Not sure whether to take the TOEFL or the IELTS? Want to know which of these English proficiency exams is easier? In this video, I explain the key differences between the two exams and make recommendations based on your strengths and weaknesses.
What about TOEIC ?
Please give me more details ?
Thanks !
TOEIC is quite a different exam. It does not test academic English at all, but rather general and business English used in the workplace.
It is much easier than any of the TOEFL or IELTS exams, in terms of level of difficulty in English.
TOIEC is used more as a pre-employment screening test so employers can be assured that a candidate has at least a functional understanding of English required in the business world.
You could learn more about the TOEIC through my website:
Your answer is very clear.
Your web is very useful.
Thank you very much !
nice coments
Your answer is very clear —> Your answer is very clearly — Right?^^
No, i don’t think so.
Your answer is very clear.
You answered very clearly.
Good luck!
Dear Teacher, Hope you are fine there with the best state of your health.Could you please tell me your email address so I can share with you in details about problems we face here while teaching english and how you can be more beneficial for us to promote english language skills. Thanks.
I am a student at a university in Vietnam. I want to get a scholarship to go to Singapore and study economics there. TOEFL and IELTS, which I should take? Thanks!
Thank you very much very useful
your web is very useful . and you did a great job.
but i want ask if you have an online exam to test our level in english
plz help me , i want improve my accent and language.
i like your anwer so much
to ms/mrs Rebecca
you know, sometimes i got the confusion of TOEFL test,the questions are very trap. So, could you give me some examples of TOEFL test and how much the standard score for that test?
thanks a lot
Rebecca, thank you very much for all your great advices.
Your English is so perfect!!!!!
Miriam Sena de Santana
Thanks. Miriam. I have been speaking English all my life and that certainly helps!
Thank you for all the lessons
Your lessons are great so they hlep us to improve our English,but I have some problems.
1/ In my country people don’t speak English so what I learn every day I Always forget because I don’t use it .
What should I do ?
please answer my question.
I understand your difficulty. Actually, that’s why thousands of students travel to English-speaking countries to improve their English. In that environment, they can make quick progress and save years of English learning.
In the meantime, you need to find a teacher or friend with whom you can practice speaking. That is the only way to make a breakthrough.
You can also listen to English news channels, movies, songs, etc. That will improve your comprehension and vocabulary.
All the best to you. If you decide to come to Canada to improve your English, we would be happy to have you.
Thank you so much my teacher Rebecca
but how can I come to Canada?
I beg your pardon miss:
you mean you have an english institute? if so what is its name so we can sign up and travel more comfortably!!
please reply
hello! i need to improve my speaking skill, im planning to make toefl exam after 3 months. the most difficult part for me is speaking part. so anyone can help me ?!!!!!
Dear madam.. Tel me the way how to get into Canada for learn English at your feet.. I am so glad and keen for that moment.. I hope you will help me out to improve my English knowledge.. thank you
Hello Dear teacher Rebecca,
How much is that cost in Canada to improve my English. My level is pre-intermediate, i guess so.
can you send the link lower cost courses. Thank you. Replay me , Please
mohd I will help you in speaking practice english.
saddy.butt my skype address.
Hey Mohd, if you want, we can add each other on skype to pratice ;)
Hi Gabrielli, please add me on skype. My ID is chiz.stha. Thank you,
hi Gabrielle…. i want practice with you on skype if you can
nasser zaw
Thank you
Thank you
Very welcome.
Hi Rebecca
Thank you very much for your acurate lessons……………….if you let make a request, I’d like a lesson about gerunds or the use of ing in differents situations not only when we are talking in the progressive form………..again thank you and I hope you could answer my request
I will certainly try to do a lesson on gerunds in the near future. In the meantime, please do check the video lessons of our other teachers. They cover a lot of important grammar points.
Glad you’re enjoying the lessons. Please tell your friends, so we can continue to grow.
i want to do my MS.I took my GRE exam and scored 294.Next,which exam shall i take either TOEFL or IELTS????
its excellent. to sort out confusion between toefl and ielts this introductory lecture was really very much helpful for me.
thanks Rebbeca.
It’s not easy to know which exam to choose. Glad I could help. Wish you all the best, Ashutosh.
Thnks for good lesson
You’re very welcome. Good luck with your English.
hai i want to learn in english more…
Excellent comparison, thank you so much !
Glad you understood the differences. All the best.
Hi Rebecca,
Can you give me some IELTS lesson or books or video.
Thank you
Greetings to you from Canada and thanks for your feedback!
nice one,that was the usfulest(or most usful or whatever hahaha)video about TOFEL and IELTS,thanks
The most useful actually.
Glad it helped you.
Can you post some videos of speaking test of IELTS? I wanna have a real look about this part!!!
P/S: Thanks a lot! Your site is wonderful!
Thanks. Yes, I’ll put together a lesson on that for you. Okay?
oh!wonderful! thanks you very much!
Welcome and good luck with your English.
I want to study English.
Ngoc Anh
It’s all around you so just get started…joining a class or working with a private teacher is best.
Hi! I am from Russia and I want that English will become my second language! It’s great that I found free English lessons in the Internet. so I can learn English and enjoy it. This website is a great idea, thank you
Privyet to you!
Thanks for your feedback and glad to hear the lessons help you. Please do tell your friends so we can continue to add new lessons.
what does privyet mean Rbecca? I love your free english lessons.I couldn’th have afforded paying for it!It would cost me a bomb!
suman shenoy
It means “hi” in Russian)
Alena i also want learn english will you help me?
I want friend to learn me grammar, I want to do exam TOFEL or IELTS Which the better ?
and thank everybody .
You are absolutely right, Alena! Really! This website helped me a lot. Thank you so much EngVid and beautiful teacher, Rebecca.
From japan. Your web is very very useful. Thanks a lot. I want to study English more and more. Good luck for your Job. thank you guys.
Greetings to you in Japan from all of us here in Canada. All the best with your English. If you’re determined, I’m sure you will master it.
It was very useful for me.
Thank you very much!!!
Thanks and all the best with your English learning!
real i like it…
thank you Rebecca
You’re welcome. Glad it helped.
I’m so happy in this site
I thank u sooooo much
all the best to you
Eeng from Saudi Arabia ..
My best to you from Canada.
So glad you find the lessons helpful.
Mrs. Rebbeca ,,
I hope you’re in best case .
How can I email you ?
becuase I wana something from you
best wishes madam,,
wow!! it’s awesome. i have never seen like your lecture.. it’s perfect
and u always try to do your best. so no matter how difficult something is,it’s very easy understand for me. thanks..
while i study english, if i have got a question, can i ask that to you?
Thank you for your kind comments. It’s always encouraging to get such feedback from students.
I wish you the best with your English. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask and I would be happy to help you.
that helped me a lot. thank you so much!
Glad to hear it. Thanks.
Greetings from India,
I have been searching the internet for hours to find a solution.
Your Lecture really helped me . Your English accent is simply Superb
Hello to you in India. Thanks for your feedback. So glad I could shed some light on the issue. I wish you the best with whichever exam you decide to take.
hi mam who are you mam i am going to applie student visa for england mam i am having problum with listning problum please reply me on my id
Actually you also have a serious problem with your writing :P .
Keep trying , dude.
Nguyen Vu Long
hi Rebecca,
many thanks for this lesson..
im looking for an english scholarship in canada. can you help me?
What subject are you interested in studying and where?
Dear Teacher,I’m very great to have a english lesson with you here..
Best wish :))
Thanks. All the best.
I am curently doing job in Dubai and i would like to come canada to study english course. kindly assist me
Hello Dear Rebecca
I am not a native Speaker of English Language.Through to watching your videos I lave Learnt a lot of new things.Now i wish to appear in IELTS exam: plz help me in this connection and send me your Precious advises
I am waiting your reply.I remain thankful to you.
Thanks so much for your feedback.
Please check my IELTS website for detailed information on how to do well on this exam.
All the best to you, Jamshed.
Hi your video is very useful. As I found you very expert, I would like to ask a question . I dont want to take any of these tests. I just want to speak english fluently in my workplace and I would like to have a vocabulary skill needed for this purpose. there are lots of vocabulary books but I dont know which to read to master simple vocabulary needed for speaking english fluently.I cant read all of the books and I want tow to three books to read and revise constantly
Thanks in advance
I understand your situation. You may find the following books useful:
I wish you the best with your English studies and your career. From your message, it is clear that your level of English is already high. All the best as you progress to even higher levels.
Hi rebecca Thank you for your guidance.
The last word I want to say is that I am highly interested in American english. The books you suggested to me are written in British( except TOEIC). furthermore, I would like to use informal english not formal.
Could you please introduce some books for this purpose and tell me the name of the most comprehensive books in TOEIC vocab.
Thank you very much for all your useful help.
Hello Mam.
Your BEAUTIFUL and so your English is & the way you explain thing to the students like us. I want to appear in IELTS test. I am from Pakistan. How should I improve my english. Please tell me
waiting for your Prompt reply
Mohsin ul haq
Thanks for your comments. You can improve your English in many ways on your own. However, if you want to appear for the IELTS, it’s best to join a good exam preparation class so you can learn a variety of exam strategies.
Please take a look at my website for some useful information, tips, writing samples and so on.
All the best to you.
I love this website very much,it is really useful!
Many thanks!
useful lesson for anyone who intend to learn TOEFL or IELTS. However, from my experiences, I think that IELTS is easier than TOEFL at all. Taking IELTS will be familiar with your work or your life. whereas TOEFL need you to get an academic level which I think quite difficult compared to IELTS.
Thanks for passing on your opinion. Actually, there are two IELTS exams – the academic version and the general version. The academic is more challenging, in the reading and writing aspects.
I agree that the TOEFL helps to prepare you for university-level academic life more effectively, because it forces you to use a variety of skills that you will need once you are there.
Which exam is easier really depends on each individual’s background. Which exam is better depends on each person’s future goals.
Hi Rebecca!, I am from Vietnam and now I want to learn to take an IELTS test. My pre-test score was 4.5 and my goal is 6.0. Please give me some advises and guides so that I can perform my plan?!! Thanks you so much!
Please visit my website, , for helpful hints, strategies and suggestions.
All the best with your exam!
hi rebecca!, I am from indonesia.
I took the ielts test 4 days ago when in speaking section, I had short spoken with an english man. He asked me a question but at that time I couldnt answer the question as well. I guess, I might not pass the ielts exams.actually the reason why I took the test was to use it to submit to a university because the university requires me to have ielts at least 6.5. could you tell me how to deal and how to improve the speaking and my writing?
tommy ng
You do really need to prepare and practice to do well on each section of the exam. Could you join an exam preparation class there? You can prepare alone for the listening and reading sections, but you really need the feedback of a teacher for the writing and speaking sections. That’s the best advice I can give you.
Other than that, there are specific books aimed at helping you improve your IELTS speaking and writing skills, such as those produced by Cambridge University Press.
Please watch my video on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay, on this website. It will help you write a great IELTS essay as well.
You can also visit my website, for sample essays, essay topics, speaking hints and more.
You can definitely improve so keep at it! All the best to you.
Dear Ms..
thanks for your practical endeavor. Please tell me how can i give a free ielts test online for practice.
Thanks again.
You could type “free online IELTS test” into google or any other search engine and see what shows up.
Alternatively, you could get hold a good IELTS exam preparation book, such as those produced by Cambridge Univ Press, which have actual exam papers from previous exams. I would trust them more, for you can rehearse with actual exam samples.
Thanks for your comments and all the best to you.
hi!teacher!I am a student at university in vietnam.My major is know now i want to get a scholarships because i want to make my parent a pleasure.But my writing skill is’t good so much and I feel very tired when i study it.I should how to do to overcom this subject?!can you give me some advice?thank so much teacher.I hope that I will soon receive from you.
There are many many ways to improve your English writing. Don’t be afraid. Start small.
Try to make writing a part of your daily life, by keeping a small diary, or summarizing the news of the day, or writing about a hobby of yours – anything that interests you. You do need to have a teacher who can correct your work and guide you.
There are also many resources, online and in books, which can help you improve.
For essays, please watch my video on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay. It will give you some easy strategies to improve your writing quickly.
You can also read through some sample essays on my websites, and
Make better writing your goal for the year and do lots of practice. In academic life, our grades are based mainly on written assignments and papers so it is worth the effort to improve in this area.
All the best to you.
Hi Rebecca
My son 12 years old (Thai boy) is studying from EngVid videos every mornings.Thank you for all vedios ,they are very useful.He is a homeschool boy and he loves english so much.If he want to improve his english in Canada how you advice any language school for him? (in my opinion is around high school 15-18 yrs old) I want him to improve his reading and writing.
Thank you for your kindness
Take care
Thanks a lot:)!
hai, how r u? realy very useful ur lesson. difference between toefl and ielts, acually i can’t understand. but ur voice is clear. i think ,i’ll see the ur vedio two or three times after i can clear my doubt.
relavent any vedios is there? or pl tell me how to clarify my doubts. other wise u will guide me.
ur voice is clear and good pronunciation. thanks to ur team.
paranthaman thangaraju
Thanks. Yes. it takes some time to develop our vocabulary and listening skills.
My best to you.
We had four videographers present. ,
Hello Rebecca ,
First I would like to say – Thank you !
mainly because you helped us (the student) to solve this important question about TOFEL vs IELTS, this is a hot topic for International students.I myself tried to search for an answer and this video help me a lot.
Second since I picked IELTS already (As you said some was asked to) – I was wonder if you can refer me or “Link” me with detail about “test prep” website.I plan to study in Canada and I must MASTER the English as a “tool’ of my success.
best regards
Thanks for your feedback. Please visit my IELTS website for ideas, samples and advice on doing well on the IELTS. All the best to you, Guy.
Hello Rebecca. I would like take a IELTS exam. so i want to prepare IELTS exam in your course. Can you help me. How to connect for your course.
which exam is mandatory for studying M.S in canada with GRE score…..IELTS or TOEFL?????
Always check with the specific universities as to what they accept and what the minimum score is. All the best, RDK.
Hello Rebeca!!!
Thank you very much for all your lessons, your speaking is very clear, I like when teachers explain in that way, so we (students) can understand everything. Thanks!!!
The lessons really helped me to take an overview about the exams and to know all the skills I should have if I want to take one of them.
I’m from México and I would like to travel to Canada and take one of those programs where you can live with a family. If you have a chance, could you please help me to know more about it???
Again, thank you so much! =)
I would to learn IELTS ..i want to know which sites can i get ILETS (free books)
I’m hoping your reply
with thanks
Not sure about that, but you could check my IELTS website for advice on doing well on the IELTS. All the best to you.
Hi Rebecca
Your video is really helpful. I want to know which version of IELTS i.e (academic or general ) is required to do MS in USA ? OR is it better to take TOEFL ?
Please check with the specific university you are applying to. All the best, Rohit.
hello PROFESSOR rebecca i’m eleuterio from colombia i jus’t discover this webpage and i’m gratefull for all those wonderfull lessons you’re teaching. i love the one about the uses of money,
i want to take the TOEFL exam and thanks to you now i really know what’s the exam is all about.
i enjoy teaching english and i’m getting a lot of tools to use in my classes from all this lessons so once again thank you
Always a pleasure to hear from a fellow teacher. So glad we could help you. Thanks kindly for your feedback and all the best in your teaching career. Eleuterio.
