What’s the difference between ‘must’ and ‘have to’? In this short English vocabulary lesson, I explain. It’s a small difference in some ways, but your English will sound much more natural if you know the difference.
Hi~ James.
There are lots of good lectures on this website.
This lecture is also good. A little bit short though. haha~
What about ‘Should’?
I think I know about ‘should’ and ‘have to’, but not exactly……
So, sometimes I’m confused.
There is no end learning English… haha~
If there is something wrong with my writing then correct me please~.
Then… I HAVE TO go.
Well “should” is advice it is the right thing to do or the best thing to do.
“Have to” is usually used when there is something telling us that it should be done…for example a rule.
I hope this has helped.
Thanks James where the test ?
Thanks for your valuable lessons James. You’re my favorite Teacher ever.
Hi, James.
I’m one of your student, i do like the way that you teach us, please post some more video’s.
Hello to James! And good morning on to you ass well!
:) :) :)
I would like to tell you that the English lesson was very helpfull and also tell you you are a very hansom man! But please gro your hair James! :)
btw, I am from Italy. I have not been in Cenada but I studied English in San Francisco in USA.
Hi Karen,
Thanks for the compliments… I have had students from Italy and I would love to visit the country some day.
About the hair… hmmm let’s see what I can do… lol
I don’t think so, your hair is perfect! I mean, your bald is perfect.
that is right
hi karen how are you ??? this year i will came to San Francisco ))) good luck
you can write somethink
Thank you, James English language wonderful
hallo how are you are you ok my daer i am happy you send me english ok my daer
Hi james.
How is it going?
Do you live in canada?May i ask u where do you live and if u teach in any class?
Thank you.
Can you teach me how to use “either” and “neither”? I am still confused up to this time in choosing between these words when I write or speak. One more question, is it a factor speaking spontaneuosly and with the right intonation during the exams?
Hoping for your reply, Thanks James
Hi james.
Can you teach me how to use “whenever” and “wherever”? I am still confused up to this time in choosing between these words.
Hi James, How are you?
Your class was really excellent.
Could you please add an on-line exam about this topic like the others in engvid?
teacher how can I learn english like nite english
techer please give me this answer immediately
hi teacher James..what’s up there? thanks for the lesson it’s very helpful and awesome. *thumbs up*
hi….. james …how r u ?
and i like the way u teach…… u hav pretty awesome hair style …buddy
bla bla bla…………
Hi Mr, James.
I’m new over here.and this is my first lacture.and it was great first lesson.i want to speak very fluently could you please help me in my target.it will very greatful for me if i could have a coopration of such a nice teacher.
Thank you very much for your website. I just found this site today and I will study all of your video every day.
hi james..
i watched your video about the difference and you gave things like “facts” and “something you believe in”
but in the end when you said “i have to go because i must cook dinner for my girlfriend” well you used must i i don’t know cooking is a fact or you believed in it…i’m sorry if i’m not clear about my question
please reply
Hello James
I’m souad I’m Algerian women who love learnig english
your way of teaching is great you’re excellent, thanks a lot for your courses.
Best Regads
than’s you jamesssss
hey, where is que QUESTIONS?? I want to practice my knolege.
hi! the way you instruct your students, using videos is really good. I’m hoping that i can immediately improve the way I speak English.
Bg from Philippines
Hi Mr.James
What book can I buy to study for a writing test?
Hi! I’m mexican and I’m learning English but a lot of topics are so dificult for me so I must improve my English and I think your English lesson are the best way to do it. Thanks
i like the way you speak can you teach us the right pronounciations the accent of youre languange,, thank you,,more power
hi there !my name is Nadia and i have found about you and your lessons for about two months and I must say you’re very good in what you’re doing .I need some help with an English problem for my exams,that is Ergative and unergative verbs.thank you very much .all the best to you all !
Hi, Mr. James.
I really love your lessons, they help me to learn smth new for me in English, smth which isn`t taught at school. It`s great!
Hi James.
Thank you so much! I have got so many important lesson from your vidio. I want to down load and use for future, can you help me please.
Thank you inadvance for your cooperation!!!!!!!
Hello, James
Thanks a million.
thanks for being such a nice person.
for being so helpful. I am from Peru. I teach English for international tourism. it’s a technical English. I would like to finde a webpage specialized is teaching tourism. situations in a hotel, at the airport, in a bar, in a restaurant etc.
the videos are great.
just a question in which part I can find the icon for grammar.
