Do you want to make studying English easy and fun? Are you looking for a way to use English in your real life? Watch this video to discover three tips guaranteed to have you learning fast and mastering your English while being productive in your life at the same time. These tips have been tried and tested by many language students, and I’m sharing them with you now! This is the closest it gets to complete English immersion, but best of all, you can do it from home, and it’s totally free! So what are you waiting for?
Most of the beautiful moments I’ve ever had, have been; reading a lot about your culture, watching passionately documentaries, among other things. Please, could you teach me greek? I’m that big on your language, of course in english, too.
Thanks a lot, James
Thank you Games for this lesson you deserve more than thanks .
Wow, thank you James. I realised that you were using a Brasil’s shirt just a few minutes since I started to watch your teaching. I’m from Brasil – MG, was living in Rio de Janeiro berfore I came to United States of America. I had my first english steps with you from Engvid. Alot of things that you said in that class, it is happening with me since I arrived in this country. Now for exemple, I had to louse me afraid, to write this. Thank you so much to teaching us, and to pushing us. hugs. Mateus.
Great job James! I love the way you teach.
thank you james
thank you james. this session did stress me out because i was watching at a 1.5X speed. :D :D
it was a stress buster
Thank you teacher james this is intersting leason
Abdishakur Abdi
I’m requisting here a student that i meak whith a confrontation to enprove our skeaking language this is my skeype: cabdishakuur.cabdi
Abdishakur Abdi
so nice lesson James as usual
Your advices are very useful.
ghassan chahme
Thanks.your lesson sounds pragmatic to me
Thanks a lot.
Thanks James. I’ve been in US a couple of times, got into restaurants or fast foods and sadly found that they use a lot of slangs and phrases that I had never used before. It gets me frustrated to see that when you are in a real english spoken place, they use a lot of words and things different of what you learn in “correct” english.
That’s very commonly, my brother went to US a few weeks ago, and he told me this: “Dude, how I wished you were there to give me a hand with ordering food or go shopping, because I didn’t understand quite good what they were talking, I merely understood when they said food.” LOL
I am motiveted to learn english because you use a good technic of teaching thank you
Great lesson!. Thank so much teacher and hope to get more tips from you soon.
Many thnaks, useful video.
very useful, thanks a lot
thank you…
Elmer Merino
thank you
Thank you James, I really like your lesson, it is very useful for me. I also like your t-shirt, maybe sometimes you can do a lesson about soccer vocabulary and soccer slang. All the best to you.
Thanks you.
Hi there! Thank you James, those are really good tips!
Speaking of tips… is there somebody interested to a (new) pen pal ??
I’m available! Let me know| :)
Hey. I am going to take an IELTS exam at the end of this month, and if u don’t mind we can interact. Thus, we both can improve our writing and speaking skills.
Hi Traveller999 !
Nice to meet you :D
I’m looking for some one for writing skill only :D
Let me know if you’re interested!
See you!
Well, I don’t mind. Then I need your email to write letters.
Best wishes
I look forward to hearing from you!!!
Write me soon!!! :)
Hi Fr4ndy!
Hi Natália!
I’m new here and… I’m nothing good in English language. But I’m very interesting about learn this!
what you think if we study by skype for example?
Renan Araujo91
Don’t worry you’ll learn very quickly as we have well educated English teachers here.
Vinay pal
Hey there. Would you like to communicate on skype or by email?
I prefer by Email :D
hey. i want to improve my english too. my skype – bakassarina
I want to have a pen pal to practice my English
Hello Fr4ndy! Nice to meet you! I am interested to have a pen pal in order to practice! Can I send you an e-mail? Thanks a lot!
Hey There!
Yes, of sure! :)
I can’t wait to read all my new pen pal friends’ mails!!!
Hey guys im also like to join with you, i m also interested to improve my english skill, so i like to write penpal !!!!!
Instead of pen pal can I be your chat mate instead?
Sending letter is a bit costly if I send it abroad hahha
thanks : ) very useful
Very good. Thanks.
Thanks very much
hmmmm dear James, I agree with you about everything but the second one. I make myself clear: where’s the difference between an instantaneous translation and a postponed, and consequently, slower one.It’s always an external aid. But with the “ancient” method you risk to lose the sense of the sentence…. At least it’s what I think. I definitely agree with the method, anyway, but I think it’d be inapplicable because the reasons I said and the actual difficulty to find always a teacher ready and available to satisfy all yours enquiries (here in Italy, in my english school, the teachers are always in a hurry, they jump from a class to the next one and you can’t even tackle them….).So, keep going on, I love you all and I ask for always more lessons about phrasals. Thanks James!
Thank you for your wonderful lessons :-)
This is great. Thank you a lot ))
thank you.your lecture is very good.
Hello, James! Thanks for this useful lesson. I will try to follow your tips. By the way, nice T-shirt. Unfortunately, the Brazilian soccer team is not as good as it used to be in the past. Greetings from Brazil!
Júlio César L Sousa
Ronaldo was the best football player I´ve every seen. I mean, the Brazilian one, not the Portuguese ;)
Unfortunately, he had some lesions in his knees that didn´t allow him to play properly in the end of his career.
I agree with you. Ronaldo helped a lot the Brazilian soccer team to win the world cup of 2002.
Júlio César L Sousa
Nice t-shirt so thanks a lot
James whit a Brazilian-shirt on! haha How crazy! Good lesson James, thnx.
What a surprise watch you wearing a brazilian T-shirt! So cool! I felt honored
carlos 2138
Thank you James.
Thank you very much James!!What a pity the noise in the airport you taught in XD
Thanks a lot for the shines James… Really useful!!!
Thank you very much! This lesson take me back to listen more music and try to understand what the song is trying to tell us. Regards Andrea
thank you for your important information
aslamu alaikum,can we become a pen pal? Look forward to your write back,we can discuss in more detail.
Thanks much more. No doubt, singing with english song is fun but definitelt difficult. :-)
Zafar Ali Khan
woooow ,, I got 90 of 100 that was useful lesson as always ..
thanksssss james
Damn Nice James…Great T-shirt man! That was an even better lesson. Thanks bro
Thank you very much.
I’m Samah .
I want someone talk to me on bbm or instagram mybe we can improve our english.
