In this overview of relative clauses, I look at identifying and non-identifying clauses, relative pronouns (“who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” “that,”) and how to use commas when using relative pronouns in your writing. If you are looking for a general overview of these things, this is a good introductory lesson.
I have a question about the word whom, and how to use it in a sentence. Could you give us a more detailed definition? It is a word I often confuse with the word who.
most of the times students confuse between Who and Whom.Who as Mr Alex explains refers to a person doing the action Ex: The man who is overthere is my father.However, when we use Whom we refer to a person recieving the action and notice that “Whom” is followed by a Subject unlike “Who” which is followed by a Verb. Ex: The man whom I gave the papers is my teacher at school. I hope you’ll get it.
In my understanding who person doing action and whom person receiving action.
Thanks Alex. I really like your teaching skill.
hi can we become friends please
great explanation ;)
Really A Great Effort
Dewan Adnan Amlak
it’s very clear thank you
Thank You very much for this importanat lecture.
You scored 8 out of 10. “NOT BAD”
You’re a very good teacher!
You get the lesson across.
Greetings from Mexico
thanks for helping me
great, I like it.
It’s not bad :)
Thanks Alex. Superb. Now, I have no doubt in these two clauses.
good work keep it up
I apreciate your lesson , that is clear at all!!.
It that is new for me let me improve my learing at all!!.
I expect to have wrote the previous two sentences inline your teacheing.
very good lesen thanx Alix
Thanks Alex!It’s cool!
Emil Ibrahimov
You scored 10 out of 10.
this is my score.
I need a lesson about everything about writing in ILITS exam
do me a favor
I want to know how to write an essay
Amina Harris
thanks again very important
Thanks, I really enjoyed your teaching.
how can I download or watch the lesson.
there is no link in the page .
There is no link on this page to download, you should have external software to download any video. i think it’s better to watch the video here, so you can do the Quiz.
You can use
Thank you Alex it was very useful lesson !
Alex thanks for this lesson, however I’m confused.
because on 4:20 of this video you said ” WITCH SISTER” but on 7:35 you said ” Which and That are used for things”
can you please explain why?
thanks again
Thank you so much,Sir. This lesson is very important. And I got new Things about RELATIVE CLAUSES. Nice time!
hi, i’m from el salvador
and i want to thanks you because you helped me so much…
and i like the way that you are using to help and teach to others, im studing english and one day i want be a teacher and i hope be like you.
Dear Alex, I was really missing these advanced lessons. thank you very much and I will be waiting for more advanced lessons from you .
ricardo alessandro
Thanks a lot.
thanks so much
mm 7/10 my score its not bad but i need more hehehe :)
i love all envid teachers
Hello Alex. i would like to thank you for the grate lesson. I am struggling to write these sort of sentences,but you have made it easy.
once again thank you, and looking forward for more videos
mohammed ali
Thank you for this lesson. It’s very useful.
Thank you for the knowledge.
I agree cause we need more advanced lessons :)
nearly 100%
Dear Alex,
I can say Alex is the one of the best teachers in EngVid.because I understand well all Alex’s lessons.
Thank you very much.
Hi Alex!
Thanks, it was beneficial lesson
Thanks,I understood him lesson.
thanks very much for your lesson…
hii how we can downlaod more video
alex gour lesson it was very good thank gou
Thanks, Alex. It was a useful lesson. You are a good teacher.
Do we also use ‘which’ if the subject is animals?
Alex sir thank you such a wonderful teaching .
i like it verymuch.
Hi, Only by practicing the lesson is good for all. So, plz give more quiz and exercises to remember.
Your low voice made me to concentrate on the lesson.
thank i love this program i learn something new today thank….
thanks alooooooooooot great efferts
Very clear explanation! Thanks!
it was good.
thank for for making this video, which is very useful.
Mr Alex whom I attend his lessons is a good teacher indeed!
Hi how what are the differences between these sentences:
1. Mark is being generous.
2. Mark is generous.
its great website to learn english,so i thank those who help students.
I like your lessons.Thanks a lot.
great lesson, thanks for the lesson and keep up the good work
thanks,it’s a great lesson and u r perfect
thanks so much! That’s a good lesson.
i got to know about relative clause thanks.
Dear Alex
This vedio is very important for me because this lesson can make understandin about relative clause. my understanding increaseare your lesson.
very very thanks
Rakesh singh
Thank you
nice video.
hi alex… thank you so much but i wanna ask u quistion
what is the deference between WHO AND WHOM ??
pls give me the answer
Hi halimblack,
Use “who” when someone does an action, and “whom” when someone receives the action. For example:
“The man who won the lottery was on TV yesterday.”
“The man whom I saw was wearing a blue jacket.”
In speaking, most people omit the differences and just say “who,” but if you are writing, you should be aware of the differences.
Can I write, for example : My father, who was travelling, called me yesterday?
I’m not identifying (you usually have 1 father :p) but just giving extra information.
Is it correct?
Thanks xx
Thank you. I loved it.
hi alex! your lesson is very helpful but i wonder why we can’t say “The car, which I bought, is a Toyota.” but we have to say
“The car that I bought is a Toyota.” ? i wait your answer, thank you.
Hi mellibarara,
You can actually say both sentences, but the meaning will be different. If you say “The car that I bought is a Toyoto,” you might be talking to your friends, who had no idea that you were buying a new car. If you say, “The car, which I bought, is a Toyota,” you are just giving extra information about a car that your friends might know you had the intention of buying. You might add the “which I bought” part because you are proud of yourself for being able to afford it.
Wow!!! Thank you very much, Alex.
Can I write, for example : My father, who was travelling, called me yesterday?
I’m not identifying (you usually have 1 father :p) but just giving extra information.
Is it correct?
Thanks xx
Hi Alex thank you for all your lessons .They are very useful for people want to learn English and your language is very clear when you are speaking.If you do not mind and you have a time can you have a lesson about preposition because I am getting confuse when I am using them. thank you
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Thank you.
thanks alix your are a good teacher because i umderstand whatever you say
thank you. :)
i got only 6/10
tq..that was fun and clear lesson…
Thank u so much. You’re great teacher who is teaching any one your lesson.
This’s my score 7 out of 10.
Thanks Teacher Alex! :)
hi how are doing to make lessons , atualy i like your all lesson ,for me verythings seems very esaly ,so i love your way,already i wish any more with your enghlish,continue in this way
kam lal
Great lesson, I apreciate that, thanks a lot teacher!!
great lesson!
I like people who are honest. the question 9 that recieve the action by I (me). Simply it is like saying, I like honest people. I is the doer, and honest people is the reciever. so the correct answer is not whom but who.
With my respect to your great teaching skill
Thank you I love this class :) Score 7/10
Thank for your class and test,too.
Hello, I alwyas get happy to see ur vedio and
This lesson is really very helpfull to me and its include every details for this topic. really good thanks Alex Sir.
