How old are you? Are you a teen? Are you in your mid-twenties? Late forties? Learn how to talk about your age in English, and learn some new expressions too!
Hi Ronnie!
pleas help me! I have english eczema, but icant`t english! what i doing?? :((
Talking about age is not that easy for Spanish speakers, especially for beginners.
They have a strong tendency to use the verb “To Have” instead of “To Be” when talking about their age.
thank u for the learning to me i am happy
Thank You very much Ronnie. well done
That’s very useful
T…..T Hi,,, Ms.Ronnie,, i like your lessons, but Korea is not the only country in the world where people have two different ages…. China too….
Gr8 addition in my studies
cool lesson sweet Ronnie!!!I like this site very much !!!your lessons are very useful !!! I like you !!!
Great lesson. Thank you very much, i didn’t known the experssion of early, mid of, and late :)
Thank you Ronnie! You are the best! I’ve got 10 of 10
nice lesson ronney but you made me bit disappointed :( because i am 72 and trying hard to learn english why did you say that my one foot is in the grave? it’s not true my dear!! :((((((
Sana, just keep walking! there are a lot of hills to defeat ;)
The age is just a number! You are certainly more active and smarter than a lot of persons! Don’t give up! I really admire people such as you! Learning a new language fill our minds with good things, it’s a good habit and improve our mental health! If you want, you can get it!
+ 2 years in Korea not -2 years
thank u ,the lesson is more benefit
danial blueeye
I appreciate your effort.
This is why you are my favorite EngVid teacher, Ronnie. You always keep me in a good mood.
Thank you so much dear Ronnie. You’re my favorite teacher. I just can to wish good things to you. From Brazil. Hugs!
Lucas Ferreira
one foot is in the grave :) great lesson. thanks Ronnie.
Thank you so much dear Ronnie. You’re my favorite teacher. I just can to wish good things to you. From Brazil. Hugs! :)
thank you very Much teacher
I really like Your lessons. You explain everything very clearly and in very funny way.
Fantastic Ronnie
Great felling to hear your lesson. . Brilliant way to teach. Love to take lesson from you.. You are hot;))
1. “If you are over 60, we would generally call you “silver-haired”.” — why not? xD
2. When do we use “year-old”?
3. Can we use “years-old”?
4. Is there any difference between “year old” and “year-old”?
5. What about age of things? — “My chair is 20”? xD
6. If I’m 12 months, is there another way to say how old I am than “I’m one” or “I’m one year old”?
1. It is rude.
2.Year old only with one.
3.Years old with all other numbers, but one.
4. No
5. yes, you can say how old things are!
6. No.
Thanks. :)
so, if i want to ask or answer, about the age of thinks, like… “shoes, chair, house, dog etc.” the question it would be: how old things are your house?
and the answer would be: it is 21? xD
thank u. I am 19
Thank’s for lesson
i was a great lesson. in fact i was looking for good english speaking course and in the end i found it now..
thanks!! Teacher Ronnie………
Ms. Can you tell me how old you are?I guess you are in eartly 40.
Cuong ta
Not even close! I am 142! I am an old soul!
How many reincarnations do you have ;) ?
Thank you very much! Great lesson..
Marta Tavares
142 wow,what do you mean old soul?young. Sweet heart sounds better,does’t it?
Cuong ta
Old soul means you have been reincarnated many times.
Many Thanks
I am beginner of learning English. But I understand that you are trying to please us. Thank you from Kanagawa Japan. I’m in my early fifties.
Thank you, Ronnie.
thanks very much and really appreciate.
i like the way you walk you talk your smile .
and everyday i check about your new …
have a nice time …..
Nice lesson. I learned a lot. thank you!
Ms can I ask ” how young r u ?” is it ok?
Felicitations! :)
444 “splendid video lessons” !!!!!!
How can I thank u dear Moderator n Profs ??!!
Many tx 4 ur pure kindliness 2 share ur
profitable in4mation with us.
Hope all the best with ur life.
Warm Regards,
Thank u.
pls help me how to use Passive form
Thank you for this lesson. It`s my first comment in this site. I will try to write often.
after a long time I remembered my class room, thanks for good lecture
Ali Jann Vanghar
I believe in reencarnation, so I already had several lifes. So I believe that I am millions years old or I have millions years old?
it was really nice thanks alot
Today is my firt time, very strong for me, but…Thanks, guife
Hi Ronnie I’m 47 years old and I’m learning English with you so when you said one is in the grave I have afraid thank you Ronnie for your lesson I’m funny .
Hi. Ronnie, Im from Honduras Central America, It´s a pleasure to watch your english videos, I´ve learned a lot with you…I´m starting to work in a call center…and your video have been so helpful.
Best Regards…
Lenin Hernandez.
I’m reading news now, and there is a sentence:
“This is allegedly what happened in the 2002 Soham murders, where 13-year-old Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells were killed by Ian Huntley, their school’s caretaker.”
“13-year-old” — Ronnie, you said that “Year old is used only with one”, and there is no difference between “year old” and “year-old”. So, why do we have here “13” and “year-old” and not “years-old”?
As far as I know,it’s (13-year-old) an adj here.
I found that the construction “xx-year-old” can be a noun or an adjective. I’m not sure if both need the dash after number, but “year” is always singular in these forms. But if we use “xx-year-old” as a noun it can be plural — “xx-year-olds”.
So, if I’m right, all below sentences are correct.
The boy is 5 (years old).
There is a 15-year-old boy.
There are two 18-year-olds.
I’m not sure about:
A 15-year-old is dead. — If we use “xx-year-old” as a noun, do we need a determiner?
Do we need something after “xx-year-old”, or can it exist alone if it is in a form of a noun?
Yep,u r absolutely correct!
Actually,ur all sentences r right.
Yes,we need a determiner in such a this sentence.
4 instance: A 15-year-old teenager.
15-year-old(adj) & teenager(n).
U know, in my book it’s not a noun n it can’t use alone.Tell u the truth,in this case I’m not totally sure!!
Glad I could help,
This is from eng wiki:
— “a 20-year-old man” (as a compound modifier) and “the 20-year-old” (as a compound noun) – but “a man, who is 20 years old”
As a matter of fact,I 4got the determiner ” the ”
Roonie, Roonie,
why new things are always for 1-beginners, where are for advanced also?)
thx ronnie for alllll your lesson you are a very goood teacher. and pleasssssssse (engvid)i need lesoon for (aireport;interview visa ) vocabulary :) thx for all your effort
How old are you? Ronnie
hi ronnie i m from Pakistan you are vry good teacher nd thanks’
abas ali
Thank y extremely much Ronnie for all lessens.Iwouldliketo know wtat y mean y r 142.Y r an old soul.Ple.exp.
