I gotta run
, Take it easy
, Have a good one
, Catch ya later
, Take care
, and many more to increase your English vocabulary and conversation skills. Do you think you’ve got it? Make sure to test your knowledge by completing the quiz at the end of the video on EngVid.com! ‘Til next time, enjoy the rest of your day.
Thanks a lot Alex. U are a cool guy.
I’m glad you liked the lesson, pepe. Thanks!
Thank you for this good lesson and of course for your cool style ;) See ya next time =)
See ya, Sebastian. Thanks for checking out the lesson.
Thanks Alex…see you later.
Yep! Have a good one!
Thanx.Bye. Catch you later.
You’re welcome! Have a good one!
I sometimes receive the phrase “Enjoy the rest of your day,” from my online English tutors. It was the first expression for me to listen to until some time ago, and also kind of hard for me to memorize. Then, I would be able to enjoy the rest of my day in the future.
It sounds like you’re familiar with it now, though. :) That’s great!
thanks Alex see you later
Any time. See ya!
Hi Alex thank you it was very useful for me, for now, enjoy the rest of your day?❤
Same to you, Zaytun! Thanks for checking out the lesson.
Wohoo ! I got 20/20 :). Thank you so much Alex .
Nice work! Keep it up and thanks for stopping by to leave a comment, Annie. :)
have a good one, my master
have a good one, my master
Same to you, ahmed. Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Alex, very useful lesson.
Have a nice summer and…stay out fo trouble ;-)
Haha. I’ll try. Same to you!
Thank you, teacher..!! See ya later!!
Any time, Jakub. Have a good one!
Hi Alex. There’s one I find missing in (from?) your list. The one Wokulski said to Izabela at the station in Skierniewice.
My Polish cultural knowledge isn’t as strong as it used to be. I’m not familiar with that story. :) What did Wokulski say?
I think I’m not going to reveal it. Check it out in “The Doll” by Bolesław Prus. It’s a good novel, anyway :)
He meant a phrase from the book”the doll” farewell “
Thanks, Alex.
Have a good one!
You too, mohammad! Thanks for dropping by to watch the lesson!
Thank you, Alex! Useful and funny. See you later, alligator:))
In a while, crocodile. :) See you!
My pleasure. Thanks for checking it out!
I watched your video and it’s superp.
“Superb.” :) Don’t forget the b at the end. Thanks for checking it out!
i got 20/20, i usually have got good mark your lesson, you explain very clearly and easily to understand, thank Alex
Hi Alex, thank you very much for your lesson
Have a nice week
Tata for now
If you think studying English is boring, that´s because you´ve never watched a video by Alex. He´s definitely one of the funniest teachers at EngVid.
Thanks a lot and ’til the next video.
We´ll be excited to see you again.
Take care ;)
Thamks a lot i got all correct
Thank you Alex!!
I enjoy learning the lesson with you.
thank you Alex!!
20 correct out of 20. Now, it’s time to enjoy the video.
Thank you for creating such a good lesson.
Hava a good one
Is it okay to say “See you Saturday” instead of “See you on Saturday?”
Absolutely. Either way is fine.
Hi Alex, great show ! We love that kind of lesson! By the way,as billions persons I don’t watch wreslering, maybe once or twice in a week that’s it :)))
Catch ya later budy
Really good Alex, as allways.
See you later, alligator.
after while, crocodile :)
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Thank you Mr.Alex
Thank a lot,it really useful for me. :)
Thank you Alex. you’re the best!
Thanks my teacher of TOEFL Elest my Name is said jama roobleSO I need to end my English…
Thanks a lot Alex, you’re extremely individual cool dude.
Thanks, Alex.
Take it easy…
You too. Have a good one, Juliano. Thanks for checking out the lesson.
Hey Alex! It’s a very fun and I really enjoyed this lesson. Thanks! See you!
See ya! Thanks for checking out the lesson, John! :)
Thank you Alex! Till the next time.
‘Til next time, thanks for clicking, Monette. Have a great weekend.
Au revoir Alex. A la prochaine ! Tchao !
C’est toujours un plaisir d’écouter tes leçons.
Merci et a tout a l’heure! :)
Excellent lesson. Have a nice day :)
Thank you. Same to you! Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you, Alex!
You’re welcome! Thanks for checking out the lesson!
I don’t say goodbye but arrivederci..a smile
That’s a good one too! ;)
Thanks, Alex, it’s funny and interesting.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for checking it out.
That was really useful Alex .Thank you.
Any time. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on the lesson. :)
Thank you Alex.
Have a nice day!
Same to you, TEDYS. Thanks for checking out the lesson. Have a great weekend.
Hello Alex, thanks for lessonss. You are the best teacher! Can you tell me: which is easier PTE academic or ielts general?
Hi Elda, I’m not familiar with PTE academic. But a general test will almost always be easier than an academic test, so I would say IELTS general probably has more achievable outcomes.
Thank you teacher Alex
Any time. Thanks for checking out the lesson, Majed.
thank you so much,you are a great teacher
You’re very welcome! And thank you for the kind feedback.
Thanks you Alex you are the best !!!
You’re very welcome. Thank you for studying with me!
Hi Alex, if I didn’t want to see a person later, Can I use see you later ?
You could, but it would sound strange. A more nebulous way to say this would be “See you around.”
Thank you Alex, this is a very useful.
You’re very welcome. I’m glad you found it beneficial.
I love your classes!
Thank you! That’s great to hear!
I got 100 ???
Nice work!
thanks a lot Alex, this lesson is really helpful
I got 90 ?, thank you very much Alex, you are a great teacher
Thanks Alex, Take it easy.
Thank you sir
Thanks so much Alex!
Hi Alex! Thanks for your easy and very useful
explanation about all phrases. It’s very useful. I’ve got perfect score in your test. I am from Philippines. Have a good day and take it easy.
Take care, Alex. Waiting for new videos!
I like this video very much ❤
It’s soooo funny ?
But i wanna make a suggestion ..
Can u arrange videos from the oldest one to the new…
actually when other persons talking about anything i cant understand.But i can understand u ,Ma Teacher Alex.Thanks really.I felt better.I hope i’ll learn this easy language.
Thanks! It was useful
Thank you Alex for all you do. Have a good time with you family.hope for you the best.
okey, have to go. till next vidéo. bey.
Thank you Alex
see ya
Thank you ALex.It’s useful for me.
Thanks Sir Alex for your informative lesson. I’ve got perfect score in your quiz. Keep in touch and have a nice day. Bye! Bye!
Thank you Mr. Alex! Catch you later.
bye tiltil we meat again
Thank you for your lesson.
I like it and.., I gotta jet.>>>>>>
thank you
I am a Chinese.I am interested in your class which is so interesting.I will pay close attention to you.See you later.
engVid. That’s legit!
Alex. He’s sweet!
Hey we can use be safe alix
I had a strong camaraderie with your lesson. I mean everytime that you’re discussing the lesson, I’m listening carefully so that I can understand and remember nor memorize those words that you’re talking about. That’s why I always got a perfect scor. Thanks a lot sir Alex. I gotta go!
Alex, you’re amazing! Really appreciate your materials and the way you present them:))
thanks Alex
It’s always a real pleasure to attend your excellent courses. I’m so proud I got 100 for the quiz. I hope I’ll remember these expressions to use them often in my conversations. Thanks a lot to you.
Thank you!
Enjoy the rest of your day :)
Thanks Alex
Everytime you smile. Keep like this?
good lesson
Bye, Have a nice day Alex.
it’s great
why do we use ‘ in english.
ahah. I’ve got 95. the last one was tricky. thanks.