¿Hablas español? Watch this lesson to avoid ten common mistakes Spanish speakers make en inglés. But this lesson is not JUST for Spanish speakers! These mistakes are common among speakers of many other languages too! We will look at some common pronunciation and grammar errors, which also affect your speaking and writing in English. Take our quiz at the end to practice your English. Buena suerte!
The great teacher inspires…. and you’re the one thanks alot
Yep!!! No doubt about it Utopia 20.
Emma has a special talent for teaching, apart from being a committed teacher.
Estimada Emma,
Tu español no esta nada mal Emma. Es más, me agrada más escucharte cuando hablas español; no sé porque, pero así es.
Es muy interesante aprender otra lengua y compartir los conocimientos con los demás, ¿verdad?
Saludos y que la pases muy bien.
Hi Emma
I am a native Spanish speaker, very interesting your lesson. I just wanted to tell you that even in Spanish “EMBARAZO” or “EMBARAZOSO” can have the same meaning as in English, it is not widely used. You can see R.A.E dictionary. Thank you.
Great your avatar! I like KING CRIMSON very much!
Thank you, I especially love the period up to 1975.
Yep!!! You’re right Frank.
Dear Emma you touched upon an interesting point in language learning, negative transfer. That is, the influence Spanish exerts on the learning of a foreign language, in this case English. Fact that many of us are not always aware of.
As you well pointed out, it happens in all languages, and has a negative impact on language learning since it influences the way you speak, write, and even think in the foreign language.
Many thanks for this interesting lesson Emma.
Have a great weekend!!!
King Crimson¡¡¡
Confusion will be my epitaph
Good to know, Frank! I didn’t know that! ;)
Hey Emma, i am creating a new group chat on whats app, where the purpose is to learn and improve Spanish. We are looking for people that want to share and contribute, also, my English has gotten better and i Would love to help you even if you would like to learn Portuguese in exchange!:)
Hi, I’m a spanish native speaker. May you add me to your group, please?
Thanks Emma for your an effort ,
Could you please politely do a favor for us .
we need a lesson How AND Why adding K letter for words such as, traffic , panic especially in verb form I am sure of doing that because of making us confused .
thanks I love your teaching style .
Yours a student if you accepted that,
Ameen Al gohari
Hey Emma, thx for the lesson, could you please make the same about Portuguese speakers or something like that?
Hi TheTVcbr. Yeah, it will be interesting to make some contrasts between Portuguese and the English language.
But keep in mind that this situation emerges in all languages.
I think Portuguese and Spanish very similar. This video can help us (Portuguese speakers) too.
Emma, nice lesson but I’m a native Spanish speaker and I have 2 corrections to make: first, the words “approve” and “aprobar” aren’t always false friends; they are just so when we talk about exams, for instance. And lastly, the translation for “su” is not “him” but HIS. “Su” is a possessive pronoun.
Thank you all for the knowledge you share. Kisses from Argentina :)
To say spanish “SU” in English you need to use possesive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, their, our. The ones you explained were “OBJECTIVE PRONOUNS” which are totally different. greetings
Thank you Emma, excellent . Anyway, The first “I” in the word “library” is pronounced as “ee” in English .. I guess Leebreria .
I’m not a spanish speaker. But it was interesting. Thank you, Emma :)
Very nice and interesting lesson Emma thanks very much take care
Amazing class as always.
As usual is better.
Marcio de Moraes
10 out of 10! :D
Thank you for your class!
Thanks, Emma
This lesson is very helpful for us,Spanish speakers.
Although there are some mistakes like “su” means “his, her”(not him, her), we (Spanish native speakers) understand what you want to explain.
We also make a mistake when we want to say “I’ve been a teacher for 10 years” In Spanish we don’t use present perfect in this case, we prefer using present simple: Soy profesor desde hace 10 años. That’s why we say “I am a teacher for 10 years” which is wrong. Despite your mistakes, your Spanish sounds good.
Great! I just realize that I always have pronunced “this” and “these” wrong. thank you.
The lesson was very interesting. Thx.
Thanks so much Madam, amazigly I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Good for you Abdul!!! At last you got the highest score.
The efford you have put forward finally pay off.
Keep on the good work!!!
i like the way you speak.
Thank you Emma for your lesson. I’m Italian and in my language there are the same problem about false friend, pronouns etc…
Very helpful lesson!!!
Emma, I am brazilian and I like you a lot. Your classes are very good! Congratulations and thank you very much.
Fabio Augusto
Thanks a lot,Emma
Wai Moe
Very good lesson!
I am learning English and Spanish now.
It is very useful for me.
Thanks a lot, Emma.
Thierry Cheng
Very interest lesson.
I am learning a lot.
Thanks you very much, Emma.
Hey Emma! I look forward to hearing from you the same lesson concenring Russian speaker mistakes! Moreover if you would like to practice, you could join me in Skype or email. My contact details could be found in the profile. Thanks in advance!
Hello mam,i belong to india ,more and less i face this problem,i often get confused when to use his/him and her. the order of adjective that is also problem for me.please help me .You.ve taken very good lecture and i’m sure you’ll help me.
I am a spearker portuguese and I learned so much with this class. Thank you Emma!
Yes, I agree with AlexSem. It would be very useful and interesting to know what native English speakers think about Russian.
I finally understood the difference in sound between “this” and “these”. I will remember it because in this case “e” sounds like “i” (in Spanish)and “e” sounds like “i”. :P
Thanks Emma. =)
Hello Emma,
I speak Portuguese (and Spanish) and those tips are very useful even for us, Portuguese speakers.
For example, the word “librería” means the same as “livraria” (in Portuguese) and both are not “library”, they are “biblioteca” (in Spanish and in Portuguese)
And I have to say something else: your Spanish pronunciation is terrible! lol (just kidding), but if want to learn, go ahead it is a nice language
“Me gusta la casa grande” is correct, but again your pronunciation hurts a lot :p
Thanks for lesson!
Roberto, con todo el debido respeto no estoy de acuerdo con tus comentarios referentes al español que habla Emma.
Su español es inteligible, es decir se entiende perfectamente lo que comunica.
Estoy de acuerdo, Regino!
Wow!!! I didn’t know you also understood Spanish Carol, that’s great!
Hope we can exchange some emails in Spanish soon, that’s my mother tongue; I mean my first language.
All the best.
Hi Regino!
It’s easy for me read Spanish, because my mother tongue is portuguese. I can understand a conversation also, but I have some difficulties.
PS: I loved the expression “mother tongue”. I didn’t know that we can used in this way. Tks for teaching me! ;)
En realidad me gusta como Emma dice las cosas en español. Por otro lado, me gustaría escuchar tú pronunciación en español -Robert- para saber “si eres tan bueno como lo dices” (Practise makes perfect)
Thank you!
Could you make a class: 10 mistakes Portuguese speakers make?
Hi Silvia, to tell the truth I don’t think she will do it; you know why? I doubt Emma speaks portuguese.
To make a contrast between two languages you need to be quite familiar with both of them.
Oi, audrysilva.
Eu concordo com o Regino, será muito pouco provável que uma aula deste tipo venha a ser feita.
Mas eu gostaria de deixar aqui uma dica, que considero valiosa para nós brasileiros que estamos aprendendo inglês;
Como não aprender Inglês, de Michael A. Jacobs.
Este livro, ou PDF se preferir fará você entender porque nós brasileiros cometemos certos erros ao tentar falar ou escrever em inglês.
Evaldo Mendes
I think Portuguese and Spanish very similar. This video can help us (Portuguese speakers) too. Emma don’t need do this video even…
Hi, Emma, Thank you for your clear explanation.
I got 90.
thanks a lot. Because i didnt understand how to pronunce words with i sounds and ee sounds, i used to be confused with beach and bitch :D, now i know where people want to go.
Thanks! Emma, great class. about the word embarrassed, on Brazil in some locations have both meaning, “pregnancy” and “embarrassed”, but the 1st expressions is more used by old peope, like grandmother and grandfather.
Marcus Vinicius
I’ve never seen someone using the word embarrassed as pregnant here in Brazil. I’ve heard this word only when I’ve been in Argentina.
believe me on interior from states, some people using this word to indicate pregnancy, like in small cities I listened two times, but is I was a child.
Marcus Vinicius
Good to know, Marcus! I believe totally on you! I’m a linguist and study language and its variances.
Do you remember where did you heard that?
hi emma…… thanks for the lesson
Greetings dear Emma.
In Spanish, we use to name these words false cognates (falsos cognados).
Thanks for this lesson.
