Good conversation starts not with others but with YOU. You have the power to bring out the good in others with your energy and empathy. In this conversation skills video, we will talk about how to create interesting conversations using a combination of energy and empathy. I’ll teach you some questions you can ask to make others get excited and interested in conversing with you. We will also talk about what to do when someone loses interest or talks down to you. Watch the lesson to improve your conversational skills and become the person everyone wants to talk with.
You got 10 correct out of 10.
It’s 10 out of 10. But I’ve to practice more and more regularly to make it a tool of my conversation. James, you’re a cool guy. Anyone can join me, I wanna talk to you.
Sajal Das
Yes buddy I wanna talk to you.
Arindam Saha
Yes, buddy. We can talk but we need a medium where we can chat or talk anytime. Give me your any social profile link.
Sajal Das
Hu Sajal, nice to meet you! I got 10/10 too dude! XD
Oops Hi not Hu sorry :P
That’s Great. SherlyYT gives me your any social profile link or username. Then we can chat in English there.
Sajal Das
Wait let’s see, I don’t have Facebook but you can chat with me on the game, it is “Roblox” we can chat there, I think it is a good idea! XD
But I don’t even play this game :( Then How can we do that. If you have any new idea tell me about that.
lazy turk make it and inform me at my facebook or email link is in my about.
Sajal Das
hello can i practice with you.
I need help.
10/10 :D
I have 9 out 10. It is clear lesson for understanding to me, but it’s funny that I failed practising in the video with situations and phrases to them :D
Thanks for the lesson James!
A million Thanks for you , i really enjoyed watching this video, it is wonderful and i like more your teaching way , i like the simplistic English you use. I repeat , thank you very much :)
where are you fam im Algerian
Thanks James!!Interesting tips ;)
Dire straits are superb
I got 10/10. thanks a lot James
Habiba Hatem
good i also got 10/10, lets practice together if you want
Anas 8
hi i wanna talk to you if it’s possible!
thank you so much for everything. I discovered this website two days ago by change and I am so happy now. I think I will spend my half of time at this website in this summer. Thank you so much James. You re great!!
thanks, James,
And for all students, we need to create new group for us we talk English everyday 2 hours to improve our Language >
How did you see my idea?
Mr.Jeames we need your support for our idea :)
I couldn’t agree more! Let’s make it real!
thanks for the lesson james!
thank you sir..
That’s how everyone should act in a conversation! Most people keep just talking about themselves without caring for others! Thanks James!
Thanks James! I want to cheat and practise? somebody help mee??
10/10, I got traumatize when the conversation went to the most annoying part, when you are having a conversation that he or she is talking down at you, making that gesture, as if… I am like a fvcking cockroach… I don’t want to have that kind of conversation, that’s why I am always anxious on how to keep up a healthy conversation. Thanks for the lesson. :)
James, we use “okay” in our language,Portuguese, a lot.Exactly like you have just explained. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just find it weird.
Great lesson. Thanks.
Thank you James!
I got 90 ???
Bryan garcia
I got 9\10 thank you James :)
Hi, how are you? Could you practice English with me?
Hahaha nice job mineiro!
I got 7/10.Thanks James.You are such a outstanding teacher and you have a great sense of humour.
I got nine out of ten.
thanks a lot.
Wow, I got 100. Thank you, James, you are a great teacher.
how you get ? are you do an exam from where please can i make it
reham fathy elmahdy
Hi, I’d like to practise my english conversation..
Thank You teacher…..!!
Jakub Alvarez
thanks, my energy to learning English has so empathy with your classes.
I got 100% boooooombooooooom
Why okay is the correct answer of question number 7?
Mr. James has explained this thing many times in the video, moreover, he gave some tremendous instances. The options for question number 7 were pretty confusing is all.
Wow thx James, I got 9/10 so cool! And this lesson help me very much!!!
Ty tha is a good video
very good quiz
Mayank Shanbhag
Thank you James for this lesson!
It´s good to know for the typical “Holiday-conversations” in the vacations right now! ;-)
I got 9/10! Thanks!
Stefan Teodor
Thank you James! I going to practice this for improve my english. You’re a superb teacher.
Wow, 100%!
Thanks dad
Red Blue Guy
Hi! I also discovered ENGVID by chance two days ago and I can’t wait to see Mr. Jame’s lesspn!!!!!
Rosa GB
I’ve got 100/100. Greate lesson. thanks you James
Thank you James!! It was a very nice quiz, how do you feel when people take your quizzes and you get appreciated?
