I’ve told students in previous lessons that they should summarize what they read. In this English lesson, I explain how to do that summary. Follow my simple system and learn better and more efficiently.
Thank u T. James for this excellent lesson its very wonderful lesson in writing thank u
my best regards
mahmoud omar
mahmoud omar
how can i download the lectures?
We don’t offer this yet, sorry.
go to savevid.com and copy the links from youtube
You can do it, if you will go to Youtube.com and than press the button “Download”. If you have the button. If you don’t have it, you can use any other programms to download from Youtube.com
Using the download helper by mozila firefox ! Google it :D
torch browser
good!!! good job ……..best
is the best video you have. was more – much more is the video. I like to see the very best video andak.anda. good job.
you are my best
Hi James…
I enjoyed with your comments and deed, i hope it might be useful
hi sir good job .
plz somebody help me I’m very poor in English ….. my weak points in speaking i can’t speak continuously and also i suffering from grammar so i need your help and someone guide me to the right way
So many important topics! This makes a good way for studying! Thank you! But…you talk very quickly! I have to take a vitamine to follow you!! ^:^
So many important topics! This makes a good way for studying! Thank you! But…you talk very quickly! I have to take a vitamine to follow you!! ^:^
the vidio dont help to me in everithing, the guy speak very fast for learn a peoples, that not talk very well english. Defenitly it is in my opinion not helpful…..he need speak more slowly…this is my recommendation….I learning english, srry if i have any misspelling
It would be better if EngVid includes English subtitles on the videos …
Cubano, this is a lesson for advanced level students, that is why is so difficult for you to follow the teacher. There are many lessons for beginners in this site.
very good
i like this………………….
this one is the best…………………………………
i think you d be the best e teacher i ve ever met. thank very much
One comment about the ‘few/a few’ and ‘little/a little’ topic:
Consider these two sentences:
1. There is little merit in your argument
2. Few people would challenge the giant
Can these two statements include nothing/zero in the implied meanings? That is, can ‘little merit’ include ‘no merit’? Same for few.
Thank you for your help. Would please speak slowly?
this site will be better if the advertising page don’t disturb to the reader.thanks.
Okay, but then the site will not be free anymore.
its okay….we should just concentrate on lessons…
the site is awesome
and advertisements are for our own benefit
Hey How you doin, Im almost 17 and i was wondering how I can stay focused in school, yet have friends that aren’t nerds ha ha. I want to become successful, yet im failing school. If you could give me any advice that be great. Much love, Bo.
Hi mm I`m looking for help, you know sometimes I find difficult the rules about relative clauses and I want to know if somebody knows about a link in engvid that talks about relative clauses that will be very helpful please!!! Greetings from Mexico :D
thank by all your help, iam have english basic 1 i need you help please help to me in all basic , intermedio and avanced thank please sending me videos all to me mails.
my name. carlos jesus ponce quispe de nacionalidad peruano ayudenme por favor a aprender el idioma ingles.
carlos ponce
how to write a story?
Really, Really Very informative and Useful. Thank a ton.
You are amazing :)
what is up? i cannot watch this video ….it is writing “an error occured, please try again later”….i try about 2 days but nothing works =((
Not sure what’s wrong, Ruslana… it works for me, and the video has many views. Maybe try from another computer? I hope you can watch it because this is a very useful lesson.
Hi James,
You and your team are really working outstandingly….. I learnt lot from your lectures….. God Bless you guys and keep helping us.
Arshad Mehmood
thanks James… you enlighten my knowledge
raditya milley
hey!!!! I want you to teach us again!! you´re great!!!!
Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Too much partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Too much holidaysssssssssssssssssss!!!!
yr every lesson is intersting n funny …. i like the way you teach us .. thanks a million
i like you…..
zulejka alexia
actually you are great persons ,i wish to know you be4 i faild hahahahah thanks again very useful very funny and amazing i appreciate who did this site thanks
Thanks a lot James .. I really appreciate your fabulous deed to survive us from the terrible mistakes .. but don’t you think that you’d better speak a little bit slower so that we could catch the picture ..
