Hi from spain. Could I say, run over a cat instead of hitting a cat.
thanks for ahead
thank you for the simple lesson i have learned a lot,,.
Ronniee ! u are an amzin teacher!! I dont Understand wery well the difference between INTO and ONTO .. Hope u can help me with this ..
thanks a lot !
many greetings from Argentina ;D
ronnie i have a problem that is ……..can we say that my car struck the tree……….
priya bector
thanks for such a good lessons.
I’m surprised the enjoyable with you develop the lesson of teaching. I congratulate you and hope to continue your courses, greetings. I’m Filiberto of Ecatepec Mexico.
I wish you all the best
thank u miss ronnie
It’s a great teacher, Ronnie. I’d like to have a teacher like you in my school. kkkk.. would you like to go to Rio de Janeiro? xD kkkkk… Thank you for everything. ^^ I have so much fun watching your lessons. xD [correct me if necessary.. ;D ] PS: My arm is really broken.. :/ .. kk
We usually don’t say my arm is really broken unless you tell someone “My arm is broken” and they don’t believe you! Then, you can say my arm is REALLY broken. Or, REALLY my arm IS broken!!!
than u Madam Roonie
It’s a great lesson, Ronnie * [correcting]
thank you very much
Great lesson Thaaaaanks A LOT, you make the lesson very easy and I laugh a lot LOL thanks thanks thanks uummwaa X.
thank you, I was really wondering about this.
what a freakin’ lesson, I learned a new word 2day ‘smash’ u crashed into a tree, sorry bad luck accidents happens any time. thanks Ronnie take care, bye n’ drive carefully.
Muito bom!
“muito bom!”
I wonder that’s meanning.
LOL, your lesson’s so funny! Thank you so much!
i impress with the way u illustrate the feet and the sound of “crashed cat”! :D
may i ask ronnie?..how about this?
i made my leg broken.
NO, you have to say “I broke my leg”!
lovely lesson
i wanna be friends
I can`t believe that I am your student!!!! I used to watch some classes here at engvid and now I am taking live classes with you!!! Thank you! You are the best teacher that I had!!!
NO way!!! That is hilarious!!! I am glad you like them! See you on Tuesday!
I want to be your student too! Where do you teach? I love the way you teach! You are absolutely amazing!
See you! :)
hey ronnie …
how can i take a live classes with you ?
i understan clearly thanks
Great lesson again !!
lovely lesson & great teacher.
Thanks Ronnie for this nice lesson,you’re good teacher.
Thanks | Samuelsam
you r doing a good job……i wana speak english like you…..
Dear Ronnie !
Your english class is good, because you are fanny and interesting.
I’m glad to see you.
laszlo nemeth
Hi , ronnie, nice to learn with you and good to see here many lessons….
Thank you for everything and God bless you and family…..
You are my favorite teacher …….Thank you for all…..
me too
me too
you will study Yemeni languages AMOLY
Thank you very much!
thanks a lot
thank you i scored 4 out of 4
very useful it thanks for help me everyday.you are fantastic
thanks.. pleased explain the words like OUGHT TO…. HAD BETTER….WOULD RATHER…..
Hi, ms valen i relly imressed with your lectures ithese are really helpfull. Thanks a lot
Best regards
thank you .
Thank you very much. I love your teaching.
You sacrifice so much time for us learners. Thank you for your work. I hope you’ll never stop ;-)
greetings from Europe
wow, it’s a funny lesson, thanks.
thank you my teacher
i like the way Ronnie teaches!! thank you Ronnie!!!!
thank you
ابو عيد
testing comment notification
thank you!!
thanks, after lesson it’s clear what to say about an accident
Hi Ronnie
If someone broke his nail and it’s totally removed from the Toe/finger for instance playing football. What would you say?
I lost my toenail in a football match! Or I broke my nail off in a football match!
Hello, Ronnie.
I like the lesson. It`s great you tell about pronounciation.
THANK you>>
thank you miss ronnie really you are the best .sabrina from Algeria
Would you like to come to Azerbaijan?
So, I invite you to come to our country! You can see our the hospitality of Azerbaijanian!
That would be so cool! Thanks!! All I need is $$$$$$$$$$$ !!!! ahahahahahah~!
Welcome to Aden
كيف حالك يا صاحب عدن
ahmed nasser
Hi,Ms. Ronnie, I must confess you that your lessons are fairly good. I enjoy them very much.
nelson andres
Hi Teacher Ronnier!
I only want to say that you are so amazing!!!
I´m brazilian and studied english ten years ago… but at the first time I saw your lessons… I remembered everything!
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much Ronnie. I’ve been watching all of engvid lessons. I really appreciate for your video lessons. I am living in Kazakhstan. I am advising to all my friends to have some classes from your web-site. Wish you and your colleagues success and not to stop creating new lessons! Bye!
Nice teaching there! Can we say?: i had my leg broken
its very interesting engvid
Can I ske you
Where you live in canda
Hi Ronie,
Hope you are doing good !
Could you please tell me how to use words ride and drive?
Ride is when you are on top of the thing or in something that you are not driving- a bike/motorcycle or bus/train/taxi.
Drive is when YOU operate the machine from inside it- car/backhoe/go-kart.
hi ronnie i like your smile but my question can you give me ex about ride and drive thank you for these lesson
Hi teacher Ronnie, i was searching that how I can improve my English and one my friend advise me that search on youtoub.com, you are the first i got video of English lesion. I don’t know where should i start to learn. There is lot of (too much) Video of English learning on http://www.youtoub.com. I am confuse, can you help me please? I want know English writing (official letters, applications etc.), speaking and listing. This is my email: aachughtai@hotmail.com. Thank you very much.
You should stay on this site and choose “beginner” lessons.
ok Thanks teacher Ms. Ronnie,
Your handwriting is wonderful. i think more then beautiful computer.
May I know your skype?
i see a contradiction here. bus/train/taxi are like car/backhoe
isn’t it right to say “drive a taxi”
we operate them all from inside.
maybe there is another criterion to defer between them.
Drive is when YOU operate **the machine** from inside **it**
isn’t that repetition. i would rather say : Drive is when YOU operate a machine from inside
naki adil
i see a contradiction here. bus/train/taxi are like car/backhoe
isn’t it right to say “drive a taxi”
we operate them all from inside.
maybe there is another criterion to defer between them.
Drive is when YOU operate **the machine** from inside **it**
isn’t that repetition. i would rather say : Drive is when YOU operate a machine from inside
naki adil
thanks !!!
Thanks !!!
thak you!!!u is best teacher=)
Hi Ronnie, I really appreciate your effort to teach us English, I sign in this web-site of my first time but I saw you on you tube yesterday and I really like the way you teach.Thanks so much.
Ronnie I made a big mistake in my last comment I wrote (saw you on You Tube) and I really know (watched you ) SORRY
Hi Ronnie I’m claudio from Buenos Aires…to start with, i’d like to thank you for the lessons!!! I have a question…Can I say?
The car crashed or smashed ME…
It is better to say”The car hit me”! or Smashed/crashed into me!
Would you mind telling me how to use words finish or end?
Finish we use when we have completed something – like homework or watching a movie. Ex…I finished my homework.
End = something is over or has stopped. Eg.The movie ended. The storm ended.
your lessons are very usefull and funny!
Many thanks!
thanks u so much Ms.Ronnie, your such a good teacher!
Hello Ronnie,
I want to thank you for your classes :) and i have to admit that i’ve become in an addict to this page and your videos.
Regards from Nicaragua
Hi I’m so happy to find really good teachers in here, I promise to study hard and learn as much as I can, Thank you very much Ronnie.
I’m 50 years old from Argentina and I’m learning on my own or by my own. This is the perfect place to enjoy my English skills.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for funny lessons
Take care & keep smile & have fun
Hello Miss Ronnie
I like the way you deliver your lesson not boring.keep smiling..
hi, whats a different between , i bled and i was bleeding ,i guess both verbs in the past
I was bleeding is past continuous. We use this tense when we are telling a story about a past event. Ex.. I was bleeding all over the flood and then I slipped and fell!
