What does it mean to be in someone’s good books? Have you ever been called a bookworm? In this English lesson, you will learn 13 common expressions that have the word ‘book’ in them. I’ll teach you how to use hit the books, don’t judge a book by its cover, by the books, to have the book thrown at someone, the oldest trick in the book, and many more.
She is amazing and she likes French! :) I love this website!!!
yeah..i think sooooo
Yep!!! I agree with you Odai.
Dear Emma many thanks for this interesting lesson on book idioms.
Idioms always make language more colorful, although some of them are not that easy to remember and and much less put into real practice right away. Today’s lesson is not the case, believe me!!!
Thanks a million again for your great work and commitment.
Have a fantastic weekend Emma!!!
Thanks very good Emma
you are in my good book if you answer our questions.
thanks again!
What a useful lesson. We terribly need that kind of thing. Thanks a lot.
weather to sit home..and hit the book.. some english book..
You’ve read me like a book, it was the oldest trick in the book ;)
Hit the road Jack ;)
Thank you for the lesson :)
Thanks Emma . ……….. Great lesson but we must use these expressions in order to improve our english ……goodbye
very useful information, thank you
Thanks a lot.Ireally had something new today and I hope to find time to hit the books in order to know more.
Thanks Emma , Great lesson as usual!
Hi Emma, thanks a lot for the lessons.
You are great teacher.
God bless You forever dear Emma
I got 10 out of 10…..what’s my reward…..
by mine book emma is in one of my good teachers
best wishes for ms emma
Great lesson! I tried every trick in the book to take a test here and got 10 out of 10 haha. I just want to keep in Emma’s good books ^^
You’re all in my good books! It’s clear you’ve hit the books because you’re using the expressions in your comments. :)
Dear Emma many thanks for this interesting lesson on book idioms.
Idioms always make language more colorful, although some of them are not that easy to remember and and much less to put them into real practice right away.
Today’s lesson is not the case, believe me!!!
Thanks a million again for your great work and commitment.
Have a fantastic weekend Emma!!!
DONE.. I’ve watched 497 video lessons including this within 3 months.. thanks engvid :-)
I mean 479 XD
You’re awesome Ichakushina! I’m glad you enjoy the site!
I have watched 322 videos. I agree to ichakushina……Thanks Emma, Thanks Engvid.
Good for you Ichakushina, but with all due respect, the question here is:
How much have you really learned and been able to put into real practice in your day-to-day activities?
Practice makes a big difference when it comes to learning a language, don’t you think so?
Congratulations Ichakushina!!!
Keep on the good work and see you around!!!
Hi,I know this has nothing to do with this video. However, I’m hoping my concern will be addressed. Using prepositions in, on, and at is easier if we apply them in/on transportation, place and time. What I’m not really certain of, is using it in/on concepts. I.e. “On this marriage” or “In this marriage”? “On that issue” or “In that issue”? “In this situation” or “On that situation”? ” On that matter” or In that matter”?
Hello there. I have read in a grammar book I purchased that subjunctive mood should be used in condition of uncertainty. Example. If she have the money, she will make it in the city.
I used to use has for the third person. I would like to clarify this, because there are some English novels which use has instead of have. :)
In my book you are very good teacher and so kind too.
Emma,Thank you so much!I like this kind of lessons.You are really a great teacher!
hi emma:
that was very difficult lesson for me.
how should easy to understanding this topic?
this quize i have a got 4 collecut out of 10.
thanks emma
Four out of ten in still good. It means you’ve learned four new expressions. Well done! Practice the four you did well on and use them in conversation.
I’d recommend learning maybe two expressions from the video a week. Practice them, look up their meanings on http://www.urbandictionary.com if you don’t understand the video.
Then in a month or two try the quiz again and see if you’ve improved.
Hello Dear Emma,
Missed U Much.
100 :D
Miss you too, Fatima! Thanks for watching our videos!
I like very much Engvid and I enjoy your tests so I can see if I understood your lessons . By the way you forgot an interesting and important expression:
to cook the book. I watched it in my idiomd dictionary.
Is it correct to say I never cook the book with the test’s results (engvid of course !)? Kind regards Francis
Thanks for your comment.
Here is a link to a definition of “cook the book” for anyone interested:
The example is a little strange because it’s not usually used in a test situation. It’s used in business, and is illegal.
Here’s an example: The president of the company is cooking the books. He’s been stealing money from the company and changing the financial records.
Also in the USA and Canada presidents steal their companies! ! ! so it is a phenomenon in the world.. not only in Jordan my country thanks ALLAH. thank you Emma
thank you so much Emma, your sincere teaching way is good to me:) and ı am looing forward to your next lesson.
really usfull dear teacher
I like this quiz.I just start learning English and I want
to have an internet lesson here how can I get?
Thanks! Nice idioms.
Hi Emma! Awesome lesson today. One question how is it pronunced “ofTen” or “oFten”.? What’s the difference? Thanx in advanced!:)
Emma is very cute in my book. Thanks teacher.
Commando 27/53
EngVid is in my good books!
Thank you, Emma!
I really enjoyed this lesson!
Thanks a lot Emma for your helful lesson. I hope I will remember all book expressions ;-)
HOOH I Have a 70 is good, I have 3 mistake.
