This or that or these or those? Not sure which word to use at times? I explain the difference in an easy way, so you can improve your English immediately after watching this free grammar lesson.
Mehdi shame on you!!!say something nice or shut up.
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
Be polite, Mehdi.
then dont use engvid anymore lol… to me engvid is effective lol..
thanks rebecca that was so great and easy to remember
This is a nice website
Ty kindly our teacher
Rebecca,you are the toppest!
Thanks Mss Rebeca, That class was important.
Hi rebecca.your lesson proved really helpful .now i know when to use this,that,these n those.
Hi, rebecca this was great lesson for us thank you very much ..
take care,
hii rebecca.i really like your classes.they are very helful.hope you go on with dis classes at hope you good luck.
thank you very mach, it’s was very helpful.
thsi is my first day and my first lesso I learned from you. You area great teacher, your not to fast to speak so we can understand you very much. Thanks
thank u very much. you give me chance to improve my basic english skill. i expect you will guide me more as like a new student.
Thanks again
have a nice day
this is my first day i hope i learn the english u r good teacher
zabih shinwari
I know you are in 2NE1 group.
you look like koreans. aren’t you?
i just opened the vedio but its not working
When you meet someone for the first time it’s always easier to remember their names if you use these / those names right away.
these or those?
In your sample sentence, I would actually say one of the following:
When you meet people for the first time it’s always easier to remember their names if you use them /the names right away.
My best to you, bonhob.
i did not know those gramers thanks aloooooot rebica
Hi!! MSS Rebecca thanks for your class .
thank you a lof >> great lesson ^^
yes…. succcess 100
Thanks ,That lesson was important,and helpful.
thanks to you
It is great lesson
carry on and never give up
importmant class,,
best regards
useful lesson
thanks for the class
Hi rebecca.your lesson proved really helpful .now i know when to use this,that,these n those.
Abdur Rehman
thanks alot Teacher
hi thanks Teacher,God bless all of u Teachers.
Thank you very much
it was a great lesson
Perfect, but I couldn’t choose two answers at the same time,that’s why I’ve do a mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the way you explain! thanks so much.
Thanks a lot, Grace. So glad to help. Always a pleasure to hear from another teacher. My very best wishes to you.
hi all…i am deeply disapointed cause it´s been 3 days i cannot watch any lesson…to me the screen is black…..please help me asap….i am missing all my studies …..xoxoxo
Mmm… no one else has reported problems. Please try: clearing your cookies, updating your browser to a new version of Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, or updating your Flash player.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson.
I remembered to have learnt once than “That” was used, as you said, for a long distant object but also to emphasize a negative sentiment. (e.i I don’t like that book) even if the object is near you. Is it correct?
Yes, you can use the word “that” in this way!
Good for you, Milly. My best to you.
Hi Rebecca Thank you so much for your lessons
I love the way you explain! thanks so
Hi Rebecca u r simply awesome mind blowing video but i have one confusion in how to ask question using do,does,did,have,has,had.
plz help me
great lesson
good study
wao a great lesson.its really helpfull plz deliver a lesson on should would could i feel difficulty by using this
thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so much
I lake this curso is ise
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson.
I like your way of teaching
Thank you for sharing
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson.
I like your way of teaching
Thank you for sharing
Noun Ty
I like this lesson…thanks..
thank you so much..
Thanks for this lesson. It’s interesting.
Thank you very much for this lesson… May God bless you!
thanks it is dood way to inpropve English tahnks agan to provite your web site
muhmmad Babar
thanks this is good way to inprove our English thanks agan you porviete urs web site
muhmmad Babar
thank you very much,,,,,,FOR TEACHING ME……… i hope i passed the IELTS exam
thanks for this lesson.
thank u for teaching me.
Thank you very much for this lesson its a good one !!!!
Hi Rebecca. I really love your lesson! You´re great! Thank you very much for your teaching! Kisses…
Sally S
thanks rebecca
thank u Mss Rebecca
I learned a lot from these lessons. Is it correct sentence? Please help me out. Thanks very much Rebecca.
Nouman Rafique
i learned here thank you so much
i like ur lessone so much keeppit up
abdul majeed
Thanks for giving a good and easy point of comparing the words..:)I have students and the lesson u gave us will be the guide for my lesson:)I’ll keep in touch..
Thanks for your feedback, Melike. I wish you all the best with your career teaching English. May you have as much fun as I have had through the years! Stay in touch.
thanks a lot for your teaching
Hi Rebecca
Thanks a lot for your teaching
Hi Rebecca,thanks for the lesson.
I love this website … I really learned too much! … Thank you for all teachers!
thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca!
Those lesson´s points were very useful to me!
Really it is great.. thanks alot Rebecca…
Babu G
very very helpful it is…
Babu G
Rebeca you are great. Every week I wait for your
new video impatiently. And I can tell that I understand you very well, but I can´t speak. But I see that my english is better day after day. Sorry for my grammar , but I am writing out of head. Thank you.
Thanks for watching and for writing. With determination, no goal is impossible and you will soon find that you can speak English too. Use every opportunity you have to speak with someone. All the best to you, devon.
This Rebecca is a wonderful teacher.
