Asking questions can be a challenge when learning any language. But they are essential to learning more about others and making new friends! In this lesson, I look at the construction and pronunciation of many common WHEN questions in English. Some of these include: “When were you born?”, “When do you wake up?”, “When are you free?”, and “When did you arrive?”.
Hi alex thanks for great job and best lesson
I learned more from you and your lessons and when do you gonna upload the next video? ;-)
“When are you gonna upload your next video?” It should be in two weeks. Thanks for watching!
When are you gonne give my you youtube channel link
Mohamed Elmancy
Alex i wanted to ask . In the last question of quiz. Aren’t that both sentence could be correct. When does she free? Or when is she free? Although,In both sentences subject verb agreement is right . Give me your briefing.
Free is an adjective. That’s why it’s correct to ask “When is she free?”
When you ask something using the auxiliaries DO/DOES a verb is requiered. In the question “When does she free” there’s not a verb.
Hope it helps.
I got it .Thank you so much Joselu!
thank you also for clarifying this for me joselu
I see the question has already been answered. :) Yep, “free” is an adjective…you can also use it like a verb, but in a different sense.
“When did they free the slaves?”
I hope this helps!
Hi Alex
Thanks for such a good lesson
Weichen Huang
When will I learn English enough to be considered like a native speaker?
This is a very tough question, I admit.
Very tough indeed. I’m learning French and I don’t think I’ll be close to native proficiency in terms of fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc. for many more years. If you can take an intensive language class, your progress will be much quicker, but if you’re working and only have a few minutes a day to practice, it can take much longer.
In my opinion you should think u was born again in french speaking family. It will take u about 7 years to be like a first year french schoolboy.
I got 10/10. :D
It is a clear lesson and I got the points.
Thank you very much, Mr. Alex.
Cho Cho Thet Lwin
My pleasure. Nice job on the quiz!
Hi Alex
Nice video I got 08 out of 10, but I am curious about question no. 4 when is this due? or when does this due and other than question no 10 when is she free? or when does she free? I need you kind attention to clarify make a good sensation.
Muhammad Abbas
“Due” is an adjective and needs the auxiliary “to be” in this case.
“Free” is also an adjective in the second example, and therefore needs “to be” as the auxiliary as well.
Only use “do/does/did” in questions and negatives when it is used with a simple/base verb, and not with adjectives, numbers, nouns, etc.
I hope this helps a bit!
Perfect Alex. Parfait, comme d’hab (d’habitude).
Thanks, Alex. Very interesting lesson.
My pleasure. Thanks for watching it.
Great lesson!! 100
J’ai la même question qu’Anny196 et Muhammad Abbas. Merci Alex.
Hi Alex
Nice video I got 08 out of 10, but I am curious about question no. 4 when is this due? or when does this due and other than question no 10 when is she free? or when does she free? I need you kind attention to clarify make a good sensation
Hey beernaard,
I’ll copy and paste the response I posted above…
“Due” is an adjective and needs the auxiliary “to be” in this case.
“Free” is also an adjective in the second example, and therefore needs “to be” as the auxiliary as well.
Only use “do/does/did” in questions and negatives when it is used with a simple/base verb, and not with adjectives, numbers, nouns, etc.
I hope this helps a bit!
Thx for this nice lesson Alex :))
It was my pleasure. Thanks for studying with EngVid!
Thanks for the lesson , this is a tressure not just a website
Love to learn my English lessons more and more I’m very enjoyable and get more useful tips in English from you dear teacher Alex. Thanks!
polly poohly
I can do it very well…in TOP scores..:)
polly poohly
Keep practicing, polly! The important thing is improving.
Thanks alex, this lesson is easy…
marcos alexandre
You’re very welcome! I wanted it to be easy. It’s meant for beginners.
I got 10 out of 10 correct answer on 17 common “WHEN” Questions in English engvid. Thank you Alex for the interesting lesson. :)
My pleasure, and great job on the quiz. Keep studying and practicing!
I got 10/10.Hurry.
Your lesson is exciting and helpful.I can’t for your new interesting video.
Thank you for all your help.
You’re very welcome! Thanks for watching and for continuing to study with EngVid!
Hi Alex, nice tips.
I enjoyed your lesson.
But, I have 2 questions:
1. Is it ‘when’ contraction use in formal conversation?
2. In which case I use the auxiliary ‘do/did’ in ‘wh’ questions in general?
For example, You’ve used ‘do’ in the third question, but not in the second one.
In speaking, question words are frequently contracted with their auxiliaries. It’s the same for ‘when.’