But, I Try again.
Thank you Ms Emma,Hi from Istanbul…
Nice Lesson,Thanks Emma.
Cool expressions ! You were lovely as always.
Don’t judge a movie by its title lol xx you’re an amazing teacher xxx
Excellent lesson Emma,
Thank you Emma .You are such a great teacher in my book .
Is “SOME LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME”, informal expression or formal? Is it possible to use this in the letter to the boss?
Thanks Emma.
It is always fun to hit the books through your lessons!
hello mam .i want to know when to use “present perfect tense” and when to use past as well as past perfect “plsssssssssss
Hi Emma,
First of all, I want to thank you especially for your lessons very useful and thank the entire team “engvid” that makes a precious service for those who have a serious attention to learn English. Personally since I found your site out I felt a satisfactory progress.
Secondly, about expressions on “book”, could you explain this one “wrote the book on”?
Ps: excuse my poor English, at this stage I still translate from French to English.
Emma, can you explain how and when use the all prepositions and the “to” and “for” as well. I’m always in doubts about it.
I want you explain about “ing” and “to” i never know when use this.
Thank you very much Emma…Excellent lesson
Hi Emma. I like your videos. This one is great. A funny real story about snails. My friend’s wife cooked snails very delicious, but he had never eaten them. When his friends came to his home they always ask him: “are there any snails”? And ate them all :). It keeps maybe about a year. At last he decided to try (to have) this extraordinary dish. And he was excited. He liked it. But I have never eaten them yet. Maybe on this summer I’ll try. Sorry for possible mistakes. Have a good day.
Emma is very cute) I’d like her to be my English teacher in real ;)
U have 2 use them as well as possible in ur speaking.B sure if u don’t try 2 use the new in4mation,4getting them,is a piece of delicious cake! :)
Have fun.
I like it:)!!!
Hi,teacher Emma this is an interesting lesson.Can you tell me what is the correct way when you call to make an appointment.can you give me,can I have,or can you make me an appointment.thank you.
I got 10 correct out of 10
Thank you so much and please keep you good job.
thank you a lot ^^ I got 10/10 for this lesson
Thank you very much dear Emma ! you’re in my best book ! (i don’t know if such an expression exists in English !!). You’re trying every trick in the book to teach us everything in English ! By the way, in my book, snails don’t taste good. So, i don’t recommand them to you !!
Thank you a lot Emma. You gave me a lot thing that I never know before. Please keep up your good job.
thank you Emma a lot you are grate like the others in this website i am so interesting in this website ” amazing ”
have a good week
lovely teacher, perfect lessons
What a nice lesson! It was so clear, that my score in the quiz was 100!! thanks Emma
Thanks Emma, pleased to hear your video…you are in my good books! ;-)
how many of you up there? over there ? I got confused with the phrases know isnt related but id would like have an anwser
Thank you!
I completed 50videos in one month.
I think this is the best lesson coz every phrase in this lesson is new to me.
ha ha I got 10 out of 10 for the first time
I watched this video for three time and I get all the point in this video.
Teacher Emma is great in my book and also
shining star in engvid.com.
Thank you so much
have a wonderful life.
I would like to thank you and everybody who teach in this site
& it was a very good lesson
Thanks alot
Very Good and very clear lesson to listen. I got 9 out of 10. Thanks Emma. I will listen it again for pleasure and to remember the expression : “I tell my pupils to play BY the book. I want them to follow the rules.”
Hi Emma, tks for the great lessson.
Do you mind if I suggest a topic? This word that is really confusion ( at least for me ): All uses of “Yet”.
I searched here in engvid and I only find one use of “Yet”.
I like this lesson very much! Thank you very much Emma
wow i got 10/10 in the quiz tnx emma u r a really very smart teacher luv yuh :))
Hi Emma, please could you do a lesson explaining the differe between LIKE and AS? cause I have not found any really good on internet and I have seen in your lessons that you’re an excellent teacher….thanks a lot
One of the best videos. Nice idioms phrases..
Lovely teacher! Thank you for this lesson, Emma!
Thanks teacher Emma I really interest in the lesson but the book expression I don’t lesson this expression to much in the life.
it is my first time to type to you emma .really it is a fantastic and useful vedio .i am totally convinced that studying expressions is agood way to speak english .i will try every trick inthe book to follow all of your Videos
abo abdou
Thank you! In my book Engvid is the best site for mastering English!
I am here second day. What I do is just taking 1 lesson of each teacher. And finally I have got interesting and non-boring lessons at all.
Thank you so much!
Your lesson is very interesting =)
Her language’s speed is good, but Jame’s language speed (WOW!) We have to prepare our brain for that really good.
In my book all her lessons are awesome!
Emma you have to visit Uruguay and teach dark folk here how to use “a”. They always say “a”. Also they don’t like to use hard “l” and it is always like a soft “l”.
I love all teachers here because we have to hear different styles of speech. THANK YOU!
u’re a great teacher… thank u for this awesome lesson.. i’ve really enjoyed it..
P.S. i got 100% in quiz.. : ))
Tks, Emma, your explanation is so good.
