Do you have a job interview? Impress the interviewer with your language skills when you talk about yourself. Whether you are interviewing for a factory job, an administrative position, or a managerial role, you’re going to need to know some phrasal verbs. They are indispensable in English conversation regardless of context, and the ones covered in this vocabulary lesson are guaranteed to increase your comfort and confidence in an interview. The phrasal verbs covered in this lesson include: go over, take on, carry out, get in, show up, speak up, depend on, rely on, call in, keep up with, follow up, and get back to someone. After watching, test yourself with the quiz.
Hello, Alex, “on” has been put in the seventh question of quiz two times
Thanks, Alex.
My pleasure!
Thank you Alex, i truly appreciated your teaching, it is very useful.
That’s great to hear! I’m glad you find it useful!
hello Alex,
nothing else to say but – thank you so much!
10 out of 10, not a bad start
Hello…I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone else who is interested in speaking to me on a regular basis? My whatsapp number is +8801812788727. Thank you. Rasho.
much respect
basile 12
Very useful. Thanks
You’re very welcome. :)
Got 80%. Alex In question 7 you rewrited “on” before technology instead to omit .
Hi Annie! Do you mean the question which uses “rely on”? I’m not sure I understand the issue. :)
Salam :). Yes, the same one .
Hi Alex! I’m pretty sure the question is about double “on”. Is it okay to say “to rely on on technology”?
Merci Alex pour cette difficile leçon. Malheureusement, j’ai passé l’âge des interviews.
J’espère que quelques phrases en français sont utiles pour toi.
Merci beaucoup, Beernaard. Il suffit de lire des messages en francais. J’ai un long chemin a parcourir.
Thanks Alex
Great Alex. Thanks for this extremely useful and nice insights for job interviews. This is the first video that I watched from your channel and I enjoyed.
Thanks lot sir,I have one question, question is how to use (to be) just to be, please make video on it
Thank you so much Alex!!!
You´re the best ;)
Thanks a lot Alex. I got 90%
Hermon Ghebregziabher
thank you so much it was useful for me.
How to use (to be) please make video on it
I got 9/10 and wrong at five, actually i don’t understand completely about :speak up, it means speak louder, it’s literature, but in this stuation it’s speak frankly, when i know it exactly, i feel happy, thank Alex very much
nguyen van long
Alex, your explanation manner is so great! From all teachers l’ve heard I like you most!
I also didn’t understand clearly “speak up” meaning.
speak up is simply express
Fahd Nasser
Learner from Brazil!
Guilherme Parra
Am proud of you guys
Joshua wykle
wow Alex , it was very useful.
Seif Eldawla
Hello, my name is Hannibal Lecter and I would be delighted to receive you for a business lunch!
Great lesson. Congratulations.
“yeah tomorrow was great”?
wdym alex
Thank you Alex ! Your hints give me more confidence.
Thanks for the lessons, I’m still more learning..
Nora Aubertin
Thank you Sir
Irum Shah Nawaz
Thank you Sir ‘I don’t know how I fill in the blank I can’t believe my English is good only one mistake I have my score 9/10 ..
Irum Shah Nawaz
Alex, here is a great episode! Thanks a lot!! :)
Thanks teacher. i got 7/10, however their might a mistake in question #7 because there are two “on”.
Great lesson. I learned a lot! Thank you.
I got 7 out of 10 i will do the best next time
Emmanuel Lawrence
I’ve got only 80%.Good lesson.
God job Alex. I’m glad there are people like you. I followed you to youtube and I can’t wait to learn English with you.
Some difficult for me, but I had a 100 score in the quiz.
thank you Alex I got 7/10
Hi Alex :)
Thank you very much for your lessons!
I would like to ask if there are classes just to speak in English. I am very shy when I have to speak English, but I can understand what people are saying. So, I need a space (like a group or a class) where I have the opportunity to talk to others
Teresa Rodrigues
Awesome lesson! Thanks a lot.
Good lesson, but the title of the video is “Work English: 12 Phrasal Verbs for Job Interviews” but the truth is that there are only 10.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thanks for the lesson :)
Hello, Alex, “on” has been put in the seventh question of quiz two times
Thanks, Alex.
My pleasure!
Thank you Alex, i truly appreciated your teaching, it is very useful.
That’s great to hear! I’m glad you find it useful!
hello Alex,
nothing else to say but – thank you so much!
10 out of 10, not a bad start
Hello…I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone else who is interested in speaking to me on a regular basis? My whatsapp number is +8801812788727. Thank you. Rasho.
much respect
Very useful. Thanks
You’re very welcome. :)
Got 80%. Alex In question 7 you rewrited “on” before technology instead to omit .
Hi Annie! Do you mean the question which uses “rely on”? I’m not sure I understand the issue. :)
Salam :). Yes, the same one .
Hi Alex! I’m pretty sure the question is about double “on”. Is it okay to say “to rely on on technology”?
Merci Alex pour cette difficile leçon. Malheureusement, j’ai passé l’âge des interviews.
J’espère que quelques phrases en français sont utiles pour toi.
Merci beaucoup, Beernaard. Il suffit de lire des messages en francais. J’ai un long chemin a parcourir.
Thanks Alex
Great Alex. Thanks for this extremely useful and nice insights for job interviews. This is the first video that I watched from your channel and I enjoyed.
Thanks lot sir,I have one question, question is how to use (to be) just to be, please make video on it
Thank you so much Alex!!!
You´re the best ;)
Thanks a lot Alex. I got 90%
thank you so much it was useful for me.
How to use (to be) please make video on it
I got 9/10 and wrong at five, actually i don’t understand completely about :speak up, it means speak louder, it’s literature, but in this stuation it’s speak frankly, when i know it exactly, i feel happy, thank Alex very much
Alex, your explanation manner is so great! From all teachers l’ve heard I like you most!
I also didn’t understand clearly “speak up” meaning.
speak up is simply express
Learner from Brazil!
Am proud of you guys
wow Alex , it was very useful.
Hello, my name is Hannibal Lecter and I would be delighted to receive you for a business lunch!
Great lesson. Congratulations.
“yeah tomorrow was great”?
wdym alex
Thank you Alex ! Your hints give me more confidence.
Thanks for the lessons, I’m still more learning..
Thank you Sir
Thank you Sir ‘I don’t know how I fill in the blank I can’t believe my English is good only one mistake I have my score 9/10 ..
Alex, here is a great episode! Thanks a lot!! :)
Thanks teacher. i got 7/10, however their might a mistake in question #7 because there are two “on”.
Great lesson. I learned a lot! Thank you.
I got 7 out of 10 i will do the best next time
I’ve got only 80%.Good lesson.
God job Alex. I’m glad there are people like you. I followed you to youtube and I can’t wait to learn English with you.
Some difficult for me, but I had a 100 score in the quiz.
thank you Alex I got 7/10
Hi Alex :)
Thank you very much for your lessons!
I would like to ask if there are classes just to speak in English. I am very shy when I have to speak English, but I can understand what people are saying. So, I need a space (like a group or a class) where I have the opportunity to talk to others
Awesome lesson! Thanks a lot.
Good lesson, but the title of the video is “Work English: 12 Phrasal Verbs for Job Interviews” but the truth is that there are only 10.
Thank You K Regards
Thank you Mrs. Alex
thank you Alex it is useful lesson .
Not bad, I scored 9 , thanks Alex