“When have” – “when’ve” in speaking
“When are” – “when’re” in speaking
“When is” – “when’s” in speaking
“When did you” – “When’jyoo?”
very nice! thank you
its great lesson for beginner alex thank you, we are waiting more from you
Thanks, SKIKDA! I’d love to produce content quicker, but my videos usually come out once every two weeks or so.
8/10. )))
I’m confused in the sixth and the tenth question
Thanks Alex!!Excellent lesson as usual!!
Just one question: I´ve always heard the word “due” pronounced as /dju:/, and you pronounce it as /du/. Is this because /dju:/ is the British way to pronounce it??
You got it. :) I have a co-worker from London who says it as “dju” and I always think it sounds weird. Haha.
Yes, and mentioned in the video word “schedule” in british english would sound the other way)) It’s everlasting theme -how Amerikan pronounceation differ from British’s one
thanks Alex .. I have a question ..can you please explain why this option is wrong
“when is the play begins”
Greetings From Cairo,Egypt.
You can’t combine a simple verb with the verb “to be” in question form. It needs to be “When does the play begin?” If you are focusing on a simple ACTION in a question, you must use the auxiliaries “do/does/did.”
Hi Alex
10/10 Thank you for this useful lesson.
Why did’n you ask 17 questions?
See you.
Thanks a lot! I usually only make 10!
thank you sir!
for give us this great lesson
saqlain umrani
I got 10/10
Thank you Alex :)
You’re very welcome! Thanks for studying with EngVid!
thanks one of my best thecher around the world. but coudl you teach me about this word other,another,other than, otherwise, the other, one other and each other. thanks.
argenys antonio cinero.
Good idea! I’ll keep this in mind for a future lesson, but I’m sure there are plenty of Google links that could help answer some of these questions in the meantime.
Thanks Alex. The lesson is more clear.
Thanks for watching it, Dinesh. I’m glad it was clear for you!
Thank you so much Alex this is really helpful to me
So easy and so essential
Thanks for checking it out, and for studying with EngVid.
I got 10/10 . thanks a lot .
Ahmad Asaad
Hi Alex, the grammar to use bit hard for me I don’t know why? can you give me a god idea .Thanks
Thx! Make a lesson with “WHY”
Valery teacher
I have a few more question lessons coming in the future. :) I’ll keep “why” in mind as well.
Hi Alex! Thanks for this lesson, it was very educative.
Alex thank u very much for your lesson it has improved my English better that I thought
I got it Alex. Thanks for this lesson
Shibli Noman
thanks Alex this is great jop
Hi dear Alex. THANK YOU
i think learning grammars leads to thinking about what you want to speak, before speaking and that’s why the beginner speakers cant speak fast …for instance when an american guy wants to speak, he doesn’t think about…i don’t know how i say what i mean, i mean it works like a Multiplication table in our mind…we could give answer without thinking about the process. best regards.
Hi Alex. WHEN are we going to watch another great video lesson like this one?
Júlio César L Sousa
alex. You are to good.
thanks mr alex today i learned something new about how to use that word . thx a lot .
HI Mr Alex improve my english or Grammar english first thank you very much
Ahmed Ibrahim
Hi Alex. Thanks a lot.
thnx for your time i really appreciate what you do.
need to know the differant between that and this in your way
Very good lesson, Thanks Alex
Very nice video, thanks a lot Alex!
Tx, good lesson
Dzięki Alex. Dobra i przydatna lekcja. Jesteś również najlepiej (dla mnie) zrozumiałym nauczycielem. Pozdrawiam.
Thank you for your lesson. I really enjoyed it!
Hi Alex. Thanks for the lesson. It was really helpful. By the way I am a little bit confused when using was and were… Any chance of a new lesson on the subject?
John B
thanks Alex so much. :)
Please tell me which is correct and why?
1) Who sings in the band?
2) Who does sing in the band?
Number( 2) is correct because (s) was used in ( does)… so you don’t need it in the verb ( sing ) ..
Khalil Hassan
thanks alex.. would you like explain me why no.5 the correct answer is “When are you going to learn?” i was wrong to choose
“When do you going to learn?”
The verb here(going) needs helping verb ( are ).
Khalil Hassan
Hi Neena
you must use capital letters in begging of sentences and with names ….
Khalil Hassan
Thank you, Alex!
thank you
Said lo
I got 10/10 Thank you Alex. we are waiting more from you
Thank you teacher
i have perfect score. Thank you Alex.
ann ann
Thanks Alex. I’ll get better with your lessons thus :D
Fernando Moreira
Think you my brother Alex, we love you maaaahhhh.
