Test yourself and find out if you make any of these mistakes in English! These are some of the worst mistakes people make in English—but they are also very common. Both native speakers of English and English learners make them. I’ll show you have to correct these writing and speaking errors quickly and easily. If you need more help with any of these issues, you can watch an entire lesson that focuses on it. Here are the individual lesson videos on each point:
I have a great time ..
I am having a great time.which one is correct..where to use “i have” and ,”i am having”..clarify me
I have … is for possession. Sample: “I have a car.” This is my car, my possession.
“I am having” is expressing I don’t know. Emotion? Sample: “I am having a great time.” This does not mean I posses time. I just expresses my feelings.
I can’t watch this
nice!!!, teacher Rebecca, ;)
Fabio Chaves
Got 09 correct out of 10 ☺ . I enjoyed. It was so useful. Thank you millions and trillions Rebecca!
HI Rebecca.
Thanks for the lesson. Could you please let me know if the folowing sentences are correct?
Your late was predectibale. You’re always late!
Second one is correct, but first one isn’t.
Your = adjective (your = it means it belongs to you)
late = adjective (it means being late, not on time)
I checked “predectibale” in dictionary and does not exists. Do you mean “predictable”?
I would say correct is this one:
You being late is predictable.
I’ll say “your delay was predictable”. For me the second sentence is correct but I am not Rebecca and may be I am wrong. Let’us wait Rebecca’s comment.
Merci Beaucoup Marie Claude.
As a noun late becomes lateness, so we could say.
Your lateness was predictable. You’re always late!
Thanks to all of you for helping out a fellow student.There are many ways to convey the same idea.
The easiest way would probably be to say:
Your being late was predictable.
Your / The delay was predictable.
Your lateness was predictable.
Your tardiness was predictable.
To be tardy also means to be late! My best wishes to all of you and thank you for watching, learning, and growing eeach day.
It is a cool lesson! Thanks, Rebecca!
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!You´re an excellent teacher!!
Learned new knowledge. Thanks Rebecca. Got 100 on the quiz as well.
Thank you Rebecca
hi. thank you so much Rebecca for you class it was very good. it’s correct? je je…
see you.
I mistook the fifth question. But I understand now.
Thank you, Rebecca. Your lesson is easy to understand for me :)
I can not believe, finally I was able to understand and do all the correct exercises. I hope one day I can write the same way I can hear and understand. Oh my gosh. Thank you Emma
this teacher is Rebecca
Thank you , this is a mistake.
Mrs. Rebecca I am really sorry for my big mistake.
No problem, LEYA VINUTO! Each teacher is special in his / her own way, as is each student. Glad to hear you found the lesson helpful. My best wishes to you.
fantastic site for learning english, thanks for all people who support that site
Thanks ✌?
Not bad, 6 out of 10….
Thanks to your great lesson I got 10 correct out of 10. Engvid let me improve my english. When the teachers speak, I understand better and better so I am very happy. Now, I have to try to speak fluently, this is very difficult for me. Good weekend. Best regards. Marie-Claude
Thanks so much for your kind comments, Marie-Claude. You do write very well in English and I am sure you will improve in every way. All the best to you.
Great lesson.Thank you very much!
One of my favorite teachers ever! I like the way you teach and explain all the topics. Thanks a lot Miss Rebecca for being so professional. Your class is dope
Thank you for your kind words, rubsibar. My best wishes to you.
Thank you many thanks!
I’m so so happy that I find you. Thank you very much.
why you use 2 so …one so is enough
I think the reason why he said 2 so is becuase he is grateful or he is just very happy .
Wow!!! I can’t believe that i got 100.
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson help me a lot.
Arm Cheng
THank you very much….!!
Jakub Alvarez
thank u very much
Thank you so much!Your lesson is full of enthusiasm and courage!
Thank you kindly, Denkzeichner. My best to you.
Very, very easy learning with you, great teacher Rebecca! I love studying with you!
Thank you a lot for your excellent lessons.
Sonia Maria Alves de Lima
I got 60 …I’m very happy for that point
Thanks for this great, useful lesson.
Hi madam, i have been learning english through engvid for last four years. I have asked you a lot of english grammatical doubts before, but you haven’t considered me yet. I hope this time you might consider me.
My doubt is that
HAD BETTER & WOULD RATHER have the same meaning and can we use ” than ” with HAD BETTER?
1. I HAD BETTER go for a job than sit here.
2. I WOULD RATHER go for a job than sit here.
Do both the sentences have the same meaning and are it grammatically correct?
Thanks so much for watching and learning English with us, junaidchithari.
To answer your question, here are the correct sentences:
1) I had better go to work rather than sit here.
2) I would rather go to work than sit here.
The meaning of the two sentences is close, but different. The first sentence is stronger, more forceful. It means I should really go to work or else the consequences will be bad. It also means I should not just sit here as going to work is more important. The second sentence is softer as it means I prefer to go to work, instead of just sitting here.