I bled is simple past. Ex. I bled on the floor yesterday.
the expresion “I was bleeding all over the flood” means : I was bleeding a lot.
Thanks a lot.
…over the floor. (not the flood)
ronnie ,,thanks for the great lessons i like your smile so mush :)
Thank You
Thank you Ms Ronnei
thanks teacher Ronnie
Thaks a lot Ms Ronnei. Your lessons are very useful and funny!!
samuel da Paz Rodrigues
thanks teacher.I your class
I like your class
Thanks for lessons. I am new here, but I like it.
thank you Ronnie .. i like your funny expressions .. keep it up :)
Nouf Albakri
Thanks for your great effort
i love learn english.
Hi Ronnie…
i’ve been bothered about these following sentences for quite some time now, i hope you can help
1.we eat using mouth
2.we write using hand
my questiion are
what is “ing form” doing in those sentences?
is it adverb phrase?
is it
you should say, we eat using with our mouth ^^ .. because if you would say ” we eat using mouth ” what mouth? is it mouth of animals? or what.. so it must be ” we eat using with our mouth ^^
Hi Ronnie…
i’ve been bothered about these following sentences for quite some time now
1.we eat using mouth
2.we write using hand
my questiion are
what is “ing form” doing in those sentences?
is it adverb phrase?
is it consecutive verbs?
or are they even correct sentences?
i hope you can help because i can’t find this subject in any of grammar books. thanks
You have to say “We eat using our mouth”…but it is more natural to say “We eat with our mouth”.
thank you very much
hi miss ronnie really i liked ur lessons are so repfect and i get many information thank u so much
Hi Ronnie….
I found your videos on youtube today. They are great & the way you are teaching is awsome! Congratulations and all the best… Thank you for making them for us… Tatiana
Tatiana Simion
how to download these videoes in your site
Thanks a lot.You are very clear Ronnie Thanks again!!
Thank your teacher. I am easy understand you when you are teach english. If your are have been teacher in our country (Baku in Azerbaijan) I come in your lesson. I am learning english one mounth.But Your english lesson is a wonderful. Thank you very much.I wish you are facebook adress, becouse I want improved my english, Please
Thank you for your lessons. It’s a good chance to improve my English. The only thing I’d like to ask about your lessons is to refresh your web-sites and represent much more lessons. Thank you
am am anew in this web
i want to make friend with somebody for improve our language and this is my name in skype (fhoood59)
hi ronnie
Thanks for teach us english.
Ur teaching is awsome.
I really love u my teacher
noor khan
hello ronnie. tnx for the lesson you’ve taught,,hmm ronnie? i have a question for you.. im very confused about indefinite article..i know that indefinite article cant be used in non count noun.. but how about this example ” i have an idea” hmmm.. in the sentence, idea is an abstract noun? am i correct? idea is uncountable..so why someone uses indefinite article after that noun? XC so confussing XC could you explain this to me clearly..XC
Idea is countable!
Hello Ronnie!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!! I live in Italy and I think I’ll never have a teacher like you!!
hi ronnie nice to met you i have aquestion i can get the all lesson vidoi in my labtobe?
You can watch the lessons on your laptop but I doubt you can download them!
thank you for the lessons you give,you are really a great teacher.am 3rd year English student and I’m happy to be your student.
thanks so mutsh
hi Ronnie,how are you? hope you fine!if thats ok with you I want you to give a lessons about phonetics. please replay me.
how come, is idea countable? >.<
You can have ideas!
100% my test
easy easy :D
how obout this, in preposition, example: i believe in him.. can i say i believe on him? or in?..confused about in and on XC i know the preposition of time.. but the other types isnt..i have been confused for several years, whether to use in or on.. hope, you could helm me out..
I believe in him = correct.
I believe on him = not correct.
oh i get it ronnie ^^ tnx for helping me out.. ^^ now i know that the word idea is countable ^^ because uncountable nouns dont have ” s ” nor ” es ” right? ^^ but idea has.. ^^ so its countable ^^ so ronnie? do all of the uncountable nouns have no S right? ^^ if they have, it would be countable? ^^
Yes, most countable nouns have an “s”!
hi Ronnie,
can you tell me what the difference is between “another” and “other”.thank you!
That is great ,keep it up
thank you miss Ronnie
good job
gültürk köroğlu
ronnie,,what is the difference between usa and uk and canada accent,do you understand each other?
Some people cannot understand other people’s accents because they haven’t hear them enough! Look on you tube to listen to different accents!
hello ronnie plz i wanna something i wanna to know what time i’;; sat s is z , iz ans s ty
Dear Ms Ronnie,
How are you today? I just want to say that i really liked the way how you teach people! You are a such a good teacher. I love your techneque of how you make us smile by giving some funny words or reaction for the examples.Because of that you making us feel very comfortable and relax while listening and watching your video while at the same time we are learning. Once again Thanks a lot and GOD BLESS YOU Always.
Yours Sincerely,
hi Jazz,
It’s nice to know that you also want to improve your English (like me). About you, you said, “Hello’ I decided to joined on this website to improve my english ability………” It should be “to join (a present tense)” after “to” instead of “joined (a past tense). Hope my comment is useful to you?
Hi Ronnie..Sorry for being out of the topic(I wish this this sentence correct).I wish you or somebody could help me about my confusion in English tenses…What tenses these are exactly:
i. Mrs Jumat “had been” a very succesful clerk of the company.
ii. She “had been chosen” because she was good-looking.
iii. She “had tried” very hard and took her duties seriously.
I’ll be very appreciated any reply from anybody..
i. Mrs Jumat “had been” a very successful clerk of the company.
ii. She “had been chosen” because she was good-looking
iii. She “had tried” very hard and took her duties seriously.
These are all past perfect! Sub + had + P.P!
Thanks..But someone told me that in American English there’s no past perfect tense like in British English..Past perfect in British English was passive voice in American English..Is it true?
Well the question was not for me, but I did it. what you have to do is follow the links of the lessons on YouTube, and with a software called video catcher, copy the URL on the app and that is, it does the trick.
You are a good teacher.
Miss Ronnie is the BEST.
Ronnie I enjoy every bit of your class. I am learning a lot
Hi Ronnie! i like the way you teach..i hope you can give more example..
thanks ronni i like ur teaching method a lot
dear teacher i wnna download ur videos but i dont know how ? plz tell the way
its really great to learn things which i never new before. i am really thankful to you.
I like to watching very much…
Ronnie you are the best teatcher!
thank you my teatcher ,,
thank you very much .nice to meet you teacher
please tell me teacher how i can start to learn english.
I would start by learning vocabulary!
thanks i do that
I love English!!! Thank you!!! You are best of the best!
hi ronnie
thank you teacher
Hi ronnie i am new student i am glad i found your lesson.It is really interesting.thank you.
I would like to ask you about would have plus the past participle of the verb(would have found) what does it means is it an imaginery situation? i am confused.could you give me a lesson in this topic when you get achnace.
thank you.
Thank you very much
Thanks all the teachers
teacher thanks lot ineed which means broke help me i dont know english
You’re funny while explain ;) interesting lesson…thank you ;)
Hi Ronnie nice lecture thank you.
good morning i m sanjana i learn you english its very nice for us can you teaching every day before i cant not speak english but now i speak english not to much thank you dear from sanjana
you are a good teacher!!!thank u
you are a good teacher, greats for the class
I wish i had you as my english teacher when I was little. The world needs more people like you. Thank you!
yes your right
hi ronnie i want to ask you how should i learn US accent??
please share any resource freely available on the internet for learning US accent!! its a req to engvid.com to post tutorial related to learning US accent.