I got 9/10. Thanks! Hope that you’ll make more videos.
Thank you James! I got 100%
that is great can we work together.
I got 9 out of 10. Thanks James!
Friends in which test these results from as i am new to the site i dont know which test results u r talking about
there are Quizzes after every lesson
Thank you, teacher!
Sean Siao
I GOT 100%
got 9/10 ?
Got 8/10.
Ch Mohsin
90 Excellent
I’ve got 9/10 .
Hey teacher…nice class, congratulations!!!
can u practice english with me ?
I’ve got 10… thanks!!
Rodrigo Ribeiro
wow i think you are good in english
I Got 9 OUT OF 10. Thank you?
i need a chat to practice and work on conversation
mazen ehab
I got 90% Wooow
I got 80% thanx james , but i wanna talk with someone to improve my english ?
Marehan tigany
What about practicing togther?
Casue I get the same mark as u
Just leave ur facebook acount link
Zad Had
I got 9.Its an interesting and educative quiz.I have just joined thanks
Aisha kyftin
I got 100%
Thank you so much ,James. You are a amazing teacher!!
james you are the best teacher i study with him!
i love you!!!
I’ve got9/10
Mehriban A
I got 100 out of 100 ♥
Thanks, James! oh btw, I love your outfit :)
I got 9/10. its superb
Thank you James
Ilham S
Lol i got 9 out of 10 thank you so much james ur such a great help i learned more from you than my previous teachers in high school.
Thanks, James! I am your fan. Your movies are great.
I got 9/10.
Thanks for the lesson that you are cascading James. It really means a lot.
10/10 a confidence booster, at least we are going somewhere.
I got 9 correct out of 10.. Thanks, James!
I got 10/10
thanx James for this interesting lesson
James thanks a lot ! Very clear and useful
this is cool
Amani Eldaw
Oh cooool , lastly I found someone from my country
What do think about this coummounity ?
Abdualaziz Addalla
i got 10/10 ,thanks james a lot
Anas 8
But it wasn’t difficult after such great explanation.
Thanks a lot.
I really need in speaking practice. It would be nice to contact to someone to get it.
yes, with you i’m sure to master my English Mr James. thanks.
Thanks buddy for your help and your tips
Thank you very much teacher ?
marta mariana
You are superb James! Be a teacher was your calling. Thanks a lot, your way of teaching is extraordinary.
I got 90/100…it´s so great for me
I forgot to say …THANKS
going to work on preposition anyone there to play tic-tac-toe
I got 9/10. Thank you James! Clear explainations
But, I don’t have no one to practice english with…It’s a pity!
Thanks James, awesome video. Btw, I got 10!
I got 90%. I didn’t believe that. Thanks a lot.
John Vu
I got 10/10.James you´re amazing.
Marta Gentil
I got 90. But very interesting topic!!
10/10 ?
Hey everybody!
James, u re cool guy! Thx
can we practice?
I got 90..thanks sir james, I will improve to get ?
I got 100% Thank u teacher
Thank you . I got 10/10
I got 80% ?
Thank you James! you’ve helped me a lot, the tutorial video was superb.
10/10 flowing up. such a good start!
Hi James, you are incredible teacher!! pretty cool
Andrea Eusebio
Hi James I have been looking for a partner to practice my English,Engvid videos and exercises have been really useful but I would also like to talk to someone,do you recommend any app?
thank you much mr.James.RESPECT.
I need someone who want to make conversation online. I want improve my speaking. if you interested on it please write me in facebook.
i will be happy to make a new friend.
Good lesson from good teacher
Anyone want to talk just give me ur facebook account link please
Thanks for the lesson James.
I got 9/10. Unbelievable My false answer is 1
parnid nps
Thanks for the lesson sir .
Muneeb tariq
Thanks for very useful advices . In my opinion show empathy and good energy in a conversation its well known and very important in any other culture . It’s just a nice and kind behavior but ” the repetition is the mother of science ” :). I would like to say your way of teaching is very clear and easy to understanding for us-English students. Have a nice day and good energy for the next interesting video !
thanks James i got 9/10
Raach Mohamed
i got the 10 woww, very benefit lesson .. you are giving us more than English.. its Soft skill.. Thanks .. keep up ..
Hey guys, im interested in practicing .. so send me if you are too ..
Ahmed Eypo
Thank you james! you are the best.