Hope this helps! I wish you all the best.
Thank u so much madam.
Madam, could you please explain the differences between TO & IN ORDER TO in your next class?
1.TO get a good grade, you need to hardwork.
IN ORDER TO get good grade, you need to hardwork.
How doiffer these in meaning and usages?
Tnx… nice job
Your are awesome madam.
Thank you Rebecca!
Nice class
Thank Ms Rebecca, It’s very useful for me to improve English skill
Maha Patih
I had never known such mistakes before watching this video. Thank you :)
Glad I could help you, zand1969. I wish you all the best.
i need a buddy to speak
This lesson is obvious for my ^ but thnx anyway )
It’s basic lesson but it’s very important to know it, 8 correct out of 10.
Great lesson!
Thanck you very much!
Vladimir Osipkov
Thank you Rebecca for the lesson!!!
Anna Slukvina
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you for your passionated lesson.
I always learn well.
I am looking forward to waiting to make me given upcoming your lessons.
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca I always enjoy your lessons, you make it simple!
Thank you, pulidoe. I try my best to make it simple; glad to know it worked for you. I wish you all the best.
7 from 10
Thank you Rebecca,I watch engvid on YouTube, specialty your topic,I am really glad to have you my English teacher on internet. It’s made me feel great. Yours assistant will help me a lot
Hamidsarker, thank you. I am honored to help you and so many of our other viewers. I admire your desire to improve your English and your life. My best wishes to you.
I could not finish writing, it has submitted before I have done.
its so nice lesson……
Hi Teacher,i hope you’re doing great,i have a question about grammar.
1st.example:sentence is”He is so innocent”so can we use an before innocent? are both correct or what?
can you please make a video on it,thanks,love and prayers.
Kashif shahzad
Thank you for a good lesson! Very useful
Hi, Madam, thanks for the lesson.
Is it wrong to say: Whose that bag?
and what about the expression ” who is that?” it sounds like we are asking about a human but we use “that” normally for non human. can you please correct me. thanks again :)
Yes, it is wrong to say “Whose that bag?”. You should say: “Whose bag is that?”
Regarding the second point, imagine if someone knocks on the door, and we don’t know if it is a man or a woman. In such a situation, we would say, “Who is that?” instead of “Who is he/ she?”. We could also use the same question if we can see the person, but it is kind of a short way of saying” Who is that person?”. All the best, Batman.
Thank you very much Madam.
Best regards
Thanks for the lesson
Great lesson Rebecca!
Leo Lima
Thank you So Much Rebecaa!!i love the way you teach.
Thanks so much, Actually great work.
Hazem Abdein
Thank you for your kind words, Hazem Abdein. I wish you all the best.
Hi everybody!
Thank you Rebecca for the lesson!
Thanks to all of you who took the time to watch the lesson and leave your comments. Sorry I cannot reply to you individually. Please know that I appreciate each of you, that I thank you, and that I wish you all the best. Thank you, again.
Thank you very much indeed for replying.
Could you please discuss about my mentioned topic the phrase “in terms of” I really get confused using this phrase. Please help me if possible.
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca. It is really a useful lesson. I wonder, is it ok to use expression as well instead of also?
Thanks a lot Rebecca for this useful lesson. It helps us to keep on going forward step by step.
Mickael MG
80 of 100.
I hoped will be better(((
Thanks a lot dear Ma’m. It’s really amazing and valuable lesson for me. Thanks a lot.
Sadar Saddam Hussain
Thank you for your lesson.
Zbigniew Torbus
Hi Rebecca, sometimes I watch your videos on youtube.
And I have a question for you.
What do you recommend me to improve my fluency?
This is my lack…
Please, I need you help!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the lesson
Abderrahmane Regragui
Thx, Rebecca.
You are so wonderful that I have never met a teacher as gifted as you are.
Please which site of your teaching is particularly meant for the student who wants to write IELTS EXAM ?
Thanks so much for your kind words. I wish you all the best, Justin.
Very usefull Rebecca. Great class…!!!
what is stative?
There are only three ways to improve your english.
One is to learn what’s right.
The second way is to correct what’s wrong.
And the third way is keep moving forward step-by-step.
Thanks you ms. Rebecca for your advice. By the way, did I wrong something in my sentences?
Hi Madam
I answered quiz without watching and got 90%. In most of lessons delivered by you I got maximum numbers that is why I like you my best teacher. I attend your lesson after three years.
Abdul Qayum
Nice Class!!
I realized that I need to study more the difference between DO and MAKE.
Thanks! Please check out the resource I wrote on do and make. Print it out and put it on your fridge!
I got 8 correct out of 10.
this lesson was very easy to me .
Glad to hear it. A small correction:
“This lesson was very easy for me!”
I know those prepositions can make you crazy! All the best, royarezaee.
