Hello! I hope you’re keeping well! In this vocabulary lesson, I will explain the different ways of using the verb keep. This common verb has more than one meaning. It can be used to easily express all kinds of situations. If you find it difficult at first, keep studying, and keep coming back for more videos! Keep up the good work!
10 out of 10? Please keep it to yourself Alex! It could be desappointing for others.
Just kidding :-) Well-done!!!
Keep up the Good Work!
you are good at English. :)
“Keep Off the Grass!” I’ll keep it in mind. Useful! Thank you, Gill :)
hhhhhhhhhhhhhh you get problem with it
It‘ looks like Chinese name,
Great lesson, Gill!! Many thanks!!
I like this lession, is very usefull. thanks
Ver nice lesson!! Thanks!!
Thanks a lot, Gill, very useful lesson
Thanks to have this website..
very useful
Very good explanation, I’ve learned a lot. Thank you, Gill!
Gill you are “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”.
can you please suggest me book for efflorescent learning english.
james watson
Excellent, as usual. It’s a pleasure to follow your lessons. Thanks Gill
Dear Prof. Gill,
Very nice lesson indeed. Thank you kindly. h
Briklend Handersson
I agree with you
M kartal
It is very useful :) Thank you.
Keep giving us this kind of wonderful lessons,Gill ;)I always enjoy watching your videos.Thank you for this one.See you soon :)
thank you Gill, I didn’t know the meaning referred to preserving food in the freezer. Please Gill, do as much lessons as you can! Your accent is simply beautiful (how many mistakes have I done?)
thnxx teacher Gill
9/10. Good
thank u Gill
Thank you so much for the lesson, i do love it !!
thank you and welcome here
I have 10/10 Thanks you very much
. Amonth th Engvid’s teachers, your accent is my favorite. I’m looking forward to seeing your next lessons Love from France xxx
where lesson two ?
Thanks a lot Gill.
Useful lesson, thanks a lot of, Gill!
Sergey Nasonov
Many thanks!
Great lesson, Keep going pls
thanks teacher for thred time iam got h… score
Amazing teacher, and very nice, thank you.
Thank you ! Mrs Gill
it is really an informative lesson .
Thank you Gill very much.
Could you make the same lesson on the verb get?
Thank you! It’s awesome lesson!
yeah of cours it’s really good lyaziza
ramzi belaidi
I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks a lot, Gill!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Ms.Gill! So many details and examples are great and very educational!!!
i like it
Thank you,Mr.Gill it’s very useful lessen.
Thanks Ms Gill, great lesson !!!!!
…So far so good, keep on writing.
Thank you, Jill for this lesson in practical use.
Great lesson Gill!
Wera Dice
Thank you, Gill. This lesson is very interesting! I got 80.
Júlio César L Sousa
very good lesson
Thanks a lot for such good lesson, Gill!
Thank you very much. Keep doing!))) Your lessons are great. I’m sure everybody wants more )))
Old toad
you are a
super yeacher!!!
Anastasya Salnikova
Thanks so much.
Thank you :)
Thankyou very much, your mini lessons are very informative, keep going my teacher!
Hi,Gill! What a pleasure take your classes!
Thank you
10/10 – You like my motorcycle? Go on, hold it, and if you like it, you can keep it, but only for one day or two no more, ok, otherwise don’t.
Jorge Pedroso
9/10 not bad.. learnt a lot. Thanks.
Subhamoy Patra
“U can keep it (my swimsuit) for the summer” sounds friendly but share clothes isn’t hygienic kkkk
carlos 2138
10/10 I am so happy :D
Thanks for this lesson, Gill!
There are several examples with complete, usual and interesting sentences.
I desire to keep attending your great lessons!
Fabio Cicerre
Great! I love your lesson so much, Gill. Your pronunciation is great for learners. Love it
10/10. Keep it up !
Please, can somebody help me with the meaning of the cuestión number 8?
You got 10 correct out of 10.
8. We’ve been walking for hours, but if we’re going to reach the hotel before midnight, we have to keep _______.
it means that if we want to reach the hotel before midnight we should countinue walking.
is it ok?
