Does your language have idioms that come from technology? We use technology in so many parts of our daily life, so it’s natural that many English expressions have come from this field. Learn these idioms to make your English sound more fluent and natural. This lesson has all the bells and whistles. If you don’t know what that means yet, there’s no need to hit the panic button—I’ll show you what makes this English tick.
It was my first time , i live in Africa, so 3 from 10 is the best I can do , you cant exspect more .
Welcome Islandman.
Remember, only you can expect more from yourself ;)
hhh I knew what you meant
Thank you teacher, I got 8 correct out of 10.
Congratulations! ^_^
Gerald Chan
Thank you Adam, I got 100. ✌️
Gerald Chan
Nice ?
Johnny Ruiz
Hello Adam.
Thanks for the lesson . It is amazing that we have almost the same expressions .
I would like to know if it is the same for other languages .
Adam , would it be possible to make a lesson about mechanic ? You would describe parts that go into a combustion engine and a gear box .
Is it in your wheelhouse ?
See you
Not really my area of expertise, but I can always do some research ;)
Thanks Adam. I like your lessons.
Forats FS
thank you adam: i enjoyed the lesson so much thank you.
amal naser
☺Got 100%. Highly excellent lesson. Adam you are great. Love your teaching . Thank you so much.
Got 100% . Highly excellent lesson. Adam you are great. Thank you so much.
I got 10 out of 10 as usual , i have a question for you Adam , when we should use these idioms ?
yasser Daoud
Hi Yasser,
These are all part of everyday speech. In many cases they can be used in writing as well. In terms of when specifically to use them, it all depends on the context of the conversation.
Thank you Adam! I like your lessons very much.I hope we’re on the same wavelangth :)
Indeed we are Kotat ;)
Hallo Adam,
thank you very much for your usefull and nice lesson. With the idiom “blow the fuse” I immediately thought of very similar or even identical idiom “hit the roof”. However the roof is not modern technology.
Hi Adrijana,
Not tech, but both idioms essentially mean the same thing.
Howdy Adam!
Well done! That’s a quite interesting video again. I shall use these expressions in my everyday life.
Bye for now!
Eduardo França
Very useful Adam, thank you!!!
Very good lesson. Extremely useful idioms.Thanks.
Thank you, teacher….!!
Jakub Alvarez
Thanks Adam for this information.
Hi every one how are you. It is very useful lesson for English learner , in my opinion practice make perfect. I would like to invite everyone to practice with me that enhance our skills.
Muhammad Abbas
thanks Adam
that is very good
Thank you sir.
thank you so much. I feel like, I`m going to learn a lot.
Thank you! It was very interesting! I like your examples! But I don’t understand, where and how can I press “Like” in this site (not in YouTube).
Thanks Kayfovo,
Just under the video you should see a like button with a thumbs up sign. If not, your comments are just as welcome :)
The ten idioms looks strange and peculiar at the first sight but when you study the words of the sentence one by one, you will find it’s interesting that you could guess the proximate meaning of the idiom implies.Good lessons, thank you Adam.
I did it without listening but it wasn’t a great idea:))
A smile, thanks.
AHH! I was speaking about the Quiz!
great lesson, Adam!!!thank you!!!
Fabio Chaves
Great lesson Mr Adam, thanks so much!!
thanks a lot
Thanks Adam. Very clear explanation.
Luiz Carlos F Rodrigues
Thank you, it was fun
can you explain what is the difference between chicken out, to be chicken and got cold feet??
and also please do lesson about present perfect tense and present continuous tense
thank u teacher
Hi Agatha,
To chicken out means to be scared of doing something. TO be a chicken means to be generally scared (similar to coward). to get cold feet means to not want to do something at the last moment (not necessarily scared, just changed mind).
You can do a search in the search box on this site for the tense lessons. There are quite a few of them.
terima kasih guru atas jawabannya means “Thank u teacher for the answer” God bless you
My pleasure :)
Yeh I did it 100. Hope I remember all of them by heart and use them in reality.
Thanks Teacher Adam for your lesson.
I won’t never run out of stream on learning English.
Ye Yint Aung
hello thanks to the test.
I really need someone to help me write an academic essay. I must complete essay by 12 tonight.
Hello Adam, I have a question about the indefinite pronoun.
