You’ve probably watched movies and wondered why you were missing some of the jokes, or couldn’t follow the conversation even though you heard and understood the words clearly. In this lesson, you’ll find out that a big part of communication is not just language, but how we speak.
reaaly like your lessons about intonation. Please give us more intonation lessons. I need to learn more so I would not sound like a robot. Thank you!
really it is useful
It is really useful
Perfect! Thanks a lot.
hi my name is Narjice thanks a lot for all teachers and thank you Adam for this lesson but please can you make a video on the diffrence between start and begin or just give an answer here .thanks.
thanks for your simple way ,the lessons are very useful.
Nice lesson, thank you :) And welcome teacher Adam :)
thank you
ı am aturkish.and ı learning english here.thank you for everything
hey leyla
how r u
We are really appreciative for what you are doing here.
as you know nowadays most people apply for studying abroad.
so, I would like to ask you talk about university vocabulary.
The things that a student needs to know about Foreign universities from applying to studying there.
Dear Adam,I like your lesson.Your lesson really,really funny.It makes me smile.
lin siew ong
I like very much engvid and I see your for the fist time. You are certainly a new teacher. you are welcome. I enjoyed very much this lesson and I’m looking farward to listening to the next
Hi Adam and welcome in! Thanks for your lesson.
Waiting for new lessons I subscribed to your Y.T.Channel!
welcome teacher adam and thanks all your explians
Great lesson thanks Adam!!!
wonderful lesson thanks Adam!!!
Hello Mr, Adam
I am so happy about the new teacher in the English Video, I hope learn and improve my english as before.
Good Luck. Mr, Adam
Thank you very much!
thank u i think i understand lesson dispite i got bad mark. maybe i should practice more and more @@
Trung béo
Adam, very pleased to meet you! Your way of teaching is just excellent, and I’m really looking forward to learning from you in the future. Regards!
I scored 10 out of 10. I am really surprising myself! =)
welcome Adam,im very pleased to meet you, and thanks for this lesson, i really appreciate
edlene (brazil)
thank you sir and welcome for us.
A new style of teaching.
I enjoyed it very much.
Welcome teacher! Engvid is going to become even more energetic!
If she stressed the word THAT’S, why didn’t Kathy think that another guy was Lisa’s boyfriend?
Or if she stressed the word LISA’S, why didn’t Kathy think that he was your boyfriend by any chance?
How do we know what was in her mind?
I totally agree what you said!!
Hi Bonhob,
You’re right. t’s hard to tell, especially when you see the stress in writing. If you noticed, the question said what MIGHT the person understand. Of course it could be other things, but I tried to make the answer choices a little more obvious. In reality, the context and the personality of the speaker will be much more helpful in knowing what they intend to communicate. The point to take away from here is to listen carefully to how words are being expressed and realizing that meaning does not rely on surface definitions alone.
Good job pointing this out.
yes it’s absolutely right and you are a great teacher
You are totally right, teacher Adam! It is a good lesson. I really understand what you mean… You are a good teacher. Congratulations!
But I don’t understood what the stress give me to understand meaning
please give answer really soon Adam
Thanks Adam for your lesson, welcome to, I looking forward to see the next lesson.
Franco from italy
Well done ! Thanks a lot.
Looking forward to hearing from You more clever lessons.
hey adam it is realy uesful lesson . Thank u 4 that Iam waiting 4 ur next uesful lesson thanks .
Hi Adam, i’m from Brazil and I’ve been studying very hard, but it’s too difficult to understand native speakers, mainly when they came from US. This class will help a lot. Thanks.
Awesome lesson, thank you
Iam ahmad thank you for this beautiful video i am waiting for your next…, thanks .
ahmad hattab
Hi Adam. fist of all, welcome. Thank for this important and useful lesson. I’m waiting for your next videos. Hugs
Welcome Mr Adam, Your teaching is very good!! A Good teacher must be an advisor also. We are expecting advices for listening improvement.
Is true, intonation is an important part in every language and sometimes nobody cares about it during the english lessons. Thanks Adam and welcome :)
another useful lesson and another great teacher !
I found this website just googling and it’s very usefull, really! ;)
thanks man, nice lesson, very helpful…
hello adam ,you seem to be a helpful and a useful teacher
Yes i want to see it please may i
Thank you.
Great! Thanks.
Thanks great class
engvid rules, f’-k yep. keep teachin’ good english. thanks Adam n’ welcome.
Efrain Dominguez
welcome Adam to this comunity of students of english, It’s nice to meet new teachers so enthusiastics like you, I hope to see you very soon and be sure I will follow you from Barcelona (Spain)
Esther. C
Adam , good lesson. another good teacher in inved
Thank you for this video Adam. I’m very happy to meet new teachers, so welcome :)
I like your idea and the way you explain it .. thanks adam .
i like your idea and the way you explain it .. thanks adam best regard .
It is pretty clear!!! Fantastic!
Hi,Adam! I have a doubt about the quiz.
Can you ask me what’s the diffence between very and a lot?
Thanks and welcome!
Hi Margaret,
What’s the difference between very and a lot?
Maybe you meant to ask me that. well, ‘very’ is used to describe the intensity of something. ‘A lot’ is used usually to talk about quantity. So… I like you a lot, or I like you very much–same meaning, but you’ll notice that ‘very’ needs the quantity word ‘much.’ Also, ‘very’ can come before a verb, but ‘a lot’ can’t. So… He runs very fast, but not he runs a lot fast.
Does that help?
Thanks for understanding my question rsrsrs, and yes, you help me a lot!
Why is there something wrong with my IE when I watch the lessons vedio? Who can do me a favor,please?
My email is:
Adam, I really like your lesson! I look forward to listening more your lessons indeed.
Thanks a lot :)
very good, thank you so much
a good lesson… bravo
thank you Adam, and wellcome!
Hi Diego, Sorry I’m not your teacher but I noticed a mistake in grammar from you. It something that I used to do too. Welcome is with only one letter L. It´s not Wellcome, It´s Welcome. Excuse me, we’re both learning. Sorry again. Bye
It was a great lesson, although I scored 7 out of 10. I need to pratice more…Thank you Adam
thanks Adam
and wellcome to the world of engengengvid
i got bad mark, so bad arrrr….
but I like the Quiz
Hi Adam, your first lesson was REALLY great :) thank you and wellcome.
Very good¡¡¡ Thanks¡¡¡¡
Very good¡¡¡Thanks¡¡¡¡
Hi There,
Could you please do lesions on following topics/ topic that would cover the following matters?
1. Different between –
a. Alex worked in a company for 4 years (but he is no longer working in the company)
b. Alex had been working 4 years in a company (but he is no longer working in the company)
2. Different between – Need explanations.
a. Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public Sunday –
i. Why we are not using On Sunday
ii. Can we write Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public on Sunday
3. Which is the correct one & why?
a. Students who have question or
b. Students who has question –
4. Which are correct one & why?
a. Everyone have /Everyone has
b. No one have / No one has
c. Everybody have/ Everybody has
d. Everyone have / Everyone has
e. Dose everyone have ? / Is everyone have?
5. Writing Media’s heading / News heading – what rule they are following?
6. Confusing of using Passive voice – which one is correct & why?
a. Mentally disabled Pakistani girl arrested for blasphemy (from Toronto star news paper)
b. Mentally disable Pakistani girl (was / is / had been / has been) arrested for blasphemy
I would appreciate if you could do lessons to get clear on above confusions matter , it would be helpful for other viewers as well.
Thank You in advance,
Yours truly,
Hi Nila,
Lots of stuff here to cover, and I’ll try to get to some of these, but for now, just keep in mind that newspapers and other media forms are working with limited space and sometimes take shortcuts. That being said, once you have good control of grammar rules you can then begin to break them (or at least bend them). I’ll try to show you some examples of this in a future lesson.
1. b. It happened before something else happened
3. a. Students who have questions… (Students are plural)
4. a. Everyone has… b. No one has.. c. Everybody has… d. Everyone has… People are…
6. a. disabled is an adjective that means lacking one or more of the physical or mental abilities that most people have
Hi, Adam, how are you? Welcome to the world of EngVid. I am very happy about your lesson and the way you teach. I am expecting more lessions from you and I am looking forward to watcing more and more lessions from you. Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam, thank you very much and Welcome. The explanation was quite clear. What’s more, REALLY did not know that had many meanings. And I realized that the intonation is very important to interpret the ideas and speak clearly. Thank you again.
actually,I like this video and way of your teaching……. thank you Adam…
it’s a very helpful and useful lesson, … thank you so much teacher
Thank you teacher your style in a beautiful explanation.
Thank you very much I wish see many lesson.
Extraordinary, Useful , Really good …
U r a new prof.!Welcome.
Brilliant it was,many thx.
Good luck with ur job,keep it up plz!
This is one of the great lessons on Engvid. I wonder if I can be teacher on Engvid someday! By the way, I am English teacher here in Pakistan. I have taught many students who can now speak and understand English very well.
useful….tnks so much…..
Well done teacher, i hope watch more videos….you speak very clear !!
Very nice your explanation teacher!!….I want more!!
Very helpfull Adam, please send more videos like this.
Alan Goes
thanx a lot sir Adam .
Good! Thanks for the lesson!
hi, Adam. very clarifying this lesson – really important. I liked it very much. it’s the first time i take a lesson from you and i have to say that you are a great teacher. you are right. sometimes, when i watch movies, i see that the actors say something that doesn’t fit very well with the situation if you pick only the real meaning of the words, but from now on, i’ll pay more atention to the intonation. i am sure that, in this way, i’ll understand the exact meaning of the sentence because i’ll understand the language based on the context, on the situation.