Mawada Essam
Thank you james! you are the best.for whoever wants to practice the language hit me up on Hello talk app @Mawada Essam
Mawada Essam
Hi James
Love your lessons, very interesting and useful. I was wondering if you would like to make a lesson about the difference between required and request? That will be so helpful! And also if you like, would you please make some lessons on” trick, trap, strike, trace, track” these words are so hard to understand, hope you can help, thank you. Appreciate.
I got 10/10 :) thank u so much I really enjoyed
I managed to fetch 10 out of 10 but I need more practice. I would love to speak with you guys…
Arindam Saha
I got 07/10, I’m happy for that?. Thanks James, you’re fantastic!
Silas Pereira Amorim Silva
I got nine correct thanks james you know in my culture its not allowed to take your teachers name but here can I say or not
Okay (I mean can you give me more knowledge about this lesson?) XD
I got 90/100, what do you think guys about it?
I got 10 to 10 thanks
Paula Amaro
THanks a lot teacher
\o/ I got 10/10 :D it’s pretty cool ! If someone want to talk to me add me ;D
Thanks James, it was a great lesson
10/10. Thanks James
It’s so cool! I got 9! thanks~
Hi, it’s really usefull video, thanks James :)
that wwas great thanks
eman younes moaffa
i got 10/10 thanks james
Kamaldeep kaur
wow I got 10
Nice…… I got 10/10
I got 9/10, the only mistake I made is in the definition of empathy
Thank you James You are awesome!
hey i got 8 from 10
Thanks for sharing such videos and many many thanks from teacher
Hi, is there anyone to help me for learning english better ?? i want someone to talk with me or chat with me ?? if yes so here is my whats up number 0093786031290
thanks a lot for such as nice videos
i got 9 out of 10 that was great and helpful for me thanks a lot teacher James
I got 9/10
Cristian guerrero
I got 9/10 thanks james
Hi everybody, is there anyone to practice English?
I got 9/10. It was nice, thank you James! Now I just need to practice more my conversation skills :)
Thank you for the lesson!
Thank you so much .I really enjoyed it especially to be interested for people is more important than to be interesting .Also the sentence you added to Nelson Mandella was great .
James your teaching is fabulous.
Thank you for the lesson
I got 90% ?
10/10 Thanks Jade. I learned something about conversation. Also Nelson Mandela is right!!
Thanks James
Trang Nguyen 310
Beautiful class James. I think this is a great lesson, not only to learn English, but also for life. Congratulations on this interesting class. Thanks James. Best regards.
Great Lesson James. I would like to practice my English conversation skills more often. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Albeiro Ruiz
Hi Alberio! I want to practise English with you. Please add me on Facebook :
If someone want to practise English with me you are wellcome!
Olha Vyshatytska
Hi Olha! i want to practice my skills too.
karen peter
My Facebook is Parnid Nps Bhikkhu. I really want to practice with you
parnid nps
Hello Albeiro. I am in Bogotá too. We can practice english conversation.
got a perfect score! thanks james!
hello everyone i’m practicing to speak in english. can anyone chat with me on skype? if you have the time. thanks guys
jan michael
hello i can practice with you i you like. it will be a great help. thanks. :)
jan michael
thank you for lesson
i got 10 correct out of 10
mohamed elasas
Thanks James. This was an wonderfull lesson. hi everybody. I want to practise my English. Who wants to join me on WhatsApp, this is my number +355675563764.
Thanks very much James, you are awesome,I m learn too much wiyh you!!!!!
yaaayeee.! got 100
10 over 10
Sir James you are a great teacher.
karen peter
Got 10/10 in first time, guy cant wait to test this one. Add me on facebook, Vikas Kalyana. if anybody wants to improve
9 out of 10. Thanks James
Nu Nu Tun
Thank you, for the lesson, time to practice it in real life.
I got perfect score. thanks.
Thank you for your existing keep up the good work
9 out of 10.
Thanks for useful tips!
10/10 Thanks…Good way to practice
bobby negie
hi games….. thank you alot for this amazing lesson
kerolos nashaat
9/10 not to bad but i really want to improve my pronunciation and my vocabulary
So, that’s really great
Anyone to practice??
I got 10/10 thhank.. good for me :)
Thank you!
I got 80%. It is great.
10/10 yooo <3
Fatima Ayaz
Hi, everybody! I got 10/10! I think, It is very helpful lesson to everybody! What are you think about it?
Thanks, James! Your lessons are superb!
Thank you James! By the way, anyone wants to practice? Hit me up: @rsadykov17 (Telegram)
great lesson,I need to parner for practice speaking,my speaking is awful,could you help me?
