know it need “and” between hundred digit and ten digit. Thanks Rebecca.
Ho Chun Huang
This is why humanities students also need to take at least a few classes in science and mathematics.
DO NOT SAY “AND.” “And” is only for informal use.
Gitel Sarah
I watched this video twice on March 13, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight correct out of 8.
It’s about integer (whole?) numbers. What about fractional numbers:e.g. 234,5?
Two hundred and thirty-four COMMA five?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
great!!! it’s much more clear for me now…..
are you from iraq
No I am from Egypt
no i’m from india
Hi,teacher glad to attend your first class, well, would you please like to tell me what’s the difference b/w these two sentences,I mean which one is correct:
1)”If You are having trouble”
2)”If you having trouble”
Also make me conscious about my mistakes, If i have made…:)
Waiting for your reply
(1) is correct. You could also say “If you have trouble”, which is more like “If you have trouble in the future”.
No, Iam from Peru
No, i’m from Brazil.
Very good, thank you Teacher
nice lessooon …thnxx
what does this mean if you now english £543.54o36 reaplay my note to you
five hunderd and forty three thousand, no comment its o or 0?
that’s great!!!!!!
great leoson for english and it good for having a quiz
It’s easy to understand.Thanks
Hello, Rebecca!
Is the “and” so necessary? In some informal conversations I heard numbers without “and”.
It’s probably better to include the “and” since it makes the number easier to understand.
Best wishes to you, temper.
good question temper
Forgive me if I am incorrect, but I think it is actually better to say these numbers WITHOUT the “and”.
“Four Hundred Seventy Four Thousand, Two Hundred Sixty Five”
There are a couple reasons for this, but the most common reason has to do with money. When you say “and”, it can signify that there is a “decimal point”. “Two hundred and sixty five” can be interpreted as $200.65, unless the context makes it obvious that this is not the case. Also, when writing in a checkbook, you generally Do Not include “and”. $543.21 is written in a checkbook as “Five Hundred Forty Three 21/100” dollars
In commonplace English, you might hear “and” used by some, but it is more proper not to use “and” unless implying a decimal number
I just read that there is a difference between how British and Americans read numbers. In the UK, the rule is to use “and”. In America, “and” is usually omitted. Go figure.
A lot of people in many English-speaking countries do use the ‘and’, despite the ambiguities you have pointed out, Richard. Many people also do include the ‘and’ when writing cheques.
that’s amazing
thanks a lot
great..nice.7 out of 8.Thanks Rebecca
How can I say 4,5; 45,57
I’m not sure which numbers you are asking me about.
Let me try and help anyway.
4.5 = four point five
45 = forty-five
4,557 = four thousand, five hundred and fifty-seven
Hope this helps! All the best to you, Vadim.
thank you Ms.Rebecca
thanks alot
Thanks alot Rebecca
its really helpful for me.
Can I say without “and”?
for English learning online
here is Email which you can ask through it .
sultanslife1990 [ a t ] hotmail [ d o t ] com
sultanslife.1990 [ a t ] yahoo [ d o t ] com
am English teacher
am English teacher? No way.
very very good
Thank you Rebecca , we wait more and more .
Rebecca, tks. I learnt a lot in this lesson.
thank u sweet teacher . really that had helped me more . i hope the best for u :)
take care :)
Thank you kindly. My best wishes to you.
Hi,Rebecca; what a interesting lesson.Thank you so much.
We say: 5 million, 3 billion etc, always we have to use the word million in singular,I mean:we can’t say: 5 millions (plural).Am I right.Thanks.
Yes, we need to use the singular form in numbers and sentences like this:
“I won five million dollars in the lottery!”
In this case, five million is being used as an adjective for the word dollars.
However, we could also say:
“He has millions of dollars.”
Hope this helps. Best wishes to you, florentino.
Rebecca,Thanks a lot.
Best wishes for you too.
hi, Rebecca.
This lesson is really useful.
I have difficulty for writing numbers / expressing numbers in written.