I admired the way you teach, speak, behave. Your are excellent.
You engvid teachers deserve a big thanks.
Best wishes.
Thank you kindly, Lebowski. My best to you too.
Hello Rebecca,
I want to improve my pronounciation..sometime people face problem understanding me. So is there any method/book which could improve my pronounciation.
Appreciate your reply.
There are a lot of ESL materials that can help you with your pronunciation. Find a good library and look for materials that come with a CD or DVD as you need to hear what’s right. Check the websites of Oxford, Cambridge and Longman Publishing to check out the materials they offer for Pronunciation. All the best to you, Sunny.
your website are very helpful.
Your website is very helpful, actually. Thanks kindly, Mohsen.
ahmed metwaly sharawy
Glad I could help, Ahmed. Best wishes to you.
I am Amjad othman from Libya going to Britain to study should I take FCE or ILETS. Please reply.
thank you.
Please check with the place you intend to study and ask them which exam they accept. After that, get hold of the relevant exam preparation guides and look through them to see which exam seems easier to you. Try the practice exams in the books and then you will know which one is best for you. Good luck, Amjad.
Dear Ms. Rebecca
Your lessons are superb, I was thinking about the difference between Toefl and IELTS. You expained it clearly. Thank you very much
Actually I am going to attend Toelf exam in Feb. hope this site will be more useful to me.
thanks again
Hope you did well. Keep watching the videos to improve your English even more. Best wishes, Asha.
Hello Rebecca!
I’m from Burma. I am thinking to sit IELTS on coming March but I feel like I’m not ready to sit the exam yet! I really need to practice more in writing skill. I searched in the internet about test 2 writing samples but I haven’t found a good site yet. Could you help me to guide me in that? I couldn’t watch your video because our internet connection in here is so slow…
so… Can i have a script of that video?
Thanks in advance! :)
Sorry we can’t provide the script but you could check my IELTS website for lots of writing and speaking samples and advice on how to do well on the IELTS exam. My best wishes to you, Raven
my name is tarek ennjari ilive in maroco beni mellal
tanckes all
Welcome to engVid. All the best with your English learning, Tariq.
ur lessons are very very useful thankyou
Glad they help you. All the best, Rajaal.
hello Rebecca,
thank you a lot for your lessons!
please help me, i wa
hello Rebecca,
thank you a lot for your lessons!
please help me, i want to study in canada and i have not a proof language, they ask me to proove by a test , what can i do, for exemple for TOEFL, or other test? and can i pass this test online?
You will need to do the TOEFL or IELTS most likely. Check with the university you are interested in joining to see which exams they accept. Then, join an exam preparation class or get hold of an exam preparation guide so you know what to expect and how to answer the questions to get a high score. You will need a live or online teacher to give you feedback on your speaking and writing. All the best to you, Hobito.
Thank you for everything that you want to help everyone in all over the world to learn English. I think you are very patient and kind hearted. If you were not so you would not help too many people
Azerbaijan- it is my country
Thanks kindly.
this is my first time i am watching this engvid is very helpful 4 me.i am a university student. i stil not good in english and i wan improve my engliah communicatioan skill. what s fundamental things i should do to improve my english skill?please help me Ms.rebecca…..thank you so much.
Welcome to engVid! Please read through my replies to various questions here as I have discussed how to improve your speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills. The only way to improve your English is to use it as much as possible, but you must also have someone who is present to check it or correct it. Otherwise, you will develop the habit of saying things in the wrong way. Watch the videos here and online as they can teach you a lot. All the best to you, Lingam.
hi Rebecca thank you so much it was very helpful><
and i would like to ask a bout the IELTS because i applied for an american university and they want as least 5.0 in IELTS and now i already studying English here in Boston and my level is intermediate so how long time i will be ready to get this score in your opinion?
and my friends told me that the TOEFL is little bit harder and i discovered that now in this video
thank you again
best regards
I cannot say how long it will take you to prepare because each person learns at a different speed. However, if you are already in Boston, it will help because you are surrounded by English already. Of course, on the IELTS you will hear British accents mostly. The best way to know if you are ready for the IELTS, is to do several practice exams and check your score. Analyze your errors and work on improving your strategy for answering those kinds of questions. All the best, Loukman.
thank you very much, i learned lot of thing from your lessons. now i can manage little bit of english.
Good for you! Keep watching and all the best to you, Dhanu.
Thank you very much Rebeca. I’m Orlando from Brazil.
I studied English in Canada in 2008, but I feel like I am forgetting the language. This website is very useful to keep learning and not forget it.
I intend to aply for IELTS after wachting your lesson.
All the best, Orlando.
hello rebecca,
i do need some help could you tell me how can i enhance my speaking??
thank you…!
Speaking is challenging because it brings together so many skills at one time – grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening and so on. There are many ways to improve. Try to join a Conversational English class if possible or find a good private teacher.You could also look for an online teacher or class. For the TOEFL or IELTS exams, complete the speaking practice sections of many exam preparation books. Your speaking will improve when you speak more and can be corrected by someone who knows English well. No other choice! All the best to you.
helloo every body…
hi I am a professional chemical engineer.I am going to appear in ielts.Can you send me some important letters and General writing topics if you feel easy.
I want to know about British English and nois of America. Which ones do most of people in the world use in the conversation or writing?
Sorry, my English is bad.
please answer me.
Both are used and you can learn either one without worrying too much. If you are trying to choose, then decide based on where you might be traveling, living, studying or working. All the best Jack.
thank you very much for your effort.
by the way what is the difference between
effort and affort
I’m waiting your answer as soon as possible.
Affort is slang, according to the urban English dictionary, and means an excellent effort. However, it is not used often. I would not use it in regular English as many people might think you are simply making a mistake. I would certainly not use it in any academic exam or paper. You can always use the word effort without any such worry.
Can you tell me how can I speak english well? I know what I must say but I am always shy so my performances are not perfect. And I don’t know how to make listeners believe in what I am talking.
Thanks in advance
Ah you are really good
little robber
It would be helpful to work with a private teacher if possible to improve your skills, or to find and English-speaking friend who can correct any mistake you make. Be confident and proud of whatever you know and go forward with a friendly smile. Most people will appreciate the effort you are making to speak well. Take some conversation classes if possible and finally, take a class in English Presentation Skills. It will be scary at first, but you will improve a lot very quickly and gain a lot of confidence in yourself. All the best to you, little robber!
thanks for answering, I will take a class in English Presentation Skills after I finish high school next year and get university. I have some friends in France and of course they speak English. A friend of mine’s mother has passed away and I want to share with him. can you tell me how I can I write to him to encourage him not to be so sad? The most general way in English
little robber
Thank’s for your lessons and for this great web site that helps people from all the world to learn english.
By i’m interesting why do Canada immigration programs requires IELTS test which is “british english” test. Why not TOEFL whish is “american” one.
I guess you understand my question. (Sorry for mistakes if i did any)
Good question. I cannot say why they chose this exam. I agree, we do not speak British English here in Canada, or have British accents. Good luck with your English, Nickolay.
IELTS is not a test of British English, it is a test of international English and is proven by the fact the teams of item writers (exam writers) work in 5 regions of the world producing the test (Australian, UK, USA, New Zealand & Canada). Any standard form of language/spelling is permitted whether US or British (i.e. specialise/specialize). Pronunciation is assessed as to how much it interferes with communication, not how close it is to a particular accent. There are many native speakers with very strong accents that would not be clear on an international stage, and many non-natives with much clearer accents. See – The international English language test on page 6
hi , thanks alot for all the information that u passed to us which im sure it will help alot to improve theire english language, just i have some Questions i wann ur e.mail so i can send to u ..many thanks and regards..
You can post a question here, and I will do my best to answer. Warm wishes, Hafez.
dear Ms. Rebecca
this website is very helpful and your explanation is really very clear. I wonder if i can chatt with u or the teacher team of engvid via YM. thanks I very appreciate.
regards from Indonesia.
Thanks for your feedback. Sorry, we do not chat with students online, as we are all working full-time. However, if you have a question, you could post it here. All the best to you.
Hi Ms Rebecca , This is to certify that after listening two of your videos so far ,I extend my heartiest gratitude for making things so easy regarding TOEFL as well as IELTS. Looking forward to more of you.
thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
shahadat ali
Thanks kindly, Shahadat. So glad I could help you. My best wishes to you in the future.
That’s so amazing place that I meet! Oh!!! My goodness! I’ll be completely done with my learning. I must try my best to capture what God shows me now.
Sok Him
Welcome to engVid! All the best to you, Sok Him.
hi mam,
I am jagadeesh from India. Good day, your lessons are quite use full for me in preparation of toefl.I am facing little bit difficulty in listening module of toefl that is i am not able to answer them correctly. Please help me how can i overcome this difficulty.thank you
Thanks. There are many ways to improve your listening skills for the TOEFL. Do as many practice listening exercises as possible. Make sure you know how to take good and fast notes. Use abbreviations and symbols to take notes more quickly. Work on one type of listening exercise at a time, master that and then move on to the other, step by step. For example, start with the campus conversation and move to the academic lecture last, as it is more challenging. Watch American shows, news and movies for recreation to get accustomed to the accent and expressions used. Learn common campus vocabulary, which will help you understand the conversations more easily. Also, familiarize yourself with the different types of questions which appear in the listening section so you know how to answer them. All the best to you, Jagadeesh.
I was just wondering what the English part of Canada requires ? You’re great
Not sure what you mean. To move to Canada, you may be asked to take the IELTS exam. Is that what you mean? However, we do not speak British English in Canada. The Canadian accent is quite neutral and clear, and we use Canadian English, which has elements American & British English, as well as some of its own characteristics. If you are studying, you can learn any type of English and use it all over the world without worrying about the details. Good luck.
Madam , Robacca ,
Thank you for much for lession for Toefl, so i would like to live in ur country , so plz help me , wt i should do ,, for visa things,, thank you once again
AJ Razik
AJ Razik
Thanks. Please contact the Canadian Consulate in your country to find out what is required for Canadian immigration. All the best to you.
thank you so much for that information . l need it because l’m trying to make the test toefel and l need your help
thank you.
My respect! Perfect lesson! I like it!
Thank you Rebecca. I am almost ready to say TOEFL is more tan IELTS. But i will TOEFL just become its harder. :)
Could you please tell when should i use anymore and no longer; and not yet and already.
Thank you in advance
HI, Rebecca, I’m from Nepal…
I got some good knowledge about TOFEL/IELTS from your video. This web side is very helpful for us. thank you, thank you so much!!!
Hi! Thanks for very good material.
I will ask you, how can I download the videos
to my MP3 or MP4 devices? How about the quality of the videos downloaded to MP3/ Mp4?
Thank you in advance!
ari huvinen
Sorry, Ari. We don’t offer this yet.
thanks for answering, I will take a class in English Presentation Skills after I finish high school next year and get university. I have some friends in France and of course they speak English. A friend of mine’s mother has passed away and I want to share with him. can you tell me how I can I write to him to encourage him not to be so sad? The most general way in English
Hi rebeca I have a exam this week, I have speak english all my life but I have never revieved a grammar class. And now almost all the test it´s about grammar. I only have a couple of days what would you recomend me?
Hi rebecca,
l’m from algeria ana l’m preparing for my toefl exam. l just want to ask u if the toefl exam is accepted in uk or in any university in london
please answer me rabeca.
hye I m from algeria too and I wanna pass toefl my self
just wondering do I must have credit card to register the toefl
10 x
your website are very helpful
Hi Rebecca. Thanks a lot for all your lessons they are very useful. I want to ask you about GRE test, can you say anything about it? Is it so important or it’s just a formal test for applicants for entering to university? I ask because the math excercise part of the test is easy, but the words in GRE are very difficult and as i suppose they have no logical connection to mathematics.
Hope you will answer in my question.
Thanks in advance.
thank you miss rebbicca
Rebecca, I need to learn more from you
saint josé inaka
greeting from Mauritania, i am happy to follow your courses. so that help me to improve my level in english.
rebecca thank you for teaching. i would say that i am leaving in country where the english language come in the third place after arabic and frensh, so that make me face some difficulties to practice english, as you know the environment is very interesting to practice the english language. i am a professional accountant and i wish reach an level in english wich allow me to be capable to work using the english language as a language of work.
i am also need to improve my language
You remind me of a friend of mine. He comes from Mauritania. I am not sure but I remember he has told me. I am from Vietnam. May be you don’t know about Vietnam but it’s very nice of you to read my message. I like Mauritania and want to know more about it although I know nothing about your interesting country. You have something like my friend,, My english isn’t so good. Thank you!!! Mauritania is a very strange for me and my friend has a very stange voice too
message from Vietnam to Tory
Thank you verey much ,, it,s really helps alot
and your lesson was clear .hope for you good louk
i always wish to be a fluent speaker of english. what do you suggest me to do?
Easy to understand…
Hello Miss Rebecca,
It’s really great opportunity of English learning for those especially for non English man,
I want to apply for TOEFL test in Kabul, Kindly send me the material trough email to study and get ready for the exam.
Thanks is Advance
Aimal Ashrati
Hi, how can i make myself confident in reading…it is my worst skill
hi, thank you very match for your good lessons, and i wish to have the capacity to speak english fluently
Hi,Thanks a lot
i was very happy to listen to your lessons you were really great please talk about listening
ali al khateeb egypt
Good morning
I am happy to join to this website and really i like your methods in teaching
i need help
i want improve my English i want speak fast without make mistake because i need to improve my English because that will help me in my work
and what shall do to speak English good and i want take the E ilts but i can’t because i am not good in English
please give me advice …
Thanks to u and your website
nothing just i say u r brilliant……..
thank u for u r feed back and many good topic which i never see before,,,,
than u teacher.
prey for me i improve my english
Holá profa. Rebecca, estou começando a praticar o english e gosto muito das aulas porém tenho muitas dificuldades em gravar as lições eu gosto mesmo é de aprender… sou muito grato aos professores da web principalmente os do youtube.
Thanks a lot for your valued lessons,
actually they helped me very much,as I’m planning to go to USA and was deadly in need of such lessons.
Hi miss Rebecca!i’ve looked through all comments above & admired you.actually i found this site unexpectedly and didn’t get any of your lessons; i gonna to prepare for toefliBt, but indeed i haven’t any preparation for it.i owe to be already prepared on April- May of this year.Can u help me,pls?What resouces do i need for the best preparing?i hope you answer me as fast as i do.sincerely Balzhan
Balzhan from Kazakhstan
what’s your opinion, how long takes preparing for the toefl?i wanna to be surprised by your answer,in order to get inspirations…motivation and smth like that…i must be well-prepared…i should be
well-educated in the future life…))
Balzhan from Kazakhstan
apologize..Rebecca,i have met some problems with TOEFLibt and TOEFLpbt.I have recently found out that all toeflibt exams passed in my country,and no choice for that…only toeflpbt is accessible in time that’s neceassary for me.what should i do? gimme pls some advicesrecommendations.what resources can assist me for the toeflpbt?