Daniel C Herculano
Thank you mr.Adam
great work.
thanks, Teacher Adam and welcome…
oh it realy good
Thanks Adam.
It was excellent.i got some odea about stress patterns………..thanks Mr Adam
Hi Mr Adam, i’m a student in high school, i love this web and all teachers too.
Thanks for giving us those helpful lessons, i have improved a lot..:D
Bao Tran
this really helps Mr. Adam. :) tnx.
thanks a lot
abdullah kattaa
Welcome Adam!
Thank you for the very warm welcome everyone. I hope to provide you with more quality lessons in the future. I look forward to your comments.
Take care
Omg, that´s a great website and many thanks for teaching. take care
Adam ! What is your orgin ? Are you Turkish or did you live in Turkey…?
Your accent is strange
Hello Alex :)
Could you explain me the meaning of LAY DOWN? Like in a song “don’t want to let it lay me down this time…”
SORRY! I meant Adam, of course :)))
Hi there,
Here,lay down means “2 give up”.
:) Fatima is right, it means to give up, surrender.
Hi mr. Adam,
could you please work more on pronuciation.i really need to get my pronuciation right.i’m a student,studying english litrature and i need help with learning elemnets of poet
i’ll be grateful :)
Like. Thanks very much.
Great, wonderful class, i undertood everything that you said and the mening about this subject is very very good, it’s a diferent way we could say about theaching ESL language. i’ve been studying English by skype with some new yorkers theachers and i can tell it’s a very good way to learn too. Congratulations for your class and keep doing something diferent as you did. Great.
Thanks Mr.Adam. And It would be interesting to see if some of the Nila’s point can be cover in your future lessons. Because I also have almost same questions and I hope others also have same questions and I find media articles are confusing and looks like breaking the grammar rules and it was nicely said that “media has limited space” and now I understand why always media articles are so confused and I’m waiting to see new lesson that will Nila’s concern.
Thanks and well come to Engvid.
Best Regards,
Tamil Eelavan.
(From Toronto)
Tamil EElavan
You scored 10 out of 10.
Yeaaaah :D Thanks Sir
Are you happy with only a small thing? Pathetic!
Hi, I am Mary. I loved this class.It is very helpful^^
thanks Adam, it challenge me a lot. going to deep to learn English really am..
Hello Adam!! Welcome at! Nice lesson =]
Thank you …
really nice….
thanks sir, i liked it and i am a new learner of English language and i liked your teaching way and looking forward to more lessons.
Hello Adam Welcomeee that is so useful!!
Really when i watched us movie cant understand i can catch the word what they say, like you told must watching alot speak alot.. Thank you^^
Really a nice lesson
You are a superstar teacher too
Thank you
Moneer Al-obaidi
Is very good lesson for me,I think for others. I like your speaking on English. I should like to continue others interesting lessons. Because you have only two lessons. and language is understanding for foreins.If I have any with the sentences please correct me
adam the best teacher!
I can understand everything! thanks!
Thanks Adam your english is very clear I undestood every word you said.
Thank you very much for this very helpful lesson!
that was “REALLY” useful! Is there a way to download videos?
awesome!You focused on the real communication skills and that’s what I really wanted. What a grrrrrreat point you’ve picked! I look forward to the lectures of yours.
If you’re wondering why a word is or is not in a sentence, you should stress the word which means to say it louder no matter how many syllables it has.
Jesse Corey
You’re great!
Thank you a lot!!
HI, Adam i think that you are a very good teacher,your lessons are very easy to understand.
thanks a lot.
Ronnie Amaury
Like your lesson so much. Looking forward to learn more.
Thank you teacher.
EngVid is the best site ever.
Beau Keil
Hi,Adam. I am from Cambodia. I found your clip very useful. I have studied English in ages, but it is still hard to understand English native speakers. Could you tell some technique to study English faster? Thanks in advance, from Phnom Penh.
thanks to you sir .It was so helpful 4 me …but I have a question please ..waht is the difference If I say (so good) and (very good ) ??? thanks you
I am really happy the way you teach. Thank you
Thank you so much
I think that it’s very difficult to understand the situations in this test. For example, the sentence about Lisa’s boyfriend (6), i can think that he is very handsome for Lisa (she is ugly) and that’s why I’m so surprised or really i thought that he is Lisa’s friend. Please, correct me if i’m wrong
i agreed with u elimy. it is for native speakers ..we said.. but we can learn little by little .. what do u do? r u interested in english chatting on gtalk? or any one else from here for pratice .. plz write me tnx adm for good lecture..
thanks for all but he helped me to to understand more
Thank u sir iam learning english i read . learn but i have no one with tyr my english but iam not lost my hope
It was a simple and super lesson… No language center here teaches intonation as I heard about them. You all guys doing super job in spreading education. We will definitely would not forget you throughout our life. Be blessed.
Very. Interesting
It is what I haven’t known before
Thank you very much
very nice Sir.Adam :D i ( Really ) learnd alot today :D :D
Greating from EGYPT :D
I really need to learn more about intonation. I’m still weak in this subject.
More videos please!! you’re great!!
Hi Mr. A seems like Engvid family is getting bigger.Welcome!
I really like your pofile’s statement.i live on the Washington dc area for a while already.I speak english fluently ith an accent since this is not my native tongue.My dream is do hat you have already abroad and help peolple to get over the language barrier that once back in the time when i started this path was a huge obstacle between me and the natives.
how long do you think would it take me to learn the didactic to be able to stand infront an student classroom and have a acceptable teaching performane?
Awesome lesson, thank you. English is very difficult for me, but i am trying and scored is 4/10
Thank you very much. :)
excelent dear :)
Nice lesson!! Thanks! I’ m lucky i have discovered these lessons because I don’ t know noneone native English speaker…
very interesting …i liked it alot
Excellent and very clear explanation. I couldn’t believe all the meanings that a simple sentence like that could have, but it’s true. Thanks a lot for this lesson, I’m sure it’ll help me out next time I watch a movie :-)
So good lesson Adam!!!
Thank you so much.
Perfect! Thanks a lot.
i have never seen such a helpful site help me a lot thanks all of the teachers
Thanks a lot
i have googled alot lookink for words’ stress and sentence’s…and i find u adam..u gave me a light in that strange field of phonetics..thanks a lot..but according to u we can stress any word in a sentence.. i’ve found in a scholar book(stress falls on content words than function ones ,..key words giving important information..) please help../algiers
Thank you Adam!
Such a nice teacher!
I subscribe your yt channel!
Hi Mr. Adam ,
Welcome in
We need avideo about syllable stress / accented
syllables.Thank you in advance.
We all use the same way to express, but its really cool to refresh these information for us thats help us to think about it deeply
great lesson i like it a lot!!!!. thank yu so much and welcome…
very interesting and useful… Thanks a lot.
I really like your lesson.Thank you
Thank you, Adam!
It’s my first time in and your lesson was my first one in this site. I am really happy that I can understand you completely. These tools of punctuation are part of any language but up to now I haven’t thought about that in english. Your short lesson was very helpfull for me.
Thanks Adam ,your are doing very well.have a good one .
Thanks a lot Adam! You’re just amazing!
hi Adam i want to know that how to speak fluent English .i have some hesitation problem.
Thanx Adam.And I want to know how to start perpetration for IELTS .i mean basic tips.I m going to appear for exam in next month.And i m confused how ill start my prepartion.
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam. its was nice.
Thank you very much! It was really helpful ;) 70/100% – it wasn’t bad as I thought…
hi adm sorry i can not understand the lesson
mohamed yusuf
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thanks very much Adam ,but this lesson make me confused sort of ,can you give us more lessons like this to understand well ?
boss thanks a lot.. could you help me about the subordinate conjunction.. sometimes i made a mistake to use a conjunctions when i am having a conversations with other people. this is my second language and i want to enhance it as well.
I like your lesson.I liked the part when you are telling meanings of the word “really”.I hope you teach us a lot.Have a good time.
I liked the video. I am looking forward to watch another video from you. I now understand that a sentence can have more than one meaning after watching this video.
Thanks Adam. You’re really a good teacher. It is very useful for all. I have ever visited such a useful site before. Further more, I’m slowly improving my English. Thanks again to all the teachers. Have a nice day!
Hi tezen1, excuse me but I’m going to work and live to your country, in Kathmandú, I’d like to talk to you about your country, if you want.
My e-mail is
It was perfect video, and perfect way of teaching English. I enjoyed a lot.
I’m studying because in the near future time I hope i will take the Teaching English certification.
i’m going to prepare my first lesson on line and your explanation it was so perfect about the stress and intonation.
I would like to know something more about this subject.
Can i have some help from you please?
a lot of greetings.
A splendid lesson!
Grrr, i got 5 correct answers…its ok, Thank you so much fot the lesson…its really usefull :D
hahaha ^^ that was great ! thank you sir … i’m excited for the next lesson
It’s very fantastic lesson…o!really!
wow out of 10 i got 5 correct hehehe i need to practice more and maybe put myself into the scenario :)
This is awesome and very useful.
I can’t thank you enough.
your teaching style is very interesting. Thanks Adam…
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you _^
is there any problem with this website ? please let me know
This was a lesson which i have been waiting for….you watered this topic for me…..thankx Adam……thanx a lot…..and keep going, you really do well….. congratulations…….let me fix all this intonations in my language too……bye take care…….
very interesting, thanks sir
Thanks for online video lesson it is very helpfull and understanding and speaking ,because ı have lived in USA 11 years,but my problem is writing( punctuations)and ı advise the other students pls try to watch alots of movies…
kerem tasci
very great lessons, thnx…
Now that’s really funny at the same time crucial too.
