Learn how to understand almost everything you hear right now in 4 easy steps! If you are an advanced English student, and you already know grammar and can understand what you read, but have trouble understanding when people speak in movies and in real life, watch this lesson to find out HOW to listen and UNDERSTAND!
Hi James
you are so funny.Thank you for teaching us
Thank you again.
SHE HAS is referring to the third person singular.
But what I’m referring to is “the subjunctive mood” being used in condition of uncertainty. I.E. “If she be kind, I’ll like her”
all third person, is singular.
I had been eagerly waiting for this lesson to come. For me, you proved to be quite inspiring, humorous and dedicated teacher I ever had. I would like to give my heartiest thank for providing us with such a valuable information. I almost watched all of your videos, its quite informative. I non native speaker from Nepal, hardly people speak English here, but I manage improve a lot from engvid lesson. God bless to our kind and helpful teacher from engvid.
first i love action moves too second i will do every thing you sad i hop to make progress in my listening finally you are awesome teacher because u make me confident in my language and u always encourage me , thanks a lot .
Useful informations. Thank you.
Can we use the phrases from the movie, practice it several times and use it in real conversation ?
it depends on the situation. i say use caution and good judgement before practicing a phrase you heard on a movie. good luck :-)
hi all…
last week i must for 3days in kansas City…
this informaton get to me one week before…
my english raining has startet at xmas 2012 and by my search of information…i found engvid and learn with them…grat thanks at all teachers, i can learn when i have time and i learn with fun…you all my salvation
sorry for typos… iam would say…
–i must for 3Days to Kansas City–
HI james thank you for the perfect lesson. I think we need more and more and more videos like this video.
I got 10 correct out of 10
Thank you so much and please keep your good job.
I got 5 correct out of 10 :(
Could you take a lesson from the expressions needed in the work-waitress, housekeeper?
Thank you for lesson.
Awesome advice!
Thank you, James, for the lesson!
I went through the first, and the third parts: I started with kids’ animated series like X-men and Spider-man. And I love watching American action movies. Yes, they are stupid; I learned basic (swear) vocabulary from them. I didn’t go through the second part (watching comedies) because I didn’t like comedies.
Thanks …………….
I perfect my English thanks to cartoons, advertises, nice reports about nature. I watch all from youtube.
I like also. this fantastic site, videojug
Thanks to this nice site I learn and pratice by immertion. Kind regards Francis
hello. let’s talk via skype. garikgarik270
Thanks James… Very good lesson.
Body language and gestures made your teaching very interesting.
EngVid(please answer);Firs of all thank you very much James.My question is about learning English ; Is there any possibility learning English when sleeping. There are sets on internet for this. Please EngVid you are the only that can answer this question…
thanks for the lesson dear james but i have a question. first of all i often practice about listening.And i bealive that i improve my listening skills. however there is a problem about speaking. there is no one that i can speak to english and practice. So, my writing and listening skills are not bad. but speaking is slowly. finally how can i solve this problem? :(
Hi.James;You did another great lesson to help us,thanks,man.
thats really helpful
Thank you very much:)
Hi James,
Thank you for your advices and very useful lesson. I listen a lot of English programs and audio books but sometimes I’m not sure that I understand them correctly and exactly. Especially it happens when I use videos and audios without subtitles. Could please you give me an advice what I have to do in this case? Thank you an advance!
wow…great tips and a very useful lesson!
I just think that would be hard to do this with The Big Bang Theory, so many scientific terms and puns! But that´s ok, thank u teacher! Let´s go, FRIENDS!!!
I got 6 out of 10 .Not too bad rigtht? Tnks for the lesson James :)
Thanks James!!! I love your lessons!!!
8th question – Brus Willis is cool ! I like that answer.But as a whole the all leesons are very usefull. Thank you James!
You are a great teacher!! I love the way you teaching us.
I haven’t big problems to understand English,(I got 9/10) but I have a big problem when I try to say something. I’m stuck and I forget everything I know. Could you give me some advice with this, please?
Hi James!
Can one say, on the basis of your video, that the most important key to reach success listening skills – is a grueling auding practice and the rest just tips? But correct tips of course which I’ll hold with.
thanks soo much…excellent tips…very helpful and funny lesson…thanks again
thank you
very interesting..thinks
sorry i would tell thanks with a
Thank you..James.
James you are great thanks a lot…
thx James very much
Thank you a lot for the lessons.
thank you james
ihave a question
what is the opposite of safe
Thank you for great advice. I think this will help a lot to improve my listening.
so nice ideas thank alot for that
Thanks, GOOD job, and a very good pace of speaking.
I want to download, but I cannot do it
Hi James,
I’ve just checked your lessons about modals and your seam method. And I’m looking for number 4. Is it possible that this one, the Lesson about M, make loco suggestions, is still missing? Thanks a lot to you and the hole engvid team. It is really a great job you do. Your site is reales helpful.
Best regards
Alfred Schneiderwind
It was excellent! Thanks you James for an interesting lesson.
Hi James, could you help me to understand the following sentence please?
“Attention all Shoppers! We’ve sale all lego like today.”
A voice speaks that in the speakers of the department store in this short video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FAt7ze-QLQ
Hi! Mr.EE good.James,whi Mr.EE))))
hi James, I’m Vitor from Brasil. I’d like to know the diference between “underneath” and “beneath”.
Very interseting tips and a very good speaker as well. Thanks.
Hey James , you remind me of a teacher who used to teach me , the same style , good work dude , keep on !
the most funniest teacher maybe
hello Mr james my question is not about the lesson i wana know why do like drawing a snyke in the board?
Maybe that’s why you did not watch the video end. That makes people interested most. His style of teaching is the most stuff I like. :)
I can understand everything what James is saying but when I watching movies I can’t understand anything.
Amazing! Dear teacher,James,THANK YOU!
I’m writing to ask you about that could you help us to teach certain words commonly used to improve our vocabulary because easier to remember the words if somebody tell them with examples.
Thanks :)
Hi James,
You are fantastic teacher, I will watch all you videos. Could you help me to improve my writing skills by proof reading service?
You can always switch them off. What do you find horrible about them, though?
You should insert a special question at this quiz beginning.
Something like “How to disable or enable subtitles on EngVid’s videos?”.
