Get through this lesson without getting down. Phrasal verbs with GET are very common and popular in everyday speech. In this lesson we will look at the meanings of words like get up, get over, get through, and more.
Adam !!! thanks a lot for this lesson, at the beginning I thought the Phrasal verbs were not important, but now I understand how important and common they are !!!. Once again, thank you very much
I think that phrasal verbs are the most important and difficult things in understanding common english, but everyone has to get it through
I think for native English speaker they use a lot of phrasal verbs everyday
I got 8/10
good but someday someone told me ” i try to call u in ur self phone but i don’t get thought it” what is mean get through here ??????
Does he meant that he tried to call your cell phone and you wasn’t pick up?
Hi BianLei, exactly! Good to go… :-)
BianLei is totally right
Hi Sami,
Get through here means make the connection. Maybe the line was busy, or maybe you just didn’t pick up.
Hope that helps.
means he cant contact you
edward captain
. To be able to reach or contact someone. Nope, the line is busy—I can’t get through.
I got 8/10. Thanks for the lesson. Phrasal verbs very important, and used every day, but in some case I confused when one have different meanings. I need more time that remember it.
thanks ;-)
Good lesson, Adam. It was the first time for me, but I really liked your lesson.
I got 8/10. very nice teacher,andvery nice lesson. Thanks!
9 out of 10! It’s easy to learn about how to use phrasal verbs when we have such a good teacher!
You happen to be one of the best English ever!!
Thanks for teaching us!!
Amazing lesson,dude,and keep going!
I got 9/10.Congratulations.Thank you very much.
9 out of 10, the same to Janilza, haha, nice lesson:)
Cloud Chu
Very useful lesson and as always you did it very well.I have one question.Why did you say me and my friend get along instead of I and my friend get along? Thank you sir. Good luck!
I noticed that too, but I had to listen to it once again, and I think “me” is in position of an object, so is “my friends”. So, this isn’t the same when you try to say “I get along with my friends”. I also think that you can change the sentence to: “My friends and me get along.” So, there’s no “I” in this case, and also, there’s no “with”. And I think this is the key thing, and you probably could say “My friends and I get along with her.” . So, as you can see, in this case you have “I” and “with”.
Of course, this is only my understanding, and I don’t know if that’s right, but I think it is. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing Adam’s explanation. :)
It’s a whole topic in English, it is correct to to say “My friend (or any other noun) and I”, OR in casual English I heard people say “Me and my friend (again any other noun)”
Hi Oshada,
Though Morfik made a valiant effort, ‘me and my friend get along’ is technically incorrect grammar. Me and my friend (we) get along, or my friend and I get along essentially mean the same- we have a good relationship. That being said, however, this construction is used so often that it has become acceptable in everyday speech. Would I write this? Probably not. These days there is a lot of leeway (space to maneuver) in spoken English, but not in formal written English.
I hope that helps a little. I could be on guard to use perfect grammar all the time, but it’s actually not that realistic in terms of everyday usage.
Nice lesson. Thank you
Harika Litz
Really difficult. Special thank Adam.
Thanks, Adam………..I like your class very much…….You area agreat teacher
phrasal verbs.I like them.Thanks Adam.10 out of 10 is good
Waligaa wax baro
I have a question about the phrase “get off”, I remember some movie clips: People said “Get off from my car!” with a rude action. Can we use “get off from my car” as a kind way? When I hear “get off” I always think it’s a rude phrase..
when you say get off from my car is how you say (tone/command) and use it in the sentence. You can say it more in polite way by saying can you please get off my car.
good answer :)
Thank you both, you guys are showing us on how to express and proper use of english grammar. I am new to the site and finally, found a site that is interesting, fun, easy to follow, and most of all we can apply in our everyday use of english language.
Hi Bian Lei,
Englishtime gave a good answer. Get off basically means remove yourself from (my car). Mostly it’s not said in a polite way, but it could be.
You guys are cool~
My 1st test, and 7/10. Thanx a lot for a lesson!
Tim Zakirov
You are the best tearcher. Thank you very much.
hallo all student @ friend
I got 8/10
I thought the answer of quiz 8. will be (past) but I said:No i didn’t hear the phrase when i watched the video ,although i think i’m not getting through this lesson yet
(Is what i wrote here bad English Adam??)
I mean i need more practice
Hi Hoda,
No, you wrote well. :) That was my fault. I wanted to include past as being similar to through. I guess I did it in my head only.
Get past means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome something.
Hope that helps.
yes Adam
Thank you very much
Adam, if I say this way – “I know this all seems very difficult right now, but we will get ____over___ this and laugh about it some day.
Plus, my spellchecker suggests SOMEDAY. Is this guy right or wrong???
Great lesson Adam. I got 9/10 because I was not aware of get past. Nice you explained it to Hoda
Thanks a lot.
get past wasn’t on the video I made a mistake:(
I got 9/10 so happy:D
I got 7 correct out of 10. I was confused. I hope to listen and try the quiz again. Thank you Alex :)
Oops! I mistook your name. So sorry, Adam (><)
I really appreciate your help to improve our knowledge of English. Thank you very, very much!
thanks adam
Thank you adam
thanks adam..i got 7 out of 10..anyway it is really helpful
Hi adam..Please make a video about Over, it is really confusing me…Eg:move over,look over
..pls pls pls
Will do, Pintuk :)
Thank you very much…it is the first time i got a reply to my comment…i’m really happy…
As usually, very useful lesson. Thank you Adam. Greetings from Poland.
Thank you so much
really enjoyed the lesson
and got 8 /10
but you didn’t explain (get past)so I lost a point :)
Also happened to me…I lost a point because of “get past”! :)
that’s okay :)
I revenged for myself and got through the test again hhhhaaaa
Sorry about that Nada. It was in my head to include with get through. But I’m glad you did it again. :)
Thank you, Adam
Thank you!
Thank you so much teacher Adam thank you
Adam, let me ask. I saw “I just had it cleaned” in the quiz. Is that correct? I’d have used Present Perfect.
Hi Dosya,
This construct is called a causative. it has different uses than the perfect. What do you think it means?
Is it something like “I need to have my hair cut”? Or “I had my hair cut?” We’re taught here to react with Present Perfect as soon as we see “just”. Almost fanatics lol
Hi Dosya,
Unfortunately, many English teachers like to introduce formulas to grammar, but they forget that context plays a large role.
Yes, it is causative like the hair cut example, just in the passive voice, so… ‘I just had my hair cut.’
Hi Adam,
I am wondering if it is also correct to say “I just had got my hair cut”
Thanks Adam…:)
great lesson, Adam! Thank you
I got 100, and of course, I shot in 8 because there was no “through”.
I didn’t know what “get past” means, and besides nothing else seemed to be right, I chose it. :)
It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
I had a great plaesure with this work i got 9/10. What interesting thing , about get past, i didnt know what is it means, i just guessed:D
Anna Gevorg
Hi Anna,
Slight error on my part. It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
I found that native speakers use phrasal verbs quite a lot everyday.Might phrasal verbs use easy than other words?
Hi Linhbom,
I hate to say this, but you have to think of phrasal verbs as another type of vocabulary and practice them as such. :)
Hello Adam
I’ve changed the fly Halloween costume by this one
This time there is no transcription on your lesson but it’s great,
Thank you for teaching us
Jesús R.
Thank you for the lesson Adam.
Phrasal verbs are so hard to keep in mind…
Thanks for an amazing lesson. My points: 9/10. Seventh question was really difficult :)
Hello Adam,
I have a question. I also heard that get away (with) can also mean the same as get off – I mean not to be punished for something properly
You’re right!
engVid Moderator
Hi Adam :)
It more often means not get caught, or there is no evidence to blame you with.
Hope that helps.
Get past wasn’t on the video and so I lost that point.
Hi Sauron,
My mistake. It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
Than you for you answer Adam, you’re awesome!
and i just remembered Get Down And Get With It by Slade))
You’re cobra!!!
cool :)
Amazing lesson! It looks so easy now, just keep it in mind ;-)
Hi where are u? si v us?
how often are published news video in Engvid?
3 videos per week!
Thanks Ludmila, but do you know which days are published?
Randomly I guess…just check it out from time to time during a week and you’ll definitely see a new video class
Hi Marystela
Every two or three days. Check once in a while and you can look t old posting too if you miss one.
Thank you Adam great lesson keep going!
Syafiq Imran
Great lesson! I got 10/10
Thank you so much Adam for your great post. No teacher has ever explained this to me any better than you. I’d like to see more videos on phrasal verbs. Keep on the good job!
I got 9/10 :(
It was due to a little confusion.
You are a great teacher! Thank you so much!!
Looking forward for many such interesting lesson :)
I got 9/10.
Thank you so much :)
For me, phrasal verbs are the most difficult part of english. But after this video I understood a lot of phrasal verbs with “get”. Thank you so much!!
It is all good. But without everyday practice this lesson will have zero effect!
Great Adam, thanks :)
thanks a lot i got 8/10. i can’t believe, once again thank you a lot.
how about impore my ability to speak english teacher
Hi Phoplop,
Hate to say it, but speak!
If you have no one to speak with, record yourself speaking and listen to your own mistakes and work on them.
Thank you so much.
You are a great teacher! Thank you so much!!
shafiq mujtaba ahmad
Many thanks Adam, but please tell us the difference between “Welcome on board” and “Welcome aboard”.
Hi Maqdoni,
i think that they technically mean the same thing, though I would use on board when someone enters a ship or plane, and I would use aboard when someone joins a group or team (such as at work).