I really like the way of your teaching. I like all your lessons because it is really useful for me. One more thing, I want to learn more about gradable and non-gradable adjective, but I can’t find it in your lesson. All in all, I am interested in all your lessons.
thank you, it was really useful
this is a great lesson, well sir can we use “that” with both humanbeing as well as animals? well i want to improve my english speaking and anyone who have same desire then chat me at skype … this is my id babar_haider
A great lesson
thank u:)
Thanks Alex for this lesson. I must admit, that before watching this video, I’d completely forgotten everything about identifying and non identifying clauses… Surely once I’ve learnt that at school… (oh I hope so… maybe… or not…I don’t know! I’m not so sure anymore!!!)In any case, thank you!
hi. i can not understand when i consider that clause is identify clause or non-identify clause. when i consider is extra clause or essential clause i can not omit it
thank you
hi how are you? please i have some qution about you for exempe, when i wanna say, iam gonna smile,iam gonna its going to me,exemple i lostsometime and told this
kamal rahim
Hi teacher, i hope you are fine.The score 6/10 is not good i don’t understand between using the sentences My sister who is from Paris is visiting me this weekend.” How many sisters do I have? and My sister, who is from Paris, is visiting me this weekend.” How many sisters do I have? Please me to explain again.
may be i can help you to answer that,
the different betwent the sentence is a (komma) but in the sentence 1 you have many sisters because no komma in there, but in sentence 2 you have only one sister because the sentence the explain with a comma. hope its help..
Thanks so much for lesson .
Sorry can i ask to confirm how i understand ?
We use “which” when the clause ‘s not indentify, need more information to make clear ?
Thanks so much for the lesson. I love English ( I am a student of English Studies;)) and grammar as well as writing was always my favourite part, but these relative clauses were quite problematic for me. Not any more, thanks a lot ;)
it is not easy for me.
it is a nice way to teach English ,Thanks
Salaal Kuldaani
your a good teacher alex, i really want to learn more english grammar. GODBLESS
In the sentence
The teacher whom I spoke to didn´t like me.
which is the suject? If the teacher is subject then it is receiving the action not doing the action like the first one we have about the girl.We are getting more information abt teacher not who spoke. I m confused.
What does possesive mean?
I hope you do not mind give more information about identifying clause and non identifying clause.
Thank you very much
hi Alex
thanks to u for cause of u gave me a good thing in this class so that i can talk to each other, i always say that u ppl r working for manking
thanks again…………
Thanks, I am happy with my 10/10
and .. You COULD choose the fourth option if you think that animals are people too. :)
Thank you so much for your unvaluable help.You have become my Bible at the time of deciding on how to make a revision with my students.
Thanks a lot again.
Thanks Alex you are a great teacher
Alex is my favorite teacher because his speaking and teaching is clear and not fast. For example I dont understend james’s lessons. Because James is speaking and teaching too fast and like slang. Alex is a perfect teacher for me.
thisn lesson helped me solve many confusing statements.
I found your web very useful and I almost use it every day.
Thanks a lot.
Esfandiar Rostam
Thanks for help, you are a good teacher Please try to make more lessons for grammer Thanks again
You are a great teacher. I love your videos. Are you teaching in Toronto?
Thanks for your videos.
I understand relative clause better after I watch your video
Thanks again professor
Lisa Nguyen
Hello Alex and everybody! Alex, thank you so much for this lesson! The terminology you’re using, I mean ‘identifying and non-identifying clauses’, makes it easy to understand and remember the rules.
was excelent, clear, fast for understand Iwill recomment to my friends and family
jamie persis
hi.. teacher Alex,ur lesson is very interesting and ur teaching is clear,easy to understand so it made me can do the test 8 outof 10.i’ll try to do better ….. “thanks” in our country we say Khop chai :)
thank you!
Hello sir. Thanks for the video. Just wondering, what is the difference between an identifying/restrictive clause and an appositive (which takes the commas)? I thought an appositive also identifies the subject. I am getting confused between the two. Can you please help me out with this? Thanks a lot! =D
Dear Alex,
why do we use an “E” with whose and we dont with whom ? :)
than yuo sir.
Thank you Alex!
thank you so much! really helpful to me all the times! :-)
Thank you, very useful!
Thank you, it’s confusing :-S
thanks for these lessons
Hello, Alex.
Can we say: That`s the street, which I grew up?
i have a little bit in (whose,who,which). thanks
varinder is really informative.could u plz tell me difference b/w since last year and for the last year.i thing more pronounciation conscience and conscious
Thanks a lot! I realy needed this lecture to understand the differences between who, whom, howses, etc.
Fantastic lesson! After having secured a top-class IELTS score, I yet had doubts on the correct usage of which/that, which this lesson cleared. (hope my use of which is correct) :)
thank u so much for this vedio
your pronunciation is appreciatable
i thing you can use anyother examples to explain this to us
Thank you, Alex! It is a very useful lesson. Besides, your pronunciation is perfect. I understand every word that you speak.
wild boar
Hello, Alex!!!
You didn`t answer- Can we say: “That`s the street, which I grew up on?” insted -that of “that” ?
Hello, Alex!!!
You didn`t answer- Can we say: “That`s the street, which I grew up on?” insted of “that” ?
Dear Alex
this is a fantastic video. thank you for this wonderful work.I hope you can upload some more lectures regarding relative clause. I like your style of teaching,it’s calm and well explained. keep up the Good work.
thank you
thank you Alex for this video. I was always confused with the usage of relative clause, but you have made it easy. However, Waht do we use for animal when we want to write relative clause? for example, which,that or who?
It is very clear thanks
Malak's Heart
Thank you.
HI Alex. thanks you so much your teaching method.
thank you alex
that was really great thanks for your efforts
may you smile always!
I understand the subject !! I’m really happy :D
Awesome explanation!
I like it. Could you please give me a site for such explanation to provide it with my research?
Ymn Pearl
Thank you very much for this wonderful and easy to follow video. I am more confident about how to use that and which now.
You are amazing teacher, Thanks for the lovely lessons.
Soheila Roashan
tks teacher! it was a great class!
thanks for aploading this vidoe, it helps me alot once againg thanks Alex! (^_^)
Ina Sharif
Hey, Teacher Alex great explanation! I got 10/10 Thx
it’s really a good lessons thank you.
Thank you for the video. It’s very helpful! I need more practices for this lesson. How do I do that?
thx teacher :)
petite woman
thanks Alex it’s very helpful..
Alex, I got 8 out of 10 I have learnt more. thx
Zafar Ali Soomro
You scored 5 out of 10
it is not bad
Alex, many thanks for your patience and good will.
thank you very much , the course is really helpful
I just love the way you teach grammar you’re an amazing teacher! thanks!
thank you teacher
Thank you very much,I enjoy the class
Thank u so much all given info about relative from TURKEY
excellent lesson! when can i omit the relative pronoun? thank you.
Great lesson, thanks.