At the, you write so: “If both nouns are singular or plural, then of course the verb agrees with that number. If the pronoun appears by itself (neither was given the opportunity to defend his actions), then the nouns have already been established (his actions) and are of a common number.”
At the end, I don’t know what’s “a common number”? Is it equals singular number?
I can see the confusion. I will rewrite that part. In the meantime, ‘His actions’ suggests that the two people in the sentence are individuals (his and his) and the verb agrees with (is common to) that.
Does this help?
Maria has more money than _____. I,me,him,we? I hope you can shed some light, please!
Hi Jay05,
Technically the answer is “I” —
Maria has more money than I (do).
In everyday speech, many, if not most, people will say me.You are making a comparison of the verb as well, so after ‘than’ you need a full clause to include subject and verb, and “I” is the subject pronoun.
Does this help?
It has been a little difficult to connect these idioms, to make these idioms tick and to be on the same wavelengths with the meaning of the sentences but at the end I think it has worked greasing the wheels although I have had to reinvent the wheels to get the bells & whistles. Thanks a lot, teacher Adam, we are learning a good English with your very useful aid, you are aiming us to the true sense of the English.
i like to learn english
They don’t put you in booties
and a straightjacket
What that suppose to mean?
I don’t know the context you’re taking this sentence from, but I can guess that it means they don’t send you to the psychiatric hospital (insane asylum) for doing what you did or are about to do.
Does this help?
Thanks Mr.Adam for this lessons. Glad to know that, we also in Arabic lang. share the same culture and meanings :) :) :)
Thank you very much Adam.
Thanks Mr Adam I got 100% :D
Cool, I got 9 from 10.. srsrs
thanks so much Adam…
Thiago Brito
You got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you so much.
Great lesson
Hello Adam! I was a little sick lately but I watched all your last uploads.
I thought I had a lot of old magazines with jokes but close examination showed me I was wrong. So I got jokes from a new one. Let’s get started!
1 – What happend to you?
– You know, I met a girl and was knock down by her beauty…and then by her husband.
2 – So you’re from Russia. They say there are bears walk on the roads.
– They’re liars! There aren’t any roads!
3 – Eh! It’d be cool to get back our first date!
– You are so cute darling! What would you do?
– I wouldn’t come!
4 – Does your husband often leave your home in evening?
– Yea, pretty often!
– Poor man, doesn’t like to be alone!
Thank you for attention!
This took me 5 minutes to translate and write!
Good job Katrin :)
Thank you Adam.
Amazed by the way you explained.
Please do a lesson on conjugated use of had had, have had,has had.
Dawood Faiz
I’ll get on it Dawood ;)
Hello Adam
First of all I’d like to offer you my sincere gratitude for all the hard works you guys put in to create these videos and make them available to public. I’d also like to suggest something that I think would most certainly improve this website and also very beneficial to all the audience. The videos are great however in my opinion it would be really beneficial to everyone if you guys could make a PDF format of each lessons and the quizzes where we can download at the end of each video and print them out. This way we can make our own text book where we can study and perhaps highlight the parts we need to study/review more before our exams either TOEFL/IELTS or whatever it would be.
Thank you in advance
Thanks Avec.toi. I’ll pass these ideas on to the admins.
Sir, Could you explain me the use of “OFF” and “OF”?
Alarm goes OFF. ( to me the alarm stops ) but it’s rather the alarm making sound.
I took day OFF. ( No working ). So can you teach me more how to use it “off”
Alex Kap
I’ll try to make a vid about this Alex.
Keep in mind that these are two very different prepositions and have different uses. They shouldn’t really be confused with each other, other than in terms of how they sound.
Hello, Adam!
The way you you explained the introduction structure for Writing Task Two was incredibly helpful. Thank you so much! Would you please make a similar video for TOEFL Speaking tasks? I never know what to to say in the concluding statement. In the integrated Speaking task I am not even sure I need a conclusion. Do I?
Thanks again, and I hope you’re having a great day)
Hi Olga,
I’ll see what I can do about that, but in the meantime, the main thing to keep in mind about the “conclusion” (in the integrated tasks) is that you simply need to “wrap up” the speech. In other words, let the listener know you are about to finish. there is no actual conclusion for you to reach as you are just summarizing what you heard and read.
Does this help?
Thank you so much ADAM!
Mohamed Achraf
It’s an amazing methods, I would like to have an interactive conversation By ZOOM (software for meeting) with a small Group.