Hope that helps.
thank you adam
really am grateful for you adam , you simplify it . I get it <3
Really, really Thank you!!! got 10/10 :)
I got through this lesson but unfortunately I didn’t do a good job I’ve taken 6/10 however as always I’ll get over this and do all again.
Thank you Adam!
Gabriel R.
thanks for the lecture it is so usefull
Does someone know if I say: I GOT along with you tonight …it it wrong? Does it mean that you and me were good friends but after this night we are not!! ? thx.
Hi Maesib,
If you and a person got along, it shouldn’t be necessary to say it. If, however, you think you might not be friends anymore, you ask “why? didn’t we get along?” or ” we got along, didn’t we? why don’t you want to be friends?”
Hope that helps.
Thank you! I got 10/10!
sir kindly update ur voice like ms Rebecca. i got 7/10
Abdul Qayum
Hi Mianbcs,
Not sure what you mean by ‘update’ my voice. If you mean speak louder, I’ll try.
Very useful lesson.Tank you.
i don’t understand so much
thanks, Adam
Adam, thank you very much for this very progressive program. You make me fall in Love with English. Many greetings from Hamburg, Germany and Bali Indonesia( my two home town). With my very best regards .
Les Bloehs
9 out of 10, not too bad.
Past wasn´t in the explanation, tricky.
Hi Ramon,
Sorry about that. It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
Thanks a lot it is very usefull, and I appreciate u support to learn us the english on a good way.
I got 8 scores
Thank you Adan, I really apreciated this lesson, you are right we need to practice and practice and practice.
I see you T next good lesson.
waldecy coelho
thank you Adam
Thank you Adam for this lesson you’re the best :)
Hiba Aline
In total how many “Phrasal Verbs” are there…?
And In general how many we need to remember for our daily coversation..?
Hi Zakir,
Too many to count, and yes, remember them like you would any other vocabulary.
Thanks for Wonderful lesson Adam..:)
thank you Adam
Thank you everyone. I really appreciate all the positive and encouraging comments.
Also, sorry about the ‘past’ phrasal. I meant to include it as similar to ‘through’.
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
Thank you so much! It’s really useful :).
teacher. do u have skypone, u can add my skyphone ” phop.lop” and if u free u can talk with me!!!!!
Excuse-me: Bravo!!
I’ve done the exercise but i got a mistake in number 8 because in your video doesn’t explain me about it. Anyway, your tutorial video is so useful for me. Big thanks from me.
I love your class!
your voice so easy to hear
I like you
you are the best teacher
sorry my EL verry bad
Hey Adam, I am Adriano. Your lessons have been helping me a lot on my projects here in Brazil. I would like to share my ideas with you. Please,If you have a time send me an e-mail: So then I could talk more about it for you. Thank you. Have a Great day :)
adam, thanks for your lesson. i think i meet a great theacher in here.
it was really got me up..
Thank you teacher for your great lesson.
Adam… You rock!!! Thank you for lesson!
hey..thanks 10/10. get up and get through the obstacles in the path, otherwise the will get you down and that is really bad…it’s only the first step that matters ….hahaa..thanks again
*otherwise they …sorry
I got 8 out of 10.
Just 7 out of 10… but I’ll get over it!
got 50% need more practice, thanks, Adam
I got 7/10
mohammad aldandashi
well a small doubt….. u said that we use the phrase “get in” for anything like container or closed….ryt??
and u also mentioned that we use the phrase “get on” for the boats or aeroplane or anything which has a big place to walk… ryt??
so my question is… why do we use the phrase “get in” in the sentence… “get in to the class.” where class is a big place where we can walk and roam…. why do we xactly use like that?? according to what you said we should use “get on” in that sentence… but we dont use it lyk that.. why is it like that??
sophia bieber
I think he meant transportation only.
hi,.good morning teacher( in my home town at this moment is 10:38 morning)..i feel glad to have you in my english learning programmes and i hope with your guide programmes my english would be in much better day by day,..dear madam,a few days ago i had encountered a problem when i’m trying to make a conversation with someone regarding to an area that they planned to build a house but they need to put its with land/soil first because the place in the old days is a swamp area..could you please help me how to start a conversation regarding the condition of the site..
i have too many words that’s make/made me puzzled..
they are:
1. in which,on which, of which
2. soil vs land
3. have a drink vs have a glass of coffe
4. how to invite someone for a dinner
dear teacher could you check and correct my writing and spelling above..thank you
Wella Jimmy
i get 60 am lazy ,I have to practice more ,thank u adam for ur nice way of teching
yayyy i got 80, thank you Adam you’re really awesome and funny, love ya.
7/ 10 Thanks Adam
Hi! the lesson was very helpful for me thanks a lot and I make these ex and you see if these are correct.
I want you to get on board us.
If they got on board them what should we do?
I got 7 correct
thank you Adam
I have 7 of ten goods, but the lesson is clear
Thank you, is possible that you put other like this, is very important “to get”
I am very happy because,I understanding and learning lot of things that I didn’t know before. Thank you Adam.
Thank you Mr Adam , It was really helpful :)
Hunter Mess
Thanks a lot for the clear explanation
amer al kashto
Thank you for all your amazing lessons.
i love to watch American movies and Tv series.
I always watch these programs using subtitles.
I used to watch English-American TV that way.
What do you suggest to avoid the subtitle’s use? Any tips?
I got 8 of 10 .. really it’s a well explain.. and I admire your accent
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam
Mr. Fuchs
Thank you for this lesson Adam! I have learned a lot :)
Hello Adam,
I like studying English by watching your Videos in … but I have a problem that related with This video … I cannot understand usually when you Teach Vocabulary if you don’t write the meaning in the Board beside the Word…
Thanks again
Hello, teacher!
Dont you mind i use your lessons not that common way. Usually I just get home, get down my chair with a cup of tea and relax. Its not not how my english skills could be realy improved but, you know, if you would like to stop talking to your students using basic-simple-english-language-for-kids…
Anyways, I cant stop thanking you for your greate lessons. (Seems like my aspiration to be honest makes me rude, i am sorry for that).
I got 9. You didn’t mention about ‘get past’ :( But I know this anymore. Get past:overcome
Thanks man, I just finished reading a book on phrasal varbs and I’m practicing my new skills here.
thanks adam
Thank you so much ، you are really good and loyal teacher . Can you do more than one quiz ، please ?
Thank you it was very usefull for me! I get it..
thank you for the lesson Mr.Qdam , but there’s plenty of phrasal verbs we need to learn about , i’ll appreciate your help
Thank you very much indeed !
From my view, The phrasal verbs are certainly one of the trickiest parts when learning english.
i got9/10,it’s a good lesson Adam
I got down this lesson :)
just want to say, you are amazing teacher, and also you have amazing character
Thank you very much Adam, I like your way of making students understand.
Adam, can you prepare a lesson for us which will tell us difference between By & Through. I am very confusion about use of these two words.
Hi Adan! You great! I have just a question, it’s about how to pronounce the word “either”..I have been teaching my students as I learned /(n)ee-ther/, the same way that you have pronouced in the video, but I have also listened here, in, and in sitcoms some teachers saying /(n)eye-ther/, on my dictionary, I have checked that the way I speak is correct, but as I’m listening both, I’d like to know the difference…Could you
help me?
Hello!)) So far as I know, there are British [aither] and American [i:ther] pronunciations))
How fabulous your explanation is!
thank u so much,and we appreciate your efforts to make everything clear and useful.
Thanks a lot you are the best teacher:) I got 8/10 . i lost point because get past
moony 29
Best teacher ever. Thanks Adam.
Hi Adam,
thanks a lot for your helpful lesson.
You’re a great teacher
take care
thanks for this exam. i got 9/10
you didnot explain about get past mr.adam
hello Adam!How are you?plz just tell me about get out the car or get off the car?get out the bus or get off the bus? thank you.
Thank you so much Adam! That was a great explanation such a difficult topic!
Tatiana Boyko
thank you so much:)
Thanks,Adam!You are a great teacher!Where did you learn to teach English? Tanya.
I got 9 out of 10, I ‘ll try again
yes yes 10 out of 10
thanks Adam , may God bless you
useful lesson even for the native speakers
Love this teacher. He speaks so clearly!
It is a very good lesson about phrasal verbs get.
Thank you so much! I got 9/10 this time! Didn’t figure out get past :(
I know how important phrase verbs are ! good lesson teacher!
Its good to learn english with you.
thanks!!! teacher
Thank you Adam. It was really useful.
Hi Adam , i dont undertand very well about the use of the “get on board”??
Can you help me please. Tks
“get on board” means to agree , to go along with
like for exemple if your freinds want to make a plane and they come to tell you about it ,then they ask you if you’re ok to be with them in it. to get on board with their plane .
thank you Adam. i like your class.
but i have doubt with the pronunciation, you gave us, the rules for pronunciation, but when you gave the word bullet first syllable bul but the second is let y no lit its pronunciation will be bullet.
please i do not understand to use the table
Thanks Adam!
Great lesson!. Thanks!!
I love EngVid website! You guys rock! Adam you’re the one haha thank you so much. I’ve shown my English teachers this website, they also had loved it.
Raphael Souza
thank you for all your lessons, they are so helpful
I wanna ask a question about “get down” , this Phrasal verb have three meaning ?
1-sit down
2-enjoy the part
3-depress , make sad .
is it correct ?
Hi Adam.
I am the new user of this fabulous site.
I know as my duty to say thanks to you ,because of your kind attitude and the opportunity that you have provided for me .
And finally , I would like to tell you , from now I am your student forever.