M kartal
Thank you Gill!!!I love your accent!!!You should prepare a pronunciation lesson please…you speak slowly and very clear ;)
Keep it in mind!!
i scored 8 out of 10 but my mistakes are so stupid :(
Great lesson Gill, thank you!
Leon BS
than y 10_10
Walaa Eldeeb
Thanks. It was really helpful
Thank you Gill! It’s really helpful.
Thank you Gill. Please keep teaching so that knowledge can spread
Thank you Gill.
Thank you.Your lesson help me to don’t have mistake again.I think you is my best teacher and your speaking is good so can you teach me how to speak like you,please?
Thanks.love to you.
9 out of 10…..not bad…but i can do better
what a lesson. very nice explanation. Thank you.
Great lesson!!! I’ll keep all those knowledges.
heey gill I don’t understand
Thanks for this lesson. This website help me so much to understand since basic rules until advanced things. Keep doing it for us.
Very useful, thank you!
thank you so much ! You are using an understandable accent. this is usefull for me.
thank you
Congratulations, Gill! You’ve given us excellent tips! Thank you!
thanks Gill, your lessons are clear and always helpful
10 of 10. thank you. excellent lesson!
good jod you are excellent
keona malcolm
Hi everyone — thank you all for your kind comments on my latest lesson. Keep up the good work, and see you again soon!! Gill
thank you too gill and see you soon too
keona malcolm
thank you too gill and see you soon too
keona malcolm
What different between start and began?
thanks you gill
Thank Gill.
It is very easy to get what you say.
Thank you Gill :)
Hello teacher.
It was a very good explanation.
Thanks for this lesson.
I will keep in mind all the 10 ways to use keep.
Thank you Gill. Great, great lesson!
Tks Gill it was a great class!
I will keep in mind this great class. Thank you Gill.
Thanks Gill…It was really nice and useful lesson…
thanks a lot Gill
I feel myself in a real classroom when I learn with Gill, this is amazing an helpful to keep you concentrated! I’ve got 9/10…!
thanks a lot,it was great ^_^
Thanks for clear speech)and understandable lesson
9/10, better than I thought.
Good lesson! And now…. “to get” … What do you think about? :-)
Thank u mam
I agree with everybody else, it was an excellent lesson and so easy to understand you! thank you!
thank you i like this teaching program, it has a lot of tips that help me so much……
Highly appreciate your great explanation and your amazing accent absolutely being the way to hold audience’s attention.
thank you madame :D
faith helen
i got 10/10, thankyou, i liked your video
thank you ms gill
Thanks mr. Gill
Thank you , Ms Gill.
Hi Ms Gill, thank you, I got 8/10 point
Thank you Gill
Luis Jz
a nice lesson. Thank you.
10/10….Thanks Gill…
9/10 reached. Very useful lesson Gill!
Thanks a lot ☺
10/10… Thanks so much for your excellent explanation. ☺
7/10 and I was sure, that I absolutely right))
Thanks a lot
Thanks my teach.
I like this website and teachers.Thanks.
Thanks Grill and The website.,It’s very useful for everyone!!!
This was a very useful lesson. I got 10! Thanks Gill!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thank’s a lot, Gill!
vera ishchenko
I will keep learning from your lovely lessons Mrs.Gill. Thank you so much.
My nickname is donatello133 ask me the contact and then I accept because I want communicate in English too.
thank you Gill for this useful lesson)
I like your class very much,wonderful
Ma’am, what is the difference between the following two sentences?
“I saw him enter the room”.
“I saw him entering the room”.
thanks for teaching
I love your lesson Gil
It’s very useful
Thank you so much Gill
I really love your accent
Abdullah yahya
8/10. Very good teacher
luiz alexandre
clear explanation.
thank you Gill
Hi Gill, I like your class a nice because you explain everything with calm and continous. Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
Thank you. it was a useful lesson.
thanks for teaching
I get 10/10
thanks,Gill !
Hello Mrs Gill, I love your classes. I would like to attend a private class with you, is it possible? Maybe throw skype?
Tks, Federico
It follow my email address: ftroentle@hotmail.com
Thank you for your lesson. It it really helpful.
Love u Mrs Gill!
