If the only words you know to speak about the weather in English are “hot”, “cold”, and “raining”, then watch my vocabulary lesson and learn a whole lot more! Don’t forget to take the free quiz!
It is my first class….Going forward..I want to have more classes like this. Thank you for EngVid.com
chinna katiki
Thanks you very much James,
here in Portugal in cool!!!
is cool,sorry
Hi Mr James ! thanks a lot for that lesson ,you know ! we studed today about the weather forecast ,and the techer told us to write about the weather in our city ,but i was so confused for doing that ,a just tried to write some vacabularies about the weather ,and when i came here i really shoked what i see now ;wow is it my luck today to save me from the homework ,,,,you are really helpful Mr James ;;thanks again ,,you know the problem is about the weather forecast on tv they are very fast we can’t understand them ,because English isn’t our native language ,we are trying just to catch some words its really enough for me hhhh ,
Please, I want more lessons, they are very interesting.
Thank you very much.
Very Very Cool Lesson…………Cool Explanation………..
Hi Mr. James,
I would like to let you know how much I appreciate your teaching. You make me now appreciate the subject. Most teachers just turn off students. Thanks once again.
hey James, you are so cool!!!!
it’s just awesome what you do :)
a piece of art!!!!
walter beda
thats all man .this test was very good .
reha istanbul
Thanks a lot . We can catch clearly .
Thanks so much
This lesson is awesome !!! COOL!!!
here in morocco in cool!!!
belasri el mehdi
Thank you for making the lesson so interesting and funny in the same time.
my country is sunny all year exept winter and at the fall the weather become cool
girl full of hope
It’s first day to me, and i get interested to your lessons Mr.james.
Thank you very much.
Sir James. I don’t a word for admiration of your effort.
Hi Jame,
I love the website http://www.engvid.com because it’s so interesting. The teachers are so nice and they also teach with the best methods.
Thanks for teaching me!
Qui Nguyen
hi Jame
I love your method teach. It’s very interesting, easy understant. I want to listen more in lesson unit. Can you speak so slowly?please! Because i don’t listen few of words that you talk.
Thanks for teaching me.
It’s winter in Thailand but there’s a bit warm here.
Thank you so much and I’ll try to practice English more.
funny lesion ^^
thank you a lot,jame
nguyen duy duong
hahahha it was so funny!!
thank you I need more vocabulary.
Ana V.
wow. what an interesting lesson! hope more
Good job James :)
It was amazing.
I like your style and I love Canada.
Thanks for teach me new words.
I had a great time while I was watching your video.
I like your teaching. Thank you
asha haji
Hi James,
You teach very well, very understandable! This is something everyone interested in learning English must be thankful for. Keep up the good job and thanks for this opportunity!
love it..!!!
wow! It was great and funny…:):):)
I d’ love your teaching style. >:D<
This examples are clear for me, thanks! James
Thank you very much for your lesson. I hope to improve my poor english. It wass a nice lesson. See you next class !!
thank you.
Hello Mr. James (and all of friends in this nice web site)
How are you. I hope be successful. I saw your teaching; How to talk about the weather in English and much enjoyed it and your teaching method. of course I download all of your and Mr. Rebeca lessons and I will download reminded lessons form other nice , professional teachers.
I live in Tehran(Iran) and I want to learn English very well because I am preparing to immigrate India and I need your suggestion. If had best situation, I wanted to immigrate CANADA to studying management.
I am waiting to hearing as soon as possible.
Best Regards
Sayed Abolfazl Musavi
Hi James,
Its really helpfull, Thank you so much.
your way of teaching superb!!
Raju Malireddy INDIA
Hi James,
It is very good lesson. I learned lot of vocabulary with weather.
Taseer khan
hi this is Taseer,I wanna thank you for such a useful english websit, i found it very useful.
Taseer khan
hi James =)
its cool!!
to hear you, i like your Englis’s Classes
Hello, compliment of the day
I like your profile in this community network and I think you are a nice person. Can we get in contact? I’m sorry if i m embarrassing you, i shall explain all about myself including my pictures. please you can write to me ( sandra1johnson@ h o t m a i l . c o m) not in this site because i am new in this community and i don’t visit this site often, I’d like to get to know you if you don’t mind
Please There is something important i want to tell you
thanks & regards
Miss sandra
I just know words like hot, cold and snow. Thanks for help us to know something else
carlos parada
Dear James
Its nice class for me, but before i had learned about Automn. now you prefer Fall, what about the Automn. ok, bye.
Achyut Acharya
james is awesome, i experienced Canada in India
Ashish Parab
yes..what about autum? is it the same as fall ? is t a slang word which means autum??
thank you very much. you are nice teacher. this is really really usefull website.