Thank you so much Rebecca
Great teacher, great lesson, definitely you are my best way to improve my English. Thanks a lot Rebecca.
I got 9/10
Another great lesson by a great teacher.Thank you,
very much.
Thanks for the nice and useful information.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much Rebecca, you make it easy to understand.
Thanks, Rebacca
I am learning your lesson very curiously on the day of beginning.
Nasir khan Saraf
thank u mam, i am greatly helped.
thank you
Thanks, Rebacca.
Mohamed Salem Awad
Greeting from indonesia
Thanks for the lesson
sam rizal
100. Thank a lot Rebecca
Romel Torres
I really like your performance. I am a new member. I think this lesson was so easy to me although I had a 1 mistake in the test ?. Thank you?
Thank you medium g
Ajit Chotela
It’s really a great lesson. Everything is clearly understand!
Thank you Ms. Rebecca
Easy one, Thanks. Got 10/10 :D
Thanks Rebecca. You are a great teacher.
It’s my first “exam” and lesson in this web and it is really interesting….Thank you Rebecca
Agustin Estebanez
Thank`s a lot- you are very friendly!
Great teacher! thanks so much for your efforts!
Amr sy
i got 70 . haha next time i’ll do it better . Thankyou so much !
Leigh Grey
thank you ?
now I know that only , lose not loose ; I was thinking it’s like: fool, cool .
also adjective and adverb I be always confused between them .
you’re very good teacher , I love your videos .. thank you so much .
thanks Rebecca
perfect lesson and teacher is so polite.
Interesting lesson and presented in accessible language
Rebecca explains everythink well, so that you can get knowledge you want to!!!
Thanks, for the lesson! Without washing the videos,I got all.
Thanks, for the lesson! Without washing the videos,I got all.
Thank you Rebecca for this clear lesson that I am going to transfer to my grand children. Your method of teaching could give them the pleasure of Learning,….sometimes.
thanks a lot Rebecca!! this lesson was very usefull for me **
thank you Rebecca, brilliant lesson
Really good lesson.
Ramesh muthusamy
Thank you very much Msr.Rebecca. My best wishes to you.
Ngoc Son
Thanks, but I think it’s rather a beginner level.
Thank you teacher for this good test!
Very, very well!
I got 9 out of 10. My wrong answer is number 9.
It is almost easy quiz for me.
Anyways, thank you very much Rebecca.
Chan M.
Amazing! I got hundred percent
Thank you teacher .
Thx, Rebecca! It is helpful to me! :D
Congratulation to me, I got all correct. thanks Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca for such a nice video
I took the test and after watching your lesson now I feel more comfortable using the English language
Thanks ma’am for teaching me English..yet I’m not good in English but I understand what you teach…
Ganesh wagh
Once again 10 out 10. Lov you Rebecca.
Thank you, Rebecca, for such comprehensive explanations – it’s always a pleasure to be listening to you. Your vids provide a good example of using different techniques and methods for making your auditorium understand you properly, that makes your lessons really helpful not only for English-learners, but for teachers as well.
El Izabeth EL
It is really fantastic.I have learned the mistakes what I did.
Thanks, Rebecca.
Mrs Rebecca you are the best. Not only in teaching but also in the communication. It seems you understand everyone from different cultures. You are unforgettable teacher.
thanks for the help.
a good lesson .. ^^
suha said rabha
Thank you :)
Very useful… Thanks a lot
Md. Imran Khan
Most students make mistakes not just because they are kind of unable to make it. It’s just because they are not considering grammatical rules into successful account and communicate formally. They just stick to the message delivery than message accuracy. Thank you very much beautiful teachers, you are really helpful as parents to children. I wish you created a website or social media for speaking partners. It may sound crazy but I know it can help to improve our speaking ability.
Kelly Rwanda
Great lesson, thanks a lot, mrs Teacher)
Kirill Sunnin
9/10 Thank you very much!
Good morning Rebecca, thanks for your video. I have a doubt about the 10th mistake. In the example I undestand we must say “has” but according to others examples why can we say “having “? e.g. having fun – having shower
Kind regards
thank you
ahmed ather
Thank you Rebecca, you have a very good way to explain, i like it
Chiapas girl
thank you
Thank you Rebecca! Your tips is awesome!!
Great class Rebecca!
Hi, Rebecca. Thanks for your video.
I have a doubt about lose and loose.
Why can I say:
but not
Thanks in advance
Thank u to all for giving a teriffic ambient to learn about E
Ankit Choudhary
thank you Rebecca
Engvid changed my life. Back in 2014 I decided to work in a cruise ship in order to practice my english and get a new career. I used engvid with an idependent english lessons guide and now I am fluent, got a good job in the United States and live here permanently after finding my spouse. You guys have a very important project here and you are improving other’s lives. Thank You and I hope I could give you more financially support. So everyone whom are able to support with funds, please do. Love all the teachers in here, you guys are changing the world.