Awww…that’s sweet. Thanks! My best to you, Abdou.
Very, very good Rebecca. Tks.
that was very easy
and thanks to you rebecca
Great, thanks!
thank you very very much
amazing lesson
thank you ^^
Hi Rubecca ji i really understand it
Thanks a lot
Thanks Rebeca!!!
thanks a lot; this is one of great lesson
Its first lesson of mine on this website and its really helpfull
thanx for teaching this way i likes you teach style…… it to effective for me .
Rebeca thank you so much,I like your lessos.
Cecilia De Dbreu
Hello Rebecca !
Gongratulations on your success !!
The pleasure is all mine !!
I think, no 1 is “this book”. why should it is wrong??
I’m sad to say that you’re wrong exactly yenny…The answer really “this”..maybe you haven’t seen properly..
This was an important lesson. I like listen an English teatchear. I´ll listen more of your lessons.
Congratulations. See you tomorrow.
Carmelita Miler
thanks rebeca for your clss it was bery inportant for my same times i comfius abaut these this please can you esplein my mor abaut those
Hi Rebecca, I have question. Are compound words always written together?
Sorry, I did not say thanks before. You classes are very easy to understand. Thanks again for taking time to help us.
Hi rebecca
I would be most grateful to tell you are amazing teacher because of I feel too much progress in my English and I would like to tell you ((((that))))lesson get me understanding the difference between ((((those)))) words….plz tell me the words between practices are rights or no ??? thanks …
best regards
can I say this sentence? I like that opinion and I like those opinion or I like this opinion and I like these opinion. thank you Rebecca for your help
u r awesome in teaching…thnk u rebecca
Hello Rebecca !
Gongratulations on your success !!
thank u very much so helpfull
Wow! very nice.
Thank you very much, it was very helpful
Your classes are pretty good! Thank you!
Thanks for the lesson!
thank mss rebecca for lesson > god bless you
this is really good to improvement English grammer..
seriously ur lectures r so awesome nd this give me confidence that my english will be better..
thanks a lot.
thank you so much for the lesson
Good teacher. Your topics are all interesting. Love it. God bless. Hope you could help us distinguish american words vs. australia. These two native english speaking countries are my concerns.
Thank you madam
thank u Rebecca madam u r the best …
i need u’r help madam…asking questions on present ,past,feature tenses..plz tell me
thank you Ms. Rebecca, you are wonderful. :)
hi Rebecca
how are you ı wish you are okay. ı wish you long life.
for the first time when ı have seen thıs english website ı burn happy because it is good for me and for all the students.
really.I liked the way you explained to me the difference between this.that.these and those. as matter of fact your explanation is easy as a cup of tea even the newly born baby can understand and Ronnie please dont stop it keep going. but one more time. when you are online tell me in order to have a conversation with so as to benifit from you thanks my email is
Hi Rebecca, How r u? Those lessons was great and important for me cause i always made mistakes about how to use This, These, That and Those. Thank u very much, you’re lessons is the best one really. Just Keep it up!!
thanks teacher a learn alot with your lessons take care , greet from Nicaragua
Hi rebecca
Thank a lot
thank you Rebeca
Hi rebecca..I just one to thanks for your great video and I really like watch your video because your voice was very clear to me..If you don’t mind,would you explain to me why people add “s” when they’re saying “thanks” word?
this is the first day and first exam. but i got 50%. I would like to thank you for the lesson unique. Perhaps you become my teacher deals.
Good lesson to help improve my English.
thanks madam…..i really appreciate it…
This is maybe the best web site about learning English. Thank you very much fot that :-)
6/6 thanks teacher……..
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you very much.
Rebecca, it isn’t easy: this or these for my hearing. What need to do?
Hi there,
Whats d part of speach of “that” plz?
4instance: that boy?!
No words could possibly describe how excited i am when i saw all your tips , i really benefit from it
Thanks Rebecca for your time .it’s great teaching to help me a lot.
Thanks Rebecca for your time .it’s great teaching to help me a lot.
its nice thank you very much
thank you so much for the lesson
and teacher
thank you for the lesson and it was very interesting
Rebecca you are The Best, i still believe that my score was 100 I’m in shock…. Thank you so much !!!!!!! From Dominican republic.
Thanks Mss Rebeca
Hi Ms Rebecca :))I’d like to us ask something if would you mind. Why do we have to use “Have you been there?” If it is future perfect. If we meant to ask happened in past? “been” is past participle? Thank you.
thanks for this lesson.. i love it
THANK you too
thank you very much Rebeca
i am new in learn English
my name is Safinaz
I am from Egypt
you great
thank you very much miss Rebeca
hai rebbeka thanksssss
Hi,Rebecca! Thank you so,so much for your lessons!
hello Ms Rebecca, Thank you another good lesson for me and the other it possible if this site can make more quizes for us to be able to practice and remember the usage? thanks once again
Cool!!!!! You explained clearly for me. Thank you so much.
Thanks Ms Rebecca, another great lesson from You really help those students that need to improve their english language and that includes me.”My best to you”
Thanks Mam.
Rebecca mam. i really thankful to r great
Muzaffar Agha
Rebecca i like the way you explain each topic you tackle..
thank you. this helps me a lot.