Thanks Mr James,I really enjoy leaning with you.
Your a wonderful teacher.
James,I really like the way you teach ,actually you makes me smile here while watching your lesson.You are a Good teacher and you could let your students focus with you.thank you so much for being generous,its helpful.
thanks james I enjoyed your lesson so much
goog luck
hai this raghava i was impresend of teaching thanks for the coaching and i enjoy’d id .
hahaha.. i love u james, it’s really cool lesson!
thank you jame
Hi James ! Very nice lesson ! I just had come back from Canadá to Argentina. It was drizzle quit all the time, by I enjoy it ! Vancouver is a nice place, and it didn´t snow when I was there. I watch your videos and had improved my little english ! Thank you a lot ! See you !
Tanks alot James.
mr james born in africa came to say to that i really enkoy your teachin you give me a lot of energy to speak english than my own language thanks a lot my blood .
thanks mr james
You are so sexy Mr James…. Please button up the shirt couse you draw my attention from the lesson)))))
hi profound thanks!
it was really great.
i want to see some more new lessons from engvid.com
my name is nao.
i love engvid.com
for all the great teachers in endvid.
i want to listen some more new lessons
Thank your for your super video and your cool comments! I love it!
Maybe you should also think about working in a strip club ;-) hehe
It was good for me.I first time entered and watched your lesson,before I did not heard word Fall which called one of the season of the year Thanks
nice,your way of teaching is very good
Hi James! It’s really nice lesson! I’m from KAZAKHSTAN!
Hello everybody. I am learning so much with the Engvid lessons.
The James’ lessons are very funny, thank you so much.
Juan José
it was amazing.you are a good teacher and teaching very well.i understand to your teaching .i always remember to your lesson……….. i also thanks to you u seek the english lesson to all body
shery khan
hi could you pleas tell me how to write a portfolio and how is it different frm eassy how to start and end? .for my english class .i m sure you can help me with it
wilcy makil
Hello, what a nice funny teacher you’re. I would like to see watch all of your lessons, because what you offer are so cool I really liked them.
I wish you all the best.
Much appreciated gentleman.
thanks james….i really appreciate you for all that information
So much thax to u and the website :)
i like u r english class i am so thanks for you
thanks a lot to funny teacher and for useful lessons.
We are in Winter season. It’s a little cool here at the moment.
Mr James, your lessons are very, very good. Thanks.
Mário Vieira de Oliveira
i get 3 correct 1 wrong at quiz test
adam arif
your a good teacher
thankyou, very nice lesson about the weather
your lesson are really cool! and of course your worms are awesoms!
James, you are amazing. You are doing the good job. I’m learning english quite a long time from you and all the online teachers. I like the way you are teaching. Easily can understand and funny. Happy learning:)) I want to invite you to come to Singapore. Welcome to Singapore….
With thanks,
Phyo Phyo
thank you james…u are a great teacher and also funny..i really enjoy ‘ur lessons..((hey people can you help me ,i don’t know how to change this
I really fein interested in listening your lesson. I have just see this web but in lessons have many new words which i don’t know. I want to ask a question: sould I use dictionary in studying ? Thank you very much.Best wishes for you
very nice lesson thnxs!
good teaching
hi iam mubashir from paksitan. i like the way of teaching and understand the class thank you engvid.com b/c you have bring this opportunity for those people thay would like learn on computer so keep it up my best regards with you
in summer its hot and partly sunny.
thanks professor, for the season lesson,but i would like to know about how to use present continuo past/present participle
eliezer vi
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 4 correct out of 4.
Dear James!
Thank you very much for the lesson. I enjoyed so much… everything lol.
Iuliana Maria
Iuliana Maria
thanks james
I got 4 out of 4. Thank u teacher
thank you. I learned different weathers. It was interesting.
kyoung mi
Thank you. I was interested while I was listening to your lesson. I have been to Canada and I remembered the weather in Canada.
I miss Canada.
kyoung mi
Please See, engvid.
what is this mean? “Your comment is awaiting approval.”
What approval ?
kyoung mi
MY approval!
yu re the best . thank yu very much
Tank you for you all you help.
I love it..EngVid
i like the way you teach..funny!
thank you for every things .
I love toy and love it
Here, in Brazil, I only know the real summer..and a little bit of Canada fall!!
Thanks James!!
Thanks James for your lesson, your explanation it was very useful for me.The way you expalin I could feel how is the weather in Canada.
You’re very funny.
It’s worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes its great when you tack about inglish i learn it so easy like it is my mother lenguage. thanks a=for this james . with love ana from georgia.
