At Thanksgiving, people in North America eat turkey… but why? What do they celebrate? Learn about a North American hoilday that has different dates and customs in the USA and Canada.
Hi there! I would like to improve their English by talking on skype. If there is anyone interested – Writing on my skype – bondek12
bondek 12
Thank you Ronnie! so much!
bondek 12
Hey man. add wallace_vbs on skype.
I would like to practice also on skype. austinserch is mine
Yay A new vedao showed up! :D
First, could you explain me the difrence between crops and harvest?
Secondly, I`ve heard that thanksgiving is because of indians gave food to the “first white people” when this white ppl had not any food and this day was 4th of Nov. But I believe that you are correct o.O Not me..
And last, I love your videos! :D (my mom too, she`s just started learning English and started with you! :D
The difference between crops and harvest is hard to explain. Basically, crops are the food growing in the field, while harvest is the picked food. Harvest can also be a verb or a noun-meaning one can harvest crops. And yes, you are right, the Native Americans (as is the politically correct term) helped the settlers survive their first year, so the two groups shared a meal together. Hope this answered your questions! (I’m from the United States, so I know a thing or two about the subject!)
hi simle,
how is it going, i hope it so well
i’m searching for people like you who i can talk with about cultures and history
so this is my skpe name, it would be my pleasure to add me…
King Abood
hi smile**
King Abood
hellohello everybody; I want to inform you that in Morocco and all muslim country two Thanksgiving feast, the first one in the end of Ramadan(Arab month) after month of fasting from dawn to sunrise every day; With the exception of patients and the elderly, and all who can not fast as women pregnant, after sunset; we start our breakfast eating some dates and then we pray to thank God who has given us the ability to fast. and we eat a pre-dawn a meal called Assohour; after the end of Ramadan, we celebrate the blessings that God has given us; The other feast I’ll tell about it later
well thank
god is the one and only the one who created you and me and everything your little little mind can imagine or know of this biggest world
have a nice day
well.. I think that “GOD” made a mistake creating us.. we r destroying everything “HE” created… leave the teacher alone…
are you two serious?
Thank you soo much i like it
I Love your lessons about Holidays !! Thank you Ronnie !! I’m looking forward to the next video about Christmas day !!!
Thanks Ronnie. I heard about thanksgiving but don’t know what the meaning is. Your explanation make me understand what thanksgiving is.
“Who is God?”, Shame on you
fuck! hell with you :@
God bless you man!
my good fellow Mithruas this website is for everyone in every place of the world therefore there are many people with different cultures and gods, pick one and be happy the rest of us know that she can’t give an absolute answer presicely to no offense
“Why is everybody so serious?” – Lyric from Price Tag
I love this song!!!
Hahaha I love you yoo
I love it, too! there was a mistake on my Keyboard.
Gaaaaay!!(meme) Haha just kidding
I love all your lesson and your teach way
Many thanks
In Japan, it has Labor Thanksgiving Day. It is also National Holiday. I didn’t know Thanksgiving Day of Canada and USA were different. But Thanksgiving day of both countries are same meaning, aren’t they? I think Thanksgiving Day matches Harvest and God. Because it is different from labors (workers) if foods(or products) would grow well or not…I’m afraid…haha. Thank you Ronnie. It is great lesson for me :)
hi my fav teacher:)
i have question about present perfect and past perfect tenses… I had watched your video about ’em but i still confused… please send me email
hello everyone! a good lesson ,thank you:)
Liana Mkrtchyan
i’ve becme a fan of yours :)
Abdul Qayum
Answering your question: no, actually we do not have a holiday similar to your thanksgiving. But anyways, thanks for your helpful video.
Thank you Ronnie) Very Nice lesson)
hi roonie please can you help me? because i have confused about what the different with (for ex). i say:he is ….
he dose ….
he will ….
he have ….
what they are means ? or when can i use ( is ,dose,will,have) thank you ronnie
He does is present tense.
He will is future.
He HAS + noun.
Good lesson!
Thanks, Ronnie! You’re great and it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not!
Thank you. Your so nice teacher and so frndly. X x
muhammad rashid
Hi ronnie, you re great, thank you for your lessons. Here in france, we have a special harvest, on 4th thursday in november. It is called beaujolais day. Sante !
Ugg! Sorry for this mistake, it is the third thursday…
may be i have used the scorcrew before the date…
I love your lessons, I want so much improvemy English!
improve my English, sorry.
We have Festival of Lanterns. Chinese people will enjoy the lantern show and eat sweet dumplings(元宵). Wait… Sweet dumplings??? Kind of weird name… I would like to call it “Yuan Xiao” in English which has a name translated from CHN input method.