That my pin bbm :7D25A9AC
My instagram :mo7axx99
Samah Abdo
AND me also whatsApp 01118200540
8 out of 10 thanks
asma sherif
Thank you James, I really felt as if you are talking to me personally. Do you have a page on facebook ? I really want to keep everywhere around me.
correction = To keep you *
Great Job! i like james lesson.
thank you
Thanks for the lesson and for the tribute to Brazil :-)
Cristina Canale
Nice t-shirt Bro. Yours tips are great and absolutly true nowadays.
thanks Mr James , you look great in that T.shirt :D , would you please suggest some names of collages that i can learn English in “ONLINE ”
i want to take an academic and more organized study . thank you Mr James , you teach us how to speak , how to behave and put a nice smile on our cheeks :D
Aya Ayo
would you make a video about claim , disclaim , exclaim and so on ….
Aya Ayo
Excellent class, easy to learn with your… Thanks!!!!!!
Thank you so much.
Pintard Baniya
You are the best, thank you.
Thanks James, it was very interesting, good tips for us to improve our English.
it is very useful
vietnguyen872014 the way, what’s wrong with a milkshake containing banana, apple and pork?
Thanks so much
Best Teacher i Ever Seen
One of my favorite teachers : ) Always makes me smile. Brazilians you are very lucky ones today !
Why cannot i watch videos this page from my smartphone please someone tell me ? i can only for my laptop?
You might need the Youtube app on your phone, or to use a different mobile browser.
engVid Moderator
WELL…thank you for this enjoyable lesson ..
teacher I would like you to tell us what are the best TV programs AND shows we should watch as a second language learner ???
thanks again .. waiting your answer >>>…..
Thank you
Thank you
rayan almuzail
Thanks so much nice lesson
Amazing lesson :)
Sameera Iqbal
thanks for video. im on follow :)
Thank you for bring me back to the right way!!
Nice tips teacher.
Hello!My name Slava.I want to conversation with somebody in English
also i want to chat with anybody to raise my degree
whatsApp +201118200540
Cool and useful lesson! Thanks!
Thanks teacher james I need to pratice else
I really admire your way of teaching, Simple Funny and Efficient. Thank you James.
I want to have a pen pal. Anyone interested??
Hi, i would like to be your pen pal. :)
Hi, i would like to be your pen pal. Give me your mail.
Thank you, teacher!Great class and great t-shirt too.
Wendel Correia
Thank you.
thansk you teacher, I´m a new student in this website, and I think that is great
i like your video, it was really interesting and fun.
very great!!!
Thank you Mr James!
thank you teacher
thank you.
Thanks a lot
you the man
thanks a lot
It was really great lesson. Thank you James, you are #no1.
Thank you but it still existing hard problems can’t be solved in one video
thank you and all my respect
Thanks a lot
Thank you James, keep calm and don’t affraid the planes.
Thank you :)
You are excellent teacher and by the way, I love your shirt!
Thank you. You´re a great teacher.
Anybody knows websites to practice conversation skills? I appreciate.
Was a great Lesson teacher, you’re the great!
Hi, James! Nice T-shirt!!
From Guatemala , thanks James, great work
Jose Lazzo
Thanks,James!Good tips.But as for the quiz I think some questions can have multiple answers.
Thank you Mr.James , I suggest you to make a video about ( How you can succeed in speaking exam in English ) because many students want to pass this exam with good marks .
Omar Aljamal
Oh I got 50 points of the Quiz :(
Very clear english lesson
Many thanks
We really make alot of benefits especially when we joined here our words are speechless to thank you
Hi James, it was such a nice and funny class. Thank you. I’m doing some of the things you mencioned.
Have a nice day!!!
thanks you
mohammad ahmed
I got 9 outta 10. Nice lesson James!
Great T-shirt !!! Great teaching!!!
New one came from VietNam joined I hope my engl moving everyday,my skype is anphuvp please give me chances to apractice engl everyone.thanks
does any one know what James said in last second of his video? want to know after this”have a good one” … . please help me.
who knows Engdiv’s video have subtitle or not? if yes how may I find them?(just want you know we are banned to access to youtube so can not use its utilities.)
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank you
Gregorio Gonzalez 1517
Was very good.
Was very good. 80. Points.
!WONDERFULL! !GREAT! With teachers like him everybody want to learn English. Thank youuuuuuuuuu
very usefull tips
Great job!
thanks sir.
thanks sir james its a big help for me….
Thank you for the great lesson. What is exactly the meaning of “to make up a business”.
Strongly agree on the second point, and I saw myself as the worst example of it. In my case, I often use Google translate to let the computer do the work for me where I’m not using my brain to “learn it”, but reading my own language. Where now, I need to pay for being lazy, to learn English Grammar from the beginning. To start everything over, because abandoned 2 years that had make me forget everything. Right now my Grammar wasn’t good enough to use daily speaking, and especially essay writing. However, my lesson proved enough beginner should not use technology to be”lazy” but actually learn IT. Hope others can learn from my lesson :_( A sad one. By the way, teacher James, Thanks for your video, I enjoyed.
thank you mr james.
thank you! you are amazing teacher!!
Tseren-Ubushieva Ilyana
Hey i want to make penpal with you, Do you want too? just pin me in
extraordinary James!
Thank you, James!
I like the way you teach, and I’m going to take your lessons at least on weekend.
I try doing these practices, good idea, thanks.
Tank You
The speed listening was the best tip I’ve ever seen. Thank You very much.
thanks a lot for your lesson james, it has helped me greatly
Thank you very much James and all English teachers on I found this website and the videos on it very useful for me. I really appreciate the idea of making such interesting and free lessons.
The way James teaches is very interesting.
Niamatullah Ahmadzai
9/10 Thanks for your lessons James! I like your manner of speaking.
you are always awesome.
Could you also teach us how to use the conditional clause in your style? I felt totally confusing after attending Adam’s course…. Sad story. Thank you in advance. Looking forward to your reply.
thanks ))
Thank you. I feel your English speed was a little bit fast. So I want to keep studying Eglish!!
very good.thanks a lot mr .i,m happy for join to Engvid group.
i hope your videos really help me ,i know very words in English and my listening is great, but i’m very bad at production (speaking and writing)i really want practice to improve my English ,because i’m a English teaching student in 4th semester but i can’t speak good and it makes me sad and worry for the future!