Thanks for your lesson .But i think it’s not easy to understand all .I need to drill more exercises by watching movies, listening to dialogues…
thank you
very nice
but could you give us lessons in English Business?
i repeat my thanks for your efforts
Really I love your lessons
Thank you, Adam. We are happy for having you as our teacher! I have already watched all the videos you have done. They are very useful!
Sally S
thank you very much foruseful lesson.could you tell me what ishoud do to pass toefl test
thank you so much teacher It’s very fantastic lesson ”.I hope you teach us a lot.Have a good time.
you are a great teacher i love your teaching style. thanks
i must to learn very hard :(
The explanation of material is great
6 out of 10 :(((
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam. its was nice. but I have Question
in quiz,Question first why we chose this answer
. You are walking along a shopping street with a friend. You stop in front of a shop window and look at the display there. You see a multi-coloured sweater on sale and tell your friend you want to go in and buy it. Your friend replies “You want that?”
If your friend stressed the word you, you might understand that:
He has certain opinions about you and you are surprising him now
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice! I understood the lesson.
Thanks a lot
thank you so much ..i am surprised because it is free website
thank you Adam
Thank you! It was very helpfull!
Really Nice Thta’s What I was Loooking for:D
Thank ya :D
you give me a positive feeling. i like your teching way.thanks for that
Thank you
Khaled Abdallah
Reallllllllllllllllly it is nice. thank ou
thanks very much Adam
You are very very very good teacher. Thank you very much!
I got 6 correct out of 10.
Good lesson, thank you.
Excelente curso y ademas pensado para que se entienda fácil. Solo una cosa me llama la atención: ¿es dirigido solamente a países de habla inglesa? Porque los apoyos van solamente en inglés…Acaso nadie de habla hispana se interesa por el curso?
thanks for teaching and i wold like to learn more english pleace help me
It’s a VERY interesting lesson, REALLY ! Thanks Adam.
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
My score is too bad, I feel that I can’t learn English At all my life!!
Adam, how can we express stress while writing say, an essay or a paragraph? Can we use the(`) symbol?
Thanks a lot!!
I realized again that English is very curious language.
When speaking, I have to care about accent, pronunciation, and intonation…..
Hmm, seemingly it looks difficult.
I keep all things in my mind at the same time.
I seem to need to get used to speaking English more.
UTTERLY PERFECT …!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, make a bit more lessons about sleng and speaking)
Thank you alot your the best ♥♥♥♥♥
Thank you, Adam! I´m preparing for the First Certificate Exam, and this lesson is really useful for the listening part.
Awesome. :)
Dear Adam, I have a question about “How does stress change the meaning of a sentence” . In this sentence “I am an English teacher” if the stress is on English it means that you are an English teacher and not mathematics, and if the stress is on teacher it means that you are just a teacher and your nationality is English?? Is that correct?
thx u mr adam
thanks Adam and that is really kindly ……
i got 3 out of 10..grrrrr it’s hard for me to understand for now…sir adam,could you please give me a tips to understand this .
Thanks Adam it’s a really good lesson
That a really really good lesson!Yes your lesson is very helpful!:):)
stephen lee
thank was nice
very interesting lesson. Thank you very much.
Amazing lesson. Thanks Adam.
it’s dificult for me :'(
Thank you very much.
Very goood!!!
thank you so much
cool) thank you!!!
“..It’s not about the words, it’s about the way they’re saying..”
Thanks a million Adam !!
Thank you, Adam!
I like this lesson.
Henk Seed
Very Good
Hi Adam! I have missed you and your’s lessons, so much! I’m sorry,I was not be able to write on site about 5 months, because I was in hospital(with TBI). I even wasn’t be able to read again my favorite(and one of Yours) “The picture of Dorian Grey” because of it. Now I had moved to my parents, which is living in little village, I must be under their control(because of TBI). There is no high-speed Internet(only GPRS about 15kb.sec). I can’t even watch your new lessons(only text to you). So boring! But I made one little song recently. Only I’m not sure about text(couldn’t You to check it, please(there is only 6 line)). Goodbye.
Interesting matter, Adam!
Should I say “Really good lesson!” or “Really a good lesson!”?
Thank you
Marcio R Santos
I like yours way in teatching . But i don’t know what is the right way to learning English language ?
can you help me and tell me for where i can begin to learn English .
Thank you very much.
Hi Adam you’re a good teacher but according to my score I need to practice more…thanks!
Sirlei Barbosa
really good lesson
thank you ADAM
Thanks for your creation
HI Adam can u explanation this word ATOZ
Really interesting lesson. Thanks!
Thanx a lot, Adam!
Thanks, Adam! Intonations can be so surprising!!!
Ip Man Lee
I have learned this by “American Accent Training! Good lesson!
Hi teacher Adam :)
Can you make the video about “off” special to me, please? hehe i’m so confused that “off” had a lot of meaning
thanks :)
Wow! what an interesting lesson. I was so surprising how Mr. Adam spoke more than 130 words in the first 50 seconds.
8/10, and when i chose answers i was not very sure. still have to say this is very helpful, especially something you said is really similar one book i read a little before” American accent training”, seems that i should study it again and hope i can finish it, and after that i will come to this same lesson again to check myself. anyway, thank you Adam, i will come here, this website everyday to study for all you great teachers, happy new year!
thanks alot about lessons and I want to see alot in coming day ,,,
I am really appreciate for your video. Keep going. :)
thank you so much ….all the best
Abdul Qayum
Hi Adam sir,
thanks for the lessons,
I want another lesson to understand the use of CONTRAST
amazing lesson ! even on a simple phrase there are many meanings.
I got 10/10 thanks to your so interesting lesson.
Thanks Adam.
Adam, thanks Really:)!
Thanks for every lesson U R really great teacher!!!
Awesome, teacher!
I like all your lessons, that’s REALLY important to know it, coz sometimes someone that started learning english try to speak and doesn’t worry about the intonation due they put in mind just the idea of translate things and forget the factor that would make sense…
Thank u!
it is really a good lesson.
Zeeshan Adil
I have just watched the 42nd lesson by Adam
good!thnx teacher adam
I got 10 ! You are really a good teacher. With the stress on really! ;)
I’m having hard time understanding this intonations really. got only 5/10. got confused.
Thank you for this great lesson
om Mohammed
Hi ADAM it was really fantastic lesson.
thank you really much.
adorable Adam.
salem farhmand
It was worth learning. Thanks Adam.
Thanks a lot Adam , its very Useful….
I think this class very useful. I think the intonation has a international means.
thanks, really!
really i like it
Ghada althbiti
thanks…………… its good enough
Afsana A bedin Khan
Tank you vrry mush. this lesson was so hard to undrestand for me but i will tried to learn it.
thank you teacher,it’s funny.
chutima anest.
thnx, this is really helpful
Thanks a lot Adam for very useful lesson.
Welcome,thank you and wow…
70% but still happy!!!
Thank you Adam! I like too much!
This is really fun. I really want to thank you about your lessons.
thank you i like your way in teaching its very great
60% I like your lectures sir.
I don’t really understand for this lesson. I got only 6 out of 10.
I don’t really understand for this lesson.
love it….thnx
Qutaiba Alaa Jameel
Thank, you are great!
it’s very usefull
Thanks alOt it was very Useful ^_^
Lekaa Ahmed
really really good…
Dear Adam
I was wondering if I could have your email address
Best regards
little hard this lesson important to listen tv again and again
thank you Adam
Thanks a million dear .. I really interested at your nice video…thanks a lot for your great efforts
heydar Ali
Hi, Adam! I’m really surprised I’m understanding almost all that you say in your lessons! I’m very happy with it! I hit 100% oh the quiz!!!
My score is not good :(
This is really difficult and need more practice)) thanks a lot Adam!
I really understood the way how you explained but I can’t pass the quiz :(
This video was wonderful.I enjoyed it a lot .thank you very much for your teaching…
Probably it is one of more interesting Engvid’s videos that I have watched. Thanks a lot!
Rodrigo Vianna
Interesting !I’ve never heard this:-D
Good I like it
I find this type of lessons very useful.
There are a lot of books in which we can read about grammar rules but we usually can’t find there any information about how stress changes the meaning of the sentence. And we rather don’t have any chance to listen to any examples.
Agni Pl
Thanks alot M Adam for this interesting lesson,I found it very helpful and i wish you can make other videos about stress and intonation
I watched the video two times not that i understand, just this lesson is entertaining. Thanks for this. You are a great teacher Adam :)
welcome Adam thanks a lot for this useful lesson
omnia selim
thanks Adam.
It`s the same in every language.
Ohhh Adam thank you very much that will be very useful for me ;0
Thank you Adam
great lesson thanks
Thanks a lot for your class!
You showed funny and useful details. Thank You.
I’ve just found your lessons and your web-site a few days ago and really enjoy it. Thank you!
Really?! 100%?! It was really good lesson ;)
thank u so much
thanks for your support
You’re the best teacher I’ve ever seen :)
Nice teacher ! You make me smile while watching your lessons. Tks ;)
Wow,never thought that intonation can change the meaning of the sentence in so many ways !!Loved this lesson!!)))
Inna Volkova
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot i got 7/10
I love your lessons Adam
Very useful lesson.thank you Adam.
It was helpful , Thank you !
Thanks Adam.
Mohsen Barati
great lesson!!! Thanks a lot Adam!!!
Thank you
Thank you very much Adam! Your lessons are very pleasant to follow and very instructive. I learn from day to day thanks to you. You are my favorite professor of this site.
thank you very musch
Hi,Adam could i know why i can’t get answer from you when i have confused with some lessons? i would like be sure if a can get some answer from you. tks.
thank you Adam
Hi Adam, I got 4/10 point, may be better :), thanks so much for your teaching
Thank you Adam, Certainly understood the lesson.