Thanks Gill. YOU’RE VERY GOOD. .!
thanks Gill
ann ann
Thanks very much for the lesson!
thank you so much.
it is good lesson
I have learnt a lot of today.
Hector castro
Thanks a lot I’m tired but I must keep studying if I want to learn more .Please keep going and publish more videos.
saeed manzari3
I got 9 out of 10… Dear Gill, I can’t help falling in love with your accent and teaching methodology: I am really your fan ! I love watching and listening to your nice videos many time ! … * Best wishes from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America !
thanks for your explain.
with my respect to you i found that there is something missing in this lesson for example the meaning of the word keep should been written beside each sentences to understand correctly with my appreciate to your efforts
Thank you, Gill!
Thank you very much. Good lesson. Ciao! :)
Ivan C.
Great Gill. You’re very nice teacher
Thank you Gill for very good lesson :)
this is a great lesson!
Milk keeps much longer in a fridge. alwayes we mention to keep as a verb with somewho did the action.here how the milk will keep itself?
would you please advice me.
Thanks a lot,Mrs.Gill.
hey@@ nice to meet you. hope we can be friend! im Hậu!
Nguyen Van Hau
Hi Gill,
Bhaskar Ketham
thank you very much! ,mrs Jill
Nguyen Van Hau
Thanks a lot
I love your lesson
Thank you so much, you have done this very easy, thank you,
Marta Lopez
very good explanation,Thank you very much
Thanks Ma’am Really It’s gonna help a lot
Arijit Nandi
Thank you Gill. I like your accent.It was a great lesson.
the artful dodger
Thankyou… your lesson was very clear! Thank you to all on engvid..
Thank you Gill and keep smiling.
Perfect explanations…. Thanks a lot Gill.
Thank you, Gill. I keep learning English every day.
Thanks Gill, great work!
Jose Lazzo
love you. Gill!!
Nguyen Van Hau
Thanks a lot, dear Gill! Very interesting lesson! We love you!
Thanks Gill
In the first shoot, i’ve 100
10/10 I will continue watching your lessons Thanks..
Dominick Galdino
A helpful lesson, thanks so much!
Thanks for this wonderful session I’ll keep it in mind. I hope God will give you more life and more birthdays to come thank you teacher Gill.
I’m John from philippines
Thank you.I am keeping This lossen
Atia boosa
I got 9/10. Thank you for teaching . I will keep learning.
Good, but I just kept 7/10.
Thank you. I’ll keep what you said in this lesson in mind.
i got lots of information from your lesson as well my son. thank you so much
Please ,Kindly remove the advertisement !!
You hurt the Muslims .
6/10 not good. try my best !
thank you very much! ,mrs Jill
Thanks, Gill. I’ve kept all you said in mind.
i’ll keep it in my mind :)
thanks Gill!
thanks very much
I’ve got 10/10. Thank you very much for your useful lesson. I will keep it in my mind ^_^
Happy to see my result. Got 10 out of 10 without watching video.
10/10 good lesson!
9/10, thanks my teacher for a good lesson i knew a lot but i want to learn about other another otherwise other than, the other each other and one other could you teach us?
argenys antonio cinero.
9/10 Thank you Gill,I can do better, next time I promise you it will be different.
thanks to teacher Gill
das ist gut gill ;)
thank you
Ty so much Keep teaching mrs/Gill
Thanks a lot.
George Boxing
Aha, Great! I was much fascinated by doing the quiz and cracked the usage of the verb ‘keep’ in various forms.
Akbar Safi
Thanks a Lot.
Gill is the best teacher ever!!!
Thanks a lot dear Gill. Could you explain to me what is meaning of the sentence? ” will keep you posted “. Tks
Hedyeh Razi
Hi Hedye! If I’m not wrong….
will keep you posted = I will keep you informed
Thank you Gill !
Gill ,please,give us a lesson with have been,has been,had been.
Thanks, thanks to you I got 10 out of 10. More I keep repeating more keep this phrases in my mind.
I love it. engVid is the best. thank u.
Thanks a lot, hope to keep providing us like such important and useful lessons.
Gil, you are so lovely!
Your pronounce is clear.