Best lesson EVER!!! … jaja, you rocks!
my english languge is week.i try mu best for improving it.if you could help my i happy
Right now, it’s not snowing outside, but I could swear I’ll get frostbites if I go outside in bare feet!
hay !!!!!!! tushya can u tall me best vampire novel & also detective novel ……i like this type of novel very much
mahesh dadhich
hi , you’re the best teacher, i really like the way you explain lessons ,thank you soooooooooooo much
………thanks James…………..was cool ;o)
nice, it was a nice part…, I want a teacher like this one, he explains everything on the correct manner…, I mean he explains it with easy words that everyone can understand!
jamemost of ur lessons begin with a newspaper or magazine, What’s behind this?
this lesson is very good and fun!
thank you evid
hey james very lesson . Please make a lesson on erb have
you make me know more about new vocabulary
thanks James, you’re really cool. I like your teaching style.
thai teacher.
Great lesson Mrs. James. I love your way of teaching…thanks so much. Thanks Engvid!
Greetings from Brussels
Dear James, you were born to be an actor!
thanks jemes you my best teacher
i like this lesson and all your lessons
Hi James! Is there any difference between “fall” and “autumn”? I’ve never heard “fall” before!!!
No difference except that in Britain they almost always say ‘autumn’ and in North America we usually say ‘fall’. But both words will be understood in both places.
another great lesson! greetings from Poland! :)
Hi James!When I came to Canada it was very diffecult for me,because I com from hot country.
Shukria Fazli
I got some knowledge
Hi James i didnt like yuor teaching abuot the wather.
you are alone whom not liked the lesson. Isn’t you?
Thanks a lot James, Way of teaching is very good.
thanks james, I like your creativity to give classes, it is very fun.
Mr.James i realy enjoy to listen your leson.keep teaching us,im proud of your leson.Good job my teacher!
Thx a lot James….
it helps me a lot to teach vocabs related to weather to my students, especially because down here in Indonesia, we only have 2 seasons… the rainy season and the dry season. they got much information and description about countries with 4 seasons. well done!!!
Oh, we have almost the same weather in Russia. And it can also be f..ing cold :-) But I really like things as they are – four seasons … and they are so different!
Good job for me
A little joky lesson but helpful and awesome.
Isn’t it guys?
i love all of your lesson.thank a lot
the lesson is full of very exquisite lexis that we need to describe different types of wheather,and not only “cold,hot…” and other common words.Besides, it’s kind of funny .
thanks james it was nice lesson , but i would like to ask you if you speak a little slowly
it is for teaching method
Thanks for lessons becouse it’s very useful.
Thanks for lessons because it is very usefull.
that was very good lesson.
in my country there is only summer and little of winter , that all in my country and believe my the summer like part of hell with a lot of wet so take care when u visit as .
very nice lesson by MR JAMES,I really enjoyed the way he has been teaching to us. EXCELLENT work done by him THANKS A LOT
i want to ask please is it correct to say :in the spring …in the winter or in summer in fall
There is snowfall and rainfall. Fall is for bouth I guess
Great teacher for Great website
Thanks a lot for all those great teachers who help us in learning specif and difficult areas in the English language
One more thing: if somebody speaks English good enough and want to improve communication skills, Skype me!My user name is tojemodel)Together we will achieve the best level)))
Thanks, James)
Any Russia
Thanks James. It helps me comprehence the things going on due to the time those weather happened. And it also helps me to understand to sense my English to feel it better and not just speak it as a stranger. Thx
Thanks James for nice teaching
Thank you James,i love your lesson
thank you mate.
Thank you James. Now what I can talk about the weather is not only “hot” or “cold”.
thanks James.it is very helpful to explain weather in different way.
so difficult topic for me, even after studying this full lesson, this one was helpful to undestand, thanks
cool! thanks!
hi i really liked your teaching style and learned much from it will keep looking for more videos
i would like to come to canada to all these seasons…i am the luckiest if i can visit your country atleast once in my life james :):)
Thank you James.
Now I know how to talk about the weather.
thank you, help a lots
Hello everyone! Here in Brazil we’ve Summer all the year and because that i fell so happy.Thank you so much to yours lessons.
hi how can I locate more vocabulary lessons ?
is there a section about that?
can u voice talk on my skype id becoz i cant learn without speak . speaking is very must for me plz reply me my yahoo id abi_sitara@yahoo.com tnx
thanks James…..it was quite useful and intresting…..
Saima Ali
thanks alot James
Hi James i.m a native english speaker, and i live in Italy so now and again i need to practice my english because i always speak italian and i must say i am very grateful that you can help us and not only i like the way you teach, even if i,m not in a good mood i can have a laugh now and again.
