Do you want to improve your English conversation skills? This video is for you. In this practical English speaking lesson, I will help you practice 10 common “how” questions, so you can feel more confident and comfortable when listening to and speaking English. One of the hardest parts of any language is asking and understanding questions. This video will give you some tools you can add to your language toolbox today. The questions include: How come?How so?How did you do that?How long is it?How much is it?How long have you known each other? After you’ve learned these questions, move on to my lesson on the 10 most common “what” questions in English.
In Spain we usually to say “silla” instead of chair.
Enrique Otero
Cool! Thanks! :)
Thank you for that
Thank you for your good teaching
Chair in Arabic is (كرسي) and it pronounced like kursi
Thank you for the video♡.
In Mexico we say: ”silla”
You got 10 correct out of 10.
in Brazilian Portuguese, we refer to the chair as “cadeira”
Giovani Apolari Ghirardello
Hi Alex, greetings from Ecuador. Here we say “silla” to the chair but I prefer to say “soporta posaderas” ?.
Have a good day
In portuguese chair is cadeira.
Thank you, Alex. It’s always a enlighting lesson.
Thanks a lot for your teaching.
wonna htay
Thanks. The translation is “une chaise” in French for “a chair”
Hello Alex, Thanks for the lesson.
You used ‘OK’ 23 times
and we say “SANDALI, صندلی” for the chair on our language (Persian/Farsi).
And I’m still waiting for that lesson about BUT… I love you too.
Take care and stay safe Sir. Alex
Yes! Someone did it! :D Thank you! I need to be more careful with how many times I say “Okay” in the future.
Thanks, Alex, Can you please provide me the link? I cannot find it. Bests
And, Regarding Ok, if you didn’t ask us to count them I think it would sound natural and ok. :D
Nice job, i appreciate when you insist in the pronunciation exercise, it’s important for students whithout anybody to practice.
Comment est que vous dites comment?
Comment est ce que Vous dites comment? (missing word)
In russian we say “стул”. “”Chair” as a word has many meanings in our language. Appreciate our joke in english:
– Dad, Dad, Alex is throwing chairs at me!!!
– Throw it at him, too.
– I can’t, I have liquid one.
There are two meanings of word “стул” in this joke.
I am sorry :)
:) 100%. Thank you so much Alex.
may god bless you
Thank you for great lesson
Chair means in Iraq kursi
in Ethiopia we chair means wenber
Abenezer Tigstu
i got 10/10, I think How is the most popular question, even the child when they get to know the world around them, they also alwayl ask How, I assumed How and what those questions are very important, so I’d like you will make a lesson about What in the future, Thank Alex so much
nguyen van long
I have learned some common English conversational phrases from your lesson. Thanks so much Alex.In my own language, chair is “kaintekateka.”
thank you
In russia language a chair will be —- стул(STUL)
That’s interesting – in English a stool (/stuːl/) is a chair without a back or arm rests. Apparently they come from the same very old root word!
In russian, chair without back sound like “taburet”. And Yes there more words with the same pronounce or meaning in our languages
I got 10 correct out of 10 , thanks for the great lesson.
Seif Eldawla
Thank you Alex. You are an interesting person.
Andrew Odesa
thank you Alex
Lanka Sri Lanka
Hi Alex,
it was a nice and useful lesson,
Chair in Brasilian portuguese is “Cadeira”
many thanks
Thank you, Alex! I love you too!
Sedia … in italian.
Chair means “cadeira” in Portuguese. ;)
In Bangla we usually call the chair to refer to the chair. Yes! we use the English word “chair” as chair.
In Georgian we say ” skami ” .
Hey Alex, this lesson is surprisingly easy for me because it’s possible to translate the phrases directly into German: How …? Wie …?
How come? – Wie kommt’s?
How so? – Wieso?
How did you do that? – Wie hast du das gemacht?
How is/was it? – Wie ist/war es?