What an amazing story! We’re absolutely thrilled that we could help you on your journey, Petter93. Our best wishes to you and your family!
engVid Moderator
What a awesome lesson! Thanks a million
Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren
thank you maam Rebecca
thank you maam Rebecca,have a great day and be blessed!
Thanks madam
Binal Parmar
Thanks, Mam for your great lesson. I want to write well. For that, I try to visit Engvid website on a regular basis. The problem is after watching a video I instantly do the quiz and I do well in every quiz but after one or two hours later I forgot half those tricks. So how Can possibly stable on those factors.
Thank you so match Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca,you’re great teacher
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca
thank you a lot
Hi Rebecca, I enjoyed your lesson . Thanks a lot
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you for your lessons it helps me a lot. I really like the way how you explain. “it’s a good lesson”
Charoenrat Wisetdee
well done
Thanks ma’am
Thank you Rebecca!
Hai Au
Professor Rebecca! your teaching strategy is amazing.
Thanks for all your help!
thank you Rebeca
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10. Keep going and fight for the dreams, guys ^^.
Thank you madam, your lessons are helpful. I learnt a lot from the first lesson. It great.
Hello Rebecca. I appreciate you because of your teaching.
I have a Michigan text exam in May, and I have short time to practice it is about 40 days.what is your advise for me to get the best result?
Thank you Rebecca . It`s really help me to improve my english .
Aung Phyo Naing
thank you very much
Imtiaj Hossain
not very difficult. we can do it
HI my name is Fathima just now learning English please could you help me to read and wright.
Thank you
Really good
Thanks allot I made it to the top!
Bah Abdurahim
Thank you very much teacher Rebecca
Thank you very much teacher Rebcca
Damene Molla
Thanks you so muchch.
thank you so much madam, i wish you continue your effort and helping studies,which are improving their speak English,
thanks again,
mohamed ibrahim fanah
Good one!
Thank you so much!, your lessons are very helpful ?
Dear Rebecca,
I follow your videos on YouTube and i really appreciate your work. Your videos are Outstanding.
I have a quick question. Are your teachings are in line with British Grammar because we Indians Follow British Grammar.
Awaiting for your kind response.
Hitesh Moorjani
Cell: +91-7842646432
Thanks Ms Rebecca for your lesson.
And I got 100…..
Wow wow..
Thank you Rebecca…..
Usually people confuse: were and where; there, they’re and their
Thanks a lot
Tago gongo
Great lesson. learn very simple but very important content. Thanks a lot
Srimal Rodrigo
Thanks for this lesson.
I got 8 out of 10 in quiz before watching this lesson.
thank you rebecca
nibo smith
scored 10/10. Thank you
Thanks Madam it is a great lesson
Nasir Atayee
I always follow your lessons and need your help very much to learn English
I am very interested in the English language
Nasir Atayee
10/10. Thankyou for being a very good teacher.
Jizel Montalan
Thanks Rebecca! I always enjoy your lessons. Could you explain difference between the usage of although and however? I always have a problem when using although.
Thanks Rebeca. Every day I watching youtube and practicing your lessons. Really I enjoyed with pleasure. I like your style of presentation with smiling. Thank you once again,,,,, may God bless you.
Porsche @2020
Thank you very much
thanks, Rebecca I have learned a lot from this and got 10/10
Thanks so much
i wish you all the best
Hi Rebecca, you’re a very great teacher!
pretty good lesson
“I have two cars” :tick: -> I possess two cars.
“I am having two cars” :cross:
Will you have another cup of coffee. Will you be having another? :tick: have = accept, order, request, etc.
– Yes, I have a wonderful time.:cross: I experience a good time.
– Yes, I am having a wonderful time :tick: I am experiencing a good time.
MAM, You’re my most favourite online English teacher. I love the you teach us. It’s very easy to understand. I want to learn more. God bless you.
Bappa Deb
Bappa deb
Was super easy!
al willis
Yey!!! I got 10/10!!
Thanks Rebecca for the lesson
Sofi y Anto
thank you teacher its well support me
Really a good lesson maam.your i find your lessons are useful for me .
I’ve known about them before, so I didn’t have much trouble with them.
thank you
9/10 :)
I am learning a lot thanks to you, madam. The way you explain makes it easy for me. To be in your course is at the top of my wish list. Thank you to the YouTube algorithm for leading me to your channel :D
I watched this video twice on June 28, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you madam. I got 9 out 10.
Narayanan V
I got 10/10 because I have a good teacher in the person of mam Rebecca.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07Sept2021);
amazing way of learning.
thank you
Dear Rebecca thanks of your English teaching videosI really enjoy &content of having been in your on line classes,will please let meknow in which quiz’s tests you answer our questions?
Mohammad mostaan
Thanks a lot Rebecca. This an excellent lesson. (Azores islands, 10Nov2021);
Thank you.