I’m happy. Thanks! Emma.
iam saudi thanke for quiz ihave 60
thank you, Emma
Hi Emma,thanks for the vedio. I like your voice very much!!!And your smile is very sunshine:)
I’m not a native of Spanish, I’m learning Spanish too. And this vedio is very helpful:
1. Now i know, for body part, need use “my/your/his…” instead of “the”
2. vocabulary pronunciation parts are very useful
Hello to Emma.Could you teach us how to use From which,for which,by which,By what in our sentences or or give us some examples of using them.
Thanks a lots!!!!
Mrs EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Emma. This kind of classes are useful.
Thanks for your tips
Teacher, I’m living in a Hispanic country, Chile. This is my second Hispanic country. The common mistake – no grammatically speaking – is related to the pronunciation and think very important to mention in your classes.
They are:
Due to the pronoun YO (dió), the Hispanic has a strong tendency to use this phoneme for all words that begins with Y, like Yesterday, you, Yankee etc. Their pronunciation is usually repeating the same phoneme. Diesterday, Diu, Diankee. The same problem occurs with the words that finishes with B, like joB. The tendency is pronounce it like joF. Another example is regard to the words that starts with W. Usually they replace W by G, like Guman, instead Woman. It’s important to remain that I’m speaking about phonemes and not lexis or grammar, right?
Marcio de Moraes
I have been studying English for a while, and this is the first time I realize the difference between this and these. I believed “these” had a long “s” sound.
Hello Emma. I want you to know that your teachings are really really useful. I´ve learned a lot from you, Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. I´m sure I´m not the only one that think you´re so sweet and kind. I hope you read it and I apologize for the mistakes I could have made when I wrote it, ( I keep learning ). Greetings from Venezuela. As you say “Till the next time”. Take care my favorite teacher :)
Great lesson as usual. Emma, you’re such a great teacher, thank you so much for helping all of us in this journey to reach our goals =D
Sos una genia Emma !!! Excelentes tus clases !!! Desde Argentina, muy agradecido por tus enseñanzas te saludo cordialmente. Javier Cresifulli.
thanks a lot emma!!
it’s interesting n thanks.
Hello everyone
I am new member in engVid hope to improve my English by your cooperation
khalid AL junaibi
(7x and 8x) I misunderstood the difference between this and these. Anyway, when I saw the solution I immediately understood the reason you use “these/are” and “this/is”.
About the differences between Spanish and Portuguese what I have to tell is, that kind of problems are very similar, unlike Thetvcbr I don’t see why Emma should make a lesson in Portuguese.
And about Emma, continue with your Spanish, listening you made feel I was in the centre of Madrid, in Gran Via.
Jorge Pedroso
About the lesson in Portuguese: I agree with you.
Thanks, very useful lesson!
yay !thnkx i gt 10 out 7
Great lesson, Thank you Emma.
Thank you for your class!
Hi, great lesson!
The title should be “10 common Spanish and Portuguese speakers mistakes” :)
Yes! I agree! Change it, Emma! ;)
Thank’s a lot
Hi, my name is Jose…..very useful lesson for Spanish speakera, thank you very much!!!!!!
Your Spanish is really good, congratulations!!!LL
If you need to practice this, I can help you!! :-)
Thanks and take care!!!!
Thanks Emma, 7/10 nice lesson
I want learn speak portuguese Brazilian = Quero aprender a falar português
Adalberto, o correto em inglês para “Quero aprender a falar o português brasileiro” é “I want TO learn HOW TO speak BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE.
Kristina Perez Duha
Gracias Emma, your Spanish is very good!
Muy interesante la lección, Gracias.
I really liked the lesson, in fact I had fun listening to it, not only for your pronunciation in Spanish, but noticing my own mistakes. Thank you.
ahh I noticed that very often worng with the use of “me” and “my”.
Falsos cognatos podem ser um problema sério, veja esta simples frase:
“Un hombre pelado con el saco en la mano corre detrás de la buseta.”
Calma, não é o que parece:
“Um homem careca com o casaco nas mãos corre atrás do ônibus”.
Evaldo Mendes
Está errado seu texto.
Escreves detrás como se fosse espanhol.
Escreves no singular en portunhol e no plural em português.
en la mano nao é igual nas maos JAMÁS muchachito.
Marcio de Moraes
Olá, Marcio.
Me desculpe pela piada sem graça, mas eu não sei absolutamente nada de Espanhol…
Eu apenas “copiei e colei” este texto da internet. Mesmo assim, obrigado pela correção.
Evaldo Mendes
this is great lesson. I like her teach.
I’ve learned some SPANISH
“A mi me gusta más la casa chica”, it means I’m married, but I’m having an affair with another woman or living with another woman.
Have a great day Eye365
Ese tal Regino es un perro XD Pobre hombre sin vida social, sólo se la pasa comentando por este sitio, jeje.
hahaha, excellent comment Regino!!!, you make me laugh.
¡hola emma!has pronuciado muy bien,sigue asi y ¡suerte!la clase me ha servido mucho.¡muchas gracias!
thanks teacher(emma) best way of learning
ali jan
Excellent lesson. Your obcervations are very accurate about our mistakes. Than you very much.
Yeah!! 10/10, Emma Thank you so much for this class and for those resources with correct use of Make/Do, in my case sometimes I have problems to use those ones in the right way.
PD: Any english mistake in my comment please somebody tell me the right way and help me to improve my english :).
And your spanish pronunciation is really good, keet ip up!!! :)
*Keep it up!!!, sorry
Thanks….Emma…Very good teaching Style
Hi Emma, you are a great teacher! i hope learn quiqly, thanks!
Hi,Teacher Emma! I’m spanish speaker! :) and very good obsevation. I’ll put your advice into practice!!
thank you so much! excelent video!
I like your style!
Fantastic! I got 100%. Emma, I always get confused when I should pronounce some final letters, like the “t” of “Don’t”. Maybe you could give us a lesson about it.
Sally S
Thanks a lot! Although I’m not a native spanish speaker, portuguese and spanish are very much alike so this mistakes are common in both languagues. Great teacher.
Adriana Mello
Hablo español y cuando escucho el portugués entiendo parte de la conversación, así que. . . asumo que deben tener mucho en común; jamás lo he visto escrito, no sé si podría entender algo al leerlo.
Coincido con el comentario referente a los errores que cometemos cuando hablamos en una lengua extranjera.
Saludos Adriana
P.S. Could you please write something in portuguese to see if I can understand it?
Oi Regino, esta lição me interessou muito, por isso estou lendo diversos comentários sobre ela. Não sou a Adriana, mas aqui está seu escrito. rs O que você conseguiu entender?
thnk u emma
Nice spanish Emma!! you’re really gettin’ it… As a native spanish speaker I should say that one of the most common mistakes we make are false friends like fabric and fabrica, I used to get a little bit confused with libreria and library I thought they were the same thing!!.
Yesssss, they are the most mistakes I do.
‘You got 8 correct out of 10.
Such a great lesson!!
I got 100%.
Your spanish is pretty good Emma!
María Luisa
Hay, Emma teacher I like your video ,thank you
teach us english.
You are the best teacher. Thank you!
It was very interesting
Thank a lot of, I improve my english, I am so happy, greatings
thank you, you are the nice teacher.
90 Grade, thanks!
It’s the class more efficient than all. It’s objective and simple. Great job! Thanks
Dear Emma…
thank you so much for this fantastic lesson, I always have the same mistake “her or him”… only with practice you can improve it.
I don’t speak Spanish. but this lesson is helpful for me.
u should do more of this kind of videos.. very helpful..
Awesome! Very hard to catch the difference in pronounciation between “bitch” and “beach”. Geez!
Lucas Victor
Muchas Gracias, Maravilloso
I’ve been studing with this web page and I think it’s incredible, thanks a lot
Thank you.
Emma,excellent teacher!
Ana Milena Herazo
Thank you Emma,
I often hear how people saying “shit” (sorry) instead of “sheet” for Excel sheets
Hi Emma! My name is Emma, also ;). I’m Spaniard and I’m from Barcelona. I really love your videos and Engvid. They are helping me a lot. You got the point with the 10 mistakes!!! I can say it’s totally true. Other Spanish problems are prepositions and the article “the”, for example. By the way, don’t worry about your Spanish because you speak fairly well. It’s nice the way you speak it. Thank you very much for teaching us. You’re a great teacher! Take care and sorry for my writing mistakes. :)
She has a beautiful smile
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Good pronunciation in spanish ;-)
Your Spanish is very cute, Emma. : )
Thank you for the lesson.
Great, I love it.
You’re a such good Teacher Emma Thanks again! But the way I would like to make a request., I have trouble on describing taste words.. Is that something you can help me out?