Thank you! That was nice, besides I was always wondering where this holiday’s from!
Congratulations, your lesson was great. But you need to know about God. It created everything. If you would like to know him, just calling him.
God bless you..
Best regards….
thanks, Ronnie.
I like it.
Aree TK
Hi ma’m Ronnie.the lesson was good.
thank you for that!
You know ma’m you look beautiful but you should loose some weight after that you’re gonna look very beautiful.
Well would you please answer my one of questions! my question is below;
1- What does ‘have had’ mean and how do we use it
and also in which situation do we use it?
please please please answer me !
Wish you a very good day or night!depending on you’re reading it.
What is the name of that remote and dark village where you were raised?
Just because you live in some american country or some big and famous city or somewhere, does not make you any wiser or anything.
Well let me tell you something the comment I made last time was made so long before and apparently I realize that they were not so appropriate.
Not that I intended to insult any of our great teachers or anyone on EngVid but It was rather an innocent comment.
It’s been so long since I’m with this site and probably way longer than you’re.
So have some respect for people who came on this great site earlier than you did.
Okey-Dokey, Smokey!
Well as matter of fact I’m Suraj which means ‘Sun’ so be careful with me.
It is very commendable that you can admit your mistakes.
And I am not afraid of the Sun because I have a large sun umbrella and a bottle of sunscreen.
However, I don’t understand, why are you better than me just because you use this site longer?
I wish you good luck and clouds never block your clear and warm light!
Wish you the same dear!
and as matter of fact I got to say that you’re reasonable for what you say.
Well, I’m no better or anything than you or anybody for that matter but one thing you must be agree with me on; and that is that we must respect one another cause we’re like classmates {Studying on the same site} in way, right?
And wait by the way I’m from India and as you know my name is Suraj.
I really would like to know where are you from and what your good name is.
Thanks a lot, you are the best teacher :)
In Poland we have the Dożynki. In August. We celebrate the food.
Thanks so much
In Korea, Thanksgiving day is August 15 of the lunar calendar. It is called the Chuseok.
In Vietnam,the harvest holidays don’t have exactly name. They are celebrated after the TET holiday, on Jan, Feb and Mar. On this occation, we have cooking competitions, planning, opening the fair…
Thanks for lession. ^^
thanks ronnie
Thanks, very formative lesson
Well, I’m not sure but I think that things were kinda different. I read that the Pilgrims were starving to death and had not food at all. Then, the local indians helped them with the crops and everything got better…What happened next? The Pilgrims betrayed the indians, took their lands and yadayada…..
Marcelo Machado
“Had NO food.”
Marcelo Machado
hiii plz what is the different between can & could …. ronnie
Can is present tense.
Could is past!
OK all right
Thanks you ‘thanksgiving’topice teaching but your teaching same topc to begineer,Intermdditate and advance level.Is it right such system to teaching english Language?
Ganga Chhetri
A few of our lessons are useful for people at all levels, and this is one of them! Most, however, are just categorized as one level.
engVid Moderator
dear Ronnie
I have shock,your are teaching same topic to beginner,intermediate,advance,tops,and vocabulary.what does mean different between the level?could you teach me?
Ganga Chhetri
Hi, I want to improve my English, then I think the right place!
I love your lessons!
Hi, I want to improve my English, then I think that here is the right place!
I love your lessons!
hey.. U forgot the part when the 1st immigrants invite the native people, gave them food, got them drunk and after that they took over their land.. thats why this celebration is for…
That’s true and I said that in my comment.
Marcelo Machado
but after a while, the people from the south came with some herbs… and are helping to leave everything behind and start fresh.. now we have a lot of cultures in 1 place.. those herbs are called Marihuana…
yeah, this is truth in Mexico we don’t celebrant this date, but we have a lot holydays, we have the Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution in November 20th, but dinner together with all family only in Christmas.
I love your lessons
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks to your sharing of holiday in Canada & USA. In the Philippines, we do not have thanks giving holiday but we always have vacations over the year because of typhoon. ):
In Canada they do not think of religion is necessary but they believed there is creator.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for all your lessons,
I was wondering if you can make a topic about how to use would in English Canadian, I have been listening to much of using word in my work place when people talking to each other but I can not figure out the might be conditional sentence but I do not think so, I know is going to take a couple of lessons for you to cover it, I thinks its one of the hard one in English.
There are already lessons on engvid on would! Just search “would”
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson
Yesterday was impossible for me to make a coment, sometimes does not appear the proper page
Jesús R.
thank you for this lesson
I like your teaching…………
Dear Ronnie,
First of all many thanks for your lessons. I just love watching your videos. You are amazing!!!! Also all of your colleagues of course!!!