Number 9 is very debatable, I’m having a really bad cold can be said also. In the case of a cold maybe using ”have” is slightly better but if you replace ”cold” for ”day”, using have would not be proper english at all. Just compare ”I’m having a bad day” vs ”I have a bad day”.
I watched this video twice more time on April 30, 2022.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca. I got 9/10.
Amira Abdulaziz
Thk Rebecca.I got 10/10.
Your explanation is very clear to understand. 👍
I got 10/10.
Thank you so much! :)
Rebecca, thank you so much!
Natalya Malginova
Thanks, sister I learn and also enjoy it, every video is informative for me.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank madam……it’s great….. all the best
Thanks, Jin. I wish you all the best.
Thank you, Ma’am.
Thank you ?
I have a great time ..
I am having a great time.which one is correct..where to use “i have” and ,”i am having”..clarify me
I have … is for possession. Sample: “I have a car.” This is my car, my possession.
“I am having” is expressing I don’t know. Emotion? Sample: “I am having a great time.” This does not mean I posses time. I just expresses my feelings.
I can’t watch this
nice!!!, teacher Rebecca, ;)
Got 09 correct out of 10 ☺ . I enjoyed. It was so useful. Thank you millions and trillions Rebecca!
HI Rebecca.
Thanks for the lesson. Could you please let me know if the folowing sentences are correct?
Your late was predectibale. You’re always late!
Second one is correct, but first one isn’t.
Your = adjective (your = it means it belongs to you)
late = adjective (it means being late, not on time)
I checked “predectibale” in dictionary and does not exists. Do you mean “predictable”?
I would say correct is this one:
You being late is predictable.
I’ll say “your delay was predictable”. For me the second sentence is correct but I am not Rebecca and may be I am wrong. Let’us wait Rebecca’s comment.
Merci Beaucoup Marie Claude.
As a noun late becomes lateness, so we could say.
Your lateness was predictable. You’re always late!
Thanks to all of you for helping out a fellow student.There are many ways to convey the same idea.
The easiest way would probably be to say:
Your being late was predictable.
Your / The delay was predictable.
Your lateness was predictable.
Your tardiness was predictable.
To be tardy also means to be late! My best wishes to all of you and thank you for watching, learning, and growing eeach day.
It is a cool lesson! Thanks, Rebecca!
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!You´re an excellent teacher!!
Learned new knowledge. Thanks Rebecca. Got 100 on the quiz as well.
Thank you Rebecca
hi. thank you so much Rebecca for you class it was very good. it’s correct? je je…
see you.
I mistook the fifth question. But I understand now.
Thank you, Rebecca. Your lesson is easy to understand for me :)
I can not believe, finally I was able to understand and do all the correct exercises. I hope one day I can write the same way I can hear and understand. Oh my gosh. Thank you Emma
this teacher is Rebecca
Thank you , this is a mistake.
Mrs. Rebecca I am really sorry for my big mistake.
No problem, LEYA VINUTO! Each teacher is special in his / her own way, as is each student. Glad to hear you found the lesson helpful. My best wishes to you.
fantastic site for learning english, thanks for all people who support that site
Thanks ✌?
Not bad, 6 out of 10….
Thanks to your great lesson I got 10 correct out of 10. Engvid let me improve my english. When the teachers speak, I understand better and better so I am very happy. Now, I have to try to speak fluently, this is very difficult for me. Good weekend. Best regards. Marie-Claude
Thanks so much for your kind comments, Marie-Claude. You do write very well in English and I am sure you will improve in every way. All the best to you.
Great lesson.Thank you very much!
One of my favorite teachers ever! I like the way you teach and explain all the topics. Thanks a lot Miss Rebecca for being so professional. Your class is dope
Thank you for your kind words, rubsibar. My best wishes to you.
Thank you many thanks!
I’m so so happy that I find you. Thank you very much.
why you use 2 so …one so is enough
I think the reason why he said 2 so is becuase he is grateful or he is just very happy .
Wow!!! I can’t believe that i got 100.
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson help me a lot.
THank you very much….!!
thank u very much
Thank you so much!Your lesson is full of enthusiasm and courage!
Thank you kindly, Denkzeichner. My best to you.
Very, very easy learning with you, great teacher Rebecca! I love studying with you!
Thank you a lot for your excellent lessons.
I got 60 …I’m very happy for that point
Thanks for this great, useful lesson.
Hi madam, i have been learning english through engvid for last four years. I have asked you a lot of english grammatical doubts before, but you haven’t considered me yet. I hope this time you might consider me.
My doubt is that
HAD BETTER & WOULD RATHER have the same meaning and can we use ” than ” with HAD BETTER?
1. I HAD BETTER go for a job than sit here.
2. I WOULD RATHER go for a job than sit here.
Do both the sentences have the same meaning and are it grammatically correct?
Thanks so much for watching and learning English with us, junaidchithari.
To answer your question, here are the correct sentences:
1) I had better go to work rather than sit here.