(We often try to use “Und – “ bevor: Und – wie ist/war es? )
How much is it? Wie viel kostet es? or: Wie viel macht das?
How many _ are/were there? Wie viele _ sind/waren es?
How long have you known each other? Wie lange kennt Ihr Euch?
How about this/that one? Wie steht’s mit diesem/jenem?
How do you like it? (Do you like it?) Wie gefällt es dir? (Gefällt es dir?)
How do you say _ ? Wie sagt man _ ?
I sitting on my chair (Stuhl), peeled the Easter egg and counted 32 Okay‘s.
lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll ll Okay‘s
But – Alex, don’t panic! I think it’s okay to use Ok ;)
Additionally you use synonyms for Ok: Right? Alright? and: You know?
Thanks Alex, this was a useful lesson for me :)
Alex, thanks a lot!!
“Chair” in Ukrainian is “стiлець” and it’s pronounced like ” stilets’ “
Thank you Alex for your excellent lesson.
We usually call it “kujerar” in Hausa
Alex, thanks
Hussian hassan maghfory
Got 10/10
Thanks sir
Chair in urdu is “kursi”
In my language we say “Chaise” for chair.
Thank you for this video.
hello Alex, thanks for the good lesson, chair in my language Persian, is sandali(صندلی).
Thanks Alex, in spanish you can say silla o asiento
Damaris Pico
I liked this video.
Billy Chiu
Hey Alex!
How about a little Hungarian for ya?
Chair is szék is Hungarian. Pronounced like “sake” in English
I got 10 correct out of 10
Hania aamir
Hello ,I am new student .I answer all question but only one I forget.thank you teacher
Racha chouhab
i correct all question.
toe toe lwin
Thanks a lot
In South Sudan we call it kursi, the same as Sudan call it!
Jacob Jok Awuol
I got 100 points:-)
Gahyoung Kim
Alex, você é o cara!!!!
edi wilson
Thank you Alex for your lesson. In Polish we say “krzesło” for chair :))
Thank you Alex chair in arabic is كرسي
Chair in Arabic say ??Korsi
Hey, Alex! Love you funny way to teach English. Can’t wait to the next lesson ?
Guilherme Parra
It’s my first time here on your web page! Tell me, where’re u from?
Guilherme Parra
I got 9-10.
Sohaila Abokhanger
thank you for your good teaching
Somethings new for my, Thanks all is a learning.
we say in arabic “korsy”
mohamed haredy
we say sandali in iran(perisan).
Nice class dear sir
Jiji Immanuvel
Thanks, Alex for your lesson.
Nice lesson Alex
Francisco Macucule
abdelaziz ata
Ohh man! I love a challenge! You said 34 “OKs” during the video! hehe ( I had to do it! hahahaha). Thanks for this class teacher Alex! (same comment on youtube hehe)
I’m amazed someone did this. Thank you! Haha. I hope you enjoyed the video too.
we usually say ‘sandalye’ instead of a chair.
chair by my language we say member by tigrinya thanks for this video i get 80.
I got 10/10.Thank you so much Alex.Thanks for helping us for learning English, it’s kind of you.
Nooreddin Asadi
Nice lesson! In my language we use “Silla” to say chair
Thank you Alex. I got 10/10!
I like this lesson. Thank you.
Double U
In Persian, we say “Sandali”
Muito obrigado por sua aula.
Thanks for this class teacher Alex. This video is without subtitle. =(
got 10 correct out of 10.
Saint Thiri
In Myanmar we say “kalahtaing” instead of chair.
Phyo Pa Pa
WE say share in my language “شارك”
no he said chaire not share
thank you you are an amazing teacher i love this lesson
Thanks for your lesson.
Su Rachel
In sinhala we say “putuwa”
Shithara gamage1991
Thank you teacher
from Algeria so happy to be here learn English with engvid.
thanks teacher
Thank you!
I like this lesson. Thank you, Alex
Greetings from the Czech Republic. In my country we say “ŽIDLE”. The first letter there is pronounced a bit like “g” in “giraffe”. Thanks for your good lessons. Take care.