I just wanna say: THANK YOU SO MUCH for this lesson :)
It is very helpfull, thanks very much Rebecca.
That was very nice
Thank you sharing your knowledge, effort and time to share this lesson. I’ve learned a lot. God bless
Hi rebeca , thank for the lesson.
very illustrative Ms.Rebecca
:) I’m an english teacher From Peru and soon on my way to Canada for some months!! I’ll be checking more of the videos so that they can give me ideas for my classes, if you don’t mind.
Ms. Rebecca
Thanks to you and all Engvid staff for making this helpful videos. Could you please make a video about the word ‘That’ explaining when it has to be omitted?
there are many kinds of teaching ; the Rebecca’s is classic and clear !
I enjoy it !
thanks Rebecca.Your teaching is really clear.Keep it up.and good luck
good for us
Thank you teacher Rebecca, i am really following up and it’s exciting.
Me la puso la última pregunta!!! :( ja
those are the good lesson i understand well after learning it
Thanks for the lesson. It’s very helpful to me.
dear Rebecca
you are the best teacher.
by the way i got 5 out of 6 in the quiz.
thank you
Hello very nic teaching like
rebeeca is good teacher,i like you.
Hi Rebecca, you are a very good teacher. Thanks for your lessons.
Rebecca – the easiest way how to learn english :)
The way you explain is amazing ! Even my dog understands :)
Greetings from Latvia !
thank you rebecca
Really, nice lesson mam. you are good teacher.
Thanks you
rebecca,thanks for help me.l am from brasil and living in USA, seven years go…you are perfect for teacher and this lesson will nice…
you are my favorıte your lessons are clear and easy thank you so much your such a fabulous teacher
I like this class; I don´t speak english, but, thanks fot this program
jejejeje thanks po
Thank you very much teacher, thanks for sharing all your valuable knowledge with us :D hugs <3
Hello Rebecca! Thanks for your lessons!! jeje
I have a question: in the quiz, the sentense:
Waiter! Please tell the chef __________ is the most delicious fish I have ever eaten
The correct answer is this ( I have marked “this”), but I have a doubt.
We must used that/those for finished things, and in this case, the costumer/client (I don’t know the difference between both words) has already eaten the dish, so, the action of eating have finished, haven’t it? The correct answer must be: “that”.
I like this class,thank you Rebecca
thanks teacher .that’s make me feel woow
Thank you, i liked your way of explaining the lessons :)
Thak you and I appreciate you way of teaching and explaing
thank you alot of
Doaa Mosalem
Thank you so much Rebecca! I like the way you teach so easy to understand.
Great history was made by great women and men ,
I Hope to learn more & more from you
i’m goood student …thanks rebecca
Thanks teacher I am very happy to your class.
thank you for the lesson Rebeca! :)
Thanks Rebecca, you are amazing teacher!!!, your voice and your form to teach is perfect to me.Regards
teacher I want to ask you something why you say these sunglasses and than you say this shoes I can’t understand sorry :(
thanks.good luck you in this way
thank you so much Rebecca all you lessons are short and sweet I really enjoye it thanks.
Thanks a lot Madam! My question is which of these is most appropriate?
Look at this pen, book, and bag aren’t they James’?
or Look at these pen, book, and bag aren’t they James’?
Best wishes!
please guide me, if i had a picture of a bunch of grapes, which would be correct?
what is this? or
what are the these?
awaiting your kind reply
please guide me, if i had a picture of a bunch of grapes, which sentence would be correct?
what is this? or
what are these?
awaiting your kind reply
I learn a lot
thank you
I acquire vocabulary and English grammar step by step through your lessons and quizzes. Great thanks , Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca, at the sentence 5,The activity “eat” has finished. Why did you choose “This”, it was not “that”.
Could you explain about that?
Thanks a lot!
Dear Rebecca, can that clause modify a pleural noun?
” Neuroendocrine cells make hormones that help control digestive juices and smooth muscle motility in GI tract.”
Is it true , either ‘ that ‘ or ‘ which’ can be used in such an adjective clause ?
Waiting for your reply. Thank you very much.
I love your class.
Thanks for all.
Like every time! Excellent.
Hi dear,
unfortunately in my country due to the filtering, I can’t see your videos, please help me, is there any way that I can see them, if yes please announce it.
thanks in advance.
hi. thanks a lot. I used the Tor browser, but it’s not possible to access to the videos, just I can see the exam and comments.
Hi Rebecca,
I have been watching this website since last one week and It is really very very good. If possible, can you please also explain the differences between TO, TOO, OF, OFF and ON please…
Thank you Rebecca but I am a slow learner I need to work hard you are the best.
I got a D. Thanks for your lesson. Rebbecca.
Hi Ms.Rebecca
I hope that you are fine
Regarding to this lesson dealing with (this.that)
You said that for 3 cakes we use these and those, while in the previous lesson you said that “cake” is uncountable. I’m a little bit confused.
Would you please clarify this to me.
Hi Rebecca, good lesson
I have a question… Is there another way to say “this”? (Talking about manners)
Wish you the best :)
Great lesson. I got 100% .
Is this correct way of saying .
