thanks a lot for your lessons. they are really useful. I hope to receive your help. I confuse about “already” in present perfect and in simple present tense. can you explain ? thanks you !
bright sea
By the name of Allah. At the first i like it so much because i am afghani and i can’t know about the english that how to learn the english lunguage now when i follow this site so i feel so and so good becaue i lenrn the english lunguage and it is so imoportant for the people those people that do not know about the english lunguage and at the end i like the every one lesson but at the most lesson that i like and know about the lesson of him and the name of this person is mrs Rebecca this is the so and so good teacher of english lunguage thank you so muvh and have a nice time every on if some person want to send me email like about the english lunguage for me so it is so and so better for them and also for me
thanks > my email address is thank you so mmuch thanks
Muahmmad Nabi
thank you
Thaks lot
Hi, Rebecca, your explanation was very good! Congratulations!
hi, Rebecca u r the best Teacher! of mine
HI, Rebecca mam, u made me speechless!!!!!!!!
hello all staff thank you fo your efforts. can you please add videos about parts of speech, ambiguity and noun phrase prepositional phrase and other also tell us how canwe use
hello all staff thank you fo your efforts. can you please add videos about parts of speech, ambiguity and noun phrase prepositional phrase and other also tell us how can we use and know it easily? thnak you again.
8 out of 8
thank you
Where did you get the other one?
sure you are rigth.
Hi.. what do you mean about the quiz?
there were only 7 items test
hello , thank you very much of your efforts , i wish all the best for all staff
Hello Rebeca,
Thanks for teaching. Could you please teach about subject/verb agreement when we use pronuons such: NOBODY, ANYBODY, SOMEONE, ONE, NEITHER, SEVERAL, FEW, etc etc.
Thank you so much!
Hello,I like your request,I also want to know that
all quiz well done…thx
This is my first comment.
Thank you for your clarification.
Khalid from KSA.
Thank you for this class!
Eduardo Luciano
veriy nicelession.thanks alot .you are really good regards
sorry.I ment nice lession.I wrote it rung firsttime.
thank u 4 your time brunette teacher, u made my day. there was a smart,lovely,cool teacher 2day- hell yeah. I hope to watch u next thursday, bye.
I’m mehdi.It’s very good test.
Thank you.:)
Deeply thanks
Nge Nge
Thank you, very nice lesson.
love it thank you very much. it nakr me clear.
thank Rebecca for the Subject singular and plural-verb agreement
James Manyang
wuaa.. thanks a lot for this grammar lesson miss Rebecca..
Thanks for your lesson, Rebecca.
very simple and easy to understand.
I’ve learn’ t a lot and still learning
thanks a million
good luck
excellent as usual
this is a fabulous lecture as usual .thank you Rabecca
Dear Rebecca. My question is out of the topic but i need your help. Can you explain why we use “it’s windy”, but not “winding”. It’s raining”, but not “rainy”. Please help me.
Alas, the English language is not logical!!
So we can say, “It’s a windy day”, “It’s a rainy day” , or “It’s raining” but not “It’s winding”, because there is no verb to wind, referring to the weather.
Sorry, sometimes English is just like that. I assure you there are many such examples that will make you wonder what’s going on!
My best wishes to you all the same.
Hi Dear Rebecca nothing to say just thanks you so much for sincerely teaching.
Mohammad mostaan
very nice.. please make video of tenses .. all type of tenses.. thanks
Thank you rebecca.
Thank you for your class.
thank you so much and we need more and more lessons to be fluent :)
Thanks Rebecca.
Great explaintion thank u Rebecca
Yipe! I got a perfect score. tnx Ms Rebecca for good teaching. :D
preseeent maam,,,and my score is seven,,,,hiihaaaa…thanks a lot maam….God bless you(:
This is really Good
A Very clearly and helpful explanation. Thank you very much…..
good job..:)
Let me thank you for teaching us English Language I have no word how to thank you.
Mohammad Zarif
Rebecca you are a good teacher for me : )
thanks a lot
i am learning so much things from this site,
thankyou ! :)
thank you
Hei Rebecca
Every lessons is good, when you are the teacher.
Is that correct English? Ask Lene from Denmark.
Thanks alot Rebeca…
Thank you, Teacher.
Thanks Rebecca for your time ,you’re so good teacher .
thank you
Dear teacher Rebecca,
recently a day I saw there were two hundred& forty words that most comonly mistake unfortunately I coudn’t take all them down so if there is possibility would you mind forwading me thank you teacher…Chandana.C
you are the best Rebecca.Thank you i am anew student.
Welcome to engvid, hussa. We’re happy to have you.
Thank you, Rebecca! I have two questions.
One of them is about the “There” pattern–There are a gift and some flowers on the table. Is a plural verb should be used in this sentence as there are two nouns, connected by “and” here? I’m asking, because S
some people say that a singular verb should be used as the fist noun in the sentence (“gift”) is singular.
And the second question is about the following sentence–Our target audience is/are (?) English teachers. I’d choose “is”, because “audience” is a singular subject. Am I right or not? :)
Thank you in advance!
Tricky examples you provided there.
As far as I am concerned in the first example the “and” word does not work as a conjunction but more like separator, therefore it takes on only one subject, that is the first one “a gift”.
In the 2nd one I’d also pick singular as target “audience” is a collective noun. And depending on which kind of English we are talking about, whether it is an academic/British English or American English the subject verb will vary from singular to plural. That is my thought on this issue. Evaluation highly encouraged here Rebecca. :)
Thank you for your comment :) and the info!
Seems to me you guys don’t need me here ’cause you figured it all out by yourselves. Good work! You are right, crashbandicoot! My best to both of you for your keen interest.
Superb teaching Rebacca.
Hi rebecca,excellent.but I want to ask you:Can I use this rule with other verbs or only with the verb to be? Excuse me by writing,I don’t speak English.I’m from Colombia,a hug.
dear is a very good lesson thanks so much
Wow in one day I learn loT’ thanks teacher, I hope this is one of the most valueble thing which we can get FREE of cost in this world..God bless you All
sanath perera
Testing. I am a new comer. Would you mind telling me how to into the quiz,please. Thank you.
how to get into*
hi rebeca u show us something essential thanks
Hi, i don’t understand 6. section (each/every);
Ok, now if i say “every student”, i will use singular verb but if i say “every student(s)”, what will i do? Singular verb again or Plural verb?
Please solve this problem for me :) Thanks.
thank you a lot
thank u so much u are a very good teatcher
Thank you so much you are really helpful,
I hope the best wishes
Mutcho bom, 0-8. Estoy a improvare mio englishii
El Mestre
i was tentando impravore myu inglese, buti i couldont dois it. vo killala
la cucaracha
Thank you so much,that was my first lesson and i really enjoyed it.