Thank you for another informative blog. The place else may just I get that kind of info written in such a perfect manner? I have a project that I am simply now running on, and I have been at the look out for such info.
But James how could we express when weather realy frozen but it’s fine and cool. When people have brisk from cold.
Victor Angarskiy
If You living in Canada you must love winter))
Victor Angarskiy
This video is soooooooo informative. Thank James so much.
The only thing what I want is to watch the video with the correct English subtitle. Sometimes it’s really hard to understand what teachers say. Anyway, thank again~ This video made me raise my two thumbs up.
thank you
hi am new to this site but it impress me thank to entire teem special thank to Adam,Ronnie.
This class was very good. In my country we only have hot days, heheheh!
Hello Teacher, How are you ? i’m From Morocco, thank you for all of your English-lessons, there are very helpful and interesting.
I have just one question and i hope you will answer , when i was doing your Quiz exactly the first question:
1. It was spring, and it was a nice day but a little ______, so I brought a coat to wear when
I went for a walk.
the answer is “cool” isn’t “wind” ?
and i wish you to understand what i mean because i’m still developing my level intermediate…
waiting for responding
Med Jahouh
Can I meet you? LoL
Your lessons are just spectacular!
Thank you for you lessons and….Come to Russia, James!)
oops!thanks for YOUR lessons))
very nice!
Today in Poland it’s about 20 degrees :)
thanks a lot Mr. James It’s really was very useful lesson to me.
I’d like to say that I really enjoyed uncle James’s lecture… great
Hi James,
thanks for your cool lesson
take care
I want to speak with someone
Hi James. How are you? I hope you’re doing fine. I’ve gotten one hundred percent in this lesson. I love your lessons. I’d like to add you on fb. I love all the teacher from Engvid. I loved the new teachers too. It’s been amazing. Hug there.
Santiago Perera
cool teacher, cool lesson and cool weather ^_^
thanks sir now i know Canada weather. cool weather and cool teacher
Perfect James….very nice video
thanks for the lesson it’s really useful.
I hope visit Canada soon and see its freezing winter ♥ .
100% at the quiz
Thank you so much.This lesson was so handy
Its true!! it is freezing in Canada during the winter..
Hi teacher! I think the “Blizzard” you refered is not a game but a company who make games like “World of Warcraft” and others. Maybe there is a game too with this name, but I don’t know.
It is my first class. Thanks!!
Dear Mr James,
May I know:
1. the definition of “be”? is it = is, am, are (and their past tenses)
2. How about “being” / “been” is it from “be” also, what are the forms? past participle or continuous tense of “be”?
3. What is the difference between “be” “become”?
Thank you.
Denise from Malaysia
thhhnxxx a lot James <3
NeSma MuStafa
Hey James, here in Brazil hail in spring is very commum. And it use to be big like a baseball.
Great lesson, by the way. Thank you!
Thank you so much James…..You are Great !!!!! your lesson helped me so much !!
Canadian climate is similar to russian one. It is fall now. And it is a little bit chilly in the morning. brrrr!
Thank you so much, James!
AbdarRahman russian
Wow! Very interesting lesson. Your lessons are so good.
thank you
this lesson was very useful. thanks a lot.
touk is an Arabic word >>>>
Thank you.
Flavio Frois
Good Video Mr.J. The weather that you describe is just like the weather that we get in Louisiana . It can be Hot, Cool or Brisk. Some how we manage.
100 percent thanks james very helpful leson..
imtasal hayee
Let’s face it there are only 2 seasons in Canada and the US. Hockey season and no hockey. Go Flyers!!!!
A good explanation of the different seasons and their different types of meteorological weather but there are more words like “gale” that is similar to “blizzard”, also “breeze”, “drizzle”, “ice pellets”, “rime ice”, “snowdrift”, “slush”, “downdrift”, “updraught”, “microburst”, “lightstorm”, etc. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
It’s lovely to have your video about the weather! Since I live in Sweden and we talk about the weather it is perfekt to use Canada since it is pretty much like the weather in Sweden. The students love your way of explaining especially snow. Thanks!!!
Fabulous one, James
Reda Zaghloul
thanks, mr james good
Gersy Lagos
Great lesson!
I have a question, what is the difference between “pouring” and “downpour”, and “cold” and “chilly”?
Thank you for teaching.
Luiz Willian
You’re so funny. Thanks for the explanation.
Hi James,it’s so great your class. Here in Brazil the weather is funk crazy in now all days.
Thank you, teacher James,
Your class and explanation make me understand perfectly. I’m sure I will improve my English with your videos.