Wish you the best
Kind regards
you’re the best Adam <3 i like your lessons :) keep going u'r so cute :*
Thank you so much teacher Adam, that’s very helpful.
Please, i have one question: what is the meaning of get past ?
i got 8/10 . I will get along with engVid team :]
Thanks Adam, I loved your lessons and share them with my friends. Really helping to study.
Even your lessons inspired me to create something like this for Russian teaching students.
Russian studying students
you are explaining so good,thank you
Armenuhi Manvelyan
Thank you very much!
Great :) Thanks
Thanks Adam)it was a very good and interesting lesson to me. But i got 5/10 score first time)
appreciate Adam . Phrasal verbs are very difficult …
Thanks, nice lesson
thanks a lot dear it i really amusing video
heydar Ali
as well as there has another phrase for get; such as get at.
get at: reach or gain access to (something).
E.G/ I got at home at 7.
Thank you for another great lesson teacher Adam :3 you’re such a cool teacher, always smiling and you seem to enjoy what you’re doing. I just have one question that is not related to this lesson, what’s the difference between acronym and abbreviation? Thank you in advance.
Great lesson thankful Adam
Good lesson. thank you
i got 10/10 hahaha i can’t believe that
It was a great lesson to learn and made me understand something about the phrasal verbs when they are used as slang and thank you very much for giving us such an important lesson. you are simply one of the greatest teachers I know.
nasteha mohamood
Adam,you tricked me.I only learned the words those were on the board but I think you added past as an extra phrasal verb.Anyway, I got 7 out of 10.By the way, T.Adam i really appreciate this job that you are doing for us and also for free.THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Amazing lesson!!! Phrasal verbs are really important to improve our english. Congrats Adam!!!!
Thanks Mr Adam. I need more practice about this lesson.
test myself before watch. got 100% . yeayyy ! :D
I am very happy to learn this hard topic easily Thank you so much for this :)
I didn’t get meaning ” get down like make sad”!!! You said get down means “enjoy”. When I had test one of the question was about “get down” like make sad.
To get down—to party, have a good time, etc. But if something gets you down, it makes you sad. Yeah, it’s confusing…
engVid Moderator
thank you very much ADAM
Hello Adam,
Could you please explain us why sometimes the singular verb “s” is left out in these cases:
-she suggested/requested that he leave the it correct or not?
-the success will come provided that everyone study it correct or not?
Thanks alot Adam you make it easy for us , I got 9/10
I got off man :D
Bassel Qoura
Hi Adam in the exercise there are “get down”for the sad movie ,and will “get past” this and laugh about it some day you didn’t explain it in the Video could you plz tell me what does it mean….. Great lesson as usual
Thank you! You are great teacher:)
anet n
Thank you Adam!!! Well done!!! It is clearer than water!!
got 10 on 10.but i think i need more practice.can u suggest me,where can i get more examples.
by the way your lessons are great & helpful.i have became your fan.
thank u sir
Oops…only got 70%.I need more hard.
thank you
thanks teacher i got 50 %
Good job Adam, bless you
good lesson thank you!!!
Adam, thank you very much for this lesson!
great lesson , thanks
get off = get past true or false
and i want lesson for articles a ,an ,the , no articles please
Hi everyone as Adam ! May I ask where can I get Engvids’ homework ?
This is great!!!!
9 out of 10
Thanks Adam. You’re a excellent teacher ;) ;) ;)
I hope to learn much more!!!
really good lesson i got 5 out of ten hehehe thank you teacher
im not good in english but ill keep try
Great lesson, I learned lot of things about Get, I’m getting along with this website.
Great teacher,
10 out of 10
Dear Adam, Thank you so very much again your very valuable teaching to us. I have just a question to the quiz: Why don’t good solution the “get over” at the last question? I know that “get up” means “stand up” , but “get over” expresses better the repeated starting when someone don’t give up in this situation which this last question mentioned.Thank you so verty much your answers!
“If you fall, you should always get ______ and try again.” Answer “Get up” is correct because you should try again but if you don’t want , you can Answer “get over” … (this’s my notion if it incorrect please explain thank you :))
You are a very good teacher!
heyy it was a very useful lesson thankyou so much Adam you’re a great teacher
but i have a question you didn’t mention the phrasal verb get past that in the quiz what about it ?!
Esraa Khattab
Thanks Adam, your lesson is very interesting
Edward Nguyen
i got 8 out of 10 thanks for the video u uploaded.
Thank you Mr. Adam so much I’ll be waitnig for new lessons
Thank you Adam, you’re great teacher.
Great lesson.
Thanks alot for ur useful lesson :)
could u please give ur skype ID to ask some questions there :?
Thank you
Thank you.
Thank you Adam.
Many thanks, Adam,
today my first day on this sites, first test – 9 right answers of 10.. Next time must be 100% but I feel GOOOD :}
sorry…on these sites :}
..haha, I am not able to write English!
…again: on these sides…/still problem because of German, here the German word “die Seite../
Thank you again for your perfect job, very helpful..
Anyway you miss get past but very useful Lesson Adam!
Thank you!
Veselin Shivarov
Very helpful lesson Thank you Adam :)
I made 10 points. I am the man….lol
thanks mr adam i get through the test with 9/10
Amazing lesson!!!
Wonderful lesson thank you very much, I do really appreciate your job. Just wanted to tell you guys the answer for the question number 8 wasn’t on the video “get past”. With a little research we can say we learned new 11 GET phrasal verbs! thanks a lot.
So 7 beng correctedthnx sir
Khawar burdi
Great lesson on Phrasal Verb as always. Thank you.
Thank you Adam you are my favourite teacher
Thank you so much:)
I got 6 correct out of 10.I think need more explanation
Great !Thanks.
Thanks a lot! It’s really useful.)
Very helpful. Thanks
We know Adam, that you don’t like the winter..! :-)
I got through the quiz.I scored 9/10.It was really interesting.Hoping to get on with the next available lecture.Thank you Mr. Adam.You are a great teacher.May God bless your knowledge.
Hi,Adam thank you .You are a great teacher.
I’ve got 80 out of 100 and I’m not satisfied on my performance .
Thank you teacher Adam for your great efforts……keep going also I wish all the best to you.
Husam Hamhum
Thank you !! :)
thank you very much
thank you a lot very helpful
Thank you Adam.
Thank you Adam I didn’t know I would get a perfect score. I used to to be unsure about phrasal verbs.
Are phrasal verbs the same as idioms?
Hi, I love to study English and I need help.
thanks … it is very useful for me
I scored 9/10.. I am happy my score. Thanks.
i scored 10. But i doubted myself on the question 8( even though i made it through)…so i would like to know how to properly use to get past.
Great lesson Adam, but I didn’t know what meant “Get past”, but everything it’s okay now kkk’
Caique Walker
i`m confused about phrasal verb “get past”.
There`s no dictionary explaining the meaning of it
Is “Get past” a synonym for “Get over”? (overcome)
Great lesson! But I was wondering the use of get in different situations such us:
Did you get to manage the problem at the airport?
instead of using just manage. I’ve heard this a lot.
That would be a great lesson! I’ll add it to the list of user requests and we’ll see if a teacher wants to do a video on it.
In this case, “to get to (do something)” means “to be allowed to/to have the opportunity to (do something)”—doing something you wouldn’t normally be able to do. For example, “I won free tickets to the show and we got to meet the band afterwards.” “Why does she get to leave work early?”
“Did you manage the problem at the airport?” = managing problems at the airport is part of their job.
“Did you get to manage the problem at the airport?” = they can’t usually manage problems at the airport. Maybe their boss gave them more responsibility. Or maybe they’ve been busy all day and didn’t think they would have time to take care of the problem.
Hope this helps!
engVid Moderator
Great!!! perfect explanation. Now I get it. LEt me know if you guys make a video with this!
thankyou very useful quiz!
Hi Adam. I write to tell you that I really enjoy and learn with your videos. I think it’s useful and interesting.
I have a little comment about the phrasal verb “get down” that is often use to talk about being physically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted, for example “When my best friend left the school I got down for several weeks”
Greetings from Colombia and thank you for the lessons.
I got 10/10.
Kim Rara
Interesting quiz (y)
April Vietlish
i got 8 marks but you didnt mention getpast in your lecture adam
Noreen k
off the top of my head is this idiom; “get off on the wrong foot”, i guess, sometimes this can be used thus( i learnt it from you, i tried to using it like “like this” : ) ” start off on the wrong foot…. i like this idiom…
You’re a great teacher Adam
I’m happy for the explanation every quiz
good class
I’ve just got through this work :))
I suppose there’s a mistake in the first sentence. There shouldn’t be “get along with”, because then it means ” Skills, they believe, is more important than cooperation.” There’s an entirely different meaning. Correct me if I am wrong, please.
Urgently Read Please
Hi, I am Payam Jalali from Iran I’m English language Instructor I have a master degree in English language Teaching from university of Tehran. I love your website and its about 3 years which I have been visiting your website and following your videos lesson by lesson. First of all, I must appreciate engvid website for making these great videos for English language learner the other things which I want to mention is about the engvid videos which I saw these video in a new application called Oxin channel. They actually download all of engvid videos and after that remove the engvid logo and set the new logo in the other words replace your logo with the logo of themselves which is Oxin channel When I saw these clips I got angry because I am following your website and I know that through these years engvid instructors made effort for these clips through hard work. It is not fair it’s the engvid clips and they steal these videos They disregarding copyright law and it’s a kind of robbery. They compose an application the name is Oxin channel the base of this app is the engvid videos and they started the advertisement from the 6 Months ago in GEM TV in satellite which is Iranian channel they publicize this application in GEM TV which you can download this application in Android and IOS and the registration account for one month is about 2 $ per month. Actually you can calculate that for instance if One Million user buy this account each month it gives them 2 Million $ each month. This is the topic which I want to inform to engvid website for the reason that I am the real follower of your website and through these years I myself learned too many lessons in English language from your website and these video produce by you I mean Rebecca, James, Alex, Ronnie…… not by them.