The only way you can really learn any accent is to go and live there. What US accent would you like to learn? There are many different American accents, depending on that state. I suggest watching tv and trying to copy the way the actors speak!
is it possible for me to contact u directly coz i want to ask u about my problems in english pronunciation ??
yes, i agree with you Mrs. Ronnie..and one last, listening to music…(because i do that,,)
Sometimes even people who live in Manhattan do not understand what people say who live in Brooklyn. It is just across the river.
i have no words to say for this site eccept Thank You!
Moataz Fawzy
Tank you for your great website
Thank you teacher for this lesson.It makes me more understand in using this on my daily life.
please don’t use blood , it feels bad , especiallly when u use that
Hi Ronnie may I say my voice is broken
i’m a new member,,,and thanks alot for you Mrs. Ronnie…:D(and all of teachers:)
I am very sorry. You had the accident in Japan. Maybe in Hokkaido snowy place. Now we had the accident of nuclear power plant in Fukushima. I live next there. I pay attention to the radiation as possible as I can.
You R U too good, you makes things simple.
Thank you very much teacher for this lesson. You are a good teacher.
Thank you mam !! My arm is burger!! I prefer :My arm is pizzza !!!!! hahahaaa thanks again =) I enjoyed this lesson , it’s kind of an intresting one .
Thank a lot Ronnie,
“Foot fingers, That ‘s so cute!”
you make me laugh. XD
i learned a lot from you thank you so much!!
thank you madam… its really so useful
hello ronnie.. i have a question for you.. in some movies.. i noticed one thing “”Do u got this? Is this correct or wrong ? Instead, it should be,Do u get this ? am i correct ?
It is wrong! Movies/music/slang and all other arts NEVER conform to English grammar rules!
I like your lessons. Your lessons are very interesting. Thanks, best regards
Thanks, your lessons are fantastic.
Przemek, Poland
Thank you miss. Ronnie
Thank miss Ronnie your lesson are awesome I am going to learning English with you thank you again
Hi Ronnie.I’m a teacher of English. I’m from Egypt and my name is Ayman.If you please I have two questions. first and according to the lesson of accidents, how can I say I broke my leg although I didn’t, because someone else who hit me and caused my leg to be broken. What you say of “I had my leg broken” as”I had my hair cut” for it’s not me who did it or you have another view.
Second, In Egypt we have a very big problem. It’s that we don’t speak English as we write it, we have problems in the most important language skills” listenning and speaking “I think it is because we don’t deal,as teachers, with native speakers and because we are not aware of all the up to date words and expressions that you use in America and in Canada. What can we do to overcome these problems and again thousands of thanks to you.I’m waiting for your reply and your video lessons.Bye
1) If your lag was broken by someone, it is easier to say “Person’s name/some guy/a girl broke my leg! eg. Bob broke my leg. Some guy broke my leg. The sentence you gave me was in passive – and it is also correct!!!!. We use passive if we don’t know WHO did the action! You can use passive and active!!
2) The best way to learn listening and speaking is to watch American movies/TV shows to learn slang!
AND>>>Keep on watching ENGVID!!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck!
kkkkkkkkkkkkkk!I’m laughting a lot! I just found out why an american looked at so surprised when I sad that I love smashed potatoes! Well I wanted to say that I like mashed potaoes. Katia Brasil
Thank you Ronnie! Love your videos!
Grammar in simple and funny way… Excellent
thank you Ronnie.
You are best of best.
hello miss how are you?
i have one question that is why do we say i smashed into tree. why dont from, to, by, with, tree?
Abdul Hafeez
I don’t know = it is just English rules.
how are you ronnie
hello misss?,.,.,
i say thank’s so much for your lesson about english esspeccialy, and also for showing to me and all people on youtobe.
I like your pronaunciation,.,.,
thanks Ronnie, i always watching your lesson to improve my english :)
OH, how much i love you sweet teacher ,i wish all the teachers be like you…
thank you very much
MY T- Ronnie .
Iam Owes you
i love you
good i like all the engvid lessons and i’ve learned alot from ur website, it’s one of the best site to learn english language. thnx
thank you
ilove you
you are married or not
very good teacher
Thank you for your classes, you’re the best teacher I ever had.
How can I get to site of english dailogues.please help me ms ronny.
youssef morrocco
Thank you Roni.
Your lesson is the best on Eng Vid.
I hope, that I will learning to speak english with your help
Thank you so much
All the best from Bosnia
Hi Ronnie,
I do not know what phrase in English will you Explan it please. and thanks for all what you submit on your class.
Hi what present progressiv is
Present progressive/continuous = to be + verbing. Eg I am eating. She/he/it is walking. You/they/we are dancing. We use this for actions that are happening NOW! I am typing!
Thanks, Ronnie. You spoke too fast for me here and there, but I think after I watch this video several times I will understand absolutely everything you said.
P.S. It’s just a funny coincidence… But this (correct) pronunciation of “blood” is very close to one Russian word which means a woman of easy virtue.
And, thanks again.
easy virtue… that’s me.
No!!! You are not, definitely. I’m sure. I didn’t want to use this very rude word (its English analog, I mean) here, but I think I must now because I was understood incorrectly (I think it’s because I don’t have enough word stock). This word means a whore.
ahahah \That is cool! Thanks for teaching me Russian!
thank you Ronnie for your lessons
I’m from Saudi Arabia and your lessons help me a lot …
Great teacher i really getting better in english. Thank you very much.
hi miss ronnie
i like the way you teaching i m in canada too is there any esl classs
let me know plz
I can do private/group lessons if you are in Toronto!
yes i am in toronto at etobicoke
plz tell me the fees and location
and timing
hi teacher i frome iraq thanks for your lesson
i want to know the movies with translate or with out translate it is for learning
When you watch a movie in English for the first time, you should use subtitles in your language.
If you want to watch the movie a few more times, you should watch with English subtitles.
Then, you can try without subtitles but it is very difficult!!!
Good luck!
Hi Ronnie, excellent methode , pls can u explain , since, still, till, untill, upto, where i should use theses words. thax
Ronnie, why didn’t you write “Emma have make/do a lesson…”? Is is incorrect? Sorry for the question, I confuse English past time forms very often.
“Emma makes a lesson” OR “Emma does a lesson”.
You cannot have 2 verbs in a simple present sentence “Emma have make/do a lesson”= wrong.
Yes, Ronnie, it is. This is just a mistake. I meant an expression “Emma have made/done a lesson…”
Yo Ronni what up? u know ur da bomb also ur english class r deathly and improves my english. yall r the best. Sometimes i feel blue ´cause i felt i was not learnin’ english . i kinda hate english grammer . i was listenin’ the store of u in jappan about the pacopaco thing that remind me a few year ago when i used to work at a hooters restaurant , i meat a gurl named Laura , i was attracted to her and i remember her to say u like me instead i like u. gotta tell u r right everybady make mistakes. well gotta go. take care. xoxo
Thanks for this lession. i would like to know ,if anybody(omar) made an accident by bycycle yesterday,so what can i say today? I mean what’s the correct sentence to express it.
Omar was in a bicycle accident yesterday.
sorry,i am not clear about this.if i say “omar made an accident by bicycle (himself)yesterday.” is it correct sentence?
‘omar made with an accident’ (that is his bicycle and the accident made by him).Is the sentence correct? If not,tell me correct one.
hi sister im sathish your teaching good, i want to like learn english plzs help me, im besicly im studyed in tamil medium
should i say “my leg has broken” or ” my leg has been broken” and why ???which is right
“My leg has broken” is used if the action has just happened.
“My leg has been broken (for 3 weeks). Is talking about an action that happened in the past. (Present perfect tense)
you good in drawing ronnie
you broke my english with your art of english.
miss ronnie…may i have your email or facebook account.?..i would like to have a conversation with if u don’t mind…
Great. Thanks.