Hi Emma, I really enjoyed your lesson!! Don´t worry about not speaking Spanish very well (yet); since you`re an excellent teacher you`ll make it very soon.
I am not a Spanish, so I got 2 mistakes.
Dear Emma: Thank you for sharing your experience in this videos. I’m from Argentina and my first language is spanish.
You are a great Teacher!
Best Regards
great, thank you
Great video on “10 common mistakes that Spanish speakers make”! However, Emma, “Su” in Spanish is His/Her. “Him” is le or se depending… FYI.
I’m from Colombia, I like so much your lessons and I have been improving my english with your funy classes. Thanks a lot Emma. By the way of this video I would like to say something about the possessive. So in spanish we use “su” like a possessive to say “his” for guys and “her” for girls in english (for example: su carro = his car or her car) In the other hand, “him” and “her” are objects in Spanish mean “lo” and “la” for example: “Help him” = Ayudalo and Help her = Ayudala.
You got 9 correct out of 10!
I’m very happ with this result!
Estou gostando muito de estudar no site.
Thank you very much for the class Emma
Thanks for more one class!
You’re awesome.
Luccas Santtana
aprobar can be pass or approve in spanish that’s why we use it wrong
This video is really interesting for brazilians and portuguese speakers. Many languages use the same structure, as spanish and portuguese. So, for us the mistakes resemble the same too. Thank you for the great class.
10 minutes learning good English!
Spanish speakers are usually “open minded”. So you don’t care too much about pronunciation, we understand! Best regards!
Thanks Emma, It was a nice class
jejeje I made fun teacher !!! sobretodo cuando dices laibrera that it’s actually libreria in english is bookstore!!! thanks teacher!!!
Thank you :D
DJ Slay
You are a good teacher
Daisy Rahman
I have a little problem to learning of english, but this lesson is very good (:
the best teacher that I had!
I learn more with you Emma that any teacher in all my life in only ten minutes ha ha
Thanks Amma, I got 80%
Ho Tri Thuc
thx u emma very much i like english cuz of u <3 <3
Thank you very much Emma!! I got 100! but I thing it’s so easy to my. Do you have else to recommend us to take away the typical spanish mistakes? another video? or any book or exercise?
thanks in advance Emma!!
Thank you for your class!!!
thank you =D
Hi Emma, thanks for the lesson ;)
Thanks Emma for the lesson.
I Likes This Website A lot And thanks Emma
Hi emma, I liked a lot the way you explain, I have a basic level, however achieves understand you, I’m very happy and I would like to use Skype and talk with you and I correct your pronunciation, and teach me as a child, ha ha ha . Meanwhile I will continue watching your videos and I hope at least once a week to talk to you for video. sorry for using Google Translate.
Hi Emma, I liked your explanation, it was very interesting…. I have to tell you that I’m Mexican and I learned English here.. I’ve never been to the US and I obtained 10 on this quiz thanks and greetings from Mexico:)
Jajaja !!! That’s true !
I speak spanish and i have the same mistakes that you said.
I enjoy your lessons … Thank u so much!
Emma, I’m a Spanish speaker and this lesson has been very useful to me. thanks a lot!
Hi Emma,
You said when we talk about false friends we talk about….But then you corrected yourself and said “when we’re talking about”. What’s the difference in meaning? Similarly, what’s the differwene between “When I have a shower, I don’t sing” and “When I’m having a shower, I don’t sing”
All the best!
Emma….ilove your way of teaching and even your personality, you make me feel at easy.
you’re a great teacher !
Maurice Rivera
Emma, thanks for your video. It´s true, Spanish speakers don´t have any order for adjetives. The stress in “librería” is at the last syllable of the word: li – bre – RIA. Bravo for your Spanish!
Hi Emma
I’m a Spanish speaker and I write this to tell you that I think you made a mistake while explaining point 6.
“Su” is a possesive pronoun, that can either mean “his”, “her”, “its” or “their”
The translation for the words you said (him/her) can vary: sometimes we say the subject and in other cases we say pronouns similar to those ones in English, that we directly add to the verb (like: “tell him”=”dile”)
Don’t worry for the mistake, I know you don’t know much Spanish
But thanks for the lesson, you were totally right in the other points
The mistakes that you show us in this lesson are common on me since i started to learn english. Thanks a lot!
Maurizio Pacheco
Thanks Emma. We make these mistakes in portuguese too. :-(
Yes… It’s total similar!
Thank you. Great teaching
thank you.
tu me enseñas ingles y yo te ayudo con tu español ;)
Me gustó tu clase. Aprendo cada día algo nuevo. Aprendo también de los errores, pero no me atrevo a criticar como lo hace Robert u otros. Soy agradecida con los profesores, finalmente es un servicio gratis y lo aprecio. Sigue adelante profe, aprendiendo cada día y mejorando…gracias….
I agree jajaja yes I need to remember this. Another false friend could be “record” and “Recordar”
I like this lesson. Very Good.
it’s easy as a lesson, thanks Emmas
Emma you’re a excellent teacher, congratulation and thank you.
This is nice lesson
Emma you help me a lot . Great and very useful videos , thanks so much !!! muchas gracias
Place where you have books to borrow
Place where you have books to buy
Yaaaaaaayyy!!! 10/10 hahaha.
Another mistake we frequently make is this: with words that start with “s”, like spanish, we pronounce them with an “e” before the “s”: “espanish”, “especial”, “espeak”, etc.
Maybe you could add it to your video.
Muy buenos ejemplos Emma! keep it up, your Spanish’s great!
This site was very Nice
Great, great teacher yoy inspires us to study more and more, thanks so much
HI!! thanks for the class. there was a mistake when you were talking about him/her… in Spanish they don’t mean “su”, They mean “él” or “le” (him) and “la” or “ella” (her). “Su” is “his” or “her” but only if we’re talking about possessive adjectives. But that’s another mistake when we are learning. You’re a good teacher!! :)
phonetics pleas
Very nice lesson, thanks.
good lesson, really I don’t speak english very well, but whit you Emma, I undertand anything.
You are a good teacher. This lesson, i really enjoy it.
I always have failures with pronunciation. when i say,some friends or others don’t understand me. They always say i speak fast.
After studying this lesson, i saw lots of failures.
Thanks you for your teaching in this lesson
Sokha Lao
Thank you Emma, great lesson and we learn a lot of different mistakes.
thank you very much)
Maryana Keleman
Hey, Great video! i have to admit that I’ve made most of the mistakes you said… I thank you for helping me with it…. I also want to tell you some particular things that I found in your video, just for the record I’m native Spanish speaker … The number one was that you might have had “an embarrassing moment” and in Spanish it would be “Un momento embarazoso” ,same meaning…
the second one: “aprobar” could be “pass” or “approve” and I’m gonna show it to you in these examples
-“he passed the tests” “Él aprobó los examenes”
-“The General Assembly should approve the related resource requests.” “La Asamblea General debería aprobar las solicitudes de recursos conexas.”
and the third one is, and I think you were confused with the use of “Su” and you’re right when you say we mix them up in phrases but not in the way you explained… we mix the following words:
“her”,”his” and “its” with the only word we have in spanish “su”
“That is her coat” “Ese es su abrigo” (de ella)
“That is his phone” “Ese es su teléfono” (de él)
“…the computer and its process” “…el computador y su proceso”
And that’s it! Thank you so much and I hope that this comment helps someone as well as your video did!
i love your spanish!
Amazing spanish! you are really good at it. most of native english speakers can’t pronounce the double “R” :) you got it ;)
Thank You for the Lesson. Very interesting way to practice and learn every day.
Hello Emma and thanks for your class! but I have to say you that I think you mistake the six item because ‘su’ is the Spanish posesive for he, she and it, his, her its in English and you explained about him/her/it. I’m sorry but I didn’t understand very well this item but I want say you all this video is very interesting (excuse my English if it isn’t very proper)
Su libro: Her or His book
Me gusta ella: I like her
Me gusta él: I like him
For its, we use SU
These things are very difficult for English speakers too.
Thank you so much for the lessons.Interesting!
By the way I don’t think after checking this video we can get the correct answer of the question 10.
Thanks Emma, this is a great lesson. I can speak Spanish and portugues and a little english. I hope to learn more in this gread ENGVID. Best regards
It is good to help Portuguese speakers too. Portuguese and Spanish are two similar languages, so we make the same mistakes.
Thanks for the lesson, emma!
Hi Emma,
Thanks for your recommendations. Another mistake very common for us (Spanish speakers) is the omission of the S on the third person (she or he speakS). I have to think all the time…
Thank you so much for the lessons
First of all, thank you so much for the lesson Emma, but in number 6 mistake you say that Spanish speakers confuse “him/her” because we only use “su”. Actually, “him/her” are personal pronouns translated as “(a, para, con …) él/ella”. It is “his/her”, the possesive adjective, that we tend to mix up.
thanks emma
Emma in sitcoms, movies or songs native english speakers pronunce don, can, nigh, importan. is it correct?