Thanks Sir James,
You got 2 correct out of 4
M kartal
Thanks James I like this lesson. What a unique topic!!!!. In here Thailand. I have 2-3 seasons. Actually it’s summer and rainy and a little bit of cold.
Thank you Mr. James.
Thank you so much james
Shahez khan
In india weather like freezing
Shahez khan
Great job :)
Thank you James
good job
It was unusual accent to me. I should leasten to the lesson one more time…
fall or autumn ?
damn = humidity?
nehal atef
Very interesting lesson!
This would be very good for intermediate and up.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It is my first class….Going forward..I want to have more classes like this. Thank you for EngVid.com
Thanks you very much James,
here in Portugal in cool!!!
is cool,sorry
Hi Mr James ! thanks a lot for that lesson ,you know ! we studed today about the weather forecast ,and the techer told us to write about the weather in our city ,but i was so confused for doing that ,a just tried to write some vacabularies about the weather ,and when i came here i really shoked what i see now ;wow is it my luck today to save me from the homework ,,,,you are really helpful Mr James ;;thanks again ,,you know the problem is about the weather forecast on tv they are very fast we can’t understand them ,because English isn’t our native language ,we are trying just to catch some words its really enough for me hhhh ,
Please, I want more lessons, they are very interesting.
Thank you very much.
Very Very Cool Lesson…………Cool Explanation………..
Hi Mr. James,
I would like to let you know how much I appreciate your teaching. You make me now appreciate the subject. Most teachers just turn off students. Thanks once again.
hey James, you are so cool!!!!
it’s just awesome what you do :)
a piece of art!!!!
thats all man .this test was very good .
Thanks a lot . We can catch clearly .
Thanks so much
This lesson is awesome !!! COOL!!!
here in morocco in cool!!!
Thank you for making the lesson so interesting and funny in the same time.
my country is sunny all year exept winter and at the fall the weather become cool
It’s first day to me, and i get interested to your lessons Mr.james.
Thank you very much.
Sir James. I don’t a word for admiration of your effort.
Hi Jame,
I love the website http://www.engvid.com because it’s so interesting. The teachers are so nice and they also teach with the best methods.
Thanks for teaching me!
Qui Nguyen
hi Jame
I love your method teach. It’s very interesting, easy understant. I want to listen more in lesson unit. Can you speak so slowly?please! Because i don’t listen few of words that you talk.
Thanks for teaching me.
It’s winter in Thailand but there’s a bit warm here.
Thank you so much and I’ll try to practice English more.
funny lesion ^^
thank you a lot,jame
hahahha it was so funny!!
thank you I need more vocabulary.
wow. what an interesting lesson! hope more
Good job James :)
It was amazing.
I like your style and I love Canada.
Thanks for teach me new words.
I had a great time while I was watching your video.
I like your teaching. Thank you
Hi James,
You teach very well, very understandable! This is something everyone interested in learning English must be thankful for. Keep up the good job and thanks for this opportunity!
love it..!!!
wow! It was great and funny…:):):)
I d’ love your teaching style. >:D<
This examples are clear for me, thanks! James
Thank you very much for your lesson. I hope to improve my poor english. It wass a nice lesson. See you next class !!
thank you.
Hello Mr. James (and all of friends in this nice web site)
How are you. I hope be successful. I saw your teaching; How to talk about the weather in English and much enjoyed it and your teaching method. of course I download all of your and Mr. Rebeca lessons and I will download reminded lessons form other nice , professional teachers.
I live in Tehran(Iran) and I want to learn English very well because I am preparing to immigrate India and I need your suggestion. If had best situation, I wanted to immigrate CANADA to studying management.
I am waiting to hearing as soon as possible.
Best Regards
Sayed Abolfazl Musavi
Hi James,
Its really helpfull, Thank you so much.
your way of teaching superb!!
Hi James,
It is very good lesson. I learned lot of vocabulary with weather.
hi this is Taseer,I wanna thank you for such a useful english websit, i found it very useful.
hi James =)
its cool!!
to hear you, i like your Englis’s Classes
Hello, compliment of the day
I like your profile in this community network and I think you are a nice person. Can we get in contact? I’m sorry if i m embarrassing you, i shall explain all about myself including my pictures. please you can write to me ( sandra1johnson@ h o t m a i l . c o m) not in this site because i am new in this community and i don’t visit this site often, I’d like to get to know you if you don’t mind
Please There is something important i want to tell you
thanks & regards
Miss sandra
I just know words like hot, cold and snow. Thanks for help us to know something else
Dear James
Its nice class for me, but before i had learned about Automn. now you prefer Fall, what about the Automn. ok, bye.
james is awesome, i experienced Canada in India
yes..what about autum? is it the same as fall ? is t a slang word which means autum??
thank you very much. you are nice teacher. this is really really usefull website.
thank you so much. mn_munkhochir@yahoo.com make friends
Thanks Mr James,I really enjoy leaning with you.