Is that right if we say “He is in his mid 20’s.„?
u must be in ur late 30’s right Ronnie? me too. good lesson n’ better teacher. cya.
Efrain Dominguez
Are these sentece wrong and please if it’s wrong tell me why
40 year old
242 year-old
it doesn’t matter how old are you what matter is you still so Beauty and i mean what i wrote i am really upset for two or three comments about you Instead of thanking you for what you did for us thank you so much you ‘re my favorite teacher and i wish you all the best
You can say I am 43 years old.
When we describe someone, we say the 43 year old woman. It is optional to use -.
So, it looks like we don’t need the dash at all, and it’s up to the writer if he wants to use dash or not.
I think that I know all what I wanted to know. :)
So, “the 43 year old”, works as adjective of woman because describes her. Right Teacher?
sorry teacher.we must use the 43 years old woman,don’t use the 43 year old woman ,right?
thuy bee
Cool! I wanna more. :)
Ronnie, thanks a lot !! You’re the best teacher in the world. Bye.
Hi Ronnie !good teacher. let me say.You go on 5.You get into your teens. You become 21. You turn 30. You pushing 40 You reach 50 !You make to 60.You hit 70. After that, day by day. But get into 80’s !You became 100, and became a little kid again…By the way. I am in my earlies seventy .Thank’s again,Ronnie
I’m saad
I love Englis language but difficult
I like so much this lesson.
thank you engvid
makboul naoufal
Very thanks your lesson.
My score is 100
it’s 10 out of 10
thanks alot RONNIE ,, I like your way to teach us :)
hello mis ronnie ,i am grateful to you for your efforts to help us . could i say
he is 23 a year old boy .
cuz here year old is an adjective
and boy is a noun ,
is my analysis right or wrong ?
How about 43 years of age.Is this correct way to say that.
Cuong ta
(you have been reincarnated many time)Is this a 100% passive voice sentence?
Cuong ta
Hi Ronnie!!! Thanks for this lesson :)
Thank you .
I really enjoyed the lesson she gave, She was so nice, I could figure out every of the words she said, very good, I loved it ! :D <3
I think she’s one of the best teachers. :)
you are amazing ,,, I like your lesson and the way you teach ,, appreciated ,,, I thank you so much :)
Thanks alot my sweetie teacher
ur lessons helped me a lot…..
thank you so much
thank u ronnie i love the way you are
thanks again, In
December I´ll be over the hill.
Thanks,very good lesson. I happy to know all about age.
You are awesome,you are grate,you aree splandid..and so so.I couldn’t find the best word to thank you even in your vocabulary lessons (videos.)
May God bless you!
You are awesome,you are grate,you aree splandid..and so so.I couldn’t find the best word to thank you even in your vocabulary lessons (videos.)
May God bless you!
alper English teaCHER
thanks Ronnie, funny and nice video.
Davut Bayram
Uuuh so interested
make audio of your video louder, it is very low on your end.
its Good
Fine, Thank you…….
Thank u Ronnie I always like your way of teaching
Ronnie, Thank you for your knoledge. I’ve learned so much.
Hello Ronnie, Pleased to meet ya firstly! I have an enquiry to ur lessons about the ages please? Often I can hear in Enlish language – I’m 33 yero!
So what that means? I’m 33 years old (but something like a shortcut) Or new meaning in English language? Sometimes I’m using I’m 33 yero, even when I have a conversation via phone.Cheers!
I love Ronney, I like her classes she is so friendly, for me you are famous, if I were in Italy I can see her. Greetings from Venezuela.
(am) what is that?I don’t get it.
Cuong ta
Ronnie, thank you for this lesson! You are marvelous!
P.S speaking of “marvellous” and “marvelous”. I’ve seen ’em the both ways. I’m just wondering which is right? What’s the difference?
Best regards from Ukraine!)))
Hello.. Roniee
I am very thankfull for you.
you are very Good and Best teacher…
now my english is strong.. thanks for ever
My Age is 9.
Ronnie how old are you?
Many Thanks…
Thanks Ronnie!!!
thank you
Ronnie,what are you up to?
Cuong ta
it is very good think that you preperd for the beginers and every body
thanks Ronnie!
I´m Lindiomar from Brasil.
go forward
I loved the lesson :D
I love your lesson ,, I’m from Indonesia ,, I even not learn early , mid , late ,,, but I got it from you ,, so thank a lot
Hy my teacher how old are you and where are you from?
I love your lesson ,, I’m from Indonesia ,, I even not learn early , mid , late ,,, but I got it from you ,, so thank a lot
Hy my teacher how old are you and where are you from?
Iwant to speak english
Ronnie,i realy enjoyed your lesson, thank you so so much
tank you very much for teacher Ronnie because she is follow a simple ways for teach
to eazy, thanks!!
im new 2 2 i start?which order?
grammer or exetraaa….
God Bless you miss i really like your teaching style.
Nice lesson.I like it very much.English is very necessary for many day to day activities for example when we meet some one new,how do we introduce ourselves in english,when we go for coffee shop how do we order our coffee,when we visit any stationary shops how do we order books pencils etc., I am learning english with videos like this
Hi Ronnie! How are ya?
I really like your explanation about ages. I didn’t know about arlier, mid and late ages.
Sorry about early!
hı ı am new student ı wan to start learning englısh so where can ı get a cours
ıf you have some ınformation tell me or contact me (
you a good instructor and so sweet and clearly xplain so i appreciate ur efforts thnx alot
Thanks for throwing light on early, mid, late. Your teaching is good, effective, enjoying :)
Thank you so much dear Ronnie. You’re my favorite teacher. I just can to wish good things to you.
I’m a freshman,and I heared your lessons is great.So did you mind me to join yours?
Hello my teacher
That studied the rules fun
Thank you for your efforts
hi ronnie im amer from iraq
Hi Ronnie im Amir from Iraq I’m not that good at English well Can you provide me possible assistance now I write using a dictionary because I speak arabc
Hi I’m from Brazil and I’m trying to learn english, then I found that amazing site, awesome! Great job, Congratulation!I always will be visiting this site! Thank you!
And Ronnie you’re the best!! congratulation!
Thank you for lesson
Rakan AL-Harby
realy i like how she teach us can i find here friends to talk in english with ???
may i know your email id so that we both can do practice english…..because together we can achieve more…
vikas bansal
thank you
Nice style of teaching
Thanks for the lesson, I’m in my mid-fortys and I find that the expression over the hill is a kind of cruelty
Nice and helpful.Thank you !
Hi Ronnie, I just wanna to ask u , what’s better to say in my C.V ,all references furnished upon request or all references are furnished upon request.
References available on request.
I like the lesson, dear sister.