I wish you all the best.
God bless you.
We will try to create some lessons on English for tourism. I think a lot of people would benefit from that. Not sure what your second question is about exactly… are you looking for the grammar lessons on this site? If so, just go to the “TOPICS” section in the menu at the top, and select “GRAMMAR” there.
i couldn’t get when you said “‘must’ is more stronger than ‘have to'”
my question is why?
How do u do James ?
I’m sorry, my English is not very well.
I’m very exited in learning English language.
Could u make a lesson abou when we use “will” and when we use “going to”. I would be very grateful.
A big hello James, how are you doing? i hope that u r fine What’s the weather like in Canada thank you so much your lessons help me a lot.
Latifa from Morocco(south)
hey, the site is really nice. Easy ergative lessons would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
thanks Jo . i want ask you if we use must to give a people an advice ?
bye bye now .
Must —- u can use it for a warning
It’s for a warning
Hi sir, thanks for this lesson
arun viswan
Keep on making these video’s. They’re very useful!
hi sir…do you have a lesson about have had and has???? really confuse with that!!!thanks
hi james haow are you i hop you are good i like your way how to teach english thank you very much you lesson its so wondeful and useful
i would like to tell you are the best teacher ever!
it has been a long time i wanna tell you the time to using PRESENT CONTINUES i mean
STOP TALKING. why we cant say STOP TALK..it will be really great if you help me..
thanks a lot dear sir
hi james
i want aske you when i use should
Hi James..
thanks the way you teach us..
Cold please post a video on how to use Quite & wonder. have difficult on how to use this two word.
thank you
it’s first time to write this to u.
it website pretty useful! actually i watched rebecca’s video on youtube but this is first time click this website. i should have click here fast not today. thanks for giving this good video for free! yeahhh
Hi, James. I’m not good in English, but i hope that with your help and help of EngVid.com i’ll improve my skills and knowledge. Tnx you a lot for your video lessons!
Sir, I have to ask u a question; do we have a past tense of ‘MUST’?
Shahbaz Khan
very useful for me , Teacher , Thz..
i love all the teachers of this web who teach us with full vegour.khalid from pakistan
khalid hussain
i love all the teachers of this web who teach us with hard work.
khalid hussain
Thanks for the lesson. I’d like to see a lesson about word differences. About ones which are considered as synonyms but have some differences between ’em. For example: strange, odd, weird and bizarre. Or: dirty, filthy, muddy, messy. I know they mean the same thing but it has to be something different between them Well, you got the meaning. It’d be so cool, thanks!
Thank you sir.It’s a nice video.
James, My English so much weak and i am worried about, can you help?
I must to watch your video. is this right?
Oh gosh, now I know the different ways to use “must” and “have to”. HAHAHA. – That’s great!
Thank you so much ! I would like to ADVISE you that I’m sending this website to all of my friends here in Rio de Janeiro !!
Thanks a lot again !
Bruno Peçanha
James you are really good teacher but i have some problem if i say that’s not fact = have to how can i say? and also must – belief please would like to tell me answer if you don’t mind??
I am really learning. You are great teacher I’ve ever seen. It is not boring.
what a weird thing, I think there’s something wrong with English lol. Why would facts be less incisive than emotions? I mean, based on this reasoning ‘have to’ should be more decisive since the most amazing things the mankind have ever done came from science, not belief and faith stuffs. Moreover, I miss your quiz James. But I really enjoyed your teaching, you’re the best =D take care…
oh, I almost forgot, is this place on the website indicates to suggestions? James has said in that video, it was supposed to be for remaining doubts.I dunno.
i want to learn how to connecting between words i have to informe acomlete phrase
abd el halem
Your are good teach
Thank You !
Hi james thank you soo much for teaching as english.this sit is very intresting pls do more vido.
Rissa ag Abdoulay
u r toooooooooooo good teacher,your teaching method is too good n unique i love to watch n listen u r video
This lesson is not accurate. Must and have to have the same meaning to a different degree SOMETIMES. I must attend 80% of the classes to graduate – I have to attend 80% of the classes to graduate. Same meaning, different degree or feeling of obligation. Then must can break off and have a new use to show a belief or conclusion of something that we believe is true but for which there is no proof. You’re all wet – it MUST be raining (I conclude it’s raining even though I don’t see the rain) This is the model, must wearing two VERY DIFFERENT hats,and I think you’re lesson confused this point.