Balzhan from Kazakhstan
I am happy and bless to be your student,then you help my english becomes better day in day.
im narges from iran and im very happy for coming to this site id like to learn speaking english.
I am going to have an IElts exam in 2 weeks. I am very nervous. Please help me on IELTS general test reading and writing part.
i am juveriya from india. i would like to have some lessons on grammer part which generally ask in ielt test. please help me.And you are doing great job!i like your way of teaching.
thank you.
miss rebecca you are doing nice job.
please send me the complete material of ielts course to my email address.
my e id is missmsc2010 [att] gmail [dot] com.waiting for your mail.
thank you.
Do you Rebecca has facebook, if you have can we chat with eachother there.
Please Rebecca, I would like to know your opinion about the following “TOEFL” time schedule.
I have to submit an English certificate either TOEFL or IELTS to the university.
Next year, I prepared well to the exam, but I received less points than the required.
my problem is during exam i couldnot do well. Could you please help me to get heigh score next time.
Hi Rabecca,
i hope you doing fine, Miss. Rabecca i have been watching and following your vedio lessons for the last one year they are really usefull since i have gain lots of things from your vedios. recently, i took TOEFL test in Afghan American uversity and made 520 score out of 650 my score was enough but i am not satisty from my score i want to make more but i strongly belive i could do it if i follow you and i wish i could meet you from very close distance. Thanks alot Miss. Rebacca i really love you as my teacher. bye
Thank you, dear Rebecca!
1. It was useful.
2. It was pleasant to listen to you. :D
how about toefl paper based test? is it usefull for applying scholarship?
I like it very much. My question is : how can I know what is my level of English? When I’m ready to go to try to pass a TOEFL or an IElTS test?
Can you tell me where can I test my level of English?
Thank you
hi Mem i really like u r Video the way you tech it just remind my my ESL teacher when i was in high school. OK My Question is i want to go for IELTS General and i want some writing and reading tips. i have some material for IELTS Cambridge 7 i practice from those books and i also want to practice from internet question i want to know is there any ticks to find out reading section like look for keyword and find answer because i m not good at reading and finding answer. Can you tell me what should i do ? please i already did IELTS but i didn’t get good score i got only 4.5 which is very poor mark so please give me some advise.
Thank you
Hi teacher, I find this extremely helpful, I’m 15 now and about to take a course, which I’m not certain will be Ielts or Toefle, I’m really accustomed to American English, which I think that suits the listening part, ButI want to ask you about the writing, is it ok if I use more American Eng in the writing part of ielts exam?
Tiny Smart
This website is very useful ! Thank you so much Rebecca !
Nam Nguyen
Hi Rebecca,
Please clarify this. In our school, they told me after ‘TO’ you should not write gerund. But here I saw lot of sentence have written in this form. For example, look forward TO HEARING from you
Hello Rebecca!
Thank You for Your comments about exams. I decided to choose one of them, after that information. Thank You kindly!
Hi Rebecca!
In some Asian countries, we generally sit ielts test to get Visa for studying abroad. So, I hope you make more Ielts related lessons for Ielts test. Thanks.
Hi Ms Rebecca,
I wish to study child care course in Newzealand.Which exam should I do in IELTS acedamic or general? What band score is need to that course?
thank yo for your help ,
please can you make more videos about ielts or other test ? THERE IS NO MUCH VIDEOS IN THE NET ? PLEASE HELP ME i have the ielts test nxt two month and i need some sources of preparation ?
is there more difference between American and British English
Dear the first I want to thank you for your good nice teaching style.
I have a request ….
That is difficulty to know where we use the ( less ‘dis ,in, un ) in the words and why we change them in the different words. Thank you so much.
Hello teacher Rebecca I would like to ask for your help.
People who prepare for TOEFL exam and do it very well. If they join to the IELTS exam, you think he can also do the IELTS exam very well or not??
Because of my confusion, I cannot determine what test i should join because I’m not sure about my future planning; what the university appropriate for me. I plan to study in USA or UK, but it have a lot of factor that make me confuse and cannot determine; for example, my GPA, my qualification etc.
Engvid very important for all people who want to study English
I like it so much,
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for uploading such helpful videos. Actually, i am going write TOEFL next month. Could you please help me to improve my speaking and writing skills ? I would be very thankful to you for your guidance in coming future. Thank you…
Dear Teacher! your explanations are the best! Now I realize the different between both type of exams. I think taking the TOEFL test in July! I am quite nervous! thank you for all your help!
Best regards to all the staff!
Hi maam Rebecca!Thanks a lot for your lessons thanks for engvid frograms and all staffs,,, GOD BLESS YOU and more power to all.
Fernando Avila
That is a perfect website with perfect teachers thank you for your effort
hay rebecca!
Hello there,
I am actually working as an English tutor, Since I am doing this job out of experience and my english level, I would like to get certified for this position. Could you please tell me which IELTS exams shall I take The GENERAL or ACADEMIC? p:s:- I am moving to France and for more scope what woul be your advice please.
Thank you.
thank you so much,your lesson is helful to me.
it is great lesson teacher Rebecca.
could you give an example test of TOEFL?
ibrahim Salama
good suggestion
Fantastic ..!
You were very good. It was very clear and useful . Thank you
thanks alot Rebecca
Thanks so much , actually that’s what I’m looking for .u r amazing , and the lesson was so helpful
Excuse me, Rebecca. this video was made about 3 years ago, so i’m wondering if the differences between the two tests are still like that or are the any changes? I really want to know, thanks in advance.
i m still confused about the test .actully i want to take a test for spouse visa with the level a1.can u tell me which test should i take
Excellent explanation!Thank you so much!. That’s a useful thing to know.
Thanks A lottttt Rebecca… i found it easier to understand the differences between them when i watched this vid rather than reading the whole passage about them. :)
now i can easily anser my students’ questions related to this topic. the short description about TOEIC is also helpful for me… however, i wonder if you could also help me to find the differences among them with FCE (First Certificate of English) which is issued by Cambridge Uni *if I’m not mistaken*
once again, Thanks you very very much :)
dead or dawn?
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks you for this effort and this information,I would like to send me all material for IELTS, and Answer about previous question”which the better IELTES OR TOFEL?
Please Leave response on My email :
And thanks again Mrs Rebecca ,
Rebecca thank you for wonderful lesson, but I have some questions about a- level exams , could you help me please?
I like you
Thanks so much for your share your wisdom to me
Really fantastic lecture.I love it
Himansu Nanda
Hi…Miss Rebecca, I’m a new member of your clib. I realy happy about this website. but my English knowledge is very poor. please can you help me?
miss. Rebecca teacher is very good. is voice is very swits. my god is rebecca teacher. i tomuch happey
Your efforts are appreciated and your information is useful. Thank you.
Really good website more importantly good teachers
thanks :)
Please Rebecca, make an introduction to the SLEP test, give us some more details about this.
thank you for your explanation
You really do it well
How do I improve my speaking abilities? and which is the best TOEFL or IELTS?
ahmed el gendy
Thank you so much for your videos, I’m teaching English and I find your videos so helpful when giving my classes as well as for studying myself.
Greetings from Colombia.
i like the method of teaching these teacher
May I Ask,Can IELTS Certificate Study In U.S Collage ?
Jj lim
Some US colleges and universities might take IELTS, but most will require TOEFL. You need to check each university’s policies.
Thanks a lot to all the staff. It’s really a wonderful work. We’ve benfitted a great deal. We’ll be very grateful if you could use other teaching aids like overhead projectors. They will make your lessons more interesting and enjoyable. Please, cosider my suggestion.
hello all of you and thank you for all of your lessons and thank you for videos and I have a request to all teachers toefl of ielts be more than the other
hallo!it’s the first time i visit this web site so please help me to learn more useful can find me at face name is bouhala yopunes
hai rebbecca..thank u for noteworthy points..i want to do my masters in business management in UK..can i take up IELTS?wud it help me..??please reply..please let me know the details too if i can take up..
hey dear
i’m interested to come canada by HIGHLY SKILLED VISA.can you confirm me please does canada accept TOEIC for HSMP if so how much point i may gain for C1 in TOEIC.
Hi,Rebeca. I’m from Thailand.I’m looking for a method to learn English all of my life. But now I know how can I improve myself about english. I think if I see your VDOs everyday, everytime and everywhere I can use English a fluent level. In fact, I don’t want to take many exam ,but many companies,many jobs, and many organizations wants it. That let me think the exam is very important for me. Eventual I think I can improve myself with your VDOs , Love u.\\Ampere from Thailand.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for the
hi teacher ,
i ask you from Tunisia ; seriously it’s a pleasure to know you and your lessons from the web , i found yours teaching manner very helpful for me to improve my favorite English , but my issue now is that how to practice it , hopefully that you create some conferences online just to participate to some discussions and speeches with someone interested learners ., how you find my idea ?
finely i say for you good luck in your life and your work many thx for you and all members of your team especially the beautiful Valen .
ezzeddine essid
I am interested in doing MS in Canada. I have checked with universities they accept both TOEFL and IELTS. But I wanted to know which one would be preferable? I need a high score
Dear Mrs.Rebecca
Thanks for your information.
i have question.
in IELTS-writing section can i give name of essay or examner provide with selected subject?
my regards
thanks alot mam that was really very helpful
Thanks a lot mam that was really very helping
Thanks a lot mam that was really very helping i just want to know which one of the following is acceptable in USA
hello madam can you please tell me an equivalent for IELTS 4.0 . i have missed the IELTS date and cant wait that long as i have to make it for my course ealier . please mail me if u can will appreciate it . rgs
Your work is appreciated, THANK YOU!
Grateful person
Thank you for this good explanation
Hi shler can help me learn kurdish language please
i’m really happy to find such a topic.
thank you very much Rebecca.
it’s really really very helpful.
may Allah reward you with all you like.
please i want your advice,
80 in TOEFL iBT or IELTS 5.5 which is more difficult ?
hi dear Rebecca! thanks a lot all of your kind response. where can i find some essays for high score in toefl and ielts?
Hi Rebecca!
I want to ask for advice.
My level is High Intermediate and each teachers tells me that I’ll get 5.5. on IELTS (general), but i need to 6.5. – 6.7. to enter school which I chosen.
Say please, How do I need to build teaching and on what moments it is needed to pay attention? I have only half a year.
Beforehand Thank!
You tube is filtered in my country.Any other ways to access videos?
Hi Rebecca!I`ve needed to your help.Please help me.Could you check my essay.I don`t not sure that my sentenses are right.I think i can`t connect the words.
thanks a lot. you are a good teacher
thanks rebecca,for all english video lessons…I am the new member of I looked all night video lessons and other it is realy great job…
Great info, that really helps . Thank you ^_^
Nguyen Vu Long
will you teach me the passive voice please teacher Rebecca
saad arab
hi .frankly still im realy hesitate abote which one i will take something is easy in toefl and difficlt in itels so the opesite right
Dear Rebecca
thanks a lot for these useful lessons; however, I want you to clear stuff more if you don’t mind. You see I am a Canadian and from Toronto too but because of my fathers work we had to move to a foreign country which doesn’t speak English at all, and now I am nearly through with high school and getting I am getting ready for collage, as I noticed in the video you said that Canadian collages require IELTS. My question comes here:
How come Canadian collages require IELTS and not TOEFL since TOEFL is mostly American speech and IELTS is mostly British, I mean I used to speak American when I was in Canada, and you guys speak American too. My second question is if its IELTS do you have any tips for me because I speak American and I have already taken a TOEFL course which means I will have some problems learning IELTS
I just found your webside some days ago, it’s interesting, helpful!
Hey Rebecca.
I have to show my TOEIC results to CNO for Nursing registration. They have only asked to have 720 scores wid 350 in reading and listening each.Its not mentioned whether i have to show my speaking toeic results. So should i go for listening and reading test only.
I have already an IELTS score of 7, so scoring 350 in reading and listening in TOEIC would be fine for me or not.
Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca;
I m an english teacher and you always answer the questions I encounter in my classes.Thank you very much for this video and for all the others..
Best wishes..
dear rebecca am from egypt
thank youu for this useful vedioo i need ur advice as soon as possible
i did ilets exam twice the 1st time i got overall 6 , writing 5 , the 2nd ttime i got overall 6.5 and writing 5.5
i need to get overall 7 and specially in the writing it must be at least 6.5
to be accepted in my dream college
the problem is in my writing i practiced aloot and it didnt work i got 5.5 i dont know what should i do moree i practiced alot
may u helpp me please
should i retake the ilets exam again or tofel instad but am afraid from the diffrences u said in this vedioo
hi, i am a house how i can improve me to clear ilets general exam
I found your video about the comparetion of TOFL and IELTS very usefull thank you ! What about Cambridge First/Advanced or Profiency , how do you compare it with other exams accordings difficulty and use case and form ?
Thank You for video about difference between tofl and IELTS.
Just a question: Are You from Canada? Till now for me this is the most easy accent to understand. Ist is a little bit strange cause I am Italian and I am living in Singapore…
Hi! I’m from Uruguay and I wanted to tell you that you speak very clearly,not much fast,so I can understand!! Thanks.
I am a Bangladeshi.So it is hard to learn english.I am tring to learn english but I am in trouble that I can’t save english vocabulary in mymemory and can’t understand.What can I do now ?
To Die!!!!!
Hi, Rebecca! It’s difficult to overestimate your efforts and your lessons for all of us! Thank you very much! And it will be very kind of you to provide me (us) with your opinien concerning other EL exams: PET,FEC,CAE,CPE… I suppose it’s enough.
Hi, Rebecca, I am a student in College. Even I can pass the course or get a high mark, my english is still not good. I can understand 70% in class which is not good enough because i am planning to transfer to University and my speaking is really poor.I can just communicate with my classmates with simple words and talk about simple topic. I really want to speak better englsh, please help me, thanks!!!
Hi, Is it possible to study ielts by myself? and go for the test only? what’s your suggestion?
Just to say thank you for your help.
I wish if you give us a program to sue during the week to study english. It will help to focus more to what we have to do.
Thank you
my father is a foreign worker,, and he’s given a chance to take his family, my mother is a spousal visa, and im dependent (open work permit) he took the ielts exam but he didn’t pass,, can i take ielts for him? than you
dianne maga
U r wonderfull, dear teacher! Your pronunciation is very clear. I love u ad your lessons…:)))
Hello, dear Rebecca, could you please tell me something about FCE? I’m going to pass it this spring, but I’m not really sure I need it. The more I talk to people or surf the net, the more I realise TOEFL of IELTS are known and acceptable in Britain. So, is it really worth passing FCE or I just threw good money after bad?
how can i achieve IELTS exam ?
wich accent are you speak UK or USA because it’s very clear . thank you
Rebecca is Canadian. The accent is close to an American accent.
hey there please could you answer my question?
12 may i gave ielts exam but in reading madule tim was less i cant tranfer my answer question sheet to answer sheet i hav big mistake but in the end i attached the request letter pls tell me and help me i hope u understand what i m saying
waqas malik
Hi Rebecca
I’ll study in USA next month and I am in intermediate level
with your experiences do you think that six month will be enough to get 90 in TOEFL or 6.5 in ielts ?
and what do you think is easier ?