Are those your kids.
Hello Rebecca,
let me ask you just one thing about the use of this/that: When I’m going to introduce someone new (Peter) to a friend (Jean) I meet, which question is right?
1) Hello Jean! This is my friend Peter.
2) Hello Jean! That’s my friend Peter.
I have to explain it to my Italian students, so please tell me which of these question is right:-) Thanks very much!
Greetings from Padua
great lesson
great teacher
great time ^”^
Ted Lee
many thanks for this lesson
Thanks Rebecca,
for your lesson and great explanation
take care
Thanks rebecca that lesson was so great
Oh… I’ve got an issue with understanding the difference between “it”, “this” and “that” in sentences.
For example, why can we say “That’s cool” even we say this sentence in the present time
the other person can say “This is cool” in the same time (may be in a conversation) ?
The next example:
“Give it to me” — ?
“Give that to me” — far
“Give this to me” — near
Vadim Osipov
Or another example, what means the sentence “And that’s that”, when I heard it I lost my head :)
(Casino, Martin Scorsese (film))
Vadim Osipov
Thank you.I learned so much today.That lesson was great!
Thanks dear teacher.
That lesson was great.Thanks rebecca=)
yesim ates
thank you MS Rebecca,,, i got 100.:)
innocent khan
Can anyone tell me what Rebecca is saying at the beginning of this video? After ‘All right’ in 17/18 second, there is a phrase I simply can’t spot out. Yeah, stupid question, but I must admit that listening is my Achilles heel sometimes, and that one sentence constitutes a proof of that.
‘All right, MANY STUDENTS aren’t sure…’. MANY STUDENTS – OMG, ashamed :(
hehehe..cannot pass the quiz in 1 time
Mustafit Anwar
100. very clear lessons Rebecca.
For me, those things were always confusing. Now I am more clear about.. Thank you!
Lea Bogatin
Rebecca you are amazing, thanks a lot for your lessons <3
5/6. Need more practices.
i like so much your lessons . thank you
Perfect Rebecca!
tnx Rebecca. English study is very importal for me.
great lesson
Thanks Rebecca
thank you Rebecca
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
This lesson is useful, thanks Rebecca i got 6 out of 6
Dear Rebecca,
This grammar lesson is really very clear. Thanks.
Best regards.
thank you very much for this lesson.I realized lot of things from this class.
thank you very much/God bless you
Rebecca you are such a great teacher.
hello Parkash9616 please sir can i join with you to practice ilets . thank you
I love the way you explain. Thank you very much.
this is the most confusing words, because sound similar pronunciations!
lyubov 2016
Thank you.
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Very good the lesson !!
Dominick Galdino
Thank you!
I think I’ve already understand this subject!
Yes , this is a good start
Thank You teacher Rebecca, I really like your class.
Hugs and kiss.
Thank you for another helpful lesson.
One more useful lesson.
Thanks, Rebecca.
i got 100 :D this site is helping me for improving my english language
Melek Laabidi
those questions good, result 6/6 , thank
Thank you
I got 4/6! Thanks for the lesson!
You are just good Rebecca!
You got 5 correct out of 6.
thank you
M kartal
100/100 thanks a lot Rebecca u re the best ever
i have got on 5 points from 6 and this is my result , i am satisfied
5/6 Good!
Thanks Rebecca. It was very interesting
thank you Ms Rebecca for explain and can explain about when i use have and has and had thank you again
Ahmed Ibrahim
6 correct out of 6. Rebecca is the best teacher I’ve ever seen.
I want to learn English. What is your recommendation about it?
If someone ask : “Do you like music” or “Do you like play tennis?” the answer is “Yes I like this” or “Yes I like that” ?
I would say both are corrects. Am I wrong ?
thank u very much
Thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca!
you are great teacher ever.This lesson was very clear.Thank you mam!
thanks so much
Thanks alot!
I’m fortunate to have a teacher like you.
Good class! Simple and objective! Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca, it’s another very useful lesson. I have been learning your lesson for over a month, thank you for letting me know so much knowledge.
Mindy H
Thank you Rebecca, you helped me a lot! Keep it up!
Nice,I love your teaching Rebecca, Well done
reza seyednasiri
I did it again, thank you Rebecca?
thank you madam.the way you explain is great.god bless you
This lesson was useful, thanks. I got 5 correct out of 6.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
I watched this video twice on September 07, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got six out of 6.
Nice classes. All the best.
kannanji sampath
thank you I get it now
Thanks dear Rebecca of your teaching and guiding us to learn even small grammatical points of English ,thanks a lot I got100 of the quizes in this lesson.
Mohammad mostaan
thank you! ma’am Rebecca!
This topic is so helpful for me.?
Thanks ma’am.
Ibrahim Mondal
Thanks, Rebecca!!!
I got 6/6.
Thank you!
I scored 5/6
Finally got to know how and when to used them correctly.
Great lesson!
My mind stick with you,I don’t know why, but I am certain that after your class, I can write the ielts exam and pass with good grade and glory will go to you God.But as for you, I will look for you, just to appreciate you.
Thank you for the good work.