This should enforce everybody taking this quiz to find out that inconspicuous Youtube’s sleeping robot icon.
And then, when another student will send his/her negative opinion about your amazing subtitles, he/she will be heaped up with comments of those who passed this quiz.
And they’ll save moderator’s time and force ;)
Someday I’ll get my Frequently Asked Questions page and I can just direct people there. But that’s a pretty good idea in the meanwhile :)
engVid Moderator
I think the easiest way to give birth to any FAQ is to open a thread about it in a forum, where people will be able to add their questions and answers and you can collect them at the first post.
So you just need to add a forum and add such topic to it.
And then, you can write the “How to Write a Comprehensive FAQ” lesson and get additional Qs and As from its comments ;)
And if you’ll open the forum, please, add “Your Wishes” topic to it, where i can gingerly ask you to add a possibility to mark lessons with my personal “seen/important/should see again” flag, and add the ability to the search engine to select marked or, what’s more important, unmarked videos.
Am I annoying you? No? You sure?
Haha. Maybe.
Hello from Ukrain! Thank you for this lesson! it was really fun)))))))
Hello james, thanks a lot for your lesson about listening.
hey…. i really liked it … : )))
Good less0n tescher thanks
thanks James, I’m braslian and I’m learning a lot with your engish lessons.
I am so excited to stay listening and discovering new lessons through engvid, thank you for all dear Sir.
God bless you!
Love u James. Tks a lot!
Thank you for all!
Please is it possible to have another class about TROUBLESOME VERBS? Thanks
i’ll try everything you told
hussein syd
Thank you for the video!
Hi James..Thx :)
great tips !
thks for the lesson James. U’re so funny with body gesture and easy explanation in your speech. It helps us understand well. But i’ve got an idea. u said we should write all thing we hear while listening to focus and create a pressure for our sense. However, writing speed is always lower than hearing. I often tell my students that u should try to remember what u hear in ur mind and try to quick translating into ur own languague for easy remember. is there anything wrong in my way???
hay james i wanna thank you for your effort you exert and your different style which i find it more useful , and i wish Allah bless you.
thank you very much again!
Thank you, James. Try to use this informations.
I gonna try follow these 4 tips!
You are a good teacher indeed Mr. James …
Thank you James i try your advice.
This is a great tool for us to keep!!!!!!!!!
Thank you sir you are really amazing teacher who teaches students not to bore but for there enjoyment
thank you james
you are a great teacher.
It’s very interesting
This lesson is very interesting. I looking someone who just like me want to learn english, e.g. talking by skype or writing emails. If you don’t use english in practise it is ineffective. If you want contact me
Dear James:
I always enjoy watching your valuable lessons. Both students and teachers find something useful to learn from them.
What I would like to add to what you said is that whenever a foreign language is learned, it is imperative that the student get to know the sounds of it. As an ESL teacher for Hispanics, I believe that unless I take some time to teach my students the English sounds, they will not even understand native speakers; as a matter of fact, I teach them one or two sounds per class. Moreover, colloquialisms are to be learned as well; for instance, students have to know about such a thing as “gonna” and “wanna”, not just “going to” and want to”
As with most any language, one does not pronounce every single word separately; some words actually join together producing a sound that is not present in any of the words in question otherwise. For instance, in her song “Can’t Fight The Moonlight”, Leann Rimes sings:
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can’t fight the moonlight
(To watch it on You Tube, please click on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjMGtb3MDWo)
After listening to that song, the average non-native speaker will ask “What’s that cha, cha cha?” That is why, it is very important for any ESL student to learn English sounds, just as he or she learns vocabulary and grammar. For Hispanics, it might even be crucial, given that Spanish has very soft consonants and very well pronounced vowels, unlike English that has consonants that are pretty strong and vowels that are not necessarily well pronounced. In other words, it could be said that English is the opposite of Spanish. I should know since I was born in Argentina, and I started learning English when I was only seven years old.
If you believe that sounds of speech are beside the point, as far as listening comprehension is concerned, please let me know. In the meantime, however, this is what I have come to see from my experience in language learning and teaching.
I certainly appreciate your having taken your valuable time to read my comment. For anything you might like to ask or say about what I state here, feel free to call me at (845) 245-8935 (NY, USA) or try e-mailing me at ehs24961@gmail.com. Actually, anyone wishing to contact me privately is quite welcome to do so using the information just given.
Ernesto Simon
hi James..thank u very mutch ..simply the best that lesson about : would’ve is the most important lesson in the intire english language and the whole languages all over the world .. i really mean it .. i was dieying to find this lesson..i enjoyed it more than having sex with Kim Karadishian.. Onece again : you are the father ..no no You are the best.
I got 8 correct out of 10. I have a trouble understanding and I will try to make on your suggestion.
Good lesson James!. Nice tips, I’ve already been using some of them for a while and I can assure they work. Thumbs up !.
Congratulations to all the EngVId.com, you are doing a fantastic work.
I meant “to all the engvid.com team”.
*small cheer*
engVid Moderator
I agree with you. I did that too, and it is very helpful
Hi, James! I’m an University student from Korea.
Thank you for your lesson! It was great! ^^
It gave me a lot of useful methods to listen English more interestingly!
I hope to see you soon to other lessons!
Bruce Willis is cool. hahahahahaha
thank you James
Thank you very much for this lesson;)
Could you make a lesson about ”how to improve your communication skills” ??
I wish I had a teacher so funny like you.
Good Job, Man!
One of the best lesson I had ever seen.
Thank, I enjoyed the information. Your tone of voice helps me grab hold of the information much easier. Taking the test right after is very helpful and encouraging when I take a test these next two week. Just wondering how to keep all that information for 2 weeks and than take a test of 40 questions that are timed, open-book. I still have not passed yet.
Any suggestion would be so helpful
I am so iteresting to learn from here, i try to learn my best from now…
thank you james you are awesome
shaimaa 1
HI james you are the best teacher and in this lesson i agreed with that watch movies without subtitles and i watched it’s really works thanks
Shahzad javed
Great lesson, these are really effective tips.
I found you funny james.
Dear Lilit, I am a beginner student, but my answers are : Certainly, It´s will be forget by the people. Or…Surely, It´s will be forget, the people don´t have memory. Greetings from Mexico.