Surendra Kumar Ola
Tank you Ronnie :)
Thank you
Thanks for this lesson!!
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the lesson,
Realy very interesting.
Thank you, Ronny! it was witty and informative
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks a lot of advice for me.
Today so funny learned lesson.
Hi Ronnie, I’d love your splanatiions, very good! Thanks
HI Mrs Ronnie ,I’m one of ur best fans :D , I like ur lessons too much, I really appreciate ur reply,I donna know if I can ask u for a favor ,so if u wanna ,I just wanna u to check my C.V for any errors , if I can send it to u by mail I’ll be so grateful. there is no problem if u reject :D , again Thank u very much,byeee
Dear Ronnie, sometimes I feel upset because it’s easy to understand your english, but it’s very tough to understand the english spoken in TV. What can I do?. By the way I love your classes they are very funny. XD
Hi teacher Ronnie,i am out of words to say how great you are!i am over the hill.
from Haiti
Thank you so much!
Boby Renodin
you are really a good teacher keep it on
“a maker of good soup” made me laugh :) Thanks Ronnie!
thank you so much for your help
Good lesson!!! Thanks
thank you so much for your usefully lessons.
what about if i want to use (early, mid, late) with teens as saying i am in early teens .
Is this correct?
Great lesson! An a cool teacher too. You are the best…
This is brilliant tutorial.
I simply thinks she is so funny and an excellent teacher!!!
I meant to write think.. :(
Thanks Ronnie! you are so funny.
Hi Ms. Ronnnie !
When we say “little and a little ”
” few and a few ”
Thank you :)
Hi!! Teacher, u r very helpful tnx.
Hello, Ronnie. How are you? Nice to meet you…Well, I’m a brazilian girl and I’m learnig to speak english… I still don’t understand English very well..I need subtitles in english in your videos please!!! :)
Thank You
hey i want teach englisg
It was very useful for me. Thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie..
lessons are very good and interesting..Thanx for ur lessons…
great teacher
thaaaaaaaank you teacher …. i love you ___^
greeeeeeeeeat teacher
i love her
greeeeeeeeeat teacher
i love her
from ksa
khaled bahasan
Many thanks Iwould like to explain the deffernt between SOUP nd SOAP
thank you teacher, because i didn’t know about real age meaning. but today i have known.bye
anil rajpoot
Great ! .. Haha you make me laugh when you said over the hill I like very much that expression but the new one for me was one foot in grave.
Thank you for your lesson !
umm…really good to know. thank you.
I am new here.. good lesson ronnie :)
Thank u for your lesson
Ronnie is the best teacher :)
Great lesson, thank you , dear teacher.
Thank you for you teaching, Realy i learned here more lessons, Thank You again
Ahmed Fashion
the funniest teacher in the world, thank you
You are one of my favorite teache here. I feel like I love you :p thank you very much for teaching with good sense of humor. God bless u. I have learned a lot with you!
Angel Shandee
Angel Shandee
Thank you very much Ronnie. I’m learning.
Hi.Ms Ronnie, Im from Morocco North Africa, It´s a pleasure to watch your english videos, I just begin learning with you.Great and nice Teacher.!!!!!!!!love u!!!!!!! your video have been so helpful.
Best Regards…
Brahim Ihraren;
Muslims man from Morocco
Hi again Dr Ronnie, U R helpful, if possible PLZ don’t speak quickly to understand more.
Many TNX Ms Ronnie my best teacher.
Thanks a lot
hey Ronnie let me let u truly that i don think u r 43.
sandy believe
So ! How old are you ?
soufiane fadil
thank you:)
learning english is not complicated at all especially if the teacher has sense of humour, i love the way you teach! God Bless and more powerful to your career:
lovely Ronnie.i really.enjoyed.thankyou so much.i want learn.more.please help me.i never forget your help.Regards.
Mamma Mia!!! I am 34! LOL :D
Thank you teacher you’re best person so thank you so much
Fa haybe
Hi ronia great how are you? Iam from Somalia I stay now in Minnesota thank you for vedio did you help me ronia I don’t anderstand English very fast so thank you ronia
Fa haybe
i am an adult and thank you !!
I totally believe you are not yet 40 age, cause you look so young and energy thank you for your teacher.
All English Language Teachers should be like Ronnie, a lively, bubbly and interesting teacher. Students will learn and understand better.
Joseph Arokianathan Amalraj
Thank You Very Much
Thank You.
i am great fan of you
very useful lecture ………..
Thank You very much.
I don’t mind telling about my age! the world wouldn’t collapse if I speak about it.
Anyways, I have an inquiry miss Ronnie,
Can I say ” one foot INTO the grave” ?
I mean combining the prepositions in with to ? :) I just fell curious :) !!!
Thank you Ronnie
heheheh thank you very much I ansvered q and i am 80 % .i am in my mid 30 ‘s
It’s so great! Thanks
Thanks Ronnie I have been in School since 2007 trying to learn English therefore I can say you are the best teacher ever
It was really nice. I learnt a lot. Thanks you
Hhahah im in my early 20’s
Thank u so much Ronnie
Im gonna be afraid of saying “i almost have one foot in the grave” in ’bout 50 years more…
Thanks Ronnie, your lessons are very nice. I live in Italy. I want to learn English very well. I am 39 year old. I shall come Toronto in march and i want to attend your class .How can i do it?
Thanks Ronnie, You are my favourite teacher over here. :)
thank you teacher
the excellent lesson, thanks ronnie
Who can get less than 100 after this explanation?
Thanks, Ronnie.
thanks so much Ronnie for your useful lesson!
10/10. It helped me mam…
you are the best ,, you make it easy and funny :) ,, thank you :)
I think ( I have 23 ) can be like ( I am 23 ) without years old
because its could be ( I am 23 pieces !
I hope you replay me and thanks a lot
fheed from kuwait
Ronnie! You are a perfect Teacher!!
Amazing program. I am a super fan of Ronnies.
Thanks indeed for such a wonderful and interesting video upload on youtube and engvid which great to learn from it !!
sikandar rahimi
thank u really you are good teacher
and i enjoy yo your lessons always
from Saudi Arabia
great lesson.. spend my sem break with engvid… =)
I got 9 from 10 :)
good lesson
Thankyou Ronnie.
9 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
hi Ronnie
absolutely very interested lesson, Iam Appreciate u my dear teacher ronnie , plz can u help me how can i improve my english learning Coz I want to speak and write english lessons.
thank you so much… its helpful.
yes noni88 , i would like talk to someone too
I have problems with listening Eng and I do not know what I can do . pls I want ur help
how are you?
thank you very much for leccons it is so important
I´m amazed with the way u teach! Its sooooo funny. hope I can learn grammar very well! (and forget – tottaly – about the way we write when we txt ppl – lol).
