“If I eat two hamburgers, I will be full.” Conditionals in English grammar are very confusing! Learn what ‘First Conditionals’ and ‘Zero Conditionals’ are, when we use them, and how we use them correctly! I’ll also teach you the differences between them, so you’ll never confuse them again.
Ronnie, I do love the way you teach. You really rock!!
Lotsa Lav. Mário
Mário Sérgio
Conditional Zero: If I heat ice, it melts.
This conditional sentence expresses a scientific fact. That is, If the condition meets, the result will always be the same.
Interesting lesson on conditionals Ronnie.
All my best.
Hi Ronnie, in your lesson about “need” and “want” you are saying a sentence like that: “If we do not have water, we WILL die”. Why did you use the modal in this sentence. That we die without water is a scientific fact, ist’t it?
Good lesson
You are great,but I would like to learn and understand more about all four conditionals!So,please-hurry up with two other lessons :))))…thanx,in advanced!
I got 5 score out of 5. by the way, Conditionals : If, When, as soon as,by the Time, unless,, are also same as Zero, First Conditinal ?
and If + When, we use as follows as well.
ex : I do not know if this Reseach will bear fruit.
we can use modal in this case, If + S + modal + Verb….?? !!!
What is difference between them ?
We can change the pattern of the conditional. But you can’t put If + modal in the same part of the sentence!
Sub + base if + sub + modal + base…. OR If + sub + base, sub + modal + base.
I am happy if he can come. If he comes, I will be happy!
Thanks a lot. one day I want to try TOEIC Test. Have a nice Weekend. Masa
You are great,but I would like to learn and understand more about how to use away, up, down, out, over. like grow (up) find (out), slow (down) far (away) come (over). and a few more. and thanks for your videos.
alexander camois
Hi Ronnie,
First of all i would like to say that i like your lessons so mach.
I need your advice regarding the following:
when should i say “There is…” and when sould i say – “There are…”
Thankd in advance.
thank you a lot my teacher “Ronnie”. :)
question 5 how answer is i will stay at home!!
‘if this Research will bear fruit’ was an adverb clause that modified the verb ‘know’.
Well, I thinks is an Interesting Lesson…I Didn’t know much about Conditional..So Let’s Practice.
I m from morroco, really a big thanks
mr bull
that’s good lesson thanks.
I got 5 out 5.
cool 5/5 <3
I scored five out of five!
if I watch EngVid daily, I will fall in love with Ronnie or Emma. pretty lesson ROnnie, have a good day.
Is you’re sentence really correct??? I’m not sure. In fact, BECAUSE I watch EngVid, I MUST fall in love… it’s 100% true, it’s a scientific’s fact. So, I think the correct sentence is :
If I watch EngVid daily, I fall in love with Ronnie.
Don’t forget James :)
Yeah, James is COOL!
I love James too!
I have some mistakes. I am not so good concentration related in questions.
we’re both had the same problem not focus on the question .that’s why i got only 3 correct answer.thanks ronnie
Great lesson , thanks again.
Your lessons are always perfect ! You are a great teacher ! Thank you !
Ronnie, I like your lessons so much. besides being a very good teacher, you are the funniest of all. This makes the classes much more interesting and attractive. keep being like that. Congratulations. bye
Daniel Clementino Herculano
Ronnie you are so awesome!! :)
I like your sense of humer. You make me laugh.
Anyway, I like the way you teach, and this lesson is helpful.
Hey teacher Ronnie, thank you for the lessons, you are so funny, and beautiful too jejeje ;)
wow a jejemon?
Teach us the other two conditionals =)
Yes, I totally agree. Please teach us the other two conditionals, too.
Jon has a lesson on the other two coming soon!
Hi Ronnie i just want to ask you one question out of the topic, which English would you like the most American or British? ’cause i’ve realized you pronounce many words like British which i love, cause as far as im concerned British English is the best :)
I think British English has too many rules. American English is easier.
Thank you very much for teaching.
If Ronnie is my teacher, I learn a lot of English—>this is scientific
i am also ,,,very true..
Hell yeah! I scored 5 out of 5. Thank you Ronnie mam but i want you to do a lession on some phrasal verb like ‘mess up’ ,freak out, and screw up’ figure out’ and many more like these because whenever i hear these kind of word in any English movie i get kind of confuse so please do a lession on these.
Harsh singh
Thanks a lot,it was realy helpful…
I GOT 5 OF 5.
Thank you for a enjoyable lesson! I understand it!
it was so good and easy lesson , thank you for your explain
Muhammad nagy
Can and would are modals too right? can we use them in First conditional?
You can use can but not would. Would is a past modal.
Hi Ronnie
I like your teaching way ,Thank you so much
I like English language because of you …..you are the best teacher.
Hanaa Babier
I made a mistake in the first q. Maybe I hadn’t catched the diffrence between probability and intention
i have got totell you Ronnia that! you deserve to be a teacher with pride thanks.
hi Ronnie, once again, good lesson from you.
I hope, I will not make mistake in 0 and 1st conditional.
what are the other two conditionals?
Second and Third.
Hey Ronnie,
So you have been to Japan to learn Japanese and I am considering for it as well but can’t find an appropriate institute, So where did you learn Japanese and was it good!!!
And keep up the good work you are Awesome.
I didn’t learn Japanese at a school. I just went there, made friends, worked in a bar and sometimes studied by myself.
Hi Ronnie i can now teach English having
listened to all the You tube lessons.
Reply to my email and tell me where i can teach.
It’s a very good lesson, thanks
amanda dinh
Thank you Ronnie.
it was simple to understand. I’ve got 5/5 ;)
Hi Ronnie,
What about other patterns of Conditionals ?
We have more conditional lessons coming soon.
Thank you Ronnie,
Really great, (even the quiz was funny):) I don get bored with your lessons.
Thank you, RONNIE !!!!!!!!
there is a problemmmmm big problem… the page doesn’t work….I wanna learn english and I can’t do it… please help… have a wonderful day…
Roonie… I miss your classes…
I love grammar!))
Why r we calling them zero and first?
And where is explanation of the conditional “when” ?
smart question:)
You can use when or if and the meaning will stay the same.
hi and thanks very much
you are really awesome.
I have ever got them before and because of you I got it.
Nice website!
I got all the answers right.
great! what a beauty manner of teaching…God bless you…
I’ll try..
1-If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise.
2-If I knew, I wouldn’t be here now.
3-If someone had told me, I would have brought a gift.
Now correct me if I’m wrong with spelling and everything ^^
Thank you!!!!!!!!
Your sentences are all correct! Great work!
hi , Ronnie I’ve one Question.
why You add (s) in Movies
But before Movies –>the
is not include (he , she , it)
1) If we listen and do practice, we may improve.
2) If you make over, you will look awesome.
3) If all be quite, i tell story.
Plz check mam…
Mehwisk Khan
hi mehwish where from u?? plz add me on skyp i wana practice to speak english. (sumaira.khan593)
ronnie , really you are amazing , i was looking for the conditions of (IF) really thanks , i appreciate it
Ronnie. I love like you teach. You are a great teacher. You teach so easly. and I can get all the meanings. Thanks. I am Thiago, Brazilian guy and I love English. hugs…
thank u ronnie :)
I got 5 out of 5,awesome!!!
Super thankful teacher Ronnie! I got it all.
bunch of thanks to EngVid and all the teachers for doing great job.
I wish, whenever I will come to Canada. I will be get in touch with all the teachers.
I think English is the passport for all over the world.
i scored 5 out 5 therefore i understand zero and firt condition very well
Hi Ronnie, I have always troubles with the conditions, but after this class it becomes very easy!
by the way which are the two others conditionals?
also you have teach us zero and first condition, there exist second or third condition?
thank you again teacher Ronnie
(you have promised to answer!!)
Second conditional = unreal situations in the past or future. If + sub + past tense, sub + would + base verb.
If I had a baby, I would eat it.
Third conditional = unreal PAST situations. If + sub + had + p.p, sub + would have + p.p.
If I had eaten that baby, I would have gone to jail.
I feel like I’m mastering conditional now! thanks to you teacher Ronnie
thank you ronnie:)
if ronnie eats chocolate,she feels better.
thanks 4 the lesson..i need more lessons from your site,these are the best.
It was great, I like the way you teach ma’am ronnie I got always high score in your lesson more power your t
thanks a lot ronni. i have read lot of books but i could not get it as clear as you have made it
It was great, I’d liked the way you taught ronnie I got always high score in your lesson more power
very much thanks for u for providing this lesson
Ronnie,how are you?
I was a bit confused with the modals before watching this video.Now I can confidently tell you that it is possible for me to use the first two conditionals without any doubt.
I humbly request you to make another video regarding the other two conditionals.
thanks & regards
hai ronnie.thank u very much.i like you r teaching style.
Dear Teacher
i did not understand. please give more examples. it is too difficult lesson.
hope you will reply very soon.
Could you make a video teaching how I use (-ness)or examplain by e-mail? for example: gentleness, righteousness, awareness …
You promised Ronnie reply pleeeeease!!!!!
i’m still don’t know how to use has/had/have
yjie tan
Modals are helping verbs? Answer me my dear Ma’am.
Gajendra Andrew
Yes, they are.
Hii Ronnie,
I would like to congratulate you for making helpful,informative video lesson for us to help improve our language skills.I always catch new lessons and watch them attentively to get a clear conception of it.Furthermore, I have also developed a habit of reading newspaper everyday to stay connected with the world.When I go through an article in the newspaper, I also concentrate in gathering new words as well as expanding my vocabulary.I not only focus on words, but also look at forming sentences in many different ways.Of late, I am facing some problems relating to formation of adjectives from an action word.I have read a lot of sentences and found that adjectives are actually the third form(past participle form)of a verb .Even though I have this conception which I am not sure of, I heartily request you to make a lesson explaining this aspect of English grammar clearly.This is the utmost request of mine to you.I honestly admit that I get confused with adjectives.I have also written down two sentences below including their explanation based on my knowledge.I request you to identify the errors in them and correct the same too helping me find out my mistakes.
The first sentence reads as:
Ten persons were killed after being struck by lighting.
Expln:The first part of the sentence is in passive voice of simple past tense. It says lightinh killed ten persons.The second part expresses that lighting first struck them before taking their lives.In the second part,the present participle form of the stative verb “to be” has been used as well as an action word following “being” is in its third form.
The same information could easily be given by using past perfect tense,thereby,making the first action in perfect sense and second action in simple past tense.In that case, the original sentence would turn into the following one:
1.Lighting had struck ten persons before it killed them.
2.Lighting killed ten persons after it had struck them.
The above two sentences are in active voice.
1.Ten persons were killed after they had been struck by lighting.
Another sentence could be formed to express the same meaning like as follows:
Having been struck by lighting(passive usage),ten persons were killed(passive usage).
Another way to deliver the same meaning by bringing the second part at the beggining and sending the first part at the end is:
After being struck by lighting,ten persons were killed.
I hope you would check my sentences and correct them too.I also wish you to evaluate my writing skills after going through this short comment.Looking forward to receiving a fast reply
sona sharma
That is not a “short comment”.
Your sentences are correct! Great work! You understand very well!
hallo ronnie
i am wating for your anwer.
hallo ronnie
i am wating for your anwer.thanks
fi fan
this is long sad Indian story
hi…you know what… i get confuse by giving direction…and i really don’t know if my grammar is right…see?
With due respect, and honours I would like to let me know what is the name of those black materials which you use in your eyes.
Sincerely yours,
(I know my question is not related to the above topic don’t by unhappy.
Sher Bahader Khan
my score is 5 of 5.my english is very good!
zero conditional and first are very easy for me!
Great teaching! Thank you!
Thank you, Ro
hi Ronnie that was a pretty useful lesson thanks.
by the way could you make a lesson about gap fillers???
thanks in advance
Thank you, Ronnie!^^*
I scored out 5 of 5.
Your teaching is wonderful.
hallo ronnie
thank you so much.this lesson was realy,real,fantastick great!!!by the way i have got a question.could you please,please,pleassse do a video about important rules or things that we need to write a letter?i realy need it ,because i need it for school.i hope you know what i meen:) XD
again thanks
Hi Miss Ronnie, thank you very much for the lesson. ^^
that was a good lesson for me, thank you
thank you so much ronnie
thank you.
Ronnie, you are the best teacher! Thank you!
Hi, I like it, but you don’t say any thing about whem!
I have 5 out of 5 in the quiz.
please E-mail me as you promiss
Hello dear Ronnie.
Hi, Ronnie! Great lesson as usual!))) Well done!
I have but one question: what about mixed conditional? Among all white spots in my “English grammar profile” this one is probably one of the biggest… Could you explain to me what mixed conditionals are, whether they’re used in spoken English and what their grammar pattern is.
Oh, and one more=) What if I’m 100% sure of something but it’s not a scientific fact? For instance: If I come home late, I don’t do my homework. Is it ok?
Thank you in advance!;) Looking forward for more exciting lessons of yours)
Not + adjective. It is not hot.
No + noun. I have no eggs.
Don’t + verb. I don’t have eggs!
Thank you dear
i am from algeria thank you ronni i understand the lesson and i don’t speak english very well how can i talk it well please give me any idea
i really, thanks
awesome))) get this)))
Hi Ronnie,
What is the meaning of “DOs & DON’Ts ” and where i can use it…
Do = good things.
Don’t = bad things.
We use these to make a list when we are giving advice!
Please put a video about Second conditional I will be very grateful
thanks for the lesson
Assume the tongue tip doesn’t touch the lower teeth back in producing an “[i]” .