I am really grateful. It is a pleasure.
Robinah Nattabi
Thank you James!!
I am a Chinese and not often listen to English radio or TV or songs or even reading English books.
You gave me another ways to improve my English!
I will try these ways to learn English better in the coming future.
Really loads of thanks!!
it is funny and helpful
Thank you very much. It’s really useful advices.
Thank you,
You used the very fantastic example.
This website is pretty better than my English school and the accent of the teachers is so quiet that I can understand everything I love it. A help for everyone, I use an app for the browser google chrome which is called grammarly and it will help you in any text you want to write and is an app for mac aswell so you can use it over microsoft word or any text modificator.
Dear James feels very good when get 100
Thanks so much
Kirtisinh Jadeja
Thank you James! I hope to improve with these important tips.
thanks. I appreciate that. See ya!
Thanks for this lesson and these tips, James!
Interesting your T-shirt! Brasil with “s”, the original spelling in Portuguese. If you like the brazilian soccer, along with the canadian, maybe this time it shall be better (or not, because it has always been weaker in Olympic games).
Best regards and “tchau”.
Fabio Cicerre
i want to have a pen pal^^
Is anyone want to be a pen pal too?
i’m using a mobile phone but i can’t watch the video.what’s wrong
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are in China they are probably blocked.
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot. You’ve told about simple but very important tips. That’s very useful!!!
Rose Akhmerova
Thank You James…
Great James! A relly good lesson!!!
thank u very much
Thank you for giving me good opportunity to learn English and I’m encouraged by you. The third topic is really great idea. I’m living in Sydney for 9 years but my written and spoken Enlish abilities might not suitable to work in Australian company. I studied IT(networking) course and graduated it several years ago. However,I’ve never gotten full time position. I’ll try third one as a model to get some experience and improve my spoken English. I cannot thank you enough, James! ^^
Joshua Jung
Thank you :) It helps me a lot.
nice learning video
Mohamed Saleh 91
Great lesson James, very useful for us that are learning and practicing English.
This video is helpful thank you James! Anybody want to be pen pal? :)
Hi, how are you ?
my name is Lucas, I´m from Brazil
I want to practice my writting with you in English
If you want too, my email is
See you….
hey , whats up ? i wonder if we can practice together
can i ?
eman younes moaffa
Now I know that I am learning because of my mistake, if I don’t I will be thinking that am good were as am not good enough. So thank you for this opportunity
Thanks for the opportunity
I am happy
Thanks James..
Anyone here wants new pen pal friend here?.. please join me at ..
Great lesson..
I think you could combine the serious and the funny things at the same time.
Love the way you teach James.
but i think the most difficult one is the last, “Make up a fake business calls”.
And it should be brave enough to do that.
super! thank you for lesson, its important
Hi I want to speak English but I can not speak well I want to take ur class in Skype its possible u teach me on skpy plz reply me soon
waniya javed
9 correct out of 10. thank you
Hello everybody! I do not know but i can understand very well to James. I am a beginner but i am going to improve my english here in this page.
thank you
Hi everybody!
I’m in early period of english language learning, and I would like to take James’s advice, so I am looking forward my new pen pals’s letters curiously.
thanks teacher, really this website is one of the best websites for learning English…
Ooooh….stress is apart of my life…thx 4 the advices
Tt is a really nice video with such useful tips for learning English. Now I’m leaving my first comment here since i had my user account today .Best wishes with you.
Thank you very much!! Nice t-shirt by the way… ;D
Great, thank you:)
Really good.
I going to follow these guideline and improve my English
Hello everybody!
What about being my pen pal? I think it’s opportunity to improve our english levels.
More then, I can tech you, interested person, the Russian language (if you want, of cource).
We also can become colleagues, may become friends and etc.
I just learn English, but learners can help to up each other’s knowledges.
And friendship with foreingers is the most beautiful thing!
What do you say, humans? Give me your answers:
Forgive me for my small mistakens, please!
Love your videos and your t-shirt =D
Thanks a lot,you are really a fantastic teacher. I enjoy your lessons so much.
Thank you so much for the tips, James! I also liked your T-shirt. It’s very original. Why don’t come to Brazil so as to enjoy the beautys of Rio and to teach us in alive audience?
Eduardo França
Hi James, thank you so much,
Nguyen Van Hau
Hi James, thanks for the tips!
Someone interested in a new pen pal friend?
I wasan´t paying attention on the class, I put it to listen and to know how it work, and I really loved it.
Marta Mendes Valadades
Thank you James, I loved it!
Marta Mendes Valadades
Thank you JAMES! This tips are usefull, and increase my reasons for practice! :D
I see that lesson has created a good strat for makin penpals for everyone. Well, we all are here to learning English, aren’t we? So, I wanna leave Russia and live in Australia in future. And I’m gonna make new english-speaking friends abroad! So, I know English like an intermediate in writing, but like a beginner in speaking. And I haven’t noticed myself to you – Danila Golikov.
My e-mail:
My Skype: DukeOblivioner
Feel free for communicate with me. I’m awaiting you.
Thx Jame for the tips but in Thailand people dont talk in English so I dont know where i can practice my English skill
Nice one!
Thank you James for the advice. I have learned a lot of new things today. I agree with you that reducing stress can help to learn new things faster. By the way, you are fun. :)
Thank you so much, like always, you are so funny.
Marta Lopez
Thanks a lot James. You are a good teacher.
Antonio Tomei
It´s difficult to reduce our stress when we´re talking with someone that has a cockney accent. By the way, nice T-shirt James. Thanks for the class.
Helvecio Breno
Could anyone help me to strengthen my speaking skills by a live conversation? I need It live through Skype. Thank you.
connect me on skype at paawan987
Wow, I loved these tips, surely I’ll used them, so, thank you so much James, you’re great!
And I really need to improve my English skills, I’m in my comfort zone, and I have to go out of her, I don’t want to be hostage of translator anymore. Anyway, I’ll appreciate a lot, if someone want to practice with me, and help me in my walk! Thank you very much in advance!^^
You’re great!
Thanks a lot, James. It is really helpful and interesting lesson, You’re a nice teacher.