Rahele Soltani
I got 100% but still, there’s a lot of things I need to improve. Anybody here wants to talk to me? Let’s have some practice conversation :)
i am here
nice lesson, I love it
Thank you Jamens!
I’ve got 100% true answers of the test after lesson. I think that the lesson is very useful.
Hi everyone .I am looking for a partner if you want too , text me on instagram or telegram. I’m waiting for you …you can reach me at this ID amin_farahzadi.
Hi would like to practice my english. If you want as well find me on facebook.
Hello James,
Thanks for the lesson. I got 9 but, still, have much to learn.
I got 7/10
Thank you
i got 9 in the exam this video really useful but i wana someone to talk with him to improve my english anyone can help me
I’m Alex from Germany. Did you find your talk-partner? I’m interested in talking to you. Is that ok for you? You can answer me on my E-Mail-Adress:; Thanks!
I’ve got an unexpected result 10/10.
Thank you so much for the lesson Teacher James.
My Facebook is Parnid Nps Bhikkhu,I’d like to have friends from this website to practice my english speaking skill
parnid nps
i got 90 that’s great
9 out of 10
10/10…and yet I always thought I could not have decent conversations :)
Fy Ratsimba
as always nice … thank you James
thanks for lesson
thanks for you sir
Great job
I got 10/10, thanks for lesson James
8/10 its great Im try and try to improve my English langues
I get 8 thanks for your teaching.
Okay and I want someone who want to improve conversation skill let’s chat together I want to improve too.
i got 8/10. it’s interesting. thanks so much James
I need friends whom I can practise what I learn from this site… any one interested?
I got 09/10. Thanks james.
dalia moahmed
09/10 :) Thanks James
Hi James, your class is very funny and clear.
Antonio Robson
i got 9 thanks james i ask if there anyone would like to practice with me
yosof khaled
Hello everyone! I’m looking for a partner to speak with!!
Hello Pedro! what do you think about we practice together ?
Hi Mars, of course! How can we talk to each other? Fb, skype, whatsapp….
Improving our conversation needs a lot of practice. Is there anybody interested for practicing with me?
All the people who wants to have conversation join this server. It’s for free.
My nickname Garynych#7867
Feel free to invite me
Now i got 8 out of 10 correct but there was one of it that made me confused anyway anyone wants to speak hit me up on instagram: mostaneer
8/10 I imagine not bad..thanks James..You are very good teacher.
Paulo Bet
Yes!! ?? I’ve got 9/10
I’ve got 10/10 thanks, James I’ve never seen a great teacher like you thank you so much keep it up.
Mustafa mohamedin
can anyone make a group to talk and improve our english ? add me please
Great! thank’s
i got 10/10 :D
Fatma Alakwah
I got 8 out of 10! Thank you , James!
ı got 100 points
Hi James you are a great teacher and love your methods
10/10 cool :D
Amany Gamal
You’re geat, i really like your lessons.
Amany Gamal
10/10 thank u
it’s really great lecture
thank you
10/10 ! You are James so awesome teacher ! Guys, who whoud like to speak and practice language on skype or social media ? English is not my native language and I would like to practicing with someone?
I need to practice english conversation with some one?
Thank you James
Very good lesson
Hi James, I’m 100%, thanks for your tip about this topic…You are a very good teacher.
Paulo Bet
I love this teacher!
I got 10\10 Thanks for you .i really like ur lessons.
I got 10/10. thanks James. Your cool?
10/10 Thanks for these principles
Paul Melvin
Thanks Mr. James I got 10/10. what do you think about my performance? that’s my phone number for more assignments.(217 670 7504)
Thanks bro. I got 09/10.
I think it is important to know how maintain a health conversations. It was a good work from that teacher.
Jose Sousa
I got 10/10
Thanks James for this leason :D
That’s Awesome !!! Thank you so much James !
Who would like made a conversation online,at this time i have a pre-intermediate level, can left my contact
i got 10/10 hey have you ever noticed that your the best teacher in the world? or at least one of them:D
i hope you continue your way as well as now
alireza hamidi
I feel superd I got a 90% even i didn’t le attention. How do you feel about that lesson?
I got 90
Thanks James
James, this is priceless. I think my students will benefit greatly! Thanks!
i got 90% wowowo
ABDELAZIZ ezohayry
I got 100-. It’s a good lesson. Thank You.
Thanks Mr. james
Mr. James is a amazing teacher. Thank you so much for this tips! You teach very easily, I got 10/10 in this quiz! ?
best regards,James (Kazakhstan o6 Dec2o21:)
thanchs james ,you great teacher
Monica Baessa
My first here and I thought a great class ! very Useful tips in a short time ! be sure James is a great teacher ! congrats !