You have whole why!
could you give a lesson on shall and will – when to use one and not the other?
Thanks :)
Thanks you teacher!Have a nice day^^
do you have a video about conjunctions teacher?
We MUST believe that you are the best teacher in the world ^^
A pretty good explanation…!
thanks, James
Thank you, Teacher! I liked the explanation about emotion fact.
Do you know why there is not a test to this video?
Thank you very much for this English lesson. Wonderful English teacher.
Thanks master….But i think most people here also interested if you compare in next lesson with HAVE GOT TO…by the way thanks for lesson
Great lesson James! Great teacher!
Ana Obregozo
hi~ JAMES!
Thank you for your teaching.
I am not good at English. So I have to study hard.^^
I have to study to do well in English!^^
thanks so much for helping us to make us feel strong to learn english quickly , what is urnext plan for helping us?
Hi James,
this is Riaz Noor from Kuwait, i saw video and i must say that you explain minor difference between “have to” and “Must” in very nice way, so now i understand and can use confidently in my daily life. once again thanks very much.
thanks a lot james… this video really helped me well… i like watch ur videos more to gain some knowledge how to talk fluent english…
James you are hilarious and you are talented when it comes to simplifying the explanation of any lesson.
Eslam Omran
H1 James
I’m one of your students. I need your help
can you help me ? have you got skype ? if you have it, give me it for speaking with you !! please
hi james…
could u help me with the different between miss, ms, mrs, and ma’am/madam..
good teacher.THANK YOU
hi James , thx for the lessonit’s realy helpful but i have to ask you about should as eg ..;He told us that we should listen to him . or have to what’s the defferent could you explain it to me plz ;) thx again
Hi James.
This video helpful.
Btw, would you explain about the different of would, should, might, may, can, must?
Thank you
Those are called “modals” and James has a lot of lessons on them! This lesson is a good place to start — check out Related Lessons for more.
engVid Moderator
awsome lesson, thank you very much
Hi james, I’m from Sri Lanka which is in Indian Ocean. I’m learning English by following your videos. It’s so great and very helpful.You are one of very good presenter too.
Thank you teacher.
Waw thanks very much!
You’re very cler and all your lessons are so helpful!
and you’re funny at the same time, so I just want to learn more and more, and watch all your videos
Ps: I really like what you do :]
the video is too short .can u please give me some more examples ….
hi james when I use have to and should
thank you
Thanks James for the lesson but u r not doing any thing for my problem I’m waiting for ur answer
Watch one video per day. Thank you.
HiJame!How are you? I just want to say that you are agood teacher for me. You speak clearly so it easy to your student who not good in english like me. thanks for your teaching.
good luck teacher.:)
Thank you!
Nice lesson James
well done old boy, you´re the best. let me tell something about me. i am from argentina, i have studied english for a long time, but now i am getting better definitively. i guess that was for you all, you all are amazing. thank-u.
pussy in boots
I really love your good mood, you’re and excellent teacher
Well done lesson James…thanks :)
What Happened with the exercise?
Thanks for the good lesson.
By the way, doesn’t it have any quizzes?
Thank you for good leson share, it’s realy helpful.Thank you again all lessons…
Thank you, James. You make very interesting educational videos to watch. And you have a good sence of humor.
Hi james I^m green because I have been listener of yours classes for almost one year and I^m not a teacher but I think you made mistake I mean look at 0:28 word believe and 3:20 the same word but different belief so which is right maybe both are good I^m asking only. Maybe I made mistake who knows so I^m looking forward to replying from you. Thanks you for the best free lessons of english I have ever taken. Take care we will see on line bye
Can you explain the differences between ppresent perfect and present perfect progressive ..
thanks for your help ..
Abdul Qayum
hey man
i think some of your classes need quiz like this. i enjoy that but if take some exam’s sometimes maybe you satisfy like me after quiz. thanks a lot.
Now i knew ! Thank you it really helps me :)
Ubax khalif
Thank you.
Hi James!!! I really like your lessons, I want to thaks you for all your help. By the way you are very funny.
Hi James,
I watched your video and then I’ve had an account.
You are a very good teacher. Take care yourself..
Thanks, how we make question use have to ?
Amer 2
Mr.James please help me as i got confused when i tried to answer these questions.