Hi Emma madam,
How can I improve my speaing in English. Please let me know
thank u mam, u r not only a teacher but also a good artist. Ur way of teaching is different.once again thank u
Mian Saqib
thanks I love yours
You are very nice and also your lesson thank you
Farhad Glasgow
thank you so much Ronnie ,,,, you’ve very very useful lessons
10q ronnie
i like the way you teach english. thank you so much
Thanks for your lessons Ronnie,good teaching ;-)
You Are The Best!! :) Best Regards from Poland…
Thanks Ronnie for such good lessons!!!
Hi Ronni,
You are realy fantastic.
Ii it possible telling about how to use due,
I love you . thank you very much. you are the best
thanks miss Ronnie i love your stlye of teaching
Hi! I have been learning english in ages, but my english didn`t improve anymore so i was pretty worried about how to improve my english level, so i searched the internet to find something that make my english better.
finally i found this site and your lessons. now I feel like my english is getting better! if i have some problems while studying english can i give you some question??? byebye
Of course! Ask me anything!
i have an exam after 1 hour can u give me an advice,please?
good advice!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahaha and very funny you are!
thanks a lot of, it’s very interesting.
i really learned alot of new things, thank you very much , you are really a professional and ausome teacher :)
really without any exageration and praising,i got a lot of advantages from your lesson and infinitely thank you .go on
You are very elegant and cute Ronnie !
You are no doubt doing a very good job and assisting millions.I have just thanks for you.I am so glad to see your replies on comments that’s difficult to manage.They also provide a lot of knowledge.We have awesome english institutes in Pakistan.I like you and welcome in PAKISTAN? SEE YOU AT AIRPORT!!!Take care
Thank so much Miss Ronnie for your effort to teach us English Language.
Ali Murad
You are very good teacher . I like you
Another great lesson. Thank you very much.
My native language is Arabic. Please may you comment on Arabian speech mistakes?
Hossam mostafa
Hi, i really like your lessons,to be honest i have gained a lot.
i got 4 out of 4 ;)
thank you miss Ronni, I really like your Lesson
Ronie, you are real a great teacher!
Thank you so much for your clear explanations, lessons with your are easy going!
Chau! Greeting from Argentina.
THanks Ronnie,you’re doing very well,everyone likes your lesson .meaning you’re a great teacher and teaching .God bless you.have a good one .
I admire tou style. Thanks a lot.
thank u very much ms Ronni ………….
hi i'm from afghanistan
thanks teacher! cheers!
greetings from Afghanistan!
i got :D 4 correct out of 4 (100)
thanks my dear teacher Ronnie
amazing lesson.. so excited for the next one
Very nicely taught.
Thanks & regards,
thanks ronnie,
you’re great
Very excellent style to teach
thanks i really like your lessons teacher ronnie and you are very funny
hai ronnie
thank you so much
bad and good
bad sujet and good lesson
tanks ” chokran”
Hi Ronnie!I want to ask you about a word ,,ishooz,, I heard alout this word in the movies or when two person speak but when I tried to find in the translate google I didnt find it.It is use only when you talk with a person?This word means ,,ishooz,,-problems?Thank you very much and thank for your help.With your help I learned english,one year ago I didnt know to speak and look at me know!I CAN WRITTE ALSO!thank you for that!A big hug for you!
Issue!! I know English spelling is SO difficult! You are right, issue means problem!
Thank you, It is a great lesson.
Thank U miss Ronnie, You are an excellent teacher. English like me so much and my dreams is to learn speak it.
best regard
I had an accident before in my native country, which still do not allows me to move out properly, and to walk!
My tibia has been broken, my humerus also… :X At the moment I’m trying to develop my muscles and tendons…Which is very difficult.Thanks for the Lesson Ronnie!
thank you so much lovely teacher ,you are the teacher in the world i swear you are , wish you all the best and have a long life
shaan omari
as usual Ronnie is the best. thanks.
alike smash into and crash into I remembered
run into. greetings from Brazil
jorge luiz
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I really enjoy them. I don’t want to talk about the work of the other teachers, but i don’t hesitate to say: YOU ARE THE BEST!
Hi Ronnie. I’m sangyeon. I’m from South Korea.
These day I study English to watch your class.
This class is very useful for me.I have a question while I was watching your class.
You said, “brake, broke use to bone”.
What diffrent are this words between brake and fracture?
They are the same.
I thank Engvid and Ronnie for this lesson. The Engvid help me to improve my English. This lesson was easy for me. I got 100 by doing this quz Thanks
thank you so much for the lesson, very useful
Thaks for everything teacher , I like yuor lessons very much ….
hii Ronnie.. i love to see ur video.. it really helps me.. to make my English well but i want to know the use of would have , would have been..
I broke my leg when i was a Kid.
Hi Ronnie
I like your teaching so much.
Thank you!
Yes! I got perfect score.
Hi Ronnie, very nice class.
And very funy your explanation about “blood” =D.
Ronnie, one quetion, situation is next. I can explaine anything on english orally, But I can’t something explain in my E-mail. How I can to learn writing in E-mail? I spend many time for creating E-mail.
Ronnie, I do not spoke English.But Your teaching very useful for me.I like your teaching.thank you so much.
Hi, Ronnie !
Thanks a lot of this lesson about BLOOD. It is very interisting. Love you!
Tell me something.
a good teacher,i like your teaching way very much
Hey Ronnie , I really enjoy ur lessons and u r so funny what makes the lesson very enjoyable , happy to see you every day :)
Hi Mrs Ronnie , when can I say (I have or had broken my arm)?
hi ronnie, its amazing i got 4 out 4.. thanks..
hey ronnie …
i’m not a beginner , i can speak and write english so well , but the problem is that i want to improve my english , and I’ve heard that the best way to improve a language is to speak to someone … and i think that this someone is you , so i hope you understand me and give me the best answer , like a live lessons or something like that …
thank you best teacher :)
As usually you are funny teacher, thanks a lot. I got 100%.
I don’t think that I will study English by oversea teacher. I knew this web when I searched on the youbube.
I understands EN a little. Please to tell me about everything.
Thank for Ronnie !
please ….. as u r too gud in your way of teaching …pls pls pls pls do a video on HOW TO REMEMBER THE PHRASAL VERBS …which are weird to understand and their actual meanings r far away what they apparently look like…… please sleep on it.
hi every body thanx for the course
A tree attacked my car. Crazy zombie tree . Hilarious. U are realy perfect teacher. Greeting from Slovakia.
Thanks got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Thank u!Very interesting lesson!
Can I say “I met with an accident”, without sounding too formal.
Thank you very much!!!
thanks a lot
got it all correct.
ann ann
I from vietnam. can you make a subtitle for me. Sorry if I annoy you
chung nguyen
that’s great! i like it..
muhammad shafique
computer doing mistake for quis number 4 ronnie!
chakim hamzah
yup I means I dont read the instruction correctly!
chakim hamzah
yup I means I don’t read the instruction correctly!
chakim hamzah
Great teacher,useful lesson.
This is my skype:KIM-00
it’s my pleasure to find someones and improve our english :)
chababi hakim
Hi there, let’s get together on Skype :)
Hollo Ronnie,
Can you give us a lecon about hospital.
I know that you can developpe the idea.
Thinks a lot.
Good job i got 4
Great job! keep it up
Hi mam.
can you help me with some religious based new words.
“especially some typical religious words”
nani dasari
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thanks ronnie, I really enjoy learning English with you because you are my best teacher ever!
Tarik rahmouni
American and chines seismologist have been able to forewarn earthquakes. Change the sentence into past perfect tense
Thank you so much Ronnie, I got 3 correct out of 4.
Hi I am kurdish girl i want learn english please help me
Daliaa kurdish
Yeah! She broke my heart, trully! ): Hahahah!
Acaua Galmarine
”I broke my finger while playing Minecraft”
definitely it was awesome
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
Thank u for this lesson!