In my book your are the best english teacher on the web. Thanks for helping people to learn english for free
I am a bookworn, i usually read stories,charles dickens is in my good books.In my book, everyone should always hit the books so as to increase his knowledge and build his own personality!
Emma, you are de best. I love you!!!
You are a great teacher Emma. I learned a lot on your video lessons. Thanks
100.Thanks Emma;)
I just want to ask you a Question my teacher I’ve hit the books well and got 10 out of 10 .. that’s fine but you know my problem is speaking and talking in english automatically .. where can i talk to native speakers so that i practice speaking well and use all these expressions.
This is my biggest problem and stuck ::S
My biggest problem is talking in English easily and automatically .. am V. good at grammar, reading writing but only talking is a hard to me … i just need some native speaker to talk with for practicing . or what other methods can i do ?? Could any one help please?
Thanks for the woderful lesson. Easy to understand for me. I have to hit the book more.
i got 8 correct out of 10. very good lesson. i m a bookworm. but i read the books in French. i m not still ready to read it in English. then have a nice day.
really it`s a lovely lesson
I hope to be in your book
Very useful and interesting! love your lessons! Thank you Emma!
thank you
Excellent video.Is there more idioms with book?
thank you so much Emma,in my book it’s a great lesson
i got 100/100 in the quiz, it’s maybe a good score !
that was insightful.. thanks Emma. :)
Thank you I am getting to knowing more than I was before.
Thank you very much
though i dont hit my books, but i really hit this website
i got a ten,thanks emma
Hi! Emma.
Thanks for your lesson..
Thanks Emma, now 90%.
Good day Emma,
In my book,you are shy and awesome teacher, that’s way -in my book- I always understand you ,so would you please teach us another lesson about the all cases in which we reverse the subject and the verb. (verb + subject) it’s a permanent question in the TOEFL here in Jordan.
Sorry- I hope I haven’t misused the word awesome
I hope it means beautiful! ! ! ! sorry for the inconvenience- I beg your pardon ( I am just a learner of foreign language yet)I checked the Google dictionary later the meaning was (horrible)
You are a really good teacher in my book.
I want to ask for an expression I’ve heard when somebody has many compromises and little free time this person is overbook
Is it correct¡?
My American pals pretty often use the phrase ‘in my book’ (= in my opinion / view) …
Thank you Emma! I enjoyed watching the lesson.
Quite useful these expressions Emma but I’ve got a question. Why don’t you use gerund instead of infinitive at the first expression? ( he loved to read) Thanks!
I wish I were confortable whit those expressions. But why not say “in my opinion”? It’s about formal/informal. Can we use them any time, always or maybe in a specific context?
Anyway you are the best. It’s not a compliment. For me it’s important you speak French because it is a Romance language. So you can understand structures like subjunctive, etc. À bientôt !
Thank you, Emma!
I got 100%.
Emma, thank you a lot.
I love this lesson because I am a bookworm, too. :)
that was usefull.
Thanks Emma. I got ten. great lesson but could you please give me some advice how to memorize these idioms so that i could use them in daily expressions.tnx
Thank you Emma for this lesson, it will surely help me in the futur because of its rich content. btw I got 10 out of 100 ^^
Thank you, Emma!You teach very clearly.
I got 10 of 10.
Miaochiu Chien
This is first time that I watched your lesson .
I got 9/10, in my book I have to subscribe your channel
Ali Bahumaid
Hi Emma! What are your favourite books?
Thank you for this video, it’s great! I must tell you that snails are a very good taste. In Spain, we eat them with an oil olive and garlic sauce named “Alioli”. At first snails must be cleaned (we give them to eat flour for clean their stomachs) and then they are boiled. You can eat them with a toothpick in order to extract them from the shell.
I got 10 of 10. yey~
Lee Seongjong
Thanks Emma
Learned a lot with this lesson, I’ve listened these idioms in movies before but didn’t get some. Thanks Emma you are now in my good books!
Good lesson. Perfect teaching.
Yuriy Karpenko
Thanks Mam, I got 100%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi Emma, can the expression “Don’t judge the picture by the frame” be considered similar to “Don’t judge the book by its cover”?
Hello, Emma! Thanks a lot for your lessons! I really appreciate the way you get across new expressions through context and situations, not just sentences. That makes their meaning much clearer. But I` dlike to ask if it`s possible to say “be in someone`s bad books” as the opposite to “be in someone`s good books”, meaning to be disliked and kind of suspected. For example, if I have a student, who is neither bright nor hardworking, and I dislike him and whenever there is a petty committed I often suspect it is he who did that, can I say “He is in my bad books”? Once again thanks a lot and good luck!
Olga Pin
Hi Olga! I wasn’t sure, so I looked it up, and “bad books” is an expression! “Black books” means the same thing, but it is more British — it must be where the name of the TV show Black Books comes from. (It’s a comedy about an unfriendly bookstore owner — so the name has a double meaning.)
engVid Moderator
Hi Emma
Graet leasson
in my book engvid is one of the great sites to learn english.Now,another point to consider is that we also have to hit the books if we want to succeed in everything.It is of the utmost important to read a lot if u want to build up your english vocabulary,I mean, not to be an bookworm exactly but read at least what necessary is to meet new words and gain confidence XD
If i want Emma to recognize me as her one of the best student, I have to get 10 score because it is the oldest trick on the book.
water meter check please
In my book madam Emma is an excellent teacher.