Adam,is it appropriate if in everyday speech I will say “Darling! If I said something(wrong),if I did something(wrong)?” instead of “Darling! Did I say something wrong, …?” ? Thank you.
Well, not really sure this would be “everyday” speech, but both sentences work. The first (if), is a sentence with the invitation for the listener to stop you and say no, no, it’s not you it’s me. The second is a direct question and needs a direct answer.
I really didn’t know that. I thought they’re the same.
Thank you.(So maybe there’s a difference between: ” If I said something …..” and ” Whether I said something ……”?)Or people don’t talk like that?
Whether is a question, not an indirect statement, so it doesn’t work in this context.
I’ve got 70 in the exam . is this degree is good,Mr adam?
Yes, AlaaYilmaz :). On the next quiz, go for 80
I’ve got 80. So good so far I think. Thank you, Mr. Adam!
It´s my first time in this website and I´ve got 100. I´m really glad about it, and I´ll keep studying really hard with these videos. Congratulations for the job…
Hi me ur new studend rabbia here.
Rabbia bilal
Welcome Rabbia :)
Thank you Mr. Adam, it is very useful lesson.
Hi adam i want that you explain hurt as verb,noun,adjective i willbe thnkful
Rabbia bilal
To hurt (v) means to cause pain or suffering.
hurt (n) means the feeling of pain someone experience
hurt (adj) is the sense of feeling pain
John hurt his friend’s feelings by declining her invitation to dinner.
John’s friend was hurt by his declining to come to her house for dinner. That hurt lasted only a few hours, though, as John called and said he could come over after all.
Does this help?
Thanks adam i m grateful for your reply .
Rabbia bilal
Thank you Mr. Adam, your teachonh methods are crisp and clear.
Thanks everyone :)
You and Emma are The Best…:)
Mohamed Achraf
Thank you Adam!8)
hi Adam i hope you post more of these videos where we can learn a lot of new vocabulary
wish you all the best!!!!
Good lesson Adam, you’re great.
it works! Nice
thank you it is very nice!!
I have got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks a lot ^^
Helen Irm
It will be right if i write “I really feel like making you tick to do that”
Helen Irm
Not really, Helen. “I really feel like making you do that.” is good enough to get the meaning.
or not ?
Helen Irm
hi sir .. I am studying IELTS, today I see very first time your video your teaching style is very good .. i understand all videos ..thank u so much for such a beneficial thing…..thanks;)
iram hanif
Welcome Iram :)
I got 10. I want to know what makes you tick Adam because you are incredibly brilliant.
Well used Reza :)
hi …i have always a problem to understand the use of could and would …. can you plz teach me in simple way… thank u
iram hanif
Thank you for letting us learn the ropes, Adam!
Thank you.
Thanks for your lesson
I Thank you Mr Adam for this lesson.I can ensure you that I will work harder to avoid that people try to grease the wheels in my office.
9/10. Thank you.
ann ann
wow! super idioms.
Adam is the best one!
Cirineu Palmeira
I have question that make me confused for long time. I heard some words like “technique”, “technology”, “engineering”, “method”, what are differences? Could you please show me? Thank you in advance :)
Tong Hung Son
Thank you Adam, I like your pronunciation.
I’m from Argentina and I understood almost everything you said.
Thanks again.
Wow!!! 100% :-D
Florence Kho
wow. got 10/10! by the way i so much love your teaching skills.
Quick question. do you offer freelance writing courses for newbies like me?
Hello from Russia. 10/10
so proud :)
Dead Ishymura
You got 8 correct out of 10!
Well, not bed. Thank you Adam!
HO no! as i think i am so weak in english language dear teacher may you guid me
hi, i want to take a live class. How can i do that?
Namgay Tshering
Thank you so much. I enjoy watching your videos. You are my favorite teacher. God bless you always
When Gilang and I were looking and smiling at each other, we knew that we were on the same wave length.
Awesome idioms, Thank you teacher
Thank you Mr. Adam.
You are my best English teacher.
I’m happy to learn idioms, We have some of these idioms in Persian.
100% of correct answers. thanks a lot
I got all correct.thank you for this useful lesson.
10/10! Great! I come back after a busy week. Let me learn Adam’s English lesson continue.
Jerry Gu
Thank you Adam
Useful lesson you maked easy to understand.
Great, it’s a usefull video.
Thanks, this is another great lesson.
