out cold
or out of commission
? If a person is out to lunch
or out of gas
, what’s their condition? In this lesson, I will teach you five very common and easy-to-remember idioms. Missing this lesson is simply out of the question
. Get ready to improve your vocabulary and conversational ability!
Thank you Alex! It’s a great class. I was out of gas before your lecture and but it worth to study cause I know now more expression. It is out of the question that I quit to study english with you guys unless my computer is out of commision LOL!!
Pd Will be nice if you have videos with conversation between all the teachers (just thinking out loud)
Very good examples with the idioms, caro! I liked a lot!:)
It’s hard to get us all together at one time, but it has happened before!
Thank you Alex
Thanks Caro
Thanks, Alex!
Thank you so much :)
I want to talk to you
I mean I want to improve my speaking skill, so if you want then we can talk.
What does it mean: …I gotta…?
Thanks in advance.
‘I gotta’ is grammatically incorrect. It is more of a spoken form. If you want to say this with proper grammar, the equivalent would be, ‘I have got to’ or ‘I’ve got to’. In the spoken form, ‘got to’ is shortened to ‘gotta’ and the word ‘have’ is dropped.
Here are some examples:
“I gotta manage my money.”
“I gotta obey the laws.”
“I gotta move to a bigger house.”
“I gotta impress my boss.”
“I gotta brush my teeth.”
Good explanation! Thanks!
Hi Ivica,
GOTTA (informal) = have got to = must.
I gotta go.
Do what you gotta do.
I gotta tell you something.
Thanks helanr.
it was fine
learn new things thanks MR.
Out of commission and out of order.Are they exactly the same?
Alex, thank you very much! It’s very helpful lesson!
Thanks Alex!
i got 10 on 10
Thank you, Alex!
Hi, Alex. I saw few days ago a Rebecca lesson about writing numbers in a text. So, she explaind that you use in a text “two” not “2” and “twenty” not “20”. In this lesson you wrote “20 seconds” and “2 days”. It means you are wrong or Rebeca. Just watch the video.
Esti un prost.
I wrote to Alex. It means : don’t touch a key or mine.
I never really thought about it, to be honest. Sometimes I write the actual numbers, and sometimes I write how it’s spelled.
1.” Out with the old & in with the new ”
= get rid of old stuff n replace it with new stuff.
2.” Out with it ” = talk!/say it!/speak! .
3.” Out & out ” = in every way/complete .
Gooodluck 2 all;
:) fatiima!
Thanks for the addition! Nice list!
These idioms are very interesting to learn! If I don’t know the meaning of “out to lunch” in this lesson, I will be absolutely confused when someone uses the idiom. Thanks, Alex!
You and Rebeca are one of my favorite teachers!, Thank you for doing this.(PS Please corect me if I was make somme eror writing this coment).
I want to put a picture of mine at my avatar. I’ve already reduced the picture but it still doesn’t work. Help me out please!
Clear and easy, thank you
Thank you.
Hey Alex i love the way you teach and also i like your pronunciation id like to speak like you i loved today s lesson so much so important so great of course so interesting expressions i am lucky i know this website and you-all the teachers
i got 10 out of 10 so excellent i am thamks very very very much
Nice job! Keep coming back for more, and keep practicing!
Great lesson Alex! Please could you tell me what figure out mean? Thanks!
Hey Alex,
Many thanks for your kind lesson and your efforts to teaching us..
Could you please clarify to me which one should I use “in, im, un, non” when it comes before the word such as [refrigerated-non refrigerated & correct-incorrect & possible-impossible..etc,] Is there a specific rule to use them?
Your prompt reply highly appreciated,
Thanks in advance
Yes and no. There are a few negative prefixes that usually precede certain letters. For example, “im” is used before adjectives that start with “p” or “m.”
Impossible, impenetrable, imperfect, impatient, etc.
Immobile, immature, immaterial, etc.
However, even these are not consistent. For example, we say disproportionate and not misproportionate.
So…yes, there are some rules that work a lot of the time, but not 100% of the time.
great lesson sir
you are rule of the roost ……
That was so great , thanks
Thank you))
Hi Alex.thanks))))
Thank you! Nice lesson!