Your a wonderful teacher.
James,I really like the way you teach ,actually you makes me smile here while watching your lesson.You are a Good teacher and you could let your students focus with you.thank you so much for being generous,its helpful.
thanks james I enjoyed your lesson so much
goog luck
hai this raghava i was impresend of teaching thanks for the coaching and i enjoy’d id .
hahaha.. i love u james, it’s really cool lesson!
thank you jame
Hi James ! Very nice lesson ! I just had come back from Canadá to Argentina. It was drizzle quit all the time, by I enjoy it ! Vancouver is a nice place, and it didn´t snow when I was there. I watch your videos and had improved my little english ! Thank you a lot ! See you !
Tanks alot James.
mr james born in africa came to say to that i really enkoy your teachin you give me a lot of energy to speak english than my own language thanks a lot my blood .
thanks mr james
You are so sexy Mr James…. Please button up the shirt couse you draw my attention from the lesson)))))
hi profound thanks!
it was really great.
i want to see some more new lessons from engvid.com
my name is nao.
i love engvid.com
for all the great teachers in endvid.
i want to listen some more new lessons
Thank your for your super video and your cool comments! I love it!
Maybe you should also think about working in a strip club ;-) hehe
It was good for me.I first time entered and watched your lesson,before I did not heard word Fall which called one of the season of the year Thanks
nice,your way of teaching is very good
Hi James! It’s really nice lesson! I’m from KAZAKHSTAN!
Hello everybody. I am learning so much with the Engvid lessons.
The James’ lessons are very funny, thank you so much.
it was amazing.you are a good teacher and teaching very well.i understand to your teaching .i always remember to your lesson……….. i also thanks to you u seek the english lesson to all body
hi could you pleas tell me how to write a portfolio and how is it different frm eassy how to start and end? .for my english class .i m sure you can help me with it
Hello, what a nice funny teacher you’re. I would like to see watch all of your lessons, because what you offer are so cool I really liked them.
I wish you all the best.
Much appreciated gentleman.
thanks james….i really appreciate you for all that information
So much thax to u and the website :)
i like u r english class i am so thanks for you
thanks a lot to funny teacher and for useful lessons.
We are in Winter season. It’s a little cool here at the moment.
Mr James, your lessons are very, very good. Thanks.
i get 3 correct 1 wrong at quiz test
your a good teacher
thankyou, very nice lesson about the weather
your lesson are really cool! and of course your worms are awesoms!
James, you are amazing. You are doing the good job. I’m learning english quite a long time from you and all the online teachers. I like the way you are teaching. Easily can understand and funny. Happy learning:)) I want to invite you to come to Singapore. Welcome to Singapore….
With thanks,
thank you james…u are a great teacher and also funny..i really enjoy ‘ur lessons..((hey people can you help me ,i don’t know how to change this
I really fein interested in listening your lesson. I have just see this web but in lessons have many new words which i don’t know. I want to ask a question: sould I use dictionary in studying ? Thank you very much.Best wishes for you
very nice lesson thnxs!
good teaching
hi iam mubashir from paksitan. i like the way of teaching and understand the class thank you engvid.com b/c you have bring this opportunity for those people thay would like learn on computer so keep it up my best regards with you
in summer its hot and partly sunny.
thanks professor, for the season lesson,but i would like to know about how to use present continuo past/present participle
Thanks for taking this English quiz! Your score: 100.00 You got 4 correct out of 4.
Dear James!
Thank you very much for the lesson. I enjoyed so much… everything lol.
Iuliana Maria
thanks james
I got 4 out of 4. Thank u teacher
thank you. I learned different weathers. It was interesting.
Thank you. I was interested while I was listening to your lesson. I have been to Canada and I remembered the weather in Canada.
I miss Canada.
Please See, engvid.
what is this mean? “Your comment is awaiting approval.”
What approval ?
MY approval!
yu re the best . thank yu very much
Tank you for you all you help.
I love it..EngVid
i like the way you teach..funny!
thank you for every things .
I love toy and love it
Here, in Brazil, I only know the real summer..and a little bit of Canada fall!!
Thanks James!!
Thanks James for your lesson, your explanation it was very useful for me.The way you expalin I could feel how is the weather in Canada.
You’re very funny.
It’s worth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes its great when you tack about inglish i learn it so easy like it is my mother lenguage. thanks a=for this james . with love ana from georgia.