I gonna hit the books tonight on …… head.
Hi!! Emma. I’m always hitting the books. In my book, the only way to be sure of what you say is only by reading books everywhere you are. None book is bad, everyone have something to tell you.
Hi Emma!!!
Congrats for this great video!
In my book you’re in a lot of people’s good books.
in my book you are a great teacher .
iam really happy coz i know more experissions with u emma .
thank u for your efforts:).
tasneemmohsen hamoda
i got 9 out of 10
tasneemmohsen hamoda
Hi Emma is correct if I said: I hit EngVid to learn English?
Hi Emma,
Thank you..in my book you’re the best …
I loved the lecture!
(and.. Since I’m also a teacher.. so I know how to recognize a good one.. when I see them)
In my book, she is very talented teacher she knows the basic requirement of average students.
I think this can be help to develop my communication
I ve done 10 correct out of 10,in my book Emma you are an excellent teacher.
Thank you emma for this lesson is very good for me and i understand easily.
Thanks Emma.
You are very good teacher.
Thank for this lesson
Love it… Emma you are doing great job. very good lecture
Hussain Ahmed
Thanks for all the tricks and tips.
not thirteen but twelve emma!
chakim hamzah
my quiz emma:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Thanks! Very fun lesson!
carlos 2138
Thank you, Emma.
Emma, now you are in my book and your lesson 13 book expressions as well.
Thank you Emma for this interesting lesson.
By the way, Snails are very delicious, especialy Snails sauce :)
Thank you Emma!, your lessons are the best!!
I`m learning alot whit your clips lessons
:D i am an youtubeworm!!
I got 10/10..Thanks I hits the books so much
Excellent Lesson By Excellent Teacher, My Favorite Teacher Emma.
You’re Amazing Ms Emma.
And I Hope i’ll be in your good books.
Best Wishes for you
Yours Truly
Mohsen Barati
I’m so grateful to engvid.com. Thank you, Emma, for this educating and memorable lesson. By the way, I’m a bookworm, and I hit the books whenever I have time for it. And there is one thing that I don’t like in my character, this is I do everything by the book. I’ve fallen into the habit of doing it so. I cannot break off this habit.
Kind Regards,
Roya Seferova
It sort of wonderful Lesson…
I’ve got 10 to 10…
10 outof 10 hooray,thanks emma ,I love u ,im a book worm when i watched the video
sara red
Thank’s Emma :)
Great lesson. Very clear explanation. Thank you.
100 thanks emma
This is helpful. Thank you all teachers!
Inchan irr
thank you, your lessons is very easy for understand and also i memorize tham very well
You are the best Emma
Hi Emma.Thanks a lot for your beneficial lessons.Please I am expecting a lesson about the usage of preposition (to).I mean when it is followed by a gerund and it is followed by infinitive.Thanks
thannk you Emma.
Talking about snails, you definitely don’t want to judge the books by their covers.
i hope you will try it. :)
got 100 :D ı love this subject very much because ı am bookworm :D thanks Emma
I have 9 out of 10
I love your lessons Emma
Hi emma, in my book, you are an amazing teacher
Tarik rahmouni
I m very happy with this website it is so helper for learning English
In my book Emma is very beautiful girl! And I don’t judge the book by its cover. Just she’s the best English teacher in the whole world and it means she’s beautiful! Thanks a lot, Emma :)
very useful; i get 90. warmly
Hi Emma,
You are an excellent teacher in my book.
Hi, Emma my teacher, In my book you’re the best teacher,I got 90/100 .
Islam Massoud
Hi Emma,I got 90/100, thank’s very much
Hi Emma, in my book, eating snails is very delicious, welcome to algeria for testing
very nice lesson, i tried to use all phrases and write an essay on present Indian government policy:
In my book, the thought of demonetization is an open book, some media being closed book throws the book at pm of the country. Some parties trying every trick in the book to blame him! But he is in the teachers good books. Some economists read this policy like a book and guide all sections of people by the book. Strikes/Bhands became the oldest trick in the book. So, DO NOT JUDGE ‘THE BOOK’ BY ITS COVER.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
Thanks teacher, your teaching is good
Delia Khoo
You got 10 correct out of 10Thanks teacher,
M kartal
Thanks I got 90. And Mr E is really a warm.
Learn about idioms and expressions is very helpful to improve and to understand Anglophone people. Thanks a lot Emma you are in my good book because I am learning English by the books.
Douglas Lagos
In my book, EngVid is the best resource to learn English
He reads me like a book because my face is an open book.
I got 10 correct answers! I love your teaching and it’s easy to understand and useful. I wanna ask can I use these phrases in IELTS speaking exam?like replace the most common phrases in my opinion to in my book~
I am very pleased with your lessons.
Thank you for it.
Thanks Ms. Emma.
10/10 very useful lesson
Thanks Emma!!!
9/10! Good! In my book, Emma is the best teacher in the Youtube English Video. Thanks for Emma’s teaching!
Jerry Gu
In my book ,you are really wonderful.
Mohammad hdm
I watched this video on september 6, 2021.
10/10 Thanks Emma!