Thank you a lot
teacher are you from brasil??? anyone knows about it ???
connect with me on skype at paawan987
feel free to reach me
Open to talk to anyone to improve conversation.
My first video and i went received with a t-shirt of Brazil !!!! already like this!
Thanks for tips!
thanks james , you are amasing.
Yusuf .A . K
Hey james thanks a lot, I am learning new things in english because of you.
Thanks a lot , james . this lesson is very helpful :)
salma osama
thank you very much teacher, James.
hey hello everybody i need somine to talk with him in english my facebook is rahim moulay
Thank you very much
Tell the true: you love Brazil. LOL
Pedro Arigoni
Thank you, James! Great lesson!
Thank you, James
Great James ! Beautiful T-Shirt :)
Great work James. those were really amazing tips, but for me i find “the imaginary business” is a high risk tip not needed , or maybe i`m not like that brave yet :Xd
I got 9 of 10
You are grate, Thank you.
Thank you sooo much :)
Thanks a lot, James
thank you so very much teacher James i really learn from you
It is very useful to me.
thank u james
thanks a lot
Thank you James I enjoyed watching this lesson
Vugar Beshirov
Thank you…I think you are really a good teacher
Good tips to improve the skills.
Many thanks
nice lesson , nice teacher and nice T-shirt, have a nice day.
thank u James for your emotional way to express yourself! useful tips as well
Great – james
Very useful
It’s really funny indeed.
Thanks a lot. :)
Seiki Jun
Is it real the sound of aircraft during the lesson??
Abuomar Sabbagh
Thanks a lot.It’s really helpful. :)
Is there any problem with your uploaded video?
Why I cant open it?
thanks for ur uploading videos
khaalid abdirashiid barkhadle
Great. Thanks for your lesson!
Hi, has ever happens, when I watch your videos, it make reduce my stress (sss), your couching class are amazing and helpfull to get real feeling y imaging the situation.
many thanks for this king of support!! I use to see your teacing by relax and learing. I learned to be as batman (as your mention in others video). Kind regards!
You are the best teacher! :)
Kristina J
it`s Really helpful video thanks a lot Mr. James
8/10…Thank you! :)
I like the way you teach english lessons. It’s a nice and funny way to have my attention and not get boried.
And you’re very handsome.
thank you james i very happy to lesten to you
thanks my teacher
ayoub dh
hijames this is first time have to write for you I do prefer your way about teach it is very good
mahmoud ali kasim
Thanks, James! Your T-shirt is really beautiful heheh! Good choice ??
i really excited since i know this website you already taught us how to improve our english quickly n in an easy way …here is my whatsapp number if anyone wants to practice his E .. fine i got no more to say i appreciate all of u guys :D
lol sorry i have forgot to put mine it is +201018269629
Hi man
Do you want to practice english together??
nice lesson :)
Hi guYs! if someone wants a pen pal, heRe is mY email/
thank for your help. that’s wonderful
I love your t-shirt, I’m Brazilian .. thank you so much for your class …
Thanks James!!!!
Douglas Lagos
Thanks James! It was a great lesson!
Thanks James, I would like to speak English like you :)
Thanks a lot JAMES. Very useful Lesson
Thank you.:)
A very good lesson James. I´m going to watch a lot of series in the original version from now!
oh ~ it have been really useful information. :) thanks
useful course.
three tips to reduce
Thank you James
it was agreat lesson???
Thank you James for these very useful advices!
thank you
thank you very much James for those wonderful tips..
Thank you. It was a challenge for me to understand you. So I used paper and pen, translator, reducing the speed, and working! I achieved my goal but I had still to reduce the speed a little bit at the end.
Thank you. I use your recommandation: I ‘m writing to you. I hope my sentencs are correct ;-)
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thank you ^^
Thank man
Thanks a lot !
stress is the problem:/
when i start to speak english i feel like i have a heart attack :D
anyway, thanks James you are always special
thanks james
Thank you.
I love you more Mr. James and I guess that the same feeling you get can from others who are willing to do / make the order.:)
Thanks for keeping me on track as always. Same goes to the other teachers (Ms. Emma and “Crazy” :))
Hey James, I agree with you it’s difficult to learn new language but it’s not impossible all you need a little of passion thanks man you are great teacher.
thanks a lot James. you’re amazing teacher :)
thank you so much James. you’re a great teacher make me laugh and learn in the same time :)
thanks for these advices
i’ve did three mistakes on 10.. that’s not bad for my begin
You are right mate, using translator at certein degree is not very helpful, it is better use the dictionary and read the meaning of words. thank you very much for teaching into the way you do.
Thanks a lot James!
I’ve been learning English for 1 year. I’d like to practice my speaking skills. My skype babunov.1997
Hi, teacher!
I’m Cleiton from Brazil..
Thanks for today’s lesson.. I need to improve my listening comprehension.. Could you help me with some tips, please?
Have a great day! =]
Thanks teacher James
Just Great! Master class and usefull tips. Thanks a lot James!
Thank you .This course is really good.
Thanks for the tips!!
thanks ,
it is very usefull practice for learning english . and its amazing idea to reduce stress because i feel stress while communication and interview , thnaks to you for shearing the video
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
Thanks a lot James!
Thanx james
Shinejeet kour
Thank you Mr. James for sharing your knowledge :)
Tks a lot.
thank you James you are the best!
Thank you Mr James. This is amazing!!
Gracious Gee
Thanks teacher James it’s a lot of information and ways to learn english
But i want some friends to practice english together Becouse i don’t have any english friends or sources to practice with it
I appreciate if anyone want to be friends and practice together
Thanks again
Thank you, teacher James to help as to learning English languish and thank you again.
I would like to thank you once more, because your classes are the best. I make sure that my english’s skill is improving each time that I see your video. Thank you and see you soon. :)
I agree with you in all senses.
Just one mistake
I got a misunderstanding on the first question.
Thanks so much
29 Asadbek
Thankyou Mr.James;)
Thankyou Mr.James;)
I got 7/10
I need to improve…I’d like your Brazil shirt….
Paulo Bet
thank jame,
My comment regarding question 5
Answer should be *because it will be easier when it comes back to normal speed (here “when it is slower” casues misunderstanding)
Hi everybody,
Here is my email:
If you want to practice, please write to me.