I got a 7 but I am happy, because I am a beginner and I tried understand you without help of subtitles. Congratulations James you do not need that I tell you that are the biggest and funniest teacher, but I want to tell you and I send a big hug for your nice snake ;.)
riveting teaching way! Thank you for your tips James, Imma work on it soon! you’re so extroverted and this help us on our learning!
thanks , james
Thank you James.
You are a great teacher James ! Before four days after watching this lesson ”4 ways to understand more in English by doing this quiz , got only 60 of 100 points.
Now after 4 days taking only the quiz , got 100 points immediately ! WOW ! Your eagerness to get your students to a higher level is well working now !
Thank you so much !Amazing great teacher you are !
Thank you so much. I listen to this lesson for 3 times with fun and interesting. No bored.
You are very good at teaching. I will try to follow your advice.
Thank you again.
oh it very difficult
thank you!James fo the lessons
Thanks so much, James! You are realy a very good teacher by far!
hello Mr james
i’m thankful for these lessons
actually. you’re a wise man in an inexplicable way.
james i wonder if a native english speaker use old english pronouns such as *thee* and *ye* ….
because when i read the bible in english i found these words intensifily but when i watch films i don’t hear these world except the * yo * that blackmen in the USA use.
please don’t ignore my question
oh I’m sorry i mean words
That is a very good question!
(First, a note: the old-fashioned language in many English Bibles is actually modern English! Modern English goes back about 400 years. This page with the Lord’s Prayer in different stages of English shows you how much the language has changed.)
The pronouns you asked about are no longer used in ordinary English, but they have counterparts in related languages. “Ye” used to be the second person plural pronoun. If you were speaking to just one person, you could say “you”, but for a group of people, you would use “ye”. Now we use “you” in both cases.
As for “thee/thou”: in French there are two ways of saying “you”, tu and vous. Vous is the second person plural pronoun, but it is also used as a singular pronoun that is more formal and polite than “tu”. You would call your friends and family members “tu”, but you would call a customer or a respected elder “vous”.
So “thee” and “thou” were the English versions of “tu” and “toi”. Here’s a chart with the declension of all the pronouns. Now we use “you” for everything — second person singular, second person plural, intimate vs. formal “you”. When people want to sound old-fashioned they will say “thee” and “thou”, but because they haven’t been used for hundreds of years, they often use them incorrectly!
P. S. If you want a more modern English Bible, try looking up the New International Version or the Revised Standard Version. They are newer translations that are used very widely because English speakers find them easier to understand.
engVid Moderator
I got 60%.
Abdul Qayum
hmm great i see that you can speak french perfectly
i’m very thankful for your answer
ps i’ve seen these pronouns and other thing like ne’er also in the shakespearean english / A midsummer night’s dream /
thank you again . i appreciate your answer
by the way … happy new year
Hi James. Thank you for your help. You are perfect and I like your lessons
happy new year.I wish you success.
Hi, James! I have not enough words to say how thankful to you for all your hard work. Your entertaining way of teaching with many tricks not only inspire me to do my best in english but first of all sat up a direct link between the speech knowledge as it is and my native experience in my subconscious. Some teachers teach some skills but it doesn’t always gives us a freedom to express ourselves. But you gave me the keys from all door and opened them for me! I’m talking seriously. You’re very musician and artistic. So, I enjoy watching all your videos many times to get better how easy and simple you speak. Don’t worry you speak not so fast, but at least for me this is the only way to improve my English. It’s easy to understand what you speak and what for it is. I’m become your fan from the first word! God bless you and all your collegues! You do a very important and wonderful job for everybody around the world! So,please keep going doing that and don’t freeze in this unusial winter.
From Russia with love and respect to you and to everyone from EngVid! Cheers!
Andrey Panin
thank you for the tips, i love the way you teach, grettings
Thanks again good lesson. I got 7/10. I know Canada is cold land and loves bio energy like Finland. I have bio energy website http://www.bioenergyadvice.com/ well come all and give me a some feedback. I m not translate site my self. That s my biggest reason learn English more.
Hi James! i’m one of the students watching your lectures regularly. Thanks for your real advice! Anyway, i have some question. i’ll be honest, when i speak English, i have some difficulties with the uses of prepositions from its object, including ,,…etc..Do you think you could tell me precise definition of these prepositions? Thank you!
Chris lee
Chris lee
Today I learn a lot..Next time will be better for me.
James….you make it look so easy!!! lol, anyway…great lesson, as always :D
Tks for your hints
This websit is alsome. Thanks so much.:)
Thanks James, I like it very much your suggestions!
Exelent class, thanks a lot James.
Thanx James, I really love your lessons. I finished my english course more than 10 years ago and I used to translate what I hear (think while listenning). This lesson will help me a lot, thank you so much, you are the best
Thanks a lot, it was a great lesson!
Great Lesson, it was fun!!
Ofelia Espinosa
this is fun to watch.at the same your learning!
I like your lesson, thanks
Many,many thanks!
I appreciate this class. That was great!.
James, do you have something grammar, for the use of preposition at end of sentence?
Thank you for your tips.
It’s really useful to me.
Not good 60 %. Thanks James.
All the quiz questions are amazing ara really funny. I love them.
thank you very much James ..In actually I can speak and write English I think of my self I need to improve my listening and I do not know how I can improve this English skills ..so ?please could benefit me how I can develop it
thank you
listened 5 times, 8/10 thank you ++
AG Dinh
1st of all thnks alot James,
any1 who want to improve their english speaking free of cost just send me friend request my Skype id is sami72377
So great !!! you always do it! CATASTROFY !! jajaja i loved your interpretation. Very useful. : )
Thank you very much James. I hope I’ll be able to improve!
Tiago de Souza da Silva
thanks alot
Hi James
Thanks for convey information smoothly. really this lesson more help us. also i liked the way of teaching. i appreciate Engvid web because make me helpful to improve English language. repeatedly thanks James you and all teachers work from Engvid
asha a.mohamed
Great,realy I was finding lesson of listening. Thanks
Ronald Montenegro
thanks James .I like your lesson, thanks
Ashara Anshur
great work
akhilesh chouhan
Great work! Thanks
Thanks James
Thank you James! Just one thing: for latin- language speackers the words you define “difficolt” are actually the easiest, because they all come from latin ( or greek ), so they are more less the same in our languages…
The hardest for us are frasal verbs, idyomatic sentences and so on, and action movies are full of these expressions! So I think I will start with dramas :-)
so good teacher..!!