God bless you, teacher Rebecca.
johnson ogunbowale
10/10 thank you dear teacher :))
Seemingly simple, but can be considered as challenging.
Truby K
You are great , thank you for your lessons:)
Thank you!
Thank you very much, this video helps me improve my English skills a lot
Hoang Tuan Anh
Rebecca I really love your way of explaininng your lessons. This lesson is one of your most important lessons.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
thx Rebecca u r the best keep going
you are the nonsense
rebecca is a huge elephant
Mehdi shame on you!!!say something nice or shut up.
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
Be polite, Mehdi.
then dont use engvid anymore lol… to me engvid is effective lol..
thanks rebecca that was so great and easy to remember
This is a nice website
Ty kindly our teacher
Rebecca,you are the toppest!
Thanks Mss Rebeca, That class was important.
Hi rebecca.your lesson proved really helpful .now i know when to use this,that,these n those.
Hi, rebecca this was great lesson for us thank you very much ..
take care,
hii rebecca.i really like your classes.they are very helful.hope you go on with dis classes at hope you good luck.
thank you very mach, it’s was very helpful.
thsi is my first day and my first lesso I learned from you. You area great teacher, your not to fast to speak so we can understand you very much. Thanks
thank u very much. you give me chance to improve my basic english skill. i expect you will guide me more as like a new student.
Thanks again
have a nice day
this is my first day i hope i learn the english u r good teacher
I know you are in 2NE1 group.
you look like koreans. aren’t you?
i just opened the vedio but its not working
When you meet someone for the first time it’s always easier to remember their names if you use these / those names right away.
these or those?
In your sample sentence, I would actually say one of the following:
When you meet people for the first time it’s always easier to remember their names if you use them /the names right away.
My best to you, bonhob.
i did not know those gramers thanks aloooooot rebica
Hi!! MSS Rebecca thanks for your class .
thank you a lof >> great lesson ^^
yes…. succcess 100
Thanks ,That lesson was important,and helpful.
thanks to you
It is great lesson
carry on and never give up
importmant class,,
best regards
useful lesson
thanks for the class
Hi rebecca.your lesson proved really helpful .now i know when to use this,that,these n those.
thanks alot Teacher
hi thanks Teacher,God bless all of u Teachers.
Thank you very much
it was a great lesson
Perfect, but I couldn’t choose two answers at the same time,that’s why I’ve do a mistake!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the way you explain! thanks so much.
Thanks a lot, Grace. So glad to help. Always a pleasure to hear from another teacher. My very best wishes to you.
hi all…i am deeply disapointed cause it´s been 3 days i cannot watch any lesson…to me the screen is black…..please help me asap….i am missing all my studies …..xoxoxo
Mmm… no one else has reported problems. Please try: clearing your cookies, updating your browser to a new version of Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, or updating your Flash player.
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson.
I remembered to have learnt once than “That” was used, as you said, for a long distant object but also to emphasize a negative sentiment. (e.i I don’t like that book) even if the object is near you. Is it correct?
Yes, you can use the word “that” in this way!
Good for you, Milly. My best to you.
Hi Rebecca Thank you so much for your lessons
I love the way you explain! thanks so
Hi Rebecca u r simply awesome mind blowing video but i have one confusion in how to ask question using do,does,did,have,has,had.
plz help me
great lesson
good study
wao a great lesson.its really helpfull plz deliver a lesson on should would could i feel difficulty by using this
thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so much
I lake this curso is ise
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson.
I like your way of teaching
Thank you for sharing
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks for the lesson.
I like your way of teaching
Thank you for sharing
I like this lesson…thanks..
thank you so much..
Thanks for this lesson. It’s interesting.
Thank you very much for this lesson… May God bless you!
thanks it is dood way to inpropve English tahnks agan to provite your web site
thanks this is good way to inprove our English thanks agan you porviete urs web site
thank you very much,,,,,,FOR TEACHING ME……… i hope i passed the IELTS exam
thanks for this lesson.
thank u for teaching me.
Thank you very much for this lesson its a good one !!!!
Hi Rebecca. I really love your lesson! You´re great! Thank you very much for your teaching! Kisses…
thanks rebecca
thank u Mss Rebecca
I learned a lot from these lessons. Is it correct sentence? Please help me out. Thanks very much Rebecca.
i learned here thank you so much
i like ur lessone so much keeppit up
Thanks for giving a good and easy point of comparing the words..:)I have students and the lesson u gave us will be the guide for my lesson:)I’ll keep in touch..
Thanks for your feedback, Melike. I wish you all the best with your career teaching English. May you have as much fun as I have had through the years! Stay in touch.
thanks a lot for your teaching
Hi Rebecca
Thanks a lot for your teaching
Hi Rebecca,thanks for the lesson.
I love this website … I really learned too much! … Thank you for all teachers!
thanks a lot
Hi Rebecca!
Those lesson´s points were very useful to me!
Really it is great.. thanks alot Rebecca…
very very helpful it is…
Rebeca you are great. Every week I wait for your
new video impatiently. And I can tell that I understand you very well, but I can´t speak. But I see that my english is better day after day. Sorry for my grammar , but I am writing out of head. Thank you.