Thank you, James! This is nice tips for learning English. I want to start talking with someone, but I’m not confident in my skills. May be next time.
Thank you ma teacher it’s useful lesson
Abdulrahman Mohamed 1409
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Thank you, James! See you on monday.
Hi…Mr James,I completely agree to reading speed up it’s helpful for learning English.
sometimes while I got an anxious make me exhausted for learning English,when I’ll pick one article that I love to read it quickly and I found out it can make me relax…
anyway,thank you !!!
Renxin Zhang
Thanks a lot, Mr. James. i really learnt alot from todays lesson. I scored 90 out of 100.
Learn English for free with 2159 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you.
Hi Pafsilipoclub!
Most of the beautiful moments I’ve ever had, have been; reading a lot about your culture, watching passionately documentaries, among other things. Please, could you teach me greek? I’m that big on your language, of course in english, too.
Thanks a lot, James
Thank you Games for this lesson you deserve more than thanks .
Wow, thank you James. I realised that you were using a Brasil’s shirt just a few minutes since I started to watch your teaching. I’m from Brasil – MG, was living in Rio de Janeiro berfore I came to United States of America. I had my first english steps with you from Engvid. Alot of things that you said in that class, it is happening with me since I arrived in this country. Now for exemple, I had to louse me afraid, to write this. Thank you so much to teaching us, and to pushing us. hugs. Mateus.
Great job James! I love the way you teach.
thank you james
thank you james. this session did stress me out because i was watching at a 1.5X speed. :D :D
it was a stress buster
Thank you teacher james this is intersting leason
I’m requisting here a student that i meak whith a confrontation to enprove our skeaking language this is my skeype: cabdishakuur.cabdi
so nice lesson James as usual
Your advices are very useful.
Thanks.your lesson sounds pragmatic to me
Thanks a lot.
Thanks James. I’ve been in US a couple of times, got into restaurants or fast foods and sadly found that they use a lot of slangs and phrases that I had never used before. It gets me frustrated to see that when you are in a real english spoken place, they use a lot of words and things different of what you learn in “correct” english.
That’s very commonly, my brother went to US a few weeks ago, and he told me this: “Dude, how I wished you were there to give me a hand with ordering food or go shopping, because I didn’t understand quite good what they were talking, I merely understood when they said food.” LOL
I am motiveted to learn english because you use a good technic of teaching thank you
Great lesson!. Thank so much teacher and hope to get more tips from you soon.
Many thnaks, useful video.
very useful, thanks a lot
thank you…
thank you
Thank you James, I really like your lesson, it is very useful for me. I also like your t-shirt, maybe sometimes you can do a lesson about soccer vocabulary and soccer slang. All the best to you.
Thanks you.
Hi there! Thank you James, those are really good tips!
Speaking of tips… is there somebody interested to a (new) pen pal ??
I’m available! Let me know| :)
Hey. I am going to take an IELTS exam at the end of this month, and if u don’t mind we can interact. Thus, we both can improve our writing and speaking skills.
Hi Traveller999 !
Nice to meet you :D
I’m looking for some one for writing skill only :D
Let me know if you’re interested!
See you!
Well, I don’t mind. Then I need your email to write letters.
Best wishes
Hi! I am interested to pen pal:)
Hi Natalia!
Here is my email:!
I look forward to hearing from you!!!
Write me soon!!! :)
Hi Fr4ndy!
Hi Natália!
I’m new here and… I’m nothing good in English language. But I’m very interesting about learn this!
what you think if we study by skype for example?
Don’t worry you’ll learn very quickly as we have well educated English teachers here.
Hey there. Would you like to communicate on skype or by email?
I prefer by Email :D
hey. i want to improve my english too. my skype – bakassarina
I want to have a pen pal to practice my English
Hello Fr4ndy! Nice to meet you! I am interested to have a pen pal in order to practice! Can I send you an e-mail? Thanks a lot!
Hey There!
Yes, of sure! :)
I can’t wait to read all my new pen pal friends’ mails!!!
Hey guys im also like to join with you, i m also interested to improve my english skill, so i like to write penpal !!!!!
Instead of pen pal can I be your chat mate instead?
Sending letter is a bit costly if I send it abroad hahha
thanks : ) very useful
Very good. Thanks.
Thanks very much
hmmmm dear James, I agree with you about everything but the second one. I make myself clear: where’s the difference between an instantaneous translation and a postponed, and consequently, slower one.It’s always an external aid. But with the “ancient” method you risk to lose the sense of the sentence…. At least it’s what I think. I definitely agree with the method, anyway, but I think it’d be inapplicable because the reasons I said and the actual difficulty to find always a teacher ready and available to satisfy all yours enquiries (here in Italy, in my english school, the teachers are always in a hurry, they jump from a class to the next one and you can’t even tackle them….).So, keep going on, I love you all and I ask for always more lessons about phrasals. Thanks James!
Thank you for your wonderful lessons :-)
This is great. Thank you a lot ))
thank you.your lecture is very good.
Hello, James! Thanks for this useful lesson. I will try to follow your tips. By the way, nice T-shirt. Unfortunately, the Brazilian soccer team is not as good as it used to be in the past. Greetings from Brazil!
Ronaldo was the best football player I´ve every seen. I mean, the Brazilian one, not the Portuguese ;)
Unfortunately, he had some lesions in his knees that didn´t allow him to play properly in the end of his career.
I agree with you. Ronaldo helped a lot the Brazilian soccer team to win the world cup of 2002.
Nice t-shirt so thanks a lot
James whit a Brazilian-shirt on! haha How crazy! Good lesson James, thnx.
What a surprise watch you wearing a brazilian T-shirt! So cool! I felt honored
Thank you James.
Thank you very much James!!What a pity the noise in the airport you taught in XD
Thanks a lot for the shines James… Really useful!!!
Thank you very much! This lesson take me back to listen more music and try to understand what the song is trying to tell us. Regards Andrea
thank you for your important information
aslamu alaikum,can we become a pen pal? Look forward to your write back,we can discuss in more detail.