Great! Thank you!
AMAZING lesson THank You!
Great! Thank you!
THANK YOU for teaching English!!!
I want to deactivate my account.How can i do that?
Thank you, James!
Thanks James, that WAS one of the best classes so far!
Thank you James, ohh I like Friends :( lol
Do you recomend me to practice my English with the lyrics songs?
At the end of class, James said: ” Don’t believe me, just try it”. Well, I tried and this worked a lot. But If you wanna mix up at all, listening and speaking skills, I would like to share another tip that I got and works as well. Buy credits on Skype or whatever you want and then call to foreign country to get informations such as sightseeing, or english courses. At the fist moment it looks stupid perhaps, but the world is your limit. You might call to Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand, etc. You will try several accents, and have fun with them. Thanks James!!!
Thank you … it’s really great job <3 i like it so mutch
So cool :)
carlos 2138
Thankyou mr James! I always get 10 out of 10 in quiz after watching your videos :)
Hello James! Thank you for your help. I have read some comments here and it is so great to see how many people expressed their very good advantages and progresses what they got from you. I think these people are very good and valuable as you are. Just good to know there are a lot of good people all around the world. The communication itself is the most important part of the life and you inspire and help us to start it and do it and do it better and better. This is what a good teacher does and you do. Thank you. John
Great! Thanks a lot…
cool.. also you are handsome. many thanks
Very helpful! Thanks a lot.
Kevin Tieu
thank you so much for this a lesson. I got 8/10
thank you so much for this a lesson
impressive Video
Excellent thank you so much
Thanks, James
Thank you so much, James! I’ll try to put in practice these advices. See you later.
Very usefull, thank you very much! I’m gonna see action movies LoL
Thanks a lot, James.
Thanks James, you are sense of humor
thanks…for this lesson…I learned almost everything…
marcos alexandre
Thanks James! It was very helpful. Now I will watch movies without subtitles.
Kairat Tabynov
Hi James,
I would like to know which baby´s series to watch first.
Thank U James
Thanks a lot Mr. James, i admire u and your job, it has helped me a lot and it is still helping. I get better in school and i can understand much more english videos and films. Thx :)
Thank you :))
Loly Ahmed
Thanks , james!
Thanks, Jame!
It’s a great lesson although very difficult for me because I can’t understand easily.
Thank you James. Cheers!
Thank you so much James.
Nice and funny lesson. Thanks James.
Angela M.
Thank you so much sir.Its very helpful.You have given us your valuable time.I see,you are kinda peculiar person.Its very good for a teacher.
James, could you please answer a question of mine? Is Mr. E a mistery? Just to know..
I’ve just seen a typo there: mystery*.
6/10 Thanks! Good lesson!!!
Thank you for that touch of humor you put in your presentations.
Hi James. I’ve got your tips how to understand English speech in movies and try to follow them.These tips are very usefull and they helped me a lot. But I still have one problem: while watching movies or tv series, sometimes it rather difficult for me to distinguish some of proper nouns from just unknown words.Subs only help me to figure it out. Are there any tips to avoid using subs in the case?
thank you very very much this video helped me so mcuh and im trying to get better in english and improve it and you are helping me with your videos …. so thx soo sooo much again and over again :D
thanks James you’re cool. now i can catch all the messages on a conversation.
Hi James, thanx for the tips, so is how I’ve tried to improve my listening skills, nobody told me that it would be easy but the more you listen the more you get better.
This is my best eng web page ! :) Thanksss
This information is very helpful
Thanks a lot
sergio antonio martinez
thanks ! teacher
this information is great. you mentioned in one of yor video that if we want speak any language we should not start by learning about product. should we focus on one subject for instance, if I want to learn about animals should I juststick to everything about aanimal before I move to something else. I just need more clarification. thank you very much
james you are a good teasher
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif. If you wouldn’t say it to your mother, don’t say it here!
adem is cool
thanks james
James, you’re an amazing teacher. I really like your classe and the themes.
Maitê dos Santos Pimentel
Hello James!
At last, I could find the first video I have seen in Engvid. I was looking for English lessons on Youtube and I found this video about 2 years ago, I think. By the time, I didn’t leave any comment, because I hadn’t subscribed this website yet. However, “better late than never”.
I am so glad for finding Engvid, because it is a very effective and amusing way to improve my English. I am much more confident now and I love watching your videos.
And you, James, are one of my favourite teachers here. Thank you so much. I have noticed this video is one of the most seen on Youtube in its category. Good job, man! You deserve it!
Keep on making these cool lessons please.
Greetings from Brazil!
Eduardo França
Hi James, thanks a lot. I’ll try it.
Reading what Maite wrote and said about you as an amazing teacher, I agree with her.
So, may I ask you for some help with my listening?
I have not listened to the contractions, like as I’ve, We’d and so on. How can I fix it? Please What I could do? Grammar, grammar and more grammar?
For everything learned with you
May God bless you
Hi James!
Your video is very useful.
My level of English is just pre-intermediate but I have understand your lesson no bad.
Thank you
Very entertained but a little difficult to understand, I think these 4 advises are more deeply than formerly, I suppose everyone follows these rules chucking them because it’s difficult to maintain all of them without failing some of them. We get the information throughout times, dates, numbers, names and addresses but not always is possible although we look for feedback. Thanks a lot, teacher James, and finally we are learning English listening and watching movements of our teacher, as always very interesting performance.
James, you are one of my favorite teachers here, and I appreciate this class. Thank you!
Thanks very much for the teach us this awesome steps. I’m going to use them right now!!!
Thanx James
Thank you James
thank you very much Mr James the lesson is very clear
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
Thank you very much James! You are very persuasive!
“Bruce Willis is cool” XD
In don’t really understand how to put in practice no 2 “Ask questions”. Take notes while listening? But this distracts too much. Could anybody explain me how and when I take these junks?
Apart from this lack of clarity the video is great as usual, I am a great fan of this teacher. I wish I had had such a teacher when I attended english classes.
Coach thank you so much i enjoy that video and i laugh a lot you know how to teach thanks for you willing to teach other people!
Thank you very much James, it was the first video that brought me to engvid site this wonderful site, many thanks also to all engvid team.Really great job!!!