10 OF 10 greaaaaaaaaat
thx Alex :D
great great
how can i difference between subject and object ? , and thanks :)
thanks Alex, i scored 10 out of 10
He is an awesome teacher.
really thanx
Hi! thank you very much for helping me with my enlgish, especially because i’m starting to learn advanced grammar and this information has beeen very useful, bye guys =)
Hii Alex,
A lot of thanks to you for revising us this part of grammar that we were taught in school.We also learnt another aspect of grammar relating to reduced relative clause.Based on that,I have shortened some sentences retaining their meaning unchanged.
1.The car that I bought is a Toyoto.
It can simply be said that I bought a Toyoto car.Apart from that, the sentence could be converted into a reduced relative clause as follows:
The car bought by me is a Toyoto.
Furthermore, if we consider the sentence which reads as:He is a person who always arrives on time.
If it is turned to a reduced sentence, it would be “He is a person always arriving on time”.
I have one more question to you related to transformation of a noun to its corresponding adjective form.I have written some sentences which contain an adjective in them.
1.I had paid the metered fare to the cabbie before leaving it.
2.The uniformed waiters served us in the pub which we visited yesterday.
Here,one thing to notice is that the words such as uniformed, metered have “ed” endings whereas their noun forms are uniform and meter respectively.I want to know that it is a rule to add “ed” at the end to turn it to an adjective.I request you to solve this problem of mine.
sona sharma
tanks , this is very helpful …
It is a difficult lesson but Alex knows how to manage hard topics. Thank you Alex!
This is very good. I will join regularly to improve my knowledge and language skills.Thanks a lot.
Mario Briceño
hi alex, thanks a lot for this english lesson it’s helful :D
i love you alex i enrolled a college and never understand modals and clauses:)
Thanks a lot my online favourite teacher ? I got 9/10 – pretty good.
However , Can you teach us how to reduce relative clauses or how to change an adjective clause into an adjactive phrase ?
thank u sooooo much
ur lesson which is about Relative helped me a lot :)))
Thanks a lot
Thank you. You are a great teacher.
Sue Peter
it was a lot of information but i got 10 of 10 thank you teacher we need more
Dear Mr Alex,
could you make a lesson that says about the way to use “the” in english language.Thanks in advance!
Hello Alex!
I have a question about “identifying clause” and “non-identifying clause.”
If someone says these two sentences in conversation, how can we know the difference between these two?
And could you please make a video about when do we use “Quotes” in speaking and writing?(especially speaking!!)
Thank you so much..
Seong Ju
very good lesson i like it,thanks
Grazie, Alex!Con Lei mi è passato il terrore di non riuscire a capire una lezione fatta in inglese. Mi sembra un miracolo!
Maria Elena
Dogs are people too. He he. Got very confused by that and which in the quiz.
I got 100/100 Great!
Thanks for the video, I came this website from youtube.
Thank a lot Alex. Your lesson is clear and easy understand it.
Thank you very much :-)
You helped me a lot with this lesson =)
It was really good. thank you Alex
very useful
10/10… thanks for the lesson…
Thank you Alex it was great. I learned today the relative clauses in school but the lesson which you give is more clear and helpful. I got 9 of 10 and I am just pretty confused by whom and who.
Thanks Alex its an important lesson
it was a great lesson alex , thank you !!
Thanks, Sir! Got 9/10. :)
tht’s good thx
Oh my god, why can’t i watch the viedo? Should i download any player? Anyone can tell me? Thanks a lot!
If you can’t see the video, make sure you are using the latest version of a modern browser like Firefox or Chrome. (They’re free and work on all kinds of computers.) If it still doesn’t play, let me know by replying to this comment!
engVid Moderator
thanks 100%.
Greetings from Mongolia. Chinggis khaan’s home country.
very use full information which u r proving thanx to engvid team
Thanks for all, Alex. Doing worse 7/10
Aires Mbanze
Great lesson Alex !
Can’t I use THAT for people when they are the subject? Maybe only when speaking? Thanks :)
Thank you for your good lessons in english language.
Qadir H. Abdalla
thank you. rely you are the best
Thanks a lot!!!
Tank you Teacher for the lesson.
actually i still don’t understand when i have to chose the relative clause whome
You are a very good teacher Alex.Thanks for the lesson.
Thanks so much.
an excellenct lesson
Dear Alex! Thank you for your useful lessons! I want to ask a question. Yesterday I had a test on relative clauses. One of the tasks was to put commas where neccessary. Do we need to put a comma in sentence “Marsha is a girl who enrolled to our college this year”? My teacher says we need (Marsha is a girl, who enrolled to our college this year) but I can*t understand why. Please explain me!
Hi Javanna.
I’m not a teacher, but I agree with you. I think we don’t need a comma, because “…who enrolled our collegge…” is an identifying clause. If not, I wish Alex could explain us.
Sorry for writing collegge instead of college…
My suggestion would be, if one doesn’t know the person’s gender than use a comma.
Some other examples:
Jack said the teacher is a lazy fellow. Versus: Jack, said the teacher, is a lazy fellow.
The queen who was sitting in the first car was killed. (, but the ex-queen sitting aside was slightly hurt.)
The queen, who was sitting in the first car, was killed. (= so called Non-defining or Non- identifying relative clause.)
good job teacher
really useful tips
thanks a lot .
hi dear alex ,im wondering what is the difference between that and witch in non
please answer to my question because I am about to understand everything in this topic.
my question is.
the verb in the relative clause how can i decide which tense i have to use, is it according to the verb in the beginning of the sentence .
in your examples you said
1- I bought a car which is red.
2- I saw a car which was red.
Great lesson. Thanks Alex
Thanks a lot.
Hi! Thank you very much Mr Alex!
I have 2 questions, one of them about your video and next one about the quiz.
1. Why most of your videos are not able to download or save them? we should just see it one time. because in our country due to the low speed of Internet, I myself can’t see it more, but by saving it I can have a review when it is necessary.
2. Why at the end of the quiz there is no option to choose and do the quiz again?
thanks in advance.
Thanks this information is useful
Impressive lesson Alex! You have teached an important english topic. I think I learned a lot from your lecture. Thanks for the advance!
However I still have a question: Can the pronoun “whom” be used in questions as well as “who” is used?
Thank you very much Alex!
It’s very helpful to improve my English. Thank you very much!
If youre not to much serius, I think that lesson may be interesting… but in general Its a good teacher.
Hello Alex,
How are you?
Would you be able to show us the difference between subject and object relative clauses pls?
Thank u
hi Alex,
could u work on a video about reduced relative clauses
i got 7/10 s good because i’m learning to much thank you alex
thanks Alex for the lesson, finally i knew how to using those words.
You COULD choose the fourth option if you think that animals are people too. :)
good reason because its make me undestand it in a good way
thanks great lesson
but there is “where” also!!
Why this is wrong? Please explain me?
The car, which I bought, is a Toyota.!!!
I´m starting to understand.
Marcio Ap. Massarelli
you are a very good teacher.
Hi, Thank you for your Lesson . I enjoy it and do the test.
“The girl that you invited to the party”
“The girl whom you invited to the party”
I learn and enjoy your lessons. Thanks a lot
nice information . thanks
Thanks very much!It was good,but I still have a problem ;Why when we write “My sister who is from Chicago visited me yesterday”means we have more than one sister BUT when we write “My sister,who is from Chicago visited me yesterday”means we have only one sister?