Recently I heard an expression: “flat out” e.g. She is flat out trying to get documents for customers. What does “flat out” mean in this context. I know my question is not related to this lesson…but I thought you could explain it to me/us.
Many thanks Ronnie in advance.
Have a smily week :-)
Flat out means to try to do something without hiding it. Eg.She doesn’t try to hide the fact that she is getting documents for customers.
Many thanks Ronnie!!!!
thank you very mach
Respected teacher Ronni..I`m Humaira from Pakistan.I want to learn English from engVid but I can`t watch any video here as You Tube is banned in Pakistan.Please tell me what should I do to get English lesson`s video from engVid?I`m waiting for your reply.Thanks.
Humaira Baloch
Sorry I don’t know!
Why is you tube banned?
Thanks alot Ronnie♥♥♥
Bodour almalki
Is this first lesson
thank you very much ronnie
Hi…me shahzaib nomani i want to improve in English as well as make me frequent in speaking English …please teacher help me..i “ll be very thankful to you…
shahzaib nomani
excuse me, teacher. I have a few question. I really dont know why I cant use my new words in my writing though I have studied them many time. The second question is what should I do to learn a bunch of new words in a short time.. thank you and hope to see your answer soon.
khanh huyen
You should try to learn 10 new words each week.
thanks ,Ronnie
moustafa mohamed
I Thank You All Of who supporting this webpage from teachers and students .. :)
That is awesome madam. and thanks in advance for 28th November :-)
Thank you Ronnie) Very Nice lesson)
Mohamed Farid
My name is Katherine,I’m 14 years old
OMG!Thank u for this lesson!I’m sorry for this queastion,but…I can’t learn verbs 1st,2nd 3rd form
How can I do this?
Thank u so much!
Hello, i noticed that you said in november and on November, in thanksgiving and on thanksgiving, could you please explain me the correct use of in and on prepositions, in this video it makes me get confused
Thans….a lot
Thanks a lot. You are my best teacher!!
Thanks for hints :D
Hi, you’re great, I really like their classes and I’m learnig a lot. I wish much happiness for you.
thanks for your teaching!
hi.. Im syed sikandar from india
syed sikandar
Hi, Ronnie! You are so funny! I love your video classes! I would like to watch a video with you about Movember. Thanks!
Thanks! dear You are just like god.
Hi, Ronnie my name is kashif.
You are more than a celebrity for me. you are the best in what you do however I m confused about one thing, I watched your video(was and were)and now I am really confused because have seen people using were with I as, please let me know when and why we can use were with I or if there more exceptions please let me know about it.
hi dear friends how can i download this lessen?
when i download it has very short volume. 508 kb.
wat should i do?
No Problem! You just download IDM- Internet Download Manager after installing it you should restart your browser then you should be asked to install an extension or plugin of idm or internet download manager. After installing extension or plugin you’ll find download box either at the top of video screen or in the bottom which would be blue in colour after that you’ll find this download option almost every where If there’s any video file on webpage.
2nd Method,
Just download a youtube downloader copy the youtube video link and paste it into the software url bar and start downloading it.
she’s incredible Teacher I love her style in teaching
Ammar Salih
Thanks teacher!!
hi there, my name’s Linh from Vietnam, I want to inprove my English by talking or chatting, if u are interested, Writing on my skype – linhkieu7, thanks.
thank youuuuuuuuuuu :)
Well done Ronnie, I like the way you teach and I appreciate that! I’ve a one request to you to prepare lesson on causative verb I couldn’t find causative lessons on site hopefully you’ll prepare one for us. Thanks
Awesome way to teach!
Thank you, Ronnie. I enjoy your lessons! We do not celebrate the harvest in Russia. Some Russians celebrate “Apple Savior” in august. It is a signal that the people are allowed to collect apple. Orthodox Christians come to church to consecrate apples on this day.
Hi Ronnie, I would like to get your e-mail. I have got an idea, but I would like to present it by mail.My email is:
Thanks in advanced!
Regards, Julian Filev
No Ronnie, in my homecontry nobody knows thanks giving harvest, people only celebrate the carnival here.
Hey! I’m waiting for the vídeo about Christmas, New years eve and New years day.
Thank you Ronnie! I discovered this video on YT and I’m arrived here! You’re very funny and you explains very well because you speak very slow, so I can understand any single word and this is great!!! Thank you!!!
thanks for giving us a lesson Ronnie.
Thank you, Ronnie.
Ronnie Ronnie
Listen Up!!!
I like your teaching style.
Me too , i like your way when you make that action
moustafa mohamed
Thanks Ronnie!