Alex j’ai une qeuetion s.l.v
est ce que vous avez le cours de français aussi sur youtube ou no? J’esper que vous me répendez s.l.v
mohamed azeroual
hi Alex.
thanks a lot for your fabulous lesson.
You have my thanks) I`ve repeated all phrases after you, it was very cognitive. Thanks
hello Alex! I don’t get to think in English. I guess its my biggest problem. Could you help me with that? Do you have any tips for me? Thank you very much. You are a perfect teacher. I love your class.
Thank you
Farida Laarif
I got 7/10
I got 10 out of 10, thank you!
i got 7 out of 10. thanks Alex i will learn more again..
that was a great lesson and you are a great teacher Alex because when you are speaking i can understand all your words also i always repeat your words so it will help me to learn it so fast, Thank you so much
Fantatic video. Congratulation!
“You got 9 correct out of 10”, good. I did a mistake on question number 5. Good lesson, Alex.
Thank you ,Alex!
Alex you Rock!!
Ben Marecos
Thank very much Mr Alex for this lesson …
Khalil Hassan
Hi Alex! Thanks for the lesson. I really enjoy listening to your English. I’ve got a question: when was the last time you did it? And when did you last do it? Are both sentences similar in meaning? Is the latter grammatically correct?
Thank you very much
Very informative leasson, keep it up bro
i got 9 out of 10, thank you Alex you are the best teacher for me :)
Sorry teacher, I don’t undertand the questions 5 and 10. Why used the verb to be in this two cases?
Ronaldo Silva
Your explanation is very clear mister, you give an example with some sentences that easy for me to understand.
Can you give me a lesson about the means of “Similar to/with/from/than or Different to/with/from/than”. Please mister.. than you :)
Thanks teacher
hi, im a master student from Iran.
at first i want to say thank you for teaching.
and then i wanna say i have a big problem with these words:
1) so as to
2) in case
3) in that
4) as though = as if
5) so far as
6) in order that
7) thereby
8) therein
9) thereof
10) therefore
11) thereafter
12) wherein
13) henceforth=henceforward
14) barnone
15) bar=except
16) as for
17) as per
18) as to
19) much as
20) many as / as much
21) …
What are these words and what do you calls these words in English?
Is there a complete categorization for these words?
These are really confusing for me. Help me. Thank you.
If it is possible for you, please make a video for these words.
Thank you, Alex, for your Lessons
Mohsen Tatoo
Hi Alex, I am so confused about this question:”When was the last time you called your mom?”. I know we have to use simple past tense for this sence, but we have:”When did you go to school” not “When did you went to school?. So, I think “When was the last time you call your mom?”. Please make me more clear. Thanks a lot, Alex!
“When was the last time you called your mom” thì you called your mom là một mệnh đề phụ nên chia quá khứ, con câu dưới thì có 1 mệnh đề nên chia 1 lần thôi
I think we need just memorize this expression. It will be easier for us at the first time…
Hi Alex
Thank you for the lesson. I will look all)))
thank you Alex it s really helpful
Pink Sara11
great video! thanks teacher!!
Alex thanks a lot for your lesson.
thanks Alex
I am happy to watch video
ohoud 22
thanks a lot :)
Karrar Essam Akram
Thank you very much
Thank you very much! this video’s very interesting!
thanx good lesson for us
Hi Alex! I got 9 out of ten! I was confused about the use of “to be” and aux v. But now, I am more clarified! Can you check me if I get it now?
When is this stop?
When does the play begin?
keep practice)))
Thank you very much.
I got 7 sir!
Nyein Chan Aung
Thank you Alex for your great lesson..This is my first time for study English in this website and I started learn from your video is the first.
I hope to learn new English lessons and good lessons from you again. :))
You are the best english teacher ever
Respect from morocco
Youssef Salimi
When I use are and when I use do
ayman alfatih
Thank you for your lesson.
Hay Man Soe
Thanks a lot for this lesson, very helpful
good lesson, thanks
Thanks, you are great.
Christina Melloni
Good job Alex
Good lesson!
I had some doubts, but you helped me. Thank you!
Ivonne Monroy
It seems to be a “Simple” video but, we can learn things we never ever stopped to think about. Thank you very much. Perfect class!
Thank you for this great lesson !
thanks alex. 10/10
When did you have time to make this video?
When does next video begin?
When is that due?
thanks you so much~~
I never watched alex videos or just never used this website but still I got 100% on quiz
Congratulations Alex. Your class was very useful, and your accent is really clear. I got a 90% on the test :).
Good job, Alex!
When are you going to make a new video? I am looking forward to seeing it!
Eduardo França
Can I use “When will it finish” or “When will it over”?