Thx a lot Ronnie
You are the best:)
thank you ronnie
Good lesson Roonie !
Thanks for your lesson.
thanx a lots mam ….
Thanks Ronnie
thank you :*
i am new here,thank you so much
hello thank you so much for you but i very like to speaking english but my writing it is not good can you helper me plezzzzz
thank you very much that useful
Thanks so much Ronnie…I am so happy to have you as my ENGLISH TUTOR. You are Good……
I got nine out of ten .
Thank you,Ronnie!
Thanks a bunch. You gave very good descriptions.
Dear Ronnie:
What age could someone in his/her mid-twenties be?
Why the anwser is 24? i heard the lesson “mid”is from 5 to 7 ? or 24 is the best answser because its is the closest to 25. i’m new @@
I’m in my mid 50’s. I was over the hill. Now I’m going down the hill. When I become 80, I would say that I have one foot in the grave.
Thanks for your wonderful lessons, Ronnie!
ms Ronnie thank you so much please u can make lesson about letter c sometime we Pronunciation it like letter k in car ,clients why in cinema we Pronunciation like c and other words like k card, cow hope you understand me
Thanks Ronnie.
thanks, superb teaching…
thank u teacher ronnie :)
Thanks, teacher Ronnie!
thank you Ronnie i love you very much <3 :**
Thank again Ronnie, you made a great lesson again.
PS.I am early 20’s.
Thanks Ronnie! Can you say me how can we say if we compare ages of 2 persons. For ex: 1. I have one sister elder than me(that means that she have more years that i have)is this correct? 2. I have one sister younger than me(less yers than me)… I don*t no *_*, please help me. tnxs
and 3. My mom is younger/elder than your mom. tnx
I´m forty all. Just kidding. Thanks Ronnie
Amazing class! I love your classes!
Nice video
You taught in the lesson that I don’t need to say “years old” after my age but should I put that when I say the baby’s age? like he is 3 months years old or 3 months old. If so, why is that? Can’t I just say he is 3 months?
By the way, your lessons and of course other teachers’ are so cool and very helpful. Most things are what I can’t learn from Japanese English teachers.
Thanks very much Ronnie. You are great teacher. :)
thank you
I am late 20`s but!!! in my country I`m early 30`s .ㅜ
Thank you for lesson
I am 12….
But I learned to say “I am 12 years old” at school!
Thank you, was very useful to me.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
Thanks.I learned many expression to describe age.
I will take care of asking people’s age.
Good lesson.
Yuriy Karpenko
Thanks from Russia
I like learn English with you ronnie.
I got 10 correct out of 10. It is really very useful and i can say i have never known about that before :)
Thank you, Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie your amazing I love you
I’m in teen ^^
Thanks got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
thanks alot Ronnie
I love you so much
Asmaa Ahmed Ebrahim
tnxX Ronnie you’r the best ♥
Hey Ronnie !
Is there any short expression for to say ” last year of university ” like a freshman, sophomore ?
Thank you :)
Thanks Ronnie :))
hi Ronnie,
Ihave a question? what,s different bitween big and great?thank you so much.
hi Ronnie….
well i want to know a different question..
what is the correct use of it “anyways” or “anyway”..?
Rishbha Singh
Hi Rishbha, it seems to me that no one answered your question:
As far as I know the correct word is “anyway”:
“The water was cold, but I took a shower anyway.” In this example the word “anyway” means “in spite of it”.
Hope this helps.
Have a nice weekend!
very interesting
greeting ,
before i was confuse to tell about age in english, so now i’m okay grace mme Ronnie,
thak you for that,
best regards!
francois davichen
thank you Ronnie!!
Thank you very much Ronnie, for your explanations always done with a positive attitude really appreciated. Well done. :)
Ehi you,below.How old are you?Thank you!
Great lesson!
aika m
Thanks a lot. It very useful :)
Thx ronnie
Huge thanks!
i’m looking for a foreign(Uk,USA,CA) friend to help my english language
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu
Milagro 555
thank you you are sweet
Thank you for video? 80 % – correct. is it good
Thank you so much Ronnie, You’re great =)I’ve learned a lot from you.
God Bless =)
silly girl
I agree with you Smart Girl, Ronnie is just great. The best is yet to come.
Have a nice weekend !!!
Take care.
thank you Ronnie
Very good it´s a review and all is good to remember.. I like Ronnie she is a good teacher (Y)
Jaime Amaya
Geat lesson,thanks.And I’m only 13
thank you so much Ronnie <3
salma AL-mutairi
Thank you, Ronnie!
you do the best.
Riyadh Nasser
I appreciate your efforts
Riyadh Nasser
wow I got 100%
thanks ronnie..:)
I love Ronnie.Thank you! You inspire me to learn English.
I’ve never learned English like this,thank you Ronnie.
Mostafa Ata
Waoo Ronnie, it’s easy with your way of explaining.
I like the expressions.
Thank you very much.
thx a lot
anyone interested in practising english language can add me @ my facebook id……
vikas bansal
Thanks :)
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Dear Ronnie i have ?4u Toronto is the capital of Canada ?
Good lessan .
Thanks ronnie you are a good teacher
I go 9 of 10 and I am in my late 20.
Thank you Ronnie
Perfect 10!. Thanks again Ronnie. You’re the best
The topic of this lesson made me depressed :( Epecially the last part :(
How should I say if I want to say my exact age?
For example, is it correct to say” I was born on fifth of March of 1990″?
Good one. Very useful. Thank you.
You’re the best ❤️
a great lesson. I learned curious things like over de hill, foot in the grave, it’s so funny! contratulations teacher I like you so much, the way, you explain, clear, slowly, fantastic!
thank you ronnie~
i’m in my mid 30’s
Thank you Ronnie :)
Sandra Marafioti
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
Thank you!
thank you …
I like your lectures
Ali Khalaf
Nice, thank you
thank’s Ronnie <3
Nice lesson, Thank you Ronnie!
Pedro Victor
Iam thrirty….
I am beginning my live right now…
how old are you.. ronie..? :)
Good lesson Thanks
margaret kleinhenz
thanks Ronnie, I am in my early fifties ;)
Thank you! :)
Thanks. It’s useful.
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Nhung
do we have to put the apostrophe when we say ” early 30’s ” ???
we can not say ” early 30s” without apostrophy ?
sara almaarrawi
Thank you Ronnie
very good and cool!
thank you so much
I have gotten a lot of new knowledge especially about early, mid, and late. Now I can say “I am in my 20s” or ” I am in may mid 20s”
a Nice teach
Antonio Viali OSA
very interesting class :)
Great lesson, Ronnie. Thank you!