1. I speak English well. I need it in my job.
2. I speak English well. I love it.
3. I get up at 5:00. I want to go fishing.
4. I get up at 5:00. I commute to work.
5. I wear a suit. It’s a formal party.
6. I wear a suit. I want to look good.
7. I follow the procedures. I don’t want to be wrong.
8. I follow the procedures. It’s my duty.
9. I earn money for the company.
10. I earn a lot of money. I want to buy a house.
Hi James,
I would like to ask you something.
1.I need to learn English. (If I want to say that is good for me, I will have benefits)
2.I must learn English. (Because my job requires that)
3.I have to learn English. (Because, I couldn’t speak with you)
Is that correct?
BTW, u r georgeous :)
The explanation of difference between must and have to was very important to know, thanks.
Hello James,
I’m French and I’ve learnt my English thirty-eight years ago. What kind of advices could you give me to improve my skills in English ? I follow you and others teatchers every day on EngVid and I listen English programms on the TV set. But I never speak with anyone, can you tell me if it’s a problem ?
Thanks a lot for your answer and congratulations for this website, it’s fun to learn in this way.
Hello Dorothee,
I have the same situation so if you would like to have a word with me in English,feel free I’m on Skype and this is my Id Abad.Africa Imad
See you there.
Thanks again teacher James from EngVid, I have just studied this lesson and I think that it’s a good idea to know the difference of these two modal verbs “Must” (I believe more personal) and “Have to” (I believe more general), but my doubt was: What would it be stronger than other? At the beginnig I thought it was “Have to” stronger than “Must”, but it doesn’t, against my opinion, “Must” is stronger than “Have to”, all that is very curious for me. Thanks a a lot.
Without quiz :(
Thanks !
Hi. Is here anyone who wants to improve her English skills? If yes then let me know please, we can practice together
hi James thank you for vedio
what different ” could ” and “should ” and must
Thank you James
Thank you very much, James!
Jonathas Wilhem
now I understand that different between have and must very well.
Sunny Muffin
thank you james :))))))))))))))
Thank you
You are nice, But i always prefer Rebecca.
Thanks James where the test ?
I have to finish my minithesis to graduate from university.
Hi James) I really like the way how You teach…Your charisma also coool Man!
Roman Kostyk
Thanks. This lesson is very helpful.
I learned difference between ‘must’ and ‘ have to’.
must is that do something because you make it rule. The other hand, have to is that something do because other people force you to do.
Is it right?
Let’s learn English with James! James’ lesson is easier for me to learn.
Jerry Gu
Still don’t know which is true between I have to say and I must say that James is a good teacher with such great charisma. But Thanks a lot anyway(★^㉨^★)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi~ James.
There are lots of good lectures on this website.
This lecture is also good. A little bit short though. haha~
What about ‘Should’?
I think I know about ‘should’ and ‘have to’, but not exactly……
So, sometimes I’m confused.
There is no end learning English… haha~
If there is something wrong with my writing then correct me please~.
Then… I HAVE TO go.
Well “should” is advice it is the right thing to do or the best thing to do.
“Have to” is usually used when there is something telling us that it should be done…for example a rule.
I hope this has helped.
Thanks James where the test ?
Thanks for your valuable lessons James. You’re my favorite Teacher ever.
Hi, James.
I’m one of your student, i do like the way that you teach us, please post some more video’s.
Hello to James! And good morning on to you ass well!
:) :) :)
I would like to tell you that the English lesson was very helpfull and also tell you you are a very hansom man! But please gro your hair James! :)
btw, I am from Italy. I have not been in Cenada but I studied English in San Francisco in USA.
Hi Karen,
Thanks for the compliments… I have had students from Italy and I would love to visit the country some day.
About the hair… hmmm let’s see what I can do… lol
I don’t think so, your hair is perfect! I mean, your bald is perfect.
that is right
hi karen how are you ??? this year i will came to San Francisco ))) good luck
you can write somethink
Thank you, James English language wonderful
hallo how are you are you ok my daer i am happy you send me english ok my daer
Hi james.
How is it going?
Do you live in canada?May i ask u where do you live and if u teach in any class?
Thank you.
Can you teach me how to use “either” and “neither”? I am still confused up to this time in choosing between these words when I write or speak. One more question, is it a factor speaking spontaneuosly and with the right intonation during the exams?
Hoping for your reply, Thanks James
Hi james.
Can you teach me how to use “whenever” and “wherever”? I am still confused up to this time in choosing between these words.
Hi James, How are you?
Your class was really excellent.