Does the tongue tip touch the lower teeth back when we say “tea[ti]” ?
Wally Wang
Your tongue starts behind the upper teeth and stops just below (middle of your mouth)!
Hi Ronnie, first I have to say your lessons are amazing and funny..thank you for your help.
I have one suggestion, I didn’t see here some lesson about the difference between EITHER AND NEITHER.
so, if it is possible…please bring to us some explanation.
There is already a lesson by Alex on Either and Neither. Just search on the site!
Hi Ronnie, it’s true…thanks.
ronnie thanks for your all lessons… they’re very useful.. ı have a problem about speaking… ı’m from turkey and we’re learning brtish eng.. as you know that brtsh eng. is too hard to catch on easly… so ı am suffering from lack of speaking fluently.. can u give me an advice about what ı should do?
Just try to speak! You can also watch American movies/tv shows to help you! Also, going to an English speaking country will help you SO much!
Thank you so much, Ronnie. I am a Spanish speaker, but I teach English in Costa Rica. This lesson has clear some doubts I had!!!!!!!!
Leticia Wille
I remember first lesson in engvid was your lesson you made me smile from depth heart ,thank you ,of course with all respect to you
Thank you so much, Monika from Hungary.
Ronnie I have an interview in an English conversation course to know in which level would I be, so can you just give me any tips to do well in the exam, usually the exam is speaking with some and writing a composition
mostafa ghanem
When you are asked a question and you do not understand, just ask the person to clarify the question. A lot of students make mistakes because they do not answer the question correctly.
Don’t be afraid to make a mistake! Even if you do, just try to correct it!
When you have finished the writing portion, if you have time, check your work!
Good luck!
mem you are fabulous teacher. i like your teaching.
what is difference between no and not??
NO + noun.
Not + adjective/adverb/verb.
Hi Ronnie! I’m a little bit confused((( Is it correct? “When we’ll have completed the school we’ll enter the University” Or I have to use present simple tense in the first part of the sentence? Thanks in advance!
When we have completed school, we will enter University.
Hi ronnie
I’ll study in USA next month and my level right now is intermediate
with your experiences do you think that six month will be enough to get 90 in TOEFL or 6.5 in IELTS ?
and what do you think is easier ?
I have no idea…everyone learns at a different rate. I am sure if you study hard and try your best you WILL pass! Good luck!
Hi, Ronnie. I would like to make a small correction. We do NOT use the base form in the zero conditional. We use the Simple Present form of the verb in the zero conditional. Your statement that it is a base verb is wrong, as the base form does not accept any tenses, but the verb had an “s” in your sentence in the zero conditional. So, it is better to say that the verbs are in the Present Simple form in the zero conditional.Thanks.
hi ronnie how r u?i wanna to know how to use past and present perfect?
Amazing! you are really helped me in many lessons .. Thank you so much
Hi,Ronnie!Thank you very much for the video!
Could you,please,explain me the difference between using “slightly” and “a little”?
They mean the same!
ronnie,i like your way of teaching.is it correct speaking with a native speaker can improve my english?
reply to my comment please
I wish I had teacher like you = )
Hello, Ronnie. You are the greatest teacher I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much. Your lessons are really helpful.))
I have a request. Can you explain what is the difference between such words as: small and little, big and large.
Thank you.
Easy to understand
Thanks engvid and all teacher
You’re rock \m/
Hi Ronnie thnx a million for the Vidz!u r super-fantastically good.!!!!!
i am eagerly waiting for the coming ones.it would be much better to teach in advanced level. so please please please do it as soon as u can. thnx again my lovely teacher.
Best Reagards
I am a English teacher in Iran and i want to help me for teaching better
hello Ronnie mem ..i would like to say could u tell me or describe me about the word (It) for example we can say about the place like it has big size or it have or in past it had ? can u tell me plz
and also want to know about do or does .. we can use does for he or she could u tell me about the word (it)we can say that it dose or it do ..?thank you in advance Ronnie..
hi ma’am ronie can i ask something about in english grammar
about with example with you,with that,and a lot of with
Hello Ronni, I’m about to watch your third video and I’m undoubtedly crystal clear about my experience that you posses beyond extraordinary skills of teaching and grabs 100% attention with your unique style of expression. You are Simply Awesome. Best Wishes
Ronnie, thank you for the lesson! So what about other conditions? It will be useful for us, If you teach us how to use Second and Third Conditions! I do like your methods of teaching! Good luck!
thanks for the video,.. hope you have a great future for giving these for free
Hi Ronnie,
I am back again with some confusing sentences.I have written them below and I want you to help me identify the parts of speech of each word which I have CAPITALIZED in the sentences.
2.Each use is EXAMINED.
I guess all of the capitalized(I have used this word as an adjective because the verb form is “to capitalize”, and according to the rule, I can turn it to an adjective by adding “ed” at the end.If my cocept is incorrect, I request you to clarify me the actual concept.) words must be adjectives.In this context, they can’t be verbs.If they are verbs,the sentences become meaningless because they sentences do not indicate a process carried out to reach to a solution.
I want you to check my understanding.
Looking forward to getting a positive response.
sona sharma
hi Ronnie,i’m a student.i have a question for you.can you tell me how to write a good paragraph.
so good keep on
really thanx !!
Loda Alkurdy
am waiting dear ronnie…
Hi Ronnie,
You Rock……….. I wish, I had teachers like you,when i was a young student. I wanted to know that English spoken by native speakers is fraught with slangs, informal words, and incorrect usages at times( eg. Based on your behavior last night, I am upset with you).
How to address these problems when we speak to the natives of English Speaking countries…..
Everything that comes out of a cow is not milk, isn’t it???????
You are wonderful teacher!
Dear teacher, how are you?
Could you please explain the diference between: RISE/RAISE/INCREASE and LAY/LIE? when I use?
When I talk about salary?rise or raise?
Thank you.
how can i start english language
and which is first lesson?
please guide.
i will be very thankful to you.
Abdul Karim (A.K)
hello, tank you, your video it´s wonderfull!
Hi teacher,
I want to know about election and what’s going on in the court room as well. Would you be kind enough to make videos about these topics. Thank you in advance
Hello !!!
I really appreciate your method of presenting information. Everything is clear now in my mind and i am able even to differentiate between the 4 conditionals. Thank you very much from the deep of my heart :)))
Thank you Ronnie for teaching conditional lesson for me. I have more something make me confuse such as how different Participle(present&past), Using these marks (- , : ;)in the sentenses. Can you help me?
Thank you so much for your kindly (I asked for this lesson the last time.) but I have some more make me confuse
such as..
participle (past&present), using these marks – , ; : and compound sentenses. Can you teach me? please.
ronnie, you are the best teacher,thanks, mohamed from morocco
Ronnie thanks
Hello. I’m beggining to study english again. Thank you for your lessons. I like your style. You are very funny.
Congratulations from Seville, in Spain.
Dear Ronnie
Kindly i need ur help 4 learning conversation in short time ,my E-mail (elgezawe@hotmail.com)
and Thank u 4 ur wonderful explanation on this lesson
Best Regards
Hello my name is Mary.I would like to thank Teacher Ronnie and I would like to say your lesson so easy to understand but too short T^T I want to know all of ( condition rules ). Could you tell me, please?
I love your videos and the way you teach! =)
شكراً جزيلا لك وبارك الله فيك
متعك الله بالصحة والعافية
وادام عليك نعمه وحفظك من كل سوء ومكروم
و وفقك لما يحبه ويرضاه
Ronnie, What is the difference between “being ill and being sick” Thanx
Thanks alot for your teaching I understand very well
U r rocking my dear Ma’am, keep your temple at topmost….
Hi dear Ronnie you are teaching very well in class I am very shy and don’t speak.I hope my english Become better in the future
You’re so cute. You always make it easier
for us. Thanks for exist.
Elton Coutinho
ooh.. thnx so much ronnie .. you are the best
i got 5 out 5
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your helpful lesson.
thanks…It helps me a lot
Teacher Ronnie thank you for you lessons. I would like to learn how to construct a complete sentence. I have a hard time writing verb sentence agreement and organizing a paragraphs. Well I have a lot difficulties in English because is not my native language. I hope you can teach me writing skills.
Dear Ronni, thanks a lot for you lesson,
I would like to know what is the difference between the base verb and the infinitive.
M. Johmani
Infinitive = to + base verb.
Base verb you have to add “s” with he/she/it.
Thanks a lot teacher, you are the one!
Ronnie, I luv u!=D Thanks u so much! Ur SO cool!!^___^
“If it rains,… I hate conditionals”=D
i love you alots
Hi,Ronnie I wanna ask you that I’m unable to judge myself Am I really fleunt or not so is there any way by which I can understand that Am I really fleunt or need to learn more and prctiice more .Thanks for such beautiful lectures
Muhammad Fahim
I think that if you can talk to native speakers at the same pace that they do it would be a good indication of your fluency. However, it is hard to judge yourself!
thanks alot ! i love you
Thanks a lot,I always wanted to know about zero conditional sentences.I understood it well.
Hello Ronnie, I have to say that I love the way that you speak!!!, I really like it :B
ronnie plz suggest some frnds on skype, so that i can make pracise to speak english
Hi Ronnie, I like your helpful lessons.
Could you prepare and present a lesson about abstract nouns for example what abstract noun is and whether it is countable or uncountable etc.
thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie,
I love the way you teach people. I can understand everything very well and you make me laugh…which is very good. Thanks a lot to be such a good teacher
lol…how funny you are. I liked your way in teaching. Thanks a bundle for what you’re doing to help us improving our English.
Biggggggggggggg kiss Ronni and thanks a lot
Thanks Alot and Alot And Alot for you
you’re my hero
Ahmed Bahussein
thanks madam
ronnie the way you taught english,i am really starts liking you.love to see and hear ur voice
I’m an english student. I am seeking a partner for lerning by doing conversation on Skype.
My skype id : vinodvinod599
merci :d
I loved and I understood all, cause u teach very well!!!
hi ma’am. where do we use conditonals and what are the other 2 conditionals??
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. I really enjoy your classes.
HI Ms.Ronnie
“Had I known about your illness,I would
have written before.”
I don`t feel comfotable with the structure of this sentence.
Is any thing wrong with the first clause? in another way,”Had I known” is correct?,or I should say,”If I had known about…” OF COURSE I WOULD NEVER WISH THAT TO YOU.BUT I READ THIS SENTENCE AS IT IS,I WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HAPPY&HEALTHY LIFE.
We do indeed say “Had I known…… so your sentence is correct.
You can also use “if” at the beginning of the sentence! If I had known…..
Hi Ronnie first of all thanks for teach us English the way you do, May God bless you always . Ronnie I got a question related to the FIRST CONDITIONAL : Can we use the modals MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO (GOTTA) , I ask you because some teachers said First Conditional is the REAL FUTURE CONDITIONAL (I guees because most of the time use WILL) to give you some examples I found the following conditionals (by the sitcom 2&12 men):
1.- If you’re not gonna come, you GOTTA tell Jake yourself.
2.- If you want to play in this league, you HAVE TO make a few changes.
3.- if you want to stay in that house, then I HAVE TO live here to save money.
4.- If She’s ever in a coma, you’re the one who HAS TO decide to pull the plug.
So it is usually use the modals MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO when we make the First Conditional? and this modals (modals of necessity and obligation) work with a “future” meaning in the Conditional clause ?. thanks
You are 100% correct! That is fantastic that you were able to spot these in tv shows!
First conditional is used when you THINK/BELIEVE something will happen (but there is a chance that it may not happen)! Keep up the great work!
If you watch Ronnie’s lesson, you won’t forget zero and first conditionals. (This is first conditional grammatically but zero conditional logically. :)
Thank you Ronnie!
Now, i know the use of modal and conditionals grammar. Thank you so much to your video.
Arnold Reyes
Dear Ronnie! Thank you very much! Your lessons are very helpful and your explanations are simple, clear and unforgettable. Great!
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
hi…Ronnie i loved the way u teach.i’m from india. and in my family my family member all time speak hindi,hindi,hindi. but u know i jus want to speak english n improve my english skill but i don’t hv any gud friend who can speak good english so would u pls help me what can i do.waiting for ur replay thanks and u r awesome
rahul singh
Ronnie you are amazing, funny as always. If I were the director of Nobel Prize organization, I would give you the prize in the nomination of ”THE BEST TEACHER IN THE WORLD.
The last sentence I’ve written is the SECOND condition. Am I right Ronnie???
Thank you very much!!
when do we use would or should in conditional sentence and what are thy called?
hi ronnie i like your teaching way and i learnt many useful things from you thank you dear teacher thank you so much.
i need to message you , what can i do ?
thanks great lesson
I m learning lot from these videos,these are interesting. Thnks , I wish , you please include more question at the end of lessons for practice.
Well Done
Good luck from all Indians
Hi Ronnie, the lesson was very productive, but I have a little request – do you may use more examples in lessons it really help to understand more deeper.
“0 – If you drive many years, you improve your drive skills
0 – If you fly to Africa, you get few of vaccinations
1 – When I go home after work, I will rest for some time
1 – If you drink a lot of water in the summer, you might not get sunstroke”
Are this sentences correct?
Thanks a lot, Shirly
I never go learn that.It is very confuse or am I a dumb,stupid,#@#$ ?
aff very time ago I tried Learn That I never get PLEASE HELP ME SOMEBODYYYYYYY :(
Hi Ronnie, I got a basic question:
If I say:
If it rains, I stay at home.
This sentence is incorrect, Why???