!Hola Emma¡ Gracias por tus vídeos, me gustan mucho. Veo que te gusta el idioma español. Pues yo te podría enseñar español (aunque no soy tan buen profesor como tú) y usted me enseña inglés. Creo que sería un buen trato. Buena suerte y cuídate.
interesting lesson speacially for spanish speakers!thnx
carlo sanchez
Keep going like you already know how to do, you’re an excellent teacher…
Emma we told adam how to teach the students a very easy key to sound very well in american english
One of the best videos of this site !!!
fortunately I am not Spanish.I am Indonesian.
my Quiz emma:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Thanks Emma, my mind is getting clear
Excelente video, gracias.
Thank you very much for your great lesson, Emma. I’m Spanish, I recognize myself in every point, except one (I’m very happy for that!!!!): I pronounce the ll in I’ll, and the t in don’t, but the reason is I speak also catalan, and in this language we can find these sounds. With your help (thank you for this lesson), I practise and I’ll improve for sure!
Um falante de espanhol é como uma criança falando português, ainda não aprendeu a falar direito.
Luiz Moreira
Emma ¡thanks a lot!
Y te lo digo en español “caramba” aprobé con 9 <– :)
Hi guys!
I would like improve my english talking with everyone by Skype. By chance if someone to want it that, then add me (Skype contact: caiofig68).
Hi. Your spanish is good.
Thank you for the class.
Guille 2015
hi everyone
Me inspira que quieras aprender español – I inspires you want learn spanish
My first 10 of 10 I am improving
I am Thai
I not understand but I attempt learn becouse I like English language.
As you know, your teaching is very good. Could I ask you to teach “10 mistakes Asian speakers make”? ^^
Have a nice day! Teacher~
thank you Miss Emma for your lesson :) good teacher.
nice it is so good that learn spanish is a great language.
bien es muy bueno que aprendas español es una gran lengua.
I got 10/10
I’m spanish and I got 100% correct!!!
Emma I wanna thank you for this opportunity.Thank you so much.
Great website! ;D
good practice good Emmy
I like this lesson, thank you.
Lesson learned. It was excelent. Tnx Emma. 10/10. :D
te ra rarara te ra
to Guide You home
Emad Daoowd
Thank you so much, Emma! Finally, I found where I used to make mistakes: I’ll and I’m. All this time I was pronouncing these two words wrong.
I used to pronounce I’ll like /aI-ol/, but it is most like /a-ol/ instead. And I was not openning my mouth after the /m/ sound in I’m /aIm/, what makes it so nasal that the next sound englobes it and the /m/ disappear. Now I’m openning my mouth after pronouncing the finals /m/ sound. I’d improved my I’ll and I’m a lot. Thank you so much!!!
Paulo H. Dos Santos
Thank you very much, Emma. I make it some of these mistakes.
Emma, You inspire me to speak better , thank you a lot.
Thank you Emma!
I speak portuguese. We made the same mistakes. I got 10! Nice class!
Hi Emma!! I love the way you talk!!
thanks for teaching
thats good
Thank you for everything teacher….I am so excited to learn a second language and being able to communicate with native speakers. Day by day I learn at least two words and it is so useful for my vocabulary….. I am going to improving my English………..
Great teach. Thank you for your colaboration!
Thank you Emma for teaching. I learn so much
Thank you Emma!! Great lesson, I was confused about how to pronounce “This and These”
Thank you Emma , i will follow your topic .Some day i want to be native speaker like you.
thanks emma
Thank you very much Emma
thanks,Emma :D
Hi Emma it was very useful lesson, I could observe that your Spanish is fine, only a word was in inadequate pronunciacion, this was libreria,(the first i sounds like e) in Colombia is very admired the accent when a native English speaker is talking Spanish; and other notification that I can do it´s when you are telling us that the adjective comes before the noun, in Spanish is used too in this same way, but almost everybody who make this variant has a refined language like the poets…Thanks a bunch for all you have taught me and please apologize my grammar errors..A big hug..
thank you for all your time
I teach English and my native language is Arabic. There are a lot of similarities in the mistakes that Arabs and Hispanics make for almost the same reasons you have mentioned. Thanks Emma.
This video for Spanish students , but i still watching its, because i can improve my listening ability with this
I think that is better say “me gusta una casa grande”
Emma you are incredible, thank you so much.
Marta Lopez
Hi Emma. It`s first video that I look. I want to learn English language with your videos. I`m sure that your videos can help me to speak an English like a English. Thank you. I will follow your lessons.
It’s an interesting content even if I’m not speak Spanish. By the way, I speak Chinese.
For english speakers, the spanish word “librería” is pronounced “lee-bre-ri-a” not “lai-bre-ri-a”.
I found that fabric isn’t a false friend it can mean fabric too.
Nice lesson take care.
Thanks Emma!!!!!!
Thanks Emma. Gracias Emma.
Saludos desde mi pueblo en España. Greetings from my townn in Spain. Take care. Cuidate.
Good lesson, thanks,
hola Emma tu español no esta mal aunque tu pronunciación es terrible pero como nosotros los de habla española cometemos muchos errores al pronunciar en ingles pienso que para ustedes es igual de complicado pronunciar bien nuestra lengua…
Hi Emma , His Spanish is not bad , but her pronunciation is terrible , but how we speak Spanish we will have some mistakes with the grammar and the pronunciation how now :(, but thanks for your lessons, I think it’s very good and I sorry if i have mistakes in my grammar.
Una situación embarazosa: an embarrassing situation. It is possible the same.
Jorge Campos
Thanks Emma, your lessons are very useful and make me don’t feel “emabarazado” when talking.
Do you now Turkish??????
Pari Irfan
perfect 100 point!! thank you!!
Hi Emma, in fact, “aprobar” it is the right translation of approve, this word have the exact differents meanings as in english, this isn’t mean only “pass” an exam.
Sorry, I don’t know Spanish :) so Q4 and 10 are too difficult for me :)
Emma. Thanks a lot for your class. Your spanish accent sounds great..
It was a very interesting and useful lesson. I hope I don’t confuse the false friends in the future. Is there some sort of resource to remember them all?
Thanks for the lesson…¡
10/10. I loved it ! Tks
Improve and imprivisar, another common false friend, I think the correct one is improvise, is it?
I loved this video.;)
Many students do not pronounce the S in third person
It’s a very good lesson. I like your lessons about pronunciation. Thanks.
Hey Mamasita good job. keep learning spanish
vane Osorio
You’re a great mentor! Just a follow up question, Do you know why mis-interpreted Spanish words when translated in English are called “false friends”?
Hello, Emma. Thank you for the lesson. Others Spanish speakers has talked you about the point 6, but I want to tell you that your video class helped me very much. I have (make, do,…?) many times those mistakes. In addition, I want to thank you for making the effort of speak in Spanish. Sigue haciéndolo porque es una gran ayuda para los hispanohablantes que estudiamos tu idioma. Keep doing it because it is a great help for Spanish speakers who study your language. Thank you so much. ¡Guapa! ;-)
Emilio Garcia
Hello, Emma. Thank you for the lesson.
9 out 10 this is a nice lesson and
I understand your lesson .
i like it, than you. Do you have any video about biography?
Es una lección muy interesante. Me siento identificada.
Congrats for this lesson.
I’m a Spanish speaker, but it’s informative though.
Thanks! :D
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
tanks emma
mohamed ahmida
i want to learn inglihs and italian and ask someone to talk to him to learn more
mohamed ahmida
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you
Thank you very much Emma. Your lesson is very usuful and practice. I got 100%
Thank you very much Emma. Your lesson is very useful and practice. I got 100%
These sort of mistakes usually happens with any new learner those who learn newa language but I understand it can be automatically correct with passage of time and practice
I’m not Spanish but I like Emma’s lesson. :)
Thanks Emma.I’m Spanish speaker and you are right. Most of the time we make that mistake and many others.I think this website is amazing for learn and improve my English skill.Thanks a million.
Good lesson!
Thanks Emma!
nice video
I got 10…I don´t know speak spanish but I can understand some sentences, I speak brasilian portuguese
Thank i got 40
superb, I did 10 of 10 correct, before I watch the video
me parese ser a la escola de los ninos
al willis
Thank you so much. The classes are very interesting
Lima Alfa
Hi Emma, can you help with the pronunciation of thirty vs dirty? Thanks in advance
Example 6 (Su). If I want to say in Spanish His car I have to say ‘Su carro’. Which means property. So I believe that example is not totally accurate, because of His translates as ‘Su’. Him, on the other hand, translate as ‘El’. For instance, That car belongs to him, other way to say it is, that is his (su) car.