On my view , Rebecca is the best teacher , thank you so much for all your explanations
Ibrahim Khalil
thanku rebeca…
thank you for teach about this
Kul Naththa
how i can change my picture? hehehe look like I’m very sad
Kul Naththa
If you sign up for a free engVid account, you can change your picture and put in your country information. You can also get an email when teachers respond to your questions and comments.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this lesson! I learn a lot from it. Do you mind checking this sentence for me? I am a bit confused by it.
Sentence: There are some chairs, a table and a mobile phone on the desk. Is this sentence correct?
good teatch
hi,mam nice lesson
could you tell me about the adj ‘interesting’.we use it with ‘an’in singular and what about plulars? plz make a sentence for plurals.
i love your lessons thanks a lot!!!
dear teacher,it is a very good lesson thanks so much .
woot, thankyou! I finally came to a site where the webmaster knows what they’re talking about. Do you know how many results are in Google when I search.. too many! It’s so annoying having to go from page after page after page, wasting my day away with thousands of people just copying eachother’s articles… bah. Anyway, thankyou very much for the info anyway, much appreciated.
Hi n tx,
Would u mind 2 answer me?!
What’s d part of speach of “that” plz!?
4instance:that boy.
Is it an adj??
By d way…….
Ive got it by myself.
Up me!
I want to know that “end in s” and “don’t end in s” are meaning.
And what is “chickens” of “The chickens ___________ in the barn.”
Sorry my english is too bad lol..
she has explained that but I will tell you she means that there’re some words that end in (s) such as (news)but it’s not plural it is singular,so we have to use (is).
Hello Rebecca! It is nice to pay attention to your lessons. It was clear and very easy because the lesson is about the singular and plural using the verb To Be. Thanks a lot. Bye
Jose Cordova
Hi dear
thanks alot for your hard work ,I need to listen to you every day ,when I listen to your lesson I felling realy comfortabl,again thanks &god bless yor heart.
lulu wazza
Thank you
Excellent teaching!
Hello Mam,it sounds very nice when you teach us.
listening and focusing to your lessons seems to be easy .its a very good opportunity for the persons who were passion to English .Thankyou very much mam
you are really awesome teacher,you have ability to explain everything even if it’s difficult
I thing it is very nice method
goooooooooooooooooooood work
Thank you Rebecca. You are born to be a teacher!!!
thank you mam
thanks a lot it was a beautiful lesson I hope all the lessons are clearly like this
((please correct my grammar if there ant wrong in this comment))
Hi Rebecca, your all explanation was so good. Thank you so mach.
Lucciano Deoliveira
Hi Rebecca, your explanation was so good. Thank you so much
Lucciano Deoliveira
6 out of 7 i am realy good in english
I have learning English so please you guide me
Mr Youssuf
that great.
clearly understood
good work, thank you :)
All right
very good
it was really so nice like you.
dear madam !kindly answer my 1 question.
(what is the difference between ‘like’ and ‘as’?)
I will be thankful to you if you explain it for me..plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
great…. thank you
shaik javeed
I love the way you teach, i comprehend you very easily.
Hi, Sir! I;m very pleased. I want to practice more and more .So please help me. I want to be a super English man in one day…..
Hi, Sir! I am very pleased …I want to practice more and more. Now I am going to participate in IELTS examination. I am not good at English.Please help me , Sir…..Thanks….
zin pa
Please get hold of the necessary IELTS books and try to join an exam preparation class so you can do well on this challenging exam. You could also refer to my website,, for help.
I wish you the best.
Thank you rebeca for this lesson, I would like to understand when I use “there” in singular or plural, this the part I can’t understand very well, Can you explian me agian, please? Thank you.
thanks alot teacher
its nice i got all of then right thanks miss
u r the best mam
Thanks teacher for your explaining , it was very simple and fun :)
I feel very happy.
very good….
thank for you we need more
When Rebecca speaks, everybody listens. XD
You’re flattering me now but thanks a lot anyway. My best wishes to you. Reo.
Thank you !!! :)
I scored 7 out of 7 :D
thnk u mam <3
thnku alot but can u add more vidoes on prepositions etc’s
7 out of 7
Now I get it. Thank you a lot. Your explanation is very clear. @}-;-‘—
Hello Rebecca! the way you explain is very clear and easy to understand.. thanks a lot for you help.. :)
Hi Rebecca,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
It’s very too late i’m writing comment in this section anyway forget it. After learning this lesson by your video i din’t get any doubts because you made this lesson as crystal clear. Keep it up and good luck!!!
Mohammed Shahid
Thanks Mohammed. It’s never too late to say a kind word so thanks for your feedback. I wish you all the best.
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for your response.By saying waiting for reply is worst thing and when replying to the concerned person is good thing than not replying.
Now i feel like much and more joyous becoz of your reply.
Always please make happy to others like how you did for me.
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith
This lesson was great. I was having trouble understanding when to use is and are. Now I know. Thanks
excellent way of teaching.
I am learning well with your lectures.
keep it up.
I love it!It really helps me a lot.Thanks♥
vry happy new Year …may this year brings happiness to every one’s life !1
thank you very much.
thank you ^^
thanks a lot,you help me understand about use verb.but i think you shoud have write out example for all people underatand.i hope i will speak english well one day.nice a good day.thanks
khuong tran
I am recently moved from Germany ,your,s lessons helps me a lot thanks a lot for your help.
Thanks very much, Rebecca. Your lesson was very useful for my. Thanks a lot
Very good lesson, I got 7 points out of 7
superb explanation
thank you.
Thank you, very nice lesson.
Examples are more important for me than rules. I don’t want to be english teacher. I going to remember examples not rules. Then write examples to the desk. fill it to the end. don’t be so lazy.
Such ____ exercises is most stupid teaching thing i ever sow. Dont use ___ such exercises ___ PLZ.
I got 7 out of 7.
The way you explain
very easy to understand.
Thank you.
I like this lesson, but you are teaching so general , it used in grammar but it is not enough for somebody learning. In my opinion you need improve more about minute and give more example and every student is understand that is what I mean
Happy New Year Robecca!I am so pleased that you have new lessons in your Tube. Thank you:)could you please tell me what the subjust and verb agreement on 2/3? e.g. 2/3 students are or is Chinese? or 2/3 is/are not enough?
Thank You !
this is nice. ms rebecca
Thank you, very nice lesson.
THANK YOU TEACHER, and good luck for all
Thanks a lot .
it was useful lesson ^^
first of all thank you very very much for this lesson it’s really helpful.
king futur
Hi,Rebecca!I really like listening to your teachings. Could you please help me with punctuation marks? I really don’t know how to use them. Thank you.
I got my quiz score 7 out of 7
Hello Mrs. Rebecca thaks you’r learning to make Me understand about Verb Agreement. I got 7 out of 7 hehehe. but I always improve in English. GOD Bless
Jon waldinson
Thanks to all of you for your useful feedback. i wish you all the best.