P.D: You are “demasiado genial enseñando inglés” Thank you, thank you for all lessons
Madam Ronnie,
You teach english very well.I have seen first time such a type of person who teaches english in such a easy way mostly teacher teaches in a very difficult way which is very difficult to understand especially for those people whose english is second language.May God give you long life Ronnie and you always live happy sorrows will never comes in your life.
Hi,Madam Ronnie
you are a best and great teacher of english i have ever seen the way you explain things is totally outstanding.I like your teaching style very much because you teach in a very easy way and explain the things very clearly.May God give you long life and you always live happy sorrows will never come into your life.
thank you u are very good teacher :*
Thank you very much.
really good teaching thanks very much specially my teacher Ronnie
hi Ronnie you are fantastic to express the lessons.this may encourage me to fallow your video lessons
thnx alot
Essam Eldin
hi Ronni,
how r u ??
Ronni Iam really confused with an answer to a previous question that can and would r modals why don`t we use them and your answer was that we can use can but we can not use would because would is past model and my question is could is past model too and u told that we use it !!! any explanation please ?????
ohh ronni
I want something else can u tell me if there is anything wrong in my two comments like grammar points or spelling
thanks alot ronni
I like the lessons ,gracias(thanks)
hi Ronnie thanks for your teach English your pronunciation is very very nice .
can i talk with you direct by mobile phone or connect by internet online?
Hi Ronnie! It was really useful!
I still have a question.
For first conditional, after the modal, do we have to add the “s” when the subject is “he”, “she” or “it”?
For instance:
If it rains, he could uses an unmbrella.
If it rains, he could use an unmbrella.
I think the second one is the correct but it is my eternal doubt :)
Thanks a lot again!!
I think you like drink strong alkohol
and of course thanks great lesson
please I need help with the conditional sentences. thanks
rocio silva
Thank you, Ronnie. I learned about Zero Conditional from your lesson. I also learned that not only “will” can be in First Conditional. Will means future. The action will happen in the future. What about might and may? What’s the difference between the sentences bellow?
If you invite me to the party, I may come there.
If you invite me to the party, I might come there.
If you invite me to the party, I could come there.
Now, look here please.
I could go to park, if it stopped raining.
This is the Second Condition, and I use modal verb “could”.
hi misses ronnie thank you for the lessons i like your lessons alot , if they was teachers like u in my university we will understand fast , i want ask you about conditional with modals , i have it in re sit exam , we study modals which are in conditional , so i want ask you if we can put the modals in the other conditional second or third or just in the first conditional ? and thank u alot
Second conditional = unreal situations in the past or future. If + sub + past tense, sub + would + base verb.
If I had a baby, I would eat it. Would is a modal!
Third conditional = unreal PAST situations. If + sub + had + p.p, sub + would have + p.p.
If I had eaten that baby, I would have gone to jail. Would is a modal!
May, might = 60% sure.
Could =40% sure.
You can use ANY modal in first conditional!
thank you so much for that , that help me alot to understand the lessons , thanks you again ms Ronnie
Thank you very much.Your lesson is very funny.Best Regards-Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie! I like your lessons. I’ve got something to ask from you. Could you explain would’s use? What is the difference between would and should? Ex: That would be a book. What does this sentence mean? I’m looking forward to hearing you. Thanks.
Hi Ronnie!
Firstly, I really like your lesson!
But I´ve a question for you: can I also use “would” as a modal?
Greetings, Gyndastyle. :D
Can u give me links for second and third conditionlas?
Go to “search” at the top of the page and type in conditionals!
Hi Ronnie!
I love your lessons, the way you are teaching us, your personality!!! You’re great
can i use would in the first conditional ????
No! You can only use a present tense modal!
Would is 2nd conditional!
Youo are an awesome teacher! I have so much fun learning english with you.
UR the BEST!!
Hi Ronnie
u r great i really likes dis lesson..
Thanks Ronnie its great lesson and you’re the best teacher i have ever seen :)
plase complate the lesson , scend and third.
Thank Ronnie this is a great lesson.
thank you very much but why you do not make the test more diffecult
thanks youre the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love the way your teaching Ronnie you’re the best .
Hi, Ronnie.
You are so amazing teacher!
Do you teach students on Skype? It’s like livemocha.com where I pay my lessons in paypal and study with teacher.
I would so happy to study eng with you!
thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you, Ronnie, for your clear explanation!)))
Ronnie you are so awesome.
Thank you Ronny,.. :D
Really good teaching, thank you so much
You´re great!! You, Alex and Adam are the best teachers ever!! Congratulations and God bless you.
thank you..
These lesssons are very useful for us. thanks ronnie.
hi can i say it becomes water if ice melts
Hey ! =Type0 : If+ Pres + Pres
Eg :If you heat water 1OOC , it boils
=Type 1 : If + Pres + Future
Eg : If I feel sick , I will not go to school
=Type 2 : If +Past + would + infinitive
Eg : If he were a bird , he would fly across the harbour
=Type 3 : If + past perf + Would have + P.parti
Eg : If you had told me about the problem , I would have helped you
Hello Ronnie. I’m an english teacher, here in Brazil and I want to ask you if I can put portuguese subscribes in your videos, so my students can learn with you!
And I love you SO MUCH!
hi Ronni
i have a lot of problems in writing can you advice me
Thank you, teacher Ronnie. Could you please talk about traffic signs in a lesson?
Thanks, teacher.
thank you very much ms:Ronnie
thank u very much.Iam happy .
It’s so easy now. Thank you Ronnie.
To the very end of the video at 6:45 you said: “sub + modal + base verb” –> I think there should not be a “base vert” but infinitive –> he/she/it does not get “s” at the end of a verb.
thank you for a good teaching us
Thank you Ronnie, for lesson. You are good teacher…
thank you ronnie for this good lesson
thank you, ronnie. easy to understand. FUN FUN
Hi Ronnie, very good lesson, thanks for the support.
Awesome lesson thenks a lot
thank you ronnie
if i pass my toefl test, i will be your big fan. You are awesome!!
Grammar seems to be simple when you teach, Ronnie! Thank you!
Sally S
I love the way you teach madam, Thank you very much
You have a special kind of teaching , thank you very mush … greeting from Algeria !!
( Question 100% true )
Oussaki Ab
thanks ronnie :)
Hi Ronnie, I had always troubles with the “conditionals”, but after this class, it became very easy!I wish to learn about second and third conditionals. Could you please teach us second and third conditionals ? Thanks in advance!
thanks ronnie
5 correct out of 5 – Thomas from Poland
hello i’m confused about the type of conditional in this sentence
If you don’t stop making noise i turn off the tv or I’ll turn off the tv ?? !!
Hi! Both are correct.The main sentence can be present or future time. The requirement is that the conditional sentence (begin with “if”)to be in the present tense.
hi ronnie
I have a Q…
what about if+PRESENT simple+ imperative.
does it have the same meaning with first conditional.
thnx in advance.
Isnt first conditional If+sub+base verb….,sub. + will ( future tense??
Hi! I didn’t learn about zero or first conditional. I know that, if the main sentence is in present, future or imperative, then, the requirement is that the conditional sentence (begin with “if”) to be in the present tense.
Hi, teacher Ronnie first of I want thank your great teaching ,second I have alittle confusion U said that we cant use WOULD but we can use COULD inspite of both of them are past may I know the difference please thank you very much indeed.
Hi teacher Ronnie first i would like to thank you for your great effort, second I have a little confusion about U said that we can use COULD but we cant use WOULD inspite of both are past , correct me if wrong thank U cery much indeed.
thank you very much! Your lessons are very funny and useful :)
thx, i,m in love with your teachings!
very cool
Hi, Ronnie! This is my first time here and I loved your explanations on zero and first conditionals! This is the subject I’m teaching my students of third year now, and I’ll use your tips and examples to make my classes more effective! Thank you, Ronnie!
thanks a lot teacher (you r the best ..)
thanks a lot
you are a great teacher can you put a math lesson
Ohhh dear, thanks a lot. i didnt know about zero conditionals, but now i know…
Thank you for the lessson. Your explanation of english grammar rules is very good.
Efim – from Moscow.
great job Ronnie …
That is a fantastic explain
But I have question about conditional
Can I change the place for the sentences
If you come my apartment, I will make dinner.
I will make dinner if you come my apartment.
And you side in your lesson
Zero for something 100 is true, and First for some thing might happen.
What about second and third..?
Hi Ronnie,
our English teacher told us, the Zero-Conditional is the “general truth”.
He used the same sentence in all 4 conditionals:
If I am thirsty, I have some beer. – (General truth).-
If I am thirsty, I’ll have some beer. –
If I was thirsty, I’d have some beer. –
If I had been thirsty, I’d have had some beer.
All students (most of them) understood in taht lesson the conditional.You are very good teacher, but our taecher is the best.
5/5 Thanks, Ronnie!
thank you Ronnie!!!! I’ve made my zero and first conditional for 6!!!
thanks to you:D
help me present perfect vs past simple killing me
80%. Thanks Ronnie
Ronnie Mam.I have got 80/100.So,not bad
so cool! thank you :)
Hello, Would you like to talk and practice English through Skype?
my Skype id: ahmed.sabet31
just in case you are interested, contact me
Ronnie, I have two questions, please answer. You say that there are 4 conditionals, but I have seen one called: mixed conditional, could you do a lesson for the mixed one? thanks. And the other question is where are these school from? It is from Canada or England ?? Help me please :) thanks
thanks Ronnie
Ronnie, I’ve studied, about this grammar, in other website, and in this case (First conditional) I saw that the structure is: if + subject + PRESENT SIMPLE + FUTURE (will or going to), for example: “If it rains, we‘re going to stay home.” But I didn’t see, about the modal verbs like (may, might, could), and in your explanation, you did’t talk about GOING TO… Please, give one more explanation. Thanks…
Nice lesson Ronnie! Thanks!
Thanks for explantions.
thank you very much
thank you Ronnie. i love you <3
Hi Ronnie,
I have question for you.
Is it possible to teach the rest of conditionals?
Mina :)
Hello Ma’ am , i hope you would be fine,it’s really a great lecture and you have been doing great job.
I have one quick question how we will construct sentence of past with present.
your response and immediate reply would be highly appreciated.
Stay blessed!!
where are the other conditionals????
very nice lesson:-) Thank You:-)
Ronnie, are these sentences right?:
-What town did you say you’re from?.
-The people you’re with.
Finally I have learned it!
could you explain about 2. and 3.condition?
OTZ.I`m so confusing of this conditionals.
once again watch the lesson.
Thank you Ronnie~
Hi Ronnie
Its wonderful!
Thank you so much
hi ronnie, i’m jessica from indonesia. i’d like to know about zero conditional. is that possible to put another tenses be sides simple present in zero conditional? for examples:
-if tamara is 12 years old, she was born in 2000
-if sarah ever got the first rank, so she was smart.
can you tell me about this, please? thanks :)
In question no. 5. If it rains, __________________________________.
I stay at home
I stays at home
/I will stay at home
I will stays at home
I hate conditionals
Should it be I will stay home and not I will stay AT home?
Absolutely wonderful, if you want to learn spanish i will be glad to help you!
Ammar Salih
hi mam, can we say, If it rains,I usually stay home?
Thanks a lot, Ronnie! ;) ;)
Ip Man Lee
Thanks a lot Madam Ronnie, I understood The lesson, but I would like to know The other kind of conditionals
Ahmed ^__^
if the answer is ” when you boil water it turns into steam” the right question is ” what happens when you boil water? ” or ” what happens when I boil water ? ”
what’s is more correct ” what happens or what does happen”
eng Soad
It is a pleasure to follow your lessons Ronnie, thank you!
If it is a pleasure (100% sure), I keep it!
HEy Roonie.. Thanks for valuable tutorials.. Helping me a lot in day to day tasks.
Great Lesson! Thanks.
Thanks I got 60%.
Abdul Qayum
This lesson was funny! I´ve got 100%
you´re amazing teacher, you´ve explained this perfectly.. thank you so much. i have learn very very much…!!!
Thank you Ronnie
I have big problem with (if conditional)
I have a question about (had had) and (could and would) some times people use these expressions in conditional. When do they are used?
This helps me a lot for my assessment.
i got 5 correct out f 5!Perfect! ^_^
Thanks Ronnie! You’re great teacher for me! Fun and perspicuous!
Now i know how to put a zero and a first conditional in a sentence.
It was really a good one Ronnie, but I also need the 2nd and 3rd conditionals. It would be of great help if you do an video for the same.
Bala Sharma
Thank! Teacher. I love your rules. Your speech look likes “The Rock”.
Hi Ronnie!!! Can I use “can” in First conditional?? You mentioned all the modals except “can”
I am not succeed
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie!
hi ronnie.. u r the best but while carefully listening i recovered that you said ” If I drink 200 shots of Takila, i will be very sick.” as an example of ‘zero conditional’ and you only said that we can have modal in the first conditional. so i am very confused. kindly help me.
Ronnie you are wonderful, and so the other members at EngVid.com
Hi Ronnie, I am new here but I already love your videos.
Thank you for all.
It was very helpful, thank you for your lessons.
ღTσмίķσ !☂
Hey Ronnie,
Can you make a video of second and third conditionals, please.
Hi Ronnie,thank you.
Thank you Ronnie <3
Thank you Ronnie. If we study interesting we can English fluently.
Very clear thanks Ronnie!
Thank you a lot,simple and clear!
Teacher Ronnie, thank you for teaching me about grammars. Btw teacher Ronnie, I would like to ask iwhen I must use the word “been” in the sentence? Thank u! I will wait for your answer. God bless you!