I can undestand everything you say.
Thank you so much.
I will study hard with you^^ thank you theacher Gill~~
Thank you Gill.
Thank you Gill. I got 9/10. Good lesson!
10/10 I’m very excited. You’re a very nice teacher. Thanks a lot.
Pierro Rosa
thx you :)
Very useful lesson.Thank you so much Gill, please keep making video for us.;D
Christine Mun
10/10! great job, Gill! I love your lessons! I’ve been looking for a BE teacher like you for a long time! now I can stop keeping it up!
Thank you for your lessons!
Thank you so much i got 10/10 point.
I’ve looked for the best way to improve my English for a long time and now I found you :). Thank you for detailed explanation!
Thank you teacher. The class was awesome.
Excellent lesson.Thank you very much.
10/10 My first language is Spanish and I have learned English very well
You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had
80/100 hmm not bad .
I got the full marks
khalid mohamed Attia
ı want to ask for second question.’ why is wrong sentences t
hat’she is lending me to it ‘?
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thanks so much for teacher Jill. She is an excellent teacher explaining very clear.
Nartjaree P.
i really like to learn with your lessons, thanks a lot.
Gill, great lesson. Thank you so much
Very useful lesson.Thank you Gill
Thank you Mrs Gill.
10/10 thank you Mrs.Gill
Merci ! Je vous ai découverte hier, j’aime beaucoup votre manière d’expliquer. Le quizz est une excellente idée
Thank you for the wonderful lesson. I’m enjoying it.
Insoo Yeo
Thank you Madam❤❤❤
Mahboubeh Mohammadi
Thank you for a lecture, but I made two mistakes.
You are a very nice teacher
thank you MAM! GOT 100
Thanks for lesson, I really enjoyed it
Pedro Alejandro
Good lesson Gil. I will tell you something:
You’re a excelent techer
Thanks a lot Ms. Gill.
10/10. Thankyou Gill!
10/10 correct :):D Thankyou Mrs Gill
Thanks Gill, you are wonderful
Ahmad Nablsi
I really do appreciate the way you teach. Many thanks.
You are great ???
I got 10/10. Thanks Gill
Thanks Gill
Thank you
9/10 and learning from the mistakes is best way to remember perfectly thank you Ms.Gill
Hanisha Kolavennu
9/10 and learning from the mistakes is best way to remember perfectly.
Hanisha Kolavennu
10 out of 10
abdalla eisa
keep going the nice work
abdalla eisa
mine’s date to 22/11/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot,Jill
8/10. Thank you, Jill!
9/10!Thank you,Gill!This lesson is really useful!Thanks a lot!
Thanks Gill.
I like Gill’s clothes It’s beautiful ! And thanks Gill’s video!!
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
10/10, nice explanation Gill.
10 out of 10? Please keep it to yourself Alex! It could be desappointing for others.
Just kidding :-) Well-done!!!
Keep up the Good Work!
you are good at English. :)
“Keep Off the Grass!” I’ll keep it in mind. Useful! Thank you, Gill :)
hhhhhhhhhhhhhh you get problem with it
It‘ looks like Chinese name,
Great lesson, Gill!! Many thanks!!
I like this lession, is very usefull. thanks
Ver nice lesson!! Thanks!!
Thanks a lot, Gill, very useful lesson
Thanks to have this website..
very useful
Very good explanation, I’ve learned a lot. Thank you, Gill!
Gill you are “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”.
can you please suggest me book for efflorescent learning english.
Excellent, as usual. It’s a pleasure to follow your lessons. Thanks Gill
Dear Prof. Gill,
Very nice lesson indeed. Thank you kindly. h
I agree with you
It is very useful :) Thank you.
Keep giving us this kind of wonderful lessons,Gill ;)I always enjoy watching your videos.Thank you for this one.See you soon :)
thank you Gill, I didn’t know the meaning referred to preserving food in the freezer. Please Gill, do as much lessons as you can! Your accent is simply beautiful (how many mistakes have I done?)
thnxx teacher Gill
9/10. Good
thank u Gill
Thank you so much for the lesson, i do love it !!
thank you and welcome here
I have 10/10 Thanks you very much
. Amonth th Engvid’s teachers, your accent is my favorite. I’m looking forward to seeing your next lessons Love from France xxx
where lesson two ?