2) I would rather go to work than sit here.
The meaning of the two sentences is close, but different. The first sentence is stronger, more forceful. It means I should really go to work or else the consequences will be bad. It also means I should not just sit here as going to work is more important. The second sentence is softer as it means I prefer to go to work, instead of just sitting here.
Hope this helps! I wish you all the best.
Thank u so much madam.
Madam, could you please explain the differences between TO & IN ORDER TO in your next class?
1.TO get a good grade, you need to hardwork.
IN ORDER TO get good grade, you need to hardwork.
How doiffer these in meaning and usages?
Tnx… nice job
Your are awesome madam.
Thank you Rebecca!
Nice class
Thank Ms Rebecca, It’s very useful for me to improve English skill
I had never known such mistakes before watching this video. Thank you :)
Glad I could help you, zand1969. I wish you all the best.
i need a buddy to speak
This lesson is obvious for my ^ but thnx anyway )
It’s basic lesson but it’s very important to know it, 8 correct out of 10.
Great lesson!
Thanck you very much!
Thank you Rebecca for the lesson!!!
Thank you Rebecca
Thank you for your passionated lesson.
I always learn well.
I am looking forward to waiting to make me given upcoming your lessons.
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca I always enjoy your lessons, you make it simple!
Thank you, pulidoe. I try my best to make it simple; glad to know it worked for you. I wish you all the best.
7 from 10
Thank you Rebecca,I watch engvid on YouTube, specialty your topic,I am really glad to have you my English teacher on internet. It’s made me feel great. Yours assistant will help me a lot
Hamidsarker, thank you. I am honored to help you and so many of our other viewers. I admire your desire to improve your English and your life. My best wishes to you.
I could not finish writing, it has submitted before I have done.
its so nice lesson……
Hi Teacher,i hope you’re doing great,i have a question about grammar.
1st.example:sentence is”He is so innocent”so can we use an before innocent? are both correct or what?
can you please make a video on it,thanks,love and prayers.
Thank you for a good lesson! Very useful
Hi, Madam, thanks for the lesson.
Is it wrong to say: Whose that bag?
and what about the expression ” who is that?” it sounds like we are asking about a human but we use “that” normally for non human. can you please correct me. thanks again :)
Yes, it is wrong to say “Whose that bag?”. You should say: “Whose bag is that?”
Regarding the second point, imagine if someone knocks on the door, and we don’t know if it is a man or a woman. In such a situation, we would say, “Who is that?” instead of “Who is he/ she?”. We could also use the same question if we can see the person, but it is kind of a short way of saying” Who is that person?”. All the best, Batman.
Thank you very much Madam.
Best regards
Thanks for the lesson
Great lesson Rebecca!
Thank you So Much Rebecaa!!i love the way you teach.
Thanks so much, Actually great work.
Thank you for your kind words, Hazem Abdein. I wish you all the best.
Hi everybody!
Thank you Rebecca for the lesson!
Thanks to all of you who took the time to watch the lesson and leave your comments. Sorry I cannot reply to you individually. Please know that I appreciate each of you, that I thank you, and that I wish you all the best. Thank you, again.
Thank you very much indeed for replying.
Could you please discuss about my mentioned topic the phrase “in terms of” I really get confused using this phrase. Please help me if possible.
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca. It is really a useful lesson. I wonder, is it ok to use expression as well instead of also?
Thanks a lot Rebecca for this useful lesson. It helps us to keep on going forward step by step.
80 of 100.
I hoped will be better(((
Thanks a lot dear Ma’m. It’s really amazing and valuable lesson for me. Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your lesson.
Hi Rebecca, sometimes I watch your videos on youtube.
And I have a question for you.
What do you recommend me to improve my fluency?
This is my lack…
Please, I need you help!
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the lesson
Thx, Rebecca.
You are so wonderful that I have never met a teacher as gifted as you are.
Please which site of your teaching is particularly meant for the student who wants to write IELTS EXAM ?
Thanks for your response
Please check out:
Thanks so much for your kind words. I wish you all the best, Justin.
Very usefull Rebecca. Great class…!!!
what is stative?
There are only three ways to improve your english.
One is to learn what’s right.
The second way is to correct what’s wrong.
And the third way is keep moving forward step-by-step.
Thanks you ms. Rebecca for your advice. By the way, did I wrong something in my sentences?
Hi Madam
I answered quiz without watching and got 90%. In most of lessons delivered by you I got maximum numbers that is why I like you my best teacher. I attend your lesson after three years.
Nice Class!!
I realized that I need to study more the difference between DO and MAKE.
Thanks! Please check out the resource I wrote on do and make. Print it out and put it on your fridge!
All the best, Tlopes!
Thank you Madam
Thank you very much.
Thank you. It’s very useful this lesson
Great Class I got 10/10
I got 8 correct out of 10.
this lesson was very easy to me .