Please check my grammar… Thank you!
Ronnie your lesson are so funny and I can learn it really well thanks a lot for teaching
Hey ronnie why dont you explain the 2 and 3 conditionals??. Please
Blanca elvida
Thanks,what’s different between may and might?
thank you teacher
hi thanks ALTO FOR the video pleas can you explain the second and their ed and mixed conditionals pleas
I am verry happy to see your videos and if i meet you I wil give you all my thanks
you are an amazing teacher!
myrna de ayala
Thanks a lot for teaching but I have problem for negative sentence for example :if we take public transportation, we won’t get stressed out,..) I mean there is different be
Hello Ronnie thanks a lot for teaching me (:
“If I go on studying hard with the help of
the great teachers of engvid.com, I surely will get good grades whenever I have to take a test.”
Did I place the “surely” in the correct place,
By the way, I love your jokes.
January 2 2015
Hi Ronnie
I have a question about the first conditional.
In your exemple in the video, you write four modal (will, may, might and could)could we use the modal would in the first conditional?
Thanks François
Dear Ronnie, Please can you post the two other conditional tenses!. Thanks for giving us this opportunity to learn from you and for sure you are the best, I like your way of transmission. I never get tried of it whenever, I click your lessons. Awesome Ronnie :-)
Fadumo Abshir
hi ronnie can you please put some new things for grammar ?
Good job! However, could you please not type in all caps because IT LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE SHOUTING
engVid Moderator
Ronnie nek zero condional nek subjecke she,it,he
kata kerjane ditambahi s leres kan? (java language)
chakim hamzah
You are so funny and I love it!
carlos 2138
thank you so much
thx for the lesson
What a wonderful teacher! God bless you, Ronnie!
can you teach all conditionals in one lesson
you are great teacher. i learned so many things in your videos
thank you
It’s easyyyy
Thank you,Ronnie!
Ronnie, you are the best!!!
Thanks a lot^^
I really like the way she teaches
Hi! Ronnie,I have a question could you tell me all the modals in the first conditional? Is it correct to use the modal can?,Thanks a lot!!
I think number five could fit with “I stay at home”. tell me ronnie.
thank you very much. i’m so grateful.
I like your videos *-*
Oh my God, teacher Ronny is always makes everything easier. I love you, you are one of the best teacher I’ve known. Greetings from Bali, Indonesia.
Adi Peterson
5 out of 5 :D thx Ronnie
Fauzi Al-Baihaqi
we can use conjunctions of time such as after, before and until as “if” but why? I know that we use “when” when the “condition” will definitely happen,as soon as to emphasize urgency and unless in place of “if not”but those that I named at the beginning I don’t know :/
Now I understood….
Vanessa Seixas
Hello! I have a difficulties with some sentence. It is: ‘If it’s any consolation, you had me convinced’ Why don’t we use ‘will’ or modal? Why is it Past Pefect in a subordinate clause? Is it zero conditonal? I didn’t catch it.
Hi ronnie! In the syntax that you have given for the first conditional, you included the modal “could” is it possible in the first conditional? since the first conditional talks about real possibilities in the present or future. Should it “can” not ” could”? Just wondering! Thanks!
Hi ronnie! In the syntax that you have given for the first conditional, you included the modal “could” is it possible in the first conditional? since the first conditional talks about real possibilities in the present or future. Should it be “can” not “could”? Just wondering! Thanks!
Since zero conditional talks about possibility but not certainty, why did you use “if” in the example ” If ice melts, it becomes water.” why not “when”? “When ice melts it becomes water.” since we use “When” for certainty, and it is certain that when the ice melts it becomes water. I think it is better to say, ” If you put heat on ice, it becomes water.” I am not sure if you put heat on the ice , but if you do surely it melts. In the if clause, I am not sure if you put heat on the ice but it is possible that you will do it, and if you do it, surely it becomes water. Thanks! I am just sharing my idea =)
100 haha
Ronnie, you are awesome!
Thank you)
Thank You Ronnie , U one of the best teacher I have ever seen. Your lessons always very interesting and helpful.
what the diff between verb and base verb?
Thank you, Ronnie. Great like always. Just dont understand the Modal could is the Past, but still we use it in the first Cond((
Ronnie would you tell me which conditional is that sentence “If you’re being bullied, contact kid care”
Thanks a lot. I knew clearly about zero and first conditionals. I got 4/5.
chor sreysros
Thank you Ronnie!!
ann ann
I love you Ronnie! Thank you.
Andre Luiz Moura
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
I got 5/5.You are a good teacher! Congratulations!
Thanks a lot Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, I like you so much.
But I think the first conditional so confuse when I have to use won’t.
You make grammars so easy to use.
Thanks so much
Dearest Ronnie,
How can I know my english level?
Is there any exam in this wonderful website?
Gustavo Nava
I like you! and I always laugh because you are very sympathetic and clear in your lessons .
Hi, Thank you so much for very helpful lessons. I would like to request you for a video on “Uses of May and Might”. If possible. Thank you
Thank you so much Ronnie. Really, you are very good teacher.
Juan Bernardo
thank you veru much, you are real teacher
good afternoon to everyone. I’ve already taken the lesson and I think the explanation was too easy for me. Thanks a lot Ronnie regards from Mexico!!!
Fethe Guzman
Ok, i get it you’re so nice teacher that i have ever seen i like your way to explain things. Thank you so much for that lesson it’s very important to me.
Your teaching is very good. Now, I’m sure about the Zero and First conditional. Thanks.
could u mind to teach me about another conditional, i mean, u upload a video deliver a complete conditional , zero, first, second, third conditional, pleaseee !
andi imran
I love your lessons so much.. Thank you..
I got 100%
Hi ronnie
Is it correct to say: If I have time, I will go to the library for example?
Tarik rahmouni
5/5 Ronnie,thank you!
I can not see your video
I started know about zero conditional. Thanks for your lesson. You a good teacher Ronnie
Lucia Loan
Hi lucia, I’m Juan carlos from Colombia, my native language is spanish but I´m trying to talk english more fluently for that I need to practice it with other people. Would you like to practice it with me? If you are interested, We could to talk by internet.
Thanks, I got 8/10, I was confused with the first one but, know I understand.
thanks a lot
Thanks, Ronnie!
thank you so much , ronnie your classes are very fun and understandable.I’m giancarlos , I’m from peru.Regards!!
Hi everybody, I have a doubt about this sentence:
“Every weekend , if the weather is nice , I (spend /will spend) time outside with my children”
I really don´t know if I should use the zero or the first conditional, because I am talking about a habit I would choose zero conditional, however in the video Ronnie eexplain that zero is always used for scientific facts. Thanks
Thank you Ronnie! :)
Ronnie,you’re a genius! Thanks a lot for helping me understand this lesson.
thanks <3
thank u!first-time comment,very happy.
Youuu are incredible teacher! I love your teaching way! If you talks, everyone listens, 100% true:))))) Thank you!
Good lesson you’re the best
If you come i shall be available..is it correct?
Thanks, I got 5 out of five!!!
Thanks, Ronnie
Great and easy lesson! Thanks for explanation.
thx RONNIE!I understood the whole thing right after I watched the video,to prove it,I got five out of five!I am 99% sure if I didnt watch your video ,I am definitely going to get a zero out of five!
interesting, thank you
Very good !!!
Thank you for your lesson!
Loved it
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much
jamaldin ramadhan biro
thank you so much I had a lot of problems to understand the differences, but now i finally can!
You are good, thanks for the video it helps me a lot.
thank you so much, now it is so easy for me to explain it to my students
I wanna ask a question Ronnie
Can I use this sentience ” If the canaries died, the miners knew the air was not healthy ” ?
Ahmed Fouad Ezz
that is good
aladin aladin
Good teaching, Thanks
Thanks, Ronnie! Your lessons are really easy.
Thanks Ronnie!
Lucas Avelino
Thanks Ronnie.
you really will see our comment?
I want to change my name,could you give me any suggestion? I want a special name.
I love your channel!
Teacher what is base verb ?
Thank you Ronnie
You make things cleared for us.
very nice teaching style
Hi Ronnie.
I have question about first conditional. As you said ” if i go to the movies, i will eat popcorn”. So i understhood this sentence
If + subject + base verb. So teacher how about if i write this way, I will go shopping on the way home if i have time. Check it out if it’s correct. I appreciate for this lesson because on monday i have a test of conditionals zero,first, second and third.
Lii leejo
Thank you
You’re the best Ronnie.
Thank’s a lot Ronnie! I love your videos! Tou are the best! Kisses from Brazil!
Very good!
Austrelho Matedes
Can I say, “If I’m rich, l will buy a car” as an action that leads to another. Or I must use type 2. Thanks in advance.
Hi, I am happy I found this page, I have a question I found in one book this:” A distinction between can and could is observed in conditionals. Could is
used when the conditions are not met.
if Louisa is coming, she can look after the children for a while.
if Helen had more money, she could buy a computer.”
so I see that in second example there is a conditional sentence and it is used could there, i cant understand do we use could in conditionals or not?
Thank you so much.
Thank you
Good teaching. Thanks a lot.
I got 5 out of 5! That was the simple!
Thank you Ronnie!
Chan M.
Great lesson.
For universal facts, Zero conditional and for probable situations, use First conditional. Thumbs up!
1. If it rains, the floor becomes slippery.
2. If we add salt to water, it boils faster.
3. When you smile, the brain generates melatonin.
4. When you run fast, you become out of breath.
5. If you drop a pebble from some height, the pebble drops down.
1. If you cheat on someone, someone else will cheat on you.
2. If you work hard, you can pass.
3. If you like Ronni, you will watch her videos.
4. When you drive fast, you can/may/will hit yourself with another car.
5. If you’re all right, you may come to the party.
Marvelous lesson
i would like to say thank u very much
amrouche ahmed
i m not getting quiz .whyyyyy
that’s a good score.thanks all teachers
I hope if you tell us more about if conditional.
Hi Master
I have a question that its answer is really important to me.
The question is about conditional sentences.
Could you tell me what kind of conditional is this sentence?
If they arrived any later, he would have died.
Zero, First, Second or Third. Which one is that? and Why?
I would be really appreciate.
Great, thanks a lot.
Thank you ronnie
I do like you so much
Hello Ronnie! I would like you comfirme if I am right or not, please:
1. in the if part, could I use any present tense?
simple, continues, perfect?
and in the second part of the sentence, could I use any future form?
modals, future simple, continues, future perfect?
2. In English after if, never put a future tense?
Thank you so much!
But mam in the beginning of the video,you told us that the ‘Conditionals’always start with ‘If’ and When’.Then in the example of the ‘zero conditional’ u said that we can change the two sentences and say,’It becomes water,if ice melts’.But then the conditional is starting with it.So won’t it be wrong?
Great! Thanks for teaching us so well!
If I study English with you, I might polish my English so much!
Take care
Thank you so much. Because previously I didn’t understand about conditionals very well. Now,I know very well.Thank you.
Yin Yin Htwe
Thank you very much
correct the verbs
If she wants to study in USA, she—- to pass an exam in English. (have)
I would like to know what I can put in the vacuum and why
Hala Al-Khatatbeh
i got 5 out of 5 i am very happy but conditionals are quite difficult
imran abas khan
You are such a great teacher. Please help me to correct the sentence below:
If they was a bird, they could f.ly
Thank you
Amazing english lessons for free. How can this be possible?
Thanks a lot
I don’t know!
thanks, Ronnie
your live very funny and also amazing
Thanks a lot!
I love your questions!
Will, might, may and could are the only modals we can use in fist conditional or we can also use would?
If I watch all of your videos, I will be good at English.
I thank you for the lesson , Ronnie
Hi, could you explain me why we use zero conditional in this cases:
1) If you need help, come to me”. Why not “will come to me”? Is it zero conditional?
2) If I hadn’t been rude to her, she wouldn’t be upset now”. Why not “would not have been”? Mixed conditionals?
3) If you have finished your work, we can have a rest. Which conditional it is? Mixed again?
4) If he hadn’t been acting so foolishly, he wouldn’t have been punished. Why we use Past Perfect Continious after If? Mixed again? In this case we can’t say “hadn’t been acted”? Why?
5) If he had found a job, he wouldn’t ask for money now. Why “wouldn’t ask”? Mixed?
6) If I had got up earlier, I wouldn’t be late now.Why “wouldn’t be”? Mixed?
7) If nobody paid the bill, the electricity will be cut off. It’s first conditionals about probable event, but why “paid” instead “pay”?
8) If he knew her, he would have spoken to her yesterday. Third conditional but why “knew”?
9) Do you have lessons with Unless instead If?
Oxana Mashevskaya
Hello ma’am, You don’t know how much grateful i’m to you. Can you please make a video about second & third conditionals ?
waiting for your reply :)
Mohammad Zahir
LOVEEEE IT! 5/5 thanks ronnie :)
Hi Teacher nice to see you. I got 100/100
Reyaz baba 101@
5/5! Great! Ronnie’s grammar lesson is easy to understand. Thanks!
Jerry Gu
Thank you
Thanks sweet Ronnie for being so funny during your English classes, I learn a lot and have fun at the same time…. anyway greetings from Surco
marc anthony
we want second and third conditional
layth auda
Thank you for the information teacher!, I will improve my English If I watch your videos.
Perfect! Thank you so much!