Its a very good presentation.You have performed well. I like you very much. if elaborated with some practical example it might be helpful a lot.Can you please present a video with real test situation.
You Are such a Great Teacher!
Would you marry me? OH darn, forgot, I’m married. OH well, thanks for the lesson. I’m going to actually use this with my 5th grade students!
thanks a lot, How to listen well? please help me
Thank you very much for this lecture .. but I suggest to add English subtitle because u speak very fast and I found some hard to understand specially that I am beginner and missing some words not give me a clear idea about the lecture .
I am sorry if I had some mistakes in my writing .. but I hope that I can improve my English with your Interesting Website .
Thank You ..
Ahmed Ashour
hi james, your class is good, but i don´t understatd some words because you speake many fast…see ya…
I have forgot my pass word
when i enter the email for the password recovery
engvid says that your pass word has been submitted to you through mail but email does not come plz solve this problem
nice teaching skill i hope your best.my english is very weak so plz give me same best tips so i impovr this skill, your obediently, kashif form pak
he is pretty good teacher
I am sorry
I did not understand anything.It’s complicated and doesn’t work
Hi, I’m Joseph from Colombia, so James’s lessons are very amazing, but how can we improve our english alone? we speak normally spanish here and i want to speak english with everyone. Why don’t open a english chat in this page?
James is a great teacher…so when do i get paid for saying this??
ooH!! that’s so great >> i really like it :)thaaanxx anyway btw i’m from jidda
great teachers in EngVid but I hope we have on in like this in UK.love kh
I can’t catch it clearly. I want to know how to reach the summary as following each step clearlier.
kyoung mi
hi james, I’m elated because of I’am learning alot from you. Question when you have a word that has two constants in the begining, middle and ending word. How do you determine what letter to omit for pronunication. I understand the rule for two constants that are the same, but when they are different that’s when I have a problem.
Excellent, James!
do you have a text to which you can apply those tecnics?
Sorry, it’s tecnique, not “tecnic”
Hi. I didn’t understand anything. You speak to to to fast. Please speak slowly, it is the first video that confuse me. Thank you.
Hi. I didn’t understand anything. You speak too too too fast. Please speak slowly, it is the first video that confuse me. Thank you.
Hi James, Thank you so much for your lesson. You are amazing teacher I’ve ever seen. The way you taught us is very interesting and make us more motivated in learning English.Thank you for all of your hard work and I truly appreciated it.God bless you.
man i like your style
keep it up and happy to br you student
everyone tells u that u r great! I don’t want to be just one of them but I could not just watch the video and go!
I’m an english teacher, I don’t even need to watch your videos but I watch them anyway!
I like ur style of teaching and it is exactelly my style but I can’t watch myself so I watch and learn from u!
Wish I could meet u and learn some more about teaching from u.
Do u live in London or in the USA
James, can we take private lessons from you?
do u live in London or in the USA?
thank you ,,you have summarized this lesson in a way we could understand easily
Great job James I like your way of teaching ^_^
thanks allot
is there any video I could memorize words that common in use between you guys in the US and Canada?
Well done!very helpful both to the teachers and students.
o hi sancks for your lessons they are very good and funny.
p.s. sorry abaut my bad inglish
hi James! I just want you you to know that you are really a very talented mmm.. not even a teacher but a Personality transferring the necessary knowledge into my head in the most proper way-)
Your lelssons are like rewarding (?) talks with a close and smart friend, they make comfortable, leave such a nice “after-taste” and give a useful gist of knowledge without needless rubish-)
A good lesson! However, you don’t speak slowly enough for us to understand. I understand too little of what you say, It’s so sorry :( I would think there should be subtitles or a enclosed text which help us more.Thank you,Mr.James and Engvid- the best English page :D
james that was very funny. in school our class are forced to write a 3-5 min speech. i really need help. I am not good at reading or writing a speech.
fantastic lesson james!gud job:)
Wonderful lesson, your words are fully understood. I learned a lot. Thank You for providing this lesson and I like it very much. Take Care, James!