Thanks its helpful
intresting and very helpful lesson. Thank you so much.
Really intresting!!! ahahah,thank u for this service,it’s really Helphful
Thanks for lesson:)
Ulker I-eva
Thank you Adam..
I like your lessons, they are very useful for me :)
Asma Odeh
good information
please is(always) uses in the simple present for example i always ate a fish when i was young
princess amal
Helpful, really
Adam, you are the best…your lessons dont’t seem like lessons at all…so funny and really usefull!! Thanks !! Grazie!!!!
Really you’re a good actor
thanks Adam :)
Ensherah ALAdarbeh
Excellent. I’ve learn a lot with this lesson.
Thank you Adam
Musa Kaleem
PERFECT !I like sentence stress more than usual ! Thank you very much.
thank you adam ,
hey guys , if you have telegram application on your cellphone this channel is very good for learning good too
Reading the questions are little difficult to answer but when i fail i read the correct i understand the lesson. Thanks…
Thank you Adam.
Thanks Adam :D
It helps me to speak people in English and understand when watching dramas.
you are the best teacher that I have ever met
thank you so much Adam. your lessons are very clear and understood.
Hi, Adam! Are you there?
First, I want to say I like your smile on video, it’s very friendly and attractive.
I am a new register for Engvid, and I am a beginner in English even though I have lived USA over 20 years.
At question #1~3 ” You want that?” I understand that sentence omitted word”Do”
Instead of “Do you want that?”
But at question #4~6 “That’s Lisa’s boyfriend?”, should it be” Is that Lisa’s boyfriend?”?
I really hope you can see it and give a comment. I’ll appreciate for your time!
Rong Zhang
thanks very much sir iam very interest about this and i wish if u can upload more video about this (Speaking)
Hi Adam, This video was very interesting. Thank you!
Sandro Gomes
I was terrible in this lesson. I’ll practice more that. Thanks Adam.
it’s not very good
Younes Mohammadi
thanks :)
Thanks very much
Shimaa Ragab
Hello. I am hard of hearing. I would like improve my English but I need subtitles. Could you make subtitles or transcription? Thank you.
Hi Kanarkowa,
The process of transcribing videos and making subtitles is unfortunately expensive and takes a lot of time. All of our videos from 2013 on have subtitles. We have not yet been able to go back and add transcripts and subtitles to old videos. I would like to, but it is difficult to justify the cost. Hopefully, this will be possible in the future. Some good news I have, though, is that we will soon be adding more features related to the subtitles that I hope will make them even more useful for learning. You’ll also soon get access to full transcripts that you will be able to view or print out.
Thank you for quick reply. I understand, so I’ll watch videos from 2013.
Hi! We’ve been adding subtitles to our videos for a while now, but older ones won’t have them. You can turn them on by clicking the “CC” button in the lower right corner of the video.
engVid Moderator
I’m really excited to be PART of this lesson based on stress, cause it’s really helpful
What a lovely lesson :)
Mehmet Karagul
Thank you
good lessons
prince raju
it’s very hard , i got 5/10 Unfortunately
Thank you
thank you
thank you teacher Adam i really appreciate your teaching
Nice lesson, thank you Adam!
That’s good,thank you Adam!
Sun Heting
i never heard off intonation, dont know why, I took more than 10 minutos to answer the quiz and I got 50 points, thank you for this class Adam, I have to study more.
Thank you
Moderator note: Please don’t just leave one-word comments! Take the opportunity to practice your English. Here’s a cat gif.
engVid Moderator
Really good :)
gonca gamze
Sir! I really like your lessons because you teach basic things in English thanks alot but give me one favour that you teacj regular english and some words use in American english and make sentence structure.. Thank you
one of the most awesome and handsome teacher that i have ever met
Thanks for the lesson
its very difficut adam that guss like you
Hi Adam
I think both choices “b” and “c” in Q4 conceptually are same and correct answers and depends on details of the story and also the correct answers in Q7,8,10 actually depend on the moments and situation and obvious feelings of boss and employee’s faces.
Thank you Adam !!! ^^
It’s my first day at the Engvid and I hope it won’t be last)
Thank you Adam for clear explanation and good providing the material, it was REALLY enjoyable.
Very good lesson that I really appreciated.
Yes, really.
Thanks Adam.
I liked it!
Hi Adam , I can’t speak in my daily life because I don’t have any native speaker to communicate with he , can you help my,please I want to use it but I can’t
Thank you …
Abd hamad
thanks Adam
imane yasmin
yh tanks adam
i ment thanks adam
Fantastic! I really like this lesson. Thanks Adam.
very useful quiz. l have 7 corrects but some answers are really similar each other. so which mean l use “really” in my last sentence? :D :D
It’s difficalt to understand the meaning of the world not hearing it(
Thank you for your lesson, Adam))
It’s hard to do such intonational tasks without hearing because IMHO in several questions there were two matching points that depended on intonation. Anyway thanks)
Oh, and be careful with your felt-tip=)
this is very funny lesson.
I wan’t to start learning English from the earlier levels what should I do?????
Mayar Abd alaziz
good morning
Md Firoj
Hi Adam
what should i say when i want to ask someone if he attend the meeting yesterday or not
“are you attend the meeting”
or ” did You attend the Meeting
please, can you explain to me, because i often wrong to use the word
Thank you teacher Adam. I watched your video.
Kempee Co
Am i the only filipino here?
Kempee Co
very useful tutorials. thanks Adam
very useful tutorials. thanks Adam
Hi Adam! I found this webside on your YouTube channel and I think it’s amazing.
I’m very confused about this topic, I understand it well but it’s hard for me to know how people are expressing thought stress sentences
hello everyone i am a dentistry student in turkey and i wanna improve my english every time i watch engvid videos but i need more practice with someone any one if you want to speak with me and make practice with me maybe on whatsapp or another ways please keep in touch with me or mail me my mail adress
Thanks Thanks Thanks
thanks a lot , new information
am new here and i would like to find new lessons about IELTS test
That was REALLY helpful.
Intonation can be very confusing. I was told these two sentences:
1) John said the Boss is an idiot.
2) John, said the Boss, is an idiot.
Only the intonation will tell you who is the speaker of each sentence. Try to say them both and you will see the difference. Thanks Adam!
It’s not always easy to understand what you read, you should see facial expressions! :-|
That’s what emoticons are for! :-)
Thanks a bunch Adam for your clear explanations.
nice lesson, it was REALLY helpful
It’s my first positive result ??
I really thought that I would get 10….
Great lesson!!!
It was difficult, but i liked it.
Alexander 77 ulcue
this is a word what we usually use in many different situation.
Luis Alberto Mateo
this is a word what we usually use in many different situation.
Luis Alberto Mateo
next time I will do better to get passed on this quiz .. I am now starting and a beginner. I wanna learn more.
Jaydy Mayme Momongan
It’s really difficult to understand the actual meanings of each stressed words. This reminds me of the sentence, “Read between the lines”.
YounYeon KIM
I think this quiz is a little bit hard but I got 90 points, i missed the last question but doesn’t matter :) You Adam, you’re my favorite teacher in EngVid. It’s easy to understand you and that’s giving me courage. I’ll be following you, my teacher :)
hello Mr. Adem,
i start today the first lesson with you
Ibrahim Yakout
hello Mr. Adem,
i start today the first lesson with you, in need support specially the groomer
Ibrahim Yakout
Really its very helpful
Hello Adam . My name is Dilbar .I’m from UZBEKISTAN. I want learn in English.I like English.
Abdusattorova dilbar
it depends on the sense alot and hard to get the difference between the chooses
it needs work :(
Naglaa osama
It is very hard;(
Hi, Adam! Very nice and interesting lesson! It’s really nice to see the importance and the effects of intonation in a situation of communication! Thanks! This lesson helped me a lot to pay attention in this challenging aspect of learn a language! See ya!
Marcos Paulo Ventura
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Great examples to practice with. I would love more of this type of lessons, please?
That was so amazing
thanks a million
I wish everybody in the world would speak in English like you Adam, even native speakers. Сlearly, correctly, coordinated, understandably…It’s a dream)))
hahahaha. My aim is just to speak, not like Adam who is Canadian, but speak.
very helpful for beginners.
very interesting really!!!
I think this lesson is much understandable while conversation instead reading the text. as I understand it is all about expression.
Hi, Adam!
Thank you! Your lessons are very helpful!
My question is: is there only one quiz for each lesson?
That was great. Thank you very much for lesson
Serezha Sega
English is really interesting
Dave Fung
I think Adam’s lessons are not difficult to follow and give helpful knowledge. I’m starting watching his oldest video on May 18, 2020, and will keep on watching. Thanks for the best lessons!
Insoo Yeo
7/10! This is my first lesson with Adam’s video. Your lesson is more native and more difficult for me. I need study hardly and carefully.
Jerry Gu
Thank you and the quiz is good
Nada Mohammed abbas
Thank you so much for this ptractice! It was really (lol) useful.
Thank you Adam .
Msgdy Alhaddad
I based my answers on Canadian culture :( not in true scenario work.50/50
Thank you , i thinik , i shuold parctise more for using really ( i miss 3 question ) :(
This lesson was really useful. :)
Hello, great class!
thanks Adam
Grazie Adam, ho scoperto da poco, su youtube le tue lezioni, le trovo molto interessanti. buon lavoro.
keyes riccardo
Thank you Adam, I have been able to watch all you videos on and has enlightened me very well
thanks boss
u are awesome
thanks Adam. for your help.
keyes riccardo
Dear Mr. Adam,
My name is Hoang Thi Chau An, and I’m a student at Vinh University, Viet Nam. I have visited your youtube channel and watched your video. I’m writing to ask your permission to use your video to insert it into my video.