Thanks much more. No doubt, singing with english song is fun but definitelt difficult. :-)
woooow ,, I got 90 of 100 that was useful lesson as always ..
thanksssss james
Damn Nice James…Great T-shirt man! That was an even better lesson. Thanks bro
Thank you very much.
I’m Samah .
I want someone talk to me on bbm or instagram mybe we can improve our english.
That my pin bbm :7D25A9AC
My instagram :mo7axx99
AND me also whatsApp 01118200540
8 out of 10 thanks
Thank you James, I really felt as if you are talking to me personally. Do you have a page on facebook ? I really want to keep everywhere around me.
correction = To keep you *
Great Job! i like james lesson.
thank you
Thanks for the lesson and for the tribute to Brazil :-)
Nice t-shirt Bro. Yours tips are great and absolutly true nowadays.
thanks Mr James , you look great in that T.shirt :D , would you please suggest some names of collages that i can learn English in “ONLINE ”
i want to take an academic and more organized study . thank you Mr James , you teach us how to speak , how to behave and put a nice smile on our cheeks :D
would you make a video about claim , disclaim , exclaim and so on ….
Excellent class, easy to learn with your… Thanks!!!!!!
Thank you so much.
You are the best, thank you.
Thanks James, it was very interesting, good tips for us to improve our English.
it is very useful the way, what’s wrong with a milkshake containing banana, apple and pork?
Thanks so much
Best Teacher i Ever Seen
One of my favorite teachers : ) Always makes me smile. Brazilians you are very lucky ones today !
Why cannot i watch videos this page from my smartphone please someone tell me ? i can only for my laptop?
You might need the Youtube app on your phone, or to use a different mobile browser.
WELL…thank you for this enjoyable lesson ..
teacher I would like you to tell us what are the best TV programs AND shows we should watch as a second language learner ???
thanks again .. waiting your answer >>>…..
Thank you
Thank you
Thanks so much nice lesson
Amazing lesson :)
thanks for video. im on follow :)
Thank you for bring me back to the right way!!
Nice tips teacher.
Hello!My name Slava.I want to conversation with somebody in English
also i want to chat with anybody to raise my degree
whatsApp +201118200540
Cool and useful lesson! Thanks!
Thanks teacher james I need to pratice else
I really admire your way of teaching, Simple Funny and Efficient. Thank you James.
I want to have a pen pal. Anyone interested??
Hi, i would like to be your pen pal. :)
Hi, i would like to be your pen pal. Give me your mail.
Hello Carla, how are you?
I would like to practice English with you…
My email is
thank you :)
Thank you, teacher!Great class and great t-shirt too.
Thank you.
thansk you teacher, I´m a new student in this website, and I think that is great
i like your video, it was really interesting and fun.
very great!!!
Thank you Mr James!
thank you teacher
thank you.
Thanks a lot
you the man
thanks a lot
It was really great lesson. Thank you James, you are #no1.
Thank you but it still existing hard problems can’t be solved in one video
thank you and all my respect
Thanks a lot
Thank you James, keep calm and don’t affraid the planes.
Thank you :)
You are excellent teacher and by the way, I love your shirt!
Thank you. You´re a great teacher.
Anybody knows websites to practice conversation skills? I appreciate.
Was a great Lesson teacher, you’re the great!
Hi, James! Nice T-shirt!!
From Guatemala , thanks James, great work
Thanks,James!Good tips.But as for the quiz I think some questions can have multiple answers.
Thank you Mr.James , I suggest you to make a video about ( How you can succeed in speaking exam in English ) because many students want to pass this exam with good marks .
Oh I got 50 points of the Quiz :(
Very clear english lesson
Many thanks
We really make alot of benefits especially when we joined here our words are speechless to thank you
Hi James, it was such a nice and funny class. Thank you. I’m doing some of the things you mencioned.
Have a nice day!!!
thanks you
I got 9 outta 10. Nice lesson James!
Great T-shirt !!! Great teaching!!!
New one came from VietNam joined I hope my engl moving everyday,my skype is anphuvp please give me chances to apractice engl everyone.thanks
does any one know what James said in last second of his video? want to know after this”have a good one” … . please help me.
who knows Engdiv’s video have subtitle or not? if yes how may I find them?(just want you know we are banned to access to youtube so can not use its utilities.)
You got 8 correct out of 10.
Thank you
Was very good.
Was very good. 80. Points.
!WONDERFULL! !GREAT! With teachers like him everybody want to learn English. Thank youuuuuuuuuu
very usefull tips
Great job!
thanks sir.
thanks sir james its a big help for me….
Thank you for the great lesson. What is exactly the meaning of “to make up a business”.
Strongly agree on the second point, and I saw myself as the worst example of it. In my case, I often use Google translate to let the computer do the work for me where I’m not using my brain to “learn it”, but reading my own language. Where now, I need to pay for being lazy, to learn English Grammar from the beginning. To start everything over, because abandoned 2 years that had make me forget everything. Right now my Grammar wasn’t good enough to use daily speaking, and especially essay writing. However, my lesson proved enough beginner should not use technology to be”lazy” but actually learn IT. Hope others can learn from my lesson :_( A sad one. By the way, teacher James, Thanks for your video, I enjoyed.
thank you mr james.
thank you! you are amazing teacher!!
Hey i want to make penpal with you, Do you want too? just pin me in
extraordinary James!
Thank you, James!
I like the way you teach, and I’m going to take your lessons at least on weekend.
I try doing these practices, good idea, thanks.
Tank You
The speed listening was the best tip I’ve ever seen. Thank You very much.
thanks a lot for your lesson james, it has helped me greatly
Thank you very much James and all English teachers on I found this website and the videos on it very useful for me. I really appreciate the idea of making such interesting and free lessons.
The way James teaches is very interesting.
9/10 Thanks for your lessons James! I like your manner of speaking.
you are always awesome.
Could you also teach us how to use the conditional clause in your style? I felt totally confusing after attending Adam’s course…. Sad story. Thank you in advance. Looking forward to your reply.
thanks ))
Thank you. I feel your English speed was a little bit fast. So I want to keep studying Eglish!!
very good.thanks a lot mr .i,m happy for join to Engvid group.
i hope your videos really help me ,i know very words in English and my listening is great, but i’m very bad at production (speaking and writing)i really want practice to improve my English ,because i’m a English teaching student in 4th semester but i can’t speak good and it makes me sad and worry for the future!