They have a page in Instagram: Oxinchannel
Thanks for letting us know! We’ll look into it.
engVid Moderator
what a lot of comments
Teacher Adam,
you are an excellent teacher and I have learned a lot with your classes. Congratulations for your job.
Thiago Belem
thank you so much adam really it was a good lesson
mourad balbal
Thank you so much Mr.Adam. I admire you)))
You got 2 correct out of 10.
how to get ride off stage fear
sree vidya a
Omg I really like it it is my first time I will try to do my best
Ahmad kochi
Wow, just discovered the site and looks so nice and friendly use.
Welcome to engVid, allberto!
engVid Moderator
loved it
Hi everyone! Great Lesson! I just didn’t saw on the video the explanation of “GET PAST” which is on the quiz and I’ve had some difficulties to answer the question number 8.
Thanks for the useful informations!
Michele Vis.
Hi Mr. Adam, first I would like to thank you so much, I watch your video class, very good class, and I’m learning a lot with you. Is there more exercises about “everything” that i can download? Like a “book exercises” …
best regards!
Marco Ribeiro (Rio de Janeiro – Brasil)
Thanks Adam, great video and very easy to understand!
Lucas Avelino
Thanks Adam) I like your video)
Hi Adam! You and Ronnie are my favorite teachers! Your lessons are very simple to understand and remember. Thanks a lot!
thanks, Adam next time could you make a vid on past tense and present
thank you very very much Adam
Great lesson.Many thanks.
Thanka a lot Adam, These lessons seem harder than other lessons, and I should get through the whole package.
OMG 60/100 that was awful
As you have to study them
Thanks, Adam!!
SangHoon OH
Adem,Adamsın !
Thank you ,teacher Adam . After listening to your lessons ,I think my English grammars have improved a lot . Thank you willing to record these videos and put them on YouTube without
Paying money to get these information ?
Hello adam you are very kind . i have got a question , does ” getting off ” have a bad meaning either ?
thank y adam for your valuable lesson
The word “get” itself is a nightmare. It could mean everything!!!
Also, I often hear GET OFF when people want to say – I finish my work day (get off) at 10 o’clock.
Some people use GET OFF instead of EXIT. For example, when you travel by car you have to get off (exit) at the next exit to reach your destination.
I failed the tricky question. The solution was “get past” and it doesn’t appear in the video. My tuition was correct anyway. Great lesson. Thanks, Adam.
Hello, I watched ur vedio by chance on youtube.
I’m so impressed. It has highly quality.
Thesedays, I ‘GET OFF’ on your LESSONS.
It’s very useful and helpful esp. prep and colloquial way in speaking. There’s nowhere teaching like this. I want to be a influent Eng Teacher like YOU. I really APRRECIATE it!!^^
Hopefully it was one of the best quiz in phrasal verbs and there were some more (get) phrasal verbs too. Thank you for the lesson. Thanks.
Hi, Teacher Adam! It’s really an informative lesson. But I have to ask something about “get off” as in from a kind of transportation like; bus, train, taxi:
Situation: You’d like the drive to tell you when it’s your stop. What do you ask?
Answer: Please remind me when to get off.
I believe it isn’t right but how to ask then?
hoping to get a response from you.
I got 9 over 10, but I still have problems in a phrasal verb.
Nice, congratulations
Adam is the best. It was a good lesson. I got it. Thank you for teaching.
Luiz Willian
well this is a really interesting lesson to go deeply to a new world of new vocabulary i have seen them before but no like today, i can use them openly with not having issue with them….
Luis Alberto Mateo
Adam is the best teacher ever
ı got 8 true.ı think good,but ı need a little more do practice.
Thanks Adam..:D
ahmet yahya
Hello Adam.
If I’m not mistaken every verb can be used with preposition as phrasal verb. Or there is some which cannot be used?
Thank you beforehand.
Narmina P
thanks u sir i understand 9 out of 10.and i really don’t understand that the meaning is Get over.please explain me sir .Don’t mind me.
kaung pyae
I got 10/10 :)
I got only 7 point out of 10.That was my first quize ever,but I am happy.
Hi Adam, thank you for this good lesson. Very easy to understand
mario faro
well this is a fabolous lesson we can develop we even more can use more capable level of english with naive speken english we sometimes use the basic command when we sound more interesting when we speak with a wide vocabulary, get on, get between, get up, get along with, get off,get in, there are a good list of phasal verbs to start sounding more familiar with the good assingment-*
Luis Alberto Mateo
there are interesting list of phasal verbrs to started getting in touch with a wide list of verbs
Luis Alberto Mateo
100))) i am cool!
I’ve filled in all the blanks and got through the quiz with ten right answers! Thanks a lot Adam. We can cangradulate each other, can’t we?
great lesson thanks
Finally I found a site that is interesting and easy to following, and these lessons are helping us a lot..thanks,you are great!!!
hi teacher ,
i like the way you explain things; therefore i would like have more exercises for more practice as you mentioned ! to make me be a good english speaker
vipon kas
I really enjoy your lessons, there are clear, and it helps me a lot in my English classes! Thank U so much! You are a good teacher!
Marisol Escoto
Thank you very much, teacher.
Thank you for your great lesson Adam :D
Thanks dear Adam for this magnificent class,please oould you make another video with more phrasal verbs with get? a second part…… anyway greetings from Surco
marc anthony
I got 9/10
Thanks Adam. I like the way you teach. It’s really easy to understand you.
Hello Adam
First, I want to thank you for such a helpful classes and explanations.
Then I’d like you to answer me a question. It is correct to say “Me and my friends get along” or it is better to say “I and my friends get along”.
Thank you for your help.
Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks Adam
Thank you Mr. Adam.
9/10 Thanks, Adam!
9/10, Thanks, Adam!
Thanks a lot for teaching us)))
8. I know this all seems very difficult right now, but we will get _______ this and laugh about it some day.”
Can’t the answer be “through”?
Thanks. It was very useful.
Thanks. I`m happy because you know how is complicated to learn this. For me it is very crazy, however, have your videos for help us.
Cila Jacomino
Thanks a lot Mr Adam for a very good lesson.
Pradeep Kripalani
Thank you so much.
Very nice Adam sir i got 9 out of 10
Cheers!!! Such a wonderful lesson
Valentyna Tan
Thank you for the lessons it was very interesting I enjoy it a lot and I got 10 over 10 in the quiz
El cartesio
I like it!
charlan andrade
Thank you, very much!
thank you Adam
I got 9 out of 10. Even though the damage caused by the fire he started with his cigarettes was massive. What does the sentence mean? Is this man smoke cause the damage? Or after the damage is done, the man somke? I don’t get it, this sentence has much verbs, I confused, which one is the predicate? Or two sentences combine into one? I am shocked now……
Thanks teacher
wafaa abkar
Thanks a lot, Adam! The lesson is very helpful for my students, however it would be nice if there are some of the meanings of these verbs which are not primary, conventional, but secondary and metaphorical as well in your test.
Yours, Julia
Sorry, “if there were” not “there are”
This sentence is somehow messy, I mean the test is easy, because the phrasal verbs in the test are given in their most obvious meanings.
I got 10 YESSS!
Get past??? it wasn’t in the list
I took a quiz and got 7 out of 10. Just to recap, I copied the answers:
get along with = co-operate, be friendly with
get over = let go, forget about
get down = depress, make sad
get in = go inside (car)
get through = complete
get between = interfere with, be in the way of
get off = not be punished, avoid responsibility
get past = overcome
get on board = join, be a part of
get up = stand (up)
Insoo Yeo
Lessons about prasal verbs are very important for me because those verbs are confusiong for French speakers. The quiz at the end helps us to understand if we are on the right way or not! Thank you.
Good lesson, thank you
Great lesson, I’ve learnt a lot. Thks
Thanks a lot!
A great lesson!
Thank you
I do appreciate the lesson.
Thank you!
Yves Pierre
great Lesson thank you so much
9 of 10! thank you Adam!!
you really helped me ! Thanks Adam.
Thanks Adam…
rodrigo melo
I got 100% Great Job….I’m very eager to learn more English grammar. I just discover this a few days ago.. Thanks from the Netherlands Adam.
so, get past is the same as get over??
I did a great job.
Hurray 9 out of 10, thanks mentor
My name is Ahmed Aden Elimi iam location of Ethiopia and capital of Ethiopia Addis ababa and my nationality of Ethiopia thank you Adam iam got out quiz got 10%10% thank you very so much
Ahmed Aden Elimi 12
Thank you, Adam, so much!!! You are fantastic as always!!!
It’s a great site
The lesson is an awesome. Thank you so much Adam
It was useful. Thank you, Adam!
Thank you Adam your way is very easy to understand
It was very helpful thanks for your help Mr Adam
I got 90 out of 100.This is very useful lesson.please teach us more about phrasal verbs.Thank you Sir….
get past, this one was not in the video, was it?)
I got 90 i enjoy to make quizzes even though i need patience.
Hi Adam:
Thanks for your lessons, I watch them regularly on YouTube. I created an account on today after learning that you answer questions from visitors.