Thank you very much Alex. Missing your lessons is out of the question. You’re the best teacher Alex.
Thanks for your support!
ohh, i just got 9 to 10 :)
I got 9 out 10 thanks Alex .
Vvvvvvery good lesson.
hi alex,thank you for newlesson
I had a question.how can I improve my english by myself,how can i improve my speaking?i dontknow who to turn to for advice :(I studied different methods ,different books but without result!!!
Hi there,
If u ask me,learning “ON LINE” is a profitable way 2 increase ur English Skills as well.U can use different sites n learn a lot through!
I’ve experienced by me really beautifully,
No Doubt!
Give it a try n do ur Best,
:) Gooodluck 2 ur English!!!
:) :) :) fatiima!
thanks fatiima,you are absolutly amazing.
I’m amazing?????!
just do conversation this is the way.
It’s out the question that I din’t listen to Engvid lessons and I try don’t be out to lunch when the teachers speak
Great lesson Alex. Is easy to understand you! Thnaks ‘-‘
Hi Alex, I’m living in Canada for a decade and the only familiar expression to me was “out of question”. It is amazing how we’re always learning sth new every day. I know I’m a little slow, but I’m improving with your help. Thank you so very much.
Thank you :)
I think its amazing lesson
Hi Alex
Will u please explain Clause and Sentence Struture.
Thanks !
Wafa Abbas
I`m gonna try to use it
Hi! Could you make a video explaining what’s the meaning and when to use “each other”? Thanks for your excellent lessons. Greetings from Costa Rica!
That’s a great idea! I’ll add it to the list of lesson requests and we’ll see which teacher wants to do a lesson on it.
thank you very much :)
its very short but so important lesson thank u so mauch teacher.
“Out code, out like a light, out of commission, out of gas, out to lunch, out of the question.”
Thank you teacher.
I hadn’t realized Alex is Canadian until I heard he pronounced ‘out’ :)
Haha. It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?
very useful! i love the way you teach! thank you so much!
Excellent! Thank you!
thank you sooo much!!! you’re really good teacher!
My degree is 10/10 thanks to you…Many thanks..
Merci beaucoup teacher
Thanks Alex for your lesson.I liked it very much.It was very interesting and i knew new expressions which will be useful for me in future when i want to communicate with other people who speak English better than me and i want again to thank you for what you do for us and wish you good luck!Everything was comprehensible from your lesson!!!:)
Hi Alex, thank you for this lesson, I just learnt 5 new idoms. For out of the question, it’s the same in french !
Thanks a lot Mr. Alex…
I got 80%, cause “out to lunch”!!
what does it mean?
Hi sir..could you please make a lesson on collective nouns with verb agrement….please sir..i really ned ur help.tnx
perfect (y) thanks alot :)
Good Lesson Thank you for help me a lot
Hi alex !this is a usefull and perfect lesson thank u very much.
I got 100%
Thank a lot for all efforts provided to make these lessons accessible. thnx again for the quality of explanations and mainly the way you explain them.
Thanks Alex. I will keep coming back.
thank so much i hope give us more lesson about idioms thank u so much
great lesson! :)
model of awesome!!!!!!!!!!! thanks very much Alex in the wonderland!!!
You got 6 correct out of 10.
how about this sentence ?
Thanks Alex, perfect lesson!
Great job !
Thanks ,Alex
I answer all the questions correctly
Thank you so much sir I want to learn more and more
Thak u so much
Thanks Alex, it was nice lesson.
Here is another Idiom with ‘out’
“Out of this world”
This expression is often used to describe delicious food. If you have a party and you serve a delicious chicken dish, your American friend might tell you, “This chicken is out of this world”.
thanks… its like a good lesion
thank you
Hi Alex, you’re soooo good!!! Every time I want watching many videos but someone told me that it works better if I study one or two every day. I’ll try to do it because your lessons are just amazinhg. Thank you so very much. See ya!!!