I got 4 out of 6. Thanks for the lessons.
thanks your lesson was so helpful to me
I like this presentation very much and hopefully that these could help me to improve my English skills
Best regards
Hy ms rebecca<how are you?I am from nepal and now i am on my bachelore second year of bsc forestry and after completing my bachelore here i want to do my master in canada,still two and half year is remaining to complete my bachelore and i want to study there in scholarship because my parent c
subash pandey
i want the lesson of teofl
hi miss rebecca how are you? hope you doing good!!!!! To study ms in canada do i need GRE or ielts is enough?? and i’m having 64% in…. is it possible to study in canada?
madam can i do my ms in Canada , Australia or UK only with my TOEFL or IELTS (is it must and should that i have to write my GRE )
Every program has different requirements. You need to check each university separately.
hello mam, i am going to write my gre examination n confused weather to consider a toefl or ielts examinations.
so i vil be very helpful if u can suggest me regarding this………
thanks in advance priya
Hello madam Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this video.
But I already have taken TOEFL 3 times still not obtaining 80. I got 60 in first attempt, 64 in second attempt, 66 in third attempt. What should I do? Please suggest me.
Thank you so much in advance.
toefl or ielts?? which one should we prefer to apply in the universities of canada ??
This video helped me to choose a test.thanx for the video.
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hi mam.hw r u?.actually i am planning for canada for ma higher which exam i have to prefer either toefl or ielts please do reply?
Hi, I want to take the scholership of the heidelberg & iwant to know which one is better for me toefl or ielts?
Thanks a lot for your video. I know which one i have to choose now.
if I spelling mistake in IELTS. Does I lose score ?!
Hi, I am from India completed my in 2005 having 6 yrs exp. in HR /Payroll and now i would like to diploma in Human resources or / business management in Canada. whether i need to appear toefl or ielts ? which one should we prefer to apply for canada universities
thank you very much…
hi, plz which one is more important and can be sued to enter any University TOEFL or IELTS?
and what is the difference between them?
first time i got 97points in toefl ibt. but that’s not high enough for me study the major i want. i am especially weak at speaking and writing. i hope to overcome my fear in these parts and score ideally 4-5 at each part for me to reach well over 100, if not the highest…if it’s possible within a short period of time and how would you suggest me train myself for that?
Going by the comments, the video seems really good. However, I am unable to view it because of the security policy at my orgainzation. Do you have a transcript of this video? Thanks in advance
Mrs. Rebecca, you’re doing a great job for student!
I just wanted to ask you if i can study on my own for TOEFL, is it possible, and how much should i practise?
Thank you!
which of this 2 exam i.e. TOEFL & IELTS results last for longer period???
Plz do rply…waiting..
thank you very much.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. I can easily understand your english and all other lessons. Those are very helpful for me. I like this website very much.
Bye (from India)
nice video
very useful
thanks from brazil
Thanks alot ,very useful video
Hello^^ greetings from Mongolia^^
I.m really happy to learn English by your online lecture. It is very helpful to improve my English. I’ll tell, share my friends about your site. Good luck and best wishes to all teachers.
From your Mongolian student Hanna:)
I am looking to get an admission in some college in North america and then I will apply for immigration. Should I give IELTS or TOEFL? Both the exams are the same for me and the colleges will accept either exam but my only concern for asking this question is that which exam is given priority over the other when it comes to getting a job or getting an admission in North america?
Thanks a lot for your explanation
which exam taken for sacholarship??
Very useful information thank you very much
i am doing master science in canada suggest me what can i do for study in canada i am completed my engineering recently so plz suggest me what step i will choose
Thank you vey much Rebecca!
I have a doubt, if you passed the TOEFL, how long is valid the certificate to approve that you know english?, in other way, how many year the certificate is valid? Or you don’t need to do other exam after few year?
Thank you very much for this video .
I would like to ask if i want to start the training of English from zero till i can do the TOEFL exam what are your advices and steps that i have to do for success such as :videos , books , audio and websites , and rise my skill in the English language with less mistakes and more professionality .
Thank you, your website is very use full . I learn so much from your website. My question is if i finished my advance . then next what should i take the next, please give me advice. thank you so much your help.
Thanks For u But if u Could Help me on ielts Reading Section And Give me Tips In ielts
Ahmed Khalid
I wanna fluently speaking. What are your advice?
Respected Madam,
I am Rahul from India. I have completed my Masters in Electrical Engineering and now I am looking forward to get admission in the top technical universities located in USA for PhD. I am not good in speaking English but I can read and write well. I want to improve my speaking skill that’s why I have joint After watching yours video I found it very valuable and got necessary information but still I need your guidance.
Madam, please guide me how to get admission in the American universities and what is the main criteria for pursuing PhD? Which exam is suitable for this purpose TOEFL, IELTS or GRE?
It’s my humble request to you to answer my Questions and obliged.
Thank you
Rahul Nema
what about the SAT exam? what is it used for and in what countries is it accepted?
Hello, Ms. Rebecca. Good evening. I’m from Indonesia, and I’m writing this comment in the evening. Ha ha…:)
Well, Canadian English pronunciation sounds similar to that of American English. I thought you’re an American. But you’re from Canada actually. Is there any difference between American and Canadian English?
Dear Rebecca, thank you so much for clear explanation of these exams.
I think you speak Uzbek language as well. If so, then you are a multilingual one.
Karim Khan Wardak
Hello Rebecca, is it really important to count how many words were written in the essay??
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your heartful lesson. Very easy to understand for me. Please keep supporting us to improve English.
Tank you you’re the best
Dear Rebecca, Thank you
Hi Rebecca. I really appreciate your lessons. you’ve always come up with wonderful topics. i was wondering if you could teach us the titles of the doctors in medicine. what do you call them. i know cardiologist, dentist, optometrist, but what about the others.
Tnanks a lot!The lesso is really helpful!
your lessons is very interesting. and exciting. i really like to seeing these lessons
It was very worthwhile. thank you
Thanks Rebecca. I have seen a lot of your videos but this one is very complete. Nowadays, I am studying to take the TOEFL exam. Thank you again for you help.
Hi Rebeca, I would like to thank you to you and Mss Ronnie . My English is improving each day when i know about
I would like to see a sub-title if possible that way the listener and i can much understand because some words missed . but most of all, i completed understand your lesson. All your lesson is greats.
Thank’s again.
how can i thank you i don’t know , i follow your tutorial to improve my language.
i feel better
warm regards
One of the very best website i have ever met. Thanks a lot & lot for you rebecca.
Please , could you give me IELTS question.Thank you
Hi Rebecca :) Thank you so much for your usable lessons!!!
I want to ask you to explain the difference between GRE and GMAT. I want to orientate which one to prepare for. Thanks in advance :)))))
thanks Rebecca! I know that I should take an IELTS exam.
Hi I am new here and i want to be Good in english i know little bit Can you help me Rebbeca
Thank you very much for the great explanation, i have a question, my question is what is FCE? what is the difference among the TOEFL or IELTS?
Looking forward to hearing from you :)
if i want to study in america means which exam i should write?
Dear Rebecca, I really like the videos on YouTube.
You’re Really Doing great job and I would like to thank you that.
I’m from Pakistan.
I want to study in USA. I decided to take TOEFL course. But some people told me that I could take IELTS course. Because IELTS easier than TOEFL. Now I wonder if I take IELTS exam will I able to study any USA University? Please help me.
hello ma’am
is there any second chance given in case of toefl if we don’t pass
Mam Rubeca
Your accent is superb very easy to catch .Could u please to tell me about Tep exam . Only can be done in South Korea
Look forward to hear from you soon
Noreen abdul raheem
hello Rebecca mam i want study in usa and i am from nepal. What should I do mam toefl or ielts I am in confusion Please help me out.
Hello, you teach very well. I appreciate that.
Do I have to speak British with the examiner in the IELTS exam? I would rather speak American English. Am I allowed to do that?
I cannot speak British. I just can understand the British accent by listening, but I cannot speak British English at all.
Help me please.
Amirhosein Saberi
Nice job, you really did well
Haitham Mostafa
How long are the results of these exams valid?
Hello rebacc
I would like your recommendation to find the best way to pass toffel test
Thank you very much
Hello there,
I need to take either Ielts or Toefl to get my admission in the queen’s university Toronto. I am applying for master’s degree in biomedical science. They have said I should get 7.0 in Ielts or 650 in tofel. Even though I studied my undergraduate medical degree in English medium ,I feel myself not confident about my knowledge in English to take either ielts or toefl . I have short of time.I must complete the exam within 3 to 4 months with those scores which I mentioned above . Can you give me a suggestion which exam is suitable for me to prepare within this short time ?
Thank you.
Rebecca dear !
jux tellme sumthing about ielts exams and also tell me from where i should prepare for this. give me sum links related to ielts exams from where i can expect to get 7 band for this course. I shall be very thankful to you. WAiting for your reply.
I have really been enlightened.I will take TOEFL.Because,I am studying in the US.Thank very much.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot, very interesting lesson
take care
I wanna learn writing an essay for 500 words for my entrance exams.Please help me out with this.
hi, I m going to come canada . what should i know?
Great lesson, Rebecca! Keep it up! :D
Taylor Mcknight
hi rebecca
first of all i’d like to thank you for this vedio
secondly i have a question
how can i get the best ielts books and resources available for self study
abo abdou
Can i ask teacher because im a freshman (grade 9) this year and i will get a test do u think what test it would be? Is that the IELTS OR TOEFL test mam?
taht was helpful tnx alot :)
I spent my time preparing for an IELTS exam but then did find a problem in passing it eventually i decided to take the TOEFL exam … do i have to start the whole preparation over again ? in other terms how can i manage a good preparation efficiently within a short period of time ? Thank you
it was great information ,,,,thanks
Which test does United States prefer for immigration ?
Fida Hasan
Excuse me teacher can you take me full program to study tofel to success in its exam … I want that success to accept me in the master studying in the computer science. .. Thank yo so much…
zainab alameen
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks you for this effort and this information,I would like to send me all material for IELTS, and Answer about previous question”which the better IELTES OR TOFEL?
Please Leave response on My email :
And thanks again Mrs Rebecca ,
I choose IELTES.
Hi Rebecca!
Thank u so much for this information! I would like to ask you a question. I want to study in the U.S and this year i am a senior, but i am not a citizen there. I have done some researches on the internet and i have fond the Columbia University in New York City like the most convenient one for me. That’s because i need financial aid. Is that possible in this university? Also i read that the TOEFL was a mandatory criteria. Is that enough? Can you please tell me if this university needs the SAT? if yes are there others university in America which can give me financial aid with only TOEFL scores?
Thank you so much for your time! :)
You English is the best I’ve heard and your pedagogy to explain it’s brilliant. Congratulations.
Hi Rebecca!
First, thanks for your explanations! Your accent is very clear to me.I`ve been liked so much!
So, do you recommend a good site to test our English? A kind of “Webtool” to help us not only test, but improve our English weakness, on a five skills.
Rebecca ma’am this lesson is so useful. I am really thankul to you. This engvid website is providing students the facility to learn well,understand well and make their confusion clear.
Thanks Rebecca for this great video.
I am just want to know about the version of academic IELTS exam for this year (like IELTS9 or IELTS10)??
Ziad Salem
thank you very much
best regards
haider j touma
What is the different between IELTC academic and general ?
Thank you very much for your time.
Thank you :)
I am a teacher and would like to apply for jobs in U.A.E. they prefer TOFEL or IELTS teachers for an english language. I dd listen to the video but , still confused to which one is going to be better in my career prospective..
if you may help in deciding in what to select and how to go about , it would be great .
Hi Rebecca. how’s all?
as usual its just a great video.
I’ve no problem with typing on the computer or writing by hand, in pronunciation or spelling words, and despite the fact that TOEFL is longer than the IELTS, I just find it much easier.
This is a very important information to know, thank you for explain it so clearly.
thank you
i want to prepare my master and my university ask me to pass it firstly . my question is how long time can i improving my english from beginner level ?
Thanks Rebecca!!! I am preparing for TOEFl and understand your lecture as 9/10.
Dear Rebecca,
Very interesting lesson. Now we can select the exam which suits us.
Yours sincerely.
I do not know how to thank you, you are one of the best teacher who are teaching me.
Rebecca, could you please tell me about the result in TOEFL exam?
hi, i need english for working in a europe or usa IT company, then which exam i should pass?
is TOEIC enough?
I am Good in typing.
and also in writing too .
But I planned to take my higher education in UK.
I thought IELTS is beeter to take for this time.
and I have some comfussion weather should I take IELTS Academic or IELTS General.
Can you please suggest about which kind of IELTS type is better and will help to get chance Go to UK?
thank you rebecca for ur excellant overview on both the exams!
Thank you ma’am
Mohammad Haj Hassan
Hello, I have taken the IELTS more than 7 times. I have scored 9,9,8.5 and 6.5 in writing many times. I need 7 in writing to pass. What exam is better for me in terms of writing ?
can you tell me how to choose between ielts general and ielts academic?
thank you by the way.
Asmaa Alaa
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you for the lesson.
I have a question. I’ve noticed that you say the English all the time. As far as I know no article should be used with the languages (when the word ‘language’ is omitted), e.g. I learn English. Am I correct? Please, answer ;)
i would like to ask you 2 questions
1- can tell what is the APTIS ?
2- i’m planning to study CELTA so which exam should i have to do academic ILETS ,general ILETS or TOFEL
lomy 82
Ho! sadly I need to do test obout this topic one more time.
Hi Ma’am Rebecca, would you please write all the important details in the board.
For Example:
North American = English = British
4 hours = Length = 2 and half hours
Your one of my favorite teacher here in EngVid but I’m sorry ma’am cause I’m lacking with your details, the keys words or answers to write it on board. Almost all the Videos you made ma’am I do always get a paper and and pen to write all the words that your are saying because I have difficulty in Oral communications, I prepare written communication when I’m studying. I hope you understand ma’am and do my request. Thank you so much.
By these days I was thinking on this issue TOEFL or IELTS when noticed about your explanation in EngVid. I’d like to express my gratitude for so useful and helpful information that you presented in a so clearly and professional way. Thanks a lot.
Josias Floriano
Thank you so much
Thank you very much for your interesting lesson.
Karim Khan Wardak
Thank you !
The best test for work permit to Australia would be ielts general?
oooh my god!
This video is beast guide.
Thank you
Thanks Rebecca .Now I am going for the IELTS test in June 2018.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
M kartal
hello,first of all thank you so much for these useful information, second, you mentioned that in the TOEFL exam spelling does not matter. Does this mean that making spelling mistakes or even typing mistakes in the writing part will not cause any losing grade?
Thanks a lot.
youre a great teacher thank you
will IELTS band scour be accepted as TOEFL or voice versa???
for joining universities??
you are a great teacher, thank you
i need the tips for IELTS academic please some buddy help me
Thank you i prefer Ielts easier !
it´s a good class, mainly for non natives speakers english. Sometimes the accent difficult so much. Thanks for teaching. kisses from Brazil.
Luiza 005
thank you for my dear teacher I USED TO LISTEN TO .
Thank you so mush for this lesson.
It’s very helpful for me.
From Algeria ??