I’m teaching Zero and First conditionals right now in my ESL class and watched your video to get some tips. However, maybe you wanted to keep the explanation simple, but the Pearson Focus on Grammar 3 textbook by Pearson that I’m using states that both Zero and First conditionals can use certain modals of possibility, advice, and necessity in the result clause. This negates the differentiation you made in your video. It also states that the result clause in Zero conditionals is always true and the result clause in First conditionals is certain when “will” is used (the result clause is less certain when modals are used). I like your simple definition, but my text doesn’t support explaining the differences this way. I’ll need to do more research to see if I can find an explanation that I can explain clearly and is supported by the textbook.
Learn English for free with 2162 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Good teaching . Thanks .
Ronnie, I do love the way you teach. You really rock!!
Lotsa Lav. Mário
Conditional Zero: If I heat ice, it melts.
This conditional sentence expresses a scientific fact. That is, If the condition meets, the result will always be the same.
Interesting lesson on conditionals Ronnie.
All my best.
Hi Ronnie, in your lesson about “need” and “want” you are saying a sentence like that: “If we do not have water, we WILL die”. Why did you use the modal in this sentence. That we die without water is a scientific fact, ist’t it?
Good lesson
You are great,but I would like to learn and understand more about all four conditionals!So,please-hurry up with two other lessons :))))…thanx,in advanced!
I got 5 score out of 5. by the way, Conditionals : If, When, as soon as,by the Time, unless,, are also same as Zero, First Conditinal ?
and If + When, we use as follows as well.
ex : I do not know if this Reseach will bear fruit.
we can use modal in this case, If + S + modal + Verb….?? !!!
What is difference between them ?
We can change the pattern of the conditional. But you can’t put If + modal in the same part of the sentence!
Sub + base if + sub + modal + base…. OR If + sub + base, sub + modal + base.
I am happy if he can come. If he comes, I will be happy!
Thanks a lot. one day I want to try TOEIC Test. Have a nice Weekend. Masa
You are great,but I would like to learn and understand more about how to use away, up, down, out, over. like grow (up) find (out), slow (down) far (away) come (over). and a few more. and thanks for your videos.
Hi Ronnie,
First of all i would like to say that i like your lessons so mach.
I need your advice regarding the following:
when should i say “There is…” and when sould i say – “There are…”
Thankd in advance.
thank you a lot my teacher “Ronnie”. :)
question 5 how answer is i will stay at home!!
‘if this Research will bear fruit’ was an adverb clause that modified the verb ‘know’.
Well, I thinks is an Interesting Lesson…I Didn’t know much about Conditional..So Let’s Practice.
I m from morroco, really a big thanks
that’s good lesson thanks.
I got 5 out 5.
cool 5/5 <3
I scored five out of five!
if I watch EngVid daily, I will fall in love with Ronnie or Emma. pretty lesson ROnnie, have a good day.
Is you’re sentence really correct??? I’m not sure. In fact, BECAUSE I watch EngVid, I MUST fall in love… it’s 100% true, it’s a scientific’s fact. So, I think the correct sentence is :
If I watch EngVid daily, I fall in love with Ronnie.
Don’t forget James :)
Yeah, James is COOL!
I love James too!
I have some mistakes. I am not so good concentration related in questions.
we’re both had the same problem not focus on the question .that’s why i got only 3 correct answer.thanks ronnie
Great lesson , thanks again.
Your lessons are always perfect ! You are a great teacher ! Thank you !
Ronnie, I like your lessons so much. besides being a very good teacher, you are the funniest of all. This makes the classes much more interesting and attractive. keep being like that. Congratulations. bye
Ronnie you are so awesome!! :)
I like your sense of humer. You make me laugh.
Anyway, I like the way you teach, and this lesson is helpful.
Hey teacher Ronnie, thank you for the lessons, you are so funny, and beautiful too jejeje ;)
wow a jejemon?
Teach us the other two conditionals =)
Yes, I totally agree. Please teach us the other two conditionals, too.
Jon has a lesson on the other two coming soon!
Hi Ronnie i just want to ask you one question out of the topic, which English would you like the most American or British? ’cause i’ve realized you pronounce many words like British which i love, cause as far as im concerned British English is the best :)
I think British English has too many rules. American English is easier.
Thank you very much for teaching.
If Ronnie is my teacher, I learn a lot of English—>this is scientific
i am also ,,,very true..
Hell yeah! I scored 5 out of 5. Thank you Ronnie mam but i want you to do a lession on some phrasal verb like ‘mess up’ ,freak out, and screw up’ figure out’ and many more like these because whenever i hear these kind of word in any English movie i get kind of confuse so please do a lession on these.
Thanks a lot,it was realy helpful…
I GOT 5 OF 5.
Thank you for a enjoyable lesson! I understand it!
it was so good and easy lesson , thank you for your explain
Can and would are modals too right? can we use them in First conditional?
You can use
but notwould
is a past modal.Hi Ronnie
I like your teaching way ,Thank you so much
I like English language because of you …..you are the best teacher.
I made a mistake in the first q. Maybe I hadn’t catched the diffrence between probability and intention
i have got totell you Ronnia that! you deserve to be a teacher with pride thanks.
hi Ronnie, once again, good lesson from you.
I hope, I will not make mistake in 0 and 1st conditional.
what are the other two conditionals?
Second and Third.
Hey Ronnie,
So you have been to Japan to learn Japanese and I am considering for it as well but can’t find an appropriate institute, So where did you learn Japanese and was it good!!!
And keep up the good work you are Awesome.
I didn’t learn Japanese at a school. I just went there, made friends, worked in a bar and sometimes studied by myself.
Hi Ronnie i can now teach English having
listened to all the You tube lessons.
Reply to my email and tell me where i can teach.
It’s a very good lesson, thanks
Thank you Ronnie.
it was simple to understand. I’ve got 5/5 ;)
Hi Ronnie,
What about other patterns of Conditionals ?
We have more conditional lessons coming soon.
Thank you Ronnie,
Really great, (even the quiz was funny):) I don get bored with your lessons.
Thank you, RONNIE !!!!!!!!
there is a problemmmmm big problem… the page doesn’t work….I wanna learn english and I can’t do it… please help… have a wonderful day…
Roonie… I miss your classes…
I love grammar!))
Why r we calling them zero and first?
And where is explanation of the conditional “when” ?
smart question:)
You can use when or if and the meaning will stay the same.
hi and thanks very much
you are really awesome.
I have ever got them before and because of you I got it.
Nice website!
I got all the answers right.
great! what a beauty manner of teaching…God bless you…
I’ll try..
1-If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise.
2-If I knew, I wouldn’t be here now.
3-If someone had told me, I would have brought a gift.
Now correct me if I’m wrong with spelling and everything ^^
Thank you!!!!!!!!
Your sentences are all correct! Great work!
hi , Ronnie I’ve one Question.
why You add (s) in Movies
But before Movies –>the
is not include (he , she , it)
1) If we listen and do practice, we may improve.
2) If you make over, you will look awesome.
3) If all be quite, i tell story.
Plz check mam…
hi mehwish where from u?? plz add me on skyp i wana practice to speak english. (sumaira.khan593)
ronnie , really you are amazing , i was looking for the conditions of (IF) really thanks , i appreciate it
Ronnie. I love like you teach. You are a great teacher. You teach so easly. and I can get all the meanings. Thanks. I am Thiago, Brazilian guy and I love English. hugs…
thank u ronnie :)
I got 5 out of 5,awesome!!!
Super thankful teacher Ronnie! I got it all.
bunch of thanks to EngVid and all the teachers for doing great job.
I wish, whenever I will come to Canada. I will be get in touch with all the teachers.
I think English is the passport for all over the world.
i scored 5 out 5 therefore i understand zero and firt condition very well
Hi Ronnie, I have always troubles with the conditions, but after this class it becomes very easy!
by the way which are the two others conditionals?
also you have teach us zero and first condition, there exist second or third condition?
thank you again teacher Ronnie
(you have promised to answer!!)
Second conditional = unreal situations in the past or future. If + sub + past tense, sub + would + base verb.
If I had a baby, I would eat it.
Third conditional = unreal PAST situations. If + sub + had + p.p, sub + would have + p.p.
If I had eaten that baby, I would have gone to jail.
I feel like I’m mastering conditional now! thanks to you teacher Ronnie
thank you ronnie:)
if ronnie eats chocolate,she feels better.
thanks 4 the lesson..i need more lessons from your site,these are the best.
It was great, I like the way you teach ma’am ronnie I got always high score in your lesson more power your t
thanks a lot ronni. i have read lot of books but i could not get it as clear as you have made it
It was great, I’d liked the way you taught ronnie I got always high score in your lesson more power
very much thanks for u for providing this lesson
Ronnie,how are you?
I was a bit confused with the modals before watching this video.Now I can confidently tell you that it is possible for me to use the first two conditionals without any doubt.
I humbly request you to make another video regarding the other two conditionals.
thanks & regards
hai ronnie.thank u very much.i like you r teaching style.
Dear Teacher
i did not understand. please give more examples. it is too difficult lesson.
hope you will reply very soon.
Could you make a video teaching how I use (-ness)or examplain by e-mail? for example: gentleness, righteousness, awareness …
You promised Ronnie reply pleeeeease!!!!!
i’m still don’t know how to use has/had/have
Modals are helping verbs? Answer me my dear Ma’am.
Yes, they are.
Hii Ronnie,
I would like to congratulate you for making helpful,informative video lesson for us to help improve our language skills.I always catch new lessons and watch them attentively to get a clear conception of it.Furthermore, I have also developed a habit of reading newspaper everyday to stay connected with the world.When I go through an article in the newspaper, I also concentrate in gathering new words as well as expanding my vocabulary.I not only focus on words, but also look at forming sentences in many different ways.Of late, I am facing some problems relating to formation of adjectives from an action word.I have read a lot of sentences and found that adjectives are actually the third form(past participle form)of a verb .Even though I have this conception which I am not sure of, I heartily request you to make a lesson explaining this aspect of English grammar clearly.This is the utmost request of mine to you.I honestly admit that I get confused with adjectives.I have also written down two sentences below including their explanation based on my knowledge.I request you to identify the errors in them and correct the same too helping me find out my mistakes.
The first sentence reads as:
Ten persons were killed after being struck by lighting.
Expln:The first part of the sentence is in passive voice of simple past tense. It says lightinh killed ten persons.The second part expresses that lighting first struck them before taking their lives.In the second part,the present participle form of the stative verb “to be” has been used as well as an action word following “being” is in its third form.
The same information could easily be given by using past perfect tense,thereby,making the first action in perfect sense and second action in simple past tense.In that case, the original sentence would turn into the following one:
1.Lighting had struck ten persons before it killed them.
2.Lighting killed ten persons after it had struck them.
The above two sentences are in active voice.
1.Ten persons were killed after they had been struck by lighting.
Another sentence could be formed to express the same meaning like as follows:
Having been struck by lighting(passive usage),ten persons were killed(passive usage).
Another way to deliver the same meaning by bringing the second part at the beggining and sending the first part at the end is:
After being struck by lighting,ten persons were killed.
I hope you would check my sentences and correct them too.I also wish you to evaluate my writing skills after going through this short comment.Looking forward to receiving a fast reply
That is not a “short comment”.
Your sentences are correct! Great work! You understand very well!
hallo ronnie
i am wating for your anwer.
hallo ronnie
i am wating for your anwer.thanks
fi fan
this is long sad Indian story
hi…you know what… i get confuse by giving direction…and i really don’t know if my grammar is right…see?
With due respect, and honours I would like to let me know what is the name of those black materials which you use in your eyes.
Sincerely yours,
(I know my question is not related to the above topic don’t by unhappy.
my score is 5 of 5.my english is very good!
zero conditional and first are very easy for me!
Great teaching! Thank you!
Thank you, Ro
hi Ronnie that was a pretty useful lesson thanks.
by the way could you make a lesson about gap fillers???
thanks in advance
There is already one!
thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you, Ronnie!^^*
I scored out 5 of 5.
Your teaching is wonderful.
hallo ronnie
thank you so much.this lesson was realy,real,fantastick great!!!by the way i have got a question.could you please,please,pleassse do a video about important rules or things that we need to write a letter?i realy need it ,because i need it for school.i hope you know what i meen:) XD
again thanks
Hi Miss Ronnie, thank you very much for the lesson. ^^
that was a good lesson for me, thank you
thank you so much ronnie
thank you.
Ronnie, you are the best teacher! Thank you!
Hi, I like it, but you don’t say any thing about whem!
I have 5 out of 5 in the quiz.
please E-mail me as you promiss
Hello dear Ronnie.
Hi, Ronnie! Great lesson as usual!))) Well done!
I have but one question: what about mixed conditional? Among all white spots in my “English grammar profile” this one is probably one of the biggest… Could you explain to me what mixed conditionals are, whether they’re used in spoken English and what their grammar pattern is.
Oh, and one more=) What if I’m 100% sure of something but it’s not a scientific fact? For instance: If I come home late, I don’t do my homework. Is it ok?
Thank you in advance!;) Looking forward for more exciting lessons of yours)
If you are 100% of something you can use Zero conditional!
to help you with mixed conditionals….
thanks Ronnie you are so cool teacher . i learning a lot .
Hello Ronnie, I want you to make a lesson about dating, kissing, smooching and things like that.
Whoah!!! Great topic idea!!! Yes I will!!
Thanx Ronnie
ronnie can you just try to explain the difference between homonyms and homophones
They are the same.
thank you so much.
i want learn 2 and 3 conditionals sentences
Could you please tell me when I use “NOT” “NO” ans “DON’T”?
Thank you.
my e-mail: julio.santos.adv@hotmail.com
Not + adjective. It is not hot.
No + noun. I have no eggs.
Don’t + verb. I don’t have eggs!