Rebecca, thanks. This is very very good.
Rebecca, thank you!
hi.all..someone to teach me
end in “s‘ and don’t end in “s’because i’m still confuse.thank you
thank you, nice!! why I can’t sign up for free? help me please!
thank you very much teacher ,,,
one word is always confusing me when to use n where to use,, teacher plzzzz explain,, the word is ” seems ” ..
i am very much confused how to use this word. plzz explain it with some exampls… Thanx
thanks mam………..
raseeth badusha
thanks mam iam new student,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you Rebecca,
for every Lessons you made I like you when you teach
I got 100 in this quiz
Well explained! :) I think There are more than 20 rules about Subject-Verb Agreement. I just want to ask, what is the different between “A number” and “The Number”. It’s quite confusing. Thank you Ma’am :)
a number of is plural while the number of is singulat xD thnx
thanks you for this class .it was useful lesson
Hi Rebecca Thanks for the lesson.
You are rather looked like my MOM.I love her so much than anything in the world.
I don’t have faith in god but if he was there I Want him to give you a awesome life for u and your family.
Hi Rebecca,
Which sentence is correct as given below?
I and John is working on it?
I and John are working on it?
Hi Rebecca,
It is a amazing explanation because very easy to understand. Thank you so much!
Tashi deleck!
Thanks a lot…
This was very helpful… Thank you so much for making this video. Deeply appreciated.
rebecca thanks for your help i think im gonna pass with very good grades in my exams
Thank you Rebecca,you explain very good.I think i understood this lesson very good.
thank you for assistance…
Thank you for all your lessons!Could you answer my question, please? “I like reading, but being on-line on Facebook and surfing the Net IS/ARE more interestin. What should I put here?
She is best teacher for everyone. For whole YouTube users.
Rebecca i understand you very easy you are good teacher
I scored 7 out of 7. Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!
thank you so much.
Thank you for your valuable time.
Thank so much Mrs. Rebecca for your time :)
Hello Rebecca,
I have learned English that you taught by I think your teaching is very good and easy to understand.
Thank you so much,
Turkey and cranberry sauce ___________ popular Thanksgiving foods in North America. I read that weshould write is not are as it is considerd one kind of meet not two.
But look at what comes after! Thanksgiving foods is plural, which hints that you should be using are. If the sentence was Turkey and cranberry sauce ______ a popular Thanksgiving dish, using is would be right.
engVid Moderator
thank u very much it was very nice
thanks alot rebecca i want to learn english online tell me how
sarish khan
thank you!
thank you.
good day! thanks you so much Ms. Rebecca and company.
You scored 7 out of 7 .. haha ..
I’m Good ..! thank u Teacher :) :)
Which is the correct verb for this sentence?
The loss of his two jobs was/were big effect on his finances.
If my sentence is correct or not please correct me.
Thanks in advance
this is very helpful for me,thank u.:)
i have another confuse word is dollar/dollars…how much i need to use “s”
Hello, Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson. I have one question: how can I use the word “hair”? Is it singular or plural noun? Thank you one more time!
Thanks Rebecca ,your’re allways great teacher and teaching .thanks again for your time and effort .have a lovely day .I love your way of explanations
really i m so thankful of this site and the faculty ,for giving me such a great platform to improve my communication as well as writing skills.
Hello Rebecca, thanks a lot!
thanks alot
Thank you for your wonderful site
really nice… :) i can do it well
Great! I completely understand now. :)
Much thanks to our best teacher REBECCA. I’m practicing it every day but I need friends to communicate with me. I want to improve my English. Please if there are somebody want to help me please write any time I really wanna to chat with you!!!! friends
this site is very good
thank you so much rebecca. i am a new student.i got 7 out of 7 in the quiz.
I would like to improve my english …so i am looking for a english converstin partnr…if u want my frdship ,plz plz…add and call me ……. skype: anu.james70
Thanks, Rebecca!
7/7 – and I am satisfied)))
Thanks a lot for this wonderfull lesson, my son catched the ideas from you very quickly
Much appreciated !
Thanks, Rebecca
I am very like your lessons
7/7!! Thank you Rebecca!! Your explanations are very very good!!
7/7!! Thank you Rebecca!! Your explanations are very very good!!
helo mam rebecca. i just want to thank you for teaching us such information in grammar rules and all other lessn. those lessons
are very big help to a foreign student like me wanting to learn more in english. i’m an student here in philippines that has difficulty with my english subject.
thank you also to this very helpful site.
Thank ma’am, it’s very useful.
Hi Ms,Rabecca how r u? how’z ur health and life?
GOD bless u alwaysw dear. i leson ur teaching is very very good.
I wish you all the best..thank u so much
ayub khan
I hope all Toefl test if be lik this easy and I can pass the test.
hi madam Rabecca im glad to be your student here in this website,,ive learned a lot here,,thank you,,im new here ..
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
May ask you a question, but isn`t related with the subject?
Which one is the correct statement between “kind of hobbies or kinds of hobbies”
Thanks a lot for your answer Ms.
Dear Rubecca, you make me study English easier and more effective than whenever before. Thank you very much . How lucky I am ,having such a chance being your student.
I don’t understand the 3 question of the quiz…??
I really confused??
Why is the children ARE…
and not IS ????
Is a pleasure to learn english in ENGVID
If I am talking about nationalities I should say: They are Americans or they are American…
They are Italians or they are Italian…
Thanks :)
Hi Rebecca! You really make grammar sound much easier. On this topic, here’s something bothering me: The majority of the population (speak/speaks)English. Is is the subject in such cases to be taken plural or singular?
Hi Rebecca! You really make grammar sound much easier. On this topic, here’s something bothering me: The majority of the population (speak/speaks)English. Is the subject in such cases to be taken plural or singular?
Hi Rebecca, I love your classes, Could you help me with a lesson how to use “figure out” ?
Thank you Mam Rebecca.
I want to convey my regards to the teacher who took time to compile this video. What would be the polite way to do so? Like, “Thanks Ms.Rebecca”; “Thanks,Rebecca”; “Thank you, mam”.
Thank you very much Rebecca! it was really helpful, I am trying to finish my High school, I failed my test on Verb-Subject Agreement, I hope you teach some about this grammar lesson still so confusing for me. Blessings!
Dear Rebecca,
Do you mind checking this sentence for me?
“There are some chairs, a table and a mobile phone on the desk”. Is this correct?
thank you for the lesson, I learned from it..thank you and godbless
You got 7 correct out of 7.
:D thanks Rebecca
You are the best English teacher I have had before thank you for being my teacher,Before when I always scared to learn English but now I eager to learn English thank you once again .I am a new student.
Very nice lesson thank you Rebecca
please drafting and business letters lectures adds it is very essential.
Love to be part of this site!