Glad to hear it. A small correction:
“This lesson was very easy for me!”
I know those prepositions can make you crazy! All the best, royarezaee.
Thank you so much Rebecca
Great teacher, great lesson, definitely you are my best way to improve my English. Thanks a lot Rebecca.
I got 9/10
Another great lesson by a great teacher.Thank you,
very much.
Thanks for the nice and useful information.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you so much Rebecca, you make it easy to understand.
Thanks, Rebacca
I am learning your lesson very curiously on the day of beginning.
thank u mam, i am greatly helped.
thank you
Thanks, Rebacca.
Greeting from indonesia
Thanks for the lesson
100. Thank a lot Rebecca
I really like your performance. I am a new member. I think this lesson was so easy to me although I had a 1 mistake in the test ?. Thank you?
Thank you medium g
It’s really a great lesson. Everything is clearly understand!
Thank you Ms. Rebecca
Easy one, Thanks. Got 10/10 :D
Thanks Rebecca. You are a great teacher.
It’s my first “exam” and lesson in this web and it is really interesting….Thank you Rebecca
Thank`s a lot- you are very friendly!
Great teacher! thanks so much for your efforts!
i got 70 . haha next time i’ll do it better . Thankyou so much !
thank you ?
now I know that only , lose not loose ; I was thinking it’s like: fool, cool .
also adjective and adverb I be always confused between them .
you’re very good teacher , I love your videos .. thank you so much .
thanks Rebecca
perfect lesson and teacher is so polite.
Interesting lesson and presented in accessible language
Rebecca explains everythink well, so that you can get knowledge you want to!!!
Thanks, for the lesson! Without washing the videos,I got all.
Thanks, for the lesson! Without washing the videos,I got all.
Thank you Rebecca for this clear lesson that I am going to transfer to my grand children. Your method of teaching could give them the pleasure of Learning,….sometimes.
thanks a lot Rebecca!! this lesson was very usefull for me **
thank you Rebecca, brilliant lesson
Really good lesson.
Thank you very much Msr.Rebecca. My best wishes to you.
Thanks, but I think it’s rather a beginner level.
Thank you teacher for this good test!
Very, very well!
I got 9 out of 10. My wrong answer is number 9.
It is almost easy quiz for me.
Anyways, thank you very much Rebecca.
Amazing! I got hundred percent
Thank you teacher .
Thx, Rebecca! It is helpful to me! :D
Congratulation to me, I got all correct. thanks Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca for such a nice video
I took the test and after watching your lesson now I feel more comfortable using the English language
Thanks ma’am for teaching me English..yet I’m not good in English but I understand what you teach…
Once again 10 out 10. Lov you Rebecca.
Thank you, Rebecca, for such comprehensive explanations – it’s always a pleasure to be listening to you. Your vids provide a good example of using different techniques and methods for making your auditorium understand you properly, that makes your lessons really helpful not only for English-learners, but for teachers as well.
It is really fantastic.I have learned the mistakes what I did.
Thanks, Rebecca.
Mrs Rebecca you are the best. Not only in teaching but also in the communication. It seems you understand everyone from different cultures. You are unforgettable teacher.
thanks for the help.
a good lesson .. ^^
Thank you :)
Very useful… Thanks a lot
Most students make mistakes not just because they are kind of unable to make it. It’s just because they are not considering grammatical rules into successful account and communicate formally. They just stick to the message delivery than message accuracy. Thank you very much beautiful teachers, you are really helpful as parents to children. I wish you created a website or social media for speaking partners. It may sound crazy but I know it can help to improve our speaking ability.
Great lesson, thanks a lot, mrs Teacher)
9/10 Thank you very much!
Good morning Rebecca, thanks for your video. I have a doubt about the 10th mistake. In the example I undestand we must say “has” but according to others examples why can we say “having “? e.g. having fun – having shower
Kind regards
thank you
Thank you Rebecca, you have a very good way to explain, i like it
thank you
Thank you Rebecca! Your tips is awesome!!
Great class Rebecca!
Hi, Rebecca. Thanks for your video.
I have a doubt about lose and loose.
Why can I say:
but not
Thanks in advance
Thank u to all for giving a teriffic ambient to learn about E
thank you Rebecca
Engvid changed my life. Back in 2014 I decided to work in a cruise ship in order to practice my english and get a new career. I used engvid with an idependent english lessons guide and now I am fluent, got a good job in the United States and live here permanently after finding my spouse. You guys have a very important project here and you are improving other’s lives. Thank You and I hope I could give you more financially support. So everyone whom are able to support with funds, please do. Love all the teachers in here, you guys are changing the world.
What an amazing story! We’re absolutely thrilled that we could help you on your journey, Petter93. Our best wishes to you and your family!
What a awesome lesson! Thanks a million
thank you maam Rebecca
thank you maam Rebecca,have a great day and be blessed!