My question is on number 8. In the above lesson, you have not taught anything about “get past”, but the correct answer to question number 8 is “get past”. May I know the reason for posting questions with answers not taught in your course? I have encountered this situation even before with some of your lessons and QAs.
I’m happy to find this website.
Thank you!
Thank you for making quiz!
Mana Nishikawa
Hi l am so excited . That is making me motivated to learn pharasel verbs . Thanks a lot .
hey adamneed theamas a pdf pls
mina fawzy2022
Thanks for this lesson I got 9/10
Excellent lesson mr Adam from Canada
Oh my gosh! I had 100% You are an excellent teacher.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Great lesson, Adam. Thanks!
Outstanding! Learned a lot from the lesson. I took the quiz and got 100%. Thank you.
Goog lesson i am very happy to know the site engvid
Good job Adam i am interesting :)
Hi!!! check this video:
thanks it’s useful
Thanks :]
Adam !!! thanks a lot for this lesson, at the beginning I thought the Phrasal verbs were not important, but now I understand how important and common they are !!!. Once again, thank you very much
I think that phrasal verbs are the most important and difficult things in understanding common english, but everyone has to get it through
I think for native English speaker they use a lot of phrasal verbs everyday
I got 8/10
good but someday someone told me ” i try to call u in ur self phone but i don’t get thought it” what is mean get through here ??????
Does he meant that he tried to call your cell phone and you wasn’t pick up?
Hi BianLei, exactly! Good to go… :-)
BianLei is totally right
Hi Sami,
Get through here means make the connection. Maybe the line was busy, or maybe you just didn’t pick up.
Hope that helps.
means he cant contact you
. To be able to reach or contact someone. Nope, the line is busy—I can’t get through.
I got 8/10. Thanks for the lesson. Phrasal verbs very important, and used every day, but in some case I confused when one have different meanings. I need more time that remember it.
thanks ;-)
Good lesson, Adam. It was the first time for me, but I really liked your lesson.
I got 8/10. very nice teacher,andvery nice lesson. Thanks!
9 out of 10! It’s easy to learn about how to use phrasal verbs when we have such a good teacher!
You happen to be one of the best English ever!!
Thanks for teaching us!!
Amazing lesson,dude,and keep going!
I got 9/10.Congratulations.Thank you very much.
9 out of 10, the same to Janilza, haha, nice lesson:)
Very useful lesson and as always you did it very well.I have one question.Why did you say me and my friend get along instead of I and my friend get along? Thank you sir. Good luck!
I noticed that too, but I had to listen to it once again, and I think “me” is in position of an object, so is “my friends”. So, this isn’t the same when you try to say “I get along with my friends”. I also think that you can change the sentence to: “My friends and me get along.” So, there’s no “I” in this case, and also, there’s no “with”. And I think this is the key thing, and you probably could say “My friends and I get along with her.” . So, as you can see, in this case you have “I” and “with”.
Of course, this is only my understanding, and I don’t know if that’s right, but I think it is. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing Adam’s explanation. :)
It’s a whole topic in English, it is correct to to say “My friend (or any other noun) and I”, OR in casual English I heard people say “Me and my friend (again any other noun)”
Hi Oshada,
Though Morfik made a valiant effort, ‘me and my friend get along’ is technically incorrect grammar. Me and my friend (we) get along, or my friend and I get along essentially mean the same- we have a good relationship. That being said, however, this construction is used so often that it has become acceptable in everyday speech. Would I write this? Probably not. These days there is a lot of leeway (space to maneuver) in spoken English, but not in formal written English.
I hope that helps a little. I could be on guard to use perfect grammar all the time, but it’s actually not that realistic in terms of everyday usage.
Nice lesson. Thank you
Really difficult. Special thank Adam.
Thanks, Adam………..I like your class very much…….You area agreat teacher
phrasal verbs.I like them.Thanks Adam.10 out of 10 is good
I have a question about the phrase “get off”, I remember some movie clips: People said “Get off from my car!” with a rude action. Can we use “get off from my car” as a kind way? When I hear “get off” I always think it’s a rude phrase..
when you say get off from my car is how you say (tone/command) and use it in the sentence. You can say it more in polite way by saying can you please get off my car.
good answer :)
Thank you both, you guys are showing us on how to express and proper use of english grammar. I am new to the site and finally, found a site that is interesting, fun, easy to follow, and most of all we can apply in our everyday use of english language.
Hi Bian Lei,
Englishtime gave a good answer. Get off basically means remove yourself from (my car). Mostly it’s not said in a polite way, but it could be.
You guys are cool~
My 1st test, and 7/10. Thanx a lot for a lesson!
You are the best tearcher. Thank you very much.
hallo all student @ friend
I got 8/10
I thought the answer of quiz 8. will be (past) but I said:No i didn’t hear the phrase when i watched the video ,although i think i’m not getting through this lesson yet
(Is what i wrote here bad English Adam??)
I mean i need more practice
Hi Hoda,
No, you wrote well. :) That was my fault. I wanted to include past as being similar to through. I guess I did it in my head only.
Get past means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome something.
Hope that helps.
yes Adam
Thank you very much
Adam, if I say this way – “I know this all seems very difficult right now, but we will get ____over___ this and laugh about it some day.
Plus, my spellchecker suggests SOMEDAY. Is this guy right or wrong???
Great lesson Adam. I got 9/10 because I was not aware of get past. Nice you explained it to Hoda
Thanks a lot.
get past wasn’t on the video I made a mistake:(
I got 9/10 so happy:D
I got 7 correct out of 10. I was confused. I hope to listen and try the quiz again. Thank you Alex :)
Oops! I mistook your name. So sorry, Adam (><)
I really appreciate your help to improve our knowledge of English. Thank you very, very much!
thanks adam
Thank you adam
thanks adam..i got 7 out of 10..anyway it is really helpful
Hi adam..Please make a video about Over, it is really confusing me…Eg:move over,look over
..pls pls pls
Will do, Pintuk :)
Thank you very much…it is the first time i got a reply to my comment…i’m really happy…
As usually, very useful lesson. Thank you Adam. Greetings from Poland.
Thank you so much
really enjoyed the lesson
and got 8 /10
but you didn’t explain (get past)so I lost a point :)
Also happened to me…I lost a point because of “get past”! :)
that’s okay :)
I revenged for myself and got through the test again hhhhaaaa
Sorry about that Nada. It was in my head to include with get through. But I’m glad you did it again. :)
Thank you, Adam
Thank you!
Thank you so much teacher Adam thank you
Adam, let me ask. I saw “I just had it cleaned” in the quiz. Is that correct? I’d have used Present Perfect.
Hi Dosya,
This construct is called a causative. it has different uses than the perfect. What do you think it means?
Is it something like “I need to have my hair cut”? Or “I had my hair cut?” We’re taught here to react with Present Perfect as soon as we see “just”. Almost fanatics lol
Hi Dosya,
Unfortunately, many English teachers like to introduce formulas to grammar, but they forget that context plays a large role.
Yes, it is causative like the hair cut example, just in the passive voice, so… ‘I just had my hair cut.’
Hi Adam,
I am wondering if it is also correct to say “I just had got my hair cut”
Thanks Adam…:)
great lesson, Adam! Thank you
I got 100, and of course, I shot in 8 because there was no “through”.
I didn’t know what “get past” means, and besides nothing else seemed to be right, I chose it. :)
It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
I had a great plaesure with this work i got 9/10. What interesting thing , about get past, i didnt know what is it means, i just guessed:D
Hi Anna,
Slight error on my part. It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
I found that native speakers use phrasal verbs quite a lot everyday.Might phrasal verbs use easy than other words?
Hi Linhbom,
I hate to say this, but you have to think of phrasal verbs as another type of vocabulary and practice them as such. :)
Hello Adam
I’ve changed the fly Halloween costume by this one
This time there is no transcription on your lesson but it’s great,
Thank you for teaching us
Thank you for the lesson Adam.
Phrasal verbs are so hard to keep in mind…
Thanks for an amazing lesson. My points: 9/10. Seventh question was really difficult :)
Hello Adam,
I have a question. I also heard that get away (with) can also mean the same as get off – I mean not to be punished for something properly
You’re right!
Hi Adam :)
It more often means not get caught, or there is no evidence to blame you with.
Hope that helps.
Get past wasn’t on the video and so I lost that point.
Hi Sauron,
My mistake. It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
Than you for you answer Adam, you’re awesome!
and i just remembered Get Down And Get With It by Slade))
You’re cobra!!!
cool :)
Amazing lesson! It looks so easy now, just keep it in mind ;-)
Hi where are u? si v us?
how often are published news video in Engvid?
3 videos per week!
Thanks Ludmila, but do you know which days are published?
Randomly I guess…just check it out from time to time during a week and you’ll definitely see a new video class
Hi Marystela
Every two or three days. Check once in a while and you can look t old posting too if you miss one.
Thank you Adam great lesson keep going!
Great lesson! I got 10/10
Thank you so much Adam for your great post. No teacher has ever explained this to me any better than you. I’d like to see more videos on phrasal verbs. Keep on the good job!
I got 9/10 :(
It was due to a little confusion.
You are a great teacher! Thank you so much!!
Looking forward for many such interesting lesson :)
I got 9/10.
Thank you so much :)
For me, phrasal verbs are the most difficult part of english. But after this video I understood a lot of phrasal verbs with “get”. Thank you so much!!
It is all good. But without everyday practice this lesson will have zero effect!
Great Adam, thanks :)
thanks a lot i got 8/10. i can’t believe, once again thank you a lot.
how about impore my ability to speak english teacher
Hi Phoplop,
Hate to say it, but speak!