Thanks Mr Alex I apprecciate that, it is so useful to me. chair in Colombia meaning “Silla”
Ana Gallego
good lesson, thank you Alex
thank you so much
sara altoaimi
Thanks for the test.My Teacher Alex.
thanks for this video
we say chair in Arabic (maqad مقعد) or ( korce كرسي)
yay, I GOT 100!! Thank you so much for this class. I’ve heard this “how questions” a lot from my Canadian colleagues at the college. Learning this makes me feel closer to my classmates. Thank you again. In Korea, we say 의자 [Uija].
Jeongyoon choi
Thank’s for the questions. These are very important for learnig
Jose Lemus
We say ‘rant’ in chechen language. You have to pronounce like in french
Hello Alex, thank for the video
It is very useful for me.
I got 10 out of 10,
The lesson is easy to understand, very helpful.
I got 10
Grace Tee
Thank you so much for your help
Thanks my teacher
Thanks I got 90
chair in my language ,,كرسي
Thank you Alex, you are great
thank you teacher , it’s very clear .
thank you’a chair in my language is ( Kursi )
A good lesson! i liked it !
Igot 9 correct out of 10
Thank you teacher
thank a lot Alex (Kazakhstan 130ct2021)
we say “salem” in kazakh
8/10 second prompt
the lesson is not an easy one
thank you dear alex. in persian we say sandali – صندلی- for chair and in persian Dari that used in afghanistan we say chawki -چاوکی-
u r amazing alex
Thank you!
thank you alex
i feel taht i improve my knowledge
i got 10
The right way to say chair in Ukrainian is “стілець” (stilets’). Thanks for good lesson.
thanks tecaher
hello i want help for communications.need a native language
many thanks alex for your good teaching. in Farsi we say (choki) in the Afghanistan.
Thank you, Alex!
To day i started studying english thank you teacher .HOW. i got 7 hhhhh
manssour 1993
thank you
In the russian language the word chair sounds just like the english word “stool”
Goryanchik Maxim
thank you teacher l got 40
I really appreciate it.
Yoon Me Me
Chair= (sandali) صندلی (in Persian)
Thank you so much teacher Alex.
i get 9/10.
Abdelalim abu elaf
Thanks so much!
Israel Lucas
I got 9 correct out of 10
Said sh. Ali
thank you teacher
Said sh. Ali
thanks a lot
You are speaking very ckearly. I can understand your speaking very much. Thanks. Greetings from Diyarbakır / Türkiye
ny. 2147
Thanks alex It’s been more than 6 momthes I’ve known you.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
In Soain we say “silla” instead of chair.
In Spain we usually to say “silla” instead of chair.
Cool! Thanks! :)
Thank you for that
Thank you for your good teaching
Chair in Arabic is (كرسي) and it pronounced like kursi
Thank you for the video♡.
In Mexico we say: ”silla”
You got 10 correct out of 10.
in Brazilian Portuguese, we refer to the chair as “cadeira”
Hi Alex, greetings from Ecuador. Here we say “silla” to the chair but I prefer to say “soporta posaderas” ?.
Have a good day
In portuguese chair is cadeira.
Thank you, Alex. It’s always a enlighting lesson.
Thanks a lot for your teaching.
Thanks. The translation is “une chaise” in French for “a chair”
Hello Alex, Thanks for the lesson.
You used ‘OK’ 23 times
and we say “SANDALI, صندلی” for the chair on our language (Persian/Farsi).
And I’m still waiting for that lesson about BUT… I love you too.
Take care and stay safe Sir. Alex
Yes! Someone did it! :D Thank you! I need to be more careful with how many times I say “Okay” in the future.
Thanks, Alex, Can you please provide me the link? I cannot find it. Bests
And, Regarding Ok, if you didn’t ask us to count them I think it would sound natural and ok. :D
Nice job, i appreciate when you insist in the pronunciation exercise, it’s important for students whithout anybody to practice.
