Do you want to improve your vocabulary? Great! Go for it. Don’t forget to add phrasal verbs including the ones in this video using the verb ‘go’. We’ll go over expressions like go away, go against, go out, go around, and more. After watching, test yourself with the quiz.
There are many subtleties to using go in a phrasal verb. Thanks for helping us find it.
Your test are the hardest of all the teachers! but one thing I can say about you is you are good what you do!
Thanks Mikesyndrom :)
If it’s too easy, you don’t get better ;)
10/10, Thank you Adam, we really appreciate your lessons, I will go ahead and practice these interesting Phrasal Verbs.
I got 80!
Hilton Nicolau
Much obliged to Adam for this precious lesson.
Maria Degan
Bob hated medicine. He thought that naturel staff was always good and beneficial. Therefore, he always went up against the health authorities. When he got sick for example, he always went for herbal remedies and not medicine. When COVID-19 pandemic went around, he went away to live Alaska for three months because he wanted to isolate himself from the society. Since the weather conditions were often very bad there, the power usually went out. So, he had to go by the only wood yard in the town by walking along the river to buy some wood. During the shopping he met a nice girl named Lucy. They hooked up with each other and went out for dinner. He realised how similar their values were on the first date. He really loved Lucy. In the beginning his mind went along with his emotions, but over time living in a such place where the conditions were quite limited seemed to be drudgery. When Lucy wanted to marry him, it dawned on him he could not go on like this. He went back home going against his emotions. Two months later, Bob realised he could not go without Lucy in this life. When he returned to Alaska, Lucy was there. “Go ahead” she said angrily. When Bob finished his excuses, she went off and said “go away you selfish man! You can go on living like a plant instead of a real man.” Then she went away.
Thanks Adam!
Great stuff HD :)
1o/1o :D
thanks a lot.Mr.Adam for giving us one more chance to improve our vocabulary
Hii Adam , Great lesson, Long time no see,,, we missed you.
I got 100! You’re amazing, thank you for help!
Thank you so much for bringing us some helpful, nifty and detailed knowledge cause there`s a whopping bunch of phrasal verbs and their meanings. I came across the idiomatic expression ‘go down the rabbit hole’ which means someone spends a lot of time on an activity more than they originally intended. Eg: I went down the rabbit hole while looking for a car key.
Hi Alice,
Actually, that expression means get involved in something surreal, or very complex and hard to follow. Alice went down the rabbit hole and arrived in Wonderland.
Hope this helps.
Keep practicing Lalananana.
It gets easier with time :)
Let’s go to the lesson of Adam!
Great lesson, dear teacher!
That’s a opportunit to learn more and more!
Take care!!!
God bless you and your family!!!
Miguel Geronimo
Got 7 out of 10:)
Nazmun Nahar Tulana
GO ASTRAY. To get lost or misplaced. For example, My glasses have gone astray again. Thanks Adam!
7/10! Not so bad! Phrasal verbs are my weakness in English.
Jerry Gu
Great lesson Mr Adam.
I’ve been learning so much with your videos, so, go on and take care.
Hi everybody.
God bless you all.
Hello. Would you give us some examples of the phrasal verb “go all out”?
Hi Antonio,
Go all out means give something 100% (effort, enthusiasm, etc.)
The party hosts went all out in decorating the hall.
(they made it very beautiful and expensive looking).
Hope this helps.
thank you Adam,
Aml Mounier
9/10 – Thank you mr Adam to help Us to improve our English Language
I got 7 of 10. Thanks
Hieu Tr๏ng Khau
Adam, help us to give the description and function of the following question:
” I will sell the house to whoever comes first”
the underlined clause is “whoever comes first”
Hi Tawo,
This is a bit complicated.
I will sell the house is a complete independent clause.
to whoever comes first is an adverbial prepositional phrase acting as complement to sell (sell to whom).
whoever comes first is a noun clause acting as object of the preposition.
Does this help?
Ohh 9 of 10! :D
It´s a little bit difficult the phrasal verb “go by” maybe because of you can detect in a the sentence a past situation :D. The first example was my wrong answer jeje..Cheers from Patagonia :D
thank u)))
I got 10.
Sithu zaw123
Hi I am new here.I got 10 out of 10
Welcome Shadhin :)
Thank you Adam. Really, I like your grammar english.
Farah khalify
Thank you <3
Thank you everyone :)
Thank you so much
Hello, I am enjoying your great lessons these days. It’s very hopeful and awesome thing that we can see your video for free in any time. It is really helpful to me.
But, I want to ask you somewhat an off topic question though it is off your lesson. [private question] : recently, I saw an expression ” He left me on read” , in this expression, as they pronouced, it sounded like read [red] (past participle).