I am really grateful. It is a pleasure.
Thank you James!!
I am a Chinese and not often listen to English radio or TV or songs or even reading English books.
You gave me another ways to improve my English!
I will try these ways to learn English better in the coming future.
Really loads of thanks!!
it is funny and helpful
Thank you very much. It’s really useful advices.
Thank you,
You used the very fantastic example.
This website is pretty better than my English school and the accent of the teachers is so quiet that I can understand everything I love it. A help for everyone, I use an app for the browser google chrome which is called grammarly and it will help you in any text you want to write and is an app for mac aswell so you can use it over microsoft word or any text modificator.
Dear James feels very good when get 100
Thanks so much
Thank you James! I hope to improve with these important tips.
thanks. I appreciate that. See ya!
Thanks for this lesson and these tips, James!
Interesting your T-shirt! Brasil with “s”, the original spelling in Portuguese. If you like the brazilian soccer, along with the canadian, maybe this time it shall be better (or not, because it has always been weaker in Olympic games).
Best regards and “tchau”.
i want to have a pen pal^^
Is anyone want to be a pen pal too?
Hello, I want too…
My email is
Hello James!! I liked your yellow T-shirt.
Brazil!! yeah!!
Thaks for this video! Good lesson.
i’m using a mobile phone but i can’t watch the video.what’s wrong
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are in China they are probably blocked.
Thanks a lot. You’ve told about simple but very important tips. That’s very useful!!!
Thank You James…
Great James! A relly good lesson!!!
thank u very much
Thank you for giving me good opportunity to learn English and I’m encouraged by you. The third topic is really great idea. I’m living in Sydney for 9 years but my written and spoken Enlish abilities might not suitable to work in Australian company. I studied IT(networking) course and graduated it several years ago. However,I’ve never gotten full time position. I’ll try third one as a model to get some experience and improve my spoken English. I cannot thank you enough, James! ^^
Thank you :) It helps me a lot.
nice learning video
Great lesson James, very useful for us that are learning and practicing English.
This video is helpful thank you James! Anybody want to be pen pal? :)
Hi, how are you ?
my name is Lucas, I´m from Brazil
I want to practice my writting with you in English
If you want too, my email is
See you….
hey , whats up ? i wonder if we can practice together
can i ?
Now I know that I am learning because of my mistake, if I don’t I will be thinking that am good were as am not good enough. So thank you for this opportunity
Thanks for the opportunity
I am happy
Thanks James..
Anyone here wants new pen pal friend here?.. please join me at ..
Great lesson..
I think you could combine the serious and the funny things at the same time.
Love the way you teach James.
but i think the most difficult one is the last, “Make up a fake business calls”.
And it should be brave enough to do that.
super! thank you for lesson, its important
Hi I want to speak English but I can not speak well I want to take ur class in Skype its possible u teach me on skpy plz reply me soon
9 correct out of 10. thank you
Hello everybody! I do not know but i can understand very well to James. I am a beginner but i am going to improve my english here in this page.
thank you
Hi everybody!
I’m in early period of english language learning, and I would like to take James’s advice, so I am looking forward my new pen pals’s letters curiously.
thanks teacher, really this website is one of the best websites for learning English…
Ooooh….stress is apart of my life…thx 4 the advices
Tt is a really nice video with such useful tips for learning English. Now I’m leaving my first comment here since i had my user account today .Best wishes with you.
Thank you very much!! Nice t-shirt by the way… ;D
Great, thank you:)
Really good.
I going to follow these guideline and improve my English
Hello everybody!
What about being my pen pal? I think it’s opportunity to improve our english levels.
More then, I can tech you, interested person, the Russian language (if you want, of cource).
We also can become colleagues, may become friends and etc.
I just learn English, but learners can help to up each other’s knowledges.
And friendship with foreingers is the most beautiful thing!
What do you say, humans? Give me your answers:
Forgive me for my small mistakens, please!
Love your videos and your t-shirt =D
Thanks a lot,you are really a fantastic teacher. I enjoy your lessons so much.
Thank you so much for the tips, James! I also liked your T-shirt. It’s very original. Why don’t come to Brazil so as to enjoy the beautys of Rio and to teach us in alive audience?
Hi James, thank you so much,
Hi James, thanks for the tips!
Someone interested in a new pen pal friend?
I wasan´t paying attention on the class, I put it to listen and to know how it work, and I really loved it.
Thank you James, I loved it!
Thank you JAMES! This tips are usefull, and increase my reasons for practice! :D
I see that lesson has created a good strat for makin penpals for everyone. Well, we all are here to learning English, aren’t we? So, I wanna leave Russia and live in Australia in future. And I’m gonna make new english-speaking friends abroad! So, I know English like an intermediate in writing, but like a beginner in speaking. And I haven’t noticed myself to you – Danila Golikov.
My e-mail:
My Skype: DukeOblivioner
Feel free for communicate with me. I’m awaiting you.
Thx Jame for the tips but in Thailand people dont talk in English so I dont know where i can practice my English skill
Nice one!
Thank you James for the advice. I have learned a lot of new things today. I agree with you that reducing stress can help to learn new things faster. By the way, you are fun. :)
Thank you so much, like always, you are so funny.
Thanks a lot James. You are a good teacher.
It´s difficult to reduce our stress when we´re talking with someone that has a cockney accent. By the way, nice T-shirt James. Thanks for the class.
Could anyone help me to strengthen my speaking skills by a live conversation? I need It live through Skype. Thank you.
connect me on skype at paawan987
Wow, I loved these tips, surely I’ll used them, so, thank you so much James, you’re great!
And I really need to improve my English skills, I’m in my comfort zone, and I have to go out of her, I don’t want to be hostage of translator anymore. Anyway, I’ll appreciate a lot, if someone want to practice with me, and help me in my walk! Thank you very much in advance!^^
You’re great!
Thanks a lot, James. It is really helpful and interesting lesson, You’re a nice teacher.
Thank you a lot
teacher are you from brasil??? anyone knows about it ???
connect with me on skype at paawan987
feel free to reach me
Open to talk to anyone to improve conversation.
My first video and i went received with a t-shirt of Brazil !!!! already like this!