Thank you very much! )))))))))))))))))))
1-i wanna go to turkey but my boss said it’s out of questions
2-after 9 hours working i’m being out of gas
3-oh my gosh my computer is out of commission
4-sara didn’t pass the exam because she was out to lunch
5-after the accident he became out like a light
please alex if i have any mistake in my examples correct them
Thanks very much Alex!!! my english is better day by day, You are a wonderfull Teacher… with You I understand all sentences, though i start study English actual since last week.
Thank you, Alex!
Thanks, I got 60%.
Kindly explain the meaning of “drifting off course” and is this an idiom.
9/10 You are a very good teacher, Thanks
thank you Alex you are the best teacher that i have seen.
good lesson, but i don’t know different between idiom and expressions, would you tell me dear teacher Alex?
Great lesson!!! a few hours ago I was out like a light. So, I remembered to study english and watched some video on engvid. My computer is out of comission, so I took another computer.
Thank you very much. I’ve learned 6 new expressions
tks, i love English, i really want to practice E with everyone on skype. my skype name is thuyhuongln. i hope, i will be talked u soon.
did you think that i didn’t understand well the lesson !! that’s out of the question because i got 10/10 :) … thanks Sir Alex
thank you, Alex. 100 %
thnk u very much for each and every lesson which u taught me and i think i am the only person from jammu and kashmir the disputed state of india,but sir i have a problem ,,i am in the call centre jo b so i have to talk with english customers but whenever i spoke with them they were not able to understand me properly as my pronunciation not improving and i spoke with them little faster so could you plz give me some tips how can i speak little slow and how to improve pronunciation,,
thnk u very much for each and every lesson which u taught me and i think i am the only person from jammu and kashmir the disputed state of india,but sir i have a problem ,,i am in the call centre job so i have to talk with english customers but whenever i spoke with them they were not able to understand me properly as my pronunciation not improving and i spoke with them little faster so could you plz give me some tips how can i speak little slow and how to improve pronunciation,,
Thank you so much,It was an informative lecture.
Thanks for this lesson, it helped me a lot!
Hi Alex, thanks a lot. It’s an useful lesson as always.
take care
Excllent. Thanks very much,
Perfect Lesson. Thanks
Thank you.
unbelievable, I had 100%
I got 90%! thank you so much!!
I got 10 out of 10.. as always this has been another great and informative lesson..
I would like you to upload more videos that concern slang and informal expressions…
It goes without saying that,many thanks.
Is “out of order” similar to “out of commission” ? Thanks.
thank ‘s alot Alex for this useful lessson.
Wow, all these lessons are very useful and easy to learn, I couldn’t imagine to learn English in a so good way with you! All you teachers of EngVid are really amazing, you make it simply to learn! Thank you very much! Leaving this site by you is out of the question, I’ll study until I’ll be out of gas! And I’ll ever try to don’t be out to lunch while watching your videos! :)
hey alex! thank you so much. I got 10 out of 10 and i’m proud of it. This video is very helpful especially to me because i’m starting to learn and speak English.
please correct my grammar if there’s something wrong with it. Thanks and I hoped not to run out of gas learning English. 9
Thank’s Alex very interesting Lesson!
Great lesson Alex!!! Very useful. Thank you very much!
This one requires a second reading ^_^ thank you Alex
Thank you very much Alex, you were really born with the teaching gift. Congratulatios and go ahead. My score was 100.
u re great Mr Alex
I m proud of u
what can u advice me about reading comprehension,
Nice lesson.
Great lesson i like the way you explain so clear and very good description i made 10/10
Wonderful lesson. Very clear explanation. Thank you.
Another wonderful lesson. Thanks Alex. :)
I got 10 correct out of 10 Thanks Alex!
thanks for everything. My score is 10 out
of 10.
Perfect score, thanks Alex.
Thanks Alex!
Thanks for this interesting lesson!
Hello Alex,
Many thanks for this lesson. You are always very clear. This kind of lesson is really well for foreign people because it’s short enough to be easily memorised.
Have fun.
Your lessons are great and you too. Thank you)).
If I’m out of gas, I will go to Quality Massage.
Thank you Mr. Alex!
Thanks, Alex You are really wonderful teacher