Thanks for watching and for writing. With determination, no goal is impossible and you will soon find that you can speak English too. Use every opportunity you have to speak with someone. All the best to you, devon.
This Rebecca is a wonderful teacher.
Awww…that’s sweet. Thanks! My best to you, Abdou.
Very, very good Rebecca. Tks.
that was very easy
and thanks to you rebecca
Great, thanks!
thank you very very much
amazing lesson
thank you ^^
Hi Rubecca ji i really understand it
Thanks a lot
Thanks Rebeca!!!
thanks a lot; this is one of great lesson
Its first lesson of mine on this website and its really helpfull
thanx for teaching this way i likes you teach style…… it to effective for me .
Rebeca thank you so much,I like your lessos.
Hello Rebecca !
Gongratulations on your success !!
The pleasure is all mine !!
I think, no 1 is “this book”. why should it is wrong??
I’m sad to say that you’re wrong exactly yenny…The answer really “this”..maybe you haven’t seen properly..
This was an important lesson. I like listen an English teatchear. I´ll listen more of your lessons.
Congratulations. See you tomorrow.
thanks rebeca for your clss it was bery inportant for my same times i comfius abaut these this please can you esplein my mor abaut those
Hi Rebecca, I have question. Are compound words always written together?
Sorry, I did not say thanks before. You classes are very easy to understand. Thanks again for taking time to help us.
Hi rebecca
I would be most grateful to tell you are amazing teacher because of I feel too much progress in my English and I would like to tell you ((((that))))lesson get me understanding the difference between ((((those)))) words….plz tell me the words between practices are rights or no ??? thanks …
best regards
can I say this sentence? I like that opinion and I like those opinion or I like this opinion and I like these opinion. thank you Rebecca for your help
u r awesome in teaching…thnk u rebecca
Hello Rebecca !
Gongratulations on your success !!
thank u very much so helpfull
Wow! very nice.
Thank you very much, it was very helpful
Your classes are pretty good! Thank you!
Thanks for the lesson!
thank mss rebecca for lesson > god bless you
this is really good to improvement English grammer..
seriously ur lectures r so awesome nd this give me confidence that my english will be better..
thanks a lot.
thank you so much for the lesson
Good teacher. Your topics are all interesting. Love it. God bless. Hope you could help us distinguish american words vs. australia. These two native english speaking countries are my concerns.
Thank you madam
thank u Rebecca madam u r the best …
i need u’r help madam…asking questions on present ,past,feature tenses..plz tell me
thank you Ms. Rebecca, you are wonderful. :)
hi Rebecca
how are you ı wish you are okay. ı wish you long life.
for the first time when ı have seen thıs english website ı burn happy because it is good for me and for all the students.
really.I liked the way you explained to me the difference between this.that.these and those. as matter of fact your explanation is easy as a cup of tea even the newly born baby can understand and Ronnie please dont stop it keep going. but one more time. when you are online tell me in order to have a conversation with so as to benifit from you thanks my email is
Hi Rebecca, How r u? Those lessons was great and important for me cause i always made mistakes about how to use This, These, That and Those. Thank u very much, you’re lessons is the best one really. Just Keep it up!!
thanks teacher a learn alot with your lessons take care , greet from Nicaragua
Hi rebecca
Thank a lot
thank you Rebeca
Hi rebecca..I just one to thanks for your great video and I really like watch your video because your voice was very clear to me..If you don’t mind,would you explain to me why people add “s” when they’re saying “thanks” word?
this is the first day and first exam. but i got 50%. I would like to thank you for the lesson unique. Perhaps you become my teacher deals.
Good lesson to help improve my English.
thanks madam…..i really appreciate it…
This is maybe the best web site about learning English. Thank you very much fot that :-)
6/6 thanks teacher……..
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you very much.
Rebecca, it isn’t easy: this or these for my hearing. What need to do?
Hi there,
Whats d part of speach of “that” plz?
4instance: that boy?!
No words could possibly describe how excited i am when i saw all your tips , i really benefit from it
Thanks Rebecca for your time .it’s great teaching to help me a lot.
Thanks Rebecca for your time .it’s great teaching to help me a lot.
its nice thank you very much
thank you so much for the lesson
and teacher
thank you for the lesson and it was very interesting
Rebecca you are The Best, i still believe that my score was 100 I’m in shock…. Thank you so much !!!!!!! From Dominican republic.
Thanks Mss Rebeca
Hi Ms Rebecca :))I’d like to us ask something if would you mind. Why do we have to use “Have you been there?” If it is future perfect. If we meant to ask happened in past? “been” is past participle? Thank you.
thanks for this lesson.. i love it
THANK you too
thank you very much Rebeca
i am new in learn English
my name is Safinaz
I am from Egypt
you great
thank you very much miss Rebeca
hai rebbeka thanksssss
Hi,Rebecca! Thank you so,so much for your lessons!
hello Ms Rebecca, Thank you another good lesson for me and the other it possible if this site can make more quizes for us to be able to practice and remember the usage? thanks once again
Cool!!!!! You explained clearly for me. Thank you so much.
Thanks Ms Rebecca, another great lesson from You really help those students that need to improve their english language and that includes me.”My best to you”
Thanks Mam.