Hi james I can’t thank you enough for this vital lesson, Keep the chain up,I am looking forward to for English practice mate, if you you also looking for one, here I am, stop searching and hook me up, I am await you there, Email me at,
I got 10/10 but still I have one doubt in this video that is,if I’m asking the question and person answers like disinterested in the conversation.In this situation we should use energy trick..The doubt is weather we should ask same question or someother questions.can anyone help me for this!!
done 10 out of 10
Majed Mathkour
Wow , adsulotly super nice I really liked ti Mr.Jemes
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I got 08/10. Thanks james. You are cool. <3 you.
I got 70% its great
You got 10 correct out of 10.
It’s 10 out of 10. But I’ve to practice more and more regularly to make it a tool of my conversation. James, you’re a cool guy. Anyone can join me, I wanna talk to you.
Yes buddy I wanna talk to you.
Yes, buddy. We can talk but we need a medium where we can chat or talk anytime. Give me your any social profile link.
Hu Sajal, nice to meet you! I got 10/10 too dude! XD
Oops Hi not Hu sorry :P
That’s Great. SherlyYT gives me your any social profile link or username. Then we can chat in English there.
Wait let’s see, I don’t have Facebook but you can chat with me on the game, it is “Roblox” we can chat there, I think it is a good idea! XD
But I don’t even play this game :( Then How can we do that. If you have any new idea tell me about that.
We can make chat group, in any social media tool.
lazy turk just make it and inform me.
lazy turk make it and inform me at my facebook or email link is in my about.
hello can i practice with you.
I need help.
10/10 :D
I have 9 out 10. It is clear lesson for understanding to me, but it’s funny that I failed practising in the video with situations and phrases to them :D
Thanks for the lesson James!
A million Thanks for you , i really enjoyed watching this video, it is wonderful and i like more your teaching way , i like the simplistic English you use. I repeat , thank you very much :)
where are you fam im Algerian
Thanks James!!Interesting tips ;)
Dire straits are superb
I got 10/10. thanks a lot James
good i also got 10/10, lets practice together if you want
hi i wanna talk to you if it’s possible!
thank you so much for everything. I discovered this website two days ago by change and I am so happy now. I think I will spend my half of time at this website in this summer. Thank you so much James. You re great!!
thanks, James,
And for all students, we need to create new group for us we talk English everyday 2 hours to improve our Language >
How did you see my idea?
Mr.Jeames we need your support for our idea :)
I couldn’t agree more! Let’s make it real!
thanks for the lesson james!
thank you sir..
That’s how everyone should act in a conversation! Most people keep just talking about themselves without caring for others! Thanks James!
Thanks James! I want to cheat and practise? somebody help mee??
10/10, I got traumatize when the conversation went to the most annoying part, when you are having a conversation that he or she is talking down at you, making that gesture, as if… I am like a fvcking cockroach… I don’t want to have that kind of conversation, that’s why I am always anxious on how to keep up a healthy conversation. Thanks for the lesson. :)
James, we use “okay” in our language,Portuguese, a lot.Exactly like you have just explained. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just find it weird.
Great lesson. Thanks.
Thank you James!
I got 90 ???
I got 9\10 thank you James :)
Hi, how are you? Could you practice English with me?
Hahaha nice job mineiro!
I got 7/10.Thanks James.You are such a outstanding teacher and you have a great sense of humour.
I got nine out of ten.
thanks a lot.
Wow, I got 100. Thank you, James, you are a great teacher.
how you get ? are you do an exam from where please can i make it
Hi, I’d like to practise my english conversation..
Thank You teacher…..!!
thanks, my energy to learning English has so empathy with your classes.
I got 100% boooooombooooooom
Why okay is the correct answer of question number 7?
Mr. James has explained this thing many times in the video, moreover, he gave some tremendous instances. The options for question number 7 were pretty confusing is all.
Wow thx James, I got 9/10 so cool! And this lesson help me very much!!!
Ty tha is a good video
very good quiz
Thank you James for this lesson!
It´s good to know for the typical “Holiday-conversations” in the vacations right now! ;-)
I got 9/10! Thanks!
Thank you James! I going to practice this for improve my english. You’re a superb teacher.
Wow, 100%!
Thanks dad
Hi! I also discovered ENGVID by chance two days ago and I can’t wait to see Mr. Jame’s lesspn!!!!!