As you just know, I am a student and now I have to do a project about my English course. Therefore my teacher asked me to find a video about it. My mission is to learn from it and insert that video as guidance in my video. I currently have found great value in your video and would appreciate your permission to use it.
I hope you and your team can support my project and I would love to let use your video illegally.
Yours sincerely,
Hoang Thi Chau An
Hoang Thi Chau An
Thanks a lot.
Hello Adam! That was interesting lesson, even so it was recorded 11 years ago. I find it really informative, but had few troubles with quiz. Some intonations were hard to recreate to understand specific meaning. Anyway all of that was useful, so I am going to watch all of your YouTube videos in the near future. Thank you for so high quality and free content. Please, don’t stop!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Perfect! Thanbks.
its helpful really
reaaly like your lessons about intonation. Please give us more intonation lessons. I need to learn more so I would not sound like a robot. Thank you!
really it is useful
It is really useful
Perfect! Thanks a lot.
hi my name is Narjice thanks a lot for all teachers and thank you Adam for this lesson but please can you make a video on the diffrence between start and begin or just give an answer here .thanks.
thanks for your simple way ,the lessons are very useful.
Nice lesson, thank you :) And welcome teacher Adam :)
thank you
ı am aturkish.and ı learning english here.thank you for everything
hey leyla
how r u
We are really appreciative for what you are doing here.
as you know nowadays most people apply for studying abroad.
so, I would like to ask you talk about university vocabulary.
The things that a student needs to know about Foreign universities from applying to studying there.
Dear Adam,I like your lesson.Your lesson really,really funny.It makes me smile.
I like very much engvid and I see your for the fist time. You are certainly a new teacher. you are welcome. I enjoyed very much this lesson and I’m looking farward to listening to the next
Hi Adam and welcome in! Thanks for your lesson.
Waiting for new lessons I subscribed to your Y.T.Channel!
welcome teacher adam and thanks all your explians
Great lesson thanks Adam!!!
wonderful lesson thanks Adam!!!
Hello Mr, Adam
I am so happy about the new teacher in the English Video, I hope learn and improve my english as before.
Good Luck. Mr, Adam
Thank you very much!
thank u i think i understand lesson dispite i got bad mark. maybe i should practice more and more @@
Adam, very pleased to meet you! Your way of teaching is just excellent, and I’m really looking forward to learning from you in the future. Regards!
I scored 10 out of 10. I am really surprising myself! =)
welcome Adam,im very pleased to meet you, and thanks for this lesson, i really appreciate
edlene (brazil)
thank you sir and welcome for us.
A new style of teaching.
I enjoyed it very much.
Welcome teacher! Engvid is going to become even more energetic!
If she stressed the word THAT’S, why didn’t Kathy think that another guy was Lisa’s boyfriend?
Or if she stressed the word LISA’S, why didn’t Kathy think that he was your boyfriend by any chance?
How do we know what was in her mind?
I totally agree what you said!!
Hi Bonhob,
You’re right. t’s hard to tell, especially when you see the stress in writing. If you noticed, the question said what MIGHT the person understand. Of course it could be other things, but I tried to make the answer choices a little more obvious. In reality, the context and the personality of the speaker will be much more helpful in knowing what they intend to communicate. The point to take away from here is to listen carefully to how words are being expressed and realizing that meaning does not rely on surface definitions alone.
Good job pointing this out.
yes it’s absolutely right and you are a great teacher
You are totally right, teacher Adam! It is a good lesson. I really understand what you mean… You are a good teacher. Congratulations!
But I don’t understood what the stress give me to understand meaning
please give answer really soon Adam
Thanks Adam for your lesson, welcome to, I looking forward to see the next lesson.
Well done ! Thanks a lot.
Looking forward to hearing from You more clever lessons.
hey adam it is realy uesful lesson . Thank u 4 that Iam waiting 4 ur next uesful lesson thanks .
Hi Adam, i’m from Brazil and I’ve been studying very hard, but it’s too difficult to understand native speakers, mainly when they came from US. This class will help a lot. Thanks.
Awesome lesson, thank you
Iam ahmad thank you for this beautiful video i am waiting for your next…, thanks .
Hi Adam. fist of all, welcome. Thank for this important and useful lesson. I’m waiting for your next videos. Hugs
Welcome Mr Adam, Your teaching is very good!! A Good teacher must be an advisor also. We are expecting advices for listening improvement.
Is true, intonation is an important part in every language and sometimes nobody cares about it during the english lessons. Thanks Adam and welcome :)
another useful lesson and another great teacher !
I found this website just googling and it’s very usefull, really! ;)
thanks man, nice lesson, very helpful…
hello adam ,you seem to be a helpful and a useful teacher
Yes i want to see it please may i
Thank you.
Great! Thanks.
Thanks great class
engvid rules, f’-k yep. keep teachin’ good english. thanks Adam n’ welcome.
welcome Adam to this comunity of students of english, It’s nice to meet new teachers so enthusiastics like you, I hope to see you very soon and be sure I will follow you from Barcelona (Spain)
Adam , good lesson. another good teacher in inved
Thank you for this video Adam. I’m very happy to meet new teachers, so welcome :)
I like your idea and the way you explain it .. thanks adam .
i like your idea and the way you explain it .. thanks adam best regard .
It is pretty clear!!! Fantastic!
Hi,Adam! I have a doubt about the quiz.
Can you ask me what’s the diffence between very and a lot?
Thanks and welcome!
Hi Margaret,
What’s the difference between very and a lot?
Maybe you meant to ask me that. well, ‘very’ is used to describe the intensity of something. ‘A lot’ is used usually to talk about quantity. So… I like you a lot, or I like you very much–same meaning, but you’ll notice that ‘very’ needs the quantity word ‘much.’ Also, ‘very’ can come before a verb, but ‘a lot’ can’t. So… He runs very fast, but not he runs a lot fast.
Does that help?
Thanks for understanding my question rsrsrs, and yes, you help me a lot!
Why is there something wrong with my IE when I watch the lessons vedio? Who can do me a favor,please?
My email is:
You might want to check that you have the latest version of IE and the Flash plugin!
Adam, I really like your lesson! I look forward to listening more your lessons indeed.
Thanks a lot :)
very good, thank you so much
a good lesson… bravo
thank you Adam, and wellcome!
Hi Diego, Sorry I’m not your teacher but I noticed a mistake in grammar from you. It something that I used to do too. Welcome is with only one letter L. It´s not Wellcome, It´s Welcome. Excuse me, we’re both learning. Sorry again. Bye
It was a great lesson, although I scored 7 out of 10. I need to pratice more…Thank you Adam
thanks Adam
and wellcome to the world of engengengvid
i got bad mark, so bad arrrr….
but I like the Quiz
Hi Adam, your first lesson was REALLY great :) thank you and wellcome.
Very good¡¡¡ Thanks¡¡¡¡
Very good¡¡¡Thanks¡¡¡¡
Hi There,
Could you please do lesions on following topics/ topic that would cover the following matters?
1. Different between –
a. Alex worked in a company for 4 years (but he is no longer working in the company)
b. Alex had been working 4 years in a company (but he is no longer working in the company)
2. Different between – Need explanations.
a. Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public Sunday –
i. Why we are not using On Sunday
ii. Can we write Julian Assange urged Barak Obama to end “witch hunt” again his website, appearing in public on Sunday
3. Which is the correct one & why?
a. Students who have question or
b. Students who has question –
4. Which are correct one & why?
a. Everyone have /Everyone has
b. No one have / No one has
c. Everybody have/ Everybody has
d. Everyone have / Everyone has
e. Dose everyone have ? / Is everyone have?
5. Writing Media’s heading / News heading – what rule they are following?
6. Confusing of using Passive voice – which one is correct & why?
a. Mentally disabled Pakistani girl arrested for blasphemy (from Toronto star news paper)
b. Mentally disable Pakistani girl (was / is / had been / has been) arrested for blasphemy
I would appreciate if you could do lessons to get clear on above confusions matter , it would be helpful for other viewers as well.
Thank You in advance,
Yours truly,
Hi Nila,
Lots of stuff here to cover, and I’ll try to get to some of these, but for now, just keep in mind that newspapers and other media forms are working with limited space and sometimes take shortcuts. That being said, once you have good control of grammar rules you can then begin to break them (or at least bend them). I’ll try to show you some examples of this in a future lesson.
1. b. It happened before something else happened
3. a. Students who have questions… (Students are plural)
4. a. Everyone has… b. No one has.. c. Everybody has… d. Everyone has… People are…
6. a. disabled is an adjective that means lacking one or more of the physical or mental abilities that most people have
Hi, Adam, how are you? Welcome to the world of EngVid. I am very happy about your lesson and the way you teach. I am expecting more lessions from you and I am looking forward to watcing more and more lessions from you. Thanks a lot.
Hi Adam, thank you very much and Welcome. The explanation was quite clear. What’s more, REALLY did not know that had many meanings. And I realized that the intonation is very important to interpret the ideas and speak clearly. Thank you again.
actually,I like this video and way of your teaching……. thank you Adam…
it’s a very helpful and useful lesson, … thank you so much teacher
Thank you teacher your style in a beautiful explanation.
Thank you very much I wish see many lesson.
Extraordinary, Useful , Really good …
U r a new prof.!Welcome.
Brilliant it was,many thx.
Good luck with ur job,keep it up plz!
This is one of the great lessons on Engvid. I wonder if I can be teacher on Engvid someday! By the way, I am English teacher here in Pakistan. I have taught many students who can now speak and understand English very well.
useful….tnks so much…..