Would you say that “something clicks with sb” “vent out”, “full blast” are also tech expressions?
So, the idiom – “Hit the panic button” and “pull the plug” means cancelled each
what is the difference?
Thank you for the this video. It was a very difficult for me because l tired so hard to understand but l am happy to learn new things.
I can say your way of presenting and explaining the idioms in this video is very natural. Perfect lesson. I enjoyed it with the quiz 10/10.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
It was my first time , i live in Africa, so 3 from 10 is the best I can do , you cant exspect more .
Welcome Islandman.
Remember, only you can expect more from yourself ;)
hhh I knew what you meant
Thank you teacher, I got 8 correct out of 10.
Congratulations! ^_^
Thank you Adam, I got 100. ✌️
Nice ?
Hello Adam.
Thanks for the lesson . It is amazing that we have almost the same expressions .
I would like to know if it is the same for other languages .
Adam , would it be possible to make a lesson about mechanic ? You would describe parts that go into a combustion engine and a gear box .
Is it in your wheelhouse ?
See you
Yea tsamp, I agree too about expressions!
Try this
Hi Tsamp,
Not really my area of expertise, but I can always do some research ;)
Thanks Adam. I like your lessons.
thank you adam: i enjoyed the lesson so much thank you.
☺Got 100%. Highly excellent lesson. Adam you are great. Love your teaching . Thank you so much.
Got 100% . Highly excellent lesson. Adam you are great. Thank you so much.
I got 10 out of 10 as usual , i have a question for you Adam , when we should use these idioms ?
Hi Yasser,
These are all part of everyday speech. In many cases they can be used in writing as well. In terms of when specifically to use them, it all depends on the context of the conversation.
Thank you Adam! I like your lessons very much.I hope we’re on the same wavelangth :)
Indeed we are Kotat ;)
Hallo Adam,
thank you very much for your usefull and nice lesson. With the idiom “blow the fuse” I immediately thought of very similar or even identical idiom “hit the roof”. However the roof is not modern technology.
Hi Adrijana,
Not tech, but both idioms essentially mean the same thing.
Howdy Adam!
Well done! That’s a quite interesting video again. I shall use these expressions in my everyday life.
Bye for now!
Very useful Adam, thank you!!!
Very good lesson. Extremely useful idioms.Thanks.
Thank you, teacher….!!
Thanks Adam for this information.
Hi every one how are you. It is very useful lesson for English learner , in my opinion practice make perfect. I would like to invite everyone to practice with me that enhance our skills.
thanks Adam
that is very good
Thank you sir.
thank you so much. I feel like, I`m going to learn a lot.
Thank you! It was very interesting! I like your examples! But I don’t understand, where and how can I press “Like” in this site (not in YouTube).
Thanks Kayfovo,
Just under the video you should see a like button with a thumbs up sign. If not, your comments are just as welcome :)
The ten idioms looks strange and peculiar at the first sight but when you study the words of the sentence one by one, you will find it’s interesting that you could guess the proximate meaning of the idiom implies.Good lessons, thank you Adam.
I did it without listening but it wasn’t a great idea:))
A smile, thanks.
AHH! I was speaking about the Quiz!
great lesson, Adam!!!thank you!!!
Great lesson Mr Adam, thanks so much!!
thanks a lot
Thanks Adam. Very clear explanation.
Thank you, it was fun
can you explain what is the difference between chicken out, to be chicken and got cold feet??
and also please do lesson about present perfect tense and present continuous tense
thank u teacher
Hi Agatha,
To chicken out means to be scared of doing something. TO be a chicken means to be generally scared (similar to coward). to get cold feet means to not want to do something at the last moment (not necessarily scared, just changed mind).
You can do a search in the search box on this site for the tense lessons. There are quite a few of them.
terima kasih guru atas jawabannya means “Thank u teacher for the answer” God bless you
My pleasure :)
Yeh I did it 100. Hope I remember all of them by heart and use them in reality.
Thanks Teacher Adam for your lesson.
I won’t never run out of stream on learning English.
hello thanks to the test.
I really need someone to help me write an academic essay. I must complete essay by 12 tonight.
Hello Adam, I have a question about the indefinite pronoun.
At the, you write so: “If both nouns are singular or plural, then of course the verb agrees with that number. If the pronoun appears by itself (neither was given the opportunity to defend his actions), then the nouns have already been established (his actions) and are of a common number.”