Lwan Tun
you are very well my dear !!!!
Hi James,
this is the best video i’ve ever seen on summarisation. Meanwhile, I’m trying to develop a summarisation system and i will need your input if you don’t mind.
Hope to communicate with you better through email.
thanks alot, James. I think if you summrize a text for your students as an example…it will be great and more helpful, don’t you think?
Hi, James. I listened some of your lessons. I’m preparing for the TOEFL. I need your help. I would like to know that if I write Writings and send you can you check them and give me piece of advice? Thank you in advance I’ll wait for your answer.
James I know that you are a very good teacher. But I want the hardcore sumary writing rules dear. Could you help me.
pls help am very dull in english
you have agreat strategies in teaching
realy I like them and I like your ways
all the best
I like your style of explanation!!! keep up the good work. God bless
this is a topic i am looking for a while . thanks james . i will like more explanation about ths topic . (summary)
love u James :)
Hi James…
I understand this lesson , thank you
Gorgeous style in teaching lol
i need to re watch it i’m so smart lol
Thaaaanks a lot
True Will
hello James, I’m from Vietnam. Your lessons are so great, and helpful. I love it!
Sophie Lee
i want to know mor about writting lectures please
i find the difficulty of download,,,how can i do it fluently??
Thanks for the excellent lesson. For me you are the Mr.right for practing listening English.
lol, answer will be infinity…))
Hi James. Good lesson. You´re a good teacher but you really need to speak more slowly. we are just students… Please!!! your lessons would be much more useful for us if you did´t speak so fast.
Sally S
I am agres with my friend celia thanks
hi teacher
how are u ???
i hope you do very well??
i had study english about 1 year and i learn but aleran very slowaly
when i saw your vido its amazing
realy you are expline very well
thanks alot
thank you Mr. James
Mr James is the best teacher
dawn batson
very helpful
thanks for all teachers
Excellent lesson.I think a written example of each point would make it more clear.Also,I think that English sub titles would be helpful for many!
I highly thank you mr james and you colleagues,may God bless for this work.SO i would like you to talk about inversion;a grammar lesson.CORDIALLY
Sorry for the mistake,I wanted to say your colleagues
thank sir…i thougth summary dificult..but it easy just need a lot of traning..
mohamad firdaus bin mazlan
this video helped some but my problem is I have to summarize somthing for spanish. The papers i have show a small 1 or 2 sentence explanation then shows lists of words as examples of the explanation. Could you pleas help ASAP?!
that’s good
you can download this lessons using real media player!
carlos fernando
This is what i cal anawesome work t’s the set it off i like all from you james
thank you for you sir
thanks m.r James .i have under the lessons .prayer to me b/c tomorrow ,i give paper.
kamal kami
hanks m.r James .i have understand the lessons .prayer to me b/c tomorrow ,i give paper.
kamal kami
hello,i have a huge problem with intergrated writting.i’m scared of it and don’t know how to study or write intergrated essay.please help me
thanh lam
i didnt understand what does summary means actually
I’m wondering where does inspiration for lessons agenda coming from? I haven’t seen your moleskine notebook from a while :)
it was really complex …………ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :(
Thanks James, I enjoyed the lesson. Please continue to teach, you do a wonderful job.
Very nice! I enjoy every time your lessons, thanks
very interesting topic , thank you for your video .
I love the way you explained everything. I never thought writing a summary could be easy and fun. Thank you, God bless and more power to you James and to engvid. :)
Jeramie Sajise
helpful job thanks
thank you teacher…
it was very helpful.. !! :)
Hazim Hamdan
well, good lesson as always.