Could you please add an on-line exam about this topic like the others in engvid?
teacher how can I learn english like nite english
techer please give me this answer immediately
hi teacher James..what’s up there? thanks for the lesson it’s very helpful and awesome. *thumbs up*
hi….. james …how r u ?
and i like the way u teach…… u hav pretty awesome hair style …buddy
bla bla bla…………
Hi Mr, James.
I’m new over here.and this is my first lacture.and it was great first lesson.i want to speak very fluently could you please help me in my target.it will very greatful for me if i could have a coopration of such a nice teacher.
Thank you very much for your website. I just found this site today and I will study all of your video every day.
hi james..
i watched your video about the difference and you gave things like “facts” and “something you believe in”
but in the end when you said “i have to go because i must cook dinner for my girlfriend” well you used must i i don’t know cooking is a fact or you believed in it…i’m sorry if i’m not clear about my question
please reply
Hello James
I’m souad I’m Algerian women who love learnig english
your way of teaching is great you’re excellent, thanks a lot for your courses.
Best Regads
than’s you jamesssss
hey, where is que QUESTIONS?? I want to practice my knolege.
hi! the way you instruct your students, using videos is really good. I’m hoping that i can immediately improve the way I speak English.
Bg from Philippines
Hi Mr.James
What book can I buy to study for a writing test?
Hi! I’m mexican and I’m learning English but a lot of topics are so dificult for me so I must improve my English and I think your English lesson are the best way to do it. Thanks
i like the way you speak can you teach us the right pronounciations the accent of youre languange,, thank you,,more power
hi there !my name is Nadia and i have found about you and your lessons for about two months and I must say you’re very good in what you’re doing .I need some help with an English problem for my exams,that is Ergative and unergative verbs.thank you very much .all the best to you all !
Hi, Mr. James.
I really love your lessons, they help me to learn smth new for me in English, smth which isn`t taught at school. It`s great!
Hi James.
Thank you so much! I have got so many important lesson from your vidio. I want to down load and use for future, can you help me please.
Thank you inadvance for your cooperation!!!!!!!
Hello, James
Thanks a million.
thanks for being such a nice person.
for being so helpful. I am from Peru. I teach English for international tourism. it’s a technical English. I would like to finde a webpage specialized is teaching tourism. situations in a hotel, at the airport, in a bar, in a restaurant etc.
the videos are great.
just a question in which part I can find the icon for grammar.
I wish you all the best.
God bless you.
We will try to create some lessons on English for tourism. I think a lot of people would benefit from that. Not sure what your second question is about exactly… are you looking for the grammar lessons on this site? If so, just go to the “TOPICS” section in the menu at the top, and select “GRAMMAR” there.
i couldn’t get when you said “‘must’ is more stronger than ‘have to'”
my question is why?
How do u do James ?
I’m sorry, my English is not very well.
I’m very exited in learning English language.
Could u make a lesson abou when we use “will” and when we use “going to”. I would be very grateful.
A big hello James, how are you doing? i hope that u r fine What’s the weather like in Canada thank you so much your lessons help me a lot.
hey, the site is really nice. Easy ergative lessons would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
thanks Jo . i want ask you if we use must to give a people an advice ?
bye bye now .
Must —- u can use it for a warning
It’s for a warning
Hi sir, thanks for this lesson
Keep on making these video’s. They’re very useful!
hi sir…do you have a lesson about have had and has???? really confuse with that!!!thanks
Of course: Basic English Grammar: HAVE, HAS, HAD
hi james haow are you i hop you are good i like your way how to teach english thank you very much you lesson its so wondeful and useful
i would like to tell you are the best teacher ever!
it has been a long time i wanna tell you the time to using PRESENT CONTINUES i mean
STOP TALKING. why we cant say STOP TALK..it will be really great if you help me..
thanks a lot dear sir
hi james
i want aske you when i use should
Hi James..
thanks the way you teach us..
Cold please post a video on how to use Quite & wonder. have difficult on how to use this two word.
thank you
it’s first time to write this to u.
it website pretty useful! actually i watched rebecca’s video on youtube but this is first time click this website. i should have click here fast not today. thanks for giving this good video for free! yeahhh
Hi, James. I’m not good in English, but i hope that with your help and help of EngVid.com i’ll improve my skills and knowledge. Tnx you a lot for your video lessons!
Sir, I have to ask u a question; do we have a past tense of ‘MUST’?
very useful for me , Teacher , Thz..
i love all the teachers of this web who teach us with full vegour.khalid from pakistan
i love all the teachers of this web who teach us with hard work.