Who wants to have a conversation for what up to improve english
Ivan herandez 1234
This explanation is very important for us who speak Spanish when we want to learn English in order to avoid mistakes. Thanks a lot, Emma.
Rafael Riveros
Although I speak portuguese, this lesson was very useful. Thanks Emma!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
The great teacher inspires…. and you’re the one thanks alot
Yep!!! No doubt about it Utopia 20.
Emma has a special talent for teaching, apart from being a committed teacher.
Estimada Emma,
Tu español no esta nada mal Emma. Es más, me agrada más escucharte cuando hablas español; no sé porque, pero así es.
Es muy interesante aprender otra lengua y compartir los conocimientos con los demás, ¿verdad?
Saludos y que la pases muy bien.
Hi Emma
I am a native Spanish speaker, very interesting your lesson. I just wanted to tell you that even in Spanish “EMBARAZO” or “EMBARAZOSO” can have the same meaning as in English, it is not widely used. You can see R.A.E dictionary. Thank you.
Great your avatar! I like KING CRIMSON very much!
Thank you, I especially love the period up to 1975.
Yep!!! You’re right Frank.
Dear Emma you touched upon an interesting point in language learning, negative transfer. That is, the influence Spanish exerts on the learning of a foreign language, in this case English. Fact that many of us are not always aware of.
As you well pointed out, it happens in all languages, and has a negative impact on language learning since it influences the way you speak, write, and even think in the foreign language.
Many thanks for this interesting lesson Emma.
Have a great weekend!!!
King Crimson¡¡¡
Confusion will be my epitaph
Good to know, Frank! I didn’t know that! ;)
Hey Emma, i am creating a new group chat on whats app, where the purpose is to learn and improve Spanish. We are looking for people that want to share and contribute, also, my English has gotten better and i Would love to help you even if you would like to learn Portuguese in exchange!:)
Hi, I’m a spanish native speaker. May you add me to your group, please?
Thanks Emma for your an effort ,
Could you please politely do a favor for us .
we need a lesson How AND Why adding K letter for words such as, traffic , panic especially in verb form I am sure of doing that because of making us confused .
thanks I love your teaching style .
Yours a student if you accepted that,
Hey Emma, thx for the lesson, could you please make the same about Portuguese speakers or something like that?
Hi TheTVcbr. Yeah, it will be interesting to make some contrasts between Portuguese and the English language.
But keep in mind that this situation emerges in all languages.
I think Portuguese and Spanish very similar. This video can help us (Portuguese speakers) too.
Emma, nice lesson but I’m a native Spanish speaker and I have 2 corrections to make: first, the words “approve” and “aprobar” aren’t always false friends; they are just so when we talk about exams, for instance. And lastly, the translation for “su” is not “him” but HIS. “Su” is a possessive pronoun.
Thank you all for the knowledge you share. Kisses from Argentina :)
To say spanish “SU” in English you need to use possesive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, their, our. The ones you explained were “OBJECTIVE PRONOUNS” which are totally different. greetings
Thank you Emma, excellent . Anyway, The first “I” in the word “library” is pronounced as “ee” in English .. I guess Leebreria .
I’m not a spanish speaker. But it was interesting. Thank you, Emma :)
Very nice and interesting lesson Emma thanks very much take care
Amazing class as always.
As usual is better.
10 out of 10! :D
Thank you for your class!
Thanks, Emma
This lesson is very helpful for us,Spanish speakers.
Although there are some mistakes like “su” means “his, her”(not him, her), we (Spanish native speakers) understand what you want to explain.
We also make a mistake when we want to say “I’ve been a teacher for 10 years” In Spanish we don’t use present perfect in this case, we prefer using present simple: Soy profesor desde hace 10 años. That’s why we say “I am a teacher for 10 years” which is wrong. Despite your mistakes, your Spanish sounds good.
Great! I just realize that I always have pronunced “this” and “these” wrong. thank you.
The lesson was very interesting. Thx.
Thanks so much Madam, amazigly I got 100%.
Good for you Abdul!!! At last you got the highest score.
The efford you have put forward finally pay off.
Keep on the good work!!!
i like the way you speak.
Thank you Emma for your lesson. I’m Italian and in my language there are the same problem about false friend, pronouns etc…
Very helpful lesson!!!
Emma, I am brazilian and I like you a lot. Your classes are very good! Congratulations and thank you very much.
Thanks a lot,Emma
Very good lesson!
I am learning English and Spanish now.
It is very useful for me.
Thanks a lot, Emma.
Very interest lesson.
I am learning a lot.
Thanks you very much, Emma.
Hey Emma! I look forward to hearing from you the same lesson concenring Russian speaker mistakes! Moreover if you would like to practice, you could join me in Skype or email. My contact details could be found in the profile. Thanks in advance!
Hello mam,i belong to india ,more and less i face this problem,i often get confused when to use his/him and her. the order of adjective that is also problem for me.please help me .You.ve taken very good lecture and i’m sure you’ll help me.
I am a spearker portuguese and I learned so much with this class. Thank you Emma!
Yes, I agree with AlexSem. It would be very useful and interesting to know what native English speakers think about Russian.
I finally understood the difference in sound between “this” and “these”. I will remember it because in this case “e” sounds like “i” (in Spanish)and “e” sounds like “i”. :P
Thanks Emma. =)
Hello Emma,
I speak Portuguese (and Spanish) and those tips are very useful even for us, Portuguese speakers.
For example, the word “librería” means the same as “livraria” (in Portuguese) and both are not “library”, they are “biblioteca” (in Spanish and in Portuguese)
And I have to say something else: your Spanish pronunciation is terrible! lol (just kidding), but if want to learn, go ahead it is a nice language
“Me gusta la casa grande” is correct, but again your pronunciation hurts a lot :p
Thanks for lesson!
Roberto, con todo el debido respeto no estoy de acuerdo con tus comentarios referentes al español que habla Emma.
Su español es inteligible, es decir se entiende perfectamente lo que comunica.
Estoy de acuerdo, Regino!
Wow!!! I didn’t know you also understood Spanish Carol, that’s great!
Hope we can exchange some emails in Spanish soon, that’s my mother tongue; I mean my first language.
All the best.
Hi Regino!
It’s easy for me read Spanish, because my mother tongue is portuguese. I can understand a conversation also, but I have some difficulties.
PS: I loved the expression “mother tongue”. I didn’t know that we can used in this way. Tks for teaching me! ;)
En realidad me gusta como Emma dice las cosas en español. Por otro lado, me gustaría escuchar tú pronunciación en español -Robert- para saber “si eres tan bueno como lo dices” (Practise makes perfect)
Thank you!
Could you make a class: 10 mistakes Portuguese speakers make?
Hi Silvia, to tell the truth I don’t think she will do it; you know why? I doubt Emma speaks portuguese.
To make a contrast between two languages you need to be quite familiar with both of them.
Oi, audrysilva.
Eu concordo com o Regino, será muito pouco provável que uma aula deste tipo venha a ser feita.
Mas eu gostaria de deixar aqui uma dica, que considero valiosa para nós brasileiros que estamos aprendendo inglês;
Como não aprender Inglês, de Michael A. Jacobs.
Este livro, ou PDF se preferir fará você entender porque nós brasileiros cometemos certos erros ao tentar falar ou escrever em inglês.
I think Portuguese and Spanish very similar. This video can help us (Portuguese speakers) too. Emma don’t need do this video even…
Hi, Emma, Thank you for your clear explanation.
I got 90.
thanks a lot. Because i didnt understand how to pronunce words with i sounds and ee sounds, i used to be confused with beach and bitch :D, now i know where people want to go.
Thanks! Emma, great class. about the word embarrassed, on Brazil in some locations have both meaning, “pregnancy” and “embarrassed”, but the 1st expressions is more used by old peope, like grandmother and grandfather.
I’ve never seen someone using the word embarrassed as pregnant here in Brazil. I’ve heard this word only when I’ve been in Argentina.
believe me on interior from states, some people using this word to indicate pregnancy, like in small cities I listened two times, but is I was a child.
Good to know, Marcus! I believe totally on you! I’m a linguist and study language and its variances.
Do you remember where did you heard that?
hi emma…… thanks for the lesson
Greetings dear Emma.
In Spanish, we use to name these words false cognates (falsos cognados).
Thanks for this lesson.