I’ll be pleased if you answer my question soon!
Roohallah Ahmadi
nice teaching…
thank you so much!
Teaching, Alex, is great !!
it s very clear. Thank you, Alex
Alex, your lesson is great!
Sir, Is the following usage, correct?
a short poem by me which came out of blue.
sorry, “a short poem by me which came out of the blue”.
I don’t understand about a comma. How to use it?
Thank you!!
I’ll suscribe
I dont get it at all :(
Bea BG
Love ingVid, love your teaching! Your lessons are always understandable and beneficial. Thank you very much for everything. Good luck and take care!)
is this sentence correct( Kindly, who has submitted the survey, please ignore this email)
Thank you :)
Heather K.
10/10 :) first time for this grammar problem !!! :) thank you :)
Hi Alex!Could you explain me why you choose the dog with relative pronoun “that”? Can we use “Who” refer to dog? Thank in advance!
thanks so much become easy
That is a great course.Thank you very much.
Thanks Alex … actually I had many problems with relative clauses but now every thing is ok :)
70……thanks alex
Alex, please explain why I can leave out ‘that’ in sentences like – He’s the kind of person (that) she doesn’t like.
100%, :D Thank you!
Wolf Pride
Thank you Alex.
You solved lots of problems with this lesson.
Perfect !
Splendid explanation, Alex!
Thanks again.!
quite 100%
victor igor
Good lesson. thank you
i am starting understand relative pronouns . thanks.
Thanks! It was very helpful for me
Hi Alex . I’m so happy with your lesson.I got a test a few days ago and a question was so confusing which said “The Severan Bridge is located near the ancient city of Arsemia in what is now the Turkish province of Adiyaman.” Why “in what” not “in which” .If you can write a reply I’ll be so happy . Thanks.
Oh…I think I understand this….I hope so
Thx for your lesson~~
Very good lesson. Simple and easy to undertand. :)
Morris Kartono
you are a excellent teacher thanks for this beautiful video.
Sweet Aysenur
thank you
thank you
Thank you!
Thank you, Alex! It is first your lesson that I’ve watched. Your speaking is very clear for me.
Thanks Alex!!
Thank you very much Alex! I’m glad my teacher for recommended me this channel!
Very important lesson,thanx
Aisha Soliman
assalamualaikum :)
Good afternoon Alex, how are you?
Firstly, thank you for this video, it was really helpful to understanding about relative clauses.
I’ve done the Quiz and I had two mistakes. Could you help me with them?
The first one:
4. Which sentence is correct?
The man whom I spoke to said I was on the wrong train.
The man who I spoke to said I was on the wrong train.
In this exercise I’ve chosen the second one, but the correct answer is the first one. Why?
And my second mistake was in the 6th question, which is:
6. Which sentence is correct?
He’s a person whose always arrives on time.
He’s a person who always arrives on time.
He’s a person whom always arrives on time.
In this question I answered the third one, but the right answer is the second.
Thank you so much and I’m looking forward to your answer.
King regards,
Matheus Majer
First one:
It is whom, because the man receivces the action, I spoke, and the man received that so the man is whom. It would have been who when the man spoke to me. (“The man who spoke to me yesterday, had sent me a lettre.” for example)
Second one:
He is the subject, he is a person. The relative clause refers to the ‘he’. Because he’s a person you can use: who, whom or whose. Their is no possession so it can’t be whose. “He” is not the one receiving the action, “He” is the person doing the action: arriving on time. So because the subject is the person doing the action (arrive on time),the correct answer should be who.
I hope my answer helps you.
I still not understand,whan we know to use defining or non defining relative clause in that quiz
Thankyou! I’ve got one question:
In the beginning of the video, there are two sentences, in the first sentence “My sister who is from Chicago” is the subject, is “My sister” the subject in the second sentence?
I got 100 yay!
Can I write, for example : My father, who was travelling, called me yesterday?
I’m not identifying (you usually have 1 father :p) but just giving extra information.
Is it correct?
Thanks xx
Alex, whom I love hım, very nice teacher
Thanks you so much. You are wonderful.
Marta Lopez
I think I need more explanation in the question #8.
Hello, I have a question. If that and which I can use for things why I have differents uses.
thanks for teaching.
Thanks Alex!
Hi, Im Ingrid, from El Salvador. I learn so much with your videos, so thanks. But, I have one question: it wasn’t clear for me the difference betwen “who” and “whose. Anyone can help
me please?
Thanks for this very good and clear lesson.
Thanks Alex! Beautiful job.
Why the sentece “My car, that is a BMW, is really great on gas.” is incorrect ?
First try I got 90. And I try again then I got 100. Thanks for the lesson
Question 7 really puzzling me with WHICH.
But real good lesson
It was nice to take the quiz, I still confuse with relative clause but Im going to practice more. Thanks a lot for your great explanation.
Commas matter in writing but, what about speaking? How can I detect the differences?
Nice class
Ram sahu
Thank you for video.
May you teach about reduced relative clause?
Thanks a lot
Jorge Enrique Palacios Jimenez
This is a topic that needs to be reviewed once in
a while. Got 10/10. Excellent lesson.Thank you!
I got 10 :)
Thank you for such an interesting lesson !
one of the best lectures i’ve seen.
Hay about car ok my the person have more than one so we say *the car that I bought is A Toyota but why I can’t say that’s the street, which I grew up on? I wait your answer thank you
Hi about car ok may the person has more than one car so we write *the car that I bought is A Toyota so this explanation is right or no.
But why I can’t write (that’s the street, which I grew up on)? I wait your answer thank you
Hi Boss,
I got it 10 of 10 also,this is to notice you that you did not explain about another relative clause “WHERE “
Informative, Thanks a million.
Thank you.
good class
Thanks, Alex. I really liked your video because the way you taught us about identifying and non-identifying clauses were super easy. I was really struggling with those problems. Hope to see your more videos on research-related writing kills and provide us suggestions.
TahseenB Bhutto
Thanks for a lesson.
That topic has always been confusing for me.
Especially when we can use which or that.
Best wishes for you. ;)
Thanks for a lesson.
That topic has always been confusing for me.
Especially when we can use which or that.
Best wishes for you. ;)
Thank you Mr. Alex. You explained the lesson even better than in a grammar rules textbook.
Hi dear Alex happy hippy hippy shake new year from your online students greetings from surco
marc anthony
Hello. There is a rule that says “Don’t use subject pronouns after relative pronouns”. Eg: Feijoada is a dish that it is famous in Brazil. The correct sentence is without “it”. My question is because you wrote differents examples with a subject after relative pronouns. Please can you answer this doubt?
Hello. There is a rule that says “Don’t use subject pronouns after relative pronouns”. Eg: Feijoada is a dish that it is famous in Brazil. The correct sentence is without “it”. My question is because you wrote differents examples with a subject after relative pronouns. Please can you answer this doubt?