Well done teacher, i hope watch more videos….you speak very clear !!
Very nice your explanation teacher!!….I want more!!
Very helpfull Adam, please send more videos like this.
thanx a lot sir Adam .
Good! Thanks for the lesson!
hi, Adam. very clarifying this lesson – really important. I liked it very much. it’s the first time i take a lesson from you and i have to say that you are a great teacher. you are right. sometimes, when i watch movies, i see that the actors say something that doesn’t fit very well with the situation if you pick only the real meaning of the words, but from now on, i’ll pay more atention to the intonation. i am sure that, in this way, i’ll understand the exact meaning of the sentence because i’ll understand the language based on the context, on the situation.
Thank you mr.Adam
great work.
thanks, Teacher Adam and welcome…
oh it realy good
Thanks Adam.
It was excellent.i got some odea about stress patterns………..thanks Mr Adam
Hi Mr Adam, i’m a student in high school, i love this web and all teachers too.
Thanks for giving us those helpful lessons, i have improved a lot..:D
this really helps Mr. Adam. :) tnx.
thanks a lot
Welcome Adam!
Thank you for the very warm welcome everyone. I hope to provide you with more quality lessons in the future. I look forward to your comments.
Take care
Omg, that´s a great website and many thanks for teaching. take care
Adam ! What is your orgin ? Are you Turkish or did you live in Turkey…?
Your accent is strange
Hello Alex :)
Could you explain me the meaning of LAY DOWN? Like in a song “don’t want to let it lay me down this time…”
SORRY! I meant Adam, of course :)))
Hi there,
Here,lay down means “2 give up”.
:) Fatima is right, it means to give up, surrender.
Hi mr. Adam,
could you please work more on pronuciation.i really need to get my pronuciation right.i’m a student,studying english litrature and i need help with learning elemnets of poet
i’ll be grateful :)
Like. Thanks very much.
Great, wonderful class, i undertood everything that you said and the mening about this subject is very very good, it’s a diferent way we could say about theaching ESL language. i’ve been studying English by skype with some new yorkers theachers and i can tell it’s a very good way to learn too. Congratulations for your class and keep doing something diferent as you did. Great.
Thanks Mr.Adam. And It would be interesting to see if some of the Nila’s point can be cover in your future lessons. Because I also have almost same questions and I hope others also have same questions and I find media articles are confusing and looks like breaking the grammar rules and it was nicely said that “media has limited space” and now I understand why always media articles are so confused and I’m waiting to see new lesson that will Nila’s concern.
Thanks and well come to Engvid.
Best Regards,
Tamil Eelavan.
(From Toronto)
You scored 10 out of 10.
Yeaaaah :D Thanks Sir
Are you happy with only a small thing? Pathetic!
Hi, I am Mary. I loved this class.It is very helpful^^
thanks Adam, it challenge me a lot. going to deep to learn English really am..
Hello Adam!! Welcome at! Nice lesson =]
Thank you …
really nice….
thanks sir, i liked it and i am a new learner of English language and i liked your teaching way and looking forward to more lessons.
Hello Adam Welcomeee that is so useful!!
Really when i watched us movie cant understand i can catch the word what they say, like you told must watching alot speak alot.. Thank you^^
Really a nice lesson
You are a superstar teacher too
Thank you
Is very good lesson for me,I think for others. I like your speaking on English. I should like to continue others interesting lessons. Because you have only two lessons. and language is understanding for foreins.If I have any with the sentences please correct me
adam the best teacher!
I can understand everything! thanks!
Thanks Adam your english is very clear I undestood every word you said.
Thank you very much for this very helpful lesson!
that was “REALLY” useful! Is there a way to download videos?
awesome!You focused on the real communication skills and that’s what I really wanted. What a grrrrrreat point you’ve picked! I look forward to the lectures of yours.
If you’re wondering why a word is or is not in a sentence, you should stress the word which means to say it louder no matter how many syllables it has.
You’re great!
Thank you a lot!!
HI, Adam i think that you are a very good teacher,your lessons are very easy to understand.
thanks a lot.
Like your lesson so much. Looking forward to learn more.
Thank you teacher.
EngVid is the best site ever.
Hi,Adam. I am from Cambodia. I found your clip very useful. I have studied English in ages, but it is still hard to understand English native speakers. Could you tell some technique to study English faster? Thanks in advance, from Phnom Penh.
thanks to you sir .It was so helpful 4 me …but I have a question please ..waht is the difference If I say (so good) and (very good ) ??? thanks you
I am really happy the way you teach. Thank you
Thank you so much
I think that it’s very difficult to understand the situations in this test. For example, the sentence about Lisa’s boyfriend (6), i can think that he is very handsome for Lisa (she is ugly) and that’s why I’m so surprised or really i thought that he is Lisa’s friend. Please, correct me if i’m wrong
i agreed with u elimy. it is for native speakers ..we said.. but we can learn little by little .. what do u do? r u interested in english chatting on gtalk? or any one else from here for pratice .. plz write me tnx adm for good lecture..
thanks for all but he helped me to to understand more
Thank u sir iam learning english i read . learn but i have no one with tyr my english but iam not lost my hope
It was a simple and super lesson… No language center here teaches intonation as I heard about them. You all guys doing super job in spreading education. We will definitely would not forget you throughout our life. Be blessed.
Very. Interesting
It is what I haven’t known before
Thank you very much
very nice Sir.Adam :D i ( Really ) learnd alot today :D :D
Greating from EGYPT :D
I really need to learn more about intonation. I’m still weak in this subject.
More videos please!! you’re great!!
Hi Mr. A seems like Engvid family is getting bigger.Welcome!
I really like your pofile’s statement.i live on the Washington dc area for a while already.I speak english fluently ith an accent since this is not my native tongue.My dream is do hat you have already abroad and help peolple to get over the language barrier that once back in the time when i started this path was a huge obstacle between me and the natives.
how long do you think would it take me to learn the didactic to be able to stand infront an student classroom and have a acceptable teaching performane?
Awesome lesson, thank you. English is very difficult for me, but i am trying and scored is 4/10
Thank you very much. :)
excelent dear :)
Nice lesson!! Thanks! I’ m lucky i have discovered these lessons because I don’ t know noneone native English speaker…
very interesting …i liked it alot
Excellent and very clear explanation. I couldn’t believe all the meanings that a simple sentence like that could have, but it’s true. Thanks a lot for this lesson, I’m sure it’ll help me out next time I watch a movie :-)
So good lesson Adam!!!
Thank you so much.
Perfect! Thanks a lot.
i have never seen such a helpful site help me a lot thanks all of the teachers
Thanks a lot
i have googled alot lookink for words’ stress and sentence’s…and i find u adam..u gave me a light in that strange field of phonetics..thanks a lot..but according to u we can stress any word in a sentence.. i’ve found in a scholar book(stress falls on content words than function ones ,..key words giving important information..) please help../algiers
Thank you Adam!
Such a nice teacher!
I subscribe your yt channel!
Hi Mr. Adam ,
Welcome in
We need avideo about syllable stress / accented
syllables.Thank you in advance.
We all use the same way to express, but its really cool to refresh these information for us thats help us to think about it deeply
great lesson i like it a lot!!!!. thank yu so much and welcome…
very interesting and useful… Thanks a lot.
I really like your lesson.Thank you
Thank you, Adam!
It’s my first time in and your lesson was my first one in this site. I am really happy that I can understand you completely. These tools of punctuation are part of any language but up to now I haven’t thought about that in english. Your short lesson was very helpfull for me.
Thanks Adam ,your are doing very well.have a good one .
Thanks a lot Adam! You’re just amazing!
hi Adam i want to know that how to speak fluent English .i have some hesitation problem.
Would this lesson on hesitation devices help?
Thanx Adam.And I want to know how to start perpetration for IELTS .i mean basic tips.I m going to appear for exam in next month.And i m confused how ill start my prepartion.
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam. its was nice.
Thank you very much! It was really helpful ;) 70/100% – it wasn’t bad as I thought…
hi adm sorry i can not understand the lesson
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thanks very much Adam ,but this lesson make me confused sort of ,can you give us more lessons like this to understand well ?
boss thanks a lot.. could you help me about the subordinate conjunction.. sometimes i made a mistake to use a conjunctions when i am having a conversations with other people. this is my second language and i want to enhance it as well.
I like your lesson.I liked the part when you are telling meanings of the word “really”.I hope you teach us a lot.Have a good time.
I liked the video. I am looking forward to watch another video from you. I now understand that a sentence can have more than one meaning after watching this video.
Thanks Adam. You’re really a good teacher. It is very useful for all. I have ever visited such a useful site before. Further more, I’m slowly improving my English. Thanks again to all the teachers. Have a nice day!
Hi tezen1, excuse me but I’m going to work and live to your country, in Kathmandú, I’d like to talk to you about your country, if you want.
My e-mail is
It was perfect video, and perfect way of teaching English. I enjoyed a lot.
I’m studying because in the near future time I hope i will take the Teaching English certification.
i’m going to prepare my first lesson on line and your explanation it was so perfect about the stress and intonation.
I would like to know something more about this subject.
Can i have some help from you please?
a lot of greetings.
A splendid lesson!
Grrr, i got 5 correct answers…its ok, Thank you so much fot the lesson…its really usefull :D
hahaha ^^ that was great ! thank you sir … i’m excited for the next lesson
It’s very fantastic lesson…o!really!
wow out of 10 i got 5 correct hehehe i need to practice more and maybe put myself into the scenario :)
This is awesome and very useful.