Rebeca, Thank you so much for this seccion TOEFL or ELTS which exam should you take. I did 9 of 10. What do you think about FCE First Cambridge Exam?
I have a question. Hello
writing in Tofel is with computer or pencil paper one?
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
What about TOEIC ?
Please give me more details ?
Thanks !
TOEIC is quite a different exam. It does not test academic English at all, but rather general and business English used in the workplace.
It is much easier than any of the TOEFL or IELTS exams, in terms of level of difficulty in English.
TOIEC is used more as a pre-employment screening test so employers can be assured that a candidate has at least a functional understanding of English required in the business world.
You could learn more about the TOEIC through my website:
All the best to you!
Your answer is very clear.
Your web is very useful.
Thank you very much !
nice coments
Your answer is very clear —> Your answer is very clearly — Right?^^
No, i don’t think so.
Your answer is very clear.
You answered very clearly.
Good luck!
Dear Teacher, Hope you are fine there with the best state of your health.Could you please tell me your email address so I can share with you in details about problems we face here while teaching english and how you can be more beneficial for us to promote english language skills. Thanks.
I am a student at a university in Vietnam. I want to get a scholarship to go to Singapore and study economics there. TOEFL and IELTS, which I should take? Thanks!
Thank you very much very useful
your web is very useful . and you did a great job.
but i want ask if you have an online exam to test our level in english
plz help me , i want improve my accent and language.
i like your anwer so much
to ms/mrs Rebecca
you know, sometimes i got the confusion of TOEFL test,the questions are very trap. So, could you give me some examples of TOEFL test and how much the standard score for that test?
thanks a lot
Rebecca, thank you very much for all your great advices.
Your English is so perfect!!!!!
Thanks. Miriam. I have been speaking English all my life and that certainly helps!
Thank you for all the lessons
Your lessons are great so they hlep us to improve our English,but I have some problems.
1/ In my country people don’t speak English so what I learn every day I Always forget because I don’t use it .
What should I do ?
please answer my question.
I understand your difficulty. Actually, that’s why thousands of students travel to English-speaking countries to improve their English. In that environment, they can make quick progress and save years of English learning.
In the meantime, you need to find a teacher or friend with whom you can practice speaking. That is the only way to make a breakthrough.
You can also listen to English news channels, movies, songs, etc. That will improve your comprehension and vocabulary.
All the best to you. If you decide to come to Canada to improve your English, we would be happy to have you.
Thank you so much my teacher Rebecca
but how can I come to Canada?
I beg your pardon miss:
you mean you have an english institute? if so what is its name so we can sign up and travel more comfortably!!
please reply
hello! i need to improve my speaking skill, im planning to make toefl exam after 3 months. the most difficult part for me is speaking part. so anyone can help me ?!!!!!
Dear madam.. Tel me the way how to get into Canada for learn English at your feet.. I am so glad and keen for that moment.. I hope you will help me out to improve my English knowledge.. thank you
Hello Dear teacher Rebecca,
How much is that cost in Canada to improve my English. My level is pre-intermediate, i guess so.
can you send the link lower cost courses. Thank you. Replay me , Please
mohd I will help you in speaking practice english.
saddy.butt my skype address.
Hey Mohd, if you want, we can add each other on skype to pratice ;)
Hi Gabrielli, please add me on skype. My ID is chiz.stha. Thank you,
hi Gabrielle…. i want practice with you on skype if you can
Thank you
Thank you
Very welcome.
Hi Rebecca
Thank you very much for your acurate lessons……………….if you let make a request, I’d like a lesson about gerunds or the use of ing in differents situations not only when we are talking in the progressive form………..again thank you and I hope you could answer my request
I will certainly try to do a lesson on gerunds in the near future. In the meantime, please do check the video lessons of our other teachers. They cover a lot of important grammar points.
Glad you’re enjoying the lessons. Please tell your friends, so we can continue to grow.
i want to do my MS.I took my GRE exam and scored 294.Next,which exam shall i take either TOEFL or IELTS????
its excellent. to sort out confusion between toefl and ielts this introductory lecture was really very much helpful for me.
thanks Rebbeca.
It’s not easy to know which exam to choose. Glad I could help. Wish you all the best, Ashutosh.
Thnks for good lesson
You’re very welcome. Good luck with your English.
hai i want to learn in english more…
Excellent comparison, thank you so much !
Glad you understood the differences. All the best.
Hi Rebecca,
Can you give me some IELTS lesson or books or video.
Thank you
We will be working on IELTS videos.
Please do check my website for recommendations of useful IELTS books.
All the best to you!
hi rebecca
just thank u
greets from egypt
Greetings to you from Canada and thanks for your feedback!
nice one,that was the usfulest(or most usful or whatever hahaha)video about TOFEL and IELTS,thanks
The most useful actually.
Glad it helped you.
Can you post some videos of speaking test of IELTS? I wanna have a real look about this part!!!
P/S: Thanks a lot! Your site is wonderful!
Thanks. Yes, I’ll put together a lesson on that for you. Okay?
oh!wonderful! thanks you very much!
Welcome and good luck with your English.
I want to study English.
It’s all around you so just get started…joining a class or working with a private teacher is best.
Hi! I am from Russia and I want that English will become my second language! It’s great that I found free English lessons in the Internet. so I can learn English and enjoy it. This website is a great idea, thank you
Privyet to you!
Thanks for your feedback and glad to hear the lessons help you. Please do tell your friends so we can continue to add new lessons.
what does privyet mean Rbecca? I love your free english lessons.I couldn’th have afforded paying for it!It would cost me a bomb!
It means “hi” in Russian)
Alena i also want learn english will you help me?
I want friend to learn me grammar, I want to do exam TOFEL or IELTS Which the better ?
and thank everybody .
You are absolutely right, Alena! Really! This website helped me a lot. Thank you so much EngVid and beautiful teacher, Rebecca.
From japan. Your web is very very useful. Thanks a lot. I want to study English more and more. Good luck for your Job. thank you guys.
Greetings to you in Japan from all of us here in Canada. All the best with your English. If you’re determined, I’m sure you will master it.
It was very useful for me.
Thank you very much!!!
Thanks and all the best with your English learning!
real i like it…
thank you Rebecca
You’re welcome. Glad it helped.
I’m so happy in this site
I thank u sooooo much
all the best to you
Eeng from Saudi Arabia ..
My best to you from Canada.
So glad you find the lessons helpful.
Mrs. Rebbeca ,,
I hope you’re in best case .
How can I email you ?
becuase I wana something from you
best wishes madam,,
wow!! it’s awesome. i have never seen like your lecture.. it’s perfect
and u always try to do your best. so no matter how difficult something is,it’s very easy understand for me. thanks..
while i study english, if i have got a question, can i ask that to you?
Thank you for your kind comments. It’s always encouraging to get such feedback from students.
I wish you the best with your English. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to ask and I would be happy to help you.
that helped me a lot. thank you so much!
Glad to hear it. Thanks.
Greetings from India,
I have been searching the internet for hours to find a solution.
Your Lecture really helped me . Your English accent is simply Superb
Hello to you in India. Thanks for your feedback. So glad I could shed some light on the issue. I wish you the best with whichever exam you decide to take.
hi mam who are you mam i am going to applie student visa for england mam i am having problum with listning problum please reply me on my id
Actually you also have a serious problem with your writing :P .
Keep trying , dude.
hi Rebecca,
many thanks for this lesson..
im looking for an english scholarship in canada. can you help me?
What subject are you interested in studying and where?
Dear Teacher,I’m very great to have a english lesson with you here..
Best wish :))
Thanks. All the best.
I am curently doing job in Dubai and i would like to come canada to study english course. kindly assist me
Hello Dear Rebecca
I am not a native Speaker of English Language.Through to watching your videos I lave Learnt a lot of new things.Now i wish to appear in IELTS exam: plz help me in this connection and send me your Precious advises
I am waiting your reply.I remain thankful to you.
Thanks so much for your feedback.
Please check my IELTS website for detailed information on how to do well on this exam.
All the best to you, Jamshed.
Hi your video is very useful. As I found you very expert, I would like to ask a question . I dont want to take any of these tests. I just want to speak english fluently in my workplace and I would like to have a vocabulary skill needed for this purpose. there are lots of vocabulary books but I dont know which to read to master simple vocabulary needed for speaking english fluently.I cant read all of the books and I want tow to three books to read and revise constantly
Thanks in advance
I understand your situation. You may find the following books useful:
For general business English:
Business Vocabulary in Use
For specialized areas of business:
These resources should help. Of course, there are also many websites which can help you improve your command of business English.
Another approach is to look for books which offer TOEIC vocabulary
, as the TOEIC is an exam of English used in the workplace.
I wish you the best with your English studies and your career. From your message, it is clear that your level of English is already high. All the best as you progress to even higher levels.
Hi rebecca Thank you for your guidance.
The last word I want to say is that I am highly interested in American english. The books you suggested to me are written in British( except TOEIC). furthermore, I would like to use informal english not formal.
Could you please introduce some books for this purpose and tell me the name of the most comprehensive books in TOEIC vocab.
Thank you very much for all your useful help.
Hello Mam.
Your BEAUTIFUL and so your English is & the way you explain thing to the students like us. I want to appear in IELTS test. I am from Pakistan. How should I improve my english. Please tell me
waiting for your Prompt reply
Mohsin ul haq
Thanks for your comments. You can improve your English in many ways on your own. However, if you want to appear for the IELTS, it’s best to join a good exam preparation class so you can learn a variety of exam strategies.
Please take a look at my website for some useful information, tips, writing samples and so on.
All the best to you.
I love this website very much,it is really useful!
Many thanks!
useful lesson for anyone who intend to learn TOEFL or IELTS. However, from my experiences, I think that IELTS is easier than TOEFL at all. Taking IELTS will be familiar with your work or your life. whereas TOEFL need you to get an academic level which I think quite difficult compared to IELTS.
Thanks for passing on your opinion. Actually, there are two IELTS exams – the academic version and the general version. The academic is more challenging, in the reading and writing aspects.
I agree that the TOEFL helps to prepare you for university-level academic life more effectively, because it forces you to use a variety of skills that you will need once you are there.
Which exam is easier really depends on each individual’s background. Which exam is better depends on each person’s future goals.
Hi Rebecca!, I am from Vietnam and now I want to learn to take an IELTS test. My pre-test score was 4.5 and my goal is 6.0. Please give me some advises and guides so that I can perform my plan?!! Thanks you so much!
Please visit my website, , for helpful hints, strategies and suggestions.
All the best with your exam!
hi rebecca!, I am from indonesia.
I took the ielts test 4 days ago when in speaking section, I had short spoken with an english man. He asked me a question but at that time I couldnt answer the question as well. I guess, I might not pass the ielts exams.actually the reason why I took the test was to use it to submit to a university because the university requires me to have ielts at least 6.5. could you tell me how to deal and how to improve the speaking and my writing?
You do really need to prepare and practice to do well on each section of the exam. Could you join an exam preparation class there? You can prepare alone for the listening and reading sections, but you really need the feedback of a teacher for the writing and speaking sections. That’s the best advice I can give you.
Other than that, there are specific books aimed at helping you improve your IELTS speaking and writing skills, such as those produced by Cambridge University Press.
Please watch my video on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay, on this website. It will help you write a great IELTS essay as well.
You can also visit my website, for sample essays, essay topics, speaking hints and more.
You can definitely improve so keep at it! All the best to you.
Dear Ms..
thanks for your practical endeavor. Please tell me how can i give a free ielts test online for practice.
Thanks again.
You could type “free online IELTS test” into google or any other search engine and see what shows up.
Alternatively, you could get hold a good IELTS exam preparation book, such as those produced by Cambridge Univ Press, which have actual exam papers from previous exams. I would trust them more, for you can rehearse with actual exam samples.
Thanks for your comments and all the best to you.
hi!teacher!I am a student at university in vietnam.My major is know now i want to get a scholarships because i want to make my parent a pleasure.But my writing skill is’t good so much and I feel very tired when i study it.I should how to do to overcom this subject?!can you give me some advice?thank so much teacher.I hope that I will soon receive from you.
There are many many ways to improve your English writing. Don’t be afraid. Start small.
Try to make writing a part of your daily life, by keeping a small diary, or summarizing the news of the day, or writing about a hobby of yours – anything that interests you. You do need to have a teacher who can correct your work and guide you.
There are also many resources, online and in books, which can help you improve.
For essays, please watch my video on How to Structure Your TOEFL Essay. It will give you some easy strategies to improve your writing quickly.
You can also read through some sample essays on my websites, and
Make better writing your goal for the year and do lots of practice. In academic life, our grades are based mainly on written assignments and papers so it is worth the effort to improve in this area.
All the best to you.
Hi Rebecca
My son 12 years old (Thai boy) is studying from EngVid videos every mornings.Thank you for all vedios ,they are very useful.He is a homeschool boy and he loves english so much.If he want to improve his english in Canada how you advice any language school for him? (in my opinion is around high school 15-18 yrs old) I want him to improve his reading and writing.
Thank you for your kindness
Take care
Thanks a lot:)!
hai, how r u? realy very useful ur lesson. difference between toefl and ielts, acually i can’t understand. but ur voice is clear. i think ,i’ll see the ur vedio two or three times after i can clear my doubt.
relavent any vedios is there? or pl tell me how to clarify my doubts. other wise u will guide me.
ur voice is clear and good pronunciation. thanks to ur team.
Thanks. Yes. it takes some time to develop our vocabulary and listening skills.
My best to you.
We had four videographers present. ,
Hello Rebecca ,
First I would like to say – Thank you !
mainly because you helped us (the student) to solve this important question about TOFEL vs IELTS, this is a hot topic for International students.I myself tried to search for an answer and this video help me a lot.
Second since I picked IELTS already (As you said some was asked to) – I was wonder if you can refer me or “Link” me with detail about “test prep” website.I plan to study in Canada and I must MASTER the English as a “tool’ of my success.
best regards
Thanks for your feedback. Please visit my IELTS website for ideas, samples and advice on doing well on the IELTS. All the best to you, Guy.
Hello Rebecca. I would like take a IELTS exam. so i want to prepare IELTS exam in your course. Can you help me. How to connect for your course.
which exam is mandatory for studying M.S in canada with GRE score…..IELTS or TOEFL?????
Always check with the specific universities as to what they accept and what the minimum score is. All the best, RDK.
Hello Rebeca!!!
Thank you very much for all your lessons, your speaking is very clear, I like when teachers explain in that way, so we (students) can understand everything. Thanks!!!
The lessons really helped me to take an overview about the exams and to know all the skills I should have if I want to take one of them.
I’m from México and I would like to travel to Canada and take one of those programs where you can live with a family. If you have a chance, could you please help me to know more about it???
Again, thank you so much! =)
I would to learn IELTS ..i want to know which sites can i get ILETS (free books)
I’m hoping your reply
with thanks
Not sure about that, but you could check my IELTS website for advice on doing well on the IELTS. All the best to you.
Hi Rebecca
Your video is really helpful. I want to know which version of IELTS i.e (academic or general ) is required to do MS in USA ? OR is it better to take TOEFL ?