Can you make a video about this lesson in how to written numbers in English? ;)
I agree with you, especially the hyphen, I want to know in witch numbers we have to put a hyphen
thankx again.
thank you Rebecca
it’s seems that every things is OK except for the comma, in my country we use it as point, never mind.
Thank you for this lesson. That make me more clearly understood about how to read the number.
Thank you.
This lesson is very helpful.
thank you Rebecca! It has helped me to recall the rule about spelling numbers.
so useful, Thank you so much
Thanks for the lesson, but how can I say about not whole number, for example 10,3 ? I what about numbers below 1… 0,45 for example? ))
Do you mean 10.3?
This is ten point three.
Hope this helps!
great one!thanks.
i want to see vedios about english tenses…
We have several such videos on engvid and I have a lesson which gives an overview of all the English tenses as well.
You can use the English Lesson Finder on this page with all of the engVid lessons. Select “grammar” and “Rebecca” to find the lessons you are looking for.
All the best to you, Jitendra.
a nice lesson.
Thank you, now I know more things than before…
Great! thanks a lot..
thx but what about lacs?
good lesson
Thanks Teacher Rebecca! for these lesson now I know how to read numbers.
thanq v much
My score: 100.00
Thanks Rebecca.XXX
great !
was great
So nice to me, i want to learn english..
Excellent job! Another great step would be to explain how to compare numerals (verbally, not mathematically)… For instance, how to say correctly 1) 2 9… or more sophisticated 3) 21 > 16 by 5 (“by” is OK??); 4) 6 [no preposition??] 1.5 times < 9…
Where is appropriate to use words like “double”, “triple”, “quadruple”, etc.??
Thanks in advance! Andriy AKA Jay Jr. aklsn [at] 3g [dot] ua
oops… uploaded mistakenly! should have been “for instance, how to say correctly 1)29″…
thank,s really it’s more beter for me to understand numbers.
You are the best teacher in english
Thank you very much and i want more to improve my english.
Rebecca, you are great! I feel you’ve helped me a lot.Thanks
Hi Rebecca, may I ask you another question here?
I wonder how do we use the word “agent” and “candidate” in a sentence.
Sometimes I read some articles, the author use them like “agent of something” or “make something a candidate as/for ~”
I don’t really understand what they really mean. If you can make another lesson for this that would be great.
Anyway thanks again.
tanx alot
Hi..i wish to friendship with u.. is this correct?
tnx a lot, nice lesson
Thank you !
thanx alot
Great job Rebecca!! Much easier to say numbers now.
thank you
its my first time hearing this.. and i love it.. im eager to learn.. and learning is fun.. hopping i can listen to this everyday.. thanks for teaching us the right way..
Arabic word Shokran = Tank you
Many many shokran teacher for this high-quality lesson
Dear teacher I got 7correct out of 8 question. thanks for explanation.
thank you it was easy and clear lesson
great in my quiz
i’m learning new stuff today
i learn alo thinkssssssssssssssssss
Thank´s for the lesson
thenks Rebecca :)
well done !! tanks
Hello How are you my name is Ahmad from Kuwait
Que puedo hacer por ti? Cuando vienes a paraguay?
Muchas gracias Rebeca, Eres genial
It’s great!
I got perfect score. Thanks a lot Teacher Rebecca! :)
Thank you teacher. ^_^
thank you !!
Thank you!!!
Hi,Rebecca Thank you so much..
great question
i can speak the number correctly in my class
very good
I am enjoying.Thank you teacher
very good.i want to learn more
Thank you Very Much.I want learn more
thx mam this lesson good for me.
75.00 You got 6 correct out of 8
great lesson l like it
Thank you, teacher. That is a great lesson.
But how about say addresses and phone numbers. Is it the same way?
thank u
Thank you
Thanks for this lesson, It will be very useful …
nice lesson
thanks ..
nice lesson
thanks ..
But I want from you studied the words in the business
I have to practice more…it´s a little diferent than my native language…
شكرا جزيلا
Thanks one more time.
Thanks for the lessom
wow i got 8 out of 8 …thanks rebecca love you:*
thanks a lot !
thanks my sister Rebbeca
Thank you
This is my first lesson in you class, and it was very nice.