Hi Alex,
my score was 7 out of 10; I understood the mistakes made on Q4 and Q9 but I don’t understand why Q7 is wrong;
That’s the street, which I grew up on.
Is it because the sentence ended thus no more info has been added?
Thanks for your answer!
I watched this video twice on May 2, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for this important grammar lesson.
We appreciate much what you do for us dear Alex many greetings from Surco my hometown in Perú………
marc anthony
I can’t understand n.7 and n.8
90% because I truly think that dogs are people too :)
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I have a question about the word whom, and how to use it in a sentence. Could you give us a more detailed definition? It is a word I often confuse with the word who.
most of the times students confuse between Who and Whom.Who as Mr Alex explains refers to a person doing the action Ex: The man who is overthere is my father.However, when we use Whom we refer to a person recieving the action and notice that “Whom” is followed by a Subject unlike “Who” which is followed by a Verb. Ex: The man whom I gave the papers is my teacher at school. I hope you’ll get it.
In my understanding who person doing action and whom person receiving action.
Thanks Alex. I really like your teaching skill.
hi can we become friends please
great explanation ;)
Really A Great Effort
it’s very clear thank you
Thank You very much for this importanat lecture.
You scored 8 out of 10. “NOT BAD”
You’re a very good teacher!
You get the lesson across.
Greetings from Mexico
thanks for helping me
great, I like it.
It’s not bad :)
Thanks Alex. Superb. Now, I have no doubt in these two clauses.
good work keep it up
I apreciate your lesson , that is clear at all!!.
It that is new for me let me improve my learing at all!!.
I expect to have wrote the previous two sentences inline your teacheing.
very good lesen thanx Alix
Thanks Alex!It’s cool!
You scored 10 out of 10.
this is my score.
I need a lesson about everything about writing in ILITS exam
do me a favor
I want to know how to write an essay
thanks again very important
Thanks, I really enjoyed your teaching.
how can I download or watch the lesson.
there is no link in the page .
There is no link on this page to download, you should have external software to download any video. i think it’s better to watch the video here, so you can do the Quiz.
You can use
Thank you Alex it was very useful lesson !
Alex thanks for this lesson, however I’m confused.
because on 4:20 of this video you said ” WITCH SISTER” but on 7:35 you said ” Which and That are used for things”
can you please explain why?
thanks again
Thank you so much,Sir. This lesson is very important. And I got new Things about RELATIVE CLAUSES. Nice time!
hi, i’m from el salvador
and i want to thanks you because you helped me so much…
and i like the way that you are using to help and teach to others, im studing english and one day i want be a teacher and i hope be like you.
Dear Alex, I was really missing these advanced lessons. thank you very much and I will be waiting for more advanced lessons from you .
Thanks a lot.
thanks so much
mm 7/10 my score its not bad but i need more hehehe :)
i love all envid teachers
Hello Alex. i would like to thank you for the grate lesson. I am struggling to write these sort of sentences,but you have made it easy.
once again thank you, and looking forward for more videos
Thank you for this lesson. It’s very useful.
Thank you for the knowledge.
I agree cause we need more advanced lessons :)
nearly 100%
Dear Alex,
I can say Alex is the one of the best teachers in EngVid.because I understand well all Alex’s lessons.
Thank you very much.
Hi Alex!
Thanks, it was beneficial lesson
Thanks,I understood him lesson.
thanks very much for your lesson…
hii how we can downlaod more video
alex gour lesson it was very good thank gou
Thanks, Alex. It was a useful lesson. You are a good teacher.
Do we also use ‘which’ if the subject is animals?
Alex sir thank you such a wonderful teaching .
i like it verymuch.
Hi, Only by practicing the lesson is good for all. So, plz give more quiz and exercises to remember.
Your low voice made me to concentrate on the lesson.
thank i love this program i learn something new today thank….
thanks alooooooooooot great efferts
Very clear explanation! Thanks!
it was good.
thank for for making this video, which is very useful.
Mr Alex whom I attend his lessons is a good teacher indeed!
Hi how what are the differences between these sentences:
1. Mark is being generous.
2. Mark is generous.
its great website to learn english,so i thank those who help students.
I like your lessons.Thanks a lot.
great lesson, thanks for the lesson and keep up the good work
thanks,it’s a great lesson and u r perfect
thanks so much! That’s a good lesson.
i got to know about relative clause thanks.
Dear Alex
This vedio is very important for me because this lesson can make understandin about relative clause. my understanding increaseare your lesson.
very very thanks
Rakesh singh
Thank you
nice video.
hi alex… thank you so much but i wanna ask u quistion
what is the deference between WHO AND WHOM ??
pls give me the answer
Hi halimblack,
Use “who” when someone does an action, and “whom” when someone receives the action. For example:
“The man who won the lottery was on TV yesterday.”
“The man whom I saw was wearing a blue jacket.”
In speaking, most people omit the differences and just say “who,” but if you are writing, you should be aware of the differences.
Can I write, for example : My father, who was travelling, called me yesterday?
I’m not identifying (you usually have 1 father :p) but just giving extra information.
Is it correct?
Thanks xx
Thank you. I loved it.
hi alex! your lesson is very helpful but i wonder why we can’t say “The car, which I bought, is a Toyota.” but we have to say
“The car that I bought is a Toyota.” ? i wait your answer, thank you.
Hi mellibarara,
You can actually say both sentences, but the meaning will be different. If you say “The car that I bought is a Toyoto,” you might be talking to your friends, who had no idea that you were buying a new car. If you say, “The car, which I bought, is a Toyota,” you are just giving extra information about a car that your friends might know you had the intention of buying. You might add the “which I bought” part because you are proud of yourself for being able to afford it.
Wow!!! Thank you very much, Alex.
Can I write, for example : My father, who was travelling, called me yesterday?
I’m not identifying (you usually have 1 father :p) but just giving extra information.
Is it correct?
Thanks xx
Hi Alex thank you for all your lessons .They are very useful for people want to learn English and your language is very clear when you are speaking.If you do not mind and you have a time can you have a lesson about preposition because I am getting confuse when I am using them. thank you
Thank you so much for this lesson.
Thank you.
thanks alix your are a good teacher because i umderstand whatever you say
thank you. :)
i got only 6/10
tq..that was fun and clear lesson…
Thank u so much. You’re great teacher who is teaching any one your lesson.
This’s my score 7 out of 10.
Thanks Teacher Alex! :)
hi how are doing to make lessons , atualy i like your all lesson ,for me verythings seems very esaly ,so i love your way,already i wish any more with your enghlish,continue in this way
Great lesson, I apreciate that, thanks a lot teacher!!
great lesson!
I like people who are honest. the question 9 that recieve the action by I (me). Simply it is like saying, I like honest people. I is the doer, and honest people is the reciever. so the correct answer is not whom but who.
With my respect to your great teaching skill
Thank you I love this class :) Score 7/10
Thank for your class and test,too.
Hello, I alwyas get happy to see ur vedio and
This lesson is really very helpfull to me and its include every details for this topic. really good thanks Alex Sir.