Thanks, Alex.
i got 8 out of 10
Yasmeen jehad
Thank alex but I havé à lot of Word I am a beginner
You are best teacher Alex
Hi Alex, thanks for the great job and best lesson.
I learned more from you and your lessons.
I will watch all your video.
Thanks Alex, Great lesson!
thank you I got 10
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex sir,,,
Thank’s a lot Alex.
thanks Alex
Thank Alex :)
Thinzar Nyein
Thanks Sar …nice to meet u .I would like to know about english….
Kyaw htin
I get 6 of 20 but thank you
Kyaw htin
this was really amazing,Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks Mr. Alex.
About number 5. Why the asnwer is sentence with “are” not “do”?
Hamzah Aulia
hello, Alex. it’s a very helpful lesson for me. thank you so much Alex
Thanks Alex
than you
when does you start next lecture
Ehab gamil
Thanks alot
when will be the next lesson?????
ch.mohammed hassan
Hello! You are the Best! Your videos are very interestig and instructive!
I liked this class! :)
Thanks Alex ^^
I got 10 correct out of 10. :D Lets have a party??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
Adwait Shiva
Nice lesson! Thanks a lot Alex !
Hi Alex
I was out for some time, now I’m watching your videos again. Thanks for this one!
Fabio Cicerre
Thanks Alex. when is your next lesson ?
Thanks Alex.
bunthoeun soun
Thank you Alex for this important lessen,
Thanks mate! You are a wonderful teacher.
“DO” (do, did) + “BE” (am, is, was, were)
(WH)+”DO”+ Subject+ base verb
(BE)+”BE”+ Subject+ Age, Verb+ ing, adjective, noun, preposition, adverb, location
abed Al-haq yousef
Thank you, Adam. I really enjoy your lessons.
very interesting))
you are expert
thank you so much
I got 90! Very interesting lesson. Thanks Alex!
Thank you so much.
Thanks for the lesson, great work!
Jose Lazzo
I got 10/10. I’m so happy for that. Thank you Alex.
Hi Alex,I really enjoyed this lesson.
Thanks Alex, very useful in daily conversations
thanks for the lessons that i have learn today godbless :)
I learning very good things thank you from all my heart?
i got 10 of 10 ) thanx so much for your lessons)
wonderful class!i like it!
Thank you sir alex! I learned a lot,you’re videos are easy to understand.I’m not good in English before till now thought but atleast now im improving little by little. thanks to this site. Gosh it’s so freaking hard for me to write a sentence or paragraph, I’m sorry i don’t finished schooling due to financial problems that’s why it’s very hard for me to speak or write in English. But in the feature I’m planning to go back school that’s why i stumbled in this site. Pheww!
sarah jane caingles
Gosh my English is so wrong :(
sarah jane caingles
Thanks Alex I got 10 out of them, you are great!
amazing class Alex, you are the best teacher here
i got 9 out of 10
Thanks Alex. This class is very important for my speaking.
I got 8/10
Thank you Alex
teacher Alex, you always gives us very nice this “when”questions, I was confused of verb do and be.could you tell me when is the time to use do and when is the time to use be ? thank you.
Hi Alex!
Why are we used “were” instead “did” in this sentence?
When were you born? It seems to me, when did we have a verb in basic form (born), we must use aux v. “do”, not “be”
Hi,teacher.Very good lesson.Thanks!
Thanks Alex, I got 10 from 10
alas, I get 80 scores, I will try best
jupriaman Naibaho
I got 10 out of 10.Thanks a lots my teacher.
kumba Davowa
please explain how i am wrong in my first answer….when were you born i am not sure
i appreciate teacher :))))
Great job Alex! Thanks!
Jonathas Wilhem
when are you gonna upload new lesson? thanks sir
Thanks a million Alex. I see your lessons from Dominican Republic. I’ve learned a lot with you. When are you gonna go to Dominican Republic? Here you can visit Punta Cana and practice your Spanish.
I should say you are the best one that I saw
you are a complete excellent teacher who knows how to transfer your knowledge.
thank you a lot
Reza from Iran
It’s possible to make particular classes? Can you answer to my e-mail:
We keep a (long) list of lessons people have requested, for teachers to claim if they want. Do you have an idea or request?
engVid Moderator
Thanks of you answer. I need to work the academic textes:speaking and reading, so I want to take the lessons by skype
thanks a lot
shayma tarif
I follow you and I’m interested to improve my English so would you get a way to practice and make conversation with someone
Any body needs?
abdelraouf 77
I want to say THANK YOU and I am glat to weet you.!!