At the end, I don’t know what’s “a common number”? Is it equals singular number?
Thank you.
Hi Gerald,
I can see the confusion. I will rewrite that part. In the meantime, ‘His actions’ suggests that the two people in the sentence are individuals (his and his) and the verb agrees with (is common to) that.
Does this help?
Maria has more money than _____. I,me,him,we? I hope you can shed some light, please!
Hi Jay05,
Technically the answer is “I” —
Maria has more money than I (do).
In everyday speech, many, if not most, people will say me.You are making a comparison of the verb as well, so after ‘than’ you need a full clause to include subject and verb, and “I” is the subject pronoun.
Does this help?
It has been a little difficult to connect these idioms, to make these idioms tick and to be on the same wavelengths with the meaning of the sentences but at the end I think it has worked greasing the wheels although I have had to reinvent the wheels to get the bells & whistles. Thanks a lot, teacher Adam, we are learning a good English with your very useful aid, you are aiming us to the true sense of the English.
i like to learn english
They don’t put you in booties
and a straightjacket
What that suppose to mean?
I don’t know the context you’re taking this sentence from, but I can guess that it means they don’t send you to the psychiatric hospital (insane asylum) for doing what you did or are about to do.
Does this help?
Thanks Mr.Adam for this lessons. Glad to know that, we also in Arabic lang. share the same culture and meanings :) :) :)
Thank you very much Adam.
Thanks Mr Adam I got 100% :D
Cool, I got 9 from 10.. srsrs
thanks so much Adam…
You got 10 correct out of 10. Thank you so much.
Great lesson
Hello Adam! I was a little sick lately but I watched all your last uploads.
I thought I had a lot of old magazines with jokes but close examination showed me I was wrong. So I got jokes from a new one. Let’s get started!
1 – What happend to you?
– You know, I met a girl and was knock down by her beauty…and then by her husband.
2 – So you’re from Russia. They say there are bears walk on the roads.
– They’re liars! There aren’t any roads!
3 – Eh! It’d be cool to get back our first date!
– You are so cute darling! What would you do?
– I wouldn’t come!
4 – Does your husband often leave your home in evening?
– Yea, pretty often!
– Poor man, doesn’t like to be alone!
Thank you for attention!
This took me 5 minutes to translate and write!
Good job Katrin :)
Thank you Adam.
Amazed by the way you explained.
Please do a lesson on conjugated use of had had, have had,has had.
I’ll get on it Dawood ;)
Hello Adam
First of all I’d like to offer you my sincere gratitude for all the hard works you guys put in to create these videos and make them available to public. I’d also like to suggest something that I think would most certainly improve this website and also very beneficial to all the audience. The videos are great however in my opinion it would be really beneficial to everyone if you guys could make a PDF format of each lessons and the quizzes where we can download at the end of each video and print them out. This way we can make our own text book where we can study and perhaps highlight the parts we need to study/review more before our exams either TOEFL/IELTS or whatever it would be.
Thank you in advance
Thanks Avec.toi. I’ll pass these ideas on to the admins.
Sir, Could you explain me the use of “OFF” and “OF”?
Alarm goes OFF. ( to me the alarm stops ) but it’s rather the alarm making sound.
I took day OFF. ( No working ). So can you teach me more how to use it “off”
I’ll try to make a vid about this Alex.
Keep in mind that these are two very different prepositions and have different uses. They shouldn’t really be confused with each other, other than in terms of how they sound.
Hello, Adam!
The way you you explained the introduction structure for Writing Task Two was incredibly helpful. Thank you so much! Would you please make a similar video for TOEFL Speaking tasks? I never know what to to say in the concluding statement. In the integrated Speaking task I am not even sure I need a conclusion. Do I?
Thanks again, and I hope you’re having a great day)
Hi Olga,
I’ll see what I can do about that, but in the meantime, the main thing to keep in mind about the “conclusion” (in the integrated tasks) is that you simply need to “wrap up” the speech. In other words, let the listener know you are about to finish. there is no actual conclusion for you to reach as you are just summarizing what you heard and read.
Does this help?
Thank you so much ADAM!
It’s an amazing methods, I would like to have an interactive conversation By ZOOM (software for meeting) with a small Group.
Adam,is it appropriate if in everyday speech I will say “Darling! If I said something(wrong),if I did something(wrong)?” instead of “Darling! Did I say something wrong, …?” ? Thank you.