Please check with the specific university you are applying to. All the best, Rohit.
hello PROFESSOR rebecca i’m eleuterio from colombia i jus’t discover this webpage and i’m gratefull for all those wonderfull lessons you’re teaching. i love the one about the uses of money,
i want to take the TOEFL exam and thanks to you now i really know what’s the exam is all about.
i enjoy teaching english and i’m getting a lot of tools to use in my classes from all this lessons so once again thank you
Always a pleasure to hear from a fellow teacher. So glad we could help you. Thanks kindly for your feedback and all the best in your teaching career. Eleuterio.
I admired the way you teach, speak, behave. Your are excellent.
You engvid teachers deserve a big thanks.
Best wishes.
Thank you kindly, Lebowski. My best to you too.
Hello Rebecca,
I want to improve my pronounciation..sometime people face problem understanding me. So is there any method/book which could improve my pronounciation.
Appreciate your reply.
There are a lot of ESL materials that can help you with your pronunciation. Find a good library and look for materials that come with a CD or DVD as you need to hear what’s right. Check the websites of Oxford, Cambridge and Longman Publishing to check out the materials they offer for Pronunciation. All the best to you, Sunny.
your website are very helpful.
Your website is very helpful, actually. Thanks kindly, Mohsen.
Glad I could help, Ahmed. Best wishes to you.
I am Amjad othman from Libya going to Britain to study should I take FCE or ILETS. Please reply.
thank you.
Please check with the place you intend to study and ask them which exam they accept. After that, get hold of the relevant exam preparation guides and look through them to see which exam seems easier to you. Try the practice exams in the books and then you will know which one is best for you. Good luck, Amjad.
Dear Ms. Rebecca
Your lessons are superb, I was thinking about the difference between Toefl and IELTS. You expained it clearly. Thank you very much
Actually I am going to attend Toelf exam in Feb. hope this site will be more useful to me.
thanks again
Hope you did well. Keep watching the videos to improve your English even more. Best wishes, Asha.
Hello Rebecca!
I’m from Burma. I am thinking to sit IELTS on coming March but I feel like I’m not ready to sit the exam yet! I really need to practice more in writing skill. I searched in the internet about test 2 writing samples but I haven’t found a good site yet. Could you help me to guide me in that? I couldn’t watch your video because our internet connection in here is so slow…
so… Can i have a script of that video?
Thanks in advance! :)
Sorry we can’t provide the script but you could check my IELTS website for lots of writing and speaking samples and advice on how to do well on the IELTS exam. My best wishes to you, Raven
my name is tarek ennjari ilive in maroco beni mellal
tanckes all
Welcome to engVid. All the best with your English learning, Tariq.
ur lessons are very very useful thankyou
Glad they help you. All the best, Rajaal.
hello Rebecca,
thank you a lot for your lessons!
please help me, i wa
hello Rebecca,
thank you a lot for your lessons!
please help me, i want to study in canada and i have not a proof language, they ask me to proove by a test , what can i do, for exemple for TOEFL, or other test? and can i pass this test online?
You will need to do the TOEFL or IELTS most likely. Check with the university you are interested in joining to see which exams they accept. Then, join an exam preparation class or get hold of an exam preparation guide so you know what to expect and how to answer the questions to get a high score. You will need a live or online teacher to give you feedback on your speaking and writing. All the best to you, Hobito.
Thank you for everything that you want to help everyone in all over the world to learn English. I think you are very patient and kind hearted. If you were not so you would not help too many people
Thanks kindly.
this is my first time i am watching this engvid is very helpful 4 me.i am a university student. i stil not good in english and i wan improve my engliah communicatioan skill. what s fundamental things i should do to improve my english skill?please help me Ms.rebecca…..thank you so much.
Welcome to engVid! Please read through my replies to various questions here as I have discussed how to improve your speaking, reading, listening, and writing skills. The only way to improve your English is to use it as much as possible, but you must also have someone who is present to check it or correct it. Otherwise, you will develop the habit of saying things in the wrong way. Watch the videos here and online as they can teach you a lot. All the best to you, Lingam.
hi Rebecca thank you so much it was very helpful><
and i would like to ask a bout the IELTS because i applied for an american university and they want as least 5.0 in IELTS and now i already studying English here in Boston and my level is intermediate so how long time i will be ready to get this score in your opinion?
and my friends told me that the TOEFL is little bit harder and i discovered that now in this video
thank you again
best regards
I cannot say how long it will take you to prepare because each person learns at a different speed. However, if you are already in Boston, it will help because you are surrounded by English already. Of course, on the IELTS you will hear British accents mostly. The best way to know if you are ready for the IELTS, is to do several practice exams and check your score. Analyze your errors and work on improving your strategy for answering those kinds of questions. All the best, Loukman.
thank you very much, i learned lot of thing from your lessons. now i can manage little bit of english.
Good for you! Keep watching and all the best to you, Dhanu.
Thank you very much Rebeca. I’m Orlando from Brazil.
I studied English in Canada in 2008, but I feel like I am forgetting the language. This website is very useful to keep learning and not forget it.
I intend to aply for IELTS after wachting your lesson.
All the best, Orlando.
hello rebecca,
i do need some help could you tell me how can i enhance my speaking??
thank you…!
Speaking is challenging because it brings together so many skills at one time – grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening and so on. There are many ways to improve. Try to join a Conversational English class if possible or find a good private teacher.You could also look for an online teacher or class. For the TOEFL or IELTS exams, complete the speaking practice sections of many exam preparation books. Your speaking will improve when you speak more and can be corrected by someone who knows English well. No other choice! All the best to you.
helloo every body…
hi I am a professional chemical engineer.I am going to appear in ielts.Can you send me some important letters and General writing topics if you feel easy.
Please check my site, Good Luck IELTS, for free sample IELTS letters and essays. All the best, Yasir.
I want to know about British English and nois of America. Which ones do most of people in the world use in the conversation or writing?
Sorry, my English is bad.
please answer me.
Both are used and you can learn either one without worrying too much. If you are trying to choose, then decide based on where you might be traveling, living, studying or working. All the best Jack.
thank you very much for your effort.
by the way what is the difference between
effort and affort
I’m waiting your answer as soon as possible.
Affort is slang, according to the urban English dictionary, and means an excellent effort. However, it is not used often. I would not use it in regular English as many people might think you are simply making a mistake. I would certainly not use it in any academic exam or paper. You can always use the word effort without any such worry.
Can you tell me how can I speak english well? I know what I must say but I am always shy so my performances are not perfect. And I don’t know how to make listeners believe in what I am talking.
Thanks in advance
Ah you are really good
It would be helpful to work with a private teacher if possible to improve your skills, or to find and English-speaking friend who can correct any mistake you make. Be confident and proud of whatever you know and go forward with a friendly smile. Most people will appreciate the effort you are making to speak well. Take some conversation classes if possible and finally, take a class in English Presentation Skills. It will be scary at first, but you will improve a lot very quickly and gain a lot of confidence in yourself. All the best to you, little robber!
thanks for answering, I will take a class in English Presentation Skills after I finish high school next year and get university. I have some friends in France and of course they speak English. A friend of mine’s mother has passed away and I want to share with him. can you tell me how I can I write to him to encourage him not to be so sad? The most general way in English
Thank’s for your lessons and for this great web site that helps people from all the world to learn english.
By i’m interesting why do Canada immigration programs requires IELTS test which is “british english” test. Why not TOEFL whish is “american” one.
I guess you understand my question. (Sorry for mistakes if i did any)
Good question. I cannot say why they chose this exam. I agree, we do not speak British English here in Canada, or have British accents. Good luck with your English, Nickolay.
IELTS is not a test of British English, it is a test of international English and is proven by the fact the teams of item writers (exam writers) work in 5 regions of the world producing the test (Australian, UK, USA, New Zealand & Canada). Any standard form of language/spelling is permitted whether US or British (i.e. specialise/specialize). Pronunciation is assessed as to how much it interferes with communication, not how close it is to a particular accent. There are many native speakers with very strong accents that would not be clear on an international stage, and many non-natives with much clearer accents. See – The international English language test on page 6
hi , thanks alot for all the information that u passed to us which im sure it will help alot to improve theire english language, just i have some Questions i wann ur e.mail so i can send to u ..many thanks and regards..
You can post a question here, and I will do my best to answer. Warm wishes, Hafez.
dear Ms. Rebecca
this website is very helpful and your explanation is really very clear. I wonder if i can chatt with u or the teacher team of engvid via YM. thanks I very appreciate.
regards from Indonesia.
Thanks for your feedback. Sorry, we do not chat with students online, as we are all working full-time. However, if you have a question, you could post it here. All the best to you.
Hi Ms Rebecca , This is to certify that after listening two of your videos so far ,I extend my heartiest gratitude for making things so easy regarding TOEFL as well as IELTS. Looking forward to more of you.
thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
shahadat ali
Thanks kindly, Shahadat. So glad I could help you. My best wishes to you in the future.
That’s so amazing place that I meet! Oh!!! My goodness! I’ll be completely done with my learning. I must try my best to capture what God shows me now.
Welcome to engVid! All the best to you, Sok Him.
hi mam,
I am jagadeesh from India. Good day, your lessons are quite use full for me in preparation of toefl.I am facing little bit difficulty in listening module of toefl that is i am not able to answer them correctly. Please help me how can i overcome this difficulty.thank you
Thanks. There are many ways to improve your listening skills for the TOEFL. Do as many practice listening exercises as possible. Make sure you know how to take good and fast notes. Use abbreviations and symbols to take notes more quickly. Work on one type of listening exercise at a time, master that and then move on to the other, step by step. For example, start with the campus conversation and move to the academic lecture last, as it is more challenging. Watch American shows, news and movies for recreation to get accustomed to the accent and expressions used. Learn common campus vocabulary, which will help you understand the conversations more easily. Also, familiarize yourself with the different types of questions which appear in the listening section so you know how to answer them. All the best to you, Jagadeesh.
I was just wondering what the English part of Canada requires ? You’re great
Not sure what you mean. To move to Canada, you may be asked to take the IELTS exam. Is that what you mean? However, we do not speak British English in Canada. The Canadian accent is quite neutral and clear, and we use Canadian English, which has elements American & British English, as well as some of its own characteristics. If you are studying, you can learn any type of English and use it all over the world without worrying about the details. Good luck.
Madam , Robacca ,
Thank you for much for lession for Toefl, so i would like to live in ur country , so plz help me , wt i should do ,, for visa things,, thank you once again
AJ Razik
Thanks. Please contact the Canadian Consulate in your country to find out what is required for Canadian immigration. All the best to you.
thank you so much for that information . l need it because l’m trying to make the test toefel and l need your help
thank you.
My respect! Perfect lesson! I like it!
Thank you Rebecca. I am almost ready to say TOEFL is more tan IELTS. But i will TOEFL just become its harder. :)
Could you please tell when should i use anymore and no longer; and not yet and already.
Thank you in advance
HI, Rebecca, I’m from Nepal…
I got some good knowledge about TOFEL/IELTS from your video. This web side is very helpful for us. thank you, thank you so much!!!
Hi! Thanks for very good material.
I will ask you, how can I download the videos
to my MP3 or MP4 devices? How about the quality of the videos downloaded to MP3/ Mp4?
Thank you in advance!
Sorry, Ari. We don’t offer this yet.
thanks for answering, I will take a class in English Presentation Skills after I finish high school next year and get university. I have some friends in France and of course they speak English. A friend of mine’s mother has passed away and I want to share with him. can you tell me how I can I write to him to encourage him not to be so sad? The most general way in English
Hi rebeca I have a exam this week, I have speak english all my life but I have never revieved a grammar class. And now almost all the test it´s about grammar. I only have a couple of days what would you recomend me?
Hi rebecca,
l’m from algeria ana l’m preparing for my toefl exam. l just want to ask u if the toefl exam is accepted in uk or in any university in london
please answer me rabeca.
hye I m from algeria too and I wanna pass toefl my self
just wondering do I must have credit card to register the toefl
10 x
your website are very helpful
Hi Rebecca. Thanks a lot for all your lessons they are very useful. I want to ask you about GRE test, can you say anything about it? Is it so important or it’s just a formal test for applicants for entering to university? I ask because the math excercise part of the test is easy, but the words in GRE are very difficult and as i suppose they have no logical connection to mathematics.
Hope you will answer in my question.
Thanks in advance.
thank you miss rebbicca
Rebecca, I need to learn more from you
greeting from Mauritania, i am happy to follow your courses. so that help me to improve my level in english.
rebecca thank you for teaching. i would say that i am leaving in country where the english language come in the third place after arabic and frensh, so that make me face some difficulties to practice english, as you know the environment is very interesting to practice the english language. i am a professional accountant and i wish reach an level in english wich allow me to be capable to work using the english language as a language of work.
i am also need to improve my language
You remind me of a friend of mine. He comes from Mauritania. I am not sure but I remember he has told me. I am from Vietnam. May be you don’t know about Vietnam but it’s very nice of you to read my message. I like Mauritania and want to know more about it although I know nothing about your interesting country. You have something like my friend,, My english isn’t so good. Thank you!!! Mauritania is a very strange for me and my friend has a very stange voice too
message from Vietnam to Tory
Thank you verey much ,, it,s really helps alot
and your lesson was clear .hope for you good louk
i always wish to be a fluent speaker of english. what do you suggest me to do?
Easy to understand…
Hello Miss Rebecca,
It’s really great opportunity of English learning for those especially for non English man,
I want to apply for TOEFL test in Kabul, Kindly send me the material trough email to study and get ready for the exam.
Thanks is Advance
Aimal Ashrati
Hi, how can i make myself confident in reading…it is my worst skill
hi, thank you very match for your good lessons, and i wish to have the capacity to speak english fluently
Hi,Thanks a lot
i was very happy to listen to your lessons you were really great please talk about listening
Good morning
I am happy to join to this website and really i like your methods in teaching
i need help
i want improve my English i want speak fast without make mistake because i need to improve my English because that will help me in my work
and what shall do to speak English good and i want take the E ilts but i can’t because i am not good in English
please give me advice …
Thanks to u and your website
nothing just i say u r brilliant……..
thank u for u r feed back and many good topic which i never see before,,,,
than u teacher.
prey for me i improve my english
Holá profa. Rebecca, estou começando a praticar o english e gosto muito das aulas porém tenho muitas dificuldades em gravar as lições eu gosto mesmo é de aprender… sou muito grato aos professores da web principalmente os do youtube.
Thanks a lot for your valued lessons,
actually they helped me very much,as I’m planning to go to USA and was deadly in need of such lessons.
Hi miss Rebecca!i’ve looked through all comments above & admired you.actually i found this site unexpectedly and didn’t get any of your lessons; i gonna to prepare for toefliBt, but indeed i haven’t any preparation for it.i owe to be already prepared on April- May of this year.Can u help me,pls?What resouces do i need for the best preparing?i hope you answer me as fast as i do.sincerely Balzhan
what’s your opinion, how long takes preparing for the toefl?i wanna to be surprised by your answer,in order to get inspirations…motivation and smth like that…i must be well-prepared…i should be
well-educated in the future life…))
apologize..Rebecca,i have met some problems with TOEFLibt and TOEFLpbt.I have recently found out that all toeflibt exams passed in my country,and no choice for that…only toeflpbt is accessible in time that’s neceassary for me.what should i do? gimme pls some advicesrecommendations.what resources can assist me for the toeflpbt?