Thank you mrs. Emma,
i am a bookworm too.
In my book your an amazing teacher and hope i can be a bookworm.
Dler Umer
Thanks Emma.
I am in teacher’s good book like you.
Ghassem askari
in my book, Emma is bookworm! thanks for lession
Jimmy Tuan
Politicians ask us to do everything according to the rulew but they don’t do it by the book.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hi Emma
do you know you are amazing teacher ???
She is amazing and she likes French! :) I love this website!!!
yeah..i think sooooo
Yep!!! I agree with you Odai.
Dear Emma many thanks for this interesting lesson on book idioms.
Idioms always make language more colorful, although some of them are not that easy to remember and and much less put into real practice right away. Today’s lesson is not the case, believe me!!!
Thanks a million again for your great work and commitment.
Have a fantastic weekend Emma!!!
Thanks very good Emma
you are in my good book if you answer our questions.
thanks again!
What a useful lesson. We terribly need that kind of thing. Thanks a lot.
Thanks Emma
great lesson, thank u :)
Lovely weather today, innit ? ;)
weather to sit home..and hit the book.. some english book..
You’ve read me like a book, it was the oldest trick in the book ;)
Hit the road Jack ;)
Thank you for the lesson :)
Thanks Emma . ……….. Great lesson but we must use these expressions in order to improve our english ……goodbye
very useful information, thank you
Thanks a lot.Ireally had something new today and I hope to find time to hit the books in order to know more.
Thanks Emma , Great lesson as usual!
Hi Emma, thanks a lot for the lessons.
You are great teacher.
God bless You forever dear Emma
I got 10 out of 10…..what’s my reward…..
by mine book emma is in one of my good teachers
best wishes for ms emma
Great lesson! I tried every trick in the book to take a test here and got 10 out of 10 haha. I just want to keep in Emma’s good books ^^
You’re all in my good books! It’s clear you’ve hit the books because you’re using the expressions in your comments. :)
Dear Emma many thanks for this interesting lesson on book idioms.
Idioms always make language more colorful, although some of them are not that easy to remember and and much less to put them into real practice right away.
Today’s lesson is not the case, believe me!!!
Thanks a million again for your great work and commitment.
Have a fantastic weekend Emma!!!
DONE.. I’ve watched 497 video lessons including this within 3 months.. thanks engvid :-)
I mean 479 XD
You’re awesome Ichakushina! I’m glad you enjoy the site!
I have watched 322 videos. I agree to ichakushina……Thanks Emma, Thanks Engvid.
Good for you Ichakushina, but with all due respect, the question here is:
How much have you really learned and been able to put into real practice in your day-to-day activities?
Practice makes a big difference when it comes to learning a language, don’t you think so?
Congratulations Ichakushina!!!
Keep on the good work and see you around!!!
Hi,I know this has nothing to do with this video. However, I’m hoping my concern will be addressed. Using prepositions in, on, and at is easier if we apply them in/on transportation, place and time. What I’m not really certain of, is using it in/on concepts. I.e. “On this marriage” or “In this marriage”? “On that issue” or “In that issue”? “In this situation” or “On that situation”? ” On that matter” or In that matter”?
Hello there. I have read in a grammar book I purchased that subjunctive mood should be used in condition of uncertainty. Example. If she have the money, she will make it in the city.
I used to use has for the third person. I would like to clarify this, because there are some English novels which use has instead of have. :)
In my book you are very good teacher and so kind too.
Emma,Thank you so much!I like this kind of lessons.You are really a great teacher!
hi emma:
that was very difficult lesson for me.
how should easy to understanding this topic?
this quize i have a got 4 collecut out of 10.
thanks emma
Four out of ten in still good. It means you’ve learned four new expressions. Well done! Practice the four you did well on and use them in conversation.
I’d recommend learning maybe two expressions from the video a week. Practice them, look up their meanings on http://www.urbandictionary.com if you don’t understand the video.
Then in a month or two try the quiz again and see if you’ve improved.
Hello Dear Emma,
Missed U Much.
100 :D
Miss you too, Fatima! Thanks for watching our videos!
I like very much Engvid and I enjoy your tests so I can see if I understood your lessons . By the way you forgot an interesting and important expression:
to cook the book. I watched it in my idiomd dictionary.
Is it correct to say I never cook the book with the test’s results (engvid of course !)? Kind regards Francis
Thanks for your comment.
Here is a link to a definition of “cook the book” for anyone interested:
The example is a little strange because it’s not usually used in a test situation. It’s used in business, and is illegal.
Here’s an example: The president of the company is cooking the books. He’s been stealing money from the company and changing the financial records.
Also in the USA and Canada presidents steal their companies! ! ! so it is a phenomenon in the world.. not only in Jordan my country thanks ALLAH. thank you Emma
thank you so much Emma, your sincere teaching way is good to me:) and ı am looing forward to your next lesson.
really usfull dear teacher
I like this quiz.I just start learning English and I want
to have an internet lesson here how can I get?
Thanks! Nice idioms.
Hi Emma! Awesome lesson today. One question how is it pronunced “ofTen” or “oFten”.? What’s the difference? Thanx in advanced!:)
Emma is very cute in my book. Thanks teacher.
EngVid is in my good books!