You say blood like a native Russian speaker. It sounds a little rude but funny.
thank you so much
3/4! I didn’t check the question clearly, so I made the mistake.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thank u miss ronnie
Hi from spain. Could I say, run over a cat instead of hitting a cat.
thanks for ahead
thank you for the simple lesson i have learned a lot,,.
Ronniee ! u are an amzin teacher!! I dont Understand wery well the difference between INTO and ONTO .. Hope u can help me with this ..
thanks a lot !
many greetings from Argentina ;D
ronnie i have a problem that is ……..can we say that my car struck the tree……….
thanks for such a good lessons.
I’m surprised the enjoyable with you develop the lesson of teaching. I congratulate you and hope to continue your courses, greetings. I’m Filiberto of Ecatepec Mexico.
I wish you all the best
thank u miss ronnie
It’s a great teacher, Ronnie. I’d like to have a teacher like you in my school. kkkk.. would you like to go to Rio de Janeiro? xD kkkkk… Thank you for everything. ^^ I have so much fun watching your lessons. xD [correct me if necessary.. ;D ] PS: My arm is really broken.. :/ .. kk
We usually don’t say my arm is really broken unless you tell someone “My arm is broken” and they don’t believe you! Then, you can say my arm is REALLY broken. Or, REALLY my arm IS broken!!!
than u Madam Roonie
It’s a great lesson, Ronnie * [correcting]
thank you very much
Great lesson Thaaaaanks A LOT, you make the lesson very easy and I laugh a lot LOL thanks thanks thanks uummwaa X.
thank you, I was really wondering about this.
what a freakin’ lesson, I learned a new word 2day ‘smash’ u crashed into a tree, sorry bad luck accidents happens any time. thanks Ronnie take care, bye n’ drive carefully.
Muito bom!
“muito bom!”
I wonder that’s meanning.
LOL, your lesson’s so funny! Thank you so much!
i impress with the way u illustrate the feet and the sound of “crashed cat”! :D
may i ask ronnie?..how about this?
i made my leg broken.
NO, you have to say “I broke my leg”!
lovely lesson
i wanna be friends
I can`t believe that I am your student!!!! I used to watch some classes here at engvid and now I am taking live classes with you!!! Thank you! You are the best teacher that I had!!!
NO way!!! That is hilarious!!! I am glad you like them! See you on Tuesday!
I want to be your student too! Where do you teach? I love the way you teach! You are absolutely amazing!
See you! :)
hey ronnie …
how can i take a live classes with you ?
i understan clearly thanks
Great lesson again !!
lovely lesson & great teacher.
Thanks Ronnie for this nice lesson,you’re good teacher.
Thanks | Samuelsam
you r doing a good job……i wana speak english like you…..
Dear Ronnie !
Your english class is good, because you are fanny and interesting.
I’m glad to see you.
Hi , ronnie, nice to learn with you and good to see here many lessons….
Thank you for everything and God bless you and family…..
You are my favorite teacher …….Thank you for all…..
me too
me too
you will study Yemeni languages AMOLY
Thank you very much!
thanks a lot
thank you i scored 4 out of 4
very useful it thanks for help me everyday.you are fantastic
thanks.. pleased explain the words like OUGHT TO…. HAD BETTER….WOULD RATHER…..
Thanks Miss Ronnie!
Miss Ronnie,you are a great teacher
Thanks teacher.
thanks!!! I’ve learned a lot.
Hi, ms valen i relly imressed with your lectures ithese are really helpfull. Thanks a lot
Best regards
thank you .
Thank you very much. I love your teaching.
You sacrifice so much time for us learners. Thank you for your work. I hope you’ll never stop ;-)
greetings from Europe
wow, it’s a funny lesson, thanks.
thank you my teacher
i like the way Ronnie teaches!! thank you Ronnie!!!!
thank you
testing comment notification
thank you!!
thanks, after lesson it’s clear what to say about an accident
Hi Ronnie
If someone broke his nail and it’s totally removed from the Toe/finger for instance playing football. What would you say?
I lost my toenail in a football match! Or I broke my nail off in a football match!
Hello, Ronnie.
I like the lesson. It`s great you tell about pronounciation.
THANK you>>
thank you miss ronnie really you are the best .sabrina from Algeria
Would you like to come to Azerbaijan?
So, I invite you to come to our country! You can see our the hospitality of Azerbaijanian!
That would be so cool! Thanks!! All I need is $$$$$$$$$$$ !!!! ahahahahahah~!
Welcome to Aden
كيف حالك يا صاحب عدن
Hi,Ms. Ronnie, I must confess you that your lessons are fairly good. I enjoy them very much.
Hi Teacher Ronnier!
I only want to say that you are so amazing!!!
I´m brazilian and studied english ten years ago… but at the first time I saw your lessons… I remembered everything!
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much Ronnie. I’ve been watching all of engvid lessons. I really appreciate for your video lessons. I am living in Kazakhstan. I am advising to all my friends to have some classes from your web-site. Wish you and your colleagues success and not to stop creating new lessons! Bye!
Nice teaching there! Can we say?: i had my leg broken
its very interesting engvid
Can I ske you
Where you live in canda
Hi Ronie,
Hope you are doing good !
Could you please tell me how to use words ride and drive?
Ride is when you are on top of the thing or in something that you are not driving- a bike/motorcycle or bus/train/taxi.
Drive is when YOU operate the machine from inside it- car/backhoe/go-kart.
hi ronnie i like your smile but my question can you give me ex about ride and drive thank you for these lesson
Hi teacher Ronnie, i was searching that how I can improve my English and one my friend advise me that search on youtoub.com, you are the first i got video of English lesion. I don’t know where should i start to learn. There is lot of (too much) Video of English learning on http://www.youtoub.com. I am confuse, can you help me please? I want know English writing (official letters, applications etc.), speaking and listing. This is my email: aachughtai@hotmail.com. Thank you very much.
You should stay on this site and choose “beginner” lessons.
ok Thanks teacher Ms. Ronnie,
Your handwriting is wonderful. i think more then beautiful computer.
May I know your skype?
i see a contradiction here. bus/train/taxi are like car/backhoe
isn’t it right to say “drive a taxi”
we operate them all from inside.
maybe there is another criterion to defer between them.
Drive is when YOU operate **the machine** from inside **it**
isn’t that repetition. i would rather say : Drive is when YOU operate a machine from inside
i see a contradiction here. bus/train/taxi are like car/backhoe
isn’t it right to say “drive a taxi”
we operate them all from inside.
maybe there is another criterion to defer between them.
Drive is when YOU operate **the machine** from inside **it**
isn’t that repetition. i would rather say : Drive is when YOU operate a machine from inside
thanks !!!
Thanks !!!
thak you!!!u is best teacher=)
Hi Ronnie, I really appreciate your effort to teach us English, I sign in this web-site of my first time but I saw you on you tube yesterday and I really like the way you teach.Thanks so much.
Ronnie I made a big mistake in my last comment I wrote (saw you on You Tube) and I really know (watched you ) SORRY
Hi Ronnie I’m claudio from Buenos Aires…to start with, i’d like to thank you for the lessons!!! I have a question…Can I say?
The car crashed or smashed ME…
It is better to say”The car hit me”! or Smashed/crashed into me!
Would you mind telling me how to use words finish or end?
Finish we use when we have completed something – like homework or watching a movie. Ex…I finished my homework.
End = something is over or has stopped. Eg.The movie ended. The storm ended.
your lessons are very usefull and funny!
Many thanks!
thanks u so much Ms.Ronnie, your such a good teacher!
Hello Ronnie,
I want to thank you for your classes :) and i have to admit that i’ve become in an addict to this page and your videos.
Regards from Nicaragua
Hi I’m so happy to find really good teachers in here, I promise to study hard and learn as much as I can, Thank you very much Ronnie.
I’m 50 years old from Argentina and I’m learning on my own or by my own. This is the perfect place to enjoy my English skills.