Superb lesson, do you guys know? It’ll help me a lot to learn even more. You’re wonderful, thank you.
I watched this video twice on May 19, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you, I’ll try to follow your advices
Brilliant lesson!!!
Thank you very much Teacher James. You are Great!!!
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi James
you are so funny.Thank you for teaching us
Thank you again.
SHE HAS is referring to the third person singular.
But what I’m referring to is “the subjunctive mood” being used in condition of uncertainty. I.E. “If she be kind, I’ll like her”
all third person, is singular.
I had been eagerly waiting for this lesson to come. For me, you proved to be quite inspiring, humorous and dedicated teacher I ever had. I would like to give my heartiest thank for providing us with such a valuable information. I almost watched all of your videos, its quite informative. I non native speaker from Nepal, hardly people speak English here, but I manage improve a lot from engvid lesson. God bless to our kind and helpful teacher from engvid.
first i love action moves too second i will do every thing you sad i hop to make progress in my listening finally you are awesome teacher because u make me confident in my language and u always encourage me , thanks a lot .
Useful informations. Thank you.
Can we use the phrases from the movie, practice it several times and use it in real conversation ?
it depends on the situation. i say use caution and good judgement before practicing a phrase you heard on a movie. good luck :-)
hi all…
last week i must for 3days in kansas City…
this informaton get to me one week before…
my english raining has startet at xmas 2012 and by my search of information…i found engvid and learn with them…grat thanks at all teachers, i can learn when i have time and i learn with fun…you all my salvation
sorry for typos… iam would say…
–i must for 3Days to Kansas City–
HI james thank you for the perfect lesson. I think we need more and more and more videos like this video.
I got 10 correct out of 10
Thank you so much and please keep your good job.
I got 5 correct out of 10 :(
Could you take a lesson from the expressions needed in the work-waitress, housekeeper?
Thank you for lesson.
Awesome advice!
Thank you, James, for the lesson!
I went through the first, and the third parts: I started with kids’ animated series like X-men and Spider-man. And I love watching American action movies. Yes, they are stupid; I learned basic (swear) vocabulary from them. I didn’t go through the second part (watching comedies) because I didn’t like comedies.
Thanks …………….
I perfect my English thanks to cartoons, advertises, nice reports about nature. I watch all from youtube.
I like also. this fantastic site, videojug
Thanks to this nice site I learn and pratice by immertion. Kind regards Francis
hello. let’s talk via skype. garikgarik270
Thanks James… Very good lesson.
Body language and gestures made your teaching very interesting.
EngVid(please answer);Firs of all thank you very much James.My question is about learning English ; Is there any possibility learning English when sleeping. There are sets on internet for this. Please EngVid you are the only that can answer this question…
thanks for the lesson dear james but i have a question. first of all i often practice about listening.And i bealive that i improve my listening skills. however there is a problem about speaking. there is no one that i can speak to english and practice. So, my writing and listening skills are not bad. but speaking is slowly. finally how can i solve this problem? :(
Hi.James;You did another great lesson to help us,thanks,man.
thats really helpful
Thank you very much:)
Hi James,
Thank you for your advices and very useful lesson. I listen a lot of English programs and audio books but sometimes I’m not sure that I understand them correctly and exactly. Especially it happens when I use videos and audios without subtitles. Could please you give me an advice what I have to do in this case? Thank you an advance!
wow…great tips and a very useful lesson!
I just think that would be hard to do this with The Big Bang Theory, so many scientific terms and puns! But that´s ok, thank u teacher! Let´s go, FRIENDS!!!
I got 6 out of 10 .Not too bad rigtht? Tnks for the lesson James :)
Thanks James!!! I love your lessons!!!
8th question – Brus Willis is cool ! I like that answer.But as a whole the all leesons are very usefull. Thank you James!
You are a great teacher!! I love the way you teaching us.
I haven’t big problems to understand English,(I got 9/10) but I have a big problem when I try to say something. I’m stuck and I forget everything I know. Could you give me some advice with this, please?
Hi James!
Can one say, on the basis of your video, that the most important key to reach success listening skills – is a grueling auding practice and the rest just tips? But correct tips of course which I’ll hold with.
thanks soo much…excellent tips…very helpful and funny lesson…thanks again
thank you
very interesting..thinks
sorry i would tell thanks with a
Thank you..James.
James you are great thanks a lot…
thx James very much
Thank you a lot for the lessons.
thank you james
ihave a question
what is the opposite of safe
please ……..
opposites of safe are :
irresponsible, insecure, indefinite, uncertain, unprotected, unreliable, undecided, exposed, unsteady, unfixed, unsure, harmful, incautious, poisonous, risky, unguarded, unthoughtful, vulnerable
it is so interesting
Hi James
10q for your help!
Thank you for great advice. I think this will help a lot to improve my listening.
so nice ideas thank alot for that
Thanks, GOOD job, and a very good pace of speaking.
I want to download, but I cannot do it
Hi James,
I’ve just checked your lessons about modals and your seam method. And I’m looking for number 4. Is it possible that this one, the Lesson about M, make loco suggestions, is still missing? Thanks a lot to you and the hole engvid team. It is really a great job you do. Your site is reales helpful.
Best regards
Alfred Schneiderwind
It was excellent! Thanks you James for an interesting lesson.
Hi James, could you help me to understand the following sentence please?
“Attention all Shoppers! We’ve sale all lego like today.”
A voice speaks that in the speakers of the department store in this short video:
Hi! Mr.EE good.James,whi Mr.EE))))
hi James, I’m Vitor from Brasil. I’d like to know the diference between “underneath” and “beneath”.
Very interseting tips and a very good speaker as well. Thanks.
Hey James , you remind me of a teacher who used to teach me , the same style , good work dude , keep on !
the most funniest teacher maybe
hello Mr james my question is not about the lesson i wana know why do like drawing a snyke in the board?
Maybe that’s why you did not watch the video end. That makes people interested most. His style of teaching is the most stuff I like. :)
I can understand everything what James is saying but when I watching movies I can’t understand anything.
Amazing! Dear teacher,James,THANK YOU!
I’m writing to ask you about that could you help us to teach certain words commonly used to improve our vocabulary because easier to remember the words if somebody tell them with examples.