Thanks a lot Gill.
Useful lesson, thanks a lot of, Gill!
Many thanks!
Great lesson, Keep going pls
thanks teacher for thred time iam got h… score
Amazing teacher, and very nice, thank you.
Thank you ! Mrs Gill
it is really an informative lesson .
Thank you Gill very much.
Could you make the same lesson on the verb get?
Thank you! It’s awesome lesson!
yeah of cours it’s really good lyaziza
I’ll keep it in mind. Thanks a lot, Gill!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Ms.Gill! So many details and examples are great and very educational!!!
i like it
Thank you,Mr.Gill it’s very useful lessen.
Thanks Ms Gill, great lesson !!!!!
…So far so good, keep on writing.
Thank you, Jill for this lesson in practical use.
Great lesson Gill!
Thank you, Gill. This lesson is very interesting! I got 80.
very good lesson
Thanks a lot for such good lesson, Gill!
Thank you very much. Keep doing!))) Your lessons are great. I’m sure everybody wants more )))
you are a
super yeacher!!!
Thanks so much.
Thank you :)
Thankyou very much, your mini lessons are very informative, keep going my teacher!
Hi,Gill! What a pleasure take your classes!
Thank you
10/10 – You like my motorcycle? Go on, hold it, and if you like it, you can keep it, but only for one day or two no more, ok, otherwise don’t.
9/10 not bad.. learnt a lot. Thanks.
“U can keep it (my swimsuit) for the summer” sounds friendly but share clothes isn’t hygienic kkkk
10/10 I am so happy :D
Thanks for this lesson, Gill!
There are several examples with complete, usual and interesting sentences.
I desire to keep attending your great lessons!
Great! I love your lesson so much, Gill. Your pronunciation is great for learners. Love it
10/10. Keep it up !
Please, can somebody help me with the meaning of the cuestión number 8?
You got 10 correct out of 10.
8. We’ve been walking for hours, but if we’re going to reach the hotel before midnight, we have to keep _______.
it means that if we want to reach the hotel before midnight we should countinue walking.
is it ok?
Thank you Gill!!!I love your accent!!!You should prepare a pronunciation lesson please…you speak slowly and very clear ;)
Keep it in mind!!
i scored 8 out of 10 but my mistakes are so stupid :(
Great lesson Gill, thank you!
than y 10_10
Thanks. It was really helpful
Thank you Gill! It’s really helpful.
Thank you Gill. Please keep teaching so that knowledge can spread
Thank you Gill.
Thank you.Your lesson help me to don’t have mistake again.I think you is my best teacher and your speaking is good so can you teach me how to speak like you,please?
Thanks.love to you.
9 out of 10…..not bad…but i can do better
what a lesson. very nice explanation. Thank you.
Great lesson!!! I’ll keep all those knowledges.
heey gill I don’t understand
Thanks for this lesson. This website help me so much to understand since basic rules until advanced things. Keep doing it for us.
Very useful, thank you!
thank you so much ! You are using an understandable accent. this is usefull for me.
thank you
Congratulations, Gill! You’ve given us excellent tips! Thank you!
thanks Gill, your lessons are clear and always helpful
10 of 10. thank you. excellent lesson!
good jod you are excellent
Hi everyone — thank you all for your kind comments on my latest lesson. Keep up the good work, and see you again soon!! Gill
thank you too gill and see you soon too
thank you too gill and see you soon too
What different between start and began?
thanks you gill
Thank Gill.
It is very easy to get what you say.
Thank you Gill :)
Hello teacher.
It was a very good explanation.
Thanks for this lesson.
I will keep in mind all the 10 ways to use keep.
Thank you Gill. Great, great lesson!
Tks Gill it was a great class!
I will keep in mind this great class. Thank you Gill.
Thanks Gill…It was really nice and useful lesson…
thanks a lot Gill
I feel myself in a real classroom when I learn with Gill, this is amazing an helpful to keep you concentrated! I’ve got 9/10…!
thanks a lot,it was great ^_^
Thanks for clear speech)and understandable lesson
9/10, better than I thought.