Thank you dear
i am from algeria thank you ronni i understand the lesson and i don’t speak english very well how can i talk it well please give me any idea
i really, thanks
awesome))) get this)))
Hi Ronnie,
What is the meaning of “DOs & DON’Ts ” and where i can use it…
Do = good things.
Don’t = bad things.
We use these to make a list when we are giving advice!
Please put a video about Second conditional I will be very grateful
thanks for the lesson
Assume the tongue tip doesn’t touch the lower teeth back in producing an “[i]” .
Does the tongue tip touch the lower teeth back when we say “tea[ti]” ?
Your tongue starts behind the upper teeth and stops just below (middle of your mouth)!
Hi Ronnie, first I have to say your lessons are amazing and funny..thank you for your help.
I have one suggestion, I didn’t see here some lesson about the difference between EITHER AND NEITHER.
so, if it is possible…please bring to us some explanation.
There is already a lesson by Alex on Either and Neither. Just search on the site!
Hi Ronnie, it’s true…thanks.
ronnie thanks for your all lessons… they’re very useful.. ı have a problem about speaking… ı’m from turkey and we’re learning brtish eng.. as you know that brtsh eng. is too hard to catch on easly… so ı am suffering from lack of speaking fluently.. can u give me an advice about what ı should do?
Just try to speak! You can also watch American movies/tv shows to help you! Also, going to an English speaking country will help you SO much!
Thank you so much, Ronnie. I am a Spanish speaker, but I teach English in Costa Rica. This lesson has clear some doubts I had!!!!!!!!
I remember first lesson in engvid was your lesson you made me smile from depth heart ,thank you ,of course with all respect to you
Thank you so much, Monika from Hungary.
Ronnie I have an interview in an English conversation course to know in which level would I be, so can you just give me any tips to do well in the exam, usually the exam is speaking with some and writing a composition
When you are asked a question and you do not understand, just ask the person to clarify the question. A lot of students make mistakes because they do not answer the question correctly.
Don’t be afraid to make a mistake! Even if you do, just try to correct it!
When you have finished the writing portion, if you have time, check your work!
Good luck!
mem you are fabulous teacher. i like your teaching.
what is difference between no and not??
NO + noun.
Not + adjective/adverb/verb.
Hi Ronnie! I’m a little bit confused((( Is it correct? “When we’ll have completed the school we’ll enter the University” Or I have to use present simple tense in the first part of the sentence? Thanks in advance!
When we have completed school, we will enter University.
Hi ronnie
I’ll study in USA next month and my level right now is intermediate
with your experiences do you think that six month will be enough to get 90 in TOEFL or 6.5 in IELTS ?
and what do you think is easier ?
I have no idea…everyone learns at a different rate. I am sure if you study hard and try your best you WILL pass! Good luck!
Hi, Ronnie. I would like to make a small correction. We do NOT use the base form in the zero conditional. We use the Simple Present form of the verb in the zero conditional. Your statement that it is a base verb is wrong, as the base form does not accept any tenses, but the verb had an “s” in your sentence in the zero conditional. So, it is better to say that the verbs are in the Present Simple form in the zero conditional.Thanks.
hi ronnie how r u?i wanna to know how to use past and present perfect?
Amazing! you are really helped me in many lessons .. Thank you so much
Hi,Ronnie!Thank you very much for the video!
Could you,please,explain me the difference between using “slightly” and “a little”?
They mean the same!
ronnie,i like your way of teaching.is it correct speaking with a native speaker can improve my english?
reply to my comment please
I wish I had teacher like you = )
Hello, Ronnie. You are the greatest teacher I’ve ever seen. Thank you so much. Your lessons are really helpful.))
I have a request. Can you explain what is the difference between such words as: small and little, big and large.
Thank you.
Easy to understand
Thanks engvid and all teacher
You’re rock \m/
Hi Ronnie thnx a million for the Vidz!u r super-fantastically good.!!!!!
i am eagerly waiting for the coming ones.it would be much better to teach in advanced level. so please please please do it as soon as u can. thnx again my lovely teacher.
Best Reagards
I am a English teacher in Iran and i want to help me for teaching better
hello Ronnie mem ..i would like to say could u tell me or describe me about the word (It) for example we can say about the place like it has big size or it have or in past it had ? can u tell me plz
and also want to know about do or does .. we can use does for he or she could u tell me about the word (it)we can say that it dose or it do ..?thank you in advance Ronnie..
hi ma’am ronie can i ask something about in english grammar
about with example with you,with that,and a lot of with
Hello Ronni, I’m about to watch your third video and I’m undoubtedly crystal clear about my experience that you posses beyond extraordinary skills of teaching and grabs 100% attention with your unique style of expression. You are Simply Awesome. Best Wishes
Ronnie, thank you for the lesson! So what about other conditions? It will be useful for us, If you teach us how to use Second and Third Conditions! I do like your methods of teaching! Good luck!
thanks for the video,.. hope you have a great future for giving these for free
Hi Ronnie,
I am back again with some confusing sentences.I have written them below and I want you to help me identify the parts of speech of each word which I have CAPITALIZED in the sentences.
2.Each use is EXAMINED.
I guess all of the capitalized(I have used this word as an adjective because the verb form is “to capitalize”, and according to the rule, I can turn it to an adjective by adding “ed” at the end.If my cocept is incorrect, I request you to clarify me the actual concept.) words must be adjectives.In this context, they can’t be verbs.If they are verbs,the sentences become meaningless because they sentences do not indicate a process carried out to reach to a solution.
I want you to check my understanding.
Looking forward to getting a positive response.
hi Ronnie,i’m a student.i have a question for you.can you tell me how to write a good paragraph.
so good keep on
really thanx !!
am waiting dear ronnie…
Hi Ronnie,
You Rock……….. I wish, I had teachers like you,when i was a young student. I wanted to know that English spoken by native speakers is fraught with slangs, informal words, and incorrect usages at times( eg. Based on your behavior last night, I am upset with you).
How to address these problems when we speak to the natives of English Speaking countries…..
Everything that comes out of a cow is not milk, isn’t it???????
You are wonderful teacher!
Dear teacher, how are you?
Could you please explain the diference between: RISE/RAISE/INCREASE and LAY/LIE? when I use?
When I talk about salary?rise or raise?
Thank you.
how can i start english language
and which is first lesson?
please guide.
i will be very thankful to you.
hello, tank you, your video it´s wonderfull!
Hi teacher,
I want to know about election and what’s going on in the court room as well. Would you be kind enough to make videos about these topics. Thank you in advance
Hello !!!
I really appreciate your method of presenting information. Everything is clear now in my mind and i am able even to differentiate between the 4 conditionals. Thank you very much from the deep of my heart :)))
Thank you Ronnie for teaching conditional lesson for me. I have more something make me confuse such as how different Participle(present&past), Using these marks (- , : ;)in the sentenses. Can you help me?
Thank you so much for your kindly (I asked for this lesson the last time.) but I have some more make me confuse
such as..
participle (past&present), using these marks – , ; : and compound sentenses. Can you teach me? please.
ronnie, you are the best teacher,thanks, mohamed from morocco
Ronnie thanks
Hello. I’m beggining to study english again. Thank you for your lessons. I like your style. You are very funny.
Congratulations from Seville, in Spain.
Dear Ronnie
Kindly i need ur help 4 learning conversation in short time ,my E-mail (elgezawe@hotmail.com)
and Thank u 4 ur wonderful explanation on this lesson
Best Regards
Hello my name is Mary.I would like to thank Teacher Ronnie and I would like to say your lesson so easy to understand but too short T^T I want to know all of ( condition rules ). Could you tell me, please?
I love your videos and the way you teach! =)
شكراً جزيلا لك وبارك الله فيك
متعك الله بالصحة والعافية
وادام عليك نعمه وحفظك من كل سوء ومكروم
و وفقك لما يحبه ويرضاه
Ronnie, What is the difference between “being ill and being sick” Thanx
Thanks alot for your teaching I understand very well
U r rocking my dear Ma’am, keep your temple at topmost….
Hi dear Ronnie you are teaching very well in class I am very shy and don’t speak.I hope my english Become better in the future
You’re so cute. You always make it easier
for us. Thanks for exist.
ooh.. thnx so much ronnie .. you are the best
i got 5 out 5
Dear Teacher,
Thank you for your helpful lesson.
thanks…It helps me a lot
Teacher Ronnie thank you for you lessons. I would like to learn how to construct a complete sentence. I have a hard time writing verb sentence agreement and organizing a paragraphs. Well I have a lot difficulties in English because is not my native language. I hope you can teach me writing skills.
Dear Ronni, thanks a lot for you lesson,
I would like to know what is the difference between the base verb and the infinitive.
Infinitive = to + base verb.
Base verb you have to add “s” with he/she/it.
Thanks a lot teacher, you are the one!
Ronnie, I luv u!=D Thanks u so much! Ur SO cool!!^___^
“If it rains,… I hate conditionals”=D
i love you alots
Hi,Ronnie I wanna ask you that I’m unable to judge myself Am I really fleunt or not so is there any way by which I can understand that Am I really fleunt or need to learn more and prctiice more .Thanks for such beautiful lectures
I think that if you can talk to native speakers at the same pace that they do it would be a good indication of your fluency. However, it is hard to judge yourself!
thanks alot ! i love you
Thanks a lot,I always wanted to know about zero conditional sentences.I understood it well.
Hello Ronnie, I have to say that I love the way that you speak!!!, I really like it :B
ronnie plz suggest some frnds on skype, so that i can make pracise to speak english
Hi Ronnie, I like your helpful lessons.
Could you prepare and present a lesson about abstract nouns for example what abstract noun is and whether it is countable or uncountable etc.
thank you very much.
Hi Ronnie,
I love the way you teach people. I can understand everything very well and you make me laugh…which is very good. Thanks a lot to be such a good teacher
lol…how funny you are. I liked your way in teaching. Thanks a bundle for what you’re doing to help us improving our English.
Biggggggggggggg kiss Ronni and thanks a lot
Thanks Alot and Alot And Alot for you
you’re my hero
thanks madam
ronnie the way you taught english,i am really starts liking you.love to see and hear ur voice
I’m an english student. I am seeking a partner for lerning by doing conversation on Skype.
My skype id : vinodvinod599
merci :d
I loved and I understood all, cause u teach very well!!!
hi ma’am. where do we use conditonals and what are the other 2 conditionals??
Thanks Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie. I really enjoy your classes.
HI Ms.Ronnie
“Had I known about your illness,I would
have written before.”
I don`t feel comfotable with the structure of this sentence.
Is any thing wrong with the first clause? in another way,”Had I known” is correct?,or I should say,”If I had known about…” OF COURSE I WOULD NEVER WISH THAT TO YOU.BUT I READ THIS SENTENCE AS IT IS,I WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HAPPY&HEALTHY LIFE.
We do indeed say “Had I known…… so your sentence is correct.
You can also use “if” at the beginning of the sentence! If I had known…..
Hi Ronnie first of all thanks for teach us English the way you do, May God bless you always . Ronnie I got a question related to the FIRST CONDITIONAL : Can we use the modals MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO (GOTTA) , I ask you because some teachers said First Conditional is the REAL FUTURE CONDITIONAL (I guees because most of the time use WILL) to give you some examples I found the following conditionals (by the sitcom 2&12 men):
1.- If you’re not gonna come, you GOTTA tell Jake yourself.
2.- If you want to play in this league, you HAVE TO make a few changes.
3.- if you want to stay in that house, then I HAVE TO live here to save money.
4.- If She’s ever in a coma, you’re the one who HAS TO decide to pull the plug.
So it is usually use the modals MUST, HAVE TO, HAVE GOT TO when we make the First Conditional? and this modals (modals of necessity and obligation) work with a “future” meaning in the Conditional clause ?. thanks
You are 100% correct! That is fantastic that you were able to spot these in tv shows!
First conditional is used when you THINK/BELIEVE something will happen (but there is a chance that it may not happen)! Keep up the great work!
If you watch Ronnie’s lesson, you won’t forget zero and first conditionals. (This is first conditional grammatically but zero conditional logically. :)
Thank you Ronnie!
Now, i know the use of modal and conditionals grammar. Thank you so much to your video.
Dear Ronnie! Thank you very much! Your lessons are very helpful and your explanations are simple, clear and unforgettable. Great!
“abdulrahmannnn” my Skype
hi…Ronnie i loved the way u teach.i’m from india. and in my family my family member all time speak hindi,hindi,hindi. but u know i jus want to speak english n improve my english skill but i don’t hv any gud friend who can speak good english so would u pls help me what can i do.waiting for ur replay thanks and u r awesome
Ronnie you are amazing, funny as always. If I were the director of Nobel Prize organization, I would give you the prize in the nomination of ”THE BEST TEACHER IN THE WORLD.
The last sentence I’ve written is the SECOND condition. Am I right Ronnie???
Thank you very much!!
when do we use would or should in conditional sentence and what are thy called?
hi ronnie i like your teaching way and i learnt many useful things from you thank you dear teacher thank you so much.
i need to message you , what can i do ?
thanks great lesson
I m learning lot from these videos,these are interesting. Thnks , I wish , you please include more question at the end of lessons for practice.
Well Done
Good luck from all Indians
Hi Ronnie, the lesson was very productive, but I have a little request – do you may use more examples in lessons it really help to understand more deeper.
“0 – If you drive many years, you improve your drive skills
0 – If you fly to Africa, you get few of vaccinations
1 – When I go home after work, I will rest for some time
1 – If you drink a lot of water in the summer, you might not get sunstroke”
Are this sentences correct?