Thanks :)
Hi James,
You are fantastic teacher, I will watch all you videos. Could you help me to improve my writing skills by proof reading service?
You can always switch them off. What do you find horrible about them, though?
You should insert a special question at this quiz beginning.
Something like “How to disable or enable subtitles on EngVid’s videos?”.
This should enforce everybody taking this quiz to find out that inconspicuous Youtube’s sleeping robot icon.
And then, when another student will send his/her negative opinion about your amazing subtitles, he/she will be heaped up with comments of those who passed this quiz.
And they’ll save moderator’s time and force ;)
Someday I’ll get my Frequently Asked Questions page and I can just direct people there. But that’s a pretty good idea in the meanwhile :)
I think the easiest way to give birth to any FAQ is to open a thread about it in a forum, where people will be able to add their questions and answers and you can collect them at the first post.
So you just need to add a forum and add such topic to it.
And then, you can write the “How to Write a Comprehensive FAQ” lesson and get additional Qs and As from its comments ;)
And if you’ll open the forum, please, add “Your Wishes” topic to it, where i can gingerly ask you to add a possibility to mark lessons with my personal “seen/important/should see again” flag, and add the ability to the search engine to select marked or, what’s more important, unmarked videos.
Am I annoying you? No? You sure?
Haha. Maybe.
Hello from Ukrain! Thank you for this lesson! it was really fun)))))))
Hello james, thanks a lot for your lesson about listening.
hey…. i really liked it … : )))
Good less0n tescher thanks
thanks James, I’m braslian and I’m learning a lot with your engish lessons.
I am so excited to stay listening and discovering new lessons through engvid, thank you for all dear Sir.
God bless you!
Love u James. Tks a lot!
Thank you for all!
Please is it possible to have another class about TROUBLESOME VERBS? Thanks
i’ll try everything you told
Thank you for the video!
Hi James..Thx :)
great tips !
thks for the lesson James. U’re so funny with body gesture and easy explanation in your speech. It helps us understand well. But i’ve got an idea. u said we should write all thing we hear while listening to focus and create a pressure for our sense. However, writing speed is always lower than hearing. I often tell my students that u should try to remember what u hear in ur mind and try to quick translating into ur own languague for easy remember. is there anything wrong in my way???
hay james i wanna thank you for your effort you exert and your different style which i find it more useful , and i wish Allah bless you.
thank you very much again!
Thank you, James. Try to use this informations.
I gonna try follow these 4 tips!
You are a good teacher indeed Mr. James …
Thank you James i try your advice.
This is a great tool for us to keep!!!!!!!!!
Thank you sir you are really amazing teacher who teaches students not to bore but for there enjoyment
thank you james
you are a great teacher.
It’s very interesting
This lesson is very interesting. I looking someone who just like me want to learn english, e.g. talking by skype or writing emails. If you don’t use english in practise it is ineffective. If you want contact me
Dear James:
I always enjoy watching your valuable lessons. Both students and teachers find something useful to learn from them.
What I would like to add to what you said is that whenever a foreign language is learned, it is imperative that the student get to know the sounds of it. As an ESL teacher for Hispanics, I believe that unless I take some time to teach my students the English sounds, they will not even understand native speakers; as a matter of fact, I teach them one or two sounds per class. Moreover, colloquialisms are to be learned as well; for instance, students have to know about such a thing as “gonna” and “wanna”, not just “going to” and want to”
As with most any language, one does not pronounce every single word separately; some words actually join together producing a sound that is not present in any of the words in question otherwise. For instance, in her song “Can’t Fight The Moonlight”, Leann Rimes sings:
You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know
But you know that you can’t fight the moonlight
(To watch it on You Tube, please click on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjMGtb3MDWo)
After listening to that song, the average non-native speaker will ask “What’s that cha, cha cha?” That is why, it is very important for any ESL student to learn English sounds, just as he or she learns vocabulary and grammar. For Hispanics, it might even be crucial, given that Spanish has very soft consonants and very well pronounced vowels, unlike English that has consonants that are pretty strong and vowels that are not necessarily well pronounced. In other words, it could be said that English is the opposite of Spanish. I should know since I was born in Argentina, and I started learning English when I was only seven years old.
If you believe that sounds of speech are beside the point, as far as listening comprehension is concerned, please let me know. In the meantime, however, this is what I have come to see from my experience in language learning and teaching.
I certainly appreciate your having taken your valuable time to read my comment. For anything you might like to ask or say about what I state here, feel free to call me at (845) 245-8935 (NY, USA) or try e-mailing me at ehs24961@gmail.com. Actually, anyone wishing to contact me privately is quite welcome to do so using the information just given.
Ernesto Simon
hi James..thank u very mutch ..simply the best that lesson about : would’ve is the most important lesson in the intire english language and the whole languages all over the world .. i really mean it .. i was dieying to find this lesson..i enjoyed it more than having sex with Kim Karadishian.. Onece again : you are the father ..no no You are the best.
I got 8 correct out of 10. I have a trouble understanding and I will try to make on your suggestion.
Good lesson James!. Nice tips, I’ve already been using some of them for a while and I can assure they work. Thumbs up !.
Congratulations to all the EngVId.com, you are doing a fantastic work.
I meant “to all the engvid.com team”.
*small cheer*
I agree with you. I did that too, and it is very helpful
Hi, James! I’m an University student from Korea.
Thank you for your lesson! It was great! ^^
It gave me a lot of useful methods to listen English more interestingly!
I hope to see you soon to other lessons!
Bruce Willis is cool. hahahahahaha
thank you James
Thank you very much for this lesson;)
Could you make a lesson about ”how to improve your communication skills” ??
I wish I had a teacher so funny like you.
Good Job, Man!
One of the best lesson I had ever seen.
Thank, I enjoyed the information. Your tone of voice helps me grab hold of the information much easier. Taking the test right after is very helpful and encouraging when I take a test these next two week. Just wondering how to keep all that information for 2 weeks and than take a test of 40 questions that are timed, open-book. I still have not passed yet.
Any suggestion would be so helpful
I am so iteresting to learn from here, i try to learn my best from now…
thank you james you are awesome
HI james you are the best teacher and in this lesson i agreed with that watch movies without subtitles and i watched it’s really works thanks
Great lesson, these are really effective tips.
I found you funny james.