I love the end most.
If you do not write “com” correct, police will arrest you, James! :P :D
Anyway, thanks again James and engvid.com!!!
Hi James, thank you so much for your terrific videos. They are excellent!!
Thanks Sir
mr.james you are a graet techer, thank you so much
thanks for your lesson….
I wanna know very english
I wanna learn more fast :S:S
is possible know english, without living in a city where speak english ?
haha, best action… .com
well done, bro :P
Thanks,fantastic guy James. English makes me both tired & bored But you can change it to be exciting with your acting. Push liked.
This is great! Thank you!
Good job :)
Hi James,
thanks for great lesson. You’re amamzing teacher
take care
Hi James
Thx for ur great lesson. U teach very well.
Thanks, it was very useful and learning it with you was funny.
this is an excellent video.
i loved it , and im a begginear plz mind my spel mistake can u plz suggest the right flow of videos that i shld go through for better learning
Hi James,
It was a very nice and useful video and I have checked the number 42 I saw a video in Youtube, it was pretty funny.
Great teacher!
Hi James !!! ) The lesson is certainly good, but it is not for beginners lesson – and for advanced! Thank you!
I still don’t fully get how to summarize can you make another video that’s more detailed?
What is your James’s nationality?
Thanks you so much. You are the best. I enjoyed your lesson. You always make me laugh.
Marta Lopez
I was wondering how to get the ideas from an article or whatever and how to learn the rare words once you looked up for them.
HOW TO SUMMARIZE: Prediction, Asking, Compare, Visualize, and Summarize. I have understood every concept but it will be necessary to put into practice to learn how to do it, and I hope to use them some day. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid.
thank you teacher…a really funny and intresting lesson
Asmaa Naciri
thank you ,you are the best
Thank you James
Thanks sir
Bijay kumar
This is very bad video. He talked very rapidly so I understood nothing….
please Iwant your help in writting paragraphs . How to start my paragraph and how to end it . My English improves when I surf engvid.Thank you.
Learn English for free with 2152 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank u T. James for this excellent lesson its very wonderful lesson in writing thank u
my best regards
mahmoud omar
how can i download the lectures?
We don’t offer this yet, sorry.
go to savevid.com and copy the links from youtube
You can do it, if you will go to Youtube.com and than press the button “Download”. If you have the button. If you don’t have it, you can use any other programms to download from Youtube.com
Using the download helper by mozila firefox ! Google it :D
torch browser
good!!! good job ……..best
is the best video you have. was more – much more is the video. I like to see the very best video andak.anda. good job.
you are my best
Hi James…
I enjoyed with your comments and deed, i hope it might be useful
hi sir good job .
plz somebody help me I’m very poor in English ….. my weak points in speaking i can’t speak continuously and also i suffering from grammar so i need your help and someone guide me to the right way
So many important topics! This makes a good way for studying! Thank you! But…you talk very quickly! I have to take a vitamine to follow you!! ^:^
So many important topics! This makes a good way for studying! Thank you! But…you talk very quickly! I have to take a vitamine to follow you!! ^:^
the vidio dont help to me in everithing, the guy speak very fast for learn a peoples, that not talk very well english. Defenitly it is in my opinion not helpful…..he need speak more slowly…this is my recommendation….I learning english, srry if i have any misspelling
It would be better if EngVid includes English subtitles on the videos …
Cubano, this is a lesson for advanced level students, that is why is so difficult for you to follow the teacher. There are many lessons for beginners in this site.
very good
i like this………………….
this one is the best…………………………………
i think you d be the best e teacher i ve ever met. thank very much
One comment about the ‘few/a few’ and ‘little/a little’ topic:
Consider these two sentences:
1. There is little merit in your argument
2. Few people would challenge the giant
Can these two statements include nothing/zero in the implied meanings? That is, can ‘little merit’ include ‘no merit’? Same for few.