I’ve got 100/100. Greate lesson. thanks you James
Thank you James!! It was a very nice quiz, how do you feel when people take your quizzes and you get appreciated?
I got 9/10. Thanks! Hope that you’ll make more videos.
Thank you James! I got 100%
that is great can we work together.
I got 9 out of 10. Thanks James!
Friends in which test these results from as i am new to the site i dont know which test results u r talking about
there are Quizzes after every lesson
Thank you, teacher!
I GOT 100%
got 9/10 ?
Got 8/10.
90 Excellent
I’ve got 9/10 .
Hey teacher…nice class, congratulations!!!
can u practice english with me ?
I’ve got 10… thanks!!
wow i think you are good in english
I Got 9 OUT OF 10. Thank you?
i need a chat to practice and work on conversation
I got 90% Wooow
I got 80% thanx james , but i wanna talk with someone to improve my english ?
What about practicing togther?
Casue I get the same mark as u
Just leave ur facebook acount link
I got 9.Its an interesting and educative quiz.I have just joined thanks
I got 100%
Thank you so much ,James. You are a amazing teacher!!
james you are the best teacher i study with him!
i love you!!!
I’ve got9/10
I got 100 out of 100 ♥
Thanks, James! oh btw, I love your outfit :)
I got 9/10. its superb
Thank you James
Lol i got 9 out of 10 thank you so much james ur such a great help i learned more from you than my previous teachers in high school.
Thanks, James! I am your fan. Your movies are great.
I got 9/10.
Thanks for the lesson that you are cascading James. It really means a lot.
10/10 a confidence booster, at least we are going somewhere.
I got 9 correct out of 10.. Thanks, James!
I got 10/10
thanx James for this interesting lesson
James thanks a lot ! Very clear and useful
this is cool
Oh cooool , lastly I found someone from my country
What do think about this coummounity ?
i got 10/10 ,thanks james a lot
But it wasn’t difficult after such great explanation.
Thanks a lot.
I really need in speaking practice. It would be nice to contact to someone to get it.
yes, with you i’m sure to master my English Mr James. thanks.
Thanks buddy for your help and your tips
Thank you very much teacher ?
You are superb James! Be a teacher was your calling. Thanks a lot, your way of teaching is extraordinary.
I got 90/100…it´s so great for me
I forgot to say …THANKS
going to work on preposition anyone there to play tic-tac-toe
I got 9/10. Thank you James! Clear explainations
But, I don’t have no one to practice english with…It’s a pity!
Thanks James, awesome video. Btw, I got 10!
I got 90%. I didn’t believe that. Thanks a lot.
I got 10/10.James you´re amazing.
I got 90. But very interesting topic!!
10/10 ?
Hey everybody!
James, u re cool guy! Thx
can we practice?
I got 90..thanks sir james, I will improve to get ?
I got 100% Thank u teacher
Thank you . I got 10/10
I got 80% ?
Thank you James! you’ve helped me a lot, the tutorial video was superb.
10/10 flowing up. such a good start!
Hi James, you are incredible teacher!! pretty cool
Hi James I have been looking for a partner to practice my English,Engvid videos and exercises have been really useful but I would also like to talk to someone,do you recommend any app?
thank you much mr.James.RESPECT.
I need someone who want to make conversation online. I want improve my speaking. if you interested on it please write me in facebook.
i will be happy to make a new friend.
Good lesson from good teacher
Anyone want to talk just give me ur facebook account link please
hey Bro, I love to talk to you in Facebook so here is my Facebook link
I like to talk
Thanks for the lesson James.
I got 9/10. Unbelievable My false answer is 1
Thanks for the lesson sir .
Thanks for very useful advices . In my opinion show empathy and good energy in a conversation its well known and very important in any other culture . It’s just a nice and kind behavior but ” the repetition is the mother of science ” :). I would like to say your way of teaching is very clear and easy to understanding for us-English students. Have a nice day and good energy for the next interesting video !
thanks James i got 9/10
i got the 10 woww, very benefit lesson .. you are giving us more than English.. its Soft skill.. Thanks .. keep up ..
Hey guys, im interested in practicing .. so send me if you are too ..
Thank you james! you are the best.
Thank you james! you are the best.for whoever wants to practice the language hit me up on Hello talk app @Mawada Essam
Hi James
Love your lessons, very interesting and useful. I was wondering if you would like to make a lesson about the difference between required and request? That will be so helpful! And also if you like, would you please make some lessons on” trick, trap, strike, trace, track” these words are so hard to understand, hope you can help, thank you. Appreciate.