If you have no one to speak with, record yourself speaking and listen to your own mistakes and work on them.
Thank you so much.
You are a great teacher! Thank you so much!!
Many thanks Adam, but please tell us the difference between “Welcome on board” and “Welcome aboard”.
Hi Maqdoni,
i think that they technically mean the same thing, though I would use on board when someone enters a ship or plane, and I would use aboard when someone joins a group or team (such as at work).
Hope that helps.
thank you adam
really am grateful for you adam , you simplify it . I get it <3
Really, really Thank you!!! got 10/10 :)
I got through this lesson but unfortunately I didn’t do a good job I’ve taken 6/10 however as always I’ll get over this and do all again.
Thank you Adam!
thanks for the lecture it is so usefull
Does someone know if I say: I GOT along with you tonight …it it wrong? Does it mean that you and me were good friends but after this night we are not!! ? thx.
Hi Maesib,
If you and a person got along, it shouldn’t be necessary to say it. If, however, you think you might not be friends anymore, you ask “why? didn’t we get along?” or ” we got along, didn’t we? why don’t you want to be friends?”
Hope that helps.
Thank you! I got 10/10!
sir kindly update ur voice like ms Rebecca. i got 7/10
Hi Mianbcs,
Not sure what you mean by ‘update’ my voice. If you mean speak louder, I’ll try.
Very useful lesson.Tank you.
i don’t understand so much
thanks, Adam
Adam, thank you very much for this very progressive program. You make me fall in Love with English. Many greetings from Hamburg, Germany and Bali Indonesia( my two home town). With my very best regards .
9 out of 10, not too bad.
Past wasn´t in the explanation, tricky.
Hi Ramon,
Sorry about that. It was in my head to include it with get through. :)
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
Thanks a lot it is very usefull, and I appreciate u support to learn us the english on a good way.
I got 8 scores
Thank you Adan, I really apreciated this lesson, you are right we need to practice and practice and practice.
I see you T next good lesson.
thank you Adam
Thank you Adam for this lesson you’re the best :)
In total how many “Phrasal Verbs” are there…?
And In general how many we need to remember for our daily coversation..?
Hi Zakir,
Too many to count, and yes, remember them like you would any other vocabulary.
Thanks for Wonderful lesson Adam..:)
thank you Adam
Thank you everyone. I really appreciate all the positive and encouraging comments.
Also, sorry about the ‘past’ phrasal. I meant to include it as similar to ‘through’.
It means reach the other side of a bad situation and be ok, or overcome. Similar to we’ll get through this.
Thank you so much! It’s really useful :).
teacher. do u have skypone, u can add my skyphone ” phop.lop” and if u free u can talk with me!!!!!
Excuse-me: Bravo!!
I’ve done the exercise but i got a mistake in number 8 because in your video doesn’t explain me about it. Anyway, your tutorial video is so useful for me. Big thanks from me.
I love your class!
your voice so easy to hear
I like you
you are the best teacher
sorry my EL verry bad
Hey Adam, I am Adriano. Your lessons have been helping me a lot on my projects here in Brazil. I would like to share my ideas with you. Please,If you have a time send me an e-mail: So then I could talk more about it for you. Thank you. Have a Great day :)
adam, thanks for your lesson. i think i meet a great theacher in here.
it was really got me up..
Thank you teacher for your great lesson.
Adam… You rock!!! Thank you for lesson!
hey..thanks 10/10. get up and get through the obstacles in the path, otherwise the will get you down and that is really bad…it’s only the first step that matters ….hahaa..thanks again
*otherwise they …sorry
I got 8 out of 10.
Just 7 out of 10… but I’ll get over it!
got 50% need more practice, thanks, Adam
I got 7/10
well a small doubt….. u said that we use the phrase “get in” for anything like container or closed….ryt??
and u also mentioned that we use the phrase “get on” for the boats or aeroplane or anything which has a big place to walk… ryt??
so my question is… why do we use the phrase “get in” in the sentence… “get in to the class.” where class is a big place where we can walk and roam…. why do we xactly use like that?? according to what you said we should use “get on” in that sentence… but we dont use it lyk that.. why is it like that??
I think he meant transportation only.
hi,.good morning teacher( in my home town at this moment is 10:38 morning)..i feel glad to have you in my english learning programmes and i hope with your guide programmes my english would be in much better day by day,..dear madam,a few days ago i had encountered a problem when i’m trying to make a conversation with someone regarding to an area that they planned to build a house but they need to put its with land/soil first because the place in the old days is a swamp area..could you please help me how to start a conversation regarding the condition of the site..
i have too many words that’s make/made me puzzled..
they are:
1. in which,on which, of which
2. soil vs land
3. have a drink vs have a glass of coffe
4. how to invite someone for a dinner
dear teacher could you check and correct my writing and spelling above..thank you
i get 60 am lazy ,I have to practice more ,thank u adam for ur nice way of teching
yayyy i got 80, thank you Adam you’re really awesome and funny, love ya.
7/ 10 Thanks Adam
Hi! the lesson was very helpful for me thanks a lot and I make these ex and you see if these are correct.
I want you to get on board us.
If they got on board them what should we do?
I got 7 correct
thank you Adam
I have 7 of ten goods, but the lesson is clear
Thank you, is possible that you put other like this, is very important “to get”
I am very happy because,I understanding and learning lot of things that I didn’t know before. Thank you Adam.
Thank you Mr Adam , It was really helpful :)
Thanks a lot for the clear explanation
Thank you for all your amazing lessons.
i love to watch American movies and Tv series.
I always watch these programs using subtitles.
I used to watch English-American TV that way.
What do you suggest to avoid the subtitle’s use? Any tips?
I got 8 of 10 .. really it’s a well explain.. and I admire your accent
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam
Thank you for this lesson Adam! I have learned a lot :)
Hello Adam,
I like studying English by watching your Videos in … but I have a problem that related with This video … I cannot understand usually when you Teach Vocabulary if you don’t write the meaning in the Board beside the Word…
Thanks again
Hello, teacher!
Dont you mind i use your lessons not that common way. Usually I just get home, get down my chair with a cup of tea and relax. Its not not how my english skills could be realy improved but, you know, if you would like to stop talking to your students using basic-simple-english-language-for-kids…
Anyways, I cant stop thanking you for your greate lessons. (Seems like my aspiration to be honest makes me rude, i am sorry for that).
I got 9. You didn’t mention about ‘get past’ :( But I know this anymore. Get past:overcome
Thanks man, I just finished reading a book on phrasal varbs and I’m practicing my new skills here.
thanks adam
Thank you so much ، you are really good and loyal teacher . Can you do more than one quiz ، please ?
Thank you it was very usefull for me! I get it..
thank you for the lesson Mr.Qdam , but there’s plenty of phrasal verbs we need to learn about , i’ll appreciate your help
Thank you very much indeed !
From my view, The phrasal verbs are certainly one of the trickiest parts when learning english.
i got9/10,it’s a good lesson Adam
I got down this lesson :)
just want to say, you are amazing teacher, and also you have amazing character
Thank you very much Adam, I like your way of making students understand.
Adam, can you prepare a lesson for us which will tell us difference between By & Through. I am very confusion about use of these two words.
Hi Adan! You great! I have just a question, it’s about how to pronounce the word “either”..I have been teaching my students as I learned /(n)ee-ther/, the same way that you have pronouced in the video, but I have also listened here, in, and in sitcoms some teachers saying /(n)eye-ther/, on my dictionary, I have checked that the way I speak is correct, but as I’m listening both, I’d like to know the difference…Could you
help me?
Hello!)) So far as I know, there are British [aither] and American [i:ther] pronunciations))
How fabulous your explanation is!
thank u so much,and we appreciate your efforts to make everything clear and useful.
Thanks a lot you are the best teacher:) I got 8/10 . i lost point because get past
Best teacher ever. Thanks Adam.
Hi Adam,
thanks a lot for your helpful lesson.
You’re a great teacher
take care
thanks for this exam. i got 9/10
you didnot explain about get past mr.adam
hello Adam!How are you?plz just tell me about get out the car or get off the car?get out the bus or get off the bus? thank you.
Thank you so much Adam! That was a great explanation such a difficult topic!
thank you so much:)
Thanks,Adam!You are a great teacher!Where did you learn to teach English? Tanya.
I got 9 out of 10, I ‘ll try again
yes yes 10 out of 10
thanks Adam , may God bless you
useful lesson even for the native speakers
Love this teacher. He speaks so clearly!
It is a very good lesson about phrasal verbs get.
Thank you so much! I got 9/10 this time! Didn’t figure out get past :(
I know how important phrase verbs are ! good lesson teacher!
Its good to learn english with you.
thanks!!! teacher
Thank you Adam. It was really useful.
Hi Adam , i dont undertand very well about the use of the “get on board”??
Can you help me please. Tks
“get on board” means to agree , to go along with
like for exemple if your freinds want to make a plane and they come to tell you about it ,then they ask you if you’re ok to be with them in it. to get on board with their plane .
thank you Adam. i like your class.
but i have doubt with the pronunciation, you gave us, the rules for pronunciation, but when you gave the word bullet first syllable bul but the second is let y no lit its pronunciation will be bullet.
please i do not understand to use the table
Thanks Adam!
Great lesson!. Thanks!!
I love EngVid website! You guys rock! Adam you’re the one haha thank you so much. I’ve shown my English teachers this website, they also had loved it.
thank you for all your lessons, they are so helpful
I wanna ask a question about “get down” , this Phrasal verb have three meaning ?