Thank you for your help. Would please speak slowly?
this site will be better if the advertising page don’t disturb to the reader.thanks.
Okay, but then the site will not be free anymore.
its okay….we should just concentrate on lessons…
the site is awesome
and advertisements are for our own benefit
Hey How you doin, Im almost 17 and i was wondering how I can stay focused in school, yet have friends that aren’t nerds ha ha. I want to become successful, yet im failing school. If you could give me any advice that be great. Much love, Bo.
Hi mm I`m looking for help, you know sometimes I find difficult the rules about relative clauses and I want to know if somebody knows about a link in engvid that talks about relative clauses that will be very helpful please!!! Greetings from Mexico :D
thank by all your help, iam have english basic 1 i need you help please help to me in all basic , intermedio and avanced thank please sending me videos all to me mails.
my name. carlos jesus ponce quispe de nacionalidad peruano ayudenme por favor a aprender el idioma ingles.
how to write a story?
Really, Really Very informative and Useful. Thank a ton.
You are amazing :)
what is up? i cannot watch this video ….it is writing “an error occured, please try again later”….i try about 2 days but nothing works =((
Not sure what’s wrong, Ruslana… it works for me, and the video has many views. Maybe try from another computer? I hope you can watch it because this is a very useful lesson.
Hi James,
You and your team are really working outstandingly….. I learnt lot from your lectures….. God Bless you guys and keep helping us.
thanks James… you enlighten my knowledge
hey!!!! I want you to teach us again!! you´re great!!!!
Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
Too much partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!
Too much holidaysssssssssssssssssss!!!!
yr every lesson is intersting n funny …. i like the way you teach us .. thanks a million
i like you…..
actually you are great persons ,i wish to know you be4 i faild hahahahah thanks again very useful very funny and amazing i appreciate who did this site thanks
Thanks a lot James .. I really appreciate your fabulous deed to survive us from the terrible mistakes .. but don’t you think that you’d better speak a little bit slower so that we could catch the picture ..
Its a very good presentation.You have performed well. I like you very much. if elaborated with some practical example it might be helpful a lot.Can you please present a video with real test situation.
You Are such a Great Teacher!
Would you marry me? OH darn, forgot, I’m married. OH well, thanks for the lesson. I’m going to actually use this with my 5th grade students!
thanks a lot, How to listen well? please help me
Thank you very much for this lecture .. but I suggest to add English subtitle because u speak very fast and I found some hard to understand specially that I am beginner and missing some words not give me a clear idea about the lecture .
I am sorry if I had some mistakes in my writing .. but I hope that I can improve my English with your Interesting Website .
Thank You ..
Ahmed Ashour
hi james, your class is good, but i don´t understatd some words because you speake many fast…see ya…
I have forgot my pass word
when i enter the email for the password recovery
engvid says that your pass word has been submitted to you through mail but email does not come plz solve this problem
nice teaching skill i hope your best.my english is very weak so plz give me same best tips so i impovr this skill, your obediently, kashif form pak
he is pretty good teacher
I am sorry
I did not understand anything.It’s complicated and doesn’t work
Hi, I’m Joseph from Colombia, so James’s lessons are very amazing, but how can we improve our english alone? we speak normally spanish here and i want to speak english with everyone. Why don’t open a english chat in this page?
James is a great teacher…so when do i get paid for saying this??
ooH!! that’s so great >> i really like it :)thaaanxx anyway btw i’m from jidda
great teachers in EngVid but I hope we have on in like this in UK.love kh
I can’t catch it clearly. I want to know how to reach the summary as following each step clearlier.
hi james, I’m elated because of I’am learning alot from you. Question when you have a word that has two constants in the begining, middle and ending word. How do you determine what letter to omit for pronunication. I understand the rule for two constants that are the same, but when they are different that’s when I have a problem.
Excellent, James!
do you have a text to which you can apply those tecnics?