Very funny, I had a lot of fun, when I watched your video. Thanks.
thank you Alex
Lanka Sri Lanka
hello sir I have a question about this
when is she free or when does she free?
which one is more formal and I select the when does she free but the question make it wrong and chose when is she free would you explain little more?
thank you sir
Mukhtar ashrafi
I watched this video twice on May 15, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you alex this is good lesson
Thanks alex.i got eight out of ten.Day by day iam improving my self in speaking english through your beautiful and interesting lessons . Keep going to teach us.i hope I will become a good fluent English speaker in future.
thank you :)
thank you teacher alex for you class.
the class was clear
great explantion
Thanks a lot for useful lesson Alex! When did you have time to collect ‘when questions’ :)
I got 10 out of 10 👍🏻👌🏻
Thanks teacher.
i got 60
Abdelalim abu elaf
thank you a lot
I liked the explanations very much: excellent, very clear and so no doubts.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi alex thanks for great job and best lesson
I learned more from you and your lessons and when do you gonna upload the next video? ;-)
“When are you gonna upload your next video?” It should be in two weeks. Thanks for watching!
When are you gonne give my you youtube channel link
Alex i wanted to ask . In the last question of quiz. Aren’t that both sentence could be correct. When does she free? Or when is she free? Although,In both sentences subject verb agreement is right . Give me your briefing.
Free is an adjective. That’s why it’s correct to ask “When is she free?”
When you ask something using the auxiliaries DO/DOES a verb is requiered. In the question “When does she free” there’s not a verb.
Hope it helps.
I got it .Thank you so much Joselu!
thank you also for clarifying this for me joselu
I see the question has already been answered. :) Yep, “free” is an adjective…you can also use it like a verb, but in a different sense.
“When did they free the slaves?”
I hope this helps!
Hi Alex
Thanks for such a good lesson
When will I learn English enough to be considered like a native speaker?
This is a very tough question, I admit.
Very tough indeed. I’m learning French and I don’t think I’ll be close to native proficiency in terms of fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary, etc. for many more years. If you can take an intensive language class, your progress will be much quicker, but if you’re working and only have a few minutes a day to practice, it can take much longer.
In my opinion you should think u was born again in french speaking family. It will take u about 7 years to be like a first year french schoolboy.
I got 10/10. :D
It is a clear lesson and I got the points.
Thank you very much, Mr. Alex.
My pleasure. Nice job on the quiz!
Hi Alex
Nice video I got 08 out of 10, but I am curious about question no. 4 when is this due? or when does this due and other than question no 10 when is she free? or when does she free? I need you kind attention to clarify make a good sensation.
“Due” is an adjective and needs the auxiliary “to be” in this case.
“Free” is also an adjective in the second example, and therefore needs “to be” as the auxiliary as well.
Only use “do/does/did” in questions and negatives when it is used with a simple/base verb, and not with adjectives, numbers, nouns, etc.
I hope this helps a bit!
Perfect Alex. Parfait, comme d’hab (d’habitude).
Thanks, Alex. Very interesting lesson.
My pleasure. Thanks for watching it.
Great lesson!! 100
J’ai la même question qu’Anny196 et Muhammad Abbas. Merci Alex.
Hi Alex
Nice video I got 08 out of 10, but I am curious about question no. 4 when is this due? or when does this due and other than question no 10 when is she free? or when does she free? I need you kind attention to clarify make a good sensation
Hey beernaard,
I’ll copy and paste the response I posted above…
“Due” is an adjective and needs the auxiliary “to be” in this case.
“Free” is also an adjective in the second example, and therefore needs “to be” as the auxiliary as well.
Only use “do/does/did” in questions and negatives when it is used with a simple/base verb, and not with adjectives, numbers, nouns, etc.
I hope this helps a bit!
Thx for this nice lesson Alex :))
It was my pleasure. Thanks for studying with EngVid!
Thanks for the lesson , this is a tressure not just a website
Love to learn my English lessons more and more I’m very enjoyable and get more useful tips in English from you dear teacher Alex. Thanks!
I can do it very well…in TOP scores..:)
Keep practicing, polly! The important thing is improving.
Thanks alex, this lesson is easy…
You’re very welcome! I wanted it to be easy. It’s meant for beginners.
I got 10 out of 10 correct answer on 17 common “WHEN” Questions in English engvid. Thank you Alex for the interesting lesson. :)
My pleasure, and great job on the quiz. Keep studying and practicing!
I got 10/10.Hurry.
Your lesson is exciting and helpful.I can’t for your new interesting video.
Thank you for all your help.
You’re very welcome! Thanks for watching and for continuing to study with EngVid!
Hi Alex, nice tips.
I enjoyed your lesson.