1-sit down
2-enjoy the part
3-depress , make sad .
is it correct ?
Hi Adam.
I am the new user of this fabulous site.
I know as my duty to say thanks to you ,because of your kind attitude and the opportunity that you have provided for me .
And finally , I would like to tell you , from now I am your student forever.
Wish you the best
Kind regards
you’re the best Adam <3 i like your lessons :) keep going u'r so cute :*
Thank you so much teacher Adam, that’s very helpful.
Please, i have one question: what is the meaning of get past ?
i got 8/10 . I will get along with engVid team :]
Thanks Adam, I loved your lessons and share them with my friends. Really helping to study.
Even your lessons inspired me to create something like this for Russian teaching students.
Russian studying students
you are explaining so good,thank you
Thank you very much!
Great :) Thanks
Thanks Adam)it was a very good and interesting lesson to me. But i got 5/10 score first time)
appreciate Adam . Phrasal verbs are very difficult …
Thanks, nice lesson
thanks a lot dear it i really amusing video
as well as there has another phrase for get; such as get at.
get at: reach or gain access to (something).
E.G/ I got at home at 7.
Thank you for another great lesson teacher Adam :3 you’re such a cool teacher, always smiling and you seem to enjoy what you’re doing. I just have one question that is not related to this lesson, what’s the difference between acronym and abbreviation? Thank you in advance.
Great lesson thankful Adam
Good lesson. thank you
i got 10/10 hahaha i can’t believe that
It was a great lesson to learn and made me understand something about the phrasal verbs when they are used as slang and thank you very much for giving us such an important lesson. you are simply one of the greatest teachers I know.
Adam,you tricked me.I only learned the words those were on the board but I think you added past as an extra phrasal verb.Anyway, I got 7 out of 10.By the way, T.Adam i really appreciate this job that you are doing for us and also for free.THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Amazing lesson!!! Phrasal verbs are really important to improve our english. Congrats Adam!!!!
Thanks Mr Adam. I need more practice about this lesson.
test myself before watch. got 100% . yeayyy ! :D
I am very happy to learn this hard topic easily Thank you so much for this :)
I didn’t get meaning ” get down like make sad”!!! You said get down means “enjoy”. When I had test one of the question was about “get down” like make sad.
To get down—to party, have a good time, etc. But if something gets you down, it makes you sad. Yeah, it’s confusing…
thank you very much ADAM
Hello Adam,
Could you please explain us why sometimes the singular verb “s” is left out in these cases:
-she suggested/requested that he leave the it correct or not?
-the success will come provided that everyone study it correct or not?
Thanks alot Adam you make it easy for us , I got 9/10
I got off man :D
Hi Adam in the exercise there are “get down”for the sad movie ,and will “get past” this and laugh about it some day you didn’t explain it in the Video could you plz tell me what does it mean….. Great lesson as usual
Thank you! You are great teacher:)
Thank you Adam!!! Well done!!! It is clearer than water!!
got 10 on 10.but i think i need more practice.can u suggest me,where can i get more examples.
by the way your lessons are great & helpful.i have became your fan.
thank u sir
Oops…only got 70%.I need more hard.
thank you
thanks teacher i got 50 %
Good job Adam, bless you
good lesson thank you!!!
Adam, thank you very much for this lesson!
great lesson , thanks
get off = get past true or false
and i want lesson for articles a ,an ,the , no articles please
Hi everyone as Adam ! May I ask where can I get Engvids’ homework ?
This is great!!!!
9 out of 10
Thanks Adam. You’re a excellent teacher ;) ;) ;)
I hope to learn much more!!!
really good lesson i got 5 out of ten hehehe thank you teacher
im not good in english but ill keep try
Great lesson, I learned lot of things about Get, I’m getting along with this website.
Great teacher,
10 out of 10
Dear Adam, Thank you so very much again your very valuable teaching to us. I have just a question to the quiz: Why don’t good solution the “get over” at the last question? I know that “get up” means “stand up” , but “get over” expresses better the repeated starting when someone don’t give up in this situation which this last question mentioned.Thank you so verty much your answers!
“If you fall, you should always get ______ and try again.” Answer “Get up” is correct because you should try again but if you don’t want , you can Answer “get over” … (this’s my notion if it incorrect please explain thank you :))
You are a very good teacher!
heyy it was a very useful lesson thankyou so much Adam you’re a great teacher
but i have a question you didn’t mention the phrasal verb get past that in the quiz what about it ?!
Thanks Adam, your lesson is very interesting
i got 8 out of 10 thanks for the video u uploaded.
Thank you Mr. Adam so much I’ll be waitnig for new lessons
Thank you Adam, you’re great teacher.
Great lesson.
Thanks alot for ur useful lesson :)
could u please give ur skype ID to ask some questions there :?
Thank you
Thank you.
Thank you Adam.
Many thanks, Adam,
today my first day on this sites, first test – 9 right answers of 10.. Next time must be 100% but I feel GOOOD :}
sorry…on these sites :}
..haha, I am not able to write English!
…again: on these sides…/still problem because of German, here the German word “die Seite../
Thank you again for your perfect job, very helpful..
Anyway you miss get past but very useful Lesson Adam!
Thank you!
Very helpful lesson Thank you Adam :)
I made 10 points. I am the man….lol
thanks mr adam i get through the test with 9/10
Amazing lesson!!!
Wonderful lesson thank you very much, I do really appreciate your job. Just wanted to tell you guys the answer for the question number 8 wasn’t on the video “get past”. With a little research we can say we learned new 11 GET phrasal verbs! thanks a lot.
So 7 beng correctedthnx sir
Great lesson on Phrasal Verb as always. Thank you.
Thank you Adam you are my favourite teacher
Thank you so much:)
I got 6 correct out of 10.I think need more explanation
Great !Thanks.
Thanks a lot! It’s really useful.)
Very helpful. Thanks
We know Adam, that you don’t like the winter..! :-)
I got through the quiz.I scored 9/10.It was really interesting.Hoping to get on with the next available lecture.Thank you Mr. Adam.You are a great teacher.May God bless your knowledge.
Hi,Adam thank you .You are a great teacher.
I’ve got 80 out of 100 and I’m not satisfied on my performance .
Thank you teacher Adam for your great efforts……keep going also I wish all the best to you.
Thank you !! :)
thank you very much
thank you a lot very helpful
Thank you Adam.
Thank you Adam I didn’t know I would get a perfect score. I used to to be unsure about phrasal verbs.
Are phrasal verbs the same as idioms?
Hi, I love to study English and I need help.
thanks … it is very useful for me
I scored 9/10.. I am happy my score. Thanks.
i scored 10. But i doubted myself on the question 8( even though i made it through)…so i would like to know how to properly use to get past.
Great lesson Adam, but I didn’t know what meant “Get past”, but everything it’s okay now kkk’
i`m confused about phrasal verb “get past”.
There`s no dictionary explaining the meaning of it
Is “Get past” a synonym for “Get over”? (overcome)
Great lesson! But I was wondering the use of get in different situations such us:
Did you get to manage the problem at the airport?
instead of using just manage. I’ve heard this a lot.
That would be a great lesson! I’ll add it to the list of user requests and we’ll see if a teacher wants to do a video on it.
In this case, “to get to (do something)” means “to be allowed to/to have the opportunity to (do something)”—doing something you wouldn’t normally be able to do. For example, “I won free tickets to the show and we got to meet the band afterwards.” “Why does she get to leave work early?”
“Did you manage the problem at the airport?” = managing problems at the airport is part of their job.
“Did you get to manage the problem at the airport?” = they can’t usually manage problems at the airport. Maybe their boss gave them more responsibility. Or maybe they’ve been busy all day and didn’t think they would have time to take care of the problem.
Hope this helps!
Great!!! perfect explanation. Now I get it. LEt me know if you guys make a video with this!
thankyou very useful quiz!
Hi Adam. I write to tell you that I really enjoy and learn with your videos. I think it’s useful and interesting.
I have a little comment about the phrasal verb “get down” that is often use to talk about being physically, mentally, or emotionally exhausted, for example “When my best friend left the school I got down for several weeks”
Greetings from Colombia and thank you for the lessons.
I got 10/10.
Interesting quiz (y)
i got 8 marks but you didnt mention getpast in your lecture adam
off the top of my head is this idiom; “get off on the wrong foot”, i guess, sometimes this can be used thus( i learnt it from you, i tried to using it like “like this” : ) ” start off on the wrong foot…. i like this idiom…
You’re a great teacher Adam
I’m happy for the explanation every quiz
good class
I’ve just got through this work :))
I suppose there’s a mistake in the first sentence. There shouldn’t be “get along with”, because then it means ” Skills, they believe, is more important than cooperation.” There’s an entirely different meaning. Correct me if I am wrong, please.
Urgently Read Please
Hi, I am Payam Jalali from Iran I’m English language Instructor I have a master degree in English language Teaching from university of Tehran. I love your website and its about 3 years which I have been visiting your website and following your videos lesson by lesson. First of all, I must appreciate engvid website for making these great videos for English language learner the other things which I want to mention is about the engvid videos which I saw these video in a new application called Oxin channel. They actually download all of engvid videos and after that remove the engvid logo and set the new logo in the other words replace your logo with the logo of themselves which is Oxin channel When I saw these clips I got angry because I am following your website and I know that through these years engvid instructors made effort for these clips through hard work. It is not fair it’s the engvid clips and they steal these videos They disregarding copyright law and it’s a kind of robbery. They compose an application the name is Oxin channel the base of this app is the engvid videos and they started the advertisement from the 6 Months ago in GEM TV in satellite which is Iranian channel they publicize this application in GEM TV which you can download this application in Android and IOS and the registration account for one month is about 2 $ per month. Actually you can calculate that for instance if One Million user buy this account each month it gives them 2 Million $ each month. This is the topic which I want to inform to engvid website for the reason that I am the real follower of your website and through these years I myself learned too many lessons in English language from your website and these video produce by you I mean Rebecca, James, Alex, Ronnie…… not by them.