I am happy and bless to be your student,then you help my english becomes better day in day.
im narges from iran and im very happy for coming to this site id like to learn speaking english.
I am going to have an IElts exam in 2 weeks. I am very nervous. Please help me on IELTS general test reading and writing part.
i am juveriya from india. i would like to have some lessons on grammer part which generally ask in ielt test. please help me.And you are doing great job!i like your way of teaching.
thank you.
miss rebecca you are doing nice job.
please send me the complete material of ielts course to my email address.
my e id is missmsc2010 [att] gmail [dot] com.waiting for your mail.
thank you.
Do you Rebecca has facebook, if you have can we chat with eachother there.
Please Rebecca, I would like to know your opinion about the following “TOEFL” time schedule.
Thank you so much for all your efforts.
Salam. N
i want to learn english
I have to submit an English certificate either TOEFL or IELTS to the university.
Next year, I prepared well to the exam, but I received less points than the required.
my problem is during exam i couldnot do well. Could you please help me to get heigh score next time.
Hi Rabecca,
i hope you doing fine, Miss. Rabecca i have been watching and following your vedio lessons for the last one year they are really usefull since i have gain lots of things from your vedios. recently, i took TOEFL test in Afghan American uversity and made 520 score out of 650 my score was enough but i am not satisty from my score i want to make more but i strongly belive i could do it if i follow you and i wish i could meet you from very close distance. Thanks alot Miss. Rebacca i really love you as my teacher. bye
Thank you, dear Rebecca!
1. It was useful.
2. It was pleasant to listen to you. :D
how about toefl paper based test? is it usefull for applying scholarship?
I like it very much. My question is : how can I know what is my level of English? When I’m ready to go to try to pass a TOEFL or an IElTS test?
Can you tell me where can I test my level of English?
Thank you
hi Mem i really like u r Video the way you tech it just remind my my ESL teacher when i was in high school. OK My Question is i want to go for IELTS General and i want some writing and reading tips. i have some material for IELTS Cambridge 7 i practice from those books and i also want to practice from internet question i want to know is there any ticks to find out reading section like look for keyword and find answer because i m not good at reading and finding answer. Can you tell me what should i do ? please i already did IELTS but i didn’t get good score i got only 4.5 which is very poor mark so please give me some advise.
Thank you
Hi teacher, I find this extremely helpful, I’m 15 now and about to take a course, which I’m not certain will be Ielts or Toefle, I’m really accustomed to American English, which I think that suits the listening part, ButI want to ask you about the writing, is it ok if I use more American Eng in the writing part of ielts exam?
This website is very useful ! Thank you so much Rebecca !
Hi Rebecca,
Please clarify this. In our school, they told me after ‘TO’ you should not write gerund. But here I saw lot of sentence have written in this form. For example, look forward TO HEARING from you
Hello Rebecca!
Thank You for Your comments about exams. I decided to choose one of them, after that information. Thank You kindly!
Hi Rebecca!
In some Asian countries, we generally sit ielts test to get Visa for studying abroad. So, I hope you make more Ielts related lessons for Ielts test. Thanks.
Hi Ms Rebecca,
I wish to study child care course in Newzealand.Which exam should I do in IELTS acedamic or general? What band score is need to that course?
thank yo for your help ,
please can you make more videos about ielts or other test ? THERE IS NO MUCH VIDEOS IN THE NET ? PLEASE HELP ME i have the ielts test nxt two month and i need some sources of preparation ?
is there more difference between American and British English
Dear the first I want to thank you for your good nice teaching style.
I have a request ….
That is difficulty to know where we use the ( less ‘dis ,in, un ) in the words and why we change them in the different words. Thank you so much.
Hello teacher Rebecca I would like to ask for your help.
People who prepare for TOEFL exam and do it very well. If they join to the IELTS exam, you think he can also do the IELTS exam very well or not??
Because of my confusion, I cannot determine what test i should join because I’m not sure about my future planning; what the university appropriate for me. I plan to study in USA or UK, but it have a lot of factor that make me confuse and cannot determine; for example, my GPA, my qualification etc.
Engvid very important for all people who want to study English
I like it so much,
Hi Rebecca! Thanks for uploading such helpful videos. Actually, i am going write TOEFL next month. Could you please help me to improve my speaking and writing skills ? I would be very thankful to you for your guidance in coming future. Thank you…
Dear Teacher! your explanations are the best! Now I realize the different between both type of exams. I think taking the TOEFL test in July! I am quite nervous! thank you for all your help!
Best regards to all the staff!
Hi maam Rebecca!Thanks a lot for your lessons thanks for engvid frograms and all staffs,,, GOD BLESS YOU and more power to all.
That is a perfect website with perfect teachers thank you for your effort
hay rebecca!
Hello there,
I am actually working as an English tutor, Since I am doing this job out of experience and my english level, I would like to get certified for this position. Could you please tell me which IELTS exams shall I take The GENERAL or ACADEMIC? p:s:- I am moving to France and for more scope what woul be your advice please.
Thank you.
thank you so much,your lesson is helful to me.
it is great lesson teacher Rebecca.
could you give an example test of TOEFL?
good suggestion
Fantastic ..!
You were very good. It was very clear and useful . Thank you
thanks alot Rebecca
Thanks so much , actually that’s what I’m looking for .u r amazing , and the lesson was so helpful
Excuse me, Rebecca. this video was made about 3 years ago, so i’m wondering if the differences between the two tests are still like that or are the any changes? I really want to know, thanks in advance.
i m still confused about the test .actully i want to take a test for spouse visa with the level a1.can u tell me which test should i take
Excellent explanation!Thank you so much!. That’s a useful thing to know.
Thanks A lottttt Rebecca… i found it easier to understand the differences between them when i watched this vid rather than reading the whole passage about them. :)
now i can easily anser my students’ questions related to this topic. the short description about TOEIC is also helpful for me… however, i wonder if you could also help me to find the differences among them with FCE (First Certificate of English) which is issued by Cambridge Uni *if I’m not mistaken*
once again, Thanks you very very much :)
dead or dawn?
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks you for this effort and this information,I would like to send me all material for IELTS, and Answer about previous question”which the better IELTES OR TOFEL?
Please Leave response on My email :
And thanks again Mrs Rebecca ,
Rebecca thank you for wonderful lesson, but I have some questions about a- level exams , could you help me please?
I like you
Thanks so much for your share your wisdom to me
Really fantastic lecture.I love it
Hi…Miss Rebecca, I’m a new member of your clib. I realy happy about this website. but my English knowledge is very poor. please can you help me?
miss. Rebecca teacher is very good. is voice is very swits. my god is rebecca teacher. i tomuch happey
Your efforts are appreciated and your information is useful. Thank you.
Really good website more importantly good teachers
thanks :)
Please Rebecca, make an introduction to the SLEP test, give us some more details about this.
thank you for your explanation
You really do it well
How do I improve my speaking abilities? and which is the best TOEFL or IELTS?
Thank you so much for your videos, I’m teaching English and I find your videos so helpful when giving my classes as well as for studying myself.
Greetings from Colombia.
i like the method of teaching these teacher
May I Ask,Can IELTS Certificate Study In U.S Collage ?
Some US colleges and universities might take IELTS, but most will require TOEFL. You need to check each university’s policies.
Thanks a lot to all the staff. It’s really a wonderful work. We’ve benfitted a great deal. We’ll be very grateful if you could use other teaching aids like overhead projectors. They will make your lessons more interesting and enjoyable. Please, cosider my suggestion.
hello all of you and thank you for all of your lessons and thank you for videos and I have a request to all teachers toefl of ielts be more than the other
hallo!it’s the first time i visit this web site so please help me to learn more useful can find me at face name is bouhala yopunes
hai rebbecca..thank u for noteworthy points..i want to do my masters in business management in UK..can i take up IELTS?wud it help me..??please reply..please let me know the details too if i can take up..
hey dear
i’m interested to come canada by HIGHLY SKILLED VISA.can you confirm me please does canada accept TOEIC for HSMP if so how much point i may gain for C1 in TOEIC.
Hi,Rebeca. I’m from Thailand.I’m looking for a method to learn English all of my life. But now I know how can I improve myself about english. I think if I see your VDOs everyday, everytime and everywhere I can use English a fluent level. In fact, I don’t want to take many exam ,but many companies,many jobs, and many organizations wants it. That let me think the exam is very important for me. Eventual I think I can improve myself with your VDOs , Love u.\\Ampere from Thailand.
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you very much for the
hi teacher ,
i ask you from Tunisia ; seriously it’s a pleasure to know you and your lessons from the web , i found yours teaching manner very helpful for me to improve my favorite English , but my issue now is that how to practice it , hopefully that you create some conferences online just to participate to some discussions and speeches with someone interested learners ., how you find my idea ?
finely i say for you good luck in your life and your work many thx for you and all members of your team especially the beautiful Valen .
I am interested in doing MS in Canada. I have checked with universities they accept both TOEFL and IELTS. But I wanted to know which one would be preferable? I need a high score
Dear Mrs.Rebecca
Thanks for your information.
i have question.
in IELTS-writing section can i give name of essay or examner provide with selected subject?
my regards
thanks alot mam that was really very helpful
Thanks a lot mam that was really very helping
Thanks a lot mam that was really very helping i just want to know which one of the following is acceptable in USA
hello madam can you please tell me an equivalent for IELTS 4.0 . i have missed the IELTS date and cant wait that long as i have to make it for my course ealier . please mail me if u can will appreciate it . rgs
Your work is appreciated, THANK YOU!
Thank you for this good explanation
Hi shler can help me learn kurdish language please
i’m really happy to find such a topic.
thank you very much Rebecca.
it’s really really very helpful.
may Allah reward you with all you like.
please i want your advice,
80 in TOEFL iBT or IELTS 5.5 which is more difficult ?
hi dear Rebecca! thanks a lot all of your kind response. where can i find some essays for high score in toefl and ielts?
Hi Rebecca!
I want to ask for advice.
My level is High Intermediate and each teachers tells me that I’ll get 5.5. on IELTS (general), but i need to 6.5. – 6.7. to enter school which I chosen.
Say please, How do I need to build teaching and on what moments it is needed to pay attention? I have only half a year.
Beforehand Thank!
You tube is filtered in my country.Any other ways to access videos?
Hi Rebecca!I`ve needed to your help.Please help me.Could you check my essay.I don`t not sure that my sentenses are right.I think i can`t connect the words.
thanks a lot. you are a good teacher
thanks rebecca,for all english video lessons…I am the new member of I looked all night video lessons and other it is realy great job…
Great info, that really helps . Thank you ^_^
will you teach me the passive voice please teacher Rebecca
hi .frankly still im realy hesitate abote which one i will take something is easy in toefl and difficlt in itels so the opesite right
Dear Rebecca
thanks a lot for these useful lessons; however, I want you to clear stuff more if you don’t mind. You see I am a Canadian and from Toronto too but because of my fathers work we had to move to a foreign country which doesn’t speak English at all, and now I am nearly through with high school and getting I am getting ready for collage, as I noticed in the video you said that Canadian collages require IELTS. My question comes here:
How come Canadian collages require IELTS and not TOEFL since TOEFL is mostly American speech and IELTS is mostly British, I mean I used to speak American when I was in Canada, and you guys speak American too. My second question is if its IELTS do you have any tips for me because I speak American and I have already taken a TOEFL course which means I will have some problems learning IELTS
I just found your webside some days ago, it’s interesting, helpful!
Hey Rebecca.
I have to show my TOEIC results to CNO for Nursing registration. They have only asked to have 720 scores wid 350 in reading and listening each.Its not mentioned whether i have to show my speaking toeic results. So should i go for listening and reading test only.
I have already an IELTS score of 7, so scoring 350 in reading and listening in TOEIC would be fine for me or not.
Thank you so much.
Dear Rebecca;
I m an english teacher and you always answer the questions I encounter in my classes.Thank you very much for this video and for all the others..
Best wishes..
dear rebecca am from egypt
thank youu for this useful vedioo i need ur advice as soon as possible
i did ilets exam twice the 1st time i got overall 6 , writing 5 , the 2nd ttime i got overall 6.5 and writing 5.5
i need to get overall 7 and specially in the writing it must be at least 6.5
to be accepted in my dream college
the problem is in my writing i practiced aloot and it didnt work i got 5.5 i dont know what should i do moree i practiced alot
may u helpp me please
should i retake the ilets exam again or tofel instad but am afraid from the diffrences u said in this vedioo
hi, i am a house how i can improve me to clear ilets general exam
I found your video about the comparetion of TOFL and IELTS very usefull thank you ! What about Cambridge First/Advanced or Profiency , how do you compare it with other exams accordings difficulty and use case and form ?
Thank You for video about difference between tofl and IELTS.
Just a question: Are You from Canada? Till now for me this is the most easy accent to understand. Ist is a little bit strange cause I am Italian and I am living in Singapore…
Hi! I’m from Uruguay and I wanted to tell you that you speak very clearly,not much fast,so I can understand!! Thanks.
I am a Bangladeshi.So it is hard to learn english.I am tring to learn english but I am in trouble that I can’t save english vocabulary in mymemory and can’t understand.What can I do now ?
To Die!!!!!
Hi, Rebecca! It’s difficult to overestimate your efforts and your lessons for all of us! Thank you very much! And it will be very kind of you to provide me (us) with your opinien concerning other EL exams: PET,FEC,CAE,CPE… I suppose it’s enough.
Hi, Rebecca, I am a student in College. Even I can pass the course or get a high mark, my english is still not good. I can understand 70% in class which is not good enough because i am planning to transfer to University and my speaking is really poor.I can just communicate with my classmates with simple words and talk about simple topic. I really want to speak better englsh, please help me, thanks!!!
Hi, Is it possible to study ielts by myself? and go for the test only? what’s your suggestion?
Just to say thank you for your help.
I wish if you give us a program to sue during the week to study english. It will help to focus more to what we have to do.
Thank you
my father is a foreign worker,, and he’s given a chance to take his family, my mother is a spousal visa, and im dependent (open work permit) he took the ielts exam but he didn’t pass,, can i take ielts for him? than you
U r wonderfull, dear teacher! Your pronunciation is very clear. I love u ad your lessons…:)))
Hello, dear Rebecca, could you please tell me something about FCE? I’m going to pass it this spring, but I’m not really sure I need it. The more I talk to people or surf the net, the more I realise TOEFL of IELTS are known and acceptable in Britain. So, is it really worth passing FCE or I just threw good money after bad?
how can i achieve IELTS exam ?
wich accent are you speak UK or USA because it’s very clear . thank you
Rebecca is Canadian. The accent is close to an American accent.
hey there please could you answer my question?
12 may i gave ielts exam but in reading madule tim was less i cant tranfer my answer question sheet to answer sheet i hav big mistake but in the end i attached the request letter pls tell me and help me i hope u understand what i m saying
Hi Rebecca
I’ll study in USA next month and I am in intermediate level
with your experiences do you think that six month will be enough to get 90 in TOEFL or 6.5 in ielts ?
and what do you think is easier ?