Does “on + read” consist of preposition and past participle? if it is right, a kind of elllipsis occurs in that? like ” on (having been) read ” or Is “read” in “on read” used as complement of “left me on” ? such as
Mozart died “young” // He lay “exhausted” on the ground.
I want to know how the “read”(past participle) comes after the preposition “on”. If you know, please answer,
Hope you do that ! thanks a lot !
Hi Killi,
That’s an interesting question. I’m not sure I understand this expression without some context. ‘on read’ isn’t an expression I’m familiar with. The only thing I can guess is that someone read your text message, so you can see that it was read, but then didn’t reply.
I wold need more context otherwise.
9/10. I still have a lot of work to do but I am improving for sure. Thanks Adam
adilson nhama
Hi, Adam, thanks a lot for your lessons! Here are some other Phrasal Verbs with go that others may find interesting.
Go together – to happen or be found together
Go through (with) – experience an unpleasant situation, (do sth unpleasant)
Go in for – compete in
Go about – start to deal with sth
Good expressions Serjoo :) Thanks
Hello, Adam.
I’m sorry to disappoint you, but according to some good grammar books (e.g. Cambridge Grammar of English by R. Carter and M. McCarthy or Practical English Usage by M. Swan), a phrasal verb is not just solely a combination of a verb and a preposition. There are so-called multi-verb words that fall into 3 categories:
– phrasal verbs per se (e.g. come across, fall apart, etc) that consist of a verb and an adverb particle (not a preposition).
– prepositional verbs (e.g. approve of, cope with, etc) that consist of a verb and a preposition.
– phrasal-prepositional verbs (e.g. catch up on, watch out for, etc) that consist of a verb, an adverb particle and a preposition.
You’re never too old to learn.
Indeed Eugenio :)
Adding a new element (particle) to the mix doesn’t help learners, really. They see these words and recognize prepositions. That said, I am working on videos on my other channel ( that will explain these very elements as part of lessons on collocations. When they are up, I’ll let you know.
The quizzes are so useful.but in question number 6 are u sure the answer is correct?because you didn’t say this kind of meaning for it.I think the answer should be went off but I didn’t have in the choices🤔but thank you for all the ways of teaching
My score is 80.
Thanks a lot Mr.Adam.
i got 90. what a good explanation.
Thanks It was a nice class
9/10 I am happy
Professor Adam…the best!
Adriano R. Muniz
Thank you sir .I always get 80 of 100 .I should break the chain immediately :)
Learn English for free with 2160 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
There are many subtleties to using go in a phrasal verb. Thanks for helping us find it.
Your test are the hardest of all the teachers! but one thing I can say about you is you are good what you do!
Thanks Mikesyndrom :)
If it’s too easy, you don’t get better ;)
10/10, Thank you Adam, we really appreciate your lessons, I will go ahead and practice these interesting Phrasal Verbs.
I got 80!
Much obliged to Adam for this precious lesson.
Bob hated medicine. He thought that naturel staff was always good and beneficial. Therefore, he always went up against the health authorities. When he got sick for example, he always went for herbal remedies and not medicine. When COVID-19 pandemic went around, he went away to live Alaska for three months because he wanted to isolate himself from the society. Since the weather conditions were often very bad there, the power usually went out. So, he had to go by the only wood yard in the town by walking along the river to buy some wood. During the shopping he met a nice girl named Lucy. They hooked up with each other and went out for dinner. He realised how similar their values were on the first date. He really loved Lucy. In the beginning his mind went along with his emotions, but over time living in a such place where the conditions were quite limited seemed to be drudgery. When Lucy wanted to marry him, it dawned on him he could not go on like this. He went back home going against his emotions. Two months later, Bob realised he could not go without Lucy in this life. When he returned to Alaska, Lucy was there. “Go ahead” she said angrily. When Bob finished his excuses, she went off and said “go away you selfish man! You can go on living like a plant instead of a real man.” Then she went away.
Thanks Adam!
Great stuff HD :)
1o/1o :D
thanks a lot.Mr.Adam for giving us one more chance to improve our vocabulary
Hii Adam , Great lesson, Long time no see,,, we missed you.
I got 100! You’re amazing, thank you for help!
Thank you so much for bringing us some helpful, nifty and detailed knowledge cause there`s a whopping bunch of phrasal verbs and their meanings. I came across the idiomatic expression ‘go down the rabbit hole’ which means someone spends a lot of time on an activity more than they originally intended. Eg: I went down the rabbit hole while looking for a car key.