Well, not really sure this would be “everyday” speech, but both sentences work. The first (if), is a sentence with the invitation for the listener to stop you and say no, no, it’s not you it’s me. The second is a direct question and needs a direct answer.
I really didn’t know that. I thought they’re the same.
Thank you.(So maybe there’s a difference between: ” If I said something …..” and ” Whether I said something ……”?)Or people don’t talk like that?
Whether is a question, not an indirect statement, so it doesn’t work in this context.
I’ve got 70 in the exam . is this degree is good,Mr adam?
Yes, AlaaYilmaz :). On the next quiz, go for 80
I’ve got 80. So good so far I think. Thank you, Mr. Adam!
It´s my first time in this website and I´ve got 100. I´m really glad about it, and I´ll keep studying really hard with these videos. Congratulations for the job…
Hi me ur new studend rabbia here.
Welcome Rabbia :)
Thank you Mr. Adam, it is very useful lesson.
Hi adam i want that you explain hurt as verb,noun,adjective i willbe thnkful
To hurt (v) means to cause pain or suffering.
hurt (n) means the feeling of pain someone experience
hurt (adj) is the sense of feeling pain
John hurt his friend’s feelings by declining her invitation to dinner.
John’s friend was hurt by his declining to come to her house for dinner. That hurt lasted only a few hours, though, as John called and said he could come over after all.
Does this help?
Thanks adam i m grateful for your reply .
Thank you Mr. Adam, your teachonh methods are crisp and clear.
Thanks everyone :)
You and Emma are The Best…:)
Thank you Adam!8)
hi Adam i hope you post more of these videos where we can learn a lot of new vocabulary
wish you all the best!!!!
Good lesson Adam, you’re great.
it works! Nice
thank you it is very nice!!
I have got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks a lot ^^
It will be right if i write “I really feel like making you tick to do that”
Not really, Helen. “I really feel like making you do that.” is good enough to get the meaning.
or not ?
hi sir .. I am studying IELTS, today I see very first time your video your teaching style is very good .. i understand all videos ..thank u so much for such a beneficial thing…..thanks;)
Welcome Iram :)
I got 10. I want to know what makes you tick Adam because you are incredibly brilliant.
Well used Reza :)
hi …i have always a problem to understand the use of could and would …. can you plz teach me in simple way… thank u
Thank you for letting us learn the ropes, Adam!
Thank you.
Thanks for your lesson
I Thank you Mr Adam for this lesson.I can ensure you that I will work harder to avoid that people try to grease the wheels in my office.
9/10. Thank you.
wow! super idioms.
Adam is the best one!
I have question that make me confused for long time. I heard some words like “technique”, “technology”, “engineering”, “method”, what are differences? Could you please show me? Thank you in advance :)
Thank you Adam, I like your pronunciation.
I’m from Argentina and I understood almost everything you said.
Thanks again.
Wow!!! 100% :-D
wow. got 10/10! by the way i so much love your teaching skills.
Quick question. do you offer freelance writing courses for newbies like me?
Hello from Russia. 10/10
so proud :)
You got 8 correct out of 10!
Well, not bed. Thank you Adam!
HO no! as i think i am so weak in english language dear teacher may you guid me
hi, i want to take a live class. How can i do that?
Thank you so much. I enjoy watching your videos. You are my favorite teacher. God bless you always
When Gilang and I were looking and smiling at each other, we knew that we were on the same wave length.
Awesome idioms, Thank you teacher
Thank you Mr. Adam.
You are my best English teacher.
I’m happy to learn idioms, We have some of these idioms in Persian.
100% of correct answers. thanks a lot
I got all correct.thank you for this useful lesson.
10/10! Great! I come back after a busy week. Let me learn Adam’s English lesson continue.
Thank you Adam
Useful lesson you maked easy to understand.
Great, it’s a usefull video.
Thanks, this is another great lesson.
Would you say that “something clicks with sb” “vent out”, “full blast” are also tech expressions?
So, the idiom – “Hit the panic button” and “pull the plug” means cancelled each
what is the difference?
Thank you for the this video. It was a very difficult for me because l tired so hard to understand but l am happy to learn new things.
I can say your way of presenting and explaining the idioms in this video is very natural. Perfect lesson. I enjoyed it with the quiz 10/10.