Dear Lilit, I am a beginner student, but my answers are : Certainly, It´s will be forget by the people. Or…Surely, It´s will be forget, the people don´t have memory. Greetings from Mexico.
I got a 7 but I am happy, because I am a beginner and I tried understand you without help of subtitles. Congratulations James you do not need that I tell you that are the biggest and funniest teacher, but I want to tell you and I send a big hug for your nice snake ;.)
riveting teaching way! Thank you for your tips James, Imma work on it soon! you’re so extroverted and this help us on our learning!
thanks , james
Thank you James.
You are a great teacher James ! Before four days after watching this lesson ”4 ways to understand more in English by doing this quiz , got only 60 of 100 points.
Now after 4 days taking only the quiz , got 100 points immediately ! WOW ! Your eagerness to get your students to a higher level is well working now !
Thank you so much !Amazing great teacher you are !
Thank you so much. I listen to this lesson for 3 times with fun and interesting. No bored.
You are very good at teaching. I will try to follow your advice.
Thank you again.
oh it very difficult
thank you!James fo the lessons
Thanks so much, James! You are realy a very good teacher by far!
hello Mr james
i’m thankful for these lessons
actually. you’re a wise man in an inexplicable way.
james i wonder if a native english speaker use old english pronouns such as *thee* and *ye* ….
because when i read the bible in english i found these words intensifily but when i watch films i don’t hear these world except the * yo * that blackmen in the USA use.
please don’t ignore my question
oh I’m sorry i mean words
That is a very good question!
(First, a note: the old-fashioned language in many English Bibles is actually modern English! Modern English goes back about 400 years. This page with the Lord’s Prayer in different stages of English shows you how much the language has changed.)
The pronouns you asked about are no longer used in ordinary English, but they have counterparts in related languages. “Ye” used to be the second person plural pronoun. If you were speaking to just one person, you could say “you”, but for a group of people, you would use “ye”. Now we use “you” in both cases.
As for “thee/thou”: in French there are two ways of saying “you”, tu and vous. Vous is the second person plural pronoun, but it is also used as a singular pronoun that is more formal and polite than “tu”. You would call your friends and family members “tu”, but you would call a customer or a respected elder “vous”.
So “thee” and “thou” were the English versions of “tu” and “toi”. Here’s a chart with the declension of all the pronouns. Now we use “you” for everything — second person singular, second person plural, intimate vs. formal “you”. When people want to sound old-fashioned they will say “thee” and “thou”, but because they haven’t been used for hundreds of years, they often use them incorrectly!
P. S. If you want a more modern English Bible, try looking up the New International Version or the Revised Standard Version. They are newer translations that are used very widely because English speakers find them easier to understand.
I got 60%.
hmm great i see that you can speak french perfectly
i’m very thankful for your answer
ps i’ve seen these pronouns and other thing like ne’er also in the shakespearean english / A midsummer night’s dream /
thank you again . i appreciate your answer
by the way … happy new year
Hi James. Thank you for your help. You are perfect and I like your lessons
happy new year.I wish you success.
Hi, James! I have not enough words to say how thankful to you for all your hard work. Your entertaining way of teaching with many tricks not only inspire me to do my best in english but first of all sat up a direct link between the speech knowledge as it is and my native experience in my subconscious. Some teachers teach some skills but it doesn’t always gives us a freedom to express ourselves. But you gave me the keys from all door and opened them for me! I’m talking seriously. You’re very musician and artistic. So, I enjoy watching all your videos many times to get better how easy and simple you speak. Don’t worry you speak not so fast, but at least for me this is the only way to improve my English. It’s easy to understand what you speak and what for it is. I’m become your fan from the first word! God bless you and all your collegues! You do a very important and wonderful job for everybody around the world! So,please keep going doing that and don’t freeze in this unusial winter.
From Russia with love and respect to you and to everyone from EngVid! Cheers!
thank you for the tips, i love the way you teach, grettings
Thanks again good lesson. I got 7/10. I know Canada is cold land and loves bio energy like Finland. I have bio energy website http://www.bioenergyadvice.com/ well come all and give me a some feedback. I m not translate site my self. That s my biggest reason learn English more.
Hi James! i’m one of the students watching your lectures regularly. Thanks for your real advice! Anyway, i have some question. i’ll be honest, when i speak English, i have some difficulties with the uses of prepositions from its object, including ,,…etc..Do you think you could tell me precise definition of these prepositions? Thank you!
Today I learn a lot..Next time will be better for me.
James….you make it look so easy!!! lol, anyway…great lesson, as always :D
Tks for your hints
This websit is alsome. Thanks so much.:)
Thanks James, I like it very much your suggestions!
Exelent class, thanks a lot James.
Thanx James, I really love your lessons. I finished my english course more than 10 years ago and I used to translate what I hear (think while listenning). This lesson will help me a lot, thank you so much, you are the best
Thanks a lot, it was a great lesson!
Great Lesson, it was fun!!
this is fun to watch.at the same your learning!
I like your lesson, thanks
Many,many thanks!
I appreciate this class. That was great!.
James, do you have something grammar, for the use of preposition at end of sentence?
Thank you for your tips.
It’s really useful to me.
Not good 60 %. Thanks James.
All the quiz questions are amazing ara really funny. I love them.
thank you very much James ..In actually I can speak and write English I think of my self I need to improve my listening and I do not know how I can improve this English skills ..so ?please could benefit me how I can develop it
thank you
listened 5 times, 8/10 thank you ++
1st of all thnks alot James,
any1 who want to improve their english speaking free of cost just send me friend request my Skype id is sami72377
So great !!! you always do it! CATASTROFY !! jajaja i loved your interpretation. Very useful. : )
Thank you very much James. I hope I’ll be able to improve!
thanks alot
Hi James
Thanks for convey information smoothly. really this lesson more help us. also i liked the way of teaching. i appreciate Engvid web because make me helpful to improve English language. repeatedly thanks James you and all teachers work from Engvid
Great,realy I was finding lesson of listening. Thanks
thanks James .I like your lesson, thanks
great work
Great work! Thanks
Thanks James
Thank you James! Just one thing: for latin- language speackers the words you define “difficolt” are actually the easiest, because they all come from latin ( or greek ), so they are more less the same in our languages…
The hardest for us are frasal verbs, idyomatic sentences and so on, and action movies are full of these expressions! So I think I will start with dramas :-)
so good teacher..!!