In south korea It is called chusek in 15th august.
thanks a lot
East or West
Ronnie is the Best
The word “Thanksgiving” does not mean “Thanks for the giving,” as she implied. Rather, the word “Thanksgiving” refers to the action of giving thanks!
Dear thanks it’s really helping to understand festival …!
But dear Ronnie where is quiz ? I don’t see it please tell me about this video quiz I don’t find I here
Thank you Ronie!
you´re so funny ^^
Thank you Ronnie.
It’s very useful to your classes we are learn more thank you Ronnie!
Sadiq Ris
what a shame, you should find out your god roonie!
thank mam you are so nice and have good teacher i love you.
as muslims we thanks GOD in evey moment of our life, i respect you Ronnie but i don’t like whene you said ” whose GOD ? i don’t now ” you should respect religious people, peace.
Great Information Ronnie.
great u are the best in this websat
salah shahoub
I can’t to stop to listen lessons. You are amazing.It’s a pleasure to learn. Tks a lot.
Marize Mori
thanks, Ronnie))
thank u ronnie
Hello, Ronnie?
Thank you very much.
Julio Cesar Soares de Barros
First of all I want to thank you for your lessons.You really show us how learning can be fun one the teacher loves what he/she ‘s doing. I’ve got one question that I’d like you to answer to me, if you don’t mind. Should we say: be good IN Something or be good AT something? And why? Thank you very much……
when the teacher(correction)
Thanks Ronnie!
There is no similar to Thanksgiving holiday in Belarus.. so this is strange for me) if you want to thank – just do it! why are you waiting for a holiday?) (kidding)
Thank you Ronnie! Your lessons are awesome!
Excellent teaching
Actually, my country doesn’t celebrate any thanks giving days…… they don’t celebrate any parades but they do celebrate festivals(but not thanksgiving day festivals!!!)…
Imelle John Christian Lee
Imelle John Christian Lee
:lol: :D
Imelle John Christian Lee
Thank you, RONNIE! :)
Thank you! You are so great :-)
It is the same question for me too; Who is the “GoD”?
Ronnie, was it true that in the U.S.A, Thanksgiving is more important than Christmas Day? In Philippines, we had many kind of holidays, one of these was “Ninoy Aquino Day”, he was the former senator of our country, because he wanted to point out the people who were corrupted, he was assassinated.
Ronnie,You’re the best one !!!
ronie u r the best teacher thank u alot
Eng daad
Wuauuu!!! It’s great to learn English with youRonnie.
Thanks dear i do love you so much I love your style too but please more grammar if you can I really need it thanks again
thanks Ronnie
Dear Ronnie
Many thanks for you and I want to tell you that We have ally 2 feast in Egypt and Arab counteries
But every day we thanks our GOD that we have Good health
All human begnes have great God
I am not going to ask you for anything, dear Ronnie. I just want to say thank you! You are doing all your best for us.
My virtual hugs and kisses!
God bless you!
We not have thanksgiving holiday in Brasil. The act to say thanks to God before meals is costum of people from protestant religion. The catholics have different
habits. In the christmas brasilians eats turkey.(american influences). I like codfish and potatoes(portuguese influences). Thanks.
Luiz Moreira
Hi Ronnie
Long time no access your amazing classes.
I would you like to thanks for all your contribuitions a mavelous classes.
One day I´ll get in Canada to know you.
see yaa
Excellent lesson Ronnie, thank you, I have heard a word Pilgrim so many times before (in the British show Deal or no deal) and never knew, what it means :) So.. thank you very much again.
Sasha J.
thanksgiving Ronnie I’m hungry probably I eat turkey today
Thank you very much Ronnie!
Good evening Ronnie. I like so much to watch your lessons, you are a fun people. I don’t have a good english, but i am learning to be fluet a day.
Fabio Carvalho
Thanks Ronnie, in my country doesn’t have a day for celebrate the harves, but I think is a intresting celebration
Thank you.
Marta Lopez
Please call me in SKYPE :sergio.martins777
I would like improve my english!
smart ESL
its was very informative ronnie, the way we muslims have a little smilier of thanksgiving in our community called RAMADAN its a holly month for muslims and we fasting untill the sunsit after that we eat our food and thanks our GOD for that.
Ronnie, hello! Do you say: congratulations on thanksgiving (Or any other national holiday)?
Thank you Ronnie!! :)
Thanks Ronnie. This lesson was great.
I love watching your videos.
ignacio MR
i love you Ronnie you’re great teacher
usama almur
where’s the test section i didn’t find it
usama almur
thank you. i always thank to the Pachamama our god.
vane Osorio
Ronnie tell us more about Thanksgiving. For example, different ways to say thanks in Thanksgiving. I wanna be ready to celebrate it in America.