What about ‘or’? For example, “There (is/are) a cat or dog, I’m not sure”, “Tom or his father (have/has) cheated me”. What should I use in this case?
Hi mam!Every lesson is an excellent! whenever I study your video lesson it is giving boost for me.You are an excellent teacher,and please give more and more energizing lesson.I’m seeking jobs, when i attend the interview I scared about speaking in English,so please give some tips to attend the interview without fear. kindly reply for me, thank you.
I think there is many mistakes in my command, kindly correct me.Thank you!
thank you Rebecca.
Thanks got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
The word “statistics” is even trickier! If it is a college subject, it is an uncountable noun. If it is a piece of information about sth, it is a plural countable noun.
thanks a lot
Thank you so much for your video it help me to understand this things. because tomorrow I have exam.
thank you again:)..
Thank you.
did you say a hour? is that each student or each students? Thank you very much. It is useful :-)
Nia. K. Hidayat
Thank you Ym teacher.
hari zaxoyi
thanks my perfect teacher
Thank you so much again… Btw im a new student here ☺️
Got 100%! Thanks a lot Ms.:)
6/6.. Thanks
Anjali sharma
“There is a pen and 2 pencils on the table.” – is it correct?
Hello Rebecca. One million is a lot of million and one dollar is/are a lot of money.
Excellent, specially the quantities of time, money . distance lesson impressed. Thank you so much.
Very clear Teacher!
very heavy as a lesson
Thank you
alla alla
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Thank you maam, i have learned a lot… God bless.
Thank You.
Thanks teacher, you are the best.
Teixeira Alex
Dear Rebecca,
It is always useful to see and see again such tricky cases. Thanks.
Best regards.
Dear Rebecca,
Please give some more examples on plural and singular usage. I am little bit confused over few words while to use is or are for example (Government is performing their task or government are performing their task) correct me ? and when we mention about countries like for e.g U.S , should i write U.S is performing great in spreading education or U.S are performing great in spreading education???? “people” word followed by is or are?
my quiz rabecca
You got 7 correct out of 7.
chakim hamzah
hy mrs. Rebecca thanks alot for your lesson.. very nice
imam suhaeri
hiiiii… you are so nice teacher
Abridged video of all relative topics thankx for the video mam
Thankyou i got 100/100
Thank you.
verry good manny many thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Thank you.
I love engvid videos. I want to learn more English rules. Thanks for sharing the lessons.
Thanks you so much.I really appreciate your useful lessons.
Marta Lopez
Hi Rebecca,The lessons you are teaching are wonderful.
I am helping school students, and they don’t have internet. Is there any way I can down load this videos to laptop and connect to TV and show them these lessons.Please let me know.
wow! I got everything correct.
Marliya Summers
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson showed how much I dont know in English grammar. You saved me.
You are perfect.
Your content is very direct, and you speak is slow and we can understand very fast.
emanuelle sousa
Thank you -)
hello! I have a question. which one is correct.
He sometimes confuse the functions of words…. or
He sometimes confuses the functions of words…
Thank you
Thank Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca . I would like to ask you about the following sentences
There is a cat and a dog in the garden.
There are cats and a dog in the garden
There is a dog and cats in the garden.
I want to know which ones of these are correct and how can I choose the correct verb when I talk about different items ( in my case dogs and cats ) and maybe one of the items is singular and the other is plural . I hope my question is clear .Thanks in advance.
Thank you teacher for such a nice topic.
Bijay kumar
Hi Rebecca! Firstly, thank you for this lesson.
I have a doubt: as you said, “there are some gifts” , the plural is due to “gifts” or “some”? Because I believe it isn’t incorrect saying “there is some gift”
Another doubt is, which one is correct: “there is a lot” or “there are a lot”? Because I often hear people saying “there’s a lot” on TV, movies and etc but “a lot” is plural, isn’t it?
Milena Camargo
thank you, teacher, for such a nice topic
Rebaz Qader
I got 7/7!! Super lesson!
Your Good Rebecca!
Thank you for your professional work.
Aysun Ozturk
Thank You,, You Made This Lesson As Crystal Clear :) So Helpful :)
You got 6 correct out of 7.
thank you so much…
M kartal
Thanks very much
Thanks Ms. Rebecca it’s very easy to understand ?? It’s really fun to learn
WOW nice
Thank you, Rebecca!
It was a great help to me.
thank you very much for your helping .
ihave a question about (there).
it is obligation we use verb to be in the past with there???????
eg:there was a gift.(we can not say)there is a gift.
h wait your answer
thank you
Noo.That obligation doesn’t exist
thank you Rebecca
thank you Rebecca . i understood it very well
Thank you for the great lesson.
I have one question.
Tolerance: +/- 5% on quantity and value are acceptable.or +/- 5% on quantity and value is acceptable? Which is correct?
Do you have any options?
Inky Yoon
I’m also very curious about it.
Get 100 thanks
Me too :) High Five :P
Rebecca your English very clear I like it. Thanks Rebecca
Thanks teacher Rebecca it was helpful lessons
I’m a bit confused. Your accent doesn’t sound like a native. Where are you from? You pronounce “three” like “free”.
Who agrees with me?
Dear Madam please explain the last example.
The guitar and amplifier is in the car.
I glad to recive motivation of someone here
Michael Pereyra Peralta
Such a good lesson! Thank you, dear Teacher!
Got 100! Thank you Ma’am Rebecca!
Thank you for this lesson. I have a question. What is the right way to say? Every students is happy. or Every student is happy. Thank you.
Thank you so much mam! I like your way of teaching’s so clear.
Thank you. This lesson is so useful.
Hi!Rebecca.I’m a newcomer in your class.Thanks for your lesson. I got 6 score.
Thank you, teacher Rebecca for your very informative lessons. It is basic in grammar but very confusing if you don’t have an idea about Subject-verb agreement, I got 6 out of 7 in your quiz.
Thank!??for this website and also to your youtube channel. I dont know how can I express my feeling with you guys. You help me much. I always back and back your videos to learn more and apply it in my daily life. I always got a low score eveey time I take a exam. Because of this channel I passed my are a better explainator. Haha Sorry if my Grammar and speling is wrong. I practice ???
Thanks Rebecca! :)
Thank you Rebecca. I am able to understand this lesson…
Alen Emesce
Thank you Rebecca.
Have a very mery Christmas ? and a wonderful new year.
Thank you!! it helps a lot
it’s so nice
Bananas are yummy or banana is yummy??It’s good that you have this class!
Thanks, Mrs. Rebecca!
I watched the video twice on June 21, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got seven correct out of 7.
Thank you very much for your helping. I got 7 correct out of 7.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
I watched the video one more time on August 28, 2021.
hey, could you please explain about the last quiz? why we cant use is?
thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan, 11 Oct2021)
now i get it
Very nice try. Thank you so much. Ma’am Rebecca.