Rebecca mam. i really thankful to r great
Rebecca i like the way you explain each topic you tackle..
thank you. this helps me a lot.
I just wanna say: THANK YOU SO MUCH for this lesson :)
It is very helpfull, thanks very much Rebecca.
That was very nice
Thank you sharing your knowledge, effort and time to share this lesson. I’ve learned a lot. God bless
Hi rebeca , thank for the lesson.
very illustrative Ms.Rebecca
:) I’m an english teacher From Peru and soon on my way to Canada for some months!! I’ll be checking more of the videos so that they can give me ideas for my classes, if you don’t mind.
Ms. Rebecca
Thanks to you and all Engvid staff for making this helpful videos. Could you please make a video about the word ‘That’ explaining when it has to be omitted?
there are many kinds of teaching ; the Rebecca’s is classic and clear !
I enjoy it !
thanks Rebecca.Your teaching is really clear.Keep it up.and good luck
good for us
Thank you teacher Rebecca, i am really following up and it’s exciting.
Me la puso la última pregunta!!! :( ja
those are the good lesson i understand well after learning it
Thanks for the lesson. It’s very helpful to me.
dear Rebecca
you are the best teacher.
by the way i got 5 out of 6 in the quiz.
thank you
Hello very nic teaching like
rebeeca is good teacher,i like you.
Hi Rebecca, you are a very good teacher. Thanks for your lessons.
Rebecca – the easiest way how to learn english :)
The way you explain is amazing ! Even my dog understands :)
Greetings from Latvia !
thank you rebecca
Really, nice lesson mam. you are good teacher.
Thanks you
rebecca,thanks for help me.l am from brasil and living in USA, seven years go…you are perfect for teacher and this lesson will nice…
you are my favorıte your lessons are clear and easy thank you so much your such a fabulous teacher
I like this class; I don´t speak english, but, thanks fot this program
jejejeje thanks po
Thank you very much teacher, thanks for sharing all your valuable knowledge with us :D hugs <3
Hello Rebecca! Thanks for your lessons!! jeje
I have a question: in the quiz, the sentense:
Waiter! Please tell the chef __________ is the most delicious fish I have ever eaten
The correct answer is this ( I have marked “this”), but I have a doubt.
We must used that/those for finished things, and in this case, the costumer/client (I don’t know the difference between both words) has already eaten the dish, so, the action of eating have finished, haven’t it? The correct answer must be: “that”.
I like this class,thank you Rebecca
thanks teacher .that’s make me feel woow
Thank you, i liked your way of explaining the lessons :)
Thak you and I appreciate you way of teaching and explaing
thank you alot of
Thank you so much Rebecca! I like the way you teach so easy to understand.
Great history was made by great women and men ,
I Hope to learn more & more from you
i’m goood student …thanks rebecca
Thanks teacher I am very happy to your class.
thank you for the lesson Rebeca! :)
Thanks Rebecca, you are amazing teacher!!!, your voice and your form to teach is perfect to me.Regards
teacher I want to ask you something why you say these sunglasses and than you say this shoes I can’t understand sorry :(
thanks.good luck you in this way
thank you so much Rebecca all you lessons are short and sweet I really enjoye it thanks.
Thanks a lot Madam! My question is which of these is most appropriate?
Look at this pen, book, and bag aren’t they James’?
or Look at these pen, book, and bag aren’t they James’?
Best wishes!
please guide me, if i had a picture of a bunch of grapes, which would be correct?
what is this? or
what are the these?
awaiting your kind reply
please guide me, if i had a picture of a bunch of grapes, which sentence would be correct?
what is this? or
what are these?
awaiting your kind reply
I learn a lot
thank you
I acquire vocabulary and English grammar step by step through your lessons and quizzes. Great thanks , Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca, at the sentence 5,The activity “eat” has finished. Why did you choose “This”, it was not “that”.
Could you explain about that?
Thanks a lot!
Dear Rebecca, can that clause modify a pleural noun?
” Neuroendocrine cells make hormones that help control digestive juices and smooth muscle motility in GI tract.”
Is it true , either ‘ that ‘ or ‘ which’ can be used in such an adjective clause ?
Waiting for your reply. Thank you very much.
I love your class.
Thanks for all.
Like every time! Excellent.
Hi dear,
unfortunately in my country due to the filtering, I can’t see your videos, please help me, is there any way that I can see them, if yes please announce it.
thanks in advance.
hi. thanks a lot. I used the Tor browser, but it’s not possible to access to the videos, just I can see the exam and comments.
Hi Rebecca,
I have been watching this website since last one week and It is really very very good. If possible, can you please also explain the differences between TO, TOO, OF, OFF and ON please…
Thank you Rebecca but I am a slow learner I need to work hard you are the best.
I got a D. Thanks for your lesson. Rebbecca.
Hi Ms.Rebecca
I hope that you are fine
Regarding to this lesson dealing with (this.that)
You said that for 3 cakes we use these and those, while in the previous lesson you said that “cake” is uncountable. I’m a little bit confused.
Would you please clarify this to me.
Hi Rebecca, good lesson
I have a question… Is there another way to say “this”? (Talking about manners)
Wish you the best :)
Great lesson. I got 100% .