Thank’s Ronnie.
Angel Rocha
Thanks Ronnie so much!
It’s a pleasure to listen to you . thanks
why no quiz?
al willis
Thanks, Ronnie! In China, we have no festival like Thanksgiving. Chongyang Festival is the same month as Canadian Thanksgiving. Chongyang Festival is an old people festival in China.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you Ronnie!
Hi there! I would like to improve their English by talking on skype. If there is anyone interested – Writing on my skype – bondek12
Thank you Ronnie! so much!
Hey man. add wallace_vbs on skype.
I would like to practice also on skype. austinserch is mine
Yay A new vedao showed up! :D
First, could you explain me the difrence between crops and harvest?
Secondly, I`ve heard that thanksgiving is because of indians gave food to the “first white people” when this white ppl had not any food and this day was 4th of Nov. But I believe that you are correct o.O Not me..
And last, I love your videos! :D (my mom too, she`s just started learning English and started with you! :D
The difference between crops and harvest is hard to explain. Basically, crops are the food growing in the field, while harvest is the picked food. Harvest can also be a verb or a noun-meaning one can harvest crops. And yes, you are right, the Native Americans (as is the politically correct term) helped the settlers survive their first year, so the two groups shared a meal together. Hope this answered your questions! (I’m from the United States, so I know a thing or two about the subject!)
hi simle,
how is it going, i hope it so well
i’m searching for people like you who i can talk with about cultures and history
so this is my skpe name, it would be my pleasure to add me…
hi smile**
hellohello everybody; I want to inform you that in Morocco and all muslim country two Thanksgiving feast, the first one in the end of Ramadan(Arab month) after month of fasting from dawn to sunrise every day; With the exception of patients and the elderly, and all who can not fast as women pregnant, after sunset; we start our breakfast eating some dates and then we pray to thank God who has given us the ability to fast. and we eat a pre-dawn a meal called Assohour; after the end of Ramadan, we celebrate the blessings that God has given us; The other feast I’ll tell about it later
god is the one and only the one who created you and me and everything your little little mind can imagine or know of this biggest world
have a nice day
well.. I think that “GOD” made a mistake creating us.. we r destroying everything “HE” created… leave the teacher alone…
are you two serious?
Thank you soo much i like it
I Love your lessons about Holidays !! Thank you Ronnie !! I’m looking forward to the next video about Christmas day !!!
Thanks Ronnie. I heard about thanksgiving but don’t know what the meaning is. Your explanation make me understand what thanksgiving is.
“Who is God?”, Shame on you
fuck! hell with you :@
God bless you man!
my good fellow Mithruas this website is for everyone in every place of the world therefore there are many people with different cultures and gods, pick one and be happy the rest of us know that she can’t give an absolute answer presicely to no offense
“Why is everybody so serious?” – Lyric from Price Tag
I love this song!!!
Hahaha I love you yoo
I love it, too! there was a mistake on my Keyboard.
Gaaaaay!!(meme) Haha just kidding
I love all your lesson and your teach way
Many thanks
In Japan, it has Labor Thanksgiving Day. It is also National Holiday. I didn’t know Thanksgiving Day of Canada and USA were different. But Thanksgiving day of both countries are same meaning, aren’t they? I think Thanksgiving Day matches Harvest and God. Because it is different from labors (workers) if foods(or products) would grow well or not…I’m afraid…haha. Thank you Ronnie. It is great lesson for me :)
hi my fav teacher:)
i have question about present perfect and past perfect tenses… I had watched your video about ’em but i still confused… please send me email
hello everyone! a good lesson ,thank you:)
i’ve becme a fan of yours :)
Answering your question: no, actually we do not have a holiday similar to your thanksgiving. But anyways, thanks for your helpful video.
Thank you Ronnie) Very Nice lesson)
hi roonie please can you help me? because i have confused about what the different with (for ex). i say:he is ….
he dose ….
he will ….
he have ….
what they are means ? or when can i use ( is ,dose,will,have) thank you ronnie
He does is present tense.
He will is future.
He HAS + noun.
Good lesson!
Thanks, Ronnie! You’re great and it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not!
Thank you. Your so nice teacher and so frndly. X x
Hi ronnie, you re great, thank you for your lessons. Here in france, we have a special harvest, on 4th thursday in november. It is called beaujolais day. Sante !
Ugg! Sorry for this mistake, it is the third thursday…
may be i have used the scorcrew before the date…
I love your lessons, I want so much improvemy English!
improve my English, sorry.