Best lesson EVER!!! … jaja, you rocks!
my english languge is week.i try mu best for improving it.if you could help my i happy
Right now, it’s not snowing outside, but I could swear I’ll get frostbites if I go outside in bare feet!
hay !!!!!!! tushya can u tall me best vampire novel & also detective novel ……i like this type of novel very much
hi , you’re the best teacher, i really like the way you explain lessons ,thank you soooooooooooo much
………thanks James…………..was cool ;o)
nice, it was a nice part…, I want a teacher like this one, he explains everything on the correct manner…, I mean he explains it with easy words that everyone can understand!
jamemost of ur lessons begin with a newspaper or magazine, What’s behind this?
this lesson is very good and fun!
thank you evid
hey james very lesson . Please make a lesson on erb have
you make me know more about new vocabulary
thanks James, you’re really cool. I like your teaching style.
thai teacher.
Great lesson Mrs. James. I love your way of teaching…thanks so much. Thanks Engvid!
Greetings from Brussels
Dear James, you were born to be an actor!
thanks jemes you my best teacher
i like this lesson and all your lessons
Hi James! Is there any difference between “fall” and “autumn”? I’ve never heard “fall” before!!!
No difference except that in Britain they almost always say ‘autumn’ and in North America we usually say ‘fall’. But both words will be understood in both places.
another great lesson! greetings from Poland! :)
Hi James!When I came to Canada it was very diffecult for me,because I com from hot country.
I got some knowledge
Hi James i didnt like yuor teaching abuot the wather.
you are alone whom not liked the lesson. Isn’t you?
Thanks a lot James, Way of teaching is very good.
thanks james, I like your creativity to give classes, it is very fun.
Mr.James i realy enjoy to listen your leson.keep teaching us,im proud of your leson.Good job my teacher!
Thx a lot James….
it helps me a lot to teach vocabs related to weather to my students, especially because down here in Indonesia, we only have 2 seasons… the rainy season and the dry season. they got much information and description about countries with 4 seasons. well done!!!
Oh, we have almost the same weather in Russia. And it can also be f..ing cold :-) But I really like things as they are – four seasons … and they are so different!
Good job for me
A little joky lesson but helpful and awesome.
Isn’t it guys?
i love all of your lesson.thank a lot
the lesson is full of very exquisite lexis that we need to describe different types of wheather,and not only “cold,hot…” and other common words.Besides, it’s kind of funny .
thanks james it was nice lesson , but i would like to ask you if you speak a little slowly
it is for teaching method
Thanks for lessons becouse it’s very useful.
Thanks for lessons because it is very usefull.
that was very good lesson.
in my country there is only summer and little of winter , that all in my country and believe my the summer like part of hell with a lot of wet so take care when u visit as .
very nice lesson by MR JAMES,I really enjoyed the way he has been teaching to us. EXCELLENT work done by him THANKS A LOT
i want to ask please is it correct to say :in the spring …in the winter or in summer in fall
There is snowfall and rainfall. Fall is for bouth I guess
Great teacher for Great website
Thanks a lot for all those great teachers who help us in learning specif and difficult areas in the English language
One more thing: if somebody speaks English good enough and want to improve communication skills, Skype me!My user name is tojemodel)Together we will achieve the best level)))
Thanks, James)
Thanks James. It helps me comprehence the things going on due to the time those weather happened. And it also helps me to understand to sense my English to feel it better and not just speak it as a stranger. Thx
Thanks James for nice teaching
Thank you James,i love your lesson
thank you mate.
Thank you James. Now what I can talk about the weather is not only “hot” or “cold”.
thanks James.it is very helpful to explain weather in different way.
so difficult topic for me, even after studying this full lesson, this one was helpful to undestand, thanks
cool! thanks!
hi i really liked your teaching style and learned much from it will keep looking for more videos
i would like to come to canada to all these seasons…i am the luckiest if i can visit your country atleast once in my life james :):)
Thank you James.
Now I know how to talk about the weather.
thank you, help a lots
Hello everyone! Here in Brazil we’ve Summer all the year and because that i fell so happy.Thank you so much to yours lessons.
hi how can I locate more vocabulary lessons ?
is there a section about that?
can u voice talk on my skype id becoz i cant learn without speak . speaking is very must for me plz reply me my yahoo id abi_sitara@yahoo.com tnx
thanks James…..it was quite useful and intresting…..
thanks alot James
Hi James i.m a native english speaker, and i live in Italy so now and again i need to practice my english because i always speak italian and i must say i am very grateful that you can help us and not only i like the way you teach, even if i,m not in a good mood i can have a laugh now and again.
Thank you for another informative blog. The place else may just I get that kind of info written in such a perfect manner? I have a project that I am simply now running on, and I have been at the look out for such info.