Sorry, it’s tecnique, not “tecnic”
Hi. I didn’t understand anything. You speak to to to fast. Please speak slowly, it is the first video that confuse me. Thank you.
Hi. I didn’t understand anything. You speak too too too fast. Please speak slowly, it is the first video that confuse me. Thank you.
Hi James, Thank you so much for your lesson. You are amazing teacher I’ve ever seen. The way you taught us is very interesting and make us more motivated in learning English.Thank you for all of your hard work and I truly appreciated it.God bless you.
man i like your style
keep it up and happy to br you student
everyone tells u that u r great! I don’t want to be just one of them but I could not just watch the video and go!
I’m an english teacher, I don’t even need to watch your videos but I watch them anyway!
I like ur style of teaching and it is exactelly my style but I can’t watch myself so I watch and learn from u!
Wish I could meet u and learn some more about teaching from u.
Do u live in London or in the USA
James, can we take private lessons from you?
do u live in London or in the USA?
thank you ,,you have summarized this lesson in a way we could understand easily
Great job James I like your way of teaching ^_^
thanks allot
is there any video I could memorize words that common in use between you guys in the US and Canada?
Well done!very helpful both to the teachers and students.
o hi sancks for your lessons they are very good and funny.
p.s. sorry abaut my bad inglish
hi James! I just want you you to know that you are really a very talented mmm.. not even a teacher but a Personality transferring the necessary knowledge into my head in the most proper way-)
Your lelssons are like rewarding (?) talks with a close and smart friend, they make comfortable, leave such a nice “after-taste” and give a useful gist of knowledge without needless rubish-)
A good lesson! However, you don’t speak slowly enough for us to understand. I understand too little of what you say, It’s so sorry :( I would think there should be subtitles or a enclosed text which help us more.Thank you,Mr.James and Engvid- the best English page :D
james that was very funny. in school our class are forced to write a 3-5 min speech. i really need help. I am not good at reading or writing a speech.
fantastic lesson james!gud job:)
Wonderful lesson, your words are fully understood. I learned a lot. Thank You for providing this lesson and I like it very much. Take Care, James!
you are very well my dear !!!!
Hi James,
this is the best video i’ve ever seen on summarisation. Meanwhile, I’m trying to develop a summarisation system and i will need your input if you don’t mind.
Hope to communicate with you better through email.
thanks alot, James. I think if you summrize a text for your students as an example…it will be great and more helpful, don’t you think?
Hi, James. I listened some of your lessons. I’m preparing for the TOEFL. I need your help. I would like to know that if I write Writings and send you can you check them and give me piece of advice? Thank you in advance I’ll wait for your answer.
James I know that you are a very good teacher. But I want the hardcore sumary writing rules dear. Could you help me.
pls help am very dull in english
you have agreat strategies in teaching
realy I like them and I like your ways
all the best
I like your style of explanation!!! keep up the good work. God bless
this is a topic i am looking for a while . thanks james . i will like more explanation about ths topic . (summary)
love u James :)
Hi James…
I understand this lesson , thank you
Gorgeous style in teaching lol
i need to re watch it i’m so smart lol
Thaaaanks a lot
hello James, I’m from Vietnam. Your lessons are so great, and helpful. I love it!
i want to know mor about writting lectures please
i find the difficulty of download,,,how can i do it fluently??
Thanks for the excellent lesson. For me you are the Mr.right for practing listening English.
lol, answer will be infinity…))
Hi James. Good lesson. You´re a good teacher but you really need to speak more slowly. we are just students… Please!!! your lessons would be much more useful for us if you did´t speak so fast.
I am agres with my friend celia thanks
hi teacher
how are u ???
i hope you do very well??
i had study english about 1 year and i learn but aleran very slowaly
when i saw your vido its amazing
realy you are expline very well
thanks alot
thank you Mr. James
Mr James is the best teacher
very helpful
thanks for all teachers
Excellent lesson.I think a written example of each point would make it more clear.Also,I think that English sub titles would be helpful for many!