Hi Alice,
Actually, that expression means get involved in something surreal, or very complex and hard to follow. Alice went down the rabbit hole and arrived in Wonderland.
Hope this helps.
Keep practicing Lalananana.
It gets easier with time :)
Let’s go to the lesson of Adam!
Great lesson, dear teacher!
That’s a opportunit to learn more and more!
Take care!!!
God bless you and your family!!!
Got 7 out of 10:)
GO ASTRAY. To get lost or misplaced. For example, My glasses have gone astray again. Thanks Adam!
7/10! Not so bad! Phrasal verbs are my weakness in English.
Great lesson Mr Adam.
I’ve been learning so much with your videos, so, go on and take care.
Hi everybody.
God bless you all.
Hello. Would you give us some examples of the phrasal verb “go all out”?
Hi Antonio,
Go all out means give something 100% (effort, enthusiasm, etc.)
The party hosts went all out in decorating the hall.
(they made it very beautiful and expensive looking).
Hope this helps.
thank you Adam,
9/10 – Thank you mr Adam to help Us to improve our English Language
I got 7 of 10. Thanks
Adam, help us to give the description and function of the following question:
” I will sell the house to whoever comes first”
the underlined clause is “whoever comes first”
Hi Tawo,
This is a bit complicated.
I will sell the house is a complete independent clause.
to whoever comes first is an adverbial prepositional phrase acting as complement to sell (sell to whom).
whoever comes first is a noun clause acting as object of the preposition.
Does this help?
Ohh 9 of 10! :D
It´s a little bit difficult the phrasal verb “go by” maybe because of you can detect in a the sentence a past situation :D. The first example was my wrong answer jeje..Cheers from Patagonia :D
thank u)))
I got 10.
Hi I am new here.I got 10 out of 10
Welcome Shadhin :)
Thank you Adam. Really, I like your grammar english.
Thank you <3
Thank you everyone :)
Thank you so much
Hello, I am enjoying your great lessons these days. It’s very hopeful and awesome thing that we can see your video for free in any time. It is really helpful to me.
But, I want to ask you somewhat an off topic question though it is off your lesson. [private question] : recently, I saw an expression ” He left me on read” , in this expression, as they pronouced, it sounded like read [red] (past participle).
Does “on + read” consist of preposition and past participle? if it is right, a kind of elllipsis occurs in that? like ” on (having been) read ” or Is “read” in “on read” used as complement of “left me on” ? such as
Mozart died “young” // He lay “exhausted” on the ground.
I want to know how the “read”(past participle) comes after the preposition “on”. If you know, please answer,
Hope you do that ! thanks a lot !
Hi Killi,
That’s an interesting question. I’m not sure I understand this expression without some context. ‘on read’ isn’t an expression I’m familiar with. The only thing I can guess is that someone read your text message, so you can see that it was read, but then didn’t reply.
I wold need more context otherwise.
9/10. I still have a lot of work to do but I am improving for sure. Thanks Adam
Hi, Adam, thanks a lot for your lessons! Here are some other Phrasal Verbs with go that others may find interesting.
Go together – to happen or be found together
Go through (with) – experience an unpleasant situation, (do sth unpleasant)
Go in for – compete in
Go about – start to deal with sth
Good expressions Serjoo :) Thanks
Hello, Adam.
I’m sorry to disappoint you, but according to some good grammar books (e.g. Cambridge Grammar of English by R. Carter and M. McCarthy or Practical English Usage by M. Swan), a phrasal verb is not just solely a combination of a verb and a preposition. There are so-called multi-verb words that fall into 3 categories:
– phrasal verbs per se (e.g. come across, fall apart, etc) that consist of a verb and an adverb particle (not a preposition).
– prepositional verbs (e.g. approve of, cope with, etc) that consist of a verb and a preposition.
– phrasal-prepositional verbs (e.g. catch up on, watch out for, etc) that consist of a verb, an adverb particle and a preposition.
You’re never too old to learn.
Indeed Eugenio :)
Adding a new element (particle) to the mix doesn’t help learners, really. They see these words and recognize prepositions. That said, I am working on videos on my other channel ( that will explain these very elements as part of lessons on collocations. When they are up, I’ll let you know.
The quizzes are so useful.but in question number 6 are u sure the answer is correct?because you didn’t say this kind of meaning for it.I think the answer should be went off but I didn’t have in the choices🤔but thank you for all the ways of teaching
My score is 80.
Thanks a lot Mr.Adam.
i got 90. what a good explanation.
Thanks It was a nice class
9/10 I am happy
Professor Adam…the best!
Thank you sir .I always get 80 of 100 .I should break the chain immediately :)
8/10 THX