Acaua Galmarine
thank u so much
I like this class
Ratan kumar das
Very nice, thank you so much
i do not very well =T
Hi Ronnie clear explanation about how to ask for the ages and tell us how old you are lol just joking dear ronnie we love you no matter you were piolin’grannie
marc anthony
I almost forget greetings from surco…
marc anthony
Thank you Ronnie.
That’s my lucky, you’re my teacher
Thanks for teatch me, I am a brasilian
Simple stuff but very helpful. Thank you very much, Ronnie, My favorite instructor at engvid.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great lesson!
Thank you
Hi Ronnie!
pleas help me! I have english eczema, but icant`t english! what i doing?? :((
Talking about age is not that easy for Spanish speakers, especially for beginners.
They have a strong tendency to use the verb “To Have” instead of “To Be” when talking about their age.
thank u for the learning to me i am happy
Thank You very much Ronnie. well done
That’s very useful
T…..T Hi,,, Ms.Ronnie,, i like your lessons, but Korea is not the only country in the world where people have two different ages…. China too….
Gr8 addition in my studies
cool lesson sweet Ronnie!!!I like this site very much !!!your lessons are very useful !!! I like you !!!
Great lesson. Thank you very much, i didn’t known the experssion of early, mid of, and late :)
Thank you Ronnie! You are the best! I’ve got 10 of 10
nice lesson ronney but you made me bit disappointed :( because i am 72 and trying hard to learn english why did you say that my one foot is in the grave? it’s not true my dear!! :((((((
Sana, just keep walking! there are a lot of hills to defeat ;)
The age is just a number! You are certainly more active and smarter than a lot of persons! Don’t give up! I really admire people such as you! Learning a new language fill our minds with good things, it’s a good habit and improve our mental health! If you want, you can get it!
+ 2 years in Korea not -2 years
thank u ,the lesson is more benefit
I appreciate your effort.
This is why you are my favorite EngVid teacher, Ronnie. You always keep me in a good mood.
Thank you so much dear Ronnie. You’re my favorite teacher. I just can to wish good things to you. From Brazil. Hugs!
one foot is in the grave :) great lesson. thanks Ronnie.
Thank you so much dear Ronnie. You’re my favorite teacher. I just can to wish good things to you. From Brazil. Hugs! :)
thank you very Much teacher
I really like Your lessons. You explain everything very clearly and in very funny way.
Fantastic Ronnie
Great felling to hear your lesson. . Brilliant way to teach. Love to take lesson from you.. You are hot;))
1. “If you are over 60, we would generally call you “silver-haired”.” — why not? xD
2. When do we use “year-old”?
3. Can we use “years-old”?
4. Is there any difference between “year old” and “year-old”?
5. What about age of things? — “My chair is 20”? xD
6. If I’m 12 months, is there another way to say how old I am than “I’m one” or “I’m one year old”?
1. It is rude.
2.Year old only with one.
3.Years old with all other numbers, but one.
4. No
5. yes, you can say how old things are!
6. No.
Thanks. :)
so, if i want to ask or answer, about the age of thinks, like… “shoes, chair, house, dog etc.” the question it would be: how old things are your house?
and the answer would be: it is 21? xD
thank u. I am 19
Thank’s for lesson
i was a great lesson. in fact i was looking for good english speaking course and in the end i found it now..
thanks!! Teacher Ronnie………
Ms. Can you tell me how old you are?I guess you are in eartly 40.
Not even close! I am 142! I am an old soul!
How many reincarnations do you have ;) ?
Thank you very much! Great lesson..
142 wow,what do you mean old soul?young. Sweet heart sounds better,does’t it?
Old soul means you have been reincarnated many times.
Many Thanks
I am beginner of learning English. But I understand that you are trying to please us. Thank you from Kanagawa Japan. I’m in my early fifties.
Thank you, Ronnie.
thanks very much and really appreciate.
i like the way you walk you talk your smile .
and everyday i check about your new …
have a nice time …..
Nice lesson. I learned a lot. thank you!
Ms can I ask ” how young r u ?” is it ok?
Felicitations! :)
444 “splendid video lessons” !!!!!!
How can I thank u dear Moderator n Profs ??!!
Many tx 4 ur pure kindliness 2 share ur
profitable in4mation with us.
Hope all the best with ur life.
Warm Regards,
Thank u.
pls help me how to use Passive form
Thank you for this lesson. It`s my first comment in this site. I will try to write often.
after a long time I remembered my class room, thanks for good lecture
I believe in reencarnation, so I already had several lifes. So I believe that I am millions years old or I have millions years old?
it was really nice thanks alot
Today is my firt time, very strong for me, but…Thanks, guife
Hi Ronnie I’m 47 years old and I’m learning English with you so when you said one is in the grave I have afraid thank you Ronnie for your lesson I’m funny .
Hi. Ronnie, Im from Honduras Central America, It´s a pleasure to watch your english videos, I´ve learned a lot with you…I´m starting to work in a call center…and your video have been so helpful.
Best Regards…
Lenin Hernandez.
I’m reading news now, and there is a sentence:
“This is allegedly what happened in the 2002 Soham murders, where 13-year-old Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells were killed by Ian Huntley, their school’s caretaker.”
“13-year-old” — Ronnie, you said that “Year old is used only with one”, and there is no difference between “year old” and “year-old”. So, why do we have here “13” and “year-old” and not “years-old”?
As far as I know,it’s (13-year-old) an adj here.
I found that the construction “xx-year-old” can be a noun or an adjective. I’m not sure if both need the dash after number, but “year” is always singular in these forms. But if we use “xx-year-old” as a noun it can be plural — “xx-year-olds”.
So, if I’m right, all below sentences are correct.
The boy is 5 (years old).
There is a 15-year-old boy.
There are two 18-year-olds.
I’m not sure about:
A 15-year-old is dead. — If we use “xx-year-old” as a noun, do we need a determiner?
Do we need something after “xx-year-old”, or can it exist alone if it is in a form of a noun?
Yep,u r absolutely correct!
Actually,ur all sentences r right.
Yes,we need a determiner in such a this sentence.
4 instance: A 15-year-old teenager.
15-year-old(adj) & teenager(n).
U know, in my book it’s not a noun n it can’t use alone.Tell u the truth,in this case I’m not totally sure!!
Glad I could help,
This is from eng wiki:
— “a 20-year-old man” (as a compound modifier) and “the 20-year-old” (as a compound noun) – but “a man, who is 20 years old”
You can read more at:
As a matter of fact,I 4got the determiner ” the ”
Roonie, Roonie,
why new things are always for 1-beginners, where are for advanced also?)
thx ronnie for alllll your lesson you are a very goood teacher. and pleasssssssse (engvid)i need lesoon for (aireport;interview visa ) vocabulary :) thx for all your effort
How old are you? Ronnie
hi ronnie i m from Pakistan you are vry good teacher nd thanks’
Thank y extremely much Ronnie for all lessens.Iwouldliketo know wtat y mean y r 142.Y r an old soul.Ple.exp.