Joseph Oh
Hi Rebecca. You are the best teacher for me. Can you explain to me about There is and There are please?
Hi. Rebecca, Can you tell me if this sentence is correct? thank you
( Any of the brownie recipes are perfect for cooking. )
I think food is one item so,it is singular any clarification?
Sam Dogbey
Thank you so much Rebecca for your wonderful lesson.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
very nice
thanks a lot for your lessons. they are really useful. I hope to receive your help. I confuse about “already” in present perfect and in simple present tense. can you explain ? thanks you !
By the name of Allah. At the first i like it so much because i am afghani and i can’t know about the english that how to learn the english lunguage now when i follow this site so i feel so and so good becaue i lenrn the english lunguage and it is so imoportant for the people those people that do not know about the english lunguage and at the end i like the every one lesson but at the most lesson that i like and know about the lesson of him and the name of this person is mrs Rebecca this is the so and so good teacher of english lunguage thank you so muvh and have a nice time every on if some person want to send me email like about the english lunguage for me so it is so and so better for them and also for me
thanks > my email address is thank you so mmuch thanks
thank you
Thaks lot
Hi, Rebecca, your explanation was very good! Congratulations!
hi, Rebecca u r the best Teacher! of mine
HI, Rebecca mam, u made me speechless!!!!!!!!
hello all staff thank you fo your efforts. can you please add videos about parts of speech, ambiguity and noun phrase prepositional phrase and other also tell us how canwe use
hello all staff thank you fo your efforts. can you please add videos about parts of speech, ambiguity and noun phrase prepositional phrase and other also tell us how can we use and know it easily? thnak you again.
8 out of 8
thank you
Where did you get the other one?
sure you are rigth.
Hi.. what do you mean about the quiz?
there were only 7 items test
hello , thank you very much of your efforts , i wish all the best for all staff
Hello Rebeca,
Thanks for teaching. Could you please teach about subject/verb agreement when we use pronuons such: NOBODY, ANYBODY, SOMEONE, ONE, NEITHER, SEVERAL, FEW, etc etc.
Thank you so much!
Hello,I like your request,I also want to know that
all quiz well done…thx
This is my first comment.
Thank you for your clarification.
Khalid from KSA.
Thank you for this class!
veriy nicelession.thanks alot .you are really good regards
sorry.I ment nice lession.I wrote it rung firsttime.
thank u 4 your time brunette teacher, u made my day. there was a smart,lovely,cool teacher 2day- hell yeah. I hope to watch u next thursday, bye.
I’m mehdi.It’s very good test.
Thank you.:)
Deeply thanks
Thank you, very nice lesson.
love it thank you very much. it nakr me clear.
thank Rebecca for the Subject singular and plural-verb agreement
James Manyang
wuaa.. thanks a lot for this grammar lesson miss Rebecca..
Thanks for your lesson, Rebecca.
very simple and easy to understand.
I’ve learn’ t a lot and still learning
thanks a million
good luck
excellent as usual
this is a fabulous lecture as usual .thank you Rabecca
Dear Rebecca. My question is out of the topic but i need your help. Can you explain why we use “it’s windy”, but not “winding”. It’s raining”, but not “rainy”. Please help me.
Alas, the English language is not logical!!
So we can say, “It’s a windy day”, “It’s a rainy day” , or “It’s raining” but not “It’s winding”, because there is no verb to wind, referring to the weather.
Sorry, sometimes English is just like that. I assure you there are many such examples that will make you wonder what’s going on!
My best wishes to you all the same.
Hi Dear Rebecca nothing to say just thanks you so much for sincerely teaching.
very nice.. please make video of tenses .. all type of tenses.. thanks
Thank you rebecca.
Thank you for your class.
thank you so much and we need more and more lessons to be fluent :)
Thanks Rebecca.
Great explaintion thank u Rebecca
Yipe! I got a perfect score. tnx Ms Rebecca for good teaching. :D
preseeent maam,,,and my score is seven,,,,hiihaaaa…thanks a lot maam….God bless you(:
This is really Good
A Very clearly and helpful explanation. Thank you very much…..
good job..:)
Let me thank you for teaching us English Language I have no word how to thank you.
Rebecca you are a good teacher for me : )
thanks a lot
i am learning so much things from this site,
thankyou ! :)
thank you
Hei Rebecca
Every lessons is good, when you are the teacher.
Is that correct English? Ask Lene from Denmark.
Thanks alot Rebeca…
Thank you, Teacher.
Thanks Rebecca for your time ,you’re so good teacher .
thank you
Dear teacher Rebecca,
recently a day I saw there were two hundred& forty words that most comonly mistake unfortunately I coudn’t take all them down so if there is possibility would you mind forwading me thank you teacher…Chandana.C
you are the best Rebecca.Thank you i am anew student.
Welcome to engvid, hussa. We’re happy to have you.
Thank you, Rebecca! I have two questions.
One of them is about the “There” pattern–There are a gift and some flowers on the table. Is a plural verb should be used in this sentence as there are two nouns, connected by “and” here? I’m asking, because S
some people say that a singular verb should be used as the fist noun in the sentence (“gift”) is singular.
And the second question is about the following sentence–Our target audience is/are (?) English teachers. I’d choose “is”, because “audience” is a singular subject. Am I right or not? :)
Thank you in advance!
Tricky examples you provided there.
As far as I am concerned in the first example the “and” word does not work as a conjunction but more like separator, therefore it takes on only one subject, that is the first one “a gift”.
In the 2nd one I’d also pick singular as target “audience” is a collective noun. And depending on which kind of English we are talking about, whether it is an academic/British English or American English the subject verb will vary from singular to plural. That is my thought on this issue. Evaluation highly encouraged here Rebecca. :)
Thank you for your comment :) and the info!
Seems to me you guys don’t need me here ’cause you figured it all out by yourselves. Good work! You are right, crashbandicoot! My best to both of you for your keen interest.
Superb teaching Rebacca.
Hi rebecca,excellent.but I want to ask you:Can I use this rule with other verbs or only with the verb to be? Excuse me by writing,I don’t speak English.I’m from Colombia,a hug.
dear is a very good lesson thanks so much
Wow in one day I learn loT’ thanks teacher, I hope this is one of the most valueble thing which we can get FREE of cost in this world..God bless you All
Testing. I am a new comer. Would you mind telling me how to into the quiz,please. Thank you.
how to get into*
hi rebeca u show us something essential thanks
Hi, i don’t understand 6. section (each/every);
Ok, now if i say “every student”, i will use singular verb but if i say “every student(s)”, what will i do? Singular verb again or Plural verb?
Please solve this problem for me :) Thanks.
thank you a lot
thank u so much u are a very good teatcher
Thank you so much you are really helpful,
I hope the best wishes
Mutcho bom, 0-8. Estoy a improvare mio englishii
i was tentando impravore myu inglese, buti i couldont dois it. vo killala
Thank you so much,that was my first lesson and i really enjoyed it.