I can’t thank you enough.
your teaching style is very interesting. Thanks Adam…
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you _^
is there any problem with this website ? please let me know
This was a lesson which i have been waiting for….you watered this topic for me…..thankx Adam……thanx a lot…..and keep going, you really do well….. congratulations…….let me fix all this intonations in my language too……bye take care…….
very interesting, thanks sir
Thanks for online video lesson it is very helpfull and understanding and speaking ,because ı have lived in USA 11 years,but my problem is writing( punctuations)and ı advise the other students pls try to watch alots of movies…
very great lessons, thnx…
Now that’s really funny at the same time crucial too.
Thanks for your lesson .But i think it’s not easy to understand all .I need to drill more exercises by watching movies, listening to dialogues…
thank you
very nice
but could you give us lessons in English Business?
i repeat my thanks for your efforts
Really I love your lessons
Thank you, Adam. We are happy for having you as our teacher! I have already watched all the videos you have done. They are very useful!
thank you very much foruseful lesson.could you tell me what ishoud do to pass toefl test
thank you so much teacher It’s very fantastic lesson ”.I hope you teach us a lot.Have a good time.
you are a great teacher i love your teaching style. thanks
i must to learn very hard :(
The explanation of material is great
6 out of 10 :(((
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam. its was nice. but I have Question
in quiz,Question first why we chose this answer
. You are walking along a shopping street with a friend. You stop in front of a shop window and look at the display there. You see a multi-coloured sweater on sale and tell your friend you want to go in and buy it. Your friend replies “You want that?”
If your friend stressed the word you, you might understand that:
He has certain opinions about you and you are surprising him now
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice! I understood the lesson.
Thanks a lot
thank you so much ..i am surprised because it is free website
thank you Adam
Thank you! It was very helpfull!
Really Nice Thta’s What I was Loooking for:D
Thank ya :D
you give me a positive feeling. i like your teching way.thanks for that
Thank you
Reallllllllllllllllly it is nice. thank ou
thanks very much Adam
You are very very very good teacher. Thank you very much!
I got 6 correct out of 10.
Good lesson, thank you.
Excelente curso y ademas pensado para que se entienda fácil. Solo una cosa me llama la atención: ¿es dirigido solamente a países de habla inglesa? Porque los apoyos van solamente en inglés…Acaso nadie de habla hispana se interesa por el curso?
thanks for teaching and i wold like to learn more english pleace help me
It’s a VERY interesting lesson, REALLY ! Thanks Adam.
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
My score is too bad, I feel that I can’t learn English At all my life!!
Adam, how can we express stress while writing say, an essay or a paragraph? Can we use the(`) symbol?
Thanks a lot!!
I realized again that English is very curious language.
When speaking, I have to care about accent, pronunciation, and intonation…..
Hmm, seemingly it looks difficult.
I keep all things in my mind at the same time.
I seem to need to get used to speaking English more.
UTTERLY PERFECT …!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please, make a bit more lessons about sleng and speaking)
Thank you alot your the best ♥♥♥♥♥
Thank you, Adam! I´m preparing for the First Certificate Exam, and this lesson is really useful for the listening part.
Awesome. :)
Dear Adam, I have a question about “How does stress change the meaning of a sentence” . In this sentence “I am an English teacher” if the stress is on English it means that you are an English teacher and not mathematics, and if the stress is on teacher it means that you are just a teacher and your nationality is English?? Is that correct?
thx u mr adam
thanks Adam and that is really kindly ……
i got 3 out of 10..grrrrr it’s hard for me to understand for now…sir adam,could you please give me a tips to understand this .
Thanks Adam it’s a really good lesson
That a really really good lesson!Yes your lesson is very helpful!:):)
thank was nice
very interesting lesson. Thank you very much.
Amazing lesson. Thanks Adam.
it’s dificult for me :'(
Thank you very much.
Very goood!!!
thank you so much
cool) thank you!!!
“..It’s not about the words, it’s about the way they’re saying..”
Thanks a million Adam !!
Thank you, Adam!
I like this lesson.
Very Good
Hi Adam! I have missed you and your’s lessons, so much! I’m sorry,I was not be able to write on site about 5 months, because I was in hospital(with TBI). I even wasn’t be able to read again my favorite(and one of Yours) “The picture of Dorian Grey” because of it. Now I had moved to my parents, which is living in little village, I must be under their control(because of TBI). There is no high-speed Internet(only GPRS about 15kb.sec). I can’t even watch your new lessons(only text to you). So boring! But I made one little song recently. Only I’m not sure about text(couldn’t You to check it, please(there is only 6 line)). Goodbye.
Interesting matter, Adam!
Should I say “Really good lesson!” or “Really a good lesson!”?
Thank you
I like yours way in teatching . But i don’t know what is the right way to learning English language ?
can you help me and tell me for where i can begin to learn English .
Thank you very much.
Hi Adam you’re a good teacher but according to my score I need to practice more…thanks!
really good lesson
thank you ADAM
Thanks for your creation
HI Adam can u explanation this word ATOZ
Really interesting lesson. Thanks!
Thanx a lot, Adam!
Thanks, Adam! Intonations can be so surprising!!!
I have learned this by “American Accent Training! Good lesson!
Hi teacher Adam :)
Can you make the video about “off” special to me, please? hehe i’m so confused that “off” had a lot of meaning
thanks :)
Wow! what an interesting lesson. I was so surprising how Mr. Adam spoke more than 130 words in the first 50 seconds.
8/10, and when i chose answers i was not very sure. still have to say this is very helpful, especially something you said is really similar one book i read a little before” American accent training”, seems that i should study it again and hope i can finish it, and after that i will come to this same lesson again to check myself. anyway, thank you Adam, i will come here, this website everyday to study for all you great teachers, happy new year!
thanks alot about lessons and I want to see alot in coming day ,,,
I am really appreciate for your video. Keep going. :)
thank you so much ….all the best
Hi Adam sir,
thanks for the lessons,
I want another lesson to understand the use of CONTRAST
amazing lesson ! even on a simple phrase there are many meanings.
I got 10/10 thanks to your so interesting lesson.
Thanks Adam.
Adam, thanks Really:)!
Thanks for every lesson U R really great teacher!!!
Awesome, teacher!
I like all your lessons, that’s REALLY important to know it, coz sometimes someone that started learning english try to speak and doesn’t worry about the intonation due they put in mind just the idea of translate things and forget the factor that would make sense…
Thank u!
it is really a good lesson.
I have just watched the 42nd lesson by Adam
good!thnx teacher adam
I got 10 ! You are really a good teacher. With the stress on really! ;)
I’m having hard time understanding this intonations really. got only 5/10. got confused.
Thank you for this great lesson
Hi ADAM it was really fantastic lesson.
thank you really much.
adorable Adam.
It was worth learning. Thanks Adam.
Thanks a lot Adam , its very Useful….
I think this class very useful. I think the intonation has a international means.
thanks, really!
really i like it
thanks…………… its good enough
Tank you vrry mush. this lesson was so hard to undrestand for me but i will tried to learn it.
thank you teacher,it’s funny.
thnx, this is really helpful
Thanks a lot Adam for very useful lesson.
Welcome,thank you and wow…
70% but still happy!!!
Thank you Adam! I like too much!
This is really fun. I really want to thank you about your lessons.
thank you i like your way in teaching its very great
60% I like your lectures sir.
I don’t really understand for this lesson. I got only 6 out of 10.
I don’t really understand for this lesson.
love it….thnx
Thank, you are great!
it’s very usefull
Thanks alOt it was very Useful ^_^
really really good…
Dear Adam
I was wondering if I could have your email address
Best regards
little hard this lesson important to listen tv again and again
thank you Adam
Thanks a million dear .. I really interested at your nice video…thanks a lot for your great efforts
Hi, Adam! I’m really surprised I’m understanding almost all that you say in your lessons! I’m very happy with it! I hit 100% oh the quiz!!!
My score is not good :(
This is really difficult and need more practice)) thanks a lot Adam!
I really understood the way how you explained but I can’t pass the quiz :(
This video was wonderful.I enjoyed it a lot .thank you very much for your teaching…
Probably it is one of more interesting Engvid’s videos that I have watched. Thanks a lot!
Interesting !I’ve never heard this:-D
Good I like it
I find this type of lessons very useful.
There are a lot of books in which we can read about grammar rules but we usually can’t find there any information about how stress changes the meaning of the sentence. And we rather don’t have any chance to listen to any examples.
Thanks alot M Adam for this interesting lesson,I found it very helpful and i wish you can make other videos about stress and intonation
I watched the video two times not that i understand, just this lesson is entertaining. Thanks for this. You are a great teacher Adam :)
welcome Adam thanks a lot for this useful lesson
thanks Adam.
It`s the same in every language.
Ohhh Adam thank you very much that will be very useful for me ;0
Thank you Adam
great lesson thanks
Thanks a lot for your class!
You showed funny and useful details. Thank You.
I’ve just found your lessons and your web-site a few days ago and really enjoy it. Thank you!
Really?! 100%?! It was really good lesson ;)
thank u so much
thanks for your support
You’re the best teacher I’ve ever seen :)
Nice teacher ! You make me smile while watching your lessons. Tks ;)
Wow,never thought that intonation can change the meaning of the sentence in so many ways !!Loved this lesson!!)))
thanks a lot
Thanks a lot i got 7/10
I love your lessons Adam
Very useful lesson.thank you Adam.
It was helpful , Thank you !
Thanks Adam.
great lesson!!! Thanks a lot Adam!!!
Thank you
Thank you very much Adam! Your lessons are very pleasant to follow and very instructive. I learn from day to day thanks to you. You are my favorite professor of this site.
thank you very musch
Hi,Adam could i know why i can’t get answer from you when i have confused with some lessons? i would like be sure if a can get some answer from you. tks.
thank you Adam
Hi Adam, I got 4/10 point, may be better :), thanks so much for your teaching
Thank you Adam, Certainly understood the lesson.