I really like the way of your teaching. I like all your lessons because it is really useful for me. One more thing, I want to learn more about gradable and non-gradable adjective, but I can’t find it in your lesson. All in all, I am interested in all your lessons.
thank you, it was really useful
this is a great lesson, well sir can we use “that” with both humanbeing as well as animals? well i want to improve my english speaking and anyone who have same desire then chat me at skype … this is my id babar_haider
A great lesson
thank u:)
Thanks Alex for this lesson. I must admit, that before watching this video, I’d completely forgotten everything about identifying and non identifying clauses… Surely once I’ve learnt that at school… (oh I hope so… maybe… or not…I don’t know! I’m not so sure anymore!!!)In any case, thank you!
hi. i can not understand when i consider that clause is identify clause or non-identify clause. when i consider is extra clause or essential clause i can not omit it
thank you
hi how are you? please i have some qution about you for exempe, when i wanna say, iam gonna smile,iam gonna its going to me,exemple i lostsometime and told this
Hi teacher, i hope you are fine.The score 6/10 is not good i don’t understand between using the sentences My sister who is from Paris is visiting me this weekend.” How many sisters do I have? and My sister, who is from Paris, is visiting me this weekend.” How many sisters do I have? Please me to explain again.
may be i can help you to answer that,
the different betwent the sentence is a (komma) but in the sentence 1 you have many sisters because no komma in there, but in sentence 2 you have only one sister because the sentence the explain with a comma. hope its help..
Thanks so much for lesson .
Sorry can i ask to confirm how i understand ?
We use “which” when the clause ‘s not indentify, need more information to make clear ?
Thanks so much for the lesson. I love English ( I am a student of English Studies;)) and grammar as well as writing was always my favourite part, but these relative clauses were quite problematic for me. Not any more, thanks a lot ;)
it is not easy for me.
it is a nice way to teach English ,Thanks
your a good teacher alex, i really want to learn more english grammar. GODBLESS
In the sentence
The teacher whom I spoke to didn´t like me.
which is the suject? If the teacher is subject then it is receiving the action not doing the action like the first one we have about the girl.We are getting more information abt teacher not who spoke. I m confused.
What does possesive mean?
I hope you do not mind give more information about identifying clause and non identifying clause.
Thank you very much
hi Alex
thanks to u for cause of u gave me a good thing in this class so that i can talk to each other, i always say that u ppl r working for manking
thanks again…………
Thanks, I am happy with my 10/10
and .. You COULD choose the fourth option if you think that animals are people too. :)
Thank you so much for your unvaluable help.You have become my Bible at the time of deciding on how to make a revision with my students.
Thanks a lot again.
Thanks Alex you are a great teacher
Alex is my favorite teacher because his speaking and teaching is clear and not fast. For example I dont understend james’s lessons. Because James is speaking and teaching too fast and like slang. Alex is a perfect teacher for me.
thisn lesson helped me solve many confusing statements.
I found your web very useful and I almost use it every day.
Thanks a lot.
Thanks for help, you are a good teacher Please try to make more lessons for grammer Thanks again
You are a great teacher. I love your videos. Are you teaching in Toronto?
Thanks for your videos.
I understand relative clause better after I watch your video
Thanks again professor
Hello Alex and everybody! Alex, thank you so much for this lesson! The terminology you’re using, I mean ‘identifying and non-identifying clauses’, makes it easy to understand and remember the rules.
was excelent, clear, fast for understand Iwill recomment to my friends and family
hi.. teacher Alex,ur lesson is very interesting and ur teaching is clear,easy to understand so it made me can do the test 8 outof 10.i’ll try to do better ….. “thanks” in our country we say Khop chai :)
thank you!
Hello sir. Thanks for the video. Just wondering, what is the difference between an identifying/restrictive clause and an appositive (which takes the commas)? I thought an appositive also identifies the subject. I am getting confused between the two. Can you please help me out with this? Thanks a lot! =D
Dear Alex,
why do we use an “E” with whose and we dont with whom ? :)
than yuo sir.
Thank you Alex!
thank you so much! really helpful to me all the times! :-)
Thank you, very useful!
Thank you, it’s confusing :-S
thanks for these lessons
Hello, Alex.
Can we say: That`s the street, which I grew up?
i have a little bit in (whose,who,which). thanks is really informative.could u plz tell me difference b/w since last year and for the last year.i thing more pronounciation conscience and conscious
Thanks a lot! I realy needed this lecture to understand the differences between who, whom, howses, etc.
Fantastic lesson! After having secured a top-class IELTS score, I yet had doubts on the correct usage of which/that, which this lesson cleared. (hope my use of which is correct) :)
thank u so much for this vedio
your pronunciation is appreciatable
i thing you can use anyother examples to explain this to us
Thank you, Alex! It is a very useful lesson. Besides, your pronunciation is perfect. I understand every word that you speak.
Hello, Alex!!!
You didn`t answer- Can we say: “That`s the street, which I grew up on?” insted -that of “that” ?
Hello, Alex!!!
You didn`t answer- Can we say: “That`s the street, which I grew up on?” insted of “that” ?
Dear Alex
this is a fantastic video. thank you for this wonderful work.I hope you can upload some more lectures regarding relative clause. I like your style of teaching,it’s calm and well explained. keep up the Good work.
thank you
thank you Alex for this video. I was always confused with the usage of relative clause, but you have made it easy. However, Waht do we use for animal when we want to write relative clause? for example, which,that or who?
It is very clear thanks
Thank you.
HI Alex. thanks you so much your teaching method.
thank you alex
that was really great thanks for your efforts
may you smile always!
I understand the subject !! I’m really happy :D
Awesome explanation!
I like it. Could you please give me a site for such explanation to provide it with my research?
Thank you very much for this wonderful and easy to follow video. I am more confident about how to use that and which now.
You are amazing teacher, Thanks for the lovely lessons.
tks teacher! it was a great class!
thanks for aploading this vidoe, it helps me alot once againg thanks Alex! (^_^)
Hey, Teacher Alex great explanation! I got 10/10 Thx
it’s really a good lessons thank you.
Thank you for the video. It’s very helpful! I need more practices for this lesson. How do I do that?
thx teacher :)
thanks Alex it’s very helpful..
Alex, I got 8 out of 10 I have learnt more. thx
You scored 5 out of 10
it is not bad
Alex, many thanks for your patience and good will.
thank you very much , the course is really helpful
I just love the way you teach grammar you’re an amazing teacher! thanks!
thank you teacher
Thank you very much,I enjoy the class
Thank u so much all given info about relative from TURKEY
excellent lesson! when can i omit the relative pronoun? thank you.
Great lesson, thanks.
10 OF 10 greaaaaaaaaat
thx Alex :D
great great
how can i difference between subject and object ? , and thanks :)
thanks Alex, i scored 10 out of 10
He is an awesome teacher.
really thanx
Hi! thank you very much for helping me with my enlgish, especially because i’m starting to learn advanced grammar and this information has beeen very useful, bye guys =)
Hii Alex,
A lot of thanks to you for revising us this part of grammar that we were taught in school.We also learnt another aspect of grammar relating to reduced relative clause.Based on that,I have shortened some sentences retaining their meaning unchanged.