On my view , Rebecca is the best teacher , thank you so much for all your explanations
thanku rebeca…
thank you for teach about this
how i can change my picture? hehehe look like I’m very sad
If you sign up for a free engVid account, you can change your picture and put in your country information. You can also get an email when teachers respond to your questions and comments.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this lesson! I learn a lot from it. Do you mind checking this sentence for me? I am a bit confused by it.
Sentence: There are some chairs, a table and a mobile phone on the desk. Is this sentence correct?
good teatch
hi,mam nice lesson
could you tell me about the adj ‘interesting’.we use it with ‘an’in singular and what about plulars? plz make a sentence for plurals.
i love your lessons thanks a lot!!!
dear teacher,it is a very good lesson thanks so much .
woot, thankyou! I finally came to a site where the webmaster knows what they’re talking about. Do you know how many results are in Google when I search.. too many! It’s so annoying having to go from page after page after page, wasting my day away with thousands of people just copying eachother’s articles… bah. Anyway, thankyou very much for the info anyway, much appreciated.
Hi n tx,
Would u mind 2 answer me?!
What’s d part of speach of “that” plz!?
4instance:that boy.
Is it an adj??
By d way…….
Ive got it by myself.
Up me!
I want to know that “end in s” and “don’t end in s” are meaning.
And what is “chickens” of “The chickens ___________ in the barn.”
Sorry my english is too bad lol..
she has explained that but I will tell you she means that there’re some words that end in (s) such as (news)but it’s not plural it is singular,so we have to use (is).
Hello Rebecca! It is nice to pay attention to your lessons. It was clear and very easy because the lesson is about the singular and plural using the verb To Be. Thanks a lot. Bye
Hi dear
thanks alot for your hard work ,I need to listen to you every day ,when I listen to your lesson I felling realy comfortabl,again thanks &god bless yor heart.
Thank you
Excellent teaching!
Hello Mam,it sounds very nice when you teach us.
listening and focusing to your lessons seems to be easy .its a very good opportunity for the persons who were passion to English .Thankyou very much mam
you are really awesome teacher,you have ability to explain everything even if it’s difficult
I thing it is very nice method
goooooooooooooooooooood work
Thank you Rebecca. You are born to be a teacher!!!
thank you mam
thanks a lot it was a beautiful lesson I hope all the lessons are clearly like this
((please correct my grammar if there ant wrong in this comment))
Hi Rebecca, your all explanation was so good. Thank you so mach.
Hi Rebecca, your explanation was so good. Thank you so much
6 out of 7 i am realy good in english
I have learning English so please you guide me
that great.
clearly understood
good work, thank you :)
All right
very good
it was really so nice like you.
dear madam !kindly answer my 1 question.
(what is the difference between ‘like’ and ‘as’?)
I will be thankful to you if you explain it for me..plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
great…. thank you
I love the way you teach, i comprehend you very easily.
Hi, Sir! I;m very pleased. I want to practice more and more .So please help me. I want to be a super English man in one day…..
Hi, Sir! I am very pleased …I want to practice more and more. Now I am going to participate in IELTS examination. I am not good at English.Please help me , Sir…..Thanks….
Please get hold of the necessary IELTS books and try to join an exam preparation class so you can do well on this challenging exam. You could also refer to my website,, for help.
I wish you the best.
Thank you rebeca for this lesson, I would like to understand when I use “there” in singular or plural, this the part I can’t understand very well, Can you explian me agian, please? Thank you.
thanks alot teacher
its nice i got all of then right thanks miss
u r the best mam
Thanks teacher for your explaining , it was very simple and fun :)
I feel very happy.
very good….
thank for you we need more
When Rebecca speaks, everybody listens. XD
You’re flattering me now but thanks a lot anyway. My best wishes to you. Reo.
Thank you !!! :)
I scored 7 out of 7 :D
thnk u mam <3
thnku alot but can u add more vidoes on prepositions etc’s
7 out of 7
Now I get it. Thank you a lot. Your explanation is very clear. @}-;-‘—
Hello Rebecca! the way you explain is very clear and easy to understand.. thanks a lot for you help.. :)
Hi Rebecca,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
It’s very too late i’m writing comment in this section anyway forget it. After learning this lesson by your video i din’t get any doubts because you made this lesson as crystal clear. Keep it up and good luck!!!
Mohammed Shahid
Thanks Mohammed. It’s never too late to say a kind word so thanks for your feedback. I wish you all the best.
Hello Rebecca,
Thank you for your response.By saying waiting for reply is worst thing and when replying to the concerned person is good thing than not replying.
Now i feel like much and more joyous becoz of your reply.
Always please make happy to others like how you did for me.
Warm Regards,
Mohammed Shahith
This lesson was great. I was having trouble understanding when to use is and are. Now I know. Thanks
excellent way of teaching.
I am learning well with your lectures.
keep it up.
I love it!It really helps me a lot.Thanks♥
vry happy new Year …may this year brings happiness to every one’s life !1
thank you very much.
thank you ^^
thanks a lot,you help me understand about use verb.but i think you shoud have write out example for all people underatand.i hope i will speak english well one day.nice a good day.thanks
I am recently moved from Germany ,your,s lessons helps me a lot thanks a lot for your help.
Thanks very much, Rebecca. Your lesson was very useful for my. Thanks a lot
Very good lesson, I got 7 points out of 7
superb explanation
thank you.
Thank you, very nice lesson.
Examples are more important for me than rules. I don’t want to be english teacher. I going to remember examples not rules. Then write examples to the desk. fill it to the end. don’t be so lazy.
Such ____ exercises is most stupid teaching thing i ever sow. Dont use ___ such exercises ___ PLZ.
I got 7 out of 7.
The way you explain
very easy to understand.
Thank you.
I like this lesson, but you are teaching so general , it used in grammar but it is not enough for somebody learning. In my opinion you need improve more about minute and give more example and every student is understand that is what I mean
Happy New Year Robecca!I am so pleased that you have new lessons in your Tube. Thank you:)could you please tell me what the subjust and verb agreement on 2/3? e.g. 2/3 students are or is Chinese? or 2/3 is/are not enough?
Thank You !
this is nice. ms rebecca
Thank you, very nice lesson.
THANK YOU TEACHER, and good luck for all
Thanks a lot .
it was useful lesson ^^
first of all thank you very very much for this lesson it’s really helpful.
Hi,Rebecca!I really like listening to your teachings. Could you please help me with punctuation marks? I really don’t know how to use them. Thank you.
I got my quiz score 7 out of 7
Hello Mrs. Rebecca thaks you’r learning to make Me understand about Verb Agreement. I got 7 out of 7 hehehe. but I always improve in English. GOD Bless
Thanks to all of you for your useful feedback. i wish you all the best.