I’m happy. Thanks! Emma.
iam saudi thanke for quiz ihave 60
thank you, Emma
Hi Emma,thanks for the vedio. I like your voice very much!!!And your smile is very sunshine:)
I’m not a native of Spanish, I’m learning Spanish too. And this vedio is very helpful:
1. Now i know, for body part, need use “my/your/his…” instead of “the”
2. vocabulary pronunciation parts are very useful
Hello to Emma.Could you teach us how to use From which,for which,by which,By what in our sentences or or give us some examples of using them.
Thanks a lots!!!!
Mrs EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Emma. This kind of classes are useful.
Thanks for your tips
Teacher, I’m living in a Hispanic country, Chile. This is my second Hispanic country. The common mistake – no grammatically speaking – is related to the pronunciation and think very important to mention in your classes.
They are:
Due to the pronoun YO (dió), the Hispanic has a strong tendency to use this phoneme for all words that begins with Y, like Yesterday, you, Yankee etc. Their pronunciation is usually repeating the same phoneme. Diesterday, Diu, Diankee. The same problem occurs with the words that finishes with B, like joB. The tendency is pronounce it like joF. Another example is regard to the words that starts with W. Usually they replace W by G, like Guman, instead Woman. It’s important to remain that I’m speaking about phonemes and not lexis or grammar, right?
I have been studying English for a while, and this is the first time I realize the difference between this and these. I believed “these” had a long “s” sound.
Hello Emma. I want you to know that your teachings are really really useful. I´ve learned a lot from you, Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. I´m sure I´m not the only one that think you´re so sweet and kind. I hope you read it and I apologize for the mistakes I could have made when I wrote it, ( I keep learning ). Greetings from Venezuela. As you say “Till the next time”. Take care my favorite teacher :)
Great lesson as usual. Emma, you’re such a great teacher, thank you so much for helping all of us in this journey to reach our goals =D
Sos una genia Emma !!! Excelentes tus clases !!! Desde Argentina, muy agradecido por tus enseñanzas te saludo cordialmente. Javier Cresifulli.
thanks a lot emma!!
it’s interesting n thanks.
Hello everyone
I am new member in engVid hope to improve my English by your cooperation
(7x and 8x) I misunderstood the difference between this and these. Anyway, when I saw the solution I immediately understood the reason you use “these/are” and “this/is”.
About the differences between Spanish and Portuguese what I have to tell is, that kind of problems are very similar, unlike Thetvcbr I don’t see why Emma should make a lesson in Portuguese.
And about Emma, continue with your Spanish, listening you made feel I was in the centre of Madrid, in Gran Via.
About the lesson in Portuguese: I agree with you.
Thanks, very useful lesson!
yay !thnkx i gt 10 out 7
Great lesson, Thank you Emma.
Thank you for your class!
Hi, great lesson!
The title should be “10 common Spanish and Portuguese speakers mistakes” :)
Yes! I agree! Change it, Emma! ;)
Thank’s a lot
Hi, my name is Jose…..very useful lesson for Spanish speakera, thank you very much!!!!!!
Your Spanish is really good, congratulations!!!LL
If you need to practice this, I can help you!! :-)
Thanks and take care!!!!
Thanks Emma, 7/10 nice lesson
I want learn speak portuguese Brazilian = Quero aprender a falar português
Adalberto, o correto em inglês para “Quero aprender a falar o português brasileiro” é “I want TO learn HOW TO speak BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE.
Gracias Emma, your Spanish is very good!
Muy interesante la lección, Gracias.
I really liked the lesson, in fact I had fun listening to it, not only for your pronunciation in Spanish, but noticing my own mistakes. Thank you.
ahh I noticed that very often worng with the use of “me” and “my”.
Falsos cognatos podem ser um problema sério, veja esta simples frase:
“Un hombre pelado con el saco en la mano corre detrás de la buseta.”
Calma, não é o que parece:
“Um homem careca com o casaco nas mãos corre atrás do ônibus”.
Está errado seu texto.
Escreves detrás como se fosse espanhol.
Escreves no singular en portunhol e no plural em português.
en la mano nao é igual nas maos JAMÁS muchachito.
Olá, Marcio.
Me desculpe pela piada sem graça, mas eu não sei absolutamente nada de Espanhol…
Eu apenas “copiei e colei” este texto da internet. Mesmo assim, obrigado pela correção.
this is great lesson. I like her teach.
I’ve learned some SPANISH
“A mi me gusta más la casa chica”, it means I’m married, but I’m having an affair with another woman or living with another woman.
Have a great day Eye365
Ese tal Regino es un perro XD Pobre hombre sin vida social, sólo se la pasa comentando por este sitio, jeje.
hahaha, excellent comment Regino!!!, you make me laugh.
¡hola emma!has pronuciado muy bien,sigue asi y ¡suerte!la clase me ha servido mucho.¡muchas gracias!
thanks teacher(emma) best way of learning
Excellent lesson. Your obcervations are very accurate about our mistakes. Than you very much.
Yeah!! 10/10, Emma Thank you so much for this class and for those resources with correct use of Make/Do, in my case sometimes I have problems to use those ones in the right way.
PD: Any english mistake in my comment please somebody tell me the right way and help me to improve my english :).
And your spanish pronunciation is really good, keet ip up!!! :)
*Keep it up!!!, sorry
Thanks….Emma…Very good teaching Style
Hi Emma, you are a great teacher! i hope learn quiqly, thanks!
Hi,Teacher Emma! I’m spanish speaker! :) and very good obsevation. I’ll put your advice into practice!!
thank you so much! excelent video!
I like your style!
Fantastic! I got 100%. Emma, I always get confused when I should pronounce some final letters, like the “t” of “Don’t”. Maybe you could give us a lesson about it.
Thanks a lot! Although I’m not a native spanish speaker, portuguese and spanish are very much alike so this mistakes are common in both languagues. Great teacher.
Hablo español y cuando escucho el portugués entiendo parte de la conversación, así que. . . asumo que deben tener mucho en común; jamás lo he visto escrito, no sé si podría entender algo al leerlo.
Coincido con el comentario referente a los errores que cometemos cuando hablamos en una lengua extranjera.
Saludos Adriana
P.S. Could you please write something in portuguese to see if I can understand it?
Oi Regino, esta lição me interessou muito, por isso estou lendo diversos comentários sobre ela. Não sou a Adriana, mas aqui está seu escrito. rs O que você conseguiu entender?
thnk u emma
Nice spanish Emma!! you’re really gettin’ it… As a native spanish speaker I should say that one of the most common mistakes we make are false friends like fabric and fabrica, I used to get a little bit confused with libreria and library I thought they were the same thing!!.
Yesssss, they are the most mistakes I do.
‘You got 8 correct out of 10.
Such a great lesson!!
I got 100%.
Your spanish is pretty good Emma!
Hay, Emma teacher I like your video ,thank you
teach us english.
You are the best teacher. Thank you!
It was very interesting
Thank a lot of, I improve my english, I am so happy, greatings
thank you, you are the nice teacher.
90 Grade, thanks!
It’s the class more efficient than all. It’s objective and simple. Great job! Thanks
Dear Emma…
thank you so much for this fantastic lesson, I always have the same mistake “her or him”… only with practice you can improve it.
I don’t speak Spanish. but this lesson is helpful for me.
u should do more of this kind of videos.. very helpful..
Awesome! Very hard to catch the difference in pronounciation between “bitch” and “beach”. Geez!
Muchas Gracias, Maravilloso
I’ve been studing with this web page and I think it’s incredible, thanks a lot
Thank you.
Emma,excellent teacher!
Thank you Emma,
I often hear how people saying “shit” (sorry) instead of “sheet” for Excel sheets
Hi Emma! My name is Emma, also ;). I’m Spaniard and I’m from Barcelona. I really love your videos and Engvid. They are helping me a lot. You got the point with the 10 mistakes!!! I can say it’s totally true. Other Spanish problems are prepositions and the article “the”, for example. By the way, don’t worry about your Spanish because you speak fairly well. It’s nice the way you speak it. Thank you very much for teaching us. You’re a great teacher! Take care and sorry for my writing mistakes. :)
She has a beautiful smile
Good pronunciation in spanish ;-)
Your Spanish is very cute, Emma. : )
Thank you for the lesson.
Great, I love it.
You’re a such good Teacher Emma Thanks again! But the way I would like to make a request., I have trouble on describing taste words.. Is that something you can help me out?
Hi Emma, I really enjoyed your lesson!! Don´t worry about not speaking Spanish very well (yet); since you`re an excellent teacher you`ll make it very soon.
I am not a Spanish, so I got 2 mistakes.
Dear Emma: Thank you for sharing your experience in this videos. I’m from Argentina and my first language is spanish.
You are a great Teacher!