Thanks for the lesson. I’d like to see a lesson about word differences. About ones which are considered as synonyms but have some differences between ’em. For example: strange, odd, weird and bizarre. Or: dirty, filthy, muddy, messy. I know they mean the same thing but it has to be something different between them Well, you got the meaning. It’d be so cool, thanks!
Thank you sir.It’s a nice video.
James, My English so much weak and i am worried about, can you help?
I must to watch your video. is this right?
Oh gosh, now I know the different ways to use “must” and “have to”. HAHAHA. – That’s great!
Thank you so much ! I would like to ADVISE you that I’m sending this website to all of my friends here in Rio de Janeiro !!
Thanks a lot again !
James you are really good teacher but i have some problem if i say that’s not fact = have to how can i say? and also must – belief please would like to tell me answer if you don’t mind??
I am really learning. You are great teacher I’ve ever seen. It is not boring.
what a weird thing, I think there’s something wrong with English lol. Why would facts be less incisive than emotions? I mean, based on this reasoning ‘have to’ should be more decisive since the most amazing things the mankind have ever done came from science, not belief and faith stuffs. Moreover, I miss your quiz James. But I really enjoyed your teaching, you’re the best =D take care…
oh, I almost forgot, is this place on the website indicates to suggestions? James has said in that video, it was supposed to be for remaining doubts.I dunno.
i want to learn how to connecting between words i have to informe acomlete phrase
Your are good teach
Thank You !
Hi james thank you soo much for teaching as english.this sit is very intresting pls do more vido.
u r toooooooooooo good teacher,your teaching method is too good n unique i love to watch n listen u r video
This lesson is not accurate. Must and have to have the same meaning to a different degree SOMETIMES. I must attend 80% of the classes to graduate – I have to attend 80% of the classes to graduate. Same meaning, different degree or feeling of obligation. Then must can break off and have a new use to show a belief or conclusion of something that we believe is true but for which there is no proof. You’re all wet – it MUST be raining (I conclude it’s raining even though I don’t see the rain) This is the model, must wearing two VERY DIFFERENT hats,and I think you’re lesson confused this point.
You have whole why!
could you give a lesson on shall and will – when to use one and not the other?
Thanks :)
Thanks you teacher!Have a nice day^^
do you have a video about conjunctions teacher?
We MUST believe that you are the best teacher in the world ^^
A pretty good explanation…!
thanks, James
Thank you, Teacher! I liked the explanation about emotion fact.
Do you know why there is not a test to this video?
Thank you very much for this English lesson. Wonderful English teacher.
Thanks master….But i think most people here also interested if you compare in next lesson with HAVE GOT TO…by the way thanks for lesson
Great lesson James! Great teacher!
hi~ JAMES!
Thank you for your teaching.
I am not good at English. So I have to study hard.^^
I have to study to do well in English!^^
thanks so much for helping us to make us feel strong to learn english quickly , what is urnext plan for helping us?
Hi James,
this is Riaz Noor from Kuwait, i saw video and i must say that you explain minor difference between “have to” and “Must” in very nice way, so now i understand and can use confidently in my daily life. once again thanks very much.
thanks a lot james… this video really helped me well… i like watch ur videos more to gain some knowledge how to talk fluent english…
James you are hilarious and you are talented when it comes to simplifying the explanation of any lesson.
H1 James
I’m one of your students. I need your help
can you help me ? have you got skype ? if you have it, give me it for speaking with you !! please
hi james…
could u help me with the different between miss, ms, mrs, and ma’am/madam..
good teacher.THANK YOU
hi James , thx for the lessonit’s realy helpful but i have to ask you about should as eg ..;He told us that we should listen to him . or have to what’s the defferent could you explain it to me plz ;) thx again
Hi James.
This video helpful.
Btw, would you explain about the different of would, should, might, may, can, must?
Thank you
Those are called “modals” and James has a lot of lessons on them! This lesson is a good place to start — check out Related Lessons for more.
awsome lesson, thank you very much
Hi james, I’m from Sri Lanka which is in Indian Ocean. I’m learning English by following your videos. It’s so great and very helpful.You are one of very good presenter too.
Thank you teacher.
Waw thanks very much!
You’re very cler and all your lessons are so helpful!
and you’re funny at the same time, so I just want to learn more and more, and watch all your videos
Ps: I really like what you do :]
the video is too short .can u please give me some more examples ….
hi james when I use have to and should
thank you
Thanks James for the lesson but u r not doing any thing for my problem I’m waiting for ur answer
Watch one video per day. Thank you.