Rebecca, thanks. This is very very good.
Rebecca, thank you!
hi.all..someone to teach me
end in “s‘ and don’t end in “s’because i’m still confuse.thank you
thank you, nice!! why I can’t sign up for free? help me please!
thank you very much teacher ,,,
one word is always confusing me when to use n where to use,, teacher plzzzz explain,, the word is ” seems ” ..
i am very much confused how to use this word. plzz explain it with some exampls… Thanx
thanks mam………..
thanks mam iam new student,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you Rebecca,
for every Lessons you made I like you when you teach
I got 100 in this quiz
Well explained! :) I think There are more than 20 rules about Subject-Verb Agreement. I just want to ask, what is the different between “A number” and “The Number”. It’s quite confusing. Thank you Ma’am :)
a number of is plural while the number of is singulat xD thnx
thanks you for this class .it was useful lesson
Hi Rebecca Thanks for the lesson.
You are rather looked like my MOM.I love her so much than anything in the world.
I don’t have faith in god but if he was there I Want him to give you a awesome life for u and your family.
Hi Rebecca,
Which sentence is correct as given below?
I and John is working on it?
I and John are working on it?
Hi Rebecca,
It is a amazing explanation because very easy to understand. Thank you so much!
Tashi deleck!
Thanks a lot…
This was very helpful… Thank you so much for making this video. Deeply appreciated.
rebecca thanks for your help i think im gonna pass with very good grades in my exams
Thank you Rebecca,you explain very good.I think i understood this lesson very good.
thank you for assistance…
Thank you for all your lessons!Could you answer my question, please? “I like reading, but being on-line on Facebook and surfing the Net IS/ARE more interestin. What should I put here?
She is best teacher for everyone. For whole YouTube users.
Rebecca i understand you very easy you are good teacher
I scored 7 out of 7. Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!
thank you so much.
Thank you for your valuable time.
Thank so much Mrs. Rebecca for your time :)
Hello Rebecca,
I have learned English that you taught by I think your teaching is very good and easy to understand.
Thank you so much,
Turkey and cranberry sauce ___________ popular Thanksgiving foods in North America. I read that weshould write is not are as it is considerd one kind of meet not two.
But look at what comes after! Thanksgiving foods is plural, which hints that you should be using are. If the sentence was Turkey and cranberry sauce ______ a popular Thanksgiving dish, using is would be right.
thank u very much it was very nice
thanks alot rebecca i want to learn english online tell me how
thank you!
thank you.
good day! thanks you so much Ms. Rebecca and company.
You scored 7 out of 7 .. haha ..
I’m Good ..! thank u Teacher :) :)
Which is the correct verb for this sentence?
The loss of his two jobs was/were big effect on his finances.
If my sentence is correct or not please correct me.
Thanks in advance
this is very helpful for me,thank u.:)
i have another confuse word is dollar/dollars…how much i need to use “s”
Hello, Rebecca! Thank you for the lesson. I have one question: how can I use the word “hair”? Is it singular or plural noun? Thank you one more time!
Thanks Rebecca ,your’re allways great teacher and teaching .thanks again for your time and effort .have a lovely day .I love your way of explanations
really i m so thankful of this site and the faculty ,for giving me such a great platform to improve my communication as well as writing skills.
Hello Rebecca, thanks a lot!
thanks alot
Thank you for your wonderful site
really nice… :) i can do it well
Great! I completely understand now. :)
Much thanks to our best teacher REBECCA. I’m practicing it every day but I need friends to communicate with me. I want to improve my English. Please if there are somebody want to help me please write any time I really wanna to chat with you!!!! friends
this site is very good
thank you so much rebecca. i am a new student.i got 7 out of 7 in the quiz.
I would like to improve my english …so i am looking for a english converstin partnr…if u want my frdship ,plz plz…add and call me ……. skype: anu.james70
Thanks, Rebecca!
7/7 – and I am satisfied)))
Thanks a lot for this wonderfull lesson, my son catched the ideas from you very quickly
Much appreciated !
Thanks, Rebecca
I am very like your lessons
7/7!! Thank you Rebecca!! Your explanations are very very good!!
7/7!! Thank you Rebecca!! Your explanations are very very good!!
helo mam rebecca. i just want to thank you for teaching us such information in grammar rules and all other lessn. those lessons
are very big help to a foreign student like me wanting to learn more in english. i’m an student here in philippines that has difficulty with my english subject.
thank you also to this very helpful site.
Thank ma’am, it’s very useful.
Hi Ms,Rabecca how r u? how’z ur health and life?
GOD bless u alwaysw dear. i leson ur teaching is very very good.
I wish you all the best..thank u so much
I hope all Toefl test if be lik this easy and I can pass the test.
hi madam Rabecca im glad to be your student here in this website,,ive learned a lot here,,thank you,,im new here ..
Dear Ms. Rebecca,
May ask you a question, but isn`t related with the subject?
Which one is the correct statement between “kind of hobbies or kinds of hobbies”
Thanks a lot for your answer Ms.
Dear Rubecca, you make me study English easier and more effective than whenever before. Thank you very much . How lucky I am ,having such a chance being your student.
I don’t understand the 3 question of the quiz…??
I really confused??
Why is the children ARE…
and not IS ????
Is a pleasure to learn english in ENGVID
If I am talking about nationalities I should say: They are Americans or they are American…
They are Italians or they are Italian…
Thanks :)
Hi Rebecca! You really make grammar sound much easier. On this topic, here’s something bothering me: The majority of the population (speak/speaks)English. Is is the subject in such cases to be taken plural or singular?
Hi Rebecca! You really make grammar sound much easier. On this topic, here’s something bothering me: The majority of the population (speak/speaks)English. Is the subject in such cases to be taken plural or singular?
Hi Rebecca, I love your classes, Could you help me with a lesson how to use “figure out” ?
Thank you Mam Rebecca.
I want to convey my regards to the teacher who took time to compile this video. What would be the polite way to do so? Like, “Thanks Ms.Rebecca”; “Thanks,Rebecca”; “Thank you, mam”.
Thank you very much Rebecca! it was really helpful, I am trying to finish my High school, I failed my test on Verb-Subject Agreement, I hope you teach some about this grammar lesson still so confusing for me. Blessings!
Dear Rebecca,
Do you mind checking this sentence for me?
“There are some chairs, a table and a mobile phone on the desk”. Is this correct?
thank you for the lesson, I learned from it..thank you and godbless
You got 7 correct out of 7.
:D thanks Rebecca
You are the best English teacher I have had before thank you for being my teacher,Before when I always scared to learn English but now I eager to learn English thank you once again .I am a new student.
Very nice lesson thank you Rebecca
please drafting and business letters lectures adds it is very essential.
Love to be part of this site!
What about ‘or’? For example, “There (is/are) a cat or dog, I’m not sure”, “Tom or his father (have/has) cheated me”. What should I use in this case?