Good lesson! And now…. “to get” … What do you think about? :-)
Thank u mam
I agree with everybody else, it was an excellent lesson and so easy to understand you! thank you!
thank you i like this teaching program, it has a lot of tips that help me so much……
Highly appreciate your great explanation and your amazing accent absolutely being the way to hold audience’s attention.
thank you madame :D
i got 10/10, thankyou, i liked your video
thank you ms gill
Thanks mr. Gill
Thank you , Ms Gill.
Hi Ms Gill, thank you, I got 8/10 point
Thank you Gill
a nice lesson. Thank you.
10/10….Thanks Gill…
9/10 reached. Very useful lesson Gill!
Thanks a lot ☺
10/10… Thanks so much for your excellent explanation. ☺
7/10 and I was sure, that I absolutely right))
Thanks a lot
Thanks my teach.
I like this website and teachers.Thanks.
Thanks Grill and The website.,It’s very useful for everyone!!!
This was a very useful lesson. I got 10! Thanks Gill!
Thank’s a lot, Gill!
I will keep learning from your lovely lessons Mrs.Gill. Thank you so much.
My nickname is donatello133 ask me the contact and then I accept because I want communicate in English too.
thank you Gill for this useful lesson)
I like your class very much,wonderful
Ma’am, what is the difference between the following two sentences?
“I saw him enter the room”.
“I saw him entering the room”.
thanks for teaching
I love your lesson Gil
It’s very useful
Thank you so much Gill
I really love your accent
8/10. Very good teacher
clear explanation.
thank you Gill
Hi Gill, I like your class a nice because you explain everything with calm and continous. Thank you!!!
Thank you!!!
Thank you. it was a useful lesson.
thanks for teaching
I get 10/10
thanks,Gill !
Hello Mrs Gill, I love your classes. I would like to attend a private class with you, is it possible? Maybe throw skype?
Tks, Federico
It follow my email address: ftroentle@hotmail.com
Thank you for your lesson. It it really helpful.
Love u Mrs Gill!
Thanks Gill. YOU’RE VERY GOOD. .!
thanks Gill
Thanks very much for the lesson!
thank you so much.
it is good lesson
I have learnt a lot of today.
Thanks a lot I’m tired but I must keep studying if I want to learn more .Please keep going and publish more videos.
I got 9 out of 10… Dear Gill, I can’t help falling in love with your accent and teaching methodology: I am really your fan ! I love watching and listening to your nice videos many time ! … * Best wishes from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, South America !
thanks for your explain.
with my respect to you i found that there is something missing in this lesson for example the meaning of the word keep should been written beside each sentences to understand correctly with my appreciate to your efforts
Thank you, Gill!
Thank you very much. Good lesson. Ciao! :)
Great Gill. You’re very nice teacher
Thank you Gill for very good lesson :)
this is a great lesson!
Milk keeps much longer in a fridge. alwayes we mention to keep as a verb with somewho did the action.here how the milk will keep itself?
would you please advice me.
Thanks a lot,Mrs.Gill.
hey@@ nice to meet you. hope we can be friend! im Hậu!
Hi Gill,
thank you very much! ,mrs Jill
Thanks a lot
I love your lesson
Thank you so much, you have done this very easy, thank you,
very good explanation,Thank you very much
Thanks Ma’am Really It’s gonna help a lot
Thank you Gill. I like your accent.It was a great lesson.
Thankyou… your lesson was very clear! Thank you to all on engvid..
Thank you Gill and keep smiling.
Perfect explanations…. Thanks a lot Gill.
Thank you, Gill. I keep learning English every day.
Thanks Gill, great work!
love you. Gill!!
Thanks a lot, dear Gill! Very interesting lesson! We love you!
Thanks Gill
In the first shoot, i’ve 100
10/10 I will continue watching your lessons Thanks..
A helpful lesson, thanks so much!
Thanks for this wonderful session I’ll keep it in mind. I hope God will give you more life and more birthdays to come thank you teacher Gill.
I’m John from philippines
Thank you.I am keeping This lossen
I got 9/10. Thank you for teaching . I will keep learning.