HiJame!How are you? I just want to say that you are agood teacher for me. You speak clearly so it easy to your student who not good in english like me. thanks for your teaching.
good luck teacher.:)
Thank you!
Nice lesson James
well done old boy, you´re the best. let me tell something about me. i am from argentina, i have studied english for a long time, but now i am getting better definitively. i guess that was for you all, you all are amazing. thank-u.
I really love your good mood, you’re and excellent teacher
Well done lesson James…thanks :)
What Happened with the exercise?
Thanks for the good lesson.
By the way, doesn’t it have any quizzes?
Thank you for good leson share, it’s realy helpful.Thank you again all lessons…
Thank you, James. You make very interesting educational videos to watch. And you have a good sence of humor.
Hi james I^m green because I have been listener of yours classes for almost one year and I^m not a teacher but I think you made mistake I mean look at 0:28 word believe and 3:20 the same word but different belief so which is right maybe both are good I^m asking only. Maybe I made mistake who knows so I^m looking forward to replying from you. Thanks you for the best free lessons of english I have ever taken. Take care we will see on line bye
Can you explain the differences between ppresent perfect and present perfect progressive ..
thanks for your help ..
hey man
i think some of your classes need quiz like this. i enjoy that but if take some exam’s sometimes maybe you satisfy like me after quiz. thanks a lot.
Now i knew ! Thank you it really helps me :)
Thank you.
Hi James!!! I really like your lessons, I want to thaks you for all your help. By the way you are very funny.
Hi James,
I watched your video and then I’ve had an account.
You are a very good teacher. Take care yourself..
Thanks, how we make question use have to ?
Mr.James please help me as i got confused when i tried to answer these questions.
1. I speak English well. I need it in my job.
2. I speak English well. I love it.
3. I get up at 5:00. I want to go fishing.
4. I get up at 5:00. I commute to work.
5. I wear a suit. It’s a formal party.
6. I wear a suit. I want to look good.
7. I follow the procedures. I don’t want to be wrong.
8. I follow the procedures. It’s my duty.
9. I earn money for the company.
10. I earn a lot of money. I want to buy a house.
Hi James,
I would like to ask you something.
1.I need to learn English. (If I want to say that is good for me, I will have benefits)
2.I must learn English. (Because my job requires that)
3.I have to learn English. (Because, I couldn’t speak with you)
Is that correct?
BTW, u r georgeous :)
The explanation of difference between must and have to was very important to know, thanks.
Hello James,
I’m French and I’ve learnt my English thirty-eight years ago. What kind of advices could you give me to improve my skills in English ? I follow you and others teatchers every day on EngVid and I listen English programms on the TV set. But I never speak with anyone, can you tell me if it’s a problem ?
Thanks a lot for your answer and congratulations for this website, it’s fun to learn in this way.
Hello Dorothee,
I have the same situation so if you would like to have a word with me in English,feel free I’m on Skype and this is my Id Abad.Africa Imad
See you there.
Thanks again teacher James from EngVid, I have just studied this lesson and I think that it’s a good idea to know the difference of these two modal verbs “Must” (I believe more personal) and “Have to” (I believe more general), but my doubt was: What would it be stronger than other? At the beginnig I thought it was “Have to” stronger than “Must”, but it doesn’t, against my opinion, “Must” is stronger than “Have to”, all that is very curious for me. Thanks a a lot.
Without quiz :(
Thanks !
Hi. Is here anyone who wants to improve her English skills? If yes then let me know please, we can practice together
hi James thank you for vedio
what different ” could ” and “should ” and must
Thank you James
Thank you very much, James!
now I understand that different between have and must very well.
thank you james :))))))))))))))
Thank you
You are nice, But i always prefer Rebecca.
Thanks James where the test ?
I have to finish my minithesis to graduate from university.
Hi James) I really like the way how You teach…Your charisma also coool Man!
Thanks. This lesson is very helpful.
I learned difference between ‘must’ and ‘ have to’.
must is that do something because you make it rule. The other hand, have to is that something do because other people force you to do.
Is it right?
Let’s learn English with James! James’ lesson is easier for me to learn.
Still don’t know which is true between I have to say and I must say that James is a good teacher with such great charisma. But Thanks a lot anyway(★^㉨^★)