Hi Ronnie,
thanks for funny lessons
Take care & keep smile & have fun
Hello Miss Ronnie
I like the way you deliver your lesson not boring.keep smiling..
hi, whats a different between , i bled and i was bleeding ,i guess both verbs in the past
I was bleeding is past continuous. We use this tense when we are telling a story about a past event. Ex.. I was bleeding all over the flood and then I slipped and fell!
I bled is simple past. Ex. I bled on the floor yesterday.
the expresion “I was bleeding all over the flood” means : I was bleeding a lot.
Thanks a lot.
…over the floor. (not the flood)
ronnie ,,thanks for the great lessons i like your smile so mush :)
Thank You
Thank you Ms Ronnei
thanks teacher Ronnie
Thaks a lot Ms Ronnei. Your lessons are very useful and funny!!
thanks teacher.I your class
I like your class
Thanks for lessons. I am new here, but I like it.
thank you Ronnie .. i like your funny expressions .. keep it up :)
Thanks for your great effort
i love learn english.
Hi Ronnie…
i’ve been bothered about these following sentences for quite some time now, i hope you can help
1.we eat using mouth
2.we write using hand
my questiion are
what is “ing form” doing in those sentences?
is it adverb phrase?
is it
you should say, we eat using with our mouth ^^ .. because if you would say ” we eat using mouth ” what mouth? is it mouth of animals? or what.. so it must be ” we eat using with our mouth ^^
Hi Ronnie…
i’ve been bothered about these following sentences for quite some time now
1.we eat using mouth
2.we write using hand
my questiion are
what is “ing form” doing in those sentences?
is it adverb phrase?
is it consecutive verbs?
or are they even correct sentences?
i hope you can help because i can’t find this subject in any of grammar books. thanks
You have to say “We eat using our mouth”…but it is more natural to say “We eat with our mouth”.
thank you very much
hi miss ronnie really i liked ur lessons are so repfect and i get many information thank u so much
Hi Ronnie….
I found your videos on youtube today. They are great & the way you are teaching is awsome! Congratulations and all the best… Thank you for making them for us… Tatiana
how to download these videoes in your site
Thanks a lot.You are very clear Ronnie Thanks again!!
Thank your teacher. I am easy understand you when you are teach english. If your are have been teacher in our country (Baku in Azerbaijan) I come in your lesson. I am learning english one mounth.But Your english lesson is a wonderful. Thank you very much.I wish you are facebook adress, becouse I want improved my english, Please
Thank you for your lessons. It’s a good chance to improve my English. The only thing I’d like to ask about your lessons is to refresh your web-sites and represent much more lessons. Thank you
am am anew in this web
i want to make friend with somebody for improve our language and this is my name in skype (fhoood59)
hi ronnie
Thanks for teach us english.
Ur teaching is awsome.
I really love u my teacher
hello ronnie. tnx for the lesson you’ve taught,,hmm ronnie? i have a question for you.. im very confused about indefinite article..i know that indefinite article cant be used in non count noun.. but how about this example ” i have an idea” hmmm.. in the sentence, idea is an abstract noun? am i correct? idea is uncountable..so why someone uses indefinite article after that noun? XC so confussing XC could you explain this to me clearly..XC
Idea is countable!
Hello Ronnie!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!! I live in Italy and I think I’ll never have a teacher like you!!
hi ronnie nice to met you i have aquestion i can get the all lesson vidoi in my labtobe?
You can watch the lessons on your laptop but I doubt you can download them!
thank you for the lessons you give,you are really a great teacher.am 3rd year English student and I’m happy to be your student.
thanks so mutsh
hi Ronnie,how are you? hope you fine!if thats ok with you I want you to give a lessons about phonetics. please replay me.
how come, is idea countable? >.<
You can have ideas!
100% my test
easy easy :D
how obout this, in preposition, example: i believe in him.. can i say i believe on him? or in?..confused about in and on XC i know the preposition of time.. but the other types isnt..i have been confused for several years, whether to use in or on.. hope, you could helm me out..
I believe in him = correct.
I believe on him = not correct.
oh i get it ronnie ^^ tnx for helping me out.. ^^ now i know that the word idea is countable ^^ because uncountable nouns dont have ” s ” nor ” es ” right? ^^ but idea has.. ^^ so its countable ^^ so ronnie? do all of the uncountable nouns have no S right? ^^ if they have, it would be countable? ^^
Yes, most countable nouns have an “s”!
hi Ronnie,
can you tell me what the difference is between “another” and “other”.thank you!
That is great ,keep it up
thank you miss Ronnie
good job
ronnie,,what is the difference between usa and uk and canada accent,do you understand each other?
Some people cannot understand other people’s accents because they haven’t hear them enough! Look on you tube to listen to different accents!
hello ronnie plz i wanna something i wanna to know what time i’;; sat s is z , iz ans s ty
Dear Ms Ronnie,
How are you today? I just want to say that i really liked the way how you teach people! You are a such a good teacher. I love your techneque of how you make us smile by giving some funny words or reaction for the examples.Because of that you making us feel very comfortable and relax while listening and watching your video while at the same time we are learning. Once again Thanks a lot and GOD BLESS YOU Always.
Yours Sincerely,
hi Jazz,
It’s nice to know that you also want to improve your English (like me). About you, you said, “Hello’ I decided to joined on this website to improve my english ability………” It should be “to join (a present tense)” after “to” instead of “joined (a past tense). Hope my comment is useful to you?
Hi Ronnie..Sorry for being out of the topic(I wish this this sentence correct).I wish you or somebody could help me about my confusion in English tenses…What tenses these are exactly:
i. Mrs Jumat “had been” a very succesful clerk of the company.
ii. She “had been chosen” because she was good-looking.
iii. She “had tried” very hard and took her duties seriously.
I’ll be very appreciated any reply from anybody..
i. Mrs Jumat “had been” a very successful clerk of the company.
ii. She “had been chosen” because she was good-looking
iii. She “had tried” very hard and took her duties seriously.
These are all past perfect! Sub + had + P.P!
Thanks..But someone told me that in American English there’s no past perfect tense like in British English..Past perfect in British English was passive voice in American English..Is it true?
Well the question was not for me, but I did it. what you have to do is follow the links of the lessons on YouTube, and with a software called video catcher, copy the URL on the app and that is, it does the trick.
You are a good teacher.
Miss Ronnie is the BEST.
Ronnie I enjoy every bit of your class. I am learning a lot
Hi Ronnie! i like the way you teach..i hope you can give more example..
thanks ronni i like ur teaching method a lot
dear teacher i wnna download ur videos but i dont know how ? plz tell the way
Sorry, I don’t know how!
irfan, use http://savefrom.net/. It’s very easy
its really great to learn things which i never new before. i am really thankful to you.
I like to watching very much…
Ronnie you are the best teatcher!
thank you my teatcher ,,
thank you very much .nice to meet you teacher
please tell me teacher how i can start to learn english.
I would start by learning vocabulary!
thanks i do that
I love English!!! Thank you!!! You are best of the best!
hi ronnie
thank you teacher
Hi ronnie i am new student i am glad i found your lesson.It is really interesting.thank you.
I would like to ask you about would have plus the past participle of the verb(would have found) what does it means is it an imaginery situation? i am confused.could you give me a lesson in this topic when you get achnace.
thank you.
Thank you very much
Thanks all the teachers
teacher thanks lot ineed which means broke help me i dont know english
You’re funny while explain ;) interesting lesson…thank you ;)
Hi Ronnie nice lecture thank you.
good morning i m sanjana i learn you english its very nice for us can you teaching every day before i cant not speak english but now i speak english not to much thank you dear from sanjana
you are a good teacher!!!thank u
you are a good teacher, greats for the class
I wish i had you as my english teacher when I was little. The world needs more people like you. Thank you!
yes your right
hi ronnie i want to ask you how should i learn US accent??
please share any resource freely available on the internet for learning US accent!! its a req to engvid.com to post tutorial related to learning US accent.