But, I have 2 questions:
1. Is it ‘when’ contraction use in formal conversation?
2. In which case I use the auxiliary ‘do/did’ in ‘wh’ questions in general?
For example, You’ve used ‘do’ in the third question, but not in the second one.
In speaking, question words are frequently contracted with their auxiliaries. It’s the same for ‘when.’
“When have” – “when’ve” in speaking
“When are” – “when’re” in speaking
“When is” – “when’s” in speaking
“When did you” – “When’jyoo?”
very nice! thank you
its great lesson for beginner alex thank you, we are waiting more from you
Thanks, SKIKDA! I’d love to produce content quicker, but my videos usually come out once every two weeks or so.
8/10. )))
I’m confused in the sixth and the tenth question
Thanks Alex!!Excellent lesson as usual!!
Just one question: I´ve always heard the word “due” pronounced as /dju:/, and you pronounce it as /du/. Is this because /dju:/ is the British way to pronounce it??
You got it. :) I have a co-worker from London who says it as “dju” and I always think it sounds weird. Haha.
Yes, and mentioned in the video word “schedule” in british english would sound the other way)) It’s everlasting theme -how Amerikan pronounceation differ from British’s one
thanks Alex .. I have a question ..can you please explain why this option is wrong
“when is the play begins”
Greetings From Cairo,Egypt.
You can’t combine a simple verb with the verb “to be” in question form. It needs to be “When does the play begin?” If you are focusing on a simple ACTION in a question, you must use the auxiliaries “do/does/did.”
Hi Alex
10/10 Thank you for this useful lesson.
Why did’n you ask 17 questions?
See you.
Thanks a lot! I usually only make 10!
thank you sir!
for give us this great lesson
I got 10/10
Thank you Alex :)
You’re very welcome! Thanks for studying with EngVid!
thanks one of my best thecher around the world. but coudl you teach me about this word other,another,other than, otherwise, the other, one other and each other. thanks.
Good idea! I’ll keep this in mind for a future lesson, but I’m sure there are plenty of Google links that could help answer some of these questions in the meantime.
Thanks Alex. The lesson is more clear.
Thanks for watching it, Dinesh. I’m glad it was clear for you!
Thank you so much Alex this is really helpful to me
So easy and so essential
Thanks for checking it out, and for studying with EngVid.
I got 10/10 . thanks a lot .
Hi Alex, the grammar to use bit hard for me I don’t know why? can you give me a god idea .Thanks
Thx! Make a lesson with “WHY”
I have a few more question lessons coming in the future. :) I’ll keep “why” in mind as well.
Hi Alex! Thanks for this lesson, it was very educative.
Alex thank u very much for your lesson it has improved my English better that I thought
I got it Alex. Thanks for this lesson
thanks Alex this is great jop
Hi dear Alex. THANK YOU
i think learning grammars leads to thinking about what you want to speak, before speaking and that’s why the beginner speakers cant speak fast …for instance when an american guy wants to speak, he doesn’t think about…i don’t know how i say what i mean, i mean it works like a Multiplication table in our mind…we could give answer without thinking about the process. best regards.
Hi Alex. WHEN are we going to watch another great video lesson like this one?
alex. You are to good.
thanks mr alex today i learned something new about how to use that word . thx a lot .
HI Mr Alex improve my english or Grammar english first thank you very much
Hi Alex. Thanks a lot.
thnx for your time i really appreciate what you do.
need to know the differant between that and this in your way
Very good lesson, Thanks Alex
Very nice video, thanks a lot Alex!
Tx, good lesson
Dzięki Alex. Dobra i przydatna lekcja. Jesteś również najlepiej (dla mnie) zrozumiałym nauczycielem. Pozdrawiam.
Thank you for your lesson. I really enjoyed it!
Hi Alex. Thanks for the lesson. It was really helpful. By the way I am a little bit confused when using was and were… Any chance of a new lesson on the subject?
thanks Alex so much. :)
Please tell me which is correct and why?
1) Who sings in the band?
2) Who does sing in the band?
Number( 2) is correct because (s) was used in ( does)… so you don’t need it in the verb ( sing ) ..
thanks alex.. would you like explain me why no.5 the correct answer is “When are you going to learn?” i was wrong to choose
“When do you going to learn?”
The verb here(going) needs helping verb ( are ).
Hi Neena
you must use capital letters in begging of sentences and with names ….
Thank you, Alex!
thank you
I got 10/10 Thank you Alex. we are waiting more from you
Thank you teacher
i have perfect score. Thank you Alex.
Thanks Alex. I’ll get better with your lessons thus :D
Think you my brother Alex, we love you maaaahhhh.