Thanks a lot, Shirly
I never go learn that.It is very confuse or am I a dumb,stupid,#@#$ ?
aff very time ago I tried Learn That I never get PLEASE HELP ME SOMEBODYYYYYYY :(
Hi Ronnie, I got a basic question:
If I say:
If it rains, I stay at home.
This sentence is incorrect, Why???
P.D: You are “demasiado genial enseñando inglés” Thank you, thank you for all lessons
Madam Ronnie,
You teach english very well.I have seen first time such a type of person who teaches english in such a easy way mostly teacher teaches in a very difficult way which is very difficult to understand especially for those people whose english is second language.May God give you long life Ronnie and you always live happy sorrows will never comes in your life.
Hi,Madam Ronnie
you are a best and great teacher of english i have ever seen the way you explain things is totally outstanding.I like your teaching style very much because you teach in a very easy way and explain the things very clearly.May God give you long life and you always live happy sorrows will never come into your life.
thank you u are very good teacher :*
Thank you very much.
really good teaching thanks very much specially my teacher Ronnie
hi Ronnie you are fantastic to express the lessons.this may encourage me to fallow your video lessons
thnx alot
hi Ronni,
how r u ??
Ronni Iam really confused with an answer to a previous question that can and would r modals why don`t we use them and your answer was that we can use can but we can not use would because would is past model and my question is could is past model too and u told that we use it !!! any explanation please ?????
ohh ronni
I want something else can u tell me if there is anything wrong in my two comments like grammar points or spelling
thanks alot ronni
I like the lessons ,gracias(thanks)
hi Ronnie thanks for your teach English your pronunciation is very very nice .
can i talk with you direct by mobile phone or connect by internet online?
Hi Ronnie! It was really useful!
I still have a question.
For first conditional, after the modal, do we have to add the “s” when the subject is “he”, “she” or “it”?
For instance:
If it rains, he could uses an unmbrella.
If it rains, he could use an unmbrella.
I think the second one is the correct but it is my eternal doubt :)
Thanks a lot again!!
I think you like drink strong alkohol
and of course thanks great lesson
please I need help with the conditional sentences. thanks
Thank you, Ronnie. I learned about Zero Conditional from your lesson. I also learned that not only “will” can be in First Conditional. Will means future. The action will happen in the future. What about might and may? What’s the difference between the sentences bellow?
If you invite me to the party, I may come there.
If you invite me to the party, I might come there.
If you invite me to the party, I could come there.
Now, look here please.
I could go to park, if it stopped raining.
This is the Second Condition, and I use modal verb “could”.
hi misses ronnie thank you for the lessons i like your lessons alot , if they was teachers like u in my university we will understand fast , i want ask you about conditional with modals , i have it in re sit exam , we study modals which are in conditional , so i want ask you if we can put the modals in the other conditional second or third or just in the first conditional ? and thank u alot
Second conditional = unreal situations in the past or future. If + sub + past tense, sub + would + base verb.
If I had a baby, I would eat it. Would is a modal!
Third conditional = unreal PAST situations. If + sub + had + p.p, sub + would have + p.p.
If I had eaten that baby, I would have gone to jail. Would is a modal!
May, might = 60% sure.
Could =40% sure.
You can use ANY modal in first conditional!
thank you so much for that , that help me alot to understand the lessons , thanks you again ms Ronnie
Thank you very much.Your lesson is very funny.Best Regards-Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie! I like your lessons. I’ve got something to ask from you. Could you explain would’s use? What is the difference between would and should? Ex: That would be a book. What does this sentence mean? I’m looking forward to hearing you. Thanks.
Hi Ronnie!
Firstly, I really like your lesson!
But I´ve a question for you: can I also use “would” as a modal?
Greetings, Gyndastyle. :D
Can u give me links for second and third conditionlas?
Go to “search” at the top of the page and type in conditionals!
Hi Ronnie!
I love your lessons, the way you are teaching us, your personality!!! You’re great
can i use would in the first conditional ????
No! You can only use a present tense modal!
Would is 2nd conditional!
Youo are an awesome teacher! I have so much fun learning english with you.
UR the BEST!!
Hi Ronnie
u r great i really likes dis lesson..
Thanks Ronnie its great lesson and you’re the best teacher i have ever seen :)
plase complate the lesson , scend and third.
Thank Ronnie this is a great lesson.
thank you very much but why you do not make the test more diffecult
thanks youre the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love the way your teaching Ronnie you’re the best .
Hi, Ronnie.
You are so amazing teacher!
Do you teach students on Skype? It’s like livemocha.com where I pay my lessons in paypal and study with teacher.
I would so happy to study eng with you!
thanks, Ronnie!
Thank you, Ronnie, for your clear explanation!)))
Ronnie you are so awesome.
Thank you Ronny,.. :D
Really good teaching, thank you so much
You´re great!! You, Alex and Adam are the best teachers ever!! Congratulations and God bless you.
thank you..
These lesssons are very useful for us. thanks ronnie.
hi can i say it becomes water if ice melts
Hey ! =Type0 : If+ Pres + Pres
Eg :If you heat water 1OOC , it boils
=Type 1 : If + Pres + Future
Eg : If I feel sick , I will not go to school
=Type 2 : If +Past + would + infinitive
Eg : If he were a bird , he would fly across the harbour
=Type 3 : If + past perf + Would have + P.parti
Eg : If you had told me about the problem , I would have helped you
Hello Ronnie. I’m an english teacher, here in Brazil and I want to ask you if I can put portuguese subscribes in your videos, so my students can learn with you!
And I love you SO MUCH!
hi Ronni
i have a lot of problems in writing can you advice me
Thank you, teacher Ronnie. Could you please talk about traffic signs in a lesson?
Thanks, teacher.
thank you very much ms:Ronnie
thank u very much.Iam happy .
It’s so easy now. Thank you Ronnie.
To the very end of the video at 6:45 you said: “sub + modal + base verb” –> I think there should not be a “base vert” but infinitive –> he/she/it does not get “s” at the end of a verb.
thank you for a good teaching us
Thank you Ronnie, for lesson. You are good teacher…
thank you ronnie for this good lesson
thank you, ronnie. easy to understand. FUN FUN
Hi Ronnie, very good lesson, thanks for the support.
Awesome lesson thenks a lot
thank you ronnie
if i pass my toefl test, i will be your big fan. You are awesome!!
Grammar seems to be simple when you teach, Ronnie! Thank you!
I love the way you teach madam, Thank you very much
You have a special kind of teaching , thank you very mush … greeting from Algeria !!
( Question 100% true )
thanks ronnie :)
Hi Ronnie, I had always troubles with the “conditionals”, but after this class, it became very easy!I wish to learn about second and third conditionals. Could you please teach us second and third conditionals ? Thanks in advance!
thanks ronnie
5 correct out of 5 – Thomas from Poland
hello i’m confused about the type of conditional in this sentence
If you don’t stop making noise i turn off the tv or I’ll turn off the tv ?? !!
Hi! Both are correct.The main sentence can be present or future time. The requirement is that the conditional sentence (begin with “if”)to be in the present tense.
hi ronnie
I have a Q…
what about if+PRESENT simple+ imperative.
does it have the same meaning with first conditional.
thnx in advance.
Isnt first conditional If+sub+base verb….,sub. + will ( future tense??
Hi! I didn’t learn about zero or first conditional. I know that, if the main sentence is in present, future or imperative, then, the requirement is that the conditional sentence (begin with “if”) to be in the present tense.
Hi, teacher Ronnie first of I want thank your great teaching ,second I have alittle confusion U said that we cant use WOULD but we can use COULD inspite of both of them are past may I know the difference please thank you very much indeed.
Hi teacher Ronnie first i would like to thank you for your great effort, second I have a little confusion about U said that we can use COULD but we cant use WOULD inspite of both are past , correct me if wrong thank U cery much indeed.
thank you very much! Your lessons are very funny and useful :)
thx, i,m in love with your teachings!
very cool
Hi, Ronnie! This is my first time here and I loved your explanations on zero and first conditionals! This is the subject I’m teaching my students of third year now, and I’ll use your tips and examples to make my classes more effective! Thank you, Ronnie!
thanks a lot teacher (you r the best ..)
thanks a lot
you are a great teacher can you put a math lesson
Ohhh dear, thanks a lot. i didnt know about zero conditionals, but now i know…
It is a super site
Add my Skype talk english
Thank you for the lessson. Your explanation of english grammar rules is very good.
Efim – from Moscow.
great job Ronnie …
That is a fantastic explain
But I have question about conditional
Can I change the place for the sentences
If you come my apartment, I will make dinner.
I will make dinner if you come my apartment.
And you side in your lesson
Zero for something 100 is true, and First for some thing might happen.
What about second and third..?
Hi Ronnie,
our English teacher told us, the Zero-Conditional is the “general truth”.
He used the same sentence in all 4 conditionals:
If I am thirsty, I have some beer. – (General truth).-
If I am thirsty, I’ll have some beer. –
If I was thirsty, I’d have some beer. –
If I had been thirsty, I’d have had some beer.
All students (most of them) understood in taht lesson the conditional.You are very good teacher, but our taecher is the best.
5/5 Thanks, Ronnie!
thank you Ronnie!!!! I’ve made my zero and first conditional for 6!!!
thanks to you:D
help me present perfect vs past simple killing me
80%. Thanks Ronnie
Ronnie Mam.I have got 80/100.So,not bad
so cool! thank you :)
Hello, Would you like to talk and practice English through Skype?
my Skype id: ahmed.sabet31
just in case you are interested, contact me
Ronnie, I have two questions, please answer. You say that there are 4 conditionals, but I have seen one called: mixed conditional, could you do a lesson for the mixed one? thanks. And the other question is where are these school from? It is from Canada or England ?? Help me please :) thanks
thanks Ronnie
Ronnie, I’ve studied, about this grammar, in other website, and in this case (First conditional) I saw that the structure is: if + subject + PRESENT SIMPLE + FUTURE (will or going to), for example: “If it rains, we‘re going to stay home.” But I didn’t see, about the modal verbs like (may, might, could), and in your explanation, you did’t talk about GOING TO… Please, give one more explanation. Thanks…
Nice lesson Ronnie! Thanks!
Thanks for explantions.
thank you very much
thank you Ronnie. i love you <3
Hi Ronnie,
I have question for you.
Is it possible to teach the rest of conditionals?
Mina :)
Hello Ma’ am , i hope you would be fine,it’s really a great lecture and you have been doing great job.
I have one quick question how we will construct sentence of past with present.
your response and immediate reply would be highly appreciated.
Stay blessed!!
where are the other conditionals????
very nice lesson:-) Thank You:-)
Ronnie, are these sentences right?:
-What town did you say you’re from?.
-The people you’re with.
Finally I have learned it!
could you explain about 2. and 3.condition?
OTZ.I`m so confusing of this conditionals.
once again watch the lesson.
Thank you Ronnie~
Hi Ronnie
Its wonderful!
Thank you so much
hi ronnie, i’m jessica from indonesia. i’d like to know about zero conditional. is that possible to put another tenses be sides simple present in zero conditional? for examples:
-if tamara is 12 years old, she was born in 2000
-if sarah ever got the first rank, so she was smart.
can you tell me about this, please? thanks :)
In question no. 5. If it rains, __________________________________.
I stay at home
I stays at home
/I will stay at home
I will stays at home
I hate conditionals
Should it be I will stay home and not I will stay AT home?
Absolutely wonderful, if you want to learn spanish i will be glad to help you!
hi mam, can we say, If it rains,I usually stay home?
Thanks a lot, Ronnie! ;) ;)
Thanks a lot Madam Ronnie, I understood The lesson, but I would like to know The other kind of conditionals
Ahmed ^__^
if the answer is ” when you boil water it turns into steam” the right question is ” what happens when you boil water? ” or ” what happens when I boil water ? ”
what’s is more correct ” what happens or what does happen”
It is a pleasure to follow your lessons Ronnie, thank you!
If it is a pleasure (100% sure), I keep it!
HEy Roonie.. Thanks for valuable tutorials.. Helping me a lot in day to day tasks.
Great Lesson! Thanks.
Thanks I got 60%.
This lesson was funny! I´ve got 100%
you´re amazing teacher, you´ve explained this perfectly.. thank you so much. i have learn very very much…!!!
Thank you Ronnie
I have big problem with (if conditional)
I have a question about (had had) and (could and would) some times people use these expressions in conditional. When do they are used?
This helps me a lot for my assessment.
i got 5 correct out f 5!Perfect! ^_^
Thanks Ronnie! You’re great teacher for me! Fun and perspicuous!
Now i know how to put a zero and a first conditional in a sentence.
It was really a good one Ronnie, but I also need the 2nd and 3rd conditionals. It would be of great help if you do an video for the same.
Thank! Teacher. I love your rules. Your speech look likes “The Rock”.
Hi Ronnie!!! Can I use “can” in First conditional?? You mentioned all the modals except “can”
I am not succeed
Thank you very much teacher Ronnie!
hi ronnie.. u r the best but while carefully listening i recovered that you said ” If I drink 200 shots of Takila, i will be very sick.” as an example of ‘zero conditional’ and you only said that we can have modal in the first conditional. so i am very confused. kindly help me.
Ronnie you are wonderful, and so the other members at EngVid.com
Hi Ronnie, I am new here but I already love your videos.
Thank you for all.
It was very helpful, thank you for your lessons.
Hey Ronnie,
Can you make a video of second and third conditionals, please.
Hi Ronnie,thank you.
Thank you Ronnie <3
Thank you Ronnie. If we study interesting we can English fluently.