The only way you can really learn any accent is to go and live there. What US accent would you like to learn? There are many different American accents, depending on that state. I suggest watching tv and trying to copy the way the actors speak!
is it possible for me to contact u directly coz i want to ask u about my problems in english pronunciation ??
yes, i agree with you Mrs. Ronnie..and one last, listening to music…(because i do that,,)
Sometimes even people who live in Manhattan do not understand what people say who live in Brooklyn. It is just across the river.
i have no words to say for this site eccept Thank You!
Tank you for your great website
Thank you teacher for this lesson.It makes me more understand in using this on my daily life.
please don’t use blood , it feels bad , especiallly when u use that
Hi Ronnie may I say my voice is broken
i’m a new member,,,and thanks alot for you Mrs. Ronnie…:D(and all of teachers:)
I am very sorry. You had the accident in Japan. Maybe in Hokkaido snowy place. Now we had the accident of nuclear power plant in Fukushima. I live next there. I pay attention to the radiation as possible as I can.
You R U too good, you makes things simple.
Thank you very much teacher for this lesson. You are a good teacher.
Thank you mam !! My arm is burger!! I prefer :My arm is pizzza !!!!! hahahaaa thanks again =) I enjoyed this lesson , it’s kind of an intresting one .
Thank a lot Ronnie,
“Foot fingers, That ‘s so cute!”
you make me laugh. XD
i learned a lot from you thank you so much!!
thank you madam… its really so useful
hello ronnie.. i have a question for you.. in some movies.. i noticed one thing “”Do u got this? Is this correct or wrong ? Instead, it should be,Do u get this ? am i correct ?
It is wrong! Movies/music/slang and all other arts NEVER conform to English grammar rules!
I like your lessons. Your lessons are very interesting. Thanks, best regards
Thanks, your lessons are fantastic.
Thank you miss. Ronnie
Thank miss Ronnie your lesson are awesome I am going to learning English with you thank you again
Hi Ronnie.I’m a teacher of English. I’m from Egypt and my name is Ayman.If you please I have two questions. first and according to the lesson of accidents, how can I say I broke my leg although I didn’t, because someone else who hit me and caused my leg to be broken. What you say of “I had my leg broken” as”I had my hair cut” for it’s not me who did it or you have another view.
Second, In Egypt we have a very big problem. It’s that we don’t speak English as we write it, we have problems in the most important language skills” listenning and speaking “I think it is because we don’t deal,as teachers, with native speakers and because we are not aware of all the up to date words and expressions that you use in America and in Canada. What can we do to overcome these problems and again thousands of thanks to you.I’m waiting for your reply and your video lessons.Bye
1) If your lag was broken by someone, it is easier to say “Person’s name/some guy/a girl broke my leg! eg. Bob broke my leg. Some guy broke my leg. The sentence you gave me was in passive – and it is also correct!!!!. We use passive if we don’t know WHO did the action! You can use passive and active!!
2) The best way to learn listening and speaking is to watch American movies/TV shows to learn slang!
AND>>>Keep on watching ENGVID!!!!!!!!!!!
Best of luck!
kkkkkkkkkkkkkk!I’m laughting a lot! I just found out why an american looked at so surprised when I sad that I love smashed potatoes! Well I wanted to say that I like mashed potaoes. Katia Brasil
Thank you Ronnie! Love your videos!
Grammar in simple and funny way… Excellent
thank you Ronnie.
You are best of best.
hello miss how are you?
i have one question that is why do we say i smashed into tree. why dont from, to, by, with, tree?
I don’t know = it is just English rules.
how are you ronnie
hello misss?,.,.,
i say thank’s so much for your lesson about english esspeccialy, and also for showing to me and all people on youtobe.
I like your pronaunciation,.,.,
thanks Ronnie, i always watching your lesson to improve my english :)
OH, how much i love you sweet teacher ,i wish all the teachers be like you…
thank you very much
MY T- Ronnie .
Iam Owes you
i love you
good i like all the engvid lessons and i’ve learned alot from ur website, it’s one of the best site to learn english language. thnx
thank you
ilove you
you are married or not
very good teacher
Thank you for your classes, you’re the best teacher I ever had.
How can I get to site of english dailogues.please help me ms ronny.
Thank you Roni.
Your lesson is the best on Eng Vid.
I hope, that I will learning to speak english with your help
Thank you so much
All the best from Bosnia
Hi Ronnie,
I do not know what phrase in English will you Explan it please. and thanks for all what you submit on your class.
Hi what present progressiv is
Present progressive/continuous = to be + verbing. Eg I am eating. She/he/it is walking. You/they/we are dancing. We use this for actions that are happening NOW! I am typing!
Thanks, Ronnie. You spoke too fast for me here and there, but I think after I watch this video several times I will understand absolutely everything you said.
P.S. It’s just a funny coincidence… But this (correct) pronunciation of “blood” is very close to one Russian word which means a woman of easy virtue.
And, thanks again.
easy virtue… that’s me.
No!!! You are not, definitely. I’m sure. I didn’t want to use this very rude word (its English analog, I mean) here, but I think I must now because I was understood incorrectly (I think it’s because I don’t have enough word stock). This word means a whore.
ahahah \That is cool! Thanks for teaching me Russian!
thank you Ronnie for your lessons
I’m from Saudi Arabia and your lessons help me a lot …
Great teacher i really getting better in english. Thank you very much.
hi miss ronnie
i like the way you teaching i m in canada too is there any esl classs
let me know plz
I can do private/group lessons if you are in Toronto!
yes i am in toronto at etobicoke
plz tell me the fees and location
and timing
hi teacher i frome iraq thanks for your lesson
i want to know the movies with translate or with out translate it is for learning
When you watch a movie in English for the first time, you should use subtitles in your language.
If you want to watch the movie a few more times, you should watch with English subtitles.
Then, you can try without subtitles but it is very difficult!!!
Good luck!
Hi Ronnie, excellent methode , pls can u explain , since, still, till, untill, upto, where i should use theses words. thax
Emma did a lesson on those words – http://www.engvid.com/by-until/
Ronnie, why didn’t you write “Emma have make/do a lesson…”? Is is incorrect? Sorry for the question, I confuse English past time forms very often.
“Emma makes a lesson” OR “Emma does a lesson”.
You cannot have 2 verbs in a simple present sentence “Emma have make/do a lesson”= wrong.
Yes, Ronnie, it is. This is just a mistake. I meant an expression “Emma have made/done a lesson…”
Yo Ronni what up? u know ur da bomb also ur english class r deathly and improves my english. yall r the best. Sometimes i feel blue ´cause i felt i was not learnin’ english . i kinda hate english grammer . i was listenin’ the store of u in jappan about the pacopaco thing that remind me a few year ago when i used to work at a hooters restaurant , i meat a gurl named Laura , i was attracted to her and i remember her to say u like me instead i like u. gotta tell u r right everybady make mistakes. well gotta go. take care. xoxo
Thanks for this lession. i would like to know ,if anybody(omar) made an accident by bycycle yesterday,so what can i say today? I mean what’s the correct sentence to express it.
Omar was in a bicycle accident yesterday.
sorry,i am not clear about this.if i say “omar made an accident by bicycle (himself)yesterday.” is it correct sentence?
‘omar made with an accident’ (that is his bicycle and the accident made by him).Is the sentence correct? If not,tell me correct one.
hi sister im sathish your teaching good, i want to like learn english plzs help me, im besicly im studyed in tamil medium
should i say “my leg has broken” or ” my leg has been broken” and why ???which is right
“My leg has broken” is used if the action has just happened.
“My leg has been broken (for 3 weeks). Is talking about an action that happened in the past. (Present perfect tense)
you good in drawing ronnie
you broke my english with your art of english.
miss ronnie…may i have your email or facebook account.?..i would like to have a conversation with if u don’t mind…
Great. Thanks.