Is that right if we say “He is in his mid 20’s.„?
u must be in ur late 30’s right Ronnie? me too. good lesson n’ better teacher. cya.
Are these sentece wrong and please if it’s wrong tell me why
40 year old
242 year-old
it doesn’t matter how old are you what matter is you still so Beauty and i mean what i wrote i am really upset for two or three comments about you Instead of thanking you for what you did for us thank you so much you ‘re my favorite teacher and i wish you all the best
You can say I am 43 years old.
When we describe someone, we say the 43 year old woman. It is optional to use -.
So, it looks like we don’t need the dash at all, and it’s up to the writer if he wants to use dash or not.
I think that I know all what I wanted to know. :)
So, “the 43 year old”, works as adjective of woman because describes her. Right Teacher?
sorry teacher.we must use the 43 years old woman,don’t use the 43 year old woman ,right?
Cool! I wanna more. :)
Ronnie, thanks a lot !! You’re the best teacher in the world. Bye.
Hi Ronnie !good teacher. let me say.You go on 5.You get into your teens. You become 21. You turn 30. You pushing 40 You reach 50 !You make to 60.You hit 70. After that, day by day. But get into 80’s !You became 100, and became a little kid again…By the way. I am in my earlies seventy .Thank’s again,Ronnie
I’m saad
I love Englis language but difficult
I like so much this lesson.
thank you engvid
Very thanks your lesson.
My score is 100
it’s 10 out of 10
thanks alot RONNIE ,, I like your way to teach us :)
hello mis ronnie ,i am grateful to you for your efforts to help us . could i say
he is 23 a year old boy .
cuz here year old is an adjective
and boy is a noun ,
is my analysis right or wrong ?
How about 43 years of age.Is this correct way to say that.
(you have been reincarnated many time)Is this a 100% passive voice sentence?
Hi Ronnie!!! Thanks for this lesson :)
Thank you .
I really enjoyed the lesson she gave, She was so nice, I could figure out every of the words she said, very good, I loved it ! :D <3
I think she’s one of the best teachers. :)
you are amazing ,,, I like your lesson and the way you teach ,, appreciated ,,, I thank you so much :)
Thanks alot my sweetie teacher
ur lessons helped me a lot…..
thank you so much
thank u ronnie i love the way you are
thanks again, In
December I´ll be over the hill.
Thanks,very good lesson. I happy to know all about age.
You are awesome,you are grate,you aree splandid..and so so.I couldn’t find the best word to thank you even in your vocabulary lessons (videos.)
May God bless you!
You are awesome,you are grate,you aree splandid..and so so.I couldn’t find the best word to thank you even in your vocabulary lessons (videos.)
May God bless you!
thanks Ronnie, funny and nice video.
Uuuh so interested
make audio of your video louder, it is very low on your end.
its Good
Fine, Thank you…….
Thank u Ronnie I always like your way of teaching
Ronnie, Thank you for your knoledge. I’ve learned so much.
Hello Ronnie, Pleased to meet ya firstly! I have an enquiry to ur lessons about the ages please? Often I can hear in Enlish language – I’m 33 yero!
So what that means? I’m 33 years old (but something like a shortcut) Or new meaning in English language? Sometimes I’m using I’m 33 yero, even when I have a conversation via phone.Cheers!
I love Ronney, I like her classes she is so friendly, for me you are famous, if I were in Italy I can see her. Greetings from Venezuela.
(am) what is that?I don’t get it.
Ronnie, thank you for this lesson! You are marvelous!
P.S speaking of “marvellous” and “marvelous”. I’ve seen ’em the both ways. I’m just wondering which is right? What’s the difference?
Best regards from Ukraine!)))
Hello.. Roniee
I am very thankfull for you.
you are very Good and Best teacher…
now my english is strong.. thanks for ever
My Age is 9.
Ronnie how old are you?
Many Thanks…
Thanks Ronnie!!!
thank you
Ronnie,what are you up to?
it is very good think that you preperd for the beginers and every body
thanks Ronnie!
I´m Lindiomar from Brasil.
go forward
I loved the lesson :D
I love your lesson ,, I’m from Indonesia ,, I even not learn early , mid , late ,,, but I got it from you ,, so thank a lot
Hy my teacher how old are you and where are you from?
I love your lesson ,, I’m from Indonesia ,, I even not learn early , mid , late ,,, but I got it from you ,, so thank a lot
Hy my teacher how old are you and where are you from?
Iwant to speak english
Ronnie,i realy enjoyed your lesson, thank you so so much
tank you very much for teacher Ronnie because she is follow a simple ways for teach
to eazy, thanks!!
im new 2 2 i start?which order?
grammer or exetraaa….
God Bless you miss i really like your teaching style.
Nice lesson.I like it very much.English is very necessary for many day to day activities for example when we meet some one new,how do we introduce ourselves in english,when we go for coffee shop how do we order our coffee,when we visit any stationary shops how do we order books pencils etc., I am learning english with videos like this
Hi Ronnie! How are ya?
I really like your explanation about ages. I didn’t know about arlier, mid and late ages.
Sorry about early!
hı ı am new student ı wan to start learning englısh so where can ı get a cours
ıf you have some ınformation tell me or contact me (
you a good instructor and so sweet and clearly xplain so i appreciate ur efforts thnx alot
Hi Ronnie, realy superb!!!!!
Thank you for the lesson!
Thanks for throwing light on early, mid, late. Your teaching is good, effective, enjoying :)
Thank you so much dear Ronnie. You’re my favorite teacher. I just can to wish good things to you.
I’m a freshman,and I heared your lessons is great.So did you mind me to join yours?
Hello my teacher
That studied the rules fun
Thank you for your efforts
hi ronnie im amer from iraq
Hi Ronnie im Amir from Iraq I’m not that good at English well Can you provide me possible assistance now I write using a dictionary because I speak arabc
Hi I’m from Brazil and I’m trying to learn english, then I found that amazing site, awesome! Great job, Congratulation!I always will be visiting this site! Thank you!
And Ronnie you’re the best!! congratulation!
Thank you for lesson
realy i like how she teach us can i find here friends to talk in english with ???
yes noni88 , i would like talk to someone too
may i know your email id so that we both can do practice english…..because together we can achieve more…
thank you
Nice style of teaching
Thanks for the lesson, I’m in my mid-fortys and I find that the expression over the hill is a kind of cruelty
Nice and helpful.Thank you !
Hi Ronnie, I just wanna to ask u , what’s better to say in my C.V ,all references furnished upon request or all references are furnished upon request.