Please tell me, with all due respect. What should I call you? Miss, Madam, Teacher or just Rebbeca?
Thanks and best regards,
M. Hani
You could just call me Rebecca. Thanks for asking and glad to hear you enjoyed the class. All the best to you, Muhammad.
tem uma questao que tem duas resposta corretas.
great lesson thank you teacher
Thank you Rebecca. There are some differences between american pronunciation and british when we pronounce numbers. They don’t use and, I guess. Am I right?
hello rebecca
i think you made a mistake when you said 5 billion, it is not correct. i think that it is 5 thousand millions. tell me if i am right. Thanks anyway, good lesson.
No, there is no “thousand million”. The word for that is ‘billion’.
I had the same doubt. I think is because your native language is Spanish like mine. I hope this article can help you.
It’s good lesson,
thank you very much
Dear Sir,
Thanks you sir.
nice lesson!!!
I like this web class but I still need practice everything. Thank you!!
Thanks to all for your feedback. All the best with your English.
it’s a Great lesseon Miss Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca. I often confuse. But i see when say number have a lot of word ‘and’ :)
hi dear
I am also here to help you.
You are so sweet. wanna friends.
thanks rebecca. i am your student
Thanks Robbeca; i’m understand; now …..
many thanks! … :X awesome !!!
Thanks Rebecca, i have a question, it’s
Can I use below like that?
One lac five hundred and sixty five taka
“Taka” is our national currency
Please let me know.
Interesting lesson, first time I had saw that. thanks
dear sister*** everthing so much rebbeca sister i following english lessons thanks my sister so i am vere happy
many thanks , but what about the number in saying time ??? do we say (and) as well???
ilove you and your tech! it was nice>
I am enjoying.Thank you my teacher
very well
Thanks a lot my dear Rebecca Madam, I learned numbers and your teaching is very nice, your voice is very clear and we can understand easily, thanks once again for your good teaching
thank you Miss, it’s really help me to understand how to count of numbers :)
Rebeca, you are a excellent teacher.
HJ THERE!.thank robecca!i’m from viet nam.can i ask you some question???
nice i like ur teach
I want to enjoy your online classes.
i am from INDIA.
i am so happy that i can more clear the different with million and billion. Also, the lesson make me more cofident on saying numbers. Thank you very much.
Dear Rebecca,
I really believe that every lesson is considered to be additional value to my life,you learn me not only english language but also how to represent…
Thank you for usual kind effort.
Medhat Nagy
wonderful teacher, the best teacher in the world Rebecca
this is a new topic for me, and is easy understand because your explanation is very clear, thanks rebeca
hi thanks rebecca. I have learning english little bit.
I thank your attention to the student Ahmed from Saudi Arabia
thanks a lot
Wow…………that’s great. Now, I know how to read the long sequence of numbers.
hi madam,
this lesson is new to me.because when we telling for eg;599880=five million ninetynine thousand eight hundred and eighty .but we are telling five lakh ninetynine thousand eight eighty.and for this 200,00,000=two crore..please tell me weather this is correct or not.
Thank you!
i am very happy fot this lesson.
i think it is the best way how to learn numbers in english.
thank you.
can you help me with the number of year 1990s?
Thank you so much
Thank you,that was really helpful,I’ve had a terrible times with numbers, but now im getting perfectly great.
Thanks, it was very helpful; if I resume we have to add “and” after “hundred”. And how about the years? 1956 (nineteen fifty six – no problems). But how about 2000th years? For example 2000, 2001, 2010, 2011. Is that twenty eleven / two thousand eleven / two thousand and eleven? Thank you for your response.
thank you my teacher
thank you very much my teacher
thank you very much it’s cool
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for your lesson.
If I would like to say $2,727,405.30 (Two million, seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand, four hundred and five dollars and thirty cent.).Is it correct?
omg! This is what I wanted to know all the time
Thanks a lot.
Very good, thank you Teache
y don´t understand, you say billion then hundred million, but you forget thousand? 5 365 474 265 is 5 thousand 3 handred and 65 million.
so much fascinating lesson i got 100 and i cant stop watching all your vid. it help me lots, my hunger to learn everything. thanks teacher rebecca you are so helpful.