I got 10/10 :) thank u so much I really enjoyed
I managed to fetch 10 out of 10 but I need more practice. I would love to speak with you guys…
I got 07/10, I’m happy for that?. Thanks James, you’re fantastic!
I got nine correct thanks james you know in my culture its not allowed to take your teachers name but here can I say or not
Okay (I mean can you give me more knowledge about this lesson?) XD
I got 90/100, what do you think guys about it?
I got 10 to 10 thanks
THanks a lot teacher
\o/ I got 10/10 :D it’s pretty cool ! If someone want to talk to me add me ;D
Thanks James, it was a great lesson
10/10. Thanks James
It’s so cool! I got 9! thanks~
Hi, it’s really usefull video, thanks James :)
that wwas great thanks
i got 10/10 thanks james
wow I got 10
Nice…… I got 10/10
I got 9/10, the only mistake I made is in the definition of empathy
Thank you James You are awesome!
hey i got 8 from 10
Thanks for sharing such videos and many many thanks from teacher
Hi, is there anyone to help me for learning english better ?? i want someone to talk with me or chat with me ?? if yes so here is my whats up number 0093786031290
thanks a lot for such as nice videos
i got 9 out of 10 that was great and helpful for me thanks a lot teacher James
I got 9/10
I got 9/10 thanks james
Hi everybody, is there anyone to practice English?
I got 9/10. It was nice, thank you James! Now I just need to practice more my conversation skills :)
Thank you for the lesson!
Thank you so much .I really enjoyed it especially to be interested for people is more important than to be interesting .Also the sentence you added to Nelson Mandella was great .
James your teaching is fabulous.
Thank you for the lesson
I got 90% ?
10/10 Thanks Jade. I learned something about conversation. Also Nelson Mandela is right!!
Thanks James
Beautiful class James. I think this is a great lesson, not only to learn English, but also for life. Congratulations on this interesting class. Thanks James. Best regards.
Great Lesson James. I would like to practice my English conversation skills more often. If anyone is interested, please let me know.
Hi Alberio! I want to practise English with you. Please add me on Facebook :
If someone want to practise English with me you are wellcome!
Hi Olha! i want to practice my skills too.
My Facebook is Parnid Nps Bhikkhu. I really want to practice with you
Hello Albeiro. I am in Bogotá too. We can practice english conversation.
got a perfect score! thanks james!
hello everyone i’m practicing to speak in english. can anyone chat with me on skype? if you have the time. thanks guys
hello i can practice with you i you like. it will be a great help. thanks. :)
thank you for lesson
i got 10 correct out of 10
Thanks James. This was an wonderfull lesson. hi everybody. I want to practise my English. Who wants to join me on WhatsApp, this is my number +355675563764.
Thanks very much James, you are awesome,I m learn too much wiyh you!!!!!
Hit me up guys, i rly wanna practice and talk with somebody :)
yuhhu… I got 10/10. thank you so much. is my facebook account guys.. i want to improve my speaking skills.
cant find yours.
yaaayeee.! got 100
10 over 10
Sir James you are a great teacher.
Got 10/10 in first time, guy cant wait to test this one. Add me on facebook, Vikas Kalyana. if anybody wants to improve
9 out of 10. Thanks James
Thank you, for the lesson, time to practice it in real life.
I got perfect score. thanks.
Thank you for your existing keep up the good work
9 out of 10.
Thanks for useful tips!
10/10 Thanks…Good way to practice
hi games….. thank you alot for this amazing lesson
9/10 not to bad but i really want to improve my pronunciation and my vocabulary
So, that’s really great
Anyone to practice??
I got 10/10 thhank.. good for me :)
Thank you!
I got 80%. It is great.
10/10 yooo <3
Hi, everybody! I got 10/10! I think, It is very helpful lesson to everybody! What are you think about it?
Thanks, James! Your lessons are superb!
Thank you James! By the way, anyone wants to practice? Hit me up: @rsadykov17 (Telegram)
great lesson,I need to parner for practice speaking,my speaking is awful,could you help me?
I got 100% but still, there’s a lot of things I need to improve. Anybody here wants to talk to me? Let’s have some practice conversation :)
i am here
nice lesson, I love it
Thank you Jamens!
I’ve got 100% true answers of the test after lesson. I think that the lesson is very useful.
Hi everyone .I am looking for a partner if you want too , text me on instagram or telegram. I’m waiting for you …you can reach me at this ID amin_farahzadi.
Hi would like to practice my english. If you want as well find me on facebook.