1.The car that I bought is a Toyoto.
It can simply be said that I bought a Toyoto car.Apart from that, the sentence could be converted into a reduced relative clause as follows:
The car bought by me is a Toyoto.
Furthermore, if we consider the sentence which reads as:He is a person who always arrives on time.
If it is turned to a reduced sentence, it would be “He is a person always arriving on time”.
I have one more question to you related to transformation of a noun to its corresponding adjective form.I have written some sentences which contain an adjective in them.
1.I had paid the metered fare to the cabbie before leaving it.
2.The uniformed waiters served us in the pub which we visited yesterday.
Here,one thing to notice is that the words such as uniformed, metered have “ed” endings whereas their noun forms are uniform and meter respectively.I want to know that it is a rule to add “ed” at the end to turn it to an adjective.I request you to solve this problem of mine.
tanks , this is very helpful …
It is a difficult lesson but Alex knows how to manage hard topics. Thank you Alex!
This is very good. I will join regularly to improve my knowledge and language skills.Thanks a lot.
hi alex, thanks a lot for this english lesson it’s helful :D
i love you alex i enrolled a college and never understand modals and clauses:)
Thanks a lot my online favourite teacher ? I got 9/10 – pretty good.
However , Can you teach us how to reduce relative clauses or how to change an adjective clause into an adjactive phrase ?
thank u sooooo much
ur lesson which is about Relative helped me a lot :)))
Thanks a lot
Thank you. You are a great teacher.
it was a lot of information but i got 10 of 10 thank you teacher we need more
Dear Mr Alex,
could you make a lesson that says about the way to use “the” in english language.Thanks in advance!
Hello Alex!
I have a question about “identifying clause” and “non-identifying clause.”
If someone says these two sentences in conversation, how can we know the difference between these two?
And could you please make a video about when do we use “Quotes” in speaking and writing?(especially speaking!!)
Thank you so much..
very good lesson i like it,thanks
Grazie, Alex!Con Lei mi è passato il terrore di non riuscire a capire una lezione fatta in inglese. Mi sembra un miracolo!
Dogs are people too. He he. Got very confused by that and which in the quiz.
I got 100/100 Great!
Thanks for the video, I came this website from youtube.
Thank a lot Alex. Your lesson is clear and easy understand it.
Thank you very much :-)
You helped me a lot with this lesson =)
It was really good. thank you Alex
very useful
10/10… thanks for the lesson…
Thank you Alex it was great. I learned today the relative clauses in school but the lesson which you give is more clear and helpful. I got 9 of 10 and I am just pretty confused by whom and who.
Thanks Alex its an important lesson
it was a great lesson alex , thank you !!
Thanks, Sir! Got 9/10. :)
tht’s good thx
Oh my god, why can’t i watch the viedo? Should i download any player? Anyone can tell me? Thanks a lot!
If you can’t see the video, make sure you are using the latest version of a modern browser like Firefox or Chrome. (They’re free and work on all kinds of computers.) If it still doesn’t play, let me know by replying to this comment!
thanks 100%.
Greetings from Mongolia. Chinggis khaan’s home country.
very use full information which u r proving thanx to engvid team
Thanks for all, Alex. Doing worse 7/10
Great lesson Alex !
Can’t I use THAT for people when they are the subject? Maybe only when speaking? Thanks :)
Thank you for your good lessons in english language.
thank you. rely you are the best
Thanks a lot!!!
Tank you Teacher for the lesson.
actually i still don’t understand when i have to chose the relative clause whome
You are a very good teacher Alex.Thanks for the lesson.
Thanks so much.
an excellenct lesson
Dear Alex! Thank you for your useful lessons! I want to ask a question. Yesterday I had a test on relative clauses. One of the tasks was to put commas where neccessary. Do we need to put a comma in sentence “Marsha is a girl who enrolled to our college this year”? My teacher says we need (Marsha is a girl, who enrolled to our college this year) but I can*t understand why. Please explain me!
Hi Javanna.
I’m not a teacher, but I agree with you. I think we don’t need a comma, because “…who enrolled our collegge…” is an identifying clause. If not, I wish Alex could explain us.
Sorry for writing collegge instead of college…
My suggestion would be, if one doesn’t know the person’s gender than use a comma.
Some other examples:
Jack said the teacher is a lazy fellow. Versus: Jack, said the teacher, is a lazy fellow.
The queen who was sitting in the first car was killed. (, but the ex-queen sitting aside was slightly hurt.)
The queen, who was sitting in the first car, was killed. (= so called Non-defining or Non- identifying relative clause.)
good job teacher
really useful tips
thanks a lot .
hi dear alex ,im wondering what is the difference between that and witch in non
please answer to my question because I am about to understand everything in this topic.
my question is.
the verb in the relative clause how can i decide which tense i have to use, is it according to the verb in the beginning of the sentence .
in your examples you said
1- I bought a car which is red.
2- I saw a car which was red.
Great lesson. Thanks Alex
Thanks a lot.
Hi! Thank you very much Mr Alex!
I have 2 questions, one of them about your video and next one about the quiz.
1. Why most of your videos are not able to download or save them? we should just see it one time. because in our country due to the low speed of Internet, I myself can’t see it more, but by saving it I can have a review when it is necessary.
2. Why at the end of the quiz there is no option to choose and do the quiz again?
thanks in advance.
Thanks this information is useful
Impressive lesson Alex! You have teached an important english topic. I think I learned a lot from your lecture. Thanks for the advance!
However I still have a question: Can the pronoun “whom” be used in questions as well as “who” is used?
Thank you very much Alex!
It’s very helpful to improve my English. Thank you very much!
If youre not to much serius, I think that lesson may be interesting… but in general Its a good teacher.
Hello Alex,
How are you?
Would you be able to show us the difference between subject and object relative clauses pls?
Thank u
hi Alex,
could u work on a video about reduced relative clauses
i got 7/10 s good because i’m learning to much thank you alex
thanks Alex for the lesson, finally i knew how to using those words.
You COULD choose the fourth option if you think that animals are people too. :)
good reason because its make me undestand it in a good way
thanks great lesson
but there is “where” also!!
Why this is wrong? Please explain me?
The car, which I bought, is a Toyota.!!!
I´m starting to understand.
you are a very good teacher.
Hi, Thank you for your Lesson . I enjoy it and do the test.
“The girl that you invited to the party”
“The girl whom you invited to the party”
I learn and enjoy your lessons. Thanks a lot
nice information . thanks
Thanks very much!It was good,but I still have a problem ;Why when we write “My sister who is from Chicago visited me yesterday”means we have more than one sister BUT when we write “My sister,who is from Chicago visited me yesterday”means we have only one sister?
I’ll be pleased if you answer my question soon!
nice teaching…
thank you so much!