Comment est que vous dites comment?
Comment est ce que Vous dites comment? (missing word)
In russian we say “стул”. “”Chair” as a word has many meanings in our language. Appreciate our joke in english:
– Dad, Dad, Alex is throwing chairs at me!!!
– Throw it at him, too.
– I can’t, I have liquid one.
There are two meanings of word “стул” in this joke.
I am sorry :)
:) 100%. Thank you so much Alex.
may god bless you
Thank you for great lesson
Chair means in Iraq kursi
in Ethiopia we chair means wenber
i got 10/10, I think How is the most popular question, even the child when they get to know the world around them, they also alwayl ask How, I assumed How and what those questions are very important, so I’d like you will make a lesson about What in the future, Thank Alex so much
I have learned some common English conversational phrases from your lesson. Thanks so much Alex.In my own language, chair is “kaintekateka.”
thank you
In russia language a chair will be —- стул(STUL)
That’s interesting – in English a stool (
) is a chair without a back or arm rests. Apparently they come from the same very old root word!I think this one sounds like табурет (taburet) or more usual табуретка (taburetka):
In russian, chair without back sound like “taburet”. And Yes there more words with the same pronounce or meaning in our languages
I got 10 correct out of 10 , thanks for the great lesson.
Thank you Alex. You are an interesting person.
thank you Alex
Hi Alex,
it was a nice and useful lesson,
Chair in Brasilian portuguese is “Cadeira”
many thanks
Thank you, Alex! I love you too!
Sedia … in italian.
Chair means “cadeira” in Portuguese. ;)
In Bangla we usually call the chair to refer to the chair. Yes! we use the English word “chair” as chair.
In Georgian we say ” skami ” .
Hey Alex, this lesson is surprisingly easy for me because it’s possible to translate the phrases directly into German: How …? Wie …?
How come? – Wie kommt’s?
How so? – Wieso?
How did you do that? – Wie hast du das gemacht?
How is/was it? – Wie ist/war es?
(We often try to use “Und – “ bevor: Und – wie ist/war es? )
How much is it? Wie viel kostet es? or: Wie viel macht das?
How many _ are/were there? Wie viele _ sind/waren es?
How long have you known each other? Wie lange kennt Ihr Euch?
How about this/that one? Wie steht’s mit diesem/jenem?
How do you like it? (Do you like it?) Wie gefällt es dir? (Gefällt es dir?)
How do you say _ ? Wie sagt man _ ?
I sitting on my chair (Stuhl), peeled the Easter egg and counted 32 Okay‘s.
lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll ll Okay‘s
But – Alex, don’t panic! I think it’s okay to use Ok ;)
Additionally you use synonyms for Ok: Right? Alright? and: You know?
Thanks Alex, this was a useful lesson for me :)
Alex, thanks a lot!!
“Chair” in Ukrainian is “стiлець” and it’s pronounced like ” stilets’ “
Thank you Alex for your excellent lesson.
We usually call it “kujerar” in Hausa
Alex, thanks
Got 10/10
Thanks sir
Chair in urdu is “kursi”
In my language we say “Chaise” for chair.
Thank you for this video.
hello Alex, thanks for the good lesson, chair in my language Persian, is sandali(صندلی).
Thanks Alex, in spanish you can say silla o asiento
I liked this video.
Hey Alex!
How about a little Hungarian for ya?
Chair is szék is Hungarian. Pronounced like “sake” in English
I got 10 correct out of 10
Hello ,I am new student .I answer all question but only one I forget.thank you teacher
i correct all question.
Thanks a lot
In South Sudan we call it kursi, the same as Sudan call it!
I got 100 points:-)
Alex, você é o cara!!!!
Thank you Alex for your lesson. In Polish we say “krzesło” for chair :))
Thank you Alex chair in arabic is كرسي
Chair in Arabic say ??Korsi
Hey, Alex! Love you funny way to teach English. Can’t wait to the next lesson ?