Thank you, Emma!
I really enjoyed this lesson!
Thanks a lot Emma for your helful lesson. I hope I will remember all book expressions ;-)
HOOH I Have a 70 is good, I have 3 mistake.
But, I Try again.
Thank you Ms Emma,Hi from Istanbul…
Nice Lesson,Thanks Emma.
Cool expressions ! You were lovely as always.
Don’t judge a movie by its title lol xx you’re an amazing teacher xxx
Excellent lesson Emma,
Thank you Emma .You are such a great teacher in my book .
Is “SOME LITTLE BIRD TOLD ME”, informal expression or formal? Is it possible to use this in the letter to the boss?
Thanks Emma.
It is always fun to hit the books through your lessons!
hello mam .i want to know when to use “present perfect tense” and when to use past as well as past perfect “plsssssssssss
Hi Emma,
First of all, I want to thank you especially for your lessons very useful and thank the entire team “engvid” that makes a precious service for those who have a serious attention to learn English. Personally since I found your site out I felt a satisfactory progress.
Secondly, about expressions on “book”, could you explain this one “wrote the book on”?
Ps: excuse my poor English, at this stage I still translate from French to English.
Emma, can you explain how and when use the all prepositions and the “to” and “for” as well. I’m always in doubts about it.
I want you explain about “ing” and “to” i never know when use this.
Thank you very much Emma…Excellent lesson
Hi Emma. I like your videos. This one is great. A funny real story about snails. My friend’s wife cooked snails very delicious, but he had never eaten them. When his friends came to his home they always ask him: “are there any snails”? And ate them all :). It keeps maybe about a year. At last he decided to try (to have) this extraordinary dish. And he was excited. He liked it. But I have never eaten them yet. Maybe on this summer I’ll try. Sorry for possible mistakes. Have a good day.
Emma is very cute) I’d like her to be my English teacher in real ;)
U have 2 use them as well as possible in ur speaking.B sure if u don’t try 2 use the new in4mation,4getting them,is a piece of delicious cake! :)
Have fun.
I like it:)!!!
Hi,teacher Emma this is an interesting lesson.Can you tell me what is the correct way when you call to make an appointment.can you give me,can I have,or can you make me an appointment.thank you.
I got 10 correct out of 10
Thank you so much and please keep you good job.
thank you a lot ^^ I got 10/10 for this lesson
Thank you very much dear Emma ! you’re in my best book ! (i don’t know if such an expression exists in English !!). You’re trying every trick in the book to teach us everything in English ! By the way, in my book, snails don’t taste good. So, i don’t recommand them to you !!
Thank you a lot Emma. You gave me a lot thing that I never know before. Please keep up your good job.
thank you Emma a lot you are grate like the others in this website i am so interesting in this website ” amazing ”
have a good week
lovely teacher, perfect lessons
What a nice lesson! It was so clear, that my score in the quiz was 100!! thanks Emma
Thanks Emma, pleased to hear your video…you are in my good books! ;-)
how many of you up there? over there ? I got confused with the phrases know isnt related but id would like have an anwser
Thank you!
I completed 50videos in one month.
I think this is the best lesson coz every phrase in this lesson is new to me.
ha ha I got 10 out of 10 for the first time
I watched this video for three time and I get all the point in this video.
Teacher Emma is great in my book and also
shining star in engvid.com.
Thank you so much
have a wonderful life.
I would like to thank you and everybody who teach in this site
& it was a very good lesson
Thanks alot
Very Good and very clear lesson to listen. I got 9 out of 10. Thanks Emma. I will listen it again for pleasure and to remember the expression : “I tell my pupils to play BY the book. I want them to follow the rules.”
Hi Emma, tks for the great lessson.
Do you mind if I suggest a topic? This word that is really confusion ( at least for me ): All uses of “Yet”.
I searched here in engvid and I only find one use of “Yet”.
I like this lesson very much! Thank you very much Emma
wow i got 10/10 in the quiz tnx emma u r a really very smart teacher luv yuh :))
Hi Emma, please could you do a lesson explaining the differe between LIKE and AS? cause I have not found any really good on internet and I have seen in your lessons that you’re an excellent teacher….thanks a lot
One of the best videos. Nice idioms phrases..
Lovely teacher! Thank you for this lesson, Emma!
Thanks teacher Emma I really interest in the lesson but the book expression I don’t lesson this expression to much in the life.
it is my first time to type to you emma .really it is a fantastic and useful vedio .i am totally convinced that studying expressions is agood way to speak english .i will try every trick inthe book to follow all of your Videos
Thank you! In my book Engvid is the best site for mastering English!
I am here second day. What I do is just taking 1 lesson of each teacher. And finally I have got interesting and non-boring lessons at all.
Thank you so much!
Your lesson is very interesting =)
Her language’s speed is good, but Jame’s language speed (WOW!) We have to prepare our brain for that really good.
In my book all her lessons are awesome!
Emma you have to visit Uruguay and teach dark folk here how to use “a”. They always say “a”. Also they don’t like to use hard “l” and it is always like a soft “l”.
I love all teachers here because we have to hear different styles of speech. THANK YOU!
u’re a great teacher… thank u for this awesome lesson.. i’ve really enjoyed it..