We have Festival of Lanterns. Chinese people will enjoy the lantern show and eat sweet dumplings(元宵). Wait… Sweet dumplings??? Kind of weird name… I would like to call it “Yuan Xiao” in English which has a name translated from CHN input method.
Thank you! That was nice, besides I was always wondering where this holiday’s from!
Congratulations, your lesson was great. But you need to know about God. It created everything. If you would like to know him, just calling him.
God bless you..
Best regards….
thanks, Ronnie.
I like it.
Hi ma’m Ronnie.the lesson was good.
thank you for that!
You know ma’m you look beautiful but you should loose some weight after that you’re gonna look very beautiful.
Well would you please answer my one of questions! my question is below;
1- What does ‘have had’ mean and how do we use it
and also in which situation do we use it?
please please please answer me !
Wish you a very good day or night!depending on you’re reading it.
What is the name of that remote and dark village where you were raised?
Just because you live in some american country or some big and famous city or somewhere, does not make you any wiser or anything.
Well let me tell you something the comment I made last time was made so long before and apparently I realize that they were not so appropriate.
Not that I intended to insult any of our great teachers or anyone on EngVid but It was rather an innocent comment.
It’s been so long since I’m with this site and probably way longer than you’re.
So have some respect for people who came on this great site earlier than you did.
Okey-Dokey, Smokey!
Well as matter of fact I’m Suraj which means ‘Sun’ so be careful with me.
It is very commendable that you can admit your mistakes.
And I am not afraid of the Sun because I have a large sun umbrella and a bottle of sunscreen.
However, I don’t understand, why are you better than me just because you use this site longer?
I wish you good luck and clouds never block your clear and warm light!
Wish you the same dear!
and as matter of fact I got to say that you’re reasonable for what you say.
Well, I’m no better or anything than you or anybody for that matter but one thing you must be agree with me on; and that is that we must respect one another cause we’re like classmates {Studying on the same site} in way, right?
And wait by the way I’m from India and as you know my name is Suraj.
I really would like to know where are you from and what your good name is.
Thanks a lot, you are the best teacher :)
In Poland we have the Dożynki. In August. We celebrate the food.
Thanks so much
In Korea, Thanksgiving day is August 15 of the lunar calendar. It is called the Chuseok.
In Vietnam,the harvest holidays don’t have exactly name. They are celebrated after the TET holiday, on Jan, Feb and Mar. On this occation, we have cooking competitions, planning, opening the fair…
Thanks for lession. ^^
thanks ronnie
Thanks, very formative lesson
Well, I’m not sure but I think that things were kinda different. I read that the Pilgrims were starving to death and had not food at all. Then, the local indians helped them with the crops and everything got better…What happened next? The Pilgrims betrayed the indians, took their lands and yadayada…..
“Had NO food.”
hiii plz what is the different between can & could …. ronnie
Can is present tense.
Could is past!
OK all right
Thanks you ‘thanksgiving’topice teaching but your teaching same topc to begineer,Intermdditate and advance level.Is it right such system to teaching english Language?
A few of our lessons are useful for people at all levels, and this is one of them! Most, however, are just categorized as one level.
dear Ronnie
I have shock,your are teaching same topic to beginner,intermediate,advance,tops,and vocabulary.what does mean different between the level?could you teach me?
Hi, I want to improve my English, then I think the right place!
I love your lessons!
Hi, I want to improve my English, then I think that here is the right place!
I love your lessons!
hey.. U forgot the part when the 1st immigrants invite the native people, gave them food, got them drunk and after that they took over their land.. thats why this celebration is for…
That’s true and I said that in my comment.
but after a while, the people from the south came with some herbs… and are helping to leave everything behind and start fresh.. now we have a lot of cultures in 1 place.. those herbs are called Marihuana…
yeah, this is truth in Mexico we don’t celebrant this date, but we have a lot holydays, we have the Anniversary of the Mexican Revolution in November 20th, but dinner together with all family only in Christmas.
I love your lessons
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks to your sharing of holiday in Canada & USA. In the Philippines, we do not have thanks giving holiday but we always have vacations over the year because of typhoon. ):
In Canada they do not think of religion is necessary but they believed there is creator.
Hi Ronnie,
Thanks for all your lessons,
I was wondering if you can make a topic about how to use would in English Canadian, I have been listening to much of using word in my work place when people talking to each other but I can not figure out the might be conditional sentence but I do not think so, I know is going to take a couple of lessons for you to cover it, I thinks its one of the hard one in English.