Alex j’ai une qeuetion s.l.v
est ce que vous avez le cours de français aussi sur youtube ou no? J’esper que vous me répendez s.l.v
hi Alex.
thanks a lot for your fabulous lesson.
You have my thanks) I`ve repeated all phrases after you, it was very cognitive. Thanks
hello Alex! I don’t get to think in English. I guess its my biggest problem. Could you help me with that? Do you have any tips for me? Thank you very much. You are a perfect teacher. I love your class.
Thank you
I got 7/10
I got 10 out of 10, thank you!
i got 7 out of 10. thanks Alex i will learn more again..
that was a great lesson and you are a great teacher Alex because when you are speaking i can understand all your words also i always repeat your words so it will help me to learn it so fast, Thank you so much
Fantatic video. Congratulation!
“You got 9 correct out of 10”, good. I did a mistake on question number 5. Good lesson, Alex.
Thank you ,Alex!
Alex you Rock!!
Thank very much Mr Alex for this lesson …
Hi Alex! Thanks for the lesson. I really enjoy listening to your English. I’ve got a question: when was the last time you did it? And when did you last do it? Are both sentences similar in meaning? Is the latter grammatically correct?
Thank you very much
Very informative leasson, keep it up bro
i got 9 out of 10, thank you Alex you are the best teacher for me :)
Sorry teacher, I don’t undertand the questions 5 and 10. Why used the verb to be in this two cases?
Your explanation is very clear mister, you give an example with some sentences that easy for me to understand.
Can you give me a lesson about the means of “Similar to/with/from/than or Different to/with/from/than”. Please mister.. than you :)
Thanks teacher
hi, im a master student from Iran.
at first i want to say thank you for teaching.
and then i wanna say i have a big problem with these words:
1) so as to
2) in case
3) in that
4) as though = as if
5) so far as
6) in order that
7) thereby
8) therein
9) thereof
10) therefore
11) thereafter
12) wherein
13) henceforth=henceforward
14) barnone
15) bar=except
16) as for
17) as per
18) as to
19) much as
20) many as / as much
21) …
What are these words and what do you calls these words in English?
Is there a complete categorization for these words?
These are really confusing for me. Help me. Thank you.
If it is possible for you, please make a video for these words.
Thank you, Alex, for your Lessons
Hi Alex, I am so confused about this question:”When was the last time you called your mom?”. I know we have to use simple past tense for this sence, but we have:”When did you go to school” not “When did you went to school?. So, I think “When was the last time you call your mom?”. Please make me more clear. Thanks a lot, Alex!
“When was the last time you called your mom” thì you called your mom là một mệnh đề phụ nên chia quá khứ, con câu dưới thì có 1 mệnh đề nên chia 1 lần thôi
I think we need just memorize this expression. It will be easier for us at the first time…
Hi Alex
Thank you for the lesson. I will look all)))
thank you Alex it s really helpful
great video! thanks teacher!!
Alex thanks a lot for your lesson.
thanks Alex
I am happy to watch video
thanks a lot :)
Thank you very much
Thank you very much! this video’s very interesting!
thanx good lesson for us
Hi Alex! I got 9 out of ten! I was confused about the use of “to be” and aux v. But now, I am more clarified! Can you check me if I get it now?
When is this stop?
When does the play begin?
keep practice)))
Thank you very much.
I got 7 sir!
Thank you Alex for your great lesson..This is my first time for study English in this website and I started learn from your video is the first.
I hope to learn new English lessons and good lessons from you again. :))
You are the best english teacher ever
Respect from morocco
When I use are and when I use do
Thank you for your lesson.
Thanks a lot for this lesson, very helpful
good lesson, thanks
Thanks, you are great.
Good job Alex
Good lesson!
I had some doubts, but you helped me. Thank you!
It seems to be a “Simple” video but, we can learn things we never ever stopped to think about. Thank you very much. Perfect class!
Thank you for this great lesson !
thanks alex. 10/10
When did you have time to make this video?
When does next video begin?
When is that due?
thanks you so much~~
I never watched alex videos or just never used this website but still I got 100% on quiz
Congratulations Alex. Your class was very useful, and your accent is really clear. I got a 90% on the test :).
Good job, Alex!
When are you going to make a new video? I am looking forward to seeing it!
Can I use “When will it finish” or “When will it over”?
Thanks, Alex.
i got 8 out of 10
Thank alex but I havé à lot of Word I am a beginner
You are best teacher Alex
Hi Alex, thanks for the great job and best lesson.
I learned more from you and your lessons.
I will watch all your video.
Thanks Alex, Great lesson!
thank you I got 10
Thanks Alex!