Hello James,
Thanks for the lesson. I got 9 but, still, have much to learn.
I got 7/10
Thank you
i got 9 in the exam this video really useful but i wana someone to talk with him to improve my english anyone can help me
I’m Alex from Germany. Did you find your talk-partner? I’m interested in talking to you. Is that ok for you? You can answer me on my E-Mail-Adress:; Thanks!
I’ve got an unexpected result 10/10.
Thank you so much for the lesson Teacher James.
My Facebook is Parnid Nps Bhikkhu,I’d like to have friends from this website to practice my english speaking skill
i got 90 that’s great
9 out of 10
10/10…and yet I always thought I could not have decent conversations :)
as always nice … thank you James
thanks for lesson
thanks for you sir
Great job
I got 10/10, thanks for lesson James
8/10 its great Im try and try to improve my English langues
I get 8 thanks for your teaching.
Okay and I want someone who want to improve conversation skill let’s chat together I want to improve too.
i got 8/10. it’s interesting. thanks so much James
I need friends whom I can practise what I learn from this site… any one interested?
I got 09/10. Thanks james.
09/10 :) Thanks James
Hi James, your class is very funny and clear.
i got 9 thanks james i ask if there anyone would like to practice with me
Hello everyone! I’m looking for a partner to speak with!!
Hello Pedro! what do you think about we practice together ?
Hi Mars, of course! How can we talk to each other? Fb, skype, whatsapp….
Improving our conversation needs a lot of practice. Is there anybody interested for practicing with me?
All the people who wants to have conversation join this server. It’s for free.
My nickname Garynych#7867
Feel free to invite me
Now i got 8 out of 10 correct but there was one of it that made me confused anyway anyone wants to speak hit me up on instagram: mostaneer
i got 100% yes
I got 80%
Thanks James! 8/10
I’ve got 9/10 …thanks a lot ???
Hey guys.
If someone wants to practice, add me on Facebook then we can talk.
8/10 I imagine not bad..thanks James..You are very good teacher.
Yes!! ?? I’ve got 9/10
I’ve got 10/10 thanks, James I’ve never seen a great teacher like you thank you so much keep it up.
can anyone make a group to talk and improve our english ? add me please
Great! thank’s
i got 10/10 :D
I got 8 out of 10! Thank you , James!
ı got 100 points
Hi James you are a great teacher and love your methods
10/10 cool :D
You’re geat, i really like your lessons.
10/10 thank u
it’s really great lecture
thank you
10/10 ! You are James so awesome teacher ! Guys, who whoud like to speak and practice language on skype or social media ? English is not my native language and I would like to practicing with someone?
I need to practice english conversation with some one?
Thank you James
Very good lesson
Hi James, I’m 100%, thanks for your tip about this topic…You are a very good teacher.
I love this teacher!
I got 10\10 Thanks for you .i really like ur lessons.
I got 10/10. thanks James. Your cool?
10/10 Thanks for these principles
Thanks Mr. James I got 10/10. what do you think about my performance? that’s my phone number for more assignments.(217 670 7504)
Thanks bro. I got 09/10.
I think it is important to know how maintain a health conversations. It was a good work from that teacher.
I got 10/10
Thanks James for this leason :D
That’s Awesome !!! Thank you so much James !
Who would like made a conversation online,at this time i have a pre-intermediate level, can left my contact
i got 10/10 hey have you ever noticed that your the best teacher in the world? or at least one of them:D
i hope you continue your way as well as now
I feel superd I got a 90% even i didn’t le attention. How do you feel about that lesson?
I got 90
Thanks James
James, this is priceless. I think my students will benefit greatly! Thanks!
i got 90% wowowo
I got 100-. It’s a good lesson. Thank You.
Thanks Mr. james
Mr. James is a amazing teacher. Thank you so much for this tips! You teach very easily, I got 10/10 in this quiz! ?
best regards,James (Kazakhstan o6 Dec2o21:)
thanchs james ,you great teacher
My first here and I thought a great class ! very Useful tips in a short time ! be sure James is a great teacher ! congrats !
Hi james I can’t thank you enough for this vital lesson, Keep the chain up,I am looking forward to for English practice mate, if you you also looking for one, here I am, stop searching and hook me up, I am await you there, Email me at,
I got 10/10 but still I have one doubt in this video that is,if I’m asking the question and person answers like disinterested in the conversation.In this situation we should use energy trick..The doubt is weather we should ask same question or someother questions.can anyone help me for this!!
done 10 out of 10
Wow , adsulotly super nice I really liked ti Mr.Jemes