There are already lessons on engvid on would! Just search “would”
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson
Yesterday was impossible for me to make a coment, sometimes does not appear the proper page
thank you for this lesson
I like your teaching…………
Dear Ronnie,
First of all many thanks for your lessons. I just love watching your videos. You are amazing!!!! Also all of your colleagues of course!!!
Recently I heard an expression: “flat out” e.g. She is flat out trying to get documents for customers. What does “flat out” mean in this context. I know my question is not related to this lesson…but I thought you could explain it to me/us.
Many thanks Ronnie in advance.
Have a smily week :-)
Flat out means to try to do something without hiding it. Eg.She doesn’t try to hide the fact that she is getting documents for customers.
Many thanks Ronnie!!!!
thank you very mach
Respected teacher Ronni..I`m Humaira from Pakistan.I want to learn English from engVid but I can`t watch any video here as You Tube is banned in Pakistan.Please tell me what should I do to get English lesson`s video from engVid?I`m waiting for your reply.Thanks.
Sorry I don’t know!
Why is you tube banned?
Thanks alot Ronnie♥♥♥
Is this first lesson
thank you very much ronnie
Hi…me shahzaib nomani i want to improve in English as well as make me frequent in speaking English …please teacher help me..i “ll be very thankful to you…
excuse me, teacher. I have a few question. I really dont know why I cant use my new words in my writing though I have studied them many time. The second question is what should I do to learn a bunch of new words in a short time.. thank you and hope to see your answer soon.
You should try to learn 10 new words each week.
thanks ,Ronnie
I Thank You All Of who supporting this webpage from teachers and students .. :)
That is awesome madam. and thanks in advance for 28th November :-)
Thank you Ronnie) Very Nice lesson)
My name is Katherine,I’m 14 years old
OMG!Thank u for this lesson!I’m sorry for this queastion,but…I can’t learn verbs 1st,2nd 3rd form
How can I do this?
Thank u so much!
Hello, i noticed that you said in november and on November, in thanksgiving and on thanksgiving, could you please explain me the correct use of in and on prepositions, in this video it makes me get confused
Thans….a lot
Thanks a lot. You are my best teacher!!
Thanks for hints :D
Hi, you’re great, I really like their classes and I’m learnig a lot. I wish much happiness for you.
thanks for your teaching!
hi.. Im syed sikandar from india
Hi, Ronnie! You are so funny! I love your video classes! I would like to watch a video with you about Movember. Thanks!
Thanks! dear You are just like god.
Hi, Ronnie my name is kashif.
You are more than a celebrity for me. you are the best in what you do however I m confused about one thing, I watched your video(was and were)and now I am really confused because have seen people using were with I as, please let me know when and why we can use were with I or if there more exceptions please let me know about it.
hi dear friends how can i download this lessen?
when i download it has very short volume. 508 kb.
wat should i do?
No Problem! You just download IDM- Internet Download Manager after installing it you should restart your browser then you should be asked to install an extension or plugin of idm or internet download manager. After installing extension or plugin you’ll find download box either at the top of video screen or in the bottom which would be blue in colour after that you’ll find this download option almost every where If there’s any video file on webpage.
2nd Method,
Just download a youtube downloader copy the youtube video link and paste it into the software url bar and start downloading it.
she’s incredible Teacher I love her style in teaching
Thanks teacher!!
hi there, my name’s Linh from Vietnam, I want to inprove my English by talking or chatting, if u are interested, Writing on my skype – linhkieu7, thanks.
thank youuuuuuuuuuu :)
Well done Ronnie, I like the way you teach and I appreciate that! I’ve a one request to you to prepare lesson on causative verb I couldn’t find causative lessons on site hopefully you’ll prepare one for us. Thanks
Awesome way to teach!
Thank you, Ronnie. I enjoy your lessons! We do not celebrate the harvest in Russia. Some Russians celebrate “Apple Savior” in august. It is a signal that the people are allowed to collect apple. Orthodox Christians come to church to consecrate apples on this day.
Hi Ronnie, I would like to get your e-mail. I have got an idea, but I would like to present it by mail.My email is:
Thanks in advanced!
Regards, Julian Filev
No Ronnie, in my homecontry nobody knows thanks giving harvest, people only celebrate the carnival here.
Hey! I’m waiting for the vídeo about Christmas, New years eve and New years day.
Thank you Ronnie! I discovered this video on YT and I’m arrived here! You’re very funny and you explains very well because you speak very slow, so I can understand any single word and this is great!!! Thank you!!!
thanks for giving us a lesson Ronnie.
Thank you, Ronnie.
Ronnie Ronnie
Listen Up!!!
I like your teaching style.
Me too , i like your way when you make that action
Thanks Ronnie!