Thanks a lot for your numbers description and teaching. I need your kind help to learn English Language any activities more to my email, please.
Thanks and regards
Dear Ms.Rebecca
Thanks a lot for your teaching method which can be understand easily to any one. I need your more lessons on any.
Thanks and good wishes.
that great! I got 8 correct out of 8.’
excellent video miss Rebeca! I did your test lesson and I did 100%
it was useful lesson ,thx alot.
do we say 5thousand 5 million 5 hundred or 5 thousandS 5 millionS 5 hundredS?
how can I say 6.6?
6.6 = six point six, i hope this helps
a bit complicated
i’ve got it yet:)
I want to study English.
Can you help me?
cool man
Hello Rebecca,
How do I write about 11986551.9 in terms of letter?
thank you my teacher
thank you my teacher
Thank you very much. I really enjoy learning English with you, teacher Rebecca.
hello Rebecca ! I find your lesson really useful. could you tell me how to say the years ?, for example 2009, 2012. sometimes I hear some teacher say ” two thousand nine, two thousand twelve, is it true? thank you so much!
Thank you so much!!You are great teacher with numbers!!Great!!I thinks now I will be better with my numbers!!
Properly speaking, all the numbers are correctly stated without the conjunction “and” at any point.
thank you rebecca, you are really great teacher, I really love to watch your video. You always explain very nicely. Thank you!!
Hi ,what you say to year as 2012?
thanx for correcting my concepts for millions….. :)
great!!! it’s much more clear for me now…..
Dear Rebecca!
Thank you so much!
Could you tell please if the dash is necessary when I write something like “forty-six”, or forty six is also correct? Another question, which syllable is under stress in the word “fourteen”? First one: “fOurteen” or the second one: “fourtEEn”? I heard British people spoke “fOurteen” (first syllable is under stress).
Though when I google [define fourteen], it pronounces “fourtEEn” (the second syllable). Google speaks American English. How about the English in Canada, particularly, in Toronto!
You mentioned Yonge Street. One day I’ll come there!
thanks a lot
Wonderful.Finally, I feel so clear. thanks Rebecca..
Thank you very much. i wish you all the best.
Thanks for your lesson, it is very useful.
I have a question, how about 100,000,000? is it just called one hundred million? 100,000 is it called one hundred thousand? thanks.
Thank you very much for the lesson, now all I became clearer. See you in another lesson. Take care!!! (^-^)m
Thank you very much teacher! I’ve never received a lesson like this before ! and now I got it ! God bless you <3
Thank you:)
thank u :) you’ re great teacher :)
Thanks dear Rebecca. you are so kind and nice teacher, I hope learn English like native speaker. All the best
As others have pointed out, the “and” is incorrect. It should only be used to signify a decimal point.
Americans says prices in a different way like U$. 1,899 (eightteen hundred and ninty-nine dollars). Could you explain that? tks
I have learned a fresh knowledge at 5th qustion..
thirty-six million; NOT thirty-six millionSSSS ……….
Thank you Rebecca !
Now I know how to say or write big number in English correctly . I am so happy. It exactly an easy way to express number. Thanks a lot.
Hi! I think there is something wrong in this lesson. Last part are not 5 billions. That are 5 thousand 3 hundred and 65 millions. 5 billions would be 5,000000,000000
Ah! “Billion” can either mean “a thousand million” or “a million million”. In North America and the UK, at least, “a thousand million” is the accepted meaning, but usage varies around the world. Here is a very detailed Wikipedia article on it.
In general, 1 billion = a thousand million, 1 trillion = a thousand billion, etc.
Ahhh ok! Thank you! Im sorry.. In Spain 1 billion is only 1 million of millions..
Hi Rebecca, thanks a lot for this lesson, but I have one question about the different ways to express or say the numbers.
Time ago, I heard somebody that said “twenty-six hundred years” and the translation that this person did was “2600”… It is correct?… What are the common different ways to say the numbers?