Thanks madam
Thanks, Mam for your great lesson. I want to write well. For that, I try to visit Engvid website on a regular basis. The problem is after watching a video I instantly do the quiz and I do well in every quiz but after one or two hours later I forgot half those tricks. So how Can possibly stable on those factors.
Thank you so match Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca,you’re great teacher
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca
thank you a lot
Hi Rebecca, I enjoyed your lesson . Thanks a lot
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you for your lessons it helps me a lot. I really like the way how you explain. “it’s a good lesson”
well done
Thanks ma’am
Thank you Rebecca!
Professor Rebecca! your teaching strategy is amazing.
Thanks for all your help!
thank you Rebeca
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10. Keep going and fight for the dreams, guys ^^.
Thank you madam, your lessons are helpful. I learnt a lot from the first lesson. It great.
Hello Rebecca. I appreciate you because of your teaching.
I have a Michigan text exam in May, and I have short time to practice it is about 40 days.what is your advise for me to get the best result?
Thank you Rebecca . It`s really help me to improve my english .
thank you very much
not very difficult. we can do it
HI my name is Fathima just now learning English please could you help me to read and wright.
Thank you
Really good
Thanks allot I made it to the top!
Thank you very much teacher Rebecca
Thank you very much teacher Rebcca
Thanks you so muchch.
thank you so much madam, i wish you continue your effort and helping studies,which are improving their speak English,
thanks again,
Good one!
Thank you so much!, your lessons are very helpful ?
Dear Rebecca,
I follow your videos on YouTube and i really appreciate your work. Your videos are Outstanding.
I have a quick question. Are your teachings are in line with British Grammar because we Indians Follow British Grammar.
Awaiting for your kind response.
Hitesh Moorjani
Cell: +91-7842646432
Thanks Ms Rebecca for your lesson.
And I got 100…..
Wow wow..
Thank you Rebecca…..
Usually people confuse: were and where; there, they’re and their
Thanks a lot
Great lesson. learn very simple but very important content. Thanks a lot
Thanks for this lesson.
I got 8 out of 10 in quiz before watching this lesson.
thank you rebecca
scored 10/10. Thank you
Thanks Madam it is a great lesson
I always follow your lessons and need your help very much to learn English
I am very interested in the English language
10/10. Thankyou for being a very good teacher.
Thanks Rebecca! I always enjoy your lessons. Could you explain difference between the usage of although and however? I always have a problem when using although.
Thanks Rebeca. Every day I watching youtube and practicing your lessons. Really I enjoyed with pleasure. I like your style of presentation with smiling. Thank you once again,,,,, may God bless you.
Thank you very much
thanks, Rebecca I have learned a lot from this and got 10/10
Thanks so much
i wish you all the best
Hi Rebecca, you’re a very great teacher!
pretty good lesson
“I have two cars” :tick: -> I possess two cars.
“I am having two cars” :cross:
Will you have another cup of coffee. Will you be having another? :tick: have = accept, order, request, etc.
– Yes, I have a wonderful time.:cross: I experience a good time.
– Yes, I am having a wonderful time :tick: I am experiencing a good time.
MAM, You’re my most favourite online English teacher. I love the you teach us. It’s very easy to understand. I want to learn more. God bless you.
Bappa Deb
Was super easy!
Yey!!! I got 10/10!!
Thanks Rebecca for the lesson
thank you teacher its well support me
Really a good lesson maam.your i find your lessons are useful for me .
I’ve known about them before, so I didn’t have much trouble with them.
thank you
9/10 :)
I am learning a lot thanks to you, madam. The way you explain makes it easy for me. To be in your course is at the top of my wish list. Thank you to the YouTube algorithm for leading me to your channel :D
I watched this video twice on June 28, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
Thank you madam. I got 9 out 10.
I got 10/10 because I have a good teacher in the person of mam Rebecca.
Thanks a lot Rebecca,hugs. (Kazakhstan, 07Sept2021);
amazing way of learning.
thank you
Dear Rebecca thanks of your English teaching videosI really enjoy &content of having been in your on line classes,will please let meknow in which quiz’s tests you answer our questions?
Thanks a lot Rebecca. This an excellent lesson. (Azores islands, 10Nov2021);
Thank you.
Number 9 is very debatable, I’m having a really bad cold can be said also. In the case of a cold maybe using ”have” is slightly better but if you replace ”cold” for ”day”, using have would not be proper english at all. Just compare ”I’m having a bad day” vs ”I have a bad day”.
I watched this video twice more time on April 30, 2022.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca. I got 9/10.
Thk Rebecca.I got 10/10.
Your explanation is very clear to understand. 👍
I got 10/10.
Thank you so much! :)
Rebecca, thank you so much!
Thanks, sister I learn and also enjoy it, every video is informative for me.
Well, That was really cool!
You’re my favourite teacher
I got 9/10. Thank you.
Rebecca, you are the best! Many thanks.