Good, but I just kept 7/10.
Thank you. I’ll keep what you said in this lesson in mind.
i got lots of information from your lesson as well my son. thank you so much
Please ,Kindly remove the advertisement !!
You hurt the Muslims .
6/10 not good. try my best !
thank you very much! ,mrs Jill
Thanks, Gill. I’ve kept all you said in mind.
i’ll keep it in my mind :)
thanks Gill!
thanks very much
I’ve got 10/10. Thank you very much for your useful lesson. I will keep it in my mind ^_^
Happy to see my result. Got 10 out of 10 without watching video.
10/10 good lesson!
9/10, thanks my teacher for a good lesson i knew a lot but i want to learn about other another otherwise other than, the other each other and one other could you teach us?
9/10 Thank you Gill,I can do better, next time I promise you it will be different.
thanks to teacher Gill
das ist gut gill ;)
thank you
Ty so much Keep teaching mrs/Gill
Thanks a lot.
Aha, Great! I was much fascinated by doing the quiz and cracked the usage of the verb ‘keep’ in various forms.
Thanks a Lot.
Gill is the best teacher ever!!!
Thanks a lot dear Gill. Could you explain to me what is meaning of the sentence? ” will keep you posted “. Tks
Hi Hedye! If I’m not wrong….
will keep you posted = I will keep you informed
Thank you Gill !
Gill ,please,give us a lesson with have been,has been,had been.
Thanks, thanks to you I got 10 out of 10. More I keep repeating more keep this phrases in my mind.
I love it. engVid is the best. thank u.
Thanks a lot, hope to keep providing us like such important and useful lessons.
Gil, you are so lovely!
Your pronounce is clear.
I can undestand everything you say.
Thank you so much.
I will study hard with you^^ thank you theacher Gill~~
Thank you Gill.
Thank you Gill. I got 9/10. Good lesson!
10/10 I’m very excited. You’re a very nice teacher. Thanks a lot.
thx you :)
Very useful lesson.Thank you so much Gill, please keep making video for us.;D
10/10! great job, Gill! I love your lessons! I’ve been looking for a BE teacher like you for a long time! now I can stop keeping it up!
Thank you for your lessons!
Thank you so much i got 10/10 point.
I’ve looked for the best way to improve my English for a long time and now I found you :). Thank you for detailed explanation!
Thank you teacher. The class was awesome.
Excellent lesson.Thank you very much.
10/10 My first language is Spanish and I have learned English very well
You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had
80/100 hmm not bad .
I got the full marks
ı want to ask for second question.’ why is wrong sentences t
hat’she is lending me to it ‘?
I got 10 correct out of 10. Thanks so much for teacher Jill. She is an excellent teacher explaining very clear.
i really like to learn with your lessons, thanks a lot.
Gill, great lesson. Thank you so much
Very useful lesson.Thank you Gill
Thank you Mrs Gill.
10/10 thank you Mrs.Gill
Merci ! Je vous ai découverte hier, j’aime beaucoup votre manière d’expliquer. Le quizz est une excellente idée
Thank you for the wonderful lesson. I’m enjoying it.
Thank you Madam❤❤❤
Thank you for a lecture, but I made two mistakes.
You are a very nice teacher
thank you MAM! GOT 100
Thanks for lesson, I really enjoyed it
Good lesson Gil. I will tell you something:
You’re a excelent techer
Thanks a lot Ms. Gill.
10/10. Thankyou Gill!
10/10 correct :):D Thankyou Mrs Gill
Thanks Gill, you are wonderful
I really do appreciate the way you teach. Many thanks.
You are great ???
I got 10/10. Thanks Gill
Thanks Gill
Thank you
9/10 and learning from the mistakes is best way to remember perfectly thank you Ms.Gill
9/10 and learning from the mistakes is best way to remember perfectly.
10 out of 10
keep going the nice work
mine’s date to 22/11/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot,Jill
8/10. Thank you, Jill!
9/10!Thank you,Gill!This lesson is really useful!Thanks a lot!
Thanks Gill.
I like Gill’s clothes It’s beautiful ! And thanks Gill’s video!!
grandma Gill is the best ^^