Great! Thank you!
AMAZING lesson THank You!
Great! Thank you!
THANK YOU for teaching English!!!
I want to deactivate my account.How can i do that?
Thank you, James!
Thanks James, that WAS one of the best classes so far!
Thank you James, ohh I like Friends :( lol
Do you recomend me to practice my English with the lyrics songs?
At the end of class, James said: ” Don’t believe me, just try it”. Well, I tried and this worked a lot. But If you wanna mix up at all, listening and speaking skills, I would like to share another tip that I got and works as well. Buy credits on Skype or whatever you want and then call to foreign country to get informations such as sightseeing, or english courses. At the fist moment it looks stupid perhaps, but the world is your limit. You might call to Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand, etc. You will try several accents, and have fun with them. Thanks James!!!
Thank you … it’s really great job <3 i like it so mutch
So cool :)
Thankyou mr James! I always get 10 out of 10 in quiz after watching your videos :)
Hello James! Thank you for your help. I have read some comments here and it is so great to see how many people expressed their very good advantages and progresses what they got from you. I think these people are very good and valuable as you are. Just good to know there are a lot of good people all around the world. The communication itself is the most important part of the life and you inspire and help us to start it and do it and do it better and better. This is what a good teacher does and you do. Thank you. John
Great! Thanks a lot…
cool.. also you are handsome. many thanks
Very helpful! Thanks a lot.
thank you so much for this a lesson. I got 8/10
thank you so much for this a lesson
impressive Video
Excellent thank you so much
Thanks, James
Thank you so much, James! I’ll try to put in practice these advices. See you later.
Very usefull, thank you very much! I’m gonna see action movies LoL
Thanks a lot, James.
Thanks James, you are sense of humor
thanks…for this lesson…I learned almost everything…
Thanks James! It was very helpful. Now I will watch movies without subtitles.
Hi James,
I would like to know which baby´s series to watch first.
Thank U James
Thanks a lot Mr. James, i admire u and your job, it has helped me a lot and it is still helping. I get better in school and i can understand much more english videos and films. Thx :)
Thank you :))
Thanks , james!
Thanks, Jame!
It’s a great lesson although very difficult for me because I can’t understand easily.
Thank you James. Cheers!
Thank you so much James.
Nice and funny lesson. Thanks James.
Thank you so much sir.Its very helpful.You have given us your valuable time.I see,you are kinda peculiar person.Its very good for a teacher.
James, could you please answer a question of mine? Is Mr. E a mistery? Just to know..
I’ve just seen a typo there: mystery*.
6/10 Thanks! Good lesson!!!
Thank you for that touch of humor you put in your presentations.
Hi James. I’ve got your tips how to understand English speech in movies and try to follow them.These tips are very usefull and they helped me a lot. But I still have one problem: while watching movies or tv series, sometimes it rather difficult for me to distinguish some of proper nouns from just unknown words.Subs only help me to figure it out. Are there any tips to avoid using subs in the case?
thank you very very much this video helped me so mcuh and im trying to get better in english and improve it and you are helping me with your videos …. so thx soo sooo much again and over again :D
thanks James you’re cool. now i can catch all the messages on a conversation.
Hi James, thanx for the tips, so is how I’ve tried to improve my listening skills, nobody told me that it would be easy but the more you listen the more you get better.
This is my best eng web page ! :) Thanksss
This information is very helpful
Thanks a lot
thanks ! teacher
this information is great. you mentioned in one of yor video that if we want speak any language we should not start by learning about product. should we focus on one subject for instance, if I want to learn about animals should I juststick to everything about aanimal before I move to something else. I just need more clarification. thank you very much
james you are a good teasher
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif. If you wouldn’t say it to your mother, don’t say it here!
adem is cool
thanks james
James, you’re an amazing teacher. I really like your classe and the themes.
Hello James!
At last, I could find the first video I have seen in Engvid. I was looking for English lessons on Youtube and I found this video about 2 years ago, I think. By the time, I didn’t leave any comment, because I hadn’t subscribed this website yet. However, “better late than never”.
I am so glad for finding Engvid, because it is a very effective and amusing way to improve my English. I am much more confident now and I love watching your videos.
And you, James, are one of my favourite teachers here. Thank you so much. I have noticed this video is one of the most seen on Youtube in its category. Good job, man! You deserve it!
Keep on making these cool lessons please.
Greetings from Brazil!
Hi James, thanks a lot. I’ll try it.
Reading what Maite wrote and said about you as an amazing teacher, I agree with her.
So, may I ask you for some help with my listening?
I have not listened to the contractions, like as I’ve, We’d and so on. How can I fix it? Please What I could do? Grammar, grammar and more grammar?
For everything learned with you
May God bless you
Hi James!
Your video is very useful.
My level of English is just pre-intermediate but I have understand your lesson no bad.
Thank you
Very entertained but a little difficult to understand, I think these 4 advises are more deeply than formerly, I suppose everyone follows these rules chucking them because it’s difficult to maintain all of them without failing some of them. We get the information throughout times, dates, numbers, names and addresses but not always is possible although we look for feedback. Thanks a lot, teacher James, and finally we are learning English listening and watching movements of our teacher, as always very interesting performance.
James, you are one of my favorite teachers here, and I appreciate this class. Thank you!
Thanks very much for the teach us this awesome steps. I’m going to use them right now!!!
Thanx James
Thank you James
thank you very much Mr James the lesson is very clear
You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you.
Thank you very much James! You are very persuasive!
“Bruce Willis is cool” XD
In don’t really understand how to put in practice no 2 “Ask questions”. Take notes while listening? But this distracts too much. Could anybody explain me how and when I take these junks?
Apart from this lack of clarity the video is great as usual, I am a great fan of this teacher. I wish I had had such a teacher when I attended english classes.
Coach thank you so much i enjoy that video and i laugh a lot you know how to teach thanks for you willing to teach other people!
Thank you very much James, it was the first video that brought me to engvid site this wonderful site, many thanks also to all engvid team.Really great job!!!
Superb lesson, do you guys know? It’ll help me a lot to learn even more. You’re wonderful, thank you.
I watched this video twice on May 19, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you, I’ll try to follow your advices
Brilliant lesson!!!
Thank you very much Teacher James. You are Great!!!