Teaching, Alex, is great !!
it s very clear. Thank you, Alex
Alex, your lesson is great!
Sir, Is the following usage, correct?
a short poem by me which came out of blue.
sorry, “a short poem by me which came out of the blue”.
I don’t understand about a comma. How to use it?
Thank you!!
I’ll suscribe
I dont get it at all :(
Love ingVid, love your teaching! Your lessons are always understandable and beneficial. Thank you very much for everything. Good luck and take care!)
is this sentence correct( Kindly, who has submitted the survey, please ignore this email)
Thank you :)
10/10 :) first time for this grammar problem !!! :) thank you :)
Hi Alex!Could you explain me why you choose the dog with relative pronoun “that”? Can we use “Who” refer to dog? Thank in advance!
thanks so much become easy
That is a great course.Thank you very much.
Thanks Alex … actually I had many problems with relative clauses but now every thing is ok :)
70……thanks alex
Alex, please explain why I can leave out ‘that’ in sentences like – He’s the kind of person (that) she doesn’t like.
100%, :D Thank you!
Thank you Alex.
You solved lots of problems with this lesson.
Perfect !
Splendid explanation, Alex!
Thanks again.!
quite 100%
Good lesson. thank you
i am starting understand relative pronouns . thanks.
Thanks! It was very helpful for me
Hi Alex . I’m so happy with your lesson.I got a test a few days ago and a question was so confusing which said “The Severan Bridge is located near the ancient city of Arsemia in what is now the Turkish province of Adiyaman.” Why “in what” not “in which” .If you can write a reply I’ll be so happy . Thanks.
Oh…I think I understand this….I hope so
Thx for your lesson~~
Very good lesson. Simple and easy to undertand. :)
you are a excellent teacher thanks for this beautiful video.
thank you
thank you
Thank you!
Thank you, Alex! It is first your lesson that I’ve watched. Your speaking is very clear for me.
Thanks Alex!!
Thank you very much Alex! I’m glad my teacher for recommended me this channel!
Very important lesson,thanx
assalamualaikum :)
Good afternoon Alex, how are you?
Firstly, thank you for this video, it was really helpful to understanding about relative clauses.
I’ve done the Quiz and I had two mistakes. Could you help me with them?
The first one:
4. Which sentence is correct?
The man whom I spoke to said I was on the wrong train.
The man who I spoke to said I was on the wrong train.
In this exercise I’ve chosen the second one, but the correct answer is the first one. Why?
And my second mistake was in the 6th question, which is:
6. Which sentence is correct?
He’s a person whose always arrives on time.
He’s a person who always arrives on time.
He’s a person whom always arrives on time.
In this question I answered the third one, but the right answer is the second.
Thank you so much and I’m looking forward to your answer.
King regards,
Matheus Majer
First one:
It is whom, because the man receivces the action, I spoke, and the man received that so the man is whom. It would have been who when the man spoke to me. (“The man who spoke to me yesterday, had sent me a lettre.” for example)
Second one:
He is the subject, he is a person. The relative clause refers to the ‘he’. Because he’s a person you can use: who, whom or whose. Their is no possession so it can’t be whose. “He” is not the one receiving the action, “He” is the person doing the action: arriving on time. So because the subject is the person doing the action (arrive on time),the correct answer should be who.
I hope my answer helps you.
I still not understand,whan we know to use defining or non defining relative clause in that quiz
Thankyou! I’ve got one question:
In the beginning of the video, there are two sentences, in the first sentence “My sister who is from Chicago” is the subject, is “My sister” the subject in the second sentence?
I got 100 yay!
Can I write, for example : My father, who was travelling, called me yesterday?
I’m not identifying (you usually have 1 father :p) but just giving extra information.
Is it correct?
Thanks xx
Alex, whom I love hım, very nice teacher
Thanks you so much. You are wonderful.
I think I need more explanation in the question #8.
Hello, I have a question. If that and which I can use for things why I have differents uses.
thanks for teaching.
Thanks Alex!
Hi, Im Ingrid, from El Salvador. I learn so much with your videos, so thanks. But, I have one question: it wasn’t clear for me the difference betwen “who” and “whose. Anyone can help
me please?
Thanks for this very good and clear lesson.
Thanks Alex! Beautiful job.
Why the sentece “My car, that is a BMW, is really great on gas.” is incorrect ?
First try I got 90. And I try again then I got 100. Thanks for the lesson
Question 7 really puzzling me with WHICH.
But real good lesson
It was nice to take the quiz, I still confuse with relative clause but Im going to practice more. Thanks a lot for your great explanation.
Commas matter in writing but, what about speaking? How can I detect the differences?
Nice class
Thank you for video.
May you teach about reduced relative clause?
Thanks a lot
This is a topic that needs to be reviewed once in
a while. Got 10/10. Excellent lesson.Thank you!
I got 10 :)
Thank you for such an interesting lesson !
one of the best lectures i’ve seen.
Hay about car ok my the person have more than one so we say *the car that I bought is A Toyota but why I can’t say that’s the street, which I grew up on? I wait your answer thank you
Hi about car ok may the person has more than one car so we write *the car that I bought is A Toyota so this explanation is right or no.
But why I can’t write (that’s the street, which I grew up on)? I wait your answer thank you
Hi Boss,
I got it 10 of 10 also,this is to notice you that you did not explain about another relative clause “WHERE “
Informative, Thanks a million.
Thank you.
good class
Thanks, Alex. I really liked your video because the way you taught us about identifying and non-identifying clauses were super easy. I was really struggling with those problems. Hope to see your more videos on research-related writing kills and provide us suggestions.
Thanks for a lesson.
That topic has always been confusing for me.
Especially when we can use which or that.
Best wishes for you. ;)
Thanks for a lesson.
That topic has always been confusing for me.
Especially when we can use which or that.
Best wishes for you. ;)
Thank you Mr. Alex. You explained the lesson even better than in a grammar rules textbook.
Hi dear Alex happy hippy hippy shake new year from your online students greetings from surco
Hello. There is a rule that says “Don’t use subject pronouns after relative pronouns”. Eg: Feijoada is a dish that it is famous in Brazil. The correct sentence is without “it”. My question is because you wrote differents examples with a subject after relative pronouns. Please can you answer this doubt?
Hello. There is a rule that says “Don’t use subject pronouns after relative pronouns”. Eg: Feijoada is a dish that it is famous in Brazil. The correct sentence is without “it”. My question is because you wrote differents examples with a subject after relative pronouns. Please can you answer this doubt?
Hi Alex,
my score was 7 out of 10; I understood the mistakes made on Q4 and Q9 but I don’t understand why Q7 is wrong;
That’s the street, which I grew up on.
Is it because the sentence ended thus no more info has been added?
Thanks for your answer!
I watched this video twice on May 2, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you for this important grammar lesson.
We appreciate much what you do for us dear Alex many greetings from Surco my hometown in Perú………
I can’t understand n.7 and n.8
90% because I truly think that dogs are people too :)
Valid opinion, we award you 100%
Thanks great