P.S. i got 100% in quiz.. : ))
Tks, Emma, your explanation is so good.
In my book your are the best english teacher on the web. Thanks for helping people to learn english for free
I am a bookworn, i usually read stories,charles dickens is in my good books.In my book, everyone should always hit the books so as to increase his knowledge and build his own personality!
Emma, you are de best. I love you!!!
You are a great teacher Emma. I learned a lot on your video lessons. Thanks
100.Thanks Emma;)
I just want to ask you a Question my teacher I’ve hit the books well and got 10 out of 10 .. that’s fine but you know my problem is speaking and talking in english automatically .. where can i talk to native speakers so that i practice speaking well and use all these expressions.
This is my biggest problem and stuck ::S
My biggest problem is talking in English easily and automatically .. am V. good at grammar, reading writing but only talking is a hard to me … i just need some native speaker to talk with for practicing . or what other methods can i do ?? Could any one help please?
Thanks for the woderful lesson. Easy to understand for me. I have to hit the book more.
i got 8 correct out of 10. very good lesson. i m a bookworm. but i read the books in French. i m not still ready to read it in English. then have a nice day.
really it`s a lovely lesson
I hope to be in your book
Very useful and interesting! love your lessons! Thank you Emma!
thank you
Excellent video.Is there more idioms with book?
thank you so much Emma,in my book it’s a great lesson
i got 100/100 in the quiz, it’s maybe a good score !
that was insightful.. thanks Emma. :)
Thank you I am getting to knowing more than I was before.
Thank you very much
though i dont hit my books, but i really hit this website
i got a ten,thanks emma
Hi! Emma.
Thanks for your lesson..
Thanks Emma, now 90%.
Good day Emma,
In my book,you are shy and awesome teacher, that’s way -in my book- I always understand you ,so would you please teach us another lesson about the all cases in which we reverse the subject and the verb. (verb + subject) it’s a permanent question in the TOEFL here in Jordan.
Sorry- I hope I haven’t misused the word awesome
I hope it means beautiful! ! ! ! sorry for the inconvenience- I beg your pardon ( I am just a learner of foreign language yet)I checked the Google dictionary later the meaning was (horrible)
You are a really good teacher in my book.
I want to ask for an expression I’ve heard when somebody has many compromises and little free time this person is overbook
Is it correct¡?
My American pals pretty often use the phrase ‘in my book’ (= in my opinion / view) …
Thank you Emma! I enjoyed watching the lesson.
Quite useful these expressions Emma but I’ve got a question. Why don’t you use gerund instead of infinitive at the first expression? ( he loved to read) Thanks!
I wish I were confortable whit those expressions. But why not say “in my opinion”? It’s about formal/informal. Can we use them any time, always or maybe in a specific context?
Anyway you are the best. It’s not a compliment. For me it’s important you speak French because it is a Romance language. So you can understand structures like subjunctive, etc. À bientôt !
Thank you, Emma!
I got 100%.
Emma, thank you a lot.
I love this lesson because I am a bookworm, too. :)
that was usefull.
Thanks Emma. I got ten. great lesson but could you please give me some advice how to memorize these idioms so that i could use them in daily expressions.tnx
Thank you Emma for this lesson, it will surely help me in the futur because of its rich content. btw I got 10 out of 100 ^^
Thank you, Emma!You teach very clearly.
I got 10 of 10.
This is first time that I watched your lesson .
I got 9/10, in my book I have to subscribe your channel
Hi Emma! What are your favourite books?
Thank you for this video, it’s great! I must tell you that snails are a very good taste. In Spain, we eat them with an oil olive and garlic sauce named “Alioli”. At first snails must be cleaned (we give them to eat flour for clean their stomachs) and then they are boiled. You can eat them with a toothpick in order to extract them from the shell.
I got 10 of 10. yey~
Thanks Emma
Learned a lot with this lesson, I’ve listened these idioms in movies before but didn’t get some. Thanks Emma you are now in my good books!
Good lesson. Perfect teaching.
Thanks Mam, I got 100%.
Hi Emma, can the expression “Don’t judge the picture by the frame” be considered similar to “Don’t judge the book by its cover”?
Hello, Emma! Thanks a lot for your lessons! I really appreciate the way you get across new expressions through context and situations, not just sentences. That makes their meaning much clearer. But I` dlike to ask if it`s possible to say “be in someone`s bad books” as the opposite to “be in someone`s good books”, meaning to be disliked and kind of suspected. For example, if I have a student, who is neither bright nor hardworking, and I dislike him and whenever there is a petty committed I often suspect it is he who did that, can I say “He is in my bad books”? Once again thanks a lot and good luck!
Hi Olga! I wasn’t sure, so I looked it up, and “bad books” is an expression! “Black books” means the same thing, but it is more British — it must be where the name of the TV show Black Books comes from. (It’s a comedy about an unfriendly bookstore owner — so the name has a double meaning.)
Hi Emma
Graet leasson
in my book engvid is one of the great sites to learn english.Now,another point to consider is that we also have to hit the books if we want to succeed in everything.It is of the utmost important to read a lot if u want to build up your english vocabulary,I mean, not to be an bookworm exactly but read at least what necessary is to meet new words and gain confidence XD
If i want Emma to recognize me as her one of the best student, I have to get 10 score because it is the oldest trick on the book.