Hi Emma madam,
How can I improve my speaing in English. Please let me know
thank u mam, u r not only a teacher but also a good artist. Ur way of teaching is different.once again thank u
thanks I love yours
You are very nice and also your lesson thank you
thank you so much Ronnie ,,,, you’ve very very useful lessons
10q ronnie
i like the way you teach english. thank you so much
Thanks for your lessons Ronnie,good teaching ;-)
You Are The Best!! :) Best Regards from Poland…
Thanks Ronnie for such good lessons!!!
Hi Ronni,
You are realy fantastic.
Ii it possible telling about how to use due,
awsome. thanks a lot….
I love you . thank you very much. you are the best
thanks miss Ronnie i love your stlye of teaching
Hi! I have been learning english in ages, but my english didn`t improve anymore so i was pretty worried about how to improve my english level, so i searched the internet to find something that make my english better.
finally i found this site and your lessons. now I feel like my english is getting better! if i have some problems while studying english can i give you some question??? byebye
Of course! Ask me anything!
i have an exam after 1 hour can u give me an advice,please?
good advice!!!!!!!!!
hahahahahaha and very funny you are!
thanks a lot of, it’s very interesting.
i really learned alot of new things, thank you very much , you are really a professional and ausome teacher :)
really without any exageration and praising,i got a lot of advantages from your lesson and infinitely thank you .go on
You are very elegant and cute Ronnie !
You are no doubt doing a very good job and assisting millions.I have just thanks for you.I am so glad to see your replies on comments that’s difficult to manage.They also provide a lot of knowledge.We have awesome english institutes in Pakistan.I like you and welcome in PAKISTAN? SEE YOU AT AIRPORT!!!Take care
Thank so much Miss Ronnie for your effort to teach us English Language.
You are very good teacher . I like you
Another great lesson. Thank you very much.
My native language is Arabic. Please may you comment on Arabian speech mistakes?
Hi, i really like your lessons,to be honest i have gained a lot.
i got 4 out of 4 ;)
thank you miss Ronni, I really like your Lesson
Ronie, you are real a great teacher!
Thank you so much for your clear explanations, lessons with your are easy going!
Chau! Greeting from Argentina.
THanks Ronnie,you’re doing very well,everyone likes your lesson .meaning you’re a great teacher and teaching .God bless you.have a good one .
I admire tou style. Thanks a lot.
thank u very much ms Ronni ………….
thanks teacher! cheers!
greetings from Afghanistan!
i got :D 4 correct out of 4 (100)
thanks my dear teacher Ronnie
amazing lesson.. so excited for the next one
Very nicely taught.
Thanks & regards,
thanks ronnie,
you’re great
Very excellent style to teach
thanks i really like your lessons teacher ronnie and you are very funny
hai ronnie
thank you so much
bad and good
bad sujet and good lesson
tanks ” chokran”
Hi Ronnie!I want to ask you about a word ,,ishooz,, I heard alout this word in the movies or when two person speak but when I tried to find in the translate google I didnt find it.It is use only when you talk with a person?This word means ,,ishooz,,-problems?Thank you very much and thank for your help.With your help I learned english,one year ago I didnt know to speak and look at me know!I CAN WRITTE ALSO!thank you for that!A big hug for you!
Issue!! I know English spelling is SO difficult! You are right, issue means problem!
Thank you, It is a great lesson.
Thank U miss Ronnie, You are an excellent teacher. English like me so much and my dreams is to learn speak it.
best regard
I had an accident before in my native country, which still do not allows me to move out properly, and to walk!
My tibia has been broken, my humerus also… :X At the moment I’m trying to develop my muscles and tendons…Which is very difficult.Thanks for the Lesson Ronnie!
thank you so much lovely teacher ,you are the teacher in the world i swear you are , wish you all the best and have a long life
as usual Ronnie is the best. thanks.
alike smash into and crash into I remembered
run into. greetings from Brazil
Thanks a lot for your lessons. I really enjoy them. I don’t want to talk about the work of the other teachers, but i don’t hesitate to say: YOU ARE THE BEST!
Hi Ronnie. I’m sangyeon. I’m from South Korea.
These day I study English to watch your class.
This class is very useful for me.I have a question while I was watching your class.
You said, “brake, broke use to bone”.
What diffrent are this words between brake and fracture?
They are the same.
I thank Engvid and Ronnie for this lesson. The Engvid help me to improve my English. This lesson was easy for me. I got 100 by doing this quz Thanks
thank you so much for the lesson, very useful
Thaks for everything teacher , I like yuor lessons very much ….
hii Ronnie.. i love to see ur video.. it really helps me.. to make my English well but i want to know the use of would have , would have been..
I broke my leg when i was a Kid.
Hi Ronnie
I like your teaching so much.
Thank you!
Yes! I got perfect score.
Hi Ronnie, very nice class.
And very funy your explanation about “blood” =D.
Ronnie, one quetion, situation is next. I can explaine anything on english orally, But I can’t something explain in my E-mail. How I can to learn writing in E-mail? I spend many time for creating E-mail.
Ronnie, I do not spoke English.But Your teaching very useful for me.I like your teaching.thank you so much.
Hi, Ronnie !
Thanks a lot of this lesson about BLOOD. It is very interisting. Love you!
Tell me something.
a good teacher,i like your teaching way very much
Hey Ronnie , I really enjoy ur lessons and u r so funny what makes the lesson very enjoyable , happy to see you every day :)
Hi Mrs Ronnie , when can I say (I have or had broken my arm)?
hi ronnie, its amazing i got 4 out 4.. thanks..
hey ronnie …
i’m not a beginner , i can speak and write english so well , but the problem is that i want to improve my english , and I’ve heard that the best way to improve a language is to speak to someone … and i think that this someone is you , so i hope you understand me and give me the best answer , like a live lessons or something like that …
thank you best teacher :)
As usually you are funny teacher, thanks a lot. I got 100%.
I don’t think that I will study English by oversea teacher. I knew this web when I searched on the youbube.
I understands EN a little. Please to tell me about everything.
Thank for Ronnie !
please ….. as u r too gud in your way of teaching …pls pls pls pls do a video on HOW TO REMEMBER THE PHRASAL VERBS …which are weird to understand and their actual meanings r far away what they apparently look like…… please sleep on it.
hi every body thanx for the course
A tree attacked my car. Crazy zombie tree . Hilarious. U are realy perfect teacher. Greeting from Slovakia.
Thanks got 100%.
Thank u!Very interesting lesson!
Can I say “I met with an accident”, without sounding too formal.
Thank you very much!!!
thanks a lot
got it all correct.
I from vietnam. can you make a subtitle for me. Sorry if I annoy you
that’s great! i like it..
computer doing mistake for quis number 4 ronnie!
yup I means I dont read the instruction correctly!
yup I means I don’t read the instruction correctly!
Great teacher,useful lesson.
This is my skype:KIM-00
it’s my pleasure to find someones and improve our english :)
Hi there, let’s get together on Skype :)
Hollo Ronnie,
Can you give us a lecon about hospital.
I know that you can developpe the idea.
Thinks a lot.
Good job i got 4
Great job! keep it up
Hi mam.
can you help me with some religious based new words.
“especially some typical religious words”
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thanks ronnie, I really enjoy learning English with you because you are my best teacher ever!
American and chines seismologist have been able to forewarn earthquakes. Change the sentence into past perfect tense
Thank you so much Ronnie, I got 3 correct out of 4.
Hi I am kurdish girl i want learn english please help me
Yeah! She broke my heart, trully! ): Hahahah!
”I broke my finger while playing Minecraft”
definitely it was awesome
Thank you Ms. Ronnie.
Thank u for this lesson!
You say blood like a native Russian speaker. It sounds a little rude but funny.
thank you so much
3/4! I didn’t check the question clearly, so I made the mistake.