Sorry if my english is not correct, but I’m learning in this moment
Once again, trank you very much
Sorry, it’s “thank you very much”.. my keyboard betrayed me
I appreciate your answer
nice nice nice ^^ 100%
Thank you so much!
100 :)
thanks for the lesson rebeca
it’s make me beter to say number
it’s very easy … Thank you :)
In India we say (536,54,74,265) five thirty six crore,fifty four lakhs, seventy four thousand, two hundred and sixty five.
When you explain all it easy.!!!
i lost the number five,because thousand is with out “S”
I’ll try to improve.
Hello, Rebecca!
Thank you very much for a very practical lesson.
I’m curious about such numbers as 2013 or 5001.
Should I add ‘and’ after thousand or not? Are there correct: ‘two thousand and thirteen’, ‘five thousand and one’?
Hello Rebbecca, My name is Webster from Guatemala, I have the same doubt.
very interesting numbers,i like it.
Thank you Rebecca! ^”^
very useful lesson!thanks!
Thank you very much. could you tell me how to read the date ending in double zero? 1800 for example.I don’t know.thank you
Yes, finally!
Hi Rebecca
another great lesson – thanks a lot
take care
very easy!! thank you!
very good and easy to understand.. tks
Thanks 4 this lesson! I’m always confused about the ‘and’ position.
Thank you i understand how to say numbers.
Thank You Very much.
I have one question.
Barack Obama is the 44th President of USA.Then what is the question of this answer?????
My appreciation is beyond expression.
Thank you for a lesson, Rebecca.
100You got 8 correct out of 8.
Basic but important common sense. We often have no idea about how to say those bigger and bigger numbers. Many thanks to u!
Thanks .. nice job ..
8 out of 8!This is a miracle!
Hello Rebecca,
I am wondering about billion and trillion. How are they different?
Dear Rebecca,
No simple, to include “and”. I need a few practice. Thanks.
Best regards.
my quiz
You got 8 correct out of 8.
Very very nice lesson Rebeca. I usually say the numbers incorrectly. You help me a lot. Take care.
Great Class!
Thank you Teacher Rebecca, I’m learning.
Very useful
Thank you very much!
Thank you teacher Rebecca!
Thanks you so much. You are the best.
Hello! Thank you so much!!! Now it’s clear to me))
tyxxx i rlly loved your attitude
Many thanks Rebecca.
I get 7 out of 8.
I GOT 8 correct answer :)
Thank you kindly!
However, in question 7, should it be a comma between ninty-three thousand and six hundred?
10!!!! I love the lesson!!! Thanks Rebecca!!!
Thank you Rebecca
Rebecca i love you ” you are really awesome :D
I got 8/8!! Great lesson!!!
great. very clear lesson, now I’m not confused again
You got 7 correct out of 8.
7/8 very good!
I have got it now, it’s much better Thanks to you . Thanks again!
Thank you so much teacher , I’m very happy and make me have new knowledge
8/8 correct. Thanks a lot Rebecca :)
Thank you,Rebecca!
Hi everyone
Very useful
Thanks for everything
Dear Rebeca,
I like the way you teach English.
My question is “Is there a comma in the right answer after the phrase “Ninety-three thousand”?
How do you say the following? $93, 678
Ninety-three thousand six hundred and seventy-eight dollars
Ninety-three thousand, six hundred and seventy-six dollars
Ninety-three thousand, six seventy-eight dollars
I got 100???
It is not easy, but I took time for reply, and my score is 100.
Thank you for your explications
Yes I got how to say in English the mathematical numbers after complete this lesson.Thank you rebbrca
How about numbers with 0 as its hundred digit, or its hundred thousand digit (e.g., 1,023,045)? How do we say numbers like this?
I just know it need “and” between hundred digit and ten digit. Thanks Rebecca.
This is why humanities students also need to take at least a few classes in science and mathematics.
DO NOT SAY “AND.” “And” is only for informal use.
I watched this video twice on March 13, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got eight correct out of 8.
It’s about integer (whole?) numbers. What about fractional numbers:e.g. 234,5?
Two hundred and thirty-four COMMA five?
I got 8/8.
Thank you! =)
Thanks a lot for this lesson