Best Regards
great, thank you
Great video on “10 common mistakes that Spanish speakers make”! However, Emma, “Su” in Spanish is His/Her. “Him” is le or se depending… FYI.
I’m from Colombia, I like so much your lessons and I have been improving my english with your funy classes. Thanks a lot Emma. By the way of this video I would like to say something about the possessive. So in spanish we use “su” like a possessive to say “his” for guys and “her” for girls in english (for example: su carro = his car or her car) In the other hand, “him” and “her” are objects in Spanish mean “lo” and “la” for example: “Help him” = Ayudalo and Help her = Ayudala.
You got 9 correct out of 10!
I’m very happ with this result!
Estou gostando muito de estudar no site.
Thank you very much for the class Emma
Thanks for more one class!
You’re awesome.
aprobar can be pass or approve in spanish that’s why we use it wrong
This video is really interesting for brazilians and portuguese speakers. Many languages use the same structure, as spanish and portuguese. So, for us the mistakes resemble the same too. Thank you for the great class.
10 minutes learning good English!
Spanish speakers are usually “open minded”. So you don’t care too much about pronunciation, we understand! Best regards!
Thanks Emma, It was a nice class
jejeje I made fun teacher !!! sobretodo cuando dices laibrera that it’s actually libreria in english is bookstore!!! thanks teacher!!!
Thank you :D
You are a good teacher
I have a little problem to learning of english, but this lesson is very good (:
the best teacher that I had!
I learn more with you Emma that any teacher in all my life in only ten minutes ha ha
Thanks Amma, I got 80%
thx u emma very much i like english cuz of u <3 <3
Thank you very much Emma!! I got 100! but I thing it’s so easy to my. Do you have else to recommend us to take away the typical spanish mistakes? another video? or any book or exercise?
thanks in advance Emma!!
Thank you for your class!!!
thank you =D
Hi Emma, thanks for the lesson ;)
Thanks Emma for the lesson.
I Likes This Website A lot And thanks Emma
Hi emma, I liked a lot the way you explain, I have a basic level, however achieves understand you, I’m very happy and I would like to use Skype and talk with you and I correct your pronunciation, and teach me as a child, ha ha ha . Meanwhile I will continue watching your videos and I hope at least once a week to talk to you for video. sorry for using Google Translate.
Hi Emma, I liked your explanation, it was very interesting…. I have to tell you that I’m Mexican and I learned English here.. I’ve never been to the US and I obtained 10 on this quiz thanks and greetings from Mexico:)
Jajaja !!! That’s true !
I speak spanish and i have the same mistakes that you said.
I enjoy your lessons … Thank u so much!
Emma, I’m a Spanish speaker and this lesson has been very useful to me. thanks a lot!
Hi Emma,
You said when we talk about false friends we talk about….But then you corrected yourself and said “when we’re talking about”. What’s the difference in meaning? Similarly, what’s the differwene between “When I have a shower, I don’t sing” and “When I’m having a shower, I don’t sing”
All the best!
Emma….ilove your way of teaching and even your personality, you make me feel at easy.
you’re a great teacher !
Emma, thanks for your video. It´s true, Spanish speakers don´t have any order for adjetives. The stress in “librería” is at the last syllable of the word: li – bre – RIA. Bravo for your Spanish!
Hi Emma
I’m a Spanish speaker and I write this to tell you that I think you made a mistake while explaining point 6.
“Su” is a possesive pronoun, that can either mean “his”, “her”, “its” or “their”
The translation for the words you said (him/her) can vary: sometimes we say the subject and in other cases we say pronouns similar to those ones in English, that we directly add to the verb (like: “tell him”=”dile”)
Don’t worry for the mistake, I know you don’t know much Spanish
But thanks for the lesson, you were totally right in the other points
The mistakes that you show us in this lesson are common on me since i started to learn english. Thanks a lot!
Thanks Emma. We make these mistakes in portuguese too. :-(
Yes… It’s total similar!
Thank you. Great teaching
thank you.
tu me enseñas ingles y yo te ayudo con tu español ;)
Me gustó tu clase. Aprendo cada día algo nuevo. Aprendo también de los errores, pero no me atrevo a criticar como lo hace Robert u otros. Soy agradecida con los profesores, finalmente es un servicio gratis y lo aprecio. Sigue adelante profe, aprendiendo cada día y mejorando…gracias….
I agree jajaja yes I need to remember this. Another false friend could be “record” and “Recordar”
I like this lesson. Very Good.
it’s easy as a lesson, thanks Emmas
Emma you’re a excellent teacher, congratulation and thank you.
This is nice lesson
Emma you help me a lot . Great and very useful videos , thanks so much !!! muchas gracias
If you look up the word “libreria” in the R.A.E. (http://lema.rae.es/drae/srv/search?id=eozaIuwjNDXX2lnCTSba) you can see both meanings:
Place where you have books to borrow
Place where you have books to buy
Yaaaaaaayyy!!! 10/10 hahaha.
Another mistake we frequently make is this: with words that start with “s”, like spanish, we pronounce them with an “e” before the “s”: “espanish”, “especial”, “espeak”, etc.
Maybe you could add it to your video.
Muy buenos ejemplos Emma! keep it up, your Spanish’s great!
This site was very Nice
Great, great teacher yoy inspires us to study more and more, thanks so much
HI!! thanks for the class. there was a mistake when you were talking about him/her… in Spanish they don’t mean “su”, They mean “él” or “le” (him) and “la” or “ella” (her). “Su” is “his” or “her” but only if we’re talking about possessive adjectives. But that’s another mistake when we are learning. You’re a good teacher!! :)
phonetics pleas
Very nice lesson, thanks.
good lesson, really I don’t speak english very well, but whit you Emma, I undertand anything.
You are a good teacher. This lesson, i really enjoy it.
I always have failures with pronunciation. when i say,some friends or others don’t understand me. They always say i speak fast.
After studying this lesson, i saw lots of failures.
Thanks you for your teaching in this lesson
Thank you Emma, great lesson and we learn a lot of different mistakes.
thank you very much)
Hey, Great video! i have to admit that I’ve made most of the mistakes you said… I thank you for helping me with it…. I also want to tell you some particular things that I found in your video, just for the record I’m native Spanish speaker … The number one was that you might have had “an embarrassing moment” and in Spanish it would be “Un momento embarazoso” ,same meaning…
the second one: “aprobar” could be “pass” or “approve” and I’m gonna show it to you in these examples
-“he passed the tests” “Él aprobó los examenes”
-“The General Assembly should approve the related resource requests.” “La Asamblea General debería aprobar las solicitudes de recursos conexas.”
and the third one is, and I think you were confused with the use of “Su” and you’re right when you say we mix them up in phrases but not in the way you explained… we mix the following words:
“her”,”his” and “its” with the only word we have in spanish “su”
“That is her coat” “Ese es su abrigo” (de ella)
“That is his phone” “Ese es su teléfono” (de él)
“…the computer and its process” “…el computador y su proceso”
And that’s it! Thank you so much and I hope that this comment helps someone as well as your video did!
i love your spanish!
Amazing spanish! you are really good at it. most of native english speakers can’t pronounce the double “R” :) you got it ;)
Thank You for the Lesson. Very interesting way to practice and learn every day.
Hello Emma and thanks for your class! but I have to say you that I think you mistake the six item because ‘su’ is the Spanish posesive for he, she and it, his, her its in English and you explained about him/her/it. I’m sorry but I didn’t understand very well this item but I want say you all this video is very interesting (excuse my English if it isn’t very proper)
Su libro: Her or His book
Me gusta ella: I like her
Me gusta él: I like him
For its, we use SU
These things are very difficult for English speakers too.
Thank you so much for the lessons.Interesting!
By the way I don’t think after checking this video we can get the correct answer of the question 10.
Thanks Emma, this is a great lesson. I can speak Spanish and portugues and a little english. I hope to learn more in this gread ENGVID. Best regards
It is good to help Portuguese speakers too. Portuguese and Spanish are two similar languages, so we make the same mistakes.
Thanks for the lesson, emma!
Hi Emma,
Thanks for your recommendations. Another mistake very common for us (Spanish speakers) is the omission of the S on the third person (she or he speakS). I have to think all the time…
Thank you so much for the lessons
First of all, thank you so much for the lesson Emma, but in number 6 mistake you say that Spanish speakers confuse “him/her” because we only use “su”. Actually, “him/her” are personal pronouns translated as “(a, para, con …) él/ella”. It is “his/her”, the possesive adjective, that we tend to mix up.
thanks emma
Emma in sitcoms, movies or songs native english speakers pronunce don, can, nigh, importan. is it correct?