But James how could we express when weather realy frozen but it’s fine and cool. When people have brisk from cold.
If You living in Canada you must love winter))
This video is soooooooo informative. Thank James so much.
The only thing what I want is to watch the video with the correct English subtitle. Sometimes it’s really hard to understand what teachers say. Anyway, thank again~ This video made me raise my two thumbs up.
thank you
hi am new to this site but it impress me thank to entire teem special thank to Adam,Ronnie.
This class was very good. In my country we only have hot days, heheheh!
Hello Teacher, How are you ? i’m From Morocco, thank you for all of your English-lessons, there are very helpful and interesting.
I have just one question and i hope you will answer , when i was doing your Quiz exactly the first question:
1. It was spring, and it was a nice day but a little ______, so I brought a coat to wear when
I went for a walk.
the answer is “cool” isn’t “wind” ?
and i wish you to understand what i mean because i’m still developing my level intermediate…
waiting for responding
Can I meet you? LoL
Your lessons are just spectacular!
Thank you for you lessons and….Come to Russia, James!)
oops!thanks for YOUR lessons))
very nice!
Today in Poland it’s about 20 degrees :)
thanks a lot Mr. James It’s really was very useful lesson to me.
I’d like to say that I really enjoyed uncle James’s lecture… great
Hi James,
thanks for your cool lesson
take care
I want to speak with someone
Hi James. How are you? I hope you’re doing fine. I’ve gotten one hundred percent in this lesson. I love your lessons. I’d like to add you on fb. I love all the teacher from Engvid. I loved the new teachers too. It’s been amazing. Hug there.
cool teacher, cool lesson and cool weather ^_^
thanks sir now i know Canada weather. cool weather and cool teacher
Perfect James….very nice video
thanks for the lesson it’s really useful.
I hope visit Canada soon and see its freezing winter ♥ .
100% at the quiz
Thank you so much.This lesson was so handy
Its true!! it is freezing in Canada during the winter..
Hi teacher! I think the “Blizzard” you refered is not a game but a company who make games like “World of Warcraft” and others. Maybe there is a game too with this name, but I don’t know.
It is my first class. Thanks!!
Dear Mr James,
May I know:
1. the definition of “be”? is it = is, am, are (and their past tenses)
2. How about “being” / “been” is it from “be” also, what are the forms? past participle or continuous tense of “be”?
3. What is the difference between “be” “become”?
Thank you.
Denise from Malaysia
thhhnxxx a lot James <3
Hey James, here in Brazil hail in spring is very commum. And it use to be big like a baseball.
Great lesson, by the way. Thank you!
Thank you so much James…..You are Great !!!!! your lesson helped me so much !!
Canadian climate is similar to russian one. It is fall now. And it is a little bit chilly in the morning. brrrr!
Thank you so much, James!
Wow! Very interesting lesson. Your lessons are so good.
thank you
this lesson was very useful. thanks a lot.
touk is an Arabic word >>>>
Thank you.
Good Video Mr.J. The weather that you describe is just like the weather that we get in Louisiana . It can be Hot, Cool or Brisk. Some how we manage.
100 percent thanks james very helpful leson..
Let’s face it there are only 2 seasons in Canada and the US. Hockey season and no hockey. Go Flyers!!!!
A good explanation of the different seasons and their different types of meteorological weather but there are more words like “gale” that is similar to “blizzard”, also “breeze”, “drizzle”, “ice pellets”, “rime ice”, “snowdrift”, “slush”, “downdrift”, “updraught”, “microburst”, “lightstorm”, etc. Thanks a lot teacher James from EngVid.
It’s lovely to have your video about the weather! Since I live in Sweden and we talk about the weather it is perfekt to use Canada since it is pretty much like the weather in Sweden. The students love your way of explaining especially snow. Thanks!!!
Fabulous one, James
thanks, mr james good
Great lesson!
I have a question, what is the difference between “pouring” and “downpour”, and “cold” and “chilly”?
Thank you for teaching.
You’re so funny. Thanks for the explanation.
Hi James,it’s so great your class. Here in Brazil the weather is funk crazy in now all days.
Thank you, teacher James,
Your class and explanation make me understand perfectly. I’m sure I will improve my English with your videos.
Thanks Sir James,
You got 2 correct out of 4
Thanks James I like this lesson. What a unique topic!!!!. In here Thailand. I have 2-3 seasons. Actually it’s summer and rainy and a little bit of cold.
Thank you Mr. James.
Thank you so much james
In india weather like freezing
Great job :)
Thank you James
good job
It was unusual accent to me. I should leasten to the lesson one more time…
fall or autumn ?
damn = humidity?
Very interesting lesson!
This would be very good for intermediate and up.