I highly thank you mr james and you colleagues,may God bless for this work.SO i would like you to talk about inversion;a grammar lesson.CORDIALLY
Sorry for the mistake,I wanted to say your colleagues
thank sir…i thougth summary dificult..but it easy just need a lot of traning..
this video helped some but my problem is I have to summarize somthing for spanish. The papers i have show a small 1 or 2 sentence explanation then shows lists of words as examples of the explanation. Could you pleas help ASAP?!
that’s good
you can download this lessons using real media player!
This is what i cal anawesome work t’s the set it off i like all from you james
thank you for you sir
thanks m.r James .i have under the lessons .prayer to me b/c tomorrow ,i give paper.
hanks m.r James .i have understand the lessons .prayer to me b/c tomorrow ,i give paper.
hello,i have a huge problem with intergrated writting.i’m scared of it and don’t know how to study or write intergrated essay.please help me
i didnt understand what does summary means actually
I’m wondering where does inspiration for lessons agenda coming from? I haven’t seen your moleskine notebook from a while :)
it was really complex …………ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :(
Thanks James, I enjoyed the lesson. Please continue to teach, you do a wonderful job.
Very nice! I enjoy every time your lessons, thanks
Nice teacher….
Thanks Mr. Jeams for this lesson..
but can you help me with this linke i want to make summry for this Article .. http://www.ecommercetimes.com/story/75440.html
what is the website about the 42 thing?
very interesting topic , thank you for your video .
I love the way you explained everything. I never thought writing a summary could be easy and fun. Thank you, God bless and more power to you James and to engvid. :)
helpful job thanks
thank you teacher…
it was very helpful.. !! :)
well, good lesson as always.
I love the end most.
If you do not write “com” correct, police will arrest you, James! :P :D
Anyway, thanks again James and engvid.com!!!
Hi James, thank you so much for your terrific videos. They are excellent!!
Thanks Sir
mr.james you are a graet techer, thank you so much
thanks for your lesson….
I wanna know very english
I wanna learn more fast :S:S
is possible know english, without living in a city where speak english ?
haha, best action… .com
well done, bro :P
Thanks,fantastic guy James. English makes me both tired & bored But you can change it to be exciting with your acting. Push liked.
This is great! Thank you!
Good job :)
Hi James,
thanks for great lesson. You’re amamzing teacher
take care
Hi James
Thx for ur great lesson. U teach very well.
Thanks, it was very useful and learning it with you was funny.
this is an excellent video.
i loved it , and im a begginear plz mind my spel mistake can u plz suggest the right flow of videos that i shld go through for better learning
Hi James,
It was a very nice and useful video and I have checked the number 42 I saw a video in Youtube, it was pretty funny.
Great teacher!
Hi James !!! ) The lesson is certainly good, but it is not for beginners lesson – and for advanced! Thank you!
I still don’t fully get how to summarize can you make another video that’s more detailed?
What is your James’s nationality?
Thanks you so much. You are the best. I enjoyed your lesson. You always make me laugh.
I was wondering how to get the ideas from an article or whatever and how to learn the rare words once you looked up for them.
HOW TO SUMMARIZE: Prediction, Asking, Compare, Visualize, and Summarize. I have understood every concept but it will be necessary to put into practice to learn how to do it, and I hope to use them some day. Thanks a lot, teacher James from Engvid.
thank you teacher…a really funny and intresting lesson
thank you ,you are the best
Thank you James
Thanks sir
This is very bad video. He talked very rapidly so I understood nothing….
please Iwant your help in writting paragraphs . How to start my paragraph and how to end it . My English improves when I surf engvid.Thank you.
Thanks James!
Thanks James. This is wonderful lesson.
I watched the video once on June 22, 2021.
This was helpful