Very clear thanks Ronnie!
Thank you a lot,simple and clear!
Teacher Ronnie, thank you for teaching me about grammars. Btw teacher Ronnie, I would like to ask iwhen I must use the word “been” in the sentence? Thank u! I will wait for your answer. God bless you!
Please check my grammar… Thank you!
Ronnie your lesson are so funny and I can learn it really well thanks a lot for teaching
Hey ronnie why dont you explain the 2 and 3 conditionals??. Please
Thanks,what’s different between may and might?
thank you teacher
hi thanks ALTO FOR the video pleas can you explain the second and their ed and mixed conditionals pleas
I am verry happy to see your videos and if i meet you I wil give you all my thanks
you are an amazing teacher!
Thanks a lot for teaching but I have problem for negative sentence for example :if we take public transportation, we won’t get stressed out,..) I mean there is different be
Hello Ronnie thanks a lot for teaching me (:
“If I go on studying hard with the help of
the great teachers of engvid.com, I surely will get good grades whenever I have to take a test.”
Did I place the “surely” in the correct place,
By the way, I love your jokes.
January 2 2015
Hi Ronnie
I have a question about the first conditional.
In your exemple in the video, you write four modal (will, may, might and could)could we use the modal would in the first conditional?
Thanks François
Dear Ronnie, Please can you post the two other conditional tenses!. Thanks for giving us this opportunity to learn from you and for sure you are the best, I like your way of transmission. I never get tried of it whenever, I click your lessons. Awesome Ronnie :-)
hi ronnie can you please put some new things for grammar ?
Good job! However, could you please not type in all caps because IT LOOKS LIKE YOU’RE SHOUTING
Ronnie nek zero condional nek subjecke she,it,he
kata kerjane ditambahi s leres kan? (java language)
You are so funny and I love it!
thank you so much
thx for the lesson
What a wonderful teacher! God bless you, Ronnie!
can you teach all conditionals in one lesson
you are great teacher. i learned so many things in your videos
thank you
It’s easyyyy
Thank you,Ronnie!
Ronnie, you are the best!!!
Thanks a lot^^
I really like the way she teaches
Hi! Ronnie,I have a question could you tell me all the modals in the first conditional? Is it correct to use the modal can?,Thanks a lot!!
I think number five could fit with “I stay at home”. tell me ronnie.
thank you very much. i’m so grateful.
I like your videos *-*
Oh my God, teacher Ronny is always makes everything easier. I love you, you are one of the best teacher I’ve known. Greetings from Bali, Indonesia.
5 out of 5 :D thx Ronnie
we can use conjunctions of time such as after, before and until as “if” but why? I know that we use “when” when the “condition” will definitely happen,as soon as to emphasize urgency and unless in place of “if not”but those that I named at the beginning I don’t know :/
Now I understood….
Hello! I have a difficulties with some sentence. It is: ‘If it’s any consolation, you had me convinced’ Why don’t we use ‘will’ or modal? Why is it Past Pefect in a subordinate clause? Is it zero conditonal? I didn’t catch it.
Hi ronnie! In the syntax that you have given for the first conditional, you included the modal “could” is it possible in the first conditional? since the first conditional talks about real possibilities in the present or future. Should it “can” not ” could”? Just wondering! Thanks!
Hi ronnie! In the syntax that you have given for the first conditional, you included the modal “could” is it possible in the first conditional? since the first conditional talks about real possibilities in the present or future. Should it be “can” not “could”? Just wondering! Thanks!
Since zero conditional talks about possibility but not certainty, why did you use “if” in the example ” If ice melts, it becomes water.” why not “when”? “When ice melts it becomes water.” since we use “When” for certainty, and it is certain that when the ice melts it becomes water. I think it is better to say, ” If you put heat on ice, it becomes water.” I am not sure if you put heat on the ice , but if you do surely it melts. In the if clause, I am not sure if you put heat on the ice but it is possible that you will do it, and if you do it, surely it becomes water. Thanks! I am just sharing my idea =)
100 haha
Ronnie, you are awesome!
Thank you)
Thank You Ronnie , U one of the best teacher I have ever seen. Your lessons always very interesting and helpful.
what the diff between verb and base verb?
Thank you, Ronnie. Great like always. Just dont understand the Modal could is the Past, but still we use it in the first Cond((
Ronnie would you tell me which conditional is that sentence “If you’re being bullied, contact kid care”
Thanks a lot. I knew clearly about zero and first conditionals. I got 4/5.
Thank you Ronnie!!
I love you Ronnie! Thank you.
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
I got 5/5.You are a good teacher! Congratulations!
Thanks a lot Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, I like you so much.
But I think the first conditional so confuse when I have to use won’t.
You make grammars so easy to use.
Thanks so much
Dearest Ronnie,
How can I know my english level?
Is there any exam in this wonderful website?
I like you! and I always laugh because you are very sympathetic and clear in your lessons .
Hi, Thank you so much for very helpful lessons. I would like to request you for a video on “Uses of May and Might”. If possible. Thank you
Thank you so much Ronnie. Really, you are very good teacher.
thank you veru much, you are real teacher
good afternoon to everyone. I’ve already taken the lesson and I think the explanation was too easy for me. Thanks a lot Ronnie regards from Mexico!!!
Ok, i get it you’re so nice teacher that i have ever seen i like your way to explain things. Thank you so much for that lesson it’s very important to me.
Your teaching is very good. Now, I’m sure about the Zero and First conditional. Thanks.
could u mind to teach me about another conditional, i mean, u upload a video deliver a complete conditional , zero, first, second, third conditional, pleaseee !
I love your lessons so much.. Thank you..
I got 100%
Hi ronnie
Is it correct to say: If I have time, I will go to the library for example?
5/5 Ronnie,thank you!
I can not see your video
I started know about zero conditional. Thanks for your lesson. You a good teacher Ronnie
Hi lucia, I’m Juan carlos from Colombia, my native language is spanish but I´m trying to talk english more fluently for that I need to practice it with other people. Would you like to practice it with me? If you are interested, We could to talk by internet.
If you want to add my mail, It is juanmmiv@hotmail.com
greetings since Colombia.
Thank you.
UHUU!!All right!!
Thanks, I got 8/10, I was confused with the first one but, know I understand.
thanks a lot
Thanks, Ronnie!
thank you so much , ronnie your classes are very fun and understandable.I’m giancarlos , I’m from peru.Regards!!
Hi everybody, I have a doubt about this sentence:
“Every weekend , if the weather is nice , I (spend /will spend) time outside with my children”
I really don´t know if I should use the zero or the first conditional, because I am talking about a habit I would choose zero conditional, however in the video Ronnie eexplain that zero is always used for scientific facts. Thanks
Thank you Ronnie! :)
Ronnie,you’re a genius! Thanks a lot for helping me understand this lesson.
thanks <3
thank u!first-time comment,very happy.
Youuu are incredible teacher! I love your teaching way! If you talks, everyone listens, 100% true:))))) Thank you!
Good lesson you’re the best
If you come i shall be available..is it correct?
Thanks, I got 5 out of five!!!
Thanks, Ronnie
Great and easy lesson! Thanks for explanation.
thx RONNIE!I understood the whole thing right after I watched the video,to prove it,I got five out of five!I am 99% sure if I didnt watch your video ,I am definitely going to get a zero out of five!
interesting, thank you
Very good !!!
Thank you for your lesson!
Loved it
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much
thank you so much I had a lot of problems to understand the differences, but now i finally can!
You are good, thanks for the video it helps me a lot.
thank you so much, now it is so easy for me to explain it to my students
I wanna ask a question Ronnie
Can I use this sentience ” If the canaries died, the miners knew the air was not healthy ” ?
that is good
Good teaching, Thanks
Thanks, Ronnie! Your lessons are really easy.
Thanks Ronnie!
Thanks Ronnie.
you really will see our comment?
I want to change my name,could you give me any suggestion? I want a special name.
I love your channel!
Teacher what is base verb ?
Thank you Ronnie
You make things cleared for us.
very nice teaching style
Hi Ronnie.
I have question about first conditional. As you said ” if i go to the movies, i will eat popcorn”. So i understhood this sentence
If + subject + base verb. So teacher how about if i write this way, I will go shopping on the way home if i have time. Check it out if it’s correct. I appreciate for this lesson because on monday i have a test of conditionals zero,first, second and third.
Thank you
You’re the best Ronnie.
Thank’s a lot Ronnie! I love your videos! Tou are the best! Kisses from Brazil!
Very good!
Can I say, “If I’m rich, l will buy a car” as an action that leads to another. Or I must use type 2. Thanks in advance.
Hi, I am happy I found this page, I have a question I found in one book this:” A distinction between can and could is observed in conditionals. Could is
used when the conditions are not met.
if Louisa is coming, she can look after the children for a while.
if Helen had more money, she could buy a computer.”
so I see that in second example there is a conditional sentence and it is used could there, i cant understand do we use could in conditionals or not?
Thank you so much.
Thank you
Good teaching. Thanks a lot.
I got 5 out of 5! That was the simple!
Thank you Ronnie!
Great lesson.
For universal facts, Zero conditional and for probable situations, use First conditional. Thumbs up!
1. If it rains, the floor becomes slippery.
2. If we add salt to water, it boils faster.
3. When you smile, the brain generates melatonin.
4. When you run fast, you become out of breath.
5. If you drop a pebble from some height, the pebble drops down.
1. If you cheat on someone, someone else will cheat on you.
2. If you work hard, you can pass.
3. If you like Ronni, you will watch her videos.
4. When you drive fast, you can/may/will hit yourself with another car.
5. If you’re all right, you may come to the party.
Marvelous lesson
i would like to say thank u very much
i m not getting quiz .whyyyyy
that’s a good score.thanks all teachers
I hope if you tell us more about if conditional.
Hi Master
I have a question that its answer is really important to me.
The question is about conditional sentences.
Could you tell me what kind of conditional is this sentence?
If they arrived any later, he would have died.
Zero, First, Second or Third. Which one is that? and Why?
I would be really appreciate.
Great, thanks a lot.
Thank you ronnie
I do like you so much
Hello Ronnie! I would like you comfirme if I am right or not, please:
1. in the if part, could I use any present tense?
simple, continues, perfect?
and in the second part of the sentence, could I use any future form?
modals, future simple, continues, future perfect?
2. In English after if, never put a future tense?
Thank you so much!
But mam in the beginning of the video,you told us that the ‘Conditionals’always start with ‘If’ and When’.Then in the example of the ‘zero conditional’ u said that we can change the two sentences and say,’It becomes water,if ice melts’.But then the conditional is starting with it.So won’t it be wrong?
Great! Thanks for teaching us so well!
If I study English with you, I might polish my English so much!
Take care
Thank you so much. Because previously I didn’t understand about conditionals very well. Now,I know very well.Thank you.
Thank you very much
correct the verbs
If she wants to study in USA, she—- to pass an exam in English. (have)
I would like to know what I can put in the vacuum and why
i got 5 out of 5 i am very happy but conditionals are quite difficult
You are such a great teacher. Please help me to correct the sentence below:
If they was a bird, they could f.ly
Thank you
Amazing english lessons for free. How can this be possible?
Thanks a lot
I don’t know!
thanks, Ronnie
your live very funny and also amazing
Thanks a lot!
I love your questions!
Will, might, may and could are the only modals we can use in fist conditional or we can also use would?
If I watch all of your videos, I will be good at English.
I thank you for the lesson , Ronnie
Hi, could you explain me why we use zero conditional in this cases:
1) If you need help, come to me”. Why not “will come to me”? Is it zero conditional?
2) If I hadn’t been rude to her, she wouldn’t be upset now”. Why not “would not have been”? Mixed conditionals?
3) If you have finished your work, we can have a rest. Which conditional it is? Mixed again?
4) If he hadn’t been acting so foolishly, he wouldn’t have been punished. Why we use Past Perfect Continious after If? Mixed again? In this case we can’t say “hadn’t been acted”? Why?
5) If he had found a job, he wouldn’t ask for money now. Why “wouldn’t ask”? Mixed?
6) If I had got up earlier, I wouldn’t be late now.Why “wouldn’t be”? Mixed?
7) If nobody paid the bill, the electricity will be cut off. It’s first conditionals about probable event, but why “paid” instead “pay”?
8) If he knew her, he would have spoken to her yesterday. Third conditional but why “knew”?
9) Do you have lessons with Unless instead If?
Hello ma’am, You don’t know how much grateful i’m to you. Can you please make a video about second & third conditionals ?
waiting for your reply :)
LOVEEEE IT! 5/5 thanks ronnie :)
Hi Teacher nice to see you. I got 100/100
5/5! Great! Ronnie’s grammar lesson is easy to understand. Thanks!
Thank you
Thanks sweet Ronnie for being so funny during your English classes, I learn a lot and have fun at the same time…. anyway greetings from Surco
we want second and third conditional
Thank you for the information teacher!, I will improve my English If I watch your videos.
Perfect! Thank you so much!
I’m teaching Zero and First conditionals right now in my ESL class and watched your video to get some tips. However, maybe you wanted to keep the explanation simple, but the Pearson Focus on Grammar 3 textbook by Pearson that I’m using states that both Zero and First conditionals can use certain modals of possibility, advice, and necessity in the result clause. This negates the differentiation you made in your video. It also states that the result clause in Zero conditionals is always true and the result clause in First conditionals is certain when “will” is used (the result clause is less certain when modals are used). I like your simple definition, but my text doesn’t support explaining the differences this way. I’ll need to do more research to see if I can find an explanation that I can explain clearly and is supported by the textbook.