They have a page in Instagram: Oxinchannel
Thanks for letting us know! We’ll look into it.
what a lot of comments
Teacher Adam,
you are an excellent teacher and I have learned a lot with your classes. Congratulations for your job.
thank you so much adam really it was a good lesson
Thank you so much Mr.Adam. I admire you)))
You got 2 correct out of 10.
how to get ride off stage fear
Omg I really like it it is my first time I will try to do my best
Wow, just discovered the site and looks so nice and friendly use.
Welcome to engVid, allberto!
loved it
Hi everyone! Great Lesson! I just didn’t saw on the video the explanation of “GET PAST” which is on the quiz and I’ve had some difficulties to answer the question number 8.
Thanks for the useful informations!
Hi Mr. Adam, first I would like to thank you so much, I watch your video class, very good class, and I’m learning a lot with you. Is there more exercises about “everything” that i can download? Like a “book exercises” …
best regards!
Marco Ribeiro (Rio de Janeiro – Brasil)
Thanks Adam, great video and very easy to understand!
Thanks Adam) I like your video)
Hi Adam! You and Ronnie are my favorite teachers! Your lessons are very simple to understand and remember. Thanks a lot!
thanks, Adam next time could you make a vid on past tense and present
thank you very very much Adam
Great lesson.Many thanks.
Thanka a lot Adam, These lessons seem harder than other lessons, and I should get through the whole package.
OMG 60/100 that was awful
As you have to study them
Thanks, Adam!!
Adem,Adamsın !
Thank you ,teacher Adam . After listening to your lessons ,I think my English grammars have improved a lot . Thank you willing to record these videos and put them on YouTube without
Paying money to get these information ?
Hello adam you are very kind . i have got a question , does ” getting off ” have a bad meaning either ?
thank y adam for your valuable lesson
The word “get” itself is a nightmare. It could mean everything!!!
Also, I often hear GET OFF when people want to say – I finish my work day (get off) at 10 o’clock.
Some people use GET OFF instead of EXIT. For example, when you travel by car you have to get off (exit) at the next exit to reach your destination.
I failed the tricky question. The solution was “get past” and it doesn’t appear in the video. My tuition was correct anyway. Great lesson. Thanks, Adam.
Hello, I watched ur vedio by chance on youtube.
I’m so impressed. It has highly quality.
Thesedays, I ‘GET OFF’ on your LESSONS.
It’s very useful and helpful esp. prep and colloquial way in speaking. There’s nowhere teaching like this. I want to be a influent Eng Teacher like YOU. I really APRRECIATE it!!^^
Hopefully it was one of the best quiz in phrasal verbs and there were some more (get) phrasal verbs too. Thank you for the lesson. Thanks.
Hi, Teacher Adam! It’s really an informative lesson. But I have to ask something about “get off” as in from a kind of transportation like; bus, train, taxi:
Situation: You’d like the drive to tell you when it’s your stop. What do you ask?
Answer: Please remind me when to get off.
I believe it isn’t right but how to ask then?
hoping to get a response from you.
I got 9 over 10, but I still have problems in a phrasal verb.
Nice, congratulations
Adam is the best. It was a good lesson. I got it. Thank you for teaching.
well this is a really interesting lesson to go deeply to a new world of new vocabulary i have seen them before but no like today, i can use them openly with not having issue with them….
Adam is the best teacher ever
ı got 8 true.ı think good,but ı need a little more do practice.
Thanks Adam..:D
Hello Adam.
If I’m not mistaken every verb can be used with preposition as phrasal verb. Or there is some which cannot be used?
Thank you beforehand.
thanks u sir i understand 9 out of 10.and i really don’t understand that the meaning is Get over.please explain me sir .Don’t mind me.
I got 10/10 :)
I got only 7 point out of 10.That was my first quize ever,but I am happy.
Hi Adam, thank you for this good lesson. Very easy to understand
well this is a fabolous lesson we can develop we even more can use more capable level of english with naive speken english we sometimes use the basic command when we sound more interesting when we speak with a wide vocabulary, get on, get between, get up, get along with, get off,get in, there are a good list of phasal verbs to start sounding more familiar with the good assingment-*
there are interesting list of phasal verbrs to started getting in touch with a wide list of verbs
100))) i am cool!
I’ve filled in all the blanks and got through the quiz with ten right answers! Thanks a lot Adam. We can cangradulate each other, can’t we?
great lesson thanks
Finally I found a site that is interesting and easy to following, and these lessons are helping us a lot..thanks,you are great!!!
hi teacher ,
i like the way you explain things; therefore i would like have more exercises for more practice as you mentioned ! to make me be a good english speaker
I really enjoy your lessons, there are clear, and it helps me a lot in my English classes! Thank U so much! You are a good teacher!
Thank you very much, teacher.
Thank you for your great lesson Adam :D
Thanks dear Adam for this magnificent class,please oould you make another video with more phrasal verbs with get? a second part…… anyway greetings from Surco
I got 9/10
Thanks Adam. I like the way you teach. It’s really easy to understand you.
Hello Adam
First, I want to thank you for such a helpful classes and explanations.
Then I’d like you to answer me a question. It is correct to say “Me and my friends get along” or it is better to say “I and my friends get along”.
Thank you for your help.
Thanks for the lesson!
Thanks Adam
Thank you Mr. Adam.
9/10 Thanks, Adam!
9/10, Thanks, Adam!
Thanks a lot for teaching us)))
8. I know this all seems very difficult right now, but we will get _______ this and laugh about it some day.”
Can’t the answer be “through”?
Thanks. It was very useful.
Thanks. I`m happy because you know how is complicated to learn this. For me it is very crazy, however, have your videos for help us.
Thanks a lot Mr Adam for a very good lesson.
Thank you so much.
Very nice Adam sir i got 9 out of 10
Cheers!!! Such a wonderful lesson
Thank you for the lessons it was very interesting I enjoy it a lot and I got 10 over 10 in the quiz
I like it!
Thank you, very much!
thank you Adam
I got 9 out of 10. Even though the damage caused by the fire he started with his cigarettes was massive. What does the sentence mean? Is this man smoke cause the damage? Or after the damage is done, the man somke? I don’t get it, this sentence has much verbs, I confused, which one is the predicate? Or two sentences combine into one? I am shocked now……
Thanks teacher
Thanks a lot, Adam! The lesson is very helpful for my students, however it would be nice if there are some of the meanings of these verbs which are not primary, conventional, but secondary and metaphorical as well in your test.
Yours, Julia
Sorry, “if there were” not “there are”
This sentence is somehow messy, I mean the test is easy, because the phrasal verbs in the test are given in their most obvious meanings.
I got 10 YESSS!
Get past??? it wasn’t in the list
I took a quiz and got 7 out of 10. Just to recap, I copied the answers:
get along with = co-operate, be friendly with
get over = let go, forget about
get down = depress, make sad
get in = go inside (car)
get through = complete
get between = interfere with, be in the way of
get off = not be punished, avoid responsibility
get past = overcome
get on board = join, be a part of
get up = stand (up)
Lessons about prasal verbs are very important for me because those verbs are confusiong for French speakers. The quiz at the end helps us to understand if we are on the right way or not! Thank you.
Good lesson, thank you
Great lesson, I’ve learnt a lot. Thks
Thanks a lot!
A great lesson!
Thank you
I do appreciate the lesson.
Thank you!
great Lesson thank you so much
9 of 10! thank you Adam!!
you really helped me ! Thanks Adam.
Thanks Adam…
I got 100% Great Job….I’m very eager to learn more English grammar. I just discover this a few days ago.. Thanks from the Netherlands Adam.
so, get past is the same as get over??
I did a great job.
Hurray 9 out of 10, thanks mentor
My name is Ahmed Aden Elimi iam location of Ethiopia and capital of Ethiopia Addis ababa and my nationality of Ethiopia thank you Adam iam got out quiz got 10%10% thank you very so much
Thank you, Adam, so much!!! You are fantastic as always!!!
It’s a great site
The lesson is an awesome. Thank you so much Adam
It was useful. Thank you, Adam!
Thank you Adam your way is very easy to understand
It was very helpful thanks for your help Mr Adam
I got 90 out of 100.This is very useful lesson.please teach us more about phrasal verbs.Thank you Sir….
get past, this one was not in the video, was it?)
I got 90 i enjoy to make quizzes even though i need patience.
Hi Adam:
Thanks for your lessons, I watch them regularly on YouTube. I created an account on today after learning that you answer questions from visitors.
My question is on number 8. In the above lesson, you have not taught anything about “get past”, but the correct answer to question number 8 is “get past”. May I know the reason for posting questions with answers not taught in your course? I have encountered this situation even before with some of your lessons and QAs.
I’m happy to find this website.
Thank you!
Thank you for making quiz!
Hi l am so excited . That is making me motivated to learn pharasel verbs . Thanks a lot .
hey adamneed theamas a pdf pls
Thanks for this lesson I got 9/10
Excellent lesson mr Adam from Canada
Oh my gosh! I had 100% You are an excellent teacher.