References available on request.
I like the lesson, dear sister.
Tank you Ronnie :)
Thank you
Thanks for this lesson!!
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for the lesson,
Realy very interesting.
Thank you, Ronny! it was witty and informative
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks a lot of advice for me.
Today so funny learned lesson.
Hi Ronnie, I’d love your splanatiions, very good! Thanks
HI Mrs Ronnie ,I’m one of ur best fans :D , I like ur lessons too much, I really appreciate ur reply,I donna know if I can ask u for a favor ,so if u wanna ,I just wanna u to check my C.V for any errors , if I can send it to u by mail I’ll be so grateful. there is no problem if u reject :D , again Thank u very much,byeee
Dear Ronnie, sometimes I feel upset because it’s easy to understand your english, but it’s very tough to understand the english spoken in TV. What can I do?. By the way I love your classes they are very funny. XD
Hi teacher Ronnie,i am out of words to say how great you are!i am over the hill.
from Haiti
Thank you so much!
you are really a good teacher keep it on
“a maker of good soup” made me laugh :) Thanks Ronnie!
thank you so much for your help
Good lesson!!! Thanks
thank you so much for your usefully lessons.
what about if i want to use (early, mid, late) with teens as saying i am in early teens .
Is this correct?
Great lesson! An a cool teacher too. You are the best…
This is brilliant tutorial.
I simply thinks she is so funny and an excellent teacher!!!
I meant to write think.. :(
Thanks Ronnie! you are so funny.
Hi Ms. Ronnnie !
When we say “little and a little ”
” few and a few ”
Thank you :)
Hi!! Teacher, u r very helpful tnx.
Hello, Ronnie. How are you? Nice to meet you…Well, I’m a brazilian girl and I’m learnig to speak english… I still don’t understand English very well..I need subtitles in english in your videos please!!! :)
Thank You
hey i want teach englisg
It was very useful for me. Thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie..
lessons are very good and interesting..Thanx for ur lessons…
great teacher
thaaaaaaaank you teacher …. i love you ___^
greeeeeeeeeat teacher
i love her
greeeeeeeeeat teacher
i love her
from ksa
Many thanks Iwould like to explain the deffernt between SOUP nd SOAP
thank you teacher, because i didn’t know about real age meaning. but today i have known.bye
Great ! .. Haha you make me laugh when you said over the hill I like very much that expression but the new one for me was one foot in grave.
Thank you for your lesson !
umm…really good to know. thank you.
I am new here.. good lesson ronnie :)
Thank u for your lesson
Ronnie is the best teacher :)
Great lesson, thank you , dear teacher.
Thank you for you teaching, Realy i learned here more lessons, Thank You again
the funniest teacher in the world, thank you
You are one of my favorite teache here. I feel like I love you :p thank you very much for teaching with good sense of humor. God bless u. I have learned a lot with you!
Thank you very much Ronnie. I’m learning.
Hi.Ms Ronnie, Im from Morocco North Africa, It´s a pleasure to watch your english videos, I just begin learning with you.Great and nice Teacher.!!!!!!!!love u!!!!!!! your video have been so helpful.
Best Regards…
Brahim Ihraren;
Muslims man from Morocco
Hi again Dr Ronnie, U R helpful, if possible PLZ don’t speak quickly to understand more.
Many TNX Ms Ronnie my best teacher.
Thanks a lot
hey Ronnie let me let u truly that i don think u r 43.
So ! How old are you ?
thank you:)
learning english is not complicated at all especially if the teacher has sense of humour, i love the way you teach! God Bless and more powerful to your career:
lovely Ronnie.i really.enjoyed.thankyou so much.i want learn.more.please help me.i never forget your help.Regards.
Mamma Mia!!! I am 34! LOL :D
Thank you teacher you’re best person so thank you so much
Hi ronia great how are you? Iam from Somalia I stay now in Minnesota thank you for vedio did you help me ronia I don’t anderstand English very fast so thank you ronia
i am an adult and thank you !!
I totally believe you are not yet 40 age, cause you look so young and energy thank you for your teacher.
All English Language Teachers should be like Ronnie, a lively, bubbly and interesting teacher. Students will learn and understand better.
Thank You Very Much
Thank You.
i am great fan of you
very useful lecture ………..
Thank You very much.
I don’t mind telling about my age! the world wouldn’t collapse if I speak about it.
Anyways, I have an inquiry miss Ronnie,
Can I say ” one foot INTO the grave” ?
I mean combining the prepositions in with to ? :) I just fell curious :) !!!
Thank you Ronnie
heheheh thank you very much I ansvered q and i am 80 % .i am in my mid 30 ‘s
It’s so great! Thanks
Thanks Ronnie I have been in School since 2007 trying to learn English therefore I can say you are the best teacher ever
It was really nice. I learnt a lot. Thanks you
Hhahah im in my early 20’s
Thank u so much Ronnie
Im gonna be afraid of saying “i almost have one foot in the grave” in ’bout 50 years more…
Thanks Ronnie, your lessons are very nice. I live in Italy. I want to learn English very well. I am 39 year old. I shall come Toronto in march and i want to attend your class .How can i do it?
Thanks Ronnie, You are my favourite teacher over here. :)
thank you teacher
the excellent lesson, thanks ronnie
Who can get less than 100 after this explanation?
Thanks, Ronnie.
thanks so much Ronnie for your useful lesson!
10/10. It helped me mam…
you are the best ,, you make it easy and funny :) ,, thank you :)
I think ( I have 23 ) can be like ( I am 23 ) without years old
because its could be ( I am 23 pieces !
I hope you replay me and thanks a lot
Ronnie! You are a perfect Teacher!!
Amazing program. I am a super fan of Ronnies.
Thanks indeed for such a wonderful and interesting video upload on youtube and engvid which great to learn from it !!
thank u really you are good teacher
and i enjoy yo your lessons always
from Saudi Arabia
great lesson.. spend my sem break with engvid… =)
I got 9 from 10 :)
good lesson
Thankyou Ronnie.
9 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
hi Ronnie
absolutely very interested lesson, Iam Appreciate u my dear teacher ronnie , plz can u help me how can i improve my english learning Coz I want to speak and write english lessons.
thank you so much… its helpful.
yes noni88 , i would like talk to someone too
I have problems with listening Eng and I do not know what I can do . pls I want ur help
how are you?
thank you very much for leccons it is so important
I´m amazed with the way u teach! Its sooooo funny. hope I can learn grammar very well! (and forget – tottaly – about the way we write when we txt ppl – lol).
Thx a lot Ronnie
You are the best:)
thank you ronnie
Good lesson Roonie !
Thanks for your lesson.
thanx a lots mam ….