Thanks its helpful
intresting and very helpful lesson. Thank you so much.
Really intresting!!! ahahah,thank u for this service,it’s really Helphful
Thanks for lesson:)
Thank you Adam..
I like your lessons, they are very useful for me :)
good information
please is(always) uses in the simple present for example i always ate a fish when i was young
Helpful, really
Adam, you are the best…your lessons dont’t seem like lessons at all…so funny and really usefull!! Thanks !! Grazie!!!!
Really you’re a good actor
thanks Adam :)
Excellent. I’ve learn a lot with this lesson.
Thank you Adam
PERFECT !I like sentence stress more than usual ! Thank you very much.
thank you adam ,
hey guys , if you have telegram application on your cellphone this channel is very good for learning good too
Reading the questions are little difficult to answer but when i fail i read the correct i understand the lesson. Thanks…
Thank you Adam.
Thanks Adam :D
It helps me to speak people in English and understand when watching dramas.
you are the best teacher that I have ever met
thank you so much Adam. your lessons are very clear and understood.
Hi, Adam! Are you there?
First, I want to say I like your smile on video, it’s very friendly and attractive.
I am a new register for Engvid, and I am a beginner in English even though I have lived USA over 20 years.
At question #1~3 ” You want that?” I understand that sentence omitted word”Do”
Instead of “Do you want that?”
But at question #4~6 “That’s Lisa’s boyfriend?”, should it be” Is that Lisa’s boyfriend?”?
I really hope you can see it and give a comment. I’ll appreciate for your time!
thanks very much sir iam very interest about this and i wish if u can upload more video about this (Speaking)
Hi Adam, This video was very interesting. Thank you!
I was terrible in this lesson. I’ll practice more that. Thanks Adam.
it’s not very good
thanks :)
Thanks very much
Hello. I am hard of hearing. I would like improve my English but I need subtitles. Could you make subtitles or transcription? Thank you.
Hi Kanarkowa,
The process of transcribing videos and making subtitles is unfortunately expensive and takes a lot of time. All of our videos from 2013 on have subtitles. We have not yet been able to go back and add transcripts and subtitles to old videos. I would like to, but it is difficult to justify the cost. Hopefully, this will be possible in the future. Some good news I have, though, is that we will soon be adding more features related to the subtitles that I hope will make them even more useful for learning. You’ll also soon get access to full transcripts that you will be able to view or print out.
Thank you for quick reply. I understand, so I’ll watch videos from 2013.
Hi! We’ve been adding subtitles to our videos for a while now, but older ones won’t have them. You can turn them on by clicking the “CC” button in the lower right corner of the video.
I’m really excited to be PART of this lesson based on stress, cause it’s really helpful
What a lovely lesson :)
Thank you
good lessons
it’s very hard , i got 5/10 Unfortunately
Thank you
thank you
thank you teacher Adam i really appreciate your teaching
Nice lesson, thank you Adam!
That’s good,thank you Adam!
i never heard off intonation, dont know why, I took more than 10 minutos to answer the quiz and I got 50 points, thank you for this class Adam, I have to study more.
Thank you
Moderator note: Please don’t just leave one-word comments! Take the opportunity to practice your English. Here’s a cat gif.
Really good :)
Sir! I really like your lessons because you teach basic things in English thanks alot but give me one favour that you teacj regular english and some words use in American english and make sentence structure.. Thank you
one of the most awesome and handsome teacher that i have ever met
Thanks for the lesson
its very difficut adam that guss like you
Hi Adam
I think both choices “b” and “c” in Q4 conceptually are same and correct answers and depends on details of the story and also the correct answers in Q7,8,10 actually depend on the moments and situation and obvious feelings of boss and employee’s faces.
Thank you Adam !!! ^^
It’s my first day at the Engvid and I hope it won’t be last)
Thank you Adam for clear explanation and good providing the material, it was REALLY enjoyable.
Very good lesson that I really appreciated.
Yes, really.
Thanks Adam.
I liked it!
Hi Adam , I can’t speak in my daily life because I don’t have any native speaker to communicate with he , can you help my,please I want to use it but I can’t
Thank you …
thanks Adam
yh tanks adam
i ment thanks adam
Fantastic! I really like this lesson. Thanks Adam.
very useful quiz. l have 7 corrects but some answers are really similar each other. so which mean l use “really” in my last sentence? :D :D
It’s difficalt to understand the meaning of the world not hearing it(
Thank you for your lesson, Adam))
It’s hard to do such intonational tasks without hearing because IMHO in several questions there were two matching points that depended on intonation. Anyway thanks)
Oh, and be careful with your felt-tip=)
this is very funny lesson.
I wan’t to start learning English from the earlier levels what should I do?????
good morning
Hi Adam
what should i say when i want to ask someone if he attend the meeting yesterday or not
“are you attend the meeting”
or ” did You attend the Meeting
please, can you explain to me, because i often wrong to use the word
Thank you teacher Adam. I watched your video.
Am i the only filipino here?
very useful tutorials. thanks Adam
very useful tutorials. thanks Adam
Hi Adam! I found this webside on your YouTube channel and I think it’s amazing.
I’m very confused about this topic, I understand it well but it’s hard for me to know how people are expressing thought stress sentences
hello everyone i am a dentistry student in turkey and i wanna improve my english every time i watch engvid videos but i need more practice with someone any one if you want to speak with me and make practice with me maybe on whatsapp or another ways please keep in touch with me or mail me my mail adress
Thanks Thanks Thanks
thanks a lot , new information
am new here and i would like to find new lessons about IELTS test
That was REALLY helpful.
Intonation can be very confusing. I was told these two sentences:
1) John said the Boss is an idiot.
2) John, said the Boss, is an idiot.
Only the intonation will tell you who is the speaker of each sentence. Try to say them both and you will see the difference. Thanks Adam!
It’s not always easy to understand what you read, you should see facial expressions! :-|
That’s what emoticons are for! :-)
Thanks a bunch Adam for your clear explanations.
nice lesson, it was REALLY helpful
It’s my first positive result ??
I really thought that I would get 10….
Great lesson!!!
It was difficult, but i liked it.
this is a word what we usually use in many different situation.
this is a word what we usually use in many different situation.
next time I will do better to get passed on this quiz .. I am now starting and a beginner. I wanna learn more.
It’s really difficult to understand the actual meanings of each stressed words. This reminds me of the sentence, “Read between the lines”.
I think this quiz is a little bit hard but I got 90 points, i missed the last question but doesn’t matter :) You Adam, you’re my favorite teacher in EngVid. It’s easy to understand you and that’s giving me courage. I’ll be following you, my teacher :)
hello Mr. Adem,
i start today the first lesson with you
hello Mr. Adem,
i start today the first lesson with you, in need support specially the groomer
Really its very helpful
Hello Adam . My name is Dilbar .I’m from UZBEKISTAN. I want learn in English.I like English.
it depends on the sense alot and hard to get the difference between the chooses
it needs work :(
It is very hard;(
Hi, Adam! Very nice and interesting lesson! It’s really nice to see the importance and the effects of intonation in a situation of communication! Thanks! This lesson helped me a lot to pay attention in this challenging aspect of learn a language! See ya!
Thank you Mr. Adam.
Great examples to practice with. I would love more of this type of lessons, please?
That was so amazing
thanks a million
I wish everybody in the world would speak in English like you Adam, even native speakers. Сlearly, correctly, coordinated, understandably…It’s a dream)))
hahahaha. My aim is just to speak, not like Adam who is Canadian, but speak.
very helpful for beginners.
very interesting really!!!
I think this lesson is much understandable while conversation instead reading the text. as I understand it is all about expression.
Hi, Adam!
Thank you! Your lessons are very helpful!
My question is: is there only one quiz for each lesson?
That was great. Thank you very much for lesson
English is really interesting
I think Adam’s lessons are not difficult to follow and give helpful knowledge. I’m starting watching his oldest video on May 18, 2020, and will keep on watching. Thanks for the best lessons!
7/10! This is my first lesson with Adam’s video. Your lesson is more native and more difficult for me. I need study hardly and carefully.
Thank you and the quiz is good
Thank you so much for this ptractice! It was really (lol) useful.
Thank you Adam .
I based my answers on Canadian culture :( not in true scenario work.50/50
Thank you , i thinik , i shuold parctise more for using really ( i miss 3 question ) :(
This lesson was really useful. :)
Hello, great class!
thanks Adam
Grazie Adam, ho scoperto da poco, su youtube le tue lezioni, le trovo molto interessanti. buon lavoro.
Thank you Adam, I have been able to watch all you videos on and has enlightened me very well
thanks boss
u are awesome
thanks Adam. for your help.
Dear Mr. Adam,
My name is Hoang Thi Chau An, and I’m a student at Vinh University, Viet Nam. I have visited your youtube channel and watched your video. I’m writing to ask your permission to use your video to insert it into my video.
As you just know, I am a student and now I have to do a project about my English course. Therefore my teacher asked me to find a video about it. My mission is to learn from it and insert that video as guidance in my video. I currently have found great value in your video and would appreciate your permission to use it.
I hope you and your team can support my project and I would love to let use your video illegally.
Yours sincerely,
Hoang Thi Chau An
Thanks a lot.
Hello Adam! That was interesting lesson, even so it was recorded 11 years ago. I find it really informative, but had few troubles with quiz. Some intonations were hard to recreate to understand specific meaning. Anyway all of that was useful, so I am going to watch all of your YouTube videos in the near future. Thank you for so high quality and free content. Please, don’t stop!
perfect subject.