In south korea It is called chusek in 15th august.
thanks a lot
East or West
Ronnie is the Best
The word “Thanksgiving” does not mean “Thanks for the giving,” as she implied. Rather, the word “Thanksgiving” refers to the action of giving thanks!
Dear thanks it’s really helping to understand festival …!
But dear Ronnie where is quiz ? I don’t see it please tell me about this video quiz I don’t find I here
Thank you Ronie!
you´re so funny ^^
Thank you Ronnie.
It’s very useful to your classes we are learn more thank you Ronnie!
what a shame, you should find out your god roonie!
thank mam you are so nice and have good teacher i love you.
as muslims we thanks GOD in evey moment of our life, i respect you Ronnie but i don’t like whene you said ” whose GOD ? i don’t now ” you should respect religious people, peace.
Great Information Ronnie.
great u are the best in this websat
I can’t to stop to listen lessons. You are amazing.It’s a pleasure to learn. Tks a lot.
thanks, Ronnie))
thank u ronnie
Hello, Ronnie?
Thank you very much.
First of all I want to thank you for your lessons.You really show us how learning can be fun one the teacher loves what he/she ‘s doing. I’ve got one question that I’d like you to answer to me, if you don’t mind. Should we say: be good IN Something or be good AT something? And why? Thank you very much……
when the teacher(correction)
Thanks Ronnie!
There is no similar to Thanksgiving holiday in Belarus.. so this is strange for me) if you want to thank – just do it! why are you waiting for a holiday?) (kidding)
Thank you Ronnie! Your lessons are awesome!
Excellent teaching
Actually, my country doesn’t celebrate any thanks giving days…… they don’t celebrate any parades but they do celebrate festivals(but not thanksgiving day festivals!!!)…
:lol: :D
Thank you, RONNIE! :)
Thank you! You are so great :-)
It is the same question for me too; Who is the “GoD”?
Ronnie, was it true that in the U.S.A, Thanksgiving is more important than Christmas Day? In Philippines, we had many kind of holidays, one of these was “Ninoy Aquino Day”, he was the former senator of our country, because he wanted to point out the people who were corrupted, he was assassinated.
Ronnie,You’re the best one !!!
ronie u r the best teacher thank u alot
Wuauuu!!! It’s great to learn English with youRonnie.
Thanks dear i do love you so much I love your style too but please more grammar if you can I really need it thanks again
thanks Ronnie
Dear Ronnie
Many thanks for you and I want to tell you that We have ally 2 feast in Egypt and Arab counteries
But every day we thanks our GOD that we have Good health
All human begnes have great God
I am not going to ask you for anything, dear Ronnie. I just want to say thank you! You are doing all your best for us.
My virtual hugs and kisses!
God bless you!
We not have thanksgiving holiday in Brasil. The act to say thanks to God before meals is costum of people from protestant religion. The catholics have different
habits. In the christmas brasilians eats turkey.(american influences). I like codfish and potatoes(portuguese influences). Thanks.
Hi Ronnie
Long time no access your amazing classes.
I would you like to thanks for all your contribuitions a mavelous classes.
One day I´ll get in Canada to know you.
see yaa
Excellent lesson Ronnie, thank you, I have heard a word Pilgrim so many times before (in the British show Deal or no deal) and never knew, what it means :) So.. thank you very much again.
thanksgiving Ronnie I’m hungry probably I eat turkey today
Thank you very much Ronnie!
Good evening Ronnie. I like so much to watch your lessons, you are a fun people. I don’t have a good english, but i am learning to be fluet a day.
Thanks Ronnie, in my country doesn’t have a day for celebrate the harves, but I think is a intresting celebration
Thank you.
Please call me in SKYPE :sergio.martins777
I would like improve my english!
its was very informative ronnie, the way we muslims have a little smilier of thanksgiving in our community called RAMADAN its a holly month for muslims and we fasting untill the sunsit after that we eat our food and thanks our GOD for that.
Ronnie, hello! Do you say: congratulations on thanksgiving (Or any other national holiday)?
Thank you Ronnie!! :)
Thanks Ronnie. This lesson was great.
I love watching your videos.
i love you Ronnie you’re great teacher
where’s the test section i didn’t find it
thank you. i always thank to the Pachamama our god.
Ronnie tell us more about Thanksgiving. For example, different ways to say thanks in Thanksgiving. I wanna be ready to celebrate it in America.
Thank’s Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie so much!
It’s a pleasure to listen to you . thanks
why no quiz?
Thanks, Ronnie! In China, we have no festival like Thanksgiving. Chongyang Festival is the same month as Canadian Thanksgiving. Chongyang Festival is an old people festival in China.