I got 4 out of 6. Thanks for the lessons.
thanks your lesson was so helpful to me
I like this presentation very much and hopefully that these could help me to improve my English skills
Best regards
Hy ms rebecca<how are you?I am from nepal and now i am on my bachelore second year of bsc forestry and after completing my bachelore here i want to do my master in canada,still two and half year is remaining to complete my bachelore and i want to study there in scholarship because my parent c
i want the lesson of teofl
hi miss rebecca how are you? hope you doing good!!!!! To study ms in canada do i need GRE or ielts is enough?? and i’m having 64% in…. is it possible to study in canada?
madam can i do my ms in Canada , Australia or UK only with my TOEFL or IELTS (is it must and should that i have to write my GRE )
Every program has different requirements. You need to check each university separately.
hello mam, i am going to write my gre examination n confused weather to consider a toefl or ielts examinations.
so i vil be very helpful if u can suggest me regarding this………
thanks in advance
Hello madam Rebecca,
Thank you so much for this video.
But I already have taken TOEFL 3 times still not obtaining 80. I got 60 in first attempt, 64 in second attempt, 66 in third attempt. What should I do? Please suggest me.
Thank you so much in advance.
toefl or ielts?? which one should we prefer to apply in the universities of canada ??
This video helped me to choose a test.thanx for the video.
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hi mam.hw r u?.actually i am planning for canada for ma higher which exam i have to prefer either toefl or ielts please do reply?
Hi, I want to take the scholership of the heidelberg & iwant to know which one is better for me toefl or ielts?
Thanks a lot for your video. I know which one i have to choose now.
if I spelling mistake in IELTS. Does I lose score ?!
Hi, I am from India completed my in 2005 having 6 yrs exp. in HR /Payroll and now i would like to diploma in Human resources or / business management in Canada. whether i need to appear toefl or ielts ? which one should we prefer to apply for canada universities
thank you very much…
hi, plz which one is more important and can be sued to enter any University TOEFL or IELTS?
and what is the difference between them?
first time i got 97points in toefl ibt. but that’s not high enough for me study the major i want. i am especially weak at speaking and writing. i hope to overcome my fear in these parts and score ideally 4-5 at each part for me to reach well over 100, if not the highest…if it’s possible within a short period of time and how would you suggest me train myself for that?
Going by the comments, the video seems really good. However, I am unable to view it because of the security policy at my orgainzation. Do you have a transcript of this video? Thanks in advance
Are you able to use a proxy?
Mrs. Rebecca, you’re doing a great job for student!
I just wanted to ask you if i can study on my own for TOEFL, is it possible, and how much should i practise?
Thank you!
which of this 2 exam i.e. TOEFL & IELTS results last for longer period???
Plz do rply…waiting..
thank you very much.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca. I can easily understand your english and all other lessons. Those are very helpful for me. I like this website very much.
Bye (from India)
nice video
very useful
thanks from brazil
Thanks alot ,very useful video
Hello^^ greetings from Mongolia^^
I.m really happy to learn English by your online lecture. It is very helpful to improve my English. I’ll tell, share my friends about your site. Good luck and best wishes to all teachers.
From your Mongolian student Hanna:)
I am looking to get an admission in some college in North america and then I will apply for immigration. Should I give IELTS or TOEFL? Both the exams are the same for me and the colleges will accept either exam but my only concern for asking this question is that which exam is given priority over the other when it comes to getting a job or getting an admission in North america?
Thanks a lot for your explanation
which exam taken for sacholarship??
Very useful information thank you very much
i am doing master science in canada suggest me what can i do for study in canada i am completed my engineering recently so plz suggest me what step i will choose
Thank you vey much Rebecca!
I have a doubt, if you passed the TOEFL, how long is valid the certificate to approve that you know english?, in other way, how many year the certificate is valid? Or you don’t need to do other exam after few year?
Thank you very much for this video .
I would like to ask if i want to start the training of English from zero till i can do the TOEFL exam what are your advices and steps that i have to do for success such as :videos , books , audio and websites , and rise my skill in the English language with less mistakes and more professionality .
Thank you, your website is very use full . I learn so much from your website. My question is if i finished my advance . then next what should i take the next, please give me advice. thank you so much your help.
Thanks For u But if u Could Help me on ielts Reading Section And Give me Tips In ielts
I wanna fluently speaking. What are your advice?
Respected Madam,
I am Rahul from India. I have completed my Masters in Electrical Engineering and now I am looking forward to get admission in the top technical universities located in USA for PhD. I am not good in speaking English but I can read and write well. I want to improve my speaking skill that’s why I have joint After watching yours video I found it very valuable and got necessary information but still I need your guidance.
Madam, please guide me how to get admission in the American universities and what is the main criteria for pursuing PhD? Which exam is suitable for this purpose TOEFL, IELTS or GRE?
It’s my humble request to you to answer my Questions and obliged.
Thank you
Rahul Nema
what about the SAT exam? what is it used for and in what countries is it accepted?
Hello, Ms. Rebecca. Good evening. I’m from Indonesia, and I’m writing this comment in the evening. Ha ha…:)
Well, Canadian English pronunciation sounds similar to that of American English. I thought you’re an American. But you’re from Canada actually. Is there any difference between American and Canadian English?
Dear Rebecca, thank you so much for clear explanation of these exams.
I think you speak Uzbek language as well. If so, then you are a multilingual one.
Hello Rebecca, is it really important to count how many words were written in the essay??
Hi Rebecca, Thanks for your heartful lesson. Very easy to understand for me. Please keep supporting us to improve English.
Tank you you’re the best
Dear Rebecca, Thank you
Hi Rebecca. I really appreciate your lessons. you’ve always come up with wonderful topics. i was wondering if you could teach us the titles of the doctors in medicine. what do you call them. i know cardiologist, dentist, optometrist, but what about the others.
Tnanks a lot!The lesso is really helpful!
your lessons is very interesting. and exciting. i really like to seeing these lessons
It was very worthwhile. thank you
Thanks Rebecca. I have seen a lot of your videos but this one is very complete. Nowadays, I am studying to take the TOEFL exam. Thank you again for you help.
Hi Rebeca, I would like to thank you to you and Mss Ronnie . My English is improving each day when i know about
I would like to see a sub-title if possible that way the listener and i can much understand because some words missed . but most of all, i completed understand your lesson. All your lesson is greats.
Thank’s again.
how can i thank you i don’t know , i follow your tutorial to improve my language.
i feel better
warm regards
One of the very best website i have ever met. Thanks a lot & lot for you rebecca.
Please , could you give me IELTS question.Thank you
Hi Rebecca :) Thank you so much for your usable lessons!!!
I want to ask you to explain the difference between GRE and GMAT. I want to orientate which one to prepare for. Thanks in advance :)))))
thanks Rebecca! I know that I should take an IELTS exam.
Hi I am new here and i want to be Good in english i know little bit Can you help me Rebbeca
Thank you very much for the great explanation, i have a question, my question is what is FCE? what is the difference among the TOEFL or IELTS?
Looking forward to hearing from you :)
if i want to study in america means which exam i should write?
Dear Rebecca, I really like the videos on YouTube.
You’re Really Doing great job and I would like to thank you that.
I’m from Pakistan.
I want to study in USA. I decided to take TOEFL course. But some people told me that I could take IELTS course. Because IELTS easier than TOEFL. Now I wonder if I take IELTS exam will I able to study any USA University? Please help me.
hello ma’am
is there any second chance given in case of toefl if we don’t pass
Mam Rubeca
Your accent is superb very easy to catch .Could u please to tell me about Tep exam . Only can be done in South Korea
Look forward to hear from you soon
hello Rebecca mam i want study in usa and i am from nepal. What should I do mam toefl or ielts I am in confusion Please help me out.
Hello, you teach very well. I appreciate that.
Do I have to speak British with the examiner in the IELTS exam? I would rather speak American English. Am I allowed to do that?
I cannot speak British. I just can understand the British accent by listening, but I cannot speak British English at all.
Help me please.
Nice job, you really did well
How long are the results of these exams valid?
Hello rebacc
I would like your recommendation to find the best way to pass toffel test
Thank you very much
Hello there,
I need to take either Ielts or Toefl to get my admission in the queen’s university Toronto. I am applying for master’s degree in biomedical science. They have said I should get 7.0 in Ielts or 650 in tofel. Even though I studied my undergraduate medical degree in English medium ,I feel myself not confident about my knowledge in English to take either ielts or toefl . I have short of time.I must complete the exam within 3 to 4 months with those scores which I mentioned above . Can you give me a suggestion which exam is suitable for me to prepare within this short time ?
Thank you.
Rebecca dear !
jux tellme sumthing about ielts exams and also tell me from where i should prepare for this. give me sum links related to ielts exams from where i can expect to get 7 band for this course. I shall be very thankful to you. WAiting for your reply.
I have really been enlightened.I will take TOEFL.Because,I am studying in the US.Thank very much.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks a lot, very interesting lesson
take care
I wanna learn writing an essay for 500 words for my entrance exams.Please help me out with this.
hi, I m going to come canada . what should i know?
Great lesson, Rebecca! Keep it up! :D
hi rebecca
first of all i’d like to thank you for this vedio
secondly i have a question
how can i get the best ielts books and resources available for self study
Can i ask teacher because im a freshman (grade 9) this year and i will get a test do u think what test it would be? Is that the IELTS OR TOEFL test mam?
taht was helpful tnx alot :)
I spent my time preparing for an IELTS exam but then did find a problem in passing it eventually i decided to take the TOEFL exam … do i have to start the whole preparation over again ? in other terms how can i manage a good preparation efficiently within a short period of time ? Thank you
it was great information ,,,,thanks
Which test does United States prefer for immigration ?
Excuse me teacher can you take me full program to study tofel to success in its exam … I want that success to accept me in the master studying in the computer science. .. Thank yo so much…
Hi Rebecca,
Thanks you for this effort and this information,I would like to send me all material for IELTS, and Answer about previous question”which the better IELTES OR TOFEL?
Please Leave response on My email :
And thanks again Mrs Rebecca ,
I choose IELTES.
Hi Rebecca!
Thank u so much for this information! I would like to ask you a question. I want to study in the U.S and this year i am a senior, but i am not a citizen there. I have done some researches on the internet and i have fond the Columbia University in New York City like the most convenient one for me. That’s because i need financial aid. Is that possible in this university? Also i read that the TOEFL was a mandatory criteria. Is that enough? Can you please tell me if this university needs the SAT? if yes are there others university in America which can give me financial aid with only TOEFL scores?
Thank you so much for your time! :)
You English is the best I’ve heard and your pedagogy to explain it’s brilliant. Congratulations.
Hi Rebecca!
First, thanks for your explanations! Your accent is very clear to me.I`ve been liked so much!
So, do you recommend a good site to test our English? A kind of “Webtool” to help us not only test, but improve our English weakness, on a five skills.
Rebecca ma’am this lesson is so useful. I am really thankul to you. This engvid website is providing students the facility to learn well,understand well and make their confusion clear.
Thanks Rebecca for this great video.
I am just want to know about the version of academic IELTS exam for this year (like IELTS9 or IELTS10)??
thank you very much
best regards
What is the different between IELTC academic and general ?
Thank you very much for your time.
Thank you :)
I am a teacher and would like to apply for jobs in U.A.E. they prefer TOFEL or IELTS teachers for an english language. I dd listen to the video but , still confused to which one is going to be better in my career prospective..
if you may help in deciding in what to select and how to go about , it would be great .
Hi Rebecca. how’s all?
as usual its just a great video.
I’ve no problem with typing on the computer or writing by hand, in pronunciation or spelling words, and despite the fact that TOEFL is longer than the IELTS, I just find it much easier.
This is a very important information to know, thank you for explain it so clearly.
thank you
i want to prepare my master and my university ask me to pass it firstly . my question is how long time can i improving my english from beginner level ?
Thanks Rebecca!!! I am preparing for TOEFl and understand your lecture as 9/10.
Dear Rebecca,
Very interesting lesson. Now we can select the exam which suits us.
Yours sincerely.
I do not know how to thank you, you are one of the best teacher who are teaching me.
Rebecca, could you please tell me about the result in TOEFL exam?
hi, i need english for working in a europe or usa IT company, then which exam i should pass?
is TOEIC enough?
I am Good in typing.
and also in writing too .
But I planned to take my higher education in UK.
I thought IELTS is beeter to take for this time.
and I have some comfussion weather should I take IELTS Academic or IELTS General.
Can you please suggest about which kind of IELTS type is better and will help to get chance Go to UK?
thank you rebecca for ur excellant overview on both the exams!
Thank you ma’am
Hello, I have taken the IELTS more than 7 times. I have scored 9,9,8.5 and 6.5 in writing many times. I need 7 in writing to pass. What exam is better for me in terms of writing ?
can you tell me how to choose between ielts general and ielts academic?
thank you by the way.
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you for the lesson.
I have a question. I’ve noticed that you say the English all the time. As far as I know no article should be used with the languages (when the word ‘language’ is omitted), e.g. I learn English. Am I correct? Please, answer ;)
i would like to ask you 2 questions
1- can tell what is the APTIS ?
2- i’m planning to study CELTA so which exam should i have to do academic ILETS ,general ILETS or TOFEL
Ho! sadly I need to do test obout this topic one more time.
Hi Ma’am Rebecca, would you please write all the important details in the board.
For Example:
North American = English = British
4 hours = Length = 2 and half hours
Your one of my favorite teacher here in EngVid but I’m sorry ma’am cause I’m lacking with your details, the keys words or answers to write it on board. Almost all the Videos you made ma’am I do always get a paper and and pen to write all the words that your are saying because I have difficulty in Oral communications, I prepare written communication when I’m studying. I hope you understand ma’am and do my request. Thank you so much.
By these days I was thinking on this issue TOEFL or IELTS when noticed about your explanation in EngVid. I’d like to express my gratitude for so useful and helpful information that you presented in a so clearly and professional way. Thanks a lot.
Thank you so much
Thank you very much for your interesting lesson.
Thank you !
The best test for work permit to Australia would be ielts general?
oooh my god!
This video is beast guide.
Thank you
Thanks Rebecca .Now I am going for the IELTS test in June 2018.
You got 9 correct out of 10.
hello,first of all thank you so much for these useful information, second, you mentioned that in the TOEFL exam spelling does not matter. Does this mean that making spelling mistakes or even typing mistakes in the writing part will not cause any losing grade?
Thanks a lot.
youre a great teacher thank you
will IELTS band scour be accepted as TOEFL or voice versa???
for joining universities??
you are a great teacher, thank you
i need the tips for IELTS academic please some buddy help me
Thank you i prefer Ielts easier !
it´s a good class, mainly for non natives speakers english. Sometimes the accent difficult so much. Thanks for teaching. kisses from Brazil.
thank you for my dear teacher I USED TO LISTEN TO .
Thank you so mush for this lesson.
It’s very helpful for me.
From Algeria ??
Rebeca, Thank you so much for this seccion TOEFL or ELTS which exam should you take. I did 9 of 10. What do you think about FCE First Cambridge Exam?
I have a question. Hello
writing in Tofel is with computer or pencil paper one?
definitely on a computer keyboard حبيبي عزيزم