Thanks for tips!
thanks james , you are amasing.
Hey james thanks a lot, I am learning new things in english because of you.
Thanks a lot , james . this lesson is very helpful :)
thank you very much teacher, James.
hey hello everybody i need somine to talk with him in english my facebook is rahim moulay
Thank you very much
Tell the true: you love Brazil. LOL
Thank you, James! Great lesson!
Thank you, James
Great James ! Beautiful T-Shirt :)
Great work James. those were really amazing tips, but for me i find “the imaginary business” is a high risk tip not needed , or maybe i`m not like that brave yet :Xd
I got 9 of 10
You are grate, Thank you.
Thank you sooo much :)
Thanks a lot, James
thank you so very much teacher James i really learn from you
It is very useful to me.
thank u james
thanks a lot
Thank you James I enjoyed watching this lesson
Thank you…I think you are really a good teacher
Good tips to improve the skills.
Many thanks
nice lesson , nice teacher and nice T-shirt, have a nice day.
thank u James for your emotional way to express yourself! useful tips as well
Great – james
Very useful
It’s really funny indeed.
Thanks a lot. :)
Is it real the sound of aircraft during the lesson??
Thanks a lot.It’s really helpful. :)
Is there any problem with your uploaded video?
Why I cant open it?
thanks for ur uploading videos
Great. Thanks for your lesson!
Hi, has ever happens, when I watch your videos, it make reduce my stress (sss), your couching class are amazing and helpfull to get real feeling y imaging the situation.
many thanks for this king of support!! I use to see your teacing by relax and learing. I learned to be as batman (as your mention in others video). Kind regards!
You are the best teacher! :)
it`s Really helpful video thanks a lot Mr. James
8/10…Thank you! :)
I like the way you teach english lessons. It’s a nice and funny way to have my attention and not get boried.
And you’re very handsome.
thank you james i very happy to lesten to you
thanks my teacher
hijames this is first time have to write for you I do prefer your way about teach it is very good
Thanks, James! Your T-shirt is really beautiful heheh! Good choice ??
i really excited since i know this website you already taught us how to improve our english quickly n in an easy way …here is my whatsapp number if anyone wants to practice his E .. fine i got no more to say i appreciate all of u guys :D
lol sorry i have forgot to put mine it is +201018269629
Hi man
Do you want to practice english together??
nice lesson :)
Hi guYs! if someone wants a pen pal, heRe is mY email/
thank for your help. that’s wonderful
I love your t-shirt, I’m Brazilian .. thank you so much for your class …
Thanks James!!!!
Thanks James! It was a great lesson!
Thanks James, I would like to speak English like you :)
Thanks a lot JAMES. Very useful Lesson
Thank you.:)
A very good lesson James. I´m going to watch a lot of series in the original version from now!
oh ~ it have been really useful information. :) thanks
useful course.
three tips to reduce
Thank you James
it was agreat lesson???
Thank you James for these very useful advices!
thank you
thank you very much James for those wonderful tips..
Thank you. It was a challenge for me to understand you. So I used paper and pen, translator, reducing the speed, and working! I achieved my goal but I had still to reduce the speed a little bit at the end.
Thank you. I use your recommandation: I ‘m writing to you. I hope my sentencs are correct ;-)
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thank you ^^
Thank man
Thanks a lot !
stress is the problem:/
when i start to speak english i feel like i have a heart attack :D
anyway, thanks James you are always special
thanks james
Thank you.
I love you more Mr. James and I guess that the same feeling you get can from others who are willing to do / make the order.:)
Thanks for keeping me on track as always. Same goes to the other teachers (Ms. Emma and “Crazy” :))
Hey James, I agree with you it’s difficult to learn new language but it’s not impossible all you need a little of passion thanks man you are great teacher.
thanks a lot James. you’re amazing teacher :)
thank you so much James. you’re a great teacher make me laugh and learn in the same time :)
thanks for these advices
i’ve did three mistakes on 10.. that’s not bad for my begin
You are right mate, using translator at certein degree is not very helpful, it is better use the dictionary and read the meaning of words. thank you very much for teaching into the way you do.
Thanks a lot James!
I’ve been learning English for 1 year. I’d like to practice my speaking skills. My skype babunov.1997
Hi, teacher!
I’m Cleiton from Brazil..
Thanks for today’s lesson.. I need to improve my listening comprehension.. Could you help me with some tips, please?
Have a great day! =]
Thanks teacher James
Just Great! Master class and usefull tips. Thanks a lot James!
Thank you .This course is really good.
Thanks for the tips!!
thanks ,
it is very usefull practice for learning english . and its amazing idea to reduce stress because i feel stress while communication and interview , thnaks to you for shearing the video
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you.
Thanks a lot James!
Thanx james
Thank you Mr. James for sharing your knowledge :)
Tks a lot.
thank you James you are the best!
Thank you Mr James. This is amazing!!
Thanks teacher James it’s a lot of information and ways to learn english
But i want some friends to practice english together Becouse i don’t have any english friends or sources to practice with it
I appreciate if anyone want to be friends and practice together
Thanks again
Thank you, teacher James to help as to learning English languish and thank you again.
I would like to thank you once more, because your classes are the best. I make sure that my english’s skill is improving each time that I see your video. Thank you and see you soon. :)
I agree with you in all senses.
Just one mistake
I got a misunderstanding on the first question.
Thanks so much
Thankyou Mr.James;)
Thankyou Mr.James;)
I got 7/10
I need to improve…I’d like your Brazil shirt….
thank jame,
My comment regarding question 5
Answer should be *because it will be easier when it comes back to normal speed (here “when it is slower” casues misunderstanding)
Hi everybody,
Here is my email:
If you want to practice, please write to me.
Thank you, James! This is nice tips for learning English. I want to start talking with someone, but I’m not confident in my skills. May be next time.
Thank you ma teacher it’s useful lesson
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Thank you, James! See you on monday.
Hi…Mr James,I completely agree to reading speed up it’s helpful for learning English.
sometimes while I got an anxious make me exhausted for learning English,when I’ll pick one article that I love to read it quickly and I found out it can make me relax…
anyway,thank you !!!
Thanks a lot, Mr. James. i really learnt alot from todays lesson. I scored 90 out of 100.