It’s my first time here on your web page! Tell me, where’re u from?
I got 9-10.
thank you for your good teaching
Somethings new for my, Thanks all is a learning.
we say in arabic “korsy”
we say sandali in iran(perisan).
Nice class dear sir
Thanks, Alex for your lesson.
Nice lesson Alex
Ohh man! I love a challenge! You said 34 “OKs” during the video! hehe ( I had to do it! hahahaha). Thanks for this class teacher Alex! (same comment on youtube hehe)
I’m amazed someone did this. Thank you! Haha. I hope you enjoyed the video too.
we usually say ‘sandalye’ instead of a chair.
chair by my language we say member by tigrinya thanks for this video i get 80.
I got 10/10.Thank you so much Alex.Thanks for helping us for learning English, it’s kind of you.
Nice lesson! In my language we use “Silla” to say chair
Thank you Alex. I got 10/10!
I like this lesson. Thank you.
In Persian, we say “Sandali”
Muito obrigado por sua aula.
Thanks for this class teacher Alex. This video is without subtitle. =(
got 10 correct out of 10.
In Myanmar we say “kalahtaing” instead of chair.
WE say share in my language “شارك”
no he said chaire not share
thank you you are an amazing teacher i love this lesson
Thanks for your lesson.
In sinhala we say “putuwa”
Thank you teacher
from Algeria so happy to be here learn English with engvid.
thanks teacher
Thank you!
I like this lesson. Thank you, Alex
Greetings from the Czech Republic. In my country we say “ŽIDLE”. The first letter there is pronounced a bit like “g” in “giraffe”. Thanks for your good lessons. Take care.
Thanks Mr Alex I apprecciate that, it is so useful to me. chair in Colombia meaning “Silla”
good lesson, thank you Alex
thank you so much
Thanks for the test.My Teacher Alex.
thanks for this video
we say chair in Arabic (maqad مقعد) or ( korce كرسي)
yay, I GOT 100!! Thank you so much for this class. I’ve heard this “how questions” a lot from my Canadian colleagues at the college. Learning this makes me feel closer to my classmates. Thank you again. In Korea, we say 의자 [Uija].
Thank’s for the questions. These are very important for learnig
We say ‘rant’ in chechen language. You have to pronounce like in french
Hello Alex, thank for the video
It is very useful for me.
I got 10 out of 10,
The lesson is easy to understand, very helpful.
I got 10
Thank you so much for your help
Thanks my teacher
Thanks I got 90
chair in my language ,,كرسي
Thank you Alex, you are great
thank you teacher , it’s very clear .
thank you’a chair in my language is ( Kursi )
A good lesson! i liked it !
Igot 9 correct out of 10
Thank you teacher
thank a lot Alex (Kazakhstan 130ct2021)
we say “salem” in kazakh
8/10 second prompt
the lesson is not an easy one
thank you dear alex. in persian we say sandali – صندلی- for chair and in persian Dari that used in afghanistan we say chawki -چاوکی-
u r amazing alex
Thank you!
thank you alex
i feel taht i improve my knowledge
i got 10
The right way to say chair in Ukrainian is “стілець” (stilets’). Thanks for good lesson.
thanks tecaher
hello i want help for communications.need a native language
many thanks alex for your good teaching. in Farsi we say (choki) in the Afghanistan.
Thank you, Alex!
To day i started studying english thank you teacher .HOW. i got 7 hhhhh
thank you
In the russian language the word chair sounds just like the english word “stool”
thank you teacher l got 40
I really appreciate it.
Chair= (sandali) صندلی (in Persian)
Thank you so much teacher Alex.
i get 9/10.
Thanks so much!
I got 9 correct out of 10
thank you teacher
thanks a lot
You are speaking very ckearly. I can understand your speaking very much. Thanks. Greetings from Diyarbakır / Türkiye
Thanks alex It’s been more than 6 momthes I’ve known you.