Is this correct way of saying .
Are those your kids.
Hello Rebecca,
let me ask you just one thing about the use of this/that: When I’m going to introduce someone new (Peter) to a friend (Jean) I meet, which question is right?
1) Hello Jean! This is my friend Peter.
2) Hello Jean! That’s my friend Peter.
I have to explain it to my Italian students, so please tell me which of these question is right:-) Thanks very much!
Greetings from Padua
great lesson
great teacher
great time ^”^
many thanks for this lesson
Thanks Rebecca,
for your lesson and great explanation
take care
Thanks rebecca that lesson was so great
Oh… I’ve got an issue with understanding the difference between “it”, “this” and “that” in sentences.
For example, why can we say “That’s cool” even we say this sentence in the present time
the other person can say “This is cool” in the same time (may be in a conversation) ?
The next example:
“Give it to me” — ?
“Give that to me” — far
“Give this to me” — near
Or another example, what means the sentence “And that’s that”, when I heard it I lost my head :)
(Casino, Martin Scorsese (film))
Thank you.I learned so much today.That lesson was great!
Thanks dear teacher.
That lesson was great.Thanks rebecca=)
thank you MS Rebecca,,, i got 100.:)
Can anyone tell me what Rebecca is saying at the beginning of this video? After ‘All right’ in 17/18 second, there is a phrase I simply can’t spot out. Yeah, stupid question, but I must admit that listening is my Achilles heel sometimes, and that one sentence constitutes a proof of that.
‘All right, MANY STUDENTS aren’t sure…’. MANY STUDENTS – OMG, ashamed :(
hehehe..cannot pass the quiz in 1 time
100. very clear lessons Rebecca.
For me, those things were always confusing. Now I am more clear about.. Thank you!
Rebecca you are amazing, thanks a lot for your lessons <3
5/6. Need more practices.
i like so much your lessons . thank you
Perfect Rebecca!
tnx Rebecca. English study is very importal for me.
great lesson
Thanks Rebecca
thank you Rebecca
Thank you!
This lesson is useful, thanks Rebecca i got 6 out of 6
Dear Rebecca,
This grammar lesson is really very clear. Thanks.
Best regards.
thank you very much for this lesson.I realized lot of things from this class.
thank you very much/God bless you
Rebecca you are such a great teacher.
hello Parkash9616 please sir can i join with you to practice ilets . thank you
I love the way you explain. Thank you very much.
this is the most confusing words, because sound similar pronunciations!
Thank you.
Thanks you so much.
Very good the lesson !!
Thank you!
I think I’ve already understand this subject!
Yes , this is a good start
Thank You teacher Rebecca, I really like your class.
Hugs and kiss.
Thank you for another helpful lesson.
One more useful lesson.
Thanks, Rebecca.
i got 100 :D this site is helping me for improving my english language
those questions good, result 6/6 , thank
Thank you
I got 4/6! Thanks for the lesson!
You are just good Rebecca!
You got 5 correct out of 6.
thank you
100/100 thanks a lot Rebecca u re the best ever
i have got on 5 points from 6 and this is my result , i am satisfied
5/6 Good!
Thanks Rebecca. It was very interesting
thank you Ms Rebecca for explain and can explain about when i use have and has and had thank you again
6 correct out of 6. Rebecca is the best teacher I’ve ever seen.
I want to learn English. What is your recommendation about it?
If someone ask : “Do you like music” or “Do you like play tennis?” the answer is “Yes I like this” or “Yes I like that” ?
I would say both are corrects. Am I wrong ?
thank u very much
Thank you so much Ma’am Rebecca!
you are great teacher ever.This lesson was very clear.Thank you mam!
thanks so much
Thanks alot!
I’m fortunate to have a teacher like you.
Good class! Simple and objective! Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you Rebecca, it’s another very useful lesson. I have been learning your lesson for over a month, thank you for letting me know so much knowledge.
Thank you Rebecca, you helped me a lot! Keep it up!
Nice,I love your teaching Rebecca, Well done
I did it again, thank you Rebecca?
thank you madam.the way you explain is great.god bless you
This lesson was useful, thanks. I got 5 correct out of 6.
I watched this video twice on September 07, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it. I got six out of 6.
Nice classes. All the best.
thank you I get it now
Thanks dear Rebecca of your teaching and guiding us to learn even small grammatical points of English ,thanks a lot I got100 of the quizes in this lesson.
thank you! ma’am Rebecca!
This topic is so helpful for me.?
Thanks ma’am.
Thanks, Rebecca!!!
I got 6/6.
Thank you!
I scored 5/6
Finally got to know how and when to used them correctly.
Great lesson!
My mind stick with you,I don’t know why, but I am certain that after your class, I can write the ielts exam and pass with good grade and glory will go to you God.But as for you, I will look for you, just to appreciate you.
Thank you for the good work.
God bless you, teacher Rebecca.
10/10 thank you dear teacher :))
Seemingly simple, but can be considered as challenging.
You are great , thank you for your lessons:)
Thank you!
Thank you very much, this video helps me improve my English skills a lot
Rebecca I really love your way of explaininng your lessons. This lesson is one of your most important lessons.