In my book madam Emma is an excellent teacher.
I gonna hit the books tonight on …… head.
Hi!! Emma. I’m always hitting the books. In my book, the only way to be sure of what you say is only by reading books everywhere you are. None book is bad, everyone have something to tell you.
Hi Emma!!!
Congrats for this great video!
In my book you’re in a lot of people’s good books.
in my book you are a great teacher .
iam really happy coz i know more experissions with u emma .
thank u for your efforts:).
i got 9 out of 10
Hi Emma is correct if I said: I hit EngVid to learn English?
Hi Emma,
Thank you..in my book you’re the best …
I loved the lecture!
(and.. Since I’m also a teacher.. so I know how to recognize a good one.. when I see them)
In my book, she is very talented teacher she knows the basic requirement of average students.
I think this can be help to develop my communication
I ve done 10 correct out of 10,in my book Emma you are an excellent teacher.
Thank you emma for this lesson is very good for me and i understand easily.
Thanks Emma.
You are very good teacher.
Thank for this lesson
Love it… Emma you are doing great job. very good lecture
Thanks for all the tricks and tips.
not thirteen but twelve emma!
my quiz emma:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thanks! Very fun lesson!
Thank you, Emma.
Emma, now you are in my book and your lesson 13 book expressions as well.
Thank you Emma for this interesting lesson.
By the way, Snails are very delicious, especialy Snails sauce :)
Thank you Emma!, your lessons are the best!!
I`m learning alot whit your clips lessons
:D i am an youtubeworm!!
I got 10/10..Thanks I hits the books so much
Excellent Lesson By Excellent Teacher, My Favorite Teacher Emma.
You’re Amazing Ms Emma.
And I Hope i’ll be in your good books.
Best Wishes for you
Yours Truly
I’m so grateful to engvid.com. Thank you, Emma, for this educating and memorable lesson. By the way, I’m a bookworm, and I hit the books whenever I have time for it. And there is one thing that I don’t like in my character, this is I do everything by the book. I’ve fallen into the habit of doing it so. I cannot break off this habit.
Kind Regards,
It sort of wonderful Lesson…
I’ve got 10 to 10…
10 outof 10 hooray,thanks emma ,I love u ,im a book worm when i watched the video
Thank’s Emma :)
Great lesson. Very clear explanation. Thank you.
100 thanks emma
This is helpful. Thank you all teachers!
thank you, your lessons is very easy for understand and also i memorize tham very well
You are the best Emma
Hi Emma.Thanks a lot for your beneficial lessons.Please I am expecting a lesson about the usage of preposition (to).I mean when it is followed by a gerund and it is followed by infinitive.Thanks
thannk you Emma.
Talking about snails, you definitely don’t want to judge the books by their covers.
i hope you will try it. :)
got 100 :D ı love this subject very much because ı am bookworm :D thanks Emma
I have 9 out of 10
I love your lessons Emma
Hi emma, in my book, you are an amazing teacher
I m very happy with this website it is so helper for learning English
In my book Emma is very beautiful girl! And I don’t judge the book by its cover. Just she’s the best English teacher in the whole world and it means she’s beautiful! Thanks a lot, Emma :)
very useful; i get 90. warmly
Hi Emma,
You are an excellent teacher in my book.
Hi, Emma my teacher, In my book you’re the best teacher,I got 90/100 .
Hi Emma,I got 90/100, thank’s very much
Hi Emma, in my book, eating snails is very delicious, welcome to algeria for testing
very nice lesson, i tried to use all phrases and write an essay on present Indian government policy:
In my book, the thought of demonetization is an open book, some media being closed book throws the book at pm of the country. Some parties trying every trick in the book to blame him! But he is in the teachers good books. Some economists read this policy like a book and guide all sections of people by the book. Strikes/Bhands became the oldest trick in the book. So, DO NOT JUDGE ‘THE BOOK’ BY ITS COVER.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. I got 100
Thanks teacher, your teaching is good
You got 10 correct out of 10Thanks teacher,
Thanks I got 90. And Mr E is really a warm.
Learn about idioms and expressions is very helpful to improve and to understand Anglophone people. Thanks a lot Emma you are in my good book because I am learning English by the books.
In my book, EngVid is the best resource to learn English
He reads me like a book because my face is an open book.
I got 10 correct answers! I love your teaching and it’s easy to understand and useful. I wanna ask can I use these phrases in IELTS speaking exam?like replace the most common phrases in my opinion to in my book~
I am very pleased with your lessons.
Thank you for it.
Thanks Ms. Emma.
10/10 very useful lesson
Thanks Emma!!!
9/10! Good! In my book, Emma is the best teacher in the Youtube English Video. Thanks for Emma’s teaching!
In my book ,you are really wonderful.
I watched this video on september 6, 2021.
10/10 Thanks Emma!
Thank you mrs. Emma,
i am a bookworm too.
In my book your an amazing teacher and hope i can be a bookworm.
Thanks Emma.
I am in teacher’s good book like you.
in my book, Emma is bookworm! thanks for lession
Politicians ask us to do everything according to the rulew but they don’t do it by the book.