Thanks Ronnie
thank you :*
i am new here,thank you so much
hello thank you so much for you but i very like to speaking english but my writing it is not good can you helper me plezzzzz
thank you very much that useful
Thanks so much Ronnie…I am so happy to have you as my ENGLISH TUTOR. You are Good……
I got nine out of ten .
Thank you,Ronnie!
Thanks a bunch. You gave very good descriptions.
Dear Ronnie:
What age could someone in his/her mid-twenties be?
Why the anwser is 24? i heard the lesson “mid”is from 5 to 7 ? or 24 is the best answser because its is the closest to 25. i’m new @@
I’m in my mid 50’s. I was over the hill. Now I’m going down the hill. When I become 80, I would say that I have one foot in the grave.
Thanks for your wonderful lessons, Ronnie!
ms Ronnie thank you so much please u can make lesson about letter c sometime we Pronunciation it like letter k in car ,clients why in cinema we Pronunciation like c and other words like k card, cow hope you understand me
Thanks Ronnie.
thanks, superb teaching…
thank u teacher ronnie :)
Thanks, teacher Ronnie!
thank you Ronnie i love you very much <3 :**
Thank again Ronnie, you made a great lesson again.
PS.I am early 20’s.
Thanks Ronnie! Can you say me how can we say if we compare ages of 2 persons. For ex: 1. I have one sister elder than me(that means that she have more years that i have)is this correct? 2. I have one sister younger than me(less yers than me)… I don*t no *_*, please help me. tnxs
and 3. My mom is younger/elder than your mom. tnx
I´m forty all. Just kidding. Thanks Ronnie
Amazing class! I love your classes!
Nice video
You taught in the lesson that I don’t need to say “years old” after my age but should I put that when I say the baby’s age? like he is 3 months years old or 3 months old. If so, why is that? Can’t I just say he is 3 months?
By the way, your lessons and of course other teachers’ are so cool and very helpful. Most things are what I can’t learn from Japanese English teachers.
Thanks very much Ronnie. You are great teacher. :)
thank you
I am late 20`s but!!! in my country I`m early 30`s .ㅜ
Thank you for lesson
I am 12….
But I learned to say “I am 12 years old” at school!
Thank you, was very useful to me.
Thanks a lot, Ronnie.
Thanks.I learned many expression to describe age.
I will take care of asking people’s age.
Good lesson.
Thanks from Russia
I like learn English with you ronnie.
I got 10 correct out of 10. It is really very useful and i can say i have never known about that before :)
Thank you, Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie your amazing I love you
I’m in teen ^^
Thanks got 90%.
thanks alot Ronnie
I love you so much
tnxX Ronnie you’r the best ♥
Hey Ronnie !
Is there any short expression for to say ” last year of university ” like a freshman, sophomore ?
Thank you :)
Thanks Ronnie :))
hi Ronnie,
Ihave a question? what,s different bitween big and great?thank you so much.
hi Ronnie….
well i want to know a different question..
what is the correct use of it “anyways” or “anyway”..?
Hi Rishbha, it seems to me that no one answered your question:
As far as I know the correct word is “anyway”:
“The water was cold, but I took a shower anyway.” In this example the word “anyway” means “in spite of it”.
Hope this helps.
Have a nice weekend!
very interesting
greeting ,
before i was confuse to tell about age in english, so now i’m okay grace mme Ronnie,
thak you for that,
best regards!
thank you Ronnie!!
Thank you very much Ronnie, for your explanations always done with a positive attitude really appreciated. Well done. :)
Ehi you,below.How old are you?Thank you!
Great lesson!
Thanks a lot. It very useful :)
Thx ronnie
Huge thanks!
i’m looking for a foreign(Uk,USA,CA) friend to help my english language
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu
thank you you are sweet
Thank you for video? 80 % – correct. is it good
Thank you so much Ronnie, You’re great =)I’ve learned a lot from you.
God Bless =)
I agree with you Smart Girl, Ronnie is just great. The best is yet to come.
Have a nice weekend !!!
Take care.
thank you Ronnie
Very good it´s a review and all is good to remember.. I like Ronnie she is a good teacher (Y)
Geat lesson,thanks.And I’m only 13
thank you so much Ronnie <3
Thank you, Ronnie!
you do the best.
I appreciate your efforts
wow I got 100%
thanks ronnie..:)
I love Ronnie.Thank you! You inspire me to learn English.
I’ve never learned English like this,thank you Ronnie.
Waoo Ronnie, it’s easy with your way of explaining.
I like the expressions.
Thank you very much.
thx a lot
anyone interested in practising english language can add me @ my facebook id……
Thanks :)
Thank you!
Dear Ronnie i have ?4u Toronto is the capital of Canada ?
Good lessan .
Thanks ronnie you are a good teacher
I go 9 of 10 and I am in my late 20.
Thank you Ronnie
Perfect 10!. Thanks again Ronnie. You’re the best
The topic of this lesson made me depressed :( Epecially the last part :(
How should I say if I want to say my exact age?
For example, is it correct to say” I was born on fifth of March of 1990″?
Good one. Very useful. Thank you.
You’re the best ❤️
a great lesson. I learned curious things like over de hill, foot in the grave, it’s so funny! contratulations teacher I like you so much, the way, you explain, clear, slowly, fantastic!
thank you ronnie~
i’m in my mid 30’s
Thank you Ronnie :)
Thanks you so much
Thank you!
thank you …
I like your lectures
Nice, thank you
thank’s Ronnie <3
Nice lesson, Thank you Ronnie!
Iam thrirty….
I am beginning my live right now…
how old are you.. ronie..? :)
Good lesson Thanks
thanks Ronnie, I am in my early fifties ;)
Thank you! :)
Thanks. It’s useful.
do we have to put the apostrophe when we say ” early 30’s ” ???
we can not say ” early 30s” without apostrophy ?
Thank you Ronnie
very good and cool!
thank you so much
I have gotten a lot of new knowledge especially about early, mid, and late. Now I can say “I am in my 20s” or ” I am in may mid 20s”
a Nice teach
very interesting class :)
Great lesson, Ronnie. Thank you!
thank u so much
I like this class
Very nice, thank you so much
i do not very well =T
Hi Ronnie clear explanation about how to ask for the ages and tell us how old you are lol just joking dear ronnie we love you no matter you were piolin’grannie
I almost forget greetings from surco…
Thank you Ronnie.
That’s my lucky, you’re my teacher
Thanks for teatch me, I am a brasilian
Simple stuff but very helpful. Thank you very much, Ronnie, My favorite instructor at engvid.
Thanks Ronnie!
10/10! Great! I am late 30’s.
Thanks teacher ☺️
hello every one
Thank you, Ronnie
Thanks you’re best teacher
Thank you!