Hi mam!Every lesson is an excellent! whenever I study your video lesson it is giving boost for me.You are an excellent teacher,and please give more and more energizing lesson.I’m seeking jobs, when i attend the interview I scared about speaking in English,so please give some tips to attend the interview without fear. kindly reply for me, thank you.
I think there is many mistakes in my command, kindly correct me.Thank you!
thank you Rebecca.
Thanks got 100%.
The word “statistics” is even trickier! If it is a college subject, it is an uncountable noun. If it is a piece of information about sth, it is a plural countable noun.
thanks a lot
Thank you so much for your video it help me to understand this things. because tomorrow I have exam.
thank you again:)..
Thank you.
did you say a hour? is that each student or each students? Thank you very much. It is useful :-)
Thank you Ym teacher.
thanks my perfect teacher
Thank you so much again… Btw im a new student here ☺️
Got 100%! Thanks a lot Ms.:)
6/6.. Thanks
“There is a pen and 2 pencils on the table.” – is it correct?
Hello Rebecca. One million is a lot of million and one dollar is/are a lot of money.
Excellent, specially the quantities of time, money . distance lesson impressed. Thank you so much.
Very clear Teacher!
very heavy as a lesson
Thank you
Thank you!
Thank you maam, i have learned a lot… God bless.
Thank You.
Thanks teacher, you are the best.
Dear Rebecca,
It is always useful to see and see again such tricky cases. Thanks.
Best regards.
Dear Rebecca,
Please give some more examples on plural and singular usage. I am little bit confused over few words while to use is or are for example (Government is performing their task or government are performing their task) correct me ? and when we mention about countries like for e.g U.S , should i write U.S is performing great in spreading education or U.S are performing great in spreading education???? “people” word followed by is or are?
my quiz rabecca
You got 7 correct out of 7.
hy mrs. Rebecca thanks alot for your lesson.. very nice
hiiiii… you are so nice teacher
Abridged video of all relative topics thankx for the video mam
Thankyou i got 100/100
Thank you.
verry good manny many thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Thank you.
I love engvid videos. I want to learn more English rules. Thanks for sharing the lessons.
Thanks you so much.I really appreciate your useful lessons.
Hi Rebecca,The lessons you are teaching are wonderful.
I am helping school students, and they don’t have internet. Is there any way I can down load this videos to laptop and connect to TV and show them these lessons.Please let me know.
wow! I got everything correct.
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson showed how much I dont know in English grammar. You saved me.
You are perfect.
Your content is very direct, and you speak is slow and we can understand very fast.
Thank you -)
hello! I have a question. which one is correct.
He sometimes confuse the functions of words…. or
He sometimes confuses the functions of words…
Thank you
Thank Rebecca
Thanks a lot Rebecca . I would like to ask you about the following sentences
There is a cat and a dog in the garden.
There are cats and a dog in the garden
There is a dog and cats in the garden.
I want to know which ones of these are correct and how can I choose the correct verb when I talk about different items ( in my case dogs and cats ) and maybe one of the items is singular and the other is plural . I hope my question is clear .Thanks in advance.
Thank you teacher for such a nice topic.
Hi Rebecca! Firstly, thank you for this lesson.
I have a doubt: as you said, “there are some gifts” , the plural is due to “gifts” or “some”? Because I believe it isn’t incorrect saying “there is some gift”
Another doubt is, which one is correct: “there is a lot” or “there are a lot”? Because I often hear people saying “there’s a lot” on TV, movies and etc but “a lot” is plural, isn’t it?
thank you, teacher, for such a nice topic
I got 7/7!! Super lesson!
Your Good Rebecca!
Thank you for your professional work.
Thank You,, You Made This Lesson As Crystal Clear :) So Helpful :)
You got 6 correct out of 7.
thank you so much…
Thanks very much
Thanks Ms. Rebecca it’s very easy to understand ?? It’s really fun to learn
WOW nice
Thank you, Rebecca!
It was a great help to me.
thank you very much for your helping .
ihave a question about (there).
it is obligation we use verb to be in the past with there???????
eg:there was a gift.(we can not say)there is a gift.
h wait your answer
thank you
Noo.That obligation doesn’t exist
thank you Rebecca
thank you Rebecca . i understood it very well
Thank you for the great lesson.
I have one question.
Tolerance: +/- 5% on quantity and value are acceptable.or +/- 5% on quantity and value is acceptable? Which is correct?
Do you have any options?
I’m also very curious about it.
Get 100 thanks
Me too :) High Five :P
Rebecca your English very clear I like it. Thanks Rebecca
Thanks teacher Rebecca it was helpful lessons
I’m a bit confused. Your accent doesn’t sound like a native. Where are you from? You pronounce “three” like “free”.
Who agrees with me?
Dear Madam please explain the last example.
The guitar and amplifier is in the car.
I glad to recive motivation of someone here
Such a good lesson! Thank you, dear Teacher!
Got 100! Thank you Ma’am Rebecca!
Thank you for this lesson. I have a question. What is the right way to say? Every students is happy. or Every student is happy. Thank you.
Thank you so much mam! I like your way of teaching’s so clear.
Thank you. This lesson is so useful.
Hi!Rebecca.I’m a newcomer in your class.Thanks for your lesson. I got 6 score.
Thank you, teacher Rebecca for your very informative lessons. It is basic in grammar but very confusing if you don’t have an idea about Subject-verb agreement, I got 6 out of 7 in your quiz.
Thank!??for this website and also to your youtube channel. I dont know how can I express my feeling with you guys. You help me much. I always back and back your videos to learn more and apply it in my daily life. I always got a low score eveey time I take a exam. Because of this channel I passed my are a better explainator. Haha Sorry if my Grammar and speling is wrong. I practice ???
Thanks Rebecca! :)
Thank you Rebecca. I am able to understand this lesson…
Thank you Rebecca.
Have a very mery Christmas ? and a wonderful new year.
Thank you!! it helps a lot
it’s so nice
Bananas are yummy or banana is yummy??It’s good that you have this class!
Thanks, Mrs. Rebecca!
I watched the video twice on June 21, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got seven correct out of 7.
Thank you very much for your helping. I got 7 correct out of 7.
I watched the video one more time on August 28, 2021.
hey, could you please explain about the last quiz? why we cant use is?
thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs (Kazakhstan, 11 Oct2021)
now i get it
Very nice try. Thank you so much. Ma’am Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca. You are the best teacher for me. Can you explain to me about There is and There are please?
Hi. Rebecca, Can you tell me if this sentence is correct? thank you
( Any of the brownie recipes are perfect for cooking. )
I think food is one item so,it is singular any clarification?
Thank you so much Rebecca for your wonderful lesson.
I got 7/7.
Thank you! :)
Very nice.I got 100 percentage(all correct).
Thank you!