Thanks Alex sir,,,
Thank’s a lot Alex.
thanks Alex
Thank Alex :)
Thanks Sar …nice to meet u .I would like to know about english….
I get 6 of 20 but thank you
this was really amazing,Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks Mr. Alex.
About number 5. Why the asnwer is sentence with “are” not “do”?
hello, Alex. it’s a very helpful lesson for me. thank you so much Alex
Thanks Alex
than you
when does you start next lecture
Thanks alot
when will be the next lesson?????
Hello! You are the Best! Your videos are very interestig and instructive!
I liked this class! :)
Thanks Alex ^^
I got 10 correct out of 10. :D Lets have a party??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!
Nice lesson! Thanks a lot Alex !
Hi Alex
I was out for some time, now I’m watching your videos again. Thanks for this one!
Thanks Alex. when is your next lesson ?
Thanks Alex.
Thank you Alex for this important lessen,
Thanks mate! You are a wonderful teacher.
“DO” (do, did) + “BE” (am, is, was, were)
(WH)+”DO”+ Subject+ base verb
(BE)+”BE”+ Subject+ Age, Verb+ ing, adjective, noun, preposition, adverb, location
Thank you, Adam. I really enjoy your lessons.
very interesting))
you are expert
thank you so much
I got 90! Very interesting lesson. Thanks Alex!
Thank you so much.
Thanks for the lesson, great work!
I got 10/10. I’m so happy for that. Thank you Alex.
Hi Alex,I really enjoyed this lesson.
Thanks Alex, very useful in daily conversations
thanks for the lessons that i have learn today godbless :)
I learning very good things thank you from all my heart?
i got 10 of 10 ) thanx so much for your lessons)
wonderful class!i like it!
Thank you sir alex! I learned a lot,you’re videos are easy to understand.I’m not good in English before till now thought but atleast now im improving little by little. thanks to this site. Gosh it’s so freaking hard for me to write a sentence or paragraph, I’m sorry i don’t finished schooling due to financial problems that’s why it’s very hard for me to speak or write in English. But in the feature I’m planning to go back school that’s why i stumbled in this site. Pheww!
Gosh my English is so wrong :(
Thanks Alex I got 10 out of them, you are great!
amazing class Alex, you are the best teacher here
i got 9 out of 10
Thanks Alex. This class is very important for my speaking.
I got 8/10
Thank you Alex
teacher Alex, you always gives us very nice this “when”questions, I was confused of verb do and be.could you tell me when is the time to use do and when is the time to use be ? thank you.
Hi Alex!
Why are we used “were” instead “did” in this sentence?
When were you born? It seems to me, when did we have a verb in basic form (born), we must use aux v. “do”, not “be”
Hi,teacher.Very good lesson.Thanks!
Thanks Alex, I got 10 from 10
alas, I get 80 scores, I will try best
I got 10 out of 10.Thanks a lots my teacher.
please explain how i am wrong in my first answer….when were you born i am not sure
i appreciate teacher :))))
Great job Alex! Thanks!
when are you gonna upload new lesson? thanks sir
Thanks a million Alex. I see your lessons from Dominican Republic. I’ve learned a lot with you. When are you gonna go to Dominican Republic? Here you can visit Punta Cana and practice your Spanish.
I should say you are the best one that I saw
you are a complete excellent teacher who knows how to transfer your knowledge.
thank you a lot
Reza from Iran
It’s possible to make particular classes? Can you answer to my e-mail:
We keep a (long) list of lessons people have requested, for teachers to claim if they want. Do you have an idea or request?
Thanks of you answer. I need to work the academic textes:speaking and reading, so I want to take the lessons by skype
thanks a lot
I follow you and I’m interested to improve my English so would you get a way to practice and make conversation with someone
Any body needs?
I want to say THANK YOU and I am glat to weet you.!!
Very funny, I had a lot of fun, when I watched your video. Thanks.
thank you Alex
hello sir I have a question about this
when is she free or when does she free?
which one is more formal and I select the when does she free but the question make it wrong and chose when is she free would you explain little more?
thank you sir
I watched this video twice on May 15, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you alex this is good lesson
Thanks alex.i got eight out of ten.Day by day iam improving my self in speaking english through your beautiful and interesting lessons . Keep going to teach us.i hope I will become a good fluent English speaker in future.
thank you :)
thank you teacher alex for you class.
the class was clear
great explantion
Thanks a lot for useful lesson Alex! When did you have time to collect ‘when questions’ :)
I got 10 out of 10 👍🏻👌🏻
Thanks teacher.
i got 60
thank you a lot
I liked the explanations very much: excellent, very clear and so no doubts.