!Hola Emma¡ Gracias por tus vídeos, me gustan mucho. Veo que te gusta el idioma español. Pues yo te podría enseñar español (aunque no soy tan buen profesor como tú) y usted me enseña inglés. Creo que sería un buen trato. Buena suerte y cuídate.
interesting lesson speacially for spanish speakers!thnx
Keep going like you already know how to do, you’re an excellent teacher…
Emma we told adam how to teach the students a very easy key to sound very well in american english
One of the best videos of this site !!!
fortunately I am not Spanish.I am Indonesian.
my Quiz emma:
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Thanks Emma, my mind is getting clear
Excelente video, gracias.
Thank you very much for your great lesson, Emma. I’m Spanish, I recognize myself in every point, except one (I’m very happy for that!!!!): I pronounce the ll in I’ll, and the t in don’t, but the reason is I speak also catalan, and in this language we can find these sounds. With your help (thank you for this lesson), I practise and I’ll improve for sure!
Um falante de espanhol é como uma criança falando português, ainda não aprendeu a falar direito.
Emma ¡thanks a lot!
Y te lo digo en español “caramba” aprobé con 9 <– :)
Hi guys!
I would like improve my english talking with everyone by Skype. By chance if someone to want it that, then add me (Skype contact: caiofig68).
Hi. Your spanish is good.
Thank you for the class.
hi everyone
Me inspira que quieras aprender español – I inspires you want learn spanish
My first 10 of 10 I am improving
I am Thai
I not understand but I attempt learn becouse I like English language.
As you know, your teaching is very good. Could I ask you to teach “10 mistakes Asian speakers make”? ^^
Have a nice day! Teacher~
thank you Miss Emma for your lesson :) good teacher.
nice it is so good that learn spanish is a great language.
bien es muy bueno que aprendas español es una gran lengua.
I got 10/10
I’m spanish and I got 100% correct!!!
Emma I wanna thank you for this opportunity.Thank you so much.
Great website! ;D
good practice good Emmy
I like this lesson, thank you.
Lesson learned. It was excelent. Tnx Emma. 10/10. :D
te ra rarara te ra
to Guide You home
Thank you so much, Emma! Finally, I found where I used to make mistakes: I’ll and I’m. All this time I was pronouncing these two words wrong.
I used to pronounce I’ll like /aI-ol/, but it is most like /a-ol/ instead. And I was not openning my mouth after the /m/ sound in I’m /aIm/, what makes it so nasal that the next sound englobes it and the /m/ disappear. Now I’m openning my mouth after pronouncing the finals /m/ sound. I’d improved my I’ll and I’m a lot. Thank you so much!!!
Thank you very much, Emma. I make it some of these mistakes.
Emma, You inspire me to speak better , thank you a lot.
Thank you Emma!
I speak portuguese. We made the same mistakes. I got 10! Nice class!
Hi Emma!! I love the way you talk!!
thanks for teaching
thats good
Thank you for everything teacher….I am so excited to learn a second language and being able to communicate with native speakers. Day by day I learn at least two words and it is so useful for my vocabulary….. I am going to improving my English………..
Great teach. Thank you for your colaboration!
Thank you Emma for teaching. I learn so much
Thank you Emma!! Great lesson, I was confused about how to pronounce “This and These”
Thank you Emma , i will follow your topic .Some day i want to be native speaker like you.
thanks emma
Thank you very much Emma
thanks,Emma :D
Hi Emma it was very useful lesson, I could observe that your Spanish is fine, only a word was in inadequate pronunciacion, this was libreria,(the first i sounds like e) in Colombia is very admired the accent when a native English speaker is talking Spanish; and other notification that I can do it´s when you are telling us that the adjective comes before the noun, in Spanish is used too in this same way, but almost everybody who make this variant has a refined language like the poets…Thanks a bunch for all you have taught me and please apologize my grammar errors..A big hug..
thank you for all your time
I teach English and my native language is Arabic. There are a lot of similarities in the mistakes that Arabs and Hispanics make for almost the same reasons you have mentioned. Thanks Emma.
This video for Spanish students , but i still watching its, because i can improve my listening ability with this
I think that is better say “me gusta una casa grande”
Emma you are incredible, thank you so much.
Hi Emma. It`s first video that I look. I want to learn English language with your videos. I`m sure that your videos can help me to speak an English like a English. Thank you. I will follow your lessons.
It’s an interesting content even if I’m not speak Spanish. By the way, I speak Chinese.
For english speakers, the spanish word “librería” is pronounced “lee-bre-ri-a” not “lai-bre-ri-a”.
I found that fabric isn’t a false friend it can mean fabric too.
Nice lesson take care.
Thanks Emma!!!!!!
Thanks Emma. Gracias Emma.
Saludos desde mi pueblo en España. Greetings from my townn in Spain. Take care. Cuidate.
Good lesson, thanks,
hola Emma tu español no esta mal aunque tu pronunciación es terrible pero como nosotros los de habla española cometemos muchos errores al pronunciar en ingles pienso que para ustedes es igual de complicado pronunciar bien nuestra lengua…
Hi Emma , His Spanish is not bad , but her pronunciation is terrible , but how we speak Spanish we will have some mistakes with the grammar and the pronunciation how now :(, but thanks for your lessons, I think it’s very good and I sorry if i have mistakes in my grammar.
Una situación embarazosa: an embarrassing situation. It is possible the same.
Thanks Emma, your lessons are very useful and make me don’t feel “emabarazado” when talking.
Do you now Turkish??????
perfect 100 point!! thank you!!
Hi Emma, in fact, “aprobar” it is the right translation of approve, this word have the exact differents meanings as in english, this isn’t mean only “pass” an exam.
Sorry, I don’t know Spanish :) so Q4 and 10 are too difficult for me :)
Emma. Thanks a lot for your class. Your spanish accent sounds great..
It was a very interesting and useful lesson. I hope I don’t confuse the false friends in the future. Is there some sort of resource to remember them all?
Thanks for the lesson…¡
10/10. I loved it ! Tks
Improve and imprivisar, another common false friend, I think the correct one is improvise, is it?
I loved this video.;)
Many students do not pronounce the S in third person
It’s a very good lesson. I like your lessons about pronunciation. Thanks.
Hey Mamasita good job. keep learning spanish
You’re a great mentor! Just a follow up question, Do you know why mis-interpreted Spanish words when translated in English are called “false friends”?
Hello, Emma. Thank you for the lesson. Others Spanish speakers has talked you about the point 6, but I want to tell you that your video class helped me very much. I have (make, do,…?) many times those mistakes. In addition, I want to thank you for making the effort of speak in Spanish. Sigue haciéndolo porque es una gran ayuda para los hispanohablantes que estudiamos tu idioma. Keep doing it because it is a great help for Spanish speakers who study your language. Thank you so much. ¡Guapa! ;-)
Hello, Emma. Thank you for the lesson.
9 out 10 this is a nice lesson and
I understand your lesson .
i like it, than you. Do you have any video about biography?
Es una lección muy interesante. Me siento identificada.
Congrats for this lesson.
I’m a Spanish speaker, but it’s informative though.
Thanks! :D
Thank you Emma :)
tanks emma
i want to learn inglihs and italian and ask someone to talk to him to learn more
You got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you
Thank you very much Emma. Your lesson is very usuful and practice. I got 100%
Thank you very much Emma. Your lesson is very useful and practice. I got 100%
These sort of mistakes usually happens with any new learner those who learn newa language but I understand it can be automatically correct with passage of time and practice
I’m not Spanish but I like Emma’s lesson. :)
Thanks Emma.I’m Spanish speaker and you are right. Most of the time we make that mistake and many others.I think this website is amazing for learn and improve my English skill.Thanks a million.
Good lesson!
Thanks Emma!
nice video
I got 10…I don´t know speak spanish but I can understand some sentences, I speak brasilian portuguese
Thank i got 40
superb, I did 10 of 10 correct, before I watch the video
me parese ser a la escola de los ninos
Thank you so much. The classes are very interesting
Hi Emma, can you help with the pronunciation of thirty vs dirty? Thanks in advance
Example 6 (Su). If I want to say in Spanish His car I have to say ‘Su carro’. Which means property. So I believe that example is not totally accurate, because of His translates as ‘Su’. Him, on the other hand, translate as ‘El’. For instance, That car belongs to him, other way to say it is, that is his (su) car.
Who wants to have a conversation for what up to improve english
This explanation is very important for us who speak Spanish when we want to learn English in order to avoid mistakes. Thanks a lot, Emma.
Although I speak portuguese, this lesson was very useful. Thanks Emma!
Thank so much, Emma. See you on next lesson.